Sampling Guide For Air Contaminants in The Workplace

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Chemical and Biological Hazards Prevention

Studies and
Research Projects

Sampling Guide
for Air Contaminants
in the Workplace
8th edition, version 8.1 updated

Daniel Drolet
Guylaine Beauchamp
The Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST),
established in Québec since 1980, is a scientific research organization well-known
for the quality of its work and the expertise of its personnel.

is working for you !
To contribute, through research, to the prevention
of industrial accidents and occupational diseases and
to the rehabilitation of affected workers;

To disseminate knowledge and serve as a scientific

reference centre and expert;

To provide the laboratory services and expertise

required to support the public occupational health
and safety network.

Funded by the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité

du travail, the IRSST has a board of directors made up
of an equal number of employer and worker representatives.

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Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
ISBN: 978-2-89631-692-2 (PDF)
ISSN: 0820-8395

IRSST – Communications and Knowledge

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© Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé
en santé et en sécurité du travail,
September 2013
Chemical and Biological Hazards Prevention

Studies and
Research Projects

Sampling Guide
for Air Contaminants
in the Workplace
8th edition, version 8.1 updated

Daniel Drolet
The IRSST makes no guarantee as to Chemical and Biological Hazards Prevention, IRSST
the accuracy, reliability or completeness
of the information in this document. Guylaine Beauchamp
Under no circumstances may the IRSST Laboratory Division, IRSST
be held liable for any physical or
psychological injury or material damage
resulting from the use of this information.
Document content is protected
by Canadian intellectual property

A PDF version of this publication

is available on the IRSST Web site.

This study was funded by the IRSST. The conclusions and recommendations are solely those of the authors.
This publication is a translation of the French original; only the original version (T-06) is authoritative.
In compliance with IRSST policy, the research results
published in this document have been peer-reviewed.
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace i

This version of the Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace was produced under the
direction of Daniel Drolet of the Chemical and Biological Hazards Prevention team and Guylaine
Beauchamp of the Laboratory Division (LD) team at the IRSST.
The following people collaborated in some manner in the writing of this document: Simon Aubin, Marc
Baril, Guylaine Beauchamp, Marie-Claude Barrette, Yves Beaudet, Yves Cloutier, Chantal Dion, Daniel
Drolet, Nicole Goyer, Rodrigue Gravel, Mireille Lacharité, Pierre Larivière, Jacques Lavoie, Louis
Lazure, François Lemay, Carole Leroux, Jacques Lesage, Claude Létourneau, Geneviève Marchand,
Claude Ostiguy, Thierry Petitjean Roget, Guy Perrault and Brigitte Roberge.

English translation
Helen Fleischauer

IRSST Web site

This document is available at the following address:

The content of the tables in Part 3 is also available in

the form of individual substance data sheets with a
search tool:
• By substance:
• By CAS number:

Version 8.1 of this guide is essentially an update of certain technical aspects that may have changed since
its publication in 2005. In the same way, the Regulation respecting occupational health and safety in
mines and documents now available on the Internet have been added to the "reference" section. Since this
guide is used daily by many occupational hygiene practitioners in Québec, an update became necessary
for reasons related to the nature of the operations of the IRSST's Laboratory Division.
Use of the data included in this publication as well as the application of these methods and techniques is at
the user's own risk: the IRSST is not responsible for any errors or damage resulting from such use or
application. The hyperlinks found in this document were validated at the time of its publication.
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace iii

Table of Contents
Preamble ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Content of the document ........................................................................................................................... 1
Regulated guides .............................................................................................................................. 1
Non-regulated guides ........................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1

Part 1: Sampling strategy .....................................................................................................3

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Description of the sampling strategy .................................................................................................. 3
1.1.1 Potential exposure to contaminants........................................................................................ 3
1.1.2 Collecting information about the workplace ............................................................................ 5
1.1.3 Preliminary evaluation of the exposure................................................................................... 5
1.1.4 Studying available and relevant data ...................................................................................... 5
1.1.5 Detailed evaluation of the exposure ....................................................................................... 5 Statistical support.................................................................................................................... 6 Basic elements of the statistical treatment .............................................................................. 6 Confidence limits .................................................................................................................... 8 Decision whether the reference value has been exceeded or not ............................................ 9 Selecting exposed workers .................................................................................................... 10 Selecting representative exposure conditions ....................................................................... 11
1.1.6 Frequency of environmental monitoring ............................................................................... 12
1.2 Examples of calculation of the mean daily exposure (MDE), the R m , and the excursion limit.......... 13
1.2.1 Weighting of the exposure by work shift ............................................................................... 13
1.2.2 Application of the excursion limit .......................................................................................... 15

Part 2: Sampling equipment and techniques ......................................................................17

2.1 Concentration units for PEVs in the ROHS (ppm and mg/m³) ......................................................... 17
2.2 Gases and vapours.......................................................................................................................... 18
2.2.1 Electronic direct-reading instruments ................................................................................... 18
2.2.2 Colorimetric direct-reading devices ...................................................................................... 21
2.2.3 Sampling media .................................................................................................................... 21 Adsorbent tubes .................................................................................................................... 21 Passive dosimeters ................................................................................................................ 22 Impingers .............................................................................................................................. 22 Sampling bags ....................................................................................................................... 23 Special cases of reactive substances ..................................................................................... 23 Blank sample ........................................................................................................................ 24
2.3 Aerosols........................................................................................................................................... 24
2.3.1 General definitions ................................................................................................................ 24 Solid aerosols (dusts and fumes)........................................................................................... 24 Liquid aerosols...................................................................................................................... 24
2.3.2 Experimental definitions ........................................................................................................ 24 Inhalable fraction .................................................................................................................. 25 Thoracic fraction ................................................................................................................... 25 Respirable fraction (respirable dusts) ................................................................................... 25 Total dust .............................................................................................................................. 26
2.3.3 Evaluation methods .............................................................................................................. 26 Sampling devices .................................................................................................................. 26 Selective devices ................................................................................................................... 27
iv IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace Direct-reading instruments ................................................................................................... 28

2.4 Compressed breathing air................................................................................................................ 28
2.5 Microorganisms (bioaerosols) .......................................................................................................... 28
2.5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 28
2.5.2 Air sampling .......................................................................................................................... 29
2.5.3 Surface sampling .................................................................................................................. 30
2.5.4 Specific considerations ......................................................................................................... 31
2.5.5 Analytical methods ................................................................................................................ 31
2.6 Samples originating from a bulk....................................................................................................... 31
2.6.1 As a reference product .......................................................................................................... 31
2.6.2 Composition analysis ............................................................................................................ 31 Liquids .................................................................................................................................. 31 Bulk samples, sedimented dusts or materials ....................................................................... 32
2.6.3 Surface test ........................................................................................................................... 32
2.6.4 Granulometric analysis of dusts ............................................................................................ 32
2.7 Description of the sampling systems ............................................................................................... 33
2.7.1 Sampling pumps ................................................................................................................... 33 Personal pumps..................................................................................................................... 33 Very high flow pumps .......................................................................................................... 33
2.7.2 Flow meters and flow measurement ..................................................................................... 33 Bubble flow meter or piston flow meter ............................................................................... 35 Rotameter ............................................................................................................................. 35 Mass flow meter ................................................................................................................... 36 Corrections for variations in temperature and/or pressure .................................................... 36
2.7.3 Flow rate calibration on the sampling site............................................................................. 37
2.7.4 Calibration outside the sampling site .................................................................................... 37

Part 3: Contaminant sampling and analysis ....................................................................... 38

Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 38
3.1 Specific considerations for the analytical laboratory ........................................................................ 38
3.2 Table of substances in the ROHS and the substances analyzed by the IRSST .............................. 38
3.3 Description of table column titles ..................................................................................................... 39
3.4 Sampling parameters and analytical limitations ............................................................................... 40
3.5 Note regarding simple asphyxiants .................................................................................................. 40

References ........................................................................................................................ 137

Appendix 1: Sampling equipment ...................................................................................... 139
List of collecting media available at the IRSST ...................................................................................... 139

Appendix 2: Table of acronyms of the analytical principles ............................................... 142

IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace v

List of Figures
Figure 1- Decision flowchart for exposure evaluation ............................................................................................. 4
Figure 2- Normal distribution .................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 3- Lognormal distribution ............................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 4- Normal distribution of a series of 8-hour samples ................................................................................... 9
Figure 5- Illustration of the lower and upper confidence limits ............................................................................... 9
Figure 6- Classification using one-sided confidence limits .................................................................................... 10
Figure 7- Types of samples for characterizing an 8-hour exposure (TWAEV) ...................................................... 13
Figure 8- Example of excursion limit being exceeded with total time .................................................................... 16
Figure 9- Example of excursion limit being exceeded by increase in concentration.............................................. 16
Figure 10- Sampling train for microorganisms ...................................................................................................... 29
Figure 11- Calibration of a sampling train ............................................................................................................ 34
Figure 12- Calibration with a cyclone ................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 13- Summary of the flow rate correction process on the sampling site ...................................................... 37

List of Tables
Table 1- Selection tables for workers in a similar exposure group ........................................................................ 11
Table 2- Evaluation of the exposure of worker Y ................................................................................................... 14
Table 3- Exposure of a worker to a mixture of solvents ......................................................................................... 15
Table 4- Direct-reading instruments available at the IRSST .................................................................................. 20
Table 5- Temperature range for the use of some personal pumps .......................................................................... 33
Table 6- Utilization temperature intervals of some flow meters ............................................................................. 35
Table 7- Reference pressures and temperatures used by manufacturers for certain rotameters ........................... 36
Table 8- Reference pressures and temperatures used by manufacturers for some mass flow meters .................... 36
vi IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

List of Equations
Equation 1: Normalized concentration (ratio of the measured concentration and the reference value) ................ 7
Equation 2: Arithmetic mean ................................................................................................................................... 7
Equation 3: Standard deviation (s).......................................................................................................................... 8
Equation 4: The coefficient of variation (represents the standard deviation relating to the mean of a series of
measurements).......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Equation 5: Geometric mean (G.M.) ....................................................................................................................... 8
Equation 6: Geometric standard deviation (s) ........................................................................................................ 8
Equation 7: Total coefficient of variation................................................................................................................ 8
Equation 8: Lower confidence limit ........................................................................................................................ 9
Equation 9: Upper confidence limit ........................................................................................................................ 9
Equation 10: Calculating the MDE (mg/m3 or ppm) ............................................................................................. 13
Equation 11: Calculating the R m (sum of the fractions of the mixture) ................................................................. 14
Equation 12: Conversion of ppm PT to ppm NTP ...................................................................................................... 18
Equation 13: Collection efficiency of inhalable dust sampler E i .......................................................................... 25
Equation 14: Collection efficiency of a thoracic dust sampler E t ......................................................................... 25
Equation 15: Collection efficiency of a respirable dust sampler E r ..................................................................... 26
Equation 16: Flow correction in relation to the water vapour pressure ............................................................... 35
Equation 17: Flow correction in relation to the pressure and temperature (rotameter)....................................... 36
Equation 18: Flow correction in relation to the pressure and temperature (mass flow meter) ............................ 36
Equation 19: Perfect gas equation ........................................................................................................................ 37
Equation 20: Perfect gas equation with substitution of the volume by the flow rate ............................................. 37
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 1

This IRSST technical guide assumes that the user is free to choose the objectives of his interventions and the
means of achieving these objectives. The guide helps the user to obtain scientific and technical data whose
accuracy (exactness) and reliability (precision) are known in relation to a reference value. The quality required
in achieving an intervention's objectives must be determined by the people in charge of the intervention.

Content 1 of the document

Regulated guides
• Part 1: Sampling strategy
• Table entitled "Table of substances in the ROHS" in Part 3 Contaminant Sampling (pages 41 to 132,
printed on green paper).

Non-regulated guides
• Part 2: Sampling instruments and techniques
• Table entitled "Non-regulated substances analyzed by the IRSST" in Part 3 Contaminant Sampling
(pages 133 to 136, printed on yellow paper).

The purpose of the Act respecting occupational health and safety (1) is to eliminate at source, dangers to the
health, safety and physical well-being of workers. To meet these objectives, this guide describes the methods
for quantifying the degree of exposure of workers in order to implement appropriate means of control.
Permissible exposure values (PEVs) for chemical substances have been included in Schedule I of the
Regulation respecting occupational health and safety (2) (ROHS) and also in the Regulation respecting
occupational health and safety in mines (3) (ROHSM). Section 44 of the ROHS entitled "Methods" specifies
"These dusts, gases, fumes, vapours and mists found in the workplace environment shall be
sampled and analyzed to obtain an accuracy equivalent to that obtained by applying the methods
described in the Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace published by the Institut
de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et sécurité du travail du Québec."

Section 44 of the ROHS and section 103.1 of the ROHSM specify that:
"The sampling strategy for these contaminants shall be carried out in accordance with common
practices in industrial hygiene as summarized in this guide."

To help occupational health and safety practitioners, the IRSST publishes, periodically revises, and
disseminates the Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace. This guide includes a first section
on the sampling strategy. The second part describes concisely the different evaluation techniques that can be
used in an occupational hygiene procedure based on the nature of the substances: gases and vapours or
aerosols. It is important to note that some of these techniques are exploratory and are not standard IRSST
methods. Also, evaluation techniques are given for microorganisms even though they are not regulated in
Québec. This part also contains information on the analysis of bulk samples and on the calibration of the
sampling system. The third part specifies the sampling and analytical methods for each of the substances
listed in Schedule I of the ROHS. It also contains information on the sampling and analysis of a limited

Consult the IRSST's Web site for the most recent update of the sampling guide
2 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

number of non-regulated substances, but still offered in the framework of the analytical services of the
IRSST's laboratories.
Other guides available and published by the IRSST
• Guide for the Adjustment of Permissible Exposure Values (PEVs) for Unusual Work Schedules (4).
This guide describes the process for reducing time-weighted average exposure values (TWAEV)
according to the substances in Schedule I and the type of work schedule. This guide must be used
together with the present document.
• Guide de surveillance biologique-Prélèvement et interprétation des résultats (5) (in French only).
Biological monitoring is used to document workers' exposure by measuring the contaminant,
metabolites or any other parameter in a biological matrix. It is used in a preventive context and may
constitute a procedure complementary to the environmental monitoring described in this guide.
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 3

Part 1: Sampling strategy

This section on sampling strategy is based on American (6) and European (7) procedures, condensed and
adapted to the context of the Québec occupational health and safety network. It reminds users that a
representative result is obtained by using a realistic strategy, adapted to the objectives of an intervention and
backed up by appropriate statistical treatment. All of the steps must be subject to a quality assurance program,
and certain steps to a quality control program.
Whether the objectives are preventive ones, such as those pursued by most occupational health professionals,
or compliance with the ROHS or ROHSM as formulated by the inspection network of the Commission de la
santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST, Quebec occupational health and safety board), the objective of the
proposed strategy is to verify contaminant concentration levels in relation to reference values. These values
are either time-weighted average exposure values (TWAEVs), adjusted mean exposure values (AMEVs),
short-term exposure values (STEVs), ceiling values and excursion limits established by the ROHS, or simply
reference values adopted as guidelines for preventive or corrective action. For example, professional
organizations such as the ACGIH® (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists),
governmental agencies, or other different sources propose reference values. In this chapter, we will use the
term "reference value" to cover all of these target values.
This strategy does not apply directly to epidemiological or toxicological studies. It applies to actions such as
preventive reassignment, work refusal, complaints, and the setting up of a health program specific to the
establishments only if one of the intervention's objectives can be linked to the verification of the concentration
levels of one or more contaminants in relation to a reference value.

1.1 Description of the sampling strategy

Before beginning to evaluate a work environment, it is important that the objectives of the intervention be
properly defined and that a rational procedure be followed. The decision flowchart in Figure 1 presents the
logical sequence of an intervention whose objective is to measure the exposure of workers to contaminants
present in their workplace. In the context of this Sampling Guide, exposure evaluation consists of comparing
the concentrations of the contaminant or contaminants to which the worker may be exposed to reference

1.1.1 Potential exposure to contaminants

The first step  in evaluating a workplace is to identify potential exposures to contaminants. This
identification is done through consultation or by preparing a list of all contaminants, substances and reagents
that could contribute to the worker's exposure. This list includes, depending on the case, the starting materials,
the impurities, the intermediates, the final products, and the by-products. In the Québec context, the consulting
of safety data sheets, made mandatory by the implementation of the Workplace Hazardous Materials
Information System (WHMIS), can make the documentation work easier up to a certain point. PEVs, or in
their absence, reference values, are collected for each of the contaminants. As in several subsequent steps, the
decision leading to the end of the specific intervention process initiates a series of actions that depends on the
organizational context of the occupational health practitioner, such as the preparation of a report.
4 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

Is there potential exposure

No to contaminants?  Yes Collecting information about the workplace 

Preliminary evaluation of the exposure 

Can the possible presence of air

Yes contaminants be eliminated?

Studying available and relevant data 

Can the possible presence of air

contaminants be eliminated?
Detailed evaluation of the exposure 
No - selection of exposed workers
- representative exposure conditions
- statistical support

Exposure value > Reference value (RV)?

No Yes

Exposure value much lower than the RV

and remains so for a long time? 

Analyzing the problem
Establishing the frequency of environmental follow-up  - Training and informing workers and
No - Implementing temporary control measures
(protective equipment)
Periodic evaluation > RV? - Planning, developing and implementing
Yes permanent corrective measures

Exposure value much lower than the RV

Yes and remains so for a long time?
Repeating the process

End of process

Figure 1- Decision flowchart for exposure evaluation

IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 5

1.1.2 Collecting information about the workplace

The second step  involves collecting information about the processes and procedures in order to evaluate
the potential exposure to the identified contaminants. The purpose of this step is to generally describe the
following aspects:
• the tasks;
• the work organization;
• the process(es);
• the workplace layout;
• the safety methods and procedures;
• the emission sources;
• the ventilation and other means of control at source;
• the duration of exposure.
The health and safety records available in the establishment or at the government's OHS point of service
should be consulted to orient the intervention and to avoid unnecessary duplication.

1.1.3 Preliminary evaluation of the exposure

The third step , the preliminary evaluation of the exposure, tries to find a link between potential exposures
and the information about the workplace in order to attempt to establish the likelihood of an exposure. This
step takes into account the process parameters or the work methods that may result in the contaminant being
emitted into the worker's environment. For the process, these parameters are:
• the location and characteristics of each source;
• the number of emission sources;
• the emission rates for each source;
• the dispersion of the contaminant by air currents;
• the nature and effectiveness of the control measures (ventilation or elimination at source).

Most of the time, the parameters to consider in task execution are:

• The proximity of the worker to the emission sources;
• The time that the worker spends near the emission sources;
• The methods that may cause or increase the emissions.

Rapid qualitative evaluation methods can detect the presence or absence of a contaminant. Detector tubes,
even though they are not very selective or precise, provide interesting information about the presence and
relative concentrations of several contaminants. Direct-reading instruments are very useful tools at this step.

1.1.4 Studying available and relevant data

If the preliminary evaluation concludes that a contaminant is possibly present in the air, quantitative
information about potential exposures must be collected.
This quantitative information is obtained in the fourth step  by studying the available and relevant data
originating from results collected previously in the worker's environment, in similar facilities and processes,
or calculated from satisfactory data, hypotheses or assumptions. If, in studying this data, it is impossible to
compare the exposure to reference values, a detailed evaluation of the exposure must be carried out.

1.1.5 Detailed evaluation of the exposure

A detailed evaluation of the exposure  requires a statistically-supported rigorous approach to ensure that
the sampling is representative and that the results are correctly interpreted. However, with a concern for
efficiency and optimization of resource use, but without sacrificing scientific objectivity, the requirements
6 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

of the detailed exposure evaluation can be adapted to the results of the comparison of the concentration
measurements to the reference values. In fact, when objective data indicate that an exposure is clearly
above or below reference values, the analytical and statistical requirements may become less restrictive
and allow the use of techniques that are easy to apply, even though a statistically acceptable degree of
precision and accuracy is lost. Measurement strategies (maximum exposure scenario) can also be adopted,
namely at a workstation where a worker seems more likely to be exposed than his coworkers, or sampling
near the emission sources, or other relative exposure evaluation techniques. In these cases, exposure
evaluation does not require additional efforts because the exposure is clearly above or below the reference
values. Priority must then be given, depending on the case, to correcting or evaluating exposures that are
more likely to involve a risk to worker health. However, the interpretation and dissemination of these
extreme results in relation to a reference value requires particular effort.
In other cases, where the exposure evaluation is of the same order of magnitude as the reference value, where
the objective of the evaluation (complaints, compensation file, etc.) requires the maximum possible scientific
rigour, it is then imperative that all the refinement of the scientific process be applied in selecting the workers,
in selecting representative exposure conditions, and in the use of the statistical support. Statistical support

All exposure evaluation measurements involve a certain variability that depends on the fluctuations in the
concentration in the workplace and the errors related to the sampling and analytical techniques. Evaluations of
the exposure of a worker or a group of workers are, as a result, experimental values that must be described in
statistical terms. Quality assurance programs are implemented to improve the quality of the exposure
evaluation processes and to characterize the statistical limits of the results in order to properly establish the
significance of the comparison to a reference value. As needed, confirmation that the reference value has been
exceeded, using the results of the evaluations of the exposure to a given contaminant is based on a
determination of the confidence limits. Basic elements of the statistical treatment

■ Variations
The main sources of variation that affect the estimation of worker exposure are of two types: random errors
and systematic errors. Random errors are sometimes called statistical errors because they can be quantified by
statistical analysis. They can be due to the imprecision of the analytical and sampling methods as well as the
unexpected variations in the concentrations from hour to hour or from day to day. Systematic errors can be
corrected when they are detected using stringent quality assurance programs. They are due to instrumental
factors as well as to human error. They cannot be statistically quantified. To better understand the subtle
differences between these two types of errors, here are a few examples.
Random errors include:
• fluctuation in pump flow rates;
• certain analytical method errors;
• daily fluctuations in contaminant concentrations;
• fluctuations in contaminant concentrations from one day to the next.

Some examples of systematic errors are:

• incorrect calibration or use of the instruments;
• errors in the recording of measurement results due to instrument disadjustment;
• sudden reductions in efficiency or breakdown in the ventilation equipment;
• changes in ambient conditions due to defects or to operating conditions different from usual conditions.

Random errors cannot be foreseen but may be quantified and controlled to a certain extent by applying
stringent quality assurance programs.
A series of environmental measurements used to characterize an ambient exposure or concentration can
generally be represented in two ways, either as a normal distribution (Figure 2) or a lognormal distribution
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 7

(Figure 3). It is important to determine the type of distribution that exists in the workplaces in question.
x = Arithmetic Mean

Number of samples
0,82 0,87 0,92 0,97 1,02 1,07 1,12 1,17

x normalized concentration

Figure 2- Normal distribution

Figure 3- Lognormal distribution

The fluctuating nature of concentrations and the length of the measurement period p(long or short) for a
sample are some factors that will affect the type of distribution of a series of measurements.
The results of grab samples (short duration), the 8-hour exposure of a worker from one day to the next, and
the 8-hour exposure of a group of workers performing the same task generally have a lognormal distribution.
However, a series of analytical measurements carried out on the same sample and a series of calibration
results using the same standard will tend to have a normal distribution.
■ Parameters of a normal distribution
The parameters describing a normal distribution are presented below. For easier result interpretation and
comparison, normalized concentration values are regularly used. They are obtained by dividing the measured
value by the reference value, which is based on the substance analyzed and the objective of the evaluation:
Equation 1: Normalized concentration (ratio of the measured concentration and the reference value)

X X = Measured normalized concentration

RV RV = Reference value

Equation 2: Arithmetic mean

− 1 n
x= ∗ ∑ xi x i = Normalized concentration
n i =1 n = Number of samples
8 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

Equation 3: Standard deviation (s)

1 n −
s= ∗ ∑ ( xi − x) 2
n − 1 i =1

Equation 4: The coefficient of variation (represents the standard deviation relating to the mean of a series of

CV = −
CV = Coefficient of variation
The coefficient of variation is defined as the standard deviation relating to the mean of a series of
measurements. The coefficients of variation generally reported are related to the sampling instruments and
analytical methods. They can also be expressed as percentages.
■ Parameters of a lognormal distribution
Equation 5: Geometric mean (G.M.)
1 n
log G.M . = ∗ ∑ log xi
n i =1
Equation 6: Geometric standard deviation (s)

log s = ∗ ∑ (log xi − log G.M .) 2
n − 1 i =1
■ Sampling precision
The sampling precision due only to the pumps is generally estimated at 0.05 (5%). Furthermore, this is the
precision that sampling pump manufacturers guarantee in their specifications. The coefficient of variation for
sampling (CVs) is a function of all of the steps leading to collection of the sample and can be quantified by
the occupational health practitioner in relation to the quality assurance procedures.
■ Analytical precision
For analytical methods, the coefficients of variation are determined using series of generated samples and by
comparing them to standards. Analytical coefficients of variation (CV A ) are included in the description of
most of the analytical methods available at the IRSST.
■ Total coefficient of variation
The total coefficient of variation (CV T) should take into account the errors related to sampling CV S ) and to
the analytical procedures (CV A ). The total coefficient of variation is calculated by taking the square root of
the sum of the squares of the errors:
Equation 7: Total coefficient of variation
CVT = (CVS ) 2 + (CVA ) 2
Since we do not have the true CV S , we use a CV S estimated at 0.05 (5%) in the calculation of the CV T in the
publication of our analytical methods. Confidence limits

A series of measurements generally has a normal or a lognormal distribution. The graphical representation
of a normal distribution is a bell curve (Figure 4). A lognormal distribution mainly occurs when short-term
samples are collected or major fluctuations can be attributed to the processes. It is represented by a bell
skewed to the right. For a lognormal distribution, the logarithm of the concentration values is used, and
the graphical representation then takes the form of a normal distribution. The standard deviation (σ)
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 9

characterizes the region of the bell curve whose mean (µ) is located at the mid-point of the distribution. The
area under the bell between the mean and ± 1.96 σ contains 95% of the measurements. The region to ± 1 σ
contains 68% of the values.

Figure 4- Normal distribution of a series of 8-hour samples

To determine whether the chosen reference value is exceeded with a 95% confidence limit, 95% of the results
under the bell curve must exceed this reference value (Figure 5). This is the lower confidence limit (LCL),
where the lowest 5% of the results are not considered. Mathematically, this cutoff (LCL) includes all the
results under the curve between the values -1.645σ and ∞.
In the same way, to determine whether the chosen reference value has not been exceeded with a 95%
confidence limit, 95% of the results under the bell curve must be smaller than the reference value. This is the
upper confidence limit (UCL), where the highest 5% of the results are not considered. This cutoff (UCL)
includes all the results under the curve between the values +1.645 σ and - ∞.

Figure 5- Illustration of the lower and upper confidence limits Decision whether the reference value has been exceeded or not
The value of the total coefficient of variation of the normalized concentration is used to calculate the upper
and lower confidence limits using the following equations:
Equation 8: Lower confidence limit
LCL(95%) = x − (1.645 ∗ CVT )
Equation 9: Upper confidence limit
UCL(95%) = x + (1.645 ∗ CVT )
For example, for a single sample over the entire duration of the work shift, three situations may occur: the
reference value is exceeded, is not exceeded, or is possibly exceeded. The three situations are illustrated in
10 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

Figure 6.


UCL exceeded
LCL Reference value


Figure 6- Classification using one-sided confidence limits

For other cases, a more detailed mathematical and statistical interpretation may be necessary. We suggest
that reference (6) at the end of this document or a book of statistics applied to data analysis be consulted.
A situation in which the reference value is exceeded (step ) leads to action that is not within the scope of the
sampling strategy. However, exposure values clearly below the reference value and that remain there for a
long time may result in priority being given to interventions at other workstations. Unfortunately, there is no
universal definition of an exposure clearly below the reference value (step ). This concept must be defined
by the occupational health practitioner based on his objectives and decision-making context. Some indexes
can be used in different cases. Europeans (7) use an empirical value of 0.1 times the reference value. The great
majority of the IRSST reference methods cover at least a concentration range from 0.1 to 2–5 times the
TWAEV and STEV. However, the ROHS stipulates in section 42 that:
"When a worker is exposed to a substance identified in Schedule I as having a known or
suspected carcinogenic effect on humans or being diisocyanate or isocyanate oligomers, such
exposure shall be reduced to a minimum, even when it remains within the standards in that
Schedule." Selecting exposed workers

For some intervention objectives whose purpose is often to establish a causal relationship between a health
problem and an exposure (for example, for such things as complaints, work refusals or claim investigations),
the question of selecting workers does not arise because one or more specific workers are involved.
In other cases, when the exposure of a group of workers has to be documented in order to implement a health
or environmental-monitoring program, it is generally impossible to measure the exposure of all workers at any
moment. Different approaches lead to the selection of representative exposed workers that meets the objective
of the intervention, namely, of only measuring the exposure of a small number of workers while obtaining a
statistically acceptable evaluation for the entire group.
The ideal approach consists of separating the population of workers into similar exposure groups (SEGs) and
of randomly choosing from these groups of exposed workers, those whose exposure will be evaluated. These
SEGs can be established either by observing the work activity or by using a "sampling approach" that consists
of creating the SEGs on the basis of a statistical analysis of the exposure data (8). Thus, from a population of
workers with similar exposure, individuals are randomly chosen using random number tables (6). Tables A1
to A4 in Table 1 give the number of workers to be sampled in a homogeneous population exposed to a given
risk. The content of these tables is based on statistical parameters and attempts to anticipate the different
statistical scenarios of these groups in relation to the probability of including at least one of the workers most
at risk.
Sometimes the situation lends itself poorly to the use of these tables because the number of workers with
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 11

similar jobs is too small. It then becomes necessary to measure the exposure of all workers whose exposure is
The validity of these groupings based on exposure risk can be established during critical studies on worker
organization and from preliminary exposure data. The group homogeneity acceptability criterion suggested by
the European community (7) is an individual exposure value greater than half and smaller than twice the
arithmetic mean of the group. For example, a group of 20 workers whose arithmetic mean of their exposure to
a contaminant is 1 mg/m3 is considered as being homogeneous if the exposure value of each individual in the
group to this contaminant is between 0.5 and 2.0 mg/m3.
Table 1- Selection tables for workers in a similar exposure group
Table A1 – At least one worker among the 10% most exposed, probability of 90%
Size of
8 9 10 11-12 13-14 15-17 18-20 21-24 25-29 30-37 38-40 40-50 51-∞
evaluated 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22

Table A2 – At least one worker among the 10% most exposed, probability of 95%
Size of
12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-21 22-24 25-27 28-31 32-35 35-41 42-50 51-∞
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 29

Table A3 – At least one worker among the 20% most exposed, probability of 90%
Size of
6 7-9 10-14 15-26 27-50 51-∞
5 6 7 8 9 11

Table A4 – At least one worker among the 20% most exposed, probability of 95%
Size of
7-8 9-11 12-14 15-18 19-26 27-43 44-50 51-∞
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14
evaluated Selecting representative exposure conditions

Exposure evaluation conditions must be chosen so that the results provide an objective evaluation of the
exposure in the worker's actual task performance situation. In the specific case of comparing the results of the
evaluation to a reference value, the conditions will also take into account the nature of this value, namely
whether it is a TWAEV, an STEV, a ceiling value or an excursion limit. In addition, if the workers' work
schedule differs from the typical schedule (8 hours a day, 5 days a week), the TWAEV will in some cases
have to be adjusted to give an adjusted mean exposure value (AMEV). The information applicable to the
adjustment of the TWAEV and the resulting interpretation rules are described in the Guide for the Adjustment
of Permissible Exposure Values (PEVs) for Unusual Work Schedules published by the IRSST (4).
The exposure must be evaluated from samples collected in the breathing zone of the worker for the entire
work period or the period provided in the appropriate reference value, namely 8 hours for a TWAEV, the
entire work shift for an AMEV, and 15 minutes for an STEV. The breathing zone is defined in section 1 of the
ROHS as:
"a hemisphere having a 300-mm radius extending in front of the face and measured from the midpoint of
12 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

an imaginary line joining the ears."

In the case of groups of workers, if the preliminary evaluation did not produce data on homogeneous
exposure, samples must be used to establish the variability of this exposure over time (day, night, seasons,
climatic conditions, during certain operations, etc.) and in space (different workstations or emission sources).
The result of a single sample that covers the complete 8-hour period can be compared directly to the TWAEV,
or if it covers a 15-minute period, to the STEV. In the case of unusual schedules, the single sample must cover
the total duration of the work shift and the result compared to the AMEV.
Consecutive samples covering the entire work period offer the same advantage as single samples regarding
comparison with the appropriate reference value. This strategy can also provide information on the variation
in the concentration of a contaminant during the work period and allows a sample contaminated voluntarily or
accidentally to be identified.
Multiple partial-period samples may be satisfactory, depending on the information on the homogeneity of the
exposure results. In general, with homogeneous exposure, the mean daily exposure (MDE) can be calculated
from multiple samples of a total duration of at least two hours or from 5 samples for the duration prescribed in
the reference method, and where these samples are distributed uniformly within an eight-hour time period in a
workday or for the duration of the work shift in the case of an unusual schedule. Several examples of
calculations of the TWAEV, one example of a calculation of the R m (sum of the fractions of the mixture
during daily exposure to several substances), and one example of an application of the excursion limit are
presented in section 1.2.1.
In certain cases, due to limitations in the methods or measuring instruments that require short-term samples, a
series of grab samples can be collected at random intervals during the entire work period or the period of
application of the standard. Grab samples are also used to compare the concentration of one contaminant to a
ceiling value. In this case, the minimum sampling period must take into account the analytical limitations of
response time, instrument stability, or others that are described in the IRSST's analytical and calibration
methods. Even in the case of ceiling values, result interpretation must take into account the precision and
accuracy of the technique, and establish the reliability of the comparison of the results and the limit value
using normal statistics.
Figure 7 summarizes the time characteristics of the different types of sampling in characterizing a TWAEV.
Several factors have an impact on the choice of one strategy over another. The availability and cost of the
sampling equipment, access to the workplace, variability in the processes, the precision and accuracy of the
methods, and the number of samples, are all factors to be considered in choosing a strategy. Of the four types
of samples described, the results most representative of the actual situation involve collecting several
consecutive samples over the entire work period. The second choice would be to collect a single sample over
the entire period. The interpretation of the results of partial-period samples, and the grab sample applied to the
TWAEV, AMEV or to the STEV, require a good knowledge about the homogeneity of the exposure and an
appropriate statistical analysis.

1.1.6 Frequency of environmental monitoring

Pursuing long-term objectives in the evaluation and effectiveness of means of control and elimination at
source, or obtaining exposure value results that are close to the reference value, raise the question of the
frequency of environmental monitoring (step ). In certain cases, a minimum frequency is provided in the
Québec regulation. For example, for asbestos, the ROHS specifies in section 43 that:
"In any establishment where workers are exposed to asbestos, the employer must at least once a year
measure the concentration of airborne asbestos dust and the concentration of respirable asbestos
fibres in the workers' breathing area. A sampling strategy may provide for more frequent measuring,
depending on the extent of the risk to the health, safety or physical well-being of the workers." The
same regulation sets the same frequency requirement for any establishment that employs 50 workers
or more, "… where the concentration of gases, dusts, fumes, vapours or mists at a work location
exceeds or could exceed the standards prescribed in Schedule 1…"
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 13

In the other cases, the interval between the exposure evaluations should take into account the following
• cycles in the process, including normal operating cycles and maintenance or repair cycles;
• consequences of breakdowns in the facilities for control or elimination at source;
• ambient concentrations close to the reference values;
• efficiency of means of control;
• variability of results over time.

