Assessment Guide

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National Certificate: Generic Management

ID 59201 - Level 5 – Credits 162

Unit Standard: 252021

Formulate recommendations for a change process

 1
Learner Information (Please Complete this Section)
Name & Surname:
ID Number
Tel/Cellphone Number
Email Address
Assessor Name:
Tel/Cellphone Number:
Moderator Name:
Tel/Cellphone Number

I………………………………………………………………………………………… (Assessor) hereby declare
that the information contained in the attached documentation is, to my knowledge, correct and valid.
Learner Signature: Date: Assessor Signature: Date:

Moderator Signature Date

Assessment strategy

US ID US Title Level Credits

Target This Unit Standard is intended for managers in all economic sectors. These managers would typically be
Group second level managers such as heads of department, section heads or divisional heads, who may have
more than one team reporting to them.
Assessment Approach
Assessment is focused on the applied competence of the learner and the relevant unit standards determine
the assessment criteria.
Summative Assessment
This is a summative assessment and assesses candidates for the following skills program/unit standard:
Learners are rated “Competent" or "Not Yet Competent”.
Assessment Team and Conditions
The collection of evidence for the purposes of this assessment will take place in either the candidate’s home-based
environment or in the classroom. The candidate will be expected to manage basic personal finance as stipulated by
the Unit Standards specific outcomes, range statements and assessment criteria.
The assessment team consists of the following:
 Evidence Collection Facilitator
 Assessor
 Internal Moderator (20% of all portfolios are moderated)
 External Moderator (20% of portfolios are moderated)
Special Assessment Needs
Special needs are dealt with in the Assessment Preparation Interview. Should the candidate present any special
needs requests, the assessment will be adjusted, provided that the fairness, validity and making sure that the
reliability of the assessment are not compromised.
In addition the knowledge test may be administered as an oral interview or as a written test depending on the
confidence and language levels of the candidates.

Assessment process
Review this assessment guide to:
 Ensure that you understand all the requirements of the assessment in terms of evidence required to
prove competence.
 Validate the assessment instruments against the candidate’s context.
 Ensure that you have familiarised yourself with all the policies and procedures referred to in the
assessment guide.
Identify and prepare the candidate for the assessment by:
 Conducting the “Assessment Preparation Interview, Sheet” where all the details regarding the
assessment are discussed and agreed to by all parties. OR
 Provide the candidate with a letter detailing all the specifications covered in the “Assessment
Preparation Interview Sheet.”

Conduct Assessment
1. Review the assessment plan with the candidate.
2. Collect the evidence in accordance with the instrument requirements.
Please note that the checklist covers the following:
 Knowledge Questioning
 This assessment covers all the foundational competence as outlined by the specific outcomes,
range statements and assessment criteria in the unit standard and may be conducted as a written or oral
Gather, record and make judgments on all the evidence.

Make assessment Decision

1. Make assessment decision and discuss the results with the learner in a face-to-face interview.
2. Ensure that your feedback is developmental and supportive in nature.
3. Advise the candidate on what action to follow in the event of a “Not-Yet-Competent”.
4. Advise the candidate on what action to take where he/she feels the need to appeal your decision.
5. Allow the candidate time to provide you with feedback relevant to the process.
6. Ensure the candidate counter-signs the “Assessment Decision” to indicate his/her agreement to the
feedback and overall score.
7. Record the candidate’s feedback in this guide and ensure that it is provided to the person responsible for
the quality assurance of assessment tools.
8. Handle any disputes and identify matter that requires contingency planning.

Review the Assessment Process

Complete the “Assessment Review” documents and submit to the assessment co-coordinator.

Assessment Confirmation

Dear: (Candidate Name & Surname)
This serves as a confirmation that your “Assessment Preparation Interview” will be conducted on the
……………………………… (Date) at………………………………… (Venue)
We will discuss:
 The purpose of the assessment.
 The date, time and venue of your assessment.
 The context of the NQF.
 And select the Unit Standard against which you will be assessed.
 The credit value, level, of the unit standard against which you will be assessed.
 The assessment procedure.
 The assessment methods to be used in your assessment.
 How the evidence will be collected.
 What evidence you are required to present on the day, whether direct, historical or indirect.
 Your special requirements, whether medical or personal, that will affect the assessment procedure.
 And agree to feedback procedures.
 The moderation process.
 Appeals procedure.
 Agree to and sign the assessment plan.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any further queries.

