COA Training Narrative Report XXX
COA Training Narrative Report XXX
COA Training Narrative Report XXX
Provincial Capitol
Narrative Report
Technical and Functional Training on Enhanced Electronic New Government Accounting
System (eNGAS) and eBudget System Version 2.0 for Local Government Units (LGUs)
The first speaker for the Functional Training was introduced to the participants and he spoke
about the overview of the Enhanced eNGAS Version 2.0 and its basic features. After that, he showed
the participants the demonstration of eNGAS system set-up, transaction, query, reports and utilities. On
the second day of the training the Technical group joins the Functional Training and another speaker
was introduced, this speaker handles the hands-on exercises. She gave the participants practice set excel
formats for data build-up. The whole day we have our hands-on exercises. This made us more
acquainted with the new system. We were able to explore the different functionalities of the enhanced
system. On the third day at the morning was a continuation of the practice set hands-on exercises that
was given on the second day. In the afternoon, the speaker on the first day give us another practice set
for eBudget System. The fourth day was a continuation of the eBudget System and System Set-up
practice set. After that the speaker discussed the eBudget System Transactions Queries, and Reports
menu. In the afternoon of the fourth day we started the eNGAS implementation (Live Database). This
is data build-up in eNGAS using actual agency data. The items for importation were the Employee,
Responsibility Center (RC Code), Creditors and the Subsidiary Ledgers. Moreover, the participants
from the Budget Office also started the eBudget System implementation (live Database). This covers
the data build-up of Appropriations, Allotments and Obligations. On the last day of training we
continued the eNGAS and eBudget System implementation (Live Database) data build-up.
After the system implementation live database data build-up, the Technical Assistance and
Helpdesk Procedures were discussed. The participants were then had a half hour break for snacks from
3:00 pm to 3:30 pm. To begin the closing ceremonies of the seminar, the speaker also provided some
tips on using the system. The certificate of training for the participants was distributed. The Organizer
of the seminar gave the closing remark to officially end the program.