Reference 6 gives an example of how to determine the frequency of an exposure evaluation.

A Single sample
Complete period

A Consecutive complete-
A B C period samples

Consecutive partial-
period samples

Grab samples

Hours after the

0 2 4 6 8 start of work

Figure 7- Types of samples for characterizing an 8-hour exposure (TWAEV)

1.2 Examples of calculation of the mean daily exposure (MDE), the Rm, and the excursion
1.2.1 Weighting of the exposure by work shift
The exposure dose for a series of measurements covering the complete 8-hour work period is calculated using
the following formula for the purpose of applying a TWAEV (2):

Equation 10: Calculating the MDE (mg/m3 or ppm)

MDE = Weighted 8-hour concentration (mean daily exposure)

C1t1 + C2t2 + ... + Cn tn
C = Concentration measured at a workstation MDE =
t = Sampling time in hours for a total of 8 hours t1 + t2 + ... + tn
1,2,...n = Indication of the sampling period

To apply an AMEV, the sum of the sampling times in the denominator must equal the total duration of the
work shift.
For a mixture of substances with similar effects on the same organs of the human body, the effects are
considered as additive unless otherwise established (2), and the coefficient of the sum of the fractions of a
mixture (R m) is used. This calculation is done using the TWAEV for each of the substances and the value of
the measurement for 8 hours of exposure for each substance (MDE).
14 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

Equation 11: Calculating the R m (sum of the fractions of the mixture)

C1 C2 C
C = Weighted concentration of each of the substances in the air (MDE) Rm = + + ... + n
T = TWAEV T1 T2 Tn
1,2,...n = Indication of each of the substances

When R m exceeds unity, the permissible concentration of the mixture is exceeded and the exposure does not
comply. In the case of an unusual schedule, the TWAEV (T, 8 hours) must be replaced by the AMEV (T a ,
work period).
 Example 1
An operator works for 7 hours and 20 minutes at a task in which he is exposed to a substance listed in
Schedule I of the ROHS. The concentration measured during this period is 0.12 mg/m3. What is his mean
daily exposure (MDE)?
7.33 hours at 0.12 mg/m3
0.67 hours at 0 mg/m3 (no exposure) namely: MDE = ((0.12 x 7.33) + (0 x 0.67)) / 8 = 0.11 mg/m3

 Example 2
An operator works for 8 hours on a process in which he is exposed to a contaminant for which the ROHS
gives a TWAEV. During this period, he is exposed to a concentration of 0.15 mg/m3. What is his mean daily
MDE = (0.15 x 8) / 8 = 0.15 mg/m3

 Example 3
An operator works for 8 hours during the night on a process that exposes him intermittently to a regulated
substance. Knowing his work schedule and his exposure during these different tasks (Table 2), what is his
mean daily exposure?
Table 2- Evaluation of the exposure of worker Y

Work Task Exposure values Sampling time in

schedule (mg/m3) hours

0.1 (from exposure values of a group of full-time

22:00 - 24:00 Shop assistant 2
workers performing this task)
24:00 - 01:00 Office work 0 1
01:00 - 04:00 Cafeteria work 0 3

04:00 - 06:00 Cleaning in shop 0.21 (measured) 2

The exposure was established to be zero for the office and cafeteria work, and consequently his mean daily
exposure will be:
MDE = ((0.10 x 2) + (0.21 x 2) + (0 x 4)) / 8 = 0.078 mg/m3

 Example 4
Workers are exposed to solvents under the conditions described in Table 3. Are the workers overexposed to
these solvents, which all have effects on the central nervous system?
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 15

Table 3- Exposure of a worker to a mixture of solvents

Solvent Concentration Exposure time TWAEV

(ppm) (hours) (ppm)

25 4,0
Toluene 33 1.5 50
12 2.5

225 6,0
Acetone 500
560 2.0

20 5.0
Trichloroethylene 40 2.0 50
60 1.0
MDE toluene = [(25*4) + (33*1.5) + (12*2.5)] / 8 = 22.5
MDE acetone = [(225*6) + (560*2)] / 8 = 309
MDE trichloroethylene = [(20*5) + (40 * 2) + (60 * 1)] / 8 = 30

22.5 309 30 and unity (1) has been exceeded and the situation is noncompliant.
Rm = + + = 1.67
50 500 50

1.2.2 Application of the excursion limit

The ROHS defines the excursion limit for substances with no STEV as follows:
"Provided the time-weighted average exposure value is not exceeded, excursions in exposure levels may
exceed 3 times that value for a cumulative period not exceeding a total of 30 minutes during a workday.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, none of those excursions in exposure levels may exceed 5 times the time-
weighted average exposure value during any length of time whatsoever."

In the case of an unusual schedule, the excursion limits are calculated as a function of the AMEV rather
than the TWAEV. Example 5 presents an idealized application of the excursion limit for each of the cases.
 Example 5

Figures 8 and 9 give examples of the two possibilities of the excursion limit being exceeded in the case of
exposure of a worker to a solvent for which the ROHS gives a TWAEV of 100 mg/m³ without specifying the
STEV. A direct-reading instrument sampling in the worker's breathing zone records the concentrations over a
period of slightly less than two hours. On each of the graphs, an arrow indicates the point when the excursion
limit is exceeded. Note that the weighted average exposure of this worker was measured and that it was below
the TWAEV.
16 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

Figure 8- Example of excursion limit being exceeded with total time

Figure 9- Example of excursion limit being exceeded by increase in concentration

IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 17

Part 2: Sampling equipment and techniques

Once the measurement strategy for the chemical substances or biological agents in the workplace has been
chosen, measuring equipment, techniques and methods for meeting the objective must be selected.
Measurements can be direct, using portable instruments, or indirect, by sampling on a collecting medium and
subsequent laboratory analysis. These direct or indirect techniques are described briefly in relation to the type
of contaminant: gases and vapours, aerosols (liquids, dusts and fumes), and microorganisms. The list of
equipment required for sampling or analysis is presented in Part 3. Other sections complete this part of the
guide by providing information about process samples and sampling using pumps.

2.1 Concentration units for PEVs in the ROHS (ppm and mg/m³)
The objective in using sampling equipment and techniques is to compare the concentration measurement
results for an air contaminant to a reference value, mainly the PEVs in the ROHS. It is therefore important
that the result of a measurement, whether expressed in ppm, mg/m3 or in fibre/cm3, be comparable to the
value of the PEV in the ROHS and be consistent with the definition of the units. For this, the definitions in the
Definitions and Notes section of Schedule I of the ROHS are:
"mg/m³: milligram per cubic meter (milligram of substance per cubic meter of air)
ppm: parts per million (parts of gas or vapour per million parts of airborne contaminants per volume
measured at 25°C and 101.3 kPa)."

Consequently, one must conclude that the PEV values expressed in ppm are established for specific conditions
of temperature and pressure while the PEV values when expressed in mg/m³ or in fibres/cm³ in the ROHS are
invariable in relation to environmental conditions. This reasoning is based on two premises described in
greater detail by Stephenson et al. (9), and by the ACGIH® in 2012 (10):
• The volume of air breathed in by a worker during his work day is not significantly different in relation
to moderate variations in the ambient conditions of temperature and pressure;
• Absorption of a gas or vapour is related to the partial pressure of the substance involved (11).

This approach is also used by other organizations proposing reference values, such as OSHA's Permissible
Exposure Limits (PELs) (12), the ACGIH's® Threshold Limit Values (TLVs®) (10), and NIOSH's
Recommended Exposure Limits (RELs) (13). The aim of this approach is to limit the quantity of contaminant
that can be inhaled by a worker, and is therefore similar to a permissible dose approach. It is important to
emphasize that some countries such as Belgium (14) and Australia (15) have PEVs based on a permissible
concentration approach. The reader must therefore be careful when comparing the literature from different
countries because the manner in which compliance with a standard is verified may be different and lead to
different conclusions.
To expose a worker, inhaling a certain volume of air for a certain period of time at a given dose and under
different conditions, the PEVs in ppm must be adjusted in relation to the molar volume under the conditions
of the site where the worker is located, or as a corollary, the concentrations in ppm for conditions other than
NTP (normal temperature and pressure) must be corrected to "ppm at NTP" units before comparing them to
the PEV expressed in ppm.
In Québec, for the very great majority of workplaces, the molar fraction that compares the molar volume
under certain conditions to the molar volume at NTP (24.45 L) is close to unity. In this case, the permitted
ppm concentrations will be practically equivalent to those at NTP. However, for extreme and rather rare
conditions (for example for depth work in mines), the molar fraction can differ significantly from unity.
The following guidelines must be applied to verify compliance with PEVs:
18 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

• Calculate the exposure concentration expressed as mass per volume (at the sampling site and not adjusted
for conditions at NTP). This concentration must be directly compared to the PEV in the ROHS expressed
as mg/m³ or as fibres/cm³;
• If the exposure concentration is expressed in ppm (vol/vol) for conditions other than NTP (PT), this
concentration must then be adjusted to bring it to NTP before comparing it to the PEV in the ROHS. A
computer-based tool available on the IRSST's Web site easily performs this conversion for comparison to
a PEV in the ROHS (16).
Equation 12: Conversion of ppm PT to ppm NTP

 P   298  P: pressure at the sampling site (mm of Hg)

ppmNTP = ppmPT ∗  ∗  T: temperature at the sampling site (°K)
 760   T 
It is important to emphasize the fact that the concentration in mg/m³ or in fibres/cm³ must calculated with the
sampling volume under site conditions and this concentration compared directly to the value of the PEV. Care
must be taken to know the volume sampled when using a flow measuring instrument and to ensure that the
flow rate displayed by the instrument corresponds to the flow rate under site conditions. If an instrument
displays an equivalent flow rate under certain calibration conditions, as is the case for hot-wire flow meters,
this flow must be converted to the site conditions (see section 2.6.2). A reader who wants to investigate the
subject in more detail can consult the Mémento sur l'utilisation des pompes et des débitmètres (17).

2.2 Gases and vapours

The term gas is reserved for substances that are effectively in the gaseous state at 25°C and 101.3 kPa. Gases
have no shape; they occupy the space available to them. Vapours are compounds in the gaseous state, which,
under normal conditions of temperature and pressure, are in the liquid state in equilibrium with the gaseous
state. Several portable direct-reading instruments are available on the market for sampling gases and vapours.
The most commonly used collecting mediums are sorbent tubes. Impingers, filters impregnated with reagents,
and bags are also used for some compounds. (18)

2.2.1 Electronic direct-reading instruments

Technological improvements, the miniaturization of electronic devices, and developments in computer
science have resulted in high-performing and portable direct-reading instruments (DRI). Computerized data
acquisition and processing systems are integrated into the instruments, allowing the exposure doses to be
displayed for variable periods. Detection techniques that have been used only in the laboratory can now be
used in the field as a result of miniaturization. Table 4 gives the list of DRI available at the IRSST for
evaluating gases and vapours. The interferences specific to each instrument are mentioned in their user's
manual. These instruments can be affected by electromagnetic fields. However, some of them are intrinsically
shielded against radiofrequencies. Other instruments can also be shielded against radiofrequencies if an
exterior casing is used. Below is the list of the five operating principles for these DRI, with a brief description.
• amalgamation
• combustion
• electrochemistry
• infrared spectrophotometry
• photoionization
 Amalgamation
Amalgamation is the phenomenon by which mercury forms an alloy with another metal. Even at very low
concentrations in the air, mercury amalgamates with metals such as gold and silver. In the detector, the
mercury vapours present in the air come in contact with a gold filament, and an amalgam forms, the effect
being to increase the resistance of the filament. This increase in resistance is proportional to the amount of
mercury amalgamated. By knowing the sampling volume, it is then possible to calculate the average
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 19

concentration of mercury present as vapour in the air.

 Combustion
This principle is used to detect gases and vapours that burn in the presence of oxygen in the air. Combustible
gases such as methane and ethane, vapours of organic solvents, and a few gases such as carbon monoxide
(CO), hydrogen (H2 ) and hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) can be detected using this principle. Air containing the gas
circulates on a filament heated to a temperature above the mixture's ignition temperature. The heat emitted by
combustion changes the electrical resistance of the wire, and this change is proportional to the concentration
of the combustible gas/air mixture. Measuring instruments for combustible gases are calibrated in percentages
of the lower explosive limit of a reference substance. This represents the lowest concentration of a mixture
that can explode when it is exposed to an ignition source. Propane and ethane are the most commonly used
calibration gases. Instruments operating on this principle are not very specific.
 Electrochemistry
Measuring instruments using the electrochemistry principle are used to analyze gases or vapours that can be
oxidized or reduced by means of an electrical potential. An oxidation or reduction reaction is initiated at an
electrode, by a controlled voltage. When the electrochemical detector is in contact with the substance, it
measures a difference in current whose amplitude is proportional to the concentration of the contaminant in
the air. However, other compounds with oxidation-reduction potentials below that of the targeted substance
will interfere. Interference filters inside or outside the electrochemical cell can be used to eliminate
undesirable substances.
 Infrared spectrophotometry
Instruments operating according to this principle can detect and measure the concentration of gases and
vapours that absorb infrared radiation. Gas molecules absorb energy at wavelengths corresponding to changes
in their energy state. The difference between the energy emitted by a source and the energy received by the
detector is proportional to the concentration of the gas in the air. By establishing the source emission
parameters, one obtains a specific measurement of the concentration of the compound to be determined in the
air. It is important to note the strong absorption of water vapour molecules during infrared analysis. B&K
1302 monitors detect organic compounds by photoacoustics, meaning by measuring the pressure exerted on a
microphone by a compound exposed to a wavelength in the infrared range. This wavelength is selected in
relation to the compound to be determined. A compensation system eliminates certain interferences such as
water vapour.
 Photoionization
This principle consists of ionizing an organic compound by the absorption of light energy. Photons emitted by
an ultraviolet lamp ionize the compounds whose required energy is equal to or greater than their ionization
potential. The ions produced are directed to a collector electrode, thus giving a measurement of the current
which is compared to a reference concentration. These non-specific instruments are useful for detecting
emission sources and as an exploration tool.
20 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

Table 4- Direct-reading instruments available at the IRSST

For- Instrument Measure- Response

Contaminant CAS Phase Principle Accuracy
mula model ment range time** (sec)
Infrared +
Acetone C3H6O 67-64-1 Vapour B&K 1302 > 0.4 ppm ± 3% 60
Photoacoustic cell
Infrared +
B&K 1302 > 0.8 ppm ± 3% 60
Ammonia NH 3 7664-41-7 Gas Photoacoustic cell
PAC III Electrochemistry 0-200 ppm ± 3% 60
Nitrogen dioxide NO 2 10102-44-0 Gas PAC III Electrochemistry 0-50 ppm ± 5% 15
Nitric oxide NO 10102-43-9 Gas PAC III Electrochemistry 0-200 ppm ± 5% 30
Infrared +
Nitrous oxide N2O 10024-97-2 Gas B&K 1302 > 0.05 ppm ± 3% 60
Photoacoustic cell
± 500 ppm
GasAlert 0-50000
Infrared (reproduci- 30
micro 5/IR ppm
Carbon dioxide CO 2 124-38-9 Gas 0-5000 ± 3%
Q–TRAK Plus Infrared 60
ppm + 50 ppm
0-5000 ± 3%
IAQ Probe Infrared 60
ppm + 40 ppm
PAC III Electrochemistry ± 5% 35
X-am 2000 Electrochemistry ± 5% 25
Carbon monoxide CO 630-08-0 Gas ppm
± 3% or***
Q-TRAQ Plus Electrochemistry 0-500 ppm 60
3 ppm
IAQ Probe Electrochemistry 0-250 ppm ± 3% 30
Formaldemeter 0.05-10
Formaldehyde HCHO 50-00-0 Gas Electrochemistry ± 10% 10 to 60
htV-m ppm
0-100% ± 10% or***
Multi-RAE Plus Combustion 30
Combustible gases Gas
X-am 2000 Combustion ± 5% 15
Mercury Hg 7439-97-6 Gas Jerome Amalgamation 0-1 mg/m³ ± 5% 12
Multi-RAE Plus 0-2000 ± 10% or*** 10
Total organics Vapour Photoionization
TOXI-RAE PID ppm 2 ppm 5
Infrared +
Ethylene oxide C2H4O 75-21-8 Gas B&K 1302 > 0.24 ppm ±3 60
Photoacoustic cell
± 2% or ***
Multi-RAE Plus Electrochemistry 0-30 % 15
Oxygen O2 7782-44-7 Gas 0.4 Vol%
X-am 2000 Electrochemistry 0-25 % ± 1% 10
AeroQual, Gas-sensitive
0-0.5 ppm ± 10% 60
Series 500 semiconductor
Ozone O3 10028-15-6 Gas
Gas Alert
Electrochemistry 0-1 ppm ± 10% 60
Sulfur dioxide SO 2 7446-09-5 Gas PAC III Electrochemistry 0-100 ppm ± 5% 20
Infrared +
Styrene C8H8 100-42-5 Vapour B&K 1302 >0.12 ppm ± 3% 60
Photoacoustic cell
PAC III Electrochemistry 0-100 ppm ± 5% 25
Hydrogen sulfide H2S 7783-06-4 Gas
X-am 2000 Electrochemistry 0-200 ppm ± 5% 15

*: Lower explosive limit

**: T 90 : time necessary to reach 90% of the final reading
***: The largest value of the two data
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 21

2.2.2 Colorimetric direct-reading devices

Colorimetric methods are among the simplest, fastest, and least costly methods. Their operating principle is
based on the fact that the intensity of the developing colour is proportional to the concentration of a
contaminant or a family of contaminants. Three types of devices are used, namely:
• Tubes connected to a manual or automatic pump;
• Long-duration tubes operating by passive diffusion;
• Chips containing capillary tubes requiring the use of an optical reader.
In the case of tubes connected to a pump, the concentration is a function of the sampled air volume. It is
therefore important, after having broken the ends of the tube and connecting it to the pump, to comply with
the time period necessary for the desired volume of air to pass through and the reaction to develop. Low
concentrations can be evaluated by several strokes of the pump, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Long-duration colorimetric tubes are designed in the same way as conventional colorimetric tubes. However,
the quantity of the reactive substance in the support may differ, to allow long-term sampling without
exceeding the reaction capacity of the impregnated substances. Long-duration tubes are generally graduated in
ppm-hours. To obtain a weighted concentration, the change in colour reading is divided by the sampling time
in hours.
The most recent system consists of a chip containing capillary tubes filled
with a reactive substance. As with the above-mentioned devices, a
colorimetric reaction occurs on contact with the contaminant, whose
intensity is not read by the user but by an optical reader. The reaction time
and the mass flow rate are also taken into consideration in calculating the
concentration. Information about the contaminant, the mass flow rate and
the measurement range are included in the bar code located on the chip.
The interaction between the optical reader and the different chips is done
using the instructions included in this bar code. Chips are available for
some fifty compounds. An optical reader is available for loan from the
The main limitations of these devices are their non-specificity and low
accuracy. They are useful as source-detection devices, or to see variations in concentrations in space or time,
or for following a single known contaminant. They cannot be used for evaluating a worker's exposure (19).

2.2.3 Sampling media Adsorbent tubes

Adsorbent tubes are used to collect samples in the gaseous and
vapour states such as solvent vapours, some gases, and acids.
They are glass tubes containing two sections of adsorbent.
These tubes may contain activated charcoal, silica gel, or
certain polymers. By analyzing each of the sections
individually, the efficiency of adsorption of the collecting
medium can be verified. Sampling is considered as acceptable
if less than 10% of the chemical is found in the second
section. If more than 25% of the chemical is found in it, a loss has probably occurred and the results express a
minimum concentration. However, this rule may vary when more than one substance enters the tube, thus
promoting competition for the adsorption sites.
The ends of the tube are broken on the sampling site and connected to the pump by means of special devices.
The tube must be placed with the arrow in the direction of air flow. The tube must be vertical to prevent any
channeling, which would reduce the adsorption efficiency. The flow rate and sampling volume must be
22 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

selected in relation to the indications given in the tables in Part 3 of this Guide and the sampling strategy
All the information collected during sampling must be noted. The tubes are sealed using plastic plugs and are
stored in a freezer at -4°C until shipment to the laboratory. The storage location must be solvent-free (without
bulk samples or sampling equipment such as jars containing toluene). Shipment to the laboratory in ice must
take place as soon as possible to avoid a loss of adsorbed product. Passive dosimeters

Sampling with a passive dosimeter involves the diffusion process.
It is a phenomenon by which a solute in a fluid (for example
toluene in air) goes from a concentrated region to a less
concentrated region. The concentration gradient is ensured by the
collection of molecules of the substance by an adsorbent located at
the bottom of the dosimeter.
The sampling rate for a solvent is expressed in mL/min. This parameter is both a function of the substance
and the geometric characteristics of the dosimeter. Each solvent therefore has its own specific sampling rate.
Contrary to the use of a pump, contaminants are not collected at the same rate. A constant is used to calculate
the results and it represents the time necessary for the dosimeter to sample a substance contained in one litre
of air. Similar to adsorbent tubes, passive dosimeters can be affected by environmental conditions such as
humidity, temperature and the co-adsorption of different molecules present in a work environment. For
example, a temperature difference of 10°C results in a correction of 1.6%.
Two types of passive dosimeters are available at the IRSST: the 3M monitor for collecting several solvents,
and the SKC UMEX dosimeter for measuring formaldehyde.
The 3M monitor can collect certain solvents. For a list of them, consult the user's guide2 (in French only).
Furthermore, a computer-based tool3 ( in French only) is available for calculating the concentration in mg/m3
equivalent to a non-detected result for these 31 substances.
After sampling, it is important that the dosimeter be hermetically sealed once the diffusion membrane has
been removed. For 3M monitors, the two openings must be tightly sealed. UMEX samplers have a sliding
cover that must be placed over the sampling zone. Subsequently, the plastic end supplied with the 3M monitor
will be used during the analysis; it must be included in the dosimeter box.
Similar to adsorbent tubes, dosimeters are kept in a freezer at -4°C until shipment to the laboratory. The
storage location must be solvent-free (without bulk samples or sampling equipment such as jars containing
toluene). Shipment to the laboratory in ice must take place as soon as possible to avoid a loss of adsorbed
product. Impingers
Impingers are used for sampling a few inorganic acids and organic compounds. The collecting
solution in the impinger is then analyzed to quantify directly the chemical being sampled, or to
quantify a substance resulting from a chemical reaction between the substance and the
collecting solution. Impingers are made of glass or polyethylene; spill-resistant impingers,
inserted into holsters, are also available for personal sampling.
Two types of impingers are used: the midget impinger and the glass fritted tip impinger. The
midget impinger is used to collect contaminants that are very soluble in the collecting solution
or that react very rapidly in it. The glass fritted tip impinger is used for more efficient
collection of compounds that are not very soluble in the collecting solution. In fact, since
fritted glass forms currents of fine and dispersed bubbles, it increases the contact surface

IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 23

between the air flow and the absorbing medium, thus improving the absorption efficiency.
If the sampled air contains particles that could plug the pores of the fritted glass or interfere with the analysis,
a nonreactive and nonabsorbent prefilter must be used. For all sampling, a trap must be placed between the
sampling impinger(s) and the pump in order to protect the latter from any accidentally aspirated collecting
solution. An empty midget impinger is then used as the trap.
The calibration system includes a prefilter (if necessary), the sampling impinger containing the appropriate
volume of solution, the trap, and flexible tubing of the same dimensions as that used during sampling. Since
the flow rate can be affected by the water vapour pressure, it is suggested that a drying tube be inserted
between the impinger and the flowmeter (18).
On the sampling site, the waxed wrapping film or plastic plugs used to seal the impinger are removed, and the
outlet of the impinger (side arm) is connected to the trap, which is itself connected to the pump by means of
flexible tubing.
For sampling with impingers, too large a sampling volume may lead to saturation and significant evaporation
of the solution, while too small a volume may reduce the precision and sensitivity of the analysis. At the end
of sampling, the impinger's openings are sealed with waxed wrapping film. The samples must be returned to
the laboratory for analysis as soon as possible in the shipping boxes supplied. If they cannot be shipped
immediately to the laboratory, they must be stored in a refrigerator. Sampling bags

Sampling bags are used to collect certain gases. The phenomena of diffusion
across the walls and adsorption on the walls of the bag affect the choice of
materials for a given compound and the time that the sample can be kept (20).
Bags are made of different polymeric materials and are available in different
Samples are collected in 2-litre or 5-litre 5-ply aluminized bags. However, due
to the diffusion or stability of some reactive gases, this type of sampling bag is
not recommended mainly for hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) and
nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) (21).
When the workplace contains a significant concentration of airborne dust, a
prefilter may be necessary at the bag opening to eliminate this dust. On the
sampling site, the bag is connected to the pump's air outlet by means of flexible
plastic tubing (Tygon). Flexible polyester tubing and rubber tubing absorb
certain gases and are therefore not recommended.
The sampling volumes recommended for gases correspond to minimum volumes, which allow a precise
determination. The flow rates are chosen by the user in relation to the sampling time (application of the
Sampling is carried out at atmospheric pressure, and the final pressure inside the bag must be equal to the
atmospheric pressure. Once sampling has been completed, the valve is closed and sealed.
Humidity is a very important factor due to the phenomenon of dissolution of gases in water; temperature
variations must therefore be avoided, since these would lead to condensation inside the bag. The samples must
be sent to the laboratory within 48 hours of sampling to maintain their integrity. Special cases of reactive substances

Some particularly unstable substances such as aldehydes, chlorine dioxide and isocyanates must be stabilized
during sampling. To do this, a judiciously selected chemical reagent that will react with the substance to be
determined will be used in order to form a stable nonvolatile compound for sensitive and specific analysis in
the laboratory. This reagent may be present on the tube's adsorbent, on impregnated filters, or be part of the
desorbing solution. In this latter case, the filter must be immediately transferred to a jar containing the reagent
24 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

in solution. It should be emphasized that this process applies to aerosols as well as to gases and vapours. Blank sample

For each sampling series, a blank must be provided. The recommended number of blanks is 10% of the total
number of samples. However, in the case of asbestos sampling, a minimum of two blanks must be provided or
10% of the total samples, whichever is greater. The blank undergoes the same procedures as the samples
(opening, sealing and transport) except that it is not used for sampling. It must be from the same lot as the

2.3 Aerosols
2.3.1 General definitions
An aerosol can be defined as a suspension of solid or liquid particles in a gaseous medium. These particles
can be formed by the mechanical fractionation of a starting material (wood, ore, etc.), by condensation, or by
chemical reaction between gaseous pollutants. Fumes are aerosols that result from the condensation of metal
vapours or the incomplete combustion of organic compounds (welding fumes, soot, etc.).
The substances making up the particles of an aerosol can enter the body directly by inhalation, but also
indirectly by ingestion or skin absorption by means of several mechanisms, such as dissolution. In addition,
these particles can act on the body in many ways, producing allergenic or irritant effects. The potential health
risks of aerosols therefore depend on the toxicity of their particles, their size, their concentration, as well as
their mechanical, chemical or biological properties. Solid aerosols (dusts and fumes)

Dusts can be classified into two general groups: dusts with adverse health effects and dusts with no known
toxic effects (nuisance dusts or particulates not otherwise classified). The latter are not biologically inert. They
can interfere with the mechanisms of clearing of airways (10). According to the ROHS, a TWAEV of
10 mg/m³ (total dust) applies to these "nuisance dusts." The ACGIH® recommends two values for these dusts:
3 mg/m³ (respirable fraction) and 10 mg/m3 (inhalable fraction) to prevent these pulmonary effects.
Dusts with adverse effects are divided into fibrogenic, toxic and carcinogenic dusts. These dusts undergo
specific sampling and analysis due to the nature of the standards governing them.
Welding fumes cannot be easily classified. Their composition depends on the materials to be welded, the
electrodes, and the processes used. According to the ROHS, a TWAEV of 5 mg/m³ applies if there are no
toxic components present in the welding rod, in the metals to be welded, or in their coatings. When welding
fumes contain components with a toxicity greater than that of iron oxide (in terms of TWAEV), a complete
analysis must be done on the toxic components likely to be present, applying the standards specific to each of
these products individually. Liquid aerosols

Aerosols whose particles are liquid rather than solid can be present in a work environment. For example, oils
or acids that are not very volatile can be found suspended in the air, forming a mist. They are collected on a
filtering membrane by means of a sampling pump. Occasionally, this filter must be placed as quickly as
possible in a stabilizing solution, as is the case for isocyanate oligomers.

2.3.2 Experimental definitions

The locations in the respiratory tract where aerosol particles are deposited generally depend on the aerosol's
aerodynamic diameter. The health effects of particles that enter the body by inhalation therefore depend
mainly on this parameter, but also on the material of which they are made, the amount of this material, and the
characteristics of the respiratory tract where they are deposited. After several years of debate, different
committees and institutions have agreed about the quantification of an aerosol's potential health risks by
establishing three fractions for evaluating the quantity of material likely to be deposited in specific regions of
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 25

the respiratory tract. Each of these fractions is based on the cause/effect principle so that the mass
concentration likely to be deposited in a region of the respiratory tract can be associated with the generally
observed occupational diseases.
The inhalable fraction targets the entire respiratory tract and is applicable to particles presenting health risks
independent of their deposition site. The thoracic fraction applies to the particles presenting a hazard to the
intermediate pulmonary pathways and the gas exchange region. Finally, the respirable fraction includes
particles that present a danger when they are deposited in the gas exchange region. These three fractions,
which can theoretically be related to specific zones in the respiratory system, have experimental definitions
For aerosols, the permissible exposure values of the ACGIH® and Europe are expressed in relation to these
three fractions: inhalable, thoracic and respirable. In Québec, they refer to two categories of dusts, namely
total dusts and respirable dusts. Schedule I of the ROHS refers to these categories to which the PEVs apply.
For each of the regulated substances, the sampling method specifies a sampling device and suggests, as
needed, a selection device that allows certain sampling requirements to be met. Inhalable fraction

The inhalable fraction corresponds to the mass of particles whose aerodynamic diameter (d a ) is between 0 and
100 µm and that are collected by a sampler whose collection efficiency (E i ) curve, regardless of wind velocity
and direction, is the following:
Equation 13: Collection efficiency of inhalable dust sampler E i

Ei = 50% * (1 + Ε −0.06 d a ) d a = aerodynamic diameter

A sampling device exists for evaluating this fraction (section but its use is limited to a preventive
context since no universal conversion factor allows a new permissible exposure limit to be calculated for the
inhalable fraction from the actual exposure limits expressed as total dusts. Schedule I of the ROHS gives
PEVs only for total dusts (section and not for the inhalable fraction. Thoracic fraction

The thoracic fraction corresponds to the mass of particles that would be collected by a sampling device whose
collection efficiency curve (E t ) would be:

Equation 14: Collection efficiency of a thoracic dust sampler E t

d a = aerodynamic diameter
x = Ln (da/Γ)Ln (Σ)
Et (d a ) = Ei * (1 − F ( x)) Γ = 11.64 µm (median diameter of the cumulative lognormal distribution)
Σ = 1.5
F(x) = cumulative probability function of the standardized normal variable x Respirable fraction (respirable dusts)

The respirable fraction corresponds to the mass of particles that are collected by a sampler whose collection
efficiency curve (E r ) in relation to the aerodynamic diameter of the particles is described by a cumulative
lognormal function with a median diameter of 4 µm and a standard deviation of 1.5. This definition is
represented by the following equation:
26 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

Equation 15: Collection efficiency of a respirable dust sampler E r

d a = aerodynamic diameter
x = Ln (da/Γ)Ln (Σ)
Er (d a ) = Ei * (1 − F ( x)) Γ = 4.25 µm (median diameter of the cumulative lognormal distribution)
Σ = 1.5
F(x) = cumulative probability function of the standardized normal variable x Total dust

The term "total dust" has an experimental definition based on a sampling technique that refers to the quantity
of dusts collected on a 37-mm diameter filter placed in a closed cassette with a 4-mm opening. There is no
international consensus on this experimental definition of total dust. The choice of this sampling device is
based on practical considerations such as the preservation of the integrity of the sample, the ease of handling,
etc. A cassette with a 4-mm opening results in an underestimation of dusts whose aerodynamic diameter
exceeds approximately 20 µm. This way of sampling therefore does not provide an effective evaluation of the
health risks of an aerosol for the upper airways, namely the nose, mouth, pharynx and larynx. Theoretically,
these risks would be better evaluated by sampling the inhalable fraction as defined above. Total dust
corresponds historically to a cleanliness index rather than to a fraction that can be associated with a target
zone in the respiratory tract. For solid or liquid particles, the PEVs in the ROHS are expressed in terms of
total dusts.

