MHLP February

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Day & Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

8:00 - 9:00 Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast, and get ready for an awesome day!

9:00 - 9:30 Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family.


9:30 - 11:30 PERSONALITY

MELC: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT - Quarter 1, Module 1 Self – Development (2 WEEKS)
What I Need to Know
Requested parents
1.1 explain that knowing oneself
can make a person accept his/her This module will bring you to a personal journey with yourself, allowing you to make deeper thoughts and give better to pick up printed
strengths and limitations and realizations of your strengths and let you work on your own weaknesses, as you continue to strive to become a better person for oneself,
for family and the community.
modules in
dealing with others better
1.2 share his/her unique The primary concerns of your personhood are the main content of this module. To help you attend to your personal growth and designated
characteristics, habits, and give better point of view in knowing and understanding yourself during the middle and late adolescence stages in your development as a
2.1 discuss the relationship Discussion of lesson objectives. retrieval area
among physiological, cognitive, What I Know
Starter! What I know (pretest): This activity will enable you to assess your prior knowledge from the topic that will be discussed in
(classroom) in the
psychological, spiritual, and social
development the letter of the correct answer school
2.2 evaluate his/her own -Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors LESSON 1- KNOWING ONESELF
2.3 show the connections Knowing oneself is important for every person to be able to accept one’s strengths and limitations. It gives us the view on what Have the parent
between thoughts, feelings, and weaknesses we need to work on for a better u. In this lesson, you will uncover your unique characteristics and habits and
appreciate how experiences in life shape your being that will help you in dealing with others better
submit the
behaviors in actual life situations
What’s New outputs with the
Activity 1.1.: My Personality Stars. Directions: In your Journal Notebook, draw your personality stars, and inside them, write
down the different traits which you believe you possess. Your answers could be based on how you and your family and friends describe
printed modules of

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Day & Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
What is it
their child/children
Directions: In your Journal Notebook, answer these questions in three (3) to five (5) sentences: to the same
1. How do I feel after filling in my personality stars?
2. What traits describe me the most?
3. What personality traits I need to work more? distribution-
What’s More
Activity 1.2.: Wow’s and Wish’s. Directions: Think of the positive self-image you wanted to develop under each trait. Under
retrieval area in
the Wow column, list down the positive self-image you wanted to develop. Under the Wish’s column, list down the ways on how you school
can develop them. Write as many as you can in your journal. Answer the questions below in your personal journal notebook, in three (3)
to five (5) sentences:
1. How do I feel after listing down the desirable traits I wanted to develop as a person?
2. What are the unique habits and characteristics I wanted to do to attain such development?
3. In what way I can fully develop myself as a person?
What I Have Learned
Activity 1.3.: This Is Me! Each one of us has the power to choose who we want ourselves to be, including how we want others
to know us. Below is your personal shirt that would best describe you as a person. Beside it are the choices of personal qualities you
wanted to be written on your shirt as your self-identity.
Directions: In your journal, draw your personal design of shirt. At the center of the shirt, write the word: This Is Me! Pick your
personal qualities and list them inside the drawn shirt on your journal. Style your own personal shirt. Answer the given questions below.
What I can Do
Activity 1.4.: I Am the Author of My Life! It is important for a person to set clear goals and important skills each one wanted
to hold or possess as we grow wiser as a person.

Lesson 2 - Developing the Whole Person

In this lesson, you will gain deeper views on the relationship of a person’s physiological, cognitive, psychological, spiritual and
social being, giving you a clearer picture of the importance of nurturing them as you get along with others.
What’s In
Activity 2.1.: How Well Do I know Myself?
Going over Lesson 1 in Module 1 allows you to gain a confirmation on you actual self-concept, including the strengths and
the personal qualities you wanted to possess as you mature.
Directions: Imagine you are person holding the circle postings on the wall. In your journal, draw the two (2) classified circle
postings, and on the left circle, write down the strengths you possess, and on the right circle, write down the personal qualities mentioned
in the previous lesson, that every person has to adopt.
What’s New
Activity 2.2.: My Developmental Aspects. Directions: In your journal notebook, draw five (5) circles and label each to represent
the five developmental aspects of yourself. Below is a gallery of words, details that comprises one’s personhood. Classify each word and
list them on the circles you have drawn on the journal, as to which developmental aspect they belong.
What’s More
Activity 2.3.: My Share of Pie. Directions: Below is a picture of a mango pie. Draw that mango pie in your journal, read and do
the given instructions given.
What I Have Learned
Activity 2.4.: All Are Connected! Directions: Below are shapes to represent the five (5) aspects of self. In your journal, draw the
exact design as you see it, and label each figure with what aspect you wanted it to have. At the center of the bigger circle, write down
how each aspect connect and affect one another

