Cloud Computing Techniques Helps To Meet Qos: A Study: Snehal A.Narale, P.K.Butey

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International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking, ISSN: 2320-2106, Volume-3, Issue-12, Dec.



Lecturer, Dept of Computer Science, Dharampeth M.P.Deo
Memorial Science College, Nagpur,India
Associate Professor,Head, Dept of Computer Science,
Kamla Nehru College,Nagpur,India.
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract- Cloud Computing is a computing model which facilitate expedient, on-demand network access to a collective
configurable computing resources like networks, servers, applications and services that can be quickly provisioned and
released. The resource provision is an imperative aspect of cloud computing model to provide the QoS(quality of service) in
cloud computing. It is use as an alternative of SLA (Service Level Agreement). Users must use different techniques/methods
like dynamic resource provisioning, scheduling, admission control and traffic control. Resource Provisioning means the wide
range of software deployment and run time management of the software resources and hardware resources. Resource
provisioning used for ensuring guaranteed performance for applications that are used in cloud computing. Admission control
methods are use to test whether or not to admit a set of services to the cloud and scheduling is used to increased the resource
utilization without affecting the services provided by the cloud .In this paper we study the scheduling techniques and its
types, admission control and resource provisioning techniques to enhance the QoS in cloud computing.

Keywords- Cloud Computing, Resource Provisioning, Admission Control, Elasticity, Scheduling, QOS.

I. INTRODUCTION using the Programming language or tools supported

by the Cloud Provider [1, 2]. Without managing the
Cloud computing is a model for facilitate network on cloud infrastructure such as network and storage the
demand from anywhere conveniently access to share Consumer has control over the organized
pool of configurable computing resources like applications. IaaS model allows the customer to
network, server, storage, applications and services provision processing, storage, networks and other
[1]. Cloud computing technology has potential to important software where a customer can deploy
enhance collaboration, agility, availability, scaling software such as operating system and applications.
and provide many opportunities for cost reduction
through different optimization and effective While studying cloud computing amongst the
computing technology. Cloud Computing is the different characteristics like scalability, availability,
familiar catchphrase in today’s Information reliability, flexibility, QoS. The most important
Technology world. Cloud computing platforms are parameter that we must need to focus is QoS. Cloud
rapidly capable that were used for deploying different computing provides different types of resources like
applications in many contexts [1]. The cloud is hardware and software as services via internet. Task
discriminating from the other traditional technology scheduling is the key role in cloud computing. Cloud
as it has infinite amount of capacity related to computing uses the concept of virtualization, as the
resources that are offered by cloud platforms with tasks in cloud require minimum completion time,
very competitive rate (e.g. CPU, storage, Network, better performance, utilization of resources and quick
infrastructure). With this advantage of resource response time. For task allocation cloud provides
capacity use of cloud computing help to eliminate the virtual machine which is scalable but scheduling
necessity for the installation of infrastructure requires them is a major problem. Different types of task
for computing takes several months. So many of the scheduling algorithms are used in cloud computing to
Start-up Companies does not want to invest on the provide QoS. These scheduling algorithms focus on
infrastructure because the resources are available in resource management, response time, load balancing
the cloud [2]. The Cloud Computing paradigm is and performance [3].
composed of three service models namely Software
as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and In our research paper we study what is QoS and what
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). SaaS model enables are different techniques of cloud computing that will
the customer to use the provider application hosted on help us to enhance QoS. First we focus on what is
the cloud infrastructure. In this model the customer exactly quality of service.
does not have any control over the underlying Cloud
infrastructure but has little control over application 1.1 WHAT IS QOS?
configuration settings. PaaS model provides the Quality of service is the ability to provide precedence
competence to the customer to deploy the customer to different applications, users, or data flows, or to
created applications onto the Cloud Infrastructure pledge a certain level of performance. QoS criterions

Cloud Computing Techniques Helps To Meet QOS: A Study

International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking, ISSN: 2320-2106, Volume-3, Issue-12, Dec.-2015

