Necromonicon V1-0 PDF
Necromonicon V1-0 PDF
Necromonicon V1-0 PDF
20 years on.,.
Version 1.0
his book was the brainchild of Yaktribe’s Cardyfreak and has
a place for
been collated and designed by Yaktribe’s Capitan – me! The
primary idea behind this book was to celebrate the 20th anni-
4 the herd
An introduction to Yaktribe
versary of the games release. By pulling together years worth
of inspirational images gathered from all corners of the internet
into one place, we hope this book will serve as inspiration for return- 8 Gang Colours
10 House Escher
ing ex-players and new players alike wishing to delve into the rich 12 House Cawdor
dystopian world of Necromunda. 14 House Delaque
16 House Van Saar
18 House Goliath
Also included in this book is Riel Richard’s (Yaktribe’s Blood Donor) 20 House Orlock
fascinating research essay into the story of Necromunda’s development, 22 Scavvies
release and the subsequent 20 years of being kept alive by the online 24 Pit Slaves
26 Ratskins
community after being shelved by Games Workshop. It’s fitting
tribute to a game that is still as exciting and playable today as it was
on release day. 32 Arbities
74 42
42 The Loaded dice
table talks
Yaktribe Inventor: David Knife - @Malo A look at the development
Research & Writing: Riel Richard - @Blood Donor of Necromunda through
Original Project Concept:
Editor & Design:
Matt Custance - @Capitan 56 the eyes of the major
contributors, from
the conception of
Confrontation to the living
NCE rulebook of today
Underhive terrain
Our intention is to continually add content to this book. If you have any
questions,comments or ideas, please visit the following page:
74 58
Open Structures
Line Of Sight Blockers 66 Scatter Terrain
70 Terrain Boards
If one of your images has been used and you would like a credit, let us know on the
above page as we’d love to include it. The images used as inspiration for other readers
have been the product of a few years worth of saving photos into a folder for personal
inspiration – Apologies for not including credits but it would be a huge undertaking to 76 Magnetising Your Minis
try track down the source of all the images. If you would like your image removed from 80 Miniature Brick Walls
this book, please get in touch via the forum link above or send a private message to 82 Making Moulds
@capitan on Yaktribe.
2 3
By @Blood Donor - yaktribe
discussions about any
aspects of wargaming,
share their work on
creating and painting
miniatures and terrain, and
he spires and geography of management system as well as a cache of discuss interpretations or
Necromunda lore boast a very free downloadable resources for the game. misunderstandings with
unforgiving environment, both inside After experiencing a few years of success, game mechanics and
and out. The surface of the planet Yakromunda received a complete overhaul rules as well as finding
is dominated by vast plains of toxic in the spring of 2014 to become YakTribe feedback for any material
wastelands, spent refuse and pollution of Gaming. Now, in addition to providing they might be working
an industrial planet long past the prime players with digital and fully editable roster on or interested in. The
of its production capabilities, and dotted and campaign management tools and a forums offer excellent
across this landscape are the jagged and library of available resource documents, the resources beyond the
mountainous city spires which house the website hosts an online forum where the official and unofficial
planet’s populous. And yet juxtaposed Necromunda, Gorkamorka, and Mordheim materials submitted to the
on this imagery is a utopia for the game’s gaming communities can come together site’s library, The Vault,
community, a veritable alpine meadow for from all parts of the world to share their and these thread based
the ‘Yak herd to gather online, discuss the hobby with one another. A pair of Goliath resources are completely
game, share their work, and in general graze Juves hold off open to all members
a push from a
on the collective stoke. A pretty good life for The YakTribe forums offer discussions on a Delaque gang in for making additions
a yak. Originally operating as Yakromunda variety of topics. Members and unregistered an alleyway choke and submissions. In the
point. Photo credit
since 2010, the website began specifically users alike can stay up to date on the Armeli and Jyry
Miniatures and Terrain
as host to an online gang- and campaign- site’s news and changes, partake in casual “Loriel” Tuominen. section, the Alternative
Miniatures threads for each
of the three supported
games provide gamers
with an extensive list of
any manufacturers that
are producing appropriate
miniatures. Ever growing,
this list can help players
source a gang or force that section provides helpful guidance from An Orlock gang
defends a vault
is completely unique to them and best suited gaming peers as well as a critical and entrance from
to their own taste. Many of the offerings can supportive audience that can help flesh out an attacking Ash
be seen in the various threads within the any projects that one might bring forward. Waste Nomad gang.
