Kyocera M8130

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Document Solutions



• Breakthrough design for easy use, control and service.

• High image quality with 1,200 x 1,200 dpi print resolution.
• Fast first copy time (mono: 6.5 seconds; color: 8.3 seconds}".
• E.xcellent clarity 7-inch color touch panel display··.
• Fast scanning up to SO/SOipm A4 Mono/Color.
• Convenient wireless LAN interface···.
• Support Air Print and Mopria certified. 'For ECOSYSM8130cidn
• Long life drum and replacement parts provide efficiency and reliability. •• For ECOSYSM41321dn / ECOSYSM8130cldn only
• Compact design and low noise emission. "'Opt1onal
KYOCERADocument Solutions is Extraordinary for
• Broad Range of Multifunctional Devices and Printers
• Optimized Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
• Reliable with Long Life Drum and Parts
• New and Advanced Technology

KYOCERA Document Solutions strives to be a company that contributes to the society and demonstrates
"Customer First" principle by providing customers with maximum value to increase their satisfaction. By adhering

to the mission of producing document management devices that take balance between "Economy" and "Ecology",

KYOCERA Document Solutions succeeds to develop document management devices with advanced technologies
which help customers to optimize office productivity and efficiency at a low total cost of ownership and, at the
same time, improving environmental performance.

Your Powerful Partner

Specially designed for small and medium-sized enterprise, workgroup or department, these MFPs offer superior functionality,

top class reliability, bright color in a compact footprint.

Color touch panel with

Superior Document Handling wlzard-tvpe navigation
Reverse automatic document processor

High[y F[exib[e
USBport for direct printing

Easy to replace
Toner, waste toner box,
developer and drum unit

Built-In Job

Boost Workplace Productivity

Compact Finishing Unitll [Optional)
2 Types of Optional 500 sheets paperfeeders
500 sheets staple finisher Intelligent paper sensor tofit paper
of different sizes

SOO sheets x
1 Cassette + Cabinet
500 sheets )I 2 Cassettes

itFor ECOSYS M8130cidn/ M4132idn only

Easyto Use • With Print/Copy/Color Scan/Fax Function

(eWarm UPilme
Recoveryfrom Sleep
• With 1,200 X 1,200 dpi print resolution .
• Brighter color image by increasing the saturation of the intermediate density.

Copy both sides of an identification card/credit card/driving license/name card

etc into one side of a paper with "10 Card Copy" mode.
Step 1 Step 2 ( WarmUpTime) ECOSYS
M4125idn ECOSYS
10 Card Front ID Card Back
Recoveryfrom Sleep

Combine "P to 25-'0-1 originals '0 on "og,~ I ~i
:j • Auto Color Selection function: Cost-savingfor color document
printing (only for ECOSYSM8124cidn/M8130cidn).
• Prevent Bleed-Through function: Provide superior background

I ..
reduction when copying or scanning double-sized paper
(e.g. newspaper, NCRPaper).

Saving up to 50% of paper!
Significantly reduce space for document storage and make archiving easy.

• Job Finish Notice function: Sendemail notification when a job is

completed .

1- sided > 2 - sided

"Document Processor required

• Sorting becomes an easy task with offset outputting.

2 - sided > 2 - sided

• Efficient Document Functions and Multi-tasking
• Built-in Job Separator: Make the distribution of output
document easy into different trays.
• Streamlined Operation: Perform multi-tasking Print/Copy/
FIrst Set Second Set Third Set FIrst Set Second Set TnlrdSet

Without Oocument Finisher With Document Finisher (Optional)

Easy to Use • With Print/Copy/CoIIOr Scan/Fax Funclion

(I Scan
• FTP/SMB/Email/Fax Multi-Sending
• Scan once and send document to different destinations (email addresses,
folders, etc.),
• Store up to 200 addresses and SO group addresses for scan destinations.
• LDAPquery is also possible.

• Skip Blank Page blankL~e ....,..._ . ~

Scan/copy to save unnecessary .:= __ ~ ==

cost by skipping blank pages. ~ ~

• Store scanned data easily

By 'Scan to FTP', 'Scan to 5MB', 'Scan to Email' and "Scan to USB".

(I Document Box J
• Scan to/Print from USB Memory in PDF/TIFF/JPEG/XPSformat.
• Compress scanned images In different sizes with the advanced PDF
compressor. • Flies are processed directly from the control panel.
• No PC is required.
Quality 1 Quality 5
Normal Quality, High Quality,
• Small File Size large File Size

i--== NO. of broadcast items

up to 100

Up to 5 Folders (SMB/FTP)
Up to 100

(I Fax (Optional) J
Network Fax

• Simply forward any incoming fax to another fax machine or other Significantly reduce cost!
destinations by email/SMB/FTP. Send and receive faxes, even by overseas transmission, with the Super G3 Fax
technology by Pc.
-Network connection required.

• Capable of processing A3-sized document.

