Where The Bodies Are Buried
Where The Bodies Are Buried
Where The Bodies Are Buried
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Where the bodies are buried published by MonkeyDM under the Open Game License version 1.0a. Copyright 2021
MonkeyDM Publishing. All Rights Reserved
● A Past Connection. The party is connected to the
Note tragedy, as the original team that was sent to cover it
This adventure is meant to have a tint of horror. As is up or something else. Now, in their dreams, they see
often the case, horror doesn’t work unless the creature/ visions of the villagers. Thus, they’ve come to the
threat is reasonably scary to the players. To ensure the Archbishop for aid.
party is scared by the villain, keep it hidden for as long
as possible. Make them doubt its true nature and
origin. Also, because horror requires the party to be at
a disadvantage, the encounters are set up so that the
Chapter 1.
party has to use their brains, not just their brawn, to
defeat their enemy. Fighting head-on might not always
The Archbishop
In which the party meets a haunted man.
be the best way of doing things.
Mechanic - Dread
This is the perfect point to introduce this adventure’s Once the party has made their saving throws, any party
specific mechanic. It’s called Dread. member proficient in the Nature skill may make a DC
Dread is a fear-esque mechanic that slowly takes its toll 15 Intelligence (Nature) check. On a success, they’ll
on the party over time. I know I’ve already developed realize that this is the third or fourth night in a row
madness mechanics, but since this is more fear than with a full moon.
eldritch-horror madness, I’ve made it into a different
design. Then, once their investigation of the moon ends, the
door will crack open with a creek. Inside, looking
Dread grows over time, based on checks and saving through with a troubled gaze is Archbishop Doladren.
throws. When a party member gets their first point of
Dread, they are considered on edge. When a party
member is on edge, they suffer no effects.
Upon getting a second point of Dread, they become
paranoid. When they are paranoid, characters might Archbishop Doladren (priest)
react in one of two ways. Make them roll a d20:
Information: The Archbishop is a deeply
● On a roll of 1-10, inform them that they now have haunted man of human origin, with large bags
an uncontrollable urge to investigate things. This will beneath his eyes and a slim face, despite his
prove dangerous in the adventure, as many locations otherwise large frame. He seems troubled by
and objects are traps or sources of more Dread. the things happening around him, but he tries
to hide it. His clothes looked unwashed, and
● On a roll of 11-20, they will vehemently oppose his hair uncombed. He’s clearly let himself go.
the exploration and investigation of occult-looking
objects and locations.
Upon getting a third point of Dread, the characters are As the party makes it within the Cathedral, bring them
considered frightened of the occult. While on maps 2, to map 1 and introduce them to the Archbishop. He’ll
3, and 4, they are always under the frightened welcome them by saying he feared they might never
condition, but their speed is doubled. reach him. He’ll ask about the journey and try to divert
attention from how distressed and fearful he is. During
A point of Dread can be removed via the ceremony, his discussion with the party, any party member may
lesser restoration or calm emotions spells, or via finding attempt a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check, revealing
clues that influence Dread. Those clues will specify how panicked he is on a success.
their effect on dread.
With pleasantries out of the way, he will ask the party
to join him at his desk (area 2), where he has something
There are other madness type systems (like the to show them. As they move there, any party member
one coming to Steinhardt’s Guide to the with a passive Perception above 16 will notice a
Eldritch Hunt). This is just one I’ve created with shadowy figure move, then disappear, almost as if it
the goal to be simple and self-contained for was never there. When they look for it again, it’s no
this adventure. It alters the play experience just longer there. All party members who noticed the figure
enough to make this adventure work in a fun will have to succeed a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or
new ways. gain 1 point of Dread.
want to do that without all of the information. Because of that,
I am writing you as detailed an account as I can of all that has The party must go up to the organ (map 2) and
happened thus far…” As you read, you begin to hear the voice investigate it. On their way, they can also explore map
of the Archbishop: “This was a letter from Chaplain Alunis. 1.
