HCM 1965
HCM 1965
HCM 1965
j -
Officeis and Members of the Executive Commiüée
DONALD S. BERRY, Chairman J. B. MöMORRAN, First Vice Chairman
EDWARD G. WETZEL, Second Vice Chairman
Executive Director Executive Director
Executive Committee
REx M. WHITTON, Federal Highway Administrator, Bureau of Public Roads (ex officio)
A.. JOHNSON, Executive Secretary, American Association of State Highway Officials
(ex officio)
LouIs JORDAN, Executive Secretary, Division of Engineering and Industrial Research,
National Research. Council (ex officio)
C. D. CuRTIss, Special Assistant to the Executive Vice President, American Road
Builders' Association (ex officio, Past Chairman 1963)
WILBUR S. SMITH, Wilbur Snith and Associates, New Haven, Conn. (ex officio, Past
Chairman 1964)
W. BAUMAN, Managing Director, National Slag Association
DONALD S. BERRY, Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering, Northwestern
MASON A. BUTCHER, County Manager, Montgomery County, Md.
J. DOUGLAS CARROLL, JR., Exewtive Director, Tn-State Transportation Committee,
New York City
HARMER E. DAVIS, Director, Institute of Transport at and Traffic Engineering,
University of California
DUKE W. DTJNBAR, Attorney General of Colorado
JOHN T. HOWARD, Head, Department of City and Regional Planning, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
LOUIS C. LUNDSTROM, Director, Automotive Safety Engineering, General Motors Tech-
nical Center
BURTON W. MARsH, Executive Director, Fóundation for Traffic Safety, American
Automobile Association
OSCAR T. MARZKE, Vice President, Fundamental Research, U. S. Steel Corporation
J. B. MCMORRAN, Superintendent of Public Works, New York State Department of
Public Works
CLIFFORD F. RASSWEILER, President, Rassweiler Consultants, Inc., Short Hills, N. J.
M. L.
SHADBURN, State Highway Engineer, Georgia State Highway Department
T. E. SHELBURNE, Director of Research, Virginia Department of Highways
DAVID H. STEVENS, Chairman, Maine State Highway Commission
JOHN H. SWANBERG, Chief Enginee, Minnesota Department of Highways
EDWARD G. WETZEL, The Port of New York Authority, New York City
C. WOMACK, State Highway Engineer, California Division of Highways
B. WOODS, Goss Professor of Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue
E rra- fa
The Transportation Research Board expresses its appreciation to members of the staff
at the Office of Traffic Operations, Federal Highway Administration, which has main-
tained the list of corrections to the Highway Capacity Manual.
Pages 49 and 50
Interchange line drawings but not titles of Figure 3.26 and Figure 3.28. (Suggestion:
Clip drawings, flip over, and tape in place.)
Printing Correction
Printing Correction
RO HRBSpecialReport87,"HighwayCapacityManual - 1965."
*W Page 187, Col. 1, 2nd Par. Delete line 2 (duplicate of line Ii.)
and.r.eplace with. "tions and influences may be applied to all:
Page 203, Table 8.2. Under 11-Lane Freeway On-Ramp, the entry
for the fourth arrangement should read "Fig. 8.5." Entry
for 0ff-Ramp is shown correctly as "Fig. 8.4."
Page 246, Col. 1, lines 37-38. Should read "(as Fig. 3.26 and
as Figs. 3.38, 3)1, and 3.1
Subject Classification
22 Highway Design
53 Traffic Control and Operations
54 Traffic Flow
55 Traffic Measurements
W. R. Bellis, Director of Research and Evaluation, New Jersey State Highway Department
Donald S. Berry, Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering, The Technological Institute,
Northwestern University
Robert C. Blumenthal, Partner, Bruce Campbell & Associates, Boston, Mass.
Arthur A. Carter, Jr., Secretary, Principal Research Engineer, Traffic Systems Division,
Office of Research and Development, Bureau of Public Roads
Robert R. Coleman, Assistant Director, Bureau of Traffic Engineering, Pennsylvania De-
partment of Highways
Kenneth W. Crowley, Senior Research Analyst, Tunnels and Bridges Department, The Port
of New York Authority
Laurence A. Dondanville, Assistant Chief Engineer, Transportation Division, DeLeuw,
Cather and Company, Chicago, Ill.
Robert S. Foote, Supervisor, Tunnel and Bridge Research Division, The Port of New York
Gordon K. Gravelle, Consulting Transportation Engineer, Bayside, N.Y.
Wolfgang S. Homburger, Associate Research Engineer, Institute of Transportation and
Traffic Engineering, University of California, Richmond
Matthew J. Huber, Bureau of Highway Traffic, Yale University
Donald C. Hyde, General Manager, Cleveland (Ohio) Transportation System
Louis E. Keefer, Transportation Planning Consultant, Milford, Conn.
Charles J. Keese, Executive Officer,. Civil Engineering Department, Texas Transporattion
Institute, Texas A & M University
James H. Kell, Consulting Traffic Engineer, Traffic Research Corp., San Francisco, Calif.
Jack E. Leisch, Vice President, DeLeuw, Cather and Company of Canada, Toronto
Adolf D. May, Jr., Institute of Transportation and Traffic Engineering, University of Cali-
fornia, Richmond
Karl Moskowitz, Assistant Traffic Engineer, California Division of Highways
Charles M. Noble, Consulting Engineer, Princeton, N.J.
Walter S. Rainville, Jr., Director of Research, American Transit Association, Washington,
Carlton C. Robinson, Director, Traffic Engineering Division, Automotive Safety Founda-
tion, Washington, D.C.
Richard I. Strickland, Engineer of Traffic Planning and Design, The Port of New York
S. S. Taylor, General Manager, Department of Traffic, Los Angeles, Calif.
Alan M. Voorhees, Consulting Engineer, Washington, D.C.
William P. Walker, Chief, Geometric Standards Branch, Office of Engineering and Opera-
tions, Bureau of Public Roads
Leo G. Wilkie, Engineer of Transportation Research, Cook County Highway Department,
Chicago, Ill.
I Interrupted Flow .
Flow-Density Relationships .................................................... 71
Summary.................................................................. 72
References................................................................... 73
Trucks and Through Buses 124
Local Transit Buses ........................................................ 124
Control Measures ............................................................ 126
Traffic Signals ............................................................. 126
Marking of Approach Lanes................................................. 128
Intersection Capacity, Service Volumes, and Levels of Service......................... 129
Procedures for Estimating Intersection Capacity, Service Volumes, and Levels of Service. . 131
Fundamental Capacity Charts and Adjustment Tables .... ......................... 133
Urban Conditions ........................................................... 133
RuralConditions .......................................................... 137
Additional Adjustment Factors ................................................. 138
G/C Ratio ................................................................ 138
TurningMovements ........................................................ 138
Trucks and Through Buses ................................................. .. 142
Local Transit Buses......................................................... 142
Interpretations and Applications of Procedures.................................... 143
Typical Problem Solutions—Signalized Intersections.............................. 146
Unsignalized Intersections ....................................................... 155
NoControl ................................................................. 155
YieldSign Control............................................................ 156
Stop Sign Control............................................................ 156
Two-Way Stop Control ....................................................... 157
Four-Way Stop Control ....................................................... 158
References.................................................................... 159
Factors Controlling Ramp Capacity............................................. 189
General.................................................................. 189
Entrance Ramp Junctions .................. .................................. 190
Exit Ramp Junctions ....................................................... 190
Levels of Service at Ramp Terminals............................................... 191
Computation Procedures for Ramp Junctions........................................ 197
Calculation of Service Volumes, Levels A Through C............................... 198
General Procedures ........................................................ 198
Variables Considered ....................................................... 200
Computational Equations and Nomographs, Levels A Through C................... 201
Related Computational Devices ............................................... 202
Geometrics Not Represented by Equations and Nomographs....................... 224
Typical Problem Solutions—Ramp Junctions (Levels A Through C Method) ......... 228
Calculation of Service Volumes, Levels D and E (Capacity) ......................... 233
Differences from Better Levels............................................... 233
Computational Procedures—Level D .......................................... 234
Typical Problem Solutions—Ramp Junctions (Level D Method) ................... 239
Computational Procedures—Level E (Capacity) ................................ 242
Comparison of Level C and Level D Calculations.................................. 244
References.................................................................... 244
Compuiation Procedures for Multilane Highways Without Access Control...............293
Basic Uniform Multilane Subsections............................................293
Capacity (Total for One Direction) Under Prevailing Conditions...................294
Service Volumes (Total for One Direction) ......................................295
Level of Service ................................................. ........... 296
Combined Analysis of Subsections Composing Ordinary Multilane Highway Sections
Without Access Control .................................................296
Typical Problem Solutions—Ordinary Multilane Highways...........................298
3.1 Percentage of surfaced mileage of state primary system in various volume groups,
1962 ................................................................ 29
3.2 Effect of traffic volume on lane use for six-lane facilities........................ 30
3.3 Traffic composition by time of day, Wisconsin highways, weekdays, 1961 ......... 30
3.4 Examples of monthly traffic volume variations............................... 31
3.5 Examples of weekly traffic variations....................................... 31
3.6 Hourly variations of traffic for average weekday .............................. 32
3.7 Hourly variations of daily traffic on Calumet Expressway, 1961 ................. 32
3.8 Distribution of (a) magnitude of 15-min peak flow rate and (b) 15-mm peak-hour
factors at 792 signalized urban intersections................................ 34
3.9 Peaking trends related to population and quality of traffic flow ...................34
3.10 Determination of rate of flow for highest 5-min interval from rate of flow for the
whole peak hour ...................................................... 35
3.11 Relationship between error in estimated rate of flow and observed rate of flow 36
3.12 Frequency distribution of percent difference between estimated and observed rates
offlow .............................................................. 36
3.13 Yearly variation of hourly traffic volumes in descending order of magnitude ....... 37
3.14 Amount and percentage of annual volume served at or above hourly volumes shown 37
3.15 Percentage of ADT recorded during all hours of the year on 113 selected urban and
rural roads, 1959-1960 ................................................. 38
3.16 ADT recorded during 100 highest hours of year on 113 selected urban and rural
roads, 1959-60 ....................................................... 39
3.17 Relation of hourly volumes and annual average daily traffic on freeways .......... 41
3.18 Relation of hourly volumes and annual average daily traffic on expressways ....... 41
3.19 Relation of hourly volumes and annual average daily traffic on ordinary multilane
highways............................................................ 42
3.20 Relation of hourly volumes and annual average daily traffic on two-lane highways. 42
3.21 Variation of flow and spee.d during 5-min intervals of morning peak period, Gulf
Freeway, Houston, Tex.................................................. 45
3.22 Variation in volume and speed by time of day, Ford Expressway, Detroit, 1959 46
3.23 Daytime and nighttime speed distribution, Davison Expressway, Detroit, 1959. . . 46
3.24 Distribution of normal passenger car speeds ....................... . .......... 48
3.25 Passenger vehicle velocity distribution in northbound and southbound middle lanes,
Lodge Expressway, Detroit, 1957 ........................................ 48
3.26 Typical distribution of passenger car speeds in one direction of travel under ideal
uninterrupted flow conditions on freeways and expressways ................... 49
3.27 Typical distribution of passenger car speeds in one direction of travel under ideal
uninterrupted flow conditions on multilane rural highways..................... 50
3.28 Typical distribution of passenger car speeds for both directions of travel under ideal
uninterrupted flow conditions on two-lane rural highways ..................... 50
3.29 Frequency distribution of headways between successive vehicles traveling in the
same direction at various traffic volumes on typical two-lane rural highway 52
3.30 Frequency distribution of headways between successive vehicles traveling in the same
direction at various traffic volumes on typical four-lane rural highway .......... 53
3.31 Lane headway distribution related to traffic flow, Ford Expressway, Detroit, 1957. 54
3.32 Computed and observed headways for, typical two-lane and four-lane highways
carrying 500 vph in one direction ........................................ 55
3.33 Computed and observed headways on a two-lane urban street ................... 56
3.34 Waiting time for selected intervals at various volumes with (a) probability of
95 percent and (b) probability of 50 percent .............................. 57
3.35 Percentage of total time occupied by various time spacings between vehicles travel-
ing in the same direction and percentage of total time that spacings are in excess
of certain values on (a) typical two-lane rural highways and (b) typical four-lane
ruralhighways ....................................................... 58
3.36 Frequency distributions of vehicle arrival times at five stations downstream from a
traffic signal, California ................................................ 59
3.37 Speed-flow relationships for three different highways ......................... 61
3.38 Typical relationships between volume per lane and operating speed in one direction
of travel under ideal uninterrupted flow conditions on freeways and expressways 62
3.39 Typical relationships between volume per lane and operating speed in one direction
of travel under ideal uninterrupted flow conditions on multilane rural highways 63
3.40 Typical relationships between total volume for both directions of travel and operat-
ing speed under ideal uninterrupted flow conditions on two-lane rural highways. 63
3.41 Typical relationships between volume per lane and average speed in one direction of
travel under ideal uninterrupted flow conditions on freeways and expressways. 64
3.42 Typical relationships between volume per lane and average speed in one direction
of travel under ideal uninterrupted flow 'conditions on multilane rural highways. 64
3.43 Typical relationships between total volume for both directions of travel and average
speed under ideal uninterrupted flow conditions on two-lane rural highways 65
3.44 Specific reported speed-volume relationships per lane in one direction of travel under
interrupted flow conditions on freeways and expressways ..................... 66
3.45 Computed average speed and average delay at simulated urban si8nalized inter-
section.............................................................. 66
3.46 Speed-flow relationship for 37 test sections with parking and 7 test sections without
parking............................................................. 67
3.47 Travel time and average speed on signalized street in intermediate urban area 67
3.48 Speed-density relationship, Lincoln Tunnel, New York ......................... 68
3.49 Speed-density relationship, Eisenhower (Congress St.) Expressway, Chicago ....... 68
3.50 Speed-density relationship, Hollywood Freeway at Franklin West, Los Angeles,
April19, 1961 ........................................................ 68
3.51 Speed-density relationship, Merritt Parkway, Conn............................ 69
3.52 Speed-density relationship under uninterrupted flow conditions on two Australian
highways............................................................ 69
3.53 General speed-volume diagram ............................................ 70
3.54 Speed-density relationship under urban conditions............................. 71
3.55 Example of flow-density relationship in limited-access traffic flow (Holland Tunnel,
NewYork) .......................................................... 71
4.1 General concept of relationship of levels of service to operating speed and volume/
capacityratio ........................................................ 81
5.1 'Effect of length and steepness of grade on speed of average trucks on (a) two-lane
and (b) multilane highways............................................. 96
5.2 Types of vertical curves ................................................... 98
5.3 Cumulative frequency distributions of weight-power ratios for all commercial vehicles
weighed in 1963 studies on major multilane highways....................... 98
5.4 Cumulative frequency distributions of weight-power ratios for loaded trucks
weighed in 1963 studies on major multilane highways ...................... 99
5.5 -Average speed of typical truck over entire length of grade on two-lane highways.. 100
5.6 Passenger car equivalents for various average truck speeds on two-lane highways. . 102
5.7 Equivalent service volumes relating trucks (vehicles with six or more tires), grades,
and passenger cars on two-lane one-way roadways at level of service B .......... 103
6.1 Operation of traffic at a rural intersection (a) loaded to capacity and (b) at inter-
section service level D .................................................. 117
6.2 Traffic flow at intersection approach with (a) high peak-hour factor and (b) low
peak-hour factor ...................................................... 118
6.3 Effect of number of lanes on (a) two-way streets with no parking, (b) two-way
streets with parking, and (c) one-way streets ............................... 129
6.4 Range of approach volumes reported during BPR 1955-6 intersection studies ...... 132
6.5 Urban intersection approach service volume, in vehicles per hour of green signal
time, for one-way streets with no parking.................................. 134
6.6 Urban intersection approach service volume, in vehicles per hour of green signal
time, for one-way streets with parking one side............................ 134
6.7 Urban intersection approach service volume, in vehicles per hour of green signal
time, for one-way streets with parking both sides........................... 135
6.8 Urban intersection approach service volume, in vehicles per hour of green signal
time, for two-way streets with no parking................................. 135
6.9 Urban intersection approach service volume, in vehicles per hour of green signal
time, for two-way streets with parking.................................... 136
6.10 Rural intersection approach service volume, in vehicles per hour of green signal time,
for two-way highways with no parking on the traveled way ................... 136
6.11 Local bus factor for near-side bus stop on street with no parking................. 143
6.12 Local bus factor for near-side bus stop on street with parking................... 144
6.13 Local bus factor for far-side bus stop on street with no parking .................. 144
6.14 Local bus factor for far-side bus stop on street with parking.................... 145
7.1 Formation of weaving sections ............................................. 161
7.2 Simple weaving arrangements............................................. 163
7.3 Basic types of weaving sections............................................ 164
7.4 Operating characteristics of weaving sections ................................. 166
7.5 Method for measuring length of weaving sections ............................. 167
7.6 Types of multiple weaving sections......................................... 181
8.1 Critical points for volume determination in ramp junction analysis ............... 197
8.2 Nomograph for determination of lane I volume upstream of on-ramp junction,
4-lane freeway (not applicable to cloverleaf inner loop) ................... 204
8.3 Nomograph for determination of lane I volume upstream of off-ramp junction,
4-lane freeway (no upstream on-ramp within 3,200 ft of off-ramp) ............ 205
8.4 Nomograph for determination of lane I volume upstream of off-ramp junction,
4-lane freeway, with upstream on-ramp within 3,200 ft of off-ramp (no auxiliary
lane) ............................................................... 206
8.5 Nomograph for determination of lane 1 volume upstream of on-ramp junction.
4-lane freeway, at cloverleaf inner loop (no auxiliary lane) ................... 207
8.6 Nomograph for determination of lane I volume upstream of on-ramp junction,
4-lane freeway, at cloverleaf inner loop with auxiliary lane ................... 208
8.7 Nomograph for determination of lane I volume upstream of on-ramp junction,
4-lane freeway, with auxiliary lane between on-ramp and adjacent downstream
off-ramp ............................................................ 209
8.8 Nomograph for determination of lane I volume upstream of on-ramp junction,
4-lane freeway, at second of successive on-ramps ........................... 210
8.9 Nomograph for determination of lane I volume upstream of on-ramp junction.
6-lane freeway, with adjacent off-ramps both upstream and downstream of on-
ramp (no auxiliary lanes) .............................................. 211
8.10 Nomograph for determination of lane I volume upstream of off-ramp junction,
6-lane freeway, with upstream on-ramp within 5.700 ft of off-ramp (no auxiliary
lane) ................................................................ 212
8.11 Nomograph for determination of lane I volume upstream of on-ramp junction,
6-lane freeway, at cloverleaf inner loop with auxiliary lane ................... 213
8.12 Nomograph for determination of lane 1 volume upstream of on-ramp junction,
6-lane freeway, with auxiliary lane between on-ramp and adjacent downstream
off-ramp ............................................................ 214
FIGURES . xvii
3.1 Highest Reported Hourly Volumes on Two-Lane, Two-Way Highways in the United
States, 1961 .......................................................... 23
3.2 Highest Reported Hourly Volumes on Three-Lane, Two-Way Highways in the United
States, 1961 .......................................................... 23
3.3 Highest Reported Hourly Volumes on Four-Lane, Two-Way Highways in the United
States, 1961 .......................................................... 24
3.4 Highest Reported Hourly Volumes on Five-Lane, Two-Way Highways in the United
States, 1961 .......................................................... 25
3.5 Highest Reported Hourly Volumes on Six-Lane, Two-Way Highways in the United
States, 1961 .......................................................... 26
3.6 Highest Reported Hourly Volumes on Eight-Lane, Two-Way Highways in the United
States, 1961 .......................................................... 27
3.7 Highest Reported Hourly Volumes on Two-Lane, One-Way Highways in the United
States, 1961 .......................................................... 27
3.8 Highest Reported Hourly Volumes on Three-Lane, One-Way Highways in the United
States, 1961 .......................................................... 28
3.9 Highest Reported Hourly Volumes.on Four-Lane, One-Way Highways in the United
States, 1961 .......................................................... 28
3.10 Highest Reported Hourly Volumes on Five-Lane, One-Way Highways in the United
States, 1961 .......................................................... 28
3.11 Observed Hourly Traffic Volumes on Two Rural Highway Sections with Identical
Average Daily Traffic ................................................. 38
3.12 Percentage of AADT in Peak Hour for One Direction and Both Directions by Peak
Hour, 30th Highest Hour, and 200th Highest Hour, by Type of Facility........ 40
3.13 Average Speed, by Vehicle Type, 1946-1964 ..................... ........... 44
3.14 Mean Speeds by Lanes.............................. . 47
4.1 ........ ............
