Phriendly Phishing - Scan For S.C.a.M.-poster
Phriendly Phishing - Scan For S.C.a.M.-poster
Phriendly Phishing - Scan For S.C.a.M.-poster
Think S.C.A.M.!
Can you spot
the S.C.A.M.
tactics used Account Reactivation
Accounts <[email protected]>
in this email? Inbox
Recently we have reactivated the product for your account and you can tak advantage in the next
24 hours. You were given a prize worth $1k and you can claim it right now.
You have 24 hours or else it will expire. It will NOT be able to get re-instated. This will be your last notice.
– Support
If you no longer wish ro recieve communication from us, please manage your subscription HERE.
Sender Content
Who is really sending you What’s in the contents
the email? of the email?
Action Manage
What does the email want It’s a S.C.A.M.! What should
you to do? you do?
Be careful of clickbait tactics such as: • D on’t ever respond to a SCAM email.
• S
ense of urgency – getting you to act • Don’t do anything that the SCAM email
(or click) quickly without thinking. wants you to do.
• Notify your company’s IT service
• S
ense of curiosity – the need to know
desk immediately.
or learn more. | [email protected]