BT1 Handout - 01 Concrete (REV20210114)
BT1 Handout - 01 Concrete (REV20210114)
BT1 Handout - 01 Concrete (REV20210114)
o Regained knowledge of concrete construction. o
English inventors began experimenting with both
natural and artificially produced cements. o Joseph
Aspdin, in 1824, patented an artificial cement that he CONCRETE
named portland cement, after English Portland From (Allen & Iano, 2008, p. 528)
1. Concrete has no form of its’ own.
1850’S – REINFORCED CONCRETE o - The designer and builder must learn to produce
Reinforced concrete, in which steel bars are concrete of consistent and satisfactory quality, to
embedded to resist tensile forces, was developed in combine concrete skillfully with steel reinforcing
the 1850s by several people simultaneously. o to bring out the best structural characteristics of
Among them were the Frenchman J. L. Lambot, who each material, and to mold and shape it to forms
built several reinforced concrete boats in Paris in appropriate to its qualities and to our building
1854, and an American, Thaddeus Hyatt, who made needs.
and tested a number of reinforced concrete beams. - The provision for forming and molding is required
o But the combination of steel and concrete did not before placing for setting and curing.
come into widespread use until a French 2. Inherently strong in compression but weak in
gardener, Joseph Monier, obtained a patent for tension (steel reinforcement is required to handle
reinforced concrete flower pots in 1867 and went tensile and shear stresses)
on to build concrete water tanks and bridges of 3. Capable of being formed into any shape with
the new material. variety of surface finishes, textures and patterns 4.
Relatively low-cost and inherently fire-resistant 5.
END OF 19TH CENTURY Liability is its own weight (150 lbs/cu.ft)
o Engineering design methods had been developed
for structures of reinforced concrete and a number PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE
of major structures had been built. From (Underwood & Chiuini, 2007, p. 551)
From (Ching, 2012, p. 40)
Source: (Ultratech
Cement, 2014)
CONCRETE MIXTURE / INGREDIENTS OF b) Coarse Aggregates / Gravel
CONCRETE - Consisting of crushed stone, gravel, or
1. Cement - a calcined mixture of clay and limestone, blast-furnace slag having particles larger
finely pulverized and used as an ingredient in than the ¼ in. (6.4mm)
concrete and mortar. The term is frequently used
incorrectly for concrete.
Cement, 2014)
Source: (UltraTech
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Building Technology 1 | ARC1112 | Building Materials Concrete
architectural effect.
• Dispersal Agents- prevents bleeding of
concrete from concrete.
3. Water
- The water used in a concrete or mortar mix, • Bonding Agent – either metallic
exclusive of any absorbed by the aggregate and aggregate (bonding thru oxidation and
free of such harmful substance as organic expansion) or synthetic latex emulsion
material, clay and salts. Water fit for drinking is (sprayed or painted to coalesce and
generally acceptable. (Ching, 2012, p. 41.) bond) to improve the bond between old
a) Water Cement Ratio and new concrete.
- Water cement ratio controls the strength, • Air – Entraining Agent – can be inter
durability and water tightness of hardened ground during manufacturing of Type I,II
concrete. and III cement. Enables the concrete to
- Based on Abram’s Law (D.A. Abrams, 1919) be highly resistant against corrosion.
“the compressive strength of concrete is • Gas Forming Agent – develops the
inversely proportional to the ratio of water to potential strength of a concrete.
cement” • Non-Skid Surfaces - use abrasive
- The Average water-cement ratio is 6 gallons material in topping to produced un
per 40 kg. of cement bag. slippery surface for pavement
- Effects of water to the Concrete Mixture: • construction.
Too much water will weaken concrete. • Little • Hardener – chemical/fine metallic
water is dense but causes difficulty in aggregate improve the density of
placement and workability of concrete surface subject to impact and
concrete. wear.
• Excessive water causes bleeding and • Accelerator – Speeds up the setting of
laitance. concrete to reduce the whole curing
period or for early removal of forms.
4. Admixtures • Retarder – delays or extend the setting
4.1 Types of Admixtures and its Effects to the time of concrete especially during hot
Concrete Mixtures weather condition (hydration
• Pozzolanic Admixture – used as accelerates curing) allowing more time
substitute for cement (35%) for to place, consolidate and finish the
structures in high temperatures and concrete.
seawater installation or as additives to
decrease the weight of a concrete per CONCRETE PROPORTIONING
cubic foot (see Table 1)
• Water Reducing Admixture – an agent or
super plasticizers that improves
workability and maintain consistency of
• Coloring Agent – are pigments or dyes
mixed into topping to render/alter color
evenly to concrete surface
• Surface Sealing Agents – liquid waxes
sprayed over the surface that is easily
removed after curing. Prevents
evaporation of water into a new concrete
allowing hydration and seal the pores of
concrete surface after it has hardened
• Set Inhibiting Agent – in liquid form
(applied immediately before pouring of
concrete) or powder form (applied
Table 1: Concrete Proportioning per class CONCRETE IN
directly after pouring). Inhibits the setting
of cement paste avoiding bonding to CONSTRUCTION
surface aggregates and left exposed for CONCRETE CURING PROCESS 1. Set the
assumption of a rigid or hard state by concrete, materials and proper hardening of concrete.
mortar, plaster, or glue to a physical or chemical (Emmons, 1992, p. 284)
change. - To maintain newly placed concrete or mortar at
2. Curing Process the required temperature and humidity for the
- maintaining the humidity and temperature of first seven days following placement, casting or
freshly placed concrete during some definite finishing to ensure satisfactory hydration of the
period following, placing, casting or finishing to cementitious materials and proper handling.
