M5F BRT Rescue Methods & Tech

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COURSE : Fire Basic Recruit Course (FBRC)

MODULE : V - Basic Rope Rescue Training (BRRT)

SUBJECT : Rescue Methods and Techniques

METHODOLOGY : Lecture/Discussion-Demonstration

NUMBER OF HOURS : Eighteen (18)

 Two (2) Lectures
 Sixteen (16) Practical Demonstrations

LEARNING OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson, the trainees should be able to:
1. perform different ladder rescue techniques properly

2. construct basic raising and lowering systems and apply

different offsetting techniques effectively

3. perform victim under rescue safely

4. incorporate the importance of anchor systems in the

construction of rope rescue system

5. observe proper procedure in rescue operation

6. appreciate the importance of teamwork

LEARNING AIDS: Multi-Media Projector / Screen, Laptop, white board and white
board marker, ropes, carabiners, pulleys, prussik cord, utility
ropes, rescue 8-ring, basket stretcher, spine board, ladder,
helmet, gloves, blanket, scoop stretcher, steel pipes, dummy,
masking tape, kermantle rope, paddings

REFERENCES: NFPA, IFSTA, Malaysia Handbook for Rope Rescue Technician

and Osaka rope rescue handbook


Preparatory Activities

• Opening Prayer
• Introduction of Instructor
• Checking of attendance
• Presentation of the lesson
• Clarification of personal learning

Developmental Activities:

• Short film of a flashflood incident.

II. PRESENTATION (Lesson Proper)

• Introduce and demonstrate the following specific subject areas

• Different ladder rescue techniques
o Emergency ladder
o Ladder assist stretcher rescue
• Proper construction of Basic raising and lowering systems
• Different Offsetting techniques
• Victim under rescue

• Emphasize the following Key Points:

• Always observe proper use of PPE during rescue operation
• Observe proper procedure in rescue operation
• System Safety Check
o A method involving three components that evaluates the safe assembly of a
rescue system.
 Physical or usual check
 Load test
 Audible or visual confirmation

• Summarize the Lesson/Important Points Discussed

• Favorable anchor system is essential in constructing a safe and efficient rope rescue

III. APPLICATION (Practical Exercises)

 Students/Trainees will be grouped into five (5) teams per company.

 After the demonstration of the different rescue methods, the students or trainees will
observe and they will practice by team


 Return demonstration of the different rescue methods and techniques.

 Closing Prayer


MODULE : V - Basic Rope Rescue Training (BRRT)

SUBJECT : Rescue Methods and Techniques

METHODOLOGY : Lecture-Discussion and Demonstration

DURATION : Eighteen (18)

 Two (2) Lectures
 Sixteen (16) Practical Demonstrations


Day 1 Introduction NFPA, IFSTA,
10 mins - Opening Prayer Malaysia
- Introduction of Handbook,
Instructor Osaka rope
- Checking of attendance rescue and
- Presentation of the handbook,
- Clarification of personal
5 mins Multi-media
Short film of a flashflood Laptop
incident. Speaker
1 hr & 30 Introduce and discuss Lecture – NFPA, IFSTA, Oral Recitation
mins the following specific Discussion Malaysia
subject areas Handbook,
-Different ladder rescue Osaka rope
techniques rescue and
Emergency ladder handbook,
Ladder assist ropes,
stretcher rescue carabiners,
-Proper construction of pulleys, prussik
Basic raising and lowering cord, utility
systems ropes, rescue 8-
-Different Offsetting ring, basket
techniques stretcher, spine
-Victim under rescue board, ladder

15 mins Break
2 hrs Introduce and NFPA, IFSTA,
demonstrate the following Demonstration Malaysia
specific subject areas Handbook,
Osaka rope
-Different ladder rescue rescue and
techniques handbook,
Emergency ladder ropes,
Ladder assist carabiners,
stretcher rescue pulleys, prussik
-Proper construction of cord, utility
ropes, rescue 8-
Basic raising and lowering ring, basket
systems stretcher, spine
-Different Offsetting board, ladder
-Victim under rescue

1 hr Lunch Break
2 hrs Return Demo (Rescue Demonstration ropes,
Methods & Techniques) carabiners,
pulleys, prussik
cord, utility
ropes, rescue 8-
ring, basket
stretcher, spine
board, ladder
15 mins Break
1 hr & 45 Return Demo (Rescue Demonstration ropes,
mins Methods & Techniques) carabiners,
pulleys, prussik
cord, utility
ropes, rescue 8-
ring, basket
stretcher, spine
board, ladder
Day 2 Team Practice (Rescue Demonstration ropes,
2 hrs Methods & Techniques) carabiners,
pulleys, prussik
cord, utility
ropes, rescue 8-
ring, basket
stretcher, spine
board, ladder
15 mins Break
1 hr & 45 Team Practice (Rescue Demonstration ropes,
mins Methods & carabiners,
Techniques) pulleys, prussik
cord, utility
ropes, rescue 8-
ring, basket
stretcher, spine
board, ladder
1 hr Lunch Break
2 hrs Return Demo (Rescue Demonstration ropes,
Methods & Techniques) carabiners,
pulleys, prussik
cord, utility
ropes, rescue 8-
ring, basket
stretcher, spine
board, ladder
15 mins Break
2 hrs Return Demo (Rescue Demonstration ropes,
Methods & Techniques) carabiners,
pulleys, prussik
cord, utility
ropes, rescue 8-
ring, basket
stretcher, spine
board, ladder
15 mins Break
1 hr & 45 Return Demo (Rescue Demonstration ropes,
mins Methods & Techniques) carabiners,
pulleys, prussik
cord, utility
ropes, rescue 8-
ring, basket
stretcher, spine
board, ladder
Day 3 Evaluation ropes, Graded Return
2 hrs carabiners, Demonstration
pulleys, prussik
cord, utility
ropes, rescue 8-
ring, basket
stretcher, spine
board, ladder

Methods and Techniques

Low Angle. Refers to an environment in which the load is predominately supported

by itself and not the rope rescue system (e.g., flat land or mild sloping surface).

Below grade. most often in some sort of confined space

High Angle. An environment in which the load is predominately supported by the rope rescue
Tag line offset – offer a means of offsetting the mainline and belay line

by the use of a hand line that is operated below the rescue package.

Should be used only when minor obstacles need to be overcome, or minor adjustments need
to be made in the fall line.

Guiding line offset:

An offset used to change the mainline and belay line by the use of an adjustable rope that runs
through a pulley and tether attached to the rescue package at the yoke.

Guiding line is controlled at the bottom.

Deflected offset – is useful in adjusting the main line
and the belay line from above rescue package, or in
some cases, from across a gap or chasm.

It may be imparted at any time deemed necessary during

the rescue operation. This type of offset is best suited for
smaller gaps, the wider the gap, the more potential

Tracking line can offset the main line and belay line by
the use of adjustable rope that runs through a pulley
attached to the rescue package at the yoke.

The tracking line may be positioned and operated

separately from the main portion of th rescue operation.

It receives medium tension because of this, it must be

anchored at both ends, it can not be hand held.
Highline System. A system of using rope suspended between two points for movement of
persons or equipment, including systems capable of movement between points of equal or
unequal height.

Victim Under Rescue

System Safety Check.

A method involving three components that evaluates the safe assembly of a rescue system—

* physical check / touch system

* load test
* audible or visual confirmation

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