Photo credit Armeli
Miniatures and Terrain section as members At the heart of this process for Necromunda and Jyry “Loriel”
are able to create threads that act as blogs are the community editions of the original Tuominen.
or project journals in an environment that rules, the Necromunda Community Edition
exposes their work to like minded gamers (NCE), and the Outlanders supplement, the
who share in their enthusiasm. Outlander Community Edition (OCE). Both
the NCE and OCE have their own dedicated
When creating fan made rules revisions development threads where the community
or additions, or when seeking clarifications actively hashes out issues and proposed
on specific mechanics within the game, improvements with open discussion and the
YakTribe’s Rules and Mechanics forum benefit of new ideas being examined from a
4 5
range of perspectives as wide projects based on a specific and materials were used. The
as the site’s community itself. category. Members compete forums provide an excellent
With revisions being released casually alongside one development grounds for
upwards of a handful of times another developing personal members to improve their hobby
per year, the community takes and interpretations skills, and the competition series
editions form the backbone of a topic chosen by the rides at the front of that pack for
of the modern Necromunda winner of the previous promoting players to get their
community in that they offer competition, and vie for brushes dirty and their fingers all
up to date play testing and the opportunity to pick glued together.
development for the game the next. Themes are often
system after its developer created to allow entries from While YakTribe Gaming can be
officially ceased support and Necromunda, Gorkamorka, best be used as a tool for making
cut ties with the franchise. and Mordheim to all have gang rosters and tracking their
The same community relevance in the running, advances, managing campaigns,
involvement transfers itself and past competitions have and finding any rules submissions
elsewhere in the forum included characters, objective in The Vault, the glue and green
where players can receive markers, vehicles, terrain, stuff that really holds the site
help, analysis, and kudos on and even representations together and makes it something
alternative rules for various of fellow ‘Yaks. The entire more is the online community
gangs or factions, rules for competition process can on the forums. Members can use
new weapons or equipment, widely be accountable the site’s player map to discover
or any rules supplements for a large percentage of how many other gamers there
such as introducing additional the forum traffic, and has are in their area and increase
in game elements to those proven in every incantation their chances of getting games
covered by the official and thus far to be exemplary in by doing so. And they can
community rulebooks. of the warm and friendly extend their hobby to beyond
attitudes that YakTribe can the time they are able to spend
Constantly a source of be characterized by. Entrants rolling dice at the table or
inspiration and awe, YakTribe can be sure to help inquisitive painting and modelling by being
hosts a monthly contest members with explanations able to engage and participate
series in which members on how their modelling and in a global community with a
provide a work in progress painting techniques were shared enjoyment of skirmish
log and final submission of achieved, and what pieces wargaming. We ‘Yaks are a pretty
wild and independent bunch,
playing games orphaned long
ago by the company that created
them, yet within the herd here
on YakTribe Gaming there is
something to be shared. And
from this community the games
we play are better because of it.
Riel Richard
@Blood Donor ,
YakTribe Gaming
A blind standoff
occurs at the corner
of the local Hive
Guys. Photo credit
Armeli and Jyry
“Loriel” Tuominen.
6 7
8 9
(GW Models)
@zoring - yaktribe
@capitan - yaktribe
10 11
(Mostly GW Models)
@rusty101 - yaktribe
12 13
(GW Models)
14 15
(Mostly GW Models)
@andyt81 - yaktribe
@jimbodeany - yaktribe
@-FEN- - yaktribe
16 17
(Mostly GW Models)
@cardyfreak - yaktribe
18 19
@TINY - yaktribe
(GW Models)
20 21
22 23
t Sl a v e s
@loriel - yaktribe
24 @bruticus - yaktribe
R A T S k I Ns (Mostly GW Models)
@obar - yaktribe
@cardyfreak - yaktribe
26 27
Rede m p t i on i s ts
(Mostly GW Models)
@jayheretic - yaktribe
28 29
(Mostly GW Models)
@Andyt81 - yaktribe
30 31
(Mostly GW Models)
@jonbo - yaktribe
@gorkamunda - yaktribe
32 33
@cardyfreak - yaktribe
@TULKAS - yaktribe
36 @jonbo - yaktribe
@MADSERGEANT - yaktribe
@ANDYT81 - yaktribe
@jonbo - yaktribe
@capitan - yaktribe
W y rD s
@cardyfreak - yaktribe
40 41
of the game’s more prominent personalities look after everybody as well as head up the
from yesteryear, I decided I would scrounge development on the key projects. It was an
