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Republic of the Philippines

Mariano Peralta National High School

National Highway, Poblacion, Malita, Davao Occidental


Grade 7 – Special Program for Arts
February 18, 2021
The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of
Philippine Literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine


EN7V-IV-c-23.1: Supply other words or expressions that complete an analogy.
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a) describe analogy and its types;
b) understand how analogies are used for comparison; and
c) construct their own analogy expression.


Topic: Word Analogy ⸺ Synonyms and Antonyms
Reference: English 7 Self-Learning Module, Module 1 – Quarter 1
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Visual Aids
Time Frame: 45 minutes

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Responses

Preliminary Activities
 Classroom Management/Health

Hello, everyone! Please stand and

pick up pieces of trash around your (Students will follow the instructions given
area. You are reminded to always by the teacher)
wear your face masks, maintain
distance towards your classmates and
sanitize your hands with your
alcohol/hand sanitizers. For students
who can’t hear and see clearly at the
back, you can transfer here in front.
For those who are not feeling well,
you can go to our school clinic.
Yes, Miss.
Are we all set?

 Prayer
(Audio Visual Presentation)
Let’s ask our Almighty Father to
guide us in today’s discussion. In the
name of the Father, the Son, and the
Holy Spirit. Amen.
Good afternoon, Ms. Kate.
 Greeting

Good afternoon, class.

(Students will seat on their chairs and
 Checking of Attendance secretary will check the attendance of the
You may now take your seats.
Secretary of this class, please take
note of the attendance of your

 Introduction of lesson

Since we are already done Yes, we are!

introducing ourselves last Monday,
today we will have our first discussion
for our English class. Are you excited
to learn about our topic for today?

A. Activity
To start our class, let’s have an
activity. This activity is entitled (Students will say out loud what are the
“LET’S THINK”. pictures all about.)
I have here a set of pictures on the
board. Let us identify first what are
these pictures. (see appendix A)
Yes, Miss.
Very Good! At this moment, I want
you to match these pictures with the
words that I will show to you. You
will stick the words to the pictures
which you think have a relationship
with each other. Am I clear?

(The teacher will call some students

to go in front to do the task and
review their answers after.)

B. Analysis They are somehow alike or different with

After the activity, the student will be each other.
asked the following questions:

 How are the pair of words and Yes, we can. Comparing will help us to
pictures related to each other? identify the similarities and differences of a
person or an object.
 Do you think we can describe
someone or something by comparing
them with each other? Why?

Well said! Through comparison, we

can examine the similarities or the
commonalities of a person or object,
as well as the uncommon attributes
of someone or something which we ANALOGY!
are describing.

Since we were talking about

comparisons, it is related to our topic
for today which is… kindly read on
the screen.

(The teacher will flash on the screen

the title of the topic)
(Students will read the objectives.)
Yes, it’s analogy. But before we dig
deeper, let us know first our
objectives for today’s lesson.

(The teacher will post on the board

the objectives and let the students
read it.) (Students will read the definition shown on
the screen.)
To start, let’s have our unlocking of
difficult terms.

(The teacher will show a list of

unfamiliar terms and its definition.)

 COMPARISON – the act or

process of comparing
 ATTRIBUTES – a quality,
character, characteristic ascribed
to someone or something
 CULLING – to reduce or control
the size of something (such as
herd) by removal (as by hunting or
slaughter) of especially weak or
sick individuals
 CHARADES – a word
represented in riddling verse or by
picture, tableau, or dramatic action

Let’s move on to our topic. So, what

is an analogy? Please read the
(Students will read the definition shown on
definition of analogy.
the screen.)
(The teacher will show and let the
students read what is analogy.)

C. Abstraction
Analogy comes from the Greek word
Analogia which is a combination of
the prefix ana (upon, gain, or back)
and a suffix logus (ratio, word, or

It is a comparison between two things

that are usually thought to be
different from each other, but that
have something in common. In this
way, we are like using simile and
metaphor to these words.

So how do we read an analogy

Always remember that colons are part
of the structure of the analogy.
Analogy Format:
A : B :: C : D

The two items on the left (items A and

B) describe a relationship and are
separated by a single colon. The two
items on the right (items C and D) are
shown on the right, and are also
separated by a colon. Together, both
sides are then separated by two colons
in the middle.
The single colon means is to while
the double colon means as.
Red and stop.
Here are some examples of word analogy:
red : stop :: green : ___________
we read this as:
red is to stop as green is to blank Yes, Miss. / No, Miss.

In order to supply the missing word, we

need to identify first the relationship Traffic lights.
between the first pair of words. Let us look
at the given example.

What is the first pair of words?

Very good! The first pair of words are red

and stop. Have you ever been on the streets
of Davao City or Digos City?
It means that the driver needs to stop when
What is one of the common things that you the traffic light turns red.
can see on those streets?

You’re right. For those who have not been

there and seen it, there are traffic lights The missing word is go.
along the roads of both cities. These lights
help to maintain the order of the vehicles
down those roads. Green light means to go or to move forward
For those who knew it already, what is the
relationship between red and stop?

That’s right. In a traffic light, red means to

stop. Now we are able to identify the
relationship between the first pair of words,
what do you think is the missing word on
the second pair?

Correct! The missing word is go. Why do

you think so?

(The teacher will flash on the screen an

example of a traffic light.) (see Appendix B)

Because in a traffic light, red means to stop, None so far, Miss.

green means to go, and yellow means to
wait. Let’s have another example.

