1.A.1 Energy Industries 2019
1.A.1 Energy Industries 2019
1.A.1 Energy Industries 2019
Carlo Trozzi
1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 3
2 Description of sources .................................................................................... 4
2.1 1.A.1.a Public electricity and heat production .......................................................................... 4
2.2 1.A.1.b Petroleum refining .......................................................................................................... 5
2.3 1.A.1.c Manufacture of solid fuel and other energy industries .............................................. 6
3 1.A.1.a Public electricity and heat production ............................................ 7
3.1 Techniques .................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Emissions ...................................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Controls .......................................................................................................................................11
3.4 Methods ......................................................................................................................................12
4 1.A.1.b Petroleum refining ........................................................................... 38
4.1 Techniques ..................................................................................................................................38
4.2 Emissions ....................................................................................................................................38
4.3 Controls .......................................................................................................................................40
4.4 Methods ......................................................................................................................................40
5 1.A.1.c Manufacture of solid fuels and other energy industries ............. 53
5.1 Techniques ..................................................................................................................................53
5.2 Emissions ....................................................................................................................................53
5.3 Controls .......................................................................................................................................53
5.4 Methods ......................................................................................................................................54
6 Data quality ................................................................................................... 60
6.1 Completeness .............................................................................................................................60
6.2 Avoiding double counting with other sectors .........................................................................60
6.3 Verification ..................................................................................................................................60
6.4 Developing a consistent time series and recalculation .........................................................63
6.5 Uncertainty assessment ............................................................................................................63
6.6 Inventory quality assurance/quality control QA/QC ..............................................................64
6.7 Mapping ......................................................................................................................................64
6.8 Reporting and documentation .................................................................................................64
7 Glossary .......................................................................................................... 65
8 References ..................................................................................................... 66
9 Point of enquiry............................................................................................. 69
Annex A Summary of combustion plant and NFR codes........................... 70
Annex B Further details on emissions and controls.................................. 72
Annex C Sulphur content in fuels ................................................................ 80
Annex D Emission factors derived from emission limit values ................ 81
Annex E Calculation of emission factors from concentrations ................... 85
Annex F Emission factors from older versions of the Guidebook............... 91
1 Overview
This chapter describes the methods and data needed to estimate emissions from NFR Sector 1.A.1
Energy industries. The activity covers combustion and conversion of fuels to produce energy, for
example electricity or heat from point sources:
The information provided in this chapter is also appropriate for assessing stationary combustion
emissions within other NFR categories (for example industrial combustion — 1.A.2). Smaller scale
combustion (generally < 50 MWth) is considered in Chapter 1.A.4.
Emissions arising from storage and transport of fuels, combustion residues, abatement feedstock
and abatement residues are not included; these are in the fugitive emission NFR code 1.B. Guidance
for estimating emissions from waste combustion processes is not included here (see the separate
chapters concerning waste combustion — 6.C.a, 6.C.b, 6.C.c, and 6.C.e). However, if there is heat
recovery or power generation in the incineration process, the emission should be reported under
the appropriate 1.A.1 activity.
The range of activities relevant to Chapter 1.A is summarised in Section 2 below, information on
sectors which include combustion activities is provided in Appendix A.
The most important pollutants emitted to the atmosphere from the activities are summarised in
Table 1-1.
Table 1-1 Pollutants with potential for 1.A.1 combustion activities to be a key category
Mercury, Cadmium
Hydrogen sulphide
Oxides of nitrogen
Oxides of carbon
Black Carbon
Boilers and X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Gas turbine X X X X X X X X
CI engine X X X X X X X X X X X
Refinery X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Coke ovens X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
2 Description of sources
2.1 1.A.1.a Public electricity and heat production
This activity covers emissions from combustion plant as point sources. In general, this activity
addresses emission from larger combustion appliance (> 50 MWth). Within the European Union,
different criteria are applied for the reporting of emissions from combustion plants according to the
Industrial Emissions Directive - IED - 2010/75/EC) [EC-IED, 2010].
The emissions considered in this activity are released by a controlled combustion process (boiler
emissions, furnace emissions, emissions from gas turbines or stationary engines) and are mainly
characterised by the types of fuels used. Furthermore, a characterisation of the combustion sources
may be developed according to the size and type of plants as well as from primary or secondary
reduction measures. For example, solid, liquid or gaseous fuels are used and there are a range of
emission abatement measures (for example PM, SO2 and NOx control).
Emissions from autoproducers (public or private undertakings that generate electricity/heat wholly
or partly for their own use, as an activity that supports their primary activity) should be assigned to
the sector where they were generated and not under 1.A.1.a.
With the complexity of plant activities and inter-relationships, there may not always be a clear
separation between autoproducers and main activity producers. The most important issue is that all
facilities be accounted under the most appropriate category and in a complete and consistent
manner. For more information on autoproducers, please refer to IPCC 2006 Guidelines [IPCC, 2006]:
www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/public/2006gl/index.htm .
A number of process schemes can be applied for the activities depending on the specific application,
typical process schemes are provided in Figure 2-1, Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3.
Figure 2-1 Process scheme for heat plant, adapted from IPCC Figure 2.2 in the energy
industries chapter
Chapter 1.B.1
Figure 2-2 Process scheme for power plant, adapted from IPCC Figure 2.2 in the energy
industries chapter
Chapter 1.B.1
Figure 2-3 Process scheme for combined power and heat plant, adapted from IPCC
Figure 2.2 in the energy industries chapter
Chapter 1.B.1
Figure 2-4 Process scheme for petroleum refinery, adapted from IPCC Figure 2.3 in the
energy industries chapter
Fugitive and
Chapter 1.B.2
Figure 2-5 Process scheme for coke ovens, adapted from IPCC Figure 2.3 in the energy
industries chapter
Fugitive and
Chapter 1.B.1 PAH,
Some general details on technologies are provided here but despite the comparatively small number
of installations, there is a wide range of fuel types, combustion technologies and abatement
technologies in use.
Coal is largely burnt as a pulverised fuel with corner (tangential), wall or downfired furnaces. The dry
bottom boiler (DBB) has typical combustion temperatures of 900 up to 1 200 °C leading to dry ash
discharge from the combustion chamber due to combustion temperatures from. This type of boiler
is mainly used for the combustion of hard coal and brown coal/lignite and is applied all over Europe.
The wet bottom boiler (WBB) has typical combustion temperatures exceeding 1 400 °C which leads
to a liquid slag discharge from the combustion chamber. This type of boiler is used for hard coal with
a low content of volatiles and is mainly applied in Germany.
In fluidised bed combustion (FBC), the combustion of fuel takes place by injection of combustion air
through the bottom of the boiler into a turbulent bed. The typical relatively low emissions are
achieved by air staging, limestone addition and low combustion temperatures of about 750–950 °C.
FBC is in particular adapted to coals rich in ash. Only few large combustion plants are equipped with
the FBC technique; in the category of thermal capacities 300 MW mostly circulating fluidised bed
combustion (CFBC) is installed. Other types of furnace include grate firing (GF) technologies, but
these tend to be comparatively small units.
The combustion of biomass (straw, wood, landfill gas, etc.) is increasingly relevant for countries to
meet the drive for renewable or sustainable energy sources. Co-firing is undertaken with other fuels
in many types of combustion plant, but plants burning only biomass tend to use FBC (mostly CFBC)
and grate-firing (GF) technologies.
The combustion of peat is relevant for several countries and is generally undertaken using milled
peat in FBC in modern facilities, but other technologies do exist.
The technologies in use range from comparatively small package firetube boilers (capacities up to
about 20 MWth) to large water tube boilers of up to about 2 000 MWth capacity.
Gas turbines are installed with a thermal capacity ranging from several hundred kW up to about
1 000 MWth. Gaseous fuels are mainly used, such as natural gas or in some instances, process gases
or gasification products. Liquid fuels are used, such as light distillates (e.g. naphtha, kerosene or gas
oil) but, in general, use of liquid fuels is limited to specific applications or as a standby fuel.
Gas turbines are aero-derivative designs (i.e. based on multiple shaft engines derived from aircraft
engine types) or industrial heavy-duty gas turbines (based on single shaft designs). Gas turbines for
electricity generation can be open (simple) cycle units but are often installed as a part of a combined
cycle gas turbine (CCGT). In a CCGT installation, a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) is used to
recover waste heat from the combustion gases providing steam to power a steam turbine which
drives an alternator providing more electricity. The net rated efficiency of a modern CCGT is in excess
of 50 %.
Gas turbines are often found in co-generation plant, the gas turbine directly coupled to an electricity
generator and the energy from hot exhaust gases recovered in a suitable HRSG (boiler) or used
directly (for example drying). Supplementary burners are commonly used to provide additional heat
input to the exhaust gases.
Integrated coal gasification combined cycle gas turbine (IGCC) plants use fuel gas derived from coal.
Note that for IGCC plants, the only emission relevant unit considered here is the gas turbine.
Stationary engines are spark-ignition engines and compression-ignition engines (2- and 4-stroke)
with electrical outputs ranging from less than 100 kW to over 20 MW. Both types represent relevant
emission sources. Such units are common as island generators (away from a supply grid), small
combined heat and power CHP units, or for cogeneration and standby or emergency uses.
3.2 Emissions
The contributions of point source emissions released by combustion plants to the total emissions
reported by countries to the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) can
be found in the emission databases hosted by the EMEP Centre on Emission Inventories and
projections (1)
The main pollutants are described below with further details provided (from the previous Guidebook
chapter) in Appendix B.
Note that the inventory methodologies for Greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide, methame
and nitrous oxide) are not included – refer to IPCC guidance [IPCC, 2006].
In the absence of flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) technology, the emissions of sulphur oxides (SOx)
are directly related to the sulphur content of the fuel. The sulphur content of refined natural gas is
negligible. The majority of SOx is sulphur dioxide (SO2) although small proportions of sulphur trioxide
(SO3) can arise.
Emissions of nitrogen oxides (nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide — NOx) arise from nitrogen in the
fuel (mainly relevant to solid and liquid fuels) and from reaction of atmospheric nitrogen.
Combustion control can provide a high degree of NOx emission control (low NOx burner technology)
and this may be supplemented by use of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) or selective non-catalytic
reduction techniques (SNCR).
Emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC), e.g. olefins, ketones, aldehydes,
result from incomplete combustion. Furthermore, unreacted fuel compounds such as ethane (C2H6)
can be emitted. The relevance of NMVOC and CH4 emissions from boilers, which are often reported
together as VOC, is very low for large-sized combustion plants. VOC emissions tend to decrease as
the plant size increases (Rentz et al, 1993).
Carbon monoxide (CO) appears always as an intermediate product of the combustion process and
in particular under sub-stoichiometric combustion conditions. However, the relevance of CO
released from combustion plants is not very high compared to CO 2. The formation mechanisms of
CO and VOC are similarly influenced by combustion conditions. Substantial emissions of CO can
occur if combustion conditions are poor.
Emissions of ammonia (NH3) are not generally associated with a combustion process; emissions can
result from incomplete reaction of NH3 additive in NOx abatement systems — selective catalytic and
non-catalytic reduction (SCR and SNCR).
Particulate matter (PM) emissions from large combustion installations (> 50 MW) burning solid fuels
are often lower than emissions from smaller plants (per unit of energy input); the physical and
chemical characteristics of the PM also differ. This is because different combustion and abatement
techniques are applied.
Combustion of fuels can generate solid residues which may be deposited within combustion
chambers (furnace bottom ash) within the furnace, boiler surfaces or ducting (fly ash) or on heat
exchanger surfaces (soot and fly ash). Coal and other fuels with significant ash content have the
highest potential to emit PM. Suspended ash material in exhaust gases may be retained by
particulate abatement or other emission abatement equipment (abatement residues). Material
which remains in the flue gases beyond the abatement equipment and passes to the atmosphere is
primary PM. Secondary PM is formed by chemical and physical processes after discharge to
atmosphere and is NOT considered here.
A number of factors influence the measurement and determination of primary PM emissions from
activities and, the quantity of PM determined in an emission measurement depends to a large extent
on the measurement conditions. This is particularly true of activities involving high temperature and
semi-volatile emission components – in such instances the PM emission may be partitioned between
a solid/aerosol phase and material which is gaseous at the sampling point but which can condense
in the atmosphere. The proportion of filterable and condensable material will vary depending on the
temperature of the flue gases and in sampling equipment.
A range of filterable PM measurement methods are applied around the world typically with filter
temperatures of 70-160°C (the temperature is set by the test method). Condensable fractions can
be determined directly by recovering condensed material from chilled impinger systems
downstream of a filter – note that this is condensation without dilution and can require additional
processing to remove sampling artefacts. Another approach for total PM includes dilution where
sampled flue or exhaust gases are mixed with ambient air (either using a dilution tunnel or dilution
sampling systems) and the filterable and condensable components are collected on a filter at lower
temperatures (but depending on the method this can be 15-52°C). The use of dilution methods,
however, may be limited due to practical constraints with weight and/or size of the equipment.