Easyto Service • Easy maintenance without any special tools required • Different service plans to fit customer needs

• Secure Socket Layer (SSL)Data Security Protocol

Prevent eavesdropping and tampering by enhancing secure Control access and manage with predefined user
communication for remote configuration and data retrieval. restrictions such as color output restrictions.

• Security Watermark
Distinguish originals from photocopies and provide protection for the sensitive document.

• Private Print (Standard)

Retain the print job at the device and only process

Original File Printout Photocopy the print job by entering a preset password on the
(Insignificant security watermark) (Significant security watermark)
operation panel.

Professional All-Rounder
Meets Business Requirements
• Prevent paper wrinkling or image skewing with an internal paper stack adjuster in the paper cassette.

• Ensuresuperior image quality with a closed and therefore dust-free image scanning unit.

• Prevent paper curling and provide better fusing capability with the built-in dehumidifying heater.

• Designfor quick and easy replacement of drum, developer unit and other maintenance parts without
any specialtools.

• Easy-to-use operation panel: Display large icons with an animated menu • Clear indication of job status and output status with Job Separator
with a color touchscreen. LEDand Device status LED.


Easyto Control • Easy to control and manage print/copy permission & quota

HyP4S'" • Users: Improve productivity and efficiency by simplified and faster

Hybrid Platform for Advanced Solutions operations.

• The IT Department: Maintain document and imaging integrity and


Powered by HyP4S~

• Print documents/webpages/image from virtually anywhere, on • Retrieve and print files in Google Drive/Evernote", directly from any
Apple/Android smartphone/tablet to designated KYOCERAMFPs and KYOCERAHyPAS-enabled MFPs.
printers. • Upload scanned files to Google Drive/Evernote", directly from the
• Scanfiles and images from same MFPs to mobile devices. MFP (without using a computer).
• Support AirPrint for iPhone and iPad.

Mobile Print App

Synchronize with
Evernote ,


iPad Notebook pc

• Use smartphone/tablet to connect a compatible networked KYOCERA

printing device on local Wi-Fi network wirelessly.

• Perform COPY/PRINT/SCAN from Custom Box/ Cloud### by mobile

18,.,"".', ervices (Optiona I)

• Overview of all the devices status and receive notifications via the
devices with personalizing settings. • Preempt and plan for maintenance needs.

Ai!.! -'Li]I-
KY OCERA Fleet Services
Wifi Connected ~ ~
u I::.......J
•... Cloud Application Supported:
Dropbox, Evemote, OneOrive

• Require IB-36 Wireless LAN (Optional)

• Makes print/scan via AirPrint/Google Cloud Print/Mopria/KYOCERA

Mobile Print/KYOCERA MyPanel much easier.

Easyon the Environment • Reuse, recycle and reduce waste with long life drum and parts

Personalization of settings, shortcut keys

(Favorites) and language .;E~~~~==~
selection are available on Server using
user profiles.


Comprehensive, well-designed and user-friendly! Convenient and time-saving!

Access a wide range of functions (e.g. counter reading, status checking, The administrator can accessthe management functions on the network
device configuration, print accounting, alert configuration, etc.) from remotely from his Pc.
one administration point. • Collect meter count data easily.
• Understand print, copy, scan and fax volumes and costs.
• Optimize allocation of machines through analyzing the
most commonly used data of print/copy volume, paper
• Grant permission and volume usage authorization to

IPv6 Ready

Check the operating status of the machine, as Compatible with future network infrastructures as
well as change settings related to security, - " .. supporting IPv6.
network printing, email and advanced ::~:--:.... -~.
I"'-~' --
networking, etc. by accessing built-in
Command Center RXwith a web browser.

• Reduce Wastage: • Parts for Reeyel ing

• Long-life drum, developer and replacement parts
• Non-toxic materials

ECOSYSM8124cldn and ECOSYSM8130cldn 200,000 prints

• Save Toner Consumption: Flexible EeoPrint
ECOSYSM41251dn and ECOSYSM4132idn 300,000 prints Features
KOCERAaims at providing safe and comfortable products which have
• Save Power Consumption
minimum environmental impact by acquiring various environmental
labels. • Power consumption as low as O.SWatt is achieved

Eca Mark (Japan)
EcoLeaf Environmental law on Promoting
in sleep mode

• White LEDillumination

Label (Japan) Green Purchasing (Japan)

