Cloud Computing Unit 3
Cloud Computing Unit 3
Cloud Computing Unit 3
Prepared by
Layered Cloud Architecture Design –NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture –Public,
Private and Hybrid Clouds -laaS –PaaS –SaaS –Architectural Design Challenges –Cloud
Storage –Storage-as-a-Service –Advantages of Cloud Storage –Cloud Storage Providers –S3.
● These three development layers are implemented with virtualization and standardization
of hardware and software resources provisioned in the cloud.
● The services to public, private and hybrid clouds are conveyed to users through
networking support over the Internet and intranets involved.
● It is clear that the infrastructure layer is deployed first to support IaaS services.
● This infrastructure layer serves as the foundation for building the platform layer of the
cloud for supporting PaaS services.
● In turn, the platform layer is a foundation for implementing the application layer for SaaS
Provisioning of resources
● The infrastructure layer is built with virtualized compute, storage and network resources.
● The platform layer is for general purpose and repeated usage of the collection of
software resources.
● This layer provides users with an environment to develop their applications, to test
operation flows and to monitor execution results and performance.
● The platform should be able to assure users that they have scalability, dependability,
and security protection.
● In a way, the virtualized cloud platform serves as a “system middleware” between the
infrastructure and application layers of the cloud.
● The application layer is formed with a collection of all needed software modules for SaaS
● Service applications in this layer include daily office management work such as
information retrieval, document processing and calendar and authentication services.
● The application layer is also heavily used by enterprises in business marketing and
sales, consumer relationship management (CRM), financial transactions and supply
chain management.
● From the provider’s perspective, the services at various layers demand different
amounts of functionality support and resource management by providers.
● In general, SaaS demands the most work from the provider, PaaS is in the middle, and
IaaS demands the least.
● For example, Amazon EC2 provides not only virtualized CPU resources to users but
also management of these provisioned resources.
● The best example of this is the CRM service in which the provider
supplies not only the hardware at the bottom layer and the software at the top layer but
also the platform and software tools for user application development and monitoring.
○ Users or brokers acting on user’s behalf submit service requests from anywhere
in the world to the data center and cloud to be processed.
○ The request examiner ensures that there is no overloading of resources whereby
many service requests cannot be fulfilled successfully due to limited resources.
○ The Pricing mechanism decides how service requests are charged. For instance,
requests can be charged based on submission time (peak/off-peak), pricing rates
(fixed/changing), or availability of resources (supply/demand).
○ The VM Monitor mechanism keeps track of the availability of VMs and their
resource entitlements.
○ The Accounting mechanism maintains the actual usage of resources by requests
so that the final cost can be computed and charged to users.
○ In addition, the maintained historical usage information can be utilized by the
Service Request Examiner and Admission Control mechanism to improve
resource allocation decisions.
○ The Dispatcher mechanism starts the execution of accepted service requests on
allocated VMs.
○ The Service Request Monitor mechanism keeps track of the execution progress
of service requests.
● The goal is to achieve effective and secure cloud computing to reduce cost and improve
● In general, NIST generates report for future reference which includes survey, analysis of
existing cloud computing reference model, vendors and federal agencies.
● The conceptual reference architecture shown in figure 3.2 involves five actors. Each
actor as entity participates in cloud computing
PaaS and
Configuring Service
Privacy impact Portability and
Audit Resource Interoperat-
abstraction & -ability
Control Layer Service
Performance Physical resource Business Arbitrage
Audit Layer support
Cloud Carrier
● Cloud broker: An entity that manages the performance and delivery of cloud services
and negotiates relationship between cloud provider and consumer.
● Cloud carrier: An intermediary that provides connectivity and transport of cloud services
from cloud providers to consumers.
Consumer Auditor
Broker Provider
● Figure 3.3 illustrates the common interaction exist in between cloud consumer and
provider where as the broker used to provide service to consumer and auditor collects
the audit information.
● The interaction between the actors may lead to different use case scenario.
● Figure 3.4 shows one kind of scenario in which the Cloud consumer may request service
from a cloud broker instead of contacting service provider directly. In this case, a cloud
broker can create a new service by combining multiple services.
Provider 1
Consumer Broker
Provider 2
● Figure 3.5 illustrates the usage of different kind of Service Level Agreement (SLA)
between consumer, provider and carrier.