Uninterrupted-Flow Capacities Under Ideal Conditions........................ 76
4.2 Elements Used to Evaluate Level of Service .................... 80
5.1 Effect of Lane Width on Capacity for Uninterrupted Flow ..............
Conditions .......... 89
5.2 Effective Roadway Width Due to Restricted Lateral Clearances Under Uninterrupted
Flow Conditions ....................................................... 89
5.3 Apparent Effect of Quality of Alinement (as Represented by Average Highway
Speed) on Capacity ................................................... 95
5.4 Distance from Bottom of Grade at Which Speed of Trucks Is Reduced to 30 Mph. 97
5.5 Average Speed Capabilities of Intercity-Type Buses on Sustained Grades.......... 104
5.6 Summary of Adjustments to Ideal Uninterrupted Flow Values................... 109
6.1 Factors Affecting Intersection Capacity and Levels of Service................... 112
6.2 Optimum Number of Lanes for Various Approach Widths on Two-Way Streets with
NoParking .......................................................... 129
6.3 Levels of Service and Maximum Service Volumes for Individual Isolated Intersec-
tion Approaches ...................................................... 131
6.4 Adjustment Factors for Right Turns on Two-Way Streets, Right Turns on One-Way
Streets, and Left Turns on One-Way Streets................................ 140
6.5 Adjustment Factors for Left Turns on Two-Way Streets........................ 141
6.6 Truck and Through Bus Adjustment Factors................................ 142
6.7 Examples of Capacities of Four-Way Stop Intersections with Balanced Demand
(50-50 Split of Traffic Between Intersecting Streets) ......................... 158
6.8 Examples of Capacities of a Two-Lane by Two-Lane Four-Way Stop Intersection
with Varying Traffic Demand Split....................................... 158
7.1 Relationship Between Quality of Flow and Maximum Lane Service Volumes in
Weaving Sections ..................................................... 170
7.2 Volume-Length Combinations Considered out of Realm of Weaving............ 172
7.3 Relationships Between Basic Roadway Levels of Service and Quality of Flow on
Weaving Sections ..................................................... 173
8.1 Service Volumes and Capacity in Vicinity of Ramp Terminals (Vph of Mixed Traffic
in One Direction, Assuming Level Terrain and Not Over 5% Trucks) .......... 196
8.2 Index to Geometric Combinations Discussed, for Levels of Service A Through C. 203
8.3 Approximate Percentage of Through Traffic Remaining in Lane 1 in the Vicinity of
Ramp Terminals at Level of Service D.................................... 235
8.4 Examples of Service Volumes, Levels C and D (Peak-Hour Factor = 0.83) ....... 243
9.1 Levels of Service and Maximum Service Volumes for Freeways and Expressways
Under Uninterrupted Flow Conditions.................................... 252
9.2 Combined Effect of Lane Width and Restricted Lateral Clearance on Capacity and
Service Volumes of Divided Freeways and Expressways with Uninterrupted Flow. 256
9.3a Average Generalized Passenger Car Equivalents of Trucks and Buses on Freeways
and Expressways, over Extended Section Lengths (Including Upgrades, Down-
grades, and Level Subsections) ........................................... 257
9.3b Average Generalized Adjustment Factors for Trucks on Freeways and Expressways,
over Extended Section Lengths........................................... 257
9.4 Passenger Car Equivalents of Trucks on Freeways and Expressways, on Specific Indi-
vidual Subsections or Grades............................................ 258
9.5 Passenger Car Equivalents of Intercity Buses on Freeways and Expressways, on
Specific Individual Subsections or Grades.................................. 260
9.6 Adjustment Factors for Trucks and Buses on Individual Roadway Subsections or
Grades on Freeways and Expressways (Incorporating Passenger Car Equivalent
and Percentage of Trucks or Buses) ...................................... 261
10.1 Levels of Service and Maximum Service Volumes for Multilane Highways, Undi-
vided and/or Without Access Control, Under Uninterrupted Flow Conditions
(Normally Representative of Rural Operation) .............................. 284
10.2 Combined Effect of Lane Width and Restricted Lateral Clearance on Capacity and
Service Volume of Undivided Multilane Highways with Uninterrupted Flow..... 286
10.3a Average Generalized Passenger Car Equivalents of Trucks and Buses on Ordinary
Multilane Highways, Over Extended Section Lengths........................ 287
10.3b Average Generalized Adjustment Factors for Trucks on Ordinary Multilane High-
ways, Over Extended Section Lengths ........................ ............. 287
10.4 Passenger Car Equivalents of Trucks or Ordinary Multilane Highways, on Specific
Individual Subsections or Grades......................................... 288
10.5 Passenger Car Equivalents of Intercity Buses on Ordinary Multilane Highways, on
Specific Individual Subsections or Grades.................................. 289
10.6 Adjustment Factors for Trucks and Buses on Individual Highway Subsections or
Grades on Ordinary Multilane Highways (Incorporating Passenger Car Equivalent
and Percentage of Trucks or Buses) ....................................... 290
10.7 Levels of Service and Maximum Service Volumes on Two-Lane Highways Under
Uninterrupted Flow Conditions (Normally Representative of Rural Operation). 302
10.8 Combined Effect of Lane Width and Restricted Lateral Clearance on Capacity and
Service Volumes of Two-Lane Highways with Uninterrupted Flow............. 303
10.9a Average Generalized Passenger Car Equivalents of Trucks and Buses on Two-Lane
Highways, Over Extended Section Lengths (Including Upgrades, Downgrades,
and Level Subsections) ................................................. 304
10.9b Average Generalized Adjustment Factors for Trucks on Two-Lane Highways, Over
Extended Lengths ..................................................... 304
10.10 Passenger Car Equivalents of Trucks on Two-Lane Highways, on Specific Individual
Subsections or Grades ................................................. 305
10.11 Passenger Car Equivalents of Intercity Buses on Two-Lane Highways, on Specific
Individual Subsections or Grades.......................................... 306
10.12 Adjustment Factors for Trucks and Buses on Individual Roadway Subsections or
Grades on Two-Lane Highways (Incorporating Passenger Car Equivalent and
Percentage of Trucks or Buses) .......................................... 307
10.13 Levels of Service for Urban and Suburban Arterial Streets...................... 323
10.14 Levels of Service for Downtown Streets..................................... 334
11.1 Peak-Period Use of Public Transportation Entering Central Business District....... 338
11.2 Observed Peak-Hour Volumes of Local Buses on City Streets with Parking Pro-
hibited.............................................................. 340
11.3 Observed Peak-Hour Volumes of Local Buses on City Streets with Reserved Transit
Lanes............................................................... 340
11.4 Observed Peak-Hour Volumes of Express Bus Service on City Streets ............ 341
11.5 Observed Peak-Hour Volumes of Express Bus Service on Expressways ............ 341
11.6 Observed Peak-Hour Volumes of Express Bus Service on Terminal Ramps, Tunnel
Approaches, Tunnels, and Bridges ........................................ 342
11.7 Passenger Interval (Service Time) on and off Buses ........................... 346
11.8 Minimum Desirable Lengths for Bus Curb Loading Zones ..................... 348
A.1 Variations in Traffic Flow on Rural Freeways ............................... . 350
A.2 Variations in Traffic Flow on Rural Expressways ........................... 356
A.3 Variations in Traffic Flow on Rural Highways with More Than Two Lanes ........ 358
A.4 Variations in Traffic Flow on Two-Lane Rural Highways ........................362
A.5 Variations in Traffic Flow on Urban Freeways .................................. 371
A.6 Variations in Traffic Flow on Urban Expressways ............................. 376
A.7 Variations in Traffic Flow on City Streets with More Than Two Lanes ......... 378
A.8 Variations in Traffic Flow on Two-Lane City Streets........................... 382
B.1 Selected Observations from 1963 BPR Urban Weaving Area. Capacity Study ....... 386
C.1 Statistical Background of Equations for Lane I Volume, 4-Lane Freeways...... 390
C.2 Statistical Background of Equations for Lane 1 Volume, 6-Lane Freeways......... 392
C.3 Statistical Background of Equations for Lane 1 Volume, 8-Lane Freeways ......... 394
C.4 Statistical Background of Equations for 2-Lane Ramp and Major Fork Volumes,
6-Lane Freeways ........................................................ 395
The following organizations contributed the pho- 13; Michigan State Highway Department-199;
tographs appearing on the pages listed: Montana State Highway Department-.-93; New
American Road Builders' Association-193; Hampshire Department of Highways-247; New
American Transit Association-2 1, 344; Automo York State Department of Public Works-.--77
tive Safety Foundation-77 (left), 95; Bureau of (right), 84, 85, 90, 92, 115, 157, 174, 254, 297, 300;
Public Roads-4, 7, 9, 17, 18, 19, 31, 43, 113, 119, North Carolina State Highway Commission-il,
123, 125, 169, 171, 172, 174, 175, 191, 192, 251, 269, 36, 51, 71, 110; The Port of New York Authority-
278, 283, 293, 337, 339; California Division of High- 71, 82, 83, 185, 242; Rhode Island State Highway
ways-t, 5, 6, 107, 120, 189, 195, 347; Cleveland Department-328; South Carolina Highway Depart-
(Ohio) Transit System-333, 342, 343, 345; District ment-91; South Dakota Department of Highways
of Columbia Department of Highways and Traffic- -33; Texas Highway Department-249.
- '
__;_-__• .,-.--....
. ..
The ability to accommodate vehicular traf- in- highway capacities is essential for sound
tic is a primary consideration in the planning, economic and functional utilization of the
design, and operation of streets and high- highway transportation system.
ways. Highway capacity is, very broadly, Specifically. capacit y is here defined as
a measure of the effectiveness of various the maximum number of vehicles per unit
highways in accommodating traffic, and its of time that can he handled by a particular
application requires both a general knowl- roadway component under the prevailing
edge of traffic behavior and specific knowl- conditions.
edge of traffic volumes that can he accom- Where appropriately in context, however,
modated under a variety of roadway con- the entire broad subject area will he referred
figurations and operating conditions. A to simply as capacily" in this manual.
rational and practical method for deterniin- It is of little value to know the quantita-
tive measure alone, without knowing the ditions." Thus, "capacity" represents a posi-
prevailing conditions. Similarly, the over- tive quantity—the maximum traffic a given
all traffic-carrying capabilities of a roadway roadway can handle. Several "service vol-
cannot be treated without reference to umes" now replace the earlier "practical
other important considerations, such as the capacities," representing any of several spe-
quality of service provided and the duration cific volumes related to a group of desirable
of the time period considered, because operating conditions collectively termed
capacity is only one of many service levels "level of service." Level of service is a quali-
at which the roadway may operate. Differ- tative measure and the actual value used
ent roadways of a given type may have should be appropriate for the highway.
different capacities, depending on both the The time period considered should be
physical characteristics and the operating defined in evaluating capacity determina-
conditions. tions. For short time periods (one hour or
The original (1950) edition of this man- less), capacity is a maximum sustained rate
ual defined three levels of roadway capacity of flow for the specified time period. When
—basic capacity, possible capacity and considering longer time periods, such as a
practical capacity. Basic capacity was de- day or a year, capacity also depends on
fined as "the maximum number of passen- travel desires which create hourly, daily,
ger cars that can pass a point on a lane and seasonal fluctuations in an average traf-
or roadway during one hour under the most fic volume which will result in full utiliza-
nearly ideal roadway and traffic conditions tion of the roadway for only a percentage
which can possibly be attained." Possible of the total time period, when demand is the
capacity was the "maximum number of heaviest.
vehicles that can pass a given point on a The original manual, which this edition
lane or roadway during one hour, under replaces, provided methods for measuring
prevailing roadway and traffic conditions," capacity and relating it to speed and spacing
whereas practical capacity was a lower vol- criteria. The procedures were based mainly
ume chosen "without the traffic density on the empirical approach where relation-
being so great as to cause unreasonable ships between two or more variables are
delay, hazard, or restriction to the drivers' developed from field observations. In this
freedom to maneuver under prevailing road- new edition, the same approach has been
way and traffic conditions." used, to a large degree. Many recent stud-
That edition of the manual "considered it ies have relied more on the theoretical or
to be of prime importance to relate traffic experimental methods of mathematically
volumes accurately to operating conditions expressing traffic flow. The results of these
so that individual agencies with a thorough methods, which represent a new approach
knowledge of the specific conditions could to the complexities of traffic flow, very likely
decide on the most practical volumes to will ultimately provide better answers to
expect a facility to handle." Though thus many highway capacity problems; they are
recognizing that "practical" capacity varies utilized in this manual to the extent possible.
considerably on the basis of a subjective At the present time, however, considera-
determination of the quality of service to be tion of many of the elements of the real
provided, the manual did suggest values for situation remain lacking in certain of the
practical capacities under various specific theoretical approaches, and reliance still
conditions based on the normal desires of must be placed largely on empirical data
typical drivers. and statistical analyses, coupled with good
The present Committee has elected, in this judgment.
new edition, to define only a single "capac- The purpose of this manual, then, is to
ity" for each type of highway. "Capacity," provide a condensed and authoritative source
as now defined, is the same as "possible of the present empirical and theoretical
capacity" in the 1950 edition. The former information on highway capacity. By pro-
"basic capacity" has now been replaced viding a standard set of terminology and
with the phrase "capacity under ideal con- methods of measurement and analysis, the
manual will aid in the study and evaluation capacity of existing or proposed facilities.
of existing facilities. By its description of The bibliographies at the end of certain
traffic behavior found in field studies, it will chapters list additional selected references
aid in predicting the capacity and level of pertaining to highway capacity studies that
service of proposed improvements. From may be of benefit to the reader.
the initial planning stage to the correction Highway capacity has been the subject
of operating problems, this knowledge is of continuing study over a long period of
necessary to establish expected capacity val- time, but by no means is the research com-
ues for consideration in engineering and pleted. This summary of present informa-
economic comparisons. tion points out the need for extending the
The information given in this manual has quantity of data and breadth of analysis
been selected to represent typical or aver- beyond existing knowledge. Much has been
age conditions reported throughout the done, but much more study is necessary to
United States at the time of its preparation. accurately define and measure the factors
The user must appreciate the possibility that involved in determining the capacity of
individual locations or areas may differ from highways.
the average, and avail himself of additional
One objective of the Highway Capacity
information for specific problems. The man-
ual does not, therefore, provide rigid stand- Committee in preparing this manual is to
ards for capacity measurements, but instead encourage continued research in the field of
provides a guide in lieu of more detailed highway capacity. Practitioner, student, and
information. researcher alike, benefit from and çontrib-
The principal characteristics of traffic ute to this reservoir of knowledge. The
operation relating to capacity are discussed, Highway Research Board, through its com-
for the various highway elements. Field stud- mittees and individual members, extends
ies and research results are correlated with its assistance, encouragement and advice to
present highway design practice and rational persons interested in furthering research in
procedures are developed for analyzing the highway capacity.
-. $ I L.t,
3) i
Rural freeway in rolling terrain. Shoulders provided on bat/i sides of travel lanes. Aesthetic
features provided by natural plantings and rock outcrops. Edge stripping provides
delineation at edge of travel lane.
this manual are included. As an aid in locat- hourly volume. The capacity would not nor-
ing the definition of any term listed, an mally be exceeded without changing one or
alphabetical index of the terms is included more of the conditions that prevail. In ex-
at the end of the chapter. pressing capacity, it is essential to state the
prevailing roadway and traffic conditions
CAPACITY DEFINED under which the capacity is applicable.
The number of vehicles passing a point
Capacity is the maxinuim number of vehi- on a roadway during periods of heavy de-
cles which has a reasonable expectation of mand will be governed by one of the follow-
passing over a given section of a lane or a ing limiting measures:
roadway in one direction (or in both direc-
tions for a two-lane or a three-lane highway) I. The demand being placed upon the
during a given time period under prevailing roadway by the vehicles desiring to use it at
roadway and traffic conditions. The term the particular time.
capacity as used in this manual is synony- 2. The capacity of the roadway at:
mous with the term "possible capacity" as (a) The point of observation;
used in certain other publications. In the (h) A point upstream or
absence of a time modifier, capacity is an (c) A point downstream.
u full-control-of-access ICC Filly.
When item I is the limiting measure, the performance of the particular group of
flow is less than the capacity of the observed drivers and vehicles at a specific time can
section or of relatively nearby sections up- influence the flow under conditions 2a. 2h.
stream or downstream. When the flow is and 2e.
limited by item 2a, traffic will generally he
flowing freely at the point of observation, PREVAILING CONDITIONS
but a backlog may occur on the section
immediately upstream. When the flow is The capacity of it roadway depends on a
limited by item 2b, traffic will generally he number of conditions. Composition of traf-
flowing freely at the point of observation fic, roadway alinement, and number and
because it has been metered at the point width of lanes are a few of those conditions
upstream. In this case, unless the upstream which may he referred to collectively as the
bottleneck is visible from, or reported to. pre vailvu,' (OPlditiOI.V.
the point of observation, it is not possible The prevailing conditions may he divided
to determine whether condition I or con- into two general groups—( I) those that are
dition 2b is the limiting measure. When established by the physical features of the
the flow is limited by item 2c, a backlog will roadway. and (2) those that are dependent
occur on the section under observation. The on the nature of traffic on the roadway.
—L ----
Grade separation over 8-1ane freeway. I'aved median provided with edqe stripi/i' for visibility
and fence in Center. iVote provision of shoulders and adequate side clearances at structure.
flow rates or volumes on a given lane or paved gutters, is ordinarily called a street.
roadway provide higher levels of service b. Control of access .—T he condition
than greater flow rates or volumes on the where the right of owners or occupants of
same lane or roadway. Thus, the level of abutting land or other persons to access,
service for any particular lane or roadway light, air or view in connection with a high-
varies inversely as some function of the flow way is fully or partially controlled by public
or volume, or of the density. authority.
This manual includes narrative descriptions Full control of access means that
of prevailing traffic flow conditions which the authority to control access is exer-
represent several levels of service. These cised to give preference to through
levels encompass a working range of vol- traffic by providing access connections
umes from a condition of free flow to a with selected public roads only and by
condition of capacity. It is the intent of the prohibiting crossings at grade or direct
Committee that this manual provide guide- private driveway connections.
lines from which the user can select a vol- Partial control of access means
ume which corresponds to the level of service that the authority to control access is
best adapted to the specific need. exercised to give preference to through
traffic to a degree that, in addition to
SERVICE VOLUME access connections with selected public
A service volume is the maximum num- roads, there may be some crossings at
ber of vehicles that can pass over a given grade and some private driveway con-
section of a lane or roadway in one direction
on multilane highways (or in both directions Uncontrolled access means that
on a two- or three-lane highway) during a the authority having jurisdiction over
specified time period while operating condi- a highway, street, or road, does not
tions are maintained corresponding to the limit the number of points of ingress
selected or specified level of service. In the or egress except through the exercise
absence of a time modifier, service volume is of control over the placement and the
anhourly volume. geometrics of connections as necessary
for the safety of the traveling public.
OTHER DEFINITIONS 2. Functional Types
Other terms which are used in this man- a. Arterial highway.—A highway pri-
ual and their definitions follow, not in alpha- marily for through traffic, usually on a con-
betical order, but grouped according to the tinuous route.
subject to which they are most closely re- Expressway.—A divided arterial high-
lated. For convenience in locating any defi- way for through traffic with full or partial
nition an alphabetical index is included at control of access and generally with grade
the end of the chapter. separations at major intersections.
Freeway.—An expressway with full
ROADWAY DEFINITIONS control of access.
Parkway.—An arterial highway for
I. General
noncommercial traffic, with full or partial
a. Highway, street, or road—These are control of access, and usually located within
general terms denoting a public way for a park or a ribbon of parklike developments.
purposes of vehicular and pedestrian travel, Major street or major high way.—An
including the entire area within the right- arterial highway with intersections at grade
of-way. In rural areas, or in urban areas and direct access to abutting property, and
where there is comparatively little access on which geometric design and traffic con-
and egress, a way between prominent ter- trol measures are used to expedite the safe
mini is usually called a highway or a road. movement of through traffic.
A way in an urban area, with or without Through street or through highway.
provision made for curbs, sidewalks, and —Every highway or portion thereof at the
'xtw' •/
4r I
fourteen traffic lanes are prorated on this depressed urban freeway. lrequent grade separations
provide for cross traffic movement. Note thamond interchanee ra,nps intersecting
with one-way fro,:lcn,'e roads, and lane separators.
7. Traffic Lane—A strip of roadway in- Lane two, lane three, etc.—On a
tended to accommodate a single line of multilane roadway, the traffic lane or lanes
moving vehicles. to the left of the right lane (or lane one)
Ri.'ht lane or lane one.—On any available for traffic traveling in the same
roadway, the lane on the extreme right, in direction, designated "lane two." "lane
the direction of traffic flow, available for three." etc., in that order numbered from
moving traffic. Sometimes referred to as the right to left when facing in the direction of
nutsule lane on rural highways or the curb traffic flow.
lane on city streets. Reversible lane or lanes—A lane or
Left lane.—On a two-lane, two-way lanes where traffic moves in one direction
road, that traffic lane which is to the left only during some period of time, then in
of the center line and which is normally the reverse direction during another period
used by traffic in the opposite direction: or of time.
on a multilane road, the extreme left traffic Left-turn lane.—A traffic lane within
lane of those available for traffic traveling the normal surfaced width of a roadway,
in one direction. or an auxiliary lane adjacent to or within
Center lane—On an undivided two- a median, reserved for left-turning vehicles
way road having an odd number of traffic at an intersection.
lanes, the lane which may be used by traffic Right-turn lane.—A traffic lane with-
traveling in either direction, or which may in the normal surfaced width of a roadway,
be operated reversibly or reserved for left or an auxiliary lane to the right of and
urns. adjacent to the through traffic lanes, reserved
E.vjiresiiav at gaide, nit/i partial (ontr('l of access. Note median openius and Icuic 1,roiided for
left-turn vehicles. Grade separation (in hack ground) carries cross tm/lu.
'ci;-I •-' L
Rotary intersection in urban area. Grade separation used to carry major traffic flow underneath.
Traffic signals, pavement markings, and raised islands extensively employed to
facilitate traffic movement.
tion is a direct connection for right- ured along the normal travel path of a road-
turning movements. way, to the roadway surface or to a speci-
c. Rain p terinina/.—The general area fied height above the roadway, when the
where a ramp connects with a roadway. view is unobstructed by traffic.
Ramps have both entrance and exit termi- a. Stopping sight distance.—The dis-
nals. The entrance terminal relates to a tance required by a driver of a vehicle,
merging condition; the exit terminal relates traveling at a given speed, to bring his
to a diverging condition. vehicle to a stop after an object on the
roadway becomes visible. It includes the
11. Weaving Section.—A length of one-way
distance traveled during the perception and
roadway at one end of which two one-way
reaction timcs and the vehicle braking dis-
roadways merge and at the other end of
which they separate. A multiple weaving
h. Passing sight distance.—The mini-
section involves more than two entrance
mum sight distance on two- and three-
and/or exit roadways.
lane highways that must he available to
12 .Si,'ht Distance.—The distance visible enable the driver of one vehicle to pass
to the driver of a passenger vehicle, fleas- another vehicle safely and comfortably
without interfering with the speed of an on- TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE DEFINITIONS
coming vehicle traveling at the design speed,
1. Traffic Control Device.—Any sign, signal,
should it come into view after the overtaking
maneuver is started. marking, or device placed or erected for the
purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding
13. Terrain—The topography of the profile vehicular traffic and/or pedestrians.
of a highway, road, or street. As used in 2. Pavement Markings
this manual, the term generally has one of
three modifiers: level, rolling, or mountain- Lane line—A line' separating two
ous. These three modifiers represent com- lanes for traffic moving in same direction.
binations of geometric features in varying Center line—A line indicating the
degrees which relate primarily to gradients division of the pavement between traffic
and horizontal and vertical alinement. They moving in opposite directions. It is not
reflect the effect on capacity of the operat- hecessarily at. the exact geometric center of
ing characteristics of trucks in terms of their the pavement.
passenger car equivalent under the different
3. Traffic Sign.—A traffic control device
geometric conditions.
mounted on a fixed or portable support
Level terrain—Any combination of
which conveys a specific message by means
gradients, length of grade, or horizontal or
of words or symbols, and is officially erected
vertical alinement that permits trucks to
for the purpose of regulating, warning, or
maintain speeds that equal or approach the
guiding traffic.
speeds of passenger cars.
Rolling terrain—Any combination 4. Traffic Control Signal—Any device,
of gradients, length of grade, or horizontal or whether manually, electrically, or mechani-
vertical alinement that causes trucks to re- cally operated, by which traffic is alternately
duce their speeds substantially below that directed to stop and permitted to proceed.
of passenger cars on some sections of the Signal indication—The illumination
highway, but which does not involve sus- of a traffic signal lens or equivalent device
tained crawl speed by trucks for any sub- or a combination of several lenses or equiva-
stantial distance. lent devices at the same time.
Mountainous terrain.—Any combi- Time cycle—The time period re-
nation of gradients, length of grade, or hori- quired for one complete sequence of signal
zontal or vertical alinement that will cause indications.
trucks to operate at crawl speed for con- Interval.—Any one of the several di-
siderable distances or at frequent intervals. visions of the time cycle during which signal
Sustained grade.—A continuous indications do not change.
highway grade of appreciable length and Phase—A part of the time cycle
consistent or nearly consistent gradient. allocated to any traffic movement or to any
combination of traffic movements receiving
14. Ideal Conditions.—The base conditions the right-of-way simultaneously during one
as used in capacity determinations, including: or more intervals.
Uninterrupted flow, free from side Pretimed signal.—A type of traffic
interferences of vehicles and pedestrians. control signal which directs traffic to stop
and permits it to proceed in accordance with
Only passenger cars in the traffic
predetermined time schedules.
I. Traffic-actuated signal.—A type of
Traffic lanes 12 ft wide with ade- traffic control signal in which the intervals
quate shoulders and no obstructions within are varied in accordance with the demands
6 ft of the edge of the pavement. of traffic as registered by the actuation of
Horizontal and vertical alinement detectors.
satisfactory for average highway speeds of (1) Semi-traffic-actuated signal. - A
70 mph and no restricted passing sight dis- type of traffic-actuated signal in which
tance on two- and three-lane highways. means are provided for traffic actuation
on one or more, but not all, approaches Bus.—A free-wheeled vehicle having
to the intersection. a self-contained source of motive power,
Full traffic-actuated signal.—A designed for the transportation of persons,
type of traffic-actuated signal in which and having a seating capacity of ten or
means are provided for traffic actua- more passengers.
tion on all approaches to the inter- Commercial vehicle.—A. truck or a
section. bus.
Pedestrian-actuated signal. - A
type of traffic control signal which may TRAFFIC OPERATIONS DEFINITIONS
be actuated by a pedestrian.
g. Progressive system.—A signal sys- I. Speed.—The rate of movement of
tem in which the successive signal faces vehicular traffic or of specified components
controlling a given street give "go" indica- of traffic, expressed in miles per hour.
tions in accordance with a time schedule to a. Spot speed.—The speed of a vehi-
permit (as nearly as possible) continuous cle as it passes a specified point on a road-
operation of groups of vehicles along the way.
street at a planned rate of speed, which may Average spot speed.—The average
vary in different parts of the system. of the individual spot speeds of all vehicles
or a specified class of vehicles at a specific
TRAFFIC DEFINITIONS point on a given roadway during a specified
I. Traffic.—All types of conveyances, to- period of time. Also referred to as time
mean speed.
gether with their load, either singly or as a
whole, as well as pedestrians, while using Overall travel speed.—The total dis-
any roadway for the purpose of transporta- tance traversed divided by the total time
tion or travel. required, including all traffic delays.
