Necromunda Rulebook 1995 PDF Free
Necromunda Rulebook 1995 PDF Free
Necromunda Rulebook 1995 PDF Free
GamesworKhop, citadel,slottabase,spaceMarine,!(/hiteDwarf and warhammerare all registeredtrademarksof cames workhop Ltd.
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Necromunda,orlock, Ratskinand van Saarare all trademarksof GameswbrkshopLtd.All artworkin all Gamesworkshopproductsand
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O CopyrightGamesWorKhop Ltd, 1995.Ail riqhtsreserved.
designno.2Olt4B4 Sustainedfiredice@ Copyrightcames Workshop.1995.
Partnumber:i07 i98
...' 5 T H E N E C R O M U N D A B O. X ........ 6
T N T R O D U C T I O. N
THEBOOKS ....'"' 6
....... 5
THEMODELS ....... 6
s THEBUILDINGS... ........7
T H E R U L E B O O.K. . . . """
5 TEMPLATES ........ 7
W A R H A M M E R 4 O , O O O P L A .Y. .E. R
. S "..... 5 COI]NTERS
DICE . 8
H I T M O D I F I E R. .S. . . ....16
covER "'"'"" l7
S M A L L A N D L A R G E T A R G E.T. .S. . ..... 17
7+HIT. """"' 18
PINNED ."" 18
wouND ""' 18
AMMOJAMS. """""24
FLAMERS """'24
ouToFRANGE """"'25
' .H
sHooTINGONOVERWATCH....'''''''' 25
ATTACKDICE ....... 2]
FIGHTINGWTTHTWOWEAPONS ........ 21 L E A D E R S H .f .P. . ....30
D E T E R M I N E W I N N E. R ,..... 2] KEEPINGYOURNERVE ..... 30
COMBATSCOREMODIFIERS ..... 27 L E A D E R S H I P T E S.T. .S ..... 30
NUMBEROFHITS ..........27 WHENTOTEST..... .......30
WEAPONS ....... 28 RUNTOCOVER ......... 30
HITS.. ..........28 COMBATWITH
B R O K E N F I G H T E R. .S. . . . . . . . . . . 3 0
CRITICALHITS...... .... 28 B R O K E N T H A T T U R. N .......... 31
MULTIPLECOMBATS .......29 LEADERS .......... 31
FOLLOW-UP ..... .. 29 T T I E B O T T L E T E .S T ........ 31
F I G H T E RDSO W N . ......... 29 VOLUNTARYBOTTLEOUT ...... 31
. .... 62
MONO-SIGHT ....... 62
SIGHT. . . .. .. .. . 62
I G H T. ....... 62
BIO-IMPLANTS ...... 63
AUTOGUN ......... 49
BIOMCEYE.. ......63
BOLTGITN ..........49
BIOMCARM ... -.... 63
LASGUN ,... 50
.. ......63
sHorGUN .......... 50
2 Range Rulers
3 circular Blast markers Models can be painted using Citadel Colour paints. It is not
necessaryto paint models before you use them, but most
Dice: 4x6-sidedDice
people enjoy painting and you will probably want to paint
I Artillery dice youi models eventually. A brief painting guide is included
in the Necromunda box and further, more complete guides
I Scatter dice
are available from Games Workshop.
1 SustainedFire dice
2 Playsheets
1 Getting Started/Model Assembly leaflet
I Painting & Modelling guide
This book, the RULEBOOK, contains the game rules for
gang fights and descriptions of the various weaponsusedby
Underhive fighters.
The SOURCEBOOK contains extensive background
descriptions of the world of Necromunda and rules for
campaigninggangsover a seriesof games.
Goliath gangers
The Necromunda game contains three
buildings and seven connecting walkways
which can be set up in a variety of different
ways. These models consist of card and
plastic components which can be fastened
together and placed on your tabletop to
provide a reasonably stable three-
dimensional playing surface. We
recommend that you glue the components
together with a suitable contact adhesivein
order to make the structure as stable as
The buildings supplied in this box should
last you for quite a while. You can add more
buildings from Games Workshop, or you
can make buildings of your own to expand
the sceneof battle if you so wish.
The assembly instructions for the buildings
are included on a separateinstruction sheet.
Special templates are used to determine the effects of many Two plastic range rulers are also included. These are useful
weapons. For example, grenade and shell bursts, and the for measuring short distances,and for poking between the
gout of burning fire projected by a flamer. sceneryto determine whether a model has a clear shot to its
A selection of counters has been included. These are used to Some people prefer not to clutter the table with counters and
indicate models that are running, on overwatch, whose simply note down the pertinent details on their roster sheet,
nerve has broken, and so on. The counters are provided to or a scrap of paper as they go along. Whether you use the
save you making separatenotes or remembering what every counters, make notes, or merely remember, is entirely up to
model is doins. you.
Four different dice are used in the game as explained in this
rulebook. Don't worry about how the dice work for now.
this is covered in detail later on. The different dice are:
Ordinary Dice (D6)
SustainedFire Dice
Scatter Dice
Artillery Dice
l;:::'' :.,tatt Pens and pencils, and plenty ofpaper will also be required.
...'i t& When you play a game you will need to keep track of
wounds suffered by your fighters, the weapons they are
carrying, and other details. This is most easily done using a
Fromleft to right:two 6-sideddice,SustainedFire dice, roster sheet, examples of which are included in the
ScatterdiceandAftiilerydice Sourcebook. We recommend that you copy or photocopy
additional roster sheets and use them to record details
during the game. We'Il explain more about roster sheetsand
Ordinary dice are marked I to 6 in the usual way. These how to use them in the Sourcebook.
dice are used a lot during play and to save space on charts
they are always referred to as D6 (where 'D' stands for A selection of other dice will also prove useful: for example
dice). So, when the rules call upon you to roll a D6 we are a four-sided dice (D4), ten-sided dice (Dl0) and twelve-
simply asking you to roll a dice. D6+l meansroll a dice and sided dice (Dl2). These are used to establish the amount of
add I to the score. 2D6 means roll two dice and add the wounds inflicted by some large or deadly weapons.None of
scorestogether to obtain a scoreof 2-12. these dice are strictly necessary, as you can generate
random numbers using the D6 provided. In the caseof a D4
The Sustained Fire dice is marked l, 1,2,2,3 and with a roll a D6 and re-roll numbers of 5 or 6. For a D12 roll a D6,
special JAM symbol as shown in rhe photo. This dice is on a l-3 roll a D6 to give a number of l-6, on a roll of 4-6
used to shoot a protracted burst of shells where l, 2 or 3 hits roll D6+6 to give a number of i-12. A DlO can be
can be caused (as discussedin the rules). representedthe same way but re-roll 6's.
The Underhive fighters of Necromunda have wildly varied BALLISTIC SKILL (BS). Ballistic Skill shows how good
martial skills and physical abilities. Some are faster than a shot the individual is. When you shoot a gun the chance
others, some are stronger,some more determined, some are of hitting a target depends upon your Ballistic Skill. An
better shots, and so forth. This tremendous variety is fully average score is 3 and a dead-eye shot might have a
represented in the Necromunda game in the form of Ballistic Skill of4, 5 or even higher.
characteristics and special skills. Right now we won't
worry about the special skills - these come later with STRENGTH (S). Strength simply shows how strong a
practice and battle experience. For the moment we'll just person is! Strength is especially important when you fight
consider a fighter's characteristics. hand-to-hand combat because the stronger you are the
harder you can hit or thrust. A Strength value of 3 is about
Each model fighter is defined by a set of characteristics average.
namely: Move, Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength,
Toughness, Wounds, Initiative, Attacks and Leadership. TOUGHNESS (T). Toughnessis a measure of how easily
Each characteristicis assigneda value of (usually) between an individual can withstand a hit from a weapon or a blow
I and 10. The higher value your model has for any from a club or fist. The tougher you are the harder you are
characteristic the better - for example, a model with a to wound or kil1. An averagevalue is 3.
Strength of 6 is stronger than a model with a Strength of 2.
WOIINDS (W). A model's Wounds value shows how
Descriptions of the different characteristics are given
many times a fighter can be wounded before he collapses
and goes down dead or incapacitated. Most individuals
have a Wound value of only I but tough old gang leaders
MO\|E (M). A model's move shows the number of inches and veteran gangers might have a value of 2 or more.
it can move in a turn under normal circumstances. The INITIATIYE (I). The Initiative value represents alertness
usual number is 4 as almost all fighters move 4" per turn, and reaction speed. It determines a fighter's chance of
although they can move faster when they are running or dodging a sudden blow or gathering his wits while shells
charging, as you'll see later. and bombs explode around him. An averageInitiative value
is 3.
WEAPON SKILL (WS). Weapon Skill is a measure of
close combat ability - how good the person is at hand-to- ATTACKS (A). The Attacks value indicates the number of
hand fighting. A good swordsman or a skilled knife fighter 'Attack dice'rolled when
the model fights in hand-to-hand
would have a high value compared to a green juve, for combat. Most individuals roll only one dice and so have an
example. An averagevalue is 3. Attacks value of 1, but experienced fighters might have a
higher value and roll correspondingly more dice. The more
dice you roll the more chance you have of beating your
A model's characteristic values are written in the form of a
convenient chart which we call his characteristic profile
or just profile.
Fighter M\XtSBSSTWtAtd
Mak McMadd 4 3l
During their movement phase models can move up to their The Hiding rule allows us to represent the fact that real
move rate in inches in any direction. Most fighters have a people can duck down and conceal themselvesin a way our
move characteristic (M) of 4 and so can move 4" in any unmoving and dramatically posed models cannot. A hiding
direction including up or down ladders. fighter keeps as still as possible, just peeking out over his
In normal circumstancesyou do not have to move the full cover or around a corner. Hiding is sometimesuseful if you
permitted distance or at all if you do not wish. Any want to keep out of a fight until the enemy gets within close
exceptions are described later and invariably involve either range, or if you want a breatherto recover and regroup your
chargesor compulsory moves. forces.
A model can hide if it ends its movement behind a low wall
or column, at the corner of a building, or in a similar
RUNNING position where a person might reasonably conceal himself.
The normal 4" move representsa person moving at a fairly The player declares that his fighter is hiding and can
rapid rate but allowing time to aim and shoot a weapon and indicate this by placing a Hidden counter beside the model.
generally observe what is going on around him. If you wish While hidden a fighter cannot be seen or shot at, even if a
a model can move much quicker than this - he can run! A portion of the model is actually sticking up or out from its
running fighter can move at double speed:8" rather than 4", cover.
for example.
While hidden a model cannot shoot without giving away its
A running model loses his chanceto shoot in the turn. He is position or coming out of hiding. If a hiding model shoots
concentrating on running and is not prepared to fight, or moves so that it can be seen then it is no longer hidden
having shouldered his weapons or replaced them in and can be shot at as normal.
holsters.You should declare that models are running as they
A model that runs or charges is not able to hide that turn. fighter, then the model cannot claim to be hidden any longer
His suddenburst of speeddoes not give him time to conceal and the counter is removed.
himself from view. A model may not hide if it is too close to an enemy - he will
A model may stay hidden over several turns so long as it be seen or heard no matter how well concealed he may be.
remains behind a concealing wall or similar feature. It may This distance varies according to the enemy fighter, who
even move around behind cover so long as it remains will always see, hear, or otherwise spot hidden foes within
concealed while it does so. If an enemy moves into a his Initiative value in inches. So, a fighter whose Initiative
position where he would clearly be able to see the hidden value is 3 will automatically spot all hidden enemy
within 3".
The underworld of the Necromundanhivesis a dark and ruinous placewhere the
tumbfed constructionsof a distant age form a broken and hazardouslandscape.