SLA #1 SLA #2
Consumer Provider Carrier
Maintain the consistent Specify the capacity and
level of service functionality
● Figure 3.6 shows the scenario where the Cloud auditor conducts independent
assessment of operation and security of the cloud service implementation.
Consumer Provider
● Cloud consumer is a principal stake holder for the cloud computing service and requires
service level agreements to specify the performance requirements fulfilled by a cloud
● The service level agreement covers Quality of Service and Security aspects.
● There are three kinds of cloud consumers: SaaS consumers, PaaS Consumers and
IaaS consumers.
● SaaS consumers are members directly access the software application. For example,
document management, content management, social networks, financial billing and so
● PaaS consumers are used to deploy, test, develop and manage applications hosted in
cloud environment. Database application deployment, development and testing is an
example for these kind of consumer.
● IaaS Consumer can access the virtual computer, storage and network infrastructure. For
example, usage of Amazon EC2 instance to deploy the web application.
● On the other hand, Cloud Providers have complete rights to access software
● Normally, the service layer defines the interfaces for cloud consumers to access the
computing services.
● Resource abstraction and control layer contains the system components that cloud
provider use to provide and mange access to the physical computing resources through
software abstraction.
● Control layer focus on resource allocation, access control and usage monitoring.
● Physical resource layer includes physical computing resources such as CPU, Memory,
Router, Switch, Firewalls and Hard Disk Drive.
● In cloud service management, business support entails the set of business related
services dealing with consumer and supporting services which includes content
management, contract management, inventory management, accounting service,
reporting service and rating service.
● Portability enforces the ability to work in more than one computing environment without
major task. Similarly, Interoperatability means the ability of the system work with other
● Privacy is one applies to a cloud consumer’s rights to safe guard his information from
other consumers are parties.
● The main aim of Security and Privacy in cloud service management is to protect the
system from vulnerable customers.
● Cloud auditor performs independent assessments among the services and cloud broker
act as intermediate module.
● Service aggregation provides data integration. Cloud broker combines and integrate
multiple service into one or more new services.
● Due to Service arbitrage, cloud broker has a flexibility to choose services from multiple
● Cloud carrier is an intermediary that provides connectivity and transport of cloud service
between cloud consumer and cloud provider.
● It provides access to cloud consumer with the help of network, telecommunication and
other access devices where as distribution is done with transport agent,
● Transport agent is the business organization that provides physical transport of storage
● The differences are based on how exclusive the computing resources are made to a
Cloud Consumer.
● A public cloud is one in which the cloud infrastructure and computing resources are
made available to the general public over a public network.
● A public cloud is owned by an organization selling cloud services, and serves a diverse
pool of clients.
● Figure 4.7 presents a simple view of a public cloud and its customers.
● One of the main benefits that come with using public cloud services is near unlimited
● The resources are pretty much offered based on demand. So any changes in activity
level can be handled very easily.
● Public cloud allows pooling of a large number of resources, users are benefiting from the
savings of large scale operations.
● There are many services like Google Drive which are offered for free.
● Finally, the vast network of servers involved in public cloud services means that it can
benefit from greater reliability.
● Even if one data center was to fail entirely, the network simply redistributes the load
among the remaining enters making it highly unlikely that the public cloud would ever
○ Easy scalability
○ Cost effectiveness
○ Increased reliability
● At the top of the list is the fact that the security of data held within a public cloud is a
cause for concern.
● It is often seen as an advantage that the public cloud has no geographical restrictions
making access easy from everywhere, but on the flip side this could mean that the
server is in a different country which is governed by an entirely different set of security
and/or privacy regulations.
● This could mean that your data is not all that secure making it unwise to use public cloud
services for sensitive data.
● A private cloud gives a single Cloud Consumer’s organization the exclusive access to
and usage of the infrastructure and computational resources.
● It may be managed either by the Cloud Consumer organization or by a third party, and
may be hosted on the organization’s premises (i.e. on-site private clouds) or outsourced
to a hosting company (i.e. outsourced private clouds).
● Figure 3.8 presents an on-site private cloud and an outsourced private cloud,
Figure 3.8 (a) On-site Private Cloud (b) Out-sourced Private Cloud
● The main benefit of choosing a private cloud is the greater level of security offered
making it ideal for business users who need to store and/or process sensitive data.
