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1. The Titanic sank on its
a long journey, especially
voyage /'vɔiid maiden voyage (= first chuyến đi biển
by sea or in space
ʒ/ journey).
an act of travelling from
They went on a long
2. journey one place to another,
train journey across cuộ c hà nh trình
/ˈdʒɜːni/ especially when they are
far apart
a journey to a place and
3. trip back again, especially a We went on a trip to the
chuyến du ngoạ n
/trɪp/ short one for pleasure or a mountains.
particular purpose
to go from one place to
4. travel
another, especially over a I travel abroad a lot. đi lạ i
long distance
a short journey made for There are regular
5. excursion pleasure, especially one weekend excursions cuộ c đi chơi, tham
/ɪkˈskɜːʃn/ that has been organized throughout the quan
for a group of people summer.
what you can see from a There were magnificent
6. view particular place or views of the phong cả nh từ 1 gó c
/vjuː/ position, especially surrounding nà o đó
beautiful countryside countryside.
A person or a thing that Windmills are a
7. sight
you see that has a common sight in this cả nh chung chung
particular feature part of country
8. world the earth, with all its They travelled the thế giớ i
countries, peoples and
/wɜːld/ world for pleasure
natural features
9. earth the world; the planet that I must be the happiest
trá i đấ t
/ɜːθ/ we live on person on earth!
part of a place, town, etc., The farm and
10. area
or a region of a country or surrounding area were vù ng, khu vự c
the world flooded.
They have refused to
land that is under the
11. territory allow UN troops to be
control of a particular lã nh thổ , địa bà n
/ˈterətri/ stationed in their
country or political leader
any of the four main
12. season periods of the year: spring, Autumn is my favourite
mù a
/ˈsiːzn/ summer, autumn and season.
All these changes
13. period
a particular length of time happened over a period kì, thờ i kì, tiết họ c
of time.
the money that you pay to
14. fare When do they start
travel by bus, plane, taxi, tiền tà u xe, tiền vé
/feə(r)/ paying full fare?
a printed piece of paper,
or a message or image
received on your phone or
15. ticket I bought a ticket for the
computer, that gives you vé
/ˈtɪkɪt/ concert.
the right to travel on a
particular bus, train, etc.
or to go into a theatre, etc.
16. fee an amount of money that The school fees are Phí, họ c phí
/fiː/ you pay for professional expected to rise again
advice or services next year.
17. miss to be or arrive too late for If I don't leave now I'll
bỏ lỡ
/mɪs/ something miss my plane.
18. lose to be unable to find
I've lost my keys. là m mấ t
/luːz/ something/somebody
to carry or move
19. take You need to take your
something from one place đưa đi, cầ m đi
/teɪk/ laptop to the technician.
to another
To take someone or
19. bring Bring a coat in case it
something with you from mang (bên mình)
/brɪŋ/ turns cold
one place to another place
20. go to move or travel from one I have to go to Rome on
/ɡəʊ/ place to another business.
to arrange to have or use
21. book something on a particular She booked a flight to
đặ t (vé / phò ng)
/bʊk/ date in the future; to buy a Chicago.
ticket in advance
to continue to have
22. keep Always keep a backup
something and not give it giữ
/kiːp/ of the file.
back or throw it away
23. arrive /ə to get to a place, especially I'll wait until they
ˈraɪv/ at the end of a journey arrive.
to arrive at the place that
24. reach The beach can only be
you have been travelling đến
/riːtʃ/ reached by boat.
25. live to have your home in a We used to live in
số ng (lâ u dà i)
/lɪv/ particular place London.
26. stay to continue to be in a I just want to stay in ở lạ i
/steɪ/ particular place for a bed today.
period of time without
moving away
the line that divides two I live in a small town in
27. border
countries or areas; the the US, near the biên giớ i
land near this line Canadian border.
the outside limit of an
28. edge object, a surface or an I sat down at the
