Ot All MCQ Question Bank Updated Rev02

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“MCQ on Linear Programming Problem”

1. Operation research approach is

A) Multi-disciplinary B) Artificial C) Intuitive D) All of the above

2. Operation research analysis does not

A) Predict future operation B) Build more than one model

C) Collect the relevant data D) Recommended decision and accept

3. Mathematical model of Linear Programming is important because

A) It helps in converting the verbal description and numerical data into

mathematical expression

B) decision makers prefer to work with formal models.

C) it captures the relevant relationship among decision factors.

D) it enables the use of algebraic techniques.

4. A constraint in an LP model restricts

A) value of the objective function B) value of the decision variable

C) use of the available resourses D) all of the above

5. In graphical method of linear programming problem if the ios-cost line coincide

with a side of region of basic feasible solutions we get

A) Unique optimum solution B) unbounded optimum solution

C) no feasible solution D) Infinite number of optimum solutions

6. A feasible solution of LPP

A) Must satisfy all the constraints simultaneously

B) Need not satisfy all the constraints, only some of them

C) Must be a corner point of the feasible region

D) all of the above

7. The objective function for a L.P model is 3𝑥1 + 2𝑥2, if 𝑥1 = 20 and 𝑥2 = 30,

what is the value of the objective function?

A) 0 B) 50 C) 60 D) 120

8. Maximization of objective function in LPP means

A) Value occurs at allowable set decision

B) highest value is chosen among allowable decision

C) none of the above

D) all of the above

9. Alternative solution exist in a linear programming problem when

A) one of the constraint is redundant

B) objective function is parallel to one of the constraints

C) two constraints are parallel

D) all of the above

10. The linear function of the variables which is to be maximize or minimize is


A) Constraints B) Objective function C) Decision variable D)

None of the above

12. A physical model is an example of

A) An iconic model B) An analogue model C) A verbal model D) A

mathematical model

13. If the value of the objective function 𝒛 can be increased or decreased

indefinitely, such solution is called
A) Bounded solution B) Unbounded solution C) Solution D)
None of the above

14. A model is

A) An essence of reality B) An approximation C) An idealization D)

All of the above

15. The first step in formulating a linear programming problem is

A) Identify any upper or lower bound on the decision variables

B) State the constraints as linear combinations of the decision variables

C) Understand the problem

D) Identify the decision variables

16. Constraints in an LP model represents

A) Limititations B) Requirements

C) balancing, limitations and requirements D) all of above

17. The best use of linear programming is to find optimal use of

A) money B) Manpower C) Machine D) All the above

18. Which of the following is assumption of an LP model

A) divisibility B) proportionality C) additivity D) all of the


19. Before formulating a formal LP model, it is better to

A) Express each constraints in words B) Express the objective function in


C) verbally identify decision variables D) all of the above

20. Non-negative condition in an LP model implies

A) a positive coefficient of variables in objective function

B) a positive coefficient of variables in any constraint

C) non-negative value of resourse

D) none of the above

21. For the constraint of a linear optimizing function z=x1+x2 given by

x1+x2≤1, 3x1+x2≥3 and x1, x2≥0
A) There are two feasible regions
B) There are infinite feasible regions
C) There is no feasible region
D) None of these
22. Which of the following is not a vertex of the positive region bounded by the
2x+3y≤6, 5x+3y≤15 and x, y≥0
A) (0,2) B (0,0) C) (3,0) D None of the above
23. The intermediate solutions of constraints must be checked by substituting them
back into
A) Objective function B) Constraint equations C) Not required D)
None of the above
24. A basic solution is called non-degenerate, if
A. All the basic variables are zero B. None of the basic variables is zero
C. At least one of the basic variables is zero D. None of these
25. If the number of available constraints is 3 and the number of parameters to be
optimized is 4, then
A. The objective function can be optimized
B. The constraints are short in number
C. The solution is problem oriented
D. None of these
26. The graph of x≤2 and y≥2 will be situated in the
A. First and second quadrant B. Second and third quadrant
C. First and third quadrant D. Third and fourth quadrant
27. The feasible solution of a L.P.P. belongs to
A. First and second quadrant
B. First and third quadrant
C. Second quadrant
D. Only in the first quadrant
28. ) The true statement for the graph of inequations 3x+2y≤6 and 6x+4y≥20 , is
A. Both graphs are disjoint
B. Both do not contain origin
C. Both contain point (1, 1)
D. None of these
29. The vertex of common graph of inequalities 2x+y≥2 and x−y≤3 , is
𝟓 𝟒
A. (0,0) B.( , − ) C .( , ) D. .(− , )
𝟑 𝟑

30. A vertex of bounded region of inequalities 𝑥 ≥ 0 , 𝑥 + 2𝑦 ≥ 0 and 2𝑥 + 𝑦 ≤

4, is
A. (1,1) B (0,1) C (3, 0) D (0,0)
31. In which quadrant, the bounded region for the
inequations 𝑥 + 𝑦 ≤ 1 and 𝑥 − 𝑦 ≤ 1 is situated
A. I, II B. I, III, C. II,III D. All the four quadrant

32. The necessary condition for third quadrant region in xy-plane, is

A. x>0, y<0 B. x<0, y<0 C. x<0, y>0 D. x<0, y=0
33. The value of objective function is maximum under linear constraints
A. At the center of feasible region B. At (0,0)
C. At any vertex of feasible region D. The vertex which is at maximum
distance from (0, 0)
34. The region represented by 2x+3y−5≤0 and 4x−3y+2≤0 , is
A. Not in first quadrant B. Unbounded in first quadrant
C. Bounded in first quadrant D. None of these
35. Objective function of a L.P.P. is
A. A constraint B. A function to be optimized
C. A relation between the variables D. None of these
36. The optimal value of the objective function is attained at the points
A. Given by intersection of inequations with axes only
B. Given by intersection of inequations with x-axis only
C. Given by corner points of the feasible region
D. None of these

37. If the constraints in a linear programming problem are changed

A. The problem is to be re-evaluated
B. Solution is not defined
C. The objective function has to be modified
D. The change in constraints is ignored.
38. The constraints −𝑥1 + 𝑥2 ≤ 1, − 𝑥1 + 3𝑥2 ≤ 9 and 𝑥1, 𝑥2 ≥ 0 defined
A. Bounded feasible space
B. Unbounded feasible space
C. Both bounded and unbounded feasible space
D. None of these
39. Which of the terms is not used in a linear programming problem
A. Slack variables B. Objective function C. Concave region D. Feasible
40. The area of the feasible region for the following
constraints 3𝑦 + 𝑥 ≥ 3, 𝑥 ≥ 0, 𝑦 ≥ 0 will be
A. Bounded B. Unbounded C. Convex D. Concave
41. For the L.P.problem
𝑀𝑖𝑛 𝑧 = 𝑥1 + 𝑥2 𝑠𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 5𝑥1 + 10𝑥2 ≤ 0, 𝑥1 + 𝑥2 ≥ 1, 𝑥2 ≤ 4 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑥1, 𝑥2 ≥ 0

A. There is a bounded solution

B. There is no solution
C. There are infinite solutions
D. None of these
42. In. L.P.P----
A. objective function is linear
B. constraints are linear
C. Both objective function and constraints are linear
D. None of the above
43. Constraints means----
A. limitations are expressed in mathematical equalities ( or inequalities)
B. Assumption
C. goal is to be achieved
D. None of the above.
44. In XY-plane, X and Y values are in first quadrant is always----
A. Both are positive B. Both are Negative
C. X is positive and Y is negative D. X is Negative and Y is positive
45. The region which satisfies all the constrains of the L.P.P. is called as----
A. phisible region B. Feasible region
C. convex region D. Concave region
46.In .L.P.P., while drawing the graph, on the X-axis Y values always-----
A. 0 B.1 C. 2 D. None of the above
47. In .L.P.P., while drawing the graph, on the Y-axis X values always-----
A. 0 B.1 C. 2 D. None of the above
48.The set of decision variable which satisfies all the constraints of the LPP is
called as-----
A. Solution B. Basic Solution C. Feasible solution D. None of the above
49. A solution which satisfies non-negative conditions also is called as-----
A. Solution B. Basic Solution C. Feasible solution D. None of the above
50. A solution which optimizes the objective function is called as ------
A. Solution B. Basic Solution C. Feasible solution D. Optimal solution
Menoufia University ‫ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻨﻮﻓﻴﺔ‬
Faculty of Electronic Engneering ‫ﻛﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﺔ ﺍﻻﻟﻜﺘﺮﻭﻧﻴﺔ‬
Department of Industrial ‫ﻗﺴﻢ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﺔ ﺍﻻﻟﻜﺘﺮﻭﻧﻴﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺼﻨﺎﻋﻴﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺤﻜﻢ‬
Electronics and Control Engneering

Course Title: Elective-2 Student Name:

”Modern Control Systems”
(ACE 326 ) Midterm Exam ID:

Time: 60 minutes Date: 28/3/2017 Full Mark: /15

Question Q.1 Q.2 Q.3

Mark 5 5 5

Q.1. Multiple Choice Questions (5 Marks)

1. Each optimization problem must have certain parameters called

a. linear variables
b. dummy variables
c. design variables
d. none of the above
2. A “≤ type” constraint expressed in the standard form is active at a design point if it has
a. zero value
b. more than zero value
c. less than zero value
d. a & c
3. Maximization of f(x) is equivalent to minimization of
a. − ( )
b. 1/ ( )
c. √ ( )
d. none of the above
4. When the optimizaion problem cost functions are differentiable, the problem is referred to as
a. rough
b. nonsmooth
c. smooth
d. a & b
5. The feasible region for the inequlailty constraints with respect to equality constraints
a. increases
b. decreases
c. does not change
d. none of the above

Elective-2 ( ACE 326) Page 1

6. A “≤ type” constraint expressed in the standard form is inactive at a design point if it has
a. zero value
b. more than zero value
c. less than zero value
d. none of the above
7. The number of equality constraints in the design optimization problem can be
a. larger than the number of design variables
b. less than the number of design variables
c. equal the number of design variables
d. b & c
8. For a rectangle matrix, when number of rows is less than number of coulmns, i.e., < , the
rank of this matrix can be
a. less than or equal
b. less than or equal
c. more than or equal
d. none of the above
9. The degrees of freedom for an optimization problem that has four design variables is
a. 1/4
c. ∜4
d. none of the above
10. A “= type” constraint expressed in the standard form is active at a design point if it
a. zero value
b. more than zero value
c. less than zero value
d. none of the above
Q.2. True or False Questions (5 Marks)

1. All design optimization problems have only linear inequality constraints. ( × )

2. The design optimization problem is infeasible when it meets all requirements. ( × )
3. All design variables should be independent of each other. ( √ )
4. A feasible design may violate equality constraints. ( × )
5. The inputs of engineering models include design variables and material properties. ( √ )
6. The number of “≤ type” constraints must be less than the number of design variables for a valid
optimization problem formulation. . ( × )
7. The feasible region for an equality constraint is a subset of that for the same constraint
expressed as an inequality. ( √ )
8. The feasible region usually expands when more constraints are added to the design model and
shrinks when some constraints are deleted. ( × )
9. The optimization problem functions ( ), ℎ ( ), and ( ) that do not depend on any design
variable can be safely ignored. ( √ )
10. Standard design optimization model treats with “≤ type & ≥ type” inequality constraints.
( × )

Elective-2 ( ACE 326) Page 2

Q.3. Design optimization problem (5 Marks)

Design the steel framework shown in the following figure at a minimum cost. The frame must
enclose a total volume of at least 600 . The width should be no more than 7 and no less than
5 , the length should be no more than 20 and no less than 15 , whereas the height should
be no more than 13 and no less than 8 . The fabrication cost is proportional to the surface
area of the sheet metal and is L.E %&&/ ' . Formulate the design optimization problem and
sepecify the optimization problem features (single/multi-objective functions,
constrained/unconstrained, continuous/discrete, linear /nonlinear, static/dynamic)

Step1: Project/Problem Description
The information are stated in the problem

Step2: Data & Information Collection

(')* + '), + '*,

- )*,
L.E %&&/ : is the currency cost per unit area

Step3: Definition of Design Variables

width, unit
length, unit
height, unit

Step4: Optimization Criteria

< %&& ')* + '), + '*,
< =>&& )* + ), + *,

Elective-2 ( ACE 326) Page 3

Step5: Formulation of Constraints
? ≥ 600
5≤ ≤7
8 ≤ ℎ ≤ 13
15 ≤ ≤ 20

The optimization problem has the following features:

1. Single objective
2. Constrained
3. Continuous
4. Nonlinear
5. Static


Elective-2 ( ACE 326) Page 4

02/07/2020 Data Science for Engineers - - Unit 6 - Week 4

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Unit 6 - Week 4

outline Assignment 4
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course work?
1) Consider 𝑓 (𝑥) , if 𝑥 is the decision variable and 𝑓 is a function to be minimized, then the type 1 point
Week 0 of optimization problem is

Constrained optimization
Week 1
Unconstrained optimization
Week 2 Discrete optimization
None of the above
Week 3
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Week 4 Accepted Answers:
Unconstrained optimization
Optimization for
Data Science 2) Match the following 1 point


Optimization (
Continued )

I - a, II - b , III - c

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Gradient ( I - b , II - a , III - c
Steepest )
I - a, II - c , III - b
Descent ( OR )
Learning Rule I - c, II - a , III - b
(unit? No, the answer is incorrect.
unit=30&lesson=34) Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
FAQ (unit?
I - b , II - a , III - c

Quiz : Practice
3) In univariate unconstrained optimization the decision variables can be 1 point
Assignment 4
name=93) Integral

Quiz : Continuous or Integral

Assignment 4 Not defined
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Week 4 Accepted Answers:
Feedback (unit? Continuous or Integral
4) State whether the following statements are true or false with respect to Linear programming 1 point
Solution - problem
Assignment 4
(unit? I. Decision variables are continuous
II. Objective function is linear
III. Constraints are nonlinear
Week 5
I - True , II - True , III - False
Week 6
I - True , II - True , III - True

Week 7 I - False , II - False , III - False

I - False , II - True , III - True
Week 8 No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Text Transcripts Accepted Answers:
I - True , II - True , III - False
Download Videos 5) If 𝑓 (𝑥
¯ ) is QUADRATIC function of 𝑥
¯ and 𝑔(𝑥 ¯ ) are LINEAR functions of 𝑥
¯ ), ℎ(𝑥 ¯ , then the 1 point
type of optimization problem is

dual linear programming

linear programing
quadratic programming
none of the above
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
quadratic programming

6) The maximization of a function 𝑓 (𝑥

¯ ) is equal to the minimization of the function 1 point

−𝑓 (𝑥

𝑓 (𝑥

𝑓 ¯)

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−𝑓 ¯)

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
−𝑓 (𝑥

7) For an unconstrained optimization problem given below, 1 point

min 𝑓 (𝑥)

for 𝑥∗ , to be the minimizer of 𝑓 (𝑥) , the second order necessary condition is

𝑓 (𝑥) > 0

𝑓 (𝑥) < 0

𝑓 (𝑥) > 0

𝑓 (𝑥) = 1

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

𝑓 (𝑥) > 0

8) If 𝑓 (𝑥) = 3𝑥
+ 2𝑥
+ 3𝑥
+ 3, then the first order necessary condition for either maxima 1 point
or minima of 𝑓 (𝑥) is

3 2
12𝑥 + 6𝑥 + 3𝑥 = 0

3 2
12𝑥 + 6𝑥 + 6𝑥 = 0

4 3 2
3𝑥 + 2𝑥 + 3𝑥 = 0

3 2
8𝑥 − 18𝑥 − 24𝑥 = 0

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
3 2
12𝑥 + 6𝑥 + 6𝑥 = 0

9) For a function 𝑓 (𝑥) = 𝑥

− 12𝑥
+ 48𝑥 − 64 = 0 , which of the following numbers is a 1 point
stationary point of 𝑓 (𝑥)

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

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10)If a function is strictly increasing what is the minima value? 1 point

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

11)If the derivative of the objective function is a polynomial of order ‘N’ and has roots which are 1 point
repeated thrice, then how many stationary
points exist for the objective function?

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

12)For any two points 𝑥1 and 𝑥2 in [𝑎, 𝑏] and any λ where 0 < λ < 1 the convex function is 1 point
given by

𝑓 [λ𝑥1 + (1 − λ)𝑥2 ] ≤ λ𝑓 (𝑥1 ) + (1 − λ)𝑓 (𝑥2 )

𝑓 [λ𝑥1 + (1 − λ)𝑥2 ] ≥ λ𝑓 (𝑥1 ) + (1 − λ)𝑓 (𝑥2 )

𝑓 [λ𝑥1 + (λ)𝑥2 ] ≥ λ𝑓 (𝑥1 ) + (1 − λ)𝑓 (𝑥2 )

𝑓 [λ𝑥1 + (1 − λ)𝑥2 ] ≤ λ𝑓 (𝑥1 ) + (1 + λ)𝑓 (𝑥2 )

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
𝑓 [λ𝑥1 + (1 − λ)𝑥2 ] ≤ λ𝑓 (𝑥1 ) + (1 − λ)𝑓 (𝑥2 )

13)Consider a univariate optimization function 𝑓 (𝑥) . If the function satisfies the first order 1 point
condition and gives an output of the minimum
value -5 and the second-order condition gives an output of the minimum value -7. In this which of
the following value would be
considered as a global minimum of 𝑓 (𝑥)

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

14) 1 point

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Which of the following statements are true in the univariate optimization?

I. The function 𝑓 has only one decision variable

II. 𝑥 is a vector variable

Only I is true
Only II is true
Both I and II is true
None of the above
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Only I is true

15)For a function 𝑓 (𝑥) = 𝑥

− 3𝑥
+ 𝑥
+ 23 , stationary points which are qualified to be 1 point
minimizers of 𝑓 (𝑥) are

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
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[Type text]

UNIT – 1: Name of unit: -------- Number of questions: 15

Q.No Question
1 Optimization problems are also known as mathematical programming problems.

2 The number of equality constraints can be larger than the number of design

3 Preassigned parameters are part of design data in a design optimization problem.


4 Side constraints are not related to the functionality of the system.


5 A bound design point can be infeasible.


6 It is necessary that some gj (X) = 0 at the optimum point.


7 An optimal control problem can be solved using dynamic programming techniques.


8 An integer programming problem is same as a discrete programming problem.


9 Geometric programming problem

Objective and constraints are polynomials with
positive coefficients

10 Quadratic programming problem

Objective is quadratic and constraints are linear

11 What are the the control (design) and the state variables.
The control variables define the
system and govern the evolution of the system from one stage to the next, and the
variables describe the behavior or status of the system in any stage.
[Type text]

12 In which classification optimal and non-optimal control problems are comes

Classification based on physical structure of problem

13 Classification of integer and real-valued programming problems is based on

permitted for the design variables,

14 What is trajectory or dynamic optimization problem

Type of problem, where each design variable is a function of one or more
parameters, is known as a trajectory or dynamic optimization problem

15 State the necessary and sufficient conditions for the minimum of a function f (x).
Necessary Condition If a function f (x) is defined in the interval a ≤ x ≤ b and has a relative
minimum at x = x∗, where a < x∗ < b, and if the derivative
df (x)/dx = f ′(x) exists as a finite number at x = x∗, then f ′(x∗) = 0.

Sufficient Condition Let f ′(x∗) = f ′′(x∗) = · · · = f (n−1)(x∗) = 0,

but f (n)(x∗) _= 0. Then f (x∗) is (i) a minimum value of f (x) if f (n)(x∗)>0 and n
is even; (ii) a maximum value of f (x) if f (n)(x∗) < 0 and n is even; (iii) neither a
maximum nor a minimum if n is odd.

16 Positive, negative definite and subdefinite

17 Saddle point
[Type text]

18 Definition: rth Differential of f .

[Type text]

Constraint Surface

For illustration, consider an optimization problem with only inequality constraints

gj (X) ≤ 0. The set of values of X that satisfy the equation gj (X) = 0 forms a hypersurface

in the design space and is called a constraint surface. Note that this is an

(n − 1)-dimensional subspace, where n is the number of design variables. The constraint

surface divides the design space into two regions: one in which gj (X) < 0 and the other

in which gj (X)>0. Thus the points lying on the hypersurface will satisfy the constraint

gj (X) critically, whereas the points lying in the region where gj (X)>0 are infeasible

or unacceptable, and the points lying in the region where gj (X) < 0 are feasible or
[Type text]

acceptable. The collection of all the constraint surfaces gj (X) = 0, j = 1, 2, . . . ,m,

which separates the acceptable region is called the composite constraint surface.

Figure 1.4 shows a hypothetical two-dimensional design space where the infeasible

region is indicated by hatched lines. A design point that lies on one or more than one

constraint surface is called a bound point , and the associated constraint is called an

active constraint . Design points that do not lie on any constraint surface are known as

free points. Depending on whether a particular design point belongs to the acceptable

or unacceptable region, it can be identified as one of the following four types:

1. Free and acceptable point

2. Free and unacceptable point

3. Bound and acceptable point

4. Bound and unacceptable point

All four types of points are shown in Fig. 1.4.

[Type text]
1. ___________ is an optimization method applicable for the solution of problems in which the
objective function and the constraints appear as linear functions of the decision variables.

Answer:- Linear programming

2. The general linear programming problem can be stated in the following standard forms:

Answer:- Scalar Form Minimize f (x1, x2, . . . , xn) = c1x1 + c2x2 + · · · + cnxn

3. Hyperplane. In n-dimensional space, the set of points whose coordinates satisfy a linear
equation a1x1 + · · · + anxn = aTX = b is called _______

Answer:- a hyperplane

3. Definition of Convex polyhedron and convex polytope?

Answer:- A convex polyhedron is a set of points common to one or more half-spaces. A convex
polyhedron that is bounded is called a convex polytope.

