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VAIL-Plant CMMS module addresses the complete Allows operator to plan, manage, schedule Tracking the cost of labour and materials.
lifecycle of a technical object including Notification maintenance, and approve requests and
and Work order creation until inspection work orders and continue to the next step. Managing parts and materials inventory.
maintenance closeout. Using VAIL-Plant
Protects and extends the life of assets. Budgeting for equipment maintenance and
CMMS, it gets easier for operators to create and
track work activities, parts usage, and asset Helps operations and maintenance staff be repair.
lifecycle. more productive. Recording the equipment history from
Module contains following main features: installation to replacement.
Maintaining asset/equipment inventory.

Improved planning and scheduling. Scheduling of “preventive” maintenance

through a formal service and WO process.
Proper Preventive Maintenance reduces
equipment downtime. Tracking of “unscheduled” repairs.

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