Internship Report-Gerald 18bel012

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Submitted to the PSG College of Arts & Science in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of the degree of


Submitted by

1. GERALD .S (18BEL012)
2. LEON .OJ (18BEL022)

Under the Guidance of


An Autonomous College - Affiliated to Bharathiar University
Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (3rd cycle)
College with Potential for Excellence
(Status Awarded by the UGC)
Star College Status Awarded by DBT - MST
An ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Institution
Coimbatore – 641 014.

March 2021
This is to certify that the in-plant training report submitted to PSG
COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
the award of the degree of “BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRONICS” is
a record of original work done by the S. GERALD (18BEL012) and OJ.

LEON (18BEL022) during the period of 15 days in February 2021 at THICK

INDIA alias Thick Technologies., Coimbatore under my supervision and

________________________ _________________________
Mr. J. Prakash Manuel Joe Dr. T. A VENKAT
HOD of Electronics [Aided] SUBRAMANIAM
PSG College of Arts & Science PSG College of Arts & Science
Coimbatore – 641 014. Coimbatore – 641 014.

Certified that the candidates were examined by us in the viva-voce examination held
at PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore.

held on 12.03.2021



We hereby declare that the in-plant training report submitted to the

SCIENCE, Coimbatore in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award
of the degree of “BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRONICS” is a record
of original work done by us during the period of 30days in February 2021 at THICK
INDIA Pvt Ltd., Coimbatore under the supervision and guidance of Dr. T. A.
VENKAT SUBRAMANIAM M.Sc., PGDEM., Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Electronics, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore-14.


GERALD .S (18BEL012)

LEON .OJ (18BEL022)


We would like to acknowledge the help of those who contributed with their
valuable suggestions at THICK INDIA and timely assistance to complete this In-
plant training.

Our sincere thanks to Dr. T. A. VENKAT SUBRAMANIAM M.Sc.,

PGDEM., Ph.D., for his guidance.

We express our gratitude to Mr. J. PRAKASH MANUEL JOE, Head of

the Department for his constant, encouragement to pursue new goals and ideas.

We thank our Principal Dr. D. Brindha, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,

M.A.(YOGA)., for her support and constant source of inspiration throughout the
course of internship training.

We express our deep sense of our gratitude to Dr. T. Kannaian, the

Secretary, PSG College of Arts & Science, for permitting us to undertake the
internship training.

We would like to extend out heartiest gratitude place our sincere thanks to
Thiru L. Gopalakrishnan Managing Trustee PSG & Sons Charities, Coimbatore
for providing all sorts of support and necessary facilities in this institution making
us do this In-Plant Training.

Last, but not least we are greatly indebted to our friends & family members
for their co-operations in each and every step we took in this task.

Thick Technologies Is An Exclusive R&D And Training Division For Embedded

System, and Internet of Things (IoT). Mr. Karthikeyan Balasubramanian, Founder
And Director Of Thick Technologies Established It In The Year 2003. Thick
Technologies Is Focused On Three Major Sectors Namely Training, Research And
Development (R&D) And Manufacturing Of Electronics Automation And
Customized Products. Thick Technologies Is An Academic Partner Of Three Multi-
National Companies Namely
• Microchip – Manufacture Of PIC Microcontroller
• National Instruments – Developer Of LabVIEW
• EFY – Electronics For Your Magazine

Training Division
BIT (Thick Technologies) Is Known For The Corporate Training In Embedded
System and IoT Throughout The Country. We Have Tied-Up With Many Industries
And Institutes Throughout The Country For R&D And To Provide The On-Campus
Training Program For The Students, Working professionals, And Hobbyists. We
Follow A Unique Training Methodology Which Focus More On Practical Hands-
On Training.
Research And Development
BIT (Thick Technologies) Is A Technical Partner To Provide The Solution For
Some Of The Industries In And Around Tamil Nadu. Our Team Is Technically
Sound In Embedded System, IoT, And LabVIEW.

