Universal Power Tong, Model 01D05C

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SILER ELALASSESSSAASROSRAR STEMS LEDER ey UNIVERSE 5.5 POWER TONG MODEL # 01D05C MANUAL UNIVERSE ne CORE IC EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA mieRte cae 468-5211 FAX: (780) 468-5430 www-umecorp.com eeu bbdbbbbbibebdoe ess FULELWEELEUELELELEYG Universe TABLE OF CONTENTS: ‘MACHINE CORPORATION 01D0SC POWER TONG Page DiDRilctiin ence areas 2) Specifications. 3 i) Operating pressures vs torque output chart... 4 3) Tong Operation i) Jaw dies..... fi) Jaw die selection chart. iii) Tong support assembly... iv) Operating the tong..... Vv) Controls... vi) Backing pin..... aun et 4) Maintenance and Storage... i) Lubrication...... ii) Adjustments and checks... iii) Storage... 5) Troubleshooting guide... 6) Assembly & Parts... i) OIDOSC 5.5 Power Tong............ ii} QIDOSC-1 5.5 Power Tong ili) 01DOSC-2 Cage Plate assembh; iv) O1D0SC-3 Idler gear assembly. v) 01D0SC-4 Pinion gear assembly... vi) ONDOSC-5 Shifting gear assembly. vii) 01D0SC-6 Tong jaw assembly....... viii) 706F00020 Tong hydraulic unit ix) 15 Series hydraulic motor assembly. senseotedD, ~Page 2- code bbbbbbbbbebor eee bed bbLEbLLLtstibis vy Universe MACHINE CORPORATION 01D0SC POWER TONG INTRODUCTION ‘The Universe Power Tong uses a two sliding jaw biting system that ensures minimal damage to the pipe ‘The Universe Power Tong is carefully designed and built to be sturdy and reliable. The tong design ensures years of trouble free performance. Like any fine mechanical device, the regular maintenance and safety procedures covered in this manual will help extend the life and performance of this power tong as well as provide for safe and efficient operation, It is therefore very important to read this manual carefully before using this power tong. This manuat afso covers the major components that make up the Universe tong. Although this machine is built to meet rigorous and tough working conditions some parts, over time, may wear out and need replacing. If any replacement parts are required, or if you experience problems that this manual does not cover and need assistance, please contact any of the Universe Power Tong dealers. SPECIFICATIONS 5.5 POWER TONG MODEL #01D05C: Maximum Torque See power tong engineering data shect Maximum Speed .. See power tong engineering data sheet Maximum Power Requirements ....--- See power tong engineering data sheet Major Dimensions Length. Overall Wid : re Centre of pipe to centre of handle (Torque Arm .37.1 inch (0.94 m) 24.5 inch (0.62 m) 26-inch (0.66 m) 969 Ibs. (440 ke) Weight (approximately)... Jaws Available: 5.5 ~ 4.25 inch (139.7 - 108 mm) 4.13 ~ 2.06 inch (104.8 - 52.4 mm) ABBREVIATIONS inch (in) Kitopascal (kPa) foot (ft) meter (m) pound (Ib) millimeter (mm) gallon (gal) kilogram (kg) pound per square inch (psi) Newton Meter (Nm) UNIT CONVERSIONS 1 ftlb = 0.138 kgm = 1.356 N.m 1b = 0453 kg 1 f= 0.305 m 1 US gal = 3.785 LPM 1 inch = 25.4 mm = 0.0254 m 1 psi = 0.070 kgiem} = 6.895 kPa Page 3 o® é b b b b b b b b b \y \ lo o \ ly lo b EELEEELELLLBLDDOW yy Universe MACHINE CORPORATION 01D05C POWER TONG POWER TONG ENGINEERING DATA SHEET MOTOR: 01561015 GEAR RATIO: 38 POWER TONG: 5.5 MODEL: 01D05C 4100 80; “Hi | our EH SPEED 5 ~ i RPM i a 30 2 * 0 a a INPUT HYDRAULIC VOLUME, GPM (LPM) 20 15000 166 12,000 oureur 27 9900} TORQUE FT (Key, 6.000 3.000 ° 0 1000 1500 2000 2500 000 3500 as Ce INPUT HYDRAULIC OIL PRESSURE AT TONG, PSI (PA) NOTE: THE ABOVE VALUES AE DERIVED FROM CALCULATION AND ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE: ~ Page 4 666 JAW DIES TONG OPERATION ARNG ean Universe MACHINE CORPORATION FIGURE A : Jaw Assembly 01D05C POWER TON The Universe Power Tong consists of two sliding jaws (Refer to Figure A). Before installing the jaws, make sure the jaw pin and roller is greased and in place. Also ensure to grease the jaw slot before placing the jaws into the tong, Both of the jaws are the same and can be installed into either the left or the right slot. Use a wire brush to keep jaw dies clean and free of debris. DIE SELECTION CHART UNIVERSE, 7 JAW SIZi DIE SIZES - Inches (mm) DIE PART NUMBER. "707 05255-55 707 05: 707 05255-47 5 coos bbb bbb bbbebbe bE EEKELEEEEELED 4.50 (114.3) 707 05255-45 4.13 ~ 2.06 ~_4.13_ (104.9) aol "707 05260-31_ i. 4.03 (102.4) 107.052 7707 05260-27 375 (95. 