5. In a linear programming problem, any solution that satisfies the constraints aX = b, X ≥ 0 is

called ______________

Answer:- a feasible solution.

6. ________ is one in which n − m variables are set equal to zero.

Answer:- A basic solution

7. This is a point in the convex set that does not lie on a line segment joining two other points of
the set.

Answer:- Vertex or extreme point

8. the theorem states that if there are a number of convex sets represented by R1,R2, . . ., the
set of points R common to all these sets will also be convex.


9. The feasible region of a linear programming problem is convex. This theorem can be written

[Type text]

Unit-4 Non-Linear Programming
1.methods to solve 1D non-linear problems:
Exaustive search, Golden section method, quasi-newton method,

2.Golden Section Method use to solve linear programming problem:

Answer: False

3. Numerical methods can able to solve problem when too many constrains are present:
Answer: True

4. Constraint coefficient aij belongs to.....

Answer: Both Basic and non basic variable

5. Unrestricted search and exaustive search...both can be use for 1d non linear

6.The exhaustive search method can be used to solve problems where the interval in
which the optimum is known to lie is finite.

7.Exustive search uses................ to reduce the interval of uncertainty :

Answer: assumption of unimodality.

8. the final interval of uncertainty in exuastive search is given by,.....where, interval of

uncertainty of length L0 = xf −xs,


9. The total number of experiments to be conducted has to be specifiedbefore beginning the

calculation in the Golden section method
Answer: False
[Type text]

Unit-4 Non-Linear Programming

10. In Golden section method, the intervals of uncertainty remaining at the end of different
number of experiments can be computed as:

11. In Euclid’s geometry,when a line segment is divided into two unequal parts so that the ratio
of the whole tothe larger part is equal to the ratio of the larger to the smaller, the division is
called.......... and ration is called
Dovision: Golden section, ratio : golden mean.

12. Quasi-Newton method is the type of.......

Answer: Direct root method

13. In Quasi-Newton method below formulas can be used......

Answer: The central difference formulas, forward or backward difference formulas

14 Unconstrained optimization techniques:

Answer: Random Search Method, Powel's Method,

Other also: Grid search method, Fletcher–Reeves method, Univariate method Newton’s method
Pattern search methods

15................... methods can work even if the objective function is discontinuous and
nondifferentiable at some of the points.

Answer: Random search

[Type text]

Unit-4 Non-Linear Programming

16.Random search method are not really efficient

Answer: True

17. Random search method gives accurate solution

Answer: False

18. Random search method is use to find the......... where the golbal minimum present

Answer: Region

19. Powel's method can be proved to be a method of.................

Answer: conjugate directions

20.f a minimization method, using

exact arithmetic, can find the minimumium point in n steps while minimizing aquadratic function
in n variables, the method is called.........
Answer: a quadratically convergent method.
Match the following terms:
(a) Fuzzy optimization → → →Based on shortest path
(b) Genetic algorithms → →→Analysis equations not programmed
(c) Neural network method →→→→Linguistic data can be used
(d) Simulated annealing →→→ Based on the behavior of a flock of birds
(e) Particle swarm optimization→→ Based on principle of survival of the
(f) Ant colony optimization→→→→ Based on cooling of heated solids


1. Ant colony optimization (ACO) is based On - on the cooperative behavior of real ant
colonies, which are able to find the shortest path from their nest to a food source.

2 ACO, developed by Marco Dorigo in 1992 (Dorigo, 1992), was the first swarm
intelligence-based algorithm.

3 Ant Colony was developed by Gambardella Dorigo in 1997

3 What is Ant Colony Optimization-

Probabilistic technique.

Searching for optimal path in the graph based on behaviour of ants seeking a path
between their colony and source of food.

Meta-heuristic optimization

4 Heuristic method used - solving a very general class of computational problems.

5 Heuristic method used - hard discrete optimization problems

6 An ant will move from node i to node j with probability

7. Amount of pheromone is updated according to the equation

8 special cases of the ACO-

three most successful ones are: Ant System, Ant Colony System (ACS), and MAX-
MIN Ant System (MMAS).

9. First major improvement over Ant System-

Ant Colony System

10 Differences with Ant System

1 Decision Rule - Pseudorandom proportional rule

2 Local Pheromone Update
3 Best only offline Pheromone Update
11 MAX-MIN Ant System-

Best only offline Pheromone Update

Min and Max values of the pheromone are explicitly limited

12. Applications of ACO-

Routing in telecommunication networks

Traveling Salesman
Graph Coloring Scheduling
Constraint Satisfactio

13 ` Advantages of ACO-

Inherent parallelism
Positive Feedback accounts for rapid discovery of good solutions
Efficient for Traveling Salesman Problem and similar problems
Can be used in dynamic applications (adapts to changes such as new distances, etc

14 Disadvantages of ACO
Theoretical analysis is difficult
Sequences of random decisions (not independent)
Probability distribution changes by iteration Research is experimental rather than
theoretical Time to convergence uncertain (but convergence is gauranteed!)
3 In which ANN, loops are allowed?
A. FeedForward ANN
B. FeedBack ANN
C. Both A and B
D. None of the Above
Ans : B

4 What is the name of node which take binary values TRUE (T) and FALSE (F)?
A. Dual Node
B. Binary Node
C. Two-way Node
D. Ordered Node
Ans : B

5 . What is an auto-associative network?

A. a neural network that contains no loops
B. a neural network that contains feedback
C. a neural network that has only one loop
D. a single layer feed-forward neural network with pre-processing
Ans : B

6 What is Neuro software?

A. A software used to analyze neurons
B. It is powerful and easy neural network
C. Designed to aid experts in real world
D. It is software used by Neurosurgeon
Ans : B

7 Neural Networks are complex ______________ with many parameters.

A. Linear Functions
B. Nonlinear Functions
C. Discrete Functions
D. Exponential Functions
Ans : A

9 Which of the following is not the promise of artificial neural network?

A. It can explain result
B. It can survive the failure of some nodes
C. It has inherent parallelism
D. It can handle noise
Ans : A

10 What is full form of ANNs?

A. Artificial Neural Node
B. AI Neural Networks
C. Artificial Neural Networks
D. Artificial Neural numbers
Ans : C

11 In FeedForward ANN, information flow is _________.

A. unidirectional
B. bidirectional
C. multidirectional
D. All of the above
Ans : A

12 Which of the following is an Applications of Neural Networks?

A. Automotive
B. Aerospace
C. Electronics
D. All of the above
Ans : D

13 What is back propagation?

A. It is another name given to the curvy function in the perceptron
B. It is the transmission of error back through the network to adjust the inputs
C. It is the transmission of error back through the network to allow weights to be
so that the network can learn
D. None of the Above
Ans : C

14 The first artificial neural network was invented in _____.

A. 1957
B. 1958
C. 1959
D. 1960
Ans : B

Artificial neural network used for

a) Pattern Recognition
b) Classification
c) Clustering
d) All of these
Artificial neural network used for
a) Pattern Recognition
b) Classification
c) Clustering
d) All of these

Artificial neural network used for

a) Pattern Recognition
b) Classification
c) Clustering
d) All of these

1.Non-classical optimisation techniques are

A:-neutral network, simulated annealing, genetic algorithm

2.most recent optimisation technique is

A:-swarn intelligence

3.optimisation algorithms derived into 2 categories

A:-Deterministic algorithms and stochastic algo.

4.most classical and conventional algorithms

A:-dterministic algorithms

5. stochastic algorithms had 2 types

A:-Heuristic and Metaheuristic

6.teaching learning based optimisations comes under non traditional optimisation

7.most commonly used evolutionary technique
A:- Genetic algorithms

8.Teaching learning based optimisations free from:-Algorithm parameters

9.TLBO works on teaching and learning
10.TLBO based on population based method
Prestressed Concrete Structures Multiple Choice Questions on “Optimisation Techniques”.

1. The technique for selecting a new point depends upon

a) Scope of the problem
b) Nature of the problem
c) Range of the problem
d) Analysis of the problem
Answer: b
Clarification: In using the mathematical programming methods the of optimization begins
with an acceptable design point and new point is selected suitability so as to minimize the
objective function and the search for another new point is continued is continued from the
previous point until the optimum point is reached and there are several well established
techniques for selecting a new point and to proceed towards the optimum point, depending
upon the nature of the problem, such as linear and non linear programming.

o. In linear programming, the solution is based on

a) Tensile properties
b) Strain properties
c) Elementary properties
d)None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Clarification: In a linear programming problem, the objective function and constraints are
linear functions of the design variables and the solution is based on the elementary properties
of systems of linear equations and the properties of systems proportionally, additivity,
divisibility and deterministic features are utilized in the mathematical formulation of the linear
programming problem.

3 A linear function in three-dimensional space is a

a) Midpoint
b) Plane
c) Laminar
d) Z
r: b
Clarification: A linear function in tree-dimensional space is a plane representing the locus
of all design points in n- dimensional space, the surface so defined is a hyper plane and in
these cases, the intersections of the constraints give solutions which are the simultaneous
solutions of the constraint equations meeting at that point.
q. Linear programming problems can be solved by
a)Revised simplex method
b) Termed method
c) Moment derivation method
Answer: a
Clarification: Linear programming problems be conveniently solved by the revised
simplex method and the simplex algorithm for solving the general linear programming
problem is an iterative procedure which yields an exact optima solution in a finite number of

s One of the most powerfiil techniques for solving non linear programming is to transform the
b) Problems
c) Materials
d) L
r: b
Clarification: One of the most powerful techniques for solving non linear programming
is to transform the problem by some means into a form which permits the application of
the simplex algorithm and thus, the simple method turns out to be one of the most
powerful computational devices for solving linear as well as non linear programming

6. In non linear programming the boundaries of the contours of the function are
a) Parallel line
b) Zig Zag lines
c) Straight lines
d) Trnpezo
idal lines
Answer: c
Clarification: In non linear programming problems, the objective function and or the
constraints are non linear function of the design variables and since the boundaries of
the feasible region or the contours of equal values of the merit function are straight
lines the optimum solution need not necessarily be at an intersection of the

7 ne of the techniques developed for solution of non linear programming is?

a) Single programming
b) Multilinear propramming
c) Reverse prngrarnming
d) Dynamic
Answer: d
Clarification: Over the years, several techniques have been developed for the solution
of non linear programming problems and some of the prominent techniques are:
method of feasible directions, sequential unconstrained minimization technique,
sequential linear programming and dynamic programming.
8. The method of feasible direction can be grouped under the
a) Direct methods of approach
b) Sequential method of approach
c) Terminate method of approach
d) Laminar method
of approach Answer:
Clarification: In non linear programming the method of feasible direction can be
grouped under the direct methods of approach on general non linear inequality
ccinstrained optimization problems and two well known procedures which embody the
philosophy of the method of feasible directions are Rosens gradient projection algorithm
and Zountendijks procedure.
g. The first non linear programming procedure to be used in which year?
a) als o
b) igqo
C) 1 96o

d) 1 7°
Answer: c
Clarification: This method (method of feasible direction) was probably the first non
linear programming procedure to be used in structural optimization problems by
schmist lm 96o and this method starting from an initial feasible point, the nearest
boimdary is reached and a new feasible direction is found and an appropriate step is
taken along this feasible direction to get the new design point and the procedure is
repeated until the optimum design point is reached.

io. One of the element considered in the economy of prestressed concrete structural system is?
a) Structural optimization
b) Beam optimization
c) Slab optimization
d) Transverse
Answer: a
Q1.What aims at optimizing inventory levels?
a) Inventory Comrol
b) Inventory Capacity
c) Inventory Planning
d) None of the above

Q2.What can be defined as a useful idle resource which has economic value eg; raw materials,
spare parts, finished items, etc?
a) Inventory Comrol
b) Inventory
c) Inventory Planning
d) None of the above

Q3.Which theory concerns making sound decisions under condibons of certainty, ñsL and uncertainty
a) Game Theory
b) Network Analysis
c) Decision Theory
d) None of the above

Q4.Key concept under which technique are neMork of evems and activities, resource
allocation, time and cost considemtions, network paths and critical paths?
a) Game Theory
b) Network Analysis
c) Decision Theory
d) None of the above


Q2. Answer: b

Q3. Answer: c

Q4. Answer: b
Q5.Which technique is used to imitate an operation prior to actual performance?
a) Simulation
b) Integrated Production Models
c) Inventory Control
d) Game Theory

Q6.What is concerned with the prediction of replacement costs and determination of the most
economic replacement policy?
a) Search Theory
b) Theory of replacement
c) Probabilistic Programming
d) None oJ the above

Q7.What refers to Linear Programming that includes an evaluation of relative risks

and uncertainties in various alternatives of choice for management decisions?
a) Probabilistic Programming
b) Stochastic Programming
c) Both A and B
d) Linear Programming

Q8.What enables us to determine the earliest and the latest times for each of the events and
and thereby helps in the identification of the critical path?
a) Programme Evaluation
b) Review Technique (PERT)
c) Both A and B
d) Deployment of resources
QS. Answer: a Q6.

Answer: b Q7.

Answer: c Q8.

Answer: c Q9.

Answer: c Q10.

Answer: d
Q9.Linear Programming technique is used to allocate scarce resources in an optimum manner in

a) Schedule
b) Product Mix
c) Both A and B
d) Servicing Cost

Q10.Operations Research techniques helps the directing authority in optimum

allocation of various limited resources, such as —---- ---- -
a) Men and Machine
b) Money
c) Material and Time
d) All of the above

Q11.Operations Research study generally involves how many phases?

a) Three
b) Four
c) Five
d) Two

Q12. ..... models involves the allocation of resources to aetivitses in such a manner that some
measure of effectiveness is optimized
a) Set uencing
b) Allocafion Models
c) Queuing Theory
d) Decision Theory
Q14.In .......... models, everything is defined and the results are certain,
a) Deterministic Models
b) Probabilistic Models
c) BothAand B
d) None of the above

Q15.In ................ models there is risk and uncertainty

a) Deterministic Models
b) Probabilistic Models
c) BothAand B
d) None of the above

Q16. .................. models are obtained by enlarging or reducing the size of the item
a) lconic Models
b) Analogue Models
c) Symbolic Models
d) None of the above

Q17.Operations Research attempts to find the best and......... solution to a problem

a) Optimum
b) Perfect
c) Degenerate
d) None of the above

Q18.Operations Research attempts to find the best and. ................... Solution to a problem
a) Optimum
b) Perfect
c) Degenerate
d) None of the above
Q11. Answer: a

Q12. Answer: b

Q13. Answer: c

Q14. Answer: a

Q15. Answer: b

Q16. Answer: a

Q17. Answer: a

Q18. Answer: a

Q19. Answer: b

Q20. Answer: a
Q19.The operations Research technique, specially used to determine the optimum strategy is
a) Decision Theo ry
b) Simulafion
c) Game Theory
d) None of the above

Q20.The operations Research technique which helps in minimizing total wa iting and service
costs is
a) Queuing Theory
b) Decision Theory
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above
Subject: - Optimization Techniques

Unit No: - 1 - Introduction to Mathematical Modelling

Number of Questions: - 30

Q. No. Questions Answer

1 Which things should mathematical should include B
A) Requires computer aide to solve it
B) Represent data in numerical form
C) Must be determine
D) All of the above

2 The use of decision models C

A) is possible when the variable value is known
B) Requires the use of computer software
C) Reduces the scope of judgment and intuition known with certainty.
D) none of the above

3 A physical model is example of C

A) An iconic model
B) An analogue model
C) A verbal model
D) A mathematical model

4 The ____ model there is a risk and uncertainty A

A) Probabilistic
B) Deterministic
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above

5 Which model are obtained by enlarging or reducing the size of item A

A) Iconic
B) Analogue
C) Symbolic
D) None of above

6 ______ Models involves the allocation of resources to activities in such a manner that some of B
measures of effectiveness is optimized
A) Sequencing
B) Allocation
C) Queuing theory
D) decision theory

7 In _____Models, everything is defined and the result are certain A

A) Deterministic
B) Probabilistic
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above
8 An optimization models D
A) Mathematically provides the best decision
B) Provides decision with in limited content
C) Helps in evaluating various alternatives constantly
D) All of the above

9 Constraint in an model D
A) Limitation
B) Requirenment
C) Balancing limitation and limitation
D) All of the above

10 Which model calculate the systems in equilibrium and thus is time invariant A
A) Static
B) Dynamic
C) Deterministic
D) Quasi Static

11 Which model is a every set of variable states in uniquely set by parameter D

A) Continuous
B) Dynamic
C) Discrete
D) Deterministic

12 Dynamic Model typically represents by C

A) Differential equation
B) Difference Equation
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above

13 Model which is a logical structure base on a theory A

A) Deductive model
B) Inductive model
C) Floating model
D) Constant Model

14 If the output parameter can be calculated by the series of computation then is called B
A) Implicit
B) Explicit
C) Discrete
D) None of the above

15 Finites static model are corresponding C

A) ODE ordinary differential Equation
B) PDE Partial Differential equation
C) Algebraic equation
D) None of the above
16 Systematic models examples are D
A) Graphs
B) Geographical Maps
C) Organizational and Process Charts
D) All of the above

17 Why Mathematical models are performed over direct experimentation E

A) Less Time-Consuming
B) Least Expensive
C) Possibilities of completion are high
D) None of the above
E) All of the above

18 The correct or most effective path to make mathematical models for C

1)Studying 2) Testing 3) Building 4) Use
A) 1-4-2-3
B) 1-2-3-4
C) 3-1-2-4
D) 1-3-4-2

19 Mathematical Model provide A

A) Estimates results
B) Accurate results
C) Wrong results
D) Approximation result

20 One of the limitation of mathematical models B

A) Expensive
B) Will may not include all aspect because of simplification of model
C) They are quick and easy to provide the results
D) All of the Above

21 Governing equation of mathematical model may include D

A) Complex geometrics
B) Nonlinearities
C) Large number if coupled quation
D) All of the above

22 The process checking the answer against reality and modifying the mathematical model B
A) Formulation
B) Validation
C) Solution
D) interpretations

23 The one of the way to solve complex Non-linear model is to make it linearization A
A) True
B) False
Match the Following Classification of Mathematical models
1 Continuous A assume there are autonomous decision makers who rationally
choose actions that maximize their objective function.
2 Probabilistic B is one in which every set of variable states is uniquely determined
by parameters in the model and by sets of previous states of these
3 Inductive C all of the input parameters of the overall model are known, and the
output parameters can be calculated by a finite series of
4 Deterministic D represents the objects in a continuous manner
5 Floating E arises from empirical findings and generalization from them
6 Strategic F randomness is present, and variable states are not described by
unique values
7 Explicit G rests on neither theory nor observation, but is merely the invocation
of expected structure

24 1 Continuous D

25 2 probabilistic F

26 3 Deductive E

27 4 Deterministic B

28 5 Floating G

29 6 non-strategic A

30 7 Explicit C
[Type text]

UNIT – 2: Name of unit: Classic Optimization Techniques Number of questions: 15

Q.No. Question Answer
1 For a maximization problem the objective function coefficient for an b
artificial variable is
a. +M
b. -M
c. Zero
d. None of the options
2 The dual of the primal maximization LP problem having m constraints and c
n non negative variables should
a. have n constraints and m non negative variables.
b. be a minimization LP problem
c. Both the options
d. None of the options
3 The solution to a transportation problem with m rows and n columns is c
feasible if the number of positive allocations are
a. mxn
b. m+n
c. m+n-1
d. m+n+1
4 If all incoming variable column is negative then the solution is a
a. Unbounded solution
b. Infeasible solution
c. Feasible Solution
d. None of the options
5 If an artificial variable is present in the basic variable column of optimal b
simplex table then the solution is
a. Solution is unbounded
b. Solution is infeasible
c. Degenerate
d. None of the options
6 Which of the following method is used to verify the optimality of the c
current solution of the transportation problem
a. Least cost method
b. Vogel approximation method
c. Modified distribution method
d. All the options
7 If two constraints do not intersect in the positive quadrant of the graph a
a. the problem is infeasible.
b. the solution is unbounded.
c. One of the constraints is redundant.
[Type text]

d. None of the options

8 The degrees of freedom for an optimization problem that has four design b
variables is
a. 1/4
b. 4
c. ∜4
d. none of the above
9 All design optimization problems have only linear inequality constraints. b
a. True
b. False
10 The feasible region for the inequality constraints with respect to equality a
a. increases
b. decreases
c. does not change
d. none of the above
11 The feasible region for an equality constraint is a subset of that for the same a
constraint expressed as an inequality.
a. True
b. False
12 Each optimization problem must have certain parameters called c
a. linear variables
b. dummy variables
c. design variables
d. none of the above
13 The feasible region usually expands when more constraints are added to the b
design model and shrinks when some constraints are deleted.
a. True
b. False
14 The number of equality constraints in the design optimization problem can be d
a. larger than the number of design variables
b. less than the number of design variables
c. equals the number of design variables
d. b & c
15 The inputs of engineering models include design variables and material b
a. True
b. False
[Type text]

UNIT – 3: Name of unit: Linear Programming Number of questions: 15

Q.No. Question Answer
1 When the two-phase Simplex procedure must be used?? c
a. If there are equality and/or “< type” constraints
b. If there are Non equality and/or “> type” constraints
c. If there are equality and/or “>type” constraints
d. If there are non equality and/or “> type” constraints
2 Optimization process and the sensitivity analysis are complimentary to each a
a. True
b. False
3 Which variable use to convert Inequalities to equalities?? c
a. slack
b. surplus
c. Both slack and surplus
d. Non of the above
4 in LP problems we cannot use si2 as a slack variable, because... b
a. We could not calculate si value
b. It makes problem non-linear
c. si have always negative value
d. si have always positive value
5 The artificial cost function is ….. b
a. a sum of squares of all the artificial variables
b. a sum of all the artificial variables
c. a sum of all slack variables variables
d. a multiplication of the artificial variables
6 Which of the following statement is/are correct?? a
1)The study of discrete parameter changes is often called sensitivity analysis and
2)that of continuous changes is called parametric programming
a. Statement 1) is correct d
b. Statement 2) is correct
c. Non of the statement is correct
d. Both of the statements are correct
7 The Simplex Method always calculates basic infeasible solutions b
a. True
b. False
8 When one can say that a basic feasible solution is optimum d
a. It has reduced cost coefficients cj’< 0 for all j
b. It has slack variable ci= 0 for all i
c. It has artificial variable aj> 0 for all j
d. It has reduced cost coefficients cj’> 0 for all j
[Type text]

