This document discusses different methods for determining whether a planet is beneficial or malefic. It notes that Hindus consider Jupiter and Venus as the most beneficial, while considering Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu as malefic. Western astrologers have a slightly different classification. The document then outlines Krishnamurti's system, noting that a planet can be beneficial to one person but malefic to relatives, and that one must consider a planet's constellation, sub-lord, and the houses it rules to properly judge if it is beneficial or malefic.
This document discusses different methods for determining whether a planet is beneficial or malefic. It notes that Hindus consider Jupiter and Venus as the most beneficial, while considering Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu as malefic. Western astrologers have a slightly different classification. The document then outlines Krishnamurti's system, noting that a planet can be beneficial to one person but malefic to relatives, and that one must consider a planet's constellation, sub-lord, and the houses it rules to properly judge if it is beneficial or malefic.
Original Description:
Original Title
17537-Kp-how to Judge Planet is Benefic or Malefic
This document discusses different methods for determining whether a planet is beneficial or malefic. It notes that Hindus consider Jupiter and Venus as the most beneficial, while considering Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu as malefic. Western astrologers have a slightly different classification. The document then outlines Krishnamurti's system, noting that a planet can be beneficial to one person but malefic to relatives, and that one must consider a planet's constellation, sub-lord, and the houses it rules to properly judge if it is beneficial or malefic.
This document discusses different methods for determining whether a planet is beneficial or malefic. It notes that Hindus consider Jupiter and Venus as the most beneficial, while considering Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu as malefic. Western astrologers have a slightly different classification. The document then outlines Krishnamurti's system, noting that a planet can be beneficial to one person but malefic to relatives, and that one must consider a planet's constellation, sub-lord, and the houses it rules to properly judge if it is beneficial or malefic.
, A BENEFIC OR A MALEFIC Hindus are of opinion that Jupiter is the greatest benevolent
fortunate planet, Venus comes next. Unaffiliated Mercury and
waxing Moon are weak benefics. Hindus consider Sun and the other planets Mars. Saturn, Rahu, and Kethu as malefics. Further
according to lordship, in Jathaka Chandrika the author claims
that the lords of the houses , 3, 6, 8 and 11 are malefics. By that he means, according to me, that these are evil only for one's health and longevity and not for other aspects in one's life. The same author says that the lords of the houses 1,5,9 and 10 will produce advantageous results to a native and classifies them as benefics. Westerners do not agree with Hindus in considering Sun as a malefic. They have classified Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Waxing, Moon and Mercury as benefics and the other planets excluding Rahu and Kethu (the Nodes) including Uranus and Neptune as maJefics. They do not attach importance to the houses which they own excepting that the planet which forms an evit aspect is adverse and they judge a planet as a benefic or malefic only from the aspects which they receive . They claim that a planet eventhough by nature a malefic a:1d by lordship also owning the houses signifying undesirable matters, becomes a benefic if it receives beneficial aspects and it is devoid of adverse ones . But according to krishnamuni system the differentiation and the proper judgement to classify whether a planet is a benefic or a malefic is as fonows: (1) A planet may be a benefic to the native but at the same time it will cause evil results to his own near relative and thereby be a malefic to such a relative. Food for one man is poison to the other. Similarly benefic to a person does not mean that it can give good results to him, to atl his relatives and friends. For example , lord of 2 can give promotion and also increase the
