Edu431 Grand Quiz 2020
Edu431 Grand Quiz 2020
Edu431 Grand Quiz 2020
11. . Which type of assessment is designed to measure whether the students have mastered
the skills presented in instruction? Fixed Choice Assessment
12. Type of assessment includes attitude, Interest and personality inventories, observational
techniques, peer appraisal :typical performance test
13. Fixed Choice Assessment is used for efficient measurement of knowledge and skills
14. Placement test is used to measure student„s entry level performance to know either
student have a sufficient knowledge required for a particular course or not
15. Readiness test: It is a test used to determine the students„ knowledge or concept about a
particular course of instruction or what is the level of students
16. Aptitude test: It is used for the admission in a particular program
17. Pretest: It is made according to the course objectives and determines the student present
knowledge about them
18. Self- report inventories: Determines the student level by interviewing or discussion
19. who was the founder of Pakistan is the question of Knowledge in Blooms taxonomy of
cognitive domain.
20. Comprehension defined as the ability to grasp the meaning of the material
21. The assessment determines what individual can do when performing at their best is
called: Maximum Performance Assessment
22. The classification of cognitive domain was
22. . presented by Benjamin Bloom in
the 1956
23. .
. of the following method is a measure of internal consistency? : Split Half
24. . of the following method is a measure of stability : Test-Retest
25. Which of the following method is a measure of equivalence: Equivalent Forms
26. Which of the following method is a measure of stability and equivalence :Test-
Retest with Equivalent Forms
27. Which of the following method is a measure of Internal Consistency :Kuder-
28. Which of the following method is a measure of Internal Consistency :Cronbach
29. Which of the following method is a measure of consistency of rating :Inter-rater
30. Reliability over different forms of assessment is known as: Equivalence
31. Consistency over period of time is known as: Stability
32. Reliability Within the assessment itself is known as: Internal consistency
33. . Achievement tests and aptitude tests are example of: Maximum performance
34. Assessment: It means appraisal of something to improve quality of teaching and learning
process for
35. deciding what more can be done to improve the teaching, learning and outcomes.
36. Evaluation is process of making a value judgment against intended learning outcomes
and behavior, to decide quality and extent of learning.
37. In revised Bloom taxonomy; define, name, select are key words for level:
38. Define, Find, How, Label, List, Match, Name, Omit, Recall, Relate, Select, Show, Spell,
39. Tell, What, When, Where, Which, Who, Why}
40. In revised Bloom taxonomy: Classify, Compare, Contrast, Demonstrate, Explain, Extend,
Illustrate, Infer, Interpret, Outline, Relate, Rephrase, Show, Summarize,
52. The alternative name of the “table of specification” is blue print of test .
53. In what kind of assessment a teacher uses information on learners‟ progress during a
course to adapt their teaching or to give learners feedback on their learning?
54. Measurement is the process by which the attributes or dimensions of some object
55. (both physical and abstract) are quantified.
56. There are six levels in the cognitive domai
57. Bloom‟s Taxonomy cognitive domain highest level: Knowledge
58. Bloom‟s Taxonomy cognitive domain lowest level: Evaluation
59. Diagnostic assessment is the type of the assessment that determines the causes
intellectual, emotional, and environmental of persistent learning difficulties.
60. One of the tools used by the teachers to develop a blueprint for the test is called :table of
specification TOC
61. A student is asked to critique a painting based on explicit criteria. What is the
cognitive level of this outcome according to Bloom‟s taxonomy? Evaluating
62. Criterion validity refers how much test can measure some performance with reference
63. some defined standard.
64. Predictive validity refers that how much test can predict future performance
65. with reference to some defined standard.
66. Identify the lowest learning level of SOLO taxonomy: Extended Abstract
67. Identify the highest learning level of Solo taxonomy: Pre-structural
68. There are three main domains of learnings namely Cognitive Domain,Affective Domain
and Psychomotor Domain
69. Student judges information based upon standards, criteria, values and opinions is known
70. Competency : It is a key learning area. For example algebra, arithmetic, geometry etc. in
mathematics and vocabulary, grammar, composition etc. in English.
71. In national curriculum, key learning areas are defined as: Competency
72. Standards: These define the competency by specifying broadly, the knowledge, skills
and attitudes that
73. students will acquire.