/edʒ/ area; the part furthest water's edge.
from the centre
29. line a long, thin mark on a Draw a thick black line đườ ng kẻ, đườ ng
/laɪn/ surface across the page. thẳ ng
the size or measurement The snake usually
30. length
of something from one end reaches a length of 100  chiều dà i
to the other cm.
the amount of space Paul has to drive very
31. distance
between two places or long distances as part of khoả ng cá ch
things his job.
to show somebody the
way to a place, often by
32. guide Sherpas guide climbers
going with them; to show hướ ng dẫ n
/ɡaɪd/ to the summit.
somebody a place that you
know well
to go with or in front of a
person or an animal to
33. lead
show the way or to make If you lead, I'll follow. dẫ n dắ t
them go in the right
connected with the place
34. native where you were born and Her native language is
bả n ngữ
/ˈneɪtɪv/ lived for the first years of Korean.
your life
the house or flat that you Old people prefer to
35. home
live in, especially with stay in their own nhà
your family homes.
She was terrified that
Bắ t kịp vớ i (từ
1. catch Reach the same point / one day her past
thấ p bắ t kịp lên
up with level as problems would catch
level cao hơn
up with her.
Please check in at least
2. check Register at a hotel or an Đă ng kí phò ng
an hour before
in airport (khá ch sạ n)
Guests should check
3. check Trả phò ng ( khá ch
Leave a hotel, investigate out of their rooms by
out sạ n)// điều tra
I dropped off and
Fall sleep, let someone get Ngủ gụ c, cho ai đó
4. drop off missed the end of the
out of a vehicle xuố ng xe
5. get What time did you get
Return from a place Quay về
back back last night?
6. go They've gone away for
Go on holiday Đi nghỉ
away a few days.
I can't keep up with all Theo kịp vớ i
7. keep up Stay at the same
the changes. (cù ng level, trinh
with point/level as
độ )
He picked up his
8. make
Go in the direction of umbrella and made for Đi về hướ ng
the door.
Stop a vehicle to give s.o a I'll pick you up at five.
9. pick up Đó n
10. pull in Stop by the side of the road The police car signalled Đậ u xe
in a car to us to pull in.
11. run My dog almost got run
Hit with a car Tô ng (xe)
over over.
Go to a train station, … to Anne saw Terry off at
12. see off Tiễn đưa
see s.o leave the station.
13. set They set out on the last
Start a journey Khở i hà nh
out/off stage of their journey.
14. take The plane took off an Cấ t cá nh (má y
Leave the ground
off hour late. bay)
15. turn Go back in the opposition Turn around and let me
Quay ngượ c lạ i
round direction look at your back.
Children can have an accident
1. have an accident bị tai nạ n
at night sometimes.
when a cyclist is involved in
2. be (involve) in an an accident that does not Liên quan đến tai
accident involve a motor vehicle we nạ n
are left uninsured by TAC.
3. do sth by
I deleted the file by accident. Vô tình là m gì
If you're going to come,
trướ c (dù ng cho
4. in advance please let me know in
thờ i gian)
For the rebels, control of the
5. advance
south is key to their advance Tiến về
to/toward a place
toward Damascus.
Ahead Don't let him go straight
6. go straight ahead ahead because that's the only đi thẳ ng
way he wants to fight.
7. go ahead I'll go ahead and tell them Tiến bộ , tiếp tụ c
you're on the way.
The C-Class is very strong and
8. be ahead of Dẫ n trướ c, phai
is ahead of competitive
sth/sb trướ c
models from BMW and Audi.
A change of direction will be
9. a change of
easier than you think, once Đổ i hướ ng
you get the ball rolling.
The car was last seen headed
10. in the direction Theo hướ ng củ a
Direction in the direction of the
of sth gì đó
However, recent studies are
11. in this/that
beginning to provide new Hướ ng nà y/kia
insights in this direction.
12. off the top of Just off the top of my head, I’d khô ng cầ n suy
your head say there were about 50. nghĩ
Police said he told the driver
13. head
to head toward the South Đi về phía
Head for/towards a place
Loop and the Gulf Freeway
Still head over heels for each
14. head over heels Yêu điên cuồ ng,