Vehicle.—Any component of wheeled Average overall travel speed.—The
traffic. Unless otherwise qualified, the term summation of distances traveled by all vehi-
vehicle will normally apply to free-wheeled cles or a .specifiedclass of vehicles over a
vehicles as hereinafter defined. given section of highway during a specified
Free-wheeled vehicle.—Any com- period of time, divided by the summation of
ponent of traffic not limited in its field of overall travel times.
operation to rails or tracks. Space mean speed.—The average of
Passenger car.—A free-wheeled, self- the speeds of vehicles within a given space
propelled vehicle generally designed for the or section of roadway at a given instant.
transportation of persons, but limited in Also, the average speed of a specified group
seating capacity to not more than nine pas- of vehicles based on their average , travel
sengers, including taxicabs, limousines, and time over a section of roadway.
station wagons. Also included, for capacity Design speed.—A speed selected for.
purposes, are two-axle, four-tired pickups, purposes of design and correlation of those
panels and light trucks, which have operat- features of a highway, such as curvature,
ing characteristics similar to those of passen- superelevation, and sight distance,. upon
ger cars, but not motorcycles. which the safe operation of vehicles is de-
Truck.—A free-wheeled vehicle hav- pendent.
ing dual tires on one or more axles, or hav- Average highway speed. - The
ing more than two axles, designed for the weighted average of the design speeds with- /
transportation of cargo rather than passen- in a highway section, when each subsection
gers. Includes tractor-trucks, trailers and within the section is considered to have an
semitrailers when used in combination. Ex- individual design speed.
cludes those two-axle, four-tired vehicles Operating speed.—The highest over-
that may be classified as a truck for registra- all speed at which a driver can travel on a
tion purposes, but which have operating given highway under favorable weather con-
characteristics similar to those of a passen- ditions and under prevailing traffic condi-
ger car. tions without at any time exceeding the safe
speed as determined by the design speed on a single stream. The total volume in this
a section-by-section basis. combined stream is the merge volume.
Free-flow operating speed.—The
Diverging.—The dividing of a single
operating speed of a passenger car over a
section of highway during extremely low stream of traffic into separate streams. The
traffic densities. total volume in this single stream before
division is the diverge volume.
Running speed—The speed over a
specified section of highway, being the dis- Volume.—The number of vehicles that
tance divided by running time. The average pass over a given section of a lane or a
for all traffic, or a component thereof, is the roadway during a time period of one hour
summation of distances divided by the sum- or more. Volume can be expressed in terms
mation of running times. of daily traffic or annual traffic, as well as
on an hourly basis.
2. Running Time—The time the vehicle
a. Average annual daily traffic.—The
is in motion.
total yearly volume divided by the number
3. Delay.—The time consumed while traf- commonly abbreviated
fic or a specified component of traffic is
impeded in its movement by some element ~ verage daily traffic.—The total
over which it has no control. Usually ex- volume during a given time period in whole
pressed in seconds per vehicle. days greater than one day and less than one
Fixed delay.—The delay to which year divided by the number of days in that
vehicles aiè subjected during light traffic time period, commonly abbreviated as ADT.
volumes orlow densities. The delays experi- Maximum annual hourly volume.—
enced by a lone vehicle as a resultof traffic The highest hourly volume that occurs on a
signals or stop signs are fixed delays. given roadway in a designated year.
Operational delay.—The delay Tenth, twentieth, •thirtieth, etc.,
caused by the interference between compo- highest annual hourly volume.—The hourly
nents of traffic. The difference between travel volume on a given roadway that is exceeded
times over a.route during extremely low and by 9, 19, 29, etc., respectively, hourly vol-
high traffic volumes is operational delay. The umes during a designated year.
time consumed while waiting at a stop sign
for cross traffic to clear, the time losse Peak-Hour Traffic—The highest num-
resulting from congestion, from interference\r of vehicles found to be passing over a
with parking vehicles, and from turning vehi- section of a lane or a roadway during 60
des are examples of operational delays. onsecutive minutes.
or distance between individual • vehicles sentation of the number of vehicles that pass
measured from the rear of one vehicle to over a given section of a lane or a roadway
the head of the following vehicle, for some period less than one hour. It is
obtained by expanding the number of vehi-
Spacing.—The interval in distance from des to an hourly rate by multiplying the
head to head of successive'vehicles. number of vehicles during a specified time
Headway.—The interval in time be- period by the ratio of 60 min to the number
tween individual vehicles measured from of minutes during which the flow occurred.
head to head as they pass a given point. The term "rate of flow" will normally be
prefixed by the time period for the measure-
Weaving.—The crossing of traffic ment. For example, a 15-min count of N
streams moving in the same general direction vehicles multiplied by 60/15 or 4 would
accomplished by merging and diverging, produce a "15-min rate of flow of 4N vehi-
cles ner hiir•"
Merging.—The process by which two
separate traffic streams moving in the same 13. Interrupted Flow.—A condition in
general direction combine or unite to form which a vehicle traversing a section of a lane
In 119
-, F~k
1-f igh-density traffic on parkway. Relatively unusual condition of complete congestion in hot/i
directions due to bottleneck co,ulitions (not s/ia wit).
;•. tIN .
I ..' •"••lN
f'V/i/J i1
Unbalanced traffic flow. Predominant flow is from bottom to top of photo: counter movement is
relatively light. iVote direct left-turn connection from /:igh:s'av at right and
clzan,zeiization used to separate ramps at rig/It center.
way operation and 15 min for intersection moving streams of traffic. This friction is
operation. For example, "a peak-hour fac- due solely to the effect of one stream of
tor of 0.80 based on a 5-min rate of flow." traffic crossing the other stream.
b. Marginal friction.—The retarding
18. Friction
effect on the free flow of traffic caused by
a. intersectional friction.—The retard- interference of any sort at the margin of
ing effect on traffic movement caused by the highway. This does not include conflicts
potential and actual traffic movement con- at intersections or medial friction.
flicts at an intersection or merge of two c. Medial friction.—The retarding
Page Page
Access, control of ......................8 Gap, vehicular ........................ 16
full control of..................8 Grade, sustained ...................... 14
partial control of...............8 Grade separation, highway.............. 12
uncontrolled ...................8
Approach ............................12 Headway .............................. 16
Area, fringe ..........................19 Highway............................. 8
residential . ......................19 arterial ...................... 8
major ......................... 8
Bottleneck ...........................19 through ...................... 8
Interchange 12
Capacity............................. 5 Intersection 12
Car, passenger ....................... 15 four-leg ................... 12
Channelization ......................... 12 multi-leg .................. 12
Components, cross-section............... 9 rotary .................... 12
Conditions, ideat ...................... 14 three-leg .................. 12
prevailing 6 Intersection leg ........................ 12
Connection, direct ..................... 12 Interval ............................. 14
outer ..................... 12 Island, traffic ......................... 10
Curb............................... 10
Cycle, time ............................. 14 Lane................................ 10
acceleration ..................... 10
Definitions, land use and development.... 19 auxiliary ........................ 10
roadway .................. 8 bus............................. 12
traffic ..................... 15 center .......................... 11
traffic control devices......... 14 climbing ........................ 10
traffic operations ............ 15 curb........................... 11
Delay............................... 16 deceleration ..................... 10
fixed.......................... 16 left............................ 11
operational ..................... 16 left-turn ........................ 11
Density.............................. 17 outside ......................... 11
average ....................... 17 parking.........................
critical ........................ 17 reversible ....................... 11
Design, cross-sectional ................... 10 right........................... 11
Device, traffic control ................... 14 right-turn ........................ 11
District, central business ............... 19 traffic .......................... 11
outlying business .............. 19 Lane one ............................ 11
Diverging ............................ 16 Lane two, lane three, etc................. 11
Downstream ......................... 19 Line, center .......................... 14
lane............................ 14
Equivalent, passenger car................19 Loop, inner ............................ 12
Markings, pavement ................... 14
Expressway ...........................8
Median.............................. 10
Factor, load .......................... 17 Merging ............................. 16
peak-hour ..................... 17 Parkway ............................. 8
Flow, rate of ......................... 16 Pavement ............................ 10
interrupted ..................... 16 Phase............................... 14
uninterrupted ................... 17 Platoon .............................. 19
Freeway............................. 8
Friction .............................. 18 Ramp............................... 12
intersectional ................. 18 Road................................ 8
marginal ..................... 18 divided ......................... 10
medial ....................... 18 frontage ........................ 9
stream ....................... 19 local ............................ 9
Functional types ....................... 8 multilane ....................... 10
Page Page
one-way 9 space mean ...................15
service 10 IS
three-lane ....................... 10 Street 8
two-lane ....................... 10 local 9
two-way ........................ 9 major 8
undivided ....................... 10 through ....................... 8
Roadway ........................... 9 System, progressive 15
A signalized intersection in a central business district.
LANE _________________ ADT FOR
N.J. 208, Fairlawn, Bergen Co., N.J. 12.0 1,090 2,056 16,028
P.R. 21, San Juan, Puerto Rico 9.1 - 1,482 19,201
Md. 5, Woods Corner, Prince Georges Co., Md. 12.0 1,099 1,871 18,825
Md. 26 (Liberty Road), Baltimore, Md. 10.0 1,224 1,777 21,500
U.S. 40, West of Denver, Cob. 12.0 - 1,760 5,950
Md. 3, Glen Burnie, Anne Arundel Co., Md. 12.0 855 1,680 22,275
Del. 141, New Bridge Rd., New Castle Co., Del. 12.0 963 1,605 15,935
U.S. 95, Bonanza Road, Las Vegas, Nev. 12.0 - 2,297 20,064
U.S. 60, Washington St., Charleston, W.Va. 15.0 1,125 2,062 19,850
U.S. 27, Clinton St., Ft. Wayne, md. 10.0 1,063 .2,024 20,041
Coldwater Canyon Dr., Los Angeles, Calif. 15.0 1,586 1,985 15,000
Rt. IT, Brown Road, St. Louis Co., Mo. 11.0 1,223 1,970 -
Wis. 20, Washington Ave., Racine, Wis. 11.0 1,120 2,205 26,752
Wis. 100, Milwaukee Co., Wis. 10.0 1,014 1,910 -
U.S. 11, N.E. of 4th Ave., Birmingham, Ala. 12.0 1,377 1,812 18,850
U.S. 23, Washtenau Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. 12.0 1,120 1,723 18,000
Memorial Drive, Atlanta, Ga.' 10.6 1,188 1,626 19,500
Lake Shore Drive, S. of 57th Drive, Chicago, 12.0 445 2,236 75,000
N.J. 4, Paramus, N.J.' 10.0 1,438 1.498 62,480
Olentangy River Road, Columbus, Ohio 14.4 851 1,345 42,259
U.S. 6, West 6th Ave., Denver, Cob. 12.0 587 17177 30,000
U.S. 6, N. of Denver, Cob. 12.0 432 1,107 26,300
U.S. 99, Battery St. Subway, Seattle, Wash. 12.5 314 2,189 49,500
American River Bridge, Sacramento, Calif.' 11.0 695 1,850 64,000
Caldecott Tunnel Approach, Oakland, Calif.' 11.0 703 1,848 50,302
Lake Washington Bridge, Seattle, Wash.' 11.0 971 1,583 46,350
South Capitol St. Bridge, Washington, D.C. 11.5 1,120 1,542 53,411
Divided except as noted.
Shoulder used as acceleration and deceleration lane; lane volume based on count of through lanes
No median divider.
1 Unbalanced. 3/I.
a single occasion may have been an excep- both directions of travel. The hourly traf-
tional case with no other instance when the fic volume for the heavier direction of travel
traffic volume equaled or even approached during the corresponding time period is,
the reported values. It should be noted that however, given in a separate column.
many important capacity determinants, such The selection of the highways to be in-
as traffic composition, parking restrictions, cluded in Tables 3.3 through 3.6, for two-
and grades, are not available to assist in way highways with four or more lanes, was
the evaluation of these data. based on the magnitude of the traffic vol-
These maximum observed volumes are ume in the heavier direction of travel. The
given primarily to acquaint the reader with traffic volume for the lighter direction of
the peak traffic that has been carried on travel during the corresponding time period
some of the more heavily traveled routes. is, however, given in a separate column.
They are also intended to indicate the wide The selection of all one-way highways in-
range of capacities of highways that are cluded in Tables 3.7 through 3.10 was based
seemingly alike in type, but actually have on the magnitude of the peak-hour traffic
significant differences in their physical, as volume, given as the average number of
well as traffic, characteristics. The reasons vehicles per lane.
for much of the variation in capacity will
become more apparent as the subject is VOLUME CHARACTERISTICS
developed in the succeeding material. How-
ever, considerable variation must still re- Spatial Variations in Traffic Flow
main unexplained, awaiting further research.
The selection of the highways included in
Tables 3.1 and 3.2, for two-way highways Figure 3.1 shows the breakdown by var-
with two and three lanes, was based on the ious average daily traffic flows of surfaced
magnitude of the hourly traffic volume in mileage on state primary systems in the
U.S. 40, Delaware Mem. Br. Approach, Wil- 12.0 708 733 28,909
mington, Del.
1-35, S. of Austin, Travis Co., Tex. 12.0 74 396 7,170
U.S. 66, N.E. of Ill. 83, DuPage Co., Ill. 12.0 277 376 18,000
U.S. 30 & 130, Pennsauken Twp., Camden Co., 10.0 703 1,340 69,114
Geo. M. Cohan Blvd., Providence, R.I. 10.0 875 1,331 55,900
Penrose Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. 12.0 783 1,132 48,300
U.S. 99, S.W. Harbor Drive, Portland, Ore. 12.0 680 1,115 49,917
U.S. 1 & 401, Downtown Blvd., Raleigh, N.C. 11.0 440 847 32,500
Lake Shore Drive, N. of LaSalle, Chicago, Ill.' 11.0 695 1,513 140,000
Rt. 92, Nimitz Highway, Honolulu, Haw. 12.0 257 864 52,226
Santa Ana Freeway Bridge over Los Angeles 12.0 1,412 1,725 189,000
River, Los Angeles, Calif.
George Washington Bridge, New York, N.Y. 10.8 1,179 1,554 106,247
Wis. 190, W. Capitol Drive, Milwaukee, Wis. 9.0 417 693 47,954
o Divided.
Six lanes reserved for heavier direction during peak periods. Count shown is for unbalanced operation; ADT
for all conditions of operation.
On most two-way highways the annual Figure 3.1. Percentage of surfaced mileage of
average daily traffic has been found to be state primary syste,n in various volume groups,
approximately the same in each direction. 1962.
(Source: Ref. 1, 1962, Table SM-iS)
This is also the case for most 24-hr volumes,
but holiday and weekend travel can cause
an unbalanced total flow on specific days.
The volume during any specific hour may,
however, be much heavier in one direc- direction of flow depends on several fac-
tion than in the other. A knowledge of the tors, including traffic volume, medial and
traffic load in each direction for the peak marginal friction, proportion of slow mov-
periods of traffic flow is essential because ing vehicles, and the number and location of
of the critical effect an unbalanced flow can ingress and egress points. The origin and
have on the needed capacity as related to destination desires of the individual users
the design and operation of a highway. are principal determinants for the distribu-
Typical directional distributions for urban tion of vehicles between lanes near entrance
and rural highways are given in Tables 3.1 or exit points. Outside the influence of these
through 3.6. For specific locations, direc- and other interferences adjacent to the
tional distributions vary widely and the use traffic stream, lane distributions are influ-
of average values without confirming their enced mainly by the variation in speeds and
applicability is not recommended. Even the volume of traffic.
along one street or highway section, differ- Figure 3.2 shows average lane distribu-
ing characteristics at various locations and tions in one direction found on selected
traffic volume gains and losses at ingress six-lane freeways at various volumes. Chap-
and egress points may cause wide variations ter Eight, Ramps, contains a more detailed
in directional distribution at different points. discussion of lane distributions under a
variety of conditions.
Where two or more lanes are available for
travel in one direction, the number of vehi- Variability also occurs in the percentage
cles in each lane may vary widely. The dis- of the different types of vehicles comprising
tribution of traffic between lanes for one the traffic stream. The relative proportion
NE 02
222 40
5 8' 5 6
> 30
4PM 8PM 128
f-our-lam' urban arterial con'ested with traffic also has an extremely big/i percentage of trucks in
direction away frwn camera. Note ,nedian /,arrler.
NASIIVILLE 06646. 958
7 LEAIN6109 (X1'ERNAL, 1960
o 90
I iu IN
• Au muauii
Er 100
F 6 A 6 J J A S 0 Is 0
Figure 3.5. Exa,n pies of t'eekly traffic
Figure 3.4. Examples of ,nonthiy traffic volume variations.
variations. (Sources: Mississippi State Highway Dept.; Nashville,
(Sources: Washington State Dept. of Highways and Tcnn., Metro. Area Transp Study; Lexington-Fayette
Tucson, Ariz., Area Transp. Study) Co., Ky., Transp. Study)
4PM 8PM 12M
;;j I
L1 _
: -.
- 'S... •••. ..
•?.. '"-,
j1 l eI .. .
Slower vehicle forces following vehicles to reduce their speeds; queuing e/Ject cOnh?flellCi,Ig on
two-lane rural highway.
tions in traffic flows within the hour should be I vps, based on the hourly volume. The
be considered. Although hourly volumes are variability of smaller mean values is greater
normally used in planning and design, the than that of larger mean values, when ex-
ability of a highway to accommodate satis- pressed as a percentage of the mean. The
factorily an hourly volume depends primarily narrowing of the confidence interval band
on the magnitude and sequence of these for increasing mean values is characteristic
short-period fluctuations. not only of the Poisson distribution, which
No matter what criteria are used for the closely approxiniates the distribution of light
design and operation of a highway, it is volumes of traffic, but also of the many
necessary to know what the nature of the other distributions which have been used to
traffic demand will be, as well as its specific approximate various actual traffic distribu-
value. A peak-hour volume does not neces- tions. Even the normal distribution exhibits
sarily imply that a high rate of flow will these same characteristics, although it is
exist for less than a full hour, more than an rarely used as an example of existing traffic
hour, or approximately one hour: it is sim- distributions. Thus, even without the occur-
ply an estimate of the maximum number of rence of a change of volume within a given
vehicles expected on a facility during a full peak hour, a short-term period within this
60-nun period. Due to the nature of the hour has increased probability of exceeding
peak-hour demand and the statistically vari- its mean by a given percent than does the
able nature of traffic, it is known that short- whole hour.
term rates of flow within the peak hour are For planning purposes, future volumes
often quite variable. are usually estimated for the peak-hour
The statistical variability of volumes of period. In order to relate such volumes
traffic is affected by the time period involved. to a design peak rate of flow, the factors
As the time period is reduced, the average which affect this relationship must be estab-
number of vehicles for that time period lished and evaluated.
will reduce accordingly. For example, if Various studies, notably those concerned
the average hourly volume were 1,800 vph, with freeway, tunnel, and intersection opera-
the average minute volume would be 30 tion, have been concerned with this rela-
vpm and the average second volume would tionship of peak periods to total peak-hourly
ways reported as non-free-flowing during
the peak hour points out the damping effect
of congestion..
ing 29.3 percent for all approaches.
Freeway and expressway studies have i!!UhII
frequently used 5- or 6-min flows as being
more indicative than hourly volumes. Figure
3.9 shows the relationship of peak 5-mm
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7
flows to peak-hour volumes, summarized
from data for 225 study locations on free- Figure 3.9. Peaking trends related to popula-
tion and quality of traffic flow.
See Chapter Six. (Source: Ref. 4)
31 cities in 18 states. The variables are
statistically significant and the curves fit the
available data with a standard deviation of
5 percent. They are also in reasonable con-
.IOOO t ;
11 formance with the results shown in Figure
Figure 3.11. Relationship l,etween error in esli- Figure 3.1 I shows the relationship between
mated rate of f/au' and obse'ved rate of flow. estimated rates of flow and observed rates
(Source: Ref. 5) of flow and includes a 10 percent error
band within which most points were in-
cluded. Figure 3.12 shows the frequency
distribution of the percent error involved in
also sometimes limits "unloading.' which using Figure 3.10 to estimate the peak rates
results in impaired freeway operation. There of flow. As can be noted, the errors are
was not sufficient knowledge of each of the somewhat normally distributed.
freeways, except those in Texas and a few
other specific sites, to permit consideration
of these characteristics. However, conges-
(ion was not apparent in the immediate
vicinity of any of the study sites. It is possi-
ble that much better correlations of the
results would have been possible had all
conditions been known. Those freeways
known to have good "loading" and "unload-
ing" characteristics showed very good cor-
relation of the data.
Many characteristics related to trip gener-
ation—such as geographical and time con-
centrations of trips, character of the freeway
(radial, circumferential, etc.), character of
the supporting street system, population,
area served—have marked effects on peak-
ing characteristics. However, as was the
Overtaking and passing maneuver on rural loss'-
case in the Bureau of Public Roads study, volume freeway.
it was possible from the data available to
study only the relationship of peaking to
the population of the city or urban area.
The results (Fig. 3.10) are based on the Relating Hourly Volu,nes to A nnual
data for 132 peak periods from studies in A verages and Peak Flows
The foregoing discussion has served to
indicate that normal traffic patterns develop
peaking characteristics with respect to both
time and location. Because these variations
in traffic flow represent patterns of travel
desire, the adequacy of a highway cannot
be judged by its ability to carry the average
volume, but rather must be evaluated in
terms of its ability to function properly
PERCE NT under specified peak loads. This concept that
Figure 3.12. Frequency distribution of percent the capacity of a highway is a function of
ditlerence bet wean e.s-t,,nated and observed rates both the physical features of the roadway
of floss'. and the pattern of demand shapes present
(Source: Ref. 5) highway practices.
understanding of the variations in traffic Figure 3.13. Yearly variation of hourly traffic
load that may be expected is essential in this volumes in descending order of magnitude.
determination. Without this knowledge the (Source: Individual ATR s(alion; analyzed by BPR)
application of traffic count data to planning,
design, and operation cannot be completely
successful. mum recorded hourly volume of 1,575 vph
would have substantial excess capacity dur-
ing all but one hour of the year, an ecOnomi-
Closely related to the fluctuations in cally unfeasible situation. The selection of
traffic flow is the selection of the specific an appropriate value as the hourly volume
hourly volume which should be used for to be served is, thus, a compromise between
design purposes or which should be estab- annual service provided and cost. Customary
lished as the reasonable volume which an practice in the United States would base
existing street or highway should be expected design on a value between the 10th and
to accommodate. Therefore, knowledge of 50th highest hourly volume or, in this
those brief, but frequently repeated,- peak example, between three and four times the
volumes is essential.
When hourly traffic counts for a full
year are available for a highway under con-
sideration, it is possible to show the distribu- 100
Figure 3.15. Percentage of ADT recorded during all hours of the year on 113 selected urban and
rural roads, 1959-1960.
(Source: BPR)
20 40 60 80 100
Figure 3.16. ADT recorded thiring 100 highest hours of year on 113 selected urban and rural
roads, 1959-60.
(Source: BPR)
represent the median values for highways Figures 3.15 and 3.16 show the difference
ranging in volume from 429 to 66,624 in peak-hour percentage between one-direc-
AADT. tional and two-directional volumes. The
Looking first at all curves, a similar dis- volume variations in one direction have been
tribution of traffic volumes is observed expressed as a percentage of the one-direc-
throughout the lower 90 percent of the tion AADT, as found on the sample of
hours carrying from 0 to 8 percent of the highways of more than two lanes, whereas
AADT. About three-fourths of the total the variations in two directions combined are
annual traffic is carried in these hours. For expressed as percentages of the two-direc-
the 10 percent of hours of highest volume, tion AADT. It can be seen that for the
the data in all four classes are best repre- average condition the peaking characteristic
sented mathematically by exponential curves for one direction of flow is substantially
of the order y = a + b. Thus plotted in higher than that for two directions.
semilogarithmic form (Fig. 3.15), no demon- All measurable continuous volume pat-
strated break in the curves is apparent at the terns must, of course, be obtained from
30th highest hour. Plotted directly, how- specific locations on existing highways, and
ever, such a break is evident (Fig. 3.16). measure variations at those particular points.
Consider next the differences in rural and At such points, the maximum volume
urban patterns. Although there are specific recorded will be the lesser of two values—
exceptions to the generalization, it can be either the peak demand for use or the capac-
said that peak traffic volumes in urban areas ity of the highway, whichever governs.
are a somewhat lower percentage of the Unless observations are from highways
AADT than on rural highways. One reason with excess capacity during all hours, the
for this pattern is discussed in the preceding effect of capacity limitations on the magni-
section on time variations of traffic flow. In tilde and duration of peak traffic flows will
general, urban highways are less affected by be a significant, but unquantified, factor
seasonal, weekly, and daily variations in affecting time-volume relationships.
travel demand, with traffic being distributed
more uniformly throitghout the time period
considered. Traffic variations become less
pronounced as the types of traffic (com- Continuous volume counts are available
position, trip length, purpose) using the at only a limited number of locations on the
highway become more varied. The extent existing highway system, and then only
of development in the area traversed by the depict past occurrences. The most common
highway is a major factor. measure used in reporting the traffic on a
100 200 8- 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 69 20 21.
10 30 DO
Figure 3.17. Relation of hourly volumes and annual average daily traffic on freeways..
Figure 3.18. Relation of hourly volumes and annual average daily traffic on expressways.
P.0il jwmordi
= 20'
11 h1.i,r"19 _
malpop II -
10 30 50 100 200
0. 0
0- 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21..