74. Benchmarks: indicating what the students will accomplish at the end of each of the five
developmental levels in order to meet the standard. Elaborate the development
level further,
75. Student learning outcomes: These are built on the descriptions of the benchmarks and
describe what students will accomplish at the end of each grade. It is the lowest level of
Types of Written Tests Verbal, Non-verbal, Objective , Subjective, Teacher
76. A type of assessment done at the end of a course where the focus is on learners receiving
a grade for their work rather than receiving feedback on their progress is called:
Summative Assessment
77. Verbal tests are emphasizing on reading, writing, or speaking.
78. Most tests in education are verbal tests.
79. Standardized Test designed to measure broad national objectives and have a uniform set
of instructions .
80. Teacher made test are designed according to need and issues related to specific class.
81. When it is difficult for two scorers to agree on whether an item is correct or incorrect,
the test is a subjective one such as essay tests: Subjective
82. Non-verbal: Does not require reading, writing or speaking ability, tests composed of
numerals or drawings is example.
83. Objective : Refers to scoring of tests when two or more scorers can easily agree on
whether the answer is correct or incorrect, the test is objective one. True/ false, MCqs.
84. Tests with time limits so strict that no one is expected to complete all items. Items tend to
be Easy: Speed
85. Tests with liberal time limits that allow each student to attempt each item. Item tend to be
Difficult: Power
86. A test designed to measure depression must only measure that particular construct.
87. Formative assessment focuses on the process toward completing the product.
88. Formative assessment focus of measurement in formative assessment is predefined
segment of instruction.
89. In Formative assessment , Limited sample of learning tasks are addressed.
90. Formative assessment is conducted periodically during the instructional process.
91. Results of formative assessment are used to improve and direct learning through ongoing
92. An arithmetic test have high degree of validity for computational skill and low degree
for arithmetical reasoning
93. Observations during in-class activities: Formative assessment
94. Homework exercises as review for exams and class discussions: Formative assessment
Formative assessment provides feedback and information during the instructional
process, while learning is taking place, and while learning is occurring.
95. Formative assessment measures student progress but it can also assess your own
progress as an instructor.
Reflections journals that are reviewed periodically during the semester: Formative
96. Question and answer sessions, both formal (planned) and informal (spontaneous):
Formative assessment
97. Conferences between the instructor and student at various points in the semester:
Formative assessment
98. In-class activities where students informally present their results Formative assessment
99. Student feedback collected by periodically answering specific question about the
instruction and their self-evaluation of performance and progress: Formative assessment
100. Validity is matter of degree
101. Validity is referred as validity of test but it is in fact validity of the
interpretation and use to be made of the results.
102. summative assessment focsues on course or unit objectives
103. Summative assessment is done at the end of the unit or the course.
104. Most important functions of summative assessment is to assign grade,
certification of accomplishment and evaluation of teaching.
105. Summative assessment takes place after the learning has been completed.
106. Summative assessment is product-oriented and assesses the final product
107. Types of Summative included Assessment Examinations (major, high-stakes
exams), Final examination (a truly summative assessment), Term papers (drafts
submitted during the semester would be a formative assessment), Projects (project phases
submitted at various completion points could be formatively assessed),
Portfolios (could also be assessed during its development as a formative assessment) and
108. an assessment procedure must meet certain practical requirement which includes
feasibility, administration environment and availability of results for decision makers:
109. Reliability of measurement is needed to obtain the valid results, but we can
have reliability without validity
110. Reliability refers to the consistency of assessment results.
111. Validity is an evaluation of adequacy and appropriateness of the interpretation
and uses of results.
112. Characteristics of good test are Validity , Reliability , Usability.
113. Standards for selecting appropriate test First define the purpose for testing and the
population to be tested and select the test accordingly.
114. Published tests commonly used by provincial or national testing programs are:
Aptitude tests, Readiness tests, Placement tests(all)
115. Published test are designed and conducted in such a manner that each and
116. characteristic is pre planned and known.
117. Time in class spent on objective (min) / total time for the instruction being
examined (min) Percentage of instruction time is equal to instruction time.
118. Published test are also called supplement and complement informal classroom
tests, and aid in many Instructional decisions.
