Magazine Vol 8
Magazine Vol 8
Magazine Vol 8
The Zambian economic climate continues to edge towards reversing the downward trends
experienced last year. We are by no means out of the waters, but thereare a number of
economic indicators showing signs of stability. Stability has been seen from reducing interest
rates, stable exchange rates and reducing single digit inflation rates, all adding to positive
expectations for the coming months. The key will be how disciplined government will be in
implementing a strict fiscal policy.
From the insurance sector, we are all eagerly awaiting enactment of the Insurance Bill
2013, which is expected to go to Parliament this year. We are confident that once the Act is
enacted it will positively impact the performance of the insurance sector. The deadline for
implementation of the increased minimum capital requirements is fast approaching and my
appeal to all members who are below the minimum required capital, is to ensure that your
shareholders are adequately advised and that the regulator is updated regularly on plans of
individual members recapitalising prior to the deadline date. Members are also encouraged
to use this opportunity to also explore options of mergers which will allow entities to come
together, combining not only capital, but technical skills and knowhow which can only be
beneficial for our insuring public.
The Social Protection Bill, formulated under the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, will likely
have an impact on private Pension Schemes. And then there are the dynamics surrounding
efforts to formulate a basic pension for those working in the informal sector, as well as a basic
national health insurance programme. These are still in formulation stage and we will continue
to monitor progress with much interest, providing input as stakeholders on various platforms.
The insurance sector must also be ready to adapt once these changes are passed.
In our continued efforts to increase the number of Zambians that take up insurance, we must
look beyond the positive impact of change in legislation, to ways we can directly engage the
public and stimulate increased demand. This will, however, only be fruitful if we go the extra mile
to educate clients, to outline clear complaints procedures in the event that a customer is not
satisfied, and to make more use of mass and social media. Decisions are shaped by knowledge,
and we can shape how people respond to risk management needs by the information we give
the general public.
We also hope that the insurance Journal will stimulate discussion on all things insurance and
serve as a tool that contributes to consumer awareness and industry collaboration. In this
latest edition, we look at how insurance is vital for further economic growth, we are reminded
to uphold a customer-centric business approach and we are urged to invest in tomorrow’s
leaders, the next generation. We hope that you will find these articles insightful and that they
will contribute positively to your endeavours.
The need to know Index, because GDP will not for millions around the world,
indicate the distribution of wealth including addressing the dire
The role of insurance in sustaining and resources and may distort our needs for health, education and
and growing the economy is understanding of poverty levels, combating poverty, among others.
rarely understood. Even other while several other indicators such
practitioners in the wider financial as lower middle-income status are In line with the 17 goals, several
sector have not fully appreciated also used. Whatever parameters international cooperating partners
the role of insurance. Risk you use, the general goal is to foster have recognised the role insurance
management takes many forms, an increase in national wealth and plays in development, as can be
and insurance is an important secure long-term financial well- demonstrated by the projects
means of transferring the being of our citizens. Long term, undertaken in this regard. The
financial risk. Productivity, skills sustainable wealth creation and International Labour Organisation
development, wealth distribution equitable economic opportunities (ILO) Impact Insurance
and prudent financial oversight are are our goal if Zambia is to develop programmes are designed to
essential ingredients for any lasting beyond this stage. And insurance encourage growth of insurance in
and meaningful development. plays an integral part. developing nations as a means of
But insurance provides that safety poverty reduction and protecting
mechanism that prevents all these The United Nations Sustainable the livelihood of those in the
economic gains from being swept Development goals also informal sector. Their initiatives
away by one misfortune. highlight the same areas for includes providing online courses
human development [For more in Microinsurance which are
There are many ways that economic on SDGs visit: http://www. available at no cost. Another
growth is measured, most organisation that has recognised
commonly using GDP, the measure sustainable-development-goals/]. the value of insurance for
of the value of total number of The SDGs have taken over from the development is the Financial Sector
goods and services produced in Millennium Development Goals as Deepening Africa Programme,
a nation. Some are beginning to the broad international focus for with localised initiative in several
favour the Human Development improving the standard of living African countries. The Financial
Collaborating for
The importance of collaboration and Zambian Reinsurance to two income generating sectors in
in the growth of the Insurance and Moroccan like-minded which women are heavily involved,
Market is necessary especially from organisations aimed at enhancing that is market trading and farming.
