Phase Rule Class 2ND Sem Notes
Phase Rule Class 2ND Sem Notes
Phase Rule Class 2ND Sem Notes
The phase Rule is an important generalization dealing with the behaviour of heterogeneous
systems. In general it may be said that with the application of phase rule it is possible to predict
qualitatively by means of a diagram the effect of changingpressure, temperature and concentration on
a heterogeneous system in equilibrium. This relationship governing all heterogeneous equilibria
was first discovered as early as 1874 by an American physicist Willard Gibbs. Gibb’s Phase Rule is
free from flaws and limitations which are a common feature of all other generalizations of Physical
Chemistry based on hypothetical assumptions as to the nature of the constitution of matter. It maybe
stated mathematically as follows :
F = C–P+2
where F is the number of degrees of freedom, C is the number ofcomponents and P is the number of
phases of the system. The terms ‘phase’, ‘component’, and ‘degree of freedom’ involved in the
statement of the Phase Rule have a special significance and aclear understanding of these terms is
essential before we proceedfurther with the subject.
A phase may be defined as : any homogeneous part of a system having all physical and chemical
properties the same throughout. A system may consist of one phase or more than one phases.
(3) A system containing liquid water, water vapour and solid ice is a three-phase or 3-phase
A system consisting of one phase only is called a homogeneous system.
Let us consider a few examples to understand the meaning of the term phase as encountered in
phase rule.
(1) Pure substances. A pure substance (solid, liquid, or gas) made of one chemical species
only, is considered as one phase. Thus oxygen (O2), benzene (C6H6), and ice (H2O) are all 1-phase
systems. It must be remembered that a phase may or may not be continuous. Thus, whether ice is
present in one block or many pieces, it is considered one phase.
(2) Mixtures of gases. All gases mix freely to form homogeneous mixtures. Therefore any
mixture of gases, say O2 and N2, is a 1-phase system.
(3) Miscible liquids. Two completely miscible liquids yield a uniform solution. Thus a solution
of ethanol and water is a 1-phase system.
(4) Non-miscible liquids. A mixture of two non-miscible liquids on standing forms two separate
layers. Hence a mixture of chloroform (CHCl3) and water constitutes a 2-phase system.
(5) Aqueous solutions. An aqueous solution of a solid substance such as sodium chloride
(orsugar) is uniform throughout. Therefore it is a 1-phase system.
However, a saturated solution of sodium chloride in contact with excess solid sodium chloride is
a 2-phase system.
(6) Mixtures of solids. (i) By definition, a phase must have throughout the same physical and
chemical properties. Ordinary sulphur as it occurs in nature is a mixture of monoclinic and rhombic
sulphur. These allotropes of sulphur consist of the same chemical species but differ in physical
properties. Thus mixture of two allotropes is a 2-phase system.
(ii) A mixture of two or more chemical substances contains as many phases. Each of these
substances having different physical and chemical properties makes a separate phase. Thus a mixture
of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and calcium oxide (CaO) constitutes two phases.
Let us consider the equilibrium system : the Decomposition of Calcium carbonate. When calcium
carbonate is heated in a closed vessel, we have
— —~
CaCO3 v — CaO + CO2
(4) Decomposition of Calcium carbonate. When calcium carbonate is heated in a closed vessel,
the following equilibrium system results.
CaCO3 — —~
v — CaO + CO 2
(5) Dissociation of Ammonium chloride. Ammonium chloride when heated in a closed vessel
exists in equilibrium with the products of dissociation, ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen chloride gas
NH4Cl — —~
v — NH3 + HCl
(solid) (gas) (gas)
The system consists of two phase, namely, solid NH4Cl and the gaseous mixture containing NH3
and HCl. The constituents of the mixture are present in the same proportion in which they are
combined in solid NH4Cl. The composition of both the phase can, therefore, be expressed in terms of
the same chemical individual NH4Cl.
