SB Sb134eng 2
SB Sb134eng 2
SB Sb134eng 2
via g. pascoli, 7
80026 casoria (na) – italia
Tel +39 081 5918111
Fax +39 081 5918172
[email protected]
Approved by the Vulcanair Design Organisation
The technical content of this document is approved under the authority of DOA No. EASA.21J.009.
Operator obligations with regards to inspections, modifications and/or other technical directives and their times of
compliance are laid out in the relative Airworthiness Directives.
No. 134 Rev. 2
(Supersedes the Revision 1 dated 30 July 2008)
Design Organisation Approval No. AS-SB/10/006 dated 22 February 2010
Revision 2 of this Service Bulletin is being issued to change the applicability of the
kits and relevant installation instructions, since also for P68R S/N 430 the existing
vent system provided for the STD fuel tank range will be left on board and
operative (refer to black vertical lines along the outer margin of the page to
individuate the revised material). Aircraft that have already embodied the first
issue or the previous revision of this Service Bulletin are dispensed with the
application of Rev. 2.
1. GENERAL (Cont.)
b) Fuel Level Indicator System consisting of a dual fuel level indicator P/N NV7.002-59B
(Westberg P/N 2DA4-90) and of two fuel level transmitters P/N 7.3336-402 as per change
No. MOD.P68/116.
To supply instructions for the Fuel Tanks Reconfiguration from Standard Range to Long
This Service Bulletin requires the installation of the Kit SB 134 or Kit SB 134/A, as
applicable, to be carried out in accordance with the instructions in Paragraph 2 hereunder.
The installation of the above mentioned Kits foresee the following operations to be carried
out on each wing:
a) Removal of the two plug assemblies P/N 1.2329-18 from the fuel tanks interconnection
tubes between wing ribs Nos. 16 and No. 17 and consequently installation of the two rubber
float check valves P/N 1.2329-22;
b) Removal of the plug assembly P/N 1.2329-17 from the fuel tank interconnection vent tube;
c) Only for aircraft from S/N 446 onwards, the removal of the existing vent valve assembly
P/N 7.1059-1 on the wing rib No. 16 bis;
d) Removal of the hatch cover P/N 1.2381-4 on the wing skin between the wing rib No. 18 and
No. 19 and consequently installation of the fuel filler cap P/N NOR7.277-2;
e) Installation of the fuel tank vent line for the Long Range Configuration;
f) Removal of the placards relevant to the Standard Range Configuration and installation of
the new placards for the Long Range Configuration;
g) Inspection for leakage in the modified area of the fuel tank;
h) Calibration of the fuel level indicator system and Operational Test of the Fuel Control
At owner’s discretion.
The time necessary for the application of this Service Bulletin including the time required to
access the parts and return the aircraft to an airworthy condition is estimated as 24 man-hours,
plus the time required for the ventilation of the tanks and the complete polymerization of the
1. GENERAL (Cont.)
The following instructions are applicable for the modification of both left and right fuel tanks .
In addition to specific local requirements, the following safety precautions are recommended while
carrying out the modification:
a) Position the aircraft in a designated area for the maintenance of the fuel system;
b) Position a trestle under each wing in correspondence of rib n°16 bis;
c) Turn all electrical switches OFF;
d) Disconnect external power and battery connections (negative terminal first);
e) All maintenance equipment must be grounded and bonded to the aircraft. As a bonding points,
use the muffler tube protruding from the engine cowlings for aircraft equipped with IO-360-
A1B(6) engines or the turbocharger exhaust tube protruding from the engine cowlings for
aircraft equipped with TIO-360-C1A6D engines;
f) Fire fighting equipment must be readily available;
g) To avoid generating static electricity or causing sparks, do not wear nylon or synthetic fabrics,
and/or shoes with metal heel taps;
h) If artificial lighting is necessary, use only hermetically sealed lights;
i) Do not operate any avionics or electrical equipment on the aircraft;
j) Do not smoke or use a naked flame in the vicinity of the aircraft while fuelling.
