Final - Road Estimate
Final - Road Estimate
Final - Road Estimate
5 Provision for QC at 0.50 % and Tax as per govt rules 7.5% and provision for unforeseen items.
2022(PART -A-CIVIL) and the work will be carried out as per Standard Specifications.
Access Road for 400kV and 230kV River Crossing Transmission Lines
15cm 15cm
Base 10cm
Existing Subgrade
S.No Description of work No. Unit
Earth work above Existing Subgrade up to a lift ol 1.5 m in all kinds of soil including cutting
and throwing earth in layers not exceeding 150 mm in thickness, breaking clods up to 40 mm
size in each layer, ramming, leveling and dressing as per required side slope and alignment
with earth borrowed from the road side govt. acquired land for any leads and maintaining the
1 1 m3 1000.00
embankment true lo level and side slopes as per profiles for one year from the date of
completion including making dug, bailing, profilings etc. complele and accepted by the
Providing lmproved sub-grade with sand F.M.>0.80 having compacted thickness as per
specification including cost of sand, carrying, local handling, spreading uniformly in layers of
150mm lo proper grade camber, super elevalion, rolling propedy wilh 7-10 tone vibratory
2 roller and watering profusely for compaction 95% MDD (Modified Proctor Tesl) including cost 1 m3 1000.00
of fuel, lubricants, spares, maintenance,driver etc. all complete and accepted by the
Providing compacted sub-base course with well graded material of crushsd well burnt picked
jhama /1st class brick bats and sand (FM 0.8) with mixing proportion 2 :1 having compacted
thickness made as per specification including local handling, spreading uniformly to proper
grade camber and super elevation. packing, rolling propedy with 8 to 10 ton capacity power
3 driven road roller and watering properly for compaction of 100% MDD (slandard) blinding with 1 m3 1000.00
sand including cost of fuel, lubricants, spares, maintenance, driver etc. all complete and
accepted by the Engineer-in-charge.
Providing compacted water bound lnrcidrn basa courta wilh graded material of crushed well
burnt,picked jhama or first class bricks and bats (50 mm downgraded brick chips having LAA
value not exceeding 40%) including supplying of 12 mm downgraded chips made of same
quality bricks, having compacted thickness made as per specifications including local
handling and spreading unifomly to proper grade, camber and super elevation, hand packing
watering,dry rolling ,followed by wet rolling in layers of specified thickness wilh 8 to 10 ton
capacity power driven road roller to attain minimum soaked CBR of 80% or design CBR at
4 1 m3 10000.00
minimum degree of compaction of 98% of MDD (Modified Proctor), including supplying and
blinding with sand (F.M. 0.80) @ 0.012 m3 per sqm or as required etc. all complete as per
dircction of of the Engineer-in-charge. After adequate dry rolling. spreading of sand on the
surface, sprinkling of water and rolling is lo be continued untill all the voids are filled.
thickness of each layer should not days with supply of Gl wires, remove the shuttering of
ferrocement L-panel