Risk Adjustment Market Approach Supporting
Risk Adjustment Market Approach Supporting
Risk Adjustment Market Approach Supporting
Abstract: Companies whose data can be found in databases usually are not comparable enough
to the valuation subject to assure direct use of their multiples (i.e. to assure reliability of valuation
resulting from direct use of their multiples). Key differences usually relate to size, but also to other
characteristics (financial performance, territory, business profile, expected growth, etc.), all of
impact on specific risks. This paper shows how to adjust multiples for risk profile differences to
achieve satisfactory level of comparability and consequent reliability of valuation on the example
of airline company.
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Milenković N. Market Multiples Adjustments for Differences in Risk Profile – An Airline Company Example
These factors are very often determined valuation subject operates represents a
subjectively, based on qualitative analysis of simple modification of country risk which
risk profile and the appraiser’s experience. is used in determining the discount rate and
However, it is precisely the subjectivity of is calculated as follows:
such an approach that represents its greatest
weakness, because the result is directly (1)
dependent on the level of adjustment, and
is perforce subject to error and even to
manipulation. That is why it is much better where:
if the adjustment factor is determined Madj – adjusted multiple,
using a quantitative method. It is desirable, Mor – original multiple,
therefore, for factors that are taken into YTM B – yield to maturity of government
account for the adjustment to be consistent bonds of the benchmark country,
with factors that were used in determining YTMC – yield to maturity of government
the discount rate as part of the income bonds of the country of the valuation subject.
The prerequisite for use of this method
The paper considers the most common is for comparable bonds to have identical
quantitative methods and techniques for maturities (measured in days). If this is
adjusting multiples. Special attention is not the case, the yield to maturity needs to
given to methods that include individual be recalculated in order for currency and
or combined consideration of risk factors maturity to be the same (Ivashkovskaya and
which is consistently or directly linked to Kuznetsov (2007) recalculate maturities
the discount rate. using regression).
International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2015, 5(1): 17 - 28
average multiples for the entire economy 3. Adjustments for Differences in other
of two countries in a specific time period. Risk Factors
After this, such a general ratio is applied to
specific multiples calculated from the sample A s already mentioned, dif ferences in
of comparable companies. market conditions of doing business are
often not the only significant differences
(2) between companies whose data is available
in databases and publications and the
where all symbols carry the same meaning valuation subject company. That is why an
as in Eq. (1). unavoidable step in using market multiples
includes a detailed analysis of individual
This method is slightly better than the risk factors of companies in the sample and
previous one, because the average multiple the valuation subject company, based on
for the entire country also includes other which it is concluded whether a certain factor
risks, beside the basic country risk. It can also has a dominant role or whether differences
be applied to all types of multiples. However, are evenly distributed (sometimes they
in order for it to be applicable, it is necessary also relate to factors that cannot be directly
for the country where the valuation subject is quantified). Depending on the results of
located to have an active securities market, the analysis, adjustment methods are used
for accounting standards to be comparable for individual factors or for the risk profile
and for a sufficiently large number of as a whole.
companies to be included in order for the
multiple to be considered representative. It 3.1. Adjustments for Individual Risk
is precisely for this reason that this method Factors
would not provide sufficiently reliable results
for companies in Serbia. The most frequently identified individual
risk factors that are dominantly incomparable
Adjustments using regression analysis are are expected profit growth and company size.
based on the idea that the value of a multiple Namely, it is common for larger companies
depends on the fundamental variable on and companies with faster expected growth
which it is based and on the dummy variable to have higher multiples than those that are
which represents the country/market where smaller and that have lower expectations in
business is conducted. Prerequisites for the the future.