S. Day Name of the Particulars Page No.


1 29.01.2021 Introduction to PCB 1

2 30.01.2021 Types of PCB 2

3 01.02.2021 PCB - Anatomy 3

4 02.02.2021 Traces, Holes, PADs 4

5 03.02.2021 VIAs, Solder Mask, Silkscreen 7

6 04.02.2021 Basics of Electronic Components 10

7 05.02.2021 Electronic Components Model 12

8 06.02.2021 to Introduction to KiCad & Schematics 15

9 09.02.2021 to PCB Layout 22
10 11.02.2021 Generating Gerber file 29

11 12.02.2021 PCB Fabrication 31

12 13.02.2021 PCB Fabrication – Etching & Drilling 35

13 15.02.2021 Assembling Components with PCB 37


14 16.02.2021 to Digital Clock using Microcontroller 38

15 19.02.2021 to Variable Power Supply 5 Amp, 0-20V 41
16 23.02.2021 to 8051 Development Kit 45
17 26.02.2021 to Digital Stopwatch using 555 Timer 49
DAY 1:
Introduction to PCB
Printed Circuit Board can be shortly called as PCB. PCB is a non conductive
substrate that mechanically supports and electrically connects the electronic
components using tracks, pads and other features etched on a laminated copper
sheet. A PCB populated with electronic components is called a printed circuit
board assembly (PCBA) PCBs can be a Single-sided (one copper layer), Double-
sided (two copper layers) and Multilayer. PCBs were first developed by an
Australian engineer Paul Eisler.

PCB assembling process includes preparing the circuit board’s surface,
fixing the components, soldering, touching, quantity control cleaning and testing.
First the through hole components like resistors, capacitors, diodes,
transistors, transformers, connectors, fixed on the boards. We use both automated
and manual techniques for placing PCB components. Generally, through-hole parts
are placed manually whereas surface-mount components are placed with the use of
a pick and place machine. Most of the time, automated assembly is not feasible for a
small number of PCB’s.
After fixing, the boards are taken to soldering. Wave-soldering is used to solder the
leads for the leads for through-hole components with flux and molten-lead.
To avoid the contact between leads and to prevent the components from short
circuit, the boards are sent to the touching section and checked.
In quantity control section the circuit board is sent for detailed inspection to
check for accurate component placement.
Assembly process is completed by cleaning the circuit boards. Then finally it
was taken to the testing department and tested.

➢ Single layer PCB
➢ Double layer PCB
➢ Multilayer PCB


➢ These boards are used in entertainment electronics.
➢ Cost is very less
➢ The components will be on top side
➢ The soldering side will be the bottom side
➢ Jumper wires should be minimized
➢ In industries the single sided PCB is used where cost factor comes into play
a major role.


➢ The components layer will be on the top side.
➢ The solder layer on the top side
➢ The cost factor is high for double sided PCB
➢ While, designing the routers are minimized on the component side.

The next step after layout preparation is the artwork process.
For the artwork preparation the following are the requirements.
➢ Skill persons
➢ Skill
➢ Creativity
➢ Patience
➢ Knowledge
➢ Experience
➢ Good technical drawing skill
➢ Individual separate room for designers

➢ Room should be eliminated
➢ Comfortable table and chair
➢ A cupboard for storing artwork material
➢ Equipped with designed tool

Day : 3
PCB Anatomy

1. Substrate :
➢ Rigid board of insulating material
➢ Provides structural support to the circuit components
➢ Laminates are available in different thickness
➢ Most commonly used material type is FR4, 0.005 to 0.038 thick
➢ Typically consists of two sheets of thin copper laminated (or glued) to an
insulating material, also called, also called a “Copper Clad Laminate”
➢ The thickness of the copper sheet is specified in terms of its weight (i.e.,
ounces per square foot)

1. Prepreg (Pre-impregnated Bonding Sheet) :

➢ Thermosetting Resin + Glass Fiber Sheet of B Stage (B Stage : Semi-
hardening state of resin)
➢ It’s the “glue” that holds the cores together
➢ Prepreg available in several types

Typical PCB Layer Stackup
➢ Alternating layers of core and prepreg.
➢ Symmetric about the center of the board in the vertical axis to avoid
mechanical stress in the board under thermal cycling.

➢ Typically Copper traces are patterned either by:
• Photolithography – requires photo mask
• Laser – used to draw patterns on photoresist
• Mechanical milling – Cu is removed to isolate the traces.
➢ Trace width and thickness determines:
• Ampacity(Current carrying capacity)
• Characteristic impedance for RF designs
➢ Practical limitations:
• Minimum trace width and spacing.

PCB Traces, Tracks measuring Tool:

➢ Saturn PCB Design

Holes can be:
➢ VIAs, Multi-layer pads, mounting holes, or cuts
➢ Plated or non plated

➢ Contact areas for soldering components, test points and solder traps
➢ Can have any shape
➢ Single layer pads – Top / Bottom layer, common for SMT, end launch
➢ Multi-layer pads – for through hole components
➢ Footprints are a collection of pads

➢ Interconnection between layers is accomplished with via holes
➢ After the holes are drilled, their inner walls are plated
➢ Top and bottom traces are patterned after plating
➢ High-density PCB includes blind and buried VIAs

VIA Types:
➢ Through-Hole VIAs
• VIAs that span from the top layer to the bottom layer.
➢ Blind VIAs
• VIAs that start on a surface layer and end on an inner layer.
➢ Buried VIAs
• Start on an inner layer and end on another inner layer.
➢ Micro VIAs
• VIAs that connect adjacent layers.
➢ Skip VIAs
• Kind of micro VIAs that span adjacent layers, or adjacent + 1.