government who are currently intergovernmental co-operation. It is estimated that women make up
being lobbied by the Insurance Industry has also engaged with 46% of the agricultural labour force
Industry on various matters. government through the regulator, (FAOSTAT, 2014) and that the
Collaborations with various private the Pensions and Insurance majority of marketeers in Zambia
sector entities are also required, Authority (PIA), to propose are women. It can therefore be
especially in the distribution of adjustments to the Insurance Bill assumed that a product targeting
Insurance products. in order to bring it up to date and these two informal sectors would
it is hoped that the Bill will be help in uplifting the women folk
Government’s involvement in passed in 2017. Government, as and contribute significantly to
promoting the growth of the per the President’s September 2016 accommodating the financially
Insurance industry has been Official Opening of the twelfth excluded populace, which for
evidenced by the signing of National Assembly address, also females stands at about 53%
various agreements in the presence demonstrated its commitment to (Finscope 2015).
of the Republican President, passing the Social Health Insurance
His excellency, Edgar Chagwa Bill. The MOU was signed on the 14th
Lungu and the King of Morocco, January 2017 between Liberty Life
Mohammed VI of Morocco, One private sector collaboration Zambia, Uniturtle and Zambia
between Zambian Industry players worth mentioning is the National Marketeers Credit
such as the Insurers Association Memorandum of Understanding Association (ZANAMACA).
of Zambia (IAZ), ZISC General (MOU) to offer funeral insurance Liberty Life Zambia, which
achievements. The criteria adopted Her strategic contribution yielded Innovative Customer Solutions,
were: great results in the Individual Life Seamless Distribution Experience
and Group Life product lines, with and Extraordinary Capable People.
• Marketing Competencies notable success in standalone in-
force book growing by 60% year-on- Chilufya holds a Master of Science
• Strategic Perspective & Future year by end of 3rd Quarter 2016. Degree in Global Consumer
Orientation Marketing (MSc MCM) with the
Chilufya is a full member of the University of Liverpool (UK), a
• Traack Record, Integrity and Ethics Chartered Institute of Marketing Professional Post Graduate Diploma
• Commitment to Sustainability (MCIM) and Zambia Institute of (DipCIM) with Chartered Institute
(Business, Social & Environmental) Marketing (MZIM); in additional of Marketing (UK) and graduated
to being an Alumni Member of her studies in Innovation & Strategy
Through her hard work, dedication the University of Liverpool and Programme with University of
and tenacity, Chilufya helped University of Oxford – Said Business Oxford – Said Business School (UK).
Barclays Life Zambia by delivering School. She continues to demonstrate
an innovative Short to Medium leadership in her current role as We look forward to seeing more
Term Strategy Plan which grew the Head of Business Development for Zambian pioneers taking centre
bank’s standalone sales after the Barclays Life Zambia Limited. She stage on the international scene.
revenue from Credit Life came under is currently prioritizing the strategic
pressure due to reduced lending. themes of Operational Excellence,
By Collins Hamusonde
The story of Joseph in the Old fruitful, making productive use resources available to produce and
Testament of the Bible has of their resources, must multiply grow must never be completely
intrigued me from my early what they have when their be worn out. The Brundtland
childhood and I grew up being efforts produce results, and must commission described sustainable
taught that Joseph was an honest replenish or add lasting value when development as follows:
man with good values. In my later they shape the company and make
years I came to learn that some it stronger. This is the key to the “Sustainable development is
of the most important values sustainable development of any development that meets the
are service, excellence, integrity corporation. needs of the present without
and stewardship. However, I was compromising the ability of future
always puzzled by the fact that These three key words, fruitful, generations to meet their own
such a virtuous young man was multiply and replenish, describe needs.’’ Only a good steward will
misunderstood and disliked and what employees and corporate take care of what and how they do
ultimately went through much entities in the business world need things today in order to positively
hardship. I hope you will indulge to do if we are to make progress. impact future generations.
