The Queen of Sheba: - The 1st Millennium BC, That Is
The Queen of Sheba: - The 1st Millennium BC, That Is
The Queen of Sheba: - The 1st Millennium BC, That Is
True righteousness comes from God. Tell a friend today about something God has done for you. Ask the Lord for true humility.
The laws of God are guidelines for an abundant life. List the laws of God that youre familiar with. Thank God for giving you boundaries to live within.
Read Matthew 12:35-37. Words can either help or hurt. Look for an opportunity today to offer some helping words to someone. Thank God for the ability to build people up with your words.
Taking sides is easy. Being justor fairis usually more difficult. Is there someone who is being treated unjustly for whom you need to speak up? Pray for the courage to speak out on that persons behalf.
Read Psalm 37:31. Take a minute and write down whats in your heart and on your mind. Ask God to guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:7).
Everyone slips every now and then. But are you walking in slippery places spiritually? Think about the people, places, and activities that can lead you into sin. Pray for the strength to avoid them.
utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks what is just.The law of his God is in his heart; his feet do not slip.
Psalm 37:30-31
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Solomon wrote several books of the Bible, but one, Song of Songs, was considered
Read through the Book of Job this week and next. Read chapters 1 and 2 today and look at your faith honestly. Do you think it is sufficient to get you through the difficult times? Ask God for a faith that withstands testing.
not only of physical pain, but also of discouragement and frustration. We usually need extra patience with people who are sick. Our physical condition can never separate us from Gods love. Pray for patience in testing times.
Read chapter 3. It is not a sign that we lack faith when we feel depressed over lifes difficulties. We, like Job, are still people of God even when we feel as if we have been tossed on the garbage heap. Tell God how you feel today.
Read 47: Jobs first comforter speaks and Job replies. With friends like these, who needs enemies? Do you know someone who is going through hard times? Thank God for friends who can truly understand, and ask Him to make you a true friend.
Chapters 1531 contain more so-called comfort from Jobs three friends. Read Jobs words in 16:1-6 and record some of the things you have learned from your reading this week. Pray for a faith that is not dependent on circumstances.
Read 810: Comforter#2 and Jobs reply. Sometimes our friends let us down. They may not mean to, but it still hurts. Are you angry with a friend because of a misunderstanding or mistake? Resolve to settle it as soon as possible. Ask God to help you.
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Read 1114: Jobs third comforter offers his advice and Job replies to him. Illness can be a time
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eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar are jobs best friends. But they also think it was jobs fault that his children were killed, for not being righteous enough.
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Read Psalm 82:3. Write a defense for the cause of people who are treated unfairly, especially the weak, poor, and oppressed. Ask God to help you carry out your defense.
Gods love for us doesnt depend on our status or appearance. Thank God for not playing favorites, and ask Him to help you do the same thing.
Draw a picture of some sort of barrier (a wall, for example), and write on it the barriers you put up between you and others. Ask God to help you remove the barriers and see people from His viewpoint. When youre finished praying, tear up your barrier and throw it away.
Take an honest look at your own prejudices. Ask the Lord to help you recognize prejudice in yourself, and then give you the courage to resist it.
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Read Proverbs 31:8-9. Think of some ways you can speak up for people who may not be able to give you anything in return.
Sometimes one kind thing done for the cause of Christ can do more to advance Gods purposes than a dozen headline-grabbing events. Always be aware of the possibilities for doing good. Ask the Lord to use you today to meet someones needs.
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What is the calling we have received? Read 1 Peter 2:9-10 and 1 John 3:2 for starters. Get a concordance and look up other references in the Epistles to called or calling. Meditate on what you learn.
Read Ephesians 4:1-4. Paul was under house arrest in Rome when he wrote this letter to the Ephesians. Why does he call himself a prisoner for the Lord? How does our view of ourselves affect our priorities and choices in life?
An important thing to remember is that we are new creations. Thats why its so important to get rid of the sin in our lives. Is there something you need to confess? Ask God to forgive your sins today.
Review what you learned about your calling in Christ. Remember who you are today. Youre a new creation.
What does your life say about you? If you really believed you were a child of God and destined for perfection, how would that affect the way you live today?
Sometimes Christians are anxious to live a life worthy of their calling to holiness but gloss over areas of sin in their lives. What old things do you need to let go of?
new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17
If anyoneisisa in Christ, he
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Read Ephesians 2:8-9. What is Gods part in our salvation? What is our part? Thank God for His wonderful gift of salvation.
Read Colossians 2:9-14. What happens to each person when he or she receives Christ? Ask God to help you appreciate your privileges as a Christian more and more this year.
Look at the last part of Ephesians 2:8. When someone gives you a gift, you usually say Thank you, not How much do I owe you? Write a thank-you note to God for His gift of salvation.
Skim Ephesians 1:12:10. Underline in your Bible or write on a piece of paper each expression that begins in Christ or in Him. Thank God for everything He has given you in Christ.
Read Ephesians 2:8-10. Our salvation is totally from God, but as new people in Christ, God wants us to live for Him. Ask God to help you make a difference at school or in your family.
Ephesians 2:8-9 says that our salvation isnt based on works, but Ephesians 2:10 says that were created in Christ Jesus to do good works. Complete the sentence with one way you can serve others: With Gods help, I will _________________ .
saved, through faithand this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9
other stuff was happening while the Ephesians figured out faith
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Ephesus had one of the most mentioned churches in the Bible. Not only does it
have its own biblical letter, but its also mentioned in Revelation.
The Gospel of John may also have been written in Ephesus.
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Read Revelation 1:1 to see more clearly why the Book of Revelation was provided for us. Thank the Lord for showing us His plan.
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Jesus Christ will return to the earth. Does your life show that you agree? Pray that the Lord will help you trust Him more fully.
Exaltation and thanksgiving are due our Lord as Savior and Redeemer. Stop your normal activity right now and just give glory to the Lamb. Pray that thankfulness will increasingly become second nature to you.
Although the Book of Revelation provides answers, it may also leave you with unanswered questions. Pray for Gods peace to accept what cant be explained.
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As you read the Book of Revelation, jot down on a piece of paper each verse where Gods power is shown. Thank Him for this power.
We owe all honor to our Lord who paid the price for our redemption. In your prayers today, thank God for the Lamb who was slain.
which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place.
Revelation 1:1
things you need to know about the end of days oman formeraRn ordered nius a Glabrio, iti Ma s AciliuCshristian. So Dotomrs arena. Buat t that Domitia-nless method. aniu e a M m gladia so gre re lion c sul, begaht a lion in thee applause wasd through a mo con o fi e him t up winning. Thhad him execut ended jealous and grew
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like a thief in the night. This can be comforting, because the more you hear people start predicting the end times, the more certain you can be that those people dont know anything.
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