Solder Mask or Solder Resist:
➢ Thin polymer layer deposited on top and bottom layer
➢ Protects outer layers from oxidation and prevents solder bridges
➢ Allows for wave or reflow soldering of components
➢ Holes are opened with photolithography wherever components will be
➢ Default color is green, but any other color is possible.

Solder Coat / Surface Finish :
Surface finish is also referred to as Solder Coat or Exposed Conductor
The pads of the board must receive a special surface finish to:
➢ Resist oxidation from long period of storage while waiting for loading
➢ Prepare them for the application of solder
To Accomplish this, a layer of conducting material is applied to the pads after
solder masking.
• Tin Solder (leaded or lead free plating)
• Silver
• Gold

Types of Solder Coat:

➢ HASl / Lead-free HASL
➢ Immersion Tin (ISn)
➢ Immersion Silver (IAg)
➢ OSP / Entek
➢ Electroless Nikel Immersion Gold (ENIG)
➢ Gold – Hard Gold

Legend or Silkscreen:
➢ Applied on top of the solder resist.
➢ Can be applied to one or both outer layers.
➢ Default color is white but any other colors are available as well.

Day 6


Resistor ( R ), Inductor ( L ), Capacitor ( C ), Transformer, Diode ( D )

Transistor, IC, D, etc.

Switch ( SW ), Relay (RLY), etc.



1. Schematic symbol

2. PCB footprint

3. 3D model

4. SPICE model

5. SI model


➢ Graphical representation of an electrical/electronic components in schematic

➢ The pins add the electrical properties and function
➢ They are largely standardized, but many vary from country to country or
between engineering disciplines
➢ IEC-60617(also know as British Standard BS 3939)
➢ ANSI Y32.2-1975(known as IEEE Std 315-1975 or CSA Z99-1975)
➢ IEEE Std 91/91a: graphic symbols for logic functions
➢ Australian Standard AS-1102

➢ IEC 60062:2016 defines the digit code for resistance and capacitance values
and tolerance

➢ Pattern that represents the actual physical size of a given component(body
and the leads)
➢ Defines where the component mounts and connects on the PCB
➢ Created from a set of standard objects , with the PADs providing the
➢ Stores both the fabricated elements (PADs, silkscreen, solder mask, etc.)
➢ The PADs of a given components can be either:

I.Through-Hole (THP)
II.Surface Mount (SMD/SMT)


• Easier prototyping • Higher board cost due to drilling
• Strong physical connections • Takes up more board real-estate
• Heat tolerance • Assembly process is more
• Power handling capability • Slower speeds


• Small size Denser boards • weaker physical connections to
the PCB
• fast speeds • lower heat tolerance
• Faster and cheaper assembly • Lower power handling capability
• No drilling cheaper board • DFM: tombstone, pop cornering,
fabrication etc.


➢ The terms “land pattern” and “footprint” are often used interchangeably in
the PCB assembly industry

➢ A given component could have multiple different land patterns, but will
always have a single footprint
➢ A footprint refers to the actual physical size of a given component
➢ A land pattern refers to the size of the pads and outline for a given part to fit
onto a PCB
➢ A land pattern can have different component PAD shapes
➢ IPC-7351C defines Land-pattern-Naming-Convention
➢ IPC Std. defines three density levels for Land-Pattern
• Level A: maximum (most)- for low-density product applications.
• Level B: median (Nominal)- Moderate level of component density.
• Level C: minimum (least)- high component density typical of
portable and hand-held product applications
➢ A land pattern can have different different component PAD shapes
➢ IPC Std. defines three Density Levels for Land-Pattern

DAY 8 & 9

Introduction to KiCad
KiCad is an open-source software tool for the creation of electronic schematic
diagrams and PCB artwork. Beneath its singular surface, KiCad incorporates an
elegant ensemble of the following stand-alone software tools:
KiCad can be considered mature enough to be used for the successful development
and maintenance of complex electronic boards.
KiCad does not present any board-size limitation and it can easily handle up to 32
copper layers, up to 14 technical layers and up to 4 auxiliary layers. KiCad can
create all the files necessary for building printed boards, Gerber files for photo-
plotters, drilling files, component location files and a lot more.

Being open source (GPL licensed), KiCad represents the ideal tool for projects
oriented towards the creation of electronic hardware with an open-source flavour.