The PM emission factors (for TSP, PM10 and PM2.5) can represent the total primary PM emission, or
the filterable PM fraction. The basis of the emission factor is described (see individual emission
factor tables).
Combustion of fossil fuel and biomass is the main source of black carbon (BC) emission (Diehl et al.
2012). Black carbon is the term for a wide range of carbon containing compounds but is determined
by assessment of the optical properties of collected particulate matter. It covers large polycyclic
species, charred plants to highly graphitized soot. Other commonly used classifications include
elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC), which refer to carbon species that have been
classified chemically. EC and OC are always co-emitted, but in different proportions dependent upon
the fuel properties and the combustion conditions.
Using these classifications, BC and EC (as the more light absorbing / refractory species) are often
treated as equal. In reality, there may be small differences in the PM fraction of BC and EC resulting
from the different classification techniques used. Black Carbon was selected as the term identified
within the Gothenburg Protocol, with the requirement that Parties develop emission inventories and
projections for BC, and it is proposed that a similar requirement be included under the new NECD.
As such, in this guidebook emission factors are presented as BC.
Literature values of emission factors for BC are often derived by thermal chemical techniques
representative of EC. It is therefore important for inventory compilers to understand that the tier 1
BC emission factors presented in this guidance are assumed to be equal to the emission factors for
EC, and therefore some uncertainty is introduced. Where possible, appendices of full carbon
speciation are provided for key sources. Country-specific (higher tier) methods will be preferable
where this is feasible.
The same emission control techniques that limit the emission of PM will also reduce the emission of
BC. However, measurement data that address the abatement efficiencies for BC are limited. This
means that in general it is assumed that the BC emission can be reduced proportionally to the
filterable PM emission and, in particular, PM2.5 emission. Consequently, for inventory development,
the BC emission factors are expressed as percentage of the PM2.5 emission. It must be noted that
measurement of BC emissions is not a standardised technique and that particle number or surface
area may be relevant metrics. However, the approach adopted in the present chapter is to develop
a mass inventory based on the PM2.5 inventory. Metals
Most of the heavy metals considered (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn and V) are normally released
as compounds (e.g. oxides, chlorides) in association with particulates. Only Hg and Se are at least
partly present in the vapour phase. The content of heavy metals in coal is normally several orders of
magnitude higher than in oil (except occasionally for Ni and V in heavy fuel oil) and in natural gas.
For natural gas emissions of mercury and arsenic are relevant. During the combustion of coal,
particles undergo complex changes which lead to vaporisation of volatile elements. The rate of
volatilisation of heavy metal compounds depends on fuel characteristics (e.g. concentrations in coal,
fraction of inorganic components, such as calcium) and on technology characteristics (e.g. type of
boiler, operation mode).
3.3 Controls
Details of relevant abatement technologies for combustion plant are described in the BREF note for
large combustion plant ( http://eippcb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/reference/); some further detail on NOx and
SO2 emission controls are also provided in Appendix B. Relevant abatement technologies for
selected pollutants are outlined below.
There are in-furnace technologies which incorporate injection of an absorbent material (typically
lime) into the furnace. Use of such systems is quite common in FBC where the lime can be added to
the bed and high recirculation is possible.
Post combustion flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) processes are more common and are designed to
remove SO2 from the flue gas of combustion installations. Most processes, like the wet scrubbing
process (WS), the spray dryer absorption (SDA), the dry sorbent injection (DSI) and the Walther
process (WAP) are based on the reaction of the SO2 with an alkaline agent added as solid or as
suspension/solution of the agent in water to form the respective salts. In secondary reactions SO3,
fluorides and chlorides are also removed. In the case of some processes the SO 2 is recovered as
sulphur or sulphuric acid. Use of FGD processes can also reduce particulate and metal emissions.
The most common technologies are described below.
The pollutants are removed from the flue gas by chemical reactions with alkaline slurry (suspension
of calcium compounds in water). The main product is gypsum. The WS process represents the main
technology used by FGD-equipped electrical capacity installed in European Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. Facilities are in operation at combustion
units using hard coal, lignite and oil with sulphur contents from about 0.8 to more than 3.0 wt.%. The
SO2 reduction efficiency is > 90 %.
The SDA process removes the pollutant components from flue gas of fossil-fired combustion units
by injection of Ca(OH)2 slurry. The process forms a dry by-product requiring downstream collection
of PM. The SO2 reduction efficiency is > 90 %.
The DSI process is based on a gas/solid reaction of the flue gas and a dry sorbent (typically lime, but
sodium hydrogen carbonate NaHCO3 is used in some smaller applications).
Primary measures minimise formation of NOx in the furnace or combustion chamber and include
low-NOx burners (LNB), staged air supply, flue gas recirculation, overfire air, reburn, water/steam
injection and related technology. These measures can be retrofitted to existing boilers to achieve
varying degrees of NOx reduction. Modern gas turbines can achieve very low NOx emissions by
application of dry low NOx (DLN) burner technology without secondary measures.
The principal abatement measures are selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) and selective
catalytic reduction (SCR). The reduction of nitrogen oxides in the flue gas is based on the selective
reaction of NOx. The SNCR process involves injection of ammonia or urea near the furnace. Emission
reduction with SNCR can be limited (up to 50 %) and is lower than with SCR. An SCR system is based
on selective reactions with injected additives in the presence of a catalyst. The additives used are
mostly ammonia (gaseous and in solution) but also urea. The NO x reduction efficiency can be
between 70 and 90 %.
The main technology in use is electrostatic precipitation (EP); however fabric filters (FF) are also used.
Removal of particulate also reduces emissions of most heavy metals as these are mainly in the
particulate phase. Both modern EP and FF can represent Best Available Techniques (BAT), but note
that EP performance can vary widely between older and modern equipment. FGD can also be an
effective PM abatement device; DSI and SDA systems often incorporate FF for sorbent and PM
removal, Wet scrubbing systems can also achieve BAT achievable emission levels for PM.
Multicyclone devices can be found on smaller, older combustion units or as an initial treatment
3.4 Methods
Figure 3-1 presents the procedure to select the methods for estimating process emissions from
combustion in energy and transformation industries. The basic concept is:
than to collect facility-level data needed for a Tier 3 estimate. However, the inventory compiler
should be aware that, because the number of sources may be comparatively small, in many
instances the data required for a Tier 3 approach may be only a little more difficult to obtain
than at Tier 2;
detailed process modelling is not explicitly included in this decision tree. However, detailed
modelling will usually be done at facility level and results of such modelling could be seen as
‘facility data’ (Tier 3) in the decision tree.
Apply Tier 1
default EFs Algorithm
The Tier 1 approach for process emissions from combustion uses the general equation:
This equation is applied at the national level, using annual national total fuel use (disaggregated by
fuel type). Information on fuel consumption suitable for estimating emissions using the simpler
estimation methodology is widely available from UN statistical yearbooks or national statistics.
The Tier 1 emission factors assume an average or typical technology and abatement
In cases where specific combustion technology and abatement techniques are to be taken into
account, a Tier 1 method is not applicable and a Tier 2 or Tier 3 approach must be used. Some
further detail on NOx and SO2 emission controls and abatement efficiency are provided in
Appendix B.
The Tier 1 default emission factors derived from available data and information have been
developed for key fuel groups (Table 3-1) and are given in Table 3-2 to Table 3-7.
Hard coal Coking coal, other bituminous coal, sub-bituminous coal, coke, manufactured
‘patent’ fuel
Gaseous fuels Natural gas, natural gas liquids, liquefied petroleum gas, refinery gas (EFs for
refinery gas are available in section 4.2), gas works gas, coke oven gas, blast
furnace gas
Heavy fuel oil Residual fuel oil, refinery feedstock, petroleum coke, orimulsion, bitumen
The emission factors provided in Table 3-2 to Table 3-7 have been derived from available materials,
taking into account the results of an assessment of emission factors included in previous versions
of the Guidebook and elsewhere, including the newer information from the BREF document on Best
Available Techniques in Large Combustion Plants (European Commission, 2006). The emission
factors are grouped by major fuel types. In the absence of detail on types and relative use of types
of combustion or abatement technology, which will be different for each country, the proposed
factors represent a mean for the range of technologies in use with the 95 % figures a measure of the
range of emissions in the sector. The factors will represent a very wide range of combustion
technologies and emissions; they do not represent BAT or unabated emissions.
Note that NOx emission factors are expressed as NO2 and that PCDD/F emission factors are
presented as I-TEQ (NATO) toxic equivalents.
Emission factors for sulphur oxides are provided in the Tier 1 tables, but these assume no SO2
abatement and a defined fuel sulphur content. Where countries have no FGD and have knowledge
of fuel sulphur content then it is recommended that a sulphur oxides emission factor is calculated
from fuel sulphur content assuming 100 % conversion to SO2 and no retention in ash.
For emission factors for the combustion of waste, please refer to Chapters 6.C.a, 6.C.b and 6.C.c,
depending on the type of waste that is being combusted.
The BC emission factors presented in this Guidance are derived on the basis of EC and it is therefore
assumed that BC=EC.
Table 3-2 Tier 1 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a using hard coal
Table 3-3 Tier 1 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a using brown coal
Table 3-4 Tier 1 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a using gaseous fuels
Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.84 µg/GJ 0.28 0.84 US EPA (1998), chapter 1.4 ("Less
than" value based on method
detection limits)
Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.84 µg/GJ 0.28 0.84 US EPA (1998), chapter 1.4 ("Less
than" value based on method
detection limits)
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.84 µg/GJ 0.28 0.84 US EPA (1998), chapter 1.4 ("Less
than" value based on method
detection limits)
For conversion of the US EPA data the heating value as provided in the reference has been used (1.02 BTU/scf).
This has been converted to NCV using a factor of 0.90. Furthermore, units have been converted using 1055.0559
J/BTU and 453.59237 g/lb.
The factor for SOx is based on approximately 0.01 gm3 mass sulphur content. Emission factor for PCDD/F is stated
to be applicable light fuel oil and natural gas use in power station boilers but is based mainly on data from oil
combustion. UNEP also reports limited data for gas combustion of between 0.02 and 0.03 ng TEQ/GJ for natural
gas-fired boilers.
The BC emission factor is the average of the data available in England et al. (2004), Wien et al. (2004) and the
Speciate database (US EPA, 2011).
The TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 emission factors represent filterable PM emissions. Note that condensable PM emission
factors are also provided in US EPA (1998), Chapter 1.4.
Table 3-5 Tier 1 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a using heavy fuel oil
For conversion of the US EPA data the heating value as provided in the reference has been used (150 MMBTU/103
gal). This has been converted to NCV using a factor of 0.95. Furthermore, units have been converted using
1055.0559 J/BTU and 453.59237 g/lb.
The factor for SOx assumes no SO2 abatement and is based on 1 % mass sulphur content using EF calculation
from subsection of the present chapter; 95 % confidence intervals calculated using range from Table C-1
in Appendix C.
The BC emission factor is derived as the average of the data found in Olmez et al. (1988), England et al. (2007)
and the Speciate database (US EPA, 2011).
The TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 emission factors represent filterable PM emissions and are based on a sulphur content
of 1%. Note that condensable PM emission factors are also provided in US EPA (1998), Chapter 1.3.
Table 3-6 Tier 1 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a using gas oil
Table 3-7 Tier 1 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a using biomass
Further guidance is provided in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories,
volume 2 on Stationary Combustion
The activity rate and the emission factor have to be determined on the same level of aggregation
depending on the availability of data. The activity statistic should be determined within the
considered country or region by using adequate statistics. The activity should refer to the energy
input of the emission sources considered (net or inferior fuel consumption in [GJ]). Algorithm
The Tier 2 approach is similar to the Tier 1 approach. To apply the Tier 2 approach, both the activity
data and the emission factors need to be applied according to a country’s fuel usage and installed
combustion technologies. These techniques may include:
disaggregate the fuel use in the country to model the different combustion and abatement types
into the inventory by
a) defining the activity data using each of the identified process types (together called
‘technologies’ in the formulae below) separately, and
E pollutant AR
production,technology EFtechnology,pollutant (2)
develop country-specific emission factors from the understanding of the relative contributions of
the different technologies within the national combustion plant portfolio (and relative fuel use)
and apply this country-specific emission factor for the national fuel use.
Both approaches are mathematically very similar or even identical. Using one or the other
approach depends mainly on the availability of data. If the activity data are indeed available, the
first approach seems to be more appropriate. If, however, no direct activity data are available,
penetration of different technologies within the industry could be estimated from data on
capacities, or other surrogate data that reflect relative sizes of facilities using the different
Emission factors derived from the achievable emission levels values (AELs) as defined in the BREF
document are provided in subsection 6.3.1 for comparison. In addition, ELVs for selected emission
instruments are provided as emission factors in Appendix D.