3.67 (93.2) 3(94) 3.06 7.7) 707 0524 2.06 (52.4) _ ~ Pages 707 05260-01 NOTE: For other jaw and die sizes, contact Universe Machine or your nearest Universe tong dealer sobbed ddLbisiisye »bht woe tb bbbbbel Universe MACHINE CORPORATION 01D05C POWER TONG TONG OPERATION (CONT.) ‘TONG SUPPORT ASSEMBLY Before each job, make sure that the spring hanger supporting the tong is secure and correctly assembled. To obtain the best bite possible, ensure that the tong is level and perpendicular to the tubing. This can be accomplished by adjusting the three tumbuckles show in Figure B. The Universe Power Tong has a built in spring hanger. This device compensates for downward movement of the tong and reduces cable strain, FIGURE B : Spring Hanger Assembly For proper tong operation it is necessary to connect a backup line to the back of the power tong. Only components that are certified for lifing (Gr.80) should be used. When a load cell is used, ensure that it is properly connected to the backup line at 90 degrees to the power tong in the horizontal plane. This will ensure correct torque measurement. “BACKUP LINE LOAD CELL po eae FIGURE C:: Backup Line Assembly ~ Page 6 - come dbdbbb bib bbs bbb bELELELEY MACHINE CORPORATION 01D05C POWER TONG TONG OPERATION (CONT.) OPERATING THE TONG In order to prevent injury to personnel and/or damage to the tong unit, it is recommended that these steps be followed: 1) Make sure the power tong is properly leveled, 2) Make sure the hanger assembly and backup lines are secure and properly connected. 3) Ensure that all tong hydraulic hoses are correctly connected and free of any obstacles. 4) It is very important for the safety of the operating personnel to make sure that the door is closed and properly secured before starting and running the tong! 5) Since this device works with large forces, everyone except the operator should stand clear of the power tong to ensure safety and reduce the risk of accident. 6) Make sure the brake bands are adjusted and secured properly. 7) When operating, do not open the door and keep hands away from any moving parts. CONTROLS ‘The power tong has two main controls. The first is the large handle control located on the top next to the hydraulic piping as illustrated below. This control operates the direction of rotation of the tong. When this handle is in its neutral position, the tong will not rotate and the oil will freely flow through the valve. Pulling the handle towards the operator will ture the tong counterclockwise while pushing the handle will tun the tong clockwise. Refer to Figure D. FIGURE D : Direction Contre! Lever (Closest one to the motor on units with multiple levers) TONG OPERATION (CONT.) = Page 7 Ib b bb bE EEEELLELEELEE "s _ a ae me ~ =? ~ ue > Ph Universe MACHINE CORPORATION 01D05C POWER TONG ‘The second control lever, located on the gearbox the hydraulic motor sits on, controls the speed of the tong. When the lever is in the up position, the tong will nin in high speed and in the lower position the tong will run in low speed. Refer to Figure E. NOTE: To extend the shift gear life, shift gears while tong is not running. Slight throttling may be required. HIGH SPEED ce a4 Ny NN iN} LOW SPEED FIGURE E : High & Low Gear Control BACKING PIN FOR ALIGNING JAWS WITH OPENING ‘When rotating the tong in a clockwise direction (make up), put the backing pin into the hole on the right side. When rotating counterclockwise (breaking out), the backing pin should be placed into the hole on the left side. This cam be seen in the illustration below: | PLACE SACKING FIN PLACE BACKING PIN HERE FOR BREAKING OUT ERE FOR MAKE UP FIGURE F: Backing Pin Locations NOTE : When disengaging jaws from pipe, make sure to rotate tong until main gear aligns with opening. MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE ~ Page 8 - peoeed sd didi bobdb looong bbb HEGEL EEEEEELYG MACHINE CORPORATION 01D05C POWER TONG LUBRICATION By lubricating the tong, its life can be greatly extended, The following diagram serves as a simple guide that should be followed on a regular basis: RECOMMENDED GREASE GUIDE : GEAR Box BEARING CAP. CAM FOLLOWER ee CAM FOLLOWER BEARINGS TONG JAW SLOTS: BEARING CAP CAM FOLLOWER BEARINGS CAM FOLLONER BEARINGS FIGURE G : GREASE POINTS MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE (CONT.) ~Page 9- LUL room ebb dbubbdbbbe bbb LEELELELELL Universe & ACHING CORPORATION 01D05C POWER TO! GREASE APPLICATION TABLE ( REFER TO FIGURE G)_ LOCATION APPLICATION USAGE Recommended Grease Bearing Cay Internal Gears ‘Cam Follower