Why This Animal Is in Endangered

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There are several animals in danger of extinction.
where there are rescued so they do not have to be in
danger, especially from the destruction of their
habitat or from hunting.
Some of the animals is danger of extinction are:



Tigers are threatened from hunting and habitat loss all

over the world. Tigers are considered “Endangered” by
the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of

To help tiger populations recover, WWF is working to

improve tiger habitat, reduce human-tiger conflict and
engage local communities.
Sadly, tigers are on the brink of extinction. Just over a
century ago, 100,000 wild tigers roamed across Asia.
Today, fewer than 3,900 live in a mere four per cent of
their historic range. The largest tiger population can
now be found in India, home to half of all remaining
wild tigers. Much of this decline has occurred in the
past decade.
Polar Bear
As our planet warms and sea ice melts, polar bear
populations are increasingly at risk.
The largest bear in the world and the Arctic’s top predator, polar bears
are a powerful symbol of the strength and endurance of the Arctic. At
least two thirds of the world’s polar bears live on Canadian territory,
giving Canadians a special relationship with —and responsibility for
— these bears. The polar bear’s Latin name, Ursus maritimus, means
“sea bear.” Its an apt name for this majestic species, which spends
much of its life in, around, or on the ocean — predominantly on the
sea ice.

As sea ice melts, more and more polar bears can be found resting
along Arctic coastlines.

Threats include habitat degradation, contaminants, climate and
ecosystem change, disturbance from whale watching activities, noise
from industrial activities (including oil drilling), illegal whaling or harvest,
reduced prey abundance due to overfishing, and oil spills.
In 1970, the blue whale was listed as endangered under the Endangered
Species Conservation Act, the predecessor to the Endangered Species
Act (ESA). When the ESA was passed in 1973, the blue whale was listed
as endangered throughout its range. It is also listed as depleted under
the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

The threats are numerous, including habitat loss,
pollution, disease, and reduced food availability due
to commercial fishing. Climate change is of
particular concern for many species of penguin, as
the sea ice that they depend on to find food or build
nests is melting before their eyes.

Why are penguins endangered?

Penguins are facing many challenges, from climate
change to fishing net entanglements that put their
populations at risk.

What is happening in our global landscapes to cause
such alarming losses? Butterflies face a wide range
of threats including habitat loss, climate change,
disease, pesticides, and invasive plants. More
localized threats, such as over grazing and roadside
mowing, can also have negative consequences.

What causes butterflies to be endangered?

Yet these butterflies, once a familiar sight, are
plummeting toward extinction due to
landscapescale threats from pesticides,
development and global climate change. That's why
the Center is working hard to win them protection
under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.

6 Easy Things You Can Do To Save Endangered

1. Learn about endangered species in your area.
2. Visit a national wildlife refuge, park or other
open space.
3. Make your home wildlife friendly.
4. Native plants provide food and shelter for
native wildlife.
5. Recycle and buy sustainable products.
6. Harassing wildlife is cruel and illegal.

The lesson we get is that we need

to save these animals from

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