Collapsedtunnels and gushing riversof effluviamakethe going arduousand sometimes
impossible.Many parts of the Underhiveare connectedby man-sizedcrawlholeswhich
travellersmust squeezethrough to reachtheir destination.Eventhe open areasof the
Underhive,the ancientand abandonedhabitation domes, area tangle of half buried
buildings,industrialzonesand collaPsedservicetunnefs.
Batflesmostlytake part in open areaswhere movementis easiest.Obviouslyhigh walls
and other constructionswill block your progress,but the ground leveland raised
surfacesare reasonablysotid.Howevet shouldyou find yourselfstruggling over shifting
ash wastesor up to your elbows in marshesof bubbling pollutant,your progresswill be
impededas indicatedbelow.
Difficult ground includes steep or treacherous slopes, Much of the Underhive is simply impossible to move
dense stands of hive foliage such as giant fungi, pools over or through, such as deep or corrosive pools,
of pollutant liquid or effluvia, and thick or soddenhive enveloping layers of soft hive dust, and, of course, solid
dust. Models move over difficult ground at half speed walls, collapsed tunnels and the like.
or half rate, so l" of movement counts as 2". For
example, to cross a I ll2" wide pool of bubtrling algal
slime you must expend 3" of your move. Similarly, if
moving over a steepmound of ash waste you'll move at Walls, pipelines, small heaps of debris, and other low
2" per tum rather than 4". obstaclesform barriers that you can either go around or
leap over. A model can leap over a barrier less than 1"
A fighter who is running is slowed down by difficult high and no more than l" wide without impeding its
ground. He will run at 4" rather than 8" over steep movement at all. A barrier between l" and2" high, and
slopes for example, because all models move at half no more than 1" wide, can still be crossedby climbing
soeedover difficult terrain. over but you must give up half of your total move that
turn to do so. For example, if you would otherwise
move 4" then you must give up 2". A barrier higher than
2" is too tall to climb over and is effectively impassable.
Necromundan Underhive fighters calry a variety of
weaponry. Individual fighters often have several different
weapons such as grenades,pistols, knives and guns.
During the shooting phaseof your turn each of your fighters
may shoot once with one of his weapons. So you can either
shoot a laspistol, fire a boltgun, or throw a grenade, for
Work through your models one at a time. Pick which fighter
is going to shoot, nominate his target, work out if he hits his
enemy and, if he does so, any wounds or injuries caused,
and then continue to the next shooter.You can take shots in
any order you wish.
only way to check this is to stoop over the tabletop for a
model's eye view. Sometimes it will be obvious whether a
target can be seen,at other times it will be more difficult as
buildings and girders will be in the way. So long as the
shooter can see at least a part of the target's body he can
shoot, even if all that can be seenis an arm or leg. If he can
see nothing but the tip of a gun or the end of a sword then
he cannot shoot as he is unable to seethe target's body. Ifin Here, the closest target (A) is behind cover and so is more
doubt, and if you've checked the shot from both the firer's difiicultto hit than the more distanttargetsB, C and D. In this
and the target's view and still can't decide, then roll a dice situationthe firer may shoot at targetB even thoughhe is
- on a 1, 2 or 3 you can't seeand on a 4,5 or 6 you can. furlher awav.
Once you have decided to shoot and have chosen your To determine whether a shot hits its target roll a D6. The
target you must measure to see whether the shot is within dice score needed will depend upon how good a shot the
range. Each type of weapon has a maximum range as firer is (as indicated by his Ballistic Skill or BS). The chart
indicated later in the Armoury section of the book. The below shows the minimum D6 roll neededto score a hit.
following examples show the short, long and maximum
ranges of a selection of typical weapons. BS of
Short Long Maximum -r -2 -3
D6 score 6 32 0
Range Range Range
Ld)Pr)LUl 0-8 8-16', 16" For example: If the shooter is a ganger with a BS of 3, a
Bolt Pistol 0-B B-16', t6' dice roll of a 4 or more is required to hit the target. An easy
way to remember this is simply to subtract the firer's BS
Autogun 0-12' 12-24', 24',
from 7 to find the number neededto hit.
Lasgun 0-12', 12-24', 24',
Boltgun 0-12' 12-24' 24', You will notice that the chart covers scores of 1 and even
less. However, a dice roll of a I is always a miss regardless
MeltaGun 0-6' o-tz t2'
of circumstances.There is no such thing as a certain hit - if
Shotgun 0-4' 4-tB'* IB" the dice turns up a I you have missed!
MissileLauncher 0-20' 20-7z', 72',
HeavyStubGun 0-20' 20-40' 40'
Assuming your ta.rgetis within range you can proceed with Some shots are easier than others. It is easier to hit a target
the shot. If the target is out of range then you have that is in the open compared to a target behind cover.
automatically missed, but you still have to test to see Usually it is easier to hit a target if it is close compared to
whether your weapon develops a fault (see Ammo Rolls, one further away. These situations are representedby the
later in this section). following modifiers.
If the target is in partial cover Up to half the target is obscured as defined in the section on cover.
If the target is in cover More than half the target is obscured as defined in the section on cover.
or charging target The shooter is firing at a suddenly appearing/disappearingor charging
target whilst on overwatch. See the Overwatch rules later in this section.
Rapid moving target The target moved 10" or more in his previous move phase.
Small target The whole target is less than I/2" tall or wide. Such targets might include
unexploded bombs, mechanical devices, or a specific point on the ground
or wall. Enemy fighters are always larger than this!
Large target The whole target is 2" tall or wide. Such targets include large processor
tanks, bulkhead doors and other sizeablebits of industrial equipment.
Modifiers for range depend upon the weapon used. A11 COVER
weapons have their own range bands and different The many walls, girders, buttressesand ruined buildings in
modifiers at short or long range, as indicated in the the Underhive provide plenty of cover. If a target is partly
Armoury section of this book. The following examples obscured by intervening cover then it will be harder to hit.
show how this works. How much harder dependsupon how much of the target is
Short Long obscured by the cover.
Weapon Range Range If the shooter can see at least half of the target's body but
Ld)pr)LUr +2 -l not the entire body, then the target is said to be 'in partial
cover'. The shooter suffers a -1 to hit penalty.
BoltPisrol I?
PlasmaPistol +2 -t If the shooter can see some of the target's body but less than
half of it, then the target is said to be 'in cover'. The shooter
Autogun +l
suffers a -2 to hit penalty.
Qnltnr rn
HeayyBolter If a target model is in cover or partially in cover and hiding,
- -l then it cannot be seenor fired at even if the shooter can see
Shotgun (Solidslug)
a portion of the model's body. The fighter is assumedto be
As you can see, pistol weapons are very sensitive to range: keeping still, concealing himself in the shadows and
they are likely to hit at short range but can be inaccurate at hugging his cover as closely as he can (see Hiding in the
long range. Remember,long range isn't necessarilyvery far Movement section).
in the case of a pistol! Heavy weapons, on the other hand, A certain amount of judgement is called for by the players
tend not to be sensitive to range.With theseweaponsit is as when deciding whether a model can be seen,ifit is in cover,
easy to hit at a distanceas it is at short range becausea close or whether it can reasonably continue to hide behind cover.
moving target is hard to track with a weighty or clumsy In practice, players quickly reach an agreeablemethod of
weapon. Most other weapons are marginally easier to hit determining this for themselves, but if you really cannot
with at short range, as you would expect. decide in a particular case then each player rolls a dice to
Example 1: A ganger with a BS of 3 shoots a settle the matter, the highest scorer deciding in that
laspistol at a target 12" away. The ganger needs to roll a instance.
dice score of 4 to hit. The target is not in cover so no
modffiers apply there. On the other hand the target is at
long rangefor a laspistol (8-16") and so suffers the -l to hit
penalty. The firer therefore needs to roll at least a 5 to These modifiers are not normally used unless the encounter
involves a specific target which is especially large or small.
successfullyhit (5-I = the required score of4).
For example, perhaps you must destroy a water still
Example 2: The same ganger (BS3) shoots his collecting vane or a chemical storage tank to achieve
laspistol at a target 12" away which is partially obscuredby your objective. Enemy fighters are never small or large
cover. He basically needsa 4 to hit, but there is a -1 penalty targets and you cannot specifically aim at items they are
for shooting at long range, and afurther -1 for shooting at carrying.
a partially obscuredtarget. He will thereforeneed a 6 to hit.
This fighter is considered to be 'in cover', as Though some of this fighter's body is This fighter is out in the open. A shooter
less than half his body is in view. hidden, more than half can still be seen. would incur no Denalties to hit.
Because of the modifiers it is quite possible that you will Once you have hit a target you must test to see whether a
end up needing a score of 7 or more to hit the target' It is wound is inflicted. A shot may fail to cause a wound
obviously impossible to roll a 7 on a D6, but you can still becauseit hits part of the target's equipment or weapoffy'
hit if you are lucky. Roll a D6 as before. If you roll a 6 then or perhaps it just scratches the skin or causes some very
you might have hit. Roll a further D6 - the additional score minor injury which the fighter bravely ignores. If you fail to
reouired is shown on the chart below. causea wound then the target is unharmedbut is still pinned
by enemy fire as described later.
ScoreRequiredto Hit lo
To determine whether your shot has caused a wound you
Additional must compare the Strength value of the weapon with the
4+ 5+ 6+ Miss
D6 Score Toughness (T) characteristic of the target. You will find a
complete description of the various weapons together with
Example: A juve is shooting a laspistol at a target their Strength values and special rules in the Armoury
12" away and behindpartial cover.Theiuve's BS is 2 so he section, but a few examples are given here.
requiresa 5 to hit. The modifiersare -l for long range and
a further -1 for partial cover. A score of 7 is thereibre Weapon Strength
needed.To achieve this the juve must roll a 6 followed by a
Laspistol 3
further roll of a 4 or more.
BolrPistol 4
StubGun 3
PINNED Autogun 3
As soon as a fighter is hit the model is knocked over and Lasgun 3
placed face up. We say the model has been pinned by Boltgun 4
enemy fire.
MeltaGun B
The force of the shot l.rasknocked the fighter off his feet' Lascannon 9
The shot may have hurt or even killed him, or he may be B
lucky and escape without significant harm' Even if he
HeavyStubGun 4
survives he is momentarily confused, or, at best, his
instincts force him to hit the dirt and keep his head down'
The chartbelow showsthe D6 scorerequiredto turn a hit
Later we'll deal with what happensto the pinned fighter if into a wound. Remember, an average Toughness
he survives unharmed.First, we'Il find out whether the shot valueis 3.
has woundedhim.
| 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0
I 4 5 6 6 N
2 3 A
+ 5 6 6 N
3 3 4 5 6 6 N
'3 \ 6 N
4 2 2 4 6
5 2 ) 3 4 tr 6 6 N
6 2 z 2 2 3 4 5 6 6
7 2 2 Z 2 1
4 5 6
I 2 1
Z 2 2 2 2 3' 4 5
9 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4
r0 2 2 a
I 2 I 2 I 2 3
Some weapons are better at penetrating afinour than others. If a model has at least one other model from the gang within
A shot from a laspistol might be deflected relatively easily, 2" then he can try to escape pinning at the start of his turn.
If successfulthe fighter will not have to miss his tum at all.
Roll a D6. If the score is equal to or less than his Initiative
value he has recovered his wits immediately. Stand the
The fighter can move and fight normallv that
Note that when testing to escape pinning at the start of the
turn juves, fighters who are down, and fighters whose nerve
is broken do not count. Rather than reassuring the fighter
and offering covering fire, the proximity of these unreliable
comrades will only encouragehim to keep his head down!
Normally it would be considered very rash indeed to shoot
at fighters who are grappling with each other at close
quarters - it would be very easy to hit the wrong man!
Although the models themselves are immobile the fighters
are actually ducking, diving and rolling about in a
whirlwind of action.
