Torque Value of Studs

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Bu Cover Sphricals Remne P ep3-3 0 26 Figure 3-2. Torquing Pattern for Connections Hubbed Connections (See Figure 3-3) 1. When assembling the clamp join, tighten the studs alternately from one side to the other. ‘Maintain the same distance between the two clamp halves, the table titled “API Hub Data" on page 3-4 list clamp sizes for bolted-cover models with stud size, wrench size (across the nut flats), and recommended torques, Hubbed Figure 3-3, Hubbed Connections 3-3 ® waviomat omwert varco teed Bolted Cover Spe) jon and Operation Rowisio: Penge 3-4 of 2 API Hub Data weg 00) | sms | Pressure Hub Size "1 8" The Nye’ Fg Clamp Number 12A 1A BATA SAA BATA OA Bot Size By BI aN 19h 28" at Vie Wroneh Size, Nut Across Flats Sie) Sg ha Recommended Tore tem)» ARERR 7 RAB; ABO y-BGO NED BANS TARO eso" S007 Ring Gaskot AXST RXSI AD AKMS RXGSAXST OAKES AKO KAS 5 ae Se Mg Oe! “Torques calulated to proce stress of 4,000 pn te clamp Got when ead and na bearing sacs ara wo ‘uoitated win APT 342 tread compcund Use ator compeurae witout proper change more can esub 1) ‘verstessig lamp and bo oF 2) sien preload on connection. Annular Installation, Hookup, and Preparation ‘API BX and RX Ring Gaskets Reference the table titled “API Bolting Data’ on page 3-4 lists the API BX and AX ring gasket sizes used on boltad-cover models. API Bolting Data we: Fa ze (ns) Mag aig" 135%! The he 18% Tet ANSMANUNSE ye eight alg at 1h Wrench Size, Nut . . eros Fats (rs) 8 Recommended ecg REREAD Numberofsuds 168 mo 6 6 2 @ 6 2 2 w Bg Bight igh Ag! 2Mhgh 2g’ Bg” Mh Fing Gasket BXS8 BX1S5 BXI59 BKISE EXIST BX158 BX155 BXIGO AKG! AKSO AX API Bolting Data hi : 3.000 pst Flange Sizo Poe ae APLSud,NutSize 2 1g 1 Wweoneh Siza Nut, er . ee aN Be Bho Ae Mh ay ® nanionat omwers vanco senrwnnovicom Bolted Cover Sphericals Fevision 8 Installation and Operation é Page 35 of 26 API Bolting Data (Continued) Toanmnny (SBSH 1300 4200 eo 70 8 “Vales are 0asedon a sass ual 50% of minimum od, Lubnican APIA 6 ape to ac and Pveacts Attachment and Lifting of Spherical BOP Ail bolted-cover Sphericals have two lifting lugs and two lifting shackles located on the top of the upper housing. Removable eyebolts are used to lft intemal components and lower housing (see the table titled “Eyebolt Sizes" and Figure 3-4 below). Eyebolt Ss Sze Working ——Piston-=—=—Adapter.=—=—Upper_—=sLowar———Elomont Pressure fing Howsing Housing ang WOME yawn MONG * z NA ring 30 syuane —SgttNe + “ gn NC Tg 500% Seaton + “ Spine rig HOMERS Ssiwe Sane + ~ Sigett Ne : eo 3M HysING yeti ne e800 SitrNC SyING “ gett ne wr 3000 twe | %tNC + - Spent ne wr 800068 ane Butt + - yen rote $0 nee “ yea we he 500 sean tN “ Sit ne rig SPR Sano Sst Syst No are 206 Susan te * - Sips ne . : 3-5 i ® waviomas omwent varco Bolted Comer Sphaitals Installation and Operation Rewsin Pago 3-6 of 26 Eyebolt Sizes (Continued) Size Working Piston Adapter Upper Lower Eleme nt Pressure Ring Housing Housing . 4,000 pst 7 : . a 30" (een 1a UNC igh NC 18UNC = Syeainct | — - = = When ig he ner Ning, «ae ng shacden “When ting the ower housing, we the Borne sts [Piston suit Figure 3-4. ifting the Spherical BOP Weights for each Spherical bore size, major components ang the total iting capacities of the shackles are listed in the table titled "Bolted-Cover Spherical BOP Specifications’ on page 5-22 through the the table titled "Bolted-Cover Spherical BOP Specifications” on page 5-36. 4 tydraulic Connections Bolted-cover Spherical BOPs have opening and closing hydraulic ports which have female pipe threads, See the table tiled "Recommended Hydraulic Closing Pressures on Casing" on page 3-12 for the thread sizes of each bolted-cover model. Hydraulic connections should be direct and free from restrictions to ensure quick BOP action. hydraulic Hookup 3-6 ® manoua onwets varco Sn

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