- CoVID19 is to vaccine as ASF is to

- sum : addition :: difference : subtraction

(The teacher will go back to the

activity and let the students state their
own example using the pictures

Good catch, class! Do you have some

questions regarding analogy?
(A student will read the definition of
Very well. Now you know what is Synonyms Analogy.)
analogy and how to write or read it,
let’s proceed to its types.
There are 6 common types of analogy
but today, we will only discuss the
first two (2) types of it.

(The teacher will call a student to read

the first type.)

1. Synonyms Analogy
- an analogy that shows the same
meaning of the two words
compared or that has a similar
relationship It’s letter A. Minus means to subtract.
happy : glad :: sad : mourn
little : small :: big : large
The answer is letter B. Mathematics is to
(The teacher will let the student fill in the arithmetic.
blanks the correct words for the set of

I will show you some sets of analogy with a Yes, Miss.

missing word on it. Try to find the correct
word to complete the sets.
None, Miss.
plus : add :: minus : __________
a. subtract c. multiply
b. divide d. equals

English : language :: Mathematics :

a. language c. synthesis
b. arithmetic d. history They are opposite with each other.

Well done. Did you understand our first

type of analogy?

Do you have any questions about synonyms The opposite of wet is dry.
(The students will read aloud the given
If none, then let’s proceed. Now, I have analogy expression.)
here again another pair of words. hot is to cold, as wet is to dry

hot : cold :: wet : ______ I think the second type of analogy is

Let’s analyze the relationship between the
words hot and cold. What do you think is
their connection or relationship?

Very good! Hot is the opposite of cold. Now

let’s try to analyze the next words, wet and
blank. What do you think is the opposite of

You’re right. The opposite of wet is dry.

Let’s try to read out loud this analogy.

Good job! Now, what do you think is the

second type of analogy?

Alright! For the second type of analogy, it The answer for that is D, narrow.
is the opposite of synonyms which we called
it as

2. Antonyms Analogy Letter C is the answer which means that

- an analogy which terms are dark is the opposite of the word light.
opposite in meaning of the
words that are compared
beautiful : ugly :: obedient : naughty None, Miss.
girl : boy :: mother : father

(The teacher will let the student fill in the

blanks the correct words for the set of

Now, let’s try to answer this set of


full : empty :: wide : __________

a. huge c. large
b. far d. narrow

morning : night :: light : ________

a. shadow c. dark
b. bright d. glow
(The students will face the screen to listen to
Well done, class! Do you have any the mechanics.)
questions regarding the second type of
analogy? Any clarifications about the

Okay. Let’s proceed for our next activity.

D. Application
At this juncture, we will play a game. This
(The students will perform the activity.)
game will determine if you have really
understood our discussion awhile back.
This activity is entitled as “CHARADES”.

For those who are not familiar of this game,

I will flash on the screen the mechanics of
this game.

(The teacher will flash on the screen the

mechanics of the game.)

The class will be divided into two
(2) groups.
Each group will choose two (2)
representatives for this game and a
secretary to list down the names of
their groupmates as well as their
Each representative will be given a (After the activity, the students will sit
pair of words and act it out to the down.)
class, but they are not allowed to
whisper or say out loud the given
The groups will guess the words
through the actions of the (Students will prepare for their quiz.)
representatives in front and state
their answers using the analogy
The first group to raise their hands
and state their correct answer will
earn points.
5 points will be given for each
correct answer.
The teacher will give 3 minutes for
the group to strategize and another 5
minutes for the game.
When the time is up, the group who
will earn the greatest number of
points will be declared as winners.

Please take your seats.

Congratulations to our winners. For the

group who didn’t made it, there’s always a
room for more.

Now for our evaluation, I want you to get a

½ crosswise and answer the following

Directions: Write S if the analogy
expression is a Synonyms Analogy and write
A if it is an Antonyms Analogy. (see
Appendix C)

(For numbers 1 – 5 only)

_____ 1. happy : laugh :: sad : mourn
_____ 2. chubby : skinny :: loose : tight
_____ 3. failure : success :: mistake : correct
_____ 4. attentive : clumsy :: graceful :
_____ 5. strong : powerful :: weak : fragile

(For items 6 -10)

Directions: Fill in the blanks the correct
words with the choices below each item to (The students will pass their papers after the
complete the sets of analogies. Write the allotted time for their evaluation.)
corresponding words on your paper.
6. old : ancient :: __________ : junior
a. experienced c. aged Analogy is used in comparing two similar
b. matured d. young or different things that have a relationship
7. forecast : future :: regret : ________ with each other.
a. atone c. past
b. present d. sins
Synonyms analogies use pairs of words that
8. moon : satellite :: Earth :
have the same meaning while the antonyms
analogy uses words with their opposite
a. solar system c. asteroid
b. planet d. sun
9. face mask : ________ :: CoVID-19 :
a. hands c. alcohol
b. gatherings d. face to face
10. _________ : checkpoint :: CoVID
patient : isolate
a. policemen c. manifesto
b. lockdown d. frontliners

(For items 11 – 15) (2 points each)

Write your 5 synonyms and antonym

(After the activity, the teacher will ask some

questions for the topic’s recap.)

Since we are done with our discussion, let's

try to check your vocabulary.
What is an Analogy?
What is the difference between Synonyms
and Antonyms Analogy?

Writers use an analogy to connect unfamiliar words or new ideas with common and
unfamiliar objects. It functions as a description or explanation of one thing by
examining its similarities and differences which forces the readers to understand the
connection between them.

Directions: Research and study in advance the other types of analogy. Write it in your
assignment notebook.

Prepared by:


Secondary School Teacher - I

Presented to:


Master Teacher – I
Appendix A




Appendix B



Appendix C

Answer Key:
1. S
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. S
6. young
7. atone
8. planet
9. alcohol
10. policemen

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