Bspa 2-2 - Santiago, Leona C. - Assignment #3

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Name: Leona C.

Santiago Date: June 10, 2022

Yr./Course/Section: BSPA 2-2 Schedule: Thursday (5:30 – 8:30)

I. Editorial Cartoon (50 PTS.)

Choose one gender-based issue from the options below. Research its current condition in the Philippines and illustrate it
through an editorial cartoon. Explain your views and position about the issue in 1 paragraph (5-10 sentences).

Domestic Violence Extra-Marital Affair Human Trafficking

Sexual Harassment Gendered Bullying Work Discrimination

Elimination of Discrimination

Discrimination based on gender, life stage, work, and other factors must be eliminated.
Many frontline workers were discriminated against at work during the pandemic outbreak since they
were the first to help patients who had been infected with the Corona Virus. As a result, people
believe they should avoid them because they may become infected. People harass someone or say
harsh things. When they know they are front liners or health workers, they are screamed at, kicked
out, or avoided, according to numerous reports. As students or Filipinos, we must respect one
another and properly explain whether you are only concerned about yourself or your health. It's nice
to know that a law has already been passed to protect them, namely the City Ordinance No. 8624 or
the 'Anti COVID-19 Discrimination Ordinance of 2020' in Metro Manila, which states that any form of
harassment or discrimination against the above-mentioned individuals, as well as government forces
on the frontlines, is prohibited.
II. What’s on Your Mind? (25 PTS.)

Direction: Read the two feature articles in the box and write a short essay about your reflection and stand on the
topic elaborated in the article. (5 points each)

On Polyamory
Polyamory as Post-Modern Love Polyamory is an invented word for a different kind of relationship. Poly comes
from Greek and means “many”. Amory comes from Latin and means “love”. Mixing Greek and Latin roots in one
word is against traditional rules, but then so is loving more than one person at a time when it comes to romantic or
erotic love. The word polyamory was created in the 1980s by Morning Glory and Oberon Zell. This couple, who
have been married since 1974, continues to enjoy a deeply bonded open relationship that has morphed in many
directions over the years, including a live-in triad lasting ten years and a six-person group marriage that recently
dissolved after ten years. The Zells did not invent the lifestyle, which has come to be known as polyamory, nor di I,
though we are among a handful of pioneers who have mapped this new territory and thought deeply about its
implications over the past thirty-some years. I use the word polyamory to describe the whole range of love styles that
arise from an understanding that love cannot be forced to flow or be prevented from flowing in any particular
direction. Love, which is allowed to expand often grows to include a number of people. But to me, polyamory has
more to do with an internal attitude of letting love evolve without any expectations or demands that it looks a
particular way than it does with the number of partners involved.
(Source: Anapol, Deborah. 2010. Polyamory in the 21st century: Love and Intimacy with multiple partners, 1-2. New York: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, INC.

Process Questions:

1. What do you think of this kind of relationship?

Polyamory is still practiced today; according to the Quran, a man is lawfully entitled to have up to four wives.
However, the Quran states that justice must be done and that if a man is afraid of injustice, he must be content
with only one wife. They should stand for it, in my opinion, you should just stay with your one and only
partner. Because it takes two to tango, you and your partner can work together as a couple because it is the right
thing to do.