are frequent and are extremely dependent of the dynamic and user self rovisioning. The resource
application Throughput, Impediment, Loss rate. The provisioning types are given below.
major difficult problem in cloud computing  Static Provisioning: it is use for which are
(distributed system) is resource provisioning [3,4]. predictable and generally unchanging
Resource provisioning is technique used for the demands/workloads for applications. It is
assortment consumption and run-time organization of possible to use “static provisioning"
software (e.g. database management servers, load effectively.
balancers) and hardware resources (e.g. CPU, storage,  Dynamic Provisioning: It is use when the
and network) for ensuring guaranteed performance application requirement may change means
for applications. In this research paper we discuss demand is always changing it is not fixed or
major techniques like scheduling, admission control predictable as static provisioning By using
and dynamic resource provisioning that will help to dynamic Provisioning, the provider allocates
provide QoS in cloud computing and it also help to more resources as per the requirement of the
enhance QoS. application/user and remove them if they are
not needed. Dynamic provisioning used for
II. TECHNIQUES USED TO MEET creating hybrid cloud[6].
REQUIREMENT OF QOS  User Self-provisioning: With user self
provisioning (also known as cloud selfservice),
2.1 RESOURCE PROVISIONING the customer purchases resources from the
The most demanding problem in distributed system is cloud provider through a web form.
Resource Provisioning. As cloud computing is a
distributed computing it has to face the same 2.2 ADMISSION CONTROL
important problem of resource provisioning. The Cloud provides more and more distributed
resource provisioning techniques are of two types applications as being composition of virtualized
first is static and second is dynamic with its servers. For example, in an IaaS, each service is
advantages and flaws. This resource provisioning deployed as a set of virtualized components, i.e.
technique is used to meet Quality of Service (QoS) Virtual Machines (VMs), which are activated
parameters like availability, throughput, response according to their workflow pattern each time a
time, security, reliability etc [4]. request arrives from the end users. Inside the cloud
the use of virtualization techniques are to permit for
Cloud Computing facilitate users to get resources faultless location of each component of the
dynamically and elastically. From service providers distributed service. It also makes easier the process of
perspective a major challenge in resource horizontal elasticity. the process of horizontal
provisioning technique is to maximize the resource elasticity add/remove extra duplicate VMs for each
utilization and from users perspective minimize the component during runtime to maintain a certain level
financial cost required for right amount of resources of performance for the overall service when there are
utilize for the execution of the work[4,5] .Cloud variations in the workload.
computing is one of the solution for it. By
considering SLA, resource provisioning providing The main purpose of admission control is to provide
services to the cloud users. This is preliminary strong performance. At admission control time, the
concurrence between the cloud users and cloud Infrastructure Provider (IP) must consider not only
service providers which ensures Quality of Service the fundamental computational and networking
(QoS) parameters like performance, availability, necessities but also the extra requirements that may
reliability, response time etc. Based on the be required to be added at runtime so it becomes
application needs Static Provisioning/Dynamic elastic[7]. In many cases, the elastic requirements
Provisioning and Static/Dynamic Allocation of may be relatively large as compared to the basic ones.
resources have to be made in order to efficiently For example, if multiple users are working on cloud
make use of the resources without violating SLA and with high variations, the number of VMs are required
meeting these QoS parameters[6]. In excess of and more and that may be added at runtime many times
underneath provisioning of resources must be keep multiple of the number of the basic ones. Therefore
away. Another important point that we have to be the amount of elastic requirements plays a major role
considered is consumption of power in cloud in the total requirements and therefore in the cost of
computing. cloud computing uses different hosting the service, and the IP has a strong interest in
parameters for resource provisioning like response investigating the possibility of reducing the resources
time, cost minimization, profits maximization, fault that need to be booked for elasticity reasons when
tolerant, minimize SLA violation and reduced power accepting the service.
Based on the applications requirement there are three Main goal of scheduling is to increased utilization of
types of resource provisioning techniques like static the resources without affecting the services provided

Cloud Computing Techniques Helps To Meet QOS: A Study

International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking, ISSN: 2320-2106, Volume-3, Issue-12, Dec.-2015

by the cloud. In cloud computing systems task  Determining a resource and filtering them.
scheduling problems are main which relates to the  Selection of a target resource that is based on
efficiency of the whole cloud computing system. Job certain parameters of task. This stage is called
scheduling is mapping mechanism from user’s tasks decision stage.
to the appropriate selection of resources and their  Compliance of a particular task to a target.
execution [8].
Traditional job scheduling algorithms are not able to The goal of scheduling algorithms in distributed
provide scheduling in the cloud environment. systems is to schedule jobs to the flexible resources in
Different parameters are used to evaluate the accordance with flexible time, which includes finding
performance. out a proper sequence in which jobs can be executed
The main aim of using job scheduling algorithm is under transaction logic constraints [11]. The main
 To enhance the quality of services of advantage of task scheduling algorithm is to achieve a
computing environment & provide predictable high performance computing and the best system
output on instance. throughput. Task scheduling computes the task
 Maintain fairness and efficiency among the priority according to the attributes such as user
jobs. privilege expectation to be scheduled, task length and
 Proper utilization of resources. pending time of the task in queue [12,13]. The tasks
 To obtain a high performance. are sorted by the priority. And in scheduling each task
Cloud computing has recently received considerable is assigned on to service with minimum completion
attention, as a promising approach for delivering Info time.
and Communication Technologies (ICT) services as a
utility. In the mechanism of providing these services By using task scheduling model in cloud computing it
it is necessary to improve the utilization of datacenter is based on two strategies first is the higher priority
resources which are operating in most dynamic task should be scheduled first than lower priority.
workload environments. Datacenters are the crucial Second the task should be completed first as soon as
parts of cloud computing [8]. In a single datacenter possible. The scalability in cloud computing can be
generally hundreds and thousands of virtual servers achieved by employing mobile agent technology.
run at any instance of time, crowding many tasks and
at the same time the cloud system keeps receiving the CONCLUSION
batches of task requests. So Task scheduling is a
valuable issue which is greatly influences the From the study we conclude that to meet the
performance of cloud service provider. Traditional parameters of QoS in cloud computing we are going
approach that are used in optimization are through the different techniques like admission
deterministic, fast, and give perfect answers but often control, scheduling and resource provisioning.
tends to get stuck on local optima[9]. Complexity of Resource provisioning and time scheduling
the task scheduling problem belongs to Non techniques really help to enhance utilization of
Polynomial -complete involving extremely large resources correctly in time. By adopting these
search space with correspondingly large number of technologies in cloud computing it will definitely
potential solutions and takes much longer time to find improve the response time and availability of the
the optimal answer. There is no convenient and well resources that are required for users. The scope for
delineate methodology to solve the problems under the research is not limited upto the study of these
such circumstances [10]. However in cloud, it is technologies. The scheduling contains job scheduling
tolerable to find near best solution, preferably in a and task scheduling algorithm to meet the
small period of time. In this framework IT practioners researcher’s requirement.
are focusing on heuristic methods.
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Cloud Computing Techniques Helps To Meet QOS: A Study


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