the corners of the world wide web to find exciting time - but we were always pressing
some people who would know the answers to forward on the next new thing!” I appreciated
By @Blood Donor - yaktribe
these sorts of things. To my utmost surprise, his use of “exciting” as a description of the
not only was I able to get responses from pace, I would likely have called it chaotic or
the people I talked to, they were genuinely nightmarish. With conversation beginning to
interested in waxing nostalgia and sharing open up well, I got a little more comfortable
some of their stories on why they love being into the Q&A process with Mr. Priestley, and
irst announced in White While it’s parenting Warhammer 40K hive dwellers like the rest of us. Over the last was able to get some great responses about
Dwarf magazine in September universe receives a significant amount of few months I have been privileged enough how Necromunda came to be…
1995, with the official release rules and lore concocted by the fan base, to be able to talk to Rick Priestley, Andy
occurring that October, Necromunda these unofficial fan-made supplements Chambers, David Graham, and Anthony Case “When I briefed Necromunda I took some
is celebrating its 20th Anniversary often get marginalized and swept under about Necromunda, and hope you all enjoy of the work that had been done for the – by
this year. Twenty years, and the last ten the rug because the game is still thriving their wonderful insights that I am able to then defunct – Confrontation project and
occurring without any major support from and supported by the company that has share with you here. The Loaded Dice Table started again. The only things we used as I
Games Workshop, who created the game. produced it. In the case of Necromunda Talks. Shit yeah. remember were the overall ‘hive’ concept
Despite having an age older plus some artwork and specifically some
thrives in the seedy depths striking Archeotech - hell maybe even throw Confrontation and the ingredients from
of the internet and gaming in a Mung Vase that you just sold for double Warhammer: 40K, Rick and his team began
majority of tabletop gaming shop with Rick Priestley about what the created the artistic and conceptual side of
enthusiasts, and remembered
fondly in a past tense frame of in the seedy depths of the game means to him. The mere notion of
talking to Necromunda’s chief designer and
the individual gangs and fleshed them out
by tailoring rules to their unique style of
Christ really 20
he was able to be a very active Community Edition (NCE),
gamer. I asked him a few more the rules set for which
questions about his Necromunda Anthony has kicked off and
gaming, which shamelessly
included asking for him to divulge
maintained open community
discussion on - and that
his preferred play tactics and development work for - has
opinions on whether Lasguns become the modern standard
should still be red. “I used to for Necromunda rules. And they’re free! democratic realities of finding general
have an extensive collection of widespread acceptance of proposed rules
miniatures, and like all the cliches, Alongside Priestley, Chambers, and Graham, changes. One of the true telling powers
it was lost to the ages. However I Anthony Case has been playing Necromunda of the NCE is the ability Anthony had to
am regaining and rebuilding with right since its release. “Christ was that really keep focus in the drive of making changes
new games and miniatures. I think 20 years ago?... My big brother and his before the NCE developed enough of its
my biggest strength in the hobby mates were Fantasy players which was how own momentum to find a sense of credibility
is mini painting. As I mentioned Some of McCragge’s fine I got into GW. I got pretty excited when GW within play circles. “Initially it was just written
painting skills
earlier I was hired as a mini started releasing the boxed games though, for my gaming group to use so there were a
Space Hulk, Warhammer Quest, etc, primarily lot of changes based simply on our personal
52 53
preferences rather than for any specific From beyond the reach of the Imperium’s I found online that had a somewhat active
rule problem. Once other people started tendrils of administrative dominion within Necromunda community still and was also
showing an interest in using it I went back the Eastern Fringe, Anthony Case took the how I found Anthony Case as the NCE was
over everything trying to remove personal efforts that the community had put into the still in a somewhat infancy... There are many
bias. It’s a tricky tightrope though, since what Necromunda Rules Review and led work Yakkers from those forums who transitioned
you have an issue with others might not, on maintaining an updated set of rules for here for Necromunda, but of course are still
and you have to weigh up resolving issues Necromunda. Throughout the years of an active in those forums for other games”.
