Bukvic Et Al

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Geografski pregled No.

44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950




Višnja Bukvić
Faculty of Social Sciences dr.Milenko Brkić, University Herzegovina, Kraljice
Mira 3A, 88266, Međugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina
e-mail: [email protected]

Nusret Drešković
Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo. Zmaja
od Bosne 33-35, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
e-mail: [email protected]

Aldin Boškailo
University Džemal Bijedić of Mostar, Sjeverni logor bb, 88104 Mostar, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, e-mail: [email protected]

DOI: 10.35666/23038950.2021.44.09

UDC: 574:676.034.8 (497.6 Livanjsko polje)

Biodiversity and sequestration potentials of the peat soils in the area of
Livanjsko field
According to its geographical position, Livanjsko field has a number of specific
natural features, among which its biodiversity is especially significant, which
arose in specific geological and hydro-morphological conditions in its northern,
central and southern part. One of the special natural features of this area is the
peat pedological substrate which was formed in the conditions of specific
paleogeographic conditions that existed in the wider Mediterranean
biogeographical region during the Neogene. However, over the last 50 years,
various negative anthropogenic pressures have been registered that have a very
negative impact on the overall natural heritage of this Ramsar site. The paper
investigates the elements of the diversity of recent flora and field vegetation.
Special emphasis in these researches was placed on the sequestration potentials
of peat pedosubstrate formed in the northern and southern part of Livanjsko

Biodiversity, soils, Livanjsko field, sequestration potentials.
Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

1. Introduction

Livanjsko field occupies the extreme southwestern part of Bosnia and

Herzegovina, i. e. (in a defined scope), it extends within the following
astronomical and geographical determinants:

- the most northern point :  = 44° 06’ 15” N;  = 16° 36’ 25” E
- the most southern point:  = 43° 45’ 25” N;  = 16° 53’ 40” E
- the most western point:  = 44° 05’ 20” N;  = 16° 34’ 15” E
- the most eastern point:  = 43° 49’ 40” N;  = 17° 00’ 08” E

Among the above coordinates, Livanjsko field has an area of about 295 km2 and
an average altitude of about 710 m (Map 1). The length of the field in the
northwest - southeast direction is about 45 km and the average width is about 7

From the aspect of general physical-geographical position, i. e. zonal-belt type,

it belongs to the south-southeastern part of the southwestern Bosnian-
Herzegovinian area of the out-of-valley Bosnian landscape area of the northern
subtropical landscape zone.The wider area of the Livanjsko field is dominated
by limestone-dolomite deposits of Mesozoic and Cenozoic - Paleogene mostly
flysch formations. On such a platform, karst, fluvio-karst and fluvio-denudation
destructive type of morphosculpture was predominantly developed, which was
formed on the predominant mountain (hill-valley) type of morphostructure.
Significantly accumulative, above all fluvial, forms of relief are formed at the
bottom of the field, as a consequence of the reduced energy of the relief (Figure

As a consequence of the geographical position and relief specifics of the wider

environment, Livanjsko field has a moderate thermal regime with values of
annual isotherms from 9.0 °C to 3.0 °C. The pluviometric regime shows altered
Mediterranean features with annual isohyetic values ranging from 1150 mm to
1750 mm in the areas of the mountain peaks of Dinara mountain. Analogous to
the stated values of the pluvio-thermal regime in the wider area of Livanjsko
field, the Mediterranean, foothill and mountain type of climate with mixed
maritime and continental influences has changed. The wider area of Livanjsko
field belongs to the Cetina river basin, i. e. the Adriatic basin. Due to the
predominant limestone-dolomite structure of the parent rock substrate, the
surface river network is poorly developed, except along the bottom of the field,
which is built of clastic sediments.

Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

Figure 1: Geographical position of Livanjsko field

The hydromorphic division of the soil dominates in the largest part of the area,
especially ranker, terra rossa and calcocambisols. Hydromorphic soils,
especially fluvisols, have developed along the bottom of river valleys and basins.
Biogeographical features of the wider area of Livanjsko field are a consequence
of the values of all these elements. Contact mountain morphostructures, within
the mid-mountain altitude belt, are biogeographically represented by the biome
of supra-Mediterranean forests and shrubs of Quercus pubescens, white
hornbeam and black hornbeam of the Mediterranean subregion. The biome of
beech and beech-fir forests of the Moesian beech from the Eurosibirsksubregion
is connected to them towards the high mountain zone. The highest peaks in the
zone of Dinara mountain belong to the biome of mountain ores and high
mountain tundra of the Alpine high Dinaric subregion. The area of the bottom of
the field is dominated by the biome of moist forests of Quercus roburand field
ash (Figure 2).