Thank you

Assessment Preparation Interview Sheet

This assessment is a formative assessment and it is based on
the outlined skills program/unit standard/s: FORMULATE
Your assessment evidence for the skills program/unit
CHANGE PROCESS, and needs to be submitted on the
assigned due dates.
You will be assessed based on the outlined Unit Standards.
The assessment activities are linked to specific
outcomes/assessment criteria of the outlined Unit Standards.
To determine your competence level, the following are the
methods to be used for this assessment:
1. Knowledge questionnaire
2. Product Sampling
To be declared competent on the following skills
program/unit standard: FORMULATE
(formative assessment), you should have obtained at least
80% of the total mark of this assessment.
You will be provided with detailed feedback on your
performance of this assessment as follows:
1. Written Feedback
2. Verbal Feedback
Should you be declared “not yet competent” on this
assessment, you will be entitled for re-assessment
You will be required to re-submit evidence (only for areas)
you were declared not yet competent. A date for re-
submission will be agreed with the assessor.
You will be entitled to lodge an appeal should you not be
satisfied with the assessment decision of your assessment.
You will be required to provide the assessor feedback on
assessment procedure – this is to assist in improving the
assessment practices.
Your results of assessment and portfolio of evidence

information will not be provided to any person without your
written consent.


I…………………………………………………………………………………………….(Learner) herewith
declare that I am ready for the assessment, that we have reviewed the assessment preparation and plan, I
understand the assessment process and I am happy that the assessment will be conducted in a fair manner.
Learner Signature: Date: Assessor Signature: Date:

Appeals Application

Candidate Application Date

Assessor Assessment Date
Assessment Venue

Unit Standard against


What was the purpose of the


Explain how you were assessed?

List the reasons why you disagree with

the assessment decisions.

Which one of the following options could Another Assessor

resolve the matter? Different Assessment Instrument
Different Assessment Method
Different Venue for Assessment
Different Time
List any special needs you may have.
Candidate signature  Date
Moderator signature Date

Re-Assessment Policy
The following will apply with reference to the (Insert company name) re-assessment policy:
1. When a candidate has to undergo re-assessment, he/she will be given specific feedback and guidance so
as to concentrate on areas of weakness.
2. The onus is on the candidate to communicate with the assessor to inform him/her when he/she is ready
for assessment
3. The re-assessment will take place in the same/similar situation or context and under the same conditions
4. The same assessment methods and/or instruments may be used, but the task and materials will be
different but at the same level and complexity as the previous task
5. Re-assessment can take place a maximum of 2 times per candidate, per unit standard. Any further
reassessment must be discussed with clients so as to arrive at the best solution and advice for the
6. A maximum of 3 months will be allowed in between each re-assessment, unless otherwise discussed
between the parties
7. Guidance will be given to those candidates who are unsuccessful after 3 attempts, and possible and
more suitable learning avenues will be offered to learners. Costs will be discussed with the SETA and
client and any costs incurred will be at a learners’ cost.

Unit Standard Alignment

Assessment Matrix: US ID: 252021


Unit standard ID: 252021 Credits: 8
Level: 5

Unit standard range  The learner is required to apply the learning in respect of his/her own area of responsibility.
 Unit refers to the division, department or business unit in which the learner is responsible for managing and leading staff.
 Entity includes, but is not limited to, a company, business unit, public institution, small business, Non-Profit Organisation or Non-
Governmental Organisation

Media Aids, Assessment
Specific outcomes and Delivery Formative Formative Specific Outcome Date &
Resources Instruments
assessment criteria Methods Assessment activities Reference signature

P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS = Case Study

Formative Assessment Strategy Legend
W = Workplace Activity S = Self Assessment Checklist

O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play CS = Case

Summative Assessment Strategy Legend
Study T = Testimonial P = Project

Specific Outcome 1 Demonstrate knowledge of and insight into the need for change within the context of environment change. 

Outcome Range

AC1.1 Facilitation. Learner Q, W Activity 1 Summative Task 1 - Learner Guide:

The nature of change and Classroom Manual, Identifying Activity 2 11 p. 8 - 23

its impact on organisational discussion. Classroom Written question Activity 3
sustainability are explained equipment displaying data Workbook:
with reference to internal graphically p. 10 - 13
and external environmental
change affecting a specific

AC1. 2 Facilitation. Learner Q, W Activity 1 Summative Task 1 - Learner Guide:

The need for change is Classroom Manual, Identifying Activity 2 11 p. 8 - 23
motivated by identifying discussion. Classroom
Written question Activity 3
the benefits of change for a equipment Workbook:
displaying data
unit. p. 10 - 13

Media Aids, Assessment Specific
Specific outcomes and Formative Formative Date &
Delivery Methods Resources Instruments Outcome
assessment criteria Assessment activities signature
& Reference

P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS = Case Study W=

Formative Assessment Strategy Legend
Workplace Activity S = Self Assessment Checklist

Summative Assessment Strategy O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play CS = Case Study
Legend T = Testimonial P = Project

Specific Outcome 2 Analyse an area requiring the implementation of a change process.