Figure 3.19. Relation of hourly volumes and annual average daily traffic on ordinary multilane
4 30
0 0
10 30 SO lOS 200 R- 9 10 II ID 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 DI..
Figure 3.20. Relation of hourly volumes and annual average daily traffic on two-lane highways.
Traffic signals such as this special pedestrian one interrupt vehicular traffic to provide for crossing
cause many states utilize the 30th highest The 30th highest hour factor generally
hour as a design criterion for rural highways, decreases as the AADT on a highway
thus data on the 30th highest hour relation- increases.
ships are readily available. This frequent The reduction rate for the higher
reference to the 30th highest hour should 30th highest hour factors is much greater
not be misconstrued as a recommendation than for low factors.
for rigid adoption, but rather as an example Highways through areas of low popu-
of typical highest hour relationships and lation or sparse development, or those sub-
trends. These same relationships and trends
are generally true for other high-volume
ject to high seasonal traffic fluctuations, have /
high 30th highest hour factors. Develop-
hours within the normal design range. ment or growth in the surrounding area
Early investigations in the area of 30th tends to lower these factors more rapidly
highest hour trends found little, if any, than would otherwise occur.
change in the ratio of the 30th highest hour
Under light volumes the excess capacity
to AADT from year to year. It was thus con-
of a particular highway allows unimpeded
cluded that an increase in AADT was fol-
travel whenever desired, whereas limited
lowed by a corresponding increase in the
trip purposes in sparsely settled areas create
high hourly volumes on any particular high-
short but intense periods of travel demand.
way. More recent investigations, based on
extended coverage and longer periods of This creates very high factors. As total vol-
continuous-count operation, have not con- unie increases and/or the surrounding area
firmed the above conclusion (6, 7, 8). The develops, an increase in trip purposes tends
findings of three of the more significant to spread the travel demand throughout
studies, based on 30th highest hour relation- the day more evenly. At some time, capac-
ships, are as follows: ity limitations of the highway itself may
Speed Trends
Although any given, set of speed observa-
tions may be influenced by such items as
volume, capacity, design, weather, or traffic z
control devices, the long-range speed trend rl
has been gradually increasing, as shown in 20
50 z
travel at their desired speeds, subject, of Figure 3.21. Variation of flow and speed dur-
course, to applicable speed limits and en- ing 5-min intervals of morning peak period,
forcement levels. Measurements were made Gulf Freeway, Houston, Tex.
on both two-lane and multilane facilities, (Source: Ref.'lO)
many of which were not of advanced design.
Some measure of the effect of modern
design on the speed trends can be noted from
a 1961 traffic speed study by the Wisconsin for that particular segment of highway will
State Highway Commission (9). During tend to decrease with time.
1961 the average speed of vehicles observed Although the effects described in the
during low-volume periods on level tangent foregoing are found on all types of high-
sections. of the regular rural state highway ways, they are most clear-cut on freeways
system was 53.2 mph. Under similar con- and expressways, where few roadside fric-
ditions, the average speed on the completed tions are present to produce other adverse
portions of the Interstate highway system effects. Hence, in most of the remainder of
was 60.1 mph, a reflection of the influ- this discussion of speed characteristics, exam-
ence of better design. This finding is typical ples taken from freeway operations are
of those being made by 'the many states employed.
which study traffic speed trends.
The speed trends shown in Table 3.13, Daily Speed Variations
as noted, are based on observations on a
selected set of highways at times when The previously noted influences of volume
drivers can travel at desired speeds. Thus; and capacity on speeds can be observed
they indicate an increase in desired speeds when volume or density curves are super-
and, to a lesser extent, the influence of imposed on the speed curves for like time
improved highway design. But speed stud- periods on the same highway. Typically, a
ies made in this manner may not reflect speed reduction is found with increasing
the impact of capacity limitations on speeds, volume. Figure 3.21 shows this relationship
so that a series of speed measurements during the morning rush hour for the median
made during hours of peak flow rates may lane of ' the Gulf Freeway in Houston,
have a long-range trend of decreasing speed. Tex., for 5-min increments.
As time passes the capacity of an open rural A similar relationship over a 12-hr period
highway remains relatively constant, but the is shown in Fig 3.22, derived from data for
number of hours during which the volume all lanes in one direction on the Edsel Ford
rate approaches capacity usually increases. Expressway in Detroit, Mich. The minimum
Under these conditions there will be more speed during the period occurred during the
hours when vehicles will not be able to drive morning peak, just prior to 8:00 AM, and
at their desired speed and the average speed corresponds to the hour of peak flow rate.
-- -
_ -I
A comparison of the distribution of day
and night speeds is shown in Figure 3.23,
Pr" --
based on data from the Davison Express-
way in Detroit. The distribution in this case
is for 1-min average speeds and shows the
percent of minute intervals less than a given
speed. The median speeds for daytime and
nighttime are nearly identical, but the varia-
tion of nighttime speeds is much greater.
Two-thirds of the daytime minute average
speeds are within 3 mph of the median day-
time speed, whereas less than one-half of the
- 0
6AM 8AM IOANI MOON 2PM 4PM 6PM minute average speeds are within 3 mph of
TIME OF DAY the median nighttime speed.
Figure 3.22. Variation in volume and speed by As noted in the foregoing examples, speed
time of day, Ford Expressway, Detroit, 1959. distributions and averages vary by hours of
(Source: Ref. 3) the day as the result of many influences.
Driver characteristics, trip purposes, visi-
bility, and volume-capacity effects are all
related to daily speed variations.
In this example, it is important to note that
in the afternoon peak a lesser volume in- Average Speed by Lanes
crease did not result in a speed reduction;
instead, it was accompanied by a slight For any given time of day there is also a
increase in average speed. This phenome- variation in average speed for each lane
non, observed on other freeways as well, of multilane freeways. This effect is seen
may be due to differences in the driver pop- in Table 3.14, which presents mean speeds
ulation (i.e., the driver category, such as by lane compiled from several sources.
home-to-work, business, housewife) at dif- In every instance but one, the slowest
ferent hours. In the morning peak, traffic average speed was found in the shoulder
is principally a "clean" buildup of home- lane (lane 1). This is consistent with the
to-work drivers intent on reaching their prevalent pattern in the United States, where
destination; but in the afternoon there is a slow-moving vehicles keep to the right or
shoulder lane.
Another factor influencing freeway lane
speeds is the number of entrances and exits.
The influence of adjacent ramps on lane
average speed was demonstratedin a study
of the Gulf Freeway which compared §peeds
before and after ramps leading to the free-
way were closed to traffic (JO). Based on
5-min observations, the volume in lane 1
adjacent to the ramps showed little, if any,
increase when the ramps were closed. On
the other hand, average speeds in lane 1
showed a substantial increase after the ramps
30 40 50 60 were closed, in one case from 23 mph to
ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE SPEEDS (MPH) 36 mph. This increase in speed was attribut-
able to a decrease in turbulence in lane I.
Figure 3.23. Daytime and nighttime speed dis-
tribution, Davison Expressway, Detroit, 1959. The values given in Table 3.14 indicate
(Source: Ref. 21) speed differentials between lanes under mod-
erate to heavy volumes. Generally, the aver- a well-enforced 60-mph speed limit. The
age speed differential between lanes will average speed is 55.5 mph and the middle
show a wider range than that indicated in 70 percent of the drivers were observed in
Table 3.14 under low volumes, with this the 16-mph range from 47 to 63 mph.
differential narrowing as the volume in- Curves D and D' show typical speed
creases. distributions for higher speed limits or light
enforcement on high-type facilities. In each
Speed Distributions case, the average speed is 64.2 mph, and the
middle 70 percent of drivers travel in a
Previous discussion has been concerned broader range between 55 mph and 73 to
with the effect of various factors on average 75 mph.
speeds. Except in unusual circumstances,
The curves of Figure 3.24 are based on
however, individual vehicle speeds are dis-
observations made when capacity limitations
tributed about the average. Figure 3.24
did not affect the drivers' choice of speed.
depicts typical distributions for uncongested
level tangent sections of rural highways in As volume increases, drivers are less able
1941 and 1958, based on information sup- to choose their own speed, the faster drivers
plied by a number of states, and for the New being forced to decrease speeds more than
Jersey Turnpike and the Kansas Turnpike the slow drivers, and the range of speeds
is reduced. -
based on information supplied by their oper-
ating authorities. A specific illustration of the influence of
Prior to 1941 the average speed for rate of flow on speed distributions is shown
passenger cars was in the range between in Figure 3.25, derived from data on passen-
42.5 and 48.5 mph, as shown in curves A ger car speeds in lane 2 of the John Lodge
and B, Figure 3.24. For higher speed high- Expressway in Detroit (11). At a mean lane
ways in 1941 (curve B), the middle 70 per- rate of flow of 954 vph, the median speed
cent of the drivers traveled within a range in lane 2 was 49 mph and the middle 70
of 18 mph, from 39 to 57 mph. Average percentile range was 9.6 mph. Increasing
speed for all rural highways in 1958 had the rate of flow to 1,977 vph per lane
increased to 52.8 mph (curve B'), with lowered the median speed to 46 mph and
the middle 70 percent of the drivers ranging the 70 percentile range to 8.8 mph. This
from 44 to 61 mph, or a spread of 17 mph. relationship between volume and speed pro-
Curve C is a typical speed distribution vides one method for capacity determina-
for passenger cars on a rural freeway with tions as developed in this manual.
0 ~N PA,N E0
0 -0a0N
- ON
0 -0
Mr/005 1
MID I :*
I N 194~
I ' 1 %=9A
0 20
30 90 011 DV
IV DV #9 911
-- -
77 -
MEANE 0FW: - -
-- TOTAL, 5,415 VP#1 - - _ LANE, 954 VP8
5 5-818 SAMPLES TOTAL, 2,441 VPII;
22 5-818 SAMPLES
/ --
34 38 58 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 - 56 58 80 62 84 66
Figure 3.25. Passenger vehicle velocity distribution in north bound and southbound middle lanes,
Lodge Expressway, Detroit, 1957.
(Source: Ref. 11)
More general illustrations of this speed- estimating gaps and delays at vehicular and
volume relationship for certain broad classes pedestrian crossings, developing traffic con-
of highway are presented in Figures 3.26, trol warrants, and timing traffic signals.
3.27, and 3.28, which show for freeways, The following discussion introduces vehicu-
ordinary multilane highways, and two-lane lar spacing characteristics as an important
highways, respectively, speed distributions determinant in traffic operations.
likely to be found at each of several different
approximate volume levels. These curves Mathe,natical Relationships
are generalizations for relatively ideal con-
ditions, developed from a variety of recent Spacing is the distance measure and head-
speed distribution and average speed data way is the time measure from head to head
on file at the Bureau of Public Roads. (The of successive vehicles. Thus, one mile of
letters A through F on each chart refer to roadway includes spacings totaling one mile
levels of service represented, as described and one hour of traffic flow includes head-
in Chapter Four and used throughout the ways totaling one hour. Spacing and head-
remainder of the manual). way may be considered for each lane sepa-
rately, for all lanes in one direction, or, in
special cases, between all vehicles regard-
less of direction. These two measures thus
Capacity studies of intersections, weav- describe the longitudinal arrangement of
ing areas, ramps, and tunnels, and other vehicles in a traffic stream.
analyses of roadway characteristics, have The relationship between spacing and
required the investigation of spacing and headway is dependent on speed, with
headway characteristics. Vehicular spacing
also has application in predicting arrival Headway (sec) = Spacing (ft) (3.1)
Speed (ft/sec)
rates at a point, testing the randomness of
traffic flow, designing vehicular storage lanes, This equation is clearly true for pairs of
0- 70
X 60
5 10 IS 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Figure 3.26. Typical distribution of passenger car speeds in one direction of travel under ideal
uninterrupted flow conditions on freeways and expressways.
(Source: BPR, combined data from various studies)
60 ••uur
I 1
50 uuuuuinti•uuu•i
CO ••••unvirimumu•uu•
0 5 0 5 20 25 50 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Figure 3.27. 'Typical distribution of passenger car speeds in one direction of travet under ideal
uninterrupted flow conditions on multilane rural highways.
(Source: BPR, combined data from various studies)
80 ••••••u•r1u•i•rA••••
60 ••••uiririririariu••uu
CCC 50
0 5 10 IS 20 25 30 35 4045 50 05 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Figure 3.28. Typical distribution of passenger car speeds for both directions of travel under
ideal uninterrupted flow conditions on two-lane rural highways.
(Source: BPR, combined data from various studies)
vehicles or a traffic stream operating in a choice of speed and position of his vehicle.
steady state, but becomes much more com- His decisions in weaving, merging. passing,
plex when individual vehicular speeds vary and car-following operations are predicated
considerably. on his judgment of suitable gaps between
A relationship between average spacing vehicles. The frequency and length of gaps
and density exists, as follows: also govern his ability to enter or cross
the traffic stream in question. Because spac-
Density (veh/mile) =
ing greatly affects the individual vehicle
5,280_(ft/mile) operation, the driver's reactions under van-
Ag. spacing (ft/veh) otis conditions have profound effects on
A similar relationship between average head- highway capacity.
way and volume may be expressed as Much of the earliest work in highway
capacity used assumed spacing between vehi-
Volume (vph) = cles as the criterion. Fundamentally, the
3600(sec/hr) (33 amount of traffic carried per unit of time
Average headway (sec/veh) varies directly with the speed and inversely
with the spacing between vehicles. There-
Spacing as a Measure of Capacity fore, considering a single lane of traffic for
sinpl icity,
Although volume may be the most signifi-
cant measure of traffic demand on a facility,
spacing and headway affect the individual Volume= Speed
- (3.4a)
road user to a greater degree and are thus
more directly related to the level of service. or
Spacing and headway give the driver travel-
Volume (vph) =
ing within the traffic stream his sense of
freedom of movement or congestion and of 5,280_(ft/mile)xSpeed (mph)
relative safety, and continuously affect his - Spacing (ft/veh)
Using this reasoning, many early research- sponds to a rate of flow per lane of 2,400
ers and authors determined the maximum vph, which has been observed for short
capacity of a traffic lane by assuming certain periods under ideal environmental condi-
minimum spacings at various speeds: In tions on certain lanes of various freeways,
some of their studies, minimum spacings usually the median lane. This rate, however,
were computed by use of such factors as occurs under too specialized conditions to
driver reaction time, braking distances, and be considered a criterion for capacity.
coefficients of friction. In others, minimum
spacing as a function of speed was derived Headway Distribution and Random Flow
from field observations or photographic stud-
ies of vehicles traveling in queues so that If all vehicles using a highway were equally
each one could be assumed to be traveling at spaced, determination of maximum volumes
minimum spacing. or levels of congestion would be a simple
Much of this earlier work was summarized matter. However, vehicles do not move at
in the original (1950) edition of this manual. uniform headways; rather, they tend
Some of these results were remarkably close to form groups, even at low volumes. For
to the speed-spacing relationships found in each level of traffic volume there will be
more recent studies, especially for the lower an average headway. However, individual
ranges of speed. The main assumption made headways will show a large variation, with
in most cases was that for maximum flow many vehicles queuing at short headways
all or nearly all of the vehicles must be and others separted by relatively large time
traveling at minimum spacing. gaps.
Other studies have found that, generally, Figures 3.29 and 3.30 show headway dis-
drivers perform by using the criterion of tributions for vehicles traveling in the same
potential time to a collision point, with direction on typical two-lane and four-lane
average minimum headway a constant, re- rural highways for various volumes during
gardless of speed. Minimum headways vary uninterrupted flow. Under nearly all vol-
from f sec to 2 sec, depending on the driver ume conditions, approximately two-thirds of
and traffic conditions, with an average of the vehicles are spaced at, or less than, the
about H sec (12, 13). This value corre- mean headway between vehicles. In Figure
-—=— -
80 1
- 60
.( 40
>- 20
—-.— —-
4 6 8
Figure 3.29. Frequency distribution of headways between successive vehicles traveling in the same
direction at various traffic volumes on typical iwo-lane rural highway.
(Source: Ref. 43)
0 2 4 6 8 to 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 3.30. Frequency distribution of headways between successive vehicles traveling in the same
direction at various Ira ffic volumes on typical four-lane rural. highway.
(Source: Ref. 43)
3.30, for example, it can be seen that at an ways (3), it was found that in all cases the
hourly volume of 600 vehicles in one direc- mode (most frequently occurring value)
tion (or a mean headway of 6 see), approxi- was less than the median (50 percentile
mately 400 vehicles will be 6 sec or less level) and the median was less than. the
behind the car ahead. average headway. Approximately two-thirds
A study of Michigan freeways presented (64 to 69 percent) of the headways were less
headway data in a somewhat different man- than the mean headway, in agreement with
ner (3). Figure 3.31 shows the headway the data of Figure 3.30.
distributions related to 1-min flows sepa- Further description of vehicular spacing
rately for each laneof the Edsel Ford Ex- characteristics can best be made in mathe-
pressway. The heavy curve in each case in- matical terms. Under certain conditions ve-
dicates the mean headway at various 1-mm hicular spacing or vehicle arrival rates at
flow levels; the lighter curves represent the a point follow a random distribution; that
15, 50, 85, and 100 percentile levels for is, the position of each vehicle is independent
each lane. The 1-mm flows per lane were of any other vehicle and equal segments of
classified into seven groups by flow rate the road are equally likely to contain the
(6-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-25, 26-30, 31-35, same number of vehicles. Such a distribu-
and 36-40 vpm) and the distribution of tion is given by the Poisson distribution
headways for each group is presented as a = emm2
crosshatched area. In lane 3 the mode is P(x) . (3.5)
between 0.6 and 1.0 see, whereas for lane
1 the mode ranges from 1.5 to 2.0 sec. in which
As 1-min flows increase, the distribution of
headways is more peaked and the mode P(x) = probability of exactly x occurrences;.
between 0.5 and 2.0 sec becomes more x= number of occurrences;
pronounced. e= base of Napieian (natural)
When these data were combined with logarithms (=2.7183); and
data from other Michigan multilane high- m= average expectation of occurrence.
=1 1010 ME. -0
2 WEAI o
wn w
1. _01-
Figure 3.31. Lane headway distribution related to traffic flow, Ford Expressway, Detroit, 1957.
(Source: Ref.. 21)
lolling, 0 10 20
25 30 30
values at various volumes, based on obser-
vations on typical two-lane and four-lane
rural highways. These data, though recorded
in the early 1940's, have proven to remain
Figure 3.33. Computed and observed headways
consistently valid and are included as evi-
on a two-lane urban Street.' dence of the consistency of certain traffic
(Source: Ref. 16) characteristics.
the platooning effect decayed as the faster uted about some mean speed. Experimental
and slower vehicles detached themselves results confirm that the model accurately
from the group. A tendency for vehicles to describes the spreading of a platoon in
change lanes with increasing distance down- medium traffic moving without interference.
stream was also noticed. In another study Knowledge of the effects of traffic inter-
in Michigan (20) it was found that the ruptions on headways is necessary in evaluat-
spread of a platoon of vehicles could be ing many traffic engineering measures. On
described by a simple kinematic model. The one hand, the presence of traffic signals
model assumes that cars in a platoon travel upstream will affect the distribution of ac-
at fixed speeds which are normally distrib- ceptable gaps for vehicles or pedestrians
0 an Me N MME
M M-1
0 2 4 6 6 10 UI 14 ID I --------------------- -
Figure 3.34. Waiting time for selected intervals at various volumes with (a) probability of 95
percent and (b) probability of 50 percent.
(Source: Ref. 44)
\ \\
\ \ \
c .
10 _
0 2 4 6 8 0 12 14 16 IN 20
Figure 3.35. Percentage of total time occupied by various time spacings between vehicles travel-
ing in the same direction and percentage of total time that spacings are in excess of certain values
on (a) typical two-lane rural highways and (h) typical four-lane rural highways.
(Source: Ref. 45)
Considering the units in which it is ex- density are explored further in the succeed-
pressed (vehicles per given distance), it can ing section of this chapter; each is a signifi-
be seen that density describes the condi- cant indicator of operating conditions and
tions along a length of roadway, rather than may require consideration in developing Ca-
at one given point. Headways, on the other pacity criteria.
hand, better describe point conditions.
As defined in Chapter Two, space mean RELATIONSHIPS OF SPEED, FLOW, AND
speed is the average speed of all vehicles DENSITY
on a given length of roadway at an instant
in time. Density describes the number of This section enlarges upon and sum-
vehicles on a given length of roadway, also marizes the previous discussion of speed,
for an instant in time. If both are expressed flow, and spacing. Pure relationships are
in comparable units (density in vehicles per investigated where possible, such as the effect
mile and space mean speed in miles per of flow on speed with all other variables
hour), their product is a rate of flow. There- held constant. Although difficult, numerous
fore, a basic relationship exists, with studies have been successful in approximat-
ing this laboratory approach.
Rate of flow (vph) = The principles of physics, dynamics, by-
Space mean speed (mph) x Density draulics, and the laws of various sciences
(veh/mile) (3.9) are being applied to traffic research with
I this sense, the derived flow is the rate for increasing success. With computers, traffic
the instant in time being studied, although flow is being simulated with an increasing
it may be expressed in vehicles per hour. degree of realism and these simulations are
The relationships between speed, flow-,and serving as the basis for certain studies.
2 . CE
4.0 0.21
fi 20 30 40 50 80
Figure 3.36. Frequency distributions of vehicle arrival limes at five stations downstream from a
traffic signal, California.
(SourcE: Ref. 46)
gmat frictions, such as strip commercial ing faster speeds at intermediate flow rates
developments. At the other extreme the than are found on other highways. Thus,
movement of vehicles may be quite smooth they appear flatter than those for other high-
in the absence of such frictions. This sug- ways.
gests that different roadways have different Results of a study on the Ford Express-
speed-flow curves. For example, the free- way in Detroit, Mich. (21), are shown by
way driver expects minimum marginal inter- the curve labeled Detroit in Figure 3.37.
ferences and maintains shorter headways. In this study the minute rate of flow and
This may explain why speed of vehicles on average speed for all the minutes in a day
a freeway should decrease less rapidly with are arrayed and plotted. The curve shown
increasing flow than that on a highway with is for the median lane. The curve labeled
no access control. Chicago in Figure 3.37 represents aggregate
There are a number of other factors hourly volume and speed data for all lanes
which affect the speed-flow relationship, from two separate sections of the Eisen-
including the "character" of traffic, the hower (Congress St.) Expressway, and for
weather, the accident record, and other one lane each of the Edens and Calumet
difficult-to-assess factors. They are impor- Expressways and South Lake Shore Drive
tant because when they are not explicitly (22). For the 116 observations represented
recognized and dealt with they may obscure by this curve the correlation coefficient is
the real speed-flow relationship. The various 0.876. The curve labeled Los Angeles is
studies cited in this section reportedly in- based on 5-min volume and speed observa-
cluded no such unusual factors which would tions for all lanes in one direction on the
affect results. six-lane Santa Ana Freeway during two
Investigations conducted on an extensive evening peak periods (23).
scale have shown that a straight line reason- Theoretically, under any uninterrupted-
ably represents the speed-flow relationship flow conditions, a rigidly-enforced speed
in the range below critical density, for un- limit lower than the average highway speed
interrupted flow conditions on all ordinary would result in a flatter average speed-flow
multilane highways without access control, curve than otherwise would be the case.
as well as on most four-lane freeways. The flattening here would result from lower-
These investigations also indicate that ing of the low-volume end of the curve,
speed-flow relationships for freeways of more where normal average speeds cannot be
than four lanes are somewhat curved, reflect- attained due to the speed limit; at some
- -
30 - ———
0 R2 20
0 0 6 20
Figu,e 3.38. Typical relations/zips between volume per lane, and operating speed in one direction
of travel under ideal uninterrupted flow conditions on freeways and expressways.
(Source: BPR, combined data from various studies)
point, as volumes increased, the speed operating speed and volume, given ideal
limit would no longer govern. This is in conditions, on freeways; ordinary multi-
contrast to. the freeway case previously de- lane highways, and two-lane highways,
scribed, where the flattening results from a respectively. Curves for less-than-ideal aver-
raising of the high-volume end to reflect the age highway speeds are also shown. These
higher speeds attained during heavy volume charts, like the speed distributions presented
conditions, as compared to speeds on ordi- earlier, were developed from data on file
nary highways. Where. these two effects at the Bureau of Public Roads. They are
both are found, as on heavily-used freeways presented as illustrations only, and should
with enforced speed limits, there may appear not be used for actual problem solutions
to be little change in average speed over a because they do not incorporate adjustments
wide range of flow rates. for the various adverse influences usually
On two-lane highways, speed-flow rela- found on actual roadways.
tionships appear to take a somewhat wavy
The upper portion of each curve shows
form which, however, does not depart
greatly from a straight line in most instances the relationship up to the point of critical
(24). Trends toward higher speeds over density. Beyond this point, however, a fur-
the years have gradually raised the speeds ther increase in flow causes the speed to
typically found at the higher flow levels. decrease rapidly, with a marked simul-
Throughout the procedural portions of taneous decrease in rate of flow. For exam-
this manual applying to uninterrupted flow, ple, in Figure 3.39, at a rate of flow of
operating speed is used as a primary meas- 1,400 vph per lane on an ordinary multi-
ure of level of service. Figures 3.38, 3.39, lane' rural highway, the space mean speed
and 3.40 show typical relationships between might range from 45 mph with free-flowing
one direction
Figure 3.39. Typical relationships between volume per lane and operating speed in
of travel under ideal uninterrupted flow conditions on multilane rural highways.