Should you wish to shoot at a model engaged in hand-to-
hand combat roll to hit as normal. If you hit then you must
decide whether you have hit the intended model or a model
fighting the target. There is as much chance of hitting the
target as there is of hitting each model he is fighting. So' if
there are two models fighting a D6 roll of 1-3 indicates one
model, a 4-6 indicates the other. If the target is fighting two
opponentsthen you'll need a 5 or 6 to hit the right man, and
so on.
In most cases a model may move at its normal movement
rate and shoot. There is no penalty for this, as the normal
move rate assumes a certain amount of time soent
stationary or nearly so.
Some 'heavy' weapons are so cumbersome that it is
impossible to move and shoot with them in the same turn.
These weapons are indicated in the Armoury section.
Models which run or charge may not shoot.
Models which have gone down as a result of an injury, or
which are pinned as a result of a hit, cannotshoot.
Models fighting hand-to-hand combat cannot shoot, any
weapons fire at close quarters being worked out in the
hand-to-hand phase. Models which are broken are also
When you shoot a weapon that uses a blast marker
unable to shoot (see the Leadership Tests section).
nominate your target and roll to hit exactly as you would
with any other weapon. If the target lies beyond the
weapon's range then the shot dissipatesharmlessly causing
SHOOTING no damage.Otherwise take the blast marker and proceed as
You do not have to shoot at a target who is down even if it If you hit the target place the blast marker with its cenue
is the closest target. However, you can shoot at a fighter directly over the target model. The target is hit, and any
who is down if you want to and he is the closest or easiest other model that lies wholly inside the blast marker is hit
shot. You can... If you're really that mean. You are... Read too. If a model lies partially within the blast marker then it
on! is hit on a further D6 roll of a 4, 5 or 6. Roll for wounds and
If a fighter who is already down takes a further wound or injuries on each model that is hit.
wounds, roll again on the Injury table and apply the result. If you miss the original target then your shot has flown wild
A flesh wound will inflict further WS/BS penalties. If the but may still land close enough to cause damage. To
fighter goes down again then ignore the result. If he goes determine where the shot has landed you must make a
out of action remove the model from combat. Scatter roll. To do this you will require the two special
Generally speaking, it is rare for players to shoot at enemy dice, the Scatter dice (marked with arrows and a hit
fighters who are down unless they are strandedin the open symbol) and the Artillery dice (marked with numbers and
and there are no other targets available. However, it the word 'misfire'). Take both these dice and roll them so
sometimes happens that blast weapons scatter from their that they land as close to the target as possible.
point of aim and accidentally hit men who are already
Some weaponsfire an exploding shell or energy blast which
inflicts damage over a large area. The spread of a shot or
blast is representedby a circular card blast marker. These
vary in size from 1" radius upwards. Different weaponsuse From left to right: Scatter dice, Artillery dice
different sized blast markers as indicated in the Armoury
If the Artillery dice shows a number this indicates how far
you have missedthe targetby - 2", 4,6", 8" or 10". The
direction in which the shot lands is indicated by the scatter
dice arrow. Note that the Hit symbol also has an arrow
marked on it, so it can be used to indicate direction. place
the marker in the position indicated by the two dice.
If the Artillery dice shows a misfire then the shot dissipates
in the air or is a dud and has no effect.
If the dice show a Hit and Misfire then the shell may have
exploded in the breach as explained in the rules for
Exploding Weapons (see Exploding Weapons in the
Advanced Game Rules section).
Once the marker is positioned any models that lie wholly A model may throw a grenade rather than shoot a weapon.
under the blast marker are hit. Any models which lie A grenade throw is treated exactly like any other shot, so
partially under the blast marker on hit on the further D6 roll roll to hit using the thrower's Ballistic Skill (BS)
of a 4, 5 or 6. Work out the effect of hits normally. characteristic.
Frag grenadesand most of the special grenadestypes use a
The artillerydice rolls a
'4' and the blast marker. All grenades scafter if they miss just like other
scatter dice rolls an arrow symbol. weapons with blast markers. Work out scatter as described
\> O6=
already, except that the number on the Artillery dice is
--a always halved because grenades are thrown at very short
,=\ ranges. On the other hand, the maximum scatter limit does
/\, not apply to grenades,which can bounce around all over the
I r' --xr - I place before going off! A grenade thrown at a tuget 2"
! ; away may therefore scatterup to 5" in any direction.
The maximum range of a thrown grenade depends upon the
Strength characteristic of the fighter as shown on the chart
The new target is partially
within the blast marker Thrower's Strength Range of Throw
and is therefore hit on a
D6 rollof a 4. 5 or 6. I 4',
2 o
3 8"
4 l0
5 or more l2'
Note that no shot can ever scatter by more than half the
range between the shooter and their target. If the target is
10" away, for example, the miss may not scatter by more
than 5" regardless of the dice score. However, a wildly
scattering shot may land outside its usual fire arc (90
degreesin front of the firer) or beyond its usual maximum
There are many different sorts of grenades available to
Underhive fighters. The most common are explosive
'frag' grenades and implosive energy
fragmentation or
'krak'. If a model carries grenadesthen it is
assumed that he has enough to last the entire battle,
regardless of how many he might actually throw See
Grenades in the Armoury section for a description of the
different types of grenades.
FLAMER TEMPLATES hit the target. So ifyou roll a I you have hit once, ifyou roll
2 yolhave hit twice, if you roll 3 you have hit three times.
Flamers utilise a special teardrop-shapedtemplate which
representsa jet of flame. There are two sizes of template to If you wish, you can spread excess hits amongst other
representboth sizes of this weapon: the hand flamer and the visible enemy models within 4" of the target (at least I hit
larger-sizedflamer. is allocated to the original target). So, if you score 3 hits you
can hit your chosen target once and two other models once
To shoot with a flamer or hand flamer take the appropriate-
each if they are within 4". You can allocate hits in any way
sized template and place it with the narrow end touching the
you wish, providing the extra models targetted would not
base of the shooter and the broad end over your target. Any
have been harder to hit than the original target. If a target in
models wholly covered by the template are hit
the open is hit, hits could not be allocated to other targets
automatically and any models partially covered are hit on a
behind cover. Allocate all the hits before testins for wounds
further D6 roll of a 4, 5 or 6.
and injuries.
Any hits are resolved as normal, roll for wounds and then
determine injuries for any wounded models. Note that the
hit modifiers for range, cover, and such like do not apply to
flamers. Flamers are especially good at winkling enemy
fighters from behind cover! See the Armoury section for
further details.
The Orlock shoots his stubber and hits the Goliath ganger.Two
sustainedlire dice are rolled revealing3 hits. There are three
A Goliath armed with a hand flamer shoots at three Orlock other models within 4", but one is behind cover, and so cannor
fighters.The Goliathplayerplacesthe templateas shown. be hit. One shot always hits the target; the remaining2 shots
Two Orlocks are completelycovered by the template and are can be allocated to the target or either of the other two eligible
therejore hit automatically.The other Orlock is only partially models.
covered by the template, and will be hit on a D6 roll of 4
or more.
If you roll a jam symbol on the SustainedFire dice then no
SUSIAINED SHOOTING hit is caused and the weapon has gone wrong. you must
take an Ammo roll to find out what happens.
Some especially large and dangerous weapons can fire a
sustainedburst of shells which may hit several targets at a The rules for Ammo rolls are covered below. Weapons
time. This is called sustained shooting or sustained fire. which use sustainedfire are far more likely to malfunction
Weapons which are capable of making sustained shots are than ordinary weapons.
indicated in the Armoury section. Basically, these are
machine gun type weapons such as the heavy stubber and
autocannonwhich can rake targets with a hail of shells.
Some weapons allow you to tlrow not just one Sustained
When you shoot with a weapon of this kind declarewhether Fire dice but two or three. In this caseyou can either roll the
you are firing a normal single shot or a sustained shot. A number of dice indicated, or you can roll less if you prefer.
single shot is worked out as normal. A sustained shot is You may wish to roll fewer dice becausethe more dice you
worked out as follows. roll the greater chance you will have of rolling a jam.
Pick your target and shoot to hit as normal. Ifyou don't hit When you roll a jam then no hits are inflicted from that
then you have missed and hit nothing. If you hit then roll dice. Any indicated hits on other dice are still valid and can
the specialSustainedFire dice (marked l,1,2,2,3 and the be worked out as normal. In addition, you make a separate
jam symbol). The scoreindicates how many times vou have Ammo roll for each iam rolled.
the rest of the game. Make a note on your roster sheet' If
AMMO ROLLS you roll the score indicated or more' then the weapon is
Ammo rolls represent faults in the internal mechanisms of alright and you can continue to use it normally' The
weapons or ammunition as well as the possibility of simply examples below give the Ammo rolls for some common
-nning out of ammo. Power packs can fade or suddenly weapons.
release a burst of energy which burns out circuits, shells
jam in the loading mechanism, explode or simply prove WeaPon Ammo Roll
iud. No weapon is absolutely reliable or has an infinite Lasoistol 2+
ammo supply. Some weapons are notoriously fickle' 4+
When you roll to hit a target a dice score of a 6 indicates Bolr Pistol 6+
that your weapon may have malfunctioned after firing and Lasgun 2+
a D6 Ammo roll is required' Note that you still hit your Autogun 4+
target with the ro11of a 6 and the successfulshot is worked Boltgun 6+
out as normal. 4+
Some weapons are more reliable than others' This is HeaYyStubber 4+
reflected by the weapon's Ammo roll rating as shown in the
Armoury section. Roll a D6. If you roll less than the number As you can see, laspistols and lasguns are very reliable
indicated the weapon has malfunctioned and is uselessfor weapons, which is why they are favoured by gang fighters'
Bolipistols and boltguns are more potent weaponsbut their
.o-pl"^ ammunition means that they are far more likely to
go wrong.
Weapons which utilise the Sustained Fire dice can also go
*rong ut a result of an Ammo jam roll on this dice' You
mustLake a standardAmmo roll for every jam scored' This
means such weapons are far more likely to go wrong
because they can malfunction either during the hit roll itself
or as a result of rolling ammo jams.
Some weapons, notably flamers, use a highly volatile fuel
or energy charge and these must make an Ammo roll every
time after they are fired. See the Armoury section'
Grenades will automatically fail any Ammo test they are
required to make. This means that you have thrown your
lasi grenade of that type, or that all further grenades of that
type that you have are duds.
If you shoot and your target is out of range then you must
stiil make a hit roll to see whether an Ammo roll is required
(ie on the D6 score of a 6).
The Overwatch rule allows a model to shoot during the
enemy player's turn. This represents a fighter taking up
position to shoot at an enemy as he appears in view. The
reasoning behind the Overwatch rule will become apparent
once you have played a few games, so if you are reading
this for the first time we recommend you skip this section
for now. Come back and read it when you have played once
or twice. The Overwatch rule is not a vital part of the game
and can be conveniently ignored to start with.
Any model may go onto overwatch at the start of its tum. A
fighter who is down or pinned, or whose nerve is broken
cannot go onto overwatch. You will find it convenient to
place an Overwatch counter by the model to indicate it is on
A model must give up its whole turn to go on overwatch.
The model cannot therefore move or shoot. The model
cannot hide, but may remain hidden if it started the turn
During the enemy's turn the model may shoot at any target
as it presents itself at any time. For example, the model
could shoot before the target moves, after it has completed
its move, or actually while the target is moving. Overwatch
is obviously very useful for shooting at enemy models as
they dash from cover to cover or as they peek out of hiding
to shoot. and shoot normally in its following tum, or go onto
Once a model has fired on overwatch remove the counter. overwatch again if you prefer.
The model is no longer on overwatch and is free to move If a model on overwatch does not shoot in the enemy's turn
then it reverts to normal - the Overwatch counter is
removed and the model may move and shoot. If you wish
you may set overwatch again and give up a further turn as
If a model is hit whilst on overwatch it loses its overwatch
statusimmediately. The same applies if the model is forced
to move for any reason. For example, if a fighter's nerve
breaks he will be forced to move and will therefore lose
overwatch status.