1. Drain fuel tanks completely in accordance with the procedure in the latest applicable revision of
the Service Instruction No. 79;
2. Open all access hatches on the upper wing and allow fuel tanks to ventilate for at least 12 hours;
3. With reference to the applicable section of the Maintenance Manual, remove the outboard wing
leading edge. Tag and store the removed items in a reserved area for their subsequent
4. With reference to Figure 1, access to the internal area of the wing skin between the rib No. 18
and No. 19 through the inspection hatch provided in this area and remove the sealant from the
installation area of the hatch cover P/N 1.2381-4. Un-rivet and remove the hatch cover P/N
5. Remove completely the sealant from the concerned area of the upper wing skin and clean with
Methyl Ethyl Ketone or Isopropylic Alcohol;
6. If the area concerned with the modification needs to be retreated, do so with Alodine 1200
(Specification MIL-C-5541) and finish only the external area of the fuel tank with Epoxy
Primer (Specification MIL-PRF-23377);
7. With reference to Figure 5, on workbench attach the chain P/N NOR7.277-2C to the attachment
plate P/N NOR7.277-6A with two washers P/N NAS1149FN616P and a cotter pin P/N
8. With reference to Figure 5, install the fuel filler cap coupling flange P/N NOR7.277-2A with 11
rivets P/N MS20470AD4-5 and install the chain/attachment plate assembly previously
performed, with 1 rivet P/N MS20470AD5-6. Use PR1431 G TYPE II sealant (Specification
ASN-A 4172) between the couplings and to impregnate the shanks of all the rivets before use.
For the safety precautions and method of usage of the aforementioned sealant follow the
manufacturer’s instructions;
9. Seal all the couplings with PR 1422 B2 sealant. For the safety precautions and method of usage
of the aforementioned sealant follow the manufacturer’s instructions;
10. Attach the fuel filler cap P/N NOR7.277-2 to the other end of the chain P/N NOR7.277-2C with
two washers P/N NAS1149FN616P and a cotter pin P/N MS24665-132 and install as shown in
Figure 5;
11. With reference to Figure 2, remove the two plug assemblies P/N 1.2329-18 from the fuel tank
interconnection tubes and the plug assembly P/N 1.2329-17 from the fuel tank vent
interconnection tube unscrewing completely the relevant tightening nuts and removing the
sealant around the coupling areas;
12. Only for aircraft from S/N 446 onwards, with reference to Figure 6a, access to the area between
the wing ribs Nos. 16 bis and 17 and remove the clamp securing the vent hose to the vent valve.
Disconnect the vent hose connected to the vent valve and remove the vent valve assembly P/N
7.1059-1 on the wing rib No. 16 bis unscrewing completely the relevant five attaching screws
and nuts;
13. Remove completely the sealant in the concerned area of the wing rib No. 16 bis and clean the
area with Methyl Ethyl Ketone or Isopropylic Alcohol;
The following sealants are required to complete the modification but they are not included in the
Kits SB134 or 134/A, as couriers list them as hazardous material and will not carry them. They
should be acquired from the local market.
Figure 1 Premodification
- Fuel Tank STD Range Configuration -
Figure 2 Premodification
- Fuel Tank STD Range Configuration -
(Detail “A” from Figure 1)
Figure 3 Postmodification
- Fuel Tank Long Range Configuration -
Figure 4 Postmodification
- Fuel Tank Long Range Configuration -
(Detail “B” from Figure 3)
Figure 5 Postmodification
- Fuel Tank Long Range Configuration -
(Detail “C” from Figure 3)
First Issue dated November 08, 2004 Page 13 of 17
Rev. 2 dated 22 February 2010
Vulcanair S.p.A. Service Bulletin N°134
Figure 6 Postmodification
- Installation of the Fuel Tank Vent Line for the Long Range Configuration -
(Applicable for aircraft from S/N 411 up to and inclusive S/N 445)
First Issue dated November 08, 2004 Page 14 of 17
Rev. 2 dated 22 February 2010
Vulcanair S.p.A. Service Bulletin N°134
Figure 6a Postmodification
- Installation of the Fuel Tank Vent Line for the Long Range Configuration -
(Applicable for aircraft from S/N 446 onwards)
First Issue dated November 08, 2004 Page 15 of 17
Rev. 2 dated 22 February 2010
Vulcanair S.p.A. Service Bulletin N°134
Figure 7
- Replacement of the Fuel Selector Control Placard on the Overhead Panel -
Figure 8 (Typical)
- Registration of the application of this Service Bulletin on
the Cover Page of the Aircraft Flight Manual –