● A good example is a company dealing with financial information such as bank or lender
who is required by law to use secure internal storage to store consumer information.
● With a private cloud this can be achieved while still allowing the organization to benefit
from cloud computing.
● Private cloud services also offer some other benefits for business users including more
control over the server allowing it to be tailored to your own preferences and in house
● While this can remove some of the scalability options, private cloud providers often offer
what is known as cloud bursting which is when non sensitive data is switched to a public
cloud to free up private cloud space in the event of a significant spike in demand until
such times as the private cloud can be expanded.
○ Improved security
○ Greater control over the server
○ Flexibility in the form of Cloud Bursting
● The downsides of private cloud services include a higher initial outlay, although in the
long term many business owners find that this balances out and actual becomes more
cost effective than public cloud use.
● It is also more difficult to access the data held in a private cloud from remote locations
due to the increased security measures.
● A community cloud serves a group of Cloud Consumers which have shared concerns
such as mission objectives, security, privacy and compliance policy, rather than serving
a single organization as does a private cloud.
● Figure 3.9 (a) depicts an on-site community cloud comprised of a number of participant
● A cloud consumer can access the local cloud resources, and also the resources of other
participating organizations through the connections between the associated
● Figure 3.9 (b) shows an outsourced community cloud, where the server side is
outsourced to a hosting company.
● In this case, an outsourced community cloud builds its infrastructure off premise, and
serves a set of organizations that request and consume cloud services.
● Figure 3.10 illustrates a simple view of a hybrid cloud that could be built with a set of
clouds in the five deployment model variants.
● IaaS providers can offer the bare metal in terms of virtual machines where PaaS
solutions are deployed.
● When there is no need for a PaaS layer, it is possible to directly customize the virtual
infrastructure with the software stack needed to run applications.
● This is the case of virtual Web farms: a distributed system composed of Web servers,
database servers and load balancers on top of which prepackaged software is installed
to run Web applications.
● Other solutions provide prepackaged system images that already contain the software
stack required for the most common uses: Web servers, database servers or LAMP
● Besides the basic virtual machine management capabilities, additional services can be
provided, generally including the following:
○ Physical infrastructure
○ Software management infrastructure
○ User interface
● At the top layer the user interface provides access to the services exposed by the
software management infrastructure.
● Such an interface is generally based on Web 2.0 technologies: Web services, RESTful
APIs and mash ups.
● Web services and RESTful APIs allow programs to interact with the service without
human intervention, thus providing complete integration within a software system.
● The core features of an IaaS solution are implemented in the infrastructure management
software layer.
● A central role is played by the scheduler, which is in charge of allocating the execution of
virtual machine instances.
● The bottom layer is composed of the physical infrastructure, on top of which the
management layer operates.
● From an architectural point of view, the physical layer also includes the virtual resources
that are rented from external IaaS providers.
● In the case of complete IaaS solutions, all three levels are offered as service.
● This is generally the case with public clouds vendors such as Amazon, GoGrid, Joyent,
Rightscale, Terremark, Rackspace, ElasticHosts, and Flexiscale, which own large
datacenters and give access to their computing infrastructures using an IaaS approach.
3.4.1 laaS
● Infrastructure or Hardware as a Service (IaaS/HaaS) solutions are the most popular and
developed market segment of cloud computing.
● The available options within the IaaS offering umbrella range from single servers to
entire infrastructures, including network devices, load balancers, database servers and
Web servers.
● The main technology used to deliver and implement these solutions is hardware
virtualization: one or more virtual machines opportunely configured and interconnected
define the distributed system on top of which applications are installed and deployed.
● Virtual machines also constitute the atomic components that are deployed and priced
according to the specific features of the virtual hardware: memory, number of processors
and disk storage.
● From the perspective of the service provider, IaaS/HaaS allows better exploiting the IT
infrastructure and provides a more secure environment where executing third party
● From the perspective of the customer, it reduces the administration and maintenance
cost as well as the capital costs allocated to purchase hardware.
● At the same time, users can take advantage of the full customization offered by
virtualization to deploy their infrastructure in the cloud.
3.4.2 PaaS
● A general overview of the features characterizing the PaaS approach is given in Figure
● The core middleware is in charge of managing the resources and scaling applications on
demand or automatically, according to the commitments made with users.
