Resarre Mark Me Lab Report 01
Resarre Mark Me Lab Report 01
Resarre Mark Me Lab Report 01
Submitted by:
Resarre, Mark R.
February 16, 2022
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Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lab activity experiment, the students would be able to:
o Know how to properly use and operate the setup of a bomb calorimeter;
o Learn how to properly measure the necessary pressure and temperature
needed in the experiment;
o Determine the changes of the samples before and after the experiment;
o Observe the graphical representation of the experiment.
The bomb calorimeter is an instrument used to measure the heat of reaction
at a fixed volume and the measured heat which called the change of internal energy
(ΔE). In chemistry, the changes of heat of a reaction can be measured at fixed
pressure or volume. However, the facts in the field show that mostly can be
measured at fixed pressure because of the ease in designing the apparatus use in
practical work and availability apparatus. For instance, the concept of energy
involved in reaction should be learned with the support of the laboratory activity.
Four essential parts are required in any bomb calorimeter: (1) a bomb or
vessel in which the combustible charges can be burned, (2) a bucket or container
for holding the bomb in a measured quantity of water, together with a stirring
mechanism, (3) an insulating jacket to protect the bucket from transient thermal
stresses during the combustion process, and (4) a thermometer or other sensor for
measuring temperature changes within the bucket.
Emilio Aguinaldo College
School of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology
Congressional East Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
(+63) 046-4164324 loc. 148
The bomb must be a strong, thick-walled metal vessel which can be opened
for inserting the sample, for removing the products of combustion and for cleaning.
Valves must be provided for filling the bomb with oxygen under pressure and for
releasing residual gases at the conclusion of a test. Electrodes to carry an ignition
current to a fuse wire are also required. Since an internal pressure up to 1500 psig
can be developed during combustion, most oxygen bombs are constructed to
withstand pressures of at least 3000 psig.
Laboratory Setup
Emilio Aguinaldo College
School of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology
Congressional East Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
(+63) 046-4164324 loc. 148
Lab Apparatus
A pipette is a small tube that can transfer liquids
from one container to another and is a common
piece of laboratory equipment.
Emilio Aguinaldo College
School of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology
Congressional East Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
(+63) 046-4164324 loc. 148
Lab Samples
Step 2: Open the valve on the oxygen gas cylinder and set it the pressure regulator
at 450 psi, and allow 20 minutes warm up time.
Step 3: In the sample cup provided, weigh a pellet of benzoic acid on the analytical
balance then record its mass. Record the enthalpy of combustion of benzoic acid as
supplied on the benzoic acid reagent bottle.
Step 4: Place the sample cup on the cup holder and loop a single piece of cotton
thread over the ignition wire. Double the thread on itself, twisting to form a single
strand and feed it into the sample cup.
Emilio Aguinaldo College
School of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology
Congressional East Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
(+63) 046-4164324 loc. 148
Step 5: Using a volumetric pipette, pipette 1 ml of water into the bomb cylinder.
Inspect the sealing ring on the bomb head to ensure that it is in good condition.
Step 6: Lubricate the sealing ring with a drop of water and make that the gas valve
is in the open position and place the bomb head into the bomb cylinder. Push it
down as far as possible without jostling down the sample.
Step 7: Place the screw cap on to the cylinder and tighten it by hand until reaches
the stop. Close the gas outlet valve on the bomb head.
Step 8: Connect the oxygen filling line to the assembled the bomb and slide the
connector over the gas and let fitting, and push it down as far as it will go.
Step 9: Press the O2 fill button on the calorimeter control panel to start the oxygen
filling procedure. It will take almost 60 seconds for the oxygen to fill it. If necessary,
push the O2 button a second time to stop the filling process.
Step 10: Fill the calorimeter bucket with mm ±0.5 grams of deionized water.
Record the mass of the water then place the bucket into the calorimeter and make
sure the three pegs of the bottom of the calorimeter aligned with the indents in the
bottom of the bucket.
