Defines The Scope of The Patent During A Litigation

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1. ………………..defines the scope of the patent during a litigation.

a. Abstract
b. Claims
c. Specifications
d. Drawings

2. Computer program is considered as…

a. Technical Work
b. Literary work
c. Artistic Work
d. None of the above

3. The Brand used on goods and services, such as a brand name for a mobile phone is an
example of copyright.

a. True
b. False

4. Before writing the code of an asset, one should check for the right of third-party IP. Select
the correct options.

a. one should check the license

b. Not required
c. Get IP Safe Clearance done
d. Not sure

5. Select the Correct Statement. A Trade Mark protects ……………..

a. logos
b. signs
c. both a and c
d. None of the above

6. As per Indian Copyright Law, Fair use means…

a. Use for research

b. Use for review
c. Use for non-commercial use
d. All of the above
7. Copyright is __.

a. Positive right
b. Negative right
c. Exclusive right
d. Both a and c

8. Select the correct option. Confidential information is related to an organization’s

business and is known to the public.

a. True
b. False

9. When an associate moves out of the project. the following needs to be done.

a. Associate’s access to project systems needs to be retained for three months.

b. Associate’s access credentials can be shared with new joinee int the project for
temporary usage, till the new joinee’s access created
c. Associate’s access needs to be revoked immediately
d. Assosiate can be allowed to work in the project as he or she may not get a
workstation yet, in the new project

10. A trademark could be a sound three-dimensional mark or a smell mark.

a. True
b. False

11. One of the good practices is to understand competition through Landscaping. Select the
correct option.

a. True
b. False

12. One day an associate accidentally find he has access to some confidential information.
He should still access it as before. Select the correct options.

a. No, A request should be raised for proper access.

b. Yes, it is fine to access it freely
c. No, this shhould be reported and request should be raised to revoke the access
d. Not sure
13. What is the role of user-defined in IPRMS for creation of patent.

a. Author
b. Inventor
c. IP Legal
d. Requester

14. You Can protect Trade secrets by…

a. Limiting the number of pepole who have knowledge

b. By trading the article in a clode box
c. Both option are correct
d. None of the all

15. For more information about the IP process, you could reach out to:

a. Delivery head
b. Team member
c. IP SPOC/Champion
d. Administrative staff of your loction

16. Which of the following system is used for filling an IP?

c. iEvolve
d. Gess

17. ……………………can be registered for geographical indications in India.

a. Goods
b. Services
c. All of the above

18. The general rule is that copyright lasts for……………

a. 60
b. 10
c. 20
d. 40

19. A registered trademark is only valid for ……………….

a. 60
b. 10
c. 20
d. 40

20. The patents expire after ….. years from the application filing date.

a. 60
b. 10
c. 20
d. 40

21. An individual has developed a useful IT Application. To project the work, he should file a:

a. Copyright

b. Trademark

c: Patent

d: Geographical Indications

22. A computer prigram is considered as:

Ans: Literary Work

23. Trademark is a sign that distinguishes goods and services of one from another.
Ans: True

24. Prior art includes:


Earlier related publications

Previous usage

Ancient knowledge

25. When an assosiate moves out of the project: Given the statement, select the option(s)
that is most appropriate:

Ans: His/Her access needs to be revoked immediately

26. ____________can be registered for Geographical indications in India

Ans: All the options are correct

27: A customer visits the TCS premises and wants to see the team’s POC/POT. Before
showing him the POC/POT the access should ask the customer to:

Ans: Sign a NDA

27: Witch of the following can be patented?


A new Machine

An Inventive Concept

A better process

Trade Secrets

28. Championing the IP related responsabilities for the project by the PL an nominated IP
champion involves: Given the statement, select the option(s)

Ans: Check all options

Checking and implementing……

Ensuring that all project team…….

Comply with assosiate……..

Understanding and declaring……..

