18cvl38 - BMT Lab - Manual
18cvl38 - BMT Lab - Manual
18cvl38 - BMT Lab - Manual
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To keep pace with advancements in knowledge and make the students competitive and
capable at the global level.
To create an environment for the students to acquire the right physical, intellectual, emotional and
moral foundations andshine as torchbearers of tomorrow's society.
The department will be recognized for its value based teaching, associated activities pertaining to
To provide quality education through faculty and state of the art infrastructure To identify current
problems in the society pertaining to Civil Engineering disciplines and to address them
effectively andefficiently
To inculcate the habit of research and entrepreneurship in our graduates to address current
infrastructure needs of society
Graduates who complete their UG course through our institution will be,
PEO 2- Engaged in higher studies and research activities in various Civil Engineering fields
and a life time commitment to learn ever changing technologies to satisfy increasing demand
of sustainable infrastructural facilities
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural
sciences, and engineering sciences.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant
to the professional engineering practice. 44
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader
in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage
in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PSO 1 : To prepare plans and maps of the infrastructures by undertaking the process of
engineering survey
PSO3: To assess and provide solutions for impact of anthropogenic activities leading to
pollution of land, water and air.
Objectives: To conduct a tensile test on a mild steel specimen and determine the
(i) Limit of proportionality (ii) Elastic limit
(iii) Yield strength (IV) Ultimate strength
(v) Young’s modulus of elasticity (VI) Percentage elongation
(vii) Percentage reduction in area.
Generic Skills / Outcomes: After performing the experiment, one can know the behavior
of mild steel subjected to axial tension.
Objectives: To study the behavior of the given material under Compressive load and to
determine the following:
Modulus of elasticity
Maximum Compressive strength or ultimate stress
Percentage Decrease in length
Percentage Increase in area
Generic Skills / Outcomes: After performing this experiment, one can able to understand
the behavior of mild steel subjected to compressive force.
Objectives: To study the behavior of mild steel when subjected to a gradually increasing
torque and to determine modulus of rigidity of the material and modulus of rupture.
Generic Skills / Outcomes: After conducting the experiment, one can understand the
behavior of mild steel subjected to a torsional force.
Objectives: To Conduct bending test for the given specimen and to determine the
Modulus of elasticity
Modulus of Rupture or flexure modulus (maximum bending stress at failure using
bending equation).
Generic Skills / Outcomes: After performing this experiment, one can understand the
behavior of woof subjected to a bending force.
Objectives: To determine the Ultimate Shear Strength of the given standard specimen
under Single and Double shear.
Generic Skills / Outcomes: After performing the experiment, one can know about the
behavior of mild steel subjected to shear force
Objectives: To determine the Impact strength (Specific impact factor) and impact value
of a given specimen through Izod test.
Generic Skills / Outcomes: After conducting this experiment, one can determine the
impact value of specimen and can suggest it to a particular application.
Objectives: To determine the central breaking load and strength of the given tile.
Generic Skills / Outcomes: After performing the experiment, one can determine the
percentage of water absorption and knife edge strength of tiles.
Objectives: To determine specific gravity, fineness modulus & grain size distribution
and unit mass and voids of concrete aggregates
Generic skills / outcomes: One can validate the specific gravity, unit mass and fineness
modulus of coarse aggregates
Experiment 12: duration:3 hours
Demonstration of strain gauges and strain indicators
List of References
1. 1.Davis, Troxell and Hawk, “Testing of Engineering Materials”, International Student Edition –
McGraw Hill Book Co. New Delhi.
2. M L Gambhir and Neha Jamwal, “Building and construction materials-Testing and quality control”,
McGraw Hill education (India)Pvt. Ltd.,2014.
3. Fenner, “Mechanical Testing of Materials”, George Newnes Ltd. London.
4. Holes K A, “Experimental Strength of Materials”, English Universities Press Ltd. London.
5. Suryanarayana A K, “Testing of Metallic Materials”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
6. Kukreja C B, Kishore K. and Ravi Chawla “Material Testing Laboratory Manual”, Standard Publis hers
& Distributors1996.