Regionally and geographically, the wider area of Livanjsko field belongs to the
macroregion of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian karst, i. e. the subregion of the
mountain ranges, fields and areas of southwestern Bosnia. The nodal-functional
center of this subregion is the city of Livno - mesoregional center.

Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

From the administrative aspect, Livanjsko field belongs to Canton 10, i. e. the
northern parts belong to the municipality of Bosansko Grahovo, while the central
and southern parts (about 2/3 of the total area of the field) belong to the
municipality of Livno. According to the 1991 census, there were 26 cadastral
municipalities in this area in whole or in part (4 - Bosansko Grahovo
municipality, 22 - Livno municipality), with about 32,000 inhabitants, i. e. the
average population density in the Livno area was around 65 inhabitants / km2.
According to the competent municipal services, today in this area live about
24,000 inhabitants, or about 51 inhabitants / km2.

Figure 2: Topographic features of Livanjsko field (Source: TK BH, Paper Split, R =


Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

2. Biodiversity of flora and vegetation of the Livanjsko field

2.1. Biodiversity of plant communities

The vegetation of the Livanjsko field is extremely rich and diverse. Rooted
aquatic vegetation (Red Potamogetonalia W. Koch 1926) from the class
Potamogetonetea R. Tx. et Preising 1942 develops here, which consists of plants
that take root behind the bottom of a pool or watercourse. Potamion
eurosibiricum Koch fresh communities include numerous communities of
submerged and floating plants. In a small number of watercourses and
reclamation canals that do not dry up during the summer season, communities of
this connection have been developed, which are characterized by species from
the genera:Potamogeton, Nuphar luteum (Figure 3), Nymphaea alba,
Myriophyllum verticillatum, M, spicatum, Hippuris vulgaris, Polygonum
amphibium f. natans, Sagittaria sagittifolia var. valisnerifolia. Nutrient-rich
waters allow the development of Myriophylleto-Nupharetum Koch association
species. Vegetation of lake edges, rivers, streams, eutrophic ponds and wetlands,
but also shallow floodplains or areas with high groundwater levels dominated by
wetlands, high monocotyledons and dicotyledons, mainly helophytes include
communities of reeds, mats, tall spikes and high sedges class Phragmiti-
Magnocaricetea Klika in Klika et Novak 1941. These include common reed
communities from the association Phragmitetum australis ("vulgaris") Soó 1927
(= Scirpo-Phragmitetum W. Koch 1926 from the association Phragmition
australis W. Koch 1926.

Figure 3: Nuphar lutea Sibth. et Sm.

Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

This is one of the most important communities of reed vegetation, which in some
places overgrown large areas, sometimes occupies small areas, and also develops
in depressions created by anthropogenic interventions, such as drainage
channels. It also develops in all those water basins when the water level decreases
in the processes of progressive succession. The floristic composition is
completely dominated by Phragmites australis, while all other species are
represented by a very small degree of cover.

Communities of emergent vegetation of lowland eutrophic freshwater ponds,

"lakes", marsh peat bogs and muddy shores of the Phragmition communis Koch.
association are represented by the Scirpeto-Phragmitetum Koch. association
which is almost exclusively developed in the facies of Scirpo-Phragmitetum
schoenoplectosum. Scirpo-Phragmitetumassociation, which is based on the
formation and maintenance of a strong leveling effect of water, both
aboveground and underground, as an absolutely dominant environmental factor.
In terms of floristics, these stands are extremely poor and of great importance
are high emery plants such as Phragmites communis and Schoenopiectus
lacustris, which dominate the landscape, especially reeds, which is the basic
edificator of the community. She is also the builder of a typical subassociation
(phragmitetosum) which represents the most striking wetland complexes in the
area. The species Scirpus lacustris tolerates prolonged floods and also grows in
streams. This species also inhabits depressions filled with water, as well as
muddy banks of watercourses and drainage canals. These communities are often
joined by the species Typha latifolia, Typha shuttleworthy. Species that tolerate
fairly dehydration such as Butomus umbellatus, Alisma plantago aquatica (Fig.
4), Phragmites communis, and Iris pseudocorus (the latter two are often found as
a relict of wetland plant stands) have a greater distribution.