with maintaining clean rules”. Dedicated upkept passion for Necromunda, Anthony has Certainly a monster in its current state when
work on the NCE has followed suit with done great deals of work beyond the periodic compared to the early Yakromunda site,
the Outlanders Community Edition rules revisions of the NCE rule set, including a wide YakTribe Gaming respectfully houses the
supplement, the OCE, and both maintain the range of additional supplement rules for the most in-depth Necromunda scene on the
constant open-to-discussion review policy game and even developing indie video games web. The campaign and gang management
that helps them progress and avoid being available on Steam. A mere glance through the tools make playing the science fiction skirmish
pigeon-holed by flaws. One of Anthony’s YakTribe Vault demonstrates Anthony’s work game even easier, and the overall awesome
greater focal points of the NCE and OCE within the Necromunda community, which online community we have here makes getting
rules is to keep any changes being made to certainly would not be the same without him. into the game a very simple process. From
those that are minor and necessary, avoiding the honoured efforts of Rick and Andy with
to change the structure and flow of the This website has really done a great deal the game’s inception and development with
documents as much as possible to keep them Mr. Case, looking deep inside his for the Necromunda scene. It was the fall Games Workshop, to McCragge’s housing
bucket of inspiration for some rules
recognizably approachable to players whom improvements
of 2010, during the slow motion crawl of of the online community during the game’s
might not have played the game since the a vacant shoulder season in a tourism- ran-away-from-home style adolescent stage,
Original Rulebook or driven Canadian ski-town, when I started through Anthony’s development of the
large part
unique to play. Not to explode and damaged a nearby bulkhead (we collecting vast 40K armies. His suggestion
the same extent as the
Outlanders, but just
were using rules for destroying buildings).
The building then collapsed, flattened both
of Necromunda had me searching all over
the internet for more information, as I had Riel Richard
of the hobby some general rules
unique to each House
and with their own
boats, killed most of the crew and so we had
to restart the campaign. We haven’t used
those destroyed building rules since”. When
not really heard of the game much before
that, and I quickly became a believer. The
internet was definitely a source of many more
@Blood Donor , YakTribe Gaming
been writing
system expanded too, his preferred style of play is, he responded following @Malo over to Yakromunda. The
such as being able to “I’m rather fond of all the Outlanders. If very man behind YakTribe, who also operates
upgrade territories pushed I’d probably say those ever-lovable under the alias david knife, Malo added an
56 57
58 59
60 61
62 63
Line ofSight
64 65
@Trollmeat - yaktribe
@andyt81 - yaktribe
66 67
68 69
@TINY - yaktribe
70 71
72 73
Ke e p ‘ e m C o m i n g !
IF YOU’VE any ideas for a tutorial or have already written
a tutorial that would be the perfect fit for Necromunda
miniatures or terrain, we’d love to hear about them, please visit
the following page:
threads/yak-approved-necromunda-guide.2606/ or send a
74 75
private message to @capitan on Yaktribe.
By @cardyfreak - yaktribe should be paid to both
weapons where the balance is
extremely off centre {massive
- Continued
1 2
Now that you’ve stick the magnet in. We have
stopped crying for to be careful not to have
First we must select destroying your the superglue sticking the
a suitable model for precious miniature, we magnets together, so we
conversion. can man up and get really only need a tiny drop. I
I’ve chosen this on with the job. Give the cut use a small stack of magnets,
Goliath leader cos his area of the mini a quick tickle then slide the stack off to the
stubgun just ain’t gonna with a flat file to flatten off side, using my thumb to keep
cut the mustard I’m afraid. I the surface a bit, and have a magnet in the recess. You
want him to have a veritable a look where we want the may find using a toothpick
arsenal at his disposal, firing hole for the magnet to go. useful here, as sometimes
(half reliable) bolts of death, I recommend getting the the magnet can flip as you
or flaming fools, or shoving weapons you intend to use move the stack away. There’s When it’s set, simply
white hot balls of plasma up and line them up for a rough a technique to it that you’ll remove from the
their arseholes, so the choice idea of a central point for all master after a couple of tries. stack of magnets
is made. That guns gotta go. of them. Basically, it’s going You don’t have to worry and admire your
Note how you intend to to be the centre of the area about polarity at this stage work. You now have
make the cut. On this model you’ve just cut. Here’s a pic since this your first model, a magnetised model, with
it’s simple; I’ll simply cut of where my Goliath leaders but after this the way the weapons. Follow the same
across the top of the hand hole is (the magnet is already magnets face is vital. This first steps for as many weapons
from the fingers to the back in place in this shot). step determines the polarity as you like, and you’ll soon
of the gun, taking care not of all your future work. have an army of magnetised
to cut the trigger finger off. Using the pin-vise, drill dudes! And because you’ve
Remember, the saw is really a small pilot hole into the Now that the hand is used a razor saw and not
fine so it will preserve a lot model. You aren’t going all magnetised we can your rusty old hack saw, you
of detail so don’t worry, as the way through, this hole move onto the weapon. can even keep the original
long as keep a straightish line just acts as a guide for the Gauge where the hole To check the polarity, simply stick weapon (directly above the
you’ll be okay. Some models larger bit. Then use the 2.1mm should be (just dry-fit a few magnets onto the one in the model in this photo)!