other all these years later, the
(in love) yêu say đắ m
couple embraced.
When I go on holiday there,
15. go/be on
you can often find me đi nghỉ
This year, Easter was before
Holiday 16. have/take a
the meet opened, thus racing đi nghỉ, có kì nghỉ
did not take a holiday
Christmas Day is a bank Ngà y nghỉ lễ danh
17. bank holiday
holiday. cho ngâ n hà ng
Left 19. go/turn/etc left Christmas Day is a bank Rẽ trá i
Kubel was hit on the left wrist
20. on the left by a pitch Tuesday and Bên trá i
Hudson's foot is hurting.
Driving an American-style car
21. on the left-hand
on the left-hand side of the ở bên tay trá i
narrow winding roads.
Ruff timed his run and picked
22. in the left-hand
well to score in the left-hand ở gó c bên trá i
corner once again.
23. left-handed My mum’s left-handed. Thuậ n tay trá i
24. plan your/a Take your walking shoes with
Lên lịch
route you and plan a route to walk.
We decided to take a route
that would head out into the thự c hiện 1 lộ
25. take a route
desert and loop back making trình
our trip home manageable.
The San Juan crew did have
Sight 26. see the sights some free time to see the ngắ m cả nh
sights in Simon's Town
Almost every day, she would
Sightseeing 27. go sightseeing take me by bus into D.C. to go đi ngắ m cả nh
Speed 28. at High-speed rail between the
(high/full/etc) two cities is still a long way ở tố c độ cao
speed from happening.
29. a burst of speed It came suddenly, on a burst Bù ng nổ tố c độ
of speed, with power, with a
nifty shot that beat Flyers
goalie Martin Biron.
The police stopped him for
30. speed limit Tố c độ giớ i hạ n
breaking the speed limit.
31. go on/take a Let's take a tour around a
thự c hiện chuyến
tour of/(a)round typical block in your
đi quanh
somewhere hometown.
We toured the streets of
Tour 32. tour a place Đi tham quan
My tour guide this afternoon
Hướ ng dẫ n viên
33. tour guide is Garrett Keating, a former
du lịch
cop turned astronomer.
He was trying to make a
34. business trip business trip to Manhattan chuyến cô ng tá c
after his train was canceled.
Holloway was 18 when she
chuyến tham qua
35. school trip vanished in 2005 while on a
củ a trườ ng
high school trip to Aruba.
Occasionally, I get to go on a
36. go on a trip trip out into town to see some Đi tham quan
of the local sights.
Now we can get to those jobs,
37. take a trip (to a
malls, visit friends and take a (Đến đâ u) du lịch
trip to the beach
Way lạ c đườ ng/ đi,
38. lose/make/find It's a bad place in which to
tiến bộ / tìm
your way lose your way
đườ ng
In a way, I hope he doesn’t
39. in a way Theo cá ch nà o đó
40. on the way On the way back out through Trên đườ ng
the Microfilm collection, I
decided to play a hunch
The couple had to go all the
41. go all the way Tìm mọ i cá ch để
way to Gurnee to the Bass Pro
(to sth/swh) là m gì/ đi đâ u
Shops for the waders.
She was afraid of the big
1. afraid of sth/sb/doing boys, and made up for it by Sợ / e sợ cá i gì / ai đó / là m gì đó
bullying the smaller kids.
A few people eventually
told me they were
2. afraid to do Ngầ n ngạ i
suspicious but afraid to say
He didn't appear to be
bothered at all by the fact
3. appear to be Có vẻ như, dườ ng như
the gifts had been
Try and arrange a meeting
for her with the new
4. arrange sth (with sb) sắ p xếp cá i gì vớ i ai đó
company so they can
reassure her.
I asked Lobenstein if he
5. arrange for sb to do might arrange for me to sắ p xếp cho ai là m gì đó
visit a kollel.
I can now report that they
6. arrive in/at a place should arrive at the church đến (địa danh, tò a nhà /địa điểm)
in 6 to 14 business days
About 60 percent of
foreigners who arrive here
7. arrive here/there Đến đâ y/ đó
already have a college
8. continue sth/doing He paused for a moment to Tiếp tụ c là m gì (sau khi ngừ ng lạ i)
listen and then continued
If it continues to rain, we
9. continue to do may have to cancel the Tiếp tụ c là m gì khô ng ngừ ng nghỉ
outdoor concert.
Oh, please continue with Tiếp tụ c là m gì/ vớ i (trướ c đâ y đã
10. continue with sth