2.3.3 Evaluation methods

Aerosol particles are generally sampled in the breathing zone or by stationary sampling using a personal pump
placed in series with a sampling device. The pump aspirates the aerosol through the sampling device, which
will collect the particles reaching it. When desired, a particle selector can be placed in series upstream from
the sampling device so that it collects only a specific fraction of the ambient aerosol. Despite the fact that
stationary sampling allows an easy comparison of various equipment or collectors, it is important to
remember that the PEVs in the ROHS apply to the worker's breathing zone.
The pump flow rate must be checked before and after sampling. All information relating to sampling and
necessary for the analysis, such as flow rate, sampling time, temperature, pressure, humidity and the
substances present in the workplace likely to interfere with the analytical method must be noted. Samples are
shipped to the laboratory as soon as possible for analysis. Although available, direct-reading instruments for
aerosols are not considered as a reference method. Sampling devices Cassettes for sampling total or respirable dust

Aerosols are generally collected by filtration on a membrane. The most
common sampling device consists of a 2- or 3-section cassette made of
plastic material, and a porous support on which a filter or membrane is
placed. The cassette sections are pressed together and a cellulose strip
seals the joints between the two or three sections. It is important that the
cassette be tightly sealed. If the different sections of a cassette can move,
the seal is not total. Such a cassette should not be used. Two diameters of
cassettes are available, namely 25-mm and 37-mm, with a 4-mm inlet
orifice. Cassettes with a 25-mm diameter are used mainly for asbestos
sampling or inside a mask during welding. Membranes or filters with
different porosities and compositions are available. Membrane selection
is based on the nature of the substance to be sampled and the analytical
method used.
On the sampling site, the plugs are removed and the cassette is connected
to the sampling pump by means of flexible tubing. At the end of the
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 27

sampling, the cassette is resealed and placed in the shipping box, with the filter upwards to avoid as much as
possible any loss of dust.
To sample organic dusts or dusts causing deposition problems (for example: wood, starch and peat dust,
electrostatic dusts), it is recommended that Accu-Cap™ filters be used for sampling. This filter consists of a
capsule that is used to collect the dusts, in order to eliminate the loss of dust on the inside walls of the cassette
during laboratory handling. Since the filter and its enclosure undergo gravimetric measurement,
underestimation due to lost dust is practically eliminated.
The previously described cassettes are used for total dust sampling as defined in section Cassettes for sampling inhalable dusts

The inhalable fraction of an aerosol can be sampled using a sampling device with a 15-mm diameter inlet
orifice such as an IOM cassette. This type of collector allows more effective sampling of particles of larger
aerodynamic diameters than the conventional closed cassette. However, the concentrations obtained have no
legal significance since the PEVs in the ROHS are established for total dusts. Nevertheless, the measurement
of inhalable dusts should be encouraged in the context of a prevention process. For the time being, the IRSST
does not provide occupational health practitioners with this type of cassette for sampling the inhalable
fraction. Cascade impactors

Impactors classify an aerosol's particles into multiple portions, with each portion being between two precise
aerodynamic diameters, and determine the mass concentration of each of the portions. Cascade impactors are
the type most commonly used and consist, in general, of several impaction stages of different thicknesses
placed in series, thus explaining the name cascade. Each stage has a series of orifices on its surface whose
geometry increases the velocity of the air and the particles in it. The thickness of a stage and the velocity of
the particles through the orifices of a stage are such that only particles whose aerodynamic diameter is
sufficiently small can follow the air flow and reach the orifices of the following stage. The particles that
cannot reach the orifices of the next stage will impact on the top of the following stage. The tops of the
impaction stages must be coated with a substance such as silicone, whose purpose is to make the particles
adhere to the surface. Sometimes, to facilitate analysis, filters can be placed on the stages and specially cut for
this purpose. Cascade impactors are not available at the IRSST. Selective devices

For reasons related to the physical and toxicological properties of aerosols and their capacity to penetrate to
different levels of the respiratory system, it is important in certain cases to eliminate some of the aerosol in
order to sample specific portions. Different types of selectors exist, which are placed in series with the
sampling head. Cyclone
During sampling, cyclones eliminate aerosol particles whose aerodynamic diameters exceed the
cut point diameter according to a certain efficiency curve. Particles that enter the cyclone and that
cannot follow the rapid circular flow to which they are subjected are projected onto its walls and
are collected in its grit pot. Any cyclone whose efficiency is recognized by the scientific
community for sampling respirable dusts and that meets the desired performance criteria can be
used. Based on our current knowledge, the nylon cyclone, which is most frequently used, allows
the segregation of respirable dusts as defined by the ISO4/ACGIH®/CEN5 criterion and given by
Equation 15. When this cyclone is used, the flow rate must be set at 1.7 L/min under the actual
sampling conditions so that the respirable fraction of an aerosol is sampled. It must be placed in

International Organization for Standardization
European Committee for Standardization
28 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

series before the filter holder. Cotton elutriator

The cotton elutriator, which is placed in a vertical position during sampling, consists of a cylinder whose two
ends are conical. The air enters the elutriator from its lower end and comes out through a filter that is placed at
the end of the upper cone. The recommended air flow of 7.4 L/min generates an upward air flow in the
cylindrical section of the elutriator that is equal to the sedimentation rate of particles with an aerodynamic
diameter of 15 µm which are carried downwards. All particles smaller than this diameter will be carried
upwards and collected by the filter provided for this purpose. The parameters of this device and its cut point
diameter were planned for use with cotton fibres. It should be noted that this cotton sampling is not carried out
in the worker's breathing zone. Direct-reading instruments

The conventional sampling methods for aerosols described above remain the most reliable, despite the fact
that instruments for instantaneous reading of the concentration are now available on the market. Most of these
devices, which use different measuring principles such as gravimetric analysis, and optical aerodynamic and
mechanical properties, and mobility in force fields (17) must be used with discernment in the context of an
exploratory approach or for very specific studies. In fact, most of these direct-reading instruments for aerosols
require calibration with the dusts present in the workplace in order to obtain reliable results. As well, they
must be maintained, which can be painstaking and costly.
"DustTrak" direct-reading instruments are available at the IRSST. They can be used for exploratory studies.
Due to their sensitivity to particle size, and to the nature and concentration of the dusts present in an
environment, these devices cannot replace reference sampling methods.

2.4 Compressed breathing air

Section 48 (Air supply) of the ROHS stipulates that:
"Compressed breathing air for supplied-air respirators or self-contained respiratory protective
apparatuses referred to in section 45 must comply with CSA Standard CAN/CSA-Z180.1-00,
Compressed Breathing Air and Systems, and compressed breathing air that supplies diving
equipment must comply with CSA Standard CAN3 Z180.1-M85, Compressed Breathing Air and

Section 12.1 of the ROHSM indicates that the quality of the compressed air supplied to any breathing
apparatus shall comply with CAN3-Z180.1-M85, which specifies, among other things, purity criteria and
frequency of analysis.
A sampling device is available at the IRSST for all samples in the distribution network in accordance with
CAN/CSA-Z180.1-00. An instruction guide and the required sampling equipment are included. An overall
analysis report specific to the compressor is issued by the IRSST.

2.5 Microorganisms (bioaerosols)

2.5.1 Introduction
Microorganisms are microscopic living things. They are present in all environments: water, soil, air, plants,
animals, humans. In sufficient concentration, some may cause health problems. However, for the majority of
them, dose/effect relationships have not been established. In Québec, there are no PEVs for microorganisms.
They are therefore evaluated in a preventive context. It must however be noted that no visible growth of
moulds is acceptable in a work environment.
For an industrial hygiene study, the approach favoured by the IRSST is the one established by the ACGIH's®
American Committee on Bioaerosols, namely the evaluation of viable bioaerosols, meaning living
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 29

microorganisms present in the air (22). The bioaerosols analyzed at the IRSST are heterotrophic aerobic
bacteria, Gram negative bacteria and their endotoxins, and total moulds. Some species or some genera can be
specifically investigated. Comparison of species and concentrations at the measuring stations in relation to
those in the upwind outdoor air is the basic parameter used for determining whether there is proliferation. This
comparison is particularly useful for moulds. For heterotrophic aerobic bacteria, Gram negative bacteria and
endotoxins, threshold limit values are proposed in the literature for some work environments.

2.5.2 Air sampling

Two air sampling methods are available for bacteria and moulds based on the microorganism concentrations
expected in the work environment. For high concentration environments, meaning greater than 10,000
CFU/m³ (colony forming units), sampling on polycarbonate filters is recommended at a flow rate of 2 L/min
for 20 minutes.
For other situations, the standard method based on the use of the Andersen impactor must be used (Figure 10).
The modified N-6 version of the impactor, consisting of a single impaction stage, is normally used.
Microorganism sampling requires a collecting medium capable of keeping the microorganisms alive.
Microorganism impaction is on a nutrient medium containing agar. The composition of this agar varies with
the group of microorganisms investigated. In general, malt extract is used to isolate moulds; bacteria are
collected on trypticase soy or nutrient agar. Several other differential or selective media can be used,
depending on the microorganisms investigated.
At the start of sampling, the instrument's flow rate is adjusted to 28 L/min using a flow meter or a rotameter. It
will be checked at the end of sampling in order to calculate the average flow rate necessary for quantitative
analysis (section In general, in rather uncontaminated environments such as office buildings, sampling
is done over a two- to five-minute period. This period is shorter for more contaminated environments.
Preliminary sampling can be done to determine the necessary sampling times.
The Andersen instrument is disinfected with 70% ethanol prior to sampling. The alcohol must be completely




Flow meter

Figure 10- Sampling train for microorganisms

30 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

It is important to minimize the time the petri dishes are open. Once sampling has been completed, the petri
dishes are hermetically sealed with a strip of parafilm and placed upside down to avoid the sample being
contaminated should condensation occur. All petri dishes must be identified with their place and time of
sampling. A self-adhesive label is placed on the side of the petri dishes. A blank must be produced for every
10 samples, or for each location if less than 10 samples are collected.
• The agar must never come in contact with anything.
• The inside of the head of the Andersen instrument must not be touched.
• Movements around the instruments must be kept to a minimum during sampling.
• Petri dishes must be kept closed for as long as possible.
• Sampling must begin immediately once the agar has been exposed to air.
• Sampling must be restarted if there is coughing or sneezing near the sampler.
• It is recommended that two samples be collected simultaneously.
Endotoxins are sampled on a glass fibre filter at 2 L/min for 4 hours.

2.5.3 Surface sampling

Occasionally, surface sampling by means of swabs, Bio-tape, sponges or samples of materials (bulk samples)
can be done on surfaces to locate sites of proliferation, but the interpretation of such results is complex and
can only be qualitative.
An initial approach suggests microscopic characterization of the mycological structures, which can help in the
rapid confirmation of the presence of a site of proliferation. This does not require growth; however, it does not
identify the strains present. It is important to note that characterization by mycological structure is not
achievable using swab samples.
A second approach proposes characterization following the growth of the viable microorganisms present in
the sample. This method is used to detect lower levels than mycological structure characterization because a
single viable cell can be detected if conditions favourable to its growth are met. This approach allows bacteria
and moulds to be analyzed. It is used for sponge or wipe samples and/or samples of various materials that can
provide information on the workers' probable exposure. It should be noted that identification by growth
cannot be done on Bio-tape.
Sterile swab sampling is done by rotating the swab on the surface to be sampled. A 100-cm² surface to be
sampled must be completely wiped with the swab to collect this sample. The entire surface of the agar is then
inoculated using the same principle of rotation. This method allows qualitative analysis only.
For microbial analyses on slides, sponges and bulk samples, refer to the sampling protocol (in French only)
available at the IRSST (23). Bio-tape is used for sampling smooth surfaces that are not contaminated by a
significant amount of material. The analyzed surface must not be made of friable material. After removing the
protective tape, apply the adhesive part of the slide to the surface to be sampled. Only the presence or absence
of mycological structures will be reported.
Sterile sponges are useful for sampling irregular dusty surfaces, or when large surfaces must be sampled. Use
the gloves provided and rub the sponge on the surface to be sampled. Place the sponge in the section of the
bag that was not previously opened. Sponge samples will be extracted and diluted before analysis. A too large
amount of material causes less interference with this type of analysis; however, a too small amount of moulds
will not be detected. It should be noted that contrary to the use of Bio-tape, sponge samples can subsequently
be used to identify microorganisms by growth.
Characterization by mycological structure and identification by growth of the microorganisms can be done on
a bulk sample when the material is suspected of being contaminated. Use alcohol for cleaning the tools that
will be used for sampling. It is preferable to use gloves (e.g., latex) for sampling. Place the sample in a clean
self-sealing bag or a sterile container (i.e., for a urine sample). The amount of material supplied must be
sufficient to allow appropriate analysis in the laboratory (minimum of one tablespoon or 10 mL).
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 31

2.5.4 Specific considerations

The shipping times are 48 hours when growth characterization is requested, whereas there is no specific time
frame for mycological structure analysis.
The samples must be shipped to the laboratory within 24 hours of their collection. Any delay must be noted in
order to ensure the validity of the results.

2.5.5 Analytical methods

Two methods are available for evaluating viable bacteria and moulds. The basic method consists of counting
the colonies formed following an incubation period specific to the investigated microorganisms. Counting is
done by optical microscopy. Subsequently, if the situation justifies it, identification can be done. To do this,
each of the different colonies found on the initial agar must be reinoculated on a specific agar, incubated
again, and identified by different techniques. Bacteria are identified by a series of biochemical tests or by
analysis of their fatty acid profile, while moulds are identified by morphological observation.
Transmitted light microscopy is used for mycological structure characterization analysis. Observation is done
directly on the slide or on an aliquot of the suspension collected after extraction of the supplied materials
(sponge, bulk) placed between the slide and cover slip.
Endotoxins are analyzed using the limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) method and the determination is done by
kinetic chromogenic analysis using a spectrometer at a wavelength of 405 nm.
The technical guide Bioaerosols in the Workplace: Evaluation, Control and Prevention Guide (24) describes
the process recommended by the IRSST for preventing, controlling and evaluating microorganisms in the
workplace. It is recommended that this document be consulted when planning an intervention.
Due to the complexity and the time required for bioaerosol identification and endotoxin determination, a prior
agreement must be arrived at with the person in charge of the IRSST's microbiology laboratory. For these
same reasons, when the count is below 250 CFU /m³, the species will not be identified.

2.6 Samples originating from a bulk

Samples originating from a process or starting materials (commonly called bulk samples) are sent to the
laboratory in the three following cases.

2.6.1 As a reference product

The substance is used or can be used as a calibration solution. This is the case when analyzing mixtures of
hydrocarbons such as VM & P naphtha, Stoddard solvent and rubber solvent (25). In these cases, the
reference solutions are complex mixtures of hydrocarbons of variable composition. It may be necessary to use
the mixture found in the workplace as the calibration solution, since it is the source of exposure.

2.6.2 Composition analysis

A starting material or a deposited dust is sent for analysis when all other means of obtaining information have
proven ineffective; this includes reviews of the literature, and consulting the supplier, manufacturer and the
CSST's Répertoire toxicologique (Toxicological Index).
When a composition analysis is requested, the following information must be provided: the type of industry,
the nature of the process, the type of exposure, the exposure-related health problems, the suspected chemicals,
and particularly the safety data sheet when a commercial substance is involved. Liquids
For organic solvents, analysis can be carried out using the solution, or preferably, saturated activated charcoal
32 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

tubes, thus allowing the main volatile components of the mixture to be quantitatively determined by gas
chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. This analytical technique is also used to confirm the
presence of a specific substance in a mixture (for example, the presence of benzene in paint naphtha). This
determination is carried out using a saturated tube or the solution. When there is saturation of a tube (IRSST
# 2120), a flow of 0.2 L/min for a minimum of 4 hours is recommended.
For ion or pH determinations, the liquid solution is shipped.
Liquid organic and inorganic samples must not be shipped in the same box as other samples to avoid
contamination, and must be properly identified with the corresponding requisition number. Bulk samples, sedimented dusts or materials

For these dusts, the following analyses are possible:
• Mineralogical and morphological characterization;
• Identification of the crystalline forms of silica:
quartz, cristobalite and tridymite. Tridymite cannot be identified when quartz and cristobalite are present.
Furthermore, this polymorph of crystalline silica is not extensively documented in the literature.
• Metal identification;
• Identification of fibrous substances and estimation of the fibre content, used mainly in the application
of the Safety Code for the construction industry (26) (polarized light microscopy, method 244-2). All
the fibres mentioned in the ROHS can be analyzed.
The necessary quantity of dust is approximately 3 grams; it must be collected in 60-mL bottles available from
the IRSST, or in self-sealing bags.

2.6.3 Surface test

To orient the sampling strategy, preliminary tests can be performed. The IRSST has mainly developed
several surface tests that are grouped into two categories.
1. With colorimetric development for:
• Chromates
• Cyanides
• Aliphatic isocyanate (HDI)
• Aromatic isocyanates (MDI and TDI)

2. With subsequent laboratory analysis for:

• Metals (on filter)
• Beryllium (on wet wipe)
• Mycological structure (on Bio-tape)
• Mycological structure and/or identification of moulds by growth (on a sponge)

The contents of these surface identification kits are described in Appendix 1 of this guide.

2.6.4 Granulometric analysis of dusts

Particle size can be determined from the passage of a known mass of dust into a nest of sieves. This type
of particle size analysis is flexible because the sieves can be easily inserted or removed, and the particle
size distributions containing the size fractions most pertinent for a user's specific problems can be
obtained. This technique consists of separating particles by fractions from 1000 µm to 1 µm in diameter.
The amount of dust necessary for this type of analysis is important, since a minimum volume of 2 litres of
dust must be supplied. The IRSST offers a granulometric analysis service. It is important to note that this
technique cannot be used to evaluate inhalable, thoracic and respirable fractions.
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 33

2.7 Description of the sampling systems

Evaluation of an air contaminant requires a system for collecting a given volume of air, a collecting medium,
and an analytical method. It generally includes the following components: pump, tube, cassette-filter unit,
cyclone, etc. Calibration of a sampling system, meaning the adjustment of the air flow through it requires the
use of a flow meter and will depend on the pump and ambient conditions on the sampling site and calibration
site. The following sections describe the flow meters and pumps most commonly used in industrial hygiene
and discuss the effects of temperature and pressure on their mechanism and on their calibration.

2.7.1 Sampling pumps

Pumps are the devices most commonly used in industrial hygiene for sampling a known volume of air for the
purpose of determining the concentration of the contaminants present. The pumps most used are high flow,
low flow, and very high flow pumps. Personal pumps

Personal sampling pumps are classified in two categories: pumps with low flow rates which generally operate
in the 1 to 500 mL/min range, and high-flow pumps which operate from 1.0 to 5.0 L/min. They operate
independently due to rechargeable batteries, thus ensuring at least 8 consecutive hours of sampling during the
work period.
Use of a pump assumes periodic verification of the flow rate in order to ensure that it remains constant.
Generally, the flow control mechanisms on some pumps are designed to maintain this constant flow despite
the drop in battery voltage and normal clogging of the collecting medium. Flow checks, at least at the start
and end of sampling, are used to determine the average flow and, if need be, to detect poor functioning of the
pump. The difference between these flow measurements must be less than 5% (21).
Utilization temperatures of the main pumps
Manufacturers generally mention a temperature range in which pumps can be used with complete confidence:
Table 5- Temperature range for the use of some personal pumps
Manufacturer and model Interval
GilAir, GilAir 5
Gilian HFS 113 -20°C to 45°C
SKC PCxr-7 SKC PCxr-8 Very high flow pumps

Very high flow pumps are used for sampling in the general ambient environment when a large amount of
material is to be collected for analysis or when a large sampling volume is needed to collect sufficient
contaminant in a context in which the concentrations in the air are very low.
Microorganism samplers and cotton elutriators use pumps able to operate at high air flow rates. The necessary
air flow rate is 28.3 L/min for the Andersen® sampler, and 7.4 L/min for the cotton elutriator. For the cotton
elutriator, a critical orifice is used to maintain a constant flow.

2.7.2 Flow meters and flow measurement

The precise determination of the flow rate is a key aspect of occupational hygiene sampling. It is measured
using a flow meter. There are several types of flow meters, which use different operating principles. Their
precision, variable from one model to another, is found in the manufacturer's specifications. The four most
common models are the following:
• Bubble flow meter (conventional burette or electronic version), e.g., Gilibrator;
• Piston flow meter, e.g., Drycal;
34 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

• Rotameter, e.g., Matheson;

• Mass flow meter, e.g., Kurz and MKS.
The flow circulating in a flow meter is not always the one displayed. To determine the actual flow circulating
in a flow meter that is being used under conditions different from its calibration conditions, it is necessary to
• The temperature and pressure during the measurement;
• The flow meter's calibration conditions;
• The flow meter's operating principle.
The components found in a calibration train are preferably placed in line in this order: pump, collecting
medium and flow meter.

Figure 11- Calibration of a sampling train

Ideally, the flow meter must not disrupt the flow to be measured. When the flow meter used or some
component causes significant head loss during calibration of certain instruments, a flow compensated method
must be used. In these cases, a source of air (a pump equipped with an air outlet, for example) in series with a
flow meter, connected to a pressure gauge connected directly to the instrument's input, must be adjusted until
the pressure on the pressure gauge is equal to that of the ambient environment. When this equilibrium is
reached, the flow rate read on the flow meter corresponds exactly to what the instrument would aspirate in the
open air.
Sometimes, it is impossible to connect a component such as a cyclone directly to a measuring system. In these
cases, the component must be placed in a tightly sealed receptacle with two or three connection ports. If the
flow meter is a bubble flow meter and causes no head loss, only two connection ports are needed: one to
connect the flow meter, and the other to connect the pump. However, if the flow meter being used causes a
significant head loss, the flow compensated method will have to be applied, and the recipient will have to
have three connection ports: one to connect the flow meter, another to connect the pump or the instrument,
and the third to connect the pressure gauge.

Figure 12- Calibration with a cyclone

IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 35

Utilization temperatures of the main flow meters

Manufacturers generally mention a temperature range in which flow meters can be used:
Table 6- Utilization temperature intervals of some flow meters
Manufacturer Interval
MKS 15°C to 40°C
Kurz 0°C to 50°C
Gilibrator 5°C to 35°C
DryCal 0°C to 40°C
Rotameter -30°C to 120°C

Computer-based tool for flow correction

The following sections describe the necessary flow corrections for each type of flow meter by taking into
account that the pump is calibrated on the sampling site. To make the calculation process easier, a computer-
based tool (27) is available on the IRSST's Web site for applying the flow correction equations in relation to
various types of flow meters. Bubble flow meter or piston flow meter

The soap bubble flow meter, the electronic bubble flow meter, and the piston flow meter are effectively
considered primary standards for flow measurement because their means of detection is based on measuring a
space or a volume whose dimensions are fixed and invariable in relation to the temperature and pressure. A
soap film flow meter or a burette can be used to directly obtain the volume or the flow rate.
When the flow meter is used under conditions in which the relative humidity is below 50%, the air volume
circulating above the solution in the flow meter can be humidified (28). A correction must therefore be made
for this volume of water that was not part of the original volume. This is done by assuming that the gas will
become saturated with water vapour, and by subtracting the water vapour saturation pressure from the
ambient pressure as shown in the following relationship:

Equation 16: Flow correction in relation to the water vapour pressure

( Ps − Pvap ) Q s : real sampling rate

Qs = ∗ Q flowm P s : absolute ambient pressure (mm of Hg)
P vap : water vapour saturation pressure (mm of Hg)
Ps Q flowm : flow indicated on the flow meter (Q read )

The values for the water vapour saturation pressure in relation to the different temperatures are available in the
literature (29). The computer-based tool described in the previous section takes these values into account in
calculating the real flow rate.
The piston flow meter requires no correction. Rotameter
A rotameter is a slightly tapered inverted vertical tube in which a float (metal or plastic bead, small cylinder,
etc.) moves from top to bottom. It is in fact a variable section annular orifice in which the capsule moves until
its weight is balanced by the pressure of the fluid circulating in it. In the case of a traditional orifice, the area
of the orifice is constant and the pressure differential across varies with the flow rate. For a rotameter, the
opposite occurs; the area of the orifice changes in relation to the flow rate, and the pressure differential across
remains constant (18). The head loss caused by a rotameter is generally very low in the order of psi and
remains constant.
Rotameters must be calibrated against primary standards and are affected by changes in pressure and
temperature. A calibration curve supplied by the IRSST or the supplier accompanies each rotameter. It must
be referred to in order to properly adjust the pump to the desired flow. The calibration curve is established at a
36 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

reference pressure and temperature (variable depending on the source). The flow must be corrected in relation
to the pressure and temperature on the sampling site using the following equation:
Equation 17: Flow correction in relation to the pressure and temperature (rotameter)
Q s : real sampling rate
Pflowm ∗ Ts P s : absolute ambient pressure (mm of Hg)
Qs = Q flowm ∗
T s : absolute ambient temperature (°K)
Q flowm : flow indicated on the flow meter (Q read )
Ps ∗ T flowm P flowm : flow meter calibration pressure (mm of Hg)
T flowm: flow meter calibration temperature (°K)

Table 7- Reference pressures and temperatures used by manufacturers for certain rotameters
Reference Manufacturer's
IRSST's reference
Company pressure reference
mm of Hg temperature
294°K 298°K
Allegro 760
(21°C) (25°C)
Gilmont Mass flow meter

A hot-wire flow meter uses the phenomenon of heat transfer between a hot body and a gas to quantify a flow
rate. When a gas circulates above a hot surface, heat is transferred between the hot surface and the gas. The
rate of heat transfer will depend on the mass of product circulating and the thermal properties of the gas and
the surfaces. This rate of heat transfer will be proportional to the mass flow rate if the specific heat of the gas
and ∆T remain constant.
Hot-wire flow meters are designed to display the same response for the same mass flow rate, even if the
temperature and pressure conditions are different. They therefore have the advantage of displaying a flow rate
at the instrument's standard conditions, regardless of the temperature and pressure conditions.
The flow rate displayed by a mass flow meter (Q flowm ) therefore does not always correspond to the actual flow
circulating in it (Qs ). The latter can be calculated using the flow meter equation which depends on its
calibration conditions described in the following table and the ambient conditions of use. For a given gas, the
flow meter equation is simply that of mass flow conservation:
Equation 18: Flow correction in relation to the pressure and temperature (mass flow meter)
Q s : sampling rate
P   T  P s : absolute ambient pressure (mm of Hg)
Qs =  flowm  ∗  s  ∗ Q flowm T s : absolute ambient temperature (°K)
  Q flowm : flow indicated on the flow meter (Q read )
 Ps   T flowm  P flowm : flow meter calibration pressure (mm of Hg)
T flowm : flow meter calibration temperature (°K)

Table 8- Reference pressures and temperatures used by manufacturers for some mass flow meters
Company Reference pressure
Reference temperature
mm of Hg
Hasting 760 293°K (20°C)
Kurz 760 298°K (25°C) Corrections for variations in temperature and/or pressure

Depending on the situation, corrections can be applied to take into account variations in volume as a
function of ambient temperature and pressure. A volume or flow rate evaluated under certain conditions of
temperature and pressure can be converted to other conditions of temperature and pressure. These
corrections are based on the conservation of the number of molecules in the sampled volume:
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 37

Equation 19: Perfect gas equation

P = Pressure
P1 V1 P2 V2 V = Volume
= T = Temperature (°K)
T1 T2 1 = Conditions on site # 1
2 = Conditions on site # 2

For flow rate correction, the same equation applies by substituting the volumes by the flow rates, since the
flow rate is a volume per unit of time (Q = V/t):
Equation 20: Perfect gas equation with substitution of the volume by the flow rate
Q = Flow rate
P2 T1 P = Pressure
Q1 = Q 2 T = Temperature (°K)
T2 P1 1 = Conditions on site # 1
2 = Conditions on site # 2

2.7.3 Flow rate calibration on the sampling site

Considering the limited current knowledge about the behaviour of the different pumps and that their
components have changed over the years, it is difficult to differentiate the type of pump actually used.
This is why it is strongly recommended that pumps be calibrated on the sampling site. By doing so, the
environmental conditions of temperature and atmospheric pressure that directly affect the sampling flow
rate do not have to be taken into account, as recommended by NIOSH (30) and OSHA (31).

Figure 13- Summary of the flow rate correction process on the sampling site

Bubble flow meter Piston flow meter Rotameter Mass flow meter

Correct for the water Refer to the calibration curve and Correct in relation to the
vapour saturation No correct in relation to the site's sampling site's pressure and
pressure correction pressure and temperature temperature

Equation 16 Equation 17 Equation 18

2.7.4 Calibration outside the sampling site

This guide does not develop formulas to be applied, considering the problem with flow rate correction
when the pump is calibrated outside the sampling site. In this case, refer to the Mémento sur l'utilisation
des pompes et des débitmètres (17).
38 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

Part 3: Contaminant sampling and analysis

The following section presents the sampling and analytical parameters used in evaluating occupational
exposure. The PEVs in question are listed and defined in the ROHS. Information on the principles for using
reference values is presented in Part 1 of this document and in several publications including the ACGIH®
2012 Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices

3.1 Specific considerations for the analytical laboratory

The quality of a result depends on the entire evaluation process, the establishment of the sampling strategy,
the sampling itself, and the laboratory analysis. In this context, it is important to entrust the analysis of the
samples to a recognized laboratory. An occupational hygiene analytical laboratory should be selected on the
basis of its expertise, its accreditations, and its quality management system. The IRSST's laboratories possess
several accreditations and certifications that ensure, to its partners and clients, the quality, integrity and
recognition of its work.
The IRSST's analytical laboratories are accredited by the American Industrial Hygiene Association 6 (AIHA).
To maintain this accreditation, they comply with the international standard ISO/IEC 17025:1999 and with the
AIHA's requirements to provide proof of the management of a quality system, the existence of appropriate
technical competence within the IRSST, and the technical validity of the results produced. This quality system
is supported by a series of documents such as procedures and work instructions that reflect the activities
carried out in the laboratories. The application of the requirements of quality documentation implies that
quality records and techniques are retained to allow the traceability7 of the measurements and analyses. The
provisions of the quality system are established in a Quality Manual and apply to the analyses associated with
the different scopes of accreditation.

3.2 Table of substances in the ROHS and the substances analyzed by the IRSST
This part of the guide contains two tables. The first table (green pages) contains all of the substances in the
ROHS (namely 706) as well as information on IRSST methods or on other methods that are recommended by
the IRSST. The latter methods were chosen by a review committee consisting of four chemists based on the
literature available in 1994. For each of the substances, a file exists in the Laboratory Division that contains a
copy of the chosen method as well as some other methods that were not selected. It is important to mention
that no laboratory test was performed regarding the recommended methods. In this context, the
implementation of these methods must undergo an appropriate analytical validation process. The majority of
the recommended methods come from the two following organizations: NIOSH (National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health) and OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration). This is the list
of documents or Web sites that were consulted.
• NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, second edition, Volumes 1 to 7, published from 1977 to 1980,
Cincinnati, OH.
• NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, third edition, published from 1984 to 1994, Cincinnati, OH.
• OSHA Analytical Methods Manual (Organic and Inorganic), published from 1985 to 1991, Salt Lake
City, UT
• OSHA Chemical Information File, published in 1991, Salt Lake City, UT.

Traceability means following the trail taken by the sample, from its reception until the analytical report is
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 39

These documents can be consulted in the IRSST's Laboratory Division.

The second table (yellow pages) contains the same information as the first table, but for a limited number of
substances that, without being included in the ROHS, are nevertheless offered in the framework of the
IRSST's analytical services.
The information contained in these tables comes from a database that is periodically updated. The most recent
version can be consulted at the following Web site:

3.3 Description of table column titles

ROHS name
This column contains the name of the substances as given in the ROHS. Also, the presence of the IRSST logo
(in the first table) followed by a number means that the substance is included in the IRSST's analytical
services. The number corresponds to the IRSST's number for the analytical method.
This is the chemical's CAS (Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number) number. The CAS number makes
chemical substances easy to identify, since they sometimes have many synonyms. It should be noted that in
the case of families of substances (for example: soluble barium salts), no CAS number has been given.
TWAEV/STEV/Ceiling (mg/m³)
The numbers in this column correspond respectively to the time-weighted average exposure value (TWAEV),
the short-term exposure value (STEV), or the ceiling value (Ceiling) as defined in the ROHS.
This column gives the notes for percutaneous absorption (Pc), carcinogenic effect (C1, C2 and C3), sensitizer
(S), prohibited recirculation (RP), substances whose exposure must be reduced to a minimum (EM) or the
notation of simple asphyxiant (Ax). Additional explanations regarding these remarks are presented in the
Definitions and Notes section of Schedule I of the ROHS.
Sampling device
This column contains a short description of the sampling equipment. The "IRSST" inventory number for the
sampling instrument is also entered in the second table. It should be noted that Appendix 1 of this guide
contains a descriptive table of this equipment.
Flow rate (L/min)
This is the recommended sampling flow rate. It is generally expressed in litres per minute. For methods using
the principle of passive dosimetry, the indicated value must be interpreted as a sampling rate and not as a
flow rate (see section
TWAEV/STEV volumes (L)
These are the recommended sampling volumes for verifying the TWAEV or STEV. They are generally
expressed in litres.
This column contains an acronym corresponding to the technique used in analyzing the contaminant.
Appendix 2 contains a table of the acronyms for the analytical principles.
MRV (µg)
This column contains the minimum reported value (on the sampling instrument) as defined in the method.
However, in some cases, it is preferable to consult the analytical method to properly understand the meaning
40 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

of this value.
It is important to mention that a result below the MRV (<MRV) must be treated mathematically by the
occupational hygienist who uses professional judgement based on his knowledge of the workplace, on the
intrinsic variability of the exposure, and on the techniques commonly used in estimating an equivalent
concentration in mg/m³ between 0 and the MRV (8, 18, 32).
CV a (%)
This parameter provides the level of analytical uncertainty for the method in question. This parameter will
allow the occupational hygienist to calculate the LCL and UCL based on the equations found in Part 1 of this
guide. Refer to the IRSST's Web site to obtain the CV a value, because they are regularly updated.
This is the supporting bibliographical reference for the method. In most cases where the analysis is not
implemented in the IRSST's laboratory, a NIOSH or OSHA method number or a reference (Part 3) is entered.
This section contains all the relevant information regarding sampling, analysis or analytical interferences.

3.4 Sampling parameters and analytical limitations

Sampling volumes and flow rates are determined in relation to the limits of quantification of the analytical
methods, the collection capacity of the various collecting media, and the characteristics of the sampling
equipment. The minimum reported value (MRV) is used to establish the optimal sampling time.
It is also important to specify that a maximum of 6 metals can be determined on a single filter. For solvents,
this maximum number depends on the presence or absence of chromatographic interference. In both cases,
the "Remarks" column must not contain "specific desorption" or "specific analysis."

3.5 Note regarding simple asphyxiants

It is important to mention a subtlety in the methods for simple «. The applicable regulation stipulates that the
concentrations of these substances must be such that the oxygen concentration in the air is not less than
19.5%. The methods suggested for simple asphyxiants are therefore related to measurement of the oxygen
concentration (method 26-C).
However, in an occupational safety context, the explosiveness of some simple asphyxiants (acetylene,
methane, ethylene, etc.) represents a risk that must absolutely be taken into account. In fact, even when the
oxygen-related requirements are respected, an ambient atmosphere in which the asphyxiant's
concentration is greater than its lower explosive limit must be considered as extremely dangerous.
ROHS Substances table 41

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Acetaldehyde -- C3 Supelco 2-0257 Orbo 23 tube 0,1 10 GC-MS 0,09 IRSST Before and after sampling, tubes must be stored in a freezer.
75-07-0 -- RP 2186 Orbo 23 120/60 mg Eleven aldehydes are determined simultaneously: acetaldehyde,
45 isobutyraldehyde, isovaleraldehyde, propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, furfural,
heptanal, hexanal, valeraldehyde, acrolein and formaldehyde. This method must
not be used for the specific evaluation of formaldehyde; the methods to be used
in this case are 295-1 and 357-1.

Acetic acid 25 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube 1 50 HPLC-UV 40 IRSST Acetic acid must be sampled specifically.
64-19-7 37 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg

Acetic anhydride 21 Glass fiber filter impregnated with 1-(2- 0,05 0,75 GC-NPD OSHA Any compound that reacts with 1-(2-pyridyl) piperazine can cause interference.
108-24-7 pyridyl) piperazine Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Acetone 1190 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 2 GC-FID 180 1,2 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
67-64-1 2380 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 1,5 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 1.3%.

Acetone 1190 3M Organic Vapor Monitor #3500 0,0401 GC-FID 180 1,2 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
67-64-1 2380 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
2.2%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Acetone 1190 DRI-PAD IRSST Refer to the user's guide accompanying the instrument.
67-64-1 2380 Acetone quantification in the field is done with a direct-reading instrument (DRI).
The minimum reported value is 1mg/m³ (0.4 ppm). The method in the reference
corresponds to DRI calibration.

Acetone cyanohydrin -- Pc Porapak QS solid adsorbent tube 100/350 0,2 12 GC-NPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
75-86-5 -- RP mg

Acetonitrile 67 Activated charcoal tube 400/200 mg 0,01- 25 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
75-05-8 101 0,2 3

Acetophenone 49 Tenax tube 30/15 mg 0,2 12 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
ROHS Substances table 42

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Acetylene Ax DRI-EX IRSST The DRI is for analyzing combustible gases as a percentage of their lower
74-86-2 explosive limit. Acetylene quantification is done in the field with a direct-reading
instrument. In the paper version of the sampling guide, see the remark about
simple asphyxiants. The method in the reference corresponds to DRI calibration.

Acetylsalicylic acid 5 Glass fiber filter 1 100 HPLC-UV Contact the IRSST before sampling.
(Aspirin) Other reference(s)
50-78-2 Purnell, C.J.,Bagon, D.A.,Warwick, C.J.,"The determination of organic
contaminant concentrations in workplace atmospheres by high-performance
liquid chromatography", Pergamon Ser. Environ. Sci., vol. 7, pp. 203-219
Warwick, C.J., Bagon, D.A., "Rapid Scan UV/Visible Detection in Liquid
Chromatography-Application to Environmental Analysis."
Chromatographia, 15(7), pp. 433-436 (1982).