What I can Do
Each person has the power to live and enjoy the positive and healthy state of well-being. Best self-aspects could be attained by
maximizing one’s potential. It is a process of moving towards the direction of nurturing our physical, intellectual, emotional, social

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Day & Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
spiritual and moral aspects. A thing that each person should reflect on in the day-to-day undertakings.
Activity 2.5.: I have the will! I have the Power! (Note to One Self)
Directions: In your journal, and following the format below, write a special letter for yourself that would contain the
following details:
1. The things you realized in the readings of lesson 2;
2. The action steps you are going to do in developing each of your self-aspects.
Assessment (Posttest)
Key answers

MELC: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT - Quarter 1, Module 2 Developmental Stages and Challenges in the Middle and Late
Adolescence (1 Week)
Requested parents
1. Discuss developmental
tasks and challenges What I Need to Know to pick up printed
being experienced during For the learner: In this module you will be able to learn the different developmental stages of human development, particularly in modules in
adolescence. the middle and late adolescence. You will be able to know the various characteristics in the different stages, express your ways on how
2. Evaluate one’s to become responsible adolescent and discuss the different challenges you faced in the adolescence stage. Also, express your feelings on
development through the the expectations of significant people around you, and make affirmations that help you become more loving and capable as an distribution-
help of significant people adolescent. retrieval area
around him/her (peers, What I Know
parents, siblings, friends, Starter! What I know (pretest): This activity will enable you to assess your prior knowledge from the topic that will be discussed in
(classroom) in the
teachers, community the letter of the correct answer school
leaders) -Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
Identify ways that help one become Have the parent
What’s In
capable and responsible adolescent
Your thoughts strongly influence the way you feel. Some events may serve as a trigger, but the event isn’t what directly lead to submit the
prepared for adult life.
your disappointment. It is the meaning that certain events hold for you, and your thoughts reflect that meaning. In other words, our outputs with the
feelings and emotions are the straight result of the way we think about or interpret situations. printed modules of
Activity1.1 Understanding Thoughts, Feelings and Behavior Directions. Read the short situation below, then fill in the blanks
inside the circle the possible emotions felt by the teenage girl. Choose your answer from the choices given after the situation. Copy the
their child/children
diagram in your journal notebook. to the same
What’s New designated
Activity 1.2 Developmental Tasks Inside the Pyramid Directions.
What Is It
MY PERSONAL TIMELINE A personal timeline shows the influential events and happenings of a person’s life so that he retrieval area in
can understand where he has gone wrong and right in the past. It helps to plan the future in a better way. school
Activity 1.3 Personal Timeline Directions. Using a bond paper, write the major events in your life and the significant
people in your life. You may add your age, dates, and places. You may draw the timeline horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or even any
position depending on your imagination. Be creative and innovative in your representations. You may also use symbols, figures and
drawings. Think of a title of your personal timeline.
Activit1.4 My Personal Timeline with Reflection. Directions. In your journal notebook, answer the following questions below
by looking at your own the Personal Timeline you have made previously.
The human being is either in a state of growth or decay, but either condition imparts change. Some aspects of our life change
very little over time, are consistent. Other aspects change dramatically. By understanding these changes, we can better respond and