use of this method are similar as with the
relative ratio of multiples. Depending on Based on the relationship between the most
data availability, this method frequently general multiple P/E, risk rate and long-
provides excellent results. Also, it can be term growth rate (for further details see
expended by adding variables (actual or Appendix 2) and the fact that both factors are
dummy) that relate to other risk factors additive in the denominator of the ratio (10),
such as commercial activity, size, growth, a formula has been derived for adjustment of
etc. (for more details see Ivashkovskaya and multiples for individual risk factors which is
Kuznetsov, 2007; Welc, 2011; Acosta, 2011). as follows for a general case:
Milenković N. Market Multiples Adjustments for Differences in Risk Profile – An Airline Company Example
International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2015, 5(1): 17 - 28
The adjustments described in Eqs. (4) and 3.2. Adjustments for Combined Risk
(5) relate to the P/E multiple. In order for it Factors through the Discount Rate
to be applicable to other multiples, additional
adjustments need to be made, which for a W hen a na lysis does not point to t he
general case can be presented as: dominant effect of any particular risk factor
or there are several significant factors, so
(6) successive adjustments would reduce the
multiple to an illogically small value or, on
the other hand, there are significant specific
where: risks that are not typical for companies in
α –modifying coefficient for variations in developed markets, it is the best solution
the multiple denominator, to combine all factors through the discount
ε – modifying coefficient for variations in rate, as follows:
the multiple numerator.
The equivalent for the P/E multiple applicable
for i nvested capita l is M V IC/EBI AT
(Earnings Before Interest After Taxes). Given where DR stands for the discount rate, while
that the size risk premium is part of the cost of other symbols and indices remain as before.
equity, it will affect WACC only to the extent
that equity participates in the invested capital The “adjusting” discount rate for comparable
(see Appendix 3). Hence, in order for Eq. (5) companies is calculated in usual way (see
to be applicable to the MVIC multiple, the Appendix 3). In doing so, the risk free rate,
adjustment factor must be multiplied by the country risk and risk premium for size are
modifying coefficient ε, which represents the taken from actual data for the country and
share of equity in invested capital. the company, while for other components
average values (best to use median values) of
Furthermore, if the use of a multiple which the entire sample of comparable companies
is based on another earnings measure are taken.
Milenković N. Market Multiples Adjustments for Differences in Risk Profile – An Airline Company Example
Since the ratio of rates is a relative (unnamed) creditors and lessors, as loans are expensive
number, this method can be applied to and often secured by very mobile and saleable
any multiple, with one (methodo)logical asset, i.e. aircraft. On the other hand, reward
limitation: the multiple numerator and for equity owners is permanently below the
discount rates used must be consistent. In opportunity cost, measured by WACC.
other words, there is no sense in adjusting According to IATA (2014), although trends
equity multiples by ratio of two WACCs. are improving during the last two years and
expected ROIC (return on invested capital)
A lternatively, the discount rates of the for 2014 is 5.4%, it is “more than 2 percentage
valuation subject company and comparable points lower than it should be in an industry
companies can be used in Eq. (5) instead of that is highly competitive” (IATA, 2014).
SRP, where as in the previous method, care
should be taken of the consistency between However, not all companies fit in this profile.
the multiple and the discount rate. Of course, Some of them are in deleveraging process,
introduction of coefficient α is mandatory, while others restructure its debt increasing
representing the ratio between net profit use of leasing (both operating and financial);
and cash flow. Besides conjoint capturing they operate in different countries, with
of more risks, the advantage of this method different degree of government regulations;
lies in its simplicity (data has already been different business models are in place as
collected for determining the discount rate well as different stages in lifecycle. A lot
for the income approach), as well as in its of those differences are not clearly visible
direct link to the income approach. Thus it or assessable from information available in
is highly unlikely for results to differ to such databases. Multiple adjustments procedure
an extent that the market approach cannot be is illustrated on the example of regional
applied. Should this nevertheless happens, airline company; as it is real company, for
it is necessary to reconsider the selection of confidentiality reasons here it is named
companies, assumptions and calculations in Eastern Air. Basic company financials are
the income approach, and in the event of a shown in Table 1.