● From a user point of view, the core middleware exposes interfaces that allow
programming and deploying applications on the cloud.
● Some implementations provide a completely Web based interface hosted in the cloud
and offering a variety of services.
● Other implementations of the PaaS model provide a complete object model for
representing an application and provide a programming language-based approach.
● Developers generally have the full power of programming languages such as Java,
.NET, Python and Ruby with some restrictions to provide better scalability and security.
● PaaS solutions can offer middleware for developing applications together with the
infrastructure or simply provide users with the software that is installed on the user
● In the first case, the PaaS provider also owns large datacenters where applications are
● In the second case, referred to in this book as Pure PaaS, the middleware constitutes
the core value of the offering.
○ PaaS-I
○ PaaS-II
○ PaaS-III
● The first category identifies PaaS implementations that completely follow the cloud
computing style for application development and deployment.
● In the second class focused on providing a scalable infrastructure for Web application,
mostly websites.
○ In this case, developers generally use the provider’s APIs, which are built on top
of industrial runtimes, to develop applications.
○ Google AppEngine is the most popular product in this category.
○ It provides a scalable runtime based on the Java and Python programming
languages, which have been modified for providing a secure runtime
environment and enriched with additional APIs and components to support
● The third category consists of all those solutions that provide a cloud programming
platform for any kind of application, not only Web applications.
○ Among these, the most popular is Microsoft Windows Azure, which provides a
comprehensive framework for building service oriented cloud applications on top
of the .NET technology, hosted on Microsoft’s datacenters.
○ Other solutions in the same category, such as Manjrasoft Aneka, Apprenda
SaaSGrid, Appistry Cloud IQ Platform, DataSynapse, and GigaSpaces DataGrid,
provide only middleware with different services.
○ Runtime framework: This framework represents the software stack of the PaaS
model and the most intuitive aspect that comes to people’s minds when they
refer to PaaS solutions.
○ Abstraction: PaaS solutions are distinguished by the higher level of abstraction
that they provide.
○ Automation: PaaS environments automate the process of deploying applications
to the infrastructure, scaling them by provisioning additional resources when
○ Cloud services: PaaS offerings provide developers and architects with services
and APIs, helping them to simplify the creation and delivery of elastic and highly
available cloud application.
3.4.3 SaaS
● It provides a means to free users from complex hardware and software management by
offloading such tasks to third parties, which build applications accessible to multiple
users through a Web browser.
● On the provider side, the specific details and features of each customer’s application are
maintained in the infrastructure and made available on demand.
● The SaaS model is appealing for applications serving a wide range of users and that can
be adapted to specific needs with little further customization.
● This is the case of CRM and ERP applications that constitute common needs for almost
all enterprises, from small to medium-sized and large business.
● Every enterprise will have the same requirements for the basic features concerning CRM
and ERP and different needs can be satisfied with further customization.
● On the customer side, such costs constitute a minimal fraction of the usage fee paid for
the software.
● The analysis carried out by Software Information and Industry Association (SIIA) was
mainly oriented to cover application service providers (ASPs) and all their variations,
● ASPs provided access to packaged software solutions that addressed the needs of a
variety of customers.
● Initially this approach was affordable for service providers, but it later became
inconvenient when the cost of customizations and specializations increased.
● The SaaS approach introduces a more flexible way of delivering application services that
are fully customizable by the user by integrating new services, injecting their own
components and designing the application and information workflows.
● Initially the SaaS model was of interest only for lead users and early adopters.
○ Software cost reduction and total cost of ownership (TCO) were paramount
○ Service level improvements
○ Rapid implementation
○ Standalone and configurable applications
○ Rudimentary application and data integration
○ Subscription and pay as you go (PAYG) pricing
● With the advent of cloud computing there has been an increasing acceptance of SaaS
as a viable software delivery model.
● This lead to transition into SaaS 2.0, which does not introduce a new technology but
transforms the way in which SaaS is used.
● Software as a Service based applications can serve different needs. CRM, ERP, and
social networking applications are definitely the most popular ones.
● is probably the most successful and popular example of a CRM service.
● It provides a wide range of services for applications: customer relationship and human
resource management, enterprise resource planning, and many other features.
● builds on top of the platform, which provides a fully featured
environment for building applications.