9 Artificial variables are introduced to obtain an initial basic feasible solution for the a
original problem of LP.
a. True
b. False
10 When there are “> type” constraints in the linear programming problem, surplus b
variables are ………...to/from them to transform the problem into the standard
a. Added
b. Subtracted
c. Multiplied
d. Divided
11 Which of the following is correct for LP problem, For si as slack variable a
a. si is always >=0
b. si is always <=0
c. si is always =0
d. si is always <0
12 Which of the following is Features of the Simplex method?? d
a. If there is a solution to the LP problem, the method finds it
b. If the problem is infeasible, the method indicates that
c. If the problem is unbounded, the method indicates that
d. All of the above
13 What sensitivity analysis called in other way?? b
a. Simplex method analysis
b. Post optimality analysis
c. Dual Phase analysis
d. Non of the above
14 In the case of linear programming problems….., Which of the following is correct?? b
a. Primal of (Dual of P) ≡ Dual P
b. Dual of (Dual of P) ≡ Primal P
c. Dual of (Primal of P) ≡ Primal P
d. Primal of (Primal of P) ≡ Dual P
15 Convert following equations into equality format for LP problem. c
1) 3y1+4y2< 15 2) -5y1-7y2< -13 ; Where, y1>0 and y2 is unrestricted in sign
s1 is slack variable and s2 is Surplus variable
State which one of of the following is correct pair for equality conversion??
a. 3y1+4(y2++y2-)+s1= 15 ; 5y1+7(y2+-y2-)-s2= 13
+ -
b. 3y1+4(y2 +y2 )-s1= 15 ; 5y1+7(y2++y2-)-s2= 13
c. 3y1+4(y2+-y2-)+s1= 15 ; 5y1+7(y2+-y2-)-s2= 13
+ -
d. 3y1+4(y2 -y2 )-s1= 15 ; 5y1+7(y2+-y2-)-s2= 13
[Type text]

UNIT – 2: Name of unit: -------- Number of questions: 15

Q.No. Question Answer
1 Strain energy is the a
e. energy stored in a body when strained within elastic limits
f. maximum strain energy which can be stored in a body
g. proof resilience per unit volume of a material
h. energy stored in a body when strained upto the breaking of a specimen
2 A vertical column has two moments of inertia (i.e. Ixx and Iyy ). The column will tend d
to buckle in the direction of the
c. axis of load
d. perpendicular to the axis of load
e. maximum moment of inertia
f. minimum moment of inertia
3 The neutral axis of the cross-section a beam is that axis at which the bending stress a
e. zero
f. minimum
g. maximum
h. infinity
4 Euler's formula holds good only for a
e. short columns
f. long columns
g. both short and long columns
h. weak columns
5 The object of caulking in a riveted joint is to make the joint d
e. free from corrosion
f. stronger in tension
g. free from stresses
h. leak-proof
6 A steel bar of 5 mm is heated from 15° C to 40° C and it is free to expand. The bar a
Will induce
e. no stress
f. shear stress
g. tensile stress
h. compressive stress
7 Two shafts 'A' and 'B' transmit the same power. The speed of shaft 'A' is 250 r.p.m. b
and that of shaft 'B' is 300 r.p.m. The shaft 'B' has the greater diameter.
c. True
d. False
8 The stress induced in a body, when suddenly loaded, is __________ the stress c
induced when the same load is applied gradually.
[Type text]

e. equal to
f. one-half
g. twice
h. our times
9 If the slenderness ratio for a column is 100, then it is said to be a __________ a
c. long
d. medium
e. short
10 The bending moment at a point on a beam is the algebraic __________ of all the a
moments on either side of the point.
e. sum
f. difference
11 Two closely coiled helical springs 'A' and 'B' are equal in all respects but the c
number of turns of spring 'A' is half that of spring 'B' The ratio of deflections in
spring 'A' to spring 'B' is
e. 1/8
f. 1/4
g. 1/2
h. 2
12 When a rectangular beam is loaded transversely, the maximum compressive stress b
is developed on the
e. top layer
f. bottom layer
g. neutral axis
h. every cross-section
13 The maximum stress produced in a bar of tapering section is at a
e. smaller end
f. larger end
g. middle
h. anywhere
14 The energy stored in a body when strained within elastic limit is known as c
e. resilience
f. proof resilience
g. strain energy
h. impact energy
15 In compression test, the fracture in cast iron specimen would occur along b
e. the axis of load
f. an oblique plane
g. at right angles to the axis of specimen
h. would not occur
[Type text]

UNIT – 4: Name of unit: Non-Linear programming (Optimization Technique) Number of questions: 15

Q.No. Question Answer
1 Where we see the Applications of nonlinear optimization Technique e
a. optimization problems arise in urban vehicle traffic management, in airline
transportation management

b. In airline transportation, optimization arises in everything from

determining the shape of an aircraft wing (and its skeleton) to optimize its
lift/weight, to determining which crew should be assigned to which flight
routes to minimize costs

c. Optimization is used to determine prices and inventories of products in

stores and in online enterprises

d. In the finance industry, nonlinear optimization is used to compute efficient

asset portfolios
e. All of the above

2 If the optimization problem involves the objective function and/or constraints that a
are not stated as explicit functions of the design variables or which are too
complicated to manipulate, we cannot solve it by using the classical analytical
methods in that case which of the following methods are used to solve such
a. Non-Linear One-dimensional Minimization Method
b. Linear Simplex method
c. Classical optimization technique
d. All of the above

3 A unimodal function is one that has only one peak (maximum) or valley (minimum) d
in a given interval. Thus a function of one variable is said to be unimodal if, given
that two values of the variable are on the same side of the optimum, the one
nearer the optimum gives the better functional value (i.e., the smaller value in the
case of a minimization problem). This can be stated mathematically as follows:
A function f (x) is unimodal if (i) X1 < X2 < X* implies that f (x2) < f (x1) and (ii) X2
> X1> X* implies that f (x1) < f (x2) where X* is the minimum point. Now which
one of the fig represents unimodal function.

[Type text]


d. All of the above

4 In most practical problems, the optimum solution is known to lie within restricted a
ranges of the design variables. In some cases this range is not known, what kind of
search is performed on the values of variable by using elimination method
a. Unrestricted Search
b. Restricted search
c. Exhaustive Search
d. Dichotomous Search

5 what are the two methods used in the Un restricted search of the elimination a
method in Non-Linear Programming One-dimensional minimization
a. Fixed step size and Accelerated step size
b. variable step size and Accelerated step size
c. Fixed step size and normal step size
d. None of the above

6 Which of the method used to solve problems where the interval in which the a
optimum is known to lie is finite and evaluating the objective function at a
predetermined number of equally spaced points in the interval?
a. Exhaustive search
b. Unrestricted search
c. Normalized search
d. Dichotomous search

7 If the function is evaluated at n equally spaced points in the original interval of a

uncertainty of length 𝐿0 = 𝑋𝑓 − 𝑋𝑠 , and if the optimum value of the function
(among the n function values) turns out to be at point 𝑋𝑗 , the final interval of
uncertainty is given by
𝑎. 𝐿0 = 𝑋𝑗+1 − 𝑋𝑗−1 = 𝑛+1 𝐿0
[Type text]

𝑏. 𝐿0 = 𝑋𝑗+1 + 𝑋𝑗−1 = 𝑛+1 𝐿0
𝑐. 𝐿0 = 𝑋𝑗−1 + 𝑋𝑗+1 = 𝑛+1 𝐿0
d. 𝐿0 = 𝑋𝑗−1 − 𝑋𝑗+1= 𝑛+1 𝐿0

8 In most practical problems, the optimum solution is known to lie within a

restricted ranges of the design variables. In some cases this range is not
known, and hence the search has to be made with no restrictions on the
values of the variables
a. True
b. False

9 A optimization method in non –linear programming used to find more specifically b

global minimum of a function f(x) that is twice – differentiable also used to solve
expansive and complex problems
a. full Newton’s Methods
b. Quasi-Newton Methods
c. Linear programming
d. Both a and b
e. None of the above

10 Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding the Equal Interval Search d
and Golden Section Search methods?
a. Both methods require an initial boundary region to start the search
b. The number of iterations in both methods are affected by the size of ε
c. Everything else being equal, the Golden Section Search method should find
an optimal solution faster.
d. Everything else being equal, the Equal Interval Search method should find
an optimal solution faster.

11 Which of the following parameters is not required to use the Golden Section c
Search method for optimization?
a. The lower bound for the search region
b. The upper bound for the search region
c. The golden ratio
d. The function to be optimized

12 When applying the Golden Section Search method to a function f(x) to find its d
maximum, the f(x1)>f(x2) condition holds true for the intermediate
points x1 and x2. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
a. The new search region is determined by [x2, xu ]
b. The intermediate point x1 stays as one of the intermediate points
[Type text]

c. The upper bound xu stays the same

d. The new search region is determined by [xl, x1 ]

13 In the graph below, the lower and upper boundary of the search is given b
by x1 and x3 respectively. If x4 and x2 are the initial intermediary points, which of
the following statement is false?
a. The distance between x2 and x1 is equal to the distance between x4 andx3
b. The distance between x4 and x2 is approximately 0.618 times the distance
between x2 and x1
c. The distance between x4 and x1 is approximately 0.618 times the distance
between x4 and x3
d. The distance between x4 and x1 is equal to the distance between x2 andx3

14 Using the Golden Section Search method, find two numbers whose sum is 90 and c
their product is as large as possible. Use the interval [0,90].
a. 30 and 60
b. 45 and 45
c. 38 and 55
d. 20 and 70

15 Which of the following statement is true for Random Search Methods e

a. Random Search methods can work even if the objective function is
discontinuous and nondifferentiable at some of the points.
b. The random search methods can be used to find the global minimum
when the objective function possesses several relative minima.
c. Random Search are applicable when other methods fail due to local
difficulties such as sharply varying functions and shallow regions.
d. Although the random methods are not very efficient by themselves, they
can be used in the early stages of optimization to detect the region where
the global minimum is likely to be found. Once this region is found, some
of the more efficient techniques can be used to find the precise location of
the global minimum point.
e. All of the above

16 Consider the problem of finding the minimum of the function shown below. Given a
the intermediate points in the drawing, what would be the search region in the
next iteration?
[Type text]

a. [x2, xu ]
b. [x1, xu ]
c. [x1, x1 ]
d. [x1, x2 ]

17 Which of the following statement is true for Random Search Methods f

a. Random Search methods can work even if the objective function is
discontinuous and nondifferentiable at some of the points.
b. The random search methods can be used to find the global minimum
when the objective function possesses several relative minima.
c. Random Search are applicable when other methods fail due to local
difficulties such as sharply varying functions and shallow regions.

d. Although the random methods are not very efficient by themselves, they
can be used in the early stages of optimization to detect the region where
the global minimum is likely to be found. Once this region is found, some
of the more efficient techniques can be used to find the precise location of
the global minimum point.

e. All of the above

18 Which of the following statement is true regarding Powell's method. f

a. Powell's method is an extension of the basic pattern search method
b. It is the most widely used direct search method and can be proved to be a
method of conjugate directions

c. It is an algorithm proposed by Michael J. D. Powell for finding a local

minimum of a function.
d. The function need not be differentiable, and no derivatives are taken
e. The function must be a real-valued function of a fixed number of real-
valued inputs. The caller passes in the initial point.
f. All of the above

19 If a minimization method, using exact arithmetic, can find the minimum point in n a
steps while minimizing a quadratic function in n variables, the method is called as ?
a. quadratically convergent method
b. Linear Convergent method
c. Conjugate Directions method
d. Non-linear convergent method


Optimization Techniques UNIT - 5: Modern methods of Optimization No of Questions: 18

Q.No. Questions Answer
1 The concept of Boltzmann-probability distribution is used in Simulated
Annealing to ensure that
a. The probability of selecting bad solutions is more initially but it decreases as
the iteration proceeds
b. The probability of selecting bad solutions is less initially but it increases as
the iteration proceeds
c. The algorithm becomes computationally faster
d. The algorithm becomes easier to understand

2 During optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) caries out

a. Local search only
b. Global search only C
c. Both local and global searches simultaneously
d. Neither local nor global search

In comparison with a Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

is expected to be
a. More efficient and computationally faster
b. Less efficient but computationally faster are at ±2j

c. More efficient but computationally slower

d. Less efficient and computationally slower

4 On principle, particle swarm optimization (P50) solves

a. Maximization Problem
b. Minimization Problem A
c. Neither Maximization Problem nor Minimization Problem
d. Problem having saddle point


5 In Particle Swami Optimization (PSO) algorithm, velocity of a particle is

updated iteratively using the concept(s) of
a. Initial momentum
b. Initial momentum and social interaction
c. Initial momentum, social and cognitive components
d. Social and cognitive components

6 Genetic algorithm (GA) is a

a. Powerful tool for both local and global searches simultaneously
b. Powerful tool for global search For a si ngle pol e at origin the sy stem is of ty pe 1 and impulse res pons e of the system

c. Powerful tool for local search
with si ngle pol e at the origin will be cons tant

d. Weak tool for global search

7 Genetic algorithm is suitable for parallel computing as

a. It has the operators like reproduction, crossover, and mutation
b. It is a population-based approach B
Since both the systems that is the first
order systems are cascaded non-
interactively, the overall unit step response
will be critically damped.

c. It does not require gradient information of the objective function

d. It is a robust optimization tool

Simulated annealing balances exploitation and exploration with the

temperature parameter
a. True
b. False

9 A genetic algorithm (GA) has the ability to

a. Evolve topology, connecting weights, coefficients of transfer functions of the
neural network A
b. Generate training scenarios for the neural network
c. Implement un-supervised learning to the neural network
d. Make the neural network faster

A neuron used in artificial neural network is a processing unit, which consists

a. Summing junction only
b. Summing junction and transfer function Decrea se with a nd i ncrea se

c. Transfer function only

d. Neither summing junction nor transfer function

11 Genetic Algorithms are

a. A class of algorithms that try and build solution by introducing evolution and
selection of the best in a population of candidate solutions.
A, B
b. Methods. based on the theory of natural selection and evolutionary biology,
for solving optimization problems. and D
c. Methods for genetically modifying ants to do ant colony optimization.
d. Heuristic search method used in artificial intelligence and computing.


12 The Fitness Function in Genetic Algorithms is

a. Method to measure how fn a candidate solution is in soMng the problem.
A, B
b. The objective function for the optimization problem being solved.
and C
c. A substitute to approximate the survival abilities of individuals in nature
d. A least squares approximation for a polynomial.

13 The basic idea behind Genetic Algorithms is to work with a population

a. of problem solvers that interact with each other through signs. B
b. of candidate solutions to try and create better candidates by mixing genes.
c. of candidate solutions in which each candidate is heuristically refined.
d. of problem solvers each of which does an independent heuristic search.

14 A genetic algorithm (GA) for optimization is most likely to succeed given

a. Small population of In and similar individuals
b. Large population of In and similar individuals. Increasi ng the Loop gain at low frequency helps in disturba nce reje ction
Small loop gain helps in atten uating noise

c. Small diverse population of fit individuals.

d. Large diverse population of fit individuals.

15 An ant in Ant Colony Optimization algorithm for TSP produces a tour by

a. Deterministic greedy constructive method.
b. Stochastic greedy constructive method. B
c. Deterministic perturbation of the previous tour.
d. Stochastic perturbation of the previous tour.

16 Simulated annealing only selects neighbor solutions that are better than the
current solution B
a. True Phas e lag contr oller is the i ntegral c ontroller that creates the phas e l ag and does not
affect the val ue of the dam ping fac tor and that tries to r educ e the steady state error.

b. False

The basic idea behind Ant Colony Optimization algorithms is to work with a
a. of problem solvers that interact with each other through signs A and
b. of candidate solutions to try and create better candidates by mixing genes D
c. of candidate solutions in which each candidate is heuristically refined.
d. of problem solvers each of which does an independent heuristic search.

In Particle Swami Optimization (PSO) algorithm, velocity of a particle is

updated iteratively using the concept(s) of
a. Initial momentum
b. Initial momentum and social interaction
c. Initial momentum, social and cognitive components
d. Social and cognitive components



UNIT – 1: Topology and Evolutionary structural optimization Number of questions: 15

Q.No. Question Answer
1 In the OT, the layout of the structure includes information on the __________ of d
the structure.
a. Topology
b. Shape
c. Sizing
d. All of the above
2 Topology optimization of solid structures involves the determination of features d
such as
a. Number of holes
b. Shape of holes
c. Location of holes
d. All of the above
3 Which of the following categories of structural optimization represent Topology c

d) None of this
4 The use of interpolation scheme like SIM allows us to convert the topology b
problem into _________ on a fixed domain.
a. Shaping problem
b. Sizing problem

c. Topology problem
d. None of these
5 The layout of truss like structure and Michell frames method is used a
a. Small volume fraction
b. Large volume fraction
c. Both
d. None of these
6 For very low fractions, very fine discretization meshs are required when dealing a
a. 0-1 design
b. 1-2 design

c. 0-3 design
d. 2-3 design
7 For the high volume fraction, even coarse mesh gives a very good indication of b
a. Design & topology
b. Optimal compliance
c. Optimization
d. Shape & topology
8 Specify the condition for deleting the elements from the model after each finite a
elements analysis. [ RRi = Current rejection rate]




9 State True or False. a
In two Bar Frame, as the rejection ration increases, more and more
relatively inefficient material is removed from the structure.
a. True
b. False

10 The sensitivity number for the mean compliance can be defined as a





11 The BESO concept has also been applied to ‘full stress design’ by using which of a
the following criterion.
a. Von Mises stress criterion
b. St. Venant's theory
c. Rankine's theory
d. None of this.

12 Optimization Techniques approach is typically based on the use of _________. b

a. Physical model
b. Mathematical model
c. Iconic model
d. Descriptive model
13 BESO method for stiffness optimization has the following advantages: d
a. High quality topology solutions
b. Excellent computational efficiency
c. Algorithms easy to understand and simple to implement
d. All of the above
14 ESO is based on the simple concept of gradually removing inefficient material from a a
a. True
b. False
15 Stiffness is one of the key factors that must be taken into account in the design of such b
Structures as buildings and bridges.
a. True
b. False

UNIT – 2: Name of unit: -------- Number of questions: 15

Q.No. Question Answer
1 Strain energy is the a
e. energy stored in a body when strained within elastic limits
f. maximum strain energy which can be stored in a body
g. proof resilience per unit volume of a material
h. energy stored in a body when strained upto the breaking of a specimen
2 A vertical column has two moments of inertia (i.e. Ixx and Iyy ). The column will d
tend to buckle in the direction of the
e. axis of load
f. perpendicular to the axis of load
g. maximum moment of inertia
h. minimum moment of inertia
3 The neutral axis of the cross-section a beam is that axis at which the bending a
stress is
i. zero
j. minimum
k. maximum
l. infinity
4 Euler's formula holds good only for a
e. short columns
f. long columns
g. both short and long columns
h. weak columns
5 The object of caulking in a riveted joint is to make the joint d
e. free from corrosion
f. stronger in tension
g. free from stresses
h. leak-proof
6 A steel bar of 5 mm is heated from 15° C to 40° C and it is free to expand. The a
bar Will induce
e. no stress
f. shear stress
g. tensile stress
h. compressive stress
7 Two shafts 'A' and 'B' transmit the same power. The speed of shaft 'A' is 250 b
r.p.m. and that of shaft 'B' is 300 r.p.m. The shaft 'B' has the greater diameter.
e. True
f. False
8 The stress induced in a body, when suddenly loaded, is __________ the stress c
induced when the same load is applied gradually.
e. equal to

f. one-half
g. twice
h. our times
9 If the slenderness ratio for a column is 100, then it is said to be a __________ a
c. long
d. medium
e. short
10 The bending moment at a point on a beam is the algebraic __________ of all the a
moments on either side of the point.
e. sum
f. difference
11 Two closely coiled helical springs 'A' and 'B' are equal in all respects but the c
number of turns of spring 'A' is half that of spring 'B' The ratio of deflections in
spring 'A' to spring 'B' is
e. 1/8
f. 1/4
g. 1/2
h. 2
12 When a rectangular beam is loaded transversely, the maximum compressive b
stress is developed on the
e. top layer
f. bottom layer
g. neutral axis
h. every cross-section
13 The maximum stress produced in a bar of tapering section is at a
e. smaller end
f. larger end
g. middle
h. anywhere
14 The energy stored in a body when strained within elastic limit is known as c
c. resilience
d. proof resilience
e. strain energy
f. impact energy
15 In compression test, the fracture in cast iron specimen would occur along b
c. the axis of load
d. an oblique plane
e. at right angles to the axis of specimen
f. would not occur
1. Operations Research approach is ______________.