When you wish to shoot with a model on overwatch begin
by declaring that you are doing so and then determine the
position of the enemy model at the moment of fire.
Work out the shot as normal but bear in mind there is a
special -l hit modifier for shooting at an emerging or
disappearingtarget whilst on overwatch. This applies when
the target is emerging from a position where he can't be
seen or is attempting to move to where he can't be seen,
presenting a fleeting target to the firer.
The same -1 hit modifier is also applied if the target is
charging the overwatcher,representingthe unnerving effect
of the enemy's rapid approach. Remember that you can fire
on overwatch at any time during the enemy's turn so you
will want to let a charger get into close range before firing.
Hand-to-hand fighting is the most dangerous kind of combat, with adversaries
using swords and knives, point blank fire from pistols, and even fists, feet and
3 Determine Winner
The player with the highest Combat Score wins. In
the case of a tie the model with the highest Initiative
characteristicwins. If there is still a tie the combat is
a stand-off.
4 Number of Hits
Compare the Combat Scores of both combatants.
The difference between their Combat Scores is the
number of times the winner has hit the loser. If you
win the combat on a tie you still cause t hit.
5 Throw to Wound
For each hit scored the winner rolls a D6 on the
Wound chart in exactly the same way as hits from
shooting. The Strength value will depend upon the
6 Saving Throw
Models which are wearing arnour may attempt
savesin the same way as troops hit by shooting.
7 Resolve Injuries
Resolve injuries in the same way as you would for
wounds inflicted by shooting.
Each player takes his best Attack dice roll, adds the model's
Weapon Skill (WS) and then applies the following
modifiers. The highest score is the winner. In the case of a
tie the highest Initiative wins. If both models have the same
Initiative the result is a stand-off and no blows are struck.
and a laspistol and who inflicts 2 hits will strike once with
the sword and once with the laspistol. Any odd hits can be
resolved with either weapon.
Knives, swords and other close combat weapons often use
the fighter's own Strength. The chart below is used to
determine saving throw modifiers where a model's own
Strength is used in hand-to-hand fighting.
Fighters who are wounded and go down are completely at
the mercy of their enemy. In a one-on-one combat any
model that goes down is automatically out of action. His
enemy finishes him off with a quick blow and the model is
In multiple combats a fighter who goes down has more
chance of survival. Where all models on one side go down
they are automatically out of combat. Where two or more
models are fighting on the same side, some can go down
and crawl away at 2" in their movement phase so long as at
least one continues to fisht.
'down' or 'out of action' then each friend
This section of the rules is concemed with how your If a model goes
fighters react under fire: whether they bravely continue to within 2" must take an immediate Leadership test.
fight while shells explode around them or whether they turn
tail and run for cover. Regardlessof your own feelings or
those of the gang's leader, even the most hardened gang
fighter can be driven off or forced to take cover as the If a model fails a Leadership test then the fighter's nerve
action hots uP. has broken. For this reason we refer to such fighters as
broken and you can indicate this by placing a Broken
counter by the model if You wish.
LEADERSHIP TESTS The broken fighter is momentarily panicked or shaken and
A fighter may be called upon to take a test to seeif his nerve will attempt to run for cover. He might recover sufficiently
holds. This test is taken using the model's Leadership to return to the fray once he has steeledhimselfto fight on.
characteristic (Ld) and is therefore called a Leadership
test. To take the test roll two dice (2D6) and add the scores
together. RUN TO COVER
As soon as a fighter is broken he turns tail and runs for
If the result is more than your model's Ld then the test is
cover. This movement takes place outside the normal turn
failed. The fighter's nerve is broken and he runs to cover as
sequenceand is worked out immediately. The fighter makes
a dash of up to 2D6" away from his enemy and towards
If the result is equal to or less than your model's Ld then the cover. Roll the dice and determine how far the model runs'
test is passed,and the fighter keeps his nerve. In this case
If he can reach a position of cover within this distance
there is no further effect and the model continues to fight as
where he cannot be seenthen he stops there.
If he is unable to reach cover where he cannot be seen the
fighter runs the full distance rolled. In subsequent
movement phases he continues to move 2D6" away from
the enemy until he reachessuch a position. If he can get out
of sight by staying where he is and hiding then he will do
so (see the Movement section).
Abroken fighter may do nothing other than run to cover and
remain there while he attempts to recover his nerve as
described below. He may not otherwise move and he will
not shoot.
A fighter who loses his nerve and breaks while fighting
hand-to-hand combat turns away from his enemy and runs
away 2D6" just like any other broken fighter.
Because a broken fighter is turning his back upon the
enemy he is very likely to be struck as he turns to flee' To
represent this the model takes one automatic hit from his
enemy. Work this out as soon as the fighter breaks and
before he is moved.
A broken fighter may attempt to recover his nerve during
his recovery phase so long as he is in cover and he cannot
be seenby an enemy model.
To attempt to recover a fighter's nerve roll 2D6. If the score
is equal to or less than the fighter's Leadership he has
passedthe test and can fight normally from then on. If the
score is more than the fighter's Leadership he fails the test
and remains broken.
A fighter within 6" of the gang's leader may use the
Leadership characteristic of the leader when taking any
Leadership test. This applies to tests to see if a fighter loses
his nerve and also to tests to recover. This representsthe
leader's ability to encourage his fighters and push them
beyond their normal limits!
A leader cannot confer this benefit if he is down or broken
himself. The sight of your leader running for cover is far
from encouraging. The Bottle test is a special test the player must make at the
start of his turn if a quarter (25Vo) or more of his gang is
down or out of action. For example, in a gang of 10 men a
test is required if 3 or more men a.redown or out of action.
If the Bottle test is failed the gang automatically loses the
fight. The game ends immediately and surviving fighters
retreat from the area. A failed Bottle test is the most
common way in which a game ends.
Underhive is a vast,sprawlingplacc and
much of it is unexplorcdor buried. Onc To take a Bottle test roll 2D6.
part of it forms a disrinct pocket, If the score is more than the gang leader's Leadership
accessibleonly by a single largetunncl. characteristic then the test is failed. The gang bottles out of
All other routesto this areaarecollapscd combat and the player has lost the game.
or buried. The tunnel is very wide and a If the score is equal to or less than the gang leader's
settlementlies acrossit, boundedby a Leadership characteristic the player has passedthe test and
vall on both sides.This placeis called may continue to fight.
Dead End Passand thc region bcyond is
If the gang's leader is out of action or is down, then the
known as Dead End. player may not use his Leadership to take the test. Instead,
To reachDead End 8atrgshaveto 80 use the highest Leadership characteristic amongst those of
through Dead End Passand pay the the remaining fighters who are neither down nor out of
Guilders'toll of passage.Ib 6et out a gang
must pay an evenhcaviertoll upon the
boory they havewon. This encourages VOLUNTARY BOTTLE OUT
Batrgsto tradewith the Guilders in Dead Once his gang has taken two or more casualtiesdown or out
End Passitself. ratherthan scek more of action a player may bottle out at the start of any of his
Iavourableprices elsewhere.Like all such turns without taking a test.
placesDead End Passis a havcnfor Sometimes this is by far the best option, as it allows a
brigandsand rencgades, and is one of the player to savehis remaining gang from a hopelesssituation.
most danSerous aswell asthe most Preserving your gang for another day is important once you
cxciting placesin the hive. are playing in a full blown campaign as described later.
This section includesa variety of new rules which add further detail and complexitlt
to the game. They are not necessaryin order to play, and tor this reason the rules
have been gathered together at the end here to avoid potential confusion.
We recommend that new players ignore this section to start FALLING ONTO ANOTHER MODEL
with, or at least until they are familiar with the way the In the unlikely event that someone else lies directly in the
game works. If you consider yourself to be an experienced path of a plummeting fighter then he may also be hurt. The
gamesplayer then you'll have no problem introducing these hapless individual is hit on a D6 roll of a 4, 5 or 6. He
more complex elements as you go along. sustainsthe same strength hit as the faller, suffering I or D6
wounds depending on the distance of fall.
A fighter can strike a structure in base contact in the hand-
to-hand combat phase. He cannot fight hand-to-hand
combat against an enemy or shoot his weapon in the same
turn. In effect the fighter is attacking the structure during
the turn, hacking away at it with whatever weapons he has.
A fighter automatically strikes t hit on a structure for each
Attack on his profile. Work out the result of hits in the
normal way.
Many large and severely mutated creatures are so dim-
witted that they often behave in a fairly random and stupid
way. A gang fighter may sometimesbe reduced to a state of
bafflement as a result ofiniuries or shock. Such individuals
are described as stupid.
Stupid models must make a Leadership test at the start of
each of their turns to determine how they react.
Hate is a powerful emotion and in the Underhive there is Some fighters are more than a bit crazed and can be driven
plenty of opportunity for gangs to develop bitter rivalries. into a frenzy of slaughter during combat. Such wild and
Grudges and ingrained animosity can lead to feuds that tear dangerous individuals are described as frenzied. How or
gangs apart and leave dozens dead. This is representedby exactly why a fighter may go over the edge in this way is
the special rules for hatred. Hatred can develop following not particularly important - he could be psychotically
disturbing injuries. deranged, under the influence of dangerous hive fungi, or
affected by localised gasesor radiation.
Models can hate specific enemy gangs or even entire
Necromundan Houses.The following rules apply to models If an individual is frenzied the following rules apply.
which hate their rivals.
I A frenzied model must always charge the closest
If a fighter hates his adversariesall Leadership tests I enemy within his charge move (usually 8") if able
I are taken as if he had a Ld characteristic of 10. to do so.
,') A model fighting hand-to-hand combat with a hated n The frenzied model doubleshis Attacks
.L foe mav re-roll anv Attack dice in the first turn of .L characteristic.For example, A1 becomesA2, A2
arry hand-to-handtombat engagement.After the becomesA'4 and so on.
first turn the model has vented his pent-up anger
and fights as normal. 2 Frenzied models cannot parry (see Parry inthe
J Hand-to-HandCombat section).
a A model in hand-to-hand combat must use his 2"
J follow-up move to engagea hatedenemy if A Frenzied models must use their 2" follow-up move
possible. Otherwise he must use the follow-up to + to engagein hand-to-handcombat ifpossible.
move towards a hated enemy he can see.He may Otherwise they must use the extra move to move
not use follow-up to move away from hated closer to their enemy. They may not use a follow-up
enemies or take cover if there are hated enemy in move to get behind cover or retreat (see Hand-to-
sight. Hand Combat).
Some of the items described on the following pages are For example, the Isotropic fuel rod enablesa gang to set up
used in the various scenariosgiven in the Sourcebook. For a new settlement, while the Ratskin map guides the gang
example, screamers and stummers are used with the through secret passagesand into old treasuredomes.
special rules inthe Raid and Rescuescenarios,being alarm Don't worry about learning the rules for every weapon and
devices and sound mufflers respectively. Players fighting item of equipment as this isn't necessary.The pages that
these scenarioswill appreciatehow useful such devices can follow provide you with all sorts of information which can
be. be referred to as and when needed. There is a summary
Other items are used in the context of the broader chart for the various weapons for convenience. To start
Necromundan Underhive campaign described in the with, players should familiarise themselves with the
Sourcebook.For example, the lobo-chip will cure a fighter weapons their gang is armed with. Once players have
of the longterm effects of a head wound sustained in a mastered these, new weapons and unusual items of
previous game. Other devices can help to acquire territory. equipment may be introduced as required.
This section describesthe different weapons that gang fighters can carry.Some of
these weapons are common, simpfe and even cheap, whilst others are rate,
technicafly complex and expensive.