(Source: BPR, combined data from various Studies)
••••ilUU••lE UU
0 4 0 2 16 20
Figure 3.40. Typical relationships between total volume for both directions of travel and oper-
ating speed under ideal uninterrupted flow conditions on two-lane rural highways.
(Source: BPR, combined data from various studies)
0 4 8 2 6 20
Figure 3.41. Typical relationships between iolurne per lane and average speed in one direction
of travel under ideal uninterrupted flow conditions on freeways and expressways.
(Source: BPR, combined data from various studies)
Figure 3.42. Typical relationships between volume per lane and average speed in one direction
of travel under ideal uninterrupted flow conditions on multilane rural highways.
(Source: BPR, combined data from various studies)
812 - 6 20
Figure 3.43. Typical relationships between total volume for both directions of travel and average
speed under ideal uninterrupted flow conditions on two-Jane rural highways.
(Source: BPR, combined data from various studies)
conditions to only 15 mph under highly con- forced speed limits is also shown. It will be
gested stop-and-go conditions. noted that the average speed is always
These charts portray actual hourly vol- somewhat less than the operating• speed,
umes, averaged across all traffic lanes, on at any volume level below capacity. These
highways having a high peak-hour factor charts are included primarily to make clear
(that is, constant high traffic demand through- the distinction between average speed and
out the hour). The shaded area at the right operating speed. Again, these charts are
end of each chart represents highly unstable presented as illustrations, not as bases for
conditions. On freeways such volumes are computations.
occasionally found in one or two lanes INTERRUPTED FLOW
(usually those nearest the median) but
average hourly volumes of this magnitude The speed-flow relationship is difficult to
over all lanes are recorded too rarely to be isolate under interrupted flow conditions.
considered as reasonably attainable. In the most common example, the city
If, instead, it were assumed that the street with signalized intersections, both de-
charts represent flows (over short periods) mand and capacity often are different on
rather than volumes (for full hour), short immediately adjacent segments. Also, maxi-
periods of operation in or even to the right mum speed is frequently determined by
of the shaded area might be expected. external influences, such as signal progres-
Figures 3.41, 3.42, and 3.43 are equiva- sion timing and speed limits, rather than
lent charts showing the average speed-volume by driver desires. Thus, most studies of
relationship, while Figure 3.44 presents interrupted flow characteristics have dealt
examples of source material for freeways. with relatively short segments and have
On these several charts, the-influence of en- treated the relationship indirectly in terms
60 MPH
fl - - A A
50 MPH
-- --
"1 -
- ----
00 DETROIT 8 DAY 6 45
It; N 'IIGHY 4 65 KELL
1 OPTIMUM POINT ________________________
'A IN 28
Figure 3.44. Specific reported speed-volume relationships per lane in one direction of trqvel under
interrupted flow conditions on free ways and expressways.
—— -
tions, as arrival and discharge rates on a EQUAL VOLUME ALL DELAY—
cycle-by-cycle basis vary widely (25). Figure
3.45 shows the relationships of average
delay and a computed average speed to
traffic volume at a pretimed traffic signal.
This curve is based on a computer simula-
tion of 160 hr of operation of an intersection
of two-lane two-way streets with a 60-sec
cycle and a 50 percent cycle split. >0
IN 860-FT
Despite the difficulties of field measure- S SECTION
10 12
Charleston, W. Va., are shown in Figure RATE OF FLOW (100 VEIl/LANE/HR OF GREEN
3.47. These curves are hand fit to data Figure 3.46. Speed-flow relationship for 37 test
from 9 hr of observation of traffic on a sections with parking and 7 test sections without
1,200-ft section upstream from an isolated parking.
(Source: Ref. 22)
urban traffic signal (26). The reverse
curve indicates that critical density was
regularly induced by the traffic signal. It
should' be noted that when the data were
aggregated for different time periods, in 6.8
mean speed.
111111 >
pie of data, with density being computed
by dividing the rate of flow by the mean LANE 2
speed. A straight line was mathematically 30
R' 0.96
speed-flow relationship is a straight line, the Figure 3.51. Speed-density relationship, Mer-
speed-density relationship will be nonlinear, ritt Parkway, Conn.
and vice versa. Although experimental (Source: Ref. 32)
results have not determined which is the
case, the weight of evidence appears to
support a nonlinear speed-density relation-
ship within a density range of 20 to 160 unstable flow, and a zone of forced flow—
vehicles per mile. The difference is, perhaps, each zone being specified in terms of proba-
of greater theoretical than practical signifi- bilities, as in Figure 3.53 (35). When devel-
cance at present. oped beyond the theoretical approach, a
As a result of the previously cited work, family of curves expressing speed-density
it has been suggested that traffic flow can and speed-flow relationships may well be a
best be described in terms of three distinct very practical and realistic method of sum-
zones—a zone of normal flow, a zone of marizing traffic characteristics.
40 - --
0 10 20 30 40 . 50 60 70
Figure 3.52. Speed-density relationship tinder uninterrupted flow conditions on two Australian
(Source: Ref. 33, pp. 59 and 61)
Figure 3.53. General speed-volume diagram (to demonstrate principles; not for use in specific
problem applications).
(Source: Ref. 35)
2 0
0. 0
4 .
40 80 120 160
50 100 150 200 250 300
Figure 3.55. Example of flow-density relation-
Figure 3.54. Speed-density relationship under ship in limited-access traffic flow (Holland Tun-
urbwi conditions. nel, New York).
(Source: Refs. 36, 37) (Source: Ref. 39)
these headways may be. Consequently, criti- Bw..is, W. R., and JONES, J. E., "3Cth
cal density occurs at somewhat different Peak Hour Trend." Highway Res. Record
speeds and densities, depending on the type No. 27, pp. 1-13 (1963).
of highway. WALKER, W. P., "Trends in the 30th Hour
Factor." HRB Bull. /67, pp. 75-83 (1957).
Within certain limits the relationships
Wisconsin State Highway Commission,
explored in this section are found on most
Wisconsin Highway Traffic, 1961. (PubI.
typical highways, bearing in mind the basic annually) (1963).
differences that distinguish uninterrupted KEESE, C. J., P1NNELL, C., and MCCAS-
and interrupted flows. By definition, such LAND, W. R., "A Study of Freeway Traffic
relationships are found wherever vehicles Operations." HRB Bull. 235, pp. 73-132
regularly follow one another in the same or (1960).
adjacent lanes. Weaving sections, rotaries, MALO, A. F., MIKA, H. S., and WALURIDGE,
and other types of maneuver areas are V. P., "Traffic Behavior on an Urban Ex-
therefore exceptions. Also, within limits, pressway." HRB Bull. 235, pp. 19-37
these relationships hold true for any reason- (1960).
ably short periods of time, such as I mm, GREENSHIELDS, D. B., SCHAPIRO, D., and
10 mm, or 1 hr. They are sharpest and ERICKSON, E. L., Traffic Performance at
Urban Street Intersections. Tech. Rep.
most meaningful for the shorter periods; No. 1, Bur. of Highway Traffic, Yale Uni-
data aggregated over periods of more than versity (1947).
1 hr tend to obscure short-run fluctuations. MAY, A. D., and WAGNER, F. A., "Head-
The individual researcher and user of the way Characteristics and Interrelationships
manual should be aware of these inherent of Fundamental Characteristics of Traffic
relationships in order to fully understand Flow." Proc. HRB, 39: 524-547 (1960).
highway capacity. The references in this GERLOUGH, D. L., "Traffic Inputs for Simu-
chapter represent a starting point. A vast lation on a Digital Computer." Proc. HRB,
amount of work has been accomplished in 38: 480-492 (1959).
this field, and the serious student is well SCHUHL, A., "The Probability Theory Ap-
advised to study the literature in greater plied to Distribution of Vehicles on Two-
Lane Highways." Poisson and Traffic, Eno
detail. Found, for Highway Traffic Control,.Sauga-
tuck, Conn.,pp. 59-75 (1955); pp. 16-19
REFERENCES KELL, J. H., "A Theory of Traffic Flow
on Urban Streets." Proc. 131/i Ann. West-
U.S. Dept. of Comrnercc, Bureau of Public ern Sect. Meeting, Inst. of Traffic Engi-
Roads, Highway Statistics (various years). pleers, pp. 66-70 (1960).
Govt. Printing Off., Washington, D.C. LEWIS, R. M., "A Proposed Headway Dis-
NORMANN, 0. K., "Variations in Flow at tribution for Traffic Simulation Studies."
Intersections as Related to Size of City, Traffic Eng., 33: No. 5, 16-19, 48 (Feb.
Type of Facility and Capacity Utilization." 1963).
HRB Bull. 352, pp. 55-99 (1962). GREENSHIELDS, B. D., and WEIDA, F. M.,
WAGNER, F. A., and MAY, A. D., "Volume Statistics with Application to Highway Traf-
and Speed Characteristics at Seven Study fic Analysis. Eno Found. for Highway
Locations." HRB Bull. 281, pp. 48-67 Traffic Control, Saugatuck, Conn. (1952).
(1960). HERMAN, R., and PoTTs, R. B., "Single-
HESS, J. W., "Capacities and Characteris-
Lane Theory and Experiment." Theory of
tics of Ramp-Freeway Connections." High-
way Res. Record No. 27, pp. 69-115 Traffic Flow, pp. 120-146. Van Nostrand
(1963). (1961).
DREW, D. R., and KEESE, C. J., "Freeway HERMAN, R., POTTS, R. B., and ROTI-IERY,
Level of Service as Influenced by Volume R. W., "Behavior of Traffic Leaving a Sig-
and Capacity Characteristics." Highway nalized Intersection." Traffic Eng. and Con-
Res. Record No. 99, pp. 1-47 (1965). trol, 5: No. 9,529-533 (Jan. 1964).
Wisconsin State Highway Commission, Cor- MAY, A. D., "Traffic Characteristics and
relation, A Method of Estimating Design Phenomena on High Density Controlled
Hourly Volumes. Unpubl. mimeo. (Jan. Access Facilities." Traffic Eng., 31: No. 6,
1963). 11-19,56 (Mar. 1961).
Chapter Three summarized available data analysis, ideal conditions are defined as fol-
on maximum observed volumes on different lows:
types of highways, and presented informa- Uninterrupted flow, free from side in-
tion on such traffic characteristics as varia- terferences of vehicles and pedestrians.
bility of traffic flow and volume-speed- Passenger cars only, in the traffic
density relationships by type of highway. stream.
In this chapter, information in Chapter Traffic lanes 12 ft wide, with ade-
Three is applied in presenting the Commit- quate shoulders and no lateral obstructions
tee's recommendations on the following: within 6 ft of the edge of pavement.
Capacity, in numerical values, for vari- For rural highways, horizontal and
ous types of highways with uninterrupted vertical alinement satisfactory for average
flow under ideal conditions. highway speeds of 70 mph or greater, with
Levels of service, and criteria for iden- no restricted passing sight distances on two-
tifying each of several levels, for various and three-lane highways.
types of highways. It is apparent that few roadway sections
A generalized procedure for determin- have all of these "ideal" conditions of oper-
ing the level of service that will be obtained ation. A few parkways built to high-type
when a specific volume is carried over a geometric design standards, with full con-
section of highway under actual conditions. trol of access and carrying no commercial
Corrections for conditions which are not vehicles, may actually attain this status, and
ideal, because of such factors as reduced many modern level freeways come very
widths, restricted sight distances, grades, close, meeting all criteria except the "all
and trucks, are described in Chapter Five. passenger car" requirement.
Applications of the generalized procedure 'Jt is important to emphasize that "ideal"
for determining the level of service for dif- geometrics and traffic characteristics do not
ferent types of highways and streets are imply good operating conditions per se.
given in Chapters Nine and Ten. Although ideal conditions do produce the
highest volumes for any given level of serv-
ice, operation at capacity, or maximum pos-
sible volume, will be unsatisfactory even
under ideal conditions.
The maximum observed traffic volumes, For multilane highways, the largest num-
as reported in Chapter Three, together with ber of vehicles that can pass a point one
the results of speed-volume relationship stud- behind the other in a single lane, under
ies also discussed in that chapter, have been ideal conditions,, averages between 1,900
used as a guide in establishing the numerical and 2,200 passenger vehicles per hour. This
values of the capacity of different types of represents an average maximum volume per
roadways for ideal conditions. The capacity lane sustained over the period of one hour,
of any individual section of roadway would when all through lanes are considered in
vary from the maximum value of capacity developing the average. Various studies
for that type of roadway, depending on how have found higher lane volumes for specific
its roadway and traffic characteristics vary lanes or for short time periods on multilane
from ideal conditions. For the purpose of facilities, reaching the 2,400- to 2,500-vph
range, but they do not represent sustained TABLE 4. 1 —UN INTER RUPTED-FLOW
volumes representative of all lanes. Where CAPACLTIES UNDER IDEAL
there are at least two lanes for the exclusive CONDiTIONS
movement of traffic in one direction, and
disregarding the distribution of traffic be- CAPACITY
tween lanes, the capacity of a multilane HIGHWAY TYPE (PASS. VPH)
highway under ideal conditions is consid-
ered to be 2,000 passenger vehicles per lane Multilane 2,000 per lane
per hour. Two-lane, two-way 2,000 total both dir.
For two-lane, two-way highways, over- Three-lane, two-way 4,000 total both dir.
taking and passing maneuvers must be per-
formed in the lane normally used by on-
coming traffic. With traffic traveling in both
directions, slower moving vehicles create
gaps between vehicles that can be filled
only by passing maneuvers, whereas these ideal conditions for a three-lane, two-way
same gaps, if of sufficient length, provide roadway approaches 4,000 passenger ye-
passing opportunities for the opposing traf- hides per hour, regardless of distribution by
tic. Travel during heavy-volume conditions direction. This figure is reduced substan-
on two-way, two-lane highways, therefore, tially by poor roadway alinement and pro-
oscillates between the formation of queues file. A single restrictive sight distance will
with gaps between, and the partial filling of restrict the capacity of a three-lane, two-
these gaps by passing maneuvers. way roadway to 2,000 vph in one direction,
Studies have shown that with traffic with directional distribution determining the
evenly divided by direction vehicular opera- total capacity.
tion is sufficiently restricted to limit the Currently, there is increasing use of lane
flow in each direction to 1,000 passenger control devices on the center lane of re-
vehicles per hour. At the other extreme, maining three-lane highways, either to make
when almost all traffic is moving in one it a reversible lane or to reserve it for left
direction, the one lane can be kept corn- turns only, in both directions. Insufficient
pletely filled by passing maneuvers. The data have been gathered thus far to permit
capacity under these conditions is limited specific capacity values for these situations.
to the • number of vehicles that can crowd Capacities for all basic highway types for
into one traffic lane, because the other traf- uninterrupted flow under ideal conditions
\ tic lane must still be reserved for opposing
traffic. The capacity of a two-lane, two-way
are summarized ii Table 4.1.
It must be remembered, however, that
roadway under ideal conditions is, therefore, these values were determined from studies
2,000 passenger vehicles per hour, total, of many highways under a variety of condi-
regardless of distribution by direction. tions. In all cases it would be impossible to
Traffic operation on typical three-lane, state that the volume measured was the
NK two-way highways is similar to two-lane absolute maximum that could be carried,
highways, except that an additional lane is inasmuch as maximum volumes observed at
provided for passing maneuvers in either different times at one point will show a
direction. With traffic evenly divided by di- range of values. Rather, each capacity value
rection, the capacity under ideal conditions given in Table 4.1 should be considered as
would approach the number that can the average maximum volume, or a maxi-
crowd into two traffic lanes, because the mum volume that has a reasonable expecta-
center lane can be utilized for passing tion of occurring frequently on the particu-
maneuvers to fill' the long gaps between lar type of highway under ideal conditions.
vehicles. Conversely, predominant move- In this connection it should be recog-
ment in one direction will preempt the cen- nized that occurrences such as minor acci-
ter lane so the characteristics of flow be- dents or vehicle breakdowns, which are
come similar to those in one direction on a often referred to during traffic studies as
four-lane highway. The capacity under "abnormal" or "unusual," actually may be
- -
limiting service volume that can be handled traffic density increases and quality of serv-
at that level of service. Throughout this ice falls, only coincidentally will both limits
text, then, v may represent either demand be reached simultaneously; usually, one or
volume or service volume, depending on the the other of the limits will govern in any
circumstances in which it is used. particular case. Once either limit is passed,
Because design speed can vary consider- service will drop to the next level.
ably by type of highway, it is quite possible Based on the previous discussion, the fol-
to obtain low operating or overall travel lowing criteria thus have been established
speeds on some highways because of physi- for determining capacity and level-of-service
cal design features, rather than traffic char- relationships:
acteristics, regardless of the volume of traf- Volume and capacity are expressed in
fic carried. Thus, a single level-of-service numbers of passenger cars per hour for sub-
scale applying to all types of streets and sections of each section of roadway. De-
highways is not considered feasible. Rather, mand volume and capacity may vary con-
separate recommended level-of-service scales siderably along a section of roadway, and
are established in this manual for several average values for an entire long section
different major highway types, and related often may not adequately represent the ac-
scales are presented for certain highway ele- tual conditions at all points within that sec-
ments. Even within a given highway type, tion. The degree of detail necessary in
variations in design standards will prevent dividing any particular section into subsec-
some from offering the better levels of serv- tions for separate examination will, of
ice. course, depend on the nature of the study.
Travel speed, used as one measure of level Level of service, strictly defined, ap-
of service, may be either an operating speed plies to a section of roadway of significant
or an average overall travel speed, depend- length. Such a section may have variations
ing on the type of highway. Operating speeds in operating conditions at different points or
are used for those types of highways carry- over subsections throughout its length, due
ing generally uninterrupted flow; these are to changes in demand volume or capacity.
typically found in rural areas. Average Built-in variations in capacity result from
overall travel speed is utilized for urban ar- varying conditions along the roadway, such
terial and downtown streets, and interrupted as changes in width, or presence of grades,
flow generally, because this is the type of ramp terminals, weaving areas, restricted
speed data normally obtained in urban areas. lateral clearances, and intersections. Varia-
The operating speed provides an indica- tions in volume result from varying amounts
tion of overall performance on a roadway. of traffic entering and leaving at points ir-
The additional evaluation of the volume-to- regularly spaced along the roadway. The sec-
capacity ratios provides some indication of tion level of service must, within limits, take
traffic densities and freedom to maneuver. into account the overall effect of .these point
Each level of service should be considered and subsection limitations on the entire sec-
as a range of operating conditions bounded tion. Therefore, for computational pur-
by values of travel speed, and by volume-to- poses, certain point or subsection equivalents
capacity ratios. Wherever speed and service to the more broadly defined levels of service
volume values are given, to identify the must also be considered.
limits of a level, they are considered to be, Analysis of volume and operating
respectively, the limits representing the low- speed, or average overall travel speed, is
est acceptable speed and highest acceptable made for each point or subsection of the
volume of a level-of-service range. It is highway having relatively uniform condi-
essential to remember, however, that the tions. The weighted operating speed, or
identified level's range extends from the average overall travel speed, is then deter-
limits of the next higher level. When speeds mined for the entire section, and a corre-
are higher and service volumes are lower sponding level of service is identified.
than the values given, operations are equal Elements used to measure capacity and
to or better than that level of service. As levels of service, are variables whose values
or categories are easily determined from speed and volume conditions on any high-
available data. For capacity these include way or street. It should be noted that other
roadway type, geometrics, average highway intermediate levels may be established by
speed, traffic composition, and time varia- other jurisdictions for specific conditions.
tions in volume. For level of service, addi- The descriptions here relate to uninterrupted
tional elements used include speed and flow and are broadly generalized; definitive
volume-to-capacity ratios. values are given in Chapters Nine and Ten
5. For practical use, values of speed and for each type of highway. These levels of
volume-capacity ratio which define levels of service, designated A through F, from best
service are established for each of the fol- to worst, cover the entire range of traffic
lowing types of facilities: operations that may occur. On many spe-
cific streets and highways, the better levels
/ (a) Freeways and other expressways.
cannot be attained.
Other multilane highways. Traffic operational freedom on a highway
Two- and three-lane highways. of a particular type is considered equal to or
( (d) Urban arterial streets. greater than level of service A, B, C, or D,
(e) Downtown streets (approximate as the case may be, when specified values of
only). the two separate conditions previously de-
scribed are met. These conditions require
Related levels of service are established for that: (1) operating speeds or average overall
several point elements, including intersec- speeds be equal to or greater than a standard
tions, ramp junctions, and weaving sections. value for the level considered, and (2) the'
6. Criteria selected for practical applica- ratio of the demand volume to the capacity
tion in identifying levels of service for vari- of any subsection not exceed a standard value
ous types of highways are given in Table for that level. Level of service E describes
4.2. conditions approaching and at capacity
(that is, critical density). Level F describes
conditions under high-density conditions
OPERATING CONDITIONS FOR when speeds are low and variable; it is not
LEVELS OF SERVICE effectively described by combinations of
speed and volume-to-capacity ratios, because
Six levels of service have been selected these may vary widely.
by the Committee for application in identi- Level of service A describes a condition
fying the conditions existing under various of free flow, with low volumes and high
Basic elements
Operating speed for section X X X
Average overall travel speed X X
Volume-to-capacity ratio:
Most critical point ' X X X X
Each subsection X X X X
Entire section X X X X
Related elements
Average highway speed X X X
Number of lanes X
Sight distance ' X
1 1Lt; 4
.... x,
., I • . tsf•.
I 4 fr.' •. . JS/
/ IF
- I
- .. .................................... - .
_ -
- --- - - -
-• ;. ••• •,
J -f
Level of service co/lee!)t io viewed looking upsirewn. Coni/itions .si,niltir to f/lose described on
Center left: level B; Lower left: level C; Upper right:
tl ,
jlj --
...... _ =1 •
C. -'
•• •- I
-.... . ...- r - ..ir—*•' i
puges 82 and 83, wit/i level A 11111-ing, Ito re.trkiiwi. on operiUi,l •ipeeil. U pper left: level A;
level D; Center right: level E; Lower right: level F.
Jk 4
y $SOL
• r-
- .-
______ --
-- -. -
\ __
1. - -
- - ;====;•••%• \% I
- I
___ ____
-• - -: - -.
•: • - • .- __
oil' /_-
Chapter Four provides fundamental ca- fluence of certain variables on the capacities
pacity values for various types of highways and service volumes of highways, they also
and describes levels of service under ideal indirectly reflect the degree of safety. In
conditions. It is seldom, however, that all nearly every case, an element which reduces
roadway and traffic conditions which affect the amount of traffic that can be carried also
capacity are ideal. Therefore, determina- creates greater accident potential. However,
tion of service volumes for most highway other elements which do not affect capacity
sections requires application of adjustment may nevertheless affect safety.
factors described in this chapter.
The determination of a service volume, of ROADWAY FACTORS
course, first depends on choice of the level
of service desired for the highway under Restrictive physical features incorporated
consideration, as discussed in detail in Chap- into the design of a section of roadway have
ters Nine and Ten. Adjustment factors for an adverse effect on its capacity and service
certain effects apply volumes. Such elements are called "road-
the several levels of service, whereas those way factors" in this manual. Roadway fac-
for other effects differ depending on the tors discussed in this chapter include: lane
level to which they are to be applied. width, lateral clearance, shoulders, auxiliary
Factors affecting capacity and level of lanes, surface conditions, alinement, and
service are described under two categories grades.