A. multi-disciplinary
B. scientific
C. intuitive
D. collect essential data

2. A feasible solution to a linear programming problem ______________.

A. must satisfy all the constraints of the problem simultaneously

B. need not satisfy all of the constraints, only some of them
C. must be a corner point of the feasible region.
D. must optimize the value of the objective function

3. If any value in XB column of final simplex table is negative, then the solution is

A. infeasible
B. infeasible
C. bounded
D. no solution

4. For any primal problem and its dual______________.

A. optimal value of objective function is same

B. dual will have an optimal solution iff primal does too
C. primal will have an optimal solution iff dual does too
D. both primal and dual cannot be infeasible

5. The difference between total float and head event slack is ______________

A. free float
B. independent float
C. interference float
D. linear float

6. An optimal assignment requires that the maximum number of lines which can be
drawn through squares with zero opportunity cost should be equal to the number of

A. rows or columns
B. rows and columns.
C. rows+columns- 1
D. rows-columns.
7. To proceed with the Modified Distribution method algorithm for solving an
transportation problem, the number of dummy allocations need to be added

A. n
B. n -1
C. 2n-1
D. n-2

8. Select the correct statement

A. EOQ is that quantity at which price paid by the buyer is minimum

B. If annual demand doubles with all other parameters remaining constant, the
Economic Order Quantity is doubled
C. Total ordering cost equals holding cost
D. Stock out cost is never permitted

9. Service mechanism in a queuing system is characterized by ______________.

A. customers behavior
B. servers behavior
C. customers in the system
D. server in the system

10. The objective of network analysis is to______________.

A. minimize total project duration

B. minimize toal project cost
C. minimize production delays, interruption and conflicts
D. maximize total project duration

11. In program evaluation review technique network each activity time assume a beta
distribution because______________.

A. it is a unimodal distribution that provides information regarding the uncertainty

of time estimates of activities
B. it has got finite non-negative error
C. it need not be symmetrical about model value
D. the project is progressing well

12. If there is no non-negative replacement ratio in solving a Linear Programming

Problem then the solution is ______________.

A. feasible
B. bounded
C. unbounded
D. infinite

13. The calling population is considered to be infinite when ______________.

A. all customers arrive at once

B. capacity of the system is infinite
C. service rate is faster than arrival rate
D. arrivals are independent of each other

14. In marking assignments, which of the following should be preferred?

A. Only row having single zero

B. Only column having single zero
C. Only row/column having single zero
D. Column having more than one zero

15. A petrol pump have one pump; Vehicles arrive at the petrol pump according to
poison input process at average of 12 per hour. The service time follows exponential
distribution with a mean of 4 minutes. The pumps are expected to be idle for

A. 3/5
B. 4/5
C. 5/3
D. 6/5

16. If the order quantity (size of order) is increased, ______________

A. holding costs decrease and ordering costs increase

B. holding costs increase and ordering costs decrease
C. the total costs increase and then decrease
D. storage cost as well as stock-out cost increase

17. ______________ is a mathematical technique used to solve the problem of allocating

limited resource among the competing activities

A. Linear Programming problem

B. Assignment Problem
C. Replacement Problem
D. Non linear Programming Problem

18. A mixed strategy game can be solved by ______________.

A. Simplex method
B. Hungarian method
C. Graphical method
D. Degeneracy

19. The activity cost corresponding to the crash time is called the ______________.

A. critical time
B. normal time
C. cost slope
D. crash cost

20. A set of feasible solution to a Linear Programming Problem is ______________

A. convex
B. polygon
C. triangle
D. bold

21. In an Linear Programming Problem functions to be maximized or minimized are

called ______________.

A. constraints
B. objective function
C. basic solution
D. feasible solution

22. If the primal problem has n constraints and m variables then the number of
constraints in the dual problem is ______________.

A. mn
B. m+n
C. m-n
D. m/n

23. The non basic variables are called ______________.

A. shadow cost
B. opportunity cost
C. slack variable
D. surplus variable

24. Key element is also known as ______________.

A. slack
B. surplus
C. artificial
D. pivot

25. The solution to a transportation problem with m-sources and n-destinations is

feasible if the numbers of allocations are ______________.

A. m+n
B. mn
C. m-n
D. m+n-1

26. The allocation cells in the transportation table will be called ______________ cell

A. occupied
B. unoccupied
C. no
D. finite

27. To resolve degeneracy at the initial solution, a very small quantity is allocated in
______________ cell

A. occupied
B. unoccupied
C. no
D. finite

28. The assignment algorithm was developed by ______________ method.


29. An assignment problem is a particular case of ______________.

A. transportation Problem
B. assignment Problem
C. travelling salesman problem
D. replacement Problem
30. The coefficient of slack\surplus variables in the objective function are always
assumed to be ______________.

A. 0
B. 1
C. M
D. -M

31. Using ______________ method, we can never have an unbounded solution

A. Simplex
B. Dual simplex
C. Big M
D. Modi

32. The customers of high priority are given service over the low priority customers is

A. Pre emptive

33. A queuing system is said to be a ______________ when its operating characteristic

are independent upon time

A. pure birth model

B. pure death model
C. transient state
D. steady state

34. An activity which does not consume neither any resource nor time is known as

A. predecessor activity
B. successor activity
C. dummy activity
D. activity

35. The difference between total and free float is ______________.

A. total
B. free
C. independent
D. interference
36. The number of time estimates involved in Program Evaluation Review Technique
problem is ______________.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

37. The assignment problem is always a ______________matrix.

A. circle
B. square
C. rectangle
D. triangle

38. The slack variables indicate ______________.

A. excess resource available.

B. shortage of resource
C. nil resource
D. idle resource

39. If the net evaluation corresponding to any non -basic variable is zero, it is an
indication of the existence of an ______________.

A. initial basic feasible solution

B. optimum basic feasible solution
C. optimum solution.
D. alternate optimum solution.

40. Mathematical model of linear programming problem is important because


A. it helps in converting the verbal description and numerical data into

mathematical expression
B. decision makers prefer to work with formal models
C. it captures the relevant relationship among decision factors
D. it enables the use of algebraic technique
41. While solving a linear programming problem infeasibility may be removed by

A. adding another constraint

B. adding another variable
C. removing a constraint
D. removing a variable

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
removing a constraint

42. The right hand side constant of a constraint in a primal problem appears in the
corresponding dual as______________.

A. a coefficient in the objective function

B. a right hand side constant of a function
C. an input output coefficient a left hand side constraint
D. coefficient variable

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
a coefficient in the objective function

43. During iteration while moving from one solution to the next, degeneracy may
occur when______________

A. the closed path indicates a diagonal move

B. two or more occupied cells are on the closed path but neither of them
represents a corner of the path.
C. two or more occupied cells on the closed path with minus sign are tied for
lowest circled value.
D. the closed path indicates a rectangle move.

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
two or more occupied cells on the closed path with minus sign are tied for lowest
circled value.

44. Maximization assignment problem is transformed into a minimization problem


A. adding each entry in a column from the maximum value in that column
B. subtracting each entry in a column from the maximum value in that column
C. subtracting each entry in the table from the maximum value in that table
D. adding each entry in the table from the maximum value in that table

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
subtracting each entry in the table from the maximum value in that table

45. Priority queue discipline may be classified as______________.

A. pre-emptive or non-pre-emptive
B. limited
C. unlimited
D. finite

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

46. Replace an item when______________.

A. average cost upto date is equal to the current maintenance cost

B. average cost upto date is greater than the current maintenance cost
C. average cost upto date is less than the current maintenance cost.
D. next year running cost in more than average cost of nth year

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
average cost upto date is equal to the current maintenance cost

47. In time cost trade off function analysis______________.

A. cost decreases linearly as time increases

B. cost increases linearly as time decreases
C. cost at normal time is zero
D. cost increases linearly as time increases

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
cost decreases linearly as time increases

48. The transportation problem deals with the transportation of ______________.

A. a single product from a source to several destinations

B. a single product from several sources to several destinations
C. a single product from several sources to a destination
D. a multi -product from several sources to several destinations
View answer
Correct answer: (A)
a single product from a source to several destinations

49. The minimum number of lines covering all zeros in a reduced cost matrix of order
n can be ______________.

A. at the most n
B. at the least n
C. n-1
D. n+1

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
at the most n

50. For a 2.5% increase in order quantity (under fundamental EOQ problem) the total
relevant cost would ______________

A. increase by 2.5%.
B. decrease by 2.5%.
C. increase by 0.25%.
D. decrease by 0.25%.

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
increase by 2.5%.

51. In the basic EOQ model, if the lead time increases from 2 to 4 days, the EOQ will

A. double increase
B. remain constant
C. but not double
D. decrease by a factor of two

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Correct answer: (B)
remain constant

52. When the sum of gains of one player is equal to the sum of losses to another player
in a game, this situation is known as ______________.
A. two-person game
B. two-person zero-sum game
C. zero-sum game
D. non-zero-sum game

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Correct answer: (C)
zero-sum game

53. In the network, one activity may connect any ______________ nodes

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

54. Graphical method is also known as ______________.

A. Simplex Method
B. Dual Simplex Method
C. Big-M Method
D. Search-Approach Method

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Correct answer: (D)
Search-Approach Method

55. If the given Linear Programming Problem is in its standard form then primal-dual
pair is ______________.

A. symmetric
B. un symmetric
C. square
D. triangle

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Correct answer: (B)
un symmetric
56. The method used to solve Linear Programming Problem without use of the artificial
variable is called ______________.

A. Simplex Method
B. Big-M Method
C. Dual Simplex Method
D. Graphical Mehtod

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Correct answer: (C)
Dual Simplex Method

57. When the total demand is equal to supply then the transportation problem is said
to be ______________

A. balanced
B. unbalanced
C. maximization
D. minimization

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

58. For finding an optimum solution in transportation problem ______________ method

is used.

A. Simplex
B. Big-M
C. Modi
D. Hungarian

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Correct answer: (C)

59. Linear Programming Problem is a technique of finding the ______________.

A. optimal value
B. approximate value
C. initial value
D. infeasible value

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Correct answer: (A)
optimal value

60. Any solution to a Linear Programming Problem which also satisfies the non-
negative notifications of the problem has ______________.

A. solution
B. basic solution
C. basic feasible solution
D. feasible solution

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Correct answer: (D)
feasible solution

61. Customers arrive at a box office window, being manned ny single individual,
according to Poisson input process with mean rate of 20 per hour, while the mean
service time is 2 minutes. Which of the following is not true for this system?

A. E(n) = 2 customers
B. E(m) = 4/3 customers
C. E(v) = 6 minutes
D. E(w) = 16 minutes

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Correct answer: (A)
E(n) = 2 customers

62. A game is said to be strictly determinable if______________.

A. maximin value equal to minimax value

B. maximin value is less than or equal to minimax value
C. maximin value is greater than or equal to minimax value
D. maximin value is not equal to minimax value

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Correct answer: (A)
maximin value equal to minimax value

63. The irreducible minimum duration of the project is called ______________.

A. critical time
B. normal time
C. cost slope
D. crash duration

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Correct answer: (D)
crash duration

64. The cost of a slack variable is ______________.

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. -1

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Correct answer: (A)

65. Linear Programming Problem that can be solved by graphical method has

A. linear constraints
B. quadratic constraints
C. non linear constraints
D. bi-quadratic constraints

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Correct answer: (A)
linear constraints

66. If one or more variable vanish then a basic solution to the system is called

A. non feasible region

B. feasible region
C. degenerate solution
D. basic solution

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Correct answer: (C)
degenerate solution

67. ______________ method is an alternative method of solving a Linear Programming

Problem involving artificial variables
A. Simplex Method
B. Big-M Method
C. Dual Simplex Method
D. Graphical Mehtod

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Correct answer: (B)
Big-M Method

68. The server utilization factor is also known as ______________

A. erlang distribution
B. poisson distribution
C. exponential distribution
D. traffic intensity

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Correct answer: (D)
traffic intensity

69. In a transportation table, an ordered set of______________ or more cells is said to

form a loop

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

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Correct answer: (C)

70. A Linear Programming Problem have ______________ optimal solution

A. 1
B. 2
C. more than 1
D. more than 2

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Correct answer: (C)
more than 1
71. An n-tuple of real numbers which satisfies the constraints of Linear Programming
Problem is called ______________

A. solution
B. basic solution
C. basic feasible solution
D. feasible solution

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Correct answer: (A)

72. Chose the correct statement: A degenerate solution is one that______________.

A. gives an optimum solution to the Linear Programming Problem

B. gives zero value to one or more of the basic variables
C. yields more than one way to achieve the objective
D. makes use of all available resources

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Correct answer: (B)
gives zero value to one or more of the basic variables

73. At any iteration of the usual simplex method, if there is at least one basic variable
in the basis at zero level and all the index numbers are non-negative, the current
solution is ______________.

A. basic solution
B. non basic solution
C. degenerate
D. non degenerate

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Correct answer: (C)

74. The model in which only arrivals are counted and no departure takes place are
called ______________.

A. pure birth model

B. pure death model
C. birth death model
D. death birth model

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Correct answer: (A)
pure birth model

75. ______________ of a queuing system is the state where the probability of the number
of customers in the system depends upon time

A. pure birth model

B. pure death model
C. transient state
D. steady state

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Correct answer: (D)
steady state

76. The initial event which has all outgoing arrows with no incoming arrow is
numbered ______________.

A. 0
B. 1
C. -1
D. 2

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Correct answer: (A)

77. In a network diagram an event is denoted by the symbol ______________.

A. arrow
B. straight line
C. curve
D. circle

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Correct answer: (D)

78. An ______________ represent the start or completion of some activity and as such it
consumes no time

A. activity
B. event
C. slack
D. path
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Correct answer: (B)

79. ______________ is used for non-repetitive jobs

A. Queue
B. Replacement

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Correct answer: (C)

80. The assignment problem will have alternate solutions when the total opportunity
cost matrix has ______________

A. atleast one zero in each row and column

B. when all rows have two zeros
C. when there is a tie between zero opportunity cost cells
D. if two diagonal elements are zeros.

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Correct answer: (C)
when there is a tie between zero opportunity cost cells

81. The region common to all the constraints including the non-negativity restrictions
is called the ______________.

A. solution space
B. unique solution
C. optimum solution
D. infeasible solution

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Correct answer: (A)
solution space
82. A activity in a network diagram is said to be ______________ if the delay in its start
will further delay the project completion time.

A. forward pass
B. backward pass
C. critical.
D. non-critical.

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Correct answer: (C)

83. Operation research approach is typically based on the use of ______________.

A. physical model.
B. mathematical model.
C. iconic model.
D. descriptive model.

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Correct answer: (B)
mathematical model.

84. An Iso-profit line represents ______________.

A. a boundary of the feasible region

B. an infinite number of solution all of which yield the same cost
C. an infinite number of solutions all of which yield the same profit
D. an infinite number of optimal solutions

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Correct answer: (C)
an infinite number of solutions all of which yield the same profit

85. If an artificial variable is present in the basic variable column of optimal simplex
table, then the problem has ______________ solution.

A. alternative
B. no solution
C. bounded
D. infeasible

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Correct answer: (D)
86. The dummy source or destination in a transportation problem is added to

A. satisfy rim conditions

B. prevent solution from becoming degenerate
C. ensure that total cost does not exceed a limit
D. the solution not be degenerate

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Correct answer: (A)
satisfy rim conditions

87. Which of the following methods is used to verify the optimality of the current
solution of the transportation problem______________.

A. Least cost method

B. Vogel's Approximation method
C. Row minima method
D. Modified Distribution method

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Correct answer: (D)
Modified Distribution method

88. For a salesman who has to visit n cities, following are the ways of his tour plan

A. n!
B. (n+a)!
C. (n-a)!
D. n

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Correct answer: (C)

89. Economic order quantity results in ______________

A. equalisation of carrying cost and procurement cost

B. favourable procurement price
C. reduced chances of stock outs
D. minimization of set up cost

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Correct answer: (A)
equalisation of carrying cost and procurement cost

90. The problem of replacement is felt when job performing units fail ______________.

A. suddenly and gradually

B. gradually
C. suddenly
D. neither gradually nor suddenly

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Correct answer: (A)
suddenly and gradually

91. Float analysis is useful for ______________.

A. total float
B. free float
C. independent float
D. variance of each float

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Correct answer: (B)
free float

92. The difference between free float and tail event slack is ______________

A. total float
B. independent float
C. interference float
D. slack

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Correct answer: (B)
independent float

93. The assignment problem is a special case of transportation problem in which


A. number of origins are less than the number of destinations

B. number of origins are greater than the number of destinations
C. number of origins are greater than or equal to the number of destinations
D. number of origins equals the number of destinations
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Correct answer: (D)
number of origins equals the number of destinations

94. The average arrival rate in a single server queuing system is 10 customers per hour
and average service rate is 15 customers per hour. The average time that a customer
must wait before it is taken up for service shall be ______________minutes.

A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12

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Correct answer: (B)

95. The time between the placement of an order and its delivery is called as

A. buffer time
B. lead time
C. Economic Order Quantity
D. capital time

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Correct answer: (B)
lead time

96. In Program Evaluation Review Technique the maximum time that is required to
perform the activity under extremely bad conditions is known as ______________.

A. normal time
B. optimistic time
C. most likely time
D. pessimistic time

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Correct answer: (D)
pessimistic time

97. All of the following may be used to find the EOQ except ______________.

A. optimal number of days supply to order

B. number of orders which minimize ordering costs optimal
C. number of rupees per order optimal
D. number of orders per year

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Correct answer: (D)
number of orders per year

98. A feasible solution of an Linear Programming Problem that optimizes the objective
function is called ______________

A. basic feasible solution

B. optimum solution
C. feasible solution
D. solution

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Correct answer: (B)
optimum solution

99. Charnes method of penalty is called ______________

A. Simplex Method
B. Dual Simplex Method
C. Big-M Method
D. Graphical Method

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Correct answer: (C)
Big-M Method

100. If the given Linear Programming Problem is in its canonical form then primal-dual
pair is ______________.

A. symmetric
B. un symmetric
C. square
D. non square

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Correct answer: (B)
un symmetric

101. All the basis for a transportation problem is ______________.

A. square
B. rectangle
C. diagonal
D. triangle

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Correct answer: (D)

102. In the transportation table, empty cells will be called ______________.

A. occupied
B. unoccupied
C. no
D. finite

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Correct answer: (B)

103. ______________ is a completely degenerate form of a transportation problem

A. Transportation Problem
B. Assignment Problem
C. Travelling salesman problem
D. Replacement Problem

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Correct answer: (B)
Assignment Problem

104. The linear function to be maximized or minimized is called ______________ function.

A. injective
B. surjective
C. bijective
D. optimal

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Correct answer: (D)

105. The coefficient of an artificial variable in the objective function of penalty method
are always assumed to be ______________.
A. 0
B. 1
C. M
D. -M

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Correct answer: (D)

106. The process that performs the services to the customer is known as ______________.

A. queue
B. service channel
C. customers
D. server

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Correct answer: (B)
service channel

107. A queuing system is said to be a ______________ when its operating characteristic

are dependent upon time

A. pure birth model

B. pure death model
C. transient state
D. steady state

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Correct answer: (C)
transient state

108. Slack is also known as ______________.

A. float
B. event
C. activity
D. path

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Correct answer: (A)

109. What type of distribution does a time follow in program evaluation review
technique model?
A. Poisson
B. Exponential
C. Normal
D. Chi Square

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Correct answer: (C)

110. A activity in a network diagram is said to be ______________ if the delay in its start
will further delay the project completion time.

A. critical
B. critical path
C. crash
D. non critical

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Correct answer: (A)

111. The total opportunity cost matrix is obtained by doing ______________.

A. row operation on row opportunity cost matrix

B. column operation on row opportunity cost matrix
C. column operation on column opportunity cost matrix
D. none of the above.

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Correct answer: (B)
column operation on row opportunity cost matrix

112. The simplex method is also called the ______________.

A. dual simplex method.

B. Modi method
C. simplex technique
D. Big-M method

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Correct answer: (C)
simplex technique

113. A degenerate solution is one that ______________.

A. gives an optimum solution to the Linear Programming Problem
B. gives zero value to one or more of the basic variables
C. yields more than one way to achieve the objective
D. makes use of all the available resources

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Correct answer: (B)
gives zero value to one or more of the basic variables

114. Graphical method of linear programming is useful when the number of decision
variable are ______________.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

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Correct answer: (B)

115. In the optimal simplex table, Zj-Cj=0 value indicates ______________.

A. alternative solution
B. bounded solution
C. infeasible solution
D. unbounded solution

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Correct answer: (A)
alternative solution

116. If primal linear programming problem has a finite solution, then dual linear
programming problem should ______________.

A. have optimal solution

B. satisfy the Rim condition
C. have degenerate solution
D. have non-degenerate solution

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Correct answer: (B)
satisfy the Rim condition
117. While solving an assignment problem, an activity is assigned to a resource
through a square with zero opportunity cost because the objective is to______________.

A. minimize total cost of assignment.

B. reduce the cost of assignment to zero
C. reduce the cost of that particular assignment to zero
D. reduce total cost of assignment

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Correct answer: (A)
minimize total cost of assignment.

118. If the procurement cost used in the formula to compute EOQ is half of the actual
procurement cost, the EOQ so obtained will be ______________

A. half of EOQ
B. one third of EOQ
C. one fourth of EOQ
D. 0.707 time EOQ

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Correct answer: (D)
0.707 time EOQ

119. The calling population is assumed to be infinite when ______________.

A. capacity of the system is infinite

B. arrivals are independent of each other
C. service rate is faster than arrival rate
D. all customers arrive at once

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Correct answer: (B)
arrivals are independent of each other

120. If an activity has zero slack, it implies that______________.

A. the project is progressing well

B. it is a dummy activity
C. it lies on the critical path
D. it lies a non critical path

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Correct answer: (C)
it lies on the critical path
121. The transportation problem is balanced, if ______________.

A. total demand and total supply are equal and the number of sources equals the
number of destinations.
B. none of the routes is prohibited
C. total demand equals total supply irrespective of the number of sources and
D. number of sources matches with number of destinations

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Correct answer: (C)
total demand equals total supply irrespective of the number of sources and

122. In an assignment problem involving 5 workers and 5 jobs, total number of

assignments possible are ______________.

