Lightweight and Crashworthiness
Lightweight and Crashworthiness
Lightweight and Crashworthiness
To cite this article: Z. Li, L. B. Duan, A. G. Cheng, Z. P. Yao, T. Chen & W. Yao (2018):
Lightweight and crashworthiness design of an electric vehicle using a six-sigma robust design
optimization method, Engineering Optimization, DOI: 10.1080/0305215X.2018.1521396
Article views: 14
People’s Republic of China; b School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, People’s
Republic of China; c SAIC GM Wuling Automobile Co., Ltd, Liuzhou, People’s Republic of China
1. Introduction
With the increase in the number of vehicles globally, the automobile industry is facing a series of
problems, such as energy shortages and environmental pollution. The development of new-energy
vehicles and lightweight designs has become an inevitable trend, and electric vehicles (EVs) have
the potential to reduce significantly the amount of petroleum used in the next 10–20 years (Pesaran,
Kim, and Keyser 2009). Nowadays, the major obstacles which restrict the development of EVs are
their range and safety. Lightweight design is one of the main ways to reduce energy consumption
and improve the limited range of EVs; it includes the application of lightweight materials, structural
optimization and advanced processing technology, and many studies have been conducted in this
field (Zhao, Liu, and Li 2013; He, Xiao, and Li 2017; Liu et al. 2018; Xiao, Zuo, and Zhou 2018; Wu
et al. 2018; Xiao et al. 2019). Liu et al. (2013) developed a lightweight carbon-fibre reinforced plas-
tic (CFRP) structure for EVs. Ni et al. (2016) studied the application of lightweight materials in the
lightweight design of EVs. Delogu et al. (2017) studied innovative composites and hybrid materials
for the lightweight design of EVs from a sustainability perspective, and Wu et al. (2017) studied the
crashworthiness characteristics of a bio-inspired sandwich structure composed of CFRP panels and
aluminium honeycomb. Overall, the research into lightweight EVs has achieved a certain amount of
In addition to lightweight design, the crashworthiness of EVs has become an important research
topic. Improving the passive safety of EVs is an important task for designers (Fang et al. 2017). The
US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) began to study hydrogen and fuel cell
vehicle safety in the 1990s and has proposed safety performance criteria. Systematic research into
EV collision safety regulation was carried out by the NHTSA (Hennessey and Nguyen 1990). Xie
et al. (2005) investigated EV safety and proposed a new type of vehicle body structure. Wang and Yu
(2010) studied the frontal crashworthiness of mini electric passenger cars through the load path and
structural design method, and found that EVs could achieve good crashworthiness in a frontal crash.
Xie et al. (2011) studied the frontal impact load path of an EV using topology optimization, and the
crashworthiness of the EV was improved considerably. Ge et al. (2013) investigated the crashworthi-
ness of EVs using a structural optimization method, which reduced the peak acceleration by 3.8%.
Boria and Pettinari (2014) studied EV crashworthiness by proposing a new energy-absorption struc-
ture, and compared the energy-absorption capabilities using metallic and composite materials. Lei,
Li, and Wang (2015) studied the frontal crash safety of an EV by adopting a topology optimization
method. Zhu et al. (2016) investigated the crashworthiness analysis of a composite body structure for
EVs under roof-crash and side-pole impacts. Arora, Shen, and Kapoor (2016) investigated the safety
of the EV’s battery in a crash. Hao et al. (2017) studied the crashworthiness of EVs by optimizing
the structure of vehicle battery packs, which provides a new direction to solve the issues faced by EV
designers. Holtz et al. (2017) investigated occupant safety of a subcompact urban EV using innovative
constructive solutions.
The above research works focused on the safety design of EVs with deterministic optimization.
However, uncertainties involved in engineering problems are inevitable; for example, design variables
and noise factors have certain fluctuations during the process of metal forming, which often violate
some constraints (Yang and Gu 2004; Sun, Li, and Chen 2008; Fang et al. 2015; Fang et al. 2017).