● In particular, through AppExchange customers can publish, search and integrate new
services and features into their existing applications.
● Other than providing the basic features of networking, they allow incorporating and
extending their capabilities by integrating third-party applications.
○ Google Documents and Zoho Office are examples of Web based applications
that aim to address all user needs for documents, spreadsheets and presentation
○ These applications offer a Web based interface for creating, managing, and
modifying documents that can be easily shared among users and made
accessible from anywhere.
● The management of a cloud service by a single company is often the source of single
points of failure.
● Even if a company has multiple data centers located in different geographic regions, it
may have common software infrastructure and accounting systems.
● Therefore, using multiple cloud providers may provide more protection from failures.
● Criminals threaten to cut off the incomes of SaaS providers by making their services
● Some utility computing services offer SaaS providers the opportunity to defend against
DDoS attacks by using quick scale ups.
● Software stacks have improved interoperability among different cloud platforms, but the
APIs itself are still proprietary. Thus, customers cannot easily extract their data and
programs from one site to run on another.
● The obvious solution is to standardize the APIs so that a SaaS developer can deploy
services and data across multiple cloud providers.
● This will rescue the loss of all data due to the failure of a single company.
● Such an option could enable surge computing, in which the public cloud is used to
capture the extra tasks that cannot be easily run in the data center of a private cloud.
● Current cloud offerings are essentially public (rather than private) networks, exposing the
system to more attacks.
● Many obstacles can be overcome immediately with well understood technologies such
as encrypted storage, virtual LANs, and network middle boxes (e.g., firewalls, packet
● For example, the end user could encrypt data before placing it in a cloud. Many nations
have laws requiring SaaS providers to keep customer data and copyrighted material
within national boundaries.
● Traditional network attacks include buffer overflows, DoS attacks, spyware, malware,
rootkits, Trojan horses, and worms.
● In a cloud environment, newer attacks may result from hypervisor malware, guest
hopping and hijacking or VM rootkits.
● On the other hand, Active attacks may manipulate kernel data structures which will
cause major damage to cloud servers.
● Multiple VMs can share CPUs and main memory in cloud computing, but I/O sharing is
● For example, to run 75 EC2 instances with the STREAM benchmark requires a mean
bandwidth of 1,355 MB/second.
● However, for each of the 75 EC2 instances to write 1 GB files to the local disk requires a
mean disk write bandwidth of only 55 MB/second.
● If we assume applications to be pulled apart across the boundaries of clouds, this may
complicate data placement and transport.
● Cloud users and providers have to think about the implications of placement and traffic
at every level of the system, if they want to minimize costs.
● This kind of reasoning can be seen in Amazon’s development of its new CloudFront
● Therefore, data transfer bottlenecks must be removed, bottleneck links must be widened
and weak servers should be removed.
● The opportunity is to create a storage system that will not only meet this growth but also
combine it with the cloud advantage of scaling arbitrarily up and down on demand.
● Data consistence checking in SAN connected data centers is a major challenge in cloud
● Large scale distributed bugs cannot be reproduced, so the debugging must occur at a
scale in the production data centers.
● No data center will provide such a convenience. One solution may be a reliance on
using VMs in cloud computing.
● The level of virtualization may make it possible to capture valuable information in ways
that are impossible without using VMs.
● Debugging over simulators is another approach to attacking the problem, if the simulator
is well designed.
● The pay as you go model applies to storage and network bandwidth; both are counted in
terms of the number of bytes used.
● GAE automatically scales in response to load increases or decreases and the users are
charged by the cycles used.
● AWS charges by the hour for the number of VM instances used, even if the machine is
● The opportunity here is to scale quickly up and down in response to load variation, in
order to save money, but without violating SLAs.
● Open Virtualization Format (OVF) describes an open, secure, portable, efficient and
extensible format for the packaging and distribution of VMs.
● This VM format does not rely on the use of a specific host platform, virtualization
platform or guest operating system.
● The approach is to address virtual platform is agnostic packaging with certification and
integrity of packaged software.
● The package supports virtual appliances to span more than one VM.
● OVF also defines a transport mechanism for VM templates and the format can apply to
different virtualization platforms with different levels of virtualization.
● In terms of cloud standardization, the ability for virtual appliances to run on any virtual
● The user is also need to enable VMs to run on heterogeneous hardware platform
● And also the user need to realize cross platform live migration between x86 Intel and
AMD technologies and support legacy hardware for load balancing.