A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20

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Correct answer: (A)

123. All of the following are assumptions of the EOQ model except ______________

A. the usage rate is reasonably constant

B. replenishment is not instantaneous
C. only one product is involved
D. there are no quantity discount price

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Correct answer: (B)
replenishment is not instantaneous

124. Average number of trains spent in the yard is denoted by ______________.

A. E(n)
B. E(m)
C. E(v)
D. E(w)

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Correct answer: (C)

125. Graphical method of linear programming is useful when the number of decision
variable are ______________

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

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Correct answer: (A)

126. The cost of a surplus variable is ______________.

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. -1

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Correct answer: (A)

127. The dual of the dual is ______________.

A. dual-primal
B. primal-dual
C. dual
D. primal

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Correct answer: (D)

128. Solution of a Linear Programming Problem when permitted to be infinitely large

is called ______________.

A. unbounded
B. bounded
C. optimum solution
D. no solution

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Correct answer: (C)
optimum solution

129. When the total demand is not equal to supply then it is said to be ______________.

A. balanced
B. unbalanced
C. maximization
D. minimization

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Correct answer: (B)

130. All equality constraints can be replaced equivalently by ______________ inequalities

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

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Correct answer: (B)

131. If the primal has an unbound objective function value then the dual has

A. solution
B. basic solution
C. basic feasible solution
D. no feasible solution

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Correct answer: (D)
no feasible solution

132. If there is no non-negative replacement ratio in a solution which is sought to be

improved, then the solution is ______________.
A. bounded
B. unbounded
C. no solution
D. alternative solution

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Correct answer: (B)

133. An activity is represented by a/an ______________.

A. arrow
B. straight line
C. curve
D. arc

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Correct answer: (A)

134. A project consists of a number of tasks which are called ______________.

A. activities
B. floats
C. events
D. paths

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Correct answer: (A)

135. The similarity between assignment problem and transportation problem is


A. both are rectangular matrices

B. both are square matrices
C. both can be solved y graphical method
D. both have objective function and non-negativity constraints

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Correct answer: (D)
both have objective function and non-negativity constraints

136. The penalty for not taking correct decision is known as ______________.
A. fine
B. loss
C. cost
D. opportunity cost

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Correct answer: (D)
opportunity cost

137. In a given system of m simultaneous linear equations in n unknowns (m<n) there

will be ______________.

A. n basic variables
B. m basic variables
C. (n-m) basic variables
D. (n+m) basic variables

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Correct answer: (B)
m basic variables

138. If all aij values in the entering variable column of the simplex table are negative,
then ______________.

A. solution is unbounded
B. solution is degenerate
C. there exist no solution
D. there are multiple solutions

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Correct answer: (A)
solution is unbounded

139. An unoccupied cell in the transportation method is analogous to a______________.

A. Zj-Cj value in the simplex table.

B. variable in the B-column in the simplex table.
C. variable not in the B-column in the simplex table.
D. value in the XB column in the simplex table.

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Correct answer: (B)
variable in the B-column in the simplex table.
140. Every basic feasible solution of a general assignment problem having a square
pay-off matrix of order n should have assignments equal to______________.

A. 2n-1
B. n
C. n+1
D. n-2

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Correct answer: (A)

141. Which of the following is correct?

A. Re-order quantity in a fixed order-interval system equals EOQ

B. Review period of the item is always kept higher than its lead time
C. Re-order level of an item is always more than its minimum stock
D. Buffer stock is the total stock kept to meet the demand during lead time

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Correct answer: (C)
Re-order level of an item is always more than its minimum stock

142. The group replacement policy is suitable for identical low cost items which are
likely to ______________.

A. fail suddenly
B. fail completely and suddenly
C. fail over a period of time
D. be progressive and retrogressive

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Correct answer: (C)
fail over a period of time

143. Identify the correct statement

A. an assignment problem may require the introduction of both dummy row and
dummy column
B. an assignment problem with m rows and n columns will involves a total of m x
n possible assignments
C. an unbalanced assignment is one where the number of rows is more than, or
less than the number of columns
D. balancing any unbalanced assignment problem involves adding one dummy
row or column

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Correct answer: (C)
an unbalanced assignment is one where the number of rows is more than, or less
than the number of columns

144. A game is said to be fair if ______________.

A. lower and upper values are zero

B. only lower value to be zero
C. only upper value to be zero
D. lower and upper values are not equal to zero

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Correct answer: (A)
lower and upper values are zero

145. Which of the following is not a part of holding (or carrying) costs?

A. Rent for storage space

B. Extra expenses for an overnight express mail.
C. Spoilage costs
D. Electricity and heat for the buildings

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Correct answer: (B)
Extra expenses for an overnight express mail.

146. The area bounded by all the given constraints is called ______________.

A. feasible region
B. basic solution
C. non feasible region
D. optimum basic feasible solution

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Correct answer: (A)
feasible region

147. When D=18000, holding cost=Rs.1.20, set-up cost=Rs.400 ,EOQ = ______________

A. 3465
B. 3750
C. 3500
D. 4000

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Correct answer: (A)

148. Given arrival rate = 15/hr, service rate = 20/hr, the value of traffic intensity is

A. 3/4
B. 4/3
C. 3/5
D. 4/5

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Correct answer: (A)

149. An activity is critical if its ______________ float is zero

A. total
B. free
C. independent
D. interference

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Correct answer: (A)

150. ______________ is employed in construction and business problems

A. Queue
B. Replacement

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Correct answer: (D)

151. __________ occurs when the number of occupied squares is less than the number
of rows plus
A. Degeneracy
B. Infeasibility
C. Unboundedness
D. Unbalance
E. Redundancy

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Correct answer: (A)


152. __________ or __________ are used to "balance" an assignment or transportation


A. Destinations; sources
B. Units supplied; units demanded
C. Dummy rows; dummy columns
D. Large cost coefficients; small cost coefficients
E. Artificial cells; degenerate cells

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Correct answer: (C)

Dummy rows; dummy columns

153. A solution can be extracted from a model either by

A. Conducting experiments on it
B. Mathematical analysis
C. Both A and B
D. Diversified Techniques

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Correct answer: (C)

Both A and B

154. An alternative optimal solution to a minimization transportation problem exists

whenever opportunity cost corresponding to unused route of transportation is:

A. Positive & greater than zero

B. Positive with at least one equal to zero
C. Negative with at least one equal to zero
D. None of the above
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Correct answer: (B)

Positive with at least one equal to zero

155. Which of these statements about the stepping-stone method is best?

A. A dummy source and destination must be added if the number of rows plus
columns minus 1 is not equal to the number of filled squares.
B. Only squares containing assigned shipments can be used to trace a path back
to an empty square.
C. An improvement index that is a net positive means that the initial solution can
be improved.
D. Only empty squares can be used to trace a path back to a square containing an
assigned shipment

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Correct answer: (B)

Only squares containing assigned shipments can be used to trace a path back to an
empty square.

156. An assignment problem can be viewed as a special case of transportation

problem in which the capacity from each source is __________ and the demand at each
destination is __________.

A. 1; 1
B. Infinity; infinity
C. 0; 0
D. 1000; 1000
E. -1; -1

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Correct answer: (A)

1; 1

157. Both transportation and assignment problems are members of a category of LP

problems called __________.

A. shipping problems
B. logistics problems
C. generalized flow problems
D. routing problems
E. network flow problems
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Correct answer: (E)

network flow problems

158. Consider the given vectors: a(2,0), b(0,2), c(1,1), and d(0,3). Which of the following
vectors are linearly independent?

A. a, b, and c are independent

B. a, b, and d are independent
C. a and c are independent
D. b and d are independent

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Correct answer: (C)

a and c are independent

159. Consider the linear equation

2 x1 + 3 x2 - 4 x3 + 5 x4 = 10
How many basic and non-basic variables are defined by this equation?

A. One variable is basic, three variables are non-basic

B. Two variables are basic, two variables are non-basic
C. Three variables are basic, one variable is non-basic
D. All four variables are basic

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Correct answer: (A)

One variable is basic, three variables are non-basic

160. During an iteration while moving from one solution to the next, degeneracy may
occur when

A. The closed path indicates a diagonal move

B. Two or more occupied cells are on the closed path but neither of them
represents a corner of the path.
C. Two or more occupied cells on the closed path with minus sign are tied for
lowest circled value
D. Either of the above

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Correct answer: (C)
Two or more occupied cells on the closed path with minus sign are tied for lowest
circled value

161. Feasible solution satisfies __________

A. Only constraints
B. only non-negative restriction
C. [a] and [b] both
D. [a],[b] and Optimum solution

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Correct answer: (C)

[a] and [b] both

162. Graphical optimal value for Z can be obtained from

A. Corner points of feasible region

B. Both a and c
C. corner points of the solution region
D. none of the above

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Correct answer: (A)

Corner points of feasible region

163. Hungarian Method is used to solve

A. A transportation problem
B. A travelling salesman problem
C. A LP problem
D. Both a & b

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Correct answer: (B)

A travelling salesman problem

164. Identify the type of the feasible region given by the set of inequalities
x - y <= 1
x - y >= 2
where both x and y are positive.
A. A triangle
B. A rectangle
C. An unbounded region
D. An empty region

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Correct answer: (D)

An empty region

165. If an opportunity cost value is used for an unused cell to test optimality, it should

A. Equal to zero
B. Most negative number
C. Most positive number
D. Any value

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Correct answer: (B)

Most negative number

166. In a transportation problem, we must make the number of __________ and

__________ equal.

A. destinations; sources
B. units supplied; units demanded
C. columns; rows
D. positive cost coefficients; negative cost coefficients
E. warehouses; suppliers

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Correct answer: (B)

units supplied; units demanded

167. In a transportation problem, when the number of occupied routes is less than the
number of rows plus the number of columns -1, we say that the solution is:

A. Unbalanced.
B. Infeasible.
C. Optimal.
D. impossible.
E. Degenerate.
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Correct answer: (E)


168. In assignment problem of maximization, the objective is to maximise

A. Profit
B. optimization
C. cost
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (A)


169. In case of an unbalanced problem, shipping cost coefficients of __________ are

assigned to each created dummy factory or warehouse.

A. very high positive costs

B. very high negative costs
C. 10
D. zero
E. one

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Correct answer: (D)


170. In Degenerate solution value of objective function __________.

A. increases infinitely
B. basic variables are nonzero
C. decreases infinitely
D. One or more basic variables are zero

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Correct answer: (D)

One or more basic variables are zero

171. In game theory, the outcome or consequence of a strategy is referred to as the

A. payoff.
B. penalty.
C. reward.
D. end-game strategy.

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Correct answer: (A)


172. In graphical method the restriction on number of constraint is __________.

A. 2
B. not more than 3
C. 3
D. none of the above

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Correct answer: (D)

none of the above

173. In graphical representation the bounded region is known as __________ region.

A. Solution
B. basic solution
C. feasible solution
D. optimal

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Correct answer: (C)

feasible solution

174. In LPP the condition to be satisfied is

A. Constraints have to be linear

B. Objective function has to be linear
C. none of the above
D. both a and b

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Correct answer: (D)

both a and b
175. In operations research, the __________ are prepared for situations.

A. mathematical models
B. physical models diagrammatic
C. diagrammatic models
D. all of above

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Correct answer: (A)

mathematical models

177. One disadvantage of using North-West Corner rule to find initial solution to the
transportation problem is that

A. It is complicated to use
B. It does not take into account cost of transportation
C. It leads to a degenerate initial solution
D. All of the above

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Correct answer: (B)

It does not take into account cost of transportation

178. Operations management can be defined as the application of __________ to a

problem within a system to yield the optimal solution.

A. Suitable manpower
B. mathematical techniques, models, and tools
C. Financial operations
D. all of above

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Correct answer: (B)

mathematical techniques, models, and tools

179. Operations research is based upon collected information, knowledge and

advanced study of various factors impacting a particular operation. This leads to more
informed __________.

A. Management processes
B. Decision making
C. Procedures
D. all of above

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Correct answer: (B)

Decision making

180. Operations research is the application of __________ methods to arrive at the

optimal Solutions to the problems.

A. economical
B. scientific
C. a and b both
D. artistic

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Correct answer: (B)


181. Operations research was known as an ability to win a war without really going in
to __________

A. Battle field
B. Fighting
C. The opponent
D. Both A and B

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Correct answer: (D)

Both A and B

182. Optimal solution of an assignment problem can be obtained only if

A. Each row & column has only one zero element

B. Each row & column has at least one zero element
C. The data is arrangement in a square matrix
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (A)

Each row & column has only one zero element
183. OR can evaluate only the effects of __________.

A. Personnel factors.
B. Financial factors
C. Numeric and quantifiable factors.
D. all of above

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Correct answer: (C)

Numeric and quantifiable factors.

184. OR has a characteristics that it is done by a team of

A. Scientists
B. Mathematicians
C. Academics
D. All of the above

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Correct answer: (D)

All of the above

185. OR techniques help the directing authority in optimum allocation of various

limited resources like __________

A. Men and Machine

B. Money
C. Material and Time
D. All of the above

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Correct answer: (D)

All of the above

186. OR uses models to help the management to determine its __________

A. Policies
B. Actions
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (C)
Both A and B

187. The degeneracy in the transportation problem indicates that

A. Dummy allocation(s) needs to be added

B. The problem has no feasible solution
C. The multiple optimal solution exist
D. a & b but not c

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Correct answer: (C)

The multiple optimal solution exist

188. The dummy source or destination in a transportation problem is added to

A. Satisfy rim conditions

B. Prevent solution from becoming degenerate
C. Ensure that total cost does not exceed a limit
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (A)

Satisfy rim conditions

189. The equation Ri + Kj = Cij is used to calculate __________.

A. an improvement index for the stepping-stone method

B. the opportunity costs for using a particular route
C. the MODI cost values (Ri, Kj)
D. the degeneracy index
E. optimality test

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Correct answer: (C)

the MODI cost values (Ri, Kj)

190. The initial solution of a transportation problem can be obtained by applying any
known method. However, the only condition is that

A. The solution be optimal

B. The rim conditions are satisfied
C. The solution not be degenerate
D. All of the above

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Correct answer: (B)

The rim conditions are satisfied

191. The large negative opportunity cost value in an unused cell in a transportation
table is chosen to improve the current solution because

A. It represents per unit cost reduction

B. It represents per unit cost improvement
C. It ensure no rim requirement violation
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (A)

It represents per unit cost reduction

192. The method of finding an initial solution based upon opportunity costs is called

A. the northwest corner rule

B. Vogel's approximation
C. Johanson's theorem
D. Flood's technique
E. Hungarian method

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Correct answer: (B)

Vogel's approximation

193. The net cost of shipping one unit on a route not used in the current transportation
problem solution is called the __________.

A. change index
B. new index
C. MODI index
D. idle index
E. Improvement index

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Correct answer:(E)
Improvement index

194. The objective function and constraints are functions of two types of variables,
__________ variables and __________ variables.

A. Positive and negative

B. Controllable and uncontrollable
C. Strong and weak
D. None of the above

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Correct answer:(B)
Controllable and uncontrollable

195. The objective function for a minimization problem is given by

z = 2 x1 - 5 x2 + 3 x3
The hyperplane for the objective function cuts a bounded feasible region in the space
(x1,x2,x3). Find the direction vector d, where a finite optimal solution can be reached.

A. d(2,-5,3)
B. d(-2,5,-3)
C. d(2,5,3)
D. d(-2,-5,-3)

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Correct answer:(B)

196. The occurrence of degeneracy while solving a transportation problem means that

A. Total supply equals total demand

B. The solution so obtained is not feasible
C. The few allocations become negative
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (B)

The solution so obtained is not feasible

197. The only restriction we place on the initial solution of a transportation problem is
that: we must have nonzero quantities in a majority of the boxes.
A. all constraints must be satisfied.
B. demand must equal supply.
C. we must have a number (equal to the number of rows plus the number of
columns minus one) of boxes which contain nonzero quantities.
D. None of the above

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Correct answer:(A)
all constraints must be satisfied.

198. The Operations research technique which helps in minimizing total waiting and
service costs is

A. Queuing Theory
B. Decision Theory
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

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Correct answer:(A)
Queuing Theory

199. The procedure used to solve assignment problems wherein one reduces the
original assignment costs to a table of opportunity costs is called __________.

A. stepping-stone method
B. matrix reduction
C. MODI method
D. northwest reduction
E. simplex reduction

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Correct answer:(B)
matrix reduction

200. The purpose of a dummy source or dummy destination in a transportation

problem is to

A. prevent the solution from becoming degenerate.

B. obtain a balance between total supply and total demand.
C. make certain that the total cost does not exceed some specified figure.
D. provide a means of representing a dummy problem.
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Correct answer:(B)
obtain a balance between total supply and total demand.

201. The purpose of the stepping-stone method is to

A. develop the initial solution to the transportation problem.

B. assist one in moving from an initial feasible solution to the optimal solution.
C. determine whether a given solution is feasible or not.
D. identify the relevant costs in a transportation problem.

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Correct answer:(B)
assist one in moving from an initial feasible solution to the optimal solution.

202. The smallest quantity is chosen at the corners of the closed path with negative
sign to be assigned at unused cell because

A. It improve the total cost

B. It does not disturb rim conditions
C. It ensure feasible solution
D. All of the above

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Correct answer:(C)
It ensure feasible solution

203. The solution to a transportation problem with ‘m’ rows (supplies) &
‘n’ columns (destination) is feasible if number of positive allocations are

A. m+n
B. m*n
C. m+n-1
D. m+n+1

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Correct answer:(C)

204. The transportation method assumes that

A. there are no economies of scale if large quantities are shipped from one source
to one destination.
B. the number of occupied squares in any solution must be equal to the number
of rows in the table plus the number of columns in the table plus 1.
C. there is only one optimal solution for each problem.
D. the number of dummy sources equals the number of dummy destinations.

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Correct answer:(A)
there are no economies of scale if large quantities are shipped from one source to one

205. What enables us to determine the earliest and latest times for each of the events
and activities and thereby helps in the identification of the critical path?

A. Programme Evaluation
B. Review Technique (PERT)
C. Both A and B
D. Deployment of resources

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Correct answer:(C)
Both A and B

206. What have been constructed from OR problems an methods for solving the
models that are available in many cases?

A. Scientific Models
B. Algorithms
C. Mathematical Models
D. None of the above

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Correct answer:(C)
Mathematical Models

207. What is the difference between minimal cost network flows and transportation

A. The minimal cost network flows are special cases of transportation problems
B. The transportation problems are special cases of the minimal cost network flows
C. There is no difference
D. The transportation problems are formulated in terms of tableaus, while the
minimal cost network flows are formulated in terms of graphs

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Correct answer:(B)
The transportation problems are special cases of the minimal cost network flows

208. What is the objective function in linear programming problems?

A. A constraint for available resource

B. An objective for research and development of a company
C. A linear function in an optimization problem
D. A set of non-negativity conditions

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Correct answer:(C)
A linear function in an optimization problem

209. When total supply is equal to total demand in a transportation problem, the
problem is said to be

A. Balanced
B. Unbalanced
C. Degenerate
D. None of the above

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Correct answer:(A)

210. Which of the following is a method for improving an initial solution in a

transportation problem?

A. northwest-corner
B. intuitive lowest-cost
C. southeast-corner rule
D. stepping-stone

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Correct answer:(D)
211. Which of the following is NOT needed to use the transportation model?

A. the cost of shipping one unit from each origin to each destination
B. the destination points and the demand per period at each
C. the origin points and the capacity or supply per period at each
D. degeneracy

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Correct answer:(D)

212. Which of the following is not the phase of OR methodology?

A. Formulating a problem
B. Constructing a model
C. Establishing controls
D. Controlling the environment

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Correct answer:(D)
Controlling the environment

213. Which of the following is used to come up with a solution to the assignment

A. MODI method
B. northwest corner method
C. stepping-stone method
D. Hungarian method
E. none of the above

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Correct answer:(D)
Hungarian method

214. Which of the following methods is used to verify the optimality of the current
solution of the transportation problem

A. Least cost method

B. Vogel's approximation method
C. Modified distribution method
D. All of the above

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Correct answer:(C)
Modified distribution method

215. Which of these statements about the stepping-stone method is best?

A. A dummy source and destination must be added if the number of rows plus
columns minus 1 is not equal to the number of filled squares.
B. Only squares containing assigned shipments can be used to trace a path back
to an empty square.
C. An improvement index that is a net positive means that the initial solution can
be improved.
D. Only empty squares can be used to trace a path back to a square containing an
assigned shipment

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Correct answer:(B)
Only squares containing assigned shipments can be used to trace a path back to an
empty square.

216. Which statement characterizes standard form of a linear programming problem?

A. Constraints are given by inequalities of any type

B. Constraints are given by a set of linear equations
C. Constraints are given only by inequalities of >= type
D. Constraints are given only by inequalities of <= type

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Correct answer:(A)
Constraints are given by inequalities of any type

217. Which technique is used in finding a solution for optimizing a given objective,
such as profit maximization or cost reduction under certain constraints?

A. Quailing Theory
B. Waiting Line
C. Both A and B
D. Linear Programming
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Correct answer:(D)
Linear Programming

218. Who defined OR as scientific method of providing execuitive departments with a

quantitative basis for decisions regarding the operations under their control?

A. Morse and Kimball (1946)

B. P.M.S. Blackett (1948)
C. E.L. Arnoff and M.J. Netzorg
D. None of the above

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Correct answer:(A)
Morse and Kimball (1946)

219. With the transportation technique, the initial solution can be generated in any
fashion one chooses. The only restriction is that

A. the edge constraints for supply and demand are satisfied.

B. the solution is not degenerate.
C. the solution must be optimal.
D. one must use the northwest-corner method.

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Correct answer:(A)
the edge constraints for supply and demand are satisfied

“MCQ on Linear Programming Problem”

1. Operation research approach is
A) Multi-disciplinary B) Artificial C) Intuitive D) All of the above

2. Operation research analysis does not

A) Predict future operation B) Build more than one model
C) Collect the relevant data D) Recommended decision and accept
3. Mathematical model of Linear Programming is important because
A) It helps in converting the verbal description and numerical data into
mathematical expression
B) decision makers prefer to work with formal models.
C) it captures the relevant relationship among decision factors.
D) it enables the use of algebraic techniques.