Downloading and installing KiCad

KiCad runs on GNU/Linux, Apple macOS and Windows. You can find the most up
to date instructions and download links at:

Draw electronic schematics

Using Eeschema
Step 1: Under Windows run kicad.exe. Under Linux type 'kicad' in your
Terminal. You are now in the main window of the KiCad project manager. From
here you have access to eight stand-alone software tools: Eeschema, Schematic
Library Editor, Pcbnew, PCB Footprint
Editor, GerbView, Bitmap2Component, PCB Calculator and Pl Editor. Refer to the
work-flow chart to give you an idea how the main tools are used.

Step 2: Create a new project: File → New → Project. Name the project file
'tutorial1'. The project file will automatically take the extension ".pro". The exact
appearance of the dialog depends on the used platform, but there should be a
checkbox for creating a new directory. Let it stay checked unless you already have a
dedicated directory. All your project files will be saved there.
Step 3: Let’s begin by creating a schematic. Start the schematic

editor Eeschema, . It is the first button from the left.

Step 4: Click on the 'Page Settings' icon on the top toolbar. Set the
appropriate 'paper size' ('A4','8.5x11' etc.) and enter the Title as 'Tutorial1'. You will
see that more information can be entered here if necessary. Click OK. This

information will populate the schematic sheet at the bottom right corner. Use the
mouse wheel to zoom in. Save the whole schematic: File → Save
Step 5: We will now place our first component. Click on the 'Place symbol'

icon in the right toolbar. You may also press the 'Add Symbol' hotkey [a].
Step 6: Click on the middle of your schematic sheet. A Choose
Symbol window will appear on the screen. We’re going to place a resistor. Search /
filter on the 'R' of Resistor. You may notice the 'Device' heading above the Resistor.
This 'Device' heading is the name of the library where the component is located,
which is quite a generic and useful library.

Step 7: Double click on it. This will close the 'Choose Symbol' window.
Place the component in the schematic sheet by clicking where you want it to be.
Step 8: Click on the magnifier icon to zoom in on the component.
Alternatively, use the mouse wheel to zoom in and zoom out. Press the wheel
(central) mouse button to pan horizontally and vertically.
Step 9: Try to hover the mouse over the component 'R' and press [r]. The
component should rotate. You do not need to actually click on the component to
rotate it.
Step 10: Right click in the middle of the component and
select Properties → Edit Value. You can achieve the same result by hovering over
the component and pressing [v]. Alternatively, [e] will take you to the more general
Properties window. Notice how the right-click menu below shows the hotkeys for
all available actions.

Step 11: The Edit Value Field window will appear. Replace the current value
'R' with '1 k'. Click OK.

Step 12: To place another resistor, simply click where you want the resistor to
appear. The symbol selection window will appear again.
Step 13: The resistor you previously chose is now in your history list,
appearing as 'R'. Click OK and place the component.
Step 14: Repeat the add-component steps, however this time select the
'microchip_pic12mcu' library instead of the 'Device' library and pick the
'PIC12C508A-ISN' component.
Step 15: Hover the mouse over the microcontroller component. Notice that [x]
and [y] again flip the component. Keep the symbol mirrored around the Y axis so
that the pins G0 and G1 point to right.
Step 16: Repeat the add-component steps, this time choosing the 'Device'
library and picking the 'LED' component from it.
Step 17: Organize all components on your schematic sheet as shown below.

Step 18: To place the power and ground symbols. Click on the 'Place power

port' button on the right toolbar. Alternatively, press [p]. In the component
selection window, scroll down and select 'VCC' from the 'power' library. Click OK.
Step 19: Click above the pin of the 1 k resistor to place the VCC part. Click
on the area above the microcontroller 'VDD'. In the 'Component Selection history'
section select 'VCC' and place it next to the VDD pin. Repeat the add process again
and place a VCC part above the VCC pin of 'MYCONN3'. Move references and
values out of the way if needed.

Step 20: Next, we will wire all our components. Click on the 'Place wire'

icon on the right toolbar.

Step 21: Any pin or wire that is not connected will generate a warning when
checked by KiCad. To avoid these warnings you can either instruct the program that
the unconnected wires are deliberate or manually flag each unconnected wire or pin
as unconnected.

Step 22: Click on the 'Place no connection flag' icon on the right toolbar.
Click on pins 2, 3, 4 and 5. An X will appear to signify that the lack of a wire
connection is intentional.

Step 23: Some components have power pins that are invisible. You can make

them visible by clicking on the 'Show hidden pins' icon on the left toolbar.
Hidden power pins get automatically connected if VCC and GND naming is
respected. Generally speaking, you should try not to make hidden power pins.
Step 24: It is now necessary to add a 'Power Flag' to indicate to KiCad that
power comes in from somewhere. Press [a] and search for 'PWR_FLAG' which is in
'power' library. Place two of them. Connect them to a GND pin and to VCC as
shown below.