Dry bottom boiler Coking coal, steam coal, sub-bituminous coal, brown coal, lignite,
wood, peat, coke, oven coke, residual oil, natural gas
Wet bottom boiler Coking coal, steam coal, sub-bituminous coal, brown coal, lignite,
Gas turbine Natural gas, gas oil, refinery gas, blast furnace gas
This section provides a series of technology-specific pollutant emission factors for combustion; these
factors represent a wider range of fuels and combustion technologies than for Tier 1. They do not
represent specific combustion and abatement technologies (which would be needed in a Tier 3
approach), but do offer more disaggregation than Tier 1. Extension of Tier 2 to reflect emission
abatement is possible through use of factors derived from emission data.
The BC emission factors presented in this Guidance are derived on the basis of EC and it is therefore
assumed that BC=EC.
Table 3-9 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a, dry bottom boilers using
coking coal, steam coal and sub-bituminous coal
The BC share is derived as the average of data from Henry & Knapp (1980), Olmez et al. (1988), Watson et al.
(2001), Fisher et al. (1979), Griest & Tomkins (1984), Engelbrecht et al. (2002), Chow et al. (2004) and Speciate (US
EPA, 2011).
The TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 emission factors represent filterable PM emissions and are based on an ash content of
8.2%. Note that condensable PM emission factors are also provided in US EPA (1998), Chapter 1.1.
Table 3-10 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a, wet and dry bottom boilers
using brown coal/lignite
The factor for SOx assumes no SO2 abatement and is based on 1 % mass sulphur content using EF calculation
from subsection of the present chapter; 95 % confidence intervals calculated using range from Table C-1
in Appendix C.
The emission factors for PCBs, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene and HCB are based on data for hard
coal combustion in dry bottom boilers.
The TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 emission factors represent filterable PM emissions and are based on an ash content of
5%. Note that condensable PM emission factors are also provided in US EPA (1998), Chapter 1.7.
Table 3-11 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a, dry bottom boilers using
residual oil
The factor for SOx assumes no SO2 abatement and is based on 1 % mass sulphur content using EF calculation
from subsection of the present chapter; 95 % confidence intervals calculated using range from Table C-1
in Appendix C.
The BC emission factor is derived as the average of the data found in Olmez et al. (1988), England et al. (2007)
and the Speciate database (US EPA, 2011).
The TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 emission factors represent filterable PM emissions and are based on a sulphur content
of 1%. Note that condensable PM emission factors are also provided in US EPA (1998), Chapter 1.3.
Table 3-12 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a, dry bottom boilers using
natural gas
on method detection
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.84 µg/GJ 0.28 0.84 US EPA (1998), chapter 1.4
("Less than" value based
on method detection
For conversion of the US EPA data the heating value as provided in the reference has been used (1.02 BTU/scf).
This has been converted to NCV using a factor of 0.90. Furthermore, units have been converted using 1055.0559
J/BTU and 453.59237 g/lb.
The factor for SOx is based on approximately 0.01 g/m3 mass sulphur content.
Emission factor for PCDD/F is stated to be applicable light fuel oil and natural gas use in power station boilers,
but is based mainly on data from oil combustion. UNEP also reports limited data for gas combustion of between
0.02 and 0.03 ng TEQ/GJ for natural gas-fired boilers.
The BC emission factor is the average of the data available in England et al. (2004), Wien et al. (2004) and the
Speciate database (US EPA, 2011).
The TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 emission factors represent filterable PM emissions. Note that condensable PM emission
factors are also provided in US EPA (1998), Chapter 1.4.
Table 3-13 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a, dry bottom boilers using wood
Table 3-14 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a, wet bottom boilers using
coking coal, steam coal and sub-bituminous coal
Table 3-15 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a, fluid bed boilers using hard
Table 3-16 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a, fluid bed boilers using brown
Table 3-17 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a, gas turbines using gaseous
Table 3-18 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a, gas turbines using gas oil
Table 3-19 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a, reciprocating engines using
gas oil
Table 3-20 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.a, reciprocating engines using
natural gas Abatement
A number of technologies exist that are aimed at reducing the emissions of specific pollutants. The
resulting emission can be calculated by applying an abated emission factor as given in the formula:
However, this approach requires knowledge of emissions for the unabated or ‘baseline’ technology
and abatement efficiency, which may be difficult to obtain.
Abatement performance is rarely expressed in terms of efficiency, but in terms of the achievable or
guaranteed emission concentration (for example to achieve compliance with an emission limit
value). Assessment of abatement performance is almost always determined by measurement of
emitted concentrations. To allow users to assess if the Tier 2 emission factors for technologies can
be reasonably applied to their country, subsection 6.3, Verification, of the present chapter provides
guidance on conversion of emission concentrations (measured concentrations or emission limit
values) into emission factors for selected fuels.
Information on the production of power which is suitable for estimating emissions using the
simpler estimation methodology (Tier 1 and 2) is available from national statistics agencies or the
International Energy Agency (IEA).
Further guidance is provided in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories,
volume 2 on Stationary Combustion www.ipcc-
For a Tier 2 approach these data need to be stratified according to technologies applied. Typical
sources for this data might be industrial or regulatory organisations within the country or from
specific questionnaires to the individual combustion installations. Algorithm
Where facility-level emission data of sufficient quality (see Chapter 3, Data collection, in part A) are
available, it is good practice to use these data. There are two possibilities:
the facility reports cover all relevant combustion processes in the country;
facility-level emission reports are not available for all relevant combustion processes in the
If facility-level data are available covering all activities in the country, the implied emission factors
(reported emissions divided by the national fuel use) should be compared with the default emission
factor values or technology-specific emission factors. If the implied emission factors are outside the
95 % confidence intervals for the values given, it is good practice to explain the reasons for this in
the inventory report
Depending on the specific national circumstances and the coverage of the facility-level reports as
compared to the total combustion activity, the emission factor (EF) in this equation should be chosen
from the following possibilities, in decreasing order of preference:
E Facility, pollutant
EF Facilities (7)
the default Tier 1 emission factor. This option should only be chosen if the facility-level emission
reports cover more than 90 % of the total national production.
Sources of emission factor guidance for facilities include the USEPA (USEPA, AP-42), BREF and
industry sector guidance (for example Eurelectric (The Union of the Electricity Industry), 2008).
Emission concentration data and ELVs can also be used by inventory compilers to develop emission
factors (Appendix E). The older versions of the Guidebook also provided a range of emission factors
which may be of use and these are provided at Appendix F.
In many countries national statistics offices collect production data on facility level, but these are in
many cases confidential. However, in several countries, national statistics offices are part of the
national emission inventory systems and the extrapolation, if needed, could be performed at the
statistics office, ensuring that confidentiality of production data is maintained.
Refineries require electrical and thermal energy in substantial quantities. Electrical and thermal
energy is typically generated by combined heat and power (CHP) or cogeneration facilities at the
refinery. Thermal energy can be provided directly (process furnaces on the production unit) or via
steam produced within the production unit or from a utilities facility. The technologies for production
of energy from combustion can be identical to those for 1.A.1.a, activities but in many instances the
difference will be that the fuels utilised will be refinery gaseous and liquid fuels. Where non-refinery
fuels are used in combustion processes the information provided in the 1.A.1.a activity can be
Many production activities incorporate process furnaces to heat feedstock; these may use refinery
fuels and recover refinery by-products, and these will have associated combustion emissions.
Incineration and flaring of refinery by-products are other combustion activities (see Chapter 1.B.2.c).
In addition, process sources include bitumen blowing, blowdown systems, hydrogen plant, fluid
coking units, fluidised catalytic cracking (FCC) units and catalytic reforming units (see Chapter
4.2 Emissions
Note that the inventory methodologies for Greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide, methame
and nitrous oxide) are not included – refer to IPCC guidance [IPCC, 2006].
Note that PM emission factors in the Guidebook represent primary emissions from the activities and
not formation of secondary aerosol from chemical reaction in the atmosphere after release.
A number of factors influence the measurement and determination of primary PM emissions from
activities and, the quantity of PM determined in an emission measurement depends to a large extent
on the measurement conditions. This is particularly true of activities involving high temperature and
semi-volatile emission components – in such instances the PM emission may be partitioned between
a solid/aerosol phase and material which is gaseous at the sampling point but which can condense
in the atmosphere. The proportion of filterable and condensable material will vary depending on the
temperature of the flue gases and in sampling equipment.
A range of filterable PM measurement methods are applied around the world typically with filter
temperatures of 70-160°C (the temperature is set by the test method). Condensable fractions can
be determined directly by recovering condensed material from chilled impinger systems
downstream of a filter – note that this is condensation without dilution and can require additional
processing to remove sampling artefacts. Another approach for total PM includes dilution where
sampled flue or exhaust gases are mixed with ambient air (either using a dilution tunnel or dilution
sampling systems) and the filterable and condensable components are collected on a filter at lower
temperatures (but depending on the method this can be 15-52°C). The use of dilution methods for
routine measurements on refinery stacks, however, is limited due to practical constraints with
weight and/or size of the equipment.
The Guidebook identifies whether the PM emission factors (for TSP, PM10 and PM2.5) represent total
PM, filterable PM or whether the basis of the emission factor cannot be determined (see individual
emission factor tables). Metals
According to the BREF, important heavy metals in crude oils are As, Hg, Ni, and V. Concawe (Concawe,
2015) also present methodologies for Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn with sources from combustion,
incineration of gaseous streams, FCC regenerators and fluid coking. Nickel and vanadium tend to be
enriched in residues from distillation.
4.3 Controls
Details of relevant abatement technologies are described in the BREF notes for refineries and large
combustion plant http://eippcb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/reference/. Relevant abatement technologies for
refinery combustion units are described in 1.A.1.a. In general, end of pipe treatment of FCC units
tends to be similar to the controls for combustion plant.
4.4 Methods
Figure 4-1 presents the procedure to select the methods for estimating process emissions from
petroleum refining. The basic idea is:
Apply Tier 1
default EFs Algorithm
The Tier 1 approach for process emissions from combustion uses the general equation:
This equation is applied at the national level, using annual national total fuel use (disaggregated by
fuel type). Information on fuel consumption suitable for estimating emissions using the simpler
estimation methodology is widely available from UN statistical yearbooks or national statistics.
The Tier 1 emission factors generally assume an average or typical technology and abatement
implementation. However, emission factors for this chapter reflect unabated emissions.
In cases where specific abatement techniques are to be taken into account, a Tier 1 method is not
applicable and a Tier 2 or Tier 3 approach must be used.
The default emission factors for combustion activities at Tier 1 are based on fuel types including fuel
types common with the 1.A.1.a activity. As most combustion is in process furnaces without contact
with the material being heated, Tier 1 default factors for refinery combustion can often be drawn
from the 1.A.1.a Tier 1 default factors classifications (see Table 4-1).
Heavy fuel oil Residual fuel oil, refinery feedstock, See 1.A.1.a Tier 1
petroleum coke
Other liquid fuels (a) Gas oil, kerosene, naphtha, natural gas (a) See 1.A.1.a Tier 1
liquids, liquefied petroleum gas,
orimulsion, bitumen, shale oil
(b) refinery gas (b) Table 4-2
Table 4-2 have been derived from emission factors published by USEPA (USEPA, 1998) and elsewhere
including factors incorporated by the industry sector (Concawe, 2015). In the absence of detail on
relative use of combustion or abatement technology, which will be different for each country, the
proposed factors represent a mean of unabated emissions for the range of combustion technologies
in use with the 95 % figures a measure of the range of unabated emissions in the sector.
An emission factor for sulphur oxides is provided in the Tier 1 table, but this is based on a range of
published factors, some of which represent very different sulphur levels in the fuels. Where countries
have knowledge of fuel sulphur content then it is recommended that a sulphur oxides emission
factor is calculated from fuel sulphur content.
Table 4-2 Tier 1 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.b, refinery gas
If a Tier 1 approach is adopted for the process emissions (Chapter 1.B.2.a.iv), combustion emissions
are already covered and should not be reported again in Chapter 1.A.1.b since this would lead to
double counting.