A gang may be equipped with any weapons it can afford BASIC \VEAPONS
within the limits discussedlater. Models are available with Basic weaponsare largeq heavier firearms generally carried
a wide variety of weaponry, and are always assumed to and fired using two hands. You can shoot in the shooting
carry the weapons they are depicted with. Holstered pistols phase with such a weapon but it confers no advantage in
can obviously representany pistol weapon, whilst grenades
hand-to-hand fighting.
can be assumedto be concealed, so a model not depicted
with grenadescan still carry them. SPECIAL\X/EAPONS
All fighters are assumedto carry a knife even if the model Special weapons are similar to basic weapons in terms of
itself does not visibly have one. their size and the way they are used. However, they eue
more complex in design, less reliable, and more specialised
in nature.
Weapons are divided into the following broad categories. HEAVY \yEAPONS
Heavy weapons are even larger and heavier than basic
HAND -TO-HAND COMBAT \X/EAPONS weapons, and are generally more powerful and have a
These are weaponsdesignedfor use purely at close quarters Ionger effective range. A heavy weapon is so cumbersome
such as swords, knives, axes and crude clubs. Such and bulky that you cannot move and shoot with it in the
weapons cannot be used for shooting but only in hand-to- same turn. In hand-to-hand combat a weighty weapon is a
hand combat. disadvantageand fighters carrying one will suffer a penalty.
Pistols are small hand-held firearms which can be used at Grenadesare small bombs or grenadesthat are thrown by
close quarters or at longer range. A fighter can shoot with a hand and which explode on impact. A model can throw a
pistol or use it in hand{o-hand combat. grenadeinstead of shooting a weapon in the shooting phase.
All of the weapons are described in terms of a profile as shown below.
l-qtu ,
nange I
To Hlt ,
l pa'nsel"#*lW '
0-12 t2-2+ +t 4 I I of
To l{t '
Snort , *
Close combat only As user.+2 Closecombat.OooonentWll Wn draws
Simple primitive weapons are often used by juves. bludgeons. They can be used with one hand, leaving the
impoverished fighters and the hordes of mutant creatures other free to carry a pistol or another close combat weapon.
that plague the Underhive. This type of weapon comprises Because these weapons are crude and heavy they are
crude clubs or metal bars, murderous hammers or axes, and marginally more dangerousthan bladed weapons, although
other weighty blunt instruments such as spiked mauls and it is impossible to use them to parry.
Parry. You can parry with a chainsword.
Every Necromundan fighter caries a knife of some kind. of a great variety of other bladed weapons including
Heavy bladed single-edge fighting knives are the most cleaversand machetes.
common type, but needle thin stilettos and long double-
All of thesebladed weapons are essentially similar and they
edged daggers are favoured by some fighters.
have the same weapon profrle. The principle difference is
Longer blades are carried by some fighters instead of, or as that fighters with swords are able to parry.
well as, their knives. Short, broad-bladed weapons are easy
to carry and are well suited to fast and bloody combat. SPECIAL RULE
Longer swords are carried by fighters who prefer this Swords. Fighters with swords are able to parry as described
dangeroustype of combat over shooting. Fighters make use in the game rules.
To Hit
Long. I ffi '
Closecombatonly As user Closecombat.UsermavDarrv
The power sword may look much like an ordinarJ sword but SPECIAL RULE
it is actually a technically sophisticated and very deadly Parry. You can parry with a power swordas describedin
weapon. The sword's hilt and blade incorporate an energy the gamerules.
sourceand a disruptor generatorwhich sheathesthe blade in
a shimmering blue energy field. As the blade strikes a
crackling discharge envelops the target and tears it apart.
The power fist is the most potent weapon of its kind, being tears at his target the energy discharges rend the object
even more deadly than a power axe. It is a very rare weapon apart. Whilst fighting hand-to-hand combat it is impossible
and requires a powerful energy source for its large to hold another weapon in the power fist, but at other times
generator.The fist is a massive armoured glove surrounded it can be deactivatedand used to hold another weapon.
by a shimmering blue energy field. As the user punches and
.Short Long ltr Hit To Hit Strength Damaqe
R ngq Range Short Lonq
The autopistol is a rapid firing automatic pistol, effectively Because of its high rate of fire, the autopistol is
a smaller and handier version of the larger autogun. Auto astonishingly accurateat the short ranges favoured by some
weapons are easy to manufacture and simple to use, and are gang fighters.
amongst the most commonly employed weapons in the
Most weapons are made in the factories of the hive city and
traded down through the hive. Crude but effective versions
are made in the Underhive workshops themselves.
Ammunition, sparesand repair facilities are relatively easy
to find throughout the Underhive, and traders always have
guns and ammunition for sale.
Bolt weapons are sophisticated weapons that fire self- More deadly and far more obvious than an autopistol or
propelled explosive ammunition in the form of small laspistol, it makes the ideal side-arm for a gang leaier keen
missiles called bolts. Bolt pistols and boltguns are to impress his rivals.
manufactured in the factories of the hive city, but the fine
engineering tolerancesand quality materials required means
few if any are made in the Underhive. For the same reason
bolt weapons are hard to maintain, spares are rare, and
ammunition is expensive. Furthermore, ammunition made
in the Underhive is often unreliable. On the whole this is a
weapon best suited to the technically sophisticated armies
of SpaceMarines for which it was designed.
Despite its drawbacks the bolt pistol is still a highly
favoured weapon. It may not always work, but when it does
the results are usually impressive. For one thing, it makes a
lot of noise and creates a great deal of obvious dzLrnage.
Amongst the Underhive gangs this weapon is also known as
the flame pistol or burner. It fires a short burst of flaming
chemical, an unstable sticky material that ignites upon
contact with air. This volatile fuel is held within a small
pressurised container that fits into the weapon. A single
container contains very little fuel, so flamers often run out
of power after a few shots.The unstable and temperamental
nature of the fuel also means that some containers prove
useless whilst others explode unexpectedly as they are
The flamer is a very dangerousweapon that spreadsa sheet
of flame over a short distance. At this range it is almost
Catching Fire. If a model is hit by a flamer and goes down
impossible to miss and several victims can be claimed with
then the target has absorbed the full brunt of the blast and
a single shot.
the flames go out with no further effect. If the model goes
out of action then remove the model as normal.
SPECIAL RULES If a target is hit but does not go down or out of action, then
Ammo Test. An Ammo test is required every time the hand make an immediate test to detemine whether the model
flamer is fired regardlessof your to hit roll. Hand flamers catchesfire. Roll a D6. On the score of a 1-3 the target does
are unreliable weapons and can only be counted on to fire not ignite and there is no further effect. On the score of a 4-
once or twice. 6 the target ignites with the following results.
Template. The hand flamer's shot is represented by the A burning target will continue to burn until the flames are
smaller teardrop-shapedflamer template. This is used as extinguished. Test for this at the start of the fighter's own
described in the rulebook, by placing the template so that it turn. Roll a D6:
covers one or more target models. Any models wholly
under the template are hit automatically, whilst those l-5 On the roll of a l-5 the model continues to burn and
partially beneath are hit on the D6 roll of a 4, 5 or 6. automatically sustainsa further Strength 4 hit. If a
model goes down or out of action whilst on fire the
flames automatically go out with no further effect.
While burning the fighter's nerve is automatically
broken as described in the Leadership tests section,
except that the model moves 2D6" in a random
direction rather than towards cover (a random
direction can be establishedusing the Scatter dice).
A burning model will not engagein hand-to-hand
fighting and other models automatically move out
of his way.
6 On the roll of a 6 the flames qo out with no further
The needle pistol or needler is a complex laser-powered Injuries. A target suffering his final wound from a toxic
weapon. Its tight laser beam carries a tiny toxic needle or dart does not roll on the standard Injury chart. Instead, roll
dart which pierces the target's flesh to send its deadly on the chart below both when the injury is inflicted and in
poisons into their body. The laser carrier beam will dissolve subsequentrecovery phases.
or blow away armour or clothing and burrow into exposed
flesh enabling the darts to penetratemore deeply.
The needler is a rare and expensive weapon in the D6 Result
Underhive. Its chief advantage is that it is virtually silent,
t-2 No Effect. The toxin has no effect or wears
and consequently the favoured weapon for assassinsand
off. The target may continue to fight in the
other unwelcome characters.
same way as if he'd suffered a flesh wound
except that he suffers no penalties on his
Toxic Dart. No wound roll is required when shooting a 3-4 Sedated. The target shrugs off the full effect of
needler: if the target is hit then the toxins will automatically the toxin or recovers sufficiently to crawl up to
inflict I wound. Armour mav still save a target as normal. 2" but can do nothing else. This is the same as
a normal
Comatose, The target is knocked comatose
and falls to the ground. The target cannot
move at all.
Out of Action. The target slumps lifelessly to
the ground. He may be dead or barely living,
but is overcome by the toxin for the rest of the
game. Remove the model as you would any
other that was out of action.
snort .
Range .
To Hli
;, bffi,
Long , I m",IHo. spcclal
Energy Levels. You can choose to shoot the weapon on a
low energy setting or maximum power. The profiles for
each setting are different. If you shoot the weapon on
maximum power then you cannot shoot again until it has
recharged. It takes the firer's entire following turn for the
weapon to recharge once more. This restriction does not
apply on the low energy setting.
Shortr Long:
f,ange Ranger il
"1ffi ItYl
0-6 6-18 +2 6 -l ++ Closecombat.Maxlmumpower.TaKesone
entireturn to rechargeafter firing.
0-6 6t2 +Z 4 0 ++ Closecombat.Low energy
The stubber or slugger is a primitive type of hand gun which and add +1 to the Strength of any hits (Strength 4 rather than
fires solid bullets - usually one at a time. It is recognisable 3). Howeveq if an Ammo roll is failed while using dum-
as a revolver or small automatic of the kind used since the dum bullets the weapon automatically explodes (see
Twentieth century. Stub guns are made locally in the Exploding Weapons).
Underhive and are readily available, simple to maintain, and
fairly reliable. The quality and appearance of individual
weapons varies a great deal. Their effectiveness can be
increasedby using more powerful, if somewhat expensive,
dum-dum bullets.
Dum-dum Bullets. A stub gun can be loaded with dum-
dum bullets. A supply of these hand-made bullets costs
extra, but they are more powerful than standardammunition
I t*d"
To Htt
Long ffi
0-8 8-16 I 3 4 | Closecombat.Dum-dumbullets(54)
The web pistol, or glue gun as it is cheerfully called, is not The pistol is bulky and has a cone-shaped nozzle and a
a common weapon. It is used by the Necromundan Houses' distinctive canister containing the web chemical itself. Both
own security forces as a means of suppressing crowds or weapon and its chemical ammunition are hard to get hold of
taking captives without harming them. and the weapon is not particularly popular amongst the
Underhive fighters.
The weapon fires a tangle of gluey threads which envelop
and ensnare their target, trapping and rendering them
immobile. The sticky mass quickly shrinks and hardens SPECIALRULES
holding the target fast and preventing him from making the Webbed Targets. Once a web pistol has hit its target the
slightest move. A victim who struggles too hard may be victim is automatically enmeshed - there is no roll for
strangled or even crushed by the constricting mesh. wounds or injuries and no saving roll is allowed for armour.
A webbed target may do nothing other that attempt to
struggle free at the start of its turn. If the fighter wishes to
make an attempt to struggle free roll a D6 and add the
model's Strength. If the total is 9 or more the victim frees
himself from the web and may continue normally. If the
total is less than 9 then the victim suffers I wound
immediately, though an annour save may be attempted if
the victim has armour.