In the automotive engineering field, many publications are available regarding non-deterministic
optimization for vehicle crashworthiness design, and researchers have tried to consider robust design
during the process of vehicle design. Du and Chen (2004) proposed the sequential optimization and
reliability assessment method, which was used in reliability-based design for vehicle crashworthi-
ness in a side impact, while Koch, Yang, and Gu (2004) researched the side-impact robustness using a
reliability-based robust optimization design method. Hsu et al. (2007) developed a robustness method
using the six-sigma design concept for frontal impact occupant protection performance. Then, six-
sigma robust methods were used in the design of vehicle crashworthiness by many researchers,
improving the performance and robustness of crashworthiness. Sun et al. (2011) developed a multi-
objective robust optimization for vehicle crashworthiness by introducing the dual response model.
Gu et al. (2013) presented a comparative study on multi-objective reliable and robust optimization
for the crashworthiness design of vehicle structures. Sun et al. (2017) developed a multi-objective
and multi-case reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) to optimize the tailor-rolled blank hat-
shaped structure, and Gu et al. (2017) investigated the optimal crashworthiness design of vehicles
under multiple impact cases with the RBDO method.
In the process of robust design optimization, the sampling-based method using Monte Carlo
sampling (MCS) is generally applied to enable robust analyses, but a large number of sample
points is needed. It is computationally intensive for large-scale systems, especially for vehicle crash-
worthiness design (Gu et al. 2013; Zhu et al. 2015). Therefore, to improve the robustness and
optimization efficiency, researchers have proposed an adaptive importance sampling (AIS) method
for reliability analysis and come up with approximate limit state surface curvature update ideas
(Wu 1992). Shi, Yang, and Zhu (2013) presented an adaptive response surface selection strat-
egy in crashworthiness design optimization, while Zhu et al. (2015) proposed a new sampling-
based RBDO method using a score function with a reweighting scheme to improve the compu-
tational efficiency and accuracy. Duan et al. (2017a) developed an improved multi-objective sys-
tem reliability-based design optimization method to explore the lightweight and high-performance
design of a concept car body and improve the computational efficiency. Xiao, Zuo, and Zhou
(2018) proposed a new adaptive sequential sampling method for efficient structural reliability
To the authors’ knowledge, there are few reports available concerning multi-objective robust crash-
worthiness for EVs. Therefore, it is important to improve the computational efficiency and accuracy
during multi-objective robust optimization for the crashworthiness design of EVs. This article aims
to explore the lightweight and crashworthiness design of EVs by using six-sigma robust design opti-
mization methods and improving the computational efficiency. The article is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes the crash safety of EVs. In Section 3, robust design optimization methodology is
briefly introduced. In Section 4, six-sigma robust design optimization of EVs is performed, followed
by conclusions in Section 5.
However, evidence from the examples mentioned above indicates that the safety of EVs needs to be
further improved. Therefore, there is a need to study the collision safety of EVs and the safety of the
battery pack.
Min F(x)
s.t. gj (x) ≤ 0, j = 1, 2, . . . , n (1)
xL ≤ x ≤ xU
where F(x) is the objective function; gj (x) is the constraint function; n is the number of constraint
functions; and xL and xU are the lower limit and the upper limit of design variables, respectively.
The key points of robust design are to find the ‘flat area’ in the design space, reduce the fluctuations
in the output response caused by the uncertainty factors and meet the requirements of the reliability
probability (Koch, Yang, and Gu 2004; Sun et al. 2011; Xiao et al. 2014). The typical mathematical
formula of robust optimization is:
where μF (x) and σF (x) are the mean and standard deviation of the objective function, respectively;
Rj is the reliability probability meeting specified constraint functions; P(.) is the reliability probability
meeting constrained boundaries; and x = [x1 , . . . xk ]T is a k-dimensional random vector.
For highly nonlinear functions, the integral of Equation (3) is quite difficult, especially for large-scale
practical engineering system problems. However, the AIS method can overcome this difficulty by
generating samples according to a new sampling density function where more samples are likely to
fall into the failure domain. Equation (3) can be written as (Zhu, Zhang, and Chen 2009):
f (u) f (uj )
Pf = h(u)du ≈ I(·) (4)
g(u)≥0 h(u) N j=1 h(uj )
where N is the total number of samples; h(u) is the new sampling density function; and I(.) is an
indicator function.