—roadway factors and traffic factors. In
some cases, the two categories are interre- Lane Width
lated. For example, most grades would not
affect capacity appreciably were it not for Narrower lanes have a lower capacity un-
trucks in the traffic stream. Conversely, the der uninterrupted flow conditions than the
effect of trucks on capacity is much greater 12-ft lanes which the Committee has ac-
on long, steep upgrades than on level sec- cepted as the defined ideal. On a two-lane
tions. highway, a vehicle performing a passing
Not all of the factors affecting capacity maneuver occupies the lane normally used
and level of service have been fully evaluated by traffic traveling in the opposite direction
as yet. This is particularly trite of the level- for a longer period when the lanes are nar-
of-service factors, because the overall con- row than when they are wide. On multilane
cept is relatively new. Further research is highways, more vehicles encroach on adja-
essential in some areas before firm numerical cent lanes when the lanes are narrow than
adjustment values can be assigned, or be- when they are wide, in effect occupying two
fore refined separate adjustments for the lanes rather than one at such times.
several different levels of service can be de- Table 5.1 gives the capacities of lanes
veloped. The figures included here repre- from 9 to 12 ft in width expressed as a per-
sent the best estimate of these factors that centage of the capacity of a 12-ft lane.
can be presented as guides at this time. These percentage factors are applicable only
It is significant to note that although under uninterrupted flow conditions. The
these factors are intended to reflect the in- effect of lane width on capacities of inter-
Lateral Clearance
It is believed that mountable curbs and WIDTH DUE TO RESTRICTED
vertical curbs 6 in. or less in height have in- LATERAL CLEARANCES UNDER
significant influence on traffic operations. UNINTERRUPTED FLOW
However, other lateral obstructions (such as CONDITIONS
retaining walls, abutments, signposts, light
poles, and parked cars) located closer than CAPACITY
6 ft from the edge of a traffic lane reduce its CLEARANCE FROM EFFECTIVE OF TWO
effective width. Table 5.2 shows, as an PAVEMENT EDGE WIDTH OF 12-FT
example, how restricted lateral clearances on TO OBSTRUCTION, TWO 12-FT LANES
both sides of a 24-ft, two-way pavement BOTH SIDES LANES (% OF
carrying uninterrupted flow reduce its effec- (FT) (FT) IDEAL)
tive width. For instance, a section of 24-ft
6 24 100
pavement with a bridge truss at the edge has 4 22 92
the same effective width as a 17-ft pavement 2 20 83
with no obstructions on either side closer 0 17 72
than 6 ft.
Judgment must be exercised when evalu-
ating the effects of lateral restrictions on the
level of service provided by a given section
of highway where the restrictions are not As a "rule of thitmb," high barrier curbs
continuous throughout its length. Even one can be identified as those high enough to
lateral restriction may cause a bottleneck and damage the body and fenders of vehicles
thereby directly affect the capacity of the coming in contact with them. (The influ-
entire section, but operation at lower vol- ence of curbs higher than 6 in. but lower
times (better levels of service) may not be than this level remains questionable.) Data
seriously affected. (2) on the lateral placement of vehicles
Continuous obstructions (such as median with respect to high barrier curbs show that
barriers, guardrails on long viaducts, and drivers shy away from them, but that the
high barrier curbs) may have less adverse average clearance allowed is probably some-
effect on effective pavement width than inter- what greater where the curb is first intro-
mittent, short obstructions, because drivers duced than along sections where it has been
become accustomed to them. For example, continuous for some distance. The extent
one study made on a freeway of the results of shying away is not known precisely, but
of erecting a barrier fence in a 4-ft raised it is known that the lateral pIaement of
median with 6-in. curbs showed that the vehicles varies with the curb height and
barrier had no significant effect on vehicle steepness and the position of other obstruc-
placement (1). tions outside the curb. Present indications
Adequate shoulders (ITC essen(wl to tnaifltaifl capacity of traffic lo,u'. ('o,iliIlaou sIivuhlr arc
provided on boil: sides of this 4-1ane ,zon-eontro/led-occe.is high tay.
ders which are paved or which are treated consideration must he given to the actual
with bituminous materials for a width of parking conditions along the street, rather
4 ft or more increase the effective width of than to parking regulations.
the adjacent traffic lanes by 1 ft. Where parked vehicles must he accom-
modated along the highway, the provision
of parking lanes greatly reduces the adverse
A uxiliarv Laies effect of the parking on the highway's ca-
An auxiliary lane is the portion of the pacity. Parking lanes may also serve as
roadway adjoining the through traveled way shoulders for the parking of disabled vehicles
used for parking, speed change, weaving, if space is available where a particular
turning, storage of turning vehicles, separa- breakdown occurs.
tion of slow-moving vehicles on long, steep However, it is not correct to state that
upgrades, and other purposes supplemental any parking lane wide enough to accommo-
to through traffic movement. Auxiliary lanes date the parked vehicles physically will pre-
generally are provided to permit effective vent all capacity loss due to parking. This
utilization of the capacity of, and to improve is because parking, like any other obstruc-
the quality of service on, the through traf- tion, has an influence range extending be-
fic lanes. As such, they often serve to pre- yond its physical limits. For example, as-
vent development of bottlenecks. suming an 8-ft parking lane, and applying
uninterrupted tiow principles, the parked
cars would constitute an obstruction located
about 1 ft from the edge of the traffic lane,
Obviously, a pavement of any width suf- with restrictive effects as just discussed, even
fers a loss in capacity if parking is present. if it were assumed that they were parked
This is true even if only a few vehicles park very close to the curb or lane edge.
at any one time, legally or illegally. There- It is not common practice to provide for
fore, for capacity analysis purposes, primary parking lanes on rural highways. If a spe-
cific problem occurs where a parking lane is through pavement, which is one cause of
added to a rural highway, the effect on ca- congestion at exits from high-volume high-
pacity can best he handled by considering ways.
the parked vehicles to constitute a lateral Acceleration lanes permit entering traffic
obstruction. On signalized urban streets, to accelerate to speeds close to normal op-
where lateral clearance corrections are not erating speeds on the through highway be-
used directly, it appears that a row of parked fore entering the through traffic lanes and
vehicles takes up an effective width of some to adjust their speeds as necessary to match
12 to 14 ft, in the average case, though the openings or gaps, so as to merge smoothly
effect may vary quite widely in specific cases. into the through traffic stream. A smooth or
No separate adjustment need he made for free-flowing merging condition contributes
this effect, however, because parking con- materially to the quality of service provided,
ditions are incorporated as a basic element both for through and entering traffic, at an
in the intersection capacity determination entrance to a highway.
procedures described in Chapter Six. Cor- The influences of traffic merging into and
rect use of these procedures automatically diverging from the main traffic stream are
makes proper allowance for parking. too complex to be represented by simple cor-
rection factors. Complete capacity analyses
SPEED CHANGE LANES are needed at these locations. The reader is
referred to Chapter Eight for detailed dis-
Deceleration lanes permit traffic leaving cussion of capacity analyses at ramp en-
a highway to decelerate, after moving off the trances and exits.
through pavement, from its normal operat-
ing speeds in the through lanes either to
comfortable and safe exit roadway speeds or,
where necessary, to a full stop, before mov- Separate turning lanes apart from the
ing onto the adjacent connecting highway. through pavement may substantially improve
Thus, during normal operation they elimi- intersection operation by providing extra ap-
nate the need for excessive slowing on the proach width, allowing more suitable signal
The truck c/i,nhinq lane (at right) improves capacity and level of service on this 2-1a,ze highway
nounced influence on operating speeds. the design speed for that particular curve.
Rather, the lowest design speed of any sub- Although the 800-ft value may not be ap-
section within the section is often assigned propriate everywhere, an equivalent appro-
as the governing value for the entire section. priate value might well be found suitable in
For the relatively long sections of road- other areas.
way considered for level-of-service purposes, An upper limiting design speed, normally
therefore, alinement and profile have been 70 mph, is assigned to tangent sections and
related in this manual to (a) the highway's sections with easy curvature which satisfy
"average highway speed," and (b) stopping such a limit.
and passing sight distance restrictions. Two types of sight distance requirements
"Average highway speed," a term origi- are considered in evaluating an alinement
nally developed for highway needs study —stopping sight distance and passing sight
purposes (3), is defined as the weighted distance. Stopping sight distance is the dis-
average of the design speeds within a high- tance required to bring a vehicle to a stop
way section, when each subsection within from a given speed after an object on the
the section is considered to have an mdi- roadway becomes visible. Passing sight dis-
vidual design speed. It is determined by tance is the minimum sight distance that is
weighting the design speeds of individual required to pass another vehicle safely and
sections of a length of roadway by the length comfortably, without affecting the speed of
of each section, with suitable allowance for an oncoming vehicle if it comes into view
transitions, and is thus a better indicator of after the passing maneuver is started. For
the overall influence of alinement limitations the purposes of this manual -this minimum
on the capabilities of the entire section. is established as 1,500 ft. Adequate stopping
For detailed analyses, determination of sight distances are necessary continuously
average highway speed requires the follow- on all highways for safety. Passing sight
ing information, which reflects the nature of distances require consideration only on two-
the curves on the route and the extent of the way roadways with two or three lanes. Al-
speed changes necessary to negotiate them though they usually cannot be provided
safely: continuously, the more nearly continuous
they are the higher the capacity and the
The geometrics of each horizontal
better the service provided.
curve and critical vertical curve, including
curvature and length. The effect of the quality of alinement on
capacity and the service volumes which a
The design speed of each curve (ob-
tainable from AASHO design policies). roadway can carry, then, is expressed here
in terms of the average highway speed and
The approximate distance preceding the percentage of the highway having 1,500-
and following each curve over which speed
ft passing sight distances (for two- or three-
is affected, together with the average speeds lane highways).
over these deceleration and acceleration
distances. (AASHO policies suggest com- These effects are incorporated in the
limiting v/c ratios given in the basic compu-
fortable deceleration and acceleration rates,
from which distances can be determined.) tational tables in Chapters Nine and Ten,
so do not require independent consideration.
Given the foregoing, a relatively refined They are also shown by means of specific
speed profile can be obtained for the route, curves in the basic charts there included.
and weighted for development of average For two-lane highways the influences of
highway speed. However, in some regions, restricted highway speeds there reported are
for many approximate computations, an "in- based on quite detailed studies. For multi-
fluence area" of 800 ft for each curve has lane highways less is known and approxima-
been found to be a workable simplification. tions are necessary.
Here, specific curve lengths and acceleration The primary effects apply to levels of
and deceleration distances are neglected. service better than capacity. However, ca-
Weighting then involves simply considering pacity itself is somewhat affected. Table 5.3
each curve as an 800-ft length restricted to is presented for information only, to demon-
Multilane freeway retains big/i capacity level by few cluitiges in alinenieni and by grade reduction.
Note variable ,nc'djwi width in adverse terrain.
strate this fact that capacity appears to be at capacity is due mainly to clearance, grade,
least slightly related to average highway and related restrictions usually associated
speed even though the operating speeds at with poor alinement, rather than to aline-
capacity are relatively fixed at about 30 mph. nient itself. Hence, no specific adjustment
It is believed that this apparent effect at at capacity is included in the computational
procedures that follow.
HIGHWAY SPEED) ON Grades affect the capacity of a highway
CAPACITY in the following ways:
I. The presence of a grade is generally,
CAPACITY (% OF IDEAL although not always, associated with re-
ALINEMENT) strictions in the sight distance, thereby af-
HIGHWAY - fecting the percentage of the length of two-
lane highway sections on which passing
maneuvers can be performed safely. This
70 100 100 effect is considered in the previous section
60 100 98 on "Alinement."
50 96 96 2. Vehicle braking distance is less on up-
40 - 95 grades and greater on downgrades than on
30 - 94
the level, thereby permitting shorter spac-
ings between vehicles •that are climbing especially if the upgrade is long and steep.
grades, and requiring longer spacings be- This is also true to some extent for passenger
tween vehicles descending grades, in order cars. Most passenger cars, however, can
to maintain a safe headway. negotiate sustained 6 and 7 percent upgrades
3. Trucks with their normal loads travel at speeds above that at which capacity oc-
at slower speeds up grades than on the level, curs for the highway in question. Therefore,
' %=
h ,
30 6 E
qV _ I
N0a.- N EIE-00
Figure 5.1. Eflect of length and steepness of grade on speed of average trucks on (a) two-lane and
(b) multilane highways.
(Source: Refs. 3, 4)
the effect of upgrades up to 7 percent on the assumption that the truck enters the
passenger car capacity is generally negli- grade at about 50 mph for multilane and
gible. It is the effect of sustained steep up- about 40 mph for two-lane highways. How-
grades on the speeds of trucks, and the ever, the curves also show the speed reduc-
resulting effect on capacity, with which this tion due to any length and steepness of grade
section is concerned. for other approach speeds. For example,
given a typical two-lane condition and a 4
The relationships between speed of trucks percent grade, if the approach speed is 35
at the bottom of a hill, percentage of grade, mph (initial distance 400 ft), the speed at a
and speed at any distance upgrade are point 1,000 ft up the grade will be 21 mph
shown in Figure 5.1 for two weight/power (final chart distance 1,400 ft).
ratios. Figure 5.1a represents an approxi- The broken lines show what performance
mate ratio of 325 lb per hp, considered may be expected when starting on the hill
typical of conditions on two-lane highways or approaching the hill at a speed lower
carrying a variety of types of trucks (3). than the crawl speed, so that the vehicle
Figure Sib shows conditions with an ap- accelerates to eventually reach the sustained
proximate ratio of 200 lb per hp, as found crawl speed. These curves show that long
on many modern multilane highways carry- distances are required to accelerate on grades
ing largely higher-powered long-haul truck- when the approach speed is below the final
ing (4). sustained speed. For example, to change
From these graphs, for the types of ve- the speed of a typical truck on a two-lane
hicles represented, it is possible to determine road with a 3 percent grade from 15 mph
how far a vehicle, starting its climb from to the sustained speed of 16 mph, an in-
speeds up to 40 and 50 mph, respectively, crease of only 1 mph, the vehicle would
can travel up various grades or combinations have to travel about 900 ft.
of grades before the sustained speed is
Practically any speed reduction by trucks
reached. The solid curves indicate the per-
will influence level of service to some de-
formance that may be expected when the
gree. Capacity also will always be influenced
beginning speed is above the possible sus-
by trucks to the extent that they take up more
tained or crawl speed. They are based on
roadway space than passenger cars. Never-
theless, the additional influence of grades on
capacity will not be felt until they cause
truck speeds to fall below 30 mph, the
approximate speed at which capacity is gen-
erally attained.
SPEED OF TRUCKS IS As an example, Table 5.4 gives the dis-
REDUCED TO 30 MPH" tance that trucks having a weight-power ra-
tio of 325 lb per hp, considered typical
VERTICAL for two-lane highways, can go up various
DISTANCE FROM CLIMB FROM grades before their speeds are reduced to
BOTTOM OF BOTTOM OF 30 mph, assuming that they enter the grade
GRADE GRADE GRADE at 40 mph. It follows that, grades longer
(%) (FT) (FT) than those given in the table would have an
adverse effect on the capacity of a highway
1,950 39 because they would reduce the speeds of
1,150 35
825 33 trucks that occur with considerable fre
625 31 quency to values below 30 mph.
500 30 The distances upgrade in Figure 5.1 are
400 28 based on uniform grades. Where a vertical
curve is part of a length of grade, approxi-
Trucks having a weight-power ratio of 325 lb per hp.
"Assuming an approach speed of 40 mph. Bad aline. mation must be made as to equivalent uni-
ment, weak or narrow bridges, or other hazardous con- form grade length. Figure 5.2 shows a
ditions at the bottom of the hill would make this ap-
proach speed unsafe. variety of possible vertical curve configura-
VPT ... 1
and the algebraic difference in grades is not
too great, the measurement of length of
TYPE I grade may be made between the VPI points.
-0, Where vertical curves of types I and III are
+02 involved, particularly where the algebraic
VP' VPT difference in grades is appreciable, about
one-quarter of the vertical curve length may
be considered as part of the grade under
TYPE TYPE IM Higher weight-horsepower ratios will, like-
VPC wise, reduce the speed of trucks ascending
ZVP grades and have an adverse effect on the
capacity of a highway. Studies conducted
by the Bureau of Public Roads clearly show
VPT that weight-horsepower ratios increase with
-0 2 VPI
an increase in gross weight (5, 6). Figure
CREST VERTICAL CURVES SAG VERTICAL CURVES 5.3 shows the cumulative frequency distri-
Figure 5.2. Types of vertical curves. bution of weight-horsepower ratios for all
(Source: Ref. 12) commercial vehicles weighed, both empty
I 60
3/7I7_ 1111111 /
0 Z 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 5.3. Cumulative Ire quency distributions of weight-power ratios for all commercial
vehicles weighed in 1963 studies on major multilane highways.
(Source: Ref. 6)
E_VillA NV1 _____
23 4 5
Figure 5.4. Cumulative frequency distributions of -weight-power ratios for loaded trucks weighed
in 1963 studies on n>ajor multilane highways.
(Source: Ref. 6)
and loaded, during special braking studies lengths are more useful, where available.
conducted in 1963. Figure 5.4 shows similar Such relationships have been developed for
distributions for loaded trucks only. These typical two-lane highways (Fig. 5.5). For
curves show that the weight-power ratios of multilane highways such relationships are
commercial vehicles vary considerably, de- more complex and equivalent data are not
pending on vehicle type, with a definite in- yet available; alternate approaches to the
crease in weight-power ratios with an in- problem are therefore used.
crease in the number of axles. Knowing the effect of a particular grade
Although engine horsepower has more on the speed of trucks does not in itself
than tripled during the past 25 years, the enable one to determine its effect on ca-
overall vehicle performance has not im- pacity. It is also necessary to know the
proved as radically. Because increases in influence which trucks and buses in the traf-
horsepower have been offset to a large ex- fic flow have on volume and the effect of
tent by increases in gross weights, the aver- each in terms of equivalent passenger cars,
age weight-horsepower ratio remains about or the "passenger car equivalent." There-
two-thirds of its value 15 years ago. fore, the information presented in this sec-
In typical problem applications it is not tion is applied in conjunction with that
the specific speed characteristics at every given in the subsequent "Traffic Factors"
point on the grade that are directly needed. section, under "Trucks," to determine the
Rather, the average speed characteristics overall effects of trucks on grades on the
over grades of various steepnesses and. capacity of a given section of highway.
equivalent varies with variation in the aver-
age speed of trucks climbing any particular
grade on a two-lane highway (as shown in
Fig. 5.5), for levels of service B, C, and E
• IltIlulull (capacity). It was developed by the sepa-
rate speed distributions method just de-
scribed. It is considered satisfactory in prac-
Reference to Figure 5.6 is not required
in most computations, inasmuch as Table
1010 presents the passenger car equivalency
in Figure 5.1a. Where this assumption ap-
pears unacceptable and special analyses must
be made to determine average truck speed
on the grade, Figure 5.6 can be used to
determine the equivalency factor. This pro-
cedure might also prove necessary in consid-
ering a steep downgrade where trucks in
30 40
0 20
low gear travel at a speed slower than passen-
ger car traffic.
Figure 5.6. Passenger car equivalents for vari- Any volume of mixed traffic can be con-
ous average truck speeds on two-lane highways. verted to equivalent passenger cars through
multiplication by the truck adjustment fac-
tor, (100—P7 +E. P)I100, where P7, is the
percentage of trucks and E T is the appropri-
ate passenger car equivalent determined pre-
differences exist between the normal speeds viously. Similarly, any service volume in
of passenger cars and trucks. It becomes passenger cars can be converted to mixed
increasingly greater at the poorer levels of traffic through multiplication by the factor
service, because passing becomes increas- lOO/(lOOP+E Pr). Table 10.10 con-
ingly difficult, and finally largely impossible.. tains the most used values of this conversion
However, on two-lane roads the passenger factor.
car equivalent appears to change very little, By relating the equivalent passenger car
if at all, with a change in the percentage volume to the capacity of the upgrade sec-
of trucks in the total traffic stream, for
tion expressed in passenger cars, the effect
typical truck volumes under constant geo- of the upgrade at any given point may be
metric conditions otherwise. (Studies have considered. If the computation indicates that
not been conducted at locations with more the upgrade in question would experience an
than 20 percent dual-tired trucks and have unacceptably low level of service, or if ca-
been confined principally to locations with pacity would be exceeded, use of truck
less than 10 percent of these vehicles during climbing lanes or passing bays should be
periods of peak flow. It is entirely possible considered, as previously discussed.
that further studies on two-lane roads might
indicate that for certain conditions the pas-
senger car equivalent does change with a
change in the percentage of trucks, but as For multilane highways, truck adjustment
yet there is no evidence to indicate whether procedures are somewhat less well defined,
it increases or decreases with an increase in because the quantitative effect of trucks on
the percentage.) the capacity of multilane highways with
sustained steep grades is not as well known Research in this area has been quite
as it is for two-lane highways. The problem limited, and that which has been done has
is quite complex, involving not only the been restricted principally to operation at
elements just described for two-lane high- or near level of service B.* Figure 5.7 shows
ways but also such other elements as the the results of recent level B research (7).
distribution of traffic between lanes, truck- The passenger car equivalents presented in
passing-truck practices, and the psychologi- this manual for most capacity and service
cal effects of trucks in one lane on drivers volume determinations on multilane high-
in another. These influences make develop- ways are therefore developed around these
ment of passenger car equivalents by either limited findings for level B and rationalized
of the methods used for two-lane roads values for level E, or capacity, operation
(speed-headway characteristics or passing (when passing is largely absent), adapted
characteristics) a considerably more formi- from level B criteria by means of a few
dable task. field data obtained during capacity opera-
It is entirely possible that one or very tion. Again, 20 percent dual-tired vehicles
few heavy trucks on a sustained steep grade is the maximum considered, and no distinc-
of a multilane highway may have nearly as tion is made between freeway and ordinary
great an effect as a much larger number, at multilane operation.
least during relatively low volume condi- On multilane highways, average equiva-
tions, as long as trucks stay in the right lency factors over relatively long highway
lane. Other traffic may largely avoid the sections at levels of service B through E, con-
right, or truck, lane in either case until sidering all elements (upgrade, downgrade,
volumes in the remaining lane increase to
the point where their flows are equally re- * The Committee considers this area to be
stricted. Where truck-passing-truck maneu- one of the most critical voids in existing high-
vers occur, however, generalizations are not way capacity knowledge; further research is
easily made. urgently needed.