Bearings [ Grease Gun (1 Pump) Bottom Bearing Cap __| Grease Gun (2 Pumps) Manually Brush On Inside Body Manually Brush On _| As Require Daily ESSO Unirex EP? or equivelent Manually Brush On | As Required | ESSO Dynagear Extra or equivelent ESSO Unirex EP2 or eguivelent NOTE : The Above grease guide covers working operations from -40 C to +40.C. ADJUSTMENTS & CHECKS Regular inspection of the brake band is recommended to check for tightness and wear. A brake band with the braking material nearly all worn out should be replaced with a new one. Check and tighten any hydraulic connections. STORAGE After a job and before storage, the tong should be properly cleaned with a petroleum based cleaning agent, The tong should then be drained of any fluids and lubricated as specified in the lubrication chart. Be sure to store tong in a dry environment. NOTE: Ifusing tong on an offshore platform or in any corrosive environments, steam clean tong with regular water, drain, lubricate, and store in a dry climate. 2°-4" HIGH BLOCK TO ASSIST DRAINING FIGURE H : Storage Configuration to Ensure Moisture Run Out ~ Page 10- eoeceet bebo dbbbdbdbdbd eb EEKLELELLELEELELSE 4 Universe MACHINE CORPORATION 01D0SC POWER TONG TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE The following serve as a simple guide to some of the problems that may be encountered while using the power tong unit. If the problem persists or is not listed here, please contact any authorized Universe Power Tong service centres. 1. Jaws are slipping or not biting the pipe proper a) Check the pipe diameter and look at the die selection chart to ensure proper size of dies are being used. The jaw rollers should be about 1/2 ways up the cam. If this is not the case, it may be necessary to go to the next die size. b) Check to ensure that the rollers in the jaw are greased and rolling freely. ) Ensure that the jaw slot area is greased and the jaws slide freely in and out of the slot. d) Check the brake bands and, if necessary, tighten them, If the braking material is worn out, then it should be replaced. Also check the dies and if they're worn out, replace them, ¢) Ifall the above has been done and the dics still slip, try to get an initial bite, then increase the torque incrementally until the desired torque is reached, This will cause the dies to dig into the pipe thus ailowing higher torquing. 2, The jaw locks onto the pipe after make up or breaking out a joint. a) To unlock the tong, try to slightly jerk the ring gear in the opposite direction. If this does not work, rotate the tong so that the ring gear opening is in line with the tong opening. Open the door and put a piece of lumber into the opening and rotate the ring gear until it hits the wood. This should release the jaws from the pipe, b) Check to ensure the break bands are snug c) Check to ensure that both dies are of equal thickness. d) Check and ensure that the jaws and slots are greased, and the jaws move in and out freely, ©) Loosen the brake bands and try to rotate the cage plates by hand. If they do not move frocly or are sticky, take them apart and check all rollers, Replace any rollers that are broken. Also check all sliding or rolling surfaces. Ifany burs are found, file them off. 3. The motor runs in reverse, or the bottom motor oil seal keeps blowing out. a) Check to ensure that the pressure line is connected to the “PRESSURE IN” port on the tong, and retum line is connected to the “PRESSURE OUT” port on the tong. Refer to 706F00020 Tong Hydraulic Unit Assembly for port identification. -Page 1 - 01D@5C POWER TONG =PageTz= yy Universe. & MACHINE CORPORATION z 3 aly sa H H i il GTI AIAITIT ITI TIAA IIIT PPT Pe Pee eee 01D05C POWER TONG ~ Page 13 - TSGGIO wee] SIN rem] SER NOTTVEDIOD SUIFOWA SSRI IN yy Universe: bg Waste oRPORATON LTT ITT ETT TITIAN T PTT AAPPPeeee [Sean ae eee ee q 01D05C POWER TONG ~SPage r= ‘TION Ay Si LETT TVTIAIIIIITIIIIT III IIIT TETRA 01D05C POWER TONG =Fagels= “tke 90 ara Fa pee erat oma ere SE, NOT vaoty SUTFOW TeusAIN yy Universe by MACHINE CORPORATION a 5 le] 8 ele a |e TTT TTI P PTI III IITA eS 01D05C POWER TONG (S)8}& Se RRR) Se Pe A 4 \y Universe @ MACHINE CORPORATION 3] A i LELEPEPEIVEIVIVIIVIIIIIIIIIIT ITT Tee RE 01D05C POWER TONG Page 17 - INE CORPORATION EDEOGTE ma] SIN rem] SSR NOTLYAOINOO SNIFENA SERGAIINN yy Universe MAC & LITT EPT TTA T IIIT ITAA 01D05C POWER TONG ayH NOLLOZ1a5 2) q/uWe. 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