2nd Marriage & Divorce
2nd Marriage & Divorce
2nd Marriage & Divorce
in Astrology
Rules/guide Lines for Checking for More than one Marriage in a KP Chart
RULE – 1: MORE THAN ONE marriage is indicated if the BOTH following two
conditions are ARE simultaneously satisfied:
(i) The sub-lord of the 7th cusp OR its Starlord is deposited in a dual
sign(gemini,virgo,pisces) OR if the sub-lord of the 7th cusp is
Mercury/JUP and
(ii) The sub-lord of the 7th cusp is also a significator of either of the houses 2 or
11 or both.
If any of the above two conditions is not satisfied, then second marriage is
RULE – 2: Second marriage is indicated if the sub-lord of the 2nd cusp is also a
significator of either of the houses 7 or 11.
If the sub-lord of the second cusp is connected with 7th house, second marriage;
(if connected with 11th house, one will just have an illegal affair, as 7th house
significator shows legal bondage whereas the 11th indicates attachment and
2nd cusp sublord’s connection with 7th is crucial for a legal marriage, otherwise
an affair or companion or living together only.
For second marriage to happen legally, first marriage has to break through
divorce or death of 1st spouse, which can be known to happen if sublord of 7th
house is connected to 2nd house or 6th house(one of its strong significators), as
2nd is 8th to 7th house and 6th is 12th to 7th house and both indicate death of
spouse or seperation.