4. A constraint in an LP model restricts

A) value of the objective function B) value of the decision variable
C) use of the available resourses D) all of the above

5. In graphical method of linear programming problem if the ios-cost

line coincide with a side of region of basic feasible solutions we get
A) Unique optimum solution B) unbounded optimum solution
C) no feasible solution D) Infinite number of optimum solutions

6. A feasible solution of LPP

A) Must satisfy all the constraints simultaneously
B) Need not satisfy all the constraints, only some of them

C) Must be a corner point of the feasible region

D) all of the above

7. The objective function for a L.P model is 3𝑥1 + 2𝑥2, if 𝑥1 = 20 and

𝑥2 = 30,
what is the value of the objective function?
A) 0 B) 50 C) 60 D) 120

8. Maximization of objective function in LPP means

A) Value occurs at allowable set decision
B) highest value is chosen among allowable decision
C) none of the above
D) all of the above

9. Alternative solution exist in a linear programming problem when

A) one of the constraint is redundant
B) objective function is parallel to one of the constraints
C) two constraints are parallel
D) all of the above

10. The linear function of the variables which is to be maximize or

minimize is
A) Constraints B) Objective function C) Decision variable
D)None of the above

12. A physical model is an example of

A) An iconic model B) An analogue model C) A verbal model D) A
mathematical model

13. If the value of the objective function 𝒛 can be increased or

decreased indefinitely, such solution is called
A) Bounded solution B) Unbounded solution C) Solution
D)None of the above

14. A model is
A) An essence of reality B) An approximation C) An idealization D)
All of the above

15. The first step in formulating a linear programming problem is

A) Identify any upper or lower bound on the decision variables
I) State the constraints as linear combinations of the decision
C) Understand the problem
D) Identify the decision variables

16. Constraints in an LP model represents

A) Limititations B) Requirements
C) balancing, limitations and requirements D) all of above

17. The best use of linear programming is to find optimal use of

A) money B) Manpower C) Machine D) All the above

18. Which of the following is assumption of an LP model

A) divisibility B) proportionality C) additivity D) all of the

19. Before formulating a formal LP model, it is better to

A) Express each constraints in words B) Express the objective
function inwords
C) verbally identify decision variables D) all of the above

20. Non-negative condition in an LP model implies

A) a positive coefficient of variables in objective function

B) a positive coefficient of variables in any constraint

C) non-negative value of resourse
D) none of the above

21. For the constraint of a linear optimizing function z=x1+x2 given by

x1+x2≤1, 3x1+x2≥3 and x1, x2≥0
A) There are two feasible regions
B) There are infinite feasible regions
C) There is no feasible region
D) None of these

22. Which of the following is not a vertex of the positive region

bounded by the
2x+3y≤6, 5x+3y≤15 and x, y≥0
A) (0,2) B) (0,0) C) (3,0) D) None of the above

23. The intermediate solutions of constraints must be checked by

substituting them back into
A) Objective function B) Constraint equations C) Not required D)
None of the above

24. A basic solution is called non-degenerate, if

A. All the basic variables are zero B. None of the basic variables is zero
C. At least one of the basic variables is zero D. None of these

25. If the number of available constraints is 3 and the number of

parameters to be optimized is 4, then
A. The objective function can be optimized
B. The constraints are short in number
C. The solution is problem oriented
D. None of these

26. The graph of x≤2 and y≥2 will be situated in the

A. First and second quadrant B. Second and third quadrant
C. First and third quadrant D. Third and fourth quadrant
27. The feasible solution of a L.P.P. belongs to

A. First and second quadrant

B. First and third quadrant
C. Second quadrant
D. Only in the first quadrant

28. ) The true statement for the graph of inequations 3x+2y≤6 and
6x+4y≥20 , is
A. Both graphs are disjoint
B. Both do not contain origin
C. Both contain point (1, 1)
D. None of these

30. A vertex of bounded region of inequalities 𝑥 ≥ 0 , 𝑥 + 2𝑦 ≥ 0 and

2𝑥 + 𝑦 ≤
4, is
A. (1,1) B (0,1) C (3, 0) D (0,0)

31. In which quadrant, the bounded region for the

inequations 𝑥 + 𝑦 ≤ 1 and 𝑥 − 𝑦 ≤ 1 is situated
A. I, II B. I, III, C. II,III D. All the four quadrant

32. The necessary condition for third quadrant region in xy-plane, is

A. x>0, y<0 B. x<0, y<0 C. x<0, y>0 D. x<0, y=0

33. The value of objective function is maximum under linear

A. At the center of feasible region B. At (0,0)
C. At any vertex of feasible region D. The vertex which is at maximum
distance from (0, 0)
34. The region represented by 2x+3y−5≤0 and 4x−3y+2≤0 , is
A. Not in first quadrant B. Unbounded in first quadrant
C. Bounded in first quadrant D. None of these

35. Objective function of a L.P.P. is

A. A constraint B. A function to be optimized

C. A relation between the variables D. None of these

36. The optimal value of the objective function is attained at the

A. Given by intersection of inequations with axes only
B. Given by intersection of inequations with x-axis only
C. Given by corner points of the feasible region
D. None of these

37. If the constraints in a linear programming problem are changed

A. The problem is to be re-evaluated
B. Solution is not defined
C. The objective function has to be modified
D. The change in constraints is ignored.

38. The constraints −𝑥1 + 𝑥2 ≤ 1, − 𝑥1 + 3𝑥2 ≤ 9 and 𝑥1, 𝑥2 ≥ 0

defined on
A. Bounded feasible space
B. Unbounded feasible space
C. Both bounded and unbounded feasible space
D. None of these
39. Which of the terms is not used in a linear programming problem
A. Slack variables B. Objective function C. Concave region D. Feasible

40. The area of the feasible region for the following

constraints 3𝑦 + 𝑥 ≥ 3, 𝑥 ≥ 0, 𝑦 ≥ 0 will be
A. Bounded B. Unbounded C. Convex D. Concave

41. For the L.P.problem

𝑀𝑖𝑛 𝑧 = 𝑥1 + 𝑥2 𝑠𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 5𝑥1 + 10𝑥2 ≤ 0, 𝑥1 + 𝑥2 ≥ 1, 𝑥2 ≤ 4 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑥1, 𝑥2 ≥ 0
A. There is a bounded solution
B. There is no solution
C. There are infinite solutions
D. None of these

42. In. L.P.P----

A. objective function is linear
B. constraints are linear
C. Both objective function and constraints are linear
D. None of the above

43. Constraints means----

A. limitations are expressed in mathematical equalities ( or inequalities)
B. Assumption
C. goal is to be achieved
D. None of the above.

44. In XY-plane, X and Y values are in first quadrant is always----

A. Both are positive B. Both are Negative
C. X is positive and Y is negative D. X is Negative and Y is positive
45. The region which satisfies all the constrains of the L.P.P. is called
A. phisible region B. Feasible region
C. convex region D. Concave region

46.In .L.P.P., while drawing the graph, on the X-axis Y values always--
A. 0 B.1 C. 2 D. None of the above

47. In .L.P.P., while drawing the graph, on the Y-axis X values always-
A. 0 B.1 C. 2 D. None of the above

48.The set of decision variable which satisfies all the constraints of

the LPP is
called as-----
A. Solution B. Basic Solution C. Feasible solution D. None of the

49. A solution which satisfies non-negative conditions also is called

A. Solution B. Basic Solution C. Feasible solution D. None of the above

50. A solution which optimizes the objective function is called as -----

A. Solution B. Basic Solution C. Feasible solution D. Optimal solution
Constraint in an LP model restricts
A. value of the objective function
B. value of the decision variables
C. use of the available resources
D. all the options

Constraints in an LP model represents

A. limitations
B. requirements
C. balancing limitations and requirements
D. all the options

While solving a LP model graphically, the area bounded by the constraints is called
A. feasible region
B. infeasible region
C. unbounded solution
D. None of the options

While plotting constraints on a graph paper terminal points on both the axes are
connected by a straight line because
A. the resources are limited in supply.
B. the objective function is a linear function.
C. the constraints are linear equation or inequalities.
D. All the options.

Constraint in an LP model becomes redundant because

A. two iso profit lines may be parallel to each other.
B. the solution is unbounded
C. this constraint is not satisfied by the solution values.
D. None of the options.

If two constraints do not intersect in the positive quadrant of the graph then
A. the problem is infeasible.
B. the solution is unbounded.
C. One of the constraints is redundant.
D. None of the options

Alternative solutions exist of an LP model when

A. one of the constraints is redundant.
B. objective functions equation is parallel to one of the constraints.
C. two constraints are parallel.
D. All the options

If a non redundant constraint is removed from a LP problem then

A. feasible region will become larger.
B. feasible region will become smaller.
C. Solution will become infeasible.
D. None of the options.

For a maximization problem the objective function coefficient for an artificial variable
A. +M
B. -M
C. Zero
D. None of the options

In the optimal simplex table cj-zj=0 value indicates

A. unbounded solution
B. cycling
C. Alternative solution
D. infeasible solution.

If for a given solution a slack variable is equal to zero then

A. the solution is optimal.
B. the solution is infeasible.
C. the entire amount of resource with the constraint in which the slack variable
appears has been consumed.
D. All the options

The dual of the primal maximization LP problem having m constraints and n non
negative variables should
A. have n constraints and m non negative variables.
B. be a minimization LP problem
C. Both the options

The dummy source or destination in a transportation problem is added to

A. satisfy rim condition
B. prevent solution from becoming degenerate
C. ensure that total cost does not exceed a limit
D. None of the options
The solution to a transportation problem with m rows and n columns is feasible if the
number of positive allocations are
A. mxn
B. m+n
C. m+n-1
D. m+n+1

While solving an assignment problem an activity is assigned to a resource through a

square with zero opportunity cost because the objective is to
A. Minimize the total cost of assignment.
B. Reduce the cost of assignment to zero.
C. Reduce the cost of that particular assignment to zero.
D. All the options

If all incoming variable column is negative then the solution is

A. Unbounded solution
B. Infeasible solution
C. Feasibel Solution
D. None of the options

The role of artificial variables in the simplex method is

A. To aid in finding the initial solution.
B. To find optimal dual prices in the final simplex table.
C. To start phases of simplex method.
D. All the options.

If an artificial variable is present in the basic variable column of optimal simplex table
then the solution is
A. Solution is unbounded
B. Solution is infeasible
C. Degenerate
D. None of the options

One disadvantage of using North-West corner rule to find initial solution to the
transportation problem is that
A. It is complicated to use.
B. It does not take into account cost of transportation.
C. It leads to a degenerate initial solution
D. All the options.
Which of the following method is used to verify the optimality of the current solution
of the transportation problem
A. Least cost method
B. Vogel approximation method
C. Modified distribution method
D. All the options

Let f(x) denote the objective function of an LPP, then

Max f(x)= -min[-f(x)]

Max f(x)= -min[f(-x)]
Max f(x)= -min[-f(x)]
Max f(x)= min[-f(x)]

If in an LPP has two constraints and three variables, the maximum possible basic

solution is:

In the last simplex table of a maximization LPP, the column corresponding to a variable

is (-3,-4,-1,0)T and then this shows that :

Feasible region of the LPP is unbounded in direction .

Feasible region of the LPP is bounded .
Solution is unbounded
None of the above

If the primal has no feasible solution , then its dual has

Unbounded solution .
Either Unbounded or no feasible solution
No feasible Solution
Feasible but not optimal
Unit 1

Q1) The formulation of an optimization problem involves:

1_ selecting one or more optimization variables

2_ choosing an objective function, &

3_ identifying a set of constraints.

Q2) Classification of optimization problem

1_ unconstrained problems

2_ linear programming problem

3_quadratic programming problem

Q3) The modern optimization methods, also sometimes called nontraditional optimization methods.

Q4) Constraints that represent limitations on the behavior or performance of the system are termed
behavior or functional constraints.

Q5) Constraints that represent physical limitations on design variables, such as availability,
fabricability, and transportability, are known as geometric or side constraints.

Q6) The behavior constraints are those imposed on the structural response.

Q7) In Structural design, behavior constraints are imposed on stresses.

Q8) the structural optimizarion problem is generally expressed as Minimize Z= F(x).

Q9) what is objective function of a structural design problems?

Ans= Costs.

Q10) Which variables cannot have any physical meaning?

Ans artificial variables
Q11) an objective function is maximized when it is _____________ function
Ans Profit

Answer True or false

Q12) All design variables should be independent of each other.

Ans true
Q 13) Optimization problems are also known as mathematical programming problems.
Ans true
Q14) All design optimization problems have only linear inequality constraints.
Ans False
1] If we want to find the value of the variable ‘x’ that maximizes a differentiable function f(x),
then we should:

a. Find ‘x’ from df/dx = 0

b. Find ‘x’ from df/dx = 0 and check that that second derivative is positive
c. Find ‘x’ from df/dx = 0 and check that that second derivative is negative
d. Find ‘x’ from second derivative = 0

2] In a Non-linear programming problem:

a. The objective function must be non-linear
b. All the constraints must be non-linear
c. The objective function and all the constraints must be non-linear
d. Either the objective function or at least one constraint must be non-linear

3] Meta-heuristic techniques are:

a. Calculus-based techniques
b. Guided Random Search techniques
c. Enumerative techniques
d. None of the above

4] Genetic Algorithm technique are:

a. Calculus-based
b. Nature-inspired
c. Enumerative
d. None of the above

5] To prepare a Mathematical Model means to

a. plot graphically the equations
b. convert each statement in terms of a mathematical relation
c. collect design variables and parameters and prepare a set of that
d. None of the above

6] A mathematical model does not have

a. primary equations
b. objective function
c. constraints
d. graphical representation

7] Primary design equation comprises

a. side constraints
b. objective function
c. constraints
d. Functional requirements

8] SDE doesn’t have

a. side constraints
b. objective function
c. constraints
d. Functional requirements
9] Side constraints means
a. geometric constraints
b. objective function
c. objective constraints
d. Functional requirements

10] Optimization means

a. maximization
b. minimization
c. either maximization or minimization
d. neither maximization nor minimization

11] Decision variables are

a. Controllable
b. Uncontrollable
c. Parameters
d. None of the above

12] Decision variables are

a. geometric variables
b. functional requirements
c. Parameters
d. None of the above

13] Every mathematical model

a. Must be deterministic
b. Requires computer aid for its solution
c. Represents data in numerical form
d. All of the above

14] An optimization model

a. Provides the best decision
b. Provides decision within its limited context
c. Helps in evaluating various alternatives
d. All of the above

15] The mathematical model of an LP problem is important because

a. It helps in converting the verbal description & numerical data into mathematical expression
b. Decision-makers prefer to work with formal models
c. It captures the relevant relationship among decision factors
d. It enables the use of algebraic technique
16] Constraints in an LP model represents
a. Limitations
b. Requirements
c. Balancing limitations & requirements
d. All of the above

17] Before formulating a formal LP model, it is better to

a. Express each constrain in words
b. Express the objective function in words
c. Verbally identify decision variables
d. All of the above

18] optimization algorithms are generally written in form of minimization

a. because optimization means minimization
b. because always problems require reduction in resources
c. maximization can be converted to minimization
d. in optimization always it is required to minimize the cost

19] The best use of optimization techniques is to find an minimum use of

a. Money
b. Manpower
c. Machine
d. All of the above

20] which of the following is not characteristic of optimization

a. minimize resources
b. maximize profits
c. none of the options
d. find out the best fit

21] Parameters signify

a. design variables
b. functional requirement
c. optimum value
d. constant value variables

22] Graphical method of optimization is

a. suitable for only maximization
b. suitable for only minimization
c. only possible when design variables are two
d. suitable when constraints are linear

23] Linear optimization problem

a. doesn’t have constraints
b. objective function and constraints are linear
c. always of maximizing objective function
d. always of minimizing objective function

24] Feasible design region is not present means

a. mathematical model can not be prepared
b. optimum value is zero
c. optimization without constraint violation is not possible
d. optimum value is infinity

25] The point where two constraint lines intersect is

a. a dummy point
b. an optimum point
c. the decision point
d. a point of extremity

26] Maximize y = f(x) is an optimization problem of type

a. multi variable continuous
b. single variable unconstrained
c. simple ordinary optimization
d. linear optimization

27] Most of the optimization algorithms are

a. experimental
b. heuristic
c. deterministic
d. directed search

28] In simplest form of optimization algorithm

a. no differential calculus is used
b. higher order derivatives are used sometimes
c. first and second order derivatives are used
d. probability theorem is used

29] Most engineering activities have

a. an objective
b. resources
c. stochastic solution
d. probabilistic solution

30] Geometric dimensions are

a. parameters
b. discrete
c. design variables
d. probable solutions

31] Maximization problem can be converted into a minimization problem

a. no it is not true
b. some times possible
c. hard to achieve
d. easily

32] In its simplest form the optimization problem is

a. multi variable
b. single variable
c. single variable unconstrained
d. maximizing

33] There are conditions for optimization

a. necessary and sufficient
b. rigid
c. discrete
d. strict

34] First order derivative is the condition for optimization

a. necessary
b. rigid
c. discrete
d. sufficient

35] Second order derivative is the condition for optimization

a. necessary
b. rigid
c. discrete
d. sufficient

36] Second order derivative is nonzero positive is the condition of

a. necessary
b. rigid
c. optima
d. minima

37] Second order derivative is nonzero negative is the condition of

a. necessary
b. rigid
c. optima
d. maxima
38] The point at which first order derivative is zero is called
a. zeroth point
b. slip point
c. extreme
d. stationary

39] An optimization problem is called multi-dimensional when

a. number of parameters are present
b. at least 3 dimensional problem exist
c. number of variables is more than one
d. higher degree objective function present

40] An optimization problem is called single-dimensional when

a. number of parameters are present
b. at least 3 dimensional problem exist
c. number of variables is one
d. higher degree objective function present

41] Shape of objective function can be visualized if

a. number of variables is one
b. number of variables is two
c. number of variables is three
d. number of variables is one, two or three

42] Stationary point is

a. Maxima
b. Minima
c. saddle
d. any of the maxima, minima or saddle

43] If eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix are greater than or equal to zero
a. The stationary point is a maximum
b. The stationary point is a minimum
c. The stationary point is a saddle point
d. problem is indefinite

44] If eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix are less than or equal to zero
a. The stationary point is a minimum
b. The stationary point is a maximum
c. The stationary point is a saddle point
d. problem is indefinite

45] If eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix are some positive and some negative
a. The stationary point is a minimum
b. The stationary point is a saddle point
c. The stationary point is a maximum
d. problem is indefinite

46] Necessary condition for optimization

a. slope is equal to zero
b. rate of change of slope is zero
c. point should be maxima or minima
d. objective function is having definite root

47] Sufficient condition for optimization

a. slope is equal to zero
b. rate of change of slope is zero
c. point should be maxima or minima
d. objective function is having definite root

48] An optimum point can be easily located if

a. parameters are random
b. variables are random
c. side constraints are imposed
d. objective function is continuous and differentiable

49] In case of exhaustive search method

a. directional search is carried
b. interval is divided equally in ‘n’ number of parts
c. interval is bisected
d. interval is trisected

50] Dichotomous Search method is a

a. directional search is carried
b. sequential search method
c. interval search method
d. preferred search method

1] Constraint in an LP model restricts

A. value of the objective function
B. value of the decision variables
C. use of the available resources
D. all the options

2] Constraints in an LP model represents

A. limitations
B. requirements
C. balancing limitations and requirements
D. all the options

3] While solving a LP model graphically, the area bounded by the constraints is

A. feasible region
B. infeasible region
C. unbounded solution
D. None of the options

4] While plotting constraints on a graph paper terminal points on both the axes are
connected by a straight line because
A. the resources are limited in supply.
B. the objective function is a linear function.
C. the constraints are linear equation or inequalities.
D. All the options.

5] Constraint in an LP model becomes redundant because

A. two iso profit lines may be parallel to each other.
B. the solution is unbounded
C. this constraint is not satisfied by the solution values.
D. None of the options.

6] If two constraints do not intersect in the positive quadrant of the graph then
A. the problem is infeasible.
B. the solution is unbounded.
C. One of the constraints is redundant.
D. None of the options

7] Alternative solutions exist of an LP model when

A. one of the constraints is redundant.
B. objective functions equation is parallel to one of the constraints.
C. two constraints are parallel.
D. All the options

8] If a non redundant constraint is removed from a LP problem then

A. feasible region will become larger.
B. feasible region will become smaller.
C. Solution will become infeasible.
D. None of the options.

9] For a maximization problem the objective function coefficient for an artificial

variable is
A. +M
B. -M
C. Zero
D. None of the options

10] In the optimal simplex table cj-zj=0 value indicates

A. unbounded solution
B. cycling
C. Alternative solution
D. infeasible solution.

11] If for a given solution a slack variable is equal to zero then

A. the solution is optimal.
B. the solution is infeasible.
C. the entire amount of resource with the constraint in which the slack variable
appears has been consumed.
D. All the options

12] The dual of the primal maximization LP problem having m constraints and n non
negative variables should
A. have n constraints and m non negative variables.
B. be a minimization LP problem
C. Both the options

13] The dummy source or destination in a transportation problem is added to

A. satisfy rim condition
B. prevent solution from becoming degenerate
C. ensure that total cost does not exceed a limit
D. None of the options
14] The solution to a transportation problem with m rows and n columns is feasible if
the number of positive allocations are
A. mxn
B. m+n
C. m+n-1
D. m+n+1

15] While solving an assignment problem an activity is assigned to a resource

through a square with zero opportunity cost because the objective is to
A. Minimize the total cost of assignment.
B. Reduce the cost of assignment to zero.
C. Reduce the cost of that particular assignment to zero.
D. All the options

16] If all incoming variable column is negative then the solution is

A. Unbounded solution
B. Infeasible solution
C. Feasibel Solution
D. None of the options

17] The role of artificial variables in the simplex method is

A. To aid in finding the initial solution.
B. To find optimal dual prices in the final simplex table.
C. To start phases of simplex method.
D. All the options.