However… it never got to me. It was found on his desk, inside
Hackern’s chapel, and brought to me. It’s been a year since all
of it, and I cannot help but feel his spirit has returned, corrupted Each party has its degree of agency and
and driven mad.” The Archbishop clasps his trembling hands curiosity. Some parties might require additional
together, looking at you intently. He is distraught.’ prompts, while others will only need you to
show them a map before they peek around into
every nook and cranny. That said, I encourage
Before going any further, check the alignment of the you to detail the surroundings to your heart’s
person who read the document. If they are of a good content. If you feel you might need to give your
alignment, they are fine. If they are of a non-good party more notes on what seems of interest for
alignment, they must succeed a DC 15 Wisdom them to check it out, do so. If not, simply let
saving throw or gain 1 point of Dread. them run rampant through the maps.
Then, the Archbishop will begin to panic. He’ll detail to
the party how this document goes on and slowly
descends into madness. Something corrupted the Areas of the Base Floor
priest. He will, however, avoid saying anything about
not sending aid to the Chaplain. The party can try to 1 - Desk
calm down the Archbishop with a DC 17 Charisma
Besides the document, there are also scribblings and
(Persuasion), (Deception), or (Intimidation) check. If
notes, but nothing of much interest. Any player that
he calmed down, the Archbishop will confess what he
reads the manuscript must also make a DC 15
did. If not calmed down, he will rush down to the
Wisdom saving throw or gain 1 point of Dread if they
statue at area 2 and begin praying for forgiveness. This
are of a non-good alignment.
will have an effect in the following chapters.
Maps by CzePeku:
Join their Patreon to access to multiple variations of this
map and more !
2 - Statue of Atonement
Read this:
‘A beautiful, magnificent statue of the Goddess of Eternal Sun.
Her beauty envelops the room and gives you a sense of
purpose. It’s comforting and overpowering all the same.’
3 - Stairs
These lead to the next level (map 2).
Areas of the Upper Floor Once all party members have turned their back on the
organ, A specter will play a note on it again. Then,
1 - Stairs proceed to the next chapter.
These lead back down to map 1.
2 - The Organ
Read this:
‘You approach the organ only to see no figure truly there. It is
untouched, at first glance, at least.’
Chapter 1.3. The Chapel Ghosts First, have the party choose one member to lead the
journey. That party member must make a DC 16
Wisdom (Survival) check. On a success, the party
Read this: must only roll once on the Ghost Encounter Table. On a
‘You hear a note ring through the air once more. Then, a voice
failure, they have to roll twice.
screams out in pain. Roll for initiative.’
Ghost Encounter Table
The party must now fight a specter and 6 shadows. If
the Archbishop has been calmed down, he’ll aid the D6 Encounters
party in the fight.
The party stumbles upon the cemetery, where a bunch of
Once the party has defeated all enemies, the 1 the villagers lies in a common hole after being found
Archbishop will revel that he is not going crazy but be dead. The party must fight 4 zombies.
saddened by the fact that there genuinely are ghosts The party makes it onto the main road, where the ghost
haunting him. He’ll ask the party to go forth towards 2 of a child is playing. If any party member makes noise,
the ruins of Hackern and find the root of this evil, its ghostly parent, a ghost, will attack the party.
whether it be a curse or something else, and thwart it.
The party goes through the forest, where long-dried
If they can do that, he’ll reward all of them handsomely. blood is splattered in a circle. All good-aligned players
To aid in their journey, he’ll give them a scroll of remove 3
must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or gain 1
curse and 1 potion of healing to aid in their journey. point of Dread.
With that, you may proceed to the next chapter. The party gets to the well, where a body is still hanging,
having hung himself inside the well. All party members
must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or gain 1
Chapter 2. point of Dread.
The party hears whispers leading them to a shed. The
The Ruined Chapel lock can be broken with a DC 13 Thieves’ Tools check.
5 Inside are the bodies of an adult and a child, hugging.
The adult has scratched out the words “vengeful” on the
In which the party reaches Hackern.
ground. There’s also a dagger of venom on the body.