assure satisfactory hydration of cementitious
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Building Technology 1 | ARC1112 | Building Materials Concrete
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Building Technology 1 | ARC1112 | Building Materials Concrete
w-o8w1DY09JNElt2J4Wsx-TLw_5s85vrCG_Ynb0 (Indian
Tech, 2018)
3. Bagger Mixer / Mechanical Mixer
e - equipped with diesel engine and pump operated
mechanical mixing drum (1 or 2bags) or rotating
mixing drum at the back of a truck
- Most efficient and produces better quality concrete at
a faster rate
*See Video – How to Mix Concrete in a Mixer by UltraTech
v Cement (on Youtube):
C (UltraTech,
- 2014)
1. Ready Mixed – concrete mixed at batch plant for
delivery by an agitator to construction site. 2. Shrink
Mixed - concrete partially mixed at the batch plant then 22XbXKlLe8PlMMOzxC8m7wa5T7DKOCAXbVo
mixed completely in a truck mixed en route to (UltraTech Cement, 2014)
construction site. 2. Small Power
- a manual mixing rotating drum
*See Video – Horizontal manually operated
cement mixer by Indian Tech (on Youtube):
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Building Technology 1 | ARC1112 | Building Materials Concrete
not adhere to steel, a very different and more From (Salvan, 2000, pp. 9-11)
expensive configuration of reinforcing would
Made from lightweight and heavyweight materials for
be necessary.
interior and exterior load-bearing walls, firewalls,
c) Rate of Shrinking / Change in Dimension –
curtain and panel walls. Common concrete products
nearly the same rate are as follows:
- Concrete and steel, however, change
dimension at nearly the same rate in
response to temperature changes; steel is
1. Hollow load-bearing - concrete hollow blocks 40-50
protected from corrosion by the alkaline
chemistry of concrete; and concrete bonds
strongly to steel, providing a convenient
means of adapting brittle concrete to
structural elements that must resist not only
compression, but tension, shear, and bending
as well.
Source: (Archi Expo)
2. Solid load-bearing block - core area not more than
25% of gross sectional cross area Source: (Google Image, 2020)
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Building Technology 1 | ARC1112 | Building Materials Concrete
CONCRETE FINISHES Exposed concrete work requiring special care in the
selection of material, forming, placing and finishing to
Instructor’s Notes acquire the desired appearance.
Knowing the different concrete finishes allows an
architect to explore the materials’ potential most
especially in terms of playing with texture, shades and
shadows. For this section, refer to the photo at the end
of this section:
p. 45)
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Building Technology 1 | ARC1112 | Building Materials Concrete
(Google Image, 2020)
6. Trowel Finish – A dense, smooth finish
obtained by working a fresh concrete or plaster Source: (Ching, 2012,
surface with a steel trowel. p. 45)
Allen, E., & Iano, J. (2008). Fundamentals of Building
Construction Materials & Methods (Fifth Ed. ed.). New
Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
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Building Technology 1 | ARC1112 | Building Materials Concrete
Ching, F. (2012). A Visual Dictionary of Architecture (2nd Google Image. (2020, Dec 22). Retrieved from
ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Concrete Cylinder Compression Test (ASTM C39). (2018, driveway-finish.jpg
Jul 5). Concrete Cylinder Compression Test
(ASTM C39). Retrieved from Google Images. (2020, Dec 22). Retrieved from 6 a26e82f02c7df078adf55f9.jpg
IkSNh22XbXKlLe8PlMMOzxC8m7wa5T7DKOCA Hawk Plant. (2019). What Is Ready Mix Concrete. Retrieved
XbVo from
Daily Civil. (2020, 22 Dec). Retrieved from Indian Tech. (2018, Feb 14). Horizontal manually operated
content/uploads/2016/10/shotcrete.jpg cement mixer --2018 p.
Emmons, P. H. (1992). Concrete Repair and Maintenance Pioneer Concrete. (2020, Dec 22). Retrieved from
Illustrated: Problem Analysis; Repair and
Maintenance Illustrated. John Wiley & Sons Inc. need-to-know-about-broom-finished-concrete/
Google Image. (2020, Dec 22). Retrieved from Salvan, G. S. (2000). Architectural Bldg. Materials. Quezon City: Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
Sika Services AG. (2020, Dec 22). Retrieved from
Google Image. (2020, Dec 22). Retrieved from shake-hardeners-for-concrete-floors.html
The Constructor. (2020, Dec 22). Retrieved from 8 &
content/uploads/2016/11/cellular-lightweight J
concrete-blocks.jpg UiZIkSNh22XbXKlLe8PlMMOzxC8m7wa5T7DK
UltraTech. (2014, Oct 21). How to Mix Concrete in a Mixture.
Retrieved from Underwood, J. R., & Chiuini, M. (2007). Structural Design : A Practical Guide for Architects (2nd ed.). New
Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Ultratech Cement. (2014, Oct 21). How to Assess the Quality
of Fine Aggregates. Ultratech Cement. Retrieved from
Special thanks:
UltraTech Cement. (2014, Oct 21). How to Choose Good • Ar. Jose Saguindan (+)
Quality Coarse Aggregates. Retrieved from Date Prepared: December 2020
Revision Date: January 14, 2021
UltraTech Cement. (2014, Oct 21). How to Mix Concrete ______________________________________
Manually. Retrieved from
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