BOQ Summary
BOQ Summary
BOQ Summary
BOQ Item
Contractor Submission Consultant Determination
Description Unit
Quantity Rate Amount BOQ Item BOQ Rate Amount Difference
Asphalt cycle track; comprised of bitumen macadam wearing course, prime coat, consolidated
aggregate base course, consolidated and levelled subgrade and associated works as per
Drawings and Specifications
LS-01 Asphalt concrete - Cycle track m2 57,039.54 65.03 3,709,281.29 P1 - 4.20 45.00 2,566,779.30 1,142,501.99
LS-02 Excavation in cutting, other than rock m3 101,378.41 21.30 2,159,360.13 P1 - 3.01 21.30 2,159,360.13 (0.00)
LS-03 Disposal of excavated material, other than rock m3 101,378.41 21.30 2,159,360.13 P1 - 3.12 21.30 2,159,360.13 (0.00)
Precast concrete kerbs; straight or curved, complete including beds, backing, reinforcement,
joints, cutting, transition, earthworks and concrete ancillaries as per Drawings and
LS-04 Precast Heel kerb 100 x 250 mm Cycle Track Edging; Ref. KRB-01 m 38,026.36 66.27 2,520,006.88 New 66.27 2,520,006.88 0.00
LS-05 100 x 100 x 60mm thick Precast Concrete Block Median Banding, Ref. CON-03 m 23,117.35 37.66 870,599.40 New 37.66 870,599.40 (0.00)
LS-06 Supply & Installation of Precast Concrete Kerb Type C; Size 100 X 300mm m 339,410.87 54.98 18,660,809.63 P1 - 4.24 49.60 16,834,779.15 1,826,030.48
Precast concrete pavers; complete including beds, joints and cutting as per ADM tiling strategy,
Drawing and Specifications
LS-07 150mm thick consolidated aggregate base course m2 675,856.07 17.93 12,118,099.34 P1 - 4.29 15.00 10,137,841.05 1,980,258.29
LS-08 Supply & Installation of Porcelain Tactile Paving, Ref: TAC-01 m2 12,014.92 372.96 4,481,084.56 New 372.96 4,481,084.56 (0.00)
LS-09 Supply & Installation of Porcelain Tactile Paving, Ref: TAC-02 m2 408.00 372.96 152,167.68 New 372.96 152,167.68 -
LS-10 300 x 600 x 60 mm & 100 x 200 x 60 mm thick Precast Concrete Block Paver; Ref: CON-01 m2 499,890.18 78.44 39,211,385.72 New 78.44 39,211,385.72 0.00
LS-11 300 x 600 x 60 mm thick Precast Concrete Block Paver; Ref: CON-02 m2 103,716.59 78.45 8,136,566.49 New 78.45 8,136,566.49 0.00
LS-12 100 x 100 x 60 mm thick Precast Concrete Block Paver; Ref: CON-03 m2 60,576.11 78.36 4,746,743.98 New 78.36 4,746,743.98 0.00
Thermo-plastic paint (white and yellow) complete as per Drawings and Specification
LS-13 Double arrow marking; to cycle track nr 710.00 157.90 112,109.00 P1 - 4.33 157.90 112,109.00 -
Construction of Roads & Infrastructure at Mohammed Bin Zayed City Zone C (C1, C2, C3, C4)
BOQ Item
Contractor Submission Consultant Determination
Description Unit
Quantity Rate Amount BOQ Item BOQ Rate Amount Difference
LS-14 Bicycle marking; to cycle track nr 710.00 625.00 443,750.00 P1 - 4.34 625.00 443,750.00 -
Construction of Roads & Infrastructure at Mohammed Bin Zayed City Zone C (C1, C2, C3, C4)
BOQ Item
Contractor Submission Consultant Determination
Description Unit
Quantity Rate Amount BOQ Item BOQ Rate Amount Difference
Intermittent lines
LS-15 Cycle track centre line-marking, Ref: 680 (100) m 7,710.00 8.40 64,764.00 P1 - 4.36 8.40 64,764.00 -
LS-16 Painting to Asphalt Cycle Surface m2 57,039.54 52.64 3,002,561.39 P1 - 4.37 42.00 2,395,660.68 606,900.71
LS-17 Supply & Installation of Bollards - Ref: BOL-01 nr 1,130.00 448.60 506,918.00 P1 - 4.42 448.60 506,918.00 -