7. Relevant latest IS Codes.
Two questions are to be set - One fromgroup experiments and the other as individual experiment.
Instructions as printed on the cover page of answer script for split up of marks to be strictly followed.
Course Objective
Course Outcome
After successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Reproduce the basic knowledge of mathematics and engineering in finding the strength in
tension, compression, shear and torsion.
3. Evaluate the impact of engineering solutions on the society and also will be aware of
contemporary issues regarding failure of structures due to unsuitable materials.
1. Students should come with thorough preparation for the experiment to be conducted.
2. Before enter into the lab all students must wear Apron without fail
3. Students will not be permitted to attend the laboratory unless they bring the practical record
fully completed in all respects pertaining to the experiment conducted in the previous class.
4. Experiment should be started only after the staff-in-charge has checked the experimental
5. All calculations should be completed in laboratory. The results must be shown and the
student must obtain the signature of the teacher before he or she leaves the laboratory.
Students must submit the record in the following week for correction. Fail to submit will not
be allowed to conduct next experiment.
6. Wherever graphs are to be drawn, A-4 size graphs only should be used and the same should
be firmly attached to the practical record.
7. Practical record should be neatly maintained.
8. They should obtain the signature of the staff-in-charge in the observation book after
completing each experiment.
9. Theory regarding each experiment should be written in the practical record before
procedure in your own words.
10. An internal lab test will be conducted at the end of the semester.
(i) Universal Testing Machine (UTM)
(ii) Mild steel specimens
(iii) Graph paper
(iv) Scale
(v) Vernier Caliper
In engineering, tension test is widely used to provide basic design information
on the strength of the materials. In the tension test a specimen is subjected to a
continually increasing uniaxial tensile force while simultaneous observations are
made of the elongation of the specimen. A stress-strain curve is plotted from the
The parameters which are used to describe the stress-strain curve of amaterials are
the tensile strength, yield strength or yield point, percent elongation and
reduction of area. The first two are strength parameters; the last two indicate
lg = gauge length i.e. length of the specimen on which we want to determine the
mechanical properties.
L= Total length of the specimen
Yield Stress: Stress at which considerable elongation first occurs in the test
piece without a Corresponding increase in the load.
Tensile Strength: The maximum load reached in a tension test divided by the
original area of cross-section. This is also termed as Ultimate strength.
Modulus of Elasticity: The ratio of normal stress to axial strain within elastic
limit. This is also termed as the Young’s modulus.
Percentage Elongation: The permanent elongation up to breaking, expressed as a
percentage of the original gauge length.
Percentage reduction in area: The change in cross-sectional area that has
occurred at the neck during the test, expressed as a percentage on the original area
of cross-section.
The original dimensions of the specimen like original diameter, gauge
length etc. is to be measured.
The specimen is mounted on the Universal Testing machine between
thefixed and movable jaws.
The load range in the machine is adjusted to its maximum capacity (160tone’s)
Fix the extensometer such that its screws touch the gauge mark. Bring the
reading to zero.
The machine is switched on and the tensile load is applied gradually.
For every 5 KN of load, the readings of extensometer is noted and tabulated.
After few reading, there would be enormous change in extensometer reading
which signifies yield point. Remove the extensometer at this juncture and
continue loading.
Record the load at yield point, at the yield point the pointer on load scale will
remain stationary for small interval of time and blue needle will come back by 2
or 3 divisions that point is lower yield point.
The specimen is loaded continuously up to the ultimate load (red needle will
stops) where there is formation of cup and cone at neck in the specimen, which
is to be noted.
With further loading the specimen breaks, and breaking load is noted.
The specimen is removed and final dimensions are measured.
1. Specimen Material =
Tabular Column:
Extension (δl )
Sl. Load in Stress in E=
in mm Strain
No. KN N/mm2 Stress 2
L R Avg. StrainN/mm
Load P
Stress = = =..............................N/mm2
Area Ao
Change in length
Strain = = ……………………
Original length
Yield load Py
Yield strength = = =................N/mm2
Initial area Ao
Ultimate load Pu
Ultimate tensile strength = = =.........................N/mm2
Initial area Ao
Breaking load Pb
Breaking strength = = =.........................N/mm2
Final area A𝐹
Young′s modulus = =.....................N/mm2 (From graph)
1. Young’s Modulus of specimen =
3. Yield stress =
4. Percentage elongation=
Write a sketch of the specimen, whose behavior is studied with all dimensions,
Observe the specimen after failure and sketch and comment on the type of failure.