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income whereas the same planet may cause death sampathEbooks. to his wife. Are we to call this planet as a benefic or a malefic? A person may mint money by releasing a book at a time when the significator of the 31d house operates. But it may cause separation from mother or bereavement. In some cases where lord of 3 is a ruling planet to father, father passes away. Can we call the planet ruling the 3rd house or signifying the matters of 3rd house as a benefic to him when he loses one of his parents? Again the significator of the 4th house may operate. The native may construct a house and occupy. On the day he occupies the house, his son by mistake touches a live wire and passes away. Both events happen on the same day. Can we call the lord of 4th as a benefic or a malefic? Acquisition of a house is really pleasant but losing a son on the same day appears to be not only an ill-omen but it is actually an irreparable loss. A person goes on a pilgrimage, with his two sons and has ~ dip in the river Ganges, as lords of 9,10 and 12 jointly operate. \ At the same time, both the childre.n are washed away in the speedy current of the Ganges. No doubt till he had the dip in the Ganges, it was a pleasant journey to him but the loss of the children due to the lordship of 6th and 8th houses counted from the 5th house denoting health and longevity of children is worse than the pleasure he had. Thus it can be said that a benefic to the person may be a malefic to one of his near relatives forming a member of the family. (2) If a person wants to find out which planet is a benefic and which one a malefic to him without taking into consideration what it does for others, then first of all we have to note down which he considers as desirable results, agreeable to him. Every one, however old he may be, would like to live for some more years. So, all would wish to have a longer span of life to enjoy all the fruits of life. When one is 60 years old, he would like to see that his responsibilities are over by celebrating the marriage of his youngest daughter. He does it and lives for some more years. Then he has the desire to celebrate the marriage of the great
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granddaughter and so on. Thus there is no end for one's ambition
and one never feels contented. One may be wealthy, he may possess some crores of rupees. Even then, he has got the ambition to multiply it. How does he think? When my father left me 'X' crores of rupees and 1 have got 6 children, then is it not my duty to make it '6X' crores of rupees and give each child , 'X' crore rupees; then alone 1 will be doing my duty just like my father did . Look at his ambition . He wants to multiply his wealth by six times. When one tries to select a girl for marriage, what series of qualifications he prescribes. No doubt ultimately he may marry one whom others will avoid even to look at. Here also he wants to find out whether the planets will please him by giving one Urvasi for him to marry. When children are born he wishes that every child must come out successful in co mpetitive examination, hold high position etc. Thus, in every walk of life and to every relative of his, he expects most brilliant results. Therefore, one is to judge which planet signifies the various matters and also the different relatives. To ascertain, first of all, one is to take each planet and consider in which constellation it is, the lord of the constellation and note in which houses the lord of the constellation is, ownership and find out the matters signified by the lord of the constellation according to its ownership of the Bhava (never take into judgement where it is posited , its nature, etc.) suppose you find that Sun rules the 8th house then the stars governed by Sun are Karthigai, Uthiram and Uthrashada. Hence, any planet occupying any of these 3 stars will be under the sway of Sun. Similarly, Mars to that native will rule the 4th and the 11 th houses. It is said that planets owning or occupying the 11th house will satiSfy the native by offering such results he expects . Therefore, planets under the sway of Mars by occupying one of these stars of Mars i.e, Mrigasira, Chitra or Dhanisht~ will offer brilliant results. Now if a planet were to be in Chithrai and according to Krishnarnurti system is in the sub of Saturn then the native will K.lI.ISHNAMURTI PADHOHATI
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sampathEbooks. surely gain and be happy because there witt be neither delay nor disappointment. But if l.he same person has got another planet in the same star just (.Inor to it in the sub of Jupiter, this planet eventhough it is under the sway of Mars and indicates the matters signified by the houses 4 and 1 1, yet it brings loss, failure in attempts, disappointment in life, partition,.separation from partner, etc. as the sub lord is Jupiter, i.e, the sub is governed by the planet indicating the matters of the 12th house. Therefore, it is necessary to note whether a planet is in the sub ot a planet which promises agreeable results to him or disadvantageous.