Further guidance is provided in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories,
volume 2 on Stationary Combustion
The activity rate and the emission factor have to be determined on the same level of aggregation
depending on the availability of data. The activity statistic should be determined within the
considered country or region by using adequate statistics. The activity should refer to the energy
input of the emission sources considered (net or inferior fuel consumption in [GJ]). Algorithm
The Tier 2 approach is similar to the Tier 1 approach. To apply the Tier 2 approach, both the activity
data and the emission factors need to be applied according to a country’s installed combustion and
abatement technologies. These techniques may include:
types of refinery;
capacities of refineries;
implementation of abatement technologies in the country.
disaggregate the fuel use in the country to model the different combustion and abatement types
into the inventory by
o defining the activity data using each of the identified process types (together called
‘technologies’ in the formulae below) separately, and
E pollutant AR
production,technology EFtechnology,pollutant (2)
develop country-specific emission factors from the understanding of the relative contributions of
the different technologies within the national combustion plant portfolio (and relative fuel use)
and apply this country-specific emission factor for the national fuel use:
Both approaches are mathematically very similar or even identical. Using one or the other approach
depends mainly on the availability of data. If the activity data are indeed available, the first approach
seems to be more appropriate. If, however, no direct activity data are available, penetration of
different technologies within the industry could be estimated from data on capacities, or other
surrogate data that reflect relative sizes of facilities using the different technologies.
This section provides a series of technology-specific pollutant emission factors for combustion units
e.g. boilers and process heaters and furnaces; these factors represent a wider range of fuels and
combustion technologies than for Tier 1. They do not represent specific combustion technologies
but do offer more disaggregation than Tier 1. Many of the factors have been included in the industry
guidance for estimating facility releases for E-PRTR (Concawe, 2015) and represent unabated
emission factors.
Emission factors for sulphur oxides are provided in the Tier 2 tables. Where countries have
knowledge of fuel sulphur content and of abatement technologies then it is recommended that a
sulphur oxides emission factor is calculated from fuel sulphur content taking into account
abatement efficiency.
A methodology to calculate NOx emissions has been provided in Concawe, 2015 as the sector’s
recommended method for refineries to use for emission reporting. However, NOx formation is very
complex and depends on a number of parameters (for example hydrogen content, humidity, burner
intensity) which may not be available for a Tier 2 methodology.
Extension of Tier 2 to reflect emission abatement is possible through use of factors derived from
emission data. For emission factors specific to gas turbines, please see 1.A.1.a, subsection,
Tier 2 emission factor tables, of the present chapter.
If LPG is used, the emission factors presented for natural gas should be used when estimating
Table 4-4 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.b, process furnaces using
residual oil
Table 4-5 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.b, process furnaces, using gas oil
Table 4-6 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.b, process furnaces using
natural gas
emission factor of 0.1 mg/GJ. It is encouraged that countries obtain country specific data for the natural gas based
on the origin.
These PM factors represent filterable PM emissions only (excluding any condensable fraction).
Table 4-7 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.b, stationary engines using
natural gas
Table 4-8 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 1.A.1.b, diesel engines using gas oil
Information on the refinery production suitable for estimating emissions using the simpler
estimation methodology (Tier 1 and 2) may be available from national statistics agencies or the
International Energy Agency (IEA).
Further guidance is provided in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories,
volume 2 on Stationary Combustion
For a Tier 2 approach these data need to be stratified according to technologies applied. Typical
sources for this data might be industrial or regulatory organisations within the country or from
specific questionnaires to the individual refineries. Algorithm
Where facility-level emission data of sufficient quality (see Chapter 3, Data collection, in part A) are
available, it is good practice to use these data. There are two possibilities:
If facility-level data are available covering all activities in the country, the implied emission factors
(reported emissions divided by the national fuel use) should be compared with the default emission
factor values or technology-specific emission factors. If the implied emission factors are outside the
95 % confidence intervals for the values given, it is good practice to explain the reasons for this in
the inventory report.
Depending on the specific national circumstances and the coverage of the facility-level reports as
compared to the total combustion activity, the emission factor (EF) in this equation should be chosen
from the following possibilities, in decreasing order of preference:
E Facility, pollutant
EF Facilities (7)
the default Tier 1 emission factor. This option should only be chosen if the facility-level emission
reports cover more than 90 % of the total national production.
In many countries national statistics offices collect production data on facility level, but these are in
many cases confidential. However, in several countries, national statistics offices are part of the
national emission inventory systems and the extrapolation, if needed, could be performed at the
statistics office, ensuring that confidentiality of production data is maintained.
Coke manufacture is a batch process with production occurring in a coke oven which is a battery of
ovens. Coal is heated in a non-oxidising atmosphere (pyrolysis). The volatile components are driven
off to leave coke which is then pushed at high temperature from the oven into a rail car and taken
to a quench tower to stop oxidation in air. Heating is provided by combustion of a portion of the
evolved gases, following treatment to remove ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, tars and condensable
organic material. Coke manufacture with by-product recovery includes process units to recover
condensed organic material and other by-products. By-products are burnt in coke ovens which do
not have by-product recovery.
5.2 Emissions
Note that the inventory methodologies for Greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide, methame
and nitrous oxide) are not included – refer to IPCC guidance [IPCC, 2006].
5.3 Controls
Details- of relevant abatement technologies are described in the BREF note for iron and steel
production (http://eippcb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/reference/). Control of SO2 emission is by removal of H2S
and other sulphurous material from the fuel gas.
5.4 Methods
Figure 5-1 presents the procedure to select the methods for estimating process emissions from
combustion in energy and transformation industries. The basic idea is:
Apply Tier 1
default EFs Algorithm
The Tier 1 approach for process emissions from combustion uses the general equation:
This equation is applied at the national level, using annual national coal use (disaggregated by
industrial sector). Information on fuel consumption suitable for estimating emissions using the
simpler estimation methodology is widely available from UN statistical yearbooks or national
The Tier 1 emission factors assume an average or typical technology and abatement
In cases where specific abatement techniques are to be taken into account a Tier 1 method is not
applicable and a Tier 2 or Tier 3 approach must be used.
The Tier 1 default emission factors for process and combustion emissions are given in
Table 5-1 and have been derived from emission factors provided in USEPA guidance. The factors are
based on coal use expressed in terms of net energy content. The factors include combustion and
process emissions from coke batteries, including combustion stacks and preheater. Emissions from
soaking, decarbonisation, charging, door and lid leaks, off-take leaks, quenching and pushing are
included in Chapter 1.B.1.b Fugitive emissions from solid fuels: solid fuel transformation. In the
absence of detail on relative use of coke oven types or abatement technology, which will be different
for each country, the proposed factors represent a mean for the range of technologies in use with
the 95 % figures a measure of the range of emissions in the sector.
Further guidance is provided in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories,
volume 2 on Stationary Combustion
The activity rate and the emission factor have to be determined on the same level of aggregation
depending on the availability of data. The activity statistic should be determined within the
considered country or region by using adequate statistics. The activity should refer to the energy
input of the emission sources considered (net or inferior fuel consumption in [GJ]).
For a Tier 2 approach the emission factors are presented in terms of coal use with two technologies.
Note that emission factors can be converted to g/Mg coke produced by applying a conversion of
1 285 kg coal/Mg coke (from the Iron and Steel BREF range of 1220–1 350 kg coal/Mg coke).
The factors represent combustion and process emissions from coke batteries, including combustion
stacks and preheater. Emissions from soaking, decarbonisation, charging, door and lid leaks, off-
take leaks, quenching and pushing are included in Chapter 1.B.1.b Fugitive emissions from solid
fuels: solid fuel transformation.
Table 5-2 Tier 2 default emission factors for source category 1.A.1.c, coke manufacture with
by-product recovery
Table 5-3 Tier 2 default emission factors for source category 1.A.1.c, coke manufacture
without by-product recovery Algorithm
Where facility-level emission data of sufficient quality (see Chapter 3, Data collection, in part A) are
available, it is good practice to use these data. There are two possibilities:
the facility reports cover all relevant combustion processes in the country;
facility-level emission reports are not available for all relevant combustion processes in the
If facility-level data are available covering all activities in the country, the implied emission factors
(reported emissions divided by the national fuel use) should be compared with the default emission
factor values or technology-specific emission factors. If the implied emission factors are outside the
95 % confidence intervals for the values given, it is good practice to explain the reasons for this in
the inventory report.
Depending on the specific national circumstances and the coverage of the facility-level reports as
compared to the total combustion activity, the emission factor (EF) in this equation should be chosen
from the following possibilities, in decreasing order of preference:
E Facility, pollutant
EF Facilities (7)
the default Tier 1 emission factor. This option should only be chosen if the facility-level emission
reports cover more than 90 % of the total national production.
Many coke ovens are (or are part of) major facilities, and emission data for individual plants might
be available through a pollutant release and transfer registry (PRTR) or another national emission
reporting scheme. When the quality of such data is assured by a well developed QA/QC system and
the emission reports have been verified by an independent auditing scheme, it is good practice to
use such data. If extrapolation is needed to cover all activity in the country either the implied
emission factors for the facilities that did report, or the emission factors as provided above could be
used (see subsection of the present chapter).
Since PRTR generally do not report activity data, such data in relation to the reported facility-level
emissions are sometimes difficult to find. A possible source of facility-level activity might be the
registries of emission trading systems.
In many countries national statistics offices collect production data on facility level, but these are in
many cases confidential. However, in several countries, national statistics offices are part of the
national emission inventory systems and the extrapolation, if needed, could be performed at the
statistics office, ensuring that confidentiality of production data is maintained.
6 Data quality
6.1 Completeness
No specific issues, but the separation of combustion emissions from other emissions associated with
the activities may potentially lead to exclusion of emissions.
6.3 Verification
Pollutant Fuel New or Boiler size Reference AEL concentration range, Emission factor,
type existing or O2 mg.m-3 at STP (0ºC, 101.3 g·GJ-1
[1] plant [2] technology, content, kPa) dry at reference O2 (net thermal
content input)
MWth %v/v dry Low High Low High
TSP coal new 50-100 6 5 20 1.8 7.2
coal new 100-300 6 5 20 1.8 7.2
coal new > 300 6 5 20 1.8 7.2
coal existing 50-100 6 5 30 1.8 10.9
coal existing 100-300 6 5 30 1.8 10.9
coal existing > 300 6 5 30 1.8 10.9
wood new 50-100 6 5 20 1.9 7.7
wood new 100-300 6 5 20 1.9 7.7
wood new > 300 6 5 20 1.9 7.7
wood existing 50-100 6 5 20 1.9 7.7
wood existing 100-300 6 5 20 1.9 7.7
wood existing > 300 6 5 20 1.9 7.7
oil new 50-100 3 5 20 1.4 5.7
oil new 100-300 3 5 20 1.4 5.7
oil new > 300 3 5 10 1.4 2.8
oil existing 50-100 3 5 30 1.4 8.5
oil existing 100-300 3 5 25 1.4 7.1
oil existing > 300 3 5 20 1.4 5.7
Pollutant Fuel New or Boiler size Reference AEL concentration range, Emission factor,
type existing or O2 mg.m-3 at STP (0ºC, 101.3 g·GJ-1
[1] plant [2] technology, content, kPa) dry at reference O2 (net thermal
content input)
MWth %v/v dry Low High Low High
wood existing 50-100 6 150 300 57.9 115.7
wood existing 100-300 6 150 250 57.9 96.4
wood existing > 300 6 50 200 19.3 77.1
oil new 50-100 3 150 300 42.4 84.9
oil new 100-300 3 50 150 14.1 42.4
oil new > 300 3 50 100 14.1 28.3
oil existing 50-100 3 150 450 42.4 127.3
oil existing 100-300 3 50 200 14.1 56.6
oil existing > 300 3 50 150 14.1 42.4
gas new > 50 3 50 100 14.2 28.3
gas existing > 50 3 50 100 14.2 28.3
BAT-AELs are based on measurement of filterable PM.
Fuel is main classification only; limits may be for ‘solid fuels’ rather than coal or wood. Limits for gaseous fuels
are for natural gas and may not be applicable to derived fuels.
New and existing plants are as defined in IED (2010).
The refinery BREF provides somewhat wide-ranging views on BAT for refinery emissions. Table 6-2
provides a summary of the information presented. Note that, in the absence of detail about fuel gas
composition, the emission factors were derived from the emission concentrations assuming natural
gas. BAT emissions for energy processes are not presented.
The BAT document for coke ovens indicates that use of desulphurised coke oven gas and low-NOx
techniques represent BAT in new or modern plant. Post-desulphurisation H2S levels of 500–
1 000 mg.m-3 of fuel are indicated. However, further information is needed to calculate an emission
factor; an estimated SO2 factor range of 60–120 g·GJ-1 has been calculated assuming a calorific value
of 16.2 MJ.m-3[DUKES, 2007].
Estimated BAT emission factors (assuming natural gas as the fuel) for NOx are 140–220 g·GJ-1.
For processes without SO2 abatement, the sulphur content of the fuel provides a means to calculate
the SO2 emission factor.
This equation can be extended to include a factor for retention of SO2 in ash.
Liquid fuels in the EC are subject to sulphur limits (EC SCOLF, 1999/2005) as summarised in Table
6-3. The SO2 emission factors in Table 6-3 have been calculated assuming 100 % conversion of fuel
sulphur and applying UK net calorific values for fuel oils (DUKES, 2007).