1 g(u) ≥ 0
I(.) = (5)
0 g(u) ≤ 0
6 Z. LI ET AL.
Assuming that the current design point of failure rate is Pf , the reliability for the design point is:
R = 1 − Pf (6)
Figure 5. Finite element model: (a) electric vehicle; (b) battery pack.
of the BIW are different kinds of aluminium alloy, including Al-6063_T6, Al-5182, Al-5052 and Al-
6060_T6. In the simulation, strain rate effects were taken into account in the analysis (Smerd et al.
2005; Zhu, Zhu, and Chen 2007). The effect is accounted for through the Cowper–Symonds model
(Halquist 2007), given as:
ε̇ p
σy = σ0 1 + (7)
where ε̇ is the strain rate; σ0 is yield strength; σy is the scaled yield strength; and C and P are the strain
In Figure 5(b), the central dark gridlines represent the framework of the battery pack, and the
darker squares represent the eight battery modules. The battery cells were modelled using fully inte-
grated solid elements, and the crushable foam material was taken from the LS-DYNA library. The
shell casing of the cell was discretized using four-node fully integrated shell elements (Sahraei, Camp-
bell, and Wierzbicki 2012). The sizes of the shell and the solid elements were approximately the
same. Owing to the high cost and long production cycle of real EVs, experimental tests could not
be conducted within the scope of this study.
Figure 6. Frontal impact force transfer path: (a) side view; (b) bottom view.
Figure 7. Design variables and key components: (a) design variables: 1 = front longitudinal beam B; 2 = front longitudinal beam;
3 = front anti-collision beam; 4 = sub-frame anti-collision beam; 5 = crash box; 6 = sub-frame front beam; 7 = sub-frame rear
beam; (b) crash box; (c) anti-collision beam; (d) section of front longitudinal beam.
engineering experience, the lightweight and crashworthiness potential of a frame structure can be
fully exploited by optimizing the parameters of the three functional zones, i.e. the material and thick-
ness of the key components in each functional zone. Therefore, the front longitudinal beam B, front
longitudinal beams, front anti-collision beams, sub-frame and crash boxes are defined as design vari-
ables (Figure 7). All the thickness design variables are considered continuous, which allows them to
be varied in the range from 1.5 to 3.0 mm. The deterministic design variables are x1 ∼ x7 and the
random design variables are x8 ∼ x14 . Design variables and probabilistic distribution attributes are
summarized in Table 1. All design variables are assumed to be normally distributed in this article (Gu
et al. 2013; Duan et al. 2017a).
In Table 1, x1 , x2 , . . . x14 are design variables, e.g. x1 represents the material of the front longitudinal
beam B and x8 presents the thickness of the front longitudinal beam B.
Figure 8. Main effects of design variables on the response: (a) main effects of plot m; (b) main effects of plot αB .
Min {αB , m}
s.t. 0 mm < D1 < 500 mm
0 mm < D2 < 130 mm (8)
35 ms < T < 60 ms
xiL ≤ xi ≤ xiU (i = 1, 2, . . . , 14)
where αB is the peak acceleration at the left rocker in the B-pillar; m is the total mass of design vari-
ables; T is the vehicle collision time; D1 is deformation of the vehicle; D2 is the firewall intrusion; and
xiL and xiU are the lower limit and upper limit of design variables, respectively. The multi-objective
design process is shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Flowchart of the optimization design process. EV = electric vehicle; DOE = design of experiments; AIS = adaptive
importance sampling.
addition, the standard deviation of αB is 0.438, which means that the optimization results will be
unstable (Sun, Li, and Chen 2008). It can be concluded that the reliability and sigma level should be
improved using six-sigma optimization methods.