LS-18 Supply & Installation of Polythene Sheet 1000 Gauge m2 664,182.88 2.75 1,826,502.92 New 2.75 1,826,502.92 -
LS-19 Supply & Installation of Litter Bin - Ref: BIN-01 nr 388.00 3,397.54 1,318,245.52 P1 - 4.38 2,671.20 1,036,425.60 281,819.92
LS-20 Supply & Installation of Bench - Ref: BNH-01 nr 388.00 9,003.10 3,493,202.80 P1 - 4.39 9,003.10 3,493,202.80 -
LS-21 Supply & Installation of Bike Rack - Ref: CYR-01 nr 145.00 1,431.56 207,576.20 P1 - 4.40 1,270.10 184,164.50 23,411.70
LS-22 Supply & Installation of Fence - Ref: BAL-01 m 1,531.00 809.62 1,239,528.22 P1 - 4.43 693.00 1,060,983.00 178,545.22
LS-23 Supply & Installation of Tensile Fabric Shade Structure - Ref: SHS-01 nr 10.00 12,094.05 120,940.50 New 12,094.05 120,940.50 -
Trees, Shrubs, Groundcovers and Accents Supply and plant of the following planting medium
inclusive of any geotextile fabric, gravel layer and root barrier as required and shown on
drawing and as per Softscape Planting schedule set on drawing; to complete inclusive of all
temporary or permanent fixtures required to stabilized; all in accordance with the Specifications
LS-24 Acacia Faraniana; ref. ACA far nr 272.00 1,287.72 350,259.84 New 1,287.72 350,259.84 -
LS-25 Delonix Regia; ref. DEL reg nr 107.00 2,555.74 273,464.18 P1 - 4.02 605.60 64,799.20 208,664.98
LS-26 Millingtonia hortensis; ref. MIL hor nr 99.00 2,822.40 279,417.60 P1 - 4.03 605.60 59,954.40 219,463.20
LS-27 Prosopis cineraria; ref. PRO cin nr 148.00 1,354.45 200,458.60 P1 - 4.04 651.80 96,466.40 103,992.20
Shrubs & Hedge
LS-28 Bougainvillea Glabra White; Ref. BOU gla (white) nr 3,418.00 21.22 72,529.96 New 21.22 72,529.96 -
LS-29 Bougainvillea Glabra Yellow; Ref. BOU gla (yellow) nr 5,085.00 21.22 107,903.70 New 21.22 107,903.70 -
LS-30 Caesalpinia Pulcherrima; Ref. CAE pul nr 98,018.00 21.92 2,148,554.56 New 21.92 2,148,554.56 -
LS-31 Dodonea Viscosa; Ref. DOD vis nr 132,673.00 21.92 2,908,192.16 New 21.92 2,908,192.16 -
LS-32 Leucophyllum Frutescens; Ref. LEU fru nr 11,248.00 22.62 254,429.76 P1 - 4.08 20.20 227,209.60 27,220.16
Construction of Roads & Infrastructure at Mohammed Bin Zayed City Zone C (C1, C2, C3, C4)
BOQ Item
Contractor Submission Consultant Determination
Description Unit
Quantity Rate Amount BOQ Item BOQ Rate Amount Difference
LS-33 Murraya Paniculata; Ref. MUR pan nr 5,540.00 25.42 140,826.80 New 25.42 140,826.80 -
LS-34 Tecoma Stans; Ref. TEC sta nr 1,943.00 21.22 41,230.46 New 21.22 41,230.46 -
LS-35 Jatropha Integerrima; Ref. JAT int nr 4,489.00 21.22 95,256.58 New 21.22 95,256.58 -
LS-36 Pennisetum Setaceum 'Rubrum'; Ref. PEN rub m2 40,564.01 61.63 2,499,959.94 P1 - 4.13 14.30 580,065.34 1,919,894.60
LS-37 Sesuvium Portulacastrum; Ref. SES por m2 33,183.30 58.86 1,953,169.04 P1 - 4.16 10.10 335,151.33 1,618,017.71
LS-38 Ruellia ciliosa; ref. RUE cil m2 45,828.96 60.46 2,770,818.92 P2 - 4.15 11.80 540,781.73 2,230,037.19
LS-39 Wedelia Trilobata; Ref. WED tri m2 19,127.32 60.46 1,156,437.77 New 60.46 1,156,437.77 0.00
LS-40 Plastic Edge m 76,027.31 10.90 828,697.68 P1 - 4.22 10.90 828,697.68 0.00
LS-41 75-100 mm Crushed Gravel (Beige), Ref : GRV-01 m2 149,391.36 34.79 5,197,325.41 New 34.79 5,197,325.41 (0.00)
LS-42 75-100 mm Crushed Gravel (White), Ref : GRV-02 m2 81,170.64 35.56 2,886,427.96 New 35.56 2,886,427.96 0.00