1. Define stress
2. Define strain
3. What is Hooke’s law?
4. What is young’s modulus?
5. What is elastic limit?
After performing the experiment, one can know the behavior of mild steel subjected to axial
The compression test is just opposite to tension test, with regard to direction.
However, there are certain practical difficulties which may induce error in this test.
They are:
Difficulty in applying truly axial load.
There is always a tendency of the specimen to bend in addition to
To avoid these errors, usually the specimen for this test shall be short inlength (not
more than 2 times the diameter)
In a compression test, stress – strain curve is drawn up to the elastic limit of
Proportionality. Metals have approximately the same modulus of elasticity as in
tension test. The curve, for ductile materials, continues almost without limit as
there is no fracture of the material due to its ductility and cross sectional area
increases continuously with increase in load. The specimen will shorten and bulge
out. Compression test is mainly used for testing brittle materials such as cast iron,
concrete etc. Brittle materials commonly fail along a diagonal plane due to
The original dimensions of the specimen like original dia., gauge length etc.is to
be measured.
The specimen is mounted on the Universal Testing machine between the
fixed and movable jaws.
The load range in the machine is adjusted to its maximum capacity (300 tone’s).
The dial gauge is mounted on the machine at the appropriate positions and
adjusted to zero.
The machine is switched on and the compressive load is applied gradually.
For every 5 KN of load, the readings of dial gauge is noted and tabulated.
Remove the dial gauge at slightly below the expected load at yield point.
Record the load at yield point, at the yield point the pointer on load scale will
remain stationary for small interval of time and needle will come back by 1 or 2
divisions that point is lower yield point.
The specimen is loaded continuously up to the ultimate load (red needle will
stops) which is to be noted.
The specimen is removed and final dimensions are measured.
Tabular Column
Sl. Compression Stress in Strain
Load in
No. (δl ) N/mm2
Load P
Stress = = =..............................N/mm2
Area Ao
Change in length
Strain = Original length
= ……………………
Young′s modulus = =.....................N/mm2 (From graph)
Ultimate load Pu
Ultimate compressive strength = = =.........................N/mm2
Initial area Ao
After performing this experiment, one can able to understand the behavior of mild steel subjected
to compressive force.
THEORY: Torsion refers to the twisting moment applied perpendicular to the C/S
of a specimen. Due to this moment there will be distortion of the cross-section.
Measure of this distortion gives he shear strain. Accompanied with this a shear
stress is also developed.
A circular bar, when subjected to torque will be twisted; shearing stresses are
developed in any cross-section of the bar whose value increases linearly from zero
at the center to a maximum at the outer periphery. The relation between the applied
torque, the developed stress and the angular twist is given by the equation T/JP =C
θ/l =q/r, where T is the applied torque, J p is the Polar Moment of Inertia of the
cross-section of the bar, q is the magnitude of shear stress at radius r, C is the
modulus of rigidity and is the angle of twist over a length l of the bar.
1. Measure the Dia of the test piece at three different places and note the
Average dia.( D) accurately using Vernier Calipers.
2. Measure its gauge length.
3. Fix the specimen in the grips and clamps provided in the machine.
4. Operate the driving mechanism either by hand or motor to apply the torque.
5. Take the readings of torque at regular intervals of twist simultaneously until
the specimen breaks.
6. Plot the graph of torque v/s angle of twist. Slope of the graph gives the
torsional stiffness.
Tabular column
Torque Torque
Angle of twist Modulus of
Sl no in No. of in Kg- Remarks
Degrees Radians divisions cms Rigidity(N/mm )
Gauge length of the specimen, l = ………mm
Diameter of the specimen, d = ………mm
1. Polar Moment of Inertia =J=
𝝅𝒅 = mm4
2 Yield stress = N/ mm2
3 Modulus of rupture (torsion) = N/ mm2
4 Slope of torque v/s twist = N-m/rad
5 modulus of rigidity = GPa
After conducting the experiment, one can understand the behavior of mild steel
subjected to a torsional force.