Chapter 2.1. The Moonlight The party is guided by the sound of screams into a
partially-burnt house. They make it inside a home office,
Read this: where a ghost attempts to scare them. All party members
must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or gain 1
‘You exit the cathedral only to look above and find the moon point of Dread. After that, they can investigate the office
staring right back at you, as round as a coin. It feels like a with a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence
watcher from above, detached yet filled with hatred. You’ll have (Investigation) check, they find a scroll of protection
to be wary of it, that’s for sure. But first, you must travel to the against good and evil.
ruins of Hackern and find the truth of what once rested there.’
approaches, Alunis, undead werewolf, alongside 2
Areas of the Ruins specters, will reveal himself from hiding and attack the
party. They must roll initiative and defeat him before
1 - Graves 1 investigating the area. They can also hide and run, if
they wish to.
The party can approach these graves and
With Alunis defeated, the party can examine the area.
investigate them, but make sure they remember
A DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check will reveal
how Dread might affect them.
the crypt's entrance (map 4). If the party goes down
into the crypts, proceed to the next chapter.
3 - Tower
If a party member climbs atop the tower, crows will
begin cawing at them, before attacking them. They
must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking
4d6 damage on a failure and being blinded for 1
mintue. On a success, they take half damage and are
not blinded.
From above the tower, if they are not blinded, the party
can see light of the moon beautifully reflect onto the
stained glass. The stained glass also has claw marks and
blood spattered on it. Something was strong enough to
knock this tower over.
4 - Ruins
As the party approaches the ruins, any party member
with a passive Perception above 15 can hear the
sound of snarling. As the first party member
Chapter 2.3. The Crypt Chapter 3.
As the party makes into the crypt, party members,
must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or gain 1
Broken Curse
point of Dread. Then, they may investigate the areas.
In which the party banishes the curse.
As the party investigates this area, keep track Chapter 3.1. The Finale
of their time. It will come in relevant because
they might end up surrounded by Alunis after
his body restores itself. Read this:
‘As you focus on the curse, you feel it finally let go. What
follows is the distant sound of a howl, louder than anything
you’ve heard before, despite you being underground. Whatever
Areas of the Crypt was left of Alunis up there howled from unlife, then… silence.
You feel an energy course through you, almost like a pulse of
thankfulness coming from the goddess herself. The curse is
If the party is particularly healthy, don’t be
afraid to place some traps in the crypt.
The party can return to the Archbishop without facing
any peril. All’s well when it ends well. They’ve saved it
1 - Arrival Area all. The Archbishop rewards them all with 300 gold
each and sends them on their way.
The party arrives here.
The End.
2 - Broken Statue
Maps by CzePeku:
Any party member may pry open the wooden door Join their Patreon to access to multiple variations of this
with a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. Then, upon map and more !
opening the door, the party will gaze upon a statue that
was torn to shreds. All party members with at least 2 MAP 4
points of Dread must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom
saving throw or take 3d6 psychic damage, as visions of
Alunis losing his mind and destroying the statue cloud
their brains.
3 - Cursed Urn
Read this:
‘The unholy feeling within this crypt is overpowering.
Something inside here is evil. You’re just unsure as to what.
This doesn’t just hide the bodies of saints, but the curse itself.’
Alunis, Undead
Medium humanoid (zombie), chaotic evil
Multiattack. Alunis makes two attacks: one with its bite
and one with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage and 7 (2d6) necrotic
damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a
DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage. If the target is a
creature with at least 1 point of Dread, it takes another 10
(4d4) points of damage and loses all points.
Create Specter. Alunis targets a humanoid within 10
feet of it that has been dead for no longer than 1 minute
and died violently. The target's spirit rises as a specter in the
space of its corpse or in the nearest unoccupied space. The
specter is under the Alunis' control. Alunis can have no more
than seven specters under its control at one time.
A big thank you to all of those who
follow and support me, without you I
couldn't have brought this project to
Cheers !
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