Figure 4: Alisma plantago-aquatica L.

Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

Communities of tall sedges (Carex) and spikes (Cyperus) of the order

Magnocaricetalia Pignatti 1953 develop at the edges of water basins or overgrow
entire shallow depressions, most commonly oligotrophic wetlands. They are
often developed on anthropogenically formed biotopes. Communities bind
Magnocaricion elatae Koch. are developing in the northeastern part of Ždralovac
where there are vast and shallow swamps that mostly dry up during the summer.
The wet sedge of the association Caricetum elatae W. Koch 1926 belongs to the
association Magnocaricion elatae W. Koch 1926. In the Livanjsko field, the
community of wetland sedges has developed in both primary (natural) and
secondary (anthropogenic) habitats. This community covers the largest areas of
impassable wetlands, while the elements of the association are Caricetum inflato-
vesicariae Koch. confined to the edges of wetlands, and in some places to
interspaces left by large sods of the species Carex elata (Figure 5). The bladder
sedge of the association Caricetum vesicariae Chouard 1924 belongs to the
association Magnocaricion elatae W. Koch 1926.A relatively common
community of wetland-bubble sedge (which occupies mostly small areas within
the lowland vegetation belt) develops in both natural and anthropogenic
depressions and shallow edges of the deeper water basins of the Livanjsko field.
The floristic composition of this community is dominated by Carex vesicaria,
and they often joinCarex rostrata (ass. "Caricetum rostrato-vesicariae"), Carex
gracilis, Scutellaria galericulata, Equisetum fluviatile.

Figure 5:Carex elata All.

a) habitus b)bloom

b 15
Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

In the association dominate the species Carex riparia, C. pseudocyperus, C.

acutifolius, and C. prostrata. In the floristic composition of the association
Caricetum elatae dominate Carex elata, with Senecio paludosus, Alisma arcuata,
Iris pseudacorus, Leucojum aestivum (Figure 6), Galium palustre, Lysimachia
vulgaris, Lythrum salicaria, Mentha aquatica, Phragmites australis.

Figure 6: Leucojum aestivum L.

a) habitus b)bloom

In the area of Livanjsko field there are transitional habitats with elements of tall
sedges and spikes of the order Magnocaricetalia Pignatti 1953 and wet meadows
of the order Molinietalia W. Koch 1926. An example of such a habitat is the
community Carex gracilis-Poa palustris Ilijanić 1962.

Wet meadows of the order Molinietalia W. Koch 1926, include hygrophilous

meadows of Central Europe that are spread from lowland to hilly vegetation belt.
Illyrian meadows of Molinia caeruleafrom the association Molinietum coeruleae
illyricum Horvatić form true meadow stands of the Livanjsko field, within which
Horvatić determined the differential species Peucedanum pospichalii and
Gladiolus illyricus as early as 1934 (Figure 7).

At the edge of the swamp in Ždralovac, it was developed on humus soil. Salix
rosmarinifolia is common on these surfaces. It is also represented in the northeast
(1 km from Rujan Lake, and about 2 km from Čaićki abyss).

Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

Figure 7: Gladiolus illyricus W. D. J. Koch – rare and endangered plant in the flora of
Livanjsko field and Bosnia and Herzegovina

The transition of wetland stands to Illyrian meadows of common invertebrates is

done through a wet sub-association (Molinietum caricetosum paniceae
illyricum), dominated by Carex panicea. The characteristic speciesare rare in the
flora of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Molinia coerulea, Sanguisorba officinalis, Iris
sibirica, and the species Galium boreale, Ophioglossum vulgatum, Allium
angulosum, Serratula tinctoria, Orchis palustris, Thalictrum flavum.

Periodically moist meadows bind Deschampsion caespitosae H-ić. 1930 were

developed in habitats in which is a significant change of wet and dry phase. They
are mainly associated with heavy, clayey, colloidal and impermeable soils. Of
the characteristic species of this bind, Gratiola officinalis and Inula brittanica,
and Teucrium scordioides have the largest number. This connection in karst
fields also contains sub-Mediterranean species that are not found in more
northern areas such as Deschampsia media, Chouardia litardierei (Figure 8), Poa
silvicola, which due to contact with Molinion and Molinio-Hordeion connections
belong to characteristic species of the order.

Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

Figure 8: Chouardia litardierei (Breistr.) – endemic Illyrian species of wet meadows of

karst fields (it is also a very valuable gene pool in the flora of Bosnia and

At the edge of the Livanjsko field, below Ljubunčić, the meadow association
Plantaginetum altissimae has developed. Deschampsia communities,
associations Deschampsietum caespitosae H-ić. 1930, form the vegetation of wet
meadows, for which there is a significant change between the wet and dry phase
of the soil, which causes the appearance of special formations on extremely clay
soils, which are marked with the name "džombe". Large Deschampsia sods also
contribute to this. The floristic composition is dominated by Deschampsia
caespitosa, with only a relatively small number of species, e.g.Gratiola
officinalis, Juncus effusus, Lychnis flos-cuculi.

The causes of endangerment of the Livanjsko field are the change of the water
regime by hydromelioration interventions, partly the transformation into other,
more profitable grasslands or arable land; absence of mowing and therefore
overgrowth in thickets and forest development. In the area of Ždralovac, between
Livno and Bosanski Grahovo, a concession for peat exploitation was approved
without a previous environmental impact assessment study, which caused huge
damage to this extremely valuable area not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina but
also much wider.

Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

2.2. Biodiversity of flora of forest habitats

Recognizing the fact that Livanjsko field is characterized by specific

geomorphological, climatic and hydrological conditions, several types of forest
habitats that have an azonal character have been formed in this area. More
specifically, according to the map of real forest vegetation in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, forest habitats in the area of Livanjsko field have been exposed to
very intense anthropogenic pressure during the last century, which has resulted
in a significant reduction of forest vegetation cover. For this reason, recent forest
habitats are spatially significantly reduced and appear in the form of forest
groves formed along the bottom of the field. In relation to the degree of their
recent endangerment, the most important forest habitats include: field ash forests
with Leucojum aestivumand floodplain Quercus roburforests.

FIELD ASH FORESTS WITH Leucojum aestivum

Field ash forests with Leucojum aestivum (Leucoio-Fraxinetum angustifoliae
Glavač 1959) in the Livanjsko field they primarily inhabit micro-depths such as
ponds and sinkholes, where they are exposed to the long-term effects of flooded
groundwater. Therefore, this type of forest communities often forms the marsh
forest boundary (as is the case in the Poganovo field zone). Surface water can
freeze in winter, with ice pressure and weight can damage the bark and deform
young ash trees. For this reason, in Livanjsko field, the ash trees of the initial,
optimal and terminal phases of development are different. The ash trees of the
initial phase grow on the bog border of the forest. The trunks are deformed at the
vein. They are under the most intense influence of flood waters. Ash of the
optimal phase implies a typical, pure ash stand with less pronounced habitat
deformations. In the terminal phase, the stands of field ash become transient, so
that they appear in the habitats together with Quercus robur, Acer campestre,
Ulmus sp. and black alder. The stands of the initial and optimal phases grow in
typical ponds, and the stands of the terminal phase in arid, transitional habitats
from the pond in a row (Anić et al. 2005).

Indicator species in the tree layer are: Fraxinus angustifolia, Ulmus laevis,
rarelyAlnus glutinosa and Quercus robur. In the shrub layer there are: Frangula
alnus, Salix cinerea, Genista tinctoria ssp. elata. The following species are most
common in the ground layer: Leucoium aestivum, Carex vesicaria, Carex elata,
Galium palustre, Solanum dulcamara, Lycopus europaeus and ect. The recent
ecological condition of field ash forests can be characterized as endangered,
especially under adverse influences in water regime changes and intensive
spread of invasive species, such as Amorpha fruticosa L. (Figure 9). The degree
of endangerment increased especially after the failed natural regeneration, as
well as the exposure to damage from wild animals in the younger developmental

Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

Figure 9: Amorpha fruticosa L.

FLOOD FORESTS OF Quercus robur

Flood forests of Quercus robur (Sveza Alno-Quercion Ht. 1938; As. Genisto
elatae-Quercetum roboris Ht. 1938) are developed between typical micro-depths
(bars) and micro-elevations (morphological beams). These are periodically
flooded habitats where the flood lasts shorter or are out of its reach, but are still
fresh enough. The most famous Croatian forest stands grow on them, from which
the famous Slavonian oak (as. Quercus roburand large yellow oak forest) is
obtained. – Genisto elatae-Quercetum roboris Ht. 1938). In transitional habitats
towards micro-elevations (beams), a drought variant of these forests grows
(subas. Genisto elatae-Quercetum roboris carpinetosum betuli Ht. 1938). Apart
from it, subassociations with the trembling sedge have also been developed in
this area (subas. Genisto elatae-Quercetum roboris caricetosum brizoides Ht.
1938) and disassembled sedge (Genisto elatae-Quercetum roboris caricetosum
remotae Ht. 1938).