Acrolein 0,23 Orbo #23 tube, Supelco 20257 0,1 10 GC-MS 0,02 IRSST Before and after sampling, the tubes must be kept in the freezer.
107-02-8 0,69 2186 Orbo 23 120/60 mg Eleven aldehydes are determined simultaneously: acetaldehyde,
isobutyraldehyde, isovaleraldehyde, propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, furfural,
heptanal, hexanal, valeraldehyde, acrolein and formaldehyde. This method must
not be used for the specific evaluation of formaldehyde; the methods to be used
in this case are 295-1 and 357-1.

Acrylamide 0,03 Pc OVS-7 tube with XAD-7 and glass fiber 1 120 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
79-06-1 C2 filter

Acrylic acid 5,9 Pc Two 708 anasorb tubes 0,1 24 HPLC-UV OSHA There is a possibility of polymerization in the presence of polymerization initiators
79-10-7 in the atmosphere. Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Acrylonitrile 4,3 Pc SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 20 GC-FID 8 4,0 IRSST Acrylonitrile must be sampled specifically due to the desorption solvent.
107-13-1 C2 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

Adipic acid 5 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
124-04-9 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25
ROHS Substances table 43

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Adiponitrile 8,8 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,1 10 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Aldrin 0,25 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 480 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
309-00-2 filter

Allyl alcohol 4,8 Pc SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 2,5 IRSST
107-18-6 9,5 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3

Allyl glycidyl ether 23 Tenax-GC tube 100/50mg 0,01- 3 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
(AGE) 47 0,2

Allyl propyl disulfide 12 Chromosorb-106 tube 0,2 10 GC-FPD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
2179-59-1 18 3

Aluminum [7429-90-5], 2 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

(as Al), Alkyls (NOC) No supporting reference is suggested for this product.

Aluminum (as Al), Metal 10 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 10 5,15 IRSST Aluminium oxides formed during welding are not dissolved with the actual
7429-90-5 37 mm. digestion method. Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also
905 MCE filter-37 be used. For surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
915 MCE filter-25 The analytical results are expressed as total aluminium.

Aluminum [7429-90-5], 5 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
(as Al), Pyrotechnical chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
powders 902 PVC filter-37
7429-90-5 914 PVC filter-25

Aluminum [7429-90-5], 2 Polyvinyl chloride filter Gelman 66467 1,5 180 FAAS 20 7 IRSST Specific sampling must be carried out for this substance. The analytical results
(as Al), Soluble salts 903 PVC filter-37 are expressed as total soluble aluminium.
ROHS Substances table 44

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Aluminum [7429-90-5], 5 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 10 5,15 IRSST Aluminium oxides formed during welding are not dissolved with the actual
(as Al), Welding fumes 37 mm. digestion method. Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also
7429-90-5 905 MCE filter-37 be used. For surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
915 MCE filter-25 The analytical results are expressed as total aluminium.

Aluminum oxide (as Al) 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
1344-28-1 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

4-Aminodiphenyl Pc Ttwo glass fiber filters impregnated with 1 100 GC-ECD OSHA The filters must be transferred and stored in water until analysis.
92-67-1 C1 sulfuric acid Any compound that reacts with sulfuric acid and is retained on the filters can
RP cause interference. Contact the IRSST before sampling.

2-Aminoethanol 7,5 Impregnated glass fiber filter, Millipore 1 15 HPLC-MS 6 IRSST Aniline, diethanolamine, dimethylamine, ethanolamine, isopropylamine,
141-43-5 15 AP4003705 methylamine and morpholine can be sampled at the same time.
955 Impregned FGF

2-Aminoethanol 7,5 XAD-2 tube impregnated with 10%(w/w) 1- 0,2 4 HPLC-UV 0,15 IRSST
141-43-5 15 naphthylisothiocyanate (NIT) # SKC 226-
2170 XAD-2 impregnated with NIT

2-Aminopyridine 1,9 Two glass fiber filters impregnated with 1 240 GC-NPD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
504-29-0 sulfuric acid

Amitrole 0,2 C3 Glass midget impinger containing 1 60 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
61-82-5 RP deionized water

Ammonia 17 DRI-PAD IRSST Refer to the user's guide accompanying the instrument.
7664-41-7 24 Ammonia is quantified in the field with a direct-reading instrument (DRI). The
minimum reported value is 0.5 mg/m³ (0.80 ppm). The reference method
corresponds to calibration of the DRI.

Ammonia 17 Tube of carbon beads pretreated with 0,10 - 24 IC-CD 9,4 4,42 IRSST These tubes have a limited shelf life. It is important to respect the expiration date
7664-41-7 24 sulfuric acid, #SKC 226-29 0,5 7,5 printed on the package.
2144 Pretreated carbon beads 500/260 mg The ammonium ion (NH4+) is being analyzed, so all ammonium salts will cause
interference. The analytical results are expressed as ammonia (NH3).
ROHS Substances table 45

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Ammonium chloride 10 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
fume 20 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
12125-02-9 902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Ammonium chloride 10 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 960 IC-CD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
fume 20 30

Ammonium 0,1 Pc Mixed cellulose ester filter in series with a GC-ECD Contact the IRSST before sampling.
perfluorooctanoate glass midget impinger containing methanol Other reference(s)
3825-26-1 Belisle, J. and Hagen, D.F. "A method for the determination of
perfluorooctanoic acid in blood and other biological samples",Analytical
biochemistry 101, 369-376
Ubel, F.A., Sorenson, S.D. and Roach, D.E. "Health status of plant worker
exposed to fluorochemicals a preliminary report ", Ind. Hyg Assoc J. (41) Août

Ammonium sulfamate 10 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 960 IC-CD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
7773-06-0 30

Ammonium sulfamate 10 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
7773-06-0 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Aniline 7,6 Pc Impregnated glass fiber filter, # Millipore 1 15 HPLC-MS 6 IRSST Aniline, diethanolamine, dimethylamine, ethanolamine, isopropylamine,
62-53-3 AP4003705 methylamine and morpholine can be sampled at the same time.
955 Impregned FGF

o-Anisidine 0,5 Pc XAD-2 tube 150/75 mg 0,5-1 225 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
90-04-0 C3

p-Anisidine 0,5 Pc XAD-2 tube 150/75 mg 0,5-1 225 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
ROHS Substances table 46

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Antimony [7440-36-0], 0,5 Omega M-083700AF or Omega M- 1,5 180 FAAS 10 IRSST Specific sampling must be carried out for this substance.
metal and compounds 082500AFP mixed cellulose ester filter The analytical results are expressed as total antimony.
(as Sb) 905 MCE filter-37
915 MCE filter-25

Antimony trioxide (as 0,5 C3 Omega M-083700AF or Omega M- 1,5 180 FAAS 10 IRSST Specific sampling must be carried out for this substance.
Sb) 082500AFP mixed cellulose ester filter The analytical results are expressed as total antimony.
1309-64-4 905 MCE filter-37
915 MCE filter-25

Antimony trioxide, C2 Omega M-083700AF or Omega M- 1,5 180 FAAS 10 IRSST Specific sampling must be carried out for this substance.
production (as Sb) RP 082500AFP mixed cellulose ester filter The analytical results are expressed as total antimony.
1309-64-4 EM 905 MCE filter-37
915 MCE filter-25

ANTU (alpha- 0,3 Polytetrafluorocarbon (teflon) filter 1,5-2 480 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Argon Ax DRI-elec IRSST Since argon is a simple asphyxiant, the field method for determination of oxygen
7440-37-1 in air is done with a direct-reading instrument (DRI).
The minimum reported value is 1% oxygen. The reference method corresponds
to calibration of the DRI.

Arsenic, elemental 0,1 Mixed cellulose ester filter 1-4 ICP NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. The recommended sampling volume is 5 to
[7440-38-2], and 2000 litres.
inorganic compounds
(except Arsine) (as As)

Arsenic trioxide, C2 Mixed cellulose ester filter followed by a 1-3 1000 FAAS NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
production RP cellulose pad impregnated with sodium There is no reference value for the standard, but measurement could be required
1327-53-3 EM carbonate and glycerol. nonetheless by targeting the lowest possible limit of detection, given the C2
carcenogenicity notation.

Arsine 0,16 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 10 ET-AAS NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. Stable for 6 days at 25°C.
7784-42-1 0,2 The different arsenic compounts can interfere with arsine. An MCE filter place
before the tube can remove the aerosols.
ROHS Substances table 47

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Asbestos, Actinolite 1 f/cc C1 Cassette with conductive extension and 0,5-16 400 PCM IRSST Open cassette sampling. A flow rate not exceeding 2.5 L/min is recommended
12172-67-7 5 f/cc EM mixed cellulose ester filter, Environmental for determining an average concentration. Supply at least 2 blanks per series of
Express CS250080 samples or 10% of sample total, whichever is highest. Send the samples in a
918 MCE filter-25 cardboard box supplied by the IRSST (#3010). In relatively uncontaminated
atmospheres, where the fibre concentration is much lower than 0.1 fibres/mL, use
larger sampling volumes (3000 to 10000L) in order to obtain quantifiable
The method applies to the counting of all fibres whose refractive index is
compatible with the mounting solution.
The minimum reported value is 25 fibres/mm².
Characterization of the fibres in bulk samples or in deposited dusts is done
using method 244-2. An analysis using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
method may be required for some materials containing fine asbestos fibres, for
example floor tiles.

Asbestos, Amosite 0,2 f/cc C1 Cassette with conductive extension and 0,5-16 400 PCM IRSST Open cassette sampling. A flow rate not exceeding 2.5 L/min is recommended
12172-73-5 1 f/cc EM mixed cellulose ester filter, Environmental for determining an average concentration. Supply at least 2 blanks per series of
Express CS250080 samples or 10% of sample total, whichever is highest. Send the samples in a
918 MCE filter-25 cardboard box supplied by the IRSST (#3010). In relatively uncontaminated
atmospheres, where the fibre concentration is much lower than 0.1 fibres/mL, use
larger sampling volumes (3000 to 10000L) in order to obtain quantifiable
The method applies to the counting of all fibres whose refractive index is
compatible with the mounting solution.
The minimum reported value is 25 fibres/mm².
Characterization of the fibres in bulk samples or in deposited dusts is done
using method 244-2. An analysis using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
method may be required for some materials containing fine asbestos fibres, for
example floor tiles.

Asbestos, Anthophyllite 1 f/cc C1 Cassette with conductive extension and 0,5-16 400 PCM IRSST Open cassette sampling. A flow rate not exceeding 2.5 L/min is recommended
17068-78-9 5 f/cc EM mixed cellulose ester filter, Environmental for determining an average concentration. Supply at least 2 blanks per series of
Express CS250080 samples or 10% of sample total, whichever is highest. Send the samples in a
918 MCE filter-25 cardboard box supplied by the IRSST (#3010). In relatively uncontaminated
atmospheres, where the fibre concentration is much lower than 0.1 fibres/mL, use
larger sampling volumes (3000 to 10000L) in order to obtain quantifiable
The method applies to the counting of all fibres whose refractive index is
compatible with the mounting solution.
The minimum reported value is 25 fibres/mm².
Characterization of the fibres in bulk samples or in deposited dusts is done
using method 244-2. An analysis using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
method may be required for some materials containing fine asbestos fibres, for
example floor tiles.
ROHS Substances table 48

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Asbestos, Chrysotile 1 f/cc C1 Cassette with conductive extension and 0,5-16 400 PCM IRSST Open cassette sampling. A flow rate not exceeding 2.5 L/min is recommended
12001-29-5 5 f/cc EM mixed cellulose ester filter, Environmental for determining an average concentration. Supply at least 2 blanks per series of
Express CS250080 samples or 10% of sample total, whichever is highest. Send the samples in a
918 MCE filter-25 cardboard box supplied by the IRSST (#3010). In relatively uncontaminated
atmospheres, where the fibre concentration is much lower than 0.1 fibres/mL, use
larger sampling volumes (3000 to 10000L) in order to obtain quantifiable
The method applies to the counting of all fibres whose refractive index is
compatible with the mounting solution.
The minimum reported value is 25 fibres/mm².
Characterization of the fibres in bulk samples or in deposited dusts is done
using method 244-2. An analysis using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
method may be required for some materials containing fine asbestos fibres, for
example floor tiles.

Asbestos, Crocidolite 0,2 f/cc C1 Cassette with conductive extension and 0,5-16 400 PCM IRSST Open cassette sampling. A flow rate not exceeding 2.5 L/min is recommended
12001-28-4 1 f/cc EM mixed cellulose ester filter, Environmental for determining an average concentration. Supply at least 2 blanks per series of
Express CS250080 samples or 10% of sample total, whichever is highest. Send the samples in a
918 MCE filter-25 cardboard box supplied by the IRSST (#3010). In relatively uncontaminated
atmospheres, where the fibre concentration is much lower than 0.1 fibres/mL, use
larger sampling volumes (3000 to 10000L) in order to obtain quantifiable
The method applies to the counting of all fibres whose refractive index is
compatible with the mounting solution.
The minimum reported value is 25 fibres/mm².
Characterization of the fibres in bulk samples or in deposited dusts is done
using method 244-2. An analysis using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
method may be required for some materials containing fine asbestos fibres, for
example floor tiles.

Asbestos, Tremolite 1 f/cc C1 Cassette with conductive extension and 0,5-16 400 PCM IRSST Open cassette sampling. A flow rate not exceeding 2.5 L/min is recommended
14567-73-8 5 f/cc EM mixed cellulose ester filter, Environmental for determining an average concentration. Supply at least 2 blanks per series of
Express CS250080 samples or 10% of sample total, whichever is highest. Send the samples in a
918 MCE filter-25 cardboard box supplied by the IRSST (#3010). In relatively uncontaminated
atmospheres, where the fibre concentration is much lower than 0.1 fibres/mL, use
larger sampling volumes (3000 to 10000L) in order to obtain quantifiable
The method applies to the counting of all fibres whose refractive index is
compatible with the mounting solution.
The minimum reported value is 25 fibres/mm².
Characterization of the fibres in bulk samples or in deposited dusts is done
using method 244-2. An analysis using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
method may be required for some materials containing fine asbestos fibres, for
example floor tiles.
ROHS Substances table 49

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Asphalt (petroleum) 5 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
fumes chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific. Additional information is also
8052-42-4 902 PVC filter-37 available in communiqué SAC-Labo 2008-02.
914 PVC filter-25

Atrazine 5 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 480 GC-ECD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
1912-24-9 filter Other pesticides can cause interference.

Azinphos-methyl 0,2 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 240 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
86-50-0 filter Tributyl phosphate, tris-(2-butoxyethyl) phosphate, tricresyl phosphate and
triphenyl phosphate may cause interference during the analysis.

Barium, soluble 0,5 Gelman 66467 polyvinyl chloride filter 1,5 180 ICP-MS 0,005 IRSST Specific sampling must be carried out for this substance.
compounds (as Ba) 903 PVC filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total soluble barium.

Barium sulfate 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
7727-43-7 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Barium sulfate 5 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
7727-43-7 chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37 2,75
914 PVC filter-25 (GS3)
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts

Benomyl 10 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 60 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
17804-35-2 filter

Benz(a)anthracene C2 Glass fiber filter pretreated in the 2 960 GC-MS 0,11 IRSST The sampling train consists of a cassette that will collect the PAHs in particulate
56-55-3 EM laboratory, Millipore AP4003705 in series form, followed by a tube that will adsorb the PAHs in vapour form. This tube is
with a Supelco 2-0264 Orbo-42 tube connected directly to the pump by Tygon tubing. After sampling, the samples
2187 Orbo 42 100/50 mg must be stored in the freezer protected from light. The tubes and filters must be
911 GF filter-37 shipped together. Ten hydrocarbons are determined simultaneously:
acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene,
chrysene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(e)pyrene et le benzo(a)pyrene.
ROHS Substances table 50

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Benzene 3 C1 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0355 GC-FID 2 1,4 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
71-43-2 15,5 RP 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
EM 1.7%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Benzene 3 C1 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 12 GC-FID 2 1,4 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
71-43-2 15,5 RP 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
EM uncertainty (CVa) is 3.6%.

Benzidine (production) Pc Two glass fiber filters impregnated with 1 100 GC-ECD OSHA The filter must be transferred and stored in a container of water until analysis.
92-87-5 C1 sulfuric acid Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Benzo(a)pyrene 0,005 C2 Millipore AP4003705 glass fiber filter 2 960 GC-MS 0,12 IRSST The sampling train consists of a cassette that will collect the PAHs in particulate
50-32-8 RP pretreated in the laboratory in series with form, followed by a tube that will adsorb the PAHs in vapour form. This tube is
EM a Supelco 2-0264 Orbo-42 tube connected directly to the pump by Tygon tubing. After sampling, the samples
2187 Orbo 42 100/50 mg must be stored in the freezer protected from light. The tubes and filters must be
911 GF filter-37 shipped together. Ten hydrocarbons are determined simultaneously:
acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene,
chrysene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(e)pyrene et le benzo(a)pyrene.

Benzo(b)fluoranthene C2 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

205-99-2 EM IRSST method 225-2 could be adapted for the analysis of benzo(b)fluoranthene

p-Benzoquinone 0,44 XAD-2 tube 0,1-0,2 24 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Benzoyl peroxide 5 Mixed cellulose ester filter 1-3 400 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. Keep the sampled cold during transport.
94-36-0 Loss of 9% after one week at 25°C.

Benzyl chloride 5,2 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 2,7 4,0 IRSST
100-44-7 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2
ROHS Substances table 51

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Beryllium [7440-41-7], 0,00015 C1 Mixed cellulose ester filter 0.8 µm, 37mm 1,5 180 ICP-MS 0,0005 3,59 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
metal and compounds RP or 25 mm, closed cassette surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
(as Be) EM 905 MCE filter-37 Specific sampling must be carried out for this substance. The analytical results
7440-41-7 S 915 MCE filter-25 are expressed as total beryllium.

Biphenyl 1,3 XAD-7 tube 100/50 mg 0,2 20 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Bismuth telluride (as 5 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
Bi2Te3), Se-doped chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
1304-82-1 902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Bismuth telluride (as 5 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 960 FAAS OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
Bi2Te3), Se-doped A stoichiometric factor must be applied.

Bismuth telluride (as 10 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
Bi2Te3), Undoped chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
1304-82-1 902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Bismuth telluride (as 10 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 960 FAAS OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
Bi2Te3), Undoped A stoichiometric factor must be applied.

Boron oxide 10 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
1303-86-2 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Boron tribromide -- RP Prefilter PTFE with silver membrane 0,3-1 360 IC-CD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
10294-33-4 -- The bromide and bromate ions are analyzed.
ROHS Substances table 52

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Boron trifluoride -- RP Glass fritted tip impinger containing 10 mL 1 480 SE OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
7637-07-2 -- of 0,1 N ammonium fluoride

Bromacil 10 Glass midget impinger containing 15 mL 1 50 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
314-40-9 of ethylene glycol

Bromine 0,66 Silver membrane filter 0,3-1 360 IC-CD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
7726-95-6 1,3 15 Protect the samples from light. Can be kept for more than 30 days at 25°C.
Hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric and hydrobromic acids may cause interference.

Bromine pentafluoride 0,72 MCE filter with pretreated cellulose pad 1-2 800 SE NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Bromoform 5,2 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 70 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
75-25-2 0,2

Bromotrifluoromethane 6090 Two 400/200 mg and 100/50 mg activated 0,01- 1 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
75-63-8 charcoal tubes in series 0,05

1,3-Butadiene 4,4 C2 Activated charcoal tube impregnated with Max: 10 GC-FID 4,4 IRSST 1,3-Butadiene must be sampled specifically due to the sampling device used.
106-99-0 EM TBC #SKC 226-73 0,075
2189 Activated charcoal with TBC

Butane 1900 DRI-EX IRSST A DRI is used for measuring combustible gases in terms of percentage of their
106-97-8 lower explosive limit. In the paper version of the guide, refer to the note about
simple asphyxiants.

2-Butoxyethanol 97 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 27 2,9 IRSST 2-butoxy ethanol must be sampled specifically due to a specific desorption
111-76-2 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 solvent.
However, simultaneous sampling and analysis of the monomethyl ether of
propylene glycol are possible.

n-Butyl acetate 713 Activated charcoal tube #SKC ST226-01 Max: 10 GC-FID 71 4,0 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
123-86-4 950 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 1.1%.
ROHS Substances table 53

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

sec-Butyl acetate 950 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0286 GC-FID 475 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
105-46-4 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
5%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

sec-Butyl acetate 950 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 475 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
105-46-4 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 1.1%.

tert-Butyl acetate 950 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 475 IRSST
540-88-5 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

n-Butyl acrylate 10 Activated charcoal tube impregnated with 0,05 12 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
141-32-2 4-tert-butylcatechol

n-Butyl alcohol -- Pc SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 81 5,0 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
71-36-3 -- RP 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
152 uncertainty (CVa) is 2.1%.

n-Butyl alcohol -- Pc 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0343 GC-FID 81 5,0 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
71-36-3 -- RP 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
152 2.0%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

sec-Butyl alcohol 303 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 65 1,0 IRSST
78-92-2 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

tert-Butyl alcohol 303 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 150 IRSST
75-65-0 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3

tert-Butyl chromate (as -- Pc PALL CA28149-306 vinyl/acrylic 1,5 à 4 360 IC-VIS IRSST IRSST method #365 could be adapted for this product. Contact the IRSST before
CrO3) -- RP copolymer filter sampling.
1189-85-1 0,1 926 Vinyl/acrylic copolymer filter
ROHS Substances table 54

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

n-Butyl glycidyl ether 133 Activated charcoal tube 100/50mg 0,01- 20 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
(BGE) 0,2

n-Butyl lactate 30 Activated charcoal tube 100/50mg 0,2 10 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Butyl mercaptan 1,8 Glass fiber filter impregnated with a 0,1-0,2 150 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. Protect the samples from light.
109-79-5 solution of 5% (w/v) mercuric acetate

n-Butylamine -- Pc Silica gel tube impregnated with sulfuric 0,01-1 100 GC-NPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
109-73-9 -- RP acid

o-sec-Butylphenol 31 Pc XAD-7 tube 100/50 mg 0,2 20 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

p-tert-Butyltoluene 6,1 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg Max: 29 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
98-51-1 0,2 Alcohols, ketones, ethers and halogenated hydrocarbons may cause interference.

Cadmium elemental and 0,025 C2 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8 µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 0,05 3,1 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
compouds (as Cd) EM 37 mm. surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
7440-43-9 905 MCE filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total cadmium.
915 MCE filter-25

Calcium carbonate 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
471-34-1 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25
ROHS Substances table 55

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Calcium chromate (as 0,001 C2 PALL CA28149-306 vinyl/acrylic 1,5 à 4 360 IC-VIS 0,04 2,29 IRSST For surface wipe sampling, refer to Appendix 3 of the sampling guide.
Cr) RP copolymer filter The analytical results are expressed as total water-soluble chromium VI.
13765-19-0 EM 926 Vinyl/acrylic copolymer filter Surface tests for chromates can be carried out, and the required equipment (kit
#2625) is available at the IRSST. See communiqué 2008-06 on our Web site.
Analysis time of 8 days for welding fumes and 10 days for the other processes
following the sampling date. Ship all samples by rapid courier within a period not
exceeding 24 hours after sampling.
Any substance that produces a response on the detector at 540 nm and that has
a retention time similar to Cr VI is a potential interference.

Calcium cyanamide 0,5 Mixed cellulose ester filter 1,5 180 FAAS 5 5 IRSST Specific sampling must be carried out for this substance.
156-62-7 905 MCE filter-37 IRSST method 1-1 is for total calcium, which does not specifically include calcium
915 MCE filter-25 cyanamide. A stoichiometric factor must be applied.

Calcium hydroxide 5 Omega M-083700AF or Omega M- 1,5 180 FAAS 5 5 IRSST Specific sampling must be carried out for this substance.
1305-62-0 082500AFP mixed cellulose ester filter The analytical results are expressed as total calcium. A stoichiometric factor must
905 MCE filter-37 be applied.
915 MCE filter-25

Calcium oxide 2 Omega M-083700AF or Omega M- 1,5 180 FAAS 5 5 IRSST Specific sampling must be carried out for this substance.
1305-78-8 082500AFP mixed cellulose ester filter The analytical results are expressed as total calcium. A stoichiometric factor must
905 MCE filter-37 be applied.
915 MCE filter-25

Calcium silicate 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
(synthetic) chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
1344-95-2 902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Calcium sulfate 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
7778-18-9 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Calcium sulfate 5 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
7778-18-9 chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37 2,75
914 PVC filter-25 (GS3)
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts
ROHS Substances table 56

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Camphor (synthetic) 12 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 20 GC-FID 12 3,0 IRSST Camphor must be specifically sampled due to a specific desorption solvent.
76-22-2 19 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3

Caprolactam, Dust 1 OVS-7 tube with XAD-7 and glass fiber 1 100 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
105-60-2 3 filter 15

Caprolactam, Vapour 23 OVS-7 tube with XAD-7 and glass fiber 1 100 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
105-60-2 46 filter 15

Captafol 0,1 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 240 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
2425-06-1 filter

Captan 5 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 60 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
133-06-2 filter

Captan 5 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
133-06-2 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Carbaryl 5 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 60 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
63-25-2 filter

Carbofuran 0,1 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 480 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
1563-66-2 filter

Carbon black 3,5 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
1333-86-4 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Carbon dioxide 9000 DRI-PAD IRSST The minimum reported value is 5.4 mg/m³ (3 ppm). In the case of a respirable
124-38-9 54000 compressed air (RCA) sample, analysis is done at the IRSST.
ROHS Substances table 57

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Carbon dioxide 9000 DRI-IR IRSST Refer to the user's guide accompanying the instrument.
124-38-9 54000 Carbon dioxide is quantified in the field with a direct-reading instrument (DRI).
The minimum reported value is 18 mg/m³ (10 ppm). The reference method
corresponds to calibration of the DRI.

Carbon disulfide 12 Pc Activated charcoal tube preceded by a 0,01- 25 GC-FPD NIOSH The samples must be stored in the refrigerator until analysis. Contact the IRSST
75-15-0 36 drying tube 0,2 3 before sampling.

Carbon monoxide 40 DRI-elec IRSST Refer to the user's guide accompanying the instrument.
630-08-0 230 Quantification of carbon monoxide is done in the field with a direct-reading
instrument (DRI). The minimum reported value is 1.1 mg/m³ (1 ppm). The
reference method corresponds to calibration of the DRI.

Carbon monoxide 40 DRI-PAD IRSST The reported minimum value is of 0.2 mg/m³ (0.2 ppm). In the case of a
630-08-0 230 respirable compressed air (RCA) sample, the analysis is done at the IRSST.

Carbon tetrabromide 1,4 XAD-4 tube 0,2 10 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
558-13-4 4,1 3

Carbon tetrachloride 31 Pc 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0302 GC-FID 25 0,8 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
56-23-5 63 C2 2695 Passive dosimeter 0 According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
EM 1.3%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Carbon tetrachloride 31 Pc SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 15 GC-FID 25 0,8 IRSST
56-23-5 63 C2 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

Carbonyl fluoride 5,4 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

353-50-4 13 No supporting reference is suggested for this product.

Catechol 23 Pc OVS-7 tube with XAD-7 and glass fiber 1 100 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
120-80-9 filter

Cellulose (paper fibres) 10 Pt Polyvinyl chloride filter with Accu-Cap. 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Sampling of respirable dusts is also possible by using the flow rate appropriate to
9004-34-6 910 PVC filter-37 with Accu-Cap the cyclone used.
Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
ROHS Substances table 58

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Cesium hydroxide 2 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 960 FAAS OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Chlordane 0,5 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 480 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
57-74-9 filter

Chlorinated camphene 0,5 Pc Mixed cellulose ester filter 0,2-1 30 GC-ECD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
8001-35-2 1 C3 15 Some pesticides may cause interference during the analysis.

Chlorinated diphenyl 0,5 Mixed cellulose ester filter 0,5-1,5 200 GC-ELD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Chlorine 1,5 Silver membrane filter 0,3-1 90 IC-CD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
7782-50-5 2,9 15 Protect the samples from light. Can be kept for more than 30 days at 25°C.

Chlorine dioxide 0,28 Glass fritted tip impinger containing 0,5 120 IC-CD OSHA Stable for at least 3 months at ambient temperature
10049-04-4 0,83 potassium iodide. 7,5

Chlorine trifluoride -- RP Mixed cellulose ester filter with sodium 1,5 90 SE OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
7790-91-2 -- carbonate treated pad

Chloroacetaldehyde -- RP Silica gel tube 520/260 mg 0,5 7,5 GC-ECD OSHA The samples must be stored in the freezer until analysis. Contact the IRSST
107-20-0 -- before sampling.

Chloroacetone -- Pc Contact the IRSST before sampling.

78-95-5 -- RP No supporting reference is suggested for this product.

alpha- 0,32 Silica gel tube 100/50 mg 0,2 10 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
ROHS Substances table 59

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Chloroacetyl chloride 0,23 Pc Tenax-GC tube impregnated with 9-[(N- 0,1 5 HPLC-Flu Contact the IRSST before sampling.
79-04-9 0,69 methylamino) methyl] anthracene (MAMA) 1,5 Other reference(s)
Klein, A.J., Morrell, S.G., Hicks, O.H., Worley, J.W., "Determination of
Chloroacetyl Chloride in Air by High-Performance Liquide Chromato-graphy",
Anal. Chem., 58 (4), pp.753-755 (1986).

Chlorobenzene 230 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 10 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
108-90-7 0,2

o-Chlorobenzylidene -- Pc Polytetrafluorocarbon filter in series with a 1,5 90 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
malononitrile -- RP Tenax-GC tube
2698-41-1 0,39

Chlorobromomethane 1060 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 5 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
74-97-5 0,2

Chlorodifluoromethane 3540 SKC ST226-09 activated charcoal tube 0,2 5 GC-FID 12 10,4 IRSST Chlorodifluoromethane must be sampled specifically due to the sampling device
75-45-6 2121 Activated charcoal 400/200 mg used. Freon 22. However, simultaneous sampling and analysis of 1,1,2-trichloro-
1,2,2-ethane (Freon 113) are possible.

Chlorodiphenyl (42% 1 Pc SKC FLT225-16 glass fiber filter in series 0,05- 40 GC-ECD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
chlorine) C2 with an SKC ST226-39 Florisil tube 0,2 PCB chromatograms must be interpreted with care.
53469-21-9 EM DDT, DDE, chlorinated pesticides and sulfur compounds of petroleum products
may cause interference.

Chlorodiphenyl (54% 0,5 Pc Glass fiber filter in series with a Florisil 0,05- 40 GC-ECD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
chlorine) C2 tube 0,2 PCB chromatograms must be interpreted with care (consult MENVIQ as needed).
11097-69-1 EM DDT, DDE, chlorinated pesticides and sulfur compounds of petroleum products
may cause interference.

Chloroform 24,4 C2 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 15 GC-FID 22 1,8 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
67-66-3 RP 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
EM uncertainty (CVa) is 0.93%.

Chloromethyl methyl C1 Two glass fritted impingers containing a 0,5 50 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
ether RP solution of methanol and 2,4,6-
107-30-2 EM trichlorophenol.
ROHS Substances table 60

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

bis (Chloromethyl) ether 0,0047 C1 Two glass fritted impingers containing a 0,5 50 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
542-88-1 RP solution of methanol and 2,4,6-
EM trichlorophenol.

1-Chloro-1-nitropropane 10 Chromosorb-108 tube 0,2 12 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Chloropentafluoroethane 6320 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,05 2,5 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.


Chloropicrin 0,67 Two XAD-4 80/40 mg tubes in series 0,2 5 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

ß-Chloroprene 36 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 8 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
126-99-8 0,1

3-Chloropropene 3 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01-1 100 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
107-05-1 6 15

2-chloropropionic acid 0,44 Pc Silica gel tube 100/50 mg 0,05- 100 IC-CD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
598-78-7 0,2 Stable for at least 7 days at 25°C and 32 days at 4°C

o-Chlorostyrene 283 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 20 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
2039-87-4 425 0,2 3 NIOSH method 1003 is for halogenated hydrocarbons, which does not
specifically include o-chlorostyrene.

o-Chlorotoluene 259 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 10 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
95-49-8 0,2 3 NIOSH method 1003 is for halogenated hydrocarbons, which does not
specifically include o-chlorotoluene.

Chlorpyrifos 0,2 Pc OVS tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber filter 0,2-1 240 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
2921-88-2 Some phosphates may cause interference during the analysis.
ROHS Substances table 61

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Chromium (metal) 0,5 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 1 3,75 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
7440-47-3 37 mm. surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
905 MCE filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total chromium.
915 MCE filter-25

Chromium (III) 0,5 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 1 3,75 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
compounds (as Cr) 37 mm. surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
905 MCE filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total chromium.
915 MCE filter-25

Chromium VI, water 0,01 C1 PALL CA28149-306 vinyl/acrylic 1,5 à 4 360 IC-VIS 0,04 4,4 IRSST For surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
insoluble inorganic RP copolymer filter The analytical results are expressed as total water-insoluble chromium VI.
compounds (as Cr) EM 926 Vinyl/acrylic copolymer filter Surface tests for chromates can be carried out, and the required equipment (kit
S #2625) is available at the IRSST. See communiqué 2008-06 on our Web site.
Analysis time of 8 days for welding fumes and 10 days for the other processes
following the sampling date. Ship all samples by rapid courier within a period not
exceeding 24 hours after sampling.
Any substance that produces a response on the detector at 540 nm and that has
a retention time similar to Cr VI is a potential interference.

Chromium VI, water 0,05 C1 PALL CA28149-306 vinyl/acrylic 1,5 à 4 360 IC-VIS 0,04 2,29 IRSST For surface wipe sampling, refer to Appendix 3 of the sampling guide.
soluble inorganic RP copolymer filter The analytical results are expressed as total water-soluble chromium VI.
compounds (as Cr) EM 926 Vinyl/acrylic copolymer filter Surface tests for chromates can be carried out, and the required equipment (kit
S #2625) is available at the IRSST. See communiqué 2008-06 on our Web site.
Analysis time of 8 days for welding fumes and 10 days for the other processes
following the sampling date. Ship all samples by rapid courier within a period not
exceeding 24 hours after sampling.
Any substance that produces a response on the detector at 540 nm and that has
a retention time similar to Cr VI is a potential interference.

Chromium VI, water 0,05 C1 Not available (refer to commmuniqué IRSST For chromium VI in an acid aerosol.
soluble inorganic RP 2012-03)
compounds (as Cr) EM 927

Chromyl chloride 0,16 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

14977-61-8 No supporting reference is suggested for this product.
ROHS Substances table 62

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Chrysene C2 Millipore AP4003705 glass fiber filter 2 960 GC-MS 0,1 IRSST The sampling train consists of a cassette that will collect the PAHs in particulate
218-01-9 RP pretreated in the laboratory, in series with form, followed by a tube that will adsorb the PAHs in vapour form. This tube is
EM a Supelco 2-0264 Orbo-42 tube connected directly to the pump by Tygon tubing. After sampling, the samples
2187 Orbo 42 100/50 mg must be stored in the freezer protected from light. The tubes and filters must be
911 GF filter-37 shipped together. Ten hydrocarbons are determined simultaneously:
acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene,
chrysene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(e)pyrene et le benzo(a)pyrene.