might require a different bit and again, don’t go all the weapon and remember hole in the hand. Add a tiny blob of
angle of attack, or even the way through; you’re where the hole should go) glue to the hole in the weapon and
multiple cuts from different just making a recess for the and drill a hole into the stick it onto the TOP magnet, again
angles, or some of the cut magnet to sit in. Use your weapon in exactly the same being careful to avoid the glue sticking
done with a sharp hobby knife to clear up the burr manner as before, checking the magnets together.
knife; don’t be put off by this, around the hole; this ensures the depth with the magnets
just plan what you need to do that the parts will sit flush as we go and de-burring the
and... do it! with each other. Keep your hole when it’s the correct
magnets handy to check depth. Once we have our
the depth. As soon as it’s hole we can stick the magnet
flush with the surface, put a in BUT MAKE SURE THE
cardyfreak’s tip -
tiny drop of superglue into POLARITY IS CORRECT.
the hole, dab off any excess if you have a spare Marine
with some paper towel and or something, magnetise it and a bolter before doing any
Necro models to provide you with a kind of magnetic
template for the aligning the polarity of the magnets. To
align the magnet in the body of the mini, simply attach
some magnets to the Marine’s bolter and glue the bottom
magnet into the model. To align the magnet in the weapon,
stick some magnets onto the one in the marines hand and
glue the weapon to the top magnet. This will ensure all your
magnets are always aligned correctly!
78 79
By @fold - yaktribe
or my Necromunda Step 1 – Scoring Step 3 – Create Vertical Gaps Do not bother trying to leaving a wall with a more places. I’ll often apply the
terrain I wanted Horizontal Lines Using the same tool I now half paint in all the gaps – it is a naturalistic, mottled effect. wash to the top of the wall
to have several First, score the parallel lines cut, half crush the vertical gaps futile and rather unnecessary For a brand new wall you may and let gravity and chaos do
of the base layers in the brick wall with a sharp between the bricks. Obviously endeavour due to the next want to wait till the paint is it’s thing so the paint seeps
for the modular knife to a depth of 1-2mm. I do for a convincing brick effect step. completely dry. down the wall in interesting
sections, or “risers”, built this freehand because I like the you need to offset the [I did not photograph this ways. This step is a lot of
out of brickwork. It’s not a aged, haphazard look it gives “courses” of bricks so no bricks stage but one can imagine Step 6 – Cleaning fun, so experiment and enjoy
typical finish for Necromunda the final wall. If you’re building are aligned directly above each what it looks like - brown, Before it dries, take a damp yourself.
terrain but I have reasoned a wall in better condition then other. For simplicity I stick with lots of blue polystyrene cloth and rub the plaster On this piece I also added a
that as it’s at the bottom you’ll want to use a ruler. with a very straight forward showing through the gaps!] off the majority of the brick blast door with rusted, flaking
of my terrain it is probably brick laying style (or “bond”), faces leaving it in the gaps paint and a few 40k themed
very, very ancient indeed. which is called “stretcher bond” between the bricks. You now posters. Numerous ready
Over time, the underhivers but there are lots too choose have a convincing miniature to print 40k posters can be
have reinforced the brick from if you want to get fancy. brick wall! found using a simple Google
buildings and platforms and Again, here I’m not too careful search and I just paste them
used them as foundations or precise and the bricks end on to the wall with scenic
for towers, processing plants up quite irregular, which suits cement or watered down PVA.
and other industrial buildings, my purpose and makes the job
the original purpose of the faster.
brick buildings long forgotten. In this wall I’m also adding a
Besides, the opportunity bulkhead door which is quickly
to model grimy, moldering primed and hot glued in at this
brickwork was too good to stage.
pass up and the finished effect Step 2 – Widen the Gaps Step 5 – Pointing
should lend a real feeling of Take a blunt implement – I use After a real brick wall is
decay to the table. a trowel shaped sculpting tool- laid a mason must “point”
Brickwork of course is in and quickly run it down the it by filling in the gaps with
danger of being very tedious cuts you just made to widen mortar, and we now replicate Step 7 – Weathering
to model but the following the gaps and make them a bit this on our scale model as You may skip this step if
process makes it very irregular. well. Take some ready mixed you want a clean wall but
quick and easy to achieve a skimming/finishing plaster, for my purposes extensive
convincing effect and can and with your finger smush it weathering is required.