18] If an artificial variable is present in the basic variable column of optimal simplex
table then the solution is
A. Solution is unbounded
B. Solution is infeasible
C. Degenerate
D. None of the options

19] All the parameters in the linear programming model are

assumed to be .

A. Variables

B. Constraints

C. Functions
D. None of the above

20] The solution need not be in numbers.

A. Prime Number

B. Whole Number

C. Complex Number

D. None of the above

21] Graphic method can be applied to solve a LPP when

there are only variable.

A. One

B. More than One

C. Two

D. Three

22] If the feasible region of a LPP is empty, the solution is


A. Infeasible

B. Unbounded

C. Alternative

D. None of the above

23] Thevariables whose coefficient vectors are unit vectors

are called .

A. Unit Variables
B. Basic Variables

C. Non basic Variables

D. None of the above

24] Any column or raw of a simplex table is called a


A. Vector

B. Key column

C. Key Raw

D. None of the above

25] If
there are ‘m’ original variables and ‘n’ introduced
variables, then there will be columns in the
simplex table.

A. M+n

B. M–n

C. 3 +m + n

D. M+n–1

26] A
minimization problem can be converted into a
maximization problem by changing the sign of coefficients in
the .

A. Constraints

B. Objective Functions

C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

27] If
in a LPP , the solution of a variable can be made infinity
large without violating the constraints, the solution is

A. Infeasible

B. Unbounded

C. Alternative

D. None of the above

28] Inmaximization cases, are assigned to the

artificial variables as their coefficients in the objective

A. +m

B. –m

C. 0

D. None of the above

29] In
simplex method, we add variables in the
case of ‘=’.

A. Slack Variable

B. Surplus Variable

C. Artificial Variable

D. None of the above

30] In
simplex method, if there is tie between a decision
variable and a slack (or surplus) variable, should
be selected.

A. Slack variable

B. Surplus variable

C. Decision variable

D. None of the above

31] In LPP, degeneracy occurs in stages.

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

32] Every LPP is associated with another LPP is called


A. Primal

B. Dual

C. Non_linear programming

D. None of the above

33] Asfor maximization in assignment problem, the objective

is to maximize the .

A. Profit

B. optimization
C. cost

D. None of the above

34] The
mathematical model of an LP problem is important

A. It helps in converting the verbal description & numerical data into mathematical

B. Decision-makers prefer to work with formal models

C. It captures the relevant relationship among decision factors

D. It enables the use of algebraic technique

35] Whichtechnique is used in finding a solution for

optimizing a given objective, such as profit maximization or
cost minimization under certain constraints?

A. Quailing Theory

B. Waiting Line

C. Both A and B

D. Linear Programming

36] Linear
Programming technique is used to allocate scarce
resources in an optimum manner in problems of

A. Schedule

B. Product Mix

C. Both A and B

D. Servicing Cost
37] Linear programming is a.

A. Constrained optimization technique

B. Technique for economic allocation of limited resources

C. Mathematical technique

D. All of the above

38] A constraint in an LP model restricts.

A. Value of objective function

B. Value of a decision variable

C. Use of the available resources

D. All of the above

39] The distinguishing feature of an LP model is.

A. Relationship among all variables is linear

B. It has single objective function & constraints

C. Value of decision variables is non-negative

D. All of the above

40] Constraints in an LP model represents.

A. Limitations

B. Requirements

C. Balancing limitations & requirements

D. All of the above

41] Non-negativity condition is an important component of LP
model because.

A. Variables value should remain under the control of the decision-maker

B. Value of variables make sense & correspond to real-world problems

C. Variables are interrelated in terms of limited resources

D. None of the above

42] Before formulating a formal LP model, it is better to.

A. Express each constrain in words

B. Express the objective function in words

C. Verbally identify decision variables

D. All of the above

43] The
best use of linear programming technique is to find an
optimal use of.

A. Money

B. Manpower

C. Machine

D. All of the above

44] Which of the following is not a characteristic of the LP?

A. Resources must be limited

B. Only one objective function

C. Parameters value remains constant during the planning period

D. The problem must be of minimization type

45] Non-negativity condition in an LP model implies.

A. A positive coefficient of variables in objective function

B. A positive coefficient of variables in any constraint

C. Non-negative value of resources

D. None of the above

46] Which of the following is an assumption of an LP model?

A. Divisibility

B. Proportionality

C. Additivity

D. All of the above

47] Which
of the following is a limitation associated with an
LP model?

A. The relationship among decision variables in linear

B. No guarantee to get integer valued solutions

C. No consideration of effect of time & uncertainty on LP model

D. All of the above

48] The graphical method of LP problem uses.

A. Objective function equation

B. Constraint equations
C. Linear equations

D. All of the above

49] A feasible solution to an LP problem.

A. Must satisfy all of the problem’s constraints simultaneously

B. Need not satisfy all of the constraints, only some of them

C. Must be a corner point of the feasible region

D. Must optimize the value of the objective function

50] Whichof the following statements is true with respect to

the optimal solution of an LP problem?

A. Every LP problem has an optimal solution

B. Optimal solution of an LP problem always occurs at an extreme point

C. At optimal solution all resources are completely used

D. If an optimal solution exists, there will always be at least one at a corner

51] A constraint in an LP model becomes redundant because.

A. Two iso-profit line may be parallel to each other

B. The solution is unbounded

C. This constraint is not satisfied by the solution values

D. None of the above

52] If
two constraints do not intersect in the positive quadrant
of the graph, then.

A. The problem is infeasible

B. The solution is unbounded

C. One of the constraints is redundant

D. None of the above

53] Constraints in LP problem are called active if they.

A. Represent optimal solution

B. At optimality do not consume all the available resources

C. Both a & b

D. None of the above

54] The
solution space (region) of an LP problem is
unbounded due to.

A. An incorrect formulation of the LP model

B. Objective function is unbounded

C. Neither a nor b

D. Both a & b

55] While
solving a LP model graphically, the area bounded by
the constraints is called?

A. Feasible region

B. Infeasible region

C. Unbounded solution

D. None of the above

56] Alternative solutions exist of an LP model when.

A. One of the constraints is redundant

B. Objective function equation is parallel to one of the constraints

C. Two constraints are parallel

D. All of the above

57] While solving a LP problem, infeasibility may be removed


A. Adding another constraint

B. Adding another variable

C. Removing a constraint

D. Removing a variable

58] If
a non-redundant constraint is removed from an LP
problem then.

A. Feasible region will become larger

B. Feasible region will become smaller

C. Solution will become infeasible

D. None of the above

59] If
one of the constraint of an equation in an LP problem
has an unbounded solution, then.

A. Solution to such LP problem must be degenerate

B. Feasible region should have a line segment

C. Alternative solutions exist

D. None of the above

60] Every mathematical model.

A. Must be deterministic

B. Requires computer aid for its solution

C. Represents data in numerical form

D. All of the above

(MGU – CBCSS – UG – SDE 2012)

B.Sc Computer Science

BCS 501 Core -18 : Computer Aided Optimisation Techniques
Multiple Choice Questions.

1. Operations Research approach is _______.

A. multi-disciplinary
B. scientific
C. intuitive
D. collect essential data

2. Operation research approach is typically based on the use of _______.

A. physical model.
B. mathematical model.
C. iconic model.
D. descriptive model.

3. Mathematical model of linear programming problem is important because______.

A. it helps in converting the verbal description and numerical data into mathematical expression
B. decision makers prefer to work with formal models
C. it captures the relevant relationship among decision factors
D. it enables the use of algebraic technique

4. In Program Evaluation Review Technique for an activity, the optimistic time 2, the pessimistic time is 12 and most-likely time is 4. What is the expected time?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 5
D. 6
5. Graphical method of linear programming is useful when the number of decision variable are ________.
A. 2
B. 3
C. finite
D. infinite

6. In a given system of m simultaneous linear equations in n unknowns (m<n) there will be ________.
A. n basic variables
B. m basic variables
C. (n-m) basic variables
D. (n+m) basic variables

7. A feasible solution to a linear programming problem _____.

A. must satisfy all the constraints of the problem simultaneously
B. need not satisfy all of the constraints, only some of them
C. must be a corner point of the feasible region.
D. must optimize the value of the objective function

8. An Iso-profit line represents______.

A. an infinite number of solution all of which yield the same cost
B. an infinite number of solutions all of which yield the same profit
C. an infinite number of optimal solutions
D. a boundary of the feasible region

9. While solving a linear programming problem in feasibility may be removed by _________.

A. adding another constraint
B. adding another variable
C. removing a constraint
D. removing a variable

10. In the optimal simplex table, Zj-Cj=0 value indicates _____________.

A. alternative solution
B. bounded solution
C. infeasible solution
D. unbounded solution
11. If any value in XB column of final simplex table is negative, then the solution is___.
A. infeasible
B. unbounded
C. bounded
D. no solution

12. If all aij values in the entering variable column of the simplex table are negative, then _____.
A. there are multiple solutions
B. there exist no solution
C. solution is degenerate
D. solution is unbounded

13. If an artificial variable is present in the basic variable column of optimal simplex table, then the solution is___________.
A. alternative
B. bounded
C. no solution
D. infeasible

14. For any primal problem and its dual______________.

A. optimal value of objective function is same
B. primal will have an optimal solution iff dual does too
C. both primal and dual cannot be infeasible
D. dual will have an optimal solution iff primal does too

15. The right hand side constant of a constraint in a primal problem appears in the corresponding dual as___________.
A. a coefficient in the objective function
B. a right hand side constant of a function
C. an input output coefficient
D. a left hand side constraint coefficient variable

16. Principle of complementary slackness states that____________.

A. primal slack*dual main=0.
B. primal main+dual slack=0
C. primal main+dual surplus=0
D. dual slack*primal main not equal to zero.
17. If primal linear programming problem has a finite solution, then dual linear programming problem should have____________.
A. finite solution
B. infinite solution
C. bounded solution
D. alternative solution

18. The initial solution of a transportation problem can be obtained by applying any known method. How-ever, the only condition is that__________.
A. the solution be optimal
B. the rim conditions are satisfied
C. the solution not be degenerate
D. the few allocations become negative

19. The dummy source or destination in a transportation problem is added to_______.

A. satisfy rim conditions
B. prevent solution from becoming degenerate
C. ensure that total cost does not exceed a limit
D. the solution not be degenerate

20. One disadvantage of using North-West Corner Rule to find initial solution to the transportation problem is that_______.
A. it is complicated to use
B. it does not take into account cost of transportation
C. it leads to a degenerate initial solution.
D. it does take into account cost of transportation.

21. The calculations of opportunity cost in the MODI method is analogous to a_____.
A. Zj-Cj value for non-basic variable column in the simplex method.
B. value of a variable in XB-column of the simplex method.
C. variable in the B-column in the simplex method.
D. Zj-Cj value for basic variable column in the simplex method.

22. An unoccupied cell in the transportation method is analogous to a________.

A. Zj-Cj value in the simplex table.
B. variable in the B-column in the simplex table.
C. variable not in the B-column in the simplex table.
D. value in the XB column in the simplex table.
23. During iteration while moving from one solution to the next, degeneracy may occur when______________.
A. the closed path indicates a diagonal move
B. two or more occupied cells are on the closed path but neither of them represents a corner of the path.
C. two or more occupied cells on the closed path with minus sigh are tied for lowest circled value.
D. the closed path indicates a rectangle move.

24. Which of the following methods is used to verify the optimality of the current solution of the transportation problem_________.
A. Modified Distribution Method
B. Least Cost Method
C. Vogels Approximation Method
D. North West Corner Rule

25. An optimal assignment requires that the maximum number of lines which can be drawn through squares with zero opportunity cost be equal to the number of______.
A. rows or coloumns
B. rows and coloumns.
C. rows+columns- 1
D. rows-columns.

26. While solving an assignment problem, an activity is assigned to a resource through a square with zero opportunity cost because the objective is to_________.
A. minimize total cost of assignment.
B. reduce the cost of assignment to zero
C. reduce the cost of that particular assignment to zero
D. reduce total cost of assignment

27. Maximization assignment problem is transformed into a minimization problem by_________.

A. adding each entry in a column from the maximum value in that column
B. subtracting each entry in a column from the maximum value in that column
C. subtracting each entry in the table from the maximum value in that table
D. adding each entry in the table from the maximum value in that table

28. For a salesman who has to visit n cities, following are the ways of his tour plan___.
A. n!
B. (n+a)!
C. (n-a)!
D. n
29. To proceed with the MODI algorithm for solving an assignment problem, the number of dummy allocations need to be added are___________.
A. n
B. n-1
C. 2n-1
D. n-2

30. Every basic feasible solution of a general assignment problem having a square pay-off matrix of order n should have assignments equal to___________.
A. 2n-1
B. n
C. n+1
D. n-2

31. A feasible solution to an LP problem______.

A. must satisfy all of the problems constraints simultaneously
B. need not satisfy all of the constraints, only some of them
C. must be a corner point of the feasible region.
D. must optimize the value of the objective function.

32. An optimal solution to a maximization problem is reached if all

A. Zj-Cj>=0
B. Zj-Cj<=0
C. Zj-Cj=0
D. Zj-Cj is negative

33. Cells in the transportation table having positive allocation will be called___.
A. cells only
B. occupied
C. unoccupied
D. table

34. The solution must satisfy all the supply and demand constraints is called_____.
A. Feasible solution
B. Basic feasible solution
C. Initial basic feasible solution
D. rim conditions
35. Priority queue discipline may be classified as__________.
A. pre-emptive or non-pre-emptive
B. limited
C. unlimited
D. finite

36. The calling population is assumed to be infinite when______.

A. arrivals are independent of each other
B. capacity of the system is infinite
C. service rate is faster than arrival rate
D. all customers arrive at once

37. Service mechanism in a queuing system is characterized by_____.

A. customers behavior
B. servers behavior
C. customers in the system
D. server in the system

38. The problem of replacement is felt when job performing units fail_____.
A. suddenly and gradually
B. gradually
C. suddenly
D. neither gradually nor suddenly

39. Replace an item when________.

A. average annual cost for n years becomes equal to current running cost
B. next year running cost in more than average cost of nth year
C. present years running cost is less than the previous years average cost
D. average cost to date is equal to the current maintenance cost

40. The average annual cost will be minimized by replacing a machine when_____.
A. average cost to date is equal to the current maintenance cost
B. average cost to date is greater than the current maintenance cost
C. average cost to date is less than the current maintenance cost.
D. next year running cost in more than average cost of nth year
41. The group replacement policy in suitable for identical low cost items which are likely to_________.
A. fail suddenly
B. fail completely and suddenly
C. fail over a period of time
D. progressive and retrogressive

42. The objective of network analysis is to___________.

A. minimize total project duration
B. minimize toal project cost
C. minimize production delays, interruption and conflicts
D. maximize total project duration

43. A activity in a network diagram is said to be __________ if the delay in its start will further delay the project completion time.
A. forward pass
B. backward pass
C. critical
D. non critical

44. If an activity has zero slack, it implies that_________.

A. the project is progressing well
B. it is a dummy activity
C. it lies on the critical path
D. it lies a non critical path

45. In program evaluation review technique network each activity time assume a beta distribution because_________.
A. it is a unimodal distribution that provides information regarding the uncertainty of time estimates of activities
B. it has got finite non-negative error
C. it need not be symmetrical about model value
D. the project is progressing well

46. Float analysis in useful for________.

A. projects behind the schedule only
B. projects ahead of the schedule only
C. cost at normal time is zero
D. the chain of activities may have a common event yet be independent by themselves
47. The activity which can be delayed without affecting the execution of the immediate succeeding activity is determined by_________.
A. total float
B. free float
C. independent float
D. variance of each float

48. In time cost trade off function analysis_________.

A. cost decreases linearly as time increases
B. cost increases linearly as time decreases
C. cost at normal time is zero
D. cost increases linearly as time increases

49. A degenerate solution is one that ________.

A. gives an optimum solution to the Linear Programming Problem
B. gives zero value to one or more of the basic variables
C. yields more than one way to achieve the objective
D. makes use of all the available resources

50. If there is no non-negative replacement ratio in solving a Linear Programming Problem then the solution is ____.
A. feasible
B. bounded
C. unbounded
D. infinite

51. When we solve a system of simultaneous linear equations by using two-phase method, the values of decision variables will be _______.
A. positive
B. negative
C. zero
D. positive and/or negative

52. The transportation problem deals with the transportation of ________.

A. a single product from a source to several destinations
B. a single product from several sources to several destinations
C. a single product from several sources to a destination
D. a multi -product from several sources to several destinations
53. The transportation problem is balanced, if _______.
A. total demand and total supply are equal and the number of sources equals the number of destinations.
B. none of the routes is prohibited
C. total demand equals total supply irrespective of the number of sources and destinations
D. number of sources matches with number of destinations

54. The calling population is considered to be infinite when ________.

A. all customers arrive at once
B. capacity of the system is infinite
C. service rate is faster than arrival rate
D. arrivals are independent of each other

55. The assignment problem is a special case of transportation problem in which ______.
A. number of origins are less than the number of destinations
B. number of origins are greater than the number of destinations
C. number of origins are greater than or equal to the number of destinations
D. number of origins equals the number of destinations

56. Identify the correct statement

A. an assignment problem may require the introduction of both dummy row and dummy column
B. an assignment problem with m rows and n columns will involves a total of m x n possible assignments
C. an unbalanced assignment is one where the number of rows is more than, or less than the number of columns
D. balancing any unbalanced assignment problem involves adding one dummy row or column

57. The minimum number of lines covering all zeros in a reduced cost matrix of order n can be _____.
A. at the most n
B. at the least n
C. n-1
D. n+1

58. In an assignment problem involving 5 workers and 5 jobs, total number of assignments possible are _______.
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 25
59. In marking assignments, which of the following should be preferred?
A. Only row having single zero
B. Only column having single zero
C. Only row/column having single zero
D. Column having more than one zero

60. The average arrival rate in a single server queuing system is 10 customers per hour and average service rate is 15 customers per hour. The average time that a
customer must wait before it is taken up for service shall be _______minutes.
A. 6
B. 8
C. 12
D. 20

61. Customers arrive at a box office window, being manned ny single individual, according to Poisson input process with mean rate of 20 per hour, while the mean service
time is 2 minutes. Which of the following is not true for this system?
A. E(n) = 2 customers
B. E(m) = 4/3 customers
C. E(v) = 6 minutes
D. E(w) = 16 minutes

62. A petrol pump has two pumps; Vehicles arrive at the petrol pump according to poison input process at average of 12 per hour. The service time follows exponential
distribution with a mean of 4 minutes. The pumps are expected to be idle for _____.
A. 33%
B. 43%
C. 53%
D. 65%

63. The initial solution of a transportation problem can be obtained by applying any known method. However, the only condition is that____.
A. the solution be optimal
B. the rim conditions are satisfied
C. the solution not be degenerate
D. the solution be degenerate

64. An assignment problem can be solved by______.

A. Simplex Method
B. Transportation Method
C. Dual simplex method
D. Simplex and Transportation Method

65. A game is said to be fair if___

A. both upper and lower values of the game are same and zero
B. upper and lower values of the game are not equal
C. upper values is more than lower value of the game
D. lower values is more than upper value of the game

66. A mixed strategy game can be solved by ____.

A. Simplex Method
B. Dual Simplex Method
C. Transportation Method
D. Graphical Method

67. When the sum of gains of one player is equal to the sum of losses to another player in a game, this situation is known as_____.
A. two person game
B. zero-sum game
C. two person zero sum game
D. non zero sum game

68. The critical path satisfy the condition that _____.

A. Ei=Li and Ej=Lj
B. Ei-Li=Ej-Lj
C. Lj-Ei=Li-Ej
D. Lj+Ei=Li+Ej

69. In Program Evaluation Review Technique the maximum time that is required to perform the activity under extremely bad conditions is known as_____.
A. normal time
B. optimistic time
C. most likely time
D. pessimistic time

70. ._____is a mathematical technique used to solve the problem of allocating limited resource among the competing activities
A. Linear Programming problem
B. Assignment Problem
C. Replacement Problem
D. Non linear Programming Problem

71. The Hungarian method used for finding the solution of the assignment problem is also called ___________.
A. Vogel's Approximation Method
B. Modi Method
C. Simplex Method
D. Dual Simplex Method

72. Traveling salesman problem will have a total of _____different sequences.

A. n!
B. n-1
C. (n-a)!.
D. n

73. In the production lot size model, increasing the rate of production _______ .
A. increase the optimal number of orders to place each year
B. does not influence the optimal number of orders
C. decrease the optimal number of orders to place each year
D. exactly the optimal number of orders to place each year.

