DPP 102 D en
DPP 102 D en
DPP 102 D en
in action
t artist
a ba l
Women in combat!
The Warrior and orcs
Hello! In this opportunity, we are going to I have looked for images of orcs from
draw an illustration where we will see a movies like The Lord of the Rings, and also
powerful warrior who is ready to jump into spears, armor and other strange and
battle, carried on a shield by her soldiers. rather fantastic genre weapons, such as
Perhaps she is the powerful weapon that those commonly seen in video games. Also,
this army has. chain mail, medieval type, to protect the
The orcs charge her with strength and body of our heroine.
ferocity; she has a serene look, not at all
exalted, as if the success of the battle
depended on that calmness.
Well, here we go...
Planted basic scheme.
Step 1
and the main directions of the warrior on what will be the shield.
bodies, with their extremities and The volume of the shapes is not yet
their joints. Also, some important visible...
Now we add mass to the forms and one, everything becomes more
we begin to perceive the volume of complex and it will be the step that
Step 2
the bodies. We also added some will take us the most work. This
weapons of the warriors that would second step is the mainstay of
be behind the two main orcs. This everything that will have to be filled
step, as I said before, is with fine details.
fundamental, because in the next
Attention! There was no magic in leave it without doubts for the later
the middle, there was a lot of work inking. If the previous step, the 2nd
Step 3
time. Here I stop for a long time to one, doesn't have a good base, in this
work on every detail, I use the instance I won't feel confident. You
reference photos, plus my will notice that there are some
imagination; and I try to put all the strokes with black pencil... When I
meat on the grill. In fact, the pencil have some doubts about what I have
work is the part I enjoy the most, and already polished, I take a black
the one I concentrate on the most. I pencil and make a second polishing
usually solve everything here, to on top of it.
Hands to the ink!
Step 5
helped myself with fine markers, have to do things like the spears or
as well as a good brush. And I have the blades of the swords. The blue
made corrections with white pencil...
tempera. I try to leave the image
I erase it with the computer, in
Photoshop. When I digitize the
I hope you
liked this tutorial.
Step 6
image, raising the contrast, I take
the illustration to pure black and Greetings! Diego Aballay.-
white. And that's it! The image is
ready to be colorized.
The Warrior
and orcs
Repeat each step of the process and you will easily master its
construction. I advise you to make two more copies of each sheet to
make your practice more intense and productive. after completing this
exercise continue with the next part until the drawing is complete.
Step 1
The Warrior
and orcs
Repeat each step of the process and you will easily master its
construction. I advise you to make two more copies of each sheet to
make your practice more intense and productive. after completing this
exercise continue with the next part until the drawing is complete.
Step 2
The Warrior
and orcs
Repeat each step of the process and you will easily master its
construction. I advise you to make two more copies of each sheet to
make your practice more intense and productive. after completing this
exercise continue with the next part until the drawing is complete.
Step 3