Clopidol 10 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
2971-90-6 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Coal dust (less than 5% 2 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
crystalline silica) chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
53570-85-7 902 PVC filter-37 2,75
914 PVC filter-25 (GS3)
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts

Coal dust (more than 0,1 Pr Cyclone in series with an Omega P- 1,7 800 XRD 6 5 IRSST The analytical results are expressed as quartz.
5% crystalline silica) 08370K polyvinyl chloride filter (nylon)
902 PVC filter-37 2,75
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts (GS3)

Coal dust (more than 0,1 Pr Cyclone in series with an Omega P- 1,7 800 FTIR 6 5 IRSST
5% crystalline silica) 08370K polyvinyl chloride filter (nylon)
902 PVC filter-37 2,75
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts (GS3)

Coal tar pitch volatiles, 0,2 C1 Millipore AP4003705 glass fiber filter 2 960 Grav 50 IRSST After sampling, the samples must be stored in the freezer protected from light.
as benzene solubles RP pretreated in the laboratory in series with The gravimetric result is used to establish the compliance with the standard.
65996-93-2 EM a Supelco 2-0264 Orbo-42 tube Simultaneous sampling and analysis of PAHs are possible if the complete
911 GF filter-37 sampling train is used (see the example of benzo(a)pyrene).

Cobalt, elemental and 0,02 C3 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 0,04 3,15 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
inorganic compounds 37 mm. surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
(as Co) 905 MCE filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total cobalt.
7440-48-4 915 MCE filter-25
ROHS Substances table 63

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Cobalt hydrocarbonyl 0,1 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

(as Co) No supporting reference is suggested for this product.

Cobalt tetracarbonyl (as 0,1 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Co) No supporting reference is suggested for this product.

Copper [7440-50-8], 0,2 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 0,4 2,77 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
Fume (as Cu) 37 mm. surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
905 MCE filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total copper.
915 MCE filter-25

Copper [7440-50-8], 1 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 0,4 2,77 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
Dust and mists (as Cu) 37 mm. surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
905 MCE filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total copper.
915 MCE filter-25

Corundum 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
1302-74-5 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Cotton dust, cotton 1 Vertical elutriator and SKC 225-8-01-1 7,4 450 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Stationary open cassette sampling due to use of the elutriator.
waste processing polyvinyl chloride filter Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
operation of waste 997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
recycling and garnetting

Cotton dust, in yarn 0,2 Vertical elutriator and SKC 225-8-01-1 7,4 450 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Stationary open cassette sampling due to use of the elutriator.
manufacturing and polyvinyl chloride filter Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
cotton washing 997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
ROHS Substances table 64

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Cotton dust, in textile 0,5 Vertical elutriator and SKC 225-8-01-1 7,4 450 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Stationary open cassette sampling due to use of the elutriator.
mill waste house polyvinyl chloride filter Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
operations or in yarn 997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
manufacturing to dust
from "lower-grade
washed cotton"

Cotton dust, in textile 0,75 Vertical elutriator and SKC 225-8-01-1 7,4 450 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Stationary open cassette sampling due to use of the elutriator.
slashing and weaving polyvinyl chloride filter Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
operations 997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts method for dusts is by definition non-specific.

Cresol (all isomers) 22 Pc XAD-7 tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 24 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
1319-77-3 0,1

Crotonaldehyde 5,7 Cassette containing two glass fiber filters 0,1 6 HPLC-UV OSHA Any compound (e.g., some aldehydes and ketones) that reacts with
4170-30-3 impregnated with 2,4- dinitrophenylhydrazine can cause interference during sampling. Contact the
dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) and IRSST before sampling.
phosphoric acid

Crufomate 5 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 240 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
299-86-5 filter Some phosphates may cause interference.

Cumene 246 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0245 GC-FID 86 4,0 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
98-82-8 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
3.7%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Cumene 246 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 86 4,0 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
98-82-8 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 0.61%.

Cyanamide 2 XAD-2 tube impregnated with 1- 0,1 10 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
420-04-2 naphthylisothiocyanate (NIT)
ROHS Substances table 65

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Cyanides (as Cn) -- Pc Glass midget impinger containing 15 mL 0,5-1,0 180 SE NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. For surface wipe sampling, use surface kit
57-12-5 -- RP of 0,1 N potassium hydroxide #3020.
11 Some anions and metals can cause interference.

Cyanogen 21 XAD-2 tube impregnated with 2- 0,2 12 GC-NPD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
460-19-5 (hydroxymethyl) piperidine

Cyanogen chloride -- RP XAD-2 tube impregnated with 2- 0,2 1 GC-NPD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
506-77-4 -- hydroxymethyl piperidine

Cyclohexane 1030 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 3 GC-FID 160 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
110-82-7 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 0.56%.

Cyclohexane 1030 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0324 GC-FID 160 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
110-82-7 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
2.2%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Cyclohexanol 206 Pc SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 100 IRSST
108-93-0 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

Cyclohexanone 100 Pc SKC ST226-110 Chromosorb-106 tube Max: 10 GC-FID 20 2,0 IRSST Cyclohexanone must be sampled specifically due to the sampling device used.
108-94-1 2127 Chromosorb-106 0,2

Cyclohexene 1010 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,2 7 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Cyclohexylamine 41 Silica gel tube 150/75mg 0,01-1 3 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Cyclonite 1,5 Pc Glass fiber filter 1 120 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
ROHS Substances table 66

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Cyclopentadiene 203 Chromosorb-104 tube impregnated with 0,01- 5 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
542-92-7 20% (w/w) maleic anhydride 0,05

Cyclopentane 1720 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

287-92-3 IRSST method 144-2 is for n-pentane and can be adapted to cyclopentane.

Cyhexatin 5 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
13121-70-5 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Cyhexatin 5 Glass fiber filter in series with an XAD-2 1-1,5 300 HPLC- NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
SAAE 5504
13121-70-5 tube 80/40 mg

2,4-D 10 C2 Glass fiber filter, binderless 1-3 200 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
94-75-7 EM

DDT 1 C3 Glass fiber filter 1,5 90 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Decaborane 0,25 Pc Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 480 ICP OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
17702-41-9 0,75 30

Demeton® 0,11 Pc Mixed cellulose ester filter with XAD-2 0,2-1 480 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
8065-48-3 tube 150/75 mg

Di-sec-octyl phthalate 5 C3 Whatman 7188 003 cellulose nitrate filter 1,0 30 HPLC-UV 8 IRSST Store in refrigerator after sampling.
117-81-7 10 912 CN filter-37 15

2,6-Di-tert-butyl-p-cresol 10 OVS-7 tube with XAD-7 and glass fiber 1 100 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
128-37-0 filter
ROHS Substances table 67

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Diacetone alcohol 238 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 46 4,1 IRSST Diacetone alcohol must be specifically sampled due to a specific desorption
123-42-2 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 solvent.

1,6-Diaminohexane 2,3 Silica gel tube 150/75 mg 0,01-1 30 GC-NPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Diazinon® 0,1 Pc Supelco ORBO 49P tube, # 2-350 0,2-1 480 GC-NPD 2 IRSST Diazinon must be specifically sampled due to the sampling device used and a
333-41-5 2180 Orbo 49P specific desorption solvent.

Diazomethane 0,34 XAD-2 tube impregnated with octanoic 0,2 10 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
334-88-3 acid.

Diborane 0,11 Teflon filter in series with a charcoal tube 0,5-1 120 ICP-MS NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
19287-45-7 impregnated with an oxidant.

1,2-Dibromoethane 155 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,02- 25 GC-ECD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
106-93-4 C2 0,2

Dibutyl phenyl 3,5 Pc Polytetrafluorocarbon (teflon) filter 1-3 200 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
phosphate NIOSH method 5017 is for dibutyl phosphate and can be adapted to this
2528-36-1 substance.

Dibutyl phosphate 8,6 Polytetrafluorocarbon (teflon) filter 1-3 200 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
107-66-4 17 45

Dibutyl phthalate 5 Whatman 7188 003 cellulose nitrate filter 1,0 30 HPLC-UV 8 IRSST Store in refrigerator after sampling.
84-74-2 912 CN filter-37

2-N-Dibutylaminoethanol 14 Pc Silica gel tube 300/150 mg 0,01- 24 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
102-81-8 0,2
ROHS Substances table 68

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

1,3-Dichloro -5,5- 0,2 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

dimethyl hydantoin 0,4 No supporting reference is suggested for this product.
118-52-5 Other reference(s)
Pilipenko, A.T., Zui, O.V., Terletskaga, A.V.,"Chemiluminescence
determination of 1,3-dibromo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin and 1,3-dichloro-5,5-
dimethylhydantoin in water and air" Zh. Anal. Khim., 41(4), p.705

Dichloroacetylene -- RP Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,2 3 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
7572-29-4 --

o-Dichlorobenzene -- RP SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 150 IRSST
95-50-1 -- 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

p-Dichlorobenzene 120 C3 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 60 IRSST
106-46-7 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3

3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine Pc Glass fiber filter 0,2 100 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
91-94-1 C2

1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 0,025 Pc Activated charcoal tube 400/200 mg 0,2 24 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
764-41-0 C2 OSHA method 07 is for organic vapours and can be adapted to this substance.

Dichlorodifluoromethan 4950 Two 400/200 mg et 100/50 mg activated 0,01- 4 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. Freon 12.
e charcoal tubes in series. 0,05

1,1-Dichloroethane 405 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

75-34-3 IRSST method 173-1 can be adapted to this product.

1,2-Dichloroethane 4 C2 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 20 GC-FID 8,1 5,0 IRSST 1,2-dichloroethane must be specifically sampled due to a specific desorption
107-06-2 8 EM 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 10 solvent.
ROHS Substances table 69

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Dichloroethyl ether 29 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01-1 15 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
111-44-4 58 2

1,1-Dichloroethylene 4 Activated charcoal tube 0,01- 7 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
75-35-4 0,2

1,2-Dichloroethylene 793 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 3 GC-FID 120 IRSST
540-59-0 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

Dichlorofluoromethane 42 Two 400/200 mg activated charcoal tubes 0,01- 3 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. Freon 21.
75-43-4 in series 0,05

1,1-Dichloro-1- 12 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01-1 15 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

1,2-Dichloropropane 347 Activate charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 3,5 GC-ELD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
78-87-5 508 0,2 3

Dichloropropene (cis 4,5 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 5 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
and trans) C3 0,2

2,2-Dichloropropionic 5,8 Silica gel tube 150/75 mg 0,2 10 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

1,2 Dichloro-1,1,2,2- 6990 Two 400/200 mg and 100/50 mg activated 0,01- 4 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. Freon 114.
tetrafluoroethane charcoal tubes in series. 0,05

Dichlorvos 0,9 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 480 GC-FPD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
62-73-7 filter
ROHS Substances table 70

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Dicrotophos 0,25 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 240 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
141-66-2 filter Some phosphates may cause interference during the analysis.

Dicyclopentadiene 27 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 20 GC-FID 30 4,0 IRSST
77-73-6 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

Dicyclopentadienyl iron 10 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

102-54-5 IRSST method 362 is for iron and can be adapted to iron dicyclopentadiene.
IRSST method 48-1 (gravimetric analysis) can also be used, given the standard
of 10 mg/m³.

Dieldrin 0,25 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 with glass fiber 1 480 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
60-57-1 filter

Diethanolamine 13 Pc Impregnated Millipore AP4003705 glass 1 15 HPLC-MS 10 IRSST Aniline, diethanolamine, dimethylamine, ethanolamine, isopropylamine,
111-42-2 fiber filter methylamine and morpholine can be sampled at the same time.
955 Impregned FGF

Diethyl ether 1210 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 3 GC-FID 72 4,0 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
60-29-7 1520 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 0.67%.

Diethyl ketone 705 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,2 10 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Diethyl phthalate 5 Whatman 7188 003 cellulose nitrate filter 1,0 30 HPLC-UV 8 IRSST Store in refrigerator after sampling.
84-66-2 912 CN filter-37

Diethylamine 15 Pc XAD-7 tube impregnated with 10% 7- 0,2 10 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
109-89-7 45 chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole 3

2-Diethylaminoethanol 48 Pc Silica gel tube 300/150 mg 0,2 24 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
ROHS Substances table 71

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Diethylene triamine 4,2 Pc XAD-2 tube impregnated with 1- 0,01- 10 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
111-40-0 naphthylisothiocyanate (NIT) 0,1

Difluorodibromomethan 858 Two 100/50 mg activated charcoal tubes 0,01- 10 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
e in series 0,2

Diglycidyl ether (DGE) 0,53 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01-1 150 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Diisobutyl ketone 145 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 30 1,5 IRSST
108-83-8 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

Diisopropyl ether 1040 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 3 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
108-20-3 1300 0,05 0,75

Diisopropylamine 21 Pc Contact the IRSST before sampling.

108-18-9 IRSST method 363 is for amines in the air and can be adapted to

Dimethyl carbamoyl C2 Tenax-GC tube 0,2 48 GC-Hall Contact the IRSST before sampling.
chloride RP Other reference(s)
79-44-7 EM
Mantienzo, L.J., Hensler, C.J., "Détermination of N,N-dimethylcarbamoyl
chloride (DMCC) in air". Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J., 43(11), pp. 838-844 (1982).

Dimethyl sulfate 0,52 Pc Porapak tube 0,01- 6 GC-ELD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
77-78-1 C2 0,2

N,N-Dimethylacetamide 36 Pc Silica gel tube 150/75 mg 0,01-1 80 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
ROHS Substances table 72

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Dimethylamine 9 Impregnated glass fiber filter, # Millipore 1 15 HPLC-MS 13 IRSST Aniline, diethanolamine, dimethylamine, ethanolamine, isopropylamine,
124-40-3 AP4003705 methylamine and morpholine can be sampled at the same time.
955 Impregned FGF

N,N-Dimethylaniline 25 Pc 0,2 30 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

121-69-7 50 3

N,N-Dimethylformamide 30 Pc SKC 226-10 silica gel tube Max: 5 GC-FID 7,5 IRSST N,N-dimethylformamide must be sampled specifically due to the sampling device
68-12-2 2140 Silica gel 150/75 mg 0,2 used.

1,1-Dimethylhydrazine 1,2 Pc Glass fritted tip impinger containing 15 mL 0,2-1 100 UV/VIS-S NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
57-14-7 C2 of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid Some compounds may cause interference during the analysis.

Dimethylphthalate 5 Whatman 7188 003 cellulose nitrate filter 1,0 30 HPLC-UV 8 IRSST Store in refrigerator after sampling.
131-11-3 912 CN filter-37

Dinitolmide 5 Glass fiber filter 1 240 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Dinitro-ortho-cresol 0,2 Pc Mixed cellulose ester filter in series with a 1,5 180 HPLC-UV NIOSH The filter is added to the contents of the impinger at the end of sampling. Contact
534-52-1 glass fritted tip impinger containing 10 mL the IRSST before sampling.
of ethylene glycol

Dinitrobenzene (all 1 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 60 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
isomers) filter

Dinitrotoluene 0,2 Pc Modified Tenax-GC tube 1 60 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
25321-14-6 C3
ROHS Substances table 73

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Dioxane 72 Pc SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 20 IRSST

123-91-1 C3 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

Dioxathion 0,2 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 480 GC-FPD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
78-34-2 filter

Diphenylamine 10 Two glass fiber filters impregnated with 1 100 HPLC-UV OSHA The samples must be stored in the refrigerator. Contact the IRSST before
122-39-4 sulfuric acid. sampling.

Dipropylene glycol 606 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,1 10 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling. Sample stable for 15 days at ambient
monomethyl ether 909 temperature.

Diquat 0,5 Pt OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,1-1 480 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
231-36-7 filter

Diquat 0,1 Pr Cyclone in series OVS-2 with XAD-2 and 1,7 480 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
231-36-7 glass fiber filter (nylon)

Disulfiram 2 Glass fiber filter 1 120 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Disulfoton 0,1 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 240 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
298-04-4 filter Some phosphates may cause interference during the analysis.

Diuron 10 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,1-1 480 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
330-54-1 filter

Divinyl benzene 53 Activated charcoal tube impregnated with 0,05 12 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
1321-74-0 4-tert-butylcatechol
ROHS Substances table 74

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Emery 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
12415-34-8 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Endosulfan 0,1 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 60 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
115-29-7 filter

Endrin 0,1 Pc Mixed cellulose ester filter in series with a 0,5-1 120 GC-ECD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
72-20-8 Chromosorb-102 tube

Enflurane 566 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 5 GC-FID IRSST Enflurane must be specifically sampled due to the specific analysis performed.
13838-16-9 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 However, simultaneous sampling and analysis of halothane and isoflurane is
possible. Enflurane standards have limited availability because this anesthetic
agent is practically no longer used in Quebec. For this reason, contact the IRSST
before sampling.

Epichlorohydrin 7,6 Pc SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 20 GC-FID 9 2,0 IRSST Epichlorohydrin must be specifically sampled due to the specific analysis
106-89-8 C2 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 performed.

EPN 0,1 Pc Glass fiber filter 1-2 120 GC-FPD NIOSH The filters are transferred to a vial at the end of sampling. Contact the IRSST
2104-64-5 before sampling.

Ethane Ax DRI-EX IRSST A DRI can be used for analyzing combustible gases as a percentage of their
74-84-0 lower explosive limit. In the paper version of the guide, refer to the note about
simple asphyxiants. The reference method corresponds to calibration of the
direct-reading instrument (DRI).

Ethion 0,4 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 240 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
563-12-2 filter Some phosphates may cause interference during the analysis.

2-Ethoxyethanol (EGEE) 18 Pc SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 6 GC-FID 5,4 6,0 IRSST 2-Ethoxyethanol must be specifically sampled due to a specific desorption solvent.
110-80-5 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 However, simultaneous sampling and analysis of the 2-Methoxyethanol is
ROHS Substances table 75

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

2-Ethoxyethyl acetate 27 Pc 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0266 GC-FID 15 1,5 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
(EGEEA) 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
111-15-9 1.5%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

2-Ethoxyethyl acetate 27 Pc SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 15 1,5 IRSST
(EGEEA) 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

Ethyl acetate 1440 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 6 GC-FID 400 4,0 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
141-78-6 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 1.4%.

Ethyl acetate 1440 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0345 GC-FID 400 4,0 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
141-78-6 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
1.7%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Ethyl acrylate 20 C3 Activated charcoal tube impregnated with 0,05 12 GC-FID 12 2,4 IRSST Ethyl acrylate must be sampled specifically because of the sampling device used.
140-88-5 61 S 4-tert-butylcatechol (TBC) However, simultaneous sampling and analysis of methyl acrylate est possible.
2189 Activated charcoal with TBC

Ethyl alcohol 1880 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 1 GC-FID 95 4,0 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
64-17-5 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,05 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 3.4%.

Ethyl alcohol 1880 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0437 GC-FID 95 4,0 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
64-17-5 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
5%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Ethyl amyl ketone 131 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

541-85-5 IRSST method 265-2 is for methyl isoamyl ketone and can be adapted to ethyl
amyl ketone.

Ethyl benzene 434 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 43,3 0,7 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
100-41-4 543 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 0.53%.
ROHS Substances table 76

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Ethyl bromide 223 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 4 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
74-96-4 C3 0,2

Ethyl butyl ketone 234 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 25 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
106-35-4 0,2

Ethyl chloride 2640 Two activated charcoal tubes in series 0,01- 3 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
75-00-3 400/200 mg 0,05

Ethyl formate 303 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 10 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
109-94-4 0,2

Ethyl mercaptan 1,3 Glass fiber filter impregnated with a 0,1-0,2 150 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. Protect the samples from light.
75-08-1 solution of 5% (w/w) mercuric acetate.

Ethyl silicate 85 XAD-2 tube 0,05 9 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Ethylamine 18 XAD-7 tube impregnated with 10% (w/w) 0,2 10 HPLC-UV OSHA
75-04-7 NBD chloride

Ethylene Ax DRI-EX IRSST A DRI can be used for measuring combustible gases according to the percentage
74-85-1 of their lower explosive limit. In the paper version of the guide, refer to the note
about simple asphyxiants. The reference method corresponds to calibration of
the direct-reading instrument (DRI).

Ethylene chlorohydrin -- Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 35 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
107-07-3 -- RP 0,2

Ethylene glycol (vapour -- RP Glass fiber filter with an SKC 226-15 silica Maxim 10 GC-FID 50 3,2 et IRSST Ethylene glycol (vapour and mist) must be specifically sampled because of the
and mist) -- gel tube um : 1,8 sampling device used and a specific desorption solvent.
107-21-1 127 2143 silica gel 520/260 mg 0,2 The application range and the precision must be reviewed considering the
3030 GF-13 lowering of the PEL.
ROHS Substances table 77

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Ethylene glycol dinitrate -- Pc Tenax-GC tube 1 15 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
628-96-6 -- RP

Ethylene imine 0,88 Pc Glass midget impinger containing Folin 0,2 48 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
151-56-4 reagent Propylene imine, 2-bromo methylamine and ammonia may cause interference
during the analysis.

Ethylene oxide 1,8 C2 Anasorb 747-T8 tube 0,05 12 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
75-21-8 RP

Ethylene oxide 1,8 C2 DRI-PAD IRSST Refer to the user's guide accompanying the instrument.
75-21-8 RP Ethylene oxide is quantified in the field with a direct-reading instrument (DRI).
EM The minimum reported value is 0.43 mg/m³ (0.24 ppm). The reference method
corresponds to calibration of the DRI.

Ethylenediamine 25 Pc XAD-2 tube impregnated with 1- 0,1 10 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
107-15-3 naphthylisothiocyanate (NIT)

Ethylidene norbornene -- RP Contact the IRSST before sampling.

16219-75-3 -- No supporting reference is suggested for this product.

N-Ethylmorpholine 24 Pc Silica gel tube 150/75 mg 0,2 10 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Fenamiphos 0,1 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 240 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
22224-92-6 filter Some phosphates may cause interference during the analysis.

Fensulfothion 0,1 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 240 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
115-90-2 filter Some phosphates may cause interference during the analysis.

Fenthion 0,2 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 240 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
55-38-9 filter Some phosphates may cause interference during the analysis.
ROHS Substances table 78

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Ferbam 10 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
14484-64-1 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Ferrovanadium (dust) 1 Mixed cellulose ester filter 1,5 180 ICP-MS IRSST Contact the IRSST before sampling.
12604-58-9 3 IRSST method 362 is for iron and vanadium and can be used for this substance.

Fibres, Artificial 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
Vitreous Mineral Fibres, chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
Fibrous glass, 902 PVC filter-37
continuous filament
914 PVC filter-25

Fibres, Artificial 1 f/cc Cassette with conductive extension and 0,5-16 400 PCM IRSST Open cassette sampling. A flow rate not exceeding 2.5 L/min is recommended
Vitreous Mineral Fibres, mixed cellulose ester filter, Environmental for determining an average concentration. Supply at least 2 blanks per series of
Fibrous glass, Express CS250080 samples or 10% of sample total, whichever is highest. Send the samples in a
microfibres 918 MCE filter-25 cardboard box supplied by the IRSST (#3010). In relatively uncontaminated
atmospheres, where the fibre concentration is much lower than 0.1 fibres/mL, use
larger sampling volumes (3000 to 10000L) in order to obtain quantifiable
The method applies to the counting of all fibres whose refractive index is
compatible with the mounting solution.
The minimum reported value is 25 fibres/mm².
Characterization of the fibres in bulk samples or in deposited dusts is done
using method 244-2. An analysis using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
method may be required for some materials containing fine asbestos fibres, for
example floor tiles.

Fibres, Artificial 2 f/cc Cassette with conductive extension and 0,5-16 400 PCM IRSST Open cassette sampling. A flow rate not exceeding 2.5 L/min is recommended
Vitreous Mineral Fibres, mixed cellulose ester filter, Environmental for determining an average concentration. Supply at least 2 blanks per series of
Insulation wool fibres, Express CS250080 samples or 10% of sample total, whichever is highest. Send the samples in a
Glass wool 918 MCE filter-25 cardboard box supplied by the IRSST (#3010). In relatively uncontaminated
atmospheres, where the fibre concentration is much lower than 0.1 fibres/mL, use
larger sampling volumes (3000 to 10000L) in order to obtain quantifiable
The method applies to the counting of all fibres whose refractive index is
compatible with the mounting solution.
The minimum reported value is 25 fibres/mm².
Characterization of the fibres in bulk samples or in deposited dusts is done
using method 244-2. An analysis using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
method may be required for some materials containing fine asbestos fibres, for
example floor tiles.
ROHS Substances table 79

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Fibres, Artificial 1 f/cc Cassette with conductive extension and 0,5-16 400 PCM IRSST Open cassette sampling. A flow rate not exceeding 2.5 L/min is recommended
Vitreous Mineral Fibres, mixed cellulose ester filter, Environmental for determining an average concentration. Supply at least 2 blanks per series of
Insulation wool fibres, Express CS250080 samples or 10% of sample total, whichever is highest. Send the samples in a
Rock wool 918 MCE filter-25 cardboard box supplied by the IRSST (#3010). In relatively uncontaminated
atmospheres, where the fibre concentration is much lower than 0.1 fibres/mL, use
larger sampling volumes (3000 to 10000L) in order to obtain quantifiable
The method applies to the counting of all fibres whose refractive index is
compatible with the mounting solution.
The minimum reported value is 25 fibres/mm².
Characterization of the fibres in bulk samples or in deposited dusts is done
using method 244-2. An analysis using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
method may be required for some materials containing fine asbestos fibres, for
example floor tiles.

Fibres, Artificial 1 f/cc Cassette with conductive extension and 0,5-16 400 PCM IRSST Open cassette sampling. A flow rate not exceeding 2.5 L/min is recommended
Vitreous Mineral Fibres, mixed cellulose ester filter, Environmental for determining an average concentration. Supply at least 2 blanks per series of
Insulation wool fibres, Express CS250080 samples or 10% of sample total, whichever is highest. Send the samples in a
Slag wool 918 MCE filter-25 cardboard box supplied by the IRSST (#3010). In relatively uncontaminated
atmospheres, where the fibre concentration is much lower than 0.1 fibres/mL, use
larger sampling volumes (3000 to 10000L) in order to obtain quantifiable
The method applies to the counting of all fibres whose refractive index is
compatible with the mounting solution.
The minimum reported value is 25 fibres/mm².
Characterization of the fibres in bulk samples or in deposited dusts is done
using method 244-2. An analysis using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
method may be required for some materials containing fine asbestos fibres, for
example floor tiles.

Fibres, Artificial 1 f/cc C3 Cassette with conductive extension and 0,5-16 400 PCM IRSST Open cassette sampling. A flow rate not exceeding 2.5 L/min is recommended
Vitreous Mineral Fibres, mixed cellulose ester filter, Environmental for determining an average concentration. Supply at least 2 blanks per series of
Refractory fibres Express CS250080 samples or 10% of sample total, whichever is highest. Send the samples in a
(ceramic or others) 918 MCE filter-25 cardboard box supplied by the IRSST (#3010). In relatively uncontaminated
atmospheres, where the fibre concentration is much lower than 0.1 fibres/mL, use
larger sampling volumes (3000 to 10000L) in order to obtain quantifiable
The method applies to the counting of all fibres whose refractive index is
compatible with the mounting solution.
The minimum reported value is 25 fibres/mm².
Characterization of the fibres in bulk samples or in deposited dusts is done
using method 244-2. An analysis using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
method may be required for some materials containing fine asbestos fibres, for
example floor tiles.
ROHS Substances table 80

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Fibres, Natural Mineral 1 f/cc C1 Cassette with conductive extension and 0,5-16 400 PCM IRSST Open cassette sampling. A flow rate not exceeding 2.5 L/min is recommended
Fibres, Attapulgite EM mixed cellulose ester filter, Environmental for determining an average concentration. Supply at least 2 blanks per series of
12174-11-7 Express CS250080 samples or 10% of sample total, whichever is highest. Send the samples in a
918 MCE filter-25 cardboard box supplied by the IRSST (#3010). In relatively uncontaminated
atmospheres, where the fibre concentration is much lower than 0.1 fibres/mL, use
larger sampling volumes (3000 to 10000L) in order to obtain quantifiable
The method applies to the counting of all fibres whose refractive index is
compatible with the mounting solution.
The minimum reported value is 25 fibres/mm².
Characterization of the fibres in bulk samples or in deposited dusts is done
using method 244-2. An analysis using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
method may be required for some materials containing fine asbestos fibres, for
example floor tiles.

Fibres, Natural Mineral C1 PLM IRSST The use of this substance is prohibited.
Fibres, Erionite Caracterization of fibers in bulk samples or deposited dust is by method 244-2.

Fibres-Natural Mineral 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
Fibres, Wollastonite chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
13983-17-0 902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Fibres-Natural Mineral 5 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
Fibres, Wollastonite chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
13983-17-0 902 PVC filter-37 2,75
914 PVC filter-25 (GS3)
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts

Fibres, Organic 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
Synthetic Fibres, chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
Carbon and graphite 902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25
ROHS Substances table 81

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Fibres, Organic 5 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
Synthetic Fibres, chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
Carbon and graphite 902 PVC filter-37 2,75
fibres (GS3)
914 PVC filter-25
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts

Fibres, Organic 1 f/cc Cassette with conductive extension and 0,5-16 400 PCM IRSST Open cassette sampling. A flow rate not exceeding 2.5 L/min is recommended
Synthetic Fibres, Para- mixed cellulose ester filter, Environmental for determining an average concentration. Supply at least 2 blanks per series of
aramide fibres (Kevlar®, Express CS250080 samples or 10% of sample total, whichever is highest. Send the samples in a
Twaron®) 918 MCE filter-25 cardboard box supplied by the IRSST (#3010). In relatively uncontaminated
atmospheres, where the fibre concentration is much lower than 0.1 fibres/mL, use
larger sampling volumes (3000 to 10000L) in order to obtain quantifiable
The method applies to the counting of all fibres whose refractive index is
compatible with the mounting solution.
The minimum reported value is 25 fibres/mm².
Characterization of the fibres in bulk samples or in deposited dusts is done
using method 244-2. An analysis using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
method may be required for some materials containing fine asbestos fibres, for
example floor tiles.

Fibres, Organic 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
Synthetic Fibres, chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
Polyolefin fibres 902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Fluorides (as F) 2,5 Mixed cellulose ester filter followed by a 1-2 800 SE NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. Recommended volume between 12 and 800
pretreated cellulose pad litres.

Fluorine 0,2 Mixed cellulose ester filter followed by a 1-2 800 SE NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
7782-41-4 pretreated cellulose pad

Fonofos 0,1 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 240 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
944-22-9 filter Some phosphates may cause interference during the analysis.
ROHS Substances table 82

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Formaldehyde -- C2 Supelco 2-0257 Orbo 23 tube 0,1 10 GC-MS 3 IRSST Before and after sampling, tubes must be stored in a freezer. Additional
50-00-0 -- RP 2186 Orbo 23 120/60 mg information is also available in laboratory customer service communiqué SAC-
3 EM Labo 2006-08.
Eleven aldehydes are determined simultaneously: acetaldehyde,
isobutyraldehyde, isovaleraldehyde, propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, furfural,
heptanal, hexanal, valeraldehyde, acroleine and formaldehyde. This method must
not be used for the specific evaluation of formaldehyde; the methods to be used
in this case are 295-1 and 357-1.

Formaldehyde -- C2 XAD-2 tube impregnated with HMP Max: 25 GC-NPD 2 4,5 IRSST Formaldehyde must be specifically sampled due to the sampling device used and
50-00-0 -- RP 2188 XAD-2 120/60 mg impregnated with HMP 0,1 a specific desorption solvent. The tubes must be stored in the freezer before and
3 EM after sampling. Additional information is also available in laboratory customer
service communiqué SAC-Labo 2006-08.

Formaldehyde -- C2 DRI-PAD IRSST Refer to the user's guide accompanying the instrument. Additional information is
50-00-0 -- RP also available in laboratory customer service communiqué SAC-Labo 2006-08.
3 EM The minimum reported value is 0.15 mg/m³ (0.12 ppm). The reference method
corresponds to calibration of the direct-reading instrument (DRI). Formaldehyde
quantified in the field with a DRI.

Formaldehyde -- C2 SKC #500-100 UMEX-100 passive 0,0286 HPLC-UV 0,21 IRSST Keep in freezer before and after sampling. For monitors, flow must be
50-00-0 -- RP sampler considered as being a sampling rate. Additional information is also available in
3 EM 6100 Passive sampler the laboratory services communiqué SAC-Labo 2006-08.
Stable for 3 weeks after sampling.

Formamide 18 Pc Silica gel tube 150/75 mg 0,1 10 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Formic acid 9,4 PTFE filter with treated silica gel tube 0,05- 24 IC-CD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. The sample is stable for 1 week at 25°C.
64-18-6 19 400/200 mg 0,2 3

Furfural 7,9 Pc Supelco 2-0257 Orbo 23 tube 0,1 10 GC-MS 0,11 IRSST Before and after sampling, tubes must be stored in a freezer.
98-01-1 2186 Orbo 23 120/60 mg Eleven aldehydes are determined simultaneously: acetaldehyde,
isobutyraldehyde, isovaleraldehyde, propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, furfural,
heptanal, hexanal, valeraldehyde, acrolein and formaldehyde. This method must
not be used for the specific evaluation of formaldehyde; the methods to be used
in this case are 295-1 and 357-1.

Furfuryl alcohol 40 Pc Porapak Q tube #SKC 226-115 Max: 6 GC-FID 4,7 4,0 IRSST Furfuryl alcohol must be sampled specifically due to the sampling device used
98-00-0 60 2162 Porapak Q 150/75 mg 0,05 0,75 and a specific desorption solvent.
ROHS Substances table 83

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Gasoline 890 C3 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 450 1,0 IRSST
8006-61-9 1480 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3

Germanium tetrahydride 0,63 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,2 48 ET-AAS OSHA A mixed cellulose ester filter can be considered preceding the activated charcoal
7782-65-2 tube to eliminate the germanium compounds present as aerosol. Contact the
IRSST before sampling.

Glutaraldehyde -- RP Two glass fiber filters #SKC 227-5 1 15 HPLC-UV 0,27 IRSST Open cassette sampling
111-30-8 -- S impregnated with 2,4- The sampling device must be refrigerated before and after sampling.
0,41 dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) and
phosphoric acid.
921 GF Filter-DNPH-37

Glycerin (mist) 10 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
56-81-5 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Glycidol 76 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01-1 100 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Grain dust (oat, wheat, 4 Pt Polyvinyl chloride filter with Accu-Cap. 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Sampling of respirable dusts is also possible by using the flow rate appropriate to
barley) 910 PVC filter-37 with Accu-Cap the cyclone used.
Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
method for dusts is by definition non-specific.

Graphite (all forms 2 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
except fibers) chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
7782-42-5 902 PVC filter-37 2,75
914 PVC filter-25 (GS3)
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts

Gypsum 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
13397-24-5 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25
ROHS Substances table 84

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Gypsum 5 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
13397-24-5 chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37 2,75
914 PVC filter-25 (GS3)
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts

Hafnium 0,5 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 960 FAAS OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
7440-58-6 Fluorine and other hafnium compounds may cause interference during the

Halothane 404 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 5 GC-FID 41 0,7 IRSST Halothane must be specifically sampled due to the specific analysis performed.
151-67-7 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 However, simultaneous sampling and analysis of isoflurane and enflurane are

Helium Ax DRI-elec IRSST Since helium is a simple asphyxiant, helium quantification is done in the field with
7440-59-7 a direct-reading instrument (DRI). The minimum reported value is 1% oxygen.
The reference method corresponds to calibration of the DRI.