29. Design includes:


Feature of shape

Composition of lines or colours

Mode or prociple of construction

30. Before writing the code of an asset, one should check for the right use of third party IP

Ans: A + C
One should check the license

Get IP safe clearance done

31. The process for maturing an idea towards patentability is called:

Ans: D


32. How can a trade secret be protected?

Ans: A

By limiting the number of poaple who have knoledge

33. Indentify the correct statement about Patent

Ans: A, B and C

It can be sold

It can be licensed

It can be assigned

34. Select the correct statement:

Ans: A

TCS assosiated must understand the keys aspect of IP governance and apply them
35. Select the correct statement:

Ans: C

Patents can either be positive or negative

36. Witch of the following information may contstitute a trade street

Ans: A, B and C

Manufacturing process

Distribution process

List of customers

37. Witch of the following can be used for assigning or licensing the rights to others?

Ans: A, B and C




38: An assosiate is providing a TCS created user manual to the client. For IP protection he
should file a.?
Ans: A


39. Select the correct statement:

Ans: B and C

Keeping Client IP safe is our responsibility

Client IP safety shows intellectual integrity of TCS.

40. Witch of the following attributes is not nesessary for the information to qualify as a
trade secret?

Ans: D

It should be available in public space

41. What protects the intellectual property created by artists

Ans: : A


42. One day an assosiate accedently finds he/she has access to some cofidential
information. He/she can continue to access it as before:

Ans: A and C

No. A request should not be raised for propper access

No. this should be reported ans a request should be raised to revoke the access
43. Witch of the following can be patented?

Ans: A, B, C and D





44. Witch of the following is NOT a part of patent document?

Ans: A


45. The term “Intellectual Property Rights” covers rights assosiated with:

Ans: A, B and C




46. An assosiate is giving a client TCS created user manual. He should file an?

Ans: A


47. A customer visits the TCS premises and wants to see the team’s proof of concept(POC)

Ans: A:

Sign an NDA
48. Where do I see my patents in IPRMS

Ans: D

My IP Profile/portofolio

49. Patent is a form of:

Ans: C

Intellectual Property

50. Witch of the following attributes is not necessary for the information to quality as a
trade secret?

Ans: D

It should be available in public space

51. Select the option(s) that is most appropiate: TCS IP asset (……….) can be positioned
for/used in a project only after it (specific version ) is:

Ans: A

Marked “IP Safe” in TIPAR

52. In a TCS project that involves TCS IP, customer IP and/or partner/vendor IP, it is
important for the TCS project team to comply with the defined access and usage rights of:

Ans: A. B and C


Customer IP

Partner/Vendor IP

53. Witch of the followingis not confidential information:

Ans: D

Information about a granted Patent

54. Copyright protects an expression of an idea and not the idea itself:

Ans: B


55. There is a link between IPR and Technological advancement:

Ans: A


56. Identify the correct statement about trade Secrets:

Ans: C

Share information with customes ans 3 rd parties only under NDA

57. Iderntify the statement whitch are correct about “Trademark”

Ans: A, B and C

It is repesented…….

It can distinguish…..

It may include……

58. Witch of the following is not an intellectual Property

Ans: D

TCS Building
59. Trademark is a sign that Distinguishes goods and services of one enterpise from

Ans: A


60. In the TCS project team plans to use TCS IP in the project, then: Given the

Ans: A and D

PL to confirm…..

Check the IP safe…….

61. In case you need further information about IP Process, you could reach out to

Ans: C and D

IP Champion/IP SPOC

[email protected]

62. An invention inplies:

Ans: C and D

Any new process

Any new product or process………

63. Select the correct statement:

Ans: A
TCS assosiates must understand the key aspects………..

64. Identify the correct statement about copyrights.

Ans: B

Maintain records of originality of work, use of third party……………

65. In the prject team plans to include any TCS IP or customer IP in the project (other than
what is mentioned in the SOW), thgen?

Ans: B

PL should get in touch with TCS legal to request…………….

66. Indentify the correct statement obout patent:

Ans: A, B and C

It can be sold

It can be licesed

It can be assigned

67. You have created a foldable laptop that can be folded six times and…………………

Ans: C

Should be applied to an article and should appeal to the eye

68. select the correct statement:

Ans: A

Patent rights are geography-specific

69. The system used for filing IP is:

Ans: B
IPRMS (…….

