Biological and Physical Events Involved
Biological and Physical Events Involved
Biological and Physical Events Involved
J O S E P H S. DAVIS t and M A R I O G I O R D A N O 2
1Department of Botany, University of Florida, 209 Carr Hall Gainesville, FL 32611, USA;
2Facolt6 di Scienze, Universit6 di Ancona, 60131 Ancona, Italy
Abstract. Aspects of communities and events in the concentrating ponds (S.G. 1.130 to 1.214)
and salt crystallizing ponds (S.G. 1.215 to 1.264) of solar saltworks pertinent to salt manu-
facture are described. Communities that aid salt manufacture enable continuous and efficient
production of high quality salt at a saltworks' design capacity, and they provide important
controls on levels of organic matter in the brine. Fluctuating salinities, high concentrations of
nutrients, and petroleum products are disturbances that cause Aphanothece halophytica and
Dunaliella salina to release excessive quantities of organic matter, and that suppress or cause
death to nutrient stripping organisms. Disturbances result in decreased quality and quantity
of salt and increased costs for salt harvest, washing, and pond upkeep. Organic matter can
be controlled by management techniques that keep nutrient stripping communities at proper
levels and maintain a narrow and unchanging range of salinities in each pond, by constructing
pond dikes able to withstand wind and water erosion, and by preventing spills of petroleum
products in the ponds.
Key words: Aphanothece halophytica, A rtemia, biological management, Dunaliella, halobac-
teria, hypersalinity, Myxobaktron salinum, organic release, sodium chloride, solar saltworks,
Synechococcus sp.
One third o f the worldwide sodium chloride (salt) production occurs in solar
saltworks (salinas, saltfields) by solar evaporation of seawater or inland brines.
Solar saltworks are one to several series o f interconnected concentrating ponds
( 4 0 - 8 0 cm depth; S . G ) 1.026 to 1.214 with seawater intake; S.G. 1.1202 to
S.G. 1.214 with inland brine intake) and crystallizing ponds ( 3 0 - 5 0 cm depth;
S.G. 1.215 to 1.264) in which the concentration o f sodium chloride increases
as the water or brine evaporates and flows downstream. After becoming
saturated with salt in the concentrating ponds, the brine is pumped or flows
into crystallizer ponds (crystallizers) where evaporation continues and sodium
chloride precipitates on the bottom. The supernatant liquid (bittern), rich in
c o m p o u n d s o f magnesium, potassium, and sulfate, is removed and the sodium
chloride is harvested with mechanical equipment. The salt is then washed and
stored for a time on a stockpile, where after significant amounts of water and
contaminants drain away, the sodium chloride is about 99.7 per cent pure on
a dry weight basis.
The highly competitive solar salt industry and the low market value of
sodium chloride (about US$20.00 per ton) require efficient production of
high quality salt at a saltwork's design capacity. Efficient salinas continuously
produce about 1000 metric tons of salt per ha of crystallizer surface per year,
have stable operating and production costs, allow little or no brine leakage
from the ponds, and have losses of salt in the washing process not exceeding
12 per cent. Quality of salt ready for market is determined by characteristics
of the salt crystals (hollow or solid, and size), and by concentrations of
contaminants (calcium, magnesium, sulfate, and insoluble matter) in the salt.
Premium prices are paid for large solid crystals (Butts, 1977) and for salt
with contaminants not exceeding 0.03 to 0.05 per cent calcium, 0.02 to 0.04
per cent magnesium, 0.11 to 0.16 per cent sulfate, and 0.01 to 0.02 per cent
insoluble matter (Davis, 1990).
A group of living organisms, herein designated a biological system,
inevitably develops in the ponds of every solar saltworks. A biological sys-
tem that aids salt production maintains a variety of species that reproduce
and release organic matter at levels to enable efficient production of high
quality salt at design capacity. A biological system that harms salt production
consists of few species and accumulates excessive amounts of organic matter
that prevents efficient production of high quality salt at design capacity.