Freeing Webs. All web pistols incorporate a solvent spray
for removing the web material. Any model that has a web
pistol may automatically free a webbed fighter at the start of
the turn if he is within 1". However, a model can never free
itself from a web using a web pistol, as the strands are far
too tight to allow the fighter to reach his solvent spray.
gt4rt l
nang€ l
t3ng ,
Rangle :
Tg Hlt i
Strort :
Io ir.ili,
tong :
| ^m- I Hl" I sp""d
0-4 +8 Special 6+ | Closecombat.Firesweb
ftuilder merchants run slave frains from settlement 10 Slaves are usually muzzlcd which makes it impossible
\tr.ttl.rn.ot, acrossthe wastes,through rubble-strewn domes, for them to bire rheir mastersor eachother. They wear
and into tunnels and crawlholes. No machine could negotiate the heavy harnessesto which are attachedback packs or twin
narrow and often flooded tunnels that cotrnect many parts of the panniers.A fit slave can carry his own veighr and the
dome: only a pack slave can successfullyscalethe ruins and climb strongestcan lug loads of nearly twice that. Slavery is
into the holes and cratersof the badzones.The settlers of o{ten the fate of capturcd outlaws, mutants. renegade
Underhive, the holesteaders,ore-diggersand hivers of the big Ratskins, and others who reachthe Guilder courts.
settlemetrts,depend upon the slavetrains to transport goods and
Slave trains are chained or roped together by meansof
essential supplies.
neck collars which either connect the \rhole train or link
the slavcsto6ether into pairs or small groups. There are
many recorded instanceswhere a pack slave has fallen
into a hidden shaft, draggingthe vhole train down after
This section coversweapons designed to be carriedand used with two hands like
an automatic rifle or sub-machinegun. Thesecomprisesome of the most
common and effectiveweapons available to the Underhive fighters.
The autogun is a rapid firing automatic weapon. Auto Autoguns are made in the factories of the hive city and
weapons are easy to manufacture and simple to use, and are traded down through the hive. Crude but effective versions
amongst the most commonly employed weapons in the are made in the Underhive workshops themselves.
Underhive. Ammunition, sparesand repair facilities are relatively easy
to find throughout the Underhive, and traders always have
guns and ammunition for sale.
The boltgun or bolter is the standard armament of the wealthy and don't mind advertising the fact. A fighter with
Imperium's finest fighting forces the SpaceMarines. It is a a bolter means business.
weapon made in limited quantities and to the highest
standardsusing the most costly materials. Boltguns require
constant attention and regular expert maintenance if they
are to work properly.
Bolt weapons fire a self-propelled armour-penetrating
mass-reactiveexplosive missile called a bolt. Even bolts are
expensive to make and cannot be easily fabricated in the
undercity. Overall, boltguns are rare, expensive and prone
to going wrong. However, they are very effective indeed.
Despite their drawbacks boltguns are still highly favoured
weapons. They make a great deal of noise and cause
immense damage to any target they hit. They are prestige
weaponscaried by gang leadersand other fighters who are
Laser weapons are manufactured in vast quantities in the Laser technology is reliable and easy to replicate, and
hive city and are exported to the armed forces of the although the weapons are not the most powerful they are
Imperium throughout the galaxy. Lasguns are traded in certainly the most trustworthy. A laser power pack will last
Underhive settlements and the Guilders bring shipments for many shots and can be rechargedfrom a standardpower
from the factories above. Power packs come from the same sourceor by exposing its thermal cells to heat or light. In an
source and some are made locally. Supplies of parts are emergency a pack can be recharged by placing it in a fire,
plentiful and repairs easily effected. although such treatment tends to shorten the life of the pack
and increasethe probability of it failing. Many experienced
fighters prefer the lasgun over more powerful weapons for
these very reasons.
0,12 1 22 4 +l 3 I I 2+
A shotgun is a simple low velocity weapon which any Scatter Shot: This is a cartridge filled with lots of small
Underhive workshop can make to order. They vary in pellets. Although it's not as powerful as other types of
appearance, often incorporating special features or ammunition it is very useful for blasting enemy out of
decoration to the taste of the owner or the gunsmith. Some cover. The hundreds of pellets ricochet around and often
are pump-action guns, fed from a tubular magazine slung score hits on partially concealed targets. When firing a
under the barrel, others have box magazinesor long ammo scatter shot work out the hit as described for blast weapons
belts. The ammunition itself is easy to make, and many in the rules. The scattershot usesthe 1" radius blast marker.
owners make their own shells. There are severalrecognised In addition, disregard any cover modifiers for hitting the
types, each tailored to a particular type of shot or range. The target - the hundreds of pellets saturatethe area with shot
ingenuity of the Underhive gunsmiths is quite remarkable in and can catch partially concealed targets as if they were in
this respect. the open.
Man Stopper: This is a particularly heavy solid cartridge
SPECIAL RULES with a massive propellant charge. It is more powerful than a
Knock-back. The high impact of a shotgun is quite capable normal solid shot and more accurateat range. However, it is
of knocking a man off balance or even off his feet. To more expensive than an ordinary solid shot.
representthis a target making a roll for falling over an edge
as a result of a shotgun hit counts his Initiative with a -1 Hot Shot: This is a hollowed out shot which contains a
penalty. For example, if his I is 3 he will fall on a score of small charge of flamer chemical. If a target is hit and does
3-6 rather than 4-6. not go down or out of action then it may catch fire in the
same way as a target hit by a flamer. See the rules for
Ammo. A variety of shell types is available and you can catching fire in the flamer description.
decide which to use before each shot. Their different effects
are summarisedon the profile. Each type has its advantages. Bolt: This is a small self-propelled missile. In fact it is a
Some are effective but expensive and often unreliable. If charge adapted from a boltgun round, and has similar
you fail an Ammo roll the weapon and all ammunition properties including being somewhat temperamental. The
carried cannot be used for the remainder of the game. long range of the shotgun is extended to 24" when firing a
Solid Slug: This is the standardtype of solid ammunition.
It takes the form of a heavy shell which is fairly inaccurate
but quite powerful.
SolidSlug 0-4 4- I B I 4 4+
ScatterShot 0-4 4- I B +i I 3 4+ cover
l" blast/lgnores
Man-Stopper 0-4 4- I B 4 -2 4+
Hot Shot 0-4 4- I B 1 4 of Catchfire
Bolt 0-4 4- 24 +l 4 -l o-t Range24"
Speciafweapons are simifar in size and design to basic weapons and like them
require both hands to fire. Theseare technically sophisticatedweapons which
require above average care and skill to use. For this reason not everyone can use
such a weapon and they are mosuy carried by heaviesor gang leaders.
The flamer fires a burst of flaming chemical, an unstable Catching Fire. If a model is hit by a flamer and goes down
sticky material that ignites upon contact with air. This then the target has absorbed the full brunt of the blast and
volatile fuel is held within a pressurisedcontainer that fits the flames go out with no further effect. If the model goes
undemeath the weapon or is attached by a separate fuel out of action then remove the model as normal. If a model
pipe. A container contains little fuel, so flamers often run is hit but does not go down or out of action, then make an
out of power after a few shots. The unstable and immediate test to determine whether the target catchesfire.
temperamental nature of the fuel also means that some Roll a D6. On the score of a 1-3 the target does not ignite
containers prove useless whilst others explode and there is no further effect. On the score of a 4-6 the rarser
unexpectedly as they are loaded. ignites.
The flamer is a very dangerousweapon that spreadsa sheet A burning target will continue to burn until the flames are
of flame over a short distance. At this range it is almost extinguished. Test for this at the start of the fighter's own
impossible to miss and several victims can be claimed with tum. Roll a D6.
a single shot.
1-5 The model continuesto burn and automatically
Ammo Test. An Ammo test is required every time the
sustainsa further Strength4 hit. If a model goes
flamer is fired regardless of your to hit roll. Flamers are
down or out of action whilst on fire the flames
unreliable weapons, and can only be counted upon to fire automaticallygo out with no further effect.
once or twice per engagement. Whilst burning the fighter's nerve is
Template. The flamer's shot is representedby the larger automaticallybroken as describedin the
teardrop-shapedflamer template. This is used as described LeadershipTestssection,exceptthat the model
in the Shooting section, by placing the template so that it moves2D6" in a random direction ratherthan
covers one or more target models. Any models wholly towardscover (a random direction can be
establishedusing the Scatterdice). A burning
under the template are hit automatically, whilst those
model will not engagein hand-to-handfighting
partially beneath are hit on the D6 roll of a 4, 5 or 6.
and other modelsautomaticallymove out of his
6 The flames go out with no further effect.
To Hlt I no
Lorrg r ,, l
,, tl Poctd
Specialrules 4 -2 4+ Templateweapon.Flamingaftack,target
may catchflre.
A grenade launcher is a light tubular launcher capable of The launcher is a very robust and straightforward weapon.
firing most grenade types by means of a compressed gas Its supply of compressed gas is soon expended, but
charge. The most cofirmon grenades are explosive Frag recharging is a simple matter using a high pressure source
grenadesand implosive Krak grenadeswhich are designed to fill its internal tank.
for cracking open tough and well armoured targets. These
Frag and Krak grenades are described in the section on
grenades are often home-made affairs, simple devices
grenades. When you equip a model with Krak or Frag
manufactured in the Underhive itself.
grenades you are assumed to be buying him a supply
sufficient to last for the entire game - or until you fail an
Ammo rol1. Other kinds of grenade that can be used are
Choke, Flash, Plasma, Scare, Smoke and Hallucinogen.
Move or Fire. Because of its bulk and massive recoil, a
fighter cannot shoot a grenade launcher if he moves in the
same turn. He can move, or fire, but not both.
ro tlit i
foflg l
$q{c :
frlodry€r i trl'l j
0,20 20-60 AUto As crenadewoe. Moveor flre
The melta-gun is also known as the melter, cooker or vape The weapon makes no noise when fired. The passageof the
gun. It works by meansof sub-molecular thermal agitation, beam heats the air to super-hot temperatures, causing a
literally cooking, melting, or eventually vaporising the distinctive hiss which becomes a roaring blast as living
target. A melta-gun can melt plasteel and its effect upon flesh is hit and body moisture vaporises explosively.
livine tissue is horrible indeed.
ffi.1ffi: bFlts
I Jvri ,.a :
0-6 6-12 +l 8 D6 4+
The needle rifle is a sniper's weapon and for this reason it
is often referred to as a needle sniper rifle. It is a complex t-2 No effect. The toxin has no effect or wears
laser powered device and relatively rare in the Underhive. off. The target may continue to fight in the
Its tight laser beam carries a tiny toxic needle or dart which same way as if he'd suffered a flesh wound
can easily penetrateflesh to send its deadly poisons into the except that he suffers no penalties on his
target. The laser carrier beam will dissolve or blow away WS/BS.
annour or clothing and burrow into exposed flesh enabling
-l -q Sedated. The target shrugs off the full effect
the darts to penetrate more deeply. The needler's chief
of the toxin or recovers sufficiently to crawl
advantageis that it is virtually silent, and consequently the
up to 2" but can do nothing else. This is the
favoured weapon for assassinsand other unwelcome sameas a normal 'down'result.
Comatose. The target is knocked comatose
SPECIAL RULES and falls to the ground. The target cannot
move at all.
Toxic Dart. No wound roll is required when shooting a
needler,if the target is hit then the toxins will automatically Out of Action. The target slumps lifelessly
inflict I wound. Armour may still save a target as normal. to the ground. He may be dead or barely
living, but is overcome by the toxin for the
Injuries. A target suffering his final wound from a toxic rest of the game. Remove the model as you
dart does not roll on the standard Injury chart. Instead, roll would any other that was out of action.
on the chart below both when the injury is inflicted and in
subsequentrecovery phases.Roll a D6.
Plasma weapons fire energy shells of Plasma weapons are extremely The user can mitigate against this by
bright glowing plasma - matter in a effective and very dangerous firing as short a blast as possible with
super-heatedenergised state. When a weapons. Their biggest disadvantage slightly reduced effectiveness.
plasma shell strikes a target energy is is that they take a relatively long time
releasedand the target blows apart in to recharge once they have been fired. SPECIAL RULE
an almighty explosion. Energy Levels. You can choose to
shoot the weapon on a low energy
setting or maximum power. The
profiles for each setting are different,
as you can see. If you shoot the
weapon on maximum power then you
cannot shoot again until it has
recharged. It takes the firer's entire
following turn for the weapon to
recharge itself. This restriction does
not apply on the low energy setting.