The planet must be considered as the source by Which one's
desire may be fultitted or may be disappointed. The planet is the source of that event. The lord ot the constellation. Le., the matters signified by the houses governed by the lord of the constellation, will indicate the matters. The lord of the constellation clearly shows what results one is going to enjoy or experience. Therefore, the nature of the result is indicated by the lord of the constellation. The nature of the result may be viewed by the person as desirable or undesirable. It the sublord is a benefic, then when the matter indicated by the lord of the constettation if agreeable, the person will enjoy in full. But it the lord of the constellation indicates beneficial results and the sub lord shows adverse ones, then the star of lords of 6 or 8 or 1 2 are evil. If the planet is in a constellation denoting evil results but the sub lord is a benefic, then event hough IJl!' may suffer yet temporarily, during the period of the sub lord'he has a little relief from the adverse results. Suppose a camp clerk is serving under a hard task master who uses to be harsh and shorttempered; then this poor man curses his fate and years pass on . When the sub period of a planet occupying the beneficial sub operates, during that time , the officer goes on leave and he has temporarily no worry or he himself may proceed on leave and 'forget the 'office for sometime. Similarly a temporary relief will be given it a
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planet were to occupy a beneficial sub in that of the constellation
governed by the planet owning undesirable houses to a person. Now one may ask which are the undesirable houses to a person? (a) As regards health, the significator of the ascendant should not be the significator of the houses 6 or 8 or 12. Significators of beneficial houses in the ascendant in good sub contribute to maintain good health and allow him to livelong. (b) Lord of second house will prove to be a benefic to the matter signified by the second house, if it does not occupy the constellation and sub of the significator of the houses 6, 8 and 12 counted from lagna. Similarly, for each house we have to note whether the significator of the house, is posited in the constellation and sub of the significator of the houses 6, 8 and 12 counted from that particular sign. If any planet is so posited or ii it is conjoined with the lords of such houses, the planet uiters adverse results signified by it by lordship. The above is the general principle. But according to Krishnamuriti system the planet which is considered to be a benefic by lordship offers the results signified by it, throug h the planet deposited in its constellation. Beneficial planets offer their results through the depositors in their constellation, only when the sub is also governed by a benefic. If the sub is ruled by a malefic the depositors cannot bring out favourable results. For example, to a Scorpio-born. Jupiter is the lord of 2 and 5. Jupiter is not only the chief governor for children but also by owning the houses 2 and 5 it signifies the birth of children to that person. Jupiter rules the stars Punarvasu , Visaka and Poorvapathrapada. If a planet occupy anyone of these stars then that planet has to offer the results indicated by Jupiter. If the sub is governed by lord of 11 then the person gets a child . But if the sub is ruled by lord of 12, no child wi11 be born during the period of the planet in the sub governed by lord of 12. Therefore, a,{)lanet occupying Punarvasu Nakshathra and Mercury sub will give a child. So one is to understand that the planet which either KRISHNAMURTI PA OIIl)Hnl .
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occupies a constellation or transits in a constellation, is the source sampathEbooks. by which one has his desire fulfilled. The lord of the constellation indicates the nature of the result, the sub shows whether it is desirable or undesirable. Hence Planet is the source, constellation indicates nature of the result and the SUB is a deciding factor whether the matter is favourable or not. Unless the matter is favourable, we do not call it benefic. Therefore, benefics are those which allow a native to enjoy and occupy the constellation of the lords of those houses through which he expects a result. A person who wants to publish books would like to see that the third house is well fortified. Therefore, he considered third house as a benefical one for him. A press owner, an agent, a representative, a secretary, a broker. a contractor all these people should have a beneficial 3rd house. Therefore, Planets occupying the constellation of those signifying 3rd house matters will be his benefics. If we dispassionately observe, we find that certain beneficial results to us are disadvantageous to our relatives, etc. Eacn house has to contribute certain aspects in one's life and so every house is important. Therefore, the planet signifying the matters of each house has to be well posited so that through such matters he can have pleasure. If a house is afflicted, through that source, he will have worry. If the 5th house Is spoiled, then the general principle that lord of 5 will do good cannot be correct. Lord of 5 may be a benefic; He can be by nature also a benefic, yet it need not necessarily offer beneficial results to him as the lord of the constellation in which it is posited will be detrimental to the child thereby causing anxiety to the native. Hence no planet is wholly a benefic nor in full a malefic. It is similar to the rose with thorns, A planet is said to be a malefic when thorns are many A planet is a benefic when the thorns have fallen down and the rose alone looks bright, without any bee, which may perchance sting.