Step 11: Attach the lifting handle to the bomb and place it on the side of the
calorimeter. Insert the ignition wire leads into the terminal connections on the bomb
head and lower the bomb into the water.
Step 12: Remove the lifting handle making sure that all water droplets fall back
into the bucket so that the total mass of the water does not change. Check to make
sure that no bubbles are coming out of the bomb assembly.
Step 13: Ensure that the thermistor and stirrer do not contact the bucket bomb or
firing wires, and close the calorimeter cover. Use the operating mode button to
select standardization mode. Then toggle the BOMB/EE button until 1 or
Emilio Aguinaldo College
School of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology
Congressional East Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
(+63) 046-4164324 loc. 148
CHEM1280 is displayed on the panel. Wait for the temperature to stabilize before
pressing the start button. Press abort if there is rattling noise and yes if not.
Step 14: Record and accept the sample ID number provided. Enter the bomb ID as
indicated in the laboratory procedure then enter the sample mass. The instrument
will beep briefly before firing the bomb at which point the operator should move
away from the instrument.
Step 15: Press the temperature graph button on the panel to observe the changes in
temperature and esc to return. When the test is complete, the instrument will beep
briefly and will display the test report. Record the temperature rise.
Step 16: Open the calorimeter cover and disconnect the ignition wire leads and
remove the bucket with the bomb from the calorimeter. Remove the bomb from the
bucket and place it on the laboratory bench.
Step 17: Slowly open the gas outlet valve to release the gas pressure in the bomb.
The pressure will be released with the course of at least 1 minute. After the pressure
is released, unscrew the cap and remove the bomb head from the cylinder. Inspect
the sample cup for the evidence of unburned material.
Step 18: Empty and dry the water bucket and dry the calorimeter components
between runs. After it, grind the sample in a mortar and pestle on the analytical
balance weigh 0.5g of sample into the sample cup and record the mass to the nearest
0.1 mg.
Step 19: Follow the same steps for the standardization of the calorimeter. Be sure
to set the calorimeter operation to determination using the operating mode button.
Step 20: At the end of the experiment, turn of the main valve of the oxygen tank.
Release the pressure by pressing the O2 fill button and turn off the calorimeter using
the power button at the back of the instrument.
Emilio Aguinaldo College
School of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology
Congressional East Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
(+63) 046-4164324 loc. 148
Application Questions
1. What is the importance of the sample in the bomb calorimeter from the
o The importance of the sample in the bomb calorimeter is to identify the heat
combustion that will determine the enthalpy of combustion of the sample
through the use of bomb calorimeter in setting the sample to burn that result
in rise of the temperature.
o Coal- The calorific values obtained from a bomb calorimeter represent the
amount of heat produced by a unit weight of coal when totally oxidized.
Furthermore, the combustion products are cooled to room temperature. In
practice, this value is not realized because combustion products are not
cooled to room temperature before being disposed of.
o Solvent- Using a bomb calorimeter, the heat of combustion of liquid
hydrocarbon fuels can be determined. The resulting figures are helpful in
determining the thermal efficiency of equipment used to generate electricity
or heat.
Emilio Aguinaldo College
School of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology
Congressional East Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
(+63) 046-4164324 loc. 148
As the sample was being tested in a bomb calorimeter, the graphical
representation shows the rise of the temperature through the course of 12 minutes
as shown in the experiment. The heating filament is comprised of tungsten materials,
and electrical energy is used as an ignition source for the burning of testing fuels.
1g of the sample was placed in the crucible of the bomb calorimeter and electrically
fired to burn in the presence of pure oxygen. Heat was released and a temperature
rise was monitored during the combustion. The effective heat capacity of water was
measured using dry benzoic acid as a fuel. Thus, at the end of the experiment we to
identify the heat combustion that will determine the enthalpy of combustion of the
sample through the use of bomb calorimeter in setting the sample to burn that result
in rise of the temperature.