Note that sustained fire can only be
usedwhen shootingon the maximum
energy setting.
Hil' l s@i
All of the heavy weapons described below are weighty, heavy weapon may not move and shoot during the same
cumbersome affairs which take quite a bit of physical turn. If you choose to move you may not shoot, although
strength and energy to carry and use. Spare parts, you can go onto overwatch and shoot in the enemy's turn if
ammunition and a basic tool kit all add to the weight a you wish. As this rule applies to all heavy weapons it is not
heavy must bear. Because of this, any fighter carrying a included in the special rules for individual weapons.
The auto-cannonis a heavy automatic weapon - a larger and mechanism and brutal recoil mean that it is a difficult and
more powerful version of the autogun. It is a rapid firing, energy sapping weapon to use. It is also extremely effective,
high-velocity weapon capable of spitting out a hail of and one of the most popular heavy weapons.
deadly shells. The blaze of shells, scream of the loading
All bolt weapons are highly advanced and technically Only very experienced and relatively wealthy fighters can
sophisticated, and the heavy version is the most effective afford to own and use a heavy bolter. The constant and
and most complex weapon of its type. They are extremely demanding maintenance routine also makes it an unwise
'back breaker'by those choice for a novice. For those who know what they're doing
bulky and are often known as the
who carry them. Like all bolters it is noisy and the shells it is a prestigious weapon carried by the most dangerousof
explode when they hit their target causing great devastation. fighters.
Short l tt
nange : tdffi"Im. Serdd
: .:
0-20 20-40 7 D+ -2 4+ 1 1/2"Blastmarker.Low energy
0-20 20 72 t0 Dl0 4+ 1 1/2"Blastmarker.Maximumpower.
Takesone entireturn to recharge
This heavy and old-fashioned weapon is affectionately terms of their effect. It is a simple weapon to maintain and
known as the 'big stubber'. It rattles off a hail of heavy relatively cheap to buy. Many gangs start out with a big
bullets sufficient to stop a man in his tracks. The workshops stubber to back them up, and its deadly rain of bullets has
of the Underhive can turn out weaponslike this quite easily, put an end to the aspirations of many an Underhive fighter.
all slightly different in design but basically the same in
The lascannon or laser cannon is the most powerful of the The lascannon fires a powerful energy burst, a single
laser technology weapons available in the Underhive. It is a mighty blast of energy that can burn up a target or vaporise
military weapon, made in the factories of the hive city for plasteel. It is designed for destroying large armoured
the armed forces of the Imperium. Examples find their way vehicles and other fighting machines, and its massive
into the hands of gang fighters, though the Guilders are energy discharge is reckoned unnecessarily potent in the
reluctant to trade such powerful weapon-ryinto the anarchic cramped Underhive where targets are generally living men.
and dangerousUnderhive. As a result it is not a highly favoured weapon, most fighters
preferring something which spreads its shots over a wide
area or fires more raoidlv.
-l to Hit. A Krak grenade is a heavy and cumbersome
grenade with a concentratedblast. It is therefore harder to
hit a target with a Krak grenade than with other grenades
and a -l to hit penalty is imposed when throwing one.
Scatter. Although the grenade has no blast area it will still
scatterif it misses in the fashion of any other grenade.The
grenade must scatter directly on top of a target in order to
hir ir.
Demolition. The Krak grenade can be affixed to any
stationary target within l" during the shooting phase - for
example a dooq a water still, or other construction. The
grenade hits automatically without the need to roll for hits
or scatter. It is not possible for a model to shoot other
weapons in the same shooting phase as placing a Krak
6 D6 -3 None
A Frag grenade contains an explosive charge as well as a
casing which is designed to fragment into deadly shrapnel.
Whatever type of grenade you carry, a grenade throw It is a common weapon, easy to make and effective in use.
counts as a 'shot' in the shooting phase, so a fighter can Frag grenades are often home-made in Underhive
shoot a gun or throw a grenade,but not both. For the rules workshops or by the gang fighters themselves.
on grenadessee the Shooting section of the main rules.
When you equip a fighter with grenadeshe is assumedto
carry enough actual grenades to last the entire encounter. 3 -t 2'
His supply of grenades will automatically run out if an
Ammo roll is required, ie the Ammo roll is 'auto' for all
If you run out of ammo with a grenade launcher you have
run out of the type of grenadeused and the launcher has run
out of charge.
Krak grenades are designed to pierce armoured targets by
meansof a concentratedimplosive charge.Although a Krak
grenade can easily kill a man, its contained blast makes it
less useful than Frag grenades for Underhive fighting.
However, it is very effective at destroying hard targets,
building structures,and for blasting into defended holes.
MELTA BOMB Scare Gas: A fighter affected by Scare gas must take an
immediate Leadership test to keep his nerve. If failed the
Melta bombs or thermal bombs contain a subatomic gas has sent the fighter into a panic and he is broken as
thermal charge capable of melting through a sheet of described in the rules for Leadership tests.
plasteel or vaporising flesh. The intense heat causedis very
localised in effect, so the weapon is little use in Choke: Fighters affected by Choke fall to the floor and are
conventional fighting, its primary purpose is as a helpless whilst they remain in the cloud. Models can crawl
demolition charge to melt doors or machines. For these 2" and attempt to leave the cloud, but they cannot shoot,
purposes it has a special contact plate used to affix it to fight or do anything else if within the cloud at the start of
stationary targets. their turn. Once they have crawled free ofthe choking gas
or it has dispersedthey recover by the end of the turn.
SPECIAL RULE Hallucinogen: Fighters affected by this dangerous
Demolition. The Melta bomb cannot be thrown like an hallucinogenic gas become subject to all kinds of strange
ordinary grenade and its size prevents its use in a grenade delusions and can behave in an extraordinary manner.If the
launcher. Instead it may be affixed to any stationary target model is within the gas cloud at the start of his turn roll a
within 1" during the shooting phase,for example a door, a D6 and consult the chart below.
water still, or other construction. The Melta bomb hits
automatically without the need to roll for hits or scatter.It Note: lf a Hallucinogen cloud dissipates it still affects
is not possible for a model to shoot with other weapons in models within it at the start of the turn, and if a cloud drifts
it affects all models 'hit'by the gas as it drifts.
the same shooting phase as placing a bomb.
Flak armour is made from high-tensile padded fabric
usually in the form of a sleevelessjacket which covers the
upper torso. Flak is rather uncomfortable and not especially
popular despite its low cost. It offers minimal protection
against low powered weapons and is most useful against
blasts and explosive impact from near-misses.
Save. A fighter wearing flak armour has a basic D6 saving
throw of 6 against a wound. This is increased to 5 or 6
againstweaponswhich use a template as theseare generally
the low velocity weapons that flak is most effective against
- flamers, blast weapons and Frag grenades,for example.
The save modifiers for theseweapons may reduce or cancel
out this save in many cases.
Mesh armour is a fabric-like material made from tiny cells
of bonded thermoplas. The resultant mesh is light but very
strong and can be fashioned into garments or used as a
protective lining. Mesh absorbs physical blows or heat
energy by becoming momentarily solid, effectively
absorbing the energy of an attack to switch from one
morphic stateto another.Repeatedhits to the samearea will
CARAPACE tend to erode this effect and reduce the protective value of
Carapace afinour is made of rigid plates of armaplas the mesh.
moulded to fit parls of the body. A typical suit of carapace
covers the vital chest region, with separateplates for the
arms and legs. The armaplas plates offer.quite good
Save. A fighter wearing mesh armour has a basic D6 saving
protection from low-powered weaponry but are rather
throw of 5 or 6 against a wound.
Save. A fighter wearing carapace armour has a basic D6
savingthrow of4, 5 or 6 againsta wound.
Initiative. Becauseof its weight a fighter wearing carapace
armour counts his Initiative characteristic as only half its
actual value, rounding up. For example, a fighter with 15
would count as having 13.
This section covers specialqpes of SPECIALRULES
ammunition or power packs that are +L to Hit. A stationary fighter using a basic, special or
heavy weapon with a mono-sight adds +1 to his roll to hit.
sometimesavailable from traders. lt
Overwatch. The sight is no advaritageagainst a suddenly
also includes gpes of advanced appearing or fleeting target. The bonus does not therefore
gunsights which are rare and highly apply if shooting at an appearing or disappearing target or
sought after in the depths of the at a charging target on overwatch.
HOTSHOT An infra-red sight is similar in construction to a mono-sight
but is calibrated to register infra-red rather than visible
LASER POWER PACK light. The enhancedimage which appearsin the sight makes
The Hotshot pack is an especially powerful version of the it very easy to pick out targets that are partially concealed
standard laser power pack. It uses a more expensive and behind cover. Like a mono-sight, the infra-red sights works
less robust power matrix, with the advantage that it can most effectively from a stable platform, and is of no
force more power through a standard laser weapon. advantage to a shooter whose own movement disrupts the
However, the risk of burning out the weapon or exhausting sensor's image. The sight is designed for attachment to
the pack itself is much greater than with the standardpack. heavy, special or basic weapons.
A bionic eye is a technical device that replaces a destroyed
or damaged eye. The eye's photosensitive cells also offer
protection against Photon Flash flares, and enable the
fighter to see through smoke.
If a fighter with a bionic eye suffers a further eye injury
then randomly determine which eye is damaged - his real
eye or his artificial eye. Any damage to a bionic eye will
destroy it.
Replacement. A bionic eye cancels out the effect of one
serious eye injury the fighter has sustained.
Photosensitive. The fighter may re-roll a failed save
against blinding by a Photon Flash flare (D6 against
Initiative). He may also see past and shoot through smoke
with a -1 to hit penalty.
A bionic leg is very much stronger than an ordinary leg and
affords the fighter the opportunity of making a devastating
kick attack. BIONIC ARM
If a fighter with a bionic leg suffers another leg injury A bionic arm is a particularly expensivedevice which offers
randomly determine which leg is affected: the fighter's real greatly amplified strength, grip and dexterity compared to a
leg or his bionic leg. If the bionic leg is damaged it will be normal arm.
destroyed. If a fighter with a bionic arm suffers a further arm injury
randomly determine which arm is affected: the fighter's real
SPECIAL RULES arm or his bionic arm. Any damage to a bionic arm will
Replacement. A bionic leg cancels out the effect of one destroy it.
serious leg injury the fighter has sustained.
Kick. The fighter gains +l to his Attacks characteristic. In SPECIAL RULES
addition, if the fighter wins a hand-to-hand combat he can Replacement. A bionic arm cancels out the effect of one
make a special kick instead of resolving his normal hit/s. serious arm injury the fighter has sustained.
Note that a fighter can only kick once and must give up all Characteristic Bonus. The fighter receives a +1 Strength
the hits he would otherwise inflict to do so. A kick is bonus on his own strength when fighting in hand-to-hand
resolved at +2 to the fighter's Strength and inflicts D3 combat or when throwing grenades.He also receives a +1
damase. Initiative bonus when fighting hand-to-hand combat.
A bio-booster is a small chemical charge that fits into a
wrist band or similar. The booster's bio-sensor is activated
when the wearer is injured, administering a shot of booster
chemical into the bloodstream by means of a pressure
diffuser. The bio-booster is self-administering and
completely automatic.
If a fighter is wearing a bio-booster then on his frrst Injury
roll l-3 counts as a flesh wound, 4-5 is down and 6 is out of
action. This only applies to the fighter's first Injury roll - ie,
the roll made when his last wound is gone - not to
subsequentInjury rolls in the recovery phase.