The Industrial Emissions Directive, Gothenburg protocol, USEPA emission factor handbook and
sector-specific emission factor guidance (Eurelectric and Concawe) provide additional means of
assessing the validity of the default emission factors and factors from other sources to a national
Examples of emission factors derived from ELVs in the LCPD and Gothenburg protocol are provided
in Appendix D. The USEPA emission factors can be found at www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ap42 .
6.3.4 Derivation of emission factors from emission concentrations for combustion processes
For Tier 3 using facility level data, it might occur that a different selection of facility level data is
included in different years. This can lead to time series inconsistencies. Moreover, PRTR data are
generally available for specific years only. Splicing such recent reported data under the European
Pollutant Release and Transfer Registry (EPRTR)/ European Pollutant Emission Register (EPER) with
historical data could be used to get consistent time series. Splicing could be used for both the activity
data and the country-specific emission factors.
Unexpected discontinuities in time series can occur when specific facilities come into operation or
are closed in specific years. If this happens, it is good practice to clearly document such explanations
in the inventory archives.
The uncertainty is partly the result of how emission factors are developed and applied. The
expanded statistical uncertainty is made up of: between plants variance, within plant (operating)
variance, and uncertainties associated with the measurement methodology used and the
aggregation of data.
Process measurements, from which emission factors are developed at individual facility level, are
subject to both systematic and random errors in the determination of mass concentration, mass
emission, size distribution, and analytical errors, etc.
In addition, bias may exist in emission factors arising from assumptions made about the abatement
used on ‘typical’ industrial installations. For example, emission factors ‘age’, the factors widely used
in the Guidebook and hence by many countries as default emission factors in their national
inventories become out of date. Recent measurement work suggests that they may overestimate
emissions from the industrial processes subject to more modern industrial emissions regulation.
They may, however, still be fully representative for older plant, small plant, or for poorer fuels.
The uncertainty in national fuel and production statistics can be difficult to establish, however;
reporting procedures have generally been in place for many years. Recent developments in emission
trading provide a ‘bottom-up’ and verified alternative to national statistics in some sectors.
The uncertainty for disaggregated sector-specific activity data can be high as such data may be
collected infrequently or rely on assumptions which may vary substantially with time.
The inventory compiler needs to understand how sector-specific activity data have been derived.
6.7 Mapping
The facilities within 1.A.1 should be considered as point sources if plant-specific data are available.
Otherwise national emissions should be disaggregated on the basis of plant capacity, employment
or population statistics.
7 Glossary
Term Definition
Boiler any technical apparatus, in which fuels are oxidised in order to
generate steam.
Process heater or furnace any technical apparatus, in which fuels are oxidised in order to
generate heat for a process activity.
Coking coal (Nomenclature for Air subcategory of hard coal with a quality that allows the
Pollution of Fuels (NAPFUE) 101) production of a coke suitable for supporting a blast furnace
charge (Meijer, 1995).
Co-generation plant Simultaneous production of electricity and steam (or process
Combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) gas turbine combined with a steam turbine. The boiler can also
be fuelled separately.
Hard coal refers to coal of a gross caloric value greater than 23 865 kJ/kg
on an ash-free but moist basis and with a mean random
reflectance (2) of vitrinite of at least 0.6. Hard coal comprises
the subcategories coking coal and steam coal (3) [Meijer, 1995].
Integrated coal gasification gas turbine fuelled by gas, which is a product of a coal
combined cycle gas turbine (IGCC) gasification process.
Lignite (NAPFUE 105) non-agglomerating coals with a gross caloric value less than
17 435 kJ/kg and containing more than 31 % volatile matter on
a dry mineral matter free basis.
Power plant installation or facility for electricity generation.
Stationary engines spark-ignition or compression-ignition engines (2- and 4-
Steam coal (NAPFUE 102) subcategory of hard coal used for steam raising and space
heating purposes. Steam coal includes all anthracite and
bituminous coals not included under coking coal (Meijer, 1995).
Sub-bituminous coal non-agglomerating coals with a gross caloric value between
(NAPFUE 103) 17 435 and 23 865 kJ/kg containing more than 31 % volatile
matter on a dry mineral free matter basis (Meijer, 1995).
(2) Mean random reflectance: characteristic value, which stands for a defined coal composition (modular
component is e.g. vitrinite).
(3) The following coal classification codes cover those coals, which would fall into these subcategories (Meijer,
International classification codes 323, 333, 334, 423, 433, 435, 523, 533, 534, 535, 623, 633,
(UN, Geneva, 1995) 634, 635, 723, 733, 823
USA classification Class II group 2 ‘medium volatile bituminous’
British classification Class 202, 203, 204, 301, 302, 400, 500, 600
Polish classification Class 33, 34, 35.1, 35.2, 36, 37
Australian classification Class 4A, 4B, 5.
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Wien, S., England, G. & Chang, M., 2004a: Development of Fine Particulate Emission Factors and
Speciation Profiles for Oil and Gas Fired Combustion Systems. Topical Report: Test Results for a Dual
Fuel-Fired Commercial Boiler at Site Delta; Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, National
Energy Technology Laboratory: Pittsburgh, PA; the Gas Research Institute: Des Plains, IL; and the
American Petroleum Institute: Washington, DC, 2004.
Wien, S., England, G. & Chang, M., 2004b: Development of Fine Particulate Emission Factors and
Speciation Profiles for Oil and Gas Fired Combustion Systems. Topical Report: Test Results for a
Combined Cycle Power Plant with Supplementary Firing, Oxidation Catalyst and SCR at Site Bravo;
Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Pittsburgh, PA;
the Gas Research Institute: Des Plains, IL; and the American Petroleum Institute: Washington, DC,
Wien, S., England, G., Chang, M., 2004c: Development of Fine Particulate Emission Factors and
Speciation Profiles for Oil and Gas Fired Combustion Systems. Topical Report: Test Results for a Gas-
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Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Pittsburgh, PA; the Gas Research
Institute: Des Plains, IL; and the American Petroleum Institute: Washington, DC, 2004.
9 Point of enquiry
Enquiries concerning this chapter should be directed to the relevant leader(s) of the Task Force on
Emission Inventories and Projection’s expert panel on combustion and industry (TFEIP). Please refer
to the TFEIP website (www.tfeip-secretariat.org/) for the contact details of the current expert panel
capacity power and heating combustion l and combustion e forestry turbin engines
1.A.1.a 01 01 01 101.01 x
1.A.1.a 01 02 01 101.01 x
1.A.1.b 01 03 01 101.01 x
1.A.1.c 01 04 01 101.01 ≥ 300 x
1.A.1.c 01 05 01 101.01 x
1.A.4.a 02 01 01 101.01 X
1.A.2.a-f 03 01 01 101.01 x
1.A.1.a 01 01 02 101.02 x
1.A.1.a 01 02 02 101.02 x
1.A.1.b 01 03 02 101.02 x
1.A.1.c 01 04 02 101.02 ≥ 50 x
1.A.1.c 01 05 02 101.02 and x
1.A.4.a 02 01 02 101.02 < 300 X
1.A.4.b.i 02 02 01 101.02 x
1.A.4.c.i 02 03 01 101.02 x
1.A.2.a-f 03 01 02 101.02 x
1.A.1.a 01 01 03 101.03 x
1.A.1.a 01 02 03 101.03 x
1.A.1.b 01 03 03 101.03 x
1.A.1.c 01 04 03 101.03 x
1.A.1.c 01 05 03 101.03 < 50 x
1.A.4.a 02 01 03 101.03 X
1.A.4.b.i 02 02 02 101.03 x
1.A.4.c.i 02 03 02 101.03 x
1.A.2.a-f 03 01 03 101.03 x
1.A.1.a 01 01 04 101.04 x
1.A.1.a 01 02 04 101.04 x
1.A.1.b 01 03 04 101.04 x
1.A.1.c 01 04 04 101.04 not x
1.A.1.c 01 05 04 101.04 relevant x
1.A.4.a 02 01 04 101.04 x
1.A.4.b.i 02 02 03 101.04 x
1.A.4.c.i 02 03 03 101.04 x
1.A.2.a-f 03 01 04 101.04 x
1.A.1.a 01 01 05 101.05 x
1.A.1.a 01 02 05 101.05 x
1.A.1.b 01 03 05 101.05 x
capacity power and heating combustion l and combustion e forestry turbin engines
1.A.1.c 01 04 05 101.05 not x
1.A.1.c 01 05 05 101.05 relevant x
1.A.4.a 02 01 05 101.05 x
1.A.4.b.i 02 02 04 101.05 x
1.A.4.c.i 02 03 04 101.05 x
1.A.2.a-f 03 01 05 101.05 x
x = indicates relevant combination.
Additional information taken from the 2006 Guidebook (Chapter B111) which may be relevant when
assessing pollutants and controls. Note that the Large Combustion Plant BREF provides a more
recent review of emissions and abatement technologies.
The emissions are released through the stack. Fugitive emissions (from seals, etc.) can be neglected
for combustion plants.
The emissions of sulphur oxides (SOx) are directly related to the sulphur content of the fuel, which
for coal normally varies between 0.3 and 1.2 wt.-% (maf) (up to an extreme value of 4.5 wt.-%) and
for fuel oil (including heavy fuel oil) from 0.3 up to 3.0 wt.-%.
Sulphur appears in coal as pyritic sulphur (FeS2), organic sulphur, sulphur salts and elemental
sulphur. A major part of the sulphur in coal comes from pyritic and organic sulphur; both types are
responsible for SOx formation.
For nitric oxide (NO, together with NO2 normally expressed as nitrogen oxides NOx), three different
formation mechanisms are relevant:
formation of ‘fuel-NO’ from the conversion of chemically-bound nitrogen in the fuel (NOfuel);
formation of ‘thermal-NO’ from the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen coming from the
combustion air (NOthermal);
formation of ‘prompt-NO’.
In the temperature range considered (up to 1 700 °C) the formation of ‘prompt-NO’ can be neglected.
The majority of NOx emissions from coal combustion (80 to more than 90 %) is formed from fuel
nitrogen. Depending on combustion temperatures, the portion of thermal- NOx formed is lower than
20 %. The content of nitrogen in solid fuels varies:
The content of nitrogen in liquid fuels varies for heavy fuel oil between 0.1 and 0.8 wt.-%, and for
fuel oil between 0.005 and 0.07 wt.-%. Natural gas contains no organically-bound nitrogen. The
content of molecular nitrogen in natural gas has no influence on the formation of fuel-NO; only
thermal-NO is formed.
Emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC), e.g. olefins, ketones, aldehydes,
result from incomplete combustion. Furthermore, unreacted fuel compounds such as methane (CH4)
can be emitted. The relevance of NMVOC/CH4 emissions from boilers, which are often reported
together as VOC, is very low for large-sized combustion plants.
VOC emissions tend to decrease as the plant size increases. Carbon monoxide (CO) appears always
as an intermediate product of the combustion process and in particular under sub-stoichiometric
combustion conditions.
The formation mechanisms of CO, thermal-NO and VOC are similarly influenced by combustion
Emissions of ammonia (NH3) are not caused by a combustion process; the emissions result from
incomplete reaction of NH3 additive in the denitrification process (slip of ammonia in SCR and SNCR
Most of the heavy metals considered (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn, and V) are normally released
as compounds (e.g. oxides, chlorides) in association with particulates. Only Hg and Se are at least
partly present in the vapour phase. Less volatile elements tend to condense onto the surface of
smaller particles in the flue gas stream. Therefore, enrichment in the finest particle fractions is
observed. The content of heavy metals in coal is normally several orders of magnitude higher than
in oil (except occasionally for Ni and V in heavy fuel oil) and in natural gas. For natural gas only
emissions of mercury are relevant.
During the combustion of coal, particles undergo complex changes which lead to vaporisation of
volatile elements. The rate of volatilisation of heavy metal compounds depends on fuel
characteristics (e.g. concentrations in coal, fraction of inorganic components, such as calcium) and
on technology characteristics (e.g. type of boiler, operation mode).
From DBB, all heavy metals of concern are emitted as particulate matter, except Hg and Se.
Emissions from lignite-fired DBB are potentially lower than from hard coal, as the trace element
content in lignite and the combustion temperatures are lower. In WBB, the recirculation of fly ash is
a common operation mode, which creates an important increase in heavy metal concentrations in
the raw gas. Heavy metal emissions from FBC units are expected to be lower due to the lower
operating temperatures and a smaller fraction of fine particles. The addition of limestone in FBC
facilities might reduce the emission of some heavy metals, corresponding to an increased retention
of heavy metals in the bottom ash. This effect can be partially compensated by the increase in the
fraction of fine particulates in the flue gas leading to increased emissions from particulates highly
enriched by heavy metals. High concentrations of As poison denitrification catalysts. Therefore,
selected catalytic reduction plants (SCR) in a high-dust configuration may require special measures
(e.g. reduction of fly ash recirculation).