70. In a TCS project that involves TCS IP, customer IP and/or Partner/Vendor IP, assosiates
in witch roles……………

Ans: D

Everyone in the Project team

71. Witch of the following is NOT protected by trademark laws?

Ans: B and D

Book title


77. In a TCS project that involves TCS IP, customer IP and/or Partner/Vendor IP, it is
important for the TCS project team to respect………

Ans: D

All the options are correct

78. Before writing the code of an asset, one should check for the right use of third party IP

Ans: A and C

One should check the license

Get IP safe clearance done

79. Identify the correct statement about Patents

Ans: A

Do not disclose novel ideas prior to protection through patents

80. Witch is a wrong statement on Patents

Ans: D

Given you a lifetime protection

81. Identify the correct statement about Trademarks

Ans: C

Use the trademark only in the way it is registered

82. The process to search for parents assosiated with a product to prevent infringement is:

Ans: A

Freedom to Operate

83. Select the correct statement:

Ans: B and C

Keeping client IP safe is our responsablility

Client IP safety shows intellectual integrety of TCS

84. Witch of the following can be considered as a Patent

Ans: B

Inventions like new home security automation………………..

85. Identify the correct statements about Trademarks:

Ans: C
Use the trademake only in the way it is registered

86. There is a link between IPR and Technological adfvancement

Ans: A


87. Identify the correct statement about trade secrets

Ans: C

Share information with customers and 3rd parties under an NDA

88. One of the good practices fot IP government is to understand compilation through

Ans: A


89. A trademark could be: A sound, a threedimentional mark, or a smell mark.

Ans: A


90. Select the correct option(s) that is/are appropiate: TCS IP asset (product, solution, tool,
utility) can be positioned…………….

Ans: A

Marked IP Safe in TIPAR

91. While using OSS components for a project, the project team: Given the statement, select
the options……

Ans: B, C and D

Needs to fully…….

Needs to refer…….

Needs to ensure…….

92. if a TCS project team plans to use TCS IP in the project, given the statement……

Ans: A and D

PL should confirm…….

PL should check…….

93. If TCS project team plans to use Customer IP and/or Partner/Vendor……….

Ans: A

Both access restrictions and usage restrictions (is any)

94. If the TCS project team plans to use Customer IP and/or…………………………

Ans: C

All statements are correct

95. Select the correct statement: Life of a patent is 20 Years:

Ans: B

From the date of earliest Filing

96. Intellectual property rights (IPR) protect the use of information and ideas….

Ans: D

Coimmercial value
97. Prior art includes

Ans: A, B and C

Earlier related publication

Previous usage

Accient knowledge

98. When a assosiate moves out of the project, the following needs to be done:

Ans: C

Associat’s access needs to be revoked immediately

99. Can a semiconductor integrated circuit layout be concidered a intellectual property

Ans: A


100. Witch of the following is not confidential information

Ans: D

Information about a granted Patent

101. Which part of patent document difine the rights

Ans: A


102. Patent law provides the owner of the patent, the right to:

Ans: B
Make, sell, use, offer for sale or export the patent

103. Patents are protected for a period of_years after the date of first filing

Ans: B


104. Protecting intellectual property rights result in:

Ans: D

Gaining of IP rights that TCS can commercialy benefit from

105. IP governance reviews have to take place: Given the statement select………..

Ans: C

Throughout the project lifecycle

106. ___________can be registered for geographicle indications in india

Ans: C

All the options are correct

107. Identify the correct statement about Confidential information:

Ans: C

Do not share customer confidential information

108. Open source software is free from terms and condotions. This statement is:
Ans: B


109: Witch section gives an indication of the patent have rights

Ans: A


110. What does an IP entitle person with?

Ans: C

All statements are correct

111. Which of the following can be included in Geographical indications of goods.

Ans: A, B and C

Nagpur Handicraft

Darjeling thee

Basmati Rice

112. Images from internet can be downloaded and used. Do you support the above

Ans: A

Yes, however the license policy of ther image must be checked

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