Heptachlor 0,05 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 480 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
76-44-8 C3 filter OSHA method 67 is for chlordane and can be adapted to this substance.

Heptachlore epoxide 0,05 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 480 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
1024-57-3 C3 filter OSHA method 67 is for chlordane and can be adapted to this substance.

n-Heptane 1640 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0289 GC-FID 320 4,0 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
142-82-5 2050 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
2.4%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

n-Heptane 1640 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 4 GC-FID 320 4,0 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
142-82-5 2050 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 0.71%.

Hexachlorobenzene 0,025 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 480 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
118-74-1 C3 filter OSHA 67 method is for chlordane and can be adapted to this substance.
ROHS Substances table 85

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Hexachlorobutadiene 0,21 Pc XAD-2 tube 0,05- 100 GC-ECD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
87-68-3 C2 0,2

Hexachlorocyclopentadi 0,11 Two porapak T tubes in series 0,01- 90 GC-ECD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
ene 0,2

Hexachloroethane 9,7 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50mg 0,01- 10 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
67-72-1 C3 0,2

Hexachloronaphthalene 0,2 Pc Mixed cellulose ester filter 1 30 GC-ECD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Hexafluoroacetone 0,68 Pc Contact the IRSST before sampling.

684-16-2 No supporting reference is suggested for this product.

Hexamethyl Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 480 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
phosphoramide C2 filter
680-31-9 RP

Hexamethylene 0,034 EM Pretreated Millipore AP4003705 glass 1 15 HPLC-UV- 0,027 IRSST Refer to the sampling guidelines supplied with the equipment. If more than one
Flu 376
diisocyanate S fiber filter in series with a Teflon filter #MSI isocyanate is requested, provide a bulk sample. For surface wipe sampling,
822-06-0 Z50WP03700 contact Laboratory Customer Service.
917 PTF filter The two filters in the sampling cassette allow specific analysis of monomer HDI in
GF filter vapour form and in aerosol form. The result supplied in the report is the sum of
Vial the monomers of HDI of the two fractions. Determination of the corresponding
oligomers is also done during the analysis. IPDI can be determined
simultaneously on the same sample. However, the analytical method does not
differentiate HDI oligomers from IPDI oligomers. The sampling time can be
longer than 15 minutes if the TDI is present in vapour form only.

Hexamethylene 0,034 EM Impregnated glass fiber filter 1,0 15 HPLC-MS 0,0006 IRSST The recommended volume is 15 litres; however the sampling time can be up to 8
diisocyanate S 970 Impregnated GFF hours. Store the samples in a refrigerator before and after sampling.
822-06-0 Five isocyanates can be requested at the same time: HDI, TDI, MDI, IPDI and
HMDI. The analysis is done for the isocyanates present in vapour form only and
the result is expressed as a monomer concentration.
ROHS Substances table 86

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

n-Hexane 176 Pc SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 4 GC-FID 15 0,3 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
110-54-3 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 1.8%.

n-Hexane 176 Pc 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,032 GC-FID 15 0,3 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
110-54-3 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
2.2%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Hexane (other isomers) 1760 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

3500 IRSST method 141-2 is for normal hexane and can be adapted to isomers of this

sec-Hexyl acetate 295 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 10 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
108-84-9 0,2 NIOSH method 1450 is for esters and can be adapted to secondary hexyl acetate.

Hexylene glycol -- RP Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,05- 3 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
107-41-5 -- 0,1

Hydrazine 0,13 Pc Treated glass fiber filter 1 240 HPLC-UV OSHA

302-01-2 C2

Hydrogen Ax DRI-EX IRSST A DRI is used for measuring combustible gases in terms of percentage of their
1333-74-0 lower explosive limit. In the paper version of the sampling guide, refer to the note
about simple asphyxiants. The reference method corresponds to the calibration of
the direct-reading instrument (DRI).

Hydrogen bromide -- RP Treated silica gel tube SKC 226-10-03 0,2 48 IC-CD 5,1 1,91 IRSST Five ions can be determined simultaneously, namely bromide, chloride, nitrate,
10035-10-6 -- 2147 Silica gel 400/200 mg phosphate and sulfate.
9,9 Analytical results are expressed as hydrobromic, hydrochloric, nitric, phosphoric
and sulfuric acid.
Samples are stable for 21 days at 25°C.
All bromide ions not coming from the acid may cause positive interference.
ROHS Substances table 87

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Hydrogen chloride -- RP Treated SKC 226-10-03 silica gel tube 0,2 15 IC-CD 5,1 8,85 IRSST Five ions can be determined simultaneously, namely bromide, chloride, nitrate,
7647-01-0 -- 2147 Silica gel 400/200 mg phosphate and sulfate.
7,5 Analytical results are expressed as hydrobromic, hydrochloric, nitric, phosphoric
and sulfuric acid.
Samples are stable for 21 days at 25°C.
All chloride ions not coming from the acid may cause positive interference.

Hydrogen cyanide -- Pc Soda lime tube 0,05- 90 IC-CD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. For surface wipe sampling, use surface kit
74-90-8 -- RP 0,2 #3020.
11 A high concentration of hydrogen sulfide causes negative interference.

Hydrogen fluoride (as F) -- RP Mixed cellulose ester filter followed by a 1-2 800 SE NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. Recommended volume between 12 and 800
7664-39-3 -- pretreated cellulose pad litres.

Hydrogen peroxide 1,4 Passive monitor UV/VIS-S OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling. 8-hour sampling is recommended.

Hydrogen selenide (as 0,16 Glass fritted tip impinger containing 1 480 ET-AAS OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
Se) deionized water

Hydrogen sulfide 14 DRI-elec IRSST Refer to the user's guide accompanying the instrument.
7783-06-4 21 Hydrogen sulfide is quantified in the field using a direct-reading instrument (DRI).
The minimum reported value is 1.4 mg/m³ (1 ppm). The reference method
corresponds to calibration of the DRI.

Hydrogenated 4,9 PTFE filter 1-3 30 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Hydroquinone 2 Omega M-083700AF mixed cellulose 1,5 90 HPLC-UV 18 IRSST The sampling method on filter is for the aerosol form of hydroquinone. If sampling
123-31-9 ester filter (37 mm) and a container filled is done above 20°C, the temperature must be noted on the analysis requisition
with 1% acetic acid . form accompanying the samples.
905 MCE filter-37 Hydroquinone is unstable on the filter and must be stabilized. Immediately after
919 Vial of acetic vial sampling, the filter must be placed in the container of 1% acetic acid supplied by
the laboratory.
ROHS Substances table 88

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

2-Hydroxypropyl 2,8 Pc Activated charcoal tube impregnated with 0,1 10 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
acrylate 4-tert-butylcatechol (TBC)

Indene 48 Activated charcoal tube 100/50mg 0,2 10 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
95-13-6 OSHA 07 method is for organic vapors and can be adapted to indene.

Indium [7440-74-6] and 0,1 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 960 FAAS OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
compounds (as In)

Iodine -- RP Treated SKC-226-80 charcoal tube 0,5 7,5 SE OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
7553-56-2 --

Iodoform 10 Glass fiber filter in series with an XAD-4 0,1 10 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
75-47-8 tube

Iron pentacarbonyl (as 0,23 Glass fritted tip impinger containing 10 mL 1 480 Colo OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
Fe) 0,45 of a mixture of hydrochloric acid and 15
13463-40-6 iodine-potassium iodide

Iron salts, soluble (as 1 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Fe) No supporting reference is suggested for this product.

Iron trioxide, dust and 5 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 10 2,95 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
fume (as Fe) 37 mm. surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
1309-37-1 905 MCE filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total iron.
915 MCE filter-25

Isoamyl alcohol 361 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 10 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
123-51-3 452 0,2 3
ROHS Substances table 89

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Isobutyl acetate 713 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 180 6,4 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
110-19-0 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 0.69%.

Isobutyl acetate 713 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,031 GC-FID 180 6,4 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
110-19-0 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
1.0%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Isobutyl alcohol 152 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 75 1,8 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
78-83-1 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 3.6%.

Isobutyl alcohol 152 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0359 GC-FID 75 1,8 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
78-83-1 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
1.9%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Isocyanate oligomers S Pretreated Millipore AP4003705 glass 1 15 HPLC-UV IRSST Refer to the corresponding isocyanate.
fiber filter in series with an MSI
Z50WP03700 polytetrafluorocarbon
(teflon) filter
917 PTF filter
GF filter

Isooctyl alcohol 266 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 10 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
26952-21-6 0,2

Isophorone -- RP SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 12 GC-FID 15 IRSST

78-59-1 -- 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

Isophorone diisocyanate 0,045 EM Impregnated glass fiber filter 1,0 15 HPLC-MS 0,0007 IRSST The recommended volume is 15 litres; however the sampling time can be up to 8
4098-71-9 S 970 Impregnated GFF hours. Store the samples in a refrigerator before and after sampling.
Five isocyanates can be requested at the same time: HDI, TDI, MDI, IPDI and
HMDI. The analysis is done for the isocyanates present in vapour form only and
the result is expressed as a monomer concentration.
ROHS Substances table 90

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Isophorone diisocyanate 0,045 EM Millipore AP4003705 glass fiber filter 1 15 HPLC-UV- 0,038 IRSST Refer to the sampling guidelines supplied with the equipment. If more than one
Flu 376
4098-71-9 S pretreated in the laboratory in series with isocyanate is requested, provide a process sample.
a Teflon filter #MSI Z50WP03700 The two filters in the sampling cassette allow specific analysis of monomer HDI in
917 PTF filter vapour form and in aerosol form. The result supplied in the report is the sum of
GF filter the monomers of IPDI of the two fractions. Determination of the corresponding
Vial oligomers is also done during the analysis. HDI can be determined
simultaneously on the same sample. Note that the analytical method does not
differentiate IPDI oligomers from HDI oligomers. The sampling time can be
longer than 15 minutes if the IPDI is present in vapour form only.

Isopropoxyethanol 106 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50mg 0,1 10 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
109-59-1 OSHA method 07 is for organic vapours and can be adapted to

Isopropyl acetate 1040 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 475 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
108-21-4 1290 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 0.74%.

Isopropyl alcohol 983 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0394 GC-FID 100 5,0 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
67-63-0 1230 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
5%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Isopropyl alcohol 983 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 3 GC-FID 100 5,0 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
67-63-0 1230 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 4.8%.

Isopropyl glycidyl ether 238 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 30 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
(IGE) 356 0,2 3

Isopropylamine 12 Impregnated glass fiber filter, Millipore 1 15 HPLC-MS 9 IRSST Aniline, diethanolamine, dimethylamine, ethanolamine, isopropylamine,
75-31-0 24 AP4003705 methylamine and morpholine can be sampled at the same time.
955 Impregned FGF

N-Isopropylaniline 11 Pc Two glass fiber filters impregnated with 1 100 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
768-52-5 sulfuric acid.
ROHS Substances table 91

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Kaolin 5 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
1332-58-7 chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37 2,75
914 PVC filter-25 (GS3)
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts

Ketene 0,86 Glass fritted tip impinger containing 10 mL 1 50 Colo NIOSH An impinger containing toluene and placed ahead of the main impinger can
463-51-4 2,6 of hydroxylammonium chloride 15 minimize the interference of the acetic anhydride. Contact the IRSST before
Any compound containing an R-CO group such as esters, acid chlorides and
anhydrous acids may cause interference.

L.P.G. (Liquified 1800 DRI-IR OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
petroleum gas)

Lead and inorganic 0,05 C3 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 0,1 2,86 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
compounds 37 mm. surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
7439-92-1 905 MCE filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total lead.
915 MCE filter-25

Lead arsenate (as 0,15 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 960 ICP-MS OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
Pb3(AsO4)2) Method ID121 is for lead and can be adapted to this product.

Lead chromate (as Cr) 0,012 C2 PALL CA28149-306 vinyl/acrylic 1,5 à 4 360 IC-VIS 0,04 4,4 IRSST For surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
7758-97-6 RP copolymer filter The analytical results are expressed as total water-insoluble chromium VI.
EM 926 Vinyl/acrylic copolymer filter Surface tests for chromates can be carried out, and the required equipment (kit
#2625) is available at the IRSST. See communiqué 2008-06 on our Web site.
Analysis time of 8 days for welding fumes and 10 days for the other processes
following the sampling date. Ship all samples by rapid courier within a period not
exceeding 24 hours after sampling.
Any substance that produces a response on the detector at 540 nm and that has
a retention time similar to Cr VI is a potential interference.

Lead tetraethyl (as Pb) 0,05 Pc XAD-2 tube 0,01-1 120 GC-PID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Lead tetramethyl (as Pb) 0,05 Pc XAD-2 tube 0,01- 24 GC-PID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
75-74-1 0,2
ROHS Substances table 92

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Limestone 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
1317-65-3 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Lindane 0,5 Pc Glass fiber filter in series with a glass 0,2-1 240 GC-ECD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
58-89-9 midget impinger containing 15 mL of

Lithium hydride 0,025 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 960 FAAS OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Magnesite 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
546-93-0 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Magnesium oxide fume 10 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 2 4,06 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
(as Mg) 37 mm. surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
1309-48-4 905 MCE filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total magnesium.
915 MCE filter-25

Malathion 10 Pc Supelco ORBO 49P tube, # 2-350 0,2-1 60 GC-NPD 15 IRSST Malathion must be specifically sampled due to the sampling device and a specific
121-75-5 2180 Orbo 49P desorption solvent.

Maleic anhydride 1 Glass fiber filters impregnated with 0,5 60 HPLC-UV OSHA The samples must be stored in the refrigerator until analysis. Contact the IRSST
108-31-6 veratrylamine. before sampling.
Isocyanates, hydrochloric acid and aldehydes can cause interference during

Manganese [7439-96-5] 5 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 1 3,16 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
(as Mn), Dust and 37 mm. 22,5 surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
compounds 905 MCE filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total manganese. A stoichiometric factor
7439-96-5 915 MCE filter-25 must be applied.
ROHS Substances table 93

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Manganese (as Mn), 1 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 1 3,16 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
Fume 3 37 mm. 22,5 surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
7439-96-5 905 MCE filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total manganese. A stoichiometric factor
915 MCE filter-25 must be applied.

Manganese 0,1 Pc Mixed cellulose ester filter in series with a 1 48 ET-AAS OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
cyclopentadienyl glass fritted tip impinger containing 15 mL
tricarbonyl (as Mn) of isopropanol

Manganese methyl 0,2 Pc XAD-2 tube 0,2 10 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
tricarbonyl (as Mn)

Manganese tetroxide 1 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 1 3,16 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
1317-35-7 37 mm. 22,5 surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
905 MCE filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total manganese. A stoichiometric factor
915 MCE filter-25 must be applied.

Mercury [7439-97-6], 0,01 Pc Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Alkyl compounds (as 0,03 No supporting reference is suggested for this product.

Mercury [7439-97-6], 0,1 Pc Contact the IRSST before sampling.

aryl compounds (as Hg) No supporting reference is suggested for this product.

Mercury [7439-97-6], 0,025 Pc Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 10 CV-AAS OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
inorganic compounds
(as Hg)
ROHS Substances table 94

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Mercury [7439-97-6], 0,025 Pc DRI-Am IRSST Refer to the user's guide that accompanies the instrument. The reference method
inorganic compounds corresponds to the calibration of the direct-reading instrument (DRI).
(as Hg)

Mercury [7439-97-6], 0,025 Pc Hopcalite tube 0,15- 100 CV-AAS NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
inorganic compounds 0,25 Sampling on passive dosimeter is possible with a higher minimum reported value.
(as Hg)

Mercury [7439-97-6], 0,025 Pc DRI-Am IRSST Refer to the user's guide that accompanies the instrument. The reference method
mecury vapor (as Hg) corresponds to the calibration of the direct-reading instrument (DRI).

Mercury [7439-97-6], 0,025 Pc Hopcalite tube 0,15- 100 CV-AAS NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
mecury vapor (as Hg) 0,25 Sampling on passive dosimeter is possible with a higher minimum reported value.

Mesityl oxide 40 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 25 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
141-79-7 0,2

Methacrylic acid 70 Two 708 anasorb tubes 0,1 24 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Methane Ax DRI-EX IRSST A DRI is used for measuring combustible gases in terms of percentage of their
74-82-8 lower explosive limit. In the paper version of the guide, refer to the note about
simple asphyxiants. The reference method corresponds to calibration of the
direct-reading instrument (DRI).

Methomyl 2,5 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,1-1 480 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
16752-77-5 filter

Methoxychlor 10 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 480 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
72-43-5 filter NIOSH method 5600 is for organophosphorus pesticides and can be adapted to
ROHS Substances table 95

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

2-Methoxyethanol 16 Pc SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 9,6 5,1 IRSST The analysis of 2-Methoxyethanol must be specifically sampled due to a specific
(EGME) 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 desorption solvent.
109-86-4 However, simultaneous sampling and analysis of the 2-Ethoxyethanol is possible.

2-Methoxyethyl acetate 24 Pc SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 15 1,0 IRSST
(EGMEA) 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

4-Methoxyphenol 5 XAD-7 tube 100/50 mg 0,2 20 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Methyl acetate 606 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,037 GC-FID 215 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
79-20-9 757 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
1.6%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Methyl acetate 606 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 7 GC-FID 215 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
79-20-9 757 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method# 369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (Cva) is 0.55%.

Methyl acetylene 1640 Aluminized sampling bag 0,01- 3 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
74-99-7 0,05

Methyl acetylene- 1640 Aluminized sampling bag 0,01- 3 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
propadiene mixture 2050 0,05

Methyl acrylate 7 Pc Activated charcoal tube impregnated with 0,05 12 GC-FID 3 2,1 IRSST Methyl acrylate must be sampled specifically due to the sampling device used.
96-33-3 S 4-tert-butylcatechol (TBC) However, simultaneous sampling and analysis of ethyl acrylate est possible.
2189 Activated charcoal with TBC

Methyl alcohol 262 Pc Silica gel tube #SKC 226-10 0,1 3 GC-FID 60 6,7 IRSST Methanol must be sampled specifically due to the sampling device used and a
67-56-1 328 2140 Silica gel 150/75 mg 1,5 specific desorption solvent.
ROHS Substances table 96

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Methyl amyl alcohol 104 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01 10 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
108-11-2 167 à 0,2 3

Methyl n-amyl ketone 233 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 49 2,6 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
110-43-0 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 1.1%.

Methyl bromide 19 Pc Two Anasorb 747 tubes 0,05- 3 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling. Immediate refrigeration after sampling.
74-83-9 0,2

Methyl tert-butyl ether 144 Two 400/200 mg activated charcoal tubes 0,1-0,2 96 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
1634-04-4 in series

Methyl n-butyl ketone 20 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50mg 0,01- 10 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
591-78-6 0,2

Methyl chloride 103 Pc Two 100/50 mg activated charcoal tubes 0,01- 3 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
74-87-3 207 in series 0,1 1,5

Methyl chloroform 1910 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 6 GC-FID 450 6,4 IRSST
71-55-6 2460 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3

Methyl chloroform 1910 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0309 GC-FID 450 6,4 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
71-55-6 2460 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
1.0%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Methyl 2-cyanoacrylate 9,1 XAD-7 tube impregnated with phosphoric 0,1 12 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
137-05-3 18 acid 1,5 Alcohols, free radicals or other substances likely to react with methyl 2-
cyanoacrylate may cause interference.

Methyl demeton 0,5 Pc XAD-2 tube in series with a mixed 0,2-1 200 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
8022-00-2 cellulose ester filter NIOSH method 5514 is for demeton® and can be adapted to methyl demeton.
ROHS Substances table 97

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Methyl ethyl ketone 150 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0363 GC-FID 30 6,0 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
(MEK) 300 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
78-93-3 2.5%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Methyl ethyl ketone 150 SKC 226-81 Anasorb 747 tube Max: 10 GC-FID 30 6,0 IRSST An activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg (#2120) may be used if the samples are
(MEK) 300 2190 Anasorb 747 140/70 mg 0,2 3 refrigerated immediately after sampling of a maximum duration of 15 minutes.
78-93-3 This alternative is recommended if other organic substances must be analyzed
simultaneously on the same sample, only if the risk of underestimating the
concentration of methyl ethyl ketone is assumed by the user. The analysis can be
done by gas chromatography couple with mass spectrometry (CG-MS, IRSST
method # 369); in this case the analytical uncertainty (CVa) is 1.7%.

Methyl ethyl ketone -- RP XAD-4 tube 1 15 HPLC-UV NIOSH Substance is unstable at ambient temperature. Contact the IRSST before
peroxide -- sampling.
1338-23-4 1,5

Methyl formate 246 SKC 226-09 charcoal tube, 11 cm long, 0,2 3 GC-FID 40 4,0 IRSST Methyl formate must be sampled specifically because of the sampling device
107-31-3 368 2121 Activated charcoal 400/200 mg used and the specific desorption solvent.

Methyl hydrazine -- Pc Glass fritted tip impinger containing 15 mL 1,5 20 Colo NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
60-34-4 -- C2 of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid Other hydrazines, stannous or ferrous ions, zinc, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide,
0,38 RP halogens and oxygen (in the presence of Cu I) may cause interference.

Methyl iodide 12 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50mg 0,01-1 50 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
74-88-4 C2

Methyl isoamyl ketone 234 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 10 3,5 IRSST
110-12-3 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

Methyl isobutyl ketone 205 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,030 GC-FID 40 1,4 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
108-10-1 307 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
1.3%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.
ROHS Substances table 98

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Methyl isobutyl ketone 205 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 40 1,4 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
108-10-1 307 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 1.3%.

Methyl isocyanate 0,047 Pc XAD-7 tube impregnated with 1-(2-pyridyl) 0,05 15 HPLC-UV OSHA The samples must be stored in the refrigerator until analysis. Contact the IRSST
624-83-9 piperazine (1-2PP) before sampling.

Methyl isopropyl ketone 705 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

563-80-4 IRSST method 132-3 is for methyl isobutyl ketone and can be adapted to methyl
isopropyl ketone.

Methyl mercaptan 0,98 SKC FLT225-9007 glass fiber filter 0,1-0,2 10 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. Protect the samples from light. The
74-93-1 impregnated with a solution of 5% (w/v) recommended volume is from 10 to 150 litres.
mercuric acetate Hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, water vapor and propylene
may cause interference during the analysis.

Methyl methacrylate 205 S SKC 226-75 Anasorb 727 tube Max: 3 GC-FID 19 1,8 IRSST Methyl methacrylate must be sampled specifically due to the sampling device
(monomer) 2185 Anasorb 727 300/150 mg 0,25 used.

Methyl parathion 0,2 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 240 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
298-00-0 filter Some phosphates may cause interference during the analysis.

Methyl propyl ketone 530 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 110 2,0 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
107-87-9 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 0.79%.

Methyl silicate 6 XAD-2 tube 0,05 9 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
681-84-5 NIOSH method S264 is used for ethyl silicate and can be adapted to this product.

alpha-Methyl styrene 242 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg Max: 3 GC-FID 15 1,0 IRSST
98-83-9 483 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3

Methylacrylonitrile 2,7 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50mg 0,2 20 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
126-98-7 NIOSH method 1604 is for acrylonitrile and can be adapted to this substance.
ROHS Substances table 99

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Methylal 3110 Activated charcoal tube 100/50mg 0,01- 2 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
109-87-5 0,2

Methylamine 6,4 Impregnated glass fiber filter, Millipore 1 15 HPLC-MS 10 IRSST Aniline, diethanolamine, dimethylamine, ethanolamine, isopropylamine,
74-89-5 AP4003705 methylamine and morpholine can be sampled at the same time.
955 Impregned FGF

N-Methylaniline 2,2 Pc Silica gel tube 150/75mg 0,02- 20 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
100-61-8 0,2 NIOSH method 2002 is for aniline and can be adapted to this substance.

Methylcyclohexane 1610 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 4 GC-FID 320 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
108-87-2 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 0.54%.

Methylcyclohexanol 234 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 140 IRSST
25639-42-3 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

o-Methylcyclohexanone 229 Pc Porapak tube 0,01- 6 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
583-60-8 344 0,05 3

Methylene chloride 174 C2 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 3 GC-FID 27 0,9 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
75-09-2 EM 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 1.0%.

Methylene chloride 174 C2 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0379 GC-FID 27 0,9 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
75-09-2 EM 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
0.8%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

4,4'-Methylene bis (2- 0,22 Pc Two glass fiber filters, with only one 1 100 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
chloroaniline) (MOCA) C2 Impregnated with sulfuric acid
101-14-4 RP
ROHS Substances table 100

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Methylene bis (4- 0,054 EM Millipore AP4003705 glass fiber filter 1 15 HPLC-UV- 0,08 IRSST Refer to the sampling guidelines supplied with the equipment. If more than one
Flu 376
cyclohexylisocyanate) S pretreated in the laboratory in series with isocyanate is requested, provide a process sample.
5124-30-1 a Teflon filter #MSI Z50WP03700 The two filters in the sampling cassette allow specific analysis of monomer HMDI
917 PTF filter in vapour form and in aerosol form. The result supplied in the report is the sum of
GF filter the monomers of HMDI of the two fractions. Determination of the corresponding
Vial oligomers is also done during the analysis. The sampling time can be longer than
15 minutes if the HMDI is present in vapour form only.

Methylene bis (4- 0,054 EM Impregnated glass fiber filter 1,0 15 HPLC-MS IRSST The recommended volume is 15 litres; however the sampling time can be up to 8
cyclohexylisocyanate) S 970 Impregnated GFF hours. Store the samples in a refrigerator before and after sampling.
5124-30-1 Five isocyanates can be requested at the same time: HDI, TDI, MDI, IPDI and
HMDI. The analysis is done for the isocyanates present in vapour form only and
the result is expressed as a monomer concentration.

4,4'-Methylene dianiline 0,81 Pc Glass fiber filter impregnated with sulfuric 1-2 1000 HPLC-UV NIOSH Immediately after sampling, transfer the filter to a vial containing a reactive
101-77-9 C2 acid solution. Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Methylene bis (4-phenyl 0,051 EM Millipore AP4003705 glass fiber filter 1 15 HPLC-UV- 0,036 IRSST Refer to the sampling guidelines supplied with the equipment. If more than one
Flu 376
isocyanate) (MDI) S pretreated in the laboratory in series with isocyanate is requested, provide a process sample. For surface wipe sampling,
101-68-8 a Teflon filter #MSI Z50WP03700 contact Laboratory Customer Service.
917 PTF filter The two filters in the sampling cassette allow specific analysis of monomer MDI in
GF filter vapour form and in aerosol form. The result supplied in the report is the sum of
Vial the monomers of MDI of the two fractions. Determination of the corresponding
oligomers is also done during the analysis. The sampling time can be longer than
15 minutes if the MDI is present in vapour form only.

Methylene bis (4-phenyl 0,051 EM Impregnated glass fiber filter 1,0 15 HPLC-MS 0,00075 IRSST The recommended volume is 15 litres; however the sampling time can be up to 8
isocyanate) (MDI) S 970 Impregnated GFF hours. Store the samples in a refrigerator before and after sampling.
101-68-8 Five isocyanates can be requested at the same time: HDI, TDI, MDI, IPDI and
HMDI. The analysis is done for the isocyanates present in vapour form only and
the result is expressed as a monomer concentration.

Metribuzin 5 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,1-1 240 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
21087-64-9 filter

Mica 3 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
12001-26-2 chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37 2,75
914 PVC filter-25 (GS3)
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts
ROHS Substances table 101

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Mineral oil (mist) 5 Preweighed teflon filter (5 µm), Millipore 2 960 Grav 50 IRSST Determination in air of mineral oil mist, soluble, synthetic, half-synthetic and
10 MITEX 37 mm vegetable oil.
960 PTF filter-37 Cigarette smoke may cause interference.

Molybdenum [7439-98- 10 Omega M-083700AF or Omega M- 1,5 180 FAAS 50 IRSST Specific sampling must be carried out for this substance.The analytical results are
7] (as Mo), Insoluble 082500AFP mixed cellulose ester filter expressed as total molybdenum.
compounds 905 MCE filter-37
7439-98-7 915 MCE filter-25

Molybdenum [7439-98- 5 Polyvinyl chloride filter Gelman 66467 1,5 180 FAAS 50 IRSST Specific sampling must be carried out for this substance.
7] (as Mo), Soluble 903 PVC filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total soluble molybdenum.

Monocrotophos 0,25 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 240 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
6923-22-4 filter Some phosphates may cause interference during the analysis.

Morpholine 71 Pc Impregnated glass fiber filter, Millipore 1 15 HPLC-MS 52 IRSST Aniline, diethanolamine, dimethylamine, ethanolamine, isopropylamine,
110-91-8 AP4003705 methylamine and morpholine can be sampled at the same time.
955 Impregned FGF

Naled 3 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 240 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
300-76-5 filter NIOSH method 5600 is for organophosphorus pesticides and can be adapted to
this substance.
Some phosphates may cause interference during the analysis.

Naphthalene 52 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 200 GC-FID 500 5,0 IRSST Naphthalene must be specifically sampled due to the specific analysis performed.
91-20-3 79 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 1,0 15

ß-Naphthylamine C1 Two glass fiber filters impregnated with 1 100 GC-ECD OSHA At the end of sampling, the filters must be transferred and stored in a container of
91-59-8 RP sulfuric acid. water. Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Neon Ax DRI-elec IRSST Since neon is a simple asphyxiant, oxygen quantification is done with a DRI. The
7440-01-9 minimum reported value is 1% oxygen.
The reference method corresponds to calibration of the direct-reading instrument
ROHS Substances table 102

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Nickel, Metal 1 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 2 3,89 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
7440-02-0 37 mm. surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
905 MCE filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total nickel.
915 MCE filter-25

Nickel [7440-02-0], 1 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 2 3,89 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
Insoluble compounds 37 mm. surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
(as Ni) 905 MCE filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total nickel.
915 MCE filter-25

Nickel [7440-02-0], 0,1 Gelman 60714 polyvinyl chloride filter 1,5 180 FAAS 2 4,3 IRSST Specific sampling must be carried out for this substance.
Soluble compounds (as 903 PVC filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total soluble nickel.

Nickel carbonyl (as Ni) 0,007 Mixed cellulose ester filter in series with a 0,05- 80 ET-AAS NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
13463-39-3 charcoal tube with low nickel content 0,2

Nickel sulfide roasting, 1 C1 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

fume and dust (as Ni) RP IRSST method 362 is for certain metals by ICP-MS and can be adapted to nickel
EM sulfide.

Nicotine 0,5 Pc SKC 226-30-04 XAD-2 tube 1,0 100 GC-NPD 0,5 4,0 IRSST Nicotine must be sampled specifically due to the sampling device used and the
54-11-5 2152 XAD-2 100/50 mg specific desorption solvent.

Nitrapyrin 10 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 480 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
1929-82-4 20 filter 15

Nitric acid 5,2 Treated silica gel tube SKC 226-10-03 0,2 48 IC-CD 5,1 3,55 IRSST Five ions can be determined simultaneously, namely bromide, chloride, nitrate,
7697-37-2 10 2147 Silica gel 400/200 mg 3 phosphate and sulfate.
Analytical results are expressed as hydrobromic, hydrochloric, nitric, phosphoric
and sulfuric acid.
Samples are stable for 21 days at 25°C.
All the nitrate ions not originating from the acid can cause positive interference.
ROHS Substances table 103

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

p-Nitroaniline 3 Pc Mixed cellulose ester filter 1,0-3,0 350 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Nitrobenzene 5 Pc Silica gel tube 100/50 mg 0,01-1 150 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

p-Nitrochlorobenzene 0,64 Pc Silica gel tube 150/75mg 0,01-1 150 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

4-Nitrodiphenyl Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1,0 240 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
92-93-3 C1 filter

Nitroethane 307 Two XAD-2 tubes in series 0,01- 3 GC-FID NIOSH At the end of sampling, the front tube must be separated from the back tube to
79-24-3 0,05 avoid migration. Reseal each end of the tubes. Contact the IRSST before

Nitrogen Ax DRI-elec IRSST Since azote is a simple asphyxiant, oxygen in the air is quantified in the field with
7727-37-9 a direct-reading instrument (DRI).
The minimum reported value is 1% oxygen. The reference method corresponds
to calibration of the DRI.

Nitrogen dioxide 5,6 DRI-elec IRSST Refer to the user's guide accompanying the instrument.
10102-44-0 Nitrogen dioxide is quantified in the field with a direct-reading instrument (DRI).
The minimum reported value is 0.9 mg/m³ (0.5 ppm). The reference method
corresponds to calibration of the DRI.

Nitrogen monoxide 31 DRI-elec IRSST Refer to the user's guide accompanying the instrument.
10102-43-9 Nitric oxide is quantified in the field with a direct-reading instrument (DRI). The
minimum reported value is 1.2 mg/m³ (1 ppm). The reference method
corresponds to calibration of the DRI.. Azote monoxyde quantified with DRI.

Nitrogen trifluoride 29 DRI-IR OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.


Nitroglycerin (NG) -- Pc Tenax tube, 100/50 mg 0,2-1 100 GC-ECD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. Can be kept for at least 25 days at 25°C.
55-63-0 -- RP
ROHS Substances table 104

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Nitromethane 250 Chromosorb-106 tube 0,01- 3 GC-NPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. Stable for 7 days at 25°C.
75-52-5 0,05

1-Nitropropane 91 XAD-4 tube 80/40 mg 0,1 4 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

2-Nitropropane 36 C2 XAD-4 tube 80/40 mg 0,1 4 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
79-46-9 RP

N-Nitrosodimethylamine Pc Florisil tube 500 mg with pre-tube 1-2 1000 GC-NPD 0,04 4,4 IRSST The recommended sampling volume is 400 to 1000 litres. The samples can be
62-75-9 C2 2210 Florisil tube with pre-tube kept for 4 weeks in the dark at 4°C.The simulltaneous determination of 8
RP nitrosamines can be done on the same tube.

Nitrotoluene (all 11 Pc Silica gel tube 150/75 mg 0,01- 30 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
isomers) 0,02

Nitrous oxide 90 DRI-PAD IRSST The minimum reported value is 0.09 mg/m³ (0.05 ppm).
10024-97-2 In the case of a respirable compressed air (RCA) sample, analysis is done at the

Nonane 1050 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0246 GC-FID 210 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
111-84-2 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
2.4%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Nonane 1050 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 4 GC-FID 210 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
111-84-2 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 0.76%.

Octachloronaphthalene 0,1 Pc Mixed cellulose ester filter 1 30 GC-ECD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
2234-13-1 0,3

Octane 1400 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0266 GC-FID 290 4,0 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
111-65-9 1750 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
2.3%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.
ROHS Substances table 105

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Octane 1400 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 4 GC-FID 290 4,0 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
111-65-9 1750 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 0.63%.

Osmium tetroxide (as 0,0016 Mixed cellulose ester filter in series with a 1 480 ICP OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
Os) 0,0047 glass fritted tip impinger containing 15 mL 15 Method ID-125G is for metals in the air and can be adapted to osmium tetroxide.
20816-12-0 of distilled water ID125G

Oxalic acid 1 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 960 IC-CD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
144-62-7 2 15

Oxygen difluoride -- RP Contact the IRSST before sampling.

7783-41-7 -- No supporting reference is suggested for this product.