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Day & Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
plan effectively.
Activity 1.5 My Photo Collage. Directions. Prepare materials for the collage making (pair of scissors, art paper, glue, 1 piece of
long bond paper and set of photos).
What’s More
Robert J. Havighurst elaborated on the Developmental Tasks Theory in the most systematic and extensive manner. His main
assertion is that development is continuous throughout the entire lifespan, occurring in stages, where the individual moves from one
stage to the next by means of successful resolution of problems or performance of developmental tasks. These tasks are those that are
typically encountered by most people in the culture where the individual belongs.
Activity 1.6 Developmental Tasks of G12 Students. Directions. Using the Developmental Tasks Summary Table below, assess
your own level of development as a Grade 11 student. (Write your answers in your journal notebook).
Activity 1.7 Developmental Thoughts. Answer the following questions in your journal notebook.
Additional Activities
Activity1.8Yesterday and Today. Directions. Ask your parents about their opinions or comparisons on the things that they do
before while growing up until adulthood with the things that you do now as a teenager. Write in your journal (an essay or discussion with
two to three paragraph) the findings of your inquiry and give your insights on the difference of the behavior, thoughts, and feelings of the
people twenty years older than you.
Activity1.9. Watch and Learn Directions. Watch any movie from the YouTube, Facebook or any video material resource about
adolescent challenges (ex. Early parenting or bad habits) that has moral lesson. Write the title and give your reflection in two to three
Lesson II Challenges in the Middle and Late Adolescence
This lesson aims to classify various developmental tasks according to developmental stages of an individual, evaluate your
development in comparison with persons of the same age group and list ways to become a responsible adolescent, prepared for adult life.
As Grade 11 students, discover the challenges in the middle and late adolescence and make ways to become responsible and brave in
facing realities in life.
Take time to reflect and ask yourself, what was the biggest wrong decision you have made in your entire life and how were you
able to handle its consequences (for instance, having a fight with your best friend)?
What’s In
As humans, we develop over time. We become more innovative in certain foundations of our lives. For example, one may build
their physical fitness by working out and becoming stronger and faster or they may gain experience in other professional work and be
skillful in certain fields. Start your day by asking yourself, how you, as an adolescent, can balance the expectations of significant people
in your life and your personal aspirations?
What’s New
Challenge teaches us to bravely face reality. Human growth and development is categorized by several different and unique stages
beginning with conception and ending at death. Like all stages of human development, adolescence is an important phase. It deals with
emotions, mental and social factors. Along with it are responsibilities of life and capability to encounter problems.
Activity 1.1 Responsibility Matters Directions.
1. In your journal notebook, spell the word RESPONSIBILITY in a vertical position and give a corresponding meaning to
each letter that relates to your responsibility as an adolescent. The first letter is done for you.
2. Reflect and answer the questions below the table.
What is it.
ENCOURAGEMENT 101: The Courage to Be Imperfect by Timothy D. Evans, Ph.D. Encouragement is the key ingredient for
improving your relationships with others. It is the single most important skill necessary for getting along with others – so important that

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Day & Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
the lack of it could be considered the primary cause of conflict and misbehavior. Encouragement develops a person’s psychological
hardiness and social interest. Encouragement is the lifeblood of a relationship. And yet, this simple concept is often very hard to put into
Activity 1. 2 Balloons of Encouragement! Directions: Identify the things that lead you to be encouraged or discouraged within
your family, school, and friends. Using your journal, copy the balloons and write words or phrases in them as many as you can. Then,
discuss your answers below your drawings.
Activity 1.3 Slogan or Personal Declaration on Being Happy. Directions. Answer the following questions in your journal notebook.
What I Have Learned
Activity1. 4Main Idea and Details Chart. Directions. In your journal notebook, fill in the chart below with words or phrases that
makes you happy and lovable by your friends, teachers, and family. The main idea is given on the right side.
What I Can Do
Activity1.5 Interview. Directions. Interview one of the parents of your friends regarding the challenges they have met having an
adolescent son or daughter in this generation with the following guide questions.
Assessment (Posttest)
Key answers

11:30- 1:30 Break

1:30 - 3:30 INQUIRIES,


3:30 – 4:00 WORK IMMERSION


9:30 - 11:30 Revisit all modules and check if all required tasks are done.

1:00 - 4:00 Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.

4:00 onwards Family Time


9:30 – 11:30 PHYSICAL

11:30- 1:30 Break

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Day & Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

3:30 – 4:00 WORK IMMERSION


9:30 - 11:30 Revisit all modules and check if all required tasks are done.

1:00 - 4:00 Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.

4:00 onwards Family Time



11:30-1:30 Break


3:30 – 4:00 WORK IMMERSION


9:30 - 11:30 Revisit all modules and check if all required tasks are done.

1:00 - 4:00 Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.

4:00 onwards Family Time



11:30-1:30 Break

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Day & Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery


3:30 – 4:00 WORK IMMERSION


9:30 - 11:30 Revisit all modules and check if all required tasks are done.

1:00 - 4:00 Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.

4:00 Family Time

Prepared by: Checked by Noted by:

Adviser / SHS Teacher II Subject Group Head Principal III

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