The indicator species are in the tree layer are: Quercus robur, Fraxinus
angustifolia, Ulmus laevis, Ulmus carpinifolia. In the layer of shrubs: Genista
elata, Crataegus oxyacantha, Crataegus monogyna (Figure 10), Prunus spinosa,
Pyrus pyraster, Viburnum opulus and others. In a layer of herbaceous plants:
Carex remota, Carex strigosa, Rumex sanguineus, Cerastium sylvaticum,
Valeriana dioica, Lycopus europaeus and many others.

Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

Figure 10: Crataegus monogyna Jacq.

3. Peat bogs of Livanjsko field

3.1. Low peat bogs

The low peat type of soil was formed under the dominant influences of the fluvial
process which causes surplus wetting within the flattened mainly lowland relief,
especially in the zone of wide alluvial plateaus of large rivers. The process of
shaking the marsh vegetation takes place under the influence of groundwater, the
level of which fluctuates significantly during the year. This is reflected in the
process of only partial formation of anaerobic conditions, i. e., the decomposition
of the organic component is only partial and as such is deposited in a special
humus (nH) horizon in the base of which is the basic (usually gley) mineral
horizon. The continuous change of drier and wetter periods during the
Neogeonian period caused the backfilling of semi-decomposed wetlands with
terrigenous material, on which a new process of wetting with marsh vegetation
takes place again during the new wet period. In this way, a layered structure is
formed, i.e. a larger number of subhorizons within a unique peat pedological
profile. The basic physical and chemical characteristics of the humus horizon
largely depend on the type of decomposed wetland-marsh vegetation, on which
its capacity and production characteristics largely depend.

Low peatlands in Bosnia and Herzrgovina are mainly associated with certain
zones along the bottom of karst fields in Herzegovina, among which the most
famous are Livanjsko, Hutovo, Glamočko and Kupreško.

Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

Sequestration potentials of peats of Livanjsko field

Peat pedosubstrate in Livanjsko field covers areas that are predominantly
represented in the northwestern and southeastern part of the field. The total area
of all types of peatlands in the area of Livanjsko field is about 7,017.34 ha
(Figure 11).

Figure 11: Spatial distribution of low peat (histosol) soil types in Livanjsko field

The largest areas of low peat (histisol) in the area of Livanjsko field are located
in its northwestern part, i. e. in the area of Veliki and Mali Ždralovac (Figure 9).
Pedologically, it is presented as a flat, lowland, peat acidic soil on alluvial sandy
loams that spreads over 2,662.78 ha (code 36). According to the existing
available data from the locality of Gornji Ždralovac, on average annually (in the
period July - September), about 80,000 m3 of peat is exploited, which results in
a net loss of sequestration potential of about 376,000 kg.

Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

Figure 11: Peat area in the part of Veliki Ždralovac (which is partly exploited - the
area in the central part between the plotted polygons of the natural scope of the peat
bog) (Video: SPOT 5, Natural color and Red color, 5 m)

The surface continuity of this type of soil towards the southeastern part of the
field is represented by peat - gley soil (code 37) which is represented by two
isolated areas of different spatial position and spatial coverage. The first area
extends along the western and southern rim of the previous type in the wider area
of the wetland-marsh system of Mali Ždralovac, Velika Mrtvica and Volarnica.
This area practically represents a wider zone of transition into a complex of
mineral-wetland gley soil. The total area of this peat area is about 1,952.57 ha.

The second area with peat-gley soil extends in the southeastern part of the field
- in the wider zone of the hydro canals Plouča and Foša. The area of this area is
about 1,027.56 ha.

The next peat pedocomplex was identified as flat, lowland, peat soil on alluvial
sandy loams (code 64). It is presented with two isolated areas with a total area of
1,374.43 ha. The first area is located east of the settlement of Donji Kazanci, in
the wider zone of Gradina (326.59 ha). The second and surface area is spread in
the southeastern part of the field, along the eastern edge of the peat-gley soil,
with an area of 1,047.83 ha.

Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

4. Results and discussion

The paper presents detailed analyzes of the physical-geographical and

biogeographical characteristics of the Livanjsko field and the basic
characteristics of the peat pedosubstrate. Analysis of flora biodiversity, in
addition to defining types, were the basis for assessing the natural environment
and conditions of occurrence as well as the general ecological status of the
identified types of peatlands of the Livanjsko field. More specifically, the
analysis of the results of field research and available literature data showed that
the typical peat pedosubstrate of the Livanjsko field area is inhabited by
vegetation associations: Caricion davallianae Klika 1934 and Caricion
canescentis-fuscae (Table 1). participate in the decomposition of organic
material that builds the peat horizon.

Table 1: Syntaxonomic review of low peat vegetation in Livanjsko field.

R.br. Taxonomic category

1. Class SCHEUZHERO-CARICETEA FUSCAE (Nordh. 1936) Tx. 1937
1.1. Order Caricetalia davallianae Br.-Bl. 1949
1.1.1. Sveza: Caricion davallianae Klika 1934
1. Ass. Schoenetum nigricantisW. Koch. 1926
2. Ass. Valeriano-Caricetum buxbaumiiRitter-Studnička 1972
3. Ass. Eriophoro-Caricetum paniceaeHorvat 1964
4. Ass. Eriophoro-Caricetum davallianaeRitter-Studnička 1972
5. Ass. Menyanthetum trifoliatae
1.2. Order Caricetalia fuscae Koch 1926 em. Br.-Bl. 1949
2.1.1. Sveza: Caricion canescentis-fuscae
6. Ass.Caricetum fuscaeBr.-Bl. 1915
7. Ass. Eleocharetum palustre

Based on the results of the author's scientific research, the paper creates the
necessary data base for defining the sequestration potentials of identified
peatland types for greenhouse gas storage in the Livanjsko field area. The largest
areas are located in the northwestern part of the field (Veliki and Mali
Ždralovac), with flat, lowland, peat acidic soil on alluvial sandy loams
accounting for 2,662.78 ha and peat - glay soil 2,049.33 ha.

In the southwestern part of the field in the area of the village of Grborezi, peat -
glay soil occupies an area of 1,027.55 ha, while flat, lowland, peat soil on alluvial
sandy loams occupies an area of 1,047.83 ha.

Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

In the zone of the settlement of Donji Kazanci, flat, lowland, peat soil on alluvial
sandy loams occupies an area of 326.59 ha. In accordance with the highlighted
data, the calculated total area of peat pedosubstrate in the area of Livanjsko field
is 7,017.34 ha.

The calculation of sequestration potentials of the peat pedosubstrate of Livanjsko

field was realized in accordance with the empirical methodology applied within
the countries preparing national reports on climate change (including Bosnia and
Herzegovina) in accordance with the guidelines of the UNFCCC panel of the
United Nations. The proportion of carbon content according to the methodology
defined by Cannell et al. (993) is described as a fraction only within organic
matter, while most published papers give carbon as a proportion of total dry
mass. In essence, according to most methodologies, the carbon content in
peatlands is taken to be about 52% of the dry mass. Removing the mineral mass
and considering only the organic fraction would lead to an increase in the
proportion of carbon relative to non-carbon atoms so that the proportion is closer
to 0.54 than 0.5. For this reason, Cannell et al. (1993) recommend a value
coefficient of 0.5.

Using these values under the assumption that an area of 1m2 has a thickness of
only 1 cm, the calculation given by Cannell et al. (1993) obtained:

Carbon content = 10 x 1 cm (thickness) x 0.94 (organicmatter) x 0.5 (carbon


Based on this, Cannell et al. (1993) conclude that the average carbon density in
peat soil is 0.47 kg C m2 per cm depth, which is equal to 47 kg C as the carbon
content in a standard cubic meter of peat.

Based on the data from the above equation, it is possible to estimate the stocks
of C u in the peat soils of Livanjsko field, according to the following
equation:7.017,34 ha x 642.90 t/ha C = 4.511.4481 t C

Unfortunately, during the last 50 years in the area of Mali and Veliki Ždralovac,
peat soil has been intensively exploited, as a result of which there is a real danger
that a large amount of carbon stored in this part of Livanjsko field will be
released in the coming years.

Geografski pregled No.44; Year 2021 ONLINE ISSN: 2303-8950

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