To improve the reliability and sigma level, robust optimization is carried out in this study. The
mathematical model of six-sigma robust optimization is given by:
where σ (x) is the standard deviation; μ(x) is the mean value; 6σ is the sigma level; and xiL and xiU are
the lower limit and upper limit of the design variables, respectively. Two different sampling methods
Figure 10. Comparison of Pareto frontiers for different optimization. MCS = Monte Carlo sampling; AIS = adaptive importance
are used during the six-sigma optimization progress: MCS and AIS reliability techniques. NSGA-II
is adopted to search for the optimal solution in this optimization process.
Table 8. Comparison of optimal solution with finite element (FE) simulation results.
Deterministic optimization Robust design (AIS)
Description Optimal FE Error % Optimal FE Error %
αB (g) 39.6 39.9 0.08 42.5 42.9 0.09
m (kg) 7.01 6.86 2.14 7.46 7.28 2.41
Note: AIS = adaptive importance sampling.
acceleration is 39.9 g. The line through the squares represents the robust optimization acceleration
curve and the peak acceleration is 42.9 g. The peak acceleration of the B-pillar decreases from 52.8 g
to 42.9 g after robust optimization, which will help to decrease occupant injury. The peak accelera-
tion of robust optimization is larger than that of deterministic optimization, but the curve has better
stability. The simulation results from the robust design show that appropriate redistribution of the
thickness of key components can enhance the crashworthiness.
Figure 12 compares the deformation of the front rail before and after optimization. In the deter-
ministic optimization model, the deformation of the front rail is not ideal as it has undergone severe
bending deformation during the impact. In the robust optimization model, the deformation of the
front rail structures has a more appropriate axial deformation mode under frontal impact. The results
show that the stability of the deformation mode has been greatly improved.
Figure 13 presents the deformation of the battery compartment before and after optimization. In
the initial model, the deformation of the front beam of the battery compartment is serious and the
Figure 12. Comparison of front rail deformation: (a) front rail deformation; (b) initial model; (c) deterministic optimization model;
(d) robust optimization model.
Figure 13. Comparison of battery compartment deformation: (b) initial model; (c) deterministic optimization model; (d) robust
optimization model.
maximum X-direction deformation is 91.8 mm. The power battery wire harness is severely extruded;
it is likely to hit the battery pack and further damage the battery pack during the collision. In the
deterministic optimization model, the deformation of the front beam of the battery compartment
has been decreased greatly, and the maximum X-direction deformation is 45.7 mm. In the robust
optimization model, the maximum X-direction deformation of the battery compartment is 41.7 mm.
Thus, both battery safety and passenger safety will be improved. The results show that battery packs
should be placed in well-protected areas and away from the crumple zone.
16 Z. LI ET AL.
The smaller the deformation of the battery compartment, the higher the safety of the battery
pack. It can be concluded that using the optimal material and thickness for key energy-absorbing
components can not only greatly reduce the weight of the EV but also enhance its crashworthiness.
1) Compared with deterministic optimization results, the robustness of robust optimization results
has been improved significantly. It can be concluded that it is necessary to consider robust
optimization during the process of optimization design.
2) Two kinds of sampling method were used in the six-sigma robust optimization. The main differ-
ence between these robust optimization methods is the computing time. The computing time of
robust optimization with the MCS method is 1307 min, while the computing time with the AIS
method is only 391 min. The results indicate that the robust optimization method based on AIS
is more suitable for the optimization of large nonlinear collision problems.
3) The optimal design variables obtained using the robust optimization based on AIS were applied
in an FE model. The results show that the crashworthiness of the EV was greatly improved and the
lightweight effect of the BIW was acceptable. The optimized peak acceleration of the B-pillar was
reduced by 18.9% and the X-direction deformation of the battery compartment was decreased.
These factors will vastly improve the safety of the EV.
This study was conducted under only one load-case, whereas crash scenarios of EVs usually involve
offset impacts, side impacts, etc. These crash load-cases are often considered simultaneously in the
development of vehicle products. Therefore, further research will consider other load-cases in the
lightweight and safety design of EVs.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
This work was supported by the International Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China [contract number
2016YFE0102200]. The authors also acknowledge the project National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant
number 51805221], Research Project of State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Systems and Vibration [grant number
MSV201711] and the International Cooperation Technology Center Platform Project [number 20170204].
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