significant difference in expected growth, it
is sometimes necessary to apply an additional Table 1
adjustment for this factor. Basic Financials for Eastern Air for the Last Fiscal Year
Eastern Air 000 USD
4. An Illustrative Example: Airline
Book Value of Equity 74.90
Company Total Debt (Leasing) 2,801.90
Invested Capital(D+E) 2,876.80
A good example of combined risk factors are Cash 1.00
companies from airline industry. In brief, Enterprise Value 2,875.80
industry economic profile is characterized Debt to Invested Capital ratio (D/D+E) 97.40%
by low profits, high indebtedness and uneven Debt to Equity ratio (D/E) 3740.86%
distribution of returns and risk across the Revenues 6,489.90
value chain (a thorough analysis of air EBITDA 659.60
transport value chain is presented in Pearce EBIT 50.02
(2013)). Regarding investment attractiveness, Net Income (16.22)
air industry rewards debt providers, both Source: Financial statements for the last fiscal year
International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2015, 5(1): 17 - 28
The company operates mostly in Europe, Having relatively new fleet, well operating
having a few intercontinental lines as well. regional lines and access to some interesting
The majority owner is state, and minority airports, the company could be a desirable
shareholders are also mostly government acquisition target. For the purpose of
institutions. Shares are not quoted on the illustration it is assumed that potential
local stock exchange. acquirer’s consultant is asked to conduct
a qu ick i nd icat ive va luat ion. Ma rket
The company is highly indebted and whole multiples are often the first choice. The
debt is in form of leasing. Bad management consultant formed peer group, using data
combined with high interest expenses lead from Damodaran database (available from
company to loss making zone, so the book Internet: <www.damodaran.com>, free of
value of equity is very low. charge). Multiples are shown in Table 2.
Table 2
Market Multiples
Market Multiples - Unadjusted
Market Market EV/ EV/ EV/
Company Name Country PE PS
Finnair Oyj Finland 489.2 73.44% 16.31 0.15 11.23 8.95 0.51
Air France-KLM SA France 3,092.6 87.67% NA 0.09 35.01 12.56 0.59
Aegean Airlines S.A. Greece 575.3 36.65% 7.41 0.66 3.99 270.17 0.68
Icelandair Group hf. Iceland 788.2 29.55% 13.76 0.88 8.17 8.46 1.01
Aer Lingus Group plc Ireland 939.3 49.42% 22.31 0.51 16.51 8.10 0.78
Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA Norway 1,090.1 74.05% 12.17 0.47 NA 20.17 1.66
Aeroflot - Russian Airlines Russia 2,688.5 67.13% 6.25 0.33 9.04 11.37 0.91
Transaero Airlines Russia 725.8 77.41% 21.86 0.23 13.90 12.23 0.99
UTair Aviation Russia 393.3 83.85% 28.50 0.15 5.41 8.27 0.92
SAS AB Sweden 845.5 67.79% 30.75 0.13 3.51 3.64 0.29
Türk Hava Yollari A.O. Turkey 4,140.1 59.08% 7.72 0.50 9.50 7.44 1.11
Pegasus Hava Tasimaciligi
Turkey 1,729.5 29.97% 17.49 1.61 8.93 12.03 1.85
Anonim Sirket
Median 67.46% 16.31 0.40 9.04 10.16 0.92
Comparing Eastern Air’s profile with peer are data in database about debt structure and
group, it is obvious that all selected companies amount of leasing, there are no information
are much bigger, are settled in more developed on type and terms of leasing. A ll those
countries and are less indebted. Moreover, differences and potential differences make
there is no information about assets/f leet multiple adjustments necessary.
values, but comparing EBITDA and EBIT
multiples it seems that i) depreciation share in In calculation of “adjusting” WACC for
revenue is lower in comparable companies and comparable companies and Eastern Air
ii) some of the companies have non-cash non- the build-up method is selected and the
operating revenues. Finally, although there following components are used (Table 3):
Milenković N. Market Multiples Adjustments for Differences in Risk Profile – An Airline Company Example
Table 3
“Adjusting” WACC Calculation
Risk- Cost of Cost of Adj.