your discussion. là m)
You are right in saying that
11. differ from sth/sb the US deficits differ from khá c vớ i cá i gì / ai đó
EU and other countries.
How can we make our
12. dream about/of nation the country we all
mơ về
sth/sb/doing dream about, without
paying for it?
He used to invite me to
come and work out with
13. invite sb to do mờ i ai là m gì đó
the Bucks when I was at
He is also keen to see a
renewed emphasis on
14. keen to do muố n là m gì đó trong tương lai
fiction, and on books for
The bank is keen on
lending to local businesses
15. keen on sth/sb/doing muố n, thích là m gì
and projects inside the
Her husband, James
Cowan, will watch their
16. live in/at a place Số ng ở đâ u
five children who still live
at home.
About 80 percent of Sadr
City residents live on the
17. live on/for sth Số ng nhờ và o/ số ng vì
Mahdi Army side of the
That's why I live here and
I'll take the little
18. live here/there Số ng tạ i đâ y/ ở đó
inconvenience that goes
with it.
I regret not becoming a
teacher because that was
19. regret (not) doing hố i tiếc đã là m gì đó
the career I was interested
I often regret something
20. regret sth Hố i tiếc về việc gì
the day after drinking.
I regret to inform you that I
21. regret to tell/inform tiếc để nó i/ thô ng bá o (tin buồ n,
gave her a bracelet for
you khô ng vui)
Valentine's Day
It makes perfect sense if
22. think of/about you think about it long
Câ n nhắ c,nghĩ về cá i gì/ ai/ là m gì
sth/sb/doing enough to make your head
Have you met someone
23. write about you would like to write
Viết về cá i gì/ai
sth/sb/doing about, or would suggest we
talk to?
I’ve written a letter to my
24. write (sth) (to sb) Viết (cá i gì) (cho ai)
25. write sb sth I’ve written my son a lette viết cho ai cá i gì
If I don’t write it down, I’ll
26. write sth down Viết ra
forget it.
1. Arrange /əˈreɪndʒ/ (v) sắ p xếp
2. Rearrange /ˌriːəˈreɪndʒ/ (v) sắ p xếp lạ i
3. Arrangement / əˈreɪndʒmənt/ (n) sự sắ p xếp
4. Arrive /əˈraɪv/ (v) đến
5. Arrival /əˈraɪvl/ (n) việc đến
6. Broad /brɔːd/ (adj) rộ ng
7. breadth /bredθ/ (n) chiều rộ ng, bề ngang
8. Broaden /ˈbrɔːdn/ (v) mở rộ ng
9. Culture /ˈkʌltʃə(r)/ (n) vă n hó a
10. Cultural /ˈkʌltʃərəl/ (adj) thuộ c về vă n hó a
11. Culturally /ˈkʌltʃərəli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch có vă n hó a
12. Cultured /ˈkʌltʃəd/ (adj) có vă n hó a
13. Uncultured /ˌʌnˈkʌltʃəd/ (adj) khô ng có vă n hó a
14. Differ /ˈdɪfə(r)/ (v) khá c
15. Different /ˈdɪfrənt/ (adj) khá c
16. Differently /ˈdɪfrəntli/ (adv) khá c
17. Difference /ˈdɪfrəns/ (n) sự khá c nhau
18. Direct /daɪˈrekt/ (adj) trự c tiếp
19. Indirect /ˌɪndaɪˈrekt/ (adj) giá n tiếp
20. Direction /daɪˈrekʃn/ (n) hướ ng đi
21. Director /daɪˈrektə(r)/ (n) giá m đố c
22. Directly /daɪˈrektli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch trự c tiếp
23. Indirectly /ˌɪndaɪˈrektli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch giá n tiếp
24. Distant /ˈdɪstənt/ (adj) xa
25. Distantly /ˈdɪstəntli/ (adv) xa
26. Distance /ˈdɪstəns/ (n) khoả ng cá ch
27. Enter /ˈentə(r)/ (v) đi và o
28. Entrance /ˈentrəns/ (n) lố i và o
29. Inhabit /ɪnˈhæbɪt/ (v) ở , số ng
30. Inhabitant /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/ (n) dâ n cư
31. Photograph /ˈfəʊtəɡrɑːf/ (n) tấ m ả nh
32. Photography /fəˈtɒɡrəfi/ (n) nghề nhiếp ả nh
33. Photographer /fəˈtɒɡrəfə(r)/ (n) nhiếp ả nh gia
34. Photographic /ˌfəʊtəˈɡræfɪk/ (adj) thuộ c về nhiếp ả nh
35. Recognise /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/ (v) nhậ n ra, cô ng nhậ n
36. Recognisable /ˌrekəɡˈnaɪzəbl/ (adj) có thể nhậ n ra
37. Unrecognizable /ˌʌnˈrekəɡnaɪzəbl/ (adj) khô ng thể nhậ n ra
38. Recognition /ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/ (n) sự cô ng nhậ n
39. Time /taɪm/ (n) thờ i gian
40. Timetable /ˈtaɪmteɪbl/ (n) lịch trình, thờ i khó a biểu
41. Tour /tʊə(r)/ (n) ngà nh du lịch
42. Tourism /ˈtʊərɪzəm/ (n) ngà nh du lịch
43. Tourist /ˈtʊərɪst/ (n) khá ch du lịch
44. World /wɜːld/ (n) thế giớ i
45. Worldwide /ˌwɜːldˈwaɪd/ (adv) khắ p thế giớ i