my reference to this story for the We must multiply the resources
purpose of making a point about given to us by shareholders, There are few more inspiring
sustainable growth. we must grow the business we rags to riches stories than that of
must be ambitious and finally Joseph, as cited earlier. This young
The business world has over the we must replenish, generating man was sold into slavery and
years adopted an understanding more resources for growth and within a few years of his forced
that with good stewardship, staff investment. The shareholder must labour he rose to be in charge of
will impact on company processes, get his return on investment, the his master’s household; Potiphar
departments and teams and leave employee must get his pay equal to did not bother getting involved in
them even better than they found his work, the business must get its daily management except what he
them. Every employee must be returned earning and reinvest. The it came to deciding what he would
Supported by
3. Customer Centricity
Through this Partnership, ZCPIT is poised to bring to Zambia global qualifications in securities and
investments that are of particular relevance to individuals working in either financial services sector
or with financial services clients. The partnership between ZCPIT and CISI has the support of the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in Zambia.
Mr Julu Simuule, Executive Director for ZCPIT, had the following to say about the partnership: “It
is an exciting moment for us to have successfully signed the partnership agreement with CISI. It
is indeed the dawn of the new era for the capital markets in Zambia. ZCPIT has been associated
with the training of professionals for capital markets in Zambia for over ten (10) years through the
Investment Advisors and Stockbrokers Course – conducted in collaboration with the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Lusaka Stock Exchange Limited (LuSE). It is our sincere hope
that as we bring to our doorstep the new global qualification in investments and securities, we shall
continue make a positive contribution to the growth of the capital markets in Zambia.”
Kevin Moore Chartered MCSI, Director, Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment said: “We
are delighted to welcome ZCIPT as an Accredited Training Partner (ATP) in Zambia. This is an exciting
and valuable collaboration to provide training for CISI’s internationally recognised qualifications on
the ground, in Zambia. The CISI has a range of qualifications that enhance employability for those
aspiring to enter the financial sector, as well as develop the knowledge and skills of professionals
throughout their careers.”
Training for the International Introduction to Securities and Investments (IISI) Award is scheduled to
commence on 5 June 2017 at ZCPIT in Lusaka.
Dynamics in the insurance who will continue to apply old to exclusivity of insurance
industry have significantly tactics risk going out of business. knowledge, it is all in the
changed over the years. The way Today’s busy customer will not airwaves. It is unlike the days of
things were done 10 to 15 years accept unnecessary delays in old where insurance seemed to
ago is different from the current issuing their policy document, be a secret society where only
environment. nor is he willing to entertain members of the industry had the
unsubstantiated reasons for knowhow which was only shared
The industry has transitioned delaying to pay a claim. amongst themselves.
from a monopolistic market set The red tape that was applied
up of about 24 years ago to free The knowledgeable consumer in the past can no longer hold
market with few competitors of of today knows better what today. For a decision to be made,
about 10 years ago. Today it’s not insurance is and also his a file had to pass through several
just competition that is stiff with rights. If he doesn’t understand hands with each person enjoying
more insurers than commercial anything he will simply go on the holding on to a bunch of files
banks, the customer is more internet and be able to find that in his tray and felt he could not
knowledgeable than yesteryears information which the insurer be pushed to make a decision
let alone the improved regulation. may not even be aware of. although this was at the expense
of customer service.
It therefore means those insurers Insurers are no longer privileged
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27 ZambianInsurance
By Kutemba Chinyemba
Mr Cheswa, walked through the offender, a Toyota Hiace minibus In return, she would get a token
front doors of the XYZ Insurance driver had insurance. The driver of appreciation of 25% from the
Company on a slow Monday at confirmed that he did and showed same amount. The Family obliges.
17:30 - past working hours. He him his insurance certificate. After all, they may never be able to
didn’t even bother to speak to the Mumba is satisfied. Unfortunately, travel to the Insurance Company
secretary. He went straight to the his own insurance expired a month in Lusaka to claim for themselves.