Ozone -- RP DRI-elec IRSST Refer to the user's guide that accompanies the instrument. Ozone is quantified in
10028-15-6 -- the field with a direct-reading instrument (DRI). The minimum reported value is
0,2 0.1 mg/m³ (0.05 ppm). The reference method corresponds to calibration of the

Ozone -- RP HMOS IRSST Refer to the user's guide that accompanies the instrument. Ozone is quantified in
10028-15-6 -- the field with a direct-reading instrument (DRI). The minimum reported value is
0,2 0.1 mg/m³ (0.05 ppm). The reference method corresponds to calibration of the

Paraffin wax, fume 2 Glass fiber filter 2 960 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling. The sampling volume can vary from 30 to
8002-74-2 960 litres.

Paraquat, respirable 0,1 Pr Polytetrafluorocarbon (teflon) filter 1,7 200 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
particulates (nylon)
4685-14-7 2,75

Parathion 0,1 Pc Supelco ORBO 49P tube, # 2-350 0,2-1 480 GC-NPD 2 IRSST Parathion must be specifically sampled due to the sampling device and a specific
56-38-2 2180 Orbo 49P desorption solvent.
ROHS Substances table 106

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Particulates Not 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
Otherwise Classified chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
(PNOC) 902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Pentaborane 0,013 Glass fritted tip impinger containing 1 480 ICP OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
19624-22-7 0,039 deionized water 15 OSHA method ID-125G is for metallic elements and compounds and can be
adapted to pentaborane.
The device and the parameters on OSHA data sheet IMIS1986 are used.

Pentachloronaphthalene 0,5 Pc OVS-2 with XAD-2 Tube and glass fiber 1 100 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
1321-64-8 filter

Pentachloronitrobenzene 0,5 Silica gel tube150/50 mg 1 150 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
NIOSH method 2005 is for nitroaromatic compounds and can be adapted for this
82-68-8 substance.

Pentachlorophenol 0,5 Pc Omega M-083700AF mixed cellulose 1,5 180 HPLC-UV 9 IRSST The filter must be added to the contents of the impinger at the end of sampling.
87-86-5 C2 ester filter (37 mm) in series with an SKC
RP IMP225-36-2 glass fritted tip impinger
EM containing 15 mL of ethylene glycol
1401 Trap
1402 Holster
1420 GFT impinger
908 MCE filter-37

Pentaerythritol 10 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
115-77-5 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

n-Pentane 350 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0353 GC-FID 21 1,0 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
109-66-0 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
2.5%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

n-Pentane 350 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 4 GC-FID 21 1,0 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
109-66-0 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 1.5%.
ROHS Substances table 107

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

n-Amyl acetate 266 3M 3500 organic vapor monitor 0,026 GC-FID 265 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
628-63-7 532 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
1.9%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site

n-Amyl acetate 266 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 265 IRSST The analysis can be done with gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-
628-63-7 532 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical uncertainty (CVa) is 1.4%.

sec-Amyl acetate 266 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 335 IRSST
626-38-0 532 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

tert-Amyl acetate 266 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,1-0,2 10 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
625-16-1 532 NIOSH method 1450 is for esters and can be adapted to this product.

Isoamyl acetate 266 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 260 IRSST
123-92-2 532 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

2-Methyl-1-butyl acetate 266 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,1-0,2 10 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
624-41-9 532 NIOSH method 1450 is for esters and can be adapted to this product.

3-Pentyl actetate 266 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,1-0,2 10 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
620-11-1 532 NIOSH method 1450 is for esters and can be adapted to this product.

Perchloroethylene 170 C3 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 68 0,6 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
127-18-4 685 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 0.75%.

Perchloroethylene 170 C3 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0283 GC-FID 68 0,6 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
127-18-4 685 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
1.8%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Perchloromethyl 0,76 DRI-IR OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

ROHS Substances table 108

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Perchloryl fluoride 13 1-2 250 SE NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
7616-94-6 25 NIOSH method 7902 is for fluorides and can be adapted to this substance.

Perfluoroisobutylene -- RP Contact the IRSST before sampling. No supporting reference is suggested for
382-21-8 -- this product.

Perlite 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
83969-76-0 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Perlite 5 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
83969-76-0 chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37 2,75
914 PVC filter-25 (GS3)
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts

Phenol 19 Pc SKC IMP 225-36-1 glass midget impinger 1 15 HPLC-UV 6,2 IRSST
108-95-2 containing 15 mL of 0.1 N sodium
1422 Glass midget impinger

Phenothiazine 5 Pc Glass fiber filter 1 100 GC-NPD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Phenyl ether, vapour 7 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 50 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
101-84-8 14 0,2 3

Phenyl glycidyl ether 0,61 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01-1 150 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
(PGE) C3
122-60-1 S

Phenyl mercaptan 2,3 Glass fiber filter impregnated with a 0,1-0,2 150 GC-FPD NIOSH The samples must be protected from light until analysis. Contact the IRSST
108-98-5 solution of 5% (w/v) mercuric acetate before sampling.
ROHS Substances table 109

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

meta-Phenylenediamine 0,1 Two glass fiber filters treated with 0.26N 1 100 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
108-45-2 sulfuric acid Sample is stable for 15 days at ambient temperature.

ortho-Phenylenediamine 0,1 C2 Two glass fiber filters treated with 0.26N 1 100 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
95-54-5 EM sulfuric acid Sample is stable for 15 days at ambient temperature.

p-Phenylenediamine 0,1 Pc Two SKC FLT225-7 glass fiber filters 1 100 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
106-50-3 S impregnated with sulfuric acid.

Phenylhydrazine 0,44 Pc Glass fritted tip impinger containing 15 mL 0,2-1 100 UV/VIS-S NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
100-63-0 C2 of 0.1N HCL

n-Phenyl-ß- C2 Two pretreated glass fiber filters 1 240 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
naphthylamine RP
135-88-6 EM

Phenylphosphine -- RP Contact the IRSST before sampling.

638-21-1 -- No supporting reference is suggested for this product.

Phorate 0,05 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 240 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
298-02-2 0,2 filter 15 Some phosphates may cause interference during the analysis.

Phosdrin 0,092 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 240 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
7786-34-7 0,27 filter 15 Some phosphates may cause interference during the analysis.

Phosgene 0,4 XAD-2 tube impregnated with 2- 1 240 GC-NPD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
75-44-5 (hydroxymethyl) piperidine

Phosphine 0,42 Pretreated glass fiber filter in series with a 1 240 ICP OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling. Stable for at least 17 days at ambient
7803-51-2 1,4 polyester filter pretreated with mercuric temperature.
ROHS Substances table 110

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Phosphoric acid 1 Treated silica gel tube SKC 226-10-03 0,2 48 IC-CD 5,2 4,68 IRSST Five ions can be determined simultaneously, namely bromide, chloride, nitrate,
7664-38-2 3 2147 Silica gel 400/200 mg 3 phosphate and sulfate.
Analytical results are expressed as hydrobromic, hydrochloric, nitric, phosphoric
and sulfuric acid.
Samples are stable for 21 days at 25°C.
All phosphate ions not originating from the acid can cause positive interference.

Phosphorus (yellow) 0,1 Tenax-GC tube 0,01- 100 GC-FPD NIOSH A filter can be used if the phosphorus is present in particulate form. Contact the
7723-14-0 0,2 IRSST before sampling.

Phosphorus oxychloride 0,63 Glass fritted tip impinger containing 10 mL 1 240 IC-CD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
10025-87-3 of a solution of sodium carbonate and
sodium bicarbonate

Phosphorus 0,85 Polyvinyl chloride filter in series with a 0,2 48 Colo OSHA The use of a stainless steel filter support (#SKC SCN225-26) is suggested. The
pentachloride glass fritted tip impinger containing 15 mL filter is thrown away after sampling. Contact the IRSST before sampling.
10026-13-8 of deionized water

Phosphorus 1 Polyvinyl chloride filter 1-2 120 IC-CD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
pentasulfide 3 30

Phosphorus trichloride 1,1 Glass fritted tip impinger containing 0,05- 100 Colo NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
7719-12-2 2,8 deionized water 0,2 3

Phthalic anhydride 6,1 Mixed cellulose ester filter Omega M- 1,5 100 HPLC-UV 60 IRSST
85-44-9 083700AF open-face
906 MCE filter-37 open cassette

m-Phthalodinitrile 5 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,2 20 GC-NPD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Picloram 10 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
1918-02-1 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25
ROHS Substances table 111

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Picric acid 0,1 Mixed cellulose ester filter 0.8µm, 37mm 1,5 180 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Pindone 0,1 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,1-1 480 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
83-26-1 filter

Piperazine 5 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
dihydrochloride chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
142-64-3 902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Plaster of Paris 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
26499-65-0 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Plaster of Paris 5 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
26499-65-0 chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37 2,75
914 PVC filter-25 (GS3)
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts

Platinum, Metal 1 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 960 ICP-MS OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Platinum [7440-06-4], 0,002 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 960 ICP-MS OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
Soluble salts (as Pt)

Polytetrafluoroethylene Contact the IRSST before sampling.

decomposition products No supporting reference is suggested for this product.

Portland cement 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
65997-15-1 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25
ROHS Substances table 112

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Portland cement 5 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
65997-15-1 chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37 2,75
914 PVC filter-25 (GS3)
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts

Potassium hydroxide -- RP Gelman 60714 polyvinyl chloride filter 1,5 180 FAAS 6,3 IRSST A specific sampling must be carried out for this substance. All soluble potassium
1310-58-3 -- 903 PVC filter-37 salts are positive interferences.
2 The results are expressed as total soluble potassium. A stoichiometric factor must
be applied.

Propane 1800 Two carbosieve S-III tubes 130/65 mg 0,1 5 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Propane 1800 DRI-EX IRSST A DRI is used for analyzing combustible gases as a percentage of their lower
74-98-6 explosive limit. In the paper version of the guide, refer to the note about simple
asphyxiants. The reference method corresponds to calibration of the direct-
reading instrument (DRI).

Propane sultone C2 Diffusion denuder impregnated with 2- HPLC-UV Contact the IRSST before sampling.
1120-71-4 RP mercaptobenzothiazole No supporting reference is suggested for this product.
EM Other reference(s)
Oldewerne, J., Klockow, D., "Chromatographic procedures for the
determination of 1,3-propane sultone (1,2-oxathiolane-2,2-dioxide) in
workplace atmosphere." Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 325, pp. 57-63 (1986).

Propargyl alcohol 2,3 Pc Activated charcoal tube impregnated with 0,05 6 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
107-19-7 hydrobromic acid 100/50 mg

ß-Propiolactone 1,5 C2 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

57-57-8 RP No supporting reference is suggested for this product.

Propionic acid 30 Silica gel tube 400/200 mg 0,2 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Propoxur (baygon) 0,5 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,1-1 180 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
114-26-1 filter
ROHS Substances table 113

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

n-Propyl acetate 835 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0301 GC-FID 420 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
109-60-4 1040 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
1.7%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

n-Propyl acetate 835 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 420 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
109-60-4 1040 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 0.91%.

n-Propyl alcohol 492 Pc SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 250 4,9 IRSST
71-23-8 614 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3

n-Propyl alcohol 492 Pc 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0397 GC-FID 250 4,9 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
71-23-8 614 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
1.8%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

n-Propyl nitrate 107 Activated charcoal tube 100/50mg 0,2-1 70 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
627-13-4 172 15

Propylene Ax DRI-EX IRSST A DRI is used for analyzing combustible gases as a percentage of their lower
115-07-1 explosive limit. In the paper version of the guide, refer to the note about simple
asphyxiants. The reference method corresponds to calibration of the direct-
reading instrument (DRI).

Propylene glycol 0,34 Pc Tenax-GC tube 1 15 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
dinitrate OSHA method 43 can be adapted to propylene glycol dinitrate.

Propylene glycol 369 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube 0,2 10 GC-FID 74 0,1 IRSST Monomethyl ether of ethylene glycol must be specifically sampled due to a
monomethyl ether 553 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg specific desorption solvent.
107-98-2 However, simultaneous sampling and analysis of 2-butoxyethanol is possible.

Propylene imine 4,7 Pc Glass fritted tip impinger containing Folin 0,2 48 HPLC-UV NIOSH Protect the impingers from the light and in the refrigeration. Contact the IRSST
75-55-8 C2 reagent before sampling.
RP NIOSH method 3514 is used for ethylene imine and can be adapted to this
EM product.
ROHS Substances table 114

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Propylene oxide 48 C2 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 5 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
75-56-9 RP 0,2

Pyrethrum 5 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 60 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
8003-34-7 filter

Pyridine 16 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 5 GC-NPD 4 IRSST Pyridine must be sampled specifically due to the sampling device used and a
110-86-1 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 1,0 specific desorption solvent.

Resorcinol 45 Versatile OVS-7 tube with XAD-7 and a 0,05- 24 GC-FID NIOSH Keeps for 30 days at 5°C protected from light. Contact the IRSST before
108-46-3 90 glass fiber filter 0,1 sampling.

Rhodium [7440-16-6], 0,1 Mixed cellulose ester filter 1-5 480 ICP-MS ASTM Contact the IRSST before sampling.
Metal and insoluble
compounds (as Rh)

Rhodium [7440-16-6], 0,001 Mixed cellulose ester filter 1-5 480 ICP-MS ASTM Contact the IRSST before sampling.
Soluble compounds (as

Ronnel 10 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 60 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
299-84-3 filter Some phosphates may cause interference during the analysis.

Rosin core solder 0,1 S Contact the IRSST before sampling.

pyrolysis products (as No supporting reference is suggested for this substance.

Rotenone 5 Polytetrafluorocarbon (teflon) filter 1-4 100 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
ROHS Substances table 115

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Rouge 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Rubber solvent 1590 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 800 IRSST A process sample must be supplied.
(Naphtha) 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

Selenium and 0,2 Mixed cellulose ester filter 1-4 500 ICP NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
compounds (as Se)

Selenium hexafluoride 0,16 DRI-IR OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
(as Se)

Sesone 10 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
136-78-7 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Silica, Amorphous, 6 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
Diatomaceous earth chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
(uncalcined) 902 PVC filter-37
61790-53-2 914 PVC filter-25

Silica - Amorphous, 2 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
fumes chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
69012-64-2 902 PVC filter-37 2,75
914 PVC filter-25 (GS3)
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts

Silica, Amorphous, 0,1 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
fused chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
60676-86-0 902 PVC filter-37 2,75
914 PVC filter-25 (GS3)
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts
ROHS Substances table 116

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Silica, Amorphous, gel 6 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
63231-67-4 chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37 2,75
914 PVC filter-25 (GS3)
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts

Silica, Amorphous, 6 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
precipitated chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
1343-98-2 902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Silica, Crystalline, 0,05 Pr Cyclone in series with a polyvinyl chloride 1,7 1000 XRD 7 7 IRSST
Cristobalite filter (nylon)
14464-46-1 902 PVC filter-37 2,75
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts (GS3)

Silica, Crystalline, 0,1 Pr C2 Cyclone in series with an Omega P- 1,7 800 XRD 6 5 IRSST The analytical results are expressed as quartz.
Quartz EM 08370K polyvinyl chloride filter (nylon)
14808-60-7 902 PVC filter-37 2,75
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts (GS3)

Silica, Crystalline, 0,1 Pr C2 Cyclone in series with an Omega P- 1,7 800 FTIR 6 5 IRSST
Quartz EM 08370K polyvinyl chloride filter (nylon)
14808-60-7 902 PVC filter-37 2,75
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts (GS3)

Silica, Crystalline, 0,05 Pr Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Tridymite Tridymite cannot be identified when quartz and cristobalite are present.

Silica, Crystalline, 0,1 Pr Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Tripoli Tripoli cannot be identified when quartz is present.

Silicon 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
7440-21-3 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25
ROHS Substances table 117

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Silicon carbide (non 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
fibrous) chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
409-21-2 902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Silicon tetrahydride 6,6 Glass fritted tip impinger containing 15 mL 1 480 ICP OSHA The samples must be stored in plastic containers and shipped as soon as
7803-62-5 of potassium hydroxide possible. Contact the IRSST before sampling.
OSHA method ID-125G is for total silicon and can be adapted to this product.

Silver, Metal 0,1 Omega M-083700AF or Omega M- 1,5 180 ICP-MS 0,05 IRSST Specific sampling must be carried out for this substance.
7440-22-4 082500AFP mixed cellulose ester filter The analytical results are expressed as total silver.
905 MCE filter-37
915 MCE filter-25

Silver [7440-22-4], 0,01 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Soluble compounds (as IRSST method 20-3 is for total silver and can be adapted to soluble silver
Ag) compounds.

Soapstone 6 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
14378-12-2 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Soapstone 3 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
14378-12-2 chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37 2,75
914 PVC filter-25 (GS3)
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts

Sodium azide -- RP Polyvinyl chloride filter in series with a 1 5 IC-VIS OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
26628-22-8 -- silica gel tube 150/75 mg. OSHA method ID211 is for the simultaneous determination of sodium azide
0,3 (NaN3) and hydrazoic acid (HN3) since sodium azide is converted into hydrazoic
acid on contact with moisture.

Sodium bisulfite 5 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

7631-90-5 IRSST method 287-1 is for the analysis of total soluble sodium and can be
adapted to this product.
ROHS Substances table 118

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Sodium bisulfite 5 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
7631-90-5 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Sodium fluoroacetate 0,05 Pc Mixed cellulose ester filter 1,5-2 480 IC-CD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
62-74-8 0,15

Sodium hydroxide -- RP Gelman 66467 polyvinyl chloride filter 5 1,5 180 FAAS 5 IRSST Specific sampling must be carried out for this substance. All soluble sodium
1310-73-2 -- µm salts are positive interferences.
2 903 PVC filter-37 The results are expressed as total soluble sodium. A stoichiometric factor must
be applied.

Sodium metabisulfite 5 Contact the IRSST before sampling.

7681-57-4 IRSST method 287-1 is for the analysis of total soluble sodium and can be
adapted to this product.

Sodium metabisulfite 5 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
7681-57-4 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Borates, tetra, sodium 1 Mixed cellulose ester filter 1-4 500 ICP NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
salt , Anhydrous NIOSH method 7300 is used for metals and can be adapted to boron.

Borates, tetra, sodium 5 Mixed cellulose ester filter 1-4 500 ICP NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
salt , Decahydrate NIOSH method 7300 is used for metals and can be adapted to boron.

Borates, tetra, sodium 1 Mixed cellulose ester filter 1-4 500 ICP NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
salt , Pentahydrate NIOSH method 7300 is used for metals and can be adapted to boron.

Starch 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
9005-25-8 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25
ROHS Substances table 119

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Stibine (as Sb) 0,51 Silica gel tube impregnated with mercuric 0,01- 50 UV/VIS-S NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
7803-52-3 bichloride 0,2

Stoddard solvent 525 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 275 5,0 IRSST A process sample must be supplied.
8052-41-3 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

Strontium chromate (as 0,0005 C2 PALL CA28149-306 vinyl/acrylic 1,5 à 4 360 IC-VIS 0,04 4,4 IRSST For surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
Cr) RP copolymer filter The analytical results are expressed as total water-insoluble chromium VI.
7789-06-2 EM 926 Vinyl/acrylic copolymer filter Surface tests for chromates can be carried out, and the required equipment (kit
#2625) is available at the IRSST. See communiqué 2008-06 on our Web site.
Analysis time of 8 days for welding fumes and 10 days for the other processes
following the sampling date. Ship all samples by rapid courier within a period not
exceeding 24 hours after sampling.
Any substance that produces a response on the detector at 540 nm and that has
a retention time similar to Cr VI is a potential interference.

Strychnine 0,15 Glass fiber filter 1-3 200 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Styrene (monomer) 213 Pc DRI-PAD IRSST Refer to the user's guide accompanying the instrument.
100-42-5 426 C3 Styrene is quantified in the field with a direct-reading instrument (DRI). The
minimum reported value is of 0.5 mg/m³ (0.12 ppm). The reference method
corresponds to calibration of the DRI.

Styrene (monomer) 213 Pc 3M Organic Vapor Monitor #3500 0,0289 GC-FID 27 1,4 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
100-42-5 426 C3 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
3.0%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Styrene (monomer) 213 Pc SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 5 GC-FID 27 1,4 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
100-42-5 426 C3 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 3.0%.

Subtilisins (Proteolytic -- RP Contact the IRSST before sampling.

enzymes as 100 % pure -- No supporting reference is suggested for this product.
crystalline enzyme) 0,00006
ROHS Substances table 120

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Succinaldehyde 4 Pc Contact the IRSST before sampling.

638-37-9 IRSST method 283-1 is for glutaraldehyde and could be adapted to succinic

Sucrose 10 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
57-50-1 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Sulfometuron methyl 5 OVS 2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,1-1 480 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
74222-97-2 filter NIOSH method 5601 is for organonitrogen pesticides and can be adapted to this

Sulfotep 0,2 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber GC-MS NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
3689-24-5 filter NIOSH method 5605 is for pesticides and can be adapted to this product.

Sulfur dioxide 5,2 DRI-elec IRSST Refer to the user's guide accompanying the instrument.
7446-09-5 13 Sulfur dioxide is quantified in the field with a direct-reading instrument (DRI). The
minimum reported value is 1.3 mg/m³ (0.5 ppm). The reference method
corresponds to calibration of the DRI.

Sulfur dioxide 5,2 Impregnated Anasorb 747 tube preceded 0,1 12 IC-CD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
7446-09-5 13 by a filter 1,5 The analytical result for the particles collected on filter is expressed as sulfate.

Sulfur hexafluoride 5970 Aluminized sampling bag GC-ECD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Sulfur monochloride -- RP Glass fritted tip impinger containing 1 30 IC-CD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
10025-67-9 -- deionized water 5

Sulfur pentafluoride -- RP Cellulose ester filter followed by a 1-2 800 SE NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
5714-22-7 -- pretreated cellulose pad NIOSH method 7902 is for aerosol and gas fluorides and can be adapted to this
0,1 product.

Sulfur tetrafluoride -- RP Cellulose ester filter followed by a 1-2 800 SE NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
7783-60-0 -- pretreated cellulose pad NIOSH method 7902 is for aerosol and gas fluorides and can be adapted to this
0,44 product.
ROHS Substances table 121

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Sulfuric acid 1 Treated silica gel tube SKC 226-10-03 0,2 48 IC-CD 5,1 5,73 IRSST Five ions can be determined simultaneously, namely bromide, chloride, nitrate,
7664-93-9 3 2147 Silica gel 400/200 mg phosphate and sulfate.
Analytical results are expressed as hydrobromic, hydrochloric, nitric, phosphoric
and sulfuric acid.
Samples are stable for 21 days at 25°C.
All sulfate ions not originating from the acid can cause positive interference.

Sulfuric acid 1 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 480 IC-CD OSHA After sampling, transfer the filter to a glass container.
7664-93-9 3 All the sulfate ions not originating from the acid can cause positive interference.

Sulfuryl fluoride 21 Activated charcoal tube 800/200 mg 0,05- 3 IC-CD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
2699-79-8 42 0,1 1,5

Sulprofos 1 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber GC-MS NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
35400-43-2 filter NIOSH method 5605 is for pesticides and can be adapted to this product.

2,4,5-T 10 C2 Glass fiber filter, binderless 1-3 200 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
93-76-5 RP

Talc, fibrous 1 f/cc C1 Cassette with conductive extension and 0,5-16 400 PCM IRSST Open cassette sampling. A flow rate not exceeding 2.5 L/min is recommended
EM mixed cellulose ester filter, Environmental for determining an average concentration. Supply at least 2 blanks per series of
Express CS250080 samples or 10% of sample total, whichever is highest. Send the samples in a
918 MCE filter-25 cardboard box supplied by the IRSST (#3010). In relatively uncontaminated
atmospheres, where the fibre concentration is much lower than 0.1 fibres/mL, use
larger sampling volumes (3000 to 10000L) in order to obtain quantifiable
The method applies to the counting of all fibres whose refractive index is
compatible with the mounting solution.
The minimum reported value is 25 fibres/mm².
Characterization of the fibres in bulk samples or in deposited dusts is done
using method 244-2. An analysis using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
method may be required for some materials containing fine asbestos fibres, for
example floor tiles.

Talc, non fibrous 3 Pr SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,7 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
14807-96-6 chloride filter (nylon) method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37 2,75
914 PVC filter-25 (GS3)
997 PVC filter-37, 3 parts
ROHS Substances table 122

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Tantalum [7440-25-7], 5 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 480 ICP OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
metal and oxide dusts OSHA method ID-125G is for several metals and can be adapted to this product.
(as Ta)

Tellurium and 0,1 Mixed cellulose ester filter 1-2 960 ICP NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
compounds (as Te)

Tellurium hexafluoride 0,1 Mixed cellulose ester filter in series with 1 390 FAAS NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
(as Te) an activated charcoal tube

Temephos 10 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber GC-MS NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
3383-96-8 filter NIOSH method 5605 is for pesticides and can be adapted to this product.

TEPP 0,047 Pc Two chromosorb 102 tubes in series 0,01- 40 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
107-49-3 0,2

Terephthalic acid 10 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,2 10 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Terphenyls -- RP PTFE filter 1-3 30 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
26140-60-3 --

1,1,2,2- 14 Silica gel tube 100/50 mg 0,2-1 100 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-2,2- 4170 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 2 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
difluoroethane 0,035
ROHS Substances table 123

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro-1, 2- 4170 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 2 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
difluoroethane 0,035

1,1,2,2- 6,9 Pc Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Tetrachloroethane No supporting reference is suggested for this product.

Tetrachloronaphthalene 2 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 100 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
1335-88-2 filter

Tetrahydrofuran 300 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 9 GC-FID 53 0,8 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
109-99-9 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 1.8%.

Tetramethyl 2,8 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg Max: 1 55 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Tetranitromethane 0,04 C2 Glass midget impinger containing 15 mL 0,5-1 100 GC-NPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
509-14-8 EM of ethyl acetate

Tetrasodium 5 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
pyrophosphate chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
7722-88-5 902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Tetryl 1,5 Mixed cellulose ester filter 1,5 100 Colo NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
479-45-8 Other aromatic nitro compounds may cause interference.

Thallium, elemental 0,1 Pc Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 960 FAAS OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
[7440-28-0], and soluble
compounds (as Tl)
ROHS Substances table 124

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

4,4'-Thiobis (6-tert-butyl- 10 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
m-cresol) chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
96-69-5 914 PVC filter-25

Thioglycolic acid 3,8 Pc Glass midget impinger containing 1 120 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
68-11-1 deionized water

Thionyl chloride -- RP Glass fritted tip impinger containing 0,5 7,5 IC-CD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
7719-09-7 -- deionized water

Thiram® 5 Polytetrafluorocarbon (teflon) filter 1-4 400 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling. Stable for 7 days at 25°C.

Tin, Metal 2 Omega M-083700AF or Omega M- 1,5 180 FAAS 25 IRSST Specific sampling must be carried out for this substance.
7440-31-5 082500AFP mixed cellulose ester filter The analytical results are expressed as total tin.
905 MCE filter-37
915 MCE filter-25

Tin [7440-31-5], Organic 0,1 Pc Glass fiber filter with XAD-2 tuber 1-1,5 500 HPLC- NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
FGAA 5504
compounds (as Sn) 0,2 Each organic compound of tin must be treated as a specific case. Sample is
7440-31-5 stable for 7 days at 0°C.

Tin [7440-31-5], Oxide 2 Omega M-083700AF or Omega M- 1,5 180 FAAS 25 IRSST Specific sampling must be carried out for this substance.
and inorganic 082500AFP mixed cellulose ester filter The analytical results are expressed as total tin.
compounds, except 905 MCE filter-37
SnH4 (as Sn)
915 MCE filter-25

Titanium dioxide 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
13463-67-7 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25
ROHS Substances table 125

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

o-Tolidine Pc Two glass fiber filters impregnated with 1 100 GC-ECD OSHA The filters must be transferred to vials containing deionized water within 10 hours
119-93-7 C2 sulfuric acid of sampling. Contact the IRSST before sampling.
RP Any compound that reacts with the sulfuric acid on the filters may cause
EM interference.

Toluene 188 Pc 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0314 GC-FID 20 3,0 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
108-88-3 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
1.9%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Toluene 188 Pc SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 5 GC-FID 20 3,0 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
108-88-3 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 0.56%.

Toluene diisocyanate 0,036 EM Impregnated glass fiber filter 1,0 15 HPLC-MS 0,0006 IRSST The recommended volume is 15 litres; however the sampling time can be up to 8
(TDI) (isomers mixture) 0,14 S 970 Impregnated GFF hours. Store the samples in a refrigerator before and after sampling.
26471-62-5 Five isocyanates can be requested at the same time: HDI, TDI, MDI, IPDI and
HMDI. The analysis is done for the isocyanates present in vapour form only and
the result is expressed as a monomer concentration.

Toluene diisocyanate 0,036 EM Millipore AP4003705 glass fiber filter 1 15 HPLC-UV- 0,03 IRSST Refer to the sampling guidelines supplied with the equipment. If more than one
Flu 376
(TDI) (isomers mixture) 0,14 S pretreated in the laboratory in series with isocyanate is requested, provide a process sample. For surface wipe sampling,
26471-62-5 a Teflon filter #MSI Z50WP03700 contact Laboratory Customer Service.
917 PTF filter The two filters in the sampling cassette allow specific analysis of monomer TDI in
GF filter vapour form and in aerosol form. The result supplied in the report is the sum of
Vial the monomers of TDI of the two fractions. Determination of the corresponding
oligomers is also done during the analysis. The sampling time can be longer than
15 minutes if the TDI is present in vapour form only.

o-Toluidine 8,8 Pc Two glass fiber filters impregnated with 1 100 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
95-53-4 C2 sulfuric acid .
RP Any compound that reacts with the sulfuric acid may cause interference.

m-Toluidine 8,8 Pc Two glass fiber filters impregnated with 1 100 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
108-44-1 sulfuric acid .
All compounds that can react with sulfuric acid can cause interference.

p-Toluidine 8,8 Pc Two glass fiber filters impregnated with 1 960 GC-ECD OSHA Keeps for at least 15 days at 21°C. Contact the IRSST before sampling.
106-49-0 C2 sulfuric acid. All compounds that can react with sulfuric acid can cause interference.
ROHS Substances table 126

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Tributyl phosphate 2,2 Mixed cellulose ester filter 1-3 100 GC-FPD NIOSH According to NIOSH 5034, two mixed cellulose ester filters in series can be used
126-73-8 in the case where the temperature of the sampling site exceeds 23°C. Contact
the IRSST before sampling.

Trichloroacetic acid 6,7 Silica gel tube 100/50 mg 0,2 10 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene -- RP Polytetrafluorocarbon (teflon) filter in 0,01- 10 GC-ECD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
120-82-1 -- series with an XAD-2 tube 0,2

1,1,2-Trichloroethane 55 Pc SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 22 IRSST

79-00-5 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

Trichloroethylene 269 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 58 0,8 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
79-01-6 1070 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 0.78%.

Trichloroethylene 269 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0311 GC-FID 58 0,8 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
79-01-6 1070 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
0.6%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Trichlorofluoromethane -- RP Activated charcoal tube 400/200 mg Max: 4 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
75-69-4 -- 0,05

Trichloronaphthalene 5 Pc OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 1 100 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
1321-65-9 filter

1,2,3-Trichloropropane 60 Pc Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 10 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
96-18-4 0,2

1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2- 7670 SKC 226-09 activated charcoal tube 0,2 5 GC-FID 2 1,4 IRSST Specific desorption must be carried out for this substance. Freon 113. However,
trifluoroethane 9590 2121 Activated charcoal 400/200 mg the simultaneous sampling and analysis of chlorodifluoromethane (Freon 22) is
76-13-1 possible.
ROHS Substances table 127

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Tri-o-cresyl phosphate 0,1 Pc Mixed cellulose ester filter 1-3 100 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Triethanolamine 5 S Glass fiber filter 1 100 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Triethylamine 20,5 Pc XAD-7 tube treated with phosphoric acid 0,1-0,2 24 GC-NPD OSHA Stable for more than 14 days at 21°C. Contact the IRSST before sampling.
121-44-8 61,5

Triglycidyl 0,05 Polyvinyl chloride filter with Accu-Cap. 2,0 240 HPLC-MS 0,7 4 IRSST This method gives a result expressed in total triglycidyl isocyanurate,
isocyanurate (TGIC) 910 PVC filter-37 with Accu-Cap corresponding to the mixture of the alpha and beta isomers. A gravimetric result
(alpha-) of the total dust can be supplied on request.

Triglycidyl 0,05 Polyvinyl chloride filter with Accu-Cap. 2,0 240 HPLC-MS 0,7 4 IRSST This method gives a result expressed in total triglycidyl isocyanurate,
isocyanurate (TGIC) 910 PVC filter-37 with Accu-Cap corresponding to the mixture of the alpha and beta isomers. A gravimetric result
(beta) of the total dust can be supplied on request.

Triglycidyl 0,05 Polyvinyl chloride filter with Accu-Cap. 2,0 240 HPLC-MS 0,7 4 IRSST This method gives a result expressed in total triglycidyl isocyanurate,
isocyanurate (TGIC) 910 PVC filter-37 with Accu-Cap corresponding to the mixture of the alpha and beta isomers. A gravimetric result
(mixed isomers) of the total dust can be supplied on request.

Trimellitic anhydride -- RP 2,0 480 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
552-30-7 -- S

Trimethyl benzene 123 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0263 GC-FID 62 0,8 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
25551-13-7 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
2.7%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Trimethyl benzene 123 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 62 0,8 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
25551-13-7 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 1.1%.
ROHS Substances table 128

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Trimethyl phosphite 10 OVS-2 tube with XAD-2 and glass fiber 0,2-1 240 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
121-45-9 filter NIOSH method 5600 is for organophosphorus pesticides and can be adapted to
this product.

Trimethylamine 12 XAD-7 tube traited with phosphoric acid 0,1-0,2 20 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
75-50-3 36

2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene 0,5 Pc Tenax-GC tube with a glass fiber filter 1 60 GC-ECD OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Triphenyl amine 5 Glass fritted impinger containing 15 mL of 1 250 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
603-34-9 isopropanol

Triphenyl phosphate 3 Mixed cellulose ester filter 1-3 100 GC-FPD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.

Tungsten [7440-33-7] 5 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 480 ICP OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
(as W) , Insoluble 10

Tungsten [7440-33-7] 1 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 480 ICP OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
(as W) , Soluble 3

Turpentine 112 S Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,2 12 GC-FID 125 5,7 IRSST In the case of a simultaneous evaluation of delta-carene, alpha-pinene or beta-
8006-64-2 pinene, contact the IRSST before samping.

Δ-3 Carene 112 S Contact the IRSST before sampling.

13466-78-9 IRSST method 254-1 is for turpentine and can be adapted to this product.
ROHS Substances table 129

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

α-Pinene 112 S Contact the IRSST before sampling.

80-56-6 IRSST method 254-1 is for turpentine and can be adapted to this product.

β-Pinene 112 S Contact the IRSST before sampling.

127-91-3 IRSST method 254-1 is for turpentine and can be adapted to this product.

Uranium [7440-61-1] 0,2 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 480 ICP OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
(natural) , Insoluble 0,6 30 The results are expressed as total uranium
compounds (as U)

Uranium (natural) [7440- 0,05 Polyvinyl chloride filter 2 240 Polaro OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
61-1], Soluble
compounds (as U)

n-Valeraldehyde 176 Supelco 2-0257 Orbo 23 tube 0,1 10 GC-MS 0,3 IRSST Before and after sampling, tubes must be stored in a freezer.
110-62-3 2186 Orbo 23 120/60 mg Eleven aldehydes are determined simultaneously: acetaldehyde,
isobutyraldehyde, isovaleraldehyde, propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, furfural,
heptanal, hexanal, valeraldehyde, acrolein and formaldehyde. This method must
not be used for the specific evaluation of formaldehyde; the methods to be used
in this case are 295-1 and 357-1.

