BC With Plastic
BC With Plastic
BC With Plastic
Taking output = 191 Cum (450 tones.) Page 138, 139 of MoRT&H SDB
(A) Labour
Mate nos. 0.84 465.00 390.60
Mazdoor working with HMP, Mechanical broom, nos. 14.00 465.00 6510.00
paver, roller, asphalt cutter and assistance for setting
outlines, levels and layout of construction.
Skilled Mazdoor for checking line and levels. nos. 5.00 465.00 2325.00
Agency area allowence /MAA 0.00% 0.00
TOTAL 9225.60
(B) Machinery
Batch type HMP 75 tonne per hour hour 6.00 24268.16 145608.96
Mechanical Paver finisher @ 100 TPH hour 6.00 2518.88 15113.28
Generator 250 KVA hour 6.00 2072.00 12432.00
Front end loader 1 cum capacity hour 6.00 1843.52 11061.12
Tipper 10tonne capacity per t-km hour 450.00 8.00 0.00
Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 Tonnes for initial break hour 3.90 1314.60 5126.94
down rolling
Vibratory roller 8 Tonnes for inter mediate rolling hour 3.90 2861.80 11161.02
Finish rolling with 6-8 tonne smooth wheeled Tandem hour 3.90 1843.52 7189.73
TOTAL 207693.05
(C) Material
GradingII: 13 mm (Nominal Size)
i) Bitumen (60/70) @ 5.0% per cent of MT 22.50 28262.00 635895.00
weight of mix
ii) Waste Plastic @ 0.40% Per cent of MT 1.800 27000.00 48600.00
weight of Mix
iii) Aggregate
Total weight of mix = 450 tones
Weight of bitumen = 22.50 tones
Weight of aggregate = 450-22.50 = 427.5 tones
Taking density of aggregate = 1.5 ton/cum
Volume of aggregate = 285.0 cum
13.2 - 10 mm 30 per cent cum 85.50 1226.03 104825.57
10 - 5 mm 25 per cent cum 71.25 1091.66 77780.78
5 mm and below 43 per cent cum 122.55 1007.28 123442.16
Filler @ 2% weight of aggregates ( Stone Dust) cum 5.70 816.03 4651.37
( If Cement used it is 8.62Tonnes)
TOTAL 995194.88
(A + B +C) 1212113.53
(D) Over head charges @ 4.615% 4.615% 55939.04
(A + B + C + D) 1268052.57
(E) Contractor's profit @ 10 % 10.00% 126805.26
Rate per 1 cum Rs. 7302.92
Bituminous concrete
Providing and laying Bituminous concrete with 100- 120 TPH batch type HMP
producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates
of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder @ 5.4 to 5.6 % per cent of
mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a Mechanical paver
finisher to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled,
vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH
specification clause No. 509 complete in all respects, including overhead charges &
Contractors profit. but excluding Seig Charges, Labour Cess & GST etc,. Complete.
Taking output = 191 Cum (450 tones.) Page 138, 139 of MoRT&H SDB
(A) Labour
Mate nos. 0.84 465.00 390.60
Mazdoor working with HMP, Mechanical broom, nos. 14.00 465.00 6510.00
paver, roller, asphalt cutter and assistance for setting
outlines, levels and layout of construction.
Skilled Mazdoor for checking line and levels. nos. 5.00 465.00 2325.00
Agency area allowence /MAA 0.00% 0.00
TOTAL 9225.60
(B) Machinery
Batch type HMP 75 tonne per hour hour 6.00 24268.16 145608.96
Mechanical Paver finisher @ 100 TPH hour 6.00 2518.88 15113.28
Generator 250 KVA hour 6.00 2072.00 12432.00
Front end loader 1 cum capacity hour 6.00 1843.52 11061.12
Tipper 10tonne capacity per t-km hour 450.00 8.00 0.00
Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 Tonnes for initial break hour 3.90 1314.60 5126.94
down rolling
Vibratory roller 8 Tonnes for inter mediate rolling hour 3.90 2861.80 11161.02
Finish rolling with 6-8 tonne smooth wheeled tandem hour 3.90 1843.52 7189.73
TOTAL 207693.05
(C) Material
GradingII: 13 mm (Nominal Size)
i) Bitumen (60/70) @ 5.40% per cent of MT 24.30 28262.00 686766.60
weight of mix
ii) Aggregate
Total weight of mix = 450 tones
Weight of bitumen = 22.50 tones
Weight of aggregate = 450-22.50 = 427.5 tones
Taking density of aggregate = 1.5 ton/cum
Volume of aggregate = 285.0 cum
13.2 - 10 mm 30 per cent cum 85.50 1226.03 104825.57
10 - 5 mm 25 per cent cum 71.25 1091.66 77780.78
5 mm and below 43 per cent cum 122.55 1007.28 123442.16
Filler @ 2% weight of aggregates ( Stone Dust) cum 5.70 816.03 4651.37
( If Cement used it is 8.62Tonnes)
TOTAL 997466.48
(A + B +C) 1214385.13
(D) Over head charges @ 4.615% 4.615% 56043.87
(A + B + C + D) 1270429.00
(E) Contractor's profit @ 10 % 10.0% 127042.90
Rate per 1 cum Rs. 7316.61