● Many cloud computing providers originally relied on open source software because the
licensing model for commercial software is not ideal for utility computing.
● The primary opportunity is either for open source to remain popular or simply for
commercial software companies to change their licensing structure to better fit cloud
● One can consider using both pay for use and bulk use licensing schemes to widen the
business coverage.
● Cloud storage means storing the data with a cloud service provider rather than on a local
● The end user can access the data stored on the cloud using an Internet link.
● If the users stored some data on a cloud, they can get at it from any location that has
Internet access.
● Workers do not need to use the same computer to access data nor do they have to carry
around physical storage devices.
● Also, if any organization has branch offices, they can all access the data from the cloud
● There are hundreds of different cloud storage systems, and some are very specific in
what they do.
● Some are niche-oriented and store just email or digital pictures, while others store any
type of data. Some providers are small, while others are huge and fill an entire
● At the most rudimentary level, a cloud storage system just needs one data server
connected to the Internet.
● A subscriber copies files to the server over the Internet, which then records the data.
When a client wants to retrieve the data, the client accesses the data server with a web
based interface and the server then either sends the files back to the client or allows the
client to access and manipulate the data itself.
● More typically, however, cloud storage systems utilize dozens or hundreds of data
● Because servers require maintenance or repair, it is necessary to store the saved data
on multiple machines, providing redundancy.
● Without that redundancy, cloud storage systems could not assure clients that they could
access their information at any given time.
3.6.1 Storage-as-a-Service
● Figure 3.13 illustrates the storage as a service where the data stored in cloud storage.
● It is also ideal when technical personnel are not available or have inadequate knowledge
to implement and maintain that storage infrastructure.
● Storage service providers are nothing new, but given the complexity of current backup,
replication, and disaster recovery needs, the service has become popular, especially
among small and medium sized businesses.
● The end user does not have to pay for infrastructure. They simply pay for how much they
transfer and save on the provider’s servers.
● A customer uses client software to specify the backup set and then transfers data across
a WAN.
● Examples:
● Authorization practices: The client lists the people who are authorized to access
information stored on the cloud system. Many corporations have multiple levels of
● If a cloud storage system is unreliable, it becomes a liability. No one wants to save data
on an unstable system, nor would they trust a company that is financially unstable.
● Most cloud storage providers try to address the reliability concern through redundancy,
but the possibility still exists that the system could crash and leave clients with no way to
access their saved data.
● Cloud storage providers balance server loads and move data among various
datacenters, ensuring that information is stored close and thereby available quickly while
using the data.
● Storing data on the cloud is advantageous, because it allows the user to protect the data
in case there’s a disaster.
● Having the data stored off-site can be the difference between closing the door for good
or being down for a few days or weeks.
● Which storage vendor to go with can be a complex issue, and how the end user
technology interacts with the cloud can be complex.
● For instance, some products are agent based and the application automatically transfers
information to the cloud via FTP.
● But others employ a web front end and the user has to select local files on their
computer to transmit.
● Amazon S3 is the best known storage solution, but other vendors might be better for
large enterprises.
● For instance, those who offer service level agreements and direct access to customer
support are critical for a business moving storage to a service provider
● This is simply a listing of what some of the big players in the game have to offer and
anyone can use it as a starting guide to determine if their services match user’s needs.
● Amazon and Nirvanix are the current industry top dogs, but many others are in the field,
including some well known names.
● EMC is readying a storage solution and IBM already has a number of cloud storage
options called Blue Cloud.
3.6.4 S3
● The well known cloud storage service is Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3), which
is launched in 2006.
● Amazon S3 provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and
retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the Web.
● It gives any developer access to the same highly scalable data storage infrastructure
that Amazon uses to run its own global network of web sites.
● The service aims to maximize benefits of scale and to pass those benefits on to
● Amazon S3 is intentionally built with a minimal feature set that includes the following
○ Write, read, and delete objects containing from 1 byte to 5 gigabytes of data
each. The number of objects that can be stored is unlimited.
○ Each object is stored and retrieved via a unique developer assigned key.
○ Objects can be made private or public and rights can be assigned to specific
○ Uses standards based REST and SOAP interfaces designed to work with any
Internet development toolkit.