Step 25: All components now need to have unique identifiers. In fact, many of
our components are still named 'R?' or 'J?'. Identifier assignation can be done

automatically by clicking on the 'Annotate schematic symbols' icon on the top


Step 26: In the Annotate Schematic window, select 'Use the entire schematic'
and click on the 'Annotate' button. Click 'Close'. Notice how all the '?' have been
replaced with numbers. Each identifier is now unique. In our example, they have
been named 'R1', 'R2', 'U1', 'D1' and 'J1'.
Step 27: We will now check our schematic for errors. Click on the 'Perform

electrical rules check' icon on the top toolbar. Click on the 'Run' button. A
report informing you of any errors or warnings such as disconnected wires is
generated. You should have 0 Errors and 0 Warnings. In case of errors or warnings,
a small green arrow will appear on the schematic in the position where the error or
the warning is located. Check 'Create ERC file report' and press the 'Run' button
again to receive more information about the errors.

Step 28: The schematic is now finished. We can now create a Netlist file to
which we will add the footprint of each component. Click on the 'Generate netlist'

icon on the top toolbar. Click on the 'Generate Netlist' button and save under
the default file name.
Step 29: save the schematic now by clicking File → Save Schematic or with
the button 'Apply, Save Schematic & Continue'.
Step 30: You can close Cvpcb and go back to the Eeschema schematic editor.
If you didn’t save it in Cvpcb save it now by clicking on File → Save. Create the
netlist again. Your netlist file has now been updated with all the footprints. Note
that if you are missing the footprint of any device, you will need to make your own
footprints. This will be explained in a later section of this document.
Step 31: Switch to the KiCad project manager. You can see the net list file in
the file list.
Step 32: The netlist file describes all components and their respective pin
connections. The netlist file is actually a text file that you can easily inspect, edit or
Step 33: To create a Bill Of Materials (BOM), go to the Eeschema schematic

editor and click on the 'Generate bill of materials' icon on the top toolbar. By
default there is no plugin active. You add one, by clicking on Add Plugin button.
Select the *.xsl file you want to use, in this case, we select bom2csv.xsl.

Step 34: Now press 'Generate'. The file (same name as your project) is located
in your project folder. Open the *.csv file with LibreOffice Calc or Excel. An
import window will appear, press OK.

DAY 10 & 11

Layout printed circuit boards

Using Pcbnew:
Step 1: From the KiCad project manager, click on the 'Pcb layout

editor' icon . You can also use the corresponding toolbar button
from Eeschema. The 'Pcbnew' window will open. If you get a message saying that
a *.kicad_pcb file does not exist and asks if you want to create it, just click Yes.
Step 2: Begin by entering some schematic information. Click on the 'Page

settings' icon on the top toolbar. Set the appropriate 'paper size' ('A4','8.5x11'
etc.) and 'title' as 'Tutorial1'.
Step 3: It is a good idea to start by setting the clearance and the minimum
track width to those required by your PCB manufacturer. In general you can set the
clearance to '0.25' and the minimum track width to '0.25'. Click on
the Setup → Design Rules menu. If it does not show already, click on the 'Net
Classes Editor' tab. Change the 'Clearance' field at the top of the window to '0.25'
and the 'Track Width' field to '0.25' as shown below. Measurements here are in mm.

Step 4: Click on the 'Global Design Rules' tab and set 'Minimum track width'
to '0.25'. Click the OK button to commit your changes and close the Design Rules
Editor window
Step 5: Now we will import the netlist file if you created one. Click on the

'Read netlist' icon on the top toolbar. The netlist file '' should be
selected in the 'Netlist file' field if it was created from Eeschema. Click on 'Read
Current Netlist'. Then click the 'Close' button.

Step 6: All components should now be visible. They are selected and follow
the mouse cursor.

Step 7: Move the components to the middle of the board. If necessary you can
zoom in and out while you move the components. Click the left mouse button.

Step:8 All components are connected via a thin group of wires

called ratsnest. Make sure that the 'Show/hide board ratsnest' button is pressed.
In this way you can see the ratsnest linking all components.

Step:9 You can move each component by hovering over it and pressing [m].
Click where you want to place them. Alternatively you can select a component by
clicking on it and then drag it. Press [r] to rotate a component. Move all components
around until you minimise the number of wire crossovers.

Step 10: Note how one pin of the 100 ohm resistor is connected to pin 6 of the
PIC component. This is the result of the labelling method used to connect pins. Labels
are often preferred to actual wires because they make the schematic much less messy.