OBJECTIVE: To Conduct bending test for the given specimen and to determine
the following
Modulus of elasticity
Modulus of Rupture or flexure modulus (maximum bending stress at
failure using bending equation).
A Bending test may be performed on actual beam cross-section by using the three
point loading system. The bending fixture is supported on the platform of the
hydraulic cylinder of the universal testing machine. The loading knife edge is held
in the middle crosshead. At a particular load, the deflection at the centre of the
beam is determined by using a dial gauge.
The deflection at the beam centre is given by Δ = WL3/48EI.
By knowing W, L, D and I, it is possible to obtain the modulus of elasticity of
beam material.
The relation between the applied bending moment ‘M’ and the developed bending
stresses ‘f’ or ‘’ at any cross-section is given by the equation, M/I = f/y = E/R,
where ‘I’ is the moment of inertia of the cross-section about the neutral axis, ‘y’ is
the distance from the neutral axis, ‘E’ is the modulus of elasticity and ‘R’ is the
radius of curvature, knowing the deflection c experimentally, the modulus of
elasticity can be found. Alternatively, knowing the value of E, theoretical value of
c can be computed and compared with the value obtained from the experiment to
verify the bending theory.
Modulus of rupture is the value of the bending stress computed from the
formula f/y = Mf/I, where Mf corresponds to the bending moment which causes
fracture of the specimen. Since the formula employed is valid within the elastic
limit only, it is not applicable at failure moment which is beyond the elastic
Hence the stress so obtained is called ‘modulus of rupture’ and is useful only
for comparison purposes.
1. The cross-sectional dimensions of the specimen are noted from which the
moment of inertia about the neutral axis can be computed.
2. The specimen is placed on the roller supports which have been fixed on the
lower cross-head of the UTM and the span is noted.
3. Dial indicators are fixed to record the value of the deflections at the points of
4. The load is gradually increased and the value of the central deflection is
noted for regular load increments.
5. In the case of mild steel the failure is by excessive deflection while the
timber specimen fractures at a certain load.
Name of the material: Wood
Dimensions of the specimen:
Least count of the Vernier calipers = mm
Span of the beam = mm
Trial no. Breadth b in mm Depth d in mm
I II Average I II Average
Load-Deflection observations:
Least count of the dial indicator = mm
Total Dial indicator Dial indicator at 1/3rd span points Theoretical
load (kg) readings at (div) deflection at
mid span (div) Point 1 Point 2 Average 1/3rd span point
Note: for theoretical deflection at 1/3rd span point, use E value computed
using central deflection.
1 . Moment of inertia about the neutral axis = mm4
2. Stress at yield point = N/ mm2
3. Slope of load-deflection plot = N/ mm
4. Modulus of elasticity of the material = GPa
5. Slope of the plot theoretical deflection =
v/s actual deflection (1/3rd point)
1. What is stress?
2. What is strain?
3. What is young’s modulus?
4. What is modulus of rupture?
5. Give out bending equation.
After performing this experiment, one can understand the behavior of woof
subjected to a bending force.
If there is only one cross-section which resists the failure, the material is said to be
in Single Shear and the average ultimate strength in Single Shear will be equal to
the failure load divided by the area of cross-section. If two areas resist the failure,
then the material is said to be in double Shear and the average ultimate strength in
Double Shear will be equal to the failure load divided by twice the area of cross-
Type of Type of Dia (d) Area ‘A’ Ultimate load Ultimate shear
material shear In mm (mm2) P (N) strength P/2A
Ultimate shear strength = Load / {C/s area of the specimen} (single shear)
= Load/ {2 X C/s area of the specimen} (double shear)
Ultimate shear strength in single shear:
Ultimate shear strength in double shear:
Sketches: Sketch the specimen in Single and Double Shear.