Relevant abatement technologies for SO2, NOx and heavy metals are outlined below. Abatement
techniques for gas turbines and stationary engines are treated separately. Average reduction
efficiencies and availabilities of abatement technologies for SOx and NOx are summarised in
Tables B1–B3.
FGD processes are designed to remove SO2 from the flue gas of combustion installations. Most
processes, like the wet scrubbing process (WS), the spray dryer absorption (SDA), the dry sorbent
injection (DSI) and the Walther process (WAP) are based on the reaction of the SO2 with an alkaline
agent added as solid or as suspension/solution of the agent in water to form the respective salts. In
secondary reactions SO3, fluorides and chlorides are also removed. In the case of the DESONOX
process, the SO2 is catalytically oxidised to SO3 and reacts with water to form sulphuric acid. The
activated carbon process and the Wellman-Lord process remove the SO2 to produce a SO2 rich gas,
which may be further processed to sulphur or sulphuric acid.
The Large Combustion Plant BREF indicates that use of low sulphur fuel or co-firing with gas or other
low sulphur fuels are primary measures for SO2 control. Wet limestone scrubbing process (with
gypsum production) is the main FGD process applied to coal and oil-fired boilers but is rarely applied
in plant smaller than 100 MWth. Seawater scrubbing and SDA are listed as alternative possible FGD
techniques for new and retrofit boilers. DSI is also listed as possible for coal. Other techniques are
considered possible but rarely applied to new plant and would be plant-dependent for existing
A characteristic of LNB is the staged air to fuel ratio at the burner. Three different technical
modifications are in use:
air-staged LNB: an under-stoichiometric zone is created by a fuel-air mixture and primary air.
An internal recirculation zone occurs due to the swirl of primary air. A burn-out zone is created
due to secondary air fed by air nozzles arranged around the primary air nozzles
air-staged LNB with flue gas recirculation (FGR): the basic function is similar to air-staged LNB.
The distances between the primary and secondary nozzles are greater; therefore, a flue gas
layer is formed. As a result, the residence time in the reducing atmosphere increases and the
oxygen concentration decreases;
air-/fuel-staged LNB: an additional reduction zone around the primary zone is achieved by the
extremely over-stoichiometric addition of secondary fuel around the secondary flame.
LNB is operational with all fuels and all types of burners. The NOx reduction efficiency for coal-fired
boilers varies between 10 and 30 %.
Staged air means the creation of two divided combustion zones — a primary zone with a lack of
oxygen and a burn-out zone with excess air. SAS covers the low excess air (LEA), burners out of
service (BOOS) and biased burner firing (BBF) techniques:
low excess air (LEA) means reduction of the oxygen content in the primary combustion zone of
the burners. When firing hard coal, experience has shown that the general limitations are fouling
and corrosion, caused by the reducing atmosphere and incomplete burn-out. When firing gas,
the reduction efficiency is limited by the CO formed. LEA is more suitable for lignite and often
used for retrofitting combustion plants. For oil-fired boilers a reduction efficiency of 20 % has
been achieved
burners out of service (BOOS) means that the lower burner row(s) in the boiler operate under a
lack of oxygen (fuel rich); the upper burners are not in use. This technology is in particular
suitable for older installations, but the thermal capacity of the boiler decreases by about 15–
20 %
biased burner firing (BBF) means that the lower burner rows in the boiler operate under a lack
of oxygen (fuel rich) and the upper burners with an excess of oxygen. The boiler efficiency is less
compared to BOOS and the NOx reduction is also lower. The NOx reduction efficiency for coal-
fired boilers varies between 10 and 40 %.
All burner rows in the boiler operate with a lack of oxygen. The combustion air is partly (5–20 %)
injected through separate ports located above the top burner row in the boiler. OFA is operational
with most fuels and most types of boilers. For gas-fired boilers a reduction efficiency of 10–30 % and
for oil-fired boilers 10–40 % has been achieved. The NOx reduction efficiency for coal-fired boilers
varies between 10 and 40 %.
The recirculation of flue gas into the combustion air is an efficient NOx abatement method for firing
modes with high combustion temperatures, such as wet bottom boilers and especially for gas- and
oil-fired boilers. The recirculated flue gas can be added to the secondary or primary air. In the first
case, the flame core is not affected and the only effect is a reduction of the flame temperature, which
is favourable for thermal-NOx abatement. The influence on dry bottom boilers is thus very limited,
considering the fact that about 80 % of the NOx formed originates from fuel-bound nitrogen; FGR
can be used as an additional measure. A more efficient method is the introduction of flue gas into
the primary air of an unstaged burner. High reduction efficiencies of FGR in the primary flow (15–
20 %) have been achieved in gas- and oil-fired boilers. The NOx reduction efficiency for coal-fired
boilers varies between 5 and 25 %.
Split primary flow means fuel staging in the furnace. This technique involves injecting fuel into the
furnace above the main combustion zone, thereby producing a second sub-stoichiometric
combustion zone. In the primary zone of the boiler the main fuel is burnt under fuel-lean conditions.
This zone is followed by a secondary zone with a reducing atmosphere, into which the secondary
fuel is injected. Finally, secondary air is injected into the burn-out zone of the boiler. This reburning
technique can, in principle, be used for all types of fossil fuel-fired boilers and in combination with
low NOx combustion techniques for the primary fuels. When nitrogen is present in the reburning
fuel, a part of it will be converted into NOx in the burn-out zone. Therefore, use of natural gas
provides the largest potential reduction. Trials on large boilers indicate NOx reduction potentials of
50–70 %.
The Large Combustion Plant BREF lists similar measures for coal- and oil-fired boilers including:
The AC process is a dry process for simultaneous SO2 and NOx removal based on the adsorption of
the pollutants in a moving bed filter of activated carbon. The sulphur oxides undergo catalytic
oxidation with the moisture in the flue gas to form sulphuric acid. NO2 is completely reduced to N2;
NO reacts catalytically with the ammonia injected and forms N2 and H2O. The AC process has been
installed at four power plants in Germany (in two cases downstream of a SDA process). The sulphur
content in the fuel used should not exceed 2.3 wt.-%. The SO2 reduction efficiency is > 95 %, the NOx
reduction efficiency is > 70 %.
The purification of the flue gas by the DESONOX process is based on the simultaneous catalytic
reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) to nitrogen (N2) and water (H2O) and on the catalytic oxidation of
sulphur dioxide (SO2) to sulphur trioxide (SO3). The by-product is sulphuric acid. The process has
been installed at one power plant in Germany, where hard coal is used with a sulphur content of
about 1 wt.-%. The concentration of catalyst toxics (mainly arsenic, but also chromium, selenium,
etc.) has to be taken into account. The SO2 reduction efficiency is up to 95 %, the NOx reduction
efficiency is also up to 95 %. The SNOX process works on the same basic principle as the DESONOX
process, with the main difference that reduction and oxidation take place in two separate reaction
towers. The SNOX process has been applied at one Danish power plant. No reduction efficiency has
been reported yet. The SNOX process is also known as a combination of the Topsøe WSA-2 process
and the SCR process.
Heavy metal emissions are mainly reduced by dust control equipment. Particulate control systems,
which are used in coal-fired power plants, are cyclones, wet scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators
(ESP), and fabric filters. In most power plants 99 % of the particulates are removed from the flue
gases by using ESP or fabric filters. The latter are more efficient in controlling fine particulate matter;
wet scrubbers and cyclones are less efficient. The reduction efficiency of ESP for most elements in
the solid state is > 99 %. Only for some higher volatile elements, such as Cd, Pb, Zn and Se, is the
reduction efficiency less, but it remains above 90 %. The reduction efficiency of an ESP for Hg
depends on the operating temperature of the ESP. A cold-side ESP operating at about 140 °C is
estimated to have an average Hg reduction efficiency of about 35 %.
The influence of FGD- and DeNOx-units on heavy metal emissions has been investigated mainly in
the frame of mass balance studies. WS-FGD-units remove a further fraction of particulate matter in
flue gas in addition to dust control. Particle-bound elements are removed by FGD-units with an
efficiency of about 90 %. In FGD-units, in particular WS-units, the gaseous compounds can
additionally condense on particulate matter, which are mainly removed in the prescrubber. With
regard to gaseous elements, various studies have shown reduction efficiencies of 30–50 % for Hg
and 60–75 % for Se. Lime contributes over 90 % of the input of As, Cd, Pb and Zn to the FGD.
Gas turbines
For gas turbines mainly NOx emissions are of most relevance. Primary measures for NOx reduction
are the following:
dry controls (e.g. over-stoichiometric combustion in a dry low NOx burner; and
wet controls (injection of water and/or steam) in order to regulate the combustion temperature.
Stationary engines
For spark-ignition engines the main pollutants emitted are NOx, CO and unburned hydrocarbons
(VOC). For diesel engines sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions have also to be considered. Emissions of
soot also contribute to emissions of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants, but little
information is available.
Primary measures are installed to optimise combustion conditions (air ratio, reduced load, water
injection, exhaust-gas recirculation, optimised combustion chamber, etc.). Reduction efficiencies can
be given, e.g. for exhaust gas recirculation from 6.5 to 12 % and for internal exhaust gas recirculation
from 4 to 37 %. External exhaust gas recirculation (turbo-charged models) can have reductions of
NOx varying from 25 to 34 %. Secondary measures (NSCR, SCR) are installed if the emission
thresholds cannot be met by adjustments to the engine itself.
1 WS 0.90 0.99
5 WL 0.97 0.99
7 AC 0.95 0.99
Type of Reduction
No. secondary efficiency
β []
measure η[]
1 SNCR 0.50 0.99
2 SCR 0.80 0.99
3 AC 0.70 0.99
4 DESONOX 0.95 0.99
Table D1 TSP
Source Fuel New or Boiler size Reference AEL or ELV concentration, Emission factor[4],
[1] type existing or O2 mg.m-3 at STP (0ºC, 101.3 g·GJ-1
[2] plant [3] technology content, kPa) dry at reference O2 (net thermal
, MWth %v/v dry content input)
Low High Low High
BREF coal new 50-100 6 5 20 1.8 7.2
BREF coal new 100-300 6 5 20 1.8 7.2
BREF coal new > 300 6 5 20 1.8 7.2
LCPD coal new 50-500 6 100 36.2
LCPD coal new > 500 6 50 18.1
LCPD coal new 50-100 6 50 18.1
LCPD coal new > 100 6 30 10.9
BREF coal existing 50-100 6 5 30 1.8 10.9
BREF coal existing 100-300 6 5 30 1.8 10.9
BREF coal existing > 300 6 5 30 1.8 10.9
LCPD coal existing 50-500 6 100 36.2
LCPD coal existing > 500 6 50 18.1
BREF wood new 50-100 6 5 20 1.9 7.7
BREF wood new 100-300 6 5 20 1.9 7.7
BREF wood new > 300 6 5 20 1.9 7.7
BREF wood existing 50-100 6 5 20 1.9 7.7
BREF wood existing 100-300 6 5 20 1.9 7.7
BREF wood existing > 300 6 5 20 1.9 7.7
BREF oil new 50-100 3 5 20 1.4 5.7
BREF oil new 100-300 3 5 20 1.4 5.7
BREF oil new > 300 3 5 10 1.4 2.8
LCPD oil new > 50 3 50 14.1
LCPD oil new 50-100 6 50 17.0
LCPD oil new > 100 6 30 10.2
BREF oil existing 50-100 3 5 30 1.4 8.5
BREF oil existing 100-300 3 5 25 1.4 7.1
BREF oil existing > 300 3 5 20 1.4 5.7
LCPD oil existing > 50 3 50 14.1
LCPD gas new > 50 3 5 1.4
LCPD gas new > 50 3 5 1.4
LCPD gas existing > 50 3 5 1.4
1) BREF denotes the large combustion plant BAT reference document, LCPD denotes Directive
2) Fuel is main classification only, limits may be for ‘solid fuels’ rather than coal or wood. Limits for gaseous
fuels are for natural gas and may not be applicable to derived or other gaseous fuels.
3) Note that new and existing plant have specific meanings under LCPD.
4) Emission factors calculated from emission concentrations using USEPA methodology (See Appendix E
for details).
Source Fuel New or Technology Reference Pollutant AEL or ELV concentration, Emission factor [4],
[1] type existing O2 content, mg.m-3 at STP (0ºC, 101.3 kPa) g·GJ-1
[2] plant [3] %v/v dry dry at reference O2 content (net thermal input)
Low High Low High
Annual emissions, emission rates and emission limit values are generally expressed in terms of
pollutant mass (for example tonnes.year-1, kg.hr-1, mg.m-3). Note that a mass concentration is
meaningless unless the volume conditions are defined — typically for a combustion process the
conditions will be a dry volume, at STP (0 °C, 101.3 kPa) and normalised to a reference oxygen
concentration. Consumption of fuel requires a minimum theoretical (stoichiometric) quantity of air.