Vanadium pentoxide, 0,05 Cyclone in series with mixed cellulose 1,7 480 ICP-MS 0,1 4,4 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
fume and respirable ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 37 mm (nylon) surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
dust (as V2O5) 905 MCE filter-37 2,75 The results are expressed as total vanadium. A stoichiometric factor must be
1314-62-1 915 MCE filter-25 (GS3) applied.

Vanadium pentoxide, 0,05 Cyclone in series with a 5 µm CPV filter 1,7 1000 XRD NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
fume and respirable (nylon) The results are expressed as vanadium pentoxide
dust (as V2O5) 2,75
1314-62-1 (GS3)
ROHS Substances table 130

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Vegetable oil mists 10 Preweighed teflon filter (5 µm), Millipore 2 960 Grav 50 IRSST Determination in air of mineral oil mist, soluble, synthetic, half-synthetic and
(except castor, cashew MITEX 37 mm vegetable oil.
and other similar irritant 960 PTF filter-37 Cigarette smoke may cause interference.

Vinyl acetate 35 C3 ORBO-92 (Carboxen-564 carbon Max: 12 GC-FID 7,5 5,0 IRSST Vinyl acetate must be sampled specifically due to the sampling device used and
108-05-4 53 molecular sieve) 0,2 3 of specific desorption solvent.
2195 ORBO 92

Vinyl bromide 22 C2 Activated charcoal tube 400/200 mg 0,01- 6 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
593-60-2 EM 0,2

Vinyl chloride 2,6 C1 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 5 GC-FID 0,64 1,0 IRSST This substance must be specifically sampled.
(monomer) RP 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,05 0,75
75-01-4 EM

Vinyl cyclohexene 57 Pc XAD-2 tube 80/40 mg 0,2 10 GC-FID OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
dioxide C2
106-87-6 RP

Vinyl toluene 242 Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg 0,01- 30 GC-FID NIOSH Stable for more than 30 days at 5°C. Contact the IRSST before sampling.
25013-15-4 483 0,2

VM&P Naphtha 1370 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 170 1,1 IRSST A process sample must be supplied.
8032-32-4 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

Warfarin 0,1 Polytetrafluorocarbon (teflon) filter 1-4 400 HPLC-UV NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
ROHS Substances table 131

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Welding fumes (not 5 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST For evaluating welding fumes, if personal sampling must be done inside the
otherwise classified) chloride filter mask, use an adaptor available from SKC Cat. No. 225-600. If metals must be
902 PVC filter-37 analyzed, use a preweighed MCE filter (code 916 or 913)
914 PVC filter-25 Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
method for dusts is by definition non-specific.

Wood dust (western red 2,5 Pt Polyvinyl chloride filter with Accu-Cap. 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Sampling of respirable dusts is also possible by using the flow rate appropriate to
cedar) 910 PVC filter-37 with Accu-Cap the cyclone used.
Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
method for dusts is by definition non-specific.

Wood dust hard and 5 Pt Polyvinyl chloride filter with Accu-Cap. 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Sampling of respirable dusts is also possible by using the flow rate appropriate to
soft, except red cedar 910 PVC filter-37 with Accu-Cap the cyclone used.
Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
method for dusts is by definition non-specific.

Xylene (o-,m-,p- 434 3M 3500 organic vapour monitor 0,0273 GC-FID 100 5,0 IRSST For the monitors, the flow must be considered as being a sampling rate.
isomers) 651 2695 Passive dosimeter According to the data from 3M, the precision (CVsampling) of the sampling rate is
1.8%. Refer to the 3M passive monitor guide on the IRSST's Web site.

Xylene (o-,m-,p- 434 SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 12 GC-FID 100 5,0 IRSST The analysis can be done by gas chromatography coupled with mass
isomers) 651 2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 3 spectrometry (GC-MS, IRSST method #369); in this case the analytical
uncertainty (CVa) is 0.57%.

m-Xylene-alpha, alpha'- -- Pc Two glass fiber filters impregnated with 1 15 HPLC-UV OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
diamine -- RP sulfuric acid
1477-55-0 0,1

Xylidine (mixed isomers) 2,5 Pc Silica gel tube 150/75 mg 0,02- 20 GC-FID NIOSH Contact the IRSST before sampling.
1300-73-8 C2 0,2

Yttrium [7440-65-5], 1 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 960 FAAS OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
metal and compounds
(as Y)
ROHS Substances table 132

TWAEV Volume
Ceiling MRV # Remarks
CAS Sampling Flow STEV CVa
(mg/m³) Notes Device Principle µg meth.
L/min (L) (%)

Zinc chloride, fume 1 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 1 3,19 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
7646-85-7 37 mm. surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
905 MCE filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total zinc. A stoichiometric factor must be
915 MCE filter-25 applied.

Zinc chromates [13530- 0,01 C1 PALL CA28149-306 vinyl/acrylic 1,5 à 4 360 IC-VIS 0,04 4,4 IRSST For surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
65-9;11103-86-9; 37300- RP copolymer filter The analytical results are expressed as total water-insoluble chromium VI.
23-5] (as Cr) EM 926 Vinyl/acrylic copolymer filter Surface tests for chromates can be carried out, and the required equipment (kit
13530-65-9 S #2625) is available at the IRSST. See communiqué 2008-06 on our Web site.
Analysis time of 8 days for welding fumes and 10 days for the other processes
following the sampling date. Ship all samples by rapid courier within a period not
exceeding 24 hours after sampling.
Any substance that produces a response on the detector at 540 nm and that has
a retention time similar to Cr VI is a potential interference.

Zinc stearate 10 SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
557-05-1 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Zinc, oxide, Dust 10 Pt SKC 225-8-01-1 or 225-8-04 polyvinyl 1,5 180 Grav 25 4,9 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
1314-13-2 chloride filter method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
902 PVC filter-37
914 PVC filter-25

Zinc, oxide, Fume 5 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8µm, 25 and 1,5 180 ICP-MS 1 3,19 IRSST Cassettes 913 or 916, whose filters are preweighed, can also be used. For
1314-13-2 10 37 mm. surface wipe sampling, contact Laboratory Customer Service.
905 MCE filter-37 The analytical results are expressed as total zinc. A stoichiometric factor must be
915 MCE filter-25 applied.

Zirconium [7440-67-7] 5 Mixed cellulose ester filter 2 960 FAAS OSHA Contact the IRSST before sampling.
and compounds (as Zr) 10 30 Fluoride, chloride, ammonium, sulfate and nitrate salts and nickel bromide may
cause interference during the analysis.
Substances non regulated from ROHS Yellow section in the original document 133

Flow MRV CVa #

Name CAS Sampling device L/min Volume Principle µg % meth. Remarks

1-Bromopropane SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 5 GC-FID 54 1,0 IRSST
106-94-5 333-1
2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

Acenaphtene Glass fiber filter pretreated in the 2 960 GC-MS 0,12 IRSST The sampling train consists of a cassette that will collect the PAHs in particulate
83-32-9 225-2
laboratory, #Millipore AP4003705 in form, followed by the sampling tube that will adsorb the PAHs in vapour form.
series with an Orbo-42 tube #Supelco 2- This tube is connected directly to the pump by Tygon tubing. After sampling, the
0264 samples must be stored in the freezer protected from light. The tubes and filters
2187 Orbo 42 100/50 mg must be shipped together. Ten hydrocarbons are determined simultaneously:
911 GF filter-37 acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene,
chrysene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(e)pyrene et le benzo(a)pyrene.

Anthracene Glass fiber filter pretreated in the 2 960 GC-MS 0,12 IRSST The sampling train consists of a cassette that will collect the PAHs in particulate
120-12-7 225-2
laboratory, #Millipore AP4003705 in form, followed by the sampling tube that will adsorb the PAHs in vapour form.
series with an Orbo-42 tube #Supelco 2- This tube is connected directly to the pump by Tygon tubing. After sampling, the
0264 samples must be stored in the freezer protected from light. The tubes and filters
2187 Orbo 42 100/50 mg must be shipped together. Ten hydrocarbons are determined simultaneously:
911 GF filter-37 acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene,
chrysene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(e)pyrene et le benzo(a)pyrene.

Bacteria (Culture) Trypticase soy agar 28 140 DLM-GC IRSST The sampling volumes are between 56 and 140 litres. For surface wipe sampling,
5560 Agar-TSA bacteria agar contact Laboratory Customer Service.
Bacterial identification.

Bacteria (Culture) Trypticase soy agar 28 140 SM IRSST The sampling volumes are between 56 and 140 litres.
5560 Agar-TSA bacteria agar Bacterial counts.

Bacteria (Culture) Polycarbonate filter 0.8 µm 2 60 DLM-GC IRSST The sampling volumes are between 20 and 60 litres.
930 Polycarbonate filter For sampling an environment with concentrations above 10,000 CFU/m³ of air.
Bacterial identification.

Bacteria (Culture) Polycarbonate filter 0.8µm 2 40 SM 22 IRSST For sampling an environment with concentrations above 10,000 CFU/m³ of air.
930 Polycarbonate filter Bacterial counts. The MRV is 1600 CFU/m³.

Benzo(e)pyrene Millipore AP4003705 glass fiber filter 2 960 GC-MS 0,09 IRSST The sampling train consists of a cassette that will collect the PAHs in particulate
192-97-2 225-2
pretreated in the laboratory in series with form, followed by a tube that will adsorb the PAHs in vapour form. This tube is
a Supelco 2-0264 Orbo-42 tube connected directly to the pump by Tygon tubing. After sampling, the samples
2187 Orbo 42 100/50 mg must be stored in the freezer protected from light. The tubes and filters must be
911 GF filter-37 shipped together. Ten hydrocarbons are determined simultaneously:
acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene,
chrysene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(e)pyrene et le benzo(a)pyrene.

Butyraldehyde Supelco 2-0257 Orbo 23 tube 0,1 10 GC-MS 0,1 IRSST Before and after sampling, tubes must be stored in a freezer.
123-72-8 324-1
2186 Orbo 23 120/60 mg Eleven aldehydes are determined simultaneously: acetaldehyde,
isobutyraldehyde, isovaleraldehyde, propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, furfural,
heptanal, hexanal, valeraldehyde, acroleine and formaldehyde. This method must
not be used for the specific evaluation of formaldehyde; the methods to be used
in this case are 295-1 and 357-1.
Substances non regulated from ROHS Yellow section in the original document 134

Flow MRV CVa #

Name CAS Sampling device L/min Volume Principle µg % meth. Remarks

Desflurane SKC 226-81 Anasorb 747 tube Max: 3 GC-FID 12 2,5 IRSST Desflurane must be specifically sampled dur to the sampling device used and a
57041-67-5 354-1
2190 Anasorb 747 140/70 mg 0,2 specific desorption solvent.
However, simultaneous sampling and analysis of sevoflurane is possible. A
permissible exposure value (of TWA type) of 70 mg/m³ has been proposed by the
Swedish National Board of Occupational Safety and Health.

Dust, inhalable fraction IOM sampler with stainless steel cassette 2,0 400 Grav 40 0,72 IRSST Additional information is available in Info-Labo 91-03. The weight measurement
and polyvinyl chloride fliter, 5 µm, 25mm, method for dusts is by definition non-specific.
907 IOM, stainless steel cassette and PVC

Endotoxins Treated glass fiber filter #Gelman 61652 2 480 LAL 15 IRSST A prior agreement must first be made with the person in charge of the IRSST
935 GF Filter-Treated microbiology laboratory.

Fluoranthene Millipore AP4003705 glass fiber filter 2 960 GC-MS 0,11 IRSST The sampling train consists of a cassette that will collect the PAHs in particulate
206-44-0 225-2
pretreated in the laboratory in series with form, followed by a tube that will adsorb the PAHs in vapour form. This tube is
a Supelco 2-0264 Orbo-42 tube connected directly to the pump by Tygon tubing. After sampling, the samples
2187 Orbo 42 100/50 mg must be stored in the freezer protected from light. The tubes and filters must be
911 GF filter-37 shipped together. Ten hydrocarbons are determined simultaneously:
acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene,
chrysene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(e)pyrene et le benzo(a)pyrene.

Fluorene Millipore AP4003705 glass fiber filter 2 960 GC-MS 0,15 IRSST The sampling train consists of a cassette that will collect the PAHs in particulate
86-73-7 225-2
pretreated in the laboratory in series with form, followed by a tube that will adsorb the PAHs in vapour form. This tube is
a Supelco 2-0264 Orbo-42 tube connected directly to the pump by Tygon tubing. After sampling, the samples
2187 Orbo 42 100/50 mg must be stored in the freezer protected from light. The tubes and filters must be
911 GF filter-37 shipped together. Ten hydrocarbons are determined simultaneously:
acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene,
chrysene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(e)pyrene et le benzo(a)pyrene.

Heptanal Supelco 2-0257 Orbo 23 tube 0,1 10 GC-MS 0,04 IRSST Before and after sampling, tubes must be stored in a freezer.
111-71-7 321-1
2186 Orbo 23 120/60 mg Eleven aldehydes are determined simultaneously: acetaldehyde,
isobutyraldehyde, isovaleraldehyde, propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, furfural,
heptanal, hexanal, valeraldehyde, acrolein and formaldehyde. This method must
not be used for the specific evaluation of formaldehyde; the methods to be used
in this case are 295-1 and 357-1.

Hexanal Supelco 2-0257 Orbo 23 tube 0,1 10 GC-MS 0,07 IRSST Before and after sampling, tubes must be stored in a freezer.
66-25-1 327-1
2186 Orbo 23 120/60 mg Eleven aldehydes are determined simultaneously: acetaldehyde,
isobutyraldehyde, isovaleraldehyde, propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, furfural,
heptanal, hexanal, valeraldehyde, acrolein and formaldehyde. This method must
not be used for the specific evaluation of formaldehyde; the methods to be used
in this case are 295-1 and 357-1.

Isobutyraldehyde Supelco 2-0257 Orbo 23 tube 0,1 10 GC-MS 0,03 IRSST Before and after sampling, tubes must be stored in a freezer.
78-84-2 325-1
2186 Orbo 23 120/60 mg Eleven aldehydes are determined simultaneously: acetaldehyde,
isobutyraldehyde, isovaleraldehyde, propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, furfural,
heptanal, hexanal, valeraldehyde, acrolein and formaldehyde. This method must
not be used for the specific evaluation of formaldehyde; the methods to be used
in this case are 295-1 and 357-1.
Substances non regulated from ROHS Yellow section in the original document 135

Flow MRV CVa #

Name CAS Sampling device L/min Volume Principle µg % meth. Remarks

Isoflurane SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 5 GC-FID 20 IRSST Isoflurane must be specifically sampled due to the specific analysis performed.
26675-46-7 285-1
2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2 However, simultaneous sampling and analysis of halothane and enflurane is
possible. A permissible exposure value (of TWA type) of 80 mg/m³ has been
proposed by the Swedish National Board of Occupational Safety and Health.

Isovaleraldehyde Supelco 2-0257 Orbo 23 tube 0,1 10 GC-MS 0,05 IRSST Before and after sampling, tubes must be stored in a freezer.
590-86-3 330-1
2186 Orbo 23 120/60 mg Eleven aldehydes are determined simultaneously: acetaldehyde,
isobutyraldehyde, isovaleraldehyde, propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, furfural,
heptanal, hexanal, valeraldehyde, acrolein and formaldehyde. This method must
not be used for the specific evaluation of formaldehyde; the methods to be used
in this case are 295-1 and 357-1.

Kerosene SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube Max: 10 GC-FID 275 IRSST A bulk sample must be supplied.
8008-20-6 80-1
2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg 0,2

Limonene SKC 226-01 activated charcoal tube 0,2 5 GC-FID 25 2,5 IRSST
138-86-3 353-1
2120 Activated charcoal 100/50 mg

Moulds (culture) Polycarbonate filter, 0.8µm 2 40 SM 22 IRSST Mould counts. The MRV is 1600 CFU/m³.
930 Polycarbonate filter

Moulds (culture) Polycarbonate filter, 0.8µm 2 60 DLM IRSST The sampling volumes are between 20 and 60 litres.
930 Polycarbonate filter Mould identification

Moulds (culture) Malt extract agar 28 140 SM IRSST The sampling volumes are between 56 and 140 litres.
5570 Agar-Agar mould malt Mould counts.

Moulds (culture) Malt extract agar 28 140 DLM IRSST The sampling volumes are between 56 and 140 litres. For surface wipe sampling,
5570 Agar-Agar mould malt contact Laboratory Customer Service.
Mould identification

N-Nitrosodibutylamine Florisil tube 500 mg with pre-tube 1-2 1000 GC-NPD 0,04 3,7 IRSST The recommended sampling volume is 400 to 1000 litres. The samples can be
924-16-3 371
2210 Florisil tube with pre-tube kept for 4 weeks in the dark at 4°C.The simulltaneous determination of 8
nitrosamines can be done on the same tube.

N-Nitrosodiethylamine Florisil tube 500 mg with pre-tube 1-2 1000 GC-NPD 0,04 6,4 IRSST The recommended sampling volume is 400 to 1000 litres. The samples can be
55-18-5 371
2210 Florisil tube with pre-tube kept for 4 weeks in the dark at 4°C.The simulltaneous determination of 8
nitrosamines can be done on the same tube.

N-Nitrosodipropylamine Florisil tube 500 mg with pre-tube 1-2 1000 GC-NPD 0,04 3,7 IRSST The recommended sampling volume is 400 to 1000 litres. The samples can be
621-64-7 371
2210 Florisil tube with pre-tube kept for 4 weeks in the dark at 4°C.The simulltaneous determination of 8
nitrosamines can be done on the same tube.

N-Nitrosomethylethylamine Florisil tube 500 mg with pre-tube 1-2 1000 GC-NPD 0,04 9,3 IRSST The recommended sampling volume is 400 to 1000 litres. The samples can be
10595-95-6 371
2210 Florisil tube with pre-tube kept for 4 weeks in the dark at 4°C.The simulltaneous determination of 8
nitrosamines can be done on the same tube.

N-Nitrosomorpholine Florisil tube 500 mg with pre-tube 1-2 1000 GC-NPD 0,04 3,9 IRSST The recommended sampling volume is 400 to 1000 litres. The samples can be
59-89-2 371
2210 Florisil tube with pre-tube kept for 4 weeks in the dark at 4°C.The simulltaneous determination of 8
nitrosamines can be done on the same tube.
Substances non regulated from ROHS Yellow section in the original document 136

Flow MRV CVa #

Name CAS Sampling device L/min Volume Principle µg % meth. Remarks

N-Nitrosopipéridine Florisil tube 500 mg with pre-tube 1-2 1000 GC-NPD 0,04 4,3 IRSST The recommended sampling volume is 400 to 1000 litres. The samples can be
100-75-4 371
2210 Florisil tube with pre-tube kept for 4 weeks in the dark at 4°C.The simulltaneous determination of 8
nitrosamines can be done on the same tube.

N-Nitrosopyrrolidine Florisil tube 500 mg with pre-tube 1-2 1000 GC-NPD 0,04 3,7 IRSST The recommended sampling volume is 400 to 1000 litres. The samples can be
930-55-2 371
2210 Florisil tube with pre-tube kept for 4 weeks in the dark at 4°C.The simulltaneous determination of 8
nitrosamines can be done on the same tube.

Phenanthrene Millipore AP4003705 glass fiber filter 2 960 GC-MS 0,12 IRSST The sampling train consists of a cassette that will collect the PAHs in particulate
85-01-8 225-2
pretreated in the laboratory in series with form, followed by a tube that will adsorb the PAHs in vapour form. This tube is
a Supelco 2-0264 Orbo-42 tube connected directly to the pump by Tygon tubing. After sampling, the samples
2187 Orbo 42 100/50 mg must be stored in the freezer protected from light. The tubes and filters must be
911 GF filter-37 shipped together. Ten hydrocarbons are determined simultaneously:
acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene,
chrysene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(e)pyrene et le benzo(a)pyrene.

Propionaldehyde Supelco 2-0257 Orbo 23 tube 0,1 10 GC-MS 0,04 IRSST Before and after sampling, tubes must be stored in a freezer.
123-38-6 323-1
2186 Orbo 23 120/60 mg Eleven aldehydes are determined simultaneously: acetaldehyde,
isobutyraldehyde, isovaleraldehyde, propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, furfural,
heptanal, hexanal, valeraldehyde, acrolein and formaldehyde. This method must
not be used for the specific evaluation of formaldehyde; the methods to be used
in this case are 295-1 and 357-1.

Pyrene Millipore AP4003705 glass fiber filter 2 960 GC-MS 0,12 IRSST The sampling train consists of a cassette that will collect the PAHs in particulate
129-00-0 225-2
pretreated in the laboratory in series with form, followed by a tube that will adsorb the PAHs in vapour form. This tube is
a Supelco 2-0264 Orbo-42 tube connected directly to the pump by Tygon tubing. After sampling, the samples
2187 Orbo 42 100/50 mg must be stored in the freezer protected from light. The tubes and filters must be
911 GF filter-37 shipped together. Ten hydrocarbons are determined simultaneously:
acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene,
chrysene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(e)pyrene et le benzo(a)pyrene.

Respirable combustible dust (RCD) Silver filter 25 mm (IRSST #950) 1,7 1000 Grav CANMET The reference value for respirable combustible dust (RCD) according to the
(nylon) Regulation respecting occupational health and safety in mines is 0.6 mg/m³ (8-
2,75 hour time-weigted average).

Sevoflurane SKC ST226-81 Anasorb 747 tube Max: 3 GC-FID 30 2,5 IRSST Sevoflurane must be specifically sampled due to the sampling device used and a
28523-86-6 355-1
2190 Anasorb 747 140/70 mg 0,2 specific desorption solvent.
However, simultaneous sampling and analysis of desflurane is possible. A
permissible exposure value (of the TWA type) of 80 mg/m³ has been proposed by
the Swedish National Board of Occupational Safety and Health.

Spores Cassette for spores with EMS 120520 15 150 DLM IRSST Spore counts and identification. The MRV is 13 spores/m³ for a sampling volume
microscope slide of 150 litres.
931 Spore trap
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 137

1. Act respecting occupational health and safety. R.S.Q., chapter S-2.1. Éditeur officiel du Québec.
2. Regulation respecting occupational health and safety. S-2.1, r.13.01.
3. Regulation respecting occupational health and safety in mines. S-2.1, r.14 a. Sections 12.1, 102 and 103,1.
4. Drolet, D., Guide for the adjustment of permissible exposure values (PEVs) for unusual work schedules. 3rd
edition, revised and updated. Direction des opérations, IRSST, T-22 Guide technique, Montréal, Québec, (March
5. Truchon, G., Guide de surveillance biologique-Prélèvement et interprétation des résultats. Direction des opérations,
IRSST, 6e édition, T-3 Guide technique, Montréal, Québec, (2012).
6. Leidel, N.A., Busch, K.A. and Lynch, J.R. Occupational Exposure Sampling Strategy Manual, Department of
Health, Education and Welfare, NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) (1977).
7. AFNOR. Atmosphères des lieux de travail - Conseils pour l'évaluation de l'exposition aux agents chimiques aux
fins de comparaison avec des valeurs limites et stratégie de mesurage. NF EN 689 (Juillet 1995).
8. Mulhausen, J.R. et J Damiano. A strategy for assessing and managing occupational exposures. American Industrial
Hygiene, AIHA press, Fairfax, Ohio, (1998), 349 p.
9. Stephenson D.J., Lillquist D.R., The effects of temperature and pressure on airborne exposure concentrations when
performing compliance evaluations using ACGIH® TLVs and OSHA and PELs. Applied Occupational and
Environmental Hygiene Journal, vol 16 (4): 482-486, (2001).
10. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. 2012 TLV's® and BEI's®. ACGIH®, Cincinnati, Ohio,
(2012), 238 p.
11. Rozman K.K. and J. Klaasen. Absorption, distribution, and excretion of toxicants in Casarett and Doull's
Toxicology, The Basic Science of Poisons, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2001.
12. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR), TABLE Z-1 Limits for
Air Contaminants. - 1910.1000.
13. NIOSH recommendations for occupational safety and health, Compendium of Policy Documents and Statements,
Publication No. 92-100, (1992).
14. Arrêté royal du 11 mars 2002 relatif à la protection de la santé et de la sécurité des travailleurs contre les risques liés
à des agents chimiques sur le lieu de travail, MB 14.3.2002.
15. Guidance Note on the Interpretation of Exposure Standards for Atmospheric Contaminants in the Occupational
Environment [NOHSC:3008(1995)] 3rd Edition (Updated for Amendments),
16. Computer-based tool for converting ROHS permissible exposure values (PEVs) into ppm as a function of
temperature and pressure,
17. Cloutier Y. and L. Lazure: Mémento sur l'utilisation des pompes et des débitmètres, rapport R-352, IRSST,
Montréal, (2003), 50 p.,
138 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

18. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Air sampling instruments for evaluation of
atmospheric contaminants. 9th ed. ACGIH®, Cincinnati, Ohio, (2001), 740 p.
19. Ménard L., Cloutier Y. and N. Goyer: Stratégie d'évaluation exploratoire d'un milieu de travail. Guide technique T-
02, IRSST, Montréal, Québec, (1987), 98 p.,
20. Larivière P., Gendreau L. and A. Lajoie: Stabilité de mélanges de gaz dans les sacs d'échantillonnage. Étude E-013,
IRSST, Montréal, Québec, (1985), 34 p.,
21. Gagné D., Asselin M., Chabot A. and M. Mastromatteo: Échantillonnage intégré et analyse de l'air dans Manuel
d'hygiène du travail: Du diagnostic à la maîtrise du facteur de risque, AQHSST, Modulo-Griffon, (2004).
22. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists®, Bioaerosols: Assessment and Control. ACGIH,
Cincinnati, Ohio (1999).
23. Protocole de prélèvement. Caractérisation de structures mycologiques, IRSST, (2004).
24. Goyer N., Lavoie J., Lazure L. and G. Marchand: Bioaerosols in the Workplace: Evaluation, Control and
Prevention Guide, Guide technique T-24, IRSST, 72 p., (2001).
25. Drolet D. and N. Goyer: Mélanges d'hydrocarbures en milieu de travail. Étude E-007, IRSST, Montréal, Québec,
(1984), 26 p.,
26. Safety Code for the construction industry. R.S.Q., chapter S-2.1., r.6, Éditeur officiel du Québec,
27. IRSST: Utilitaire pour la correction du débit des pompes,
28. DiNardi, R.S., The Occupational Environment - Its Evaluation, Control, and Management, AIHA Press, 2003.
29. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 85th ed., CRC Press, (2004)
30. NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, General Considerations for Sampling Airborne Contaminants, 1998.
31. OSHA Technical Manual (Section II Chap. 1: Personal sampling for air contaminants),
32. Lavoué J. and J.-E. Deadman: Enquête approfondie en hygiène du travail: stratégies d'évaluation de l'exposition et
d'interprétation des données: dans Manuel d'hygiène du travail: Du diagnostic à la maîtrise du facteur de risque,
AQHSST, Modulo-Griffon, (2004).
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 139

Appendix 1: Sampling equipment

List of collecting media available at the IRSST

Inventory Limited
no. shelf life
902 Polyvinyl chloride filter, 5 µm, 37 mm, preweighed
903 Polyvinyl chloride filter, 5 µm, 37 mm.
905 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8 µm, 37 mm.
906 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8 µm, 37 mm, open cassette.
IOM sampler with stainless steel cassette and polyvinyl chloride filter, 5 µm, 25 mm,
908 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8 µm, 37 mm.
910 Polyvinyl chloride filter, 5 µm, 37 mm, with Accu-Cap preweighed.
911 Pretreated glass fibre filter, 0.8 µm, 37 mm.
912 Cellulose nitrate filter, 0.8 µm, 37 mm.
913 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8 µm, 37 mm, preweighed.
914 Polyvinyl chloride filter, 5 µm, 25 mm, preweighed.
915 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8 µm, 25 mm.
916 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 0.8 µm, 25 mm, preweighed.
917 Polytetrafluorocarbon and glass fibre filters, 0.8 µm, 37 mm, with vial. Yes
918 Mixed cellulose ester filter, 5 µm, 25 mm.
919 Vial containing 1% acetic acid. Yes
921 Two glass fibre filters impregnated with DNPH and phosphoric acid. Yes
923 Two impregnated quartz filters with vial. Yes
925 Two glass fibre filters impregnated with sulfuric acid, 37 mm. Yes
926 Vinyl/acrylic copolymer filter, 0.8 µm, 25 mm. Yes
927 Vinyl/acrylic copolymer filter, 0.8 µm, 25 mm impregnated. Yes
930 Polycarbonate filter, 0.8 µm, 37 mm.
931 Cassettes for spores with microscope slide. Yes
935 Glass fibre filter, treated, 37 mm.
950 Silver filter, 0.8 µm, 25 mm.
955 Impregnated glass fibre filter. Yes
960 Teflon filter, 5 µm, 37 mm, with plastic pad.
970 Impregnated glass fibre filter. Yes
997 Polyvinyl chloride filter, 5 µm, 37 mm, preweighed, 3 parts
1401 Impinger trap.
1402 Impinger holster.
1414 Glass midget impinger containing 10 mL of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide. Yes
1420 Glass fritted tip impinger containing 15 mL of ethylene glycol. Yes
1422 Glass midget impinger containing 15 mL of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide. Yes
1902 Aluminized bag, 2 L, for gases.
1905 Aluminized bag, 5 L, for gases.
2120 7 cm long, 100/50 mg of charcoal.
2121 11 cm long, 400/200 mg of charcoal.
2127 7 cm long, 100/50 mg of polymer.
140 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

Inventory Limited
no. shelf life
2140 7 cm long, 150/75 mg of silica gel.
2143 11 cm long, 520/260 mg of silica gel.
2144 11 cm long, 500/250 mg of charcoal beads (Pretreated with H2SO4). Yes
2147 11 cm long, 400/200 mg of silica gel treated. Yes
2152 11 cm long, 100/50 mg of styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer.
2162 11 cm long, 150/75 mg of ethylvinylbenzene-divinylbenzene copolymer.
2170 7 cm long 80/40 mg of XAD-2 impregnated with 1-naphthylisothiocyanate. Yes
8 cm long, 270/140 mg of XAD-2 with a glass fibre filter and polyurethane foam
2185 11 cm long, 300/150 mg of styrene polymer.
10 cm long, 120/60 mg of styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer impregnated with
2186 Yes
2-hydroxymethyl piperidine.
2187 10 cm long, 100/50 mg of styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer.
2188 11 cm long, 120/60 mg of XAD-2 impregnated with 2-hydroxymethyl piperidine. Yes
2189 7 cm long, 100/50 mg of activated charcoal impregnated with t-butylcatechol. Yes
2190 7 cm long, 140/70 mg of molecular sieve.
2195 7 cm long, 160/80 mg of carbon molecular sieve.
2210 Florisil tube, 500 mg with pre-tube. Yes
2695 3M passive monitor #3500.
3030 Glass fibre filter.
5560 Trypticase soy agar. Yes
5570 Malt extract agar. Yes
6100 UMEX-100 passive samplers. Yes

Note: Orbo #2186, 2187 and 2195 sampling tubes come in packages of 5, contrary to all the others which come in
packages of 10.
IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace 141

Surface identification kits

Components of surface identification kits µg/media no.
- Clear bottle containing a solution of dilute sulfuric acid, 1 N H 2 SO 4
- Brown bottle containing a solution of 1% diphenylcarbazide (DPC)
5 disposable droppers
Chromium VI - paper towels 0.1 2625
- one pair of 100% nitrile gloves
- Kit user's guide
- bottle #1 containing 0.1 N NaOH
- bottle #2 containing palladium dimethylglyoxime in 3 N KOH
- bottle #3 containing nickel chloride and ammonium chloride in water
Cyanide - paper towels 25 3020
- one pair of 100% nitrile gloves
- Kit user's guide

- 5 petri dishes, each containing an MCE filter 37 mm 0.8 µm numbered Refer to the
- 5 templates, 10 cm by 10 cm green table
- 1 bottle of demineralized water of
Metals - 5 pairs of 100% nitrile gloves 3070
- Kit user's guide in the
guide 8
- 5 wet wipes
Beryllium - 5 templates, 10 cm by 10 cm 0.05
- 5 polypropylene containers, numbered 3090
- 5 pairs of 100% nitrile gloves
Lead - Kit user's guide 0.5
- 1 bag containing 25 impregnated swabs
Aliphatic - 1 bottle containing the developing solution for HDI with the sampling
isocyanates protocol on the bottle 3050
(HDI) - 1 pair of 100% nitrile gloves
- 1 bag containing 25 impregnated swabs
Aromatic - 1 bottle containing the developing solution for MDI and TDI with the
isocyanates sampling protocol on the bottle 3060
(MDI and TDI) - 1 pair of 100% nitrile gloves
Slide 5585
structures - Numbered Bio-tape in a case
(See protocole de prélèvement)
- 1 plastic bag consisting of 2 sections, with one section containing
structures and/or
identification by
gloves and the sponge bag 5540
- The second section of the numbered bag is used for shipping the sponge
to the laboratory

Mould - Swab (individually) 5575

identification by
growth 5570
- Petri dish containing Malt for moulds
Identification of 5575
- Swab (individually)
bacteria by
- Petri dish containing TSA for bacteria 5560

The MRV of metals on media (µg/media) are equivalent to those documented for the corresponding analytical
method in the air (µg/filter).
142 IRSST – Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace

Appendix 2: Table of acronyms of the analytical principles

Acronym Analytical principle
IC-CD Ion chromatography with conductivity detection
IC-VIS Ion chromatography with visible detection
HPLC-Flu High performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection
HPLC-FGAA High performance liquid chromatography coupled with atomic absorption graphite furnace
HPLC-SAAE High performance liquid chromatography with electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometry
HPLC-MS High performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry
HPLC-UV High performance liquid chromatography with UV detection
HPLC-UV-Flu High performance liquid chromatography with UV and fluorescence detection
COLO Colorimetry
GC-NPD Gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection
GC-ECD Gas chromatography with electron capture detection
GC-ELD Gas chromatography with electrolytic conductivity detection
GC-FID Gas chromatography with flame ionization detection
GC-FPD Gas chromatography with flame photometric detection
GC-PID Gas chromatography with photoionization detection
GC-Hall Gas chromatography with Hall electrolytic detector
GC-MS Gas chromatography with mass spectrometry
XRD X-ray diffraction
SE Ion specific electrode
HMOS Metal oxide semiconductor
ICP-MS Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
DRI-Am Direct-reading instrument – Amalgamation
DRI-EX Direct-reading instrument – Explosimeter
DRI-IR Direct-reading instrument – Infrared detection
DRI-PAD Direct-reading instrument – Photoacoustic detection
DRI-elec Direct-reading instrument – Electrochemical cell
FTIR Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometry
LAL Limulus amebocyte lysate
DLM Direct light microscopy
DLM-GC Direct light microscopy and gas chromatography
PLM Polarized light microscopy
PCOM Phase contrast optical microscopy
Grav Gravimetric measurement
Polaro Differential pulse polarography
ET-AAS Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometry
FAAS Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry
CV-AAS Cold vapour atomic absorption spectrophotometry
ICP Inductively coupled plasma spectrometry
SM Stereomicroscopy
UV/VIS-S Ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometry

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