Step11: Now we will define the edge of the PCB. Select the 'Edge.Cuts' layer
from the drop-down menu in the top toolbar. Click on the 'Add graphic lines'

icon on the right toolbar. Trace around the edge of the board, clicking at each
corner, and remember to leave a small gap between the edge of the green and the edge
of the PCB.

Step12: Next, connect up all the wires except GND. In fact, we will connect all
GND connections in one go using a ground plane placed on the bottom copper
(called B.Cu) of the board.

Step13: Now we must choose which copper layer we want to work on. Select
'F.Cu (PgUp)' in the drop-down menu on the top toolbar. This is the front top copper

Step14 : If you decide, for instance, to do a 4 layer PCB instead, go
to Setup → Layers Setup and change 'Copper Layers' to 4. In the 'Layers' table you
can name layers and decide what they can be used for. Notice that there are very
useful presets that can be selected via the 'Preset Layer Groupings' menu.

Step 15: Click on the 'Route tracks' icon on the right toolbar. Click on
pin 1 of 'J1' and run a track to pad 'R2'. Double-click to set the point where the track
will end. The width of this track will be the default 0.250 mm. You can change the
track width from the drop-down menu in the top toolbar. Mind that by default you
have only one track width available.

Step 16: If you would like to add more track widths go to: Setup → Design
Rules → Global Design Rules tab and at the bottom right of this window add any
other width you would like to have available. You can then choose the widths of the
track from the drop-down menu while you lay out your board. See the example
below (inches).

Step 17: Alternatively, you can add a Net Class in which you specify a set of
options. Go to Setup → Design Rules → Net Classes Editor and add a new class
called 'power'. Change the track width from 8 mil (indicated as 0.0080) to 24 mil
(indicated as 0.0240). Next, add everything but ground to the 'power' class (select
'default' at left and 'power' at right and use the arrows).

Step 18: If you want to change the grid size, Right click → Grid. Be sure to
select the appropriate grid size before or after laying down the components and
connecting them together with tracks.

Step 19: Repeat this process until all wires, except pin 3 of J1, are connected.
Your board should look like the example below.

Step 20: Let’s now run a track on the other copper side of the PCB. Select

'B.Cu' in the drop-down menu on the top toolbar. Click on the 'Route tracks' icon
. Draw a track between pin 3 of J1 and pin 8 of U1. This is actually not necessary
since we could do this with the ground plane. Notice how the colour of the track has

Step 21: Go from pin A to pin B by changing layer. It is possible to change

the copper plane while you are running a track by placing a via. While you are
running a track on the upper copper plane, right click and select 'Place Via' or simply
press [v]. This will take you to the bottom layer where you can complete your track.

Step 22: When you want to inspect a particular connection you can click on the

'Highlight net' icon on the right toolbar. Click on pin 3 of J1. The track itself and
all pads connected to it should become highlighted.

Step 23: Now we will make a ground plane that will be connected to all GND

pins. Click on the 'Add filled zones' icon on the right toolbar. We are going to
trace a rectangle around the board, so click where you want one of the corners to be.
In the dialogue that appears, set 'Default pad connection' to 'Thermal relief' and
'Outline slope' to 'H,V and 45 deg only' and click OK.

Step 24: Trace around the outline of the board by clicking each corner in
rotation. Finish your rectangle by clicking the first corner second time. Right click

inside the area you have just traced. Click on 'Zones'→'Fill or Refill All Zones'. The
board should fill in with green and look something like this:

Step 25: Run the design rules checker by clicking on the 'Perform design rules

check' icon on the top toolbar. Click on 'Start DRC'. There should be no errors.
Click on 'List Unconnected'. There should be no unconnected items. Click OK to
close the DRC Control dialogue.

Step 26: Save your file by clicking on File → Save. To admire your board in
3D, click on View → 3D Viewer.

Step 27: You can drag your mouse around to rotate the PCB.

Step 28: Your board is complete. To send it off to a manufacturer you will need
to generate all Gerber files.

DAY 12

Generate Gerber files

Once your PCB is complete, you can generate Gerber files for each layer and send
them to your favourite PCB manufacturer, who will make the board for you.

1. From KiCad, open the Pcbnew board editor.

2. Click on File → Plot. Select 'Gerber' as the 'Plot format' and select the folder in
which to put all Gerber files. Proceed by clicking on the 'Plot' button.

3. To generate the drill file, from Pcbnew go again to the File → Plot option.
Default settings should be fine.

4. These are the layers you need to select for making a typical 2-layer PCB:

Layer KiCad Layer Default Gerber "Use Protel filename

Name Extension extensions" is enabled

Bottom B.Cu .GBR .GBL


Top Layer F.Cu .GBR .GTL

Top Overlay F.SilkS .GBR .GTO

Bottom B.Mask .GBR .GBS

Solder Resist

Top Solder F.Mask .GBR .GTS

Layer KiCad Layer Default Gerber "Use Protel filename
Name Extension extensions" is enabled


Edges Edge.Cuts .GBR .GM1

Using GerbView

1. To view all your Gerber files go to the KiCad project manager and click on the
'GerbView' icon. On the drop-down menu or in the Layers manager select

'Graphic layer 1'. Click on File → Open Gerber file(s) or click on the icon .
Select and open all generated Gerber files. Note how they all get displayed one
on top of the other.