be used for many miniature across the surface of the wall, For this I use water (often
wargaming or model train pushing it into all the gaps very dirty water from my
scenery/terrain applications. between the bricks. This is brush cleaning pot) and
You will need a wall or why you don’t need to worry a combination of black,
surface either made from Step 4 – Paint the Wall about painting all the gaps beige and green paints.
hard extruded polystyrene The bricks now need a quick in the previous step. Don’t Wet the wall to encourage
(insulation foam) or coated in coat of paint in a suitable worry, the plaster will also your washes to spread and
at least 10mm of the stuff. brick like colour. This colour coat the bricks to some then apply watered down
In this tutorial I’m making should be somewhat darker extent, but we take care of black paint to any areas
the inside surface of an arched than the finished effect that this in the next step. you want to darken, green
wall facade, so I only need to you want because the next I like to do this before the paint for any areas of lichen
finish two arch shapes and step will lighten it quite a lot. I paint layer has fully dried or other discolouration
then glue the previously made use a mixture of PVA and MIG and still has a few damp (particularly effective if
arches on. rust pigment, which has good patches. This causes the you let it seep up the wall
coverage and adds a bit of overall tone of the bricks and from the base), and beige
strength to the wall surface. our mortar to change as the paint for limescale effects
80 two blend together in places, or to redefine the mortar in 81
MAKING Depending on how much
catalyst we add we can vary
the stiffness of the finished
mould. Your RTV will generally
come with mixing instructions
for varying ratios of silicone to
catalyst. to the local Lego shop and Pot Life - This is the amount Open Faced Mould - This
For reproducing figures and buy some bits. Get a base of time you have to mix and is a one piece mould where
By @cardyfreak - yaktribe fine detail we should use the piece and a bunch of 4, 3 and pour the silicon or resin after the casting agent is poured
minimum amount of catalyst 2 stud pieces, with a couple it has been combined with into the top of the mould.
advised as this will make a of ones for versatility. A small the catalyst/hardening agent. Best suited for simple shapes
The basics
softer mould that is better tub and base costs about £11. The more catalyst, the shorter like bases, barrels, barriers
aking moulds suited for capturing fine detail That’s what I’ve got in the the pot life. or single sided bulkheads.
of objects and Here is a list of some common and easy release of the cast example below. I can make Care should be taken when
casting them terms and their definitions as I item. For larger moulds we about four casting chambers De-mould Time - This is the selecting an object to open
might seem like understand them. They might should use more additive to from a small tub, to fit one amount of time you have to face mould to ensure the
a complicated be incorrect, but I’m pretty sure make the silicone stiffer as it mini each. leave the casting material to object doesn’t have any
process but it is a lot easier they’re close to what’s right. will maintain a uniform shape set before taking the cast significant overhangs. This
than you think. Sure, you and reduce the chances of Resin - Polyurethane resin is item out of the mould. would prevent the original
need to take a bit of care to RTV silicone - Room warpage across the mould. So a common casting material. object from being removed
get the best results but that Temperature Vulcanising for minis use a low mix ratio, It’s more expensive than Release Agent - A silicone or from the mould so you’d
is true of most things. silicone. This is a type of rubber. for terrain pieces like bulkheads plaster but sets a lot quicker wax based product we coat know if this happened.
Most master and production and larger use a higher ratio. and harder. It’s ideal for the mould in to protect it and
Having the correct tools moulds are made out of If the ratios are incorrect the casting figures and capturing ease the release of a cast. Two Part Mould - This is a
to hand is probably the organic rubber. These are very mould will fail. Too little catalyst fine detail. Use gloves when Also vital for making two-part mould that has two pieces, or
most important piece of hard wearing and are used to and the mould won’t take handling this stuff cos it’s a moulds, as the only thing that ‘faces’, typically capturing the
advice I can give. Particularly make many casts of a shape shape properly. To much and swine to get off your hands! will stick to silicone is silicone,details of the front and back
when casting, time is of the using low melting temperature it will be brittle and difficult to Resin generally comes so the release agent acts as a of an object. This is better for
essence. You don’t want to be alloys, traditionally pewter or de-mould without tearing. in two parts, the resin and barrier between the two faces moulding complex shapes.
