Educ8 Activity1

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Name: Mary Ann Andes Caruruan

Answer the following question comprehensively.

1. How would you define sociology to someone who knows nothing about it?
- Sociology is a social science that investigates human interactions in groups of individuals
ranging from small and personal groups to very big groups where they discuss similar
cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.
2. What is the sociological imagination? Illustrate your definition with an example.


Example of sociological
Sociological imagination: A person's
imagination habit of drinking coffee
comprehends what every day at a given
we accomplish in our hour is one that he
regular lifestyle cannot break because it
routines. is what he used to do.

3. What are the benefits of studying sociology?

- Social interaction is significantly simpler when studying sociology. And Sociologists are
knowledgeable about social issues and how to handle them because they are conscious of
the implications
4. Describe the differences between micro-level and macro-level theories. Illustrate your point with

Micro level theory only Macro level theory deals

deals with the number of with a group of individuals
people involved. or a whole society.

If you have issue with your
You have an issue with your
classmate and didn't
classmate you can interact
resolve, you can coordinate
with her/him to solve your
to your guidance councilor
to fix your problem.

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