Bon DigiPro3 - Installation Manual
Bon DigiPro3 - Installation Manual
Bon DigiPro3 - Installation Manual
bon Optic Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH – managing director: H. Jochen Kaber – HR Lübeck, HRB 3475 – VAT No. 161662634
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 5
2 Important information ..................................................................................... 6
2.1 Product information .................................................................................... 6
2.2 Application and classification ...................................................................... 6
2.2.1 Application (in accordance with requirements) .......................................................... 6
2.2.2 Classification ............................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Liability ....................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Scope of delivery ........................................................................................ 7
3 Description of the device ................................................................................ 8
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software ................................................................... 9
4.1 Starting the software ................................................................................... 9
4.2 The menu ................................................................................................. 10
4.2.1 Screen control ......................................................................................................... 10
4.2.2 Zoom 40x-80x.......................................................................................................... 10
4.2.3 Sensitivity ................................................................................................................ 10
4.2.4 Recording/Taking images ........................................................................................ 10
4.2.5 L/R switching ........................................................................................................... 10
4.3 General settings ....................................................................................... 11
4.3.1 Image format ........................................................................................................... 11
4.3.2 Colours .................................................................................................................... 11
4.3.3 Source ..................................................................................................................... 12
4.3.4 Safety ...................................................................................................................... 12
4.3.5 Movies (Video clips) ................................................................................................ 13
4.3.6 Miscellaneous .......................................................................................................... 13
4.3.7 Colour Management Mask ...................................................................................... 13
4.4 Administration of patient data ................................................................... 14
4.4.1 Adding a patient....................................................................................................... 14
4.4.2 Changing/deleteing patient data .............................................................................. 14
4.4.3 Finding a patient ...................................................................................................... 14
4.4.4 Opening the patient list ............................................................................................ 15
4.4.5 Backing up/restoring/exporting/importing of patient data ......................................... 15
4.5 Administration of examiniations ................................................................ 17
4.5.1 Opening/creating/deleting of examinations.............................................................. 17
4.5.2 Sichern/Wiederherstellen/Export/Import von Untersuchungen ................................ 17
4.6 Camera settings ....................................................................................... 18
4.6.1 General information ................................................................................................. 18
4.6.2 Saving and reviewing a camera setting ................................................................... 18
4.6.3 Camera image section............................................................................................. 19
4.6.4 Administrating images from the examination ........................................................... 20
4.7 Recording of images and video sequences .............................................. 22
4.8 The graphics module ................................................................................ 23
4.8.1 The image viewer .................................................................................................... 23
4.8.2 Calibration ............................................................................................................... 24
4.8.3 Measuring images ................................................................................................... 25
Contents EyeImage²
1 Introduction EyeImage²
1 Introduction
Dear Customer,
Thank you for purchasing our digital slit lamp DigiPro3.
Please read the user manual carefully before using the slit lamp user software.
Keep this user manual safely stored for future use.
If you have any further questions, please contact our customer service department.
Note! Indicates information for correct use so that errors may be avoided.
This publication may not be copied or transferred without prior written agreement from bon Optic. bon Optic
reserves the right to make changes in the interest of technical development. These user manual are not subject to
2 Important information EyeImage²
2 Important information
Manufacturer : bon Optic Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH ⋅ Stellmacherstr. 14 · D-23556 Lübeck
The digital camera with integrated beam splitter is supplementary equipment for the bon slit
lamps SL-75 and SL-85 enabling the user to take digital images and video clips during
stereomicroscopic examinations of the eye.
With the accompanying software, the images of a patient can be analyzed and saved in
archive files to evaluate the pathogenesis later on.
2.2.2 Classification
The DigiPro3 including its software is a Class 1 non-invasive, active medical device in
accordance with the classification regulations of Directive 93/42/EWG on medical devices
2.3 Liability
All devices are manufactured following the current state of the art and approved technical
safety rules, and they are checked according to strict quality criteria.
bon Optic accepts responsibility for safety, reliability, and performance of the components,
only if
2 Important information EyeImage²
1 x CD (software EyeImage²)
3 Description of the device EyeImage²
The integrated high-end camera chip has been specially designed for ophthalmologic
applications with an optimal image definition and excellent contrast. Thanks to the modern
FireWire interface, thus image date will be rapidly transferred to the PC enabling you to see
full-screen live images with a high resolution.
- Simple installation
- One-hand operation with shutter release on the joystick
- Automatic recognition of left/right eye
- No release delay
- Live image without delay (<= 0.1 sec.)
- Live images with up to 1280 x 960 pixels (11 images/second)
- Video sequences with up to 800 x 600 pixels
- Individual images with up to 1392 x 1040 pixels.