119. Carey (1988) listed six major elements that should be attended to in developing a
Table of
120. Specifications
121. The blueprint is meant to insure content validity.
122. Content validity is the most important factor in constructing an achievement
123. A unit test or comprehensive exam is based on several lessons and/or chapters
in a book supposedly reflecting a balance between content areas and learning levels .
124. In classrooms most used published tests are two Achievement tests and Reading
125. In SOLO taxonomy; identify, memorize, are key words for learning level:
Uni Structural
126. In SOLO taxonomy; Students are simply able to acquire bits of unconnected
information and respond to a question in meaningless way such as What is your
name? : Pre-structural
127. "What is your name?" is the example of which level of SOLO taxonomy: Pre-
133. Student make connections not only with in the given subject area but
understanding is
134. transferable and generalizable to different areas: Extended Abstract
135. In SOLO taxonomy ,theorize, generalize, hypothesize, reflect, generate are key
words for learning level: Extended Abstract
136. Highest Levels of SOLO: Pre-structural
137. Lowest Level of SOLO: Pre-structural
138. To judge the worth or value of material for a given purpose is known as:
139. A collection of the constituents or parts of a concept so as to make a whole:
140. Design a classification Scheme for writing educational objectives that combines
the cognitive, affective, and Psychomotor domains: Synthesis
141. The breakdown of a concept into its constituents parts such that the relative
hierarchy of the concept is made easy to understand: analysis
142. Compare and contrast the cognitive and affective domains: analysis
143. How far the different BISEs and universities are developing papers using Bloom's
taxonomy? Support your answer with arguments: Evaluation
144. In SOLO taxonomy; classify, list, combine are key words for learning level:
Multi- Structural
Edu 431 mid MCQ
A) Placement assessment
b) Formative Assessment
c) Summative assessment
d) Diagnostic Assessment
9. 4
b) Daily assignment
33.Summative assessment
34.Placement assessment
35.Formative Assessment
36.Diagnostic Assessment
a) Standardized Test
Uni Structural
Multi- Structural
47. Explain the process of water cycle is the question of -------- level in
Blooms taxonomy of cognitive domain.
a) Knowledge
b) Comprehension
c) Analysis
d) Application
50. Permanent difficulties in learning are investigated in-----------
Summative assessment
Placement assessment
Formative Assessment
Diagnostic Assessment
A) Placement assessment
Formative Assessment
Summative assessment d)
Diagnostic Assessment
Formative Assessment
Diagnostic Assessment
Summative assessment
The purpose of measurement in education is to --------------
a) Diagnostic
b) Certifying judgment
c) Continuous
d) None
a) Quantity
82. Quality
84. Age
95. Multiple choice question, matching exercise, fill in the blanks and true false
is the example of
Criterion reference
Norm reference
112. Achievement
113. None
116. List, enlist, name, define keywords are used in ……… level of Depth
of knowledge
a) Recall
b) skill/concept
126. Individuals
127. Areas
128. Interest
128. Application
129. Synthesis
131. Measurement and evaluation can be used to …………..
Motivate students
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
145. 1960
146. 1964
147. 1976
148. 1980
28. The type of essay item in which content are limited is:
c) Matching item
d) M.C.Q items
b) Matching item
c) M.C.Q items
d) Completion item
b) Two
c) three
d) Four
b) Premise
c) Response
d) Distractor
32. The item in the column for which a match is sought is called
a) Premise
b) Response
c) Distractor
d) Answer key
a) Answer
b) Premise
c) Response
d) Distractor
a) Matching List
b) Completion List
c) Correct/Incorrect
d) All
b) Short answer
d) Essay
b) Small
c) Meaningful
a) Stem
b) Distractor
c) Foil
d) Response
Achievement test , student learn by themselves or we teach them and at the end we want
to see that how much student learn
3. Achievement test designed to indicate the degree of success in some past learning
d) Fixed Choice Assessment is sued to measure the skills of people efficiently. (multiple
choice questions, MCQs)
e) List, enlist, name, define keywords are used in Recall level of Depth of Knowledge
f) Graph, separate, relate, contrast, narrate, compare keywords are used in skill or concept
level of Depth of Knowledge
g) Argue, critique, formulate keywords are used in Strategic thinking level of Depth of
h) Create, Synthesize, Design and reflection keywords are used in Extended Thinking
level of Depth of Knowledge
i) Placement assessment is used when we want to assess student„s prior knowledge so that
we can decide what the level of student is