rummaging around for things other lead alloys. This is a bit the hardener. These are of the mould. This will be Most of your miniatures will
at the critical moment when excessive for what we need, so Mould - This is what we combined (usually a 50:50 discussed later. have been cast like this. The
pouring silicone or resin so The Lord giveth RTV. use to capture a shape and ratio) and a chemical reaction telltale sign is the mould line
always make sure you have Also know as ‘condensate subsequently reproduce. takes place causing the clear Plaster - Everyone knows running around the central
everything you need laid out cure silicone’, RTV uses the resin mixture to go hard plaster. Plaster of Paris will axis of the mini. This is where
in front of you neatly. When moisture in the air and/or Cast - The process of and opaque. This is why the work perfectly well in moulds, the two faces of the mould
your mould tips over and an additive catalyst to cure reproducing a shape using a thicker parts harden first; the but is very brittle and takes a meet. Care must still be taken
resin starts pouring out all (vulcanise) the silicone rubber mould and casting material, chemical reaction is stronger while to set. Generally I would when selecting candidates
over your table, you’ll be glad into a solid shape. Places with and the resulting product. in these deep sections. You’ll advise not to use Plaster of for this method of moulding.
you can lay your hands on high humidity cure faster than notice if you make bases Paris as we need something One piece mini’s with no gaps
some kitchen towel without ones with low humidity, and the Casting Chamber - A box or that the centre will cloud more robust. Better still is through them are ideal; for
having to go rummaging exposed surfaces will set first. other shape that is used to over before the edges. This is Dental plaster. This is the the sake of example, Cawdor
through the kitchen! However, some silicones with contain the silicone whilst the reaction at work. It is an stuff dentures are made out or Van Saar. But the newer
a catalyst will set at a uniform it sets. Can be made from a exothermic reaction, meaning of. It sets rock hard and is range of necro minis with the
rate. If we pour silicone over an variety of materials, including it gives off heat. You’ll feel really cheap- less than £20 optional weapons wouldn’t
object we can make a mould. Lego, foamcore, plastic and this through the mould when for 25kg. A general rule is if be any use if the weapons
cardboard. you cast. has the word ‘Stone’ or ‘Die’ were attached. The silicone
Foamcore and card are fine Also, resin leeches the in it, it’ll be rock solid when it would get between the mini
for open faced moulds but I moisture from the mould and sets. Notable British plasters and the weapon and would
find them a little bit of a pain over time will perish it. We can are Diestone, Herculite and stop the mini from being
to use as two parter casting counter this to some degree Crystacal. released from the mould. The
cardyfreak’ SAYS -
chambers as they can break by using release agent and This suits terrain casts solution to that would be to
Many of the apart when releasing the mould nourisher to protect more than miniatures, but not attach the weapon before
techniques I’ve used are gleaned from many sites first stage of the mould, and the mould but eventually it some plasters can capture making the mould. Gaps
on teh intrenets. rubbishinrubbishout on YouTube recreating the exact shape of will become unusable. You fine detail. They can be quite between the legs are fine, it
has some excellent video tutorials on this subject; the mould can be difficult. Lego should generally leave a heavy compared to resin. is only gaps between parts of
it is basically where I learned how to do this. Also gives you a constant size and mould for about a week to Plasters will not damage the the mini which would make
check out the hirstarts site for some great tips shape to work with, making finish setting up if you want to mould in any way, and can be de-moulding impossible that
about all things casting. This article is really just your work neater and giving cast using resin. used in a mould immediately we have to look out for.
to pull everything I’ve learned into one place for you more confidence with the Other resins include epoxy as compared to resin, where
convenience. materials at your disposal. Head and acrylic. the mould should be left for
about a week.
82 83
Meanwhile build the Lego Now pour out the required From this point on, time
casting chamber around the amount of silicone. From now is against us. The catalyst
object. Try to arrange the on we are trying to eliminate is now making the silicone
bricks so they always overlap, as much aeration of the react, so we must act swiftly,
just like the bond of a brick silicone as possible. This is but we need to stir the two
wall. This will help prevent very important, as air bubbles liquids together to mix them.
silicone seeping out. Build it in the silicone can ruin the But don’t rush. It’s not a mad
high enough so there’s two mould. The most important panic or anything, and if you
rows above the top of the technique is the way you start stirring the silicone too
object. pour the silicone. Aim to have hard you’ll introduce loads of
will need
so I just brush a coat on. multiply the density of the of catalyst to the silicone,
Leave it to one side for about silicone (1.08g/cm3) by giving me a pot life of 10mins.
10 minutes to let the liquid the volume of the chamber
evaporate, leaving the release (126cm3). 1.08x126= 138.8g,
agent coating the object. so round it down to a neat
138g. We would need 138g of
silicone to fill the mould.
If we were casting a large
object we would have to
factor in its displacement.