DigiPro3 is suited to take high-quality images of the reticuloendothelium and the fundus of
the eye.
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
4.2.3 Sensitivity
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
Image approx.
format storage space
BMP 4.68 MB
TIF 2.6 MB
PNG 2.0 MB
4.3.2 Colours
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
4.3.3 Source
After activating Auto Refresh, the recorded image will immediately appear in the overview
(see main screen mask).
After activating Auto Detect L/R Eye, the software will immediately recognize if the left or
right eye has been photographed. This will be displayed in the main screen mask by an L or
an R.
With the Eye Laterality button, you can decide whether, as a default setting, the
measurement shall start with the left or right eye.
In addition, you may mirror or rotate the photographed image (horizontal tilting).
Buzzer = Activation of the audible signal. A precondition for this is a sound card.
RGB Mode= Output of the camera images in RGB (7.5 fps) instead of YUV.
4.3.4 Safety
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
4.3.6 Miscellaneous
You can choose the language under Regional Settings. The changes will only become
effective after the software restart.
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
By pressing you can select a patient from the patient list. To do this, enter the complete
name or the initial in the name field.
The option (M or F) in the gender field serves as a filter function. The search result will be
displayed in the patient list.
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
will create a back-up file in your patient data base. Select the desired memory location and
choose a file name for the back-up file. Confirm by pressing the Save button. It can take
several minutes to create a back-up file.
will restore a back-up file. Open the back-up data base from the respective directory. To
restore a data base can take several minutes.
The RESTORE function will overwrite all currently available patient data.
Fast Export:
exports the current patient [file] with all examinations into a compressed zip file.
The program will automatically choose the file name (name of patient), but the file name can
also be changed manually.
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
exports a selection of examinations into a compressed zip file.
adds a compressed zip file with examination data to your data base.
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
a double click on
With this command all images and video sequences
of the selected examination are saved in a defined
directory. Four image formats are available.
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
3. Activate one of the four memory locations with a right mouse click and enter
a name for the configuration. Confirm your selection with OK.
To call up a stored camera setting, first go to the live mode, and then select the desired
setting via the memory locations.
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
Using the AOI (Area of Interest) function, you can accentuate a defined section in the live
image in order to be able to view this part of the image more clearly.
Repeat step 2 or 3 to select another window size or to accentuate another image section.
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
Image preview
Image gallery
Image gallery
Click the Display button to open the image in the image viewer (also see section 5.6.1) or
click on the image to have it displayed in the image preview.
Image preview
Allows the entry of information for the relevant image in the image preview.
By clicking these buttons , you can define whether the information relates to the left or
to the right eye.
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
Magnifying the image: Use the mouse to drag a window into the image preview to have
this section displayed with magnification.
Comparing images:
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
sequences click on .
If the L/R eye detection is activated in the settings, the slit lamp will automatically
recognize which eye is to be measured. If this function has been deactivated, the eye to be
measured can be selected manually.
The video recording stops automatically after the video recording time, selected under
settings, has elapsed. But you can also interrupt recording before the set time.
If you have not selected a patient (examination) before, the images will be irretrievably lost.
The recorded images or video clips will be shown in the preview provided that the Auto
Refresh function has been activated under settings.
Even before the recording has started you can choose a calibration for the image by clicking
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
Opening of the image viewer via the image gallery: Display button or right mouse button in
the image → Display
On the right edge of the image is a menu bar with the following functions:
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
4.8.2 Calibration
Before you will be able to measure the images precisely, it will be necessary to make one or
several calibrations for different magnifications.
We recommend to use graph paper for calibration. For this purpose, attach the graph paper
to the adjusting bar of the slit lamp and take an image with the desired magnification.
Open the recorded image in the image viewer and change to the calibration mode by clicking
Double-click on the desired calibration from the selection list or highlight the calibration,
followed by clicking Link calibration. After selecting a calibration, you can measure images in
the measuring mode.
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
Open the relevant image in the image viewer by clicking and change to the
measuring mode by clicking the Measure button. You can only go into the measuring mode if
you have previously determined a calibration.
The following measuring tools are available:
c) Drag the mouse cursor to the end point and terminate the measurement with a mouse
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
4.8.4 Drawing
Open the relevant image in the image viewer by clicking and change to the
drawing mode by clicking the Draw button.
The drawing tool bar contains all standard drawing objects such as lines, arrows, circles…
4 EyeImage² for DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
Open the relevant image in the image viewer by clicking and change to the
image editing mode by clicking the Image editing button.