4,000' 2,000
38 57 75 94 113 132 131
D6 16 0 19
42 63 84 lOS 126 147 167
0 0-20 0 21
04 0 25 0 26 52 78 104 130 156 102 208
35 70 100 140 175 210 245 280
3 30 0
w 2 35 0 52 lOS 157 210 262 314 367 420
Figure 5.7. Equivalent service volumes relating trucks (vehicles with six or more tires), grades,
and passenger cars on two-lane one-way roadways at level of service B.
ways, recent study results described in Chap- carry higher volumes partly because the
ter. Eleven indicate that a bus may be con- fastest drivers tend to avoid lane 1, inwhich
sidered to have an average passenger car most of the slower drivers remain. Many
equivalent of 1.6 under a wide variety of drivers in the left lanes also are avoiding the
level and lightly rolling conditions. On "turbulence" in lane I caused by the effects
heavier grades, little data are available; a of entrances and exits, most of which are on
factor of 5 for intercity buses is suggested the right on freeways.
in mountainous terrain, in the absence of On freeways having more than two lanes
better local knowledge. (For heavily-loaded in one direction of travel, however, certain
transit buses on the heavy grades found oc- generalizations are possible regarding the
casionally on suburban freeways in metro- relative efficiency of various numbers of
politan areas situated in mountainous ter- lanes. More efficient use usually is made of
rain, a higher factor may prove necessary, the additional lane(s) above two than the
based on local observations. The effects of average lane volume for two lanes in one
such local transit buses on urban arterials direction. This is because the likelihood of
generally are discussed in Chapter Six.) becoming ".trapped" behind slower moving
A highly-refined procedure would require vehicles is greatly reduced with more than
combined consideration of trucks and buses, two lanes in one direction of travel, given
but such accuracy is not warranted in most the same average rate of flow .per lane. The
cases within the limits of current knowledge. degree of this increase in efficiency is rea-
Separate application of the bus adjustment sonably predictable. For instance, the total
factor, (100—P1 +E P1 )/100, to convert rate of flow for two lanes in one direction at
mixed traffic to equivalent passenger cars level of service B is 2,000 pcph, or an aver-
is considered acceptable, where P11 is the age of 1,000 pcph per lane, but addition of
percentage of buses in the flow and E,1 is the a third lane increases the total flow to 3,500
passenger car equivalent of buses. Tables pcph, on the average, for the same level of
9.6, 10.6, and 10.12 can be used for buses service. The added third lane thus, in ef-
equally as well as for trucks, to supply this fect, adds 1,500 pcph, instead of 1,000 pcph,
factor for typical cases. to the service volume of the one direction for
level of service B, resulting in an average
flow of 1,167 pcph per lane. At lower levels
Lane Distribution of service with higher rates of flow this
effect diminishes, becoming negligible at ca-
On multilane highways all lanes do not pacity (level of service E). Chapter Nine
carry the same rates of flow (8, 9, 10). For presents these data in detail. It should be
example, on a six-lane freeway section oper- noted that, still, only total volumes and
ating at capacity in one direction under ideal average-per-lane volumes are known; lane
conditions at a point away from the influ- distributions remain variable.
ence of interchanges, typical lane volumes Lane distributions at critical areas of op-
might be 1,700 vph in lane 1 (the right eration along a highway may vary consider-
lane), 2,100 in lane 2, and 2,200 in lane ably from those likely under ideal condi-
3 (adjacent to the median). tions. In design of high-type multilane high-
No generalized distribution values can be ways, particularly freeways, or in evaluation
established; a variety of local conditions of their operation, knowledge of how traffic
would have to be considered to establish
redistributes itself at critical areas is essen-
values for any specific location. For in-
stance, rates up to 2,400 vph might be seen
in lane 4 on certain 8-lane freeways. It can For ramp entrances and exits, and weav-
be generalized, however, that for ideal condi- ing areas between adjacent ramp terminals,
tions, greater use is made of the left lanes the volume in lane I is especially significant,
and less use of lane I than would be indi- because it becomes the measure of how much
cated by the average lane volume at each traffic may enter or leave the highway under
level of service. acceptable operating conditions. In the case
The left lanes, under ideal conditions, of weaving areas involving major traffic
movements, sufficient width must be pro- ratio is based on the maximum 5-min rate
vided to accommodate both the weaving of flow within the peak hour, whereas for
traffic and the non-weaving flows on either intersections the maximum 15-min rate of
side. On upgrades distributions must flow is used. These ratios are determined by
change because, although most of the trucks dividing the number of vehicles actually
stay in lane 1, •their passenger car equiva- passing during the peak hour by, respec-
lents increase markedly, and in effect they tively, twelve times the number of vehicles
take over space previously occupied by ac- passing during the peak 5-min period or
tual passenger cars, which move into other four times the number passing in the peak
lanes. 15 mm. The maximum attainable value of
Service volumes at any given speed, and the peak-hour factor is 1.0.
usually capacity itself, are reduced on multi- Studies have shown that the highest 5-
lane highways with no or only partial con- min rate of flow within the peak hour on
trol of access, where vehicles regularly en- urban freeways is usually 1.05 to 1.15 times
ter and leave on both the right and left the peak-hour volume in larger metropoli-
along the highway. On such highways, the tan areas; it may range up to about 1.4
resulting slower speeds and turbulence in times the peak-hour volume in smaller met-
the left lane will make it more comparable ropolitan areas. This range is equivalent to
to lane 1, where slow vehicles and turbu- a peak-hour factor ranging from 0.95 to
lence will continue to prevail, and any lane 0.70. Likewise, through a typical at-grade
between these outer lanes will carry a intersection the highest 15-min rate of flow
greater proportion of the traffic. may be in the order of about 1.2 times the
Although lane distribution is an important peak-hour volume, giving a peak-hour fac-
variable, no special adjustment for it need tor in the neighborhood of 0.85.
be made because, where its significance is Peak-hour factors should be applied in
great enough to warrant consideration, as on computing capacities and service volumes of
certain freeways, grades, or at ramp junc- at-grade intersections and freeways. Their
tions, its effect is already taken into account selection and use is described in detail in
in the basic procedures enlployed. Chapters Six and Nine, respectively. Less
is known about the peaking characteristics
Variations in Traffic Flow in uninterrupted flows on sections of rural
highways, particularly those without con-
As discussed in Chapter Three, the de- trol of access. However, since these are
sign hourly volume is determined as a per- normally designed for a relatively high level
centage of the assigned future ADT volume. of service, within the particular class of
This procedure reasonably accounts for the highway, a large safety factor with regard
variation in traffic volumes during the differ- to peaking is usually provided. Therefore,
ent hours of the day, and even the fluctua- variations in traffic flow within the peak
tions in hourly volumes throughout the year. hour are not normally considered in their
As also discussed in Chapter Three, varia- design. Similarly, little is known about peak-
tions in flow within the peak hour also have ing characteristics on ordinary urban and
definite effects on the operating characteris- suburban highways with relatively uninter-
tics of a highway, and •thus influence the rupted flow, and without access control, but
capacity which can be attained in practice. again the need is not great. Uninterrupted
Knowledge of these effects is increasing, at urban flow seldom is found; at-grade inter-
least for certain highway types. sections or other interrupting features along
In this manual the peaking characteristics urban and suburban routes usually consti-
of traffic on freeways and through at-grade tute the critical areas with respect to ca-
intersections are taken into account. They pacity.
are expressed in terms of the peak-hour fac-
tor, which is the ratio of the volume occur- Traffic Interrupt ions
ring during the peak hour to the maximum
rate of flow during a given time period Thus far discussion has centered princi-
within the peak hour. For freeways this pally about uninterrupted flow.. Obviously,
I j1
Pc cf)c , jithi: 1/ce •l-/.ciu /ec.'Ie cc ,\ into eli/Icc i/i It rrceifl reduced .eeeere ,elene ice,ce( /1cc ft that
could ,creatly reduce capcwilv.
where features are built into the highway As previously mentioned, a basic rule to
which force some or all traffic to stop, the remember in considering a traffic interrup-
highway's ability to carry traffic will be im- tion is that consecutive passenger vehicles
peded. Although level of service will suffer stopped in line will rarely get under way at
to a greater or lesser degree in every case, a faster rate, on the average, than 1,500
typical occasional interruptions will accom- pcph per lane (average of 2.4 sec headway).
modate, with only momentary restriction, When it is recalled that uninterrupted flows
may carry some 2,000 pcph per lane, it is
all traffic flowing at the better levels of serv-
ice on the class of highway involved. How- easy to see why back-ups can develop rap-
idly where traffic is stopped, unless appro-
ever, the poorer levels of service and Ca-
priate steps are taken.
pacity will suffer unless sufficient additional For the purpose of this discussion, traf-
traffic lanes are provided through the vicinity fic interruptions are divided into two broad
of the restriction to offset the reduced time categories—at-grade intersections and other
utilization of the normal number of lanes. interruptions.
In order to solve the usual problem of esti- considered in typical problem solutions, and
mating the capacity of any given individual to show how each of the latter is considered.
roadway, the values obtained from Table This listing is given in Table 5.6.
4.1 must be adjusted downward to take into The factors included in the several tables
account the several roadway and traffic fac- in this chapter, and summarized in the fore-
tors which have been described in this chap- going, are applicable only under uninter-
ter. rupted flow conditions, except as specifically
Specific adjustment procedures for these stated otherwise in the case of several which
factors are presented where appropriate in relate to intersection operation. The re-
the following chapters. At this point, it will mainder are not applicable for city streets
suffice to list the several factors that have or other facilities where average operating
been discussed, to indicate which must be speeds are low and stop-and-go operation
Roadway factors:
Lane width1 Select appropriate adjustment factor from Tables 9.2,
Lateral clearancef 10.2, or 10.8.
Shoulders ..........................Apply adjustment factor as given under "Shoulders" if
Auxiliary lanes
Parking lanes ................... Consider as lateral clearance problem.
Speed change lanes.............. Consider as ramp junction problem; see Chapter Eight.
Turning and storage lanes......... Normally not associated with uninterrupted flow; see
Chapter Six for handling of signalized intersections.
Weaving lanes ..................Consider as weaving or ramp junction problem; see
Chapters Seven or Eight, as appropriate.
Truck climbing lanes............. Consider in conjunction with "Trucks," below.
Surface condition ................... No specific adjustment; judgment required.
Alinement .. ........................ Built into other adjustments, mainly v/c ratio.
Grades .............. ............. Combined into "Trucks" adjustment, below.
Traffic factors:
Trucks, Two-lane ................... Apply equivalent passenger car procedures (see Chapter
Ten, including Tables 10.9, 10.10, and 10.12).
Multilane ................... Apply equivalent passenger car procedures (see Chapters
Nine and Ten, including Tables 9.3, 9.4, 9.6, 10.3, 10.4,
and 10.6).
Buses .............................Apply equivalent passenger car procedures (see Chapters
Nine and Ten, including Tables 9.5, 9.6, 10.5, 10.6,
10.11, and 10.12).
Lane distribution ................... Built into other adjustments.
Variations in traffic flow.............. For freeways, apply peak-hour factor (5-mm base); see
Chapter Nine.
For intersections, apply peak-hour factor (15-mm base);
see Chapter Six.
Optional, based on judgment, for other highway types.
Traffic interruptions ................. Intersections; see Chapter Six.
Other; each a special case.
One of the more important elements limit- terms of the separate capacities of each indi-
ing, and often interrupting, the flow of traf- vidual approach roadway. In practice, the
fic on a highway, especially one in an urban term "intersection capacity" as generally
area, is the intersection at grade. Intersec- used by traffic engineers actually represents
tions not only control, to a large extent, the individual approach capacity. Similarly, "in-
capability of major and secondary arterial tersection service volume" in practice usually
streets to accommodate the flow of vehicles refers to the service volume on a particular
and pedestrians, but they also may seriously approach. In this connection, it should be
affect or limit the ability of nearby freeways noted that the term "intersection capacity"
to perform at maximum efficiency. There- often will be broadly used for simplicity in
fore, the subjects of intersection operation referring to the entire field of capacities and
and interrupted flow are often largely synon- service volumes.
ymous. This chapter is primarily concerned with
The amount of vehicular traffic which can signalized intersections, but a brief discus-
approach and pass through an intersection sion of unsignalized intersection operations
depends on (a) various physical and oper- is included.
ating characteristics of the roadways, (b)
environmental conditions which have a bear- SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS—GENERAL
ing on the experience and actions of the
driver, (c) characteristics of the traffic In the preparation of the 1950 Highway
stream, and (d) traffic control measures. Capacity Manual, the Highway Capacity
Because so many such factors influence Committee found that little material had
interrupted flow through intersections, it is been published on the subject of signalized
not feasible to define "ideal conditions" as intersection capacity. Therefore, under the
was done in the case of uninterrupted flow. direction of the late 0. K. Normann, consid-
Consequently, capacities and service vol- erable research was performed to assemble
umes under ideal conditions cannot be di- satisfactory data. In addition to the data
rectly specified. Rather, interrupted flow collected by committee members, material
criteria are developed around typical or was furnished by state highway departments
average conditions. Adjustments either up- and by officials of many cities, as a result of
ward or downward may be applied to fit the solicitation by the Bureau of Public Roads.
specific conditions at hand. Through such splendid cooperation, infor-
Although the volume of vehicular traffic mation was obtained on a scale never before
which actually can reach and pass through attempted. From these data, which reported
an intersection may well be influenced by maximum observed volumes per hour re-
conditions remote from the intersection, the corded in 15-min increments, intersection
capacity of any specific intersection is de- capacity curves and associated adjustment
termined largely by the effect of elements factors were derived which served to meet
directly related to its contiguous approach a very pressing national need.
roadways. Seldom are all approaches to an During the following years, however, it
intersection simultaneously burdened to their was recognized that still more refined data
full capabilities. Therefore, it is appropriate would be required to detect and explain the
that intersection capacity be thought of in effect of additional variables involved in
: -
7 : •
I •:•
Principal street in central business district providing six traffic lanes and two parking lanes. Note
traffic ,naking left-turn maneuver in foreground on advance signal control before opposing
traffic starts.
occurring without striping, marked lanes may or pickup. "With parking" means that ve-
prove very beneficial. This subject is further hicles are present, standing attended or un-
discussed in the section on traffic control attended, along the curb on the approach.
measures. For capacity purposes, it is the actual pres-
One caution is necessary here. No longer ence or absence of parked vehicles, not
is it feasible to consider the approach width posted parking regulations, which counts.
to be simply one-half of the curb-to-curb When "no parking" conditions are spec-
width, as was done in earlier procedures. ified, this does not necessarily mean that
Offset center lines are very common today, no parking can exist anywhere in the block;
making it essential that the actual width rather it indicates that parking must not
available for approach traffic be known and exist close enough to the intersection to af-
utilized. fect the approach's operation. Attempts to
develop refined criteria regarding the influ-
PARKING CONDITIONS ence of this parking restriction distance,
using the data from the 1955-1956 studies,
Parking regulations on an approach might have proved largely unsuccessful.
well be considered to be traffic control meas- As a rule of thumb, approaches having
ures, in terms of their usual handling by
parking within 250 ft of the intersection
signing and police enforcement. However, should be considered in the "with parking"
because parking conditions at or near an ap-
group. However, many exceptions to this
proach have such a pronounced effect on
rule exist. For example, on a street lacking
intersection capacity, the presence or ab-
coordinated signalization and with a rela-
sence of parking is considered to be a basic
tively small percentage of green signal time,
condition which should be defined initially
the midblock section may well be able to
before other factors are evaluated. The re-
accommodate parking quite close to the
moval of parking provides a substantial gain
approach while still handling sufficient mov-
in capacity. If the elimination (or addition)
ing traffic to make full use of the limited
of parking is being considered on one or
green time at the approach. At the other
both sides of an approach, capacity should
extreme, on a street with a perfectly-coordi-
be evaluated for each condition.
nated signal system, no midblock parking
In this connection it is important to re-
can be tolerated in the "no parking" condi-
peat a previously-mentioned point—namely,
tion because uniform width •throughout is
that the width of roadway influenced by a
required to handle moving platoons of traf-
parked vehicle is, on the average, substan-
tially greater than simply the physical space
it occupies. The cautious reactions of pass-
ing drivers, who fear sudden maneuvers by ONE-WAY OR TWO-WAY OPERATION
parked vehicles or doors opening into their
paths, result in effective loss of some 12 to There are obviously major differences in
14 ft of roadway width, on the average. the operation of one-way and two-way ap-
Where a wide approach exists and load fac- proaches which are reflected in the capaci-
tors are low, this lateral shying away may ties and service volumes attained. On a
produce an effective width loss due to park- one-way approach, for example, left-turning
ing ranging up to 20 ft or more. At the movements can be made more easily, due to
other extreme, where the approach is nar- the absence of opposing traffic. Where cross
row and loading is so high that there is streets are also one-way, turning movement
little or no room for maneuvering, the effec- conflicts are further reduced. In either case,
tive width loss may be little more than that the reduction in total possible movements
taken up, physically by the parked cars. reduces pedestrian-vehicular conflicts. The
Trucks, of course, take up greater physical one-way street also lends itself to better sig-
space. nal progression.
"No parking" has been defined as no Because of these differences, capacity
standing and no stopping on the approach, analysis procedures for one-way and two-
other than occasional passenger discharge way approaches are handled separately in
Well-marked pascnu'nt and prohibition of parking expedite frolic at i/mis pair of mnter.wcfio?Ls in an
outlying business area.
this manual, and differing adjustment factors factor, metropolitan area population, and
for these two conditions are presented. location within a city.
In most cases, these procedures show that All of these factors except the last are
a given approach width will have somewhat additions not included in earlier procedures.
greater capacity operating one-way than two- In effect, the new factors are, together, a
way, due to the reduced friction. However, formalized substitute for the "city factors"
this will not always be the case. Conse- which individual traffic engineers frequently
quently, it is not prudent to make broad found need to apply to the earlier average
generalizations regarding the relative effi- curves. They help to explain why such city
ciency of an individual approach operating factors were found necessary in the past.
one-way as compared to two-way, without
consideration of the entire system of which
the approach is a part. In particular, com- LOAI) FACTOR
parisons made by superimposing the one-
The term "loaded cycle," or more prop-
way curves on the two-way should be
erly "loaded phase," is much used in de-
avoided. This subject of relative efficiency is
scribing the degree of utilization of an in-
discussed in detail in Chapter Ten, in the
dividual intersection approach. A green phase
section on urban arterials. on an approach may be considered to be
"loaded" when the following conditions ap-
Environniental Co,zditiom ply: (I) there are vehicles ready to enter
Environmental condition factors repre- the intersection in all lanes when the signal
sent those characteristics of the traffic de- turns green. and (2) they continue to be
mand, as reflected in the traffic stream, that available to enter in all lanes during the
cannot be readily changed by alteration of entire phase with no unused time or exceed-
design or control features of the intersection. ingly long spacings between vehicles at any
These factors include load factor, peak-hour time due to lack of traffic, whether resulting
from lack of demand (as often found to- considerable delay to some vehicles on the
ward the end of the phase) or from fric- approach. Load factors greater than 0.4 rep-
tional interferences upstream. Usually, the resent correspondingly higher percentages of
ending of a loaded green phase will force fully utilized phases. These conditions are
some vehicles to stop, but in a perfect pro- not often experienced at isolated non-inter-
gressive signal system the last of a platoon connected intersections. However, a pro-
of vehicles may pass through just as the gressive system will accommodate high vol-
signal changes. umes with a high load factor, provided it is
It is not essential for traffic to move con- accurately operated and timed for traffic
tinuously during a phase for that phase to demand. Nevertheless, it is rare for a load
be considered loaded; all that is required is factor of exactly 1.00 to be attained, even
that the vehicles be present, and that any under the best operating conditions under
stoppages which occur be due to conditions high volumes, due to normal fluctuations in
at the intersection under study, not a con- traffic flow. Where a load factor of 1.00
sequence of conditions elsewhere. For in- was reported during the 1955-1956 studies,
stance, even if the left lane did not move at it was frequently discovered that a "jammed"
all during a green phase, because the lead condition due to congestion somewhere else
car desired to turn left but could not do so downstream had been erroneously inter-
due to opposing traffic, the phase could preted as full utilization.
still be considered loaded if all other cri- Figure 6.1 shows typical relationships be-
teria for loading were met. On the other tween load factor and delay likely to be
hand, if traffic could not move because of encountered by traffic, for the simple case
a back-up from an intersection ahead the of a single-lane approach at an isolated
location under study would not be loaded. intersection. Figure 6.1a shows -the 'typical
Rather, it would be "jamthed" and flow data demand fluctuations which tend to prevent
from it would be quite meaningless. attainment of a load factor of 1.00 even
The load factor is a measure of this de- under overall high-volume conditions when
gree of utilization of an intersection ap- demand exceeds capacity, on the average
proach roadway during one hour of peak over an extended period, and long back-ups
traffic flow. It is the ratio of the number of of traffic are resulting. Even under these
green phases that are loaded, or fully util- highly undesirable conditions, when many
ized, by traffic (usually during the peak vehicles are delayed through several signal'
hour) to the total number of green phases cycles before clearing the intersection, there
available for that approach during the same are often short. periods within a full hour
period. As such it is also a measure of the when conditions are less critical. In the
level of service on the, approach, as dis- case shown, for example, all waiting ve-
cussed later. The load factor for a normal hicles cleared in two of the cycles early in
intersection may range from a value of 0.0 the hour, while demand was building up.
to a value of 1.0. Figure 6.1b shows the result of a moder-
A load factor of 0.0 represents any situa- ate (20 percent) reduction in demand. Over
tion in which no cycle during the hour is one-half of the cycles are still loaded (load
loaded. Hence, it represents a wide range factor=0.57), but few vehicles must wait
of excellent or very good operating condi- through more than one signal cycle.
tions, handling volumes from very few ve- It is important to, stress that load factor as
hicles up to the point where most green discussed so far applies to a single approach
phases are almost fully utilized. of a given intersection. Obviously, insofar
A load factor of 0.2 still'indicates a good as the individual approach is concerned the
operating condition for most cases. It rep- load factor can be readily altered simply by
resents a condition where some 20 percent of changing the signal timing split. In practice,
the phases are fully utilized but the remain- however, no one approach can be con-
ing cycles are operating below this level. sidered alone. Rather, signal operation must
A load factor of 0.4 represents a relatively be provided which will properly balance the
high volume condition which may result in needs of both streets involved. This does
to HO
20 30 40 50 60 I 10 20 30 40 SO 60
Figure 6.1. Operation of traffic at a rural intersection (a) loaded to capacity and (b) in intersection
service level D.
not necessarily mean that the same level of as well as during different hours of the day.
service must be provided on both. Where In modern traffic engineering applications
two arterials cross equal levels probably it is often not enough to know only that
would be desired, but where the side street adequate capacity exists to handle, in one
is decidedly inferior to the arterial differing hour, the total traffic that will arrive in that
levels might be appropriate. hour. Variations in the demand throughout
Further considerations relating to load the hour may produce peak arrival rates for
factor and its use are included in the por- short periods during the hour which sub-
tions of this chapter relating to levels of serv- stantially exceed the average rate. This is
ice and to intersection analysis procedures. the situation represented by Figure 6.1a. To
assure that long back-ups do not develop
during parts of an hour, even though ca-
pacity for the hour is not exceeded, this
The subject of individual approach load- element must be taken into consideration.
ing is closely related to the consideration of The peak 15-mm flow is used as the basic
overall delays to traffic along a route and, short-period rate at intersections for such
thus, to travel times. Small reductions in consideration in this manual.
flow rate often substantially reduce travel The peak-hour factor is a measure of
times by largely eliminating back-ups. This consistency of demand. For intersections
is of major importance at locations where it is defined as the ratio between the num-
there is a large variation in the demand on ber of vehicles counted during the peak hour
the individual streets during the peak hour and four times the number of vehicles
Figure 6.2. Traffic flow at intersection approach with (a) high peak-hour factor and (b) low
peak-hour factor.
1ijj .z
One- way urban arteriI .s triet in do ivn to ivn area. .111(1 Ol,i 1 ,,'iialized intersection with pavement
counted during the highest 15 consecutive arrives during a single 15-min period, with
minutes. A separate peak-hour factor must no traffic during the rest of the hour, the
be computed for each approach to the inter- peak-hour factor will be 0.25. It is, of
section. course, highly unlikely that the second con-
The peak-hour factor reflects variations dition would ever occur (except, possibly,
in peaking characteristics of approach road- on a roadway carrying traffic away from a
ways and provides a means of more accu- single-purpose parking area).
rately evaluating their operating character- The lowest peak-hour factor recorded
istics. during any of the 1955-6 studies was 0.47.
Figure 6.2 is included here to illustrate At this location, more than one-half of the
the effects of a high or low peak-hour fac- hourly flow occurred during the peak 15
tor. It should be noted that in both cases mm. A peak-hour factor between 0.85 and
the peak-hour factor represents the per- 0.90 was most common, being observed at
centage that the area of the 15 shaded bars 28 percent of the submitted approaches, but
is to the total area shown. In the case of about 5 percent were between 0.95 and 1.00,
Figure 6.2a the peak-hour factor is high, indicating nearly uniform flow throughout
indicating that the flow rate was fairly uni- the hour.
form during the peak hour. In Figure 6.2h The peak-hour factor can be determined
the peak-hour factor is low, indicating that by the following methods:
much of the peak-hour demand arrived dur- 1. On-site measurenient.—Where opera-
ing a period much shorter than the full hour. tion of an existing intersection is being con-
As defined, it is possible for the peak-hour sidered in detail, measurement of peaking
factor to vary from 0.25 to 1.00. If the characteristics can be accomplished as a
traffic flow is entirely uniform during the part of normal investigation procedures. Rel-
entire peak hour, so that the peak 15 mm atively detailed data-gathering procedures
carry only one-fourth of the traffic during are required, to provide cycle-by-cycle
the hour, the peak-hour factor will be 1.00. knowledge of flow rates and characteristics.