Deleterious effects of organic matter for salt production in ponds of low
(S.G. 1.026 to 1.075) and intermediate salinity (S.G. 1.075 to 1.125) are
well documented, and management procedures to control these substances
are widely practised (e.g., Davis, 1980, 1990, 1993; DeMedeiros Rocha and
Camara, 1993; Sammy, 1983). However, detrimental aspects of organic matter
that originates in the highly saline concentrating ponds (S.G. 1.120 to 1.214)
and crystallizers have received little attention. This paper, based on worldwide
observations and successful management techniques by one of us (J.S.D.) at
many seasonal and continuously-operated solar saltworks, and on laboratory
research of both of us and others, reviews aspects of physical and biological
events in ponds at S.G. 1.120 to 1.264 pertinent to salt production, reports
on the origin and effects of excessive nutrients, and describes methods that
have been used to control excessive quantities of organic matter in the highly
saline concentrating ponds and crystallizers of commercial solar saltworks.
Seasonally operated solar saltworks in dry temperate climates that have well-
defined rainy and dry months (e.g., on the shores of the Black Sea, Mediter-
ranean Sea, San Francisco Bay, South China Sea) maintain a salinity gradient
throughout the ponds only during summer months, but continuously operat-
ed salinas in dry tropics (e.g., Bahamas, Brazil, Mexico, Western Australia)
maintain the gradient throughout the year. Unidirectional (downstream) brine
flow through the ponds may be continuous, or may proceed from pond to
pond after appropriate salinities are reached.
Brine of the highly saline concentrating ponds is saturated with calcium
carbonate and precipitates calcium sulfate (gypsum). Gypsum deposition at
S.G. 1.120 appears as small, widely scattered calcium sulfate crystals on
the surface of the benthic community. Precipitation downstream progresses
to thin, continuous sheets which become thick (often 25 mm to more than
100 mm) and firm near S.G. 1.180. As the brine approaches saturation with
sodium chloride, the quantity of gypsum diminishes. In crystallizers, gyp-
sum precipitates until about S.G. 1.230 is reached, but magnesium sulfate is
deposited at higher densities. Daytime temperatures of the brine of highly
saline concentrating ponds and crystallizers are well above ambient, the brine
pH varies from 7.4 to 7.9, and the dissolved organic content ranges from
50 to 200 mg L -1 (Sammy, 1983, original data). Reported concentrations
of combined nitrogen and phosphate, mainly from filtered samples, are near
15 #M for NH +, 10 #M for NO 3, and 1 #M for phosphate (Britten and John-
son, 1987; Coleman and White, 1993; Davis, 1978; Javor, 1983; Landry and
Jaccard, 1982; Nixon, 1970; Rahaman et al., 1993b; Sammy, 1983; original
In seasonal salinas, salt is precipitated on crystallizer floors of compacted
clay, marl, mud, or sand. At harvest time, the 5 to 15 cm layer of salt that
has been deposited and part of the floor materials are picked up by harvest
equipment, loaded onto vehicles, and transported to a salt washing facility.
Jets of seawater or brine under high pressure, and screens of appropriate mesh
sizes significantly decrease contaminants in the salt. In continuously operated
saltfields with seawater intake, or of saltworks with inland brine intake (e.g.,
La Pampa, Argentina, Lake MacLeod, Australia, and Sua Pan, Botswana), a
salt layer (10-15 cm or greater) deposited on the natural floors is not harvested
but becomes a 'salt floor' above which the harvestable salt is precipitated. The
'salt floor' allows a harvest relatively free of natural bottom contaminants,
and provides a firm base that supports harvest and grading machinery.
mg L ' I
:Brine: . . . . . .
1 9 . 0 0 mm 9 Layer 4 ~30
Fig. 1. Sectionof a bottom communityfrom a dry tropics pond at S.G. 1.120. Orthophosphate
in the brine and in each layer was measuredby a modificationof the method of Helyar and
Brown (1976).
floors. At saturation with sodium chloride, the few species that exist are often
present in high concentrations (Oren and Dubinsky, 1994).