2. How can this change a person’s perspective toward love and gender identity?

You should only love one person, regardless of gender, in my opinion. Because this one individual can
both help and please you. You don't have to look for or fall in love with someone else only to find or fulfill
someone's flaws. All you have to do now is communicate and understand each another.
On Toxic Masculinity
How Toxic Masculinity Harms Men and Society as A Whole
When you hear “toxic masculinity”, what comes to mind? Fundamentally, “toxic masculinity” is the
belief that masculinity can be toxic, not that it inherently is toxic. While it is often attributed to women,
particularly feminists, the origins of the term trace back to one of the leaders of the Mythopoetic Men’s
Movement, Shepherd Bliss. Shepherd came up with a list of behaviors that were “toxic to masculinity”.
How often have you seen parents upset with a male child for playing with dolls? Or better yet, parents
furious with their son because he dared to cry after experiencing something he didn’t like? How often have you
seen a man speak over another woman, or attempt to explain a concept to a woman who clearly understands it?
How often have you seen a man neglect using safety equipment and scoff at the idea of another worker putting
their safety first? Personally, I’ve been called a “pussy” for having the nerve, the audacity, the gall, to attempt
avoiding heavy calluses by wearing weightlifting gloves. I’ve also had my sexuality questioned for being a
heavy tea drinker (I suppose antioxidants are feminine?).
There is no official guide on how to be a man, so it would be fallacious to provide a definition of what it
means to be a man or to be masculine, but there are some commonalities that most men agree upon. Leadership,
providing for protecting your family, handling responsibility, and courage/bravery tend to be the most agreeable
core values of manhood.
Men Suffer Because of Toxic Expectations
When comparing the aforementioned list of toxic traits to the agreeable list of values, it becomes clearer
to see noble intentions could turn into toxicity. Let’s start with the expectation of being a provider. Research
shows that men who are primary breadwinners have worse health outcomes than men who make closer to what
their wives make. So what’s the solution? Should men make less money than their wives? As it turns out, men
who earn less than their wives are more likely to engage in domestic violence and infidelity, and less likely to
engage in housework. The solution isn’t in the amount of money a man makes at all. The study’s author posits
that “decoupling breadwinning from masculinity has concrete benefits for both men and women”, and this is
evidenced by the fact that women’s mental health benefits from being a breadwinner. Emotionally and
mentally, being the primary and/or sole breadwinner does not benefit men, but the ideology that men must be
the provider as opposed to a provider persists for a multitude of reasons, whether it be power and control, fear
of the unknown, or some other reason. There are several other instances of toxic masculinity negatively
affecting male suicide rates, sexual assault rates, STD rates, and their ability to discuss health problems with
health care providers.
The Burden Toxic Masculinity Places on Society
It’s worth repeating that masculinity, in of itself, is not toxic. Toxic masculinity is a cultural
phenomenon where masculinity can be taken to the extreme and become a weapon wielded against those who
are unwilling to subscribe to behavioral control via gender roles. It’s also worth stating that being biologically
male is not the key cause of male violence, and that violence is not inherent in males. It is socialized violence.
When men become violent, the victims are overwhelmingly
female, as evidenced by several mass shootings carried out by men who identify as incels, or
“involuntary celibacy”. The incel community often dabbles in misogyny and blaming women for their
responses to their misogyny. Frequently, incels display a stunning lack of self-awareness by blaming all of their
romantic woes on women, instead of taking a moment to understand why women may not want to associate
with men who are incredibly eager to scapegoat women for all of their problems.
To understand the link between toxic masculinity and the incel community, one must understand the
ethos of incels. Many, but not all, incels feel that men are being systematically discriminated against and denied
sex, because women only want hyper-masculine men. To these incels, sex is a crucial component of their
manhood, and they feel entitled to sex because of it. If this sounds familiar, it’s because one of the crucial tenets
of toxic masculinity is an “extreme aspiration for sexual dominance”, and feeling entitled to sex simply because
you’re a “nice guy” certainly fits the bill of a toxic expectation related directly to one’s gender. Male
entitlement to sex contributes to rape culture and misogyny due to a prevailing attitude that women “owe” their
bodies to men (which also factors into the devaluing of a woman’s body and sense of self). Several studies
confirm that rigid gender norms regarding roles, family, and marriage, contribute to men’s use of violence
against female partners, and that when men believe or perceive themselves to not be “masculine enough”
intimate partner violence or emotional abuse may be used to conform to gendered expectations. Studies have
attempted to tangentially link sexual abuse and toxic masculinity, given that child sexual abuse is an
overwhelmingly male crime. “Antisocial behavior” has been listed as a major predictor of sexual assault, and
the hypothesized link is that masculine norms of self-reliance and avoidance of expression serve to both create
and reinforce this behavior in men.
How Can Our Society Recover?
• Fight against the idea that violence is a natural expression for men. Provide boys and men with
nonviolent conflict resolution skills and stress to them how important it is in this world to be able to handle
conflict nonviolently.
• Consider how masculine norms are taught and reinforced, how gender inequalities show themselves in
the lives of both men and women. For example, think about how some boys aren’t taught to cook or clean up
after themselves, but daughters of the same age are expected to be the maid for the family.
• Focus on violence-prevention approaches directly addressing gender and power.
• Decouple harmful norms from masculinity and rebuild with healthy expectations. For example, we
often teach boys leadership, but not how to be a sympathetic and considerate leader. We see leadership as a
binary where you either rule with an iron fist or don’t rule at all. Teach our boys that listening to those that you
lead and taking their opinions and thoughts into consideration is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.
When it comes to addressing toxic masculinity, there is no end state; it is a constant process that requires
introspection and personal accountability. We need to do more than discourage and criticize bad behavior as
bystanders, which has shown success at reducing sexual violence on college campuses. There will be moments
when a bystander isn’t around, and in those moments, it is up to each individual to do better. It is a good first
step to say something, but simply telling someone who either knows no better or lacks the conviction to do
better to change without any supplemental advice or feedback regarding the expected change is an
exercise in futility. We have to empower our men and give them the freedom to experience full ranges of
emotions and see the world from a perspective independent of their gender. We owe it to our boys, who become
our men, who put out into the world everything the world has put into them. We owe it to our daughters, who
become women, who do the same as well as receive what our men have to offer, and most of all, we owe it to
ourselves, as a society. Being a better human must always be our overarching objective, and deconstructing
toxic masculinity and replacing it with healthy masculinity certainly contributes to that goal.
Process Questions:
1. Is toxic masculinity existing in the Philippine culture? In what ways?
Toxic masculinity is a term used frequently in modern society to describe exaggerated male traits that
are largely accepted or respected in many cultures. This toxic masculinity concept also places great importance
on power. Toxic masculinity is defined as "the impulse to aggressively compete and control others and includes
the most harmful traits in men. Examples include telling boys to "man up" when they're furious or avoiding
violent and inappropriate behavior with the phrase "boys will always be boys."
2. Why is the presence of toxic masculinity alarming to both genders?
It puts pressure on both sexes to act, treat, or show in a certain way because of their gender. To believe
that men must have a powerful physique, hide their emotions, and act aggressively dominant. Men who adhere
to toxic masculinity standards are more prone to make sexual comments or sexist jokes about women, to engage
in sexual harassment, believe in rape and sexual assault, and act as though they have a right to women's bodies.
3. How can we prevent toxic masculinity at home, at work, and in other significant areas of our
Be a leader and educate yourself and others on what masculinity means.  Masculinity is a social concept
that dictates how men should behave in everyday situations. Develop the ability to be vulnerable. From the
perspective of toxic masculinity, vulnerability is associated with weakness. Accepting that you are fragile leads
to emotional understanding, which leads to greater empathy for yourself and others. Stop trying to be "macho"
by imitating traditional masculine characteristics such as violence, domination, anger, and toughness. Finally,
be respectful to one another.

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