1. What is single shear?
2. What is double shear?
3. What is least count of Vernier Calipers?
4. What is shear stress?
After performing the experiment, one can know about the behavior of mild steel
subjected to shear force
Therefore, the impact test measures the energy necessary to fracture a standard
notch bar by applying an impulse load. The test measures the notch toughness of
material under shock loading. Values obtained from these tests are not of much
utility to design problems directly and are highly arbitrary. Still it is important to
note that it provides a good way of comparing toughness of various materials or
toughness of the same material under different condition. This test can also be used
A pendulum type single blow impact test in which the specimen is usually
notched, and is fixed at one end and free at other end. Specimen is broken by a
falling pendulum. The energy absorbed as measured by the subsequent rise of the
Pendulum is a measure of impact strength or notch toughness.
Notch: A slot or groove of specified characteristics intentionally cut in a test piece
so as to concentrate the stress localizing the rupture.
Notch Toughness: The high resistance of the material to fracture under suddenly
applied loads at any Stress raiser such as notch.
Specimen size= 75*10*10
Type of notch = V- Notch
Angle of notch= 45o
Depth of notch= 2mm
1. Measure the dimensions of the specimen at the v-notch and calculate the
2. Set the dial pointer to zero.
Tabular Column:
1. 1
2. 2
For Izod Test:
Average impact value of Mild Steel =-----------Joules
Average impact strength =-------------Joules/cm2
THEORY: The Charpy Impact Test is similar in principle to theIzod, but the
notched specimen is supported at each end as a beam and struck by the hammer in
the centre.
Specimen size= 55*10*10
Type of notch = U - Notch
Angle of notch= 45o
Depth of notch= 2mm
1. Measure the dimension of the specimen and its area .
2. Raise the pendulum to a suitable height, so that the pendulum consumes
suitable potential energy to fracture the specimen in one stroke and note
down the energy stored in the pendulum directly from the dial pointer E1.
3. The specimen is fixed between the jaws such that the face having the V-
notch should be opposite to the striking edge.
4. Release the pendulum by pressing the release lever.
5. The pendulum is stopped by applying the brake after it swings to the other
6. Note down the energy consumed from the dial E 2. The difference between
the energy gives the charpy impact value.
7. The impact value is calculated using the relation (4.5*E-10) where E=E1-E2
8. The experiment is repeated for other specimens.
Sl. Initial Final Izod Impact Izod impact
No. Specimen Trials Reading Reading Value Strength
K1 in J K2 in J K=K1-K2 J I=K/A
1. 1
2. 2
Average impact value of Mild Steel =-----------Joules
Average impact strength =-------------Joules/cm2
1. What is the significance of conducting impact test?
2. What is type of notch provided for Izod and Charpy test specimen?
3. Which type of striking edge is used in Izod and Charpy tests?
4. How the specimen is placed in Izod and Charpy test?
5. What is the height of fall in Izod and Charpy tests?
6. Which type of energy is stored in the apparatus?
After conducting this experiment, one can determine the impact value of specimen
and can suggest it to a particular application.
Civil Eng. Department, ATMECE Page 28
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AIM: To conduct hardness test on Mild steel, Copper, Aluminium and Brass
In this machine the load is applied by a lever mounted on knife edges and carrying
a hanger for suspending the required load. The supporting table for placing the
specimen can be raised or lowered by a steel screw by operating a large hand lever.
The indenter used is a hardened steel ball which will have a diameter of 10mm,
5mm or 2.5mm. The reading microscope has a 25-fold magnification. The gap
between successive graduations of the scale is 0.5mm and a micrometer is arranged
sideways which gives readings in 0.01mm. The eye-piece of the reading
micrometer may be turned by 90, so that impressions of ball can be measured
in two perpendicular directions.
In Brinell hardness test, a steel ball of diameter (D) is forced under a load (F) on
to a surface of test specimen. Mean diameter (d) of indentation is measured after
the removal of the load (P).
In Brinell hardness test, a steel ball of diameter (D) is forced under a load (F) on
to a surface of test specimen. Mean diameter (d) of indentation is measured after the
removal of the load (P).