Main Specifications
Model ecosrs MS124ddn ECOSYSMSI30cldn ecosrs M4125Idn ecosrs M4132Idn
Main function Copy, Print, Scan, fax (Optional)
WritlnaMethod Semiconductor Laser
ARM Conex·A9 (Cual Core) UGH.
24/24 ppm 30/30 ppm 25/· ppm 32/· ppm
Scannlna Speed
(A4) 300dpi .
MemotY Standard 1.5GB (Max. 3GB) Standard 1GB (Max. 3GB)
SSD capaCItY SSD 32GB (0
WarmUpl1me 30 seconds or less 20 seconds or less
Paper capacity Standard 600 sheets (Ix SOO sheetsJcassett!.U.!oo sheets (M~)
Maximum 1,600 sheets (Main UnIt + 2 x SOO sheets PF-471 )().+ MPT)
Paper SIze cassette Min. ASR • Max. A3 (Ledeer)
MPT Min. A6R • Max. A3 (Ledeer)
cassette 60· 2S6 g/m' 60· 163 g/m2
MPT 6O·2S6g/mZ 45·2S6g/m2
Paper size: ASR- A3; Paper weight 60·220 g/m2 Paper size: ASR- A3; Paper weight: 60 ·163 g/mZ
Max. 2SO sheets + 30 sheets with standard Job Separator Max. 2SO sheets + SOsheets with standard Job Separator
Control Panel 4.3·lnch Color Touch LCDPanel 7·lnch Color Touch LCDPanel 4.3·inch Color Touch LCDPanel 7·lnch Color Touch LCDPanel
Document Processor Standard (Max. SOsheets RAOf Type)
Dimension (W x 0 x H) (Main Unh) S90mm x S90mm x 753mm (whh DP) S90mm x 590mm x 688mm (with DP)
WeJaht (Main Unit) Approx. 76 lea Approx. 79 lea Approx.72 lea Approx. 74 lea
Power Consumpdon SlOW S80W 390W SlSW
8(}IN SSW 60W
S3d8(A) S4d8(A) 49dB(A) SOd8(A)

Max. A3 (ledger) - MIn. A6R

7.6/9.8 seconds 6.5/8.3 seconds 5.8/· seconds 5.2/ • seconds
Zoom Ratio Manual 2S"· ~ (1" r Step)
Multiple Copy

first Print Outl1me (Mono/Color)
NelWOrI<Printlna TCP/IP, NetBEUI, FTP. Port 9100, LPI\. IPP,IPP (Mr SSI. WSD Print, Apple Bonjour
Operattna System Supported Windows Serwr 2008, WIndows SeM!r 2008 R2, WIndows Serwr 20U, Windows Serwr 20U R2,
WIndows Vista, WIndows 7, WIndows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10;
Apple Madntosh OS X 10.5 or later; Unux
Imerlace USB 2.0 Hlsh Speedxl; Ethemet 10BASE-T/1D08ASHX/I0D08ASH; USB Host Interlace (USB HoSt)x2; NfCTAGxl; 802.11 b/g/n/Wlreless lAN/WlFI Direct (Opdonal)
USB Memory PrJntlna Format TIFF,JPEG, PDF, XPS,Open XPS
Mobile Prlntlne AlrPrlnt. Moprla, KYOCERA MobIle Print

Color Selection AUlOColor ~1or/GrayE.. Auto Color ~8&Wl; full CoIor~~ Black & White
Resolution 600d I, 4DOdpl, 300dpl, 200dpl, 200x4DOdpl, 200x100d
File Format TIff, lPEG, XPS,OpenXPS, PDF (HIglKompresslon PDF)
lmase Type Mode ~ Photo.:..!_ext+ Photo, Ught Text (~ Une)
Transmission Ty Scan to 5MB; Scan to e·man (SMT1\ SMTP over SSl); Scan to fTPorfTPoverSSl;Scanto USB;TWAIN Scan; WSD Scan; WIA Scan
Address Storase 200 addresses (Common address list), SO sroups (Group address list)

o nal SI1e Max. A3 (ledser)· Min. AS (Statement)

Codl Method MMI\. Mil. MH, JIIIG
Transmlsslo~d 33.6 kb
MemotY 12MB

Toner lOt TK-8no (C/M/y/K) TK-6110 lOt MK-811S IA/B); OP: MK-6110 Mk-6U9; OP; MK-6110
Pa rfeeder Pf-470; SOO sheets xl; PF-471: 500 sheets x2
Finisher (ECOSYSM8130cldn / DF-470: SOO sheets Hanser Type Anisher;
[COrn M41321dn only) AX-470; Attachment I(Jt for DF-470
Fax System Fax System 13
Storase Device HD-6; SSO 32GB; HD·7; SSD 128GB
Data Security Data Secur1ty klllE)
card Authentication card Authendcadon Klt(B)
Gigabit Ethernet Board I8-SO: For Additional Network
WIreless LANInterlace IB·36 (802.U b/g/n/Wlreless lAN/WIA Direct)

Document Solutions

Company denils
KYOCERA BUSiness Partner

'XYOCERAdoes not warrant th.t any speciflcadons mendoned ",AI be

Speciflcadons .re subi«! to chans. w.thout notice .• Informadon Is correct at dme 01
,o<ng to press. All other brand .nd product names may be re&)stered ttademarks or
trademarl<s of their respect!Ye holders and are hereby acknowfedCed.

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