○ Scalable: Amazon S3 can scale in terms of storage, request rate and users to
support an unlimited number of web-scale applications.
○ Reliable: Store data durably with 99.99 percent availability. Amazon says it does
not allow any downtime.
○ Fast: Amazon S3 was designed to be fast enough to support high-performance
applications. Server-side latency must be insignificant relative to Internet latency.
○ Inexpensive: Amazon S3 is built from inexpensive commodity hardware
○ Simple: Building highly scalable, reliable, fast and inexpensive storage is difficult.
● Design Principles Amazon used the following principles of distributed system design to
meet Amazon S3 requirements:
● Amazon keeps its lips pretty tight about how S3 works, but according to Amazon, S3’s
design aims to provide scalability, high availability, and low latency at commodity costs.
● Each bucket is owned by an AWS account and the buckets are identified by a unique
user assigned key.
● Buckets and objects are created, listed and retrieved using either a REST or SOAP
● Objects can also be retrieved using the HTTP GET interface or via BitTorrent.
● An access control list restricts who can access the data in each bucket.
● Bucket names and keys are formulated so that they can be accessed using HTTP.
● Requests are authorized using an access control list associated with each bucket and
object, for instance:
● The Amazon AWS Authentication tools allow the bucket owner to create an
authenticated URL with a set amount of time that the URL will be valid.
● Bucket items can also be accessed via a BitTorrent feed, enabling S3 to act as a seed
for the client.
● Buckets can also be set up to save HTTP log information to another bucket.
Provisioning of resources
● As consumers rely on cloud providers to meet more of their computing needs, they
will require a specific level of QoS to be maintained by their providers, in order to
meet their objectives and sustain their operations.
● Market-oriented resource management is necessary to regulate the supply and
demand of cloud resources to achieve market equilibrium between supply and
● A public cloud is one in which the cloud infrastructure and computing resources are
made available to the general public over a public network.
● A public cloud is owned by an organization selling cloud services, and serves a
diverse pool of clients.
● A private cloud gives a single Cloud Consumer’s organization the exclusive access
to and usage of the infrastructure and computational resources.
● It may be managed either by the Cloud Consumer organization or by a third party,
and may be hosted on the organization’s premises (i.e. on-site private clouds) or
outsourced to a hosting company (i.e. outsourced private clouds).
Merits Demerits
Ability to easily share and Not the right choice for every
collaborate organization
Lower cost Slow adoption to date
● SaaS 2.0 is not a new technology but transforms the way in which SaaS is used.
● Cloud storage means storing the data with a cloud service provider rather than on a
local system. The end user can access the data stored on the cloud using an Internet
● Cloud storage has a number of advantages over traditional data storage.
● If the users stored some data on a cloud, they can get at it from any location that has
Internet access.
● The term Storage as a Service means that a third-party provider rents space on their
storage to end users who lack the budget or capital budget to pay for it on their own.
● It is also ideal when technical personnel are not available or have inadequate
knowledge to implement and maintain that storage infrastructure.
● Web email providers like Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo! Mail store email messages on
their own servers.
● Flickr and Picasa host millions of digital photographs. YouTube hosts millions of
user-uploaded video files.
● Hostmonster and GoDaddy store files and data for many client web sites.
● Facebook and MySpace are social networking sites and allow members to post
pictures and other content.
● MediaMax and Strongspace offer storage space for any kind of digital data.
● Storing data on the cloud is advantageous, because it allows you to protect your data
in case there’s a disaster.
● Having your data stored off-site can be the difference between closing your door for
good or being down for a few days or weeks.
● Which storage vendor to go with can be a complex issue, and how the end user
technology interacts with the cloud can be complex.
● The best-known cloud storage service is Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3),
which launched in 2006.
● Amazon S3 is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers.
● Amazon S3 provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and
retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the Web.
● It gives any developer access to the same highly scalable data storage infrastructure
that Amazon uses to run its own global network of web sites.
21. What are the design requirements considers by Amazon to build S3?
● Scalable
● Reliable
● Fast
● Inexpensive
● Simple
22. What are the design principles considers by Amazon to meet S3 requirements?
● Decentralization
● Autonomy
● Local responsibility
● Controlled concurrency
● Failure toleration
● Controlled parallelism
● Symmetry
● Simplicity