2. Open the drill files with File → Open Excellon Drill File(s).

3. Use the Layers manager on the right to select/deselect which layer to show.
Carefully inspect each layer before sending them for production.

4. The view works similarly to Pcbnew. Right click inside the view and click 'Grid'
to change the grid.

DAY 13

PCB Fabrication

What are the different ways to make a Circuit Board?

There are in all three basic methods to make a PCB:

1. Iron on Glossy paper method.
2. Circuit by hand on PCB.
3. Laser cutting edge etching.
Since laser method is the industrial method to make PCBs, In this project we going
to use first method.

Step 1: Plot the layout board (,, silk layer) with drill size as actual
in pdf format.

Step 2: Take a print out of your PCB layout using a laser printer and the A4
photo paper/glossy paper. Keep in mind the following points:
• Printer should be laser printer with powder ink.
• Select the output in black both from the PCB design software and the printer
driver settings.
• Make sure that the printout is made on the glossy side of the paper.

STEP 3: Cut the Copper Plate for the Circuit Board
Cut the copper board according to the size of the layout using a hacksaw or a

Step 4: Next, rub the copper side of the PCB using steel wool or abrasive
sponge scrubs. This removes the top oxide layer of copper as well as the photoresist
layer. Sanded surfaces also allow the image from the paper to stick better.

Rubbing away the top oxide layer

STEP 3: Transfer the PCB Print onto the Copper Plate

Method : Iron on Glossy Paper Method (For Complex Circuits)
Transfer the printed image (taken from a laser printer) from the photo paper to the
board. Make sure to flip top layer horizontally. Put the copper surface of the board
on the printed layout. Ensure that the board is aligned correctly along the borders of
the printed layout and use tape to hold the board and the printed paper in the correct

STEP 4: Iron the Circuit from the Paper onto the PCB Plate
• After printing on glossy paper, we iron it image side down to the copper
side, then heat up the electric iron to the maximum temperature.
• Put the board and photo paper arrangement on a clean wooden table
(covered with a table cloth) with the back of the photo paper facing you.
• Using pliers or a spatula, hold one end and keep it steady. Then put the hot
iron on the other end for about 10 seconds. Now, iron the photo paper all
along using the tip while applying a little pressure for about 5 to 15 mins.
• Pay attention to the edges of the board – you need to apply pressure and do
the ironing slowly.
• Doing a long hard press seems to work better than moving the iron around.
• The heat from the iron transfers the ink printed on the glossy paper to the
copper plate.

Step 5: After ironing, place the printed plate lukewarm water for about 10
minutes. The paper will dissolve, then you can remove the paper gently. Remove
the paper by peeling it from a low angle.

In some cases, when removing the paper, some of the tracks get fainted. In the
figure below, you can see that the track is light in color, hence we can use a black
marker to darken it.

DAY 14
STEP 5: Etch the Plate
You need to be really careful while performing this step.
• First, put on rubber or plastic gloves.
• Place some newspaper on the bottom so the etching solution does not spoil
your floor.
• Take a plastic box and fill it up with some water.
• Dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of ferric chloride power in the water.
• Dip the PCB into the etching solution (Ferric chloride solution, FeCl3) for
approximately 30 mins.
• The FeCl3 reacts with the unmasked copper and removes the unwanted
copper from the PCB.
• This process is called Etching. Use pliers to take out the PCB and check if
the entire unmasked area has been etched or not. In case it is not etched,
leave it in the solution for some more time.

STEP 6: Cleaning, Disposal, and the Final Touches for the Circuit Board
Be careful while disposing of the etching solution, it’s toxic to fish and other water-
based organisms! Don’t even think about pouring it in the sink when you are done,
it is ILLEGAL and might damage your pipes Instead, dilute the etching solution
and then throw it away somewhere safe.
A few drops of thinner (nail polish remover works well) on a pinch of cotton wool
will remove completely the toner/ink on the plate, exposing the copper surface.
Rinse carefully and dry with a clean cloth or kitchen paper. Trim to final size and
smoothen edges with sandpaper.

Step 7: Now, drill holes using a PCB Driller like this PCB driller and solder
all your cool components to the board. If you want that traditional green PCB look,
apply solder resistant paint on top PCB lacquer.

