Adult Weekly Meal Plan: What Can 5% Free Sugars and 30g Fibre Look Like?

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Adult weekly meal plan

What can 5% free sugars and 30g fibre look like?

This menu simply shows one way of meeting the fibre and free sugar recommendations, as well other UK food and nutrient based dietary guidelines (e.g. energy, salt,
saturated fat, 5 A DAY, fish) - it is not, however, the only or definitive approach. It also allows you to still have a little bit of what you fancy - in moderation!

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

No added sugar muesli, 2 slices wholemeal toast Porridge with dried figs
2 fortified wheat biscuits, Scrambled eggs, grilled
semi-skimmed milk and with peanut butter Bran flakes, semi- Small can of reduced and seeds
semi-skimmed milk and tomato and 2 slices of
canned peaches skimmed milk and sugar baked beans on 1
chopped banana wholemeal toast
Breakfast (in juice) Skinny latte chopped banana slice of wholemeal toast Tea
Small glass (150ml) Small glass (150ml)
Small glass (150ml) Small glass (150ml) Tea Skinny latte Small glass (150ml)
orange juice orange juice
orange juice orange juice apple juice
Jacket potato with tuna Lentil soup, ham salad Houmous, rocket and red Thin crust Margherita Roast chicken, roast
Cheese and chutney and
mayonnaise, sweetcorn Chicken and wholewheat sandwich with salad pepper on a wholemeal pizza with added potatoes, peas and
salad on a wholemeal
and salad pasta salad cream, on wholemeal wrap vegetables and side carrots
Lunch roll
bread salad
2 oatcakes, cheese and 4 dried apricots Low fat yogurt, honey Homemade spiced rice
1 pear
grapes 2 tangerines and cinnamon Fruit salad pudding

Cheese and onion

Evening Chickpea and spinach
curry (retail cooking
Baked salmon, new
potatoes, broccoli and
bean chilli with brown
Lean pork and pak choi Fish pie, peas and green
Spaghetti Bolognese
with wholewheat
omelette, sweet potato
Meal sauce) with brown rice kale rice
stir fry with noodles beans
wedges, green salad,
lemon mayonnaise

Low fat plain yogurt,

Guacamole and 1/2 Smoothie: skimmed milk,
Unsalted nuts berries and pumpkin Plain scone with low fat 1 apple
wholemeal pitta bread low fat fruit yogurt, frozen Flapjack slice
(handful) and raisins seeds spread
Snacks berries
Homemade plain
4 squares of dark 175ml glass of red wine
175ml glass of red wine 25g packet of plain 7 Brazil nuts popcorn
chocolate 2 chocolate digestives


• For analysis, it is assumed that unsaturated oils are used for cooking (rapeseed) and Drinks - staying hydrated is important, so additional fluids will be needed! We should consume
in salads (olive) and spreads rich in polyunsaturates are used on toast and in 6-8 glasses of fluid each day - water is recommended. Other options include unsweetened
sandwiches. herbal and fruit infusions, tea/coffee with lower fat milk, or 'no-added sugar' or 'sugar-free' drinks.

• Tea and coffee: unsweetened with semi-skimmed milk. Wholegrain variety - you could try to include a variety of options such as wholegrain breakfast
cereals, wholewheat pasta, wholewheat/multigrain breads,wraps and bagels oats, barley, rye,
buckwheat and quinoa.
Meal plan weekly averages
Total carbohydrate
Energy/calories Saturated fat (total Fruit & Veg
(inc. fibre) Calcium (mg) Iron (mg) Salt (g)
(kcal) % energy) (portions)
(total % energy
Our mealplan 1964 9.2 50 1060 14.8 4 8

UK guidelines ~2000 no more than 11 50 700 14.8 no more than 6 5

What about FREE SUGARS?

What are free sugars? Free sugars are sugars that have been added to food or drinks. These include sugars added at
home, by a chef or food manufacturer. Also included are all sugars found in honey, syrups (e.g. maple and agave) and
unsweetened fruit/vegetable juices and smoothies. Sugars naturally found in milk, fruit and vegetables do not count.

• Meal plan weekly average = 4.6%

• UK recommendation = should not exceed 5% of total energy from food and drinks

How can I reduce free sugar intake?

• Swap sugary drinks for water
• Swap to lower sugar breakfast cereals for porridge and choose fruit as a topping instead of sugar. Free sugar intake should be no more
• Swap snacks like chocolate, biscuits, cakes or sweets for fruit, nuts, plain popcorn, plain oatcakes, rye than ~7 sugar cubes (30g) each day
crispbreads or plain yogurt.

What about FIBRE?

What is fibre? Fibre is an important plant-based carbohydrate. There are lots of types of fibre and it is a good idea to
include a variety of fibre-rich sources in the diet as they may have different health benefits.

• Meal plan weekly average = 33g

• UK recommendation = at least 30g each day

Where can I get fibre from?

Fruit, veg, pulses (beans, lentils, peas), wholegrains, nuts & seeds and potatoes with skin are all great sources of fibre.
In the UK, adults are having only
around 19g of fibre each day

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