Diameter of
Indenter Total
Indentation(d) Average
Sl.No Specimen Diameter(D) load(P) BHN
in mm dia
In mm Kg-F
1 2 3
01 Mild steel
02 Brass
03 Copper
04 Aluminium
1. Mild steel =
2. Brass =
3. Copper =
4. Aluminium =
1. What is harness?
2. What is least count of micrometer in Brinel’s microscope?
3. Give out the expression for finding out BHN.
After performing the experiment, one can determine the BHN for Brass,
Aluminum, Copper and Mild steel.
Hardnessof a material is generally defined as Resistance to the permanent
indentation under static and dynamic load. When a material is required to use
under direct static or dynamic loads, only indentation hardness test will be useful
to find out resistance to indentation. Rockwell test is developed by the Wilson
instrument co U.S.A in 1920. This test is an indentation test used for smaller
specimens and harder materials. In this test indentor is forced into the surface of a
test piece in two operations, measuring the permanent increase in depth of an
indentation from the depth increased from the depth reached under a datum load
due to an additional load. Measurement of indentation is made after removing the
additional load. Indentor used is the cone having an angle of 120 degrees made of
black diamond.
1. Keep the loading and unloading lever at position “A” which is unloading
2. Select the suitable indentor& weights according to the scale.
3. Place the specimen on testing table anvil.
4. Turn the hand wheel to raise a job until it makes contact with indentor&
5. Continue turning till the longer pointer at the dial gauge makes 2 ½ rotations.
6. Then it stops at zero continue turning slowly till the small pointer reaches the
7. Red spot at „3‟, this is automatic zero setting dial gauge.
8. Turn the lever position „A‟ to „B‟ i.e. from unloading to loading position.
So that the total load will act.
9. When the longer pointer of the dial gauge reaches steady position, take back
10.the lever to the unloading position „A‟. [Avoid sudden release at the lever]
11.Now note down the reading in the last dial indicator by notifying the large
13. Turn back the hand wheel and remove the job.
14. Similarly repeat the step from 1-9 for different trials and for different metals.
1. Hardened steel =
2. Mild steel =
3. Brass =
4. Copper =
5. Aluminium =
1. What is harness?
2. Give out the expression for finding out RHN.
After performing the experiment, one can determine the RHN for Brass,
Aluminum, Copper and Mild steel.
1. Clean the surface at the specimen
2. Fix the indentor in the hardness tester and switch on the power supply.
3. Place the specimen with cleaned surface facing the indentor on the anvil at work
4. Focus the work piece surface for clean visibility by rotating the hand wheel
at the work table upwards and downwards.
5. Select the load specified (P) push button available on the right side at the
Hardness tester.
6. Actuate the electric push button (Green Button) at the front for loading, the
loading lever starts moving up words and reaches the study position.
7. Now release the loading lever slowly and bring it to the downward position.
8. For major reading adjust the display at the indentation made by the indentor
to co inside with the micrometer on the display screen.
9. For major (minor) reading adjust the movable side at the micrometer and
note down the total reading.
10. The measurement is to be made for two opposite corners of the diagonal
indentation denoted as (l).
11. Repeat the above procedure for different material.
Vicker’s Hardness Number (VHN) =
P= Load applied in Kg
l= Average length of the diagonal L in mm
Length of Indentation in
Load Averag VHN=
Sl. mm(l)
Specimen applied e length
in Kgf in mm
1 2 3
Vicker’s hardness Number of given specimen is
1. Mild steel =
1. What is harness?
2. Give out the expression for finding out VHN.
After performing the experiment, one can determine the VHN for hardened steel
Weigh the given brick accurately W1 Kg.
Immerse the brick in clean water bath for 24 hrs.
After 24 hours take out the brick and remove the moisture content by wiping off
with cloth.
Record the final weight of the brick W2 Kg.
5. 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 = ∗ 100
6. Take the average value of the Water Absorption capacities of the five bricks.
Sl.no Size of W1 W2
brick in cm W1)/W1}*100
% Water absorption=
1. What is standard dimension of brick?
2. What is allowable percentage of water absorption for bricks?
After conduction the experiment, one can able to determine the percentage of water
absorption of brick and can validate whether it can be used or not.