DAY 15
Assembling the Circuit with PCB:
Printed circuit board assembly is the process of connecting the
electronic components with the wirings of printed circuit boards. The traces or
conductive pathways engraved in the laminated copper sheets of PCBs are used
within a non-conductive substrate in order to form the assembly. Attaching the
electronic components with the printed circuit boards is the concluding action
before using the fully operational electronic device.

DAY 16, 17, 18


To construct the circuit for digital clock and make Printed Circuit Board
Components Required:
Battery_Cell, 0.1UF, 47UF, 22PF, 22PF,UDN2981A, Barrel_Jack_Switch,
10K, 1M, 47ohm, SW_Push, DS1307+, L7805, ATmega328P-PU, female and male
header pin, Single cladding Copper board, 180gsm glossy paper, iron box, Ferric
chloride, soldering kit.
Schematic Design:

Layout Design:

3D Model:

Back Copper Layer:

Silk Screen Layer:

Final Product:

Digital clock circuit has been designed and fabricated using Printed Circuit

DAY 19, 20, 21
2. Variable Power Supply 5 Amp 0-20V
To Construct 5 Amp 0-20v Variable power supply and make as product
using PCB (Printed Circuit Board).
Components Required:
2200uf 63v, 0.1uf, 100uf, 10uf, D_Bridge rectifier 5Amps, 2Amps, 1N4007,
12 - 0 – 12 & 20 – 0 - 20 Dual Transformer, Volt & Ammeter, 220 1w, R_POT,
LM7812_TO220, LM7912_TO220, LM338_SOT-223, LM7805_TO220, Single
cladding Copper board, 180gsm glossy paper, iron box, Ferric chloride, soldering
Schematic Design:

Layout Design:

3D Model:

Back Copper Layer:

Silk Screen Layer:

Final Product:

5 Amp 0 – 20 v variable power supply has been designed and fabricated
using Printed Circuit Board.

DAY 22, 23, 24
To make 8051 Development Kit as a product using PCB Printed Circuit
Components Required:
1. AT89s52 microcontroller
2. 40pin ZIF socket
3. 7805 regulator
4. Heatsink for regulator
5. Rs 232 Female socket pcb mount
6. Max 232
7. Baral jack connector
8. 6pin Rmc connector
9. 7segment common anode
10. 11.0592 MHZ crystal
11. 10k pot preset pcb mount (2nos)
12. Push button 4mm (4nos)
13. Male Header pin 2.54mm (4 strip)
14. Female socket pin 2.54mm (2 strip)
15. Arduino nano
16. RS 232 to usb cable
17. 16pin ic base (2 nos)
18. 9pin 10k pullup resistors
19. Terminal block 3pin connector
20. 5v relay pcb mount
21. 22pf smd capacitor (2)
22. 10k smd resistor handsolder (5 nos)
23. 1k smd resistor hand solder (6 nos)
24. 330 ohm smd resistor hand solder (10 nos)
25. Bc547 transistor
26. Led 3mm ( 5 nos)
27. Single cladding copper pcb board epoxy
28. Ferric chloride solution (liquid)
29. 170 gsm paper A4 size (2 nos)
30. 10uf capacitorcapacitor (4 nos)
31. Uln2003 ic
32. 0.1 uf disc (5 nos)
33. 2pin jumper clip (3nos)
34. 7 segment base

Layout Design:

3D Model:

Back Copper Layer:

Silk Screen Layer:

Final Product:

8051 Development Kit has been designed and fabricated using Printed
Circuit Board.

DAY 25, 26
To construct Digital Stopwatch circuit and fabricate as a product using
Printed Circuit Board.
Components Required:
555 Timer IC, start stop switch. Push button, CD4026, 7-segment display,
resistors and capacitors, Single cladding Copper board, 180gsm glossy paper, iron
box, Ferric chloride, soldering kit.
Layout Design:

3D Model:

Back Copper Layer:

Silk Screen Layer:

Final Product:

Digital Stop watch circuit has been designed and fabricated using Printed
Circuit Board.


The In-plant training give us an overview of an PCB industry such as

Schematic creating, PCB fabricating, quality testing. We have gained knowledge of
an industrial exposure. This advanced industrial training was very much useful for
us to learn about the industry. We studied about various components, types of
materials and methods used for fabricating PCB & Machines used for it. We have
gained a wide knowledge of PCB and its applications. We have learned technical
details of various products which was very much useful.

Take Away:
The 8051 Development Kit with numbering 5 were designed and
fabricated by us and supplied to our Electronics Lab (PSGCAS).

The company provided us the real working environment. The In-plant trainer was
also helpful to us to know about the working environment of an industry. The In-
plant training was very much useful for getting placement.


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