EDU433 All Quizzes in One File
EDU433 All Quizzes in One File
EDU433 All Quizzes in One File
Members share common goals and share some responsibility, is the characteristics
of_____ team:
called as:
Institutional Preparation
Professional development
Teamwork Models was developed by?
Reflective practice
The individual has the capacity to develop morally over their lifetime, is said by:
Lawrence Kohlberg
Which of the following country have the highest social status of teacher?
Research skills
accountability. Political
What are the two powerful tools in effective professional development? Feedback and
What is essential for tutors to know about disadvantaged students in further education
(FE)? Biography
Which of the one along with reflective practice helps teachers to move towards the
expert vision of practice? Feed back
Which of the following reflects the professionalism of teachers? Attitude towards work
Which of the one along with reflective practice helps teachers to move towards the
expert vision of practice? Feed back
What qualifications and what competence is required for the successful exercise of an
occupation is called as? Professionalism
Which of the following factor does NOT influence the contemporary definition of
professionalism? Technological
All are the features in the process of professional knowledge EXCEPT: Delivered
If conflict arise between what a teacher says and do than he/ she cannot be called a:
Role model
Which of the one quality (attitude) a teacher must not have? Harsh
To which part of life, social norms and cultural values are considered important?
The word “profess” encompasses the public commitment to a set of ___________. Value
Which one of the factor does not affect the teacher’s daily activities? teachers' pedagogy
Which of the following is described as an occupation that can claim exclusive technical
competence and adheres to ethics of professional conduct? Profession
Accurate information to be learned and applied in situations later in life is known as:
Which of the following is NOT essential for individuals who Research skills
select teaching profession?
What professionals are expected to have shared with the group? Identities
Which of the one is Not the mode professional development? Peer gathering
In order to achieve status and monopolistic position, aspiring
development of
professionals are expected to stress on all EXCEPT:
EDU433 Quiz 2 File by Tanveer Online Academy
All are the values related to discourse to establish the
collaborative creation of knowledge EXCEPT Research skills
History and
"New forms of management,” which is related to the shifts in Institutions
arrangements and responsibilities between all of the following,
Who proposed the idea of critical pedagogy?
All models of teachers' professionalism are described on the following three domains,
On what issues professional parameters focuses? Legal and ethical
To prepare all children for the demands of 21st century, many nations around the world
have undertaken a wide range of reforms of all except: Skills
Which model emphasized on the completion of award-bearing programs of study
validated by higher education? Award-bearing
With reference to scientific practices, how many conceptions of practice are exists? 2
How many components a Professional standard has? 3
How many categories does professionalism has? 3
Poor working condition affects all of the following of teachers except: Leadership
All of the following may be included as a module for the development of a program for
teacher education except: Communication
All are the elements in which conventional professionalism is grounded except: Process
knowledge for judgments
To which philosophy, the sociological roots of concept of practice is originated? Greek
Social learning theory implies that learning is as much collective as: Individual
Which model addresses CPD as intervention for the individual teacher educator or from
the perspective of the institution? Deficit
Who believes the “Quality of one’s practice” is known as professionalism? Hoyle
Which of the following is Not the barrier to teacher professionalism? Autonomy
All are the key stakeholders in the CPD programs except: Students
All are the factors which demands to change the CPD practices globally except:
Which experiences are the integration of cognitive and affective elements? Emotional
What categories of ethics, a teacher professional is following if she/ he knows that their
perception has limits? Reflective integrity
What is NOT an element of New Public Management (NPM)? Less emphasis on the use
of resources
What is the main feature of effective professional development? structured professional
Ethical practices in activist teacher professionalism involves all except how people: Share
information in community
All are among the barriers to the implementation of PD at school level except: Lack of
professional standards
Which organization is concerned with the quality assurance of teachers? National
Accreditation Council for Teacher Education
Students engage with each other during learning, is known as _____ learning.
The development of an activist teacher professionalism is based on three concepts except:
Which of the following do NOT foster the entrepreneurial identity? Socially critical
Teacher identity is shaped by all except: Academic knowledge
What is the role of standards officers in continuous professional development (CPD)
activities? Monitoring and evaluation of CPD
Which of the following is NOT a professional development activity? Voluntary work in
Which discourse deals with the public moral practice, values, beliefs and attitudes of an
institution? Expressive or regulative discourse
Which discourse deals with the transmission of skills and their relation to each other?
The instrumental discourse
All are the component of professional standards except: Skills
Which of the following has potential to transform learning Digital media and
environments and empower learners to become active in new technologies
shaping their own education?
Extensive and intensive supervised practical work is needed to link Theory and
_________. practice
Poor working condition affects all of the following of teachers except: Leadership
“Teachers are unable to think critically and solve the issues related to Quality Concerns
teaching methods”, deals with which of the following challenges.
All are the component of professional standards except: Skills
In UK, how many versions of standards have been calculated in policy Four
debates and documents?
Which discourse deals with the transmission of skills and their The instrumental
relation to each other? discourse
Which experiences are the integration of cognitive and affective Emotional
To prepare all children for the demands of 21st century, many Skills
nations around the world have undertaken a wide range of reforms of
all except:
Which organization is concerned with the quality assurance of National
teachers? Accreditation
Council for Teacher
All of the following may be included as a module for the development Communication
of a program for teacher education except
Students engage with each other during learning, is known as _____ Collaborative
Ethical practices in activist teacher professionalism involves all except Share information in
how people: community
Teacher professional identity facilitates teachers to construct all of
these ideas except: how to be skillful
Which discourse deals with the public moral practice, values, Expressive or
beliefs and attitudes of an institution? regulative
Practice –based studies focuses on all of the following except: Beliefs
What is the key challenge for the teaching profession and Strengthen the
professional practices? technical core
Which aspects of teaching and learning involves facing difficulty and taking risks?
Intellectual and psychological
Which one of the following is the best option to promote professionalism among
teachers? Reflective practices
Which of the one is informal research teachers can engage in on a daily basis?
For youths having an experience of neglect or abuse at home, school can be a___.
Which of the following is the ultimate goal of professionalism? Skills and strategies
Which type of research aims give teacher practical method to develop knowledge from
their experience? Action
In UK, how many versions of standards have been calculated in policy debates and
documents? Four
The basis of people's knowledge, that they apply to their practices comes under which
category of the academic professionalism. Intellectual
Which of the following term is widely and uncritically used in educational documents?
Professional teaching standards
Which of the following process is involved in Critical reflection? Reasoning
“Teachers are unable to think critically and solve the issues related to teaching methods”,
deals with which of the following challenges. Quality Concerns
Extensive and intensive supervised practical work is needed to link _________. Theory
and practice
Which one of the following is focuses on the school base teacher inquiry? Epistemological