9. Take the average value of the compressive strengths of the five bricks.
10.The maximum load at failure divided by the average area of bed gives
compressive strength.
Tabular Column
Sl Name of Dimensions of brick Compressive Compressive Remarks
No. brick Length Width Height load in Kg strength
Average compressive strength= Kg/cm2
After performing this test, one can able to determine the compressive strength of
AIM: To determine the percentage of water absorption of tiles
APPARATUS: Water bath, Balance.
THEORY: High percentage of water absorption indicates the insufficient burning.
The amount of water absorption indicates the degree of burning of tiles. The
percentage of water absorption of tiles should not exceed 19 to 24% of the weight
of tiles.
Weigh the tiles accurately W1.
Immerse the tiles in clean water bath for 24 hours.
After 24 hours take out the tiles and remove the moisture content by wiping
of with a cloth.
Record the final weight of the tiles W2.
𝑊2 −
𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 = ∗ 100
Sl.no Size of W1 W2
brick in W1)/W1}*100
Percentage water absorption of tiles =
1. What is tile?
2. What is the standard dimension of tile?
3. Why it has got the name as Mangalore tile?
After performing the experiment, one can determine the percentage of water
absorption of tiles.
𝐵𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑
𝐾𝑛𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝑒𝑑𝑔𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ =
Avg. Knife
Size of Knife edge
Breaking load edge
Sl.no Tile W1 strength
applied, P Kg strength
in P/A
cm*cm, Kg/Cm2
Average knife edge strength of the tile = Kg/cm2
4. What is tile?
5. What is the standard dimension of tile?
6. Why it has got the name as Mangalore tile?
After performing the experiment, one can determine the knife edge strength of
1. Calibrate the Pycnometer, by weighing it empty and full with water at room
temperature. Roll and agitate the flask gently in an inclined position, to
eliminate air bubbles.
2. Take a sample of the fine aggregate and soak it in water and keep it for
24±1/2 hours. The temperature should be 27±5oC.
3. Take out and spread the sample (approximately 1.5kg) on a clean flat
surface , exposed to gently moving current of warm air until the material just
reaches free running condition (flowing freely).
4. Immediately weight 500gm of saturated surface dry sand in the flask.
5. Weigh the empty pycnometer and note it as W1
6. Fill the pycnometer with 500 gms of fine aggregate weigh it , and note it as
7. Now fill completely the pycnometer with fine aggregate with water upto the
top and note its weight as W3 . Roll the flask in an inclined position to
eliminate all air bubbles .
8. Now pour out all the fine aggregate with water , clean it to free from any
aggregate particle .Now fill empty pycnometer completely with distilled water
upto top , wipe the pycnometer dry and weigh it .
9. Repeat the above steps for 3 such trials and determine the specific gravity .
1 Weight of empty pycnometer W1 gms
2 Weight of pycnometer with fine aggregates ,
W2 gms
3 Wt of pycnometer+ fine aggregate + water ,
W3 gms
4 Wt of pycnometer+ water , W4 gms
5 Specific Gravity
6 Average specific gravity
Specific gravity G =(W2 – W1) / [(W4–W1)-(W3-W2)]
Specific gravity of fine aggregate G =
After conducting the experiment, one can able to determine the specific gravity of
150m at the bottom. Fix them in the sieve shaking machine with the pan at
the bottom and cover at the top.
3. Place 1000 gms of sand sample on the top sieve; carry out sieving in the set
of sieves as arranged before for not less than 10minutes.
4. Find the mass retained on each sieve.
5. Fineness modulus is an empirical factor which is obtained by dividing the
cumulative sum of the percentage of aggregate retained on each IS sieves
taken in order by 100.
Sample taken = 1000 gms of sand
SL Sieve No. Mass Percentage Cumulative % Finer
No. retained mass Percentage passing
retained Retained F
1. 4.75 mm
2. 2.36 mm
3. 1.18 mm
4. 600 m
5. 300 m
6. 150 m
7. Pan
Fineness modulus of Fine aggregate = F / 100
1. What is fineness modulus?
2. What is grading?
3. What is a sieve?
4. What is sieve analysis?
5. What is the importance of grading of aggregates?
After performing the experiment, one can determine the fineness modulus of
fine aggregate and can classify the aggregate based of fineness modulus.