Company Name ERP CRP SRP E/D+E
free Equity Debt WACC
Finnair Oyj 4.00% 5.50% 0.0% 2.65% 12.15% 4.75% 32.54% 7.16%
Air France-KLM SA 4.00% 5.50% 0.6% 1.20% 11.30% 4.75% 32.54% 6.88%
Aegean Airlines S.A. 4.00% 5.50% 8.5% 2.65% 20.65% 4.75% 32.54% 9.92%
Icelandair Group hf. 4.00% 5.50% 2.4% 1.88% 13.78% 4.75% 32.54% 7.69%
Aer Lingus Group plc 4.00% 5.50% 2.4% 1.88% 13.78% 4.75% 32.54% 7.69%
Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA 4.00% 5.50% 0.0% 1.88% 11.38% 4.75% 32.54% 6.91%
Aeroflot - Russian Airlines 4.00% 5.50% 1.6% 1.20% 12.30% 4.75% 32.54% 7.21%
Transaero Airlines 4.00% 5.50% 1.6% 2.65% 13.75% 4.75% 32.54% 7.68%
UTair Aviation 4.00% 5.50% 1.6% 2.94% 14.04% 4.75% 32.54% 7.77%
Türk Hava Yollari A.O. 4.00% 5.50% 2.5% 1.01% 13.01% 4.75% 32.54% 7.44%
Pegasus Hava Tasimaciligi
4.00% 5.50% 2.5% 1.82% 13.82% 4.75% 32.54% 7.70%
Anonim Sirket
Eastern Air 4.00% 5.50% 4.00% 12.06% 25.56% 4.75% 32.54% 11.52%
In final step, consultant calculated two multiples (Table 4). Then median value
adjusting factors, one for equity multiples of each multiple is selected and applied to
(ratio between two costs of equity) and for appropriate earnings level of Eastern Air.
enterprise value multiples (ratio between For the simplicity purpose, discount and
two WACCs) and applied them to market premiums were not applied.
International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2015, 5(1): 17 - 28
Table 4
Adjusted Multiples and Valuation Analysis
Market Multiples - Adjusted
Adj.factor Adj.factor
Company Name for equity for EV PE PS
multiples multiples
Finnair Oyj 0.48 0.62 7.75 0.07 6.98 5.56 0.32
Air France-KLM SA 0.44 0.60 NA 0.04 20.91 7.50 0.35
Aegean Airlines S.A. 0.81 0.86 5.99 0.53 3.44 232.71 0.59
Icelandair Group hf. 0.54 0.67 7.42 0.47 5.45 5.65 0.67
Aer Lingus Group plc 0.54 0.67 12.03 0.27 11.02 5.41 0.52
Norwegian Air Shuttle
0.45 0.60 5.42 0.21 NA 12.09 1.00
Aeroflot - Russian
0.48 0.63 3.01 0.16 5.65 7.11 0.57
Transaero Airlines 0.54 0.67 11.76 0.12 9.26 8.15 0.66
UTair Aviation 0.55 0.67 15.65 0.08 3.65 5.58 0.62
SAS AB 0.45 0.60 13.69 0.06 2.10 2.18 0.17
Türk Hava Yollari A.O. 0.51 0.65 3.93 0.25 6.13 4.80 0.72
Pegasus Hava
Tasimaciligi Anonim 0.54 0.67 9.46 0.87 5.97 8.04 1.24
Median 7.75 0.18 5.97 6.38 0.60
Multiple base Earnings Sales EBIT EBITDA Sales
Eastern Air actuals (16.2) 6,489.9 50.0 659.6 6,489.9
Enterprise value 298.6 4,207.4 3,914.6
Interest bearing debt (2,801.9) (2,801.9) (2,801.9)
Cash 1.0 1.0 1.0
Preliminary value (125.8) 1,194.3 (2,502.3) 1,406.5 1,113.7
Appraised value
of equity, non-
0 1,200.0 0 1,400.0 1,100.0
marketable (rounded)
As earnings and EBIT multiple give negative world valuation, the result would be either
values, resulting value of equity would be value range from 1.1 to 1.4 mil.USD or single
zero, but due to negative earnings and very point value - the most probably, value based
low EBIT, those two multiples should have on EBITDA multiple, i.e. 1.4 mil.USD (final
been excluded from the analysis at the value reconciliation and discussion is beyond
beginning (left here for illustration). In real the scope of this paper).
Milenković N. Market Multiples Adjustments for Differences in Risk Profile – An Airline Company Example
International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2015, 5(1): 17 - 28
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