A. Choose the correct answer
1. You need a passport to cross the ________ between Mexico and the United States.
A. edge B. line C. border D. rim
2. The hotel where we are _______ is quite luxurious.
A. living B. remaining C. existing D. staying
3. When you ________ your destination, your tour guide will meet you at the airport.
A. arrive B. get C. reach D. achieve
4. It can be quite busy here during the tourist ________.
A. season B. period C. phase D. stage
5. David ________ me to the train station every morning.
A. goes B. takes C. has D. makes
6. I always enjoy our school ________ to France.
A. excursion B. journey C. trip D. travel
7. Hurry up, or we’ll ________ the bus!
A. avoid B. miss C. drop D. lose
8. The brochure says that the hotel has a great ________ of the sea.
A. appearance B. look C. sight D. view
9. I must remember to _______ a souvenir back from Spain for my grandmother.
A. go B. take C. bring D. keep
10. The ________ from London to Berlin is about 919 kilometres.
A. measure B. length C. gap D. distance
11. Make sure you ________ a hotel before you come to our island, especially in the
A. book B. keep C. put D. take
12. I live in Barcelona, but my _______ town is Madrid.
A. birth B. home C. native D. origin

B. Circle the correct word.

1. I hope to go on a trip around the world/earth one day.
2. You learnt a lot about the local territory/area by speaking to local people.
3. It’s good to have someone to lead/guide you when you are on holiday.
4. I get the train to work every day and the fare/fee is quite expensive.
5. Captain Cook discovered Australia on a voyage/travel to the Pacific.
6. Most tourist attractions in London charge an admission fee/ticket.
7. The sunset over Niagara Falls really is a magnificent look/sight.

C. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.
catch check get go make pick pull see

1. Let’s go to the airport to ____________________ Grandpa off when he flies back home.
2. If it starts to rain, ____________________ for a nearby cave to wait for it to pass.
3. We would like to remind all guests that they must ____________________ out before
4. Please ____________________ in and stop so that I can buy something to drink.
5. Every Saturday night my dad ____________________ us up outside the cinema.
6. I think the neighbours have ____________________ away for the weekend.
7. John’s up ahead so Greg is pedalling fast to ____________________ up with him.
8. We’re going on holiday tomorrow, but we’ll call you when we ____________________

D. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. Add
any other words you need.
1. We can start our journey ___________________________ towards the mountains at dawn.
2. Dad fetched the luggage while Mum registered ___________________________ at the
3. I asked the taxi driver to let me get out ___________________________ outside the train
4. Oh, no! I've forgotten my passport! We'll have to go back ________________ outside
the train station.
5. The most exciting moment is when the plane leaves the ground
___________________________. TAKES OFF
6. Stop the car! I think we’ve hit ___________________________ a dog.
7. I don’t think a horse can ever stay at the same speed as ___________________________ a


E. Write one word in each gap.
1. The speed _________________ in towns is 50 km/h and you shouldn’t go faster than
2. Why don’t we __________________ the scenic route along the coast?
3. If you buy plane ticket ________________ advance, it’s often cheaper than if you wait.
4. I can’t remember the name of the hotel we stayed at off the _________________ of my
5. I’m sorry I’m late! I ____________________ my way and had to ask for directions.
6. My mum’s away in Germany on a business __________________ at the moment.
7. The bank? Well, turn left here, then go ____________________ ahead for a kilometre
and it’s on the left.
8. If you look on your left-hand ___________________ as we turn this corner, you’ll see Big
9. I’ll look round the shops in the morning and then _____________________ sightseeing in
the afternoon.
10. My grandma hasn’t driven since she ____________________ an accident last year.
11. I love visiting foreign places, _____________________ the sights and learning about
other cultures.
12. During the 70s, many British people started to go ____________________ holiday to
13. While you’re in London, you should take a tour _____________________ the Houses of

F. Choose the correct answer.
1. I’ve always dreamt ___________ china.
A. to visit B. of visiting C. I visit D. visit
2. The travel agency is arranging for us _____________ at a really nice hotel.
A. stay B. of staying C. to stay D. staying
3. My dad says he always regrets ____________ more.
A. to not travel B. not travelling C. he not travel D. of not travelling
4. John seems keen ____________ how to drive as soon as he can.
A. of learning B. he learn C. for learn D. to learn
5. Now, class, I’d like you all to write __________ a description of your last holiday.
A. me B. to me C. it me D. about me
6. When you arrive ____________, have your passport ready.
A. to the airport B. in the airport C. on the airport D. at the airport
7. The Joneses have invited us ___________ to Australia with them this summer.
A. going B. for going C. about going D. to go
8. The in-flight entertainment may differ ___________ that advertised.
A. to B. from C. in D. at

G. Find the extra word in each line.

1………….. Oh, let me tell you about the trip. Did you know that Sarah is afraid
2………….. of be
3…………. flying? We had arranged it with her family to go to France for a few
4…………. days. I have always wanted to see Paris and would love to live
5…………. there one day. Well, we got to the airport and Sarah appeared
6………… being nervous. I asked her if she was okay and she said she was
7………… fine, so we continued on to our way. We went through passport
8…………. control and I could see so that Sarah wasn't keen on going any
9…………. further. Just then, a voice announced: " We regret it to inform
10……….. passengers that Flight 114 to France is been called." That was our
flight! Sarah sá i she was glad because of she was too frightened to
fly anyway!So, we all went to home. That was the end of that trip!

H. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits
in each gap.

It’s not always easy being a (1. TOUR) ___________________ You spend half your time
making (2. ARRANGE) __________________________ for your holiday and the other
half worrying about sticking to the (3. TIME) _________________________ I think it’s relaxing
sometimes to spend a holiday at home. There are no (4. CULTURE)
________________________ problems, you don’t need someone to be the (5.
PHOTOGRAPH) _______________________ and you know that the local (6. INHABIT)
_______________________ are always friendly!

I. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when
this is necessary.
1. Beijing has changed so much in the last few years that it’s almost
_______________________ (recognise)
2. The number of cars _________________________ (world) is about a billion and is
increasing all the time.
3. The new trains run on a completely ___________________________ (differ) system from
ordinary trains.
4. Living in a foreign country really does ____________________________ (broad) your
5. I can’t find a _____________________________ (direct) flight from London to Delhi so I’ve
booked one that changes in Frankfurt.
6. All passengers must complete a visa form upon ________________________(arrive) at
Singapore airport.
7. You can still see old milestones by the side of the road in England, showing the
___________________________ (distant) to the nearest town.
8. The Museum of Transport has a full-sized jet plane next to the
________________________ (enter)

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