In areas of the floors of highly saline ponds without gypsum or where gyp-
sum is present only in thin, isolated patches of crystals, the benthic community
forms a firm, multilayered structure 20 to 50 mm thick or greater. Figure 1 is
an example of a bottom community at S.G. 1.120 from a five-year-old pond.
The yellow, orange, or brown uppermost layer consists of blue-green algae
(Aphanothece halophytica, Oscillatoria sp., Spirulina sp., Xenococcus sp.),
green algae (Dunaliella salina), and aerobic halobacteria (mainly Halobac-
terium spp.), but diatoms, ciliates, flagellates, and other blue-green algae and
bacteria are also present. The second layer contains organisms similar to the
uppermost, but the algae are bright green. The third layer, bright red, is main-
ly constituted by the purple bacteria Chromatium sp. The lowermost layer
is gray to black and consists of Beggiatoa spp. and other anaerobic bacte-
ria, organic matter, and sulfide-rich muds. In areas of the floors completely
covered with gypsum, the benthic community has the aspect of a green lay-
er including Aphanothece halophytica, Dunaliella salina, Oscillatoria sp.,
flagellates, ciliates, and bacteria that grow among the bases of the gypsum
crystals, in the underlying organic matter and in the natural bottom soils. The
benthic community serves to strip and sequester minerals from the overlying
brine (Davis, 1990, 1993), control brine leakage (Davis, 1978; Jones et al.,
1981), and decrease the rate of gypsum accumulation (Geisler, 1982).
Worldwide, the planktonic community of the highly saline concentrat-
ing ponds consists mainly of Artemia spp. (brine shrimp), DunalielIa sali-
na, Ephydra (brine fly) larvae, chironomid larvae, and species of aerobic
halobacteria, but Aphanothece halophytica, and species of other algae, bac-
teria, flagellates and ciliates are also present. In the dry tropics salinas of
the Bahamas, Caribbean Sea, Israel, Mexico, and South America, the plank-
ton is supplemented by Myxobaktron salinum (Dactylococcopsis sp.) and/or
Synechococcus sp. (Golubic, 1980; original data), which appear abruptly near
the beginning of the high salinity range (S.G. 1.120) and disappear at satura-
tion with sodium chloride (Fig. 2). These highly vacuolate, non-mucilagenous
blue-green algae are yellow-orange, thrive in brines restricted to narrow salini-
ty ranges (Golubic, 1980; original data), adapt to high light intensities, and are
often present in concentrations that color the brine dark brown (original data;
Van Rijn and Cohen, 1983). The planktonic community serves to increase
solar energy absorption, elevate brine temperatures and evaporation (Davis,
1993; Jones et al., 1981, Tackaert and Sorgeloos, 1993), and strip important
quantities of combined nitrogen and phosphate from the brine (original data).
Large brine shrimp populations able to strip significant quantities of nutri-
ents from the brine are essential to salt production (Davis, 1980, 1990, 1993).
These animals thrive in the highly saline concentrating ponds, but their num-
bers and activities decline sharply in the crystallizers. Artemia ingest plank-
ton, organic and inorganic particulates in the brine, oxidize much of the
organic matter they ingest, and release waste products in membrane-bounded
fecal pellets which become incorporated into the benthic communities. Brine
shrimp ingest and utilize Dunaliella salina, Myxobaktron salinum, and Syne-
chococcus sp. (Davis, 1978; original data; Walsby et al., 1983). Mineral
b q
4 : i
trating ponds. The mineral stripping activities of the communities are then
severely diminished.
destroyed. Harvest then becomes difficult or impossible, and the ponds may
be abandoned or require expensive corrective action. Sarig et al. (1975) and
Sarig and Tartakovsky (1975) have reported that organic matter alters crystal
shape and prevents close coherence of crystals.
1Most managers of solar saltfields use specific gravity (S.G.) as an indirect measure of salinity,
and it is for this reason the S.G. is used in this paper rather than salinity per se.
2These values may be lower in some saltfields.
3If this is to be done, however, consideration should be given to conserve natural Artemia
populations (see Geddes and Williams, 1987).
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