Managing Director’s office. His ago…he realised there would be a The insurance company paid
crispy charcoal grey suit, platinum problem during the claims process out. The case was closed. Mrs X
collectible watch and subtle even if he was not the one at fault. then looked around for the next
perfume spoke of wealth. He was He told the driver to meet him funeral hoping it would be a death
there to move his fleet of trucks at the police station. Meanwhile, claim or maybe an injury claim
from another insurer to XYZ. he called his friend who called an involving a motor vehicle with
After he had gone, Management accomplice to back date cover. The valid insurance.
of the company celebrated, they claim goes through. His car was Thandiwe was not smiling because
did not even bother to check the repaired. her vehicle was hit from behind.
claims history. They had won the She had been moving with a
business and beat their premium In another location – Chirundu broken tail light for the past three
target for the quarter. Two days to be precise, a tragic accident months, but she had no intention
later, a claim is brought in - almost occurred; a cyclist was hit and died of revealing that fact. When giving
ten times the premium. The claim on the spot. A claim was submitted her statement at the police, she
is processed and an administrator shows up to asserted that even the taillight was
see the insurer. The administrator, damaged in the same incident. A
It was about 16:30 along Great a Mrs X, had no connection with quotation was done for both the
East Road. Martin was stuck the deceased yet purported to bumper and the tail light, raising
in traffic, anxious to get home. represent the family. She was the cost of the claim, and the
Suddenly someone hit his vehicle able to convince the family, who insurer pays. No one noticed that
from behind. He stepped out of are unfortunately illiterate, to only the bumper was damaged by
his BMW 7 series, asked if the accept an offer of K16, 000.00. the impact.
Word Search
a r j s g y p k l d n j n e p
e t e e r e t i s o h b w t r
d t u t r o a i i i u g o a o
r y a i r b t s u r r n d c t
e r l m i o n c g n o l k i e
r a e l i e s l a i n s a f c
i u i x t x a p t r f a e i t
f t c x c r o a e r t z r t i
y c e t y e l r n c p n b r o
m a u w z s s b p e t o o e n
o n n o i t a s n e p m o c r
t y s g u n d e r w r i t e r
o q e y t i n m e d n i s r f
r l r e i n s u r e r v r p g
b r o k e r t n e g a r e v a
Africa Pride Insurance Temba Chibare Unit 2, Plot No. 35991A, 0211-253086
Company Ltd [email protected] Thabo Mbeki Road, Lusaka /348/013
2nd Floor, Kafue House,
Barclays Life Mugove Nyimo 0211-366246
Nairobi Place, Cairo
Zambia Ltd [email protected] /366100
Road, Lusaka
Diamond General Edna Kalenga Diamond Park, Alick 0211-253740
Insurance Ltd [email protected] Nkhata Road, Lusaka
Focus General Barbara Mwandila 2nd Floor, Pangaea Office 0211-291311-4
Insurance Ltd [email protected] Park, Great East Road, Lusaka 259977/8
Innovate General Jack Kamau 2nd Floor, Kwacha 966744272
Insurance Ltd [email protected] Pension House, Lusaka
Kenya Reinsurance Selemani Tembo DG Office Park, Chila Road, 977197776
Corporation Ltd [email protected] Kabulonga, Lusaka
Liberty Life Mark A. Gobie 1st Floor, Kwacha 0211-255536
Insurance (z) Limited [email protected] Pension House, Stand 0963-216045
4604, Tito Road, Lusaka
Madison General Chabala Lumbwe Madison House, 0211-378700-5
Insurance Ltd [email protected] Plot 318 Independence
Avenue, P.O. Box
NICO Insurance Geoffrey Chirwa 1131 Corner
Zambia Ltd [email protected] Parirenyatwa & Protea 0211-258884
Roads, Fairview, Lusaka
Phoenix of Zambia Assur- Trevor Jengajenga Plot 251/441A,Zambezi 0211-233956
ance Company (2009) Ltd [email protected] Road, Roma
Plot No. 2341 0211-235046
Regent Life Limited Juliet Sampa Mambilima House, 0211-234962
[email protected] Kabelenga Road, Lusaka 0211-234946
Sanlam Life Simachila Makwembo Corner of Ituna/Nasser 0211-257713
Insurance Zambia [email protected] Roads, Lusaka
Veritas General Geoffrey Mkandawire Plot BRT6/60, Kabulonga 0211-266307
Insurance Ltd [email protected] Road, Lusaka
Plot 110a/24 Polonalio
Zambian Reinsurance Webster Chigwende
Miti Road, Villa Elizabetha 0211-232820
Company Limited [email protected] , Lusaka