The menu contains numerous tools to change colour, contrast, focus, and other image
5 Installation of the DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
Installation requirements:
5 Installation of the DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
5 Installation of the DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
5 Installation of the DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
5 Installation of the DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
Click on Weiter (Continue) and follow the instructions. After the installation is complete,
Windows must be restarted.
5 Installation of the DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
5 Installation of the DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
Start logo: There is the option of using your own start logo. For this
purpose, save the desired logo as a Bitmap (bmp) image in the directory
called C:\Programs\bon Optic\DigiPro3 and give it the file name “splash“.
(Standard logo 510x320 pixels)
5 Installation of the DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
5.6.1 Backup/Restore
The SQL Server Edition for this software handles databases with a size of max. 2 GB.
When the current database has reached its storage space, another database will
automatically be created. Space used shows the size of the marked database.
With this button , you can integrate an existing database. You will be prompted to
open the database in the .MDF format. After completion, you will receive the following
By clicking this button , you can detach an existing database. But do not forget to
mark the relevant database before! After completion, you will receive the following message:
Clicking this button will update the window, which displays the databases.
5 Installation of the DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
Other functions:
Clicking this button will convert all existing images in the database into the JPG format
to create more storage space.
Clicking this button will defragment the database. This function optimises the database
in order to free up storage space.
The function converts all patients in the database to single compressed zip files. The
system will then prompt you to specify an existing folder or to create a new folder where the
files should be stored.
Do not open these zip files with a conventional zip programme. These files are written with a
special XML protocol.
With this button , you can import one or several patients (zip files) into the database.
With this button , you can import files that are provided by the
manufacturer into the software. These files contain minor software improvements like, for
example, new buttons, functions etc.
5.6.2 Optimize
This menu is reserved for the technical support
from the manufacturer!
5 Installation of the DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
5.7.1 Deinstallation
Start the uninstall routine under Start → All programmes → bon Optic → DigiPro3 →
Uninstall DigiPro3 and follow the instructions given.
Then, remove the SQL server under Start → Settings → Control panel → Software and
follow the instructions given.
Delete the directory called C:\bon Datenbank which contains the database files .MDF and
5.7.2 Reinstallation/update
4. Start the uninstall routine by clicking Start → All programmes → bon Optic → DigiPro3 →
Uninstall DigiPro3 and follow the instructions given. Then, check in the Explorer whether
the file folder C:\Programme\Bon Optic\DigiPro3 has really been removed.
5. Delete the database files .MDF and .LDF in the directory C:\ bon Datenbank only
in case of a complete reinstallation, i.e. if these databases are no longer required.
5 Installation of the DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
You require a functional Microsoft TCP/IP network and must know the computer names of
the individual computers (clients).
Click the Start button on the task bar and then open the Perform application. The following
window will pop up:
Another window will pop up where you should enter the command ipconfig –all, followed by
pressing the Enter key.
Alternatively, you may also find the computer names via the system properties:
In addition, you will need the name of the computer (subsequently it will be called Server)
where the SQL database should be installed.
5 Installation of the DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
Now check the clients if the Microsoft TCP/IP network works properly.
Click the Start button on the task bar and then open the Perform application. The following
window will pop up:
Insert the installation CD in your CD ROM drive to start the installation. If the Setup Assistant
does not start automatically, please click on the setup.exe file on the installation CD. Follow
the instructions step by step:
5 Installation of the DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
Interrupt the installation process for Microsoft DirectX and the subsequent DigiPro3 software,
these are not needed on the server!
Start the database manager SetUp Wizard from the CD. You will find the executable DbSetup.exe file
under the following path: program files\bon Optic\DigiPro3
Make sure that the selected partition has a sufficient storage capacity. In this folder, the
database files DIGITAL.MDF and DIGITAL.LDF will be created.
5 Installation of the DigiPro3 software EyeImage²
Again, start the database manager Setup Wizard from the CD.
You may now start to install the DigiPro3 software on the relevant clients. To do so, follow
the steps described in chapter 5.1 ff.
You may later on deinstall the Microsoft SQL server from the clients, as it is not needed any
more. But it is not mandatory to remove it.
6 Mounting the DigiPro3 camera EyeImage²
Fig. 2: Inserting the beam splitter 4. Connect the digital camera and your
computer by means of the supplied FireWire cable.
Before doing so, switch off the computer!
7 Technical data EyeImage²
7 Technical data
Appendix EyeImage²
Hersteller-Adresse: bon
(Manufacturer adress) Optic Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH
Stellmacherstraße 14
D-23556 Lübeck
Wir erklären hiermit die Übereinstimmung des vorgenannten Produkts mit der
EU-Richtlinie 93/42/EWG über Medizinprodukte.
We declare the compliance of the device with the requirements of the Derective
93/42/EEC about medical devices.