In practise, more air than the stoichiometric quantity is required to achieve combustion. The oxygen
content in exhaust gases from a combustion appliance is indicative of the amount of excess air and
air ingress in the combustion system. Normalisation to a reference oxygen content allows
comparison between technologies as it removes a diluting (or concentrating) effect of different levels
of excess air/air ingress on the pollutant concentration.
Other normalisation oxygen concentrations are used including 0 % O2 which is commonly used in
testing of residential gas appliances. Concentrations can also be normalised using carbon dioxide
(although this is much less common).
Usually emission concentration data will be provided as mass concentrations at a specified oxygen
content. However, where emission data are provided in other forms the following equations may
help the user manipulate the date into a more useful form.
Some pollutants are measured and reported on a wet basis and may require standardisation to the
dry condition.
[X]w is the measured concentration for a wet flue gas (ppm, mg.m-3, %v/v);
[X]d is the measured concentration for a dry flue gas (same units as the dry concentration);
[X]m = [X]d . MW
[X]d is the measured concentration in ppm (parts per million) by volume for a dry flue gas;
[X]m is the measured concentration in mg.m-3 by volume for a dry flue gas;
MW is the relative molecular mass of the pollutant (for example 64 for SO2);
22.4 is the volume occupied by 1 kgmole of an ideal gas at 0 °C, 101.3 kPa (m3);
Note that NOx emission concentrations and emission factors are defined in terms of NO2. Hence, the
relative molecular mass used for NOx is 46. VOC emission concentrations are often defined in terms
of carbon. Hence, the relative molecular mass used for VOC is 12, but this will often be modified
further for the calibration gas applied (for example MW for concentrations measured as propane
C3H8 ‘equivalents’ would be 3 x 12 = 36).
where :
This calculation is appropriate where pollutant and O2 concentrations are measured on a dry basis.
An emission factor relates the release of a pollutant to a process activity. For combustion processes,
emission factors are commonly described as the mass of pollutant released per unit of fuel burned.
An emission factor can be calculated in several ways; the approach adopted uses the standardised
pollutant emission concentrations and the specific theoretical (stoichiometric) volume of flue gas for
the relevant fuel. This approach avoids measurement of exhaust gas flow and fuel flows which can
have a high uncertainty and may not be practical at many combustion plant.
The approach requires knowledge of the fuel used, the pollutant concentration and the oxygen
Fuel analysis, where available, allows calculation of the specific flue gas volume from the elemental
analysis. However, the US Environmental Protection Agency Method 19 provides flue gas volume for
common fuels. For other fuels (for example derived gases, landfill gas, unrefined natural gas or
waste-derived fuels) fuel analysis is advised to minimise uncertainty.
Fuel analysis route: the fuel analysis and combustion calculations are used to determine the
stoichiometric air requirement and dry flue gas volume per volume or mass of fuel. Note that it is
important to understand the analysis reporting conditions, particularly for solid fuels. The
calculations assume ideal gas behaviour. A dry flue gas volume is calculated for the reference O2
concentration used to normalise the pollutant emission concentration. A pollutant emission factor
(EF) can hence be calculated by multiplying the standardised pollutant concentration by the dry flue
gas volume at the same reference oxygen content.
Generally, the flue gas volumes generated from combustion of fuel can be calculated in accordance
with the following equations.
Note that some of the oxygen may be sourced from the fuel. For combustion in air, each cubic metre
of oxygen is associated with (79.1/20.9) cubic metres of nitrogen.
The dry flue gas volume at stoichiometric conditions (DFGV SC) per unit mass of fuel (or volume for
gaseous fuels) can be calculated and hence the dry flue gas volume at the normalised condition
(DFGVref) for the required reference oxygen content:
A pollutant emission factor (EF) can hence be calculated by multiplying the standardised pollutant
concentration by the dry flue gas volume at the same reference oxygen content. For example at 15 %
EF = [X]15 % . DFGV15
Emission factors are reported in several ways and these are generally recalculated using physical or
other properties of the fuel.
For example, a thermal emission factor (as used in the Guidebook) can be derived by dividing the
emission factor calculated above by the calorific value of the fuel. For the Guidebook this is the net
(inferior) CV.
EFthermal = EF
EFthermal is the thermal emission factor expressed in units to suit the user (for example g GJ-1);
CV is the net calorific value of the fuel in appropriate units to suit the units of the emission factor.
USEPA Method 19: The USEPA provides stoichiometric dry flue gas volume for fuel oil. The USEPA
data can be found in USEPA Method 19 (US Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 60,
Appendix A). The USEPA ‘F-factor’ data are presented as the volume of dry flue gas at 20 °C
associated with the gross thermal input of the fuel. These USEPA conditions are not consistent with
the Guidebook (net calorific basis) or emission concentration reporting practise in Europe (dry gas
at STP — 0ºC, 101.3 kPa) and consequently some manipulation of the data is required. Calculations
assume an ideal gas.
The Fd factors are used — these represent the dry stoichiometric flue gas volume per unit of energy
input. The Fw and Fc factors represent the wet flue gas volume and CO2 volumes respectively.
The USEPA dry flue gas volume at stoichiometric conditions are first recalculated to provide the flue
gas volume (DFGVref) for the required oxygen content at STP and for the net energy input.
Where :
Fd’ is the stoichiometric dry flue gas volume at STP per unit of net energy input – m3·J-1
Note that it is the ratio between the fuels’ gross and net calorific values that is needed. Indicative
ratios are provided below based on UK data (DUKES 2007).
The dry flue gas volume at the normalised oxygen content can then be calculated:
A pollutant emission factor (EFthermal) can then be calculated by multiplying the standardised
pollutant concentration by the dry flue gas volume at the same reference oxygen content. For
example at 15 % oxygen:
Emission factors are reported in several ways and these are generally recalculated using physical or
other properties of the fuel.
For example, a mass emission factor can be derived by multiplying the thermal emission factor
calculated above by the net calorific value of the fuel.
EF = EFthermal · CV
EFthermal is the thermal emission factor expressed in units to suit the user (for example g GJ-1);
CV is the net calorific value of the fuel in appropriate units to suit the units of the emission factor.
Example figures for correlation of emission concentrations to emission factors from USEPA
Method 19 F factors are provided in Figures C1 and C2 below.
Emission factor, g/GJ net
Coal (6% O2)
Wood (6% O2)
Oil, gas (3% O2)
Oil, gas (15% O2)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Emission concentration, mg/m3 dry, STP (0'C, 101.3 kPa) at Reference O2
Emission factors, g/GJ (net)
Coal (6% O2)
Wood (6% O2)
Oil, gas (3% O2)
Oil, gas (15% O2)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Emissions concnetrations, mg/m3 dry at STP (0'C, 101.3kPa) at Reference O2
33.3 - 17544)
20 - 44044)
1001), 48 - 33322),23),24) 150 - 36045) 6001),37),42), 1,2001),38),42)1,0001),40),42), 1,8001),39),42) 22 - 35044)
188 1874),41)
88 - 33323),24) 35 - 10044)
901),23),24) 70 - 57144)
88 - 33323),24) 6.7 - 33044)
88 - 33323),24)
88 - 33323),24) 35 - 32744)
1401),23),24) 150-15145) 35 - 14044)
88 - 33323),24) 6044)
Table 25: NOx emission factors [g/GJ] for coal combustion according to the model (see Annexes 4 and 5)
DBB/WBB for coal combustion; boiler for other fuel combustion
EPA 1987 /85/, CORINAIR 1992 /80/
Radian 1990 /102/, IPCC 1994 /88/, without primary measure
OECD 1989 /100/, CORINAIR 1992 /80/
CORINAIR 1992 /80/, part 8
grate firing without specification
small combustion 19 g/GJ, mass burning 96 g/GJ
open burning
CORINAIR90 data of combustion plants as point sources with a thermal capacity of > 300, 50 - 300, < 50 MW
CORINAIR90 data, point sources
AP42 /115/
Chapter B111(S1)PMv1
Table 8.2a Emission factors for combustion processes burning hard coal
Fuel NAPFUE NFR Codes Activity description Activity detail Emission factor Notes
Hard coal TSP PM10 PM2.5
FF < 20 mg·Nm-3 6 6 5 CEPMEIP ‘BAT’
Scaled from CEPMEIP ESP factor. TSP scaled to a
ESP (or FF) < 50 mg·Nm -3
15 12 6
nominal 100 mg·Nm-3 limit
From CEPMEIP sub-bit coal ‘high efficiency ESP’,
ESP < 100 mg·Nm-3 30 25 12
Bituminous TSP scaled to a nominal 100 mg·Nm-3 limit
101 Various Electricity, CHP, heat
coal ESP Old/conventional CEPMEIP
140 70 17
< 500 mg·Nm-3
Unit with multicyclone 100 60 35 CEPMEIP
CEPMEIP (N.B. such a high emission
Unit, uncontrolled or cyclone 500 250 100
concentration would apply to few if any plant)
FF < 20 mg·Nm-3 6 6 5 CEPMEIP ‘BAT’
ESP (or FF) Scaled from CEPMEIP ESP factor (TSP scaled to a
15 12 6
< 50 mg·Nm-3 nominal 100 mg·Nm-3 limit)
ESP From CEPMEIP sub-bit coal ‘high efficiency ESP’,
30 25 12
< 100 mg·Nm-3 TSP scaled to a nominal 100 mg·Nm-3 limit
Electricity, CHP, heat ESP Old/conventional CEPMEIP
bituminous 103 Various 140 70 17
plant < 500 mg·Nm-3
Unit with multicyclone 100 60 35 CEPMEIP
CEPMEIP (the lower of the two TSP factors, the
800 g GJ-1 for small uncontrolled plant is such a
Unit, uncontrolled or cyclone 500 250 100
high emission concentration that would apply to
few if any plant)
Coke 107 1.A.1.b Oil refineries Coke is unlikely to be burned as primary fuel,
Uncontrolled 500 250 100
when co-fired use the factor for the principal fuel
Table 8.2b Emission factors for combustion processes burning brown coal
Fuel NAPFUE NFR Code Activity description Activity detail Emission factor Notes
Brown coal 105 Various Electricity plant, CHP Modern FF < 20 mg·Nm-3 9 8 6 CEPMEIP ‘BAT’
plant, heat plant
High efficiency ESP (or FF) 40 30 14 CEPMEIP
Peat 113 Various Electricity plant, CHP Modern abatement (FF) 9 8 6 CEPMEIP
plant, heat plant < 30 mg·Nm3
Table 8.2c Emission factors for combustion processes burning other solid fuels
Fuel NAPFUE NFR Code Activity description Activity detail Emission factor Notes
TSP PM10 PM2.5
CEPMEIP (N.B. care should be taken using
this factor as waste burning is often
Effective emission control (BAT) 15 13 10
controlled under national/international
regulation to a more stringent specification)
Municipal Electricity plant, CHP
114 Various CEPMEIP (uncontrolled. optimised
solid waste plant, heating plant
combustion), (N.B. care should be taken
Conventional emission control 100 70 55 using this factor as waste burning is often
controlled under national/international
regulation to a more stringent specification)
CEPMEIP (N.B. care should be taken using
this factor as waste burning is often
Effective emission control (BAT) 15 13 10
controlled under national/international
regulation to a more stringent specification)
CEPMEIP (uncontrolled, optimised
combustion), (N.B. care should be taken
Industrial Electricity, CHP, Conventional emission control 100 70 55 using this factor as waste burning is often