5. Put the wet sand loosely into the container without tamping it.
6. Smooth and level the top surface of the inundated sand and measure its
depth at the middle with a steel rule. Let it be “h`”ml.
7. Repeat the above procedure with 2 percent of water by mass.
8. Go on increasing the percentage by two till bulking is maximum and starts
falling down and ultimately bulking is zero, i.e., saturated sand occupies the
same volume as dry sand.
9. Draw curve between % water content and % bulking.
Material details:
Mass of fine aggregate (sand) = gm
Height of dry sand ‘h’ = mm
Tabular Column:
Mass of Mass of Percentage Height Bulking
Sand added water added of sand percentage
taken water h`, ml (h’-h ) 100
Bulking of sand is maximum at ------- of water, bulking of sand is back to
initial portion at of water.
Gives knowledge about the bulking of sand grains
4. Remove the aggregate from water and roll in a large piece of an absorbent
cloth until all visible films of water are removed, although the surface of
particles will still appear to be damp.
5. Now, weigh 3 kg of this sample in the saturated surface dry condition and
note down the mass as W1 gm.
6. Place the weighed aggregate immediately in the wire basket and dip it in
water. Weigh the basket with aggregate, while keeping it in water with the
help of the balance. Note its mass as W3 gm.
7. Dry the sample to the constant weight at the temperature of 110oC for
(24±1/2) hrs.
8. Cool to room temperature and weigh.
9. Calculate the specific gravity and absorption of the aggregate.
10.Repeat the procedure for fresh aggregates.
Bulk Specific gravity =
Apparent specific gravity =
The specific gravity of an aggregate sample is the ratio between the mass in
air and mass of an equal volume of water. For accurate results in laboratory the
allowance is made for the volume of voids between the particles and for the water
absorbed by them.
It is seen that higher the specific gravity of aggregate, harder and stronger it
will be. Average figures for the specific gravity of stone aggregate are as below:
Gravel = 2.6, Lime stone = 2.7, Granite = 2.75
After conducting the experiment, one can able to determine the specific gravity of
6. What is fineness modulus?
7. What is grading?
8. What is a sieve?
9. What is sieve analysis?
10. What is the importance of grading of aggregates?
After performing the experiment, one can determine the fineness modulus of
fine aggregate and can classify the aggregate based of fineness modulus.
Coarse aggregate
1.Compacted mass bulk density =
2.Loose mass bulk density =
3.Percentage of voids =
Fine aggregate
1. Compacted mass bulk density =
2.Loose mass bulk density =
3.Percentage of voids =
After conducting this experiment, one can able to determine the density of an
aggregate and voids ratio.
Strain gauges are mostly used to measure strains on the free surface of a
body. Strain gauges of all types are essentially devices that sense the change in
length, magnify it and indicate it in some form. They can be classified broadly into
five groups on the basis of the physical principle employed for the magnification of
change in length:
1. Mechanical 2. Optical 3. Electrical
4. Pneumatic 5. Acoustical
extensometer is usually provided with two knife edges which are clamped firmly in
contact with the test component at a specific distance or gauge length apart. When
the test component is strained, the two knife edges undergo a small relative
displacement. This is amplified through a mechanical linkage and the magnified
displacement or strain is displayed on a calibrated scale.
Optical Gauges:
Mechanical Optical gauges:
In mechanical-optical gauges a combination of mechanical & optical levers
are used to amplify the relative displacement between the knife edges. The moving
knife is pivoted so that it rotates while undergoing displacement.
Electrical Gauges:
In an electrical strain gauge a change in length or strain produces a change in
some electrical property. The greatest advantage common to all electrical gauges is
the ease with which the electrical signal can be displayed, recorded or conditioned
as required. Three types of electrical gauges are in use: (i) Inductance gauges, (ii)
Capacitance gauges & (iii) Electrical resistance gauges. Well over 90 percent of
the strain gauges used in practice are of the electrical-resistance type and a large
proportion of these are foil gauges.
After performing the experiment, one can get knowledge about strain gauges.