74. The __________ time for an activity can be reduced by using increased resources.
A. normal
B. optimistic
C. pessimistic
D. most likely

75. Graphical method of linear programming is useful when the number of decision variable are _______
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 1

76. The activity cost corresponding to the crash time is called the _____.
A. critical time
B. normal time
C. cost slope
D. crash cost

77. The irreducible minimum duration of the project is called______.

A. critical time
B. crashed duration
C. cost slope
D. crash cost

78. In the network, only one activity may connect any _______nodes
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

79. If the constraints of an Linear Programming Problem has an in equation of greater than or equal to type, the variable to be added to are ___________
A. slack
B. surplus
C. artificial
D. decision

80. If the constraint of an Linear Programming Problem has an in equation of less than or equal to type, the variables to be added are__________
A. slack
B. surplus
C. artificial
D. decision

81. A feasible solution of an Linear Programming Problem that optimizes then the objective function is called _________
A. basic feasible solution
B. optimum solution
C. feasible solution
D. solution

82. A set of feasible solution to a Linear Programming Problem is ___________

A. convex
B. polygon
C. triangle
D. bold

83. The cost of a slack variable is _________.

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. -1

84. The cost of a surplus variable is _________.

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. -1

85. If all the constraints of the primal problem in equations are of type less than or equal to then the constraints in the dual problem is ___________.
A. less than or equal to
B. greater than or equal to
C. equal to
D. 0

86. In an Linear Programming Problem functions to be maximized or minimized are called ___________.
A. constraints
B. objective function
C. basic solution
D. feasible solution

87. Linear Programming Problem that can be solved by graphical method has______.
A. linear constraints
B. quadratic constraints
C. non linear constraints
D. bi-quadratic constraints

88. Charnes method of penalty is called __________

A. Simplex Method
B. Dual Simplex Method
C. Big-M Method
D. Graphical Method

89. If the primal problem has n constraints and m variables then the number of constraints in the dual problem is __________.
A. mn
B. m+n
C. m-n
D. m/n

90. Graphical method is also known as ___________.

A. Simplex Method
B. Dual Simplex Method
C. Big-M Method
D. Search Approach Method

91. The area bounded by all the given constraints is called _____________.
A. feasible region
B. basic solution
C. non feasible region
D. optimum basic feasible solution

92. If one or more variable vanish then a basic solution to the system is called ____________.
A. non feasible region
B. feasible region
C. degenerate solution
D. basic solution

93. The non basic variables are called ___________.

A. shadow cost
B. opportunity cost
C. slack variable
D. surplus variable

94. If the given Linear Programming Problem is in its canonical form then primal-dual pair is ___________.
A. symmetric
B. unsymmetric
C. square
D. non square

95. If the given Linear Programming Problem is in its standard form then primal-dual pair is ____________.
A. symmetric
B. unsymmetric
C. slack
D. square

96. The dual of the dual is ____________.

A. dual-primal
B. primal-dual
C. dual
D. primal

97. Key element is also known as ___________.

A. slack
B. surplus
C. artificial
D. pivot

98. ____________ method is an alternative method of solving a Linear Programming Problem involving artificial variables
A. Simplex Method
B. Big-M Method
C. Dual Simplex Method
D. Graphical Mehtod

99. The method used to solve Linear Programming Problem without use of the artificial variable is called __________.
A. Simplex Method
B. Big-M Method
C. Dual Simplex Method
D. Graphical Mehtod

100. All the basis for a transportation problem is ____________.

A. square
B. rectangle
C. triangle
D. polygon

101. The solution to a transportation problem with m-sources and n-destinations is feasible if the numbers of allocations are ___________.
A. m+n
B. mn
C. m-n
D. m+n-1

102. Solution of a Linear Programming Problem when permitted to be infinitely large is called _________.
A. unbounded
B. bounded
C. optimum solution
D. no solution

103. The server utilization factor is also known as ___________

A. erlang distribution
B. poisson distribution
C. exponential distribution
D. traffic intensity

104. When the total demand is equal to supply then the transportation problem is said to be _________
A. balanced
B. unbalanced
C. maximization
D. minimization

105. When the total demand is not equal to supply then it is said to be __________.
A. balanced
B. unbalanced
C. maximization
D. minimization

106. The allocation cells in the transportation table will be called ____________ cell
A. occupied
B. unoccupied
C. no
D. finite

107. In the transportation table, empty cells will be called ___________.

A. occupied
B. unoccupied
C. basic
D. non-basic

108. In a transportation table, an ordered set of___________or more cells is said to form a loop
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

109. Closed loops may be ____________ in shape

A. square
B. rectangle
C. triangle
D. diagonal

110. To resolve degeneracy at the initial solution, a very small quantity is allocated in ____________ cell
A. occupied
B. basic
C. non-basic
D. unoccupied

111. For finding an optimum solution in transportation problem ____________ method is used.
A. Modi
B. Hungarian
C. Graphical
D. simplex

112. _____________ is a completely degenerate form of a transportation problem

A. Assignment
B. Least Cost Method
C. North West Corner
D. Vogel's Approximation

113. The assignment algorithm was developed by ____________.


114. An Linear Programming Problem have ____________ optimal solution

A. 1
B. 2
C. more than 1
D. more than 2

115. All equality constraints can be replaced equivalently by _____________ inequalities

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

116. Linear Programming Problem is a technique of finding the ____________.

A. optimal value
B. approximate value
C. initial value
D. infeasible value

117. The linear function to be maximized or minimized is called _____________.

A. injective function
B. surjective function
C. bijective function
D. optimal function

118. An assignment problem is a particular case of ____________.

A. linear programming problem
B. transportation problem
C. replacement problem
D. network problme

119. An n-tuple of real numbers which satisfies the constraints of Linear Programming Problem is called ___________
A. solution
B. basic solution
C. feasible solution
D. basic feasible solution

120. Any solution to a Linear Programming Problem which also satisfies the non- negative notifications of the problem has _________.
A. solution
B. basic solution
C. feasible solution
D. basic feasible solution

121. If the primal has an unbound objective function value then the other problem has ___________ .
A. solution
B. basic solution
C. feasible solution
D. no feasible solution

122. The coefficient of slack\surplus variables in the objective function are always assumed to be ______.
A. 0
B. 1
C. M
D. -M

123. The coefficient of an artificial variable in the objective function of penalty method are always assumed to be _____.
A. 0
B. 1
C. -1
D. -M

124. Chose the correct statement: A degenerate solution is one that_________.

A. gives an optimum solution to the Linear Programming Problem
B. gives zero value to one or more of the basic variables
C. yields more than one way to achieve the objective
D. makes use of all available resources

125. If there is no non-negative replacement ratio in a sllution which is sought to be improved, then the solution is_____.
A. bounded
B. unbounded
C. basic solution
D. non-basic solution

126. At any iteration of the usual simplex method, if there is at least one basic variable in the basis at zero level and all the index numbers are non-negative, the current
solution is_____.
A. degenerate
B. non-degenerate
C. basic solution
D. non-basic solution

127. Using ________method, we can never have an unbounded solution

A. Simplex Method
B. Dual Simplex Method
C. Big-M Method
D. Search Approach Method

128. The process that performs the services to the customer is known as ___________.
A. queue
B. service channel
C. customers
D. server

129. The customers of high priority are given service over the low priority customers is____________.
A. pre emptive
B. non pre emptive

130. Given arrival rate = 15/hr, service rate = 20/hr, the value of traffic intensity is ___________.
A. 4/3
B. 3/4
C. 3/2
D. 5

131. The model in which only arrivals are counted and no departure takes place are called _________.
A. pure birth model
B. pure death model
C. birth-death model
D. death-birth model

132. A queuing system is said to be a ________ when its operating characteristic are dependent upon time
A. death model
B. birth model
C. transient state
D. steady state

133. A queuing system is said to be a __________when its operating characteristic are independent upon time
A. death model
B. birth model
C. transient state
D. steady state

134. _________ of a queuing system is the state where the probability of the number of customers in the system depends upon time
A. death model
B. birth model
C. transient state
D. steady state

135. An activity is represented by __________.

A. a straight line
B. a curve
C. an arrow
D. a circle

136. An activity which does not consume neither any resource nor time is known as________.
A. activity
B. predecessor activity
C. successor activity
D. dummy activity

137. The initial event which has all outgoing arrows with no incoming arrow is numbered _____________.
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. -2

138. Slack is also known as ____________.

A. activity
B. event
C. float
D. time

139. An activity is critical if its ______________float is zero

A. total
B. free
C. independent
D. interference

140. The difference between total and free float is __________.

A. total
B. free
C. independent
D. interference

141. What type of distribution does a time follow in program evaluation review technique model?
A. Poisson
B. Exponential
C. Normal
D. Unimodel

142. In a network diagram an event is denoted by the symbol __________.

A. circle
B. arrow
C. dotted arrow
D. double circle

143. A project consists of a number of tasks which are called _________.

A. activities
B. events
C. dummy activity
D. successor

144. The number of time estimates involved in Program Evaluation Review Technique problem is _______.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

145. An _________ represent the start or completion of some activity and as such it consumes no time
A. event
B. activity
C. floats
D. time

146. A activity in a network diagram is said to be __________ if the delay in its start will further delay the project completion time.
A. critical
B. non critical
D. crash

147. _________ is used for non-repetitive jobs

A. network
B. critical

148. ____________ is employed in construction and business problems

A. network
B. critical

149. The assignment problem is always a ________matrix.

A. square
B. sub
C. unit
D. null

150. The similarity between assignment problem and transportation problem is _______.
A. both are rectangular matrices
B. both are square matrices
C. both can be solved y graphical method
D. both have objective function and non-negativity constraints

1.Operations Research approach is ______________approach

A. Multi-disciplinary _
B. scientific
C. intuitive
D. collect essential data

2.______________ is a mathematical technique used to solve the problem of

allocating limited resource among the competing activities
A. Linear Programming problem
B. Assignment Problem
C. Replacement Problem
D. Non linear Programming Problem

3.In an Linear Programming Problem functions to be maximized or minimized are called _____________
A. constraints
B. Objective function_
C. basic solution
D. feasible solution

4.Operations research is the application of ____________methods to arrive at the optimal Solutions to the
A. economical
B. scientific
C. a and b both
D. artistic

5.Which technique is used in finding a solution for optimizing a given objective, such
as profit maximization or cost reduction under certain constraints?

A. Quailing Theory
B. Waiting Line
C. Both A and B
D. Linear Programming

6.OT techniques help the directing authority in optimum allocation of various limited resources like_____
A. Men and Machine
B. Money
C. Material and Time
D. All of the above

7.The assignment algorithm was developed by ______________ method.

8.An assignment problem is a particular case of ______________.
A. Transportation Problem
B. assignment Problem
C. travelling salesman problem
D. replacement Problem

9.The coefficient of slack\surplus variables in the objective function are always assumed to be _________
A. 0
B. 1
C. M
D. -M

10.The Operations research technique which helps in minimizing total waiting and service costs is _____
A. Queuing Theory
B. Decision Theory
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

11.Graphical optimal value for Z can be obtained from ______________.

A. Corner points of feasible region
B. Both a and c
C. corner points of the solution region
D. none of the above

12.In LPP the condition to be satisfied is ______________

A. Constraints have to be linear
B. Objective function has to be linear
C. none of the above
D. both a and b

13.When the sum of gains of one player is equal to the sum of losses to another player
in a game, this situation is known as ______________.
A. two-person game
B. two-person zero-sum game
C. zero-sum game
D. non-zero-sum game

14. In the network, one activity may connect any ______________ nodes
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
15.Graphical method is also known as ______________.
A. Simplex Method
B. Dual Simplex Method
C. Big-M Method
D. Search-Approach Method

16.In game theory, the outcome or consequence of a strategy is referred to as the ______________.
A. payoff.
B. penalty.
C. reward.
D. end-game strategy.

17.In Linear programming problem of maximization, the objective is to maximise ______________.

A. Profit
B. optimization
C. cost
D. None of the above

18.__________ or __________ are used to "balance" an assignment or transportation problem.

A. Destinations; sources
B. Units supplied; units demanded
C. Dummy rows; dummy columns
D. Large cost coefficients; small cost coefficients

19.The method of finding an initial solution based upon opportunity costs is called __________.
A. the northwest corner rule
B. Vogel's approximation
C. Least Cost method
D.None of above

20._______ occurs when the number of occupied squares is less than the number of rows
A. Degeneracy
B. Infeasibility
C. Unboundedness
D. Unbalance

21.In a transportation table, an ordered set of______________ or more cells is said to form a loop
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

22.A Linear Programming Problem have ______________ optimal solution

A. 1
B. 2
C. more than 1
D. more than 2
23.In a network diagram an event is denoted by the symbol ______________.
A. Arrow
B. straight line
C. curve
D. circle

24.An ______________ represent the start or completion of some activity and as such it consumes no time
A. activity
B. An Event
C. slack
D. path

25.Optimization Techniques approach is typically based on the use of ______________.

A. physical model.
B. Mathematical model.
C. iconic model.
D. descriptive model.

26.A activity in a network diagram is said to be ______________ if the delay in its start
will further delay the project completion time.
A. forward pass
B. backward pass
C. critical.
D. non-critical.

27.The region common to all the constraints including the non-negativity restrictions is called the _______
A. Feasible space
B. unique solution
C. optimum solution
D. infeasible solution

28.A feasible solution of an Linear Programming Problem that optimizes

the objective function is called ______________
A. basic feasible solution
B. optimum solution
C. feasible solution
D. solution

29. Charnes method of penalty is called ______________

A. Simplex Method
B. Dual Simplex Method
C. Big-M Method
D. Graphical Method
30. In the transportation table, empty cells will be called ______________.
A. occupied
B. unoccupied
C. no
D. finite

31. The process that performs the services to the customer is known as ______________.
A. queue
B. Service channel
C. customers
D. server

32. Slack is also known as ______________.

A. Float
B. event
C. activity
D. path

33. Graphical method of linear programming is useful when the number of decision variable are ________
A. 1
B. 2 TWO
C. 3
D. 4

34. In an assignment problem involving 5 workers and 5 jobs, total number of assignments possible are
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20

35. The cost of a surplus variable is ______________.

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. -1

36.The dual of the dual is ______________.

A. dual-primal
B. primal-dual
C. dual
D. Primal

37.When the total demand is not equal to supply then it is said to be ______________.
A. balanced
B. Unbalanced
C. maximization
D. minimization
38. An activity is represented by a/an ______________.
A. An Arrow
B. straight line
C. curve
D. arc

39.A project consists of a number of tasks which are called ______________.

A. Activities
B. floats
C. events
D. paths

40.The area bounded by all the given constraints is called ______________.

A. Feasible region
B. basic solution
C. non feasible region
D. optimum basic feasible solution

41.In game theory, the outcome or consequence of a strategy is referred to as the

A. payoff.
B. penalty.
C. reward.
D. end-game strategy.

42.The Operations research technique which helps in minimizing total waiting and service costs is______
A. Queuing Theory
B. Decision Theory
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

43. Which of the following is a method for improving an initial solution in a transportation problem?
A. northwest-corner
B. Intuitive lowest-cost
C. southeast-corner rule
D. stepping-stone

44. Service mechanism in a queuing system is characterized by ______________.

A. customers behavior
B. Servers behavior
C. customers in the system
D. server in the system

45.The objective of network analysis is to______________.

A. minimize total project duration
B. minimize toal project cost
C. Minimize production delays, interruption and conflicts
D. maximize total project duration
46.The customers of high priority are given service over the low priority customers is ______________.
A. Pre emptive

47. A queuing system is said to be a ______________ when its operating characteristic are
independent upon time
A. pure birth model
B. pure death model
C. Transient state
D. steady state

48. An activity which does not consume neither any resource nor time is known as ______________.
A. predecessor activity
B. successor activity
C. Dummy activity
D. activity

49. Priority queue discipline may be classified as______________.

A. Pre-emptive or non-pre-emptive
B. limited
C. unlimited
D. finite

50. In the basic EOQ model, if the lead time increases from 2 to 4 days, the EOQ will ______________
A. double increase
B. Remain constant
C. but not double
D. decrease by a factor of two

51. The model in which only arrivals are counted and no departure takes place are called ______________.
A. Pure birth model
B. pure death model
C. birth death model
D. death birth model

52. Economic order quantity results in ______________

A. Equalisation of carrying cost and procurement cost
B. favourable procurement price
C. reduced chances of stock outs
D. minimization of set up cost
53. The average arrival rate in a single server queuing system is 10 customers per hour
and average service rate is 15 customers per hour. The average time that
a customer must wait before it is taken up for service shall be ______________minutes.
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12

54. The time between the placement of an order and its delivery is called as ______________
A. buffer time
B. Lead time
C. Economic Order Quantity
D. capital time

55. All of the following may be used to find the EOQ except ______________.
A. optimal number of days supply to order
B. number of orders which minimize ordering costs optimal
C. number of rupees per order optimal
D. number of orders per year

56. All of the following are assumptions of the EOQ model except ______________
A. the usage rate is reasonably constant
B. replenishment is not instantaneous
C. only one product is involved
D. there are no quantity discount price

57. When D=18000, holding cost=Rs.1.20, set-up cost=Rs.400 ,EOQ = ______________

A. 3465
B. 3750
C. 3500
D. 4000

58.A solution can be extracted from a model either by A.

Conducting experiments on it
B. Mathematical analysis
C. Both A and B
D. Diversified Technique

59.The solution to a transportation problem with m-sources and n-destinations

is feasible if the numbers of allocations are ___________
A. m+n
B. mn
C. m-n
D. m+n-1
60.The allocation cells in the transportation table will be called ______________ cell occupied
A. unoccupied
B. no
C. finite

61.To resolve degeneracy at the initial solution, a very small quantity is allocated in ______________ cell
A. occupied
B. unoccupied
C. no
D. finite

62.The assignment problem is always a ______________matrix.

A. circle
B. square
C. rectangle
D. triangle

63.The right hand side constant of a constraint in a primal problem appears

in the corresponding dual as______________.
A. a coefficient in the objective function
B. a right hand side constant of a function
C. an input output coefficient a left hand side
constraint D. coefficient variable

64.The transportation problem deals with the transportation of ______________.

A. a single product from a source to several destinations
B. a single product from several sources to several destinations
C. a single product from several sources to a destination
D. a multi -product from several sources to several destinations

65.When the total demand is equal to supply then the transportation problem is said to be _____________
A. balanced
B. unbalanced
C. maximization
D. minimization

66.Linear Programming Problem is a technique of finding the ______________.

A. optimal value
B. approximate value
C. initial value
D. infeasible value

67.The cost of a slack variable is ______________.

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. -1
68.Which of the following is a method for improving an initial solution in a transportation problem?
A. northwest-corner
B. intuitive lowest-cost
C. southeast-corner rule
D. stepping-stone

69.Linear Programming Problem that can be solved by graphical method has ______________.
A. linear constraints
B. quadratic constraints
C. non linear constraints
D. bi-quadratic constraints

70.______________ method is an alternative method of solving a Linear Programming

Problem involving artificial variables
A. Simplex Method
B. Big-M Method
C. Dual Simplex Method
D. Graphical Mehtod

71.The purpose of a dummy source or dummy destination in a transportation problem is

to A. prevent the solution from becoming degenerate.
B. obtain a balance between total supply and total demand.
C. make certain that the total cost does not exceed some specified figure.
D. provide a means of representing a dummy problem.

72.Which of the following is NOT needed to use the transportation model?

A. the cost of shipping one unit from each origin to each destination
B. the destination points and the demand per period at each
C. the origin points and the capacity or supply per period at
each D. degeneracy

73.When total supply is equal to total demand in a transportation problem, the problem
is said to be
A. Balanced
B. Unbalanced
C. Degenerate
D. None of the above

74.One disadvantage of using North-West Corner Rule to find initial solution to

the transportation problem is that
A. it is complicated to use
B. it does not take into account cost of transportation
C. it leads to degenerate initial solution
D. all of the above
75. In marking assignments, which of the following should be
preferred? A. Only row having single zero
B. Only column having single zero
C. Only row/column having single
zero D. Column having more than
one zero

76.While solving a linear programming problem infeasibility may be removed by ______________.

A. adding another constraint
B. adding another variable
C. removing a constraint
D. removing a variable

77.Maximization assignment problem is transformed into a minimization problem

A. adding each entry in a column from the maximum value in that column
B. subtracting each entry in a column from the maximum value in that column
C. subtracting each entry in the table from the maximum value in that table
D. adding each entry in the table from the maximum value in that table

79.If the given Linear Programming Problem is in its canonical form then primal-dual pair is
A. symmetric
B. un symmetric
C. square
D. non square

80.If all aij values in the entering variable column of the simplex table are negative, then
A. solution is unbounded
B. solution is degenerate
C. there exist no solution
D. there are multiple solutions

81.By constructing models, the problems in libraries increase and cannot be solved.
A. True
B. False

82.In O.T., the __________ are prepared for situations.

A. mathematical models
B. physical models diagrammatic
C. diagrammatic models
D. all of above

83.The method of finding an initial solution based upon opportunity costs is called __________.
A. the northwest corner rule
B. Vogel's approximation
C. Johanson's theorem
D. Flood's technique

84.The purpose of a dummy source or dummy destination in a transportation problem is

to A. prevent the solution from becoming degenerate.
B. obtain a balance between total supply and total demand.
C. make certain that the total cost does not exceed some specified figure.
D. provide a means of representing a dummy problem.

85.What is the objective function in linear programming problems?

A. A constraint for available resource
B. An objective for research and development of a company
C. A linear function in an optimization problem
D. A set of non-negativity conditions

86.Which of the following is not the phase of OR methodology?

A. Formulating a problem
B. Constructing a model
C. Establishing controls
D. Controlling the environment

87.Every LPP is associated with another LPP is called __________

D.None of above

88.Key concept under which technique are network of events and activities, resource allocation
, time and cost considerations, network paths and critical
paths? A.Game Theory
B.Network Analysis
C.Decision Theory
D.None of theabove

89.The mathematical model of an LP problem is important because.

A.It helps in converting the verbal description & numerical data into mathematical expression
B.Decision-makers prefer to work with formal models
C.It captures the relevant relationship among decision
factors D.It enables the use of algebraic technique

90.Which of the following characteristics apply to queuing system?

A. Customer population
B.Arrival process
C.Both a & b
D.Neither a nor b

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