Outcome Range

AC .2.1 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 4 Summative Task 1 Learner Guide:

The need for change in a unit Classroom Classroom equipment Identifying Activity 5 - 11 p. 24 - 38
of an entity is identified in discussion.
Written question Activity 6
terms of a desired state Workbook:
displaying data Activity 7
compared with the current p. 14 - 18

AC .2.2 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 4 Summative Task 1 Learner Guide:

The results of a SWOT or Classroom Classroom equipment Identifying Activity 5 - 11 p. 24 - 38
other suitable analysis are discussion.
Written question Activity 6
presented to substantiate the

argument in favour of a displaying data Activity 7 Workbook:
change process. graphically p. 14 - 18

Media Aids, Assessment Specific
Specific outcomes and Formative Formative Date &
Delivery Methods Resources Instruments Outcome
assessment criteria Assessment activities signature
& Reference

P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS = Case Study W=

Formative Assessment Strategy Legend
Workplace Activity S = Self Assessment Checklist

Summative Assessment Strategy O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play CS = Case Study
Legend T = Testimonial P = Project

Specific Outcome 3 Select a model for implementing a change management process. 

Outcome Range

AC 3.1 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 8 Summative Task 1 Learner Guide:
The characteristics of two Classroom Classroom equipment Identifying Activity 9 - 11 p. 39 - 46
change models are described discussion.
Written question
with reference to their Workbook:
displaying data
appropriateness for different p. 19 - 21
change processes. 

AC 3.2 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 8 Summative Task 1 Learner Guide:

The reasons for selecting the Classroom Classroom equipment Identifying Activity 9 - 11 p. 39 - 46
model are described with discussion.
Written question
reference to the findings of Workbook:
displaying data
the analysis.  p. 19 - 21

Media Aids, Assessment Specific
Specific outcomes and Formative Formative Date &
Delivery Methods Resources Instruments Outcome
assessment criteria Assessment activities signature
& Reference

P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS = Case Study W=

Formative Assessment Strategy Legend
Workplace Activity S = Self Assessment Checklist

Summative Assessment Strategy O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play CS = Case Study
Legend T = Testimonial P = Project

Specific Outcome 4 Formulate recommendations on implementing the change process.

Outcome Range

AC 4.1 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 10 Summative Task 1 Learner Guide:

The change management plan Classroom Classroom equipment Identifying Activity 11 - 11 p. 47 - 54
presented describes the discussion.
Written question
changes to be implemented in Workbook:
displaying data
relation to the needs p. 22 - 24
identified in the SWOT

AC 4.2 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 10 Summative Task 1 Learner Guide:

The actions proposed for Classroom Classroom equipment Identifying Activity 11 p. 47 - 54

managing the anticipated discussion. Written question - 11
human responses to the displaying data Workbook:
change process are graphically p. 22 - 24
appropriate to the findings of
the SWOT analysis. 

AC 4.3 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 10 Summative Task 1 Learner Guide:

The role and competencies of Classroom Classroom equipment Identifying Activity 11 - 11 p. 47 - 54
the change leader responsible discussion.
Written question
for facilitating the dynamics Workbook:
displaying data
of the change process are p. 22 - 24
motivated in relation to the
proposed change process.

Critical cross-field

UNIT STANDARD The learner is able to identify and solve problems in which responses show that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have
CCFO IDENTIFYING been made in relation to the recommendations made for change process for a unit.

UNIT STANDARD The learner is able to work as a member of a team in promoting a change process in a unit.

UNIT STANDARD The learner is able to organise and manage him/herself and his/her activities responsibly and relation to the recommended change process for a

UNIT STANDARD The learner is able to collect, organise and critically evaluate information in applying this information in formulating recommendations on a
CCFO COLLECTING change process for a unit. 

UNIT STANDARD The learner is able to communicate effectively using visual, mathematics and language skills in the modes of oral and/or written presentations in
CCFO formulating recommendations on a change process for a unit. 

UNIT STANDARD The learner is able to demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem-solving contexts do not

DEMONSTRATING exist in isolation in applying knowledge of and insight into the complexity of change processes. 


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