Dog A Mans Best Friend

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A dog is a man's best friend?

Well, if the animal's popularity is

anything to go by, perhaps that's true; according to the
American Kennel Club, there are more pet dogs in the USA
than there are people in Britain. However, the affection for
dogs felt by many these days is a fairly recent development.
How we used to think about dogs can be judged by looking at
how they have been portrayed in language over the centuries.
The first linguistic oddity to do with dogs concerns the origin of
the word 'dog'. The name was preceded by the perfectly good
Anglo-Saxon word 'hound', which was also used in other
European languages. 'Dog', in common with several other
animal names ending in 'g', like frog, hog, pig and stag, seems
to have been coined around the 13th century for reasons
about which no one is at all sure.
Prior to the 18th century dogs were kept for hunting and
defence and not as pets. The only deviation from that rule was
that of the derided 'lap-dog', which John Evelyn recorded in
his Diary, circa 1684, as a dog fit only for ladies:

Lap-dogs apart, the phrases used to refer to dogs in the 16th

and 17th centuries indicate their image to be of vicious and
disease-ridden animals:

Hair of the dog that bit you, first used in 1546 as a reference
to rabies
Cast someone to the dogs, 1556
Dog in the manger , 1564
If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas, 1573
The dogs of war, 1601
Go to the dogs, 1619
Also, phrases that indicate the treatment of dogs show that
they were considered to be of little worth:

Lead a dog's life (1528)

The unfortunate mutts were considered so beyond the pale

that dog hangings, as punishment for chasing sheep or
whatever else dogs did naturally, were commonplace. The
phrase 'give a dog a bad name', 1705, was originally 'give a
dog a bad name and hang him'.
The language relating to canines took a turn for the better later
in the 18th century. The first example in print of the term 'dog-
basket' dates from 1768. The need for a name for a piece of
furniture provided specifically for the comfort of dogs shows a
clear turning point in attitudes towards them. This shift in
outlook continued steadily and in 1823 we first find 'dog
biscuits', followed in 1852 by 'dog show'. By the mid 20th
century we find clear linguistic evidence that a dog was to be
considered almost on a par with humanity - 'dog-sitter' (1942).
The greatest claim to fame of Warrensburg, Missouri is that it
is where the phrase 'a dog is a man's best friend' originated. In
1870 a farmer shot a neighbour's dog and, in the subsequent
court case in which the owner sued for damages, the lawyer
George Graham Vest gave a tear-jerking speech that became
known as the Eulogy to a Dog:
"Gentlemen of the jury, a man's dog stands by him in
prosperity and poverty, in health and sickness. He will sleep
on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow, and the
snow drives fiercely, if only he can be near his master's side.
He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer; he will lick the
wounds and sores that come in encounter with the
roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper
master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert,
he remains. When riches take wings and reputation falls to
pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey
through the heavens." - And so on...

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