Phase Components
Solid = NH4Cl
Gaseous = x NH3 + x HCl or x NH4Cl
(1) For a pure gas, F = 2. For a given sample of any pure gas PV = RT. If the values of pressure
(P) and temperature (T) be specified, volume (V) can have only one definite value, or that the volume
(the third variable) is fixed automatically. Any other sample of the gas under the same pressure and
temperature as specified above, will be identical with the first one. Hence a system containing a pure
gas has two degrees of freedom (F = 2).
(2) For a mixture of gases, F = 3. A system containing a mixture of two or more gases is
completely defined when its composition, temperature and pressure are specified. If pressure and
temperature only are specified, the third variable i.e., composition could be varied. Since it is necessary
to specify three variables to define the system completely, a mixture of gases has three degrees of
freedom (F = 3).
(3) For water : water vapour, F = 1. The system water in equilibrium with water vapour, has
two variables temperature and pressure. At a definite temperature the vapour pressure of water
canhave only one fixed value. Thus if one variable (temperature or pressure) is specified, the other
is fixed automatically. Hence the system water has one degree of freedom (F = 1).
(4) For saturated NaCl solution, F = 1. The saturated solution of sodium chloride in equilibrium
with solid sodium chloride and water vapour.
NaCl — —~
v — NaCl-solution — —~
v — water vapour
Thus the system is completely defined if we specify temperature only. The other two variables
i.e,. the composition of NaCl-solution (solubility) and vapour pressure have a definite value at a
fixed temperature. Hence the system has one degree of freedom.
(5) For ice-water-vapour system, F = 0. In the system ice : water : vapour, the three phases
coexist at the freezing point of water. Since the freezing temperature of water has a fixed value,
thevapour pressure of water has also a definite value. The system has two variables (temperature
and pressure) and both these are already fixed. Thus the system is completely defined
automatically, there being no need to specify any variable. Hence it has no degree of freedom (F =
A phase diagram is a plot showing the conditions of pressure and temperature under which two or
more physical states can exist together in a state of dynamic equilibrium. Fig. 19.1 is a typical phase
diagram for a one-component system. The diagram consists of : (a) the Regions or Areas;
F = 1–1+2=2
i.e., each single phase has two degrees of freedom
Triple point
Figure 19.1
Thus each area of phase diagram represents a bivariant system. At conditions wholly within
one of the three areas, both the variables (pressure and temperature) can be varied independently
without causing a change in the state of equilibrium. Therefore in order to define the condition of the
phase both pressure and temperature must be stated.
(2) Lines or Curves
There are three lines or curves separating the regions or areas. These curves show the conditions
of equilibrium between any two of the three phases i.e., solid/liquid, liquid/vapour, solid/vapour.
(a) Solid/liquid line (OC) which represents the equilibrium Solid : Liquid, is referred to as the
Melting curve or Fusion curve.
(b) Liquid/vapour line (OA) which represents the equilibrium Liquid : Vapour, is referred to as
the Vapour Pressure curve or Vaporisation curve for the liquid.
(c) Solid/vapour line (OB), which represents the equilibrium Solid : Vapour, is referred to as
the Sublimation curve.
Applying phase rule to a one-component two-phase system.
F = C–P+2=1–2 +2=1
Thus phase rule predicts that the two phase equilibria stated above will have one degree of
freedom. Along any of three lines on the phase diagram when one variable (pressure or temperature)
is specified, the other is fixed automatically.
3) Triple Point
The three boundary lines enclosing the three areas on the phase diagram intersect at a common
point called the Triple point. A triple point shows the conditions under which all the three phases
(solid, liquid, vapour) can coexist in equilibrium. Thus the system at the triple point may be represented
as :
Solid Liquid Vapour
Applying the phase rule equation, we have
which predicts that the system has no degree of freedom.
At the triple point both pressure and temperature on the diagram are fixed and, therefore, the
system is nonvariant. This implies that if we try to change temperature or pressure, the equilibrium
will be disturbed. For example, if we lower the pressure on the system, all the liquid will vaporise,
leaving only two phases.
In case of water system, the temperature and pressure for the triple point are 0.0076º and 4.58 mm
Hg respectively.