The bio-booster will only work once per game. If a fighter
recovers and is then injured for a second time his bio-
booster will have no further effect as it has been discharged.
A bio-scanner detects life signs within the proximity of the
user.The device is small, about the size of a pistol, and can
be worn upon a belt or around the owner's neck. A fighter
who carries such a device improves his chancesof spotting
enemy intruders.
Hidden Enemy. A model carrying a bio-scanner trebles the
range at which it will see hidden enemy. For example, a
AUTO.REPAIRER fighter with 14 will spot hidden enemy at 72" rather than 4" .
An auto-repairer is a large device kept back in the gang's Intruders. In scenarios which involve sentries and
hideout or in one of its workshops. The machine is used by intruders (eg Raid and Rescue) the bio-scanner trebles the
a gang's heavies to check and repair equipment, scan for distance at which sentriescan spot intruders and adds +1 to
hidden structural weaknesses and test batteries, power their chance of spotting all intruders.
packs and internal generators.
Filter plugs, or'flugs', are simple filters which
Necromundans stick firmly up their nostrils to purify the air
they breathe. Cheap and disposable,these are used in their
millions throughout the lower regions of Hive City and the
Underhive, where hive smog, pollutant clouds and toxic
gasesare constant hazards.Flugs sieve out the worse ofthe
pollution including most harmful substances.
These take the form of a pair of goggles or visor which The Mung vase is a much sought after and extremely rare
allows a fighter to seethe themal images of enemy fighters kind of archeotech.Genuine vases are prized by collectors
in the Underhive. This enables the wearer to see foes who amongst the noble houses of Necromunda and first class
are hiding or who are partially concealedbehind cover. examples are said to change hands for millions of credits.
For every genuine vase uncovered in the wastes a thousand
replicas are made in the shanty towns of the Underhive.
A fighter wearing infra-goggles can spot hidden enemy at
double his normal distance- ie, his Initiative x2 rather than SPECIAL RULES
his Initiative distance in inches. In scenarioswhich involve If you are offered a Mung vase then the chancesare it is a
sentriesand intruders (eg Raid and Rescue)goggles double worthless copy or a damaged or restored example of only
the distanceat which sentrieswill spot intruders and add +1 token value. Canny investors will no more touch a Mung
to their chance of spotting intruders in partial or complete vase than a festering sore on a rabid plague rat.
cover. Unfortunately, not everyone is so circumspect. If you have
dispatched a ganger to search for rare items then he must
buy a Mung vase if one is offered. Otherwise you can buy
ISOTROPIC FUEL ROD the vase if you're feeling lucky (some would say gullible).
This is the basic fuel rod used to provide power for almost You must commit to buying the vase before establishing the
everything in the Underhive. Rods come from uphive where cost (this represents the process of lengthy haggling
they are made in Hive City, and sometimes turn up as involved in all such transactions).The vase costs D6 x 10
archeotech. credits.
You can sell the vase in any subsequenttrading session.
SPECIAL RULES Meanwhile it is kept hidden in a secretplace known only to
If a gang has a fuel rod it can convert any one piece of the gang's leader. If the leader is killed the location of the
territory into a Settlement. The gang sets up a small out- vase is lost forever. The vase's cost is not included in the
hole in the waste using the fuel rod to power its air-pumps, gang'srating.
water still and generator. The fuel rod can be used only
When you decide to sell the vase roll a D6 to see how you
get on.
1. Fake. The vase is an obvious and worthless fake.
LOBO-CHIP Whoever you attempt to sell it to throws you and
The lobotomy chip is similar in appearanceand general your vase out into the street.The vase is broken and
function to a standard skull chip. The.effect is to you have wasted your cash.
anaesthetisepart of the brain, reducing the wearer's 2. It's a fake but quite a nice one and the trader gives
sensitivity and curbing excessiveand violent behaviour. you D6 credits for it. You accept the credits and
thank the trader for his generosity.The following day
SPECIALRULES you leam that he has left town in a hurry. He is never
A lobo-chip will cure a fighter of the manic behaviour seen agaln.
associatedwith lasting head injuries, so that he no longer 3. You sell the vase for 30+4D6 credits.
has to test before a battle for stupidity or frenzy. However,
4. You sell the vase for 30+6D6 credits.
his Initiative characteristic is reduced to 1. Each lobo-chip
is individually configured to its recipient's brainwaves. 5. You sell the vase for 5x2D6 credits.
Once implanted, it cannot be removed and transferred to
6. You sell the vase for 10x2D6 credits.
another fishter.
The medi-pack is a diagnostic medical computer that can
alleviate the major symptoms of wounds by means of
electro-chemical impulses.
A fighter who carries a medi-pack can use it upon a friend
who is down and in base contact. The fighter must move
base-to-baseand then spendthe rest of the turn attending to
his comrade. He cannot shoot, fight hand-to-hand or do
anything else. At the end of the turn in the recovery phase
an Injury roll is made for the down model as normal except
that a score of 1-4 recovers the injured fighter to flesh
wound, a 5 is down. and a 6 is out of action.
Note that a fighter cannot use a medi-pack on himself, nor
may another individual use the medi-pack once its owner is
injured or otherwise incapacitated.
A fighter wearing a skull chip can re-roll any Initiative
characteristic-baseddice test that he fails. For example, he
can re-roll a failed test to avoid being pinned by enemy fire.
Once implanted the chip cannot be removed and transferred
to another fishter.
It is commonly supposedthat the Underhive contains huge
amounts of treasure: collapsed tunnels leading to untapped
mines and caverns containing piles of gemstoneswaiting to
be discovered, and long lost domes brimming with
archeotech.It is also common knowledge that the Ratskins
know of many such places as well as paths through and
under the hive that no ordinary man has ever travelled. It is
equally common knowledge that anyone trying to sell you
an ancient Ratskin treasure map is inevitably on the make.
On the other hand, the map looks real, it's certainly very
old, and the trader sounds genuine. Dare you take the risk?
If you decide to buy the map roll to see how accurate it is
before you play your next game. If the map is accurate it
will enable you to manoeuvre round your enemy, and gives
you an advantagewhen deciding which scenarioto fight. If
it's a good one you can use the map from then on. Roll
a D6:
Stummers can only be used for one game after which they
are expended. The price at the Trading Post buys enough
stummers to last for
If a gang has stummers they can be used in the Raid and
Rescue scenarioswhere the defendersare initially unaware
of the intruders. If the intruding gang has stummers then
reduce all chancesof setting off the alarm by - I . Stummers
also nullify screamerscompletely.
Stummers are not carried by any particular model and their
value is not included in the gang rating.
When a fighter carries a weapon such as an autogun or
boltet which fires a great many individual shells in a short
burst, he is assumedto carry a number of extra magazines.
It is simply assumedthat these are expendedduring a fight,
and are replenished afterwards as part of the gang's cost of
living expenses.
However, a fighter can, if he wants, carry additional
magazines,batteries, power packs and fuel over and above
the normal amount. This extra ammo is carried in the form
of reloads. Canying extra ammo is expensive, and can be The cost of a reload is half the cost of the weapon, ignoring
dangerous,but it goes some way to ensure you won't run any variable cost. For example, a reload for a needle rifle is
out of firepower at the critical moment. 115 credits.
Although a reload is helpful it doesn't guaranteea fighter
will pass an Ammo roll. The Ammo roll doesn't just SPECIAL RULES
represent the chance of running out of ammunition or
Ammo Roll. If a fighter carries a reload for the weapon he
carrying a defective magazine, it also represents the
is using then he can add +1 to his Ammo roll. This applies
possibility of a gun jamming, overheating or proving
every game as it is assumed the fighter replenishes his
defective. reloads as part of the gang's standard expenses.In the case
of a weapon with an Ammo roll of 2+, such as a lasgun, the
first Ammo roll of a game is automatically passed, but
further Ammo rolls must be taken as normal.
Risk of Injury. If a fighter carries extra ammo then there is
a chanceit will explode or leak ifhe is hit. To representthis,
when a fighter who is carrying a reload is hit and injured, a
roll of 5 or 6 on the Injuries table will take him out of
action. This only applies when the fighter is hit, not to
subsequentInjury rolls made in his recovery phase.
Availability. Weapon reloads are available for all weapons
that have an Ammo roll of 6+ or better. Weapons which
automatically fail any Ammo roll they are required to take
cannot have reloads - for example grenades, grenade
launchers and missile launchers. Reloads are specific to
individual weapons; when a reload is bought the player
must note down which weapon the reload is for on the
gang's roster.
Swords& Knives Closecombatonly As user Close combat.Parry
Clubs, Mauls &
Bludgeons Close mmbat only As user,+1 Clos€ combat
Chainsword Closecombatonly 4 Close combat.Parry
Chains & Flails Close combat only A$ user, +1 Opponent may not parry.
Fumbles count double
MassiveAxe, Closecombatonly As user,+2 Closecombat.Opponentwins
Swordor Club draws
Power Sword Close combat only Close combal. Parry
PowerAxe:Two-handed Closecombal only 6 Closecombat
One-handed Closecombatonly 5 Closecombat
Power Fi$t Close combat only I Close combat
PowerMaul C l o s ec o m b a to n l y 5 Closecombat.Enemywho go
down are automatically
out of action.Does not inflict
catchlire. Targetburns on 4+
Laspistol 0-8 8-16 1 Close combat
NeedlePistol 0-8 8-16 1 -l Closecombat,
Toxicdart, Injuries
Plasma Pistol
Low energy +2 -1 1 0 Closecombat
Maximum enefgy +2 -1 1 Closecombat.Takesone entire
turn to recharge aftef firing
S t u bG u n - -1 1 Closecombat,
Web Pistol Special Closecombat.Firesweb
Autogun 0-12 12-24 , l
Here at the studio we have been playtesting Necromunda for some time. As part of our games we have experimented
with lots of different layouts for our Underhive battles. Here is a selection of the layouts that we have used. You do not
have to use these set-ups,making your own layouts is all part of the fun, but you may find them useful for ideas.
If you have accessto
Necromunda you can
combinesetsto make
an even larger
This set-upusestwo
oo51 /2 0051 /3 0051/1
72936 /2 72936 /1 72936 t3
72937/1 7293A /2
t r@
Designedby MichaelPerry and Gary Morley
- Miniaturessuppliedunpainted.
WARNING:This productcontainsleadwhichmay be harmfulif chewedor swallowed.
are not fecommendedfor childrenunder14 yearsof age. @CopyrightGamesWorkshopLtd 199S.All rightsreserved.
72904 /19 0043 n 0043 /3 72908 t17 oo43 /2
0043 /6 72906 /12 72906 t13 0043 /5
Designedby Alan Perry
Miniatures WARNING:This productcontainsleadwhichmay be harmlulif chewedor swallowed.
are not recommended
CitadelMiniatures for childrenunder14 yearsof age. @ CopyrightGamesWorkshopLtd 1995.All rightsreserved.
wffib w
72903 /22 oo44 t2 0044 /1
CIT^DEI, oo44 t4 72903 /19 72903 /20 0044 /3
Designedby MichaelPerry
WARNING:Thisproductcontainsleadwhichmay be harmfulif chewedor swallowed.
are not recommendedfor childrenunder14 yearsof age. @CopyrightGamesWorkshopLtd 1995.All rightsreserved.
Designedby MichaelPeny
72931 t13 72931 /14 DELAOUE HEAVY
72933 t17
rr 0052 /1
by AlanPerrY
Miniatures WARNING:This productcontainsleadwhichmay be harmfulif chewedor swallowed.
are not recommended
CitadelMiniatures for childrenunder14 yearsof age. @ CopyrightGamesWorkshopLtd 1995.All rightsreserved.
AND STUB GUN 1 0050 /'1 AND SWOFD 1 0050 /4
0050 /3 0050 /2
0049 17
0049 i8
0049 /9