This is done simply by
calculating the volume of the
object and subtracting it from
the volume of the casting
84 85
but it’s a good habit to get it or you’ll ruin the mould don’t come out with this, just
into, especially for when you by distorting it. LEAVE IT flex the mould a bit to get
start making complex moulds. ALONE! If you see bubbles them out. If any silicone has
This ensures you capture any on the surface, a short, sharp seeped between the card and
detail. blow of air will pop it. object, trim if away carefully wo part moulds are in a write off cast. Think of making the mould turns out
As you can see, we have with a hobby knife. This stuff a little more labour the way the casting material to be inadequate after the
no excess silicone in the is very easy to slice through intensive than open will be filling up from the first cast, it’s easy to widen
cup. When it sets it peels off so take a bit of care. faced moulds. We bottom of the mould; it will the vent channels with a
the cup and silicone stirrer have to consider a be displacing the air within, hobby knife. Even if we
with ease. The brush with few more mechanics of the so think of anywhere the air forget to put them in whilst
the silicone on it is useless casting process to make a could get trapped. This is moulding we can easily
now. The one with the successful mould. where we will need to provide supply them after the fact.
release agent on is fine. I’d The first, and most critical, a means of allowing the air to I like to mould my minis
recommend giving it 12 hours provision we need to provide escape. with the base on them. It
at least before de-moulding. is a way to line the two parts And don’t be tempted to gives a bit of an indication
of the mould up consistently. try to stick to many things that the mould is filled
If the mould is off centre by into the mould. Keep it adequately when the resin
even 1mm, the cast will look simple. You multiply the starts to fill the space where
terrible. The way we ensure chances of things going the base would be without
the correct alignment of the wrong if you start to crowd it pouring all over the place.
With that done we can pour faces is by using ‘keys’. These the mould. I’d recommend Obviously if you use scenic
the silicone into the casting are simply a device that will doing one item per mould. If bases you can attach the mini
chamber. Start in a corner Et voilà! You have a mould! only allow the two faces to its weapons you’re doing, you to this and when you cast it,
and pour in a long, thin I like to trim away all the engage in the correct way, can add more in obviously, it will come out with the base
stream. Don’t pour directly loose stuff and cut a slight keeping the mould lined up but for figures I’d do them already attached. Handy!
onto the object, you’re likely bevel along the sides with perfectly. They are absolutely individually.
to get air pockets. Rather, a pair of scissors to make essential to the success of One more thing about disclaimer!
let the silicone flow up and it look neater. You can cast your mould, but are very easy weapons; remember the Obviously, I didn’t actually
around the chamber. This will I’ve left the mould for 12 immediately with plaster, but to provide. I will show you shape the old sprues used to take a mould of this mini-
push the air out naturally, hours so now it’s time to see you should wait a week to how to do this later in the come in? A central trunk of that’s copyright infringement.
leaving no air pockets. As the what we’ve got. Remove the allow the mould to fully cure tutorial. white metal with the weapons The photos are purely
silicone flows you can follow casting chamber. You might if casting with resin. Good Because the shape of the branching off like a tree? instructional to show how
it about with the stream of see that the silicone has work! item we are moulding is That’s the set up I’d go for if I to bed something into the
silicone, but try not to let it seeped underneath the card, usually more complex than was doing weapons. casting chamber and provide
pour directly onto the object. don’t worry this just trims off. in open faced casting, we These are the main the required mechanisms for
may need to provide vents considerations for two keying and venting.
for air to escape from the part moulds over open
extremities of the object. If faced moulds. Particularly so without further ado,
we don’t provide adequate with ‘keying’ the moulds, let’s get stuck into it.
provision for air to escape, the success of the mould
the resulting air bubbles is entirely dependant on
will prevent the casting it. Venting is a bit more
material from filling the forgiving, as if the venting
mould completely, resulting we initially provided when
86 87
MAKING MOULDS Now figure out if and where
you need to supply vents.
around the mini. You don’t
need to smooth the plasticine NECROMONICON
The ends of weapons that into the mini, just close the gap.
are sticking out tend to be
the most likely place you’ll Build up the rest of the
MOULDS - Continued
of the mini to the edge of the Mix up your silicone. 50mls out with it, we can easily re-locate them
mould. will be enough. Ill be using by flexing the mould a little as we insert it
a mix ratio of 100:4 to make back into its place. If there are any signs
a relatively stiff mould. I had of the silicone seeping past the mini, cut
done a 100:2 ratio but it them off. The face should have no little
took about three days to set raggy ends sticking out. But don’t cut off
fully. If you live somewhere the keying!