115 Various
waste heating plant controlled under national/international
regulation to a more stringent specification)
CEPMEIP (uncontrolled, optimised
combustion), (N.B. care should be taken
Older small uncontrolled 600 350 210 using this factor as waste burning is often
controlled under national/international
regulation to a more stringent specification)
Table 8.2d Emission factors for combustion processes burning natural gas
Fuel NAPFUE NFR Code Activity description Activity detail Emission factor Notes
TSP PM10 PM2.5
Burner with optimised CEPMEIP
0.1 0.1 0.1
Electricity, CHP and combustion
Natural gas 301 Various
heating plant Conventional installation 0.2 0.2 0.2 CEPMEIP
Conventional installation 0.9 0.9 0.9 USEPA filterable
Fuel NAPFUE NFR Code Activity description Activity detail Emission factor Notes
TSP PM10 PM2.5
Clean fuel, efficient
0.1 0.1 0.1 CEPMEIP
Gas works Electricity, CHP and
311 Various Clean fuel, conventional
gas heating plant 0.2 0.2 0.2 CEPMEIP (conventional installation)
Conventional installation 5 5 5 CEPMEIP (high PM due to fuel quality)
Clean fuel, efficient
Other Electricity, CHP and 0.1 0.1 0.1 CEPMEIP
314 Various combustion
gaseous fuel heating plant
Conventional installation 5 5 5 CEPMEIP
Clean fuel, efficient
0.1 0.1 0.1 CEPMEIP
Electricity, CHP combustion
Coke oven
304 Various heating plant, coke Clean fuel, conventional
gas 0.2 0.2 0.2 CEPMEIP (conventional installation)
ovens installation
Conventional installation 5 5 5 CEPMEIP
Clean fuel, efficient
0.1 0.1 0.1 CEPMEIP
Electricity, CHP and combustion
Blast furnace
305 Various heating plant, coke Clean fuel, conventional
gas 0.2 0.2 0.2 CEPMEIP (conventional installation)
ovens installation
Conventional installation 5 5 5 CEPMEIP
Fuel NAPFUE NFR Code Activity description Activity detail Emission factor Notes
TSP PM10 PM2.5
Low S fuel with optimised
3 3 2.5 CEPMEIP (about 10 mg·Nm-3 or BAT)
burner and abatement
Low S fuel, efficient
14 12 10 CEPMEIP (about 50 mg·Nm-3)
Low-medium S fuel,
20 15 9 CEPMEIP (about 70 mg·Nm-3)
Electricity, CHP and conventional installation
Residual fuel oil 203 Various
heating plant Low-medium S fuel, CEPMEIP (higher of two entries used. About
60 50 40
conventional installation 200 mg.N Nm-3)
CEPMEIP (lower of two entries for high S
used (higher entry 240 g GJ-1 for TSP). Very
High S fuel 210 190 130
high emission concentration (about
750 mg·Nm-3)
CEPMEIP. Bit. coal factors more
Petroleum coke 110 1.A.1.b Oil refineries Conventional, multicyclone 100 60 35
Fuel NAPFUE NFR Code Activity description Activity detail Emission factor Notes
TSP PM10 PM2.5
Electricity, CHP, Optimised burner 2 2 2 CEPMEIP
Gas/diesel oil 205 Various
heating plant Conventional burner 5 5 5 CEPMEIP
Naphtha 210 1.A.1.b Oil refineries All units 5 5 5 CEPMEIP
Liquefied Electricity, CHP, Optimised burner 0.1 0.1 0.1 CEPMEIP
303 Various
petroleum gas heating plant Conventional burner 5 5 5 CEPMEIP
Electricity, CHP, Optimised burner 0.1 0.1 0.1 CEPMEIP
Refinery gas 308 Various
heating plant Conventional burner 5 5 5 CEPMEIP
Low S fuel, optimised burner 3 3 2.5 CEPMEIP
Low S fuel, efficient CEPMEIP for residual oil. (About 50 mg·Nm-
14 12 10
combustion 3
, LCPD limit for existing plant)
Low-medium S fuel,
20 15 9 CEPMEIP. (about 70 mg·Nm-3)
conventional installation
Electricity, CHP,
Other oil 224 Various CEPMEIP (highest of similar entries with TSP
heating plant Low-medium S fuel,
60 50 40 of 35, 40, 50 and 60 used. About 200 mg.N
conventional installation
CEPMEIP, lower of two entries for high S
High S fuel 210 190 130 used. (This is a very high emission
concentration, about 750 mg.N Nm-3)
Fuel NAPFUE NFR Code Activity description Activity detail Emission factor Notes
TSP PM10 PM2.5
Modern unit with FF, TSP scaled from BAT benchmark, fractions
7 7 6
< 20 mg·Nm3 TSP applied based on bit. Coal
TSP scaled from emission concentration,
Electricity, CHP, Older unit, < 100 mg·Nm3 TSP 35 25 12
Wood 111 Various fractions based on bit. Coal
heating plant
Uncontrolled conventional
100 70 55 CEPMEIP (uncontrolled multicyclone)
Conventional minimal control 160 150 150 CEPMEIP for conventional installation
Conventional large unit with CEPMEIP, the use of charcoal is likely to be
100 60 35
multicyclone very rare
Charcoal 112 1.A.2.c Chemicals
CEPMEIP, the use of charcoal is likely to be
400 100 35
very rare.
CEPMEIP (N.B. such a high emission
Textile and leather
Black liquour 215 1.A.2.f Conventional installation 160 150 150 concentration would apply to few, if any,
(pulp and paper)
Modern optimised large
3 3 2.5 (CEPMEIP, clean fuel)
Electricity, CHP, installation
Biogas 309 Various
heating plant Conventional burner 5 5 5 CEPMEIP
Modern, optimised 20 15 10 CEPMEIP (gasification plant)
Chapter B111(S2)PMv2
Pulverised coal, ESP 30 20 9 Based on AP-42 — assumes 20 % ash content and PM emissions from solid mineral
Hard coal, (assumes
Pulverised coal, fluid bed, other FF 7.4 7.4 3.7 fuels generally similar to coal
20 % ash)
Cyclone furnace, ESP 6.1 4.2 2.3
Brown coal
Stoker with multicyclone 330 230 27
Other solid fuels
Pulverised coal ESP + wet limestone FGD 6 6 5 From CEPMEIP data (US EPA default factors for wet scrubbers are very high)
Natural gas 0.9 0.9 0.9 AP-42 filterable PM factor
Table 8.2a Emission factors for combustion processes burning hard coal
Emission factor
Fuel NAPFUE NFR Codes Activity description Activity detail (5) Notes (6)
Hard coal TSP PM10 PM2.5
FGD, ESP or FF < 20 mg·Nm-3 (BAT) 6 6 5 CEPMEIP
ESP (or FF) < 50 mg·Nm-3 (LCPD) 15 12 6 Scaled from CEPMEIP ESP factor
From CEPMEIP sub-bit. coal ‘high
ESP < 100 mg·Nm-3 (LCPD) 30 25 12 efficiency ESP’, TSP scaled to the EU LCP
Directive existing plant sub 100 MWth limit
Bituminous Electricity plant, CHP
101 Various ESP Old/conventional
coal plant 140 70 17 CEPMEIP
< 500 mg. Nm-3
Large unit with multicyclone 100 60 35 CEPMEIP
CEPMEIP (N.B. such a high emission
Large unit, uncontrolled or cyclone 500 250 100 concentration would apply to few, if any,
FGD, ESP or FF < 20 mg·Nm-3 (BAT) 6 6 5 CEPMEIP
ESP (or FF) < 50 mg·Nm-3 (LCPD) 15 12 6 Scaled from CEPMEIP ESP factor
From CEPMEIP sub-bit. coal ‘high
ESP < 100 mg·Nm-3 (LCPD) 30 25 12 efficiency ESP’, TSP scaled to LCPD
existing plant sub 100 MWth limit
Electricity plant, CHP ESP old/conventional
bituminous 103 Various 140 70 17 CEPMEIP
plant, heat plant < 500 mg·Nm-3
Conventional large unit with
100 60 35 CEPMEIP
CEPMEIP (N.B. such a high emission
Conventional unit, uncontrolled or
500 250 100 concentration would apply to few, if any,
Coke is unlikely to be burned as primary
Coke 107 fuel, when co-fired use the factor for the
principal fuel.
(5) KEY: FGD: flue gas desulphurisation; ESP: electrostatic precipitator; FF: fabric filter; BAT: Best Available Techniques; LCPD: large combustion plant data.
(6) Sources: R. Stewart (2006); US EPA AP-42 (1996); CEPMEIP (2006).
EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2019 108
1.A.1 Energy industries
Table 8.2b Emission factors for combustion processes burning brown coal
Fuel Reference/Comments
NAPFUE NFR Code Activity description Activity detail Emission factor
Table 8.2c Emission factors for combustion processes burning other solid fuels
NAPFUE NFR Code Activity description Activity detail Emission factor Reference
Table 8.2d Emission factors for combustion processes burning natural gas
Fuel (IPCC NAPFUE NFR Code Activity description Activity detail Emission factor Reference
TSP PM10 PM2.5
Burner with optimised combustion 0.1 0.1 0.1 CEPMEIP
Electricity, CHP and heating Conventional installation 0.2 0.2 0.2 CEPMEIP
Natural gas 301 Various
plant USEPA AP-42 filterable PM (all PM stated to
Conventional installation 0.9 0.9 0.9
be PM1 )
Fuel Reference
NAPFUE NFR Code Activity description Activity detail Emission factor
(IPCC Cat)
TSP PM10 PM2.5
Clean fuel, efficient combustion 0.1 0.1 0.1 CEPMEIP
Clean fuel, conventional CEPMEIP (conventional
Gas works Electricity, CHP and 0.2 0.2 0.2
311 Various installation installation)
gas heating plant
CEPMEIP (N.B. high PM due
Conventional installation 5 5 5
to fuel quality)
Clean fuel, efficient combustion 0.1 0.1 0.1 CEPMEIP
Other Electricity, CHP and CEPMEIP
314 Various
gaseous fuel heating plant Conventional installation 5 5 5
Fuel Reference
NAPFUE NFR Code Activity description Activity detail Emission factor
(IPCC Cat)
TSP PM10 PM2.5
Low S fuel with optimised CEPMEIP (equivalent to about 10 mg·Nm3 or
3 3 2.5
burner or abatement BAT)
Low S fuel, efficient CEPMEIP, about 50 mg·Nm3 (EU LCPD limit
14 12 10
combustion for existing plant)
Low-medium S fuel, CEPMEIP (equivalent. to about 70mg·Nm3.
20 15 9
Residual fuel Electricity, CHP and conventional installation
203 Various
oil heating plant Low-medium S fuel, CEPMEIP, the higher of two entries used
60 50 40
conventional installation about 200 mg·Nm3
CEPMEIP, the lower of two entries for high S
used. (N.B. such a high emission
High S fuel 210 190 130
concentration 750 mg·Nm3 would apply to
few if any plant)
CEPMEIP, N.B the factor is very high
Petroleum compared to the EU LCP Directive ELVs and
110 1.A.1.b Oil refineries Conventional, multicyclone 100 60 35
coke BAT for large furnaces. Bit. coal factors more
Fuel Reference
NAPFUE NFR Code Activity description Activity detail Emission factor
(IPCC Cat)
TSP PM10 PM2.5
Electricity, CHP, Optimised burner 2 2 2 CEPMEIP
Gas/diesel oil 205 Various
heating plant Conventional burner 5 5 5 CEPMEIP
Naphtha 210 1.A.1.b Oil refineries All units 5 5 5 CEPMEIP
Liquefied Electricity, CHP, Optimised burner 0.1 0.1 0.1 CEPMEIP
303 Various
petroleum gas heating plant Conventional burner 5 5 5 CEPMEIP
Electricity, CHP, Optimised burner 0.1 0.1 0.1 CEPMEIP
Refinery gas 308 Various
heating plant Conventional burner 5 5 5 CEPMEIP
Low S fuel, optimised burner 3 3 2.5 CEPMEIP
CEPMEIP for residual oil. About 50 mg·Nm3
Low S fuel, efficient combustion 14 12 10
(LCPD limit for existing plant)
Low-medium S fuel, conventional CEPMEIP (equivalent to about 70 mg·Nm3
20 15 9
Electricity, CHP,
Other oil 224 Various CEPMEIP (highest of similar entries with
heating plant Low-medium S fuel, conventional
60 50 40 TSP of 35, 40, 50 and 60 used. About
200 mg·Nm-3)
CEPMEIP, lower of two entries for high S
High S fuel 210 190 130 used. (N.B. this is a very high emission
concentration ~750 mg·Nm3)
Fuel Reference
NAPFUE NFR Code Activity description Activity detail Emission factor
(IPCC Cat)
TSP PM10 PM2.5
Modern, BAT unit TSP scaled from BAT benchmark, fractions
7 7 6
< 20 mg·Nm3 TSP applied based on bit. coal
Electricity, CHP, TSP scaled from emission concentration,
Wood 111 Various Older unit, < 100 mg·Nm3 TSP 35 25 12
heating plant fractions based on bit. coal
CEPMEIP (equivalent to an uncontrolled
Uncontrolled conventional 100 70 55
Conventional large unit with CEPMEIP (N.B. the use of charcoal in LCP is
Charcoal 112 1.A.2.c Chemicals 100 60 35
multicyclone likely to be rare
CEPMEIP (N.B. such a high emission
Textile and leather
Black liquour 215 1.A.2.f Conventional installation 160 150 150 concentration would apply to few if any
(pulp and paper ?)
Modern optimised large CEPMEIP (cleaned fuel)
3 3 2.5
Conventional burner 5 5 5 CEPMEIP
Electricity, CHP, CEPMEIP (gasification plant), seems high
Biogas 309 Various Modern, optimised 20 15 10
Heating plant for gaseous fuel
CEPMEIP (N.B. such a high emission
Conventional installation 160 150 150 concentration would apply to few if any
Chapter B111(S3)PMv3
Fuel NAPFUE NFR Codes Activity description Activity detail Emission factor, g·GJ-1 Notes