At the other extreme, if all the hourly traffic Manual counting and observation proce-
Separate left-turn lane at big/s -apacstv rural signalized inter.re(tion. Note right-turn lane from
cross road at extre,ne left.
dures, photographic techniques, and a va- control locations on traffic corridors in the
riety of electronic recording devices can be city, representing the full range of conditions
utilized. likely to be found in the city. The factor
Ordinary mechanical traffic counters are for the most similar location can then be ap-
not adequate for this purpose, because they plied to the particular location under study.
do not provide the minute-by-minute vol- 3. Estimation.—Often, particularly in the
umes necessary for computing the peak-hour case of general studies of capacity problems
factor. Utilizing the 15-min counts pro- over broad areas within a city, it is not
duced by some counters can result in sub- feasible to make detailed studies of peaking
stantial errors. To illustrate, assume that characteristics. In such cases estimated
such a counter recorded the data contained values may be used, as described in the pro-
in Figure 6.2h. Analysis of the counter data cedures section of this chapter.
would probably indicate that the peak hour
was from 4:45 to 5:45 and contained slightly
less than the total volume shown (assume
1,400 vph). The peak IS min recorded One important finding from the analysis
would be from 5:00 to 5:15, with 467 ve- of the submitted intersection data was strong
hicles (assuming the same accuracy as the indication that approaches in any particular
minute counts shown). These two values type of area within large metropolitan areas
would result in a computed peak-hour fac- had higher capacities than those of similar
tor of 0.75, compared to the actual factor geometrics located in equivalent areas in
of 0.70. If the true peak was more nearly smaller cities. The facts that drivers in large
centered on one of the recording intervals, cities are more experienced in coping with
the error would substantially increase. high densities and congested traffic condi-
2. Similar location measurement.—Peak- tions, and are more intent on moving
ing characteristics can be measured at a few through, because they have greater distances
to traverse under these conditionsprobably turnover than is found in the central busi-
explain this finding. ness district, but it may include large park-
This effect of metropolitan area size is ing areas serving that district.
difficult to determine independently, inas- Outlying business district.—That por-
much as other primary variables, such as tion of a municipality or an area within the
peak-hour factor, are also related to area influence of a municipality, normally sepa-
size. Its effect, nevertheless, has been deter- rated geographically by some distance from
mined sufficiently for inclusion as one of the the central business district and its fringe
variables in the procedures to be described. area, in which the principal land use is for
Nine population groups are included, en- business activity. This district has its own
compassing a wide range of metropolitan local traffic circulation superimposed on
areas from small single cities to widespread through movements to and from the cen-
urbanized areas composed of several cities. tral business district, a relatively high park-
It should be noted that the intersection ing demand and turnover, and moderate
data were gathered largely in or near the pedestrian traffic. Compact off-street shop-
central cities in the various metropolitan ping developments entirely on one side of
areas studied. Application of the resulting the street are not included in the scope of
criteria to satellite suburban communities this definition.
requires judgment to establish whether the Residential area.—That portion of a
community is better considered as a separate municipality, or an area within the influence
independent small city or an outlying por- of a municipality, in which the dominant
tion of the large central city. Local studies land use is residential development, but
may be required to make this determination. where small business areas may be included.
Although few data were gathered for This area is characterized by few pedestrians
rural areas, the procedures that follow in- and a low parking turnover.
clude rural criteria, developed by adapta- Although the data gathered in the 1955-6
tion of data from the smallest of the popu- studies provided little information regarding
lation groups to the rural situation. modern off-street shopping centers concen-
trated on one side of a highway or in one
quadrant of an intersection in outlying areas,
it can be assumed that the highways serving
For analysis, metropolitan areas are di- them fall in this residential category if ac-
vided into four land use and development cess to the center is only by marked drive-
classifications or types, as follows: ways and businesses do not front on the
Central business district.—That portion highways themselves.
of a municipality in which the dominant The gathered data indicate that:
land use is intense business activity. This
district is characterized by large numbers of For one-way streets without parking ap-
pedestrians, commercial vehicle loadings of proach capacities are about 10 percent
goods and people, a heavy demand for park- higher in the fringe and outlying business
ing space, and high parking turnover. districts than in the central business district.
Fringe area—That portion of a mu- No data are available for such streets in
nicipality immediately outside the central residential areas, because this type of opera-
business district in which there is a wide tion rarely occurs, but it is estimated that a
range in type of business activity, generally 20 percent higher figure would apply.
including small commercial, light industrial, For one-way streets with parking on one
warehousing, automobile service activities, side approach capacities are similar in the
and intermediate strip development, as well central and fringe districts. In residential
as some concentrated residential areas. Most areas this type of street handled approxi-
of the traffic in this area involves trips that mately 20 percent more traffic than in cen-
do not have an origin or a destination within tral and fringe districts. No data are avail-
the area. This area is characterized by mod- able for one-way streets with parking on
erate pedestrian traffic and a lower parking one side in outlying business districts, but
it is estimated that 'the 20 percent value tersection' area, most of which have not
would apply here also. received detailed study, it is not yet possible
For one-way streets with parking on both to provide refined criteria regardingthe
sides approach capacities are about 15 per- effects of turning movements. Listed in the
cent higher in outlying business districts following are some of the more obvious
than in the central business district and the characteristics. In the computation próce-
fringe area. In residential areas they are dures later in this chapter the adjustments
about 25 percent higher than in the central presented are partly rationalizations based
business district. on such trends and limits of these charac-
For Iwo-way streets, both with and with- teristics as have been identified.
out parking, approach capacities are about Left turns exhibit the following charac-
25 percent higher in all other areas than in teristics:
the central business district.
The effect per vehicle on approach
There are several reasons for lower ca- capacity is less if two successive vehicles
pacities in the central business district than turn left than if single vehicles turn at more
elsewhere. Some of the more important ones widely spaced intervals. It follows that the
are (a) a greater frequency of vehicles larger the number of turning vehicles the
stopping to load or unload passengers, in- less the effect per vehicle.
cluding both buses and passenger cars; (b) The effect of left-turning vehicles is
pedestrians causing interference to vehicu- related to the number of opposing vehicles,
lar traffic; (c) a more circulatory-type traf- on two-way streets.
fic flow, involving more turns; (d) pres- The effect of a left turn is dependent
ence of appreciable numbers of delivery on conflicting pedestrian flows, usually those
trucks making brief stops; and (e) curb in the crosswalk of the leg into which the
parking turnover,' where parking is present. turn is being made.
A vehicle waiting to make a left turn
Traffic Characteristics causes a greater relative reduction in ca-
pacity on a narrow street than on a wider
Intersection approach capacity, like the street or one having a center dividing island
capacity of other highway elements, is in- with a left-turn lane.
fluenced by the inherent characteristics of
The width of the cross street affects
the traffic being accommodated. These char-
speed and number of vehicles turning (i.e.,
acteristics include the amount of turning
a wide cross street provides more space to
traffic, the percentage of commercial vehi-
receive left turns and provides a larger turn-
cles, and the operations of local transit buses.
ing radius, thus increasing maneuver speed).
Problems of left-turning vehicles should
be considered with respect to specific condi-
Turning movements are most directly a tions occurring at the prticular intersection
traffic characteristic, although they are re- under study. Treatments such as separate
lated to the environment and they also can left-turn signal phases may be effective if the
be, and frequently are, controlled. Certain number of left-turn movements is high.
turning movements at individual intersec- Leading or lagging green intervals, to allow
tions can be totally eliminated or otherwise some turns to clear free of opposing traffic,
manipulated by traffic engineering techniques may be desirable. Channelized left-turn
for a net increase in capacity at that point. lanes separate left-turning traffic and allow
However, as discussed in Chapter Ten, a through lanes to move to better advantage,
control which appears desirable in terms of regardless of whether or not the location is
a single location may not be effective in signalized. Complete prohibition of left
terms of the street system as a whole. turns at critical points may be desirable at
Because of the many interrelationships some intersections, if suitable alternate
between turning movements and other traf- means of handling the movement exist.
fic and pedestrian movements within the in- Procedures offered in this manual con-
Separate left-turn signal indications and exclusive let (-Fur,: lanes at intersection on 1,1:1/Or urban
divided high way.
sider the effect of left turns on capacity in tempting to leave the curb simultaneously.
cases where (a) no separate lane or phase A vehicle turning right causes a
is provided for left-turning traffic, (b) a greater relative reduction in capacity on a
separate lane is provided with no separate narrow street than on a wider street.
signal phase. (c) a separate signal phase is The influence of width of cross street
provided with no separate lane, and (d) is quite variable. The restrictive effect of a
both a separate lane and a separate signal narrow cross street may be greater on right
phase are provided. Although these proce- turns than on left, due to the shorter avail-
dures provide means of assessing the effect able turning radius. On the other hand,
of left turns, they still represent only an
where little pedestrian interference is ex-
perienced, where adequate curb return radii
Right turns also influence intersection ca- are provided, or where continuous right
pacity in varying degrees, depending on con-
ditions at the intersection. Although op- turning is allowed, some studies have shown
posing traffic is not a factor, other influences an increase in capacity with an increase in
are much the same as for left turns, includ- right turns, particularly where the cross
ing the following: street is wide and turning vehicles clear the
intersection more quickly than do through
Two or more consecutive vehicles turn-
ing have less effect per vehicle than if they vehicles.
arrive separately.
I intersections are a special case. Here,
Right-turning vehicles are affected by
both possible movements involve turns, and
pedestrian movements, usually those in the
crosswalk of the leg into which the turn is the heavier of the two is generally considered
being made. Sometimes the effect is greater as a through movement unless very sharp
than on left turns, because the conflict is turns or heavy pedestrian conflicts are en-
often with large groups of pedestrians at- countered.
TRUCKS AND THROUGH BUSES grouped into three general categories, as fol-
The presence of trucks tends to reduce
intersection approach capacities because I. Near-side curb stops—located at the
their acceleration rates are lower and they curb on the intersection approach in ad-
occupy more road space, both in length vance of the intersection proper. Generally,
and width, than passenger cars. The degree where bus volumes are appreciable a near-
of this effect varies widely, depending on side curb bus stop will have a greater ad-
the type of vehicle, its weight-power ratio, verse effect on intersection capacity than a
and, in particular, its size and turning char- far-side stop. Both right-turn and through
acteristics. However, little detailed research movements will be affected on approaches
has been reported in these various areas where no parking is allowed. However, it
separately. Hence, in the computation pro- may offer the advantage to the transit oper-
cedures presented later in this chapter ap- ator of combining delays due to red signals
proximate all-inclusive adjustment factors with loading and unloading delays, thus tend-
are provided. ing to speed up the overall transit operation.
For capacity purposes pick-ups, panel This potential advantage to bus operation
trucks, and other light trucks having only depends on the buses consistently arriving
four tires are considered as passenger cars, at the intersection at the beginning of the
inasmuch as their performance is so simi- red signal interval. Detailed studies of bus
lar. All other trucks, from six-tire single operations relating to their arrival at the
units through the largest combinations, as intersection with respect to the red or green
well as through intercity buses and express signal interval will indicate the practicality
transit buses, are considered in one category of locating the bus stop on the near side of
as "trucks and through buses." Passenger the intersection for this reason.
car equivalency factors are not used in inter- On approaches where parking is permitted
section capacity computations; rather, di- the effect varies, being somewhat dependent
rect adjustment factors are provided. How- on the distance from the intersection that
ever, one truck can be considered as equiva- parking would have been restricted if no bus
lent to a minimum of two passenger cars at stop existed. If parking otherwise would be
intersections, even under the best conditions. permitted near the intersection, the presence
Where conditions quite far from average of a bus stop provides added capacity for
exist, such as where a preponderance of moving traffic, particularly right turns, when
large heavy trucks is present or where sub- not in use.
stantial numbers of trucks make turns into When traffic movement on the cross street
narrow cross streets, judgment based on is one-way and approaching the intersection
local observations should be used in making leg of the main street from the right-hand
allowance for the special conditions. side, the bus stop usually should be located
on the near side of the intersection; it thus
LOCAL TRANSIT BUSES will produce the least interference with turn-
ing movements.
Local transit buses on urban streets have Adjustment procedures for this type of
entirely different effects than through buses, stop are pr\esented later in this chapter.
which are considered as trucks. The spe- 2. Far-side curb stops—located at the
cific quantitative influence of these effects curb immediately beyond the intersection
is presented in this chapter, whereas Chap- proper on the straight-through exit from the
ter Eleven describes transit bus operations approach under consideration. Far-side bus
more generally. stops will have only a minor adverse effect
The specific effect of such buses stopping on the approach capacity of streets where
to load and unload passengers on the ca- parking is permitted. This effect is due pri-
pacity of any particular intersection depends marily to buses pulling back into the mov-
on the area of the city, street width, park- ing traffic lanes, rather than to loss of the
ing conditions, number of buses, and bus space which they occupy during loading.
stop location. These locations can be On streets without parking the. effect is
••'3— r ci/
. .j.Mi
.. ..
Int('rsectun, /,(,,z(/l,,: /?!,'/i 'O/l(,flC' of tur,o provide.r for two left-turn lanes, two through traffic
lanes, and a rig/it-turn Ia pie.
Eleven discusses this subject of bus stop use indication" is the measure normally used,
characteristics in more detail. inasmuch as it largely compensates for the
Procedures to be followed in applying influence of varying percentages of green
average adjustment factors for bus stops are time assigned to specific approaches.
discussed later in this chapter. The main influence of a signal on a par-
ticular approach on capacity itself, in terms
of vehicles per hour of green, involves the
Control Measures
degree to which it stops moving vehicles. At
Several factors which involve traffic con- one extreme, if all approaching vehicles in
trol measures have already been noted in the the traffic flow are stopped on the approach
previous categories. These include parking before entering (as might occur at an iso-
restrictions, turning controls, and one-way lated signal not connected with others), then
operation. In this section, other traffic con- rarely can traffic move away at a rate
trol measures which have an influence on greater than 1,500 vehicles per hour of
intersection capacity are discussed. green. At the other extreme, if no moving
traffic ever is stopped (as would be true at
a signal within a perfectly-coordinated pro-
gressive signal system), then a capacity flow
The ordinary traffic signal regulates traf- rate of 2,000 vehicles per hour of green
fic flow by displaying a sequence of green might be achieved. Volumes per actual
(go), yellow (stop if possible), and red clock hour would, of course, be proportion-
(stop) indications to traffic on any given ately less in either case.
approach. In the simplest case, the same Where level of service is concerned, on
indication is given to all movements on the the other hand, delays to traffic become
approach simultaneously, timing is fixed, important. A single isolated signal with
and there is no interconnçction with other adequate capacity to handle the peak de-
signals. In complex installations, on the mand on all approaches may nevertheless
other hand, each movement may be gov- handle lower volumes on the several legs
erned by its own specific series of indica- at widely varying levels of service. Whether
tions, the timing of each indication may be or not differing levels on the intersecting
variable, and the signal very likely is inter- streets are desirable often depends on their
connected with others on the street. relative importance. Similarly, a series of
It is not the purpose of this manual to signalized intersections, each of which in-
discuss signal timing and signal controllers dividually has adequate capacity to handle
at length; the subject is covered in detail in the demand, may nevertheless provide poor
such references as the "Manual on Uniform service as a group if they are not coordi-
Traffic Control Devices" (3) and the "Traf- nated, thus forcing traffic to make fre-
fic Engineering Handbook" (4). However, quent stops.
certain fundamentals regarding the influence Consequently, both individual and co-
of signals on capacity and levels of service ordinated signal control and timing require
should be mentioned briefly. consideration.
Practically any signal, no matter how Traffic Signal Control.—A variety of
timed or controlled, displays periodic red types of traffic signal controllers are utilized,
indications when traffic in a certain move-
their complexity depending on the purpose
ment cannot flow. Obviously, these red
they serve. They include (a) pretimed traf-
periods reduce the amount of traffic that
fic signal control, in which fixed-time signal
can be accommodate4 in a clock hour (i.e.,
the capacity per hour), in approximate pro- cycles are established in accordance with
portion to their percentage of the total time. predetermined time schedules (usually not
Therefore, "vehicles per hour," referring exceeding three, to handle morning peak,
to an actual clock hour, is not a feasible evening peak, and off-peak); and (b) traf-
measure of signalized intersection flow. In- fic-actuated signal control, in which the
stead, "vehicles per hour of green signal intervals are varied in accordance with the
Upto 17 _
18 to 25
26 to 39
NUM8ER01 -
- -
24 II S
26 26 7 42 6 3 8 I
vironment, and traffic characteristics and Figure 6.3. Eflect of number of lanes on (a)
controls. Also, as is true for all other ele- Iwo-way streets will, no parking, (h) lms'o-way
ments, operation is far from satisfactory to streets will, parking, and (c) one-hay streets.
most drivers at capacity, with substantial
approach delays likely.
Approximate levels of service can be de-
scribed for individual intersections. How-
ever, because by definition true level of of only local interest. As described in
service is an indicator of the type of opera- Chapter Ten, substantial lengths of signal-
tion over a distance, such "point" levels of ized streets must be examined to establish
service obtained at separate intersections are meaningful levels of service.
Although speeds are used as a measure Level of service B represents stable opera-
of level of service for most other elements, tion, with a load factor of not over 0.1; an
they are of little use in measuring this ele- occasional approach phase is fully utilized
ment, which produces intentional stops; and a substantial number are approaching
therefore, some other measure is required. full use. Many drivers begin to feel some-.
Inasmuch as level of service is described what restricted within platoons of vehicles.
in terms of driver satisfaction, the substi- Under typical rural conditions this fre-
tute measure should be some factor that quently will be suitable operation for rural
the driver himself sees and interprets in design purposes.
terms of degree of congestion. Of the sev- In level of service C stable operation
eral factors that have been discussed in the continues. Loading is still intermittent, but
previous section, probably load factor is more frequent, with the load factor ranging
most evident, to the average driver. Hence, from 0.1 to 0.3. Occasionally drivers may
it is the best measure of level of service at have to wait through more than one red sig-
individual intersections with no or only nal indication, and back-ups may develop
average signal coordination. (The peak- behind turning vehicles. Most drivers feel
hour factor, although highly important to somewhat restricted, but not objectionably
the administrator and traffic engineer and so. In the absence of local conditions dic-
rather directly related to the load factor, is tating otherwise, this is the level typically
a less desirable measure because individual associated with urban design practice.
drivers do not see clear-cut evidence of it. Level of service D encompasses a zone
Its relationships are shown in Chapter Ten.) of increasing restriction approaching insta-
For the purpose of defining typical inter- bility in the limit when the load factor
sectional levels of service, then, load factor reaches 0.70. Delays to approaching ve-
is employed. hicles may be substantial during short peaks
The conditions which the driver is likely within the peak period, but enough cycles
to encounter at each level are next de- with lower demand occurto permit periodic
scribed. This discussion applies to typical clearance of developing queues, thus pre-
signalized intersections, not to perfect or venting excessive back-ups.
near-perfect progressive signalization, a spe- Capacity occurs at level of service E. It
cial case which must be considered over a represents the most vehicles that any par-
length of highway as described in Chapter ticular intersection approach can accom-
Ten. Throughout the entire range of levels modate. Although theoretically a load fac-
it should be realized that some vehicles will. tor of 1.0 would represent capacity, in prac-
arrive during a red indication and will have tice full utilization of every cycle is seldom
to stop. If a reasonably good progression attained, no matter how great the demand,
has been established, such vehicles may be unless the street is highly friction-free. A.
few; otherwise, there will be a considerable load factor range of 0.7 to 1.0 is more real-
number simply due to the random pattern istic. In the absence of a local determina-
of arrivals. For any single intersection, then, tion, use of 0.85 is recommended for iso-
even the highest level of service may in- lated intersections. For interconnected sig-
volve some stops. nals a higher factor may be appropria.te, as
At level of service A there are no loaded discussed in Chapter Ten. At capacity there
cycles (i.e., the load factor is 0.0) and may be long queues of vehicles .waiting up-
few are even close to loaded. No approach stream of the intersection and delays may
phase is fully utilized by traffic and no ve- be great (up to several signal cycles).
hicle waits longer than one red indication. Level of service F represents jammed
Typically the approach appears quite open, conditions. Back-ups from locations down-
turning movements are easily made, and stream or on the cross street may restrict
nearly all drivers find freedom of operation, or prevent movement of vehicles out of the
their only concern being the< chance that approach under consideration; hence, vol-
the light will be red, or turn red, when they umes carried are not predictable. No load
approach. factor canbe established, because full utili-
0 20 40 60
0 20 40 80 0 20 40 60
chapter, the approximate range in vehicles as read directly may be suitable for rough
per hour of green per approach reported comparative computations, but no final
in the data submitted. These charts are problem solution should be read directly
included only to illustrate the great amount from the figures without application of the
of variance in the data received; they should tabulated adjustments and, usually, others
not be used for computations. Much of to be described later in this chapter. In
this variation has been explained by means particular, this value, being in terms of ve-
of the various factors that have been dis- hicles per hour of green, is never suitable
cussed, but some remains unexplained. for direct application to an approach, even
The procedures that follow provide the in approximate solutions. It must always
best overall estimates of intersection capac- be multiplied by the appropriate signal G/C
ity and service volumes which can be de- ratio for the approach under consideration
veloped at this time. The user cannot ex- to establish the actual capabilities of the
pect, however, to find precise agreement approach per hour as signalized.
between observed and computed values in The approach width used in these figures
every case. Where detailed accurately re- is the total width of the approach pavement,
corded local observations of an approach including any parking lanes present but ex-
have been made while it was operating cluding any separate left-turn or right-turn
under fully-loaded, but not jammed, condi- lanes (i.e., lanes reserved exclusively for
tions, and the resulting figure is in disagree- turns, either with or without separate signal
ment with the estimate from this manual, phases). Where such lanes are utilized the
the observed value should be adopted as width of approach used for capacity deter-
the capacity of that particular location. minations from the charts should be the
All of the previously noted factors must total width of approach less the width of
be considered and evaluated to estimate the exclusive turning lanes. The approach
service volumes and the capacity of an ap- capacity is then increased to account for the
proach under specified operating conditions. effect of these lanes, as described in later
Several are consolidated into a set of charts sections.
and tables for application; the remainder The volume carried, in vehicles per hour
are considered individually. of green, represents an average condition
with respect to traffic factors. Specifically,
Fundamental Capacity Charts and it represents 10 percent left turns, 10 per-
Adjustment Tables cent right turns, 5 percent trucks and
through buses, and no local transit buses.
URBAN CONDITIONS The curves in Figures 6.5 thrdugh 6.9
Figures 6.5 through 6.9 and their in- establish the relationship between approach
cluded tabulations permit fundamental de- width and vehicles per hour of green for
termination of service volumes and capac- the full range of possible load factors. They
ity on a per-hour-of-green basis, given the are based on selected values of certain
width of approach, the load factor, the factors described in the "Environmental
peak-hour factor, the metropolitan area Conditions" section of this chapter; namely,
population, and the location within the a peak-hour factor of 0.85 (the average
metropolitan area. These criteria have been value obtained from all data), a metropoli-
prepared to represent the several categories tan area population of 250,000, and a down.L
included in the "Physical and Operating town location. It is important to note that
Conditions" section of this chapter; namely, no assumption is made regarding an aver-
three parking conditions on one-way streets age load factor and that only occasionally
and two parking conditions on two-way will the site under study fit the remaining
streets. assumed conditions in all respects. Conse-
It should be clearly understood that these quently, a choice of load factor always must
figures do not provide final answers, even be made to convert criteria to the actual
when the adjustments contained in the asso- conditions at the study site. For other
ciated tables are applied. The volume value values of peak-hour factor and/or metro-
AREA POP. (1,000$
0.70 0.15
OVER 1,000 0.98 1.04 1.09 I. 14 1.20 1.25 1.50 OVER 1,000 0.99 .04 1.09 1.14 1.19 1.24 1.29
- 1.000
375 0.88 0.93 0.96 1.03 1.06 1.13 1.18
- -
575 0.87 0.92 0.98 (.03 1.08 1.19
250 0.84 0.89 0.95 _I..O, 1.05 1.11 1.16 250 0.83 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15
O.Hj,,.. _0.N7- -O,2 7O09 ,_(93 1.08 1.15 175 0.82 0.87 0.92 0.97 1.02 1.07 1.12
jOO 0.78 'R 0.89 0.94 1.00 1.03 1.1$ 100 0.79 0.84 0.89 0.94 0.99 1.04 1.09
75 0.76 0.81 0.86 0.92 0.97 1.02 1.08 75 0.76 0.81 0.86 0.91 0.97 1.02 1.07
A - - -/'
- /
- //
7 // ---
0.. - i:1
40. 50 60 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 6.5. Urban intersection approach service volume, in vehicles per Figure 6.6. Urban intersection approach service volume, in vehicles per
hour of green signal time, for one-way streets with no parking. hour of green signal time, for one-way streets with parking one side.
AREA POP. (1,0009)
' 00
UREA POP. (1,00051
0.90 0.99 1.00 -
OVER 1,000 (.00 .05 .09 1.14 (.19 1.04 .29 OVER 1,000 1.04 1.07 1.11 1.14 1.18 1.21 1.25
1.1 I
-- 1,000
375 0.88 0.93 0.98 .03 1.08 1.19 1.18 375 0.93 0.98 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.10 1.13
250 0.85 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.09 1.10 1.15
- 250 0.90 0.93 0.97 1.00 1.03 I .07 1.10
175 0.82 0.87 0.92 0.97 1.02 1.07 1.12 175 0.87 0.90 0.94 0.97 1.01 1.04 1.07
100 0.80 0.83 0.89 0.94 0.99 1.04 1.09 100 0.84 0.87 0.91 0.94 0.98 1.01 1.03
75 0.77 0.82 0.87 0.92 0.96 1.01 1.06 75 0.81 0.83 0.88 0.92 0.95 0.98 1.02
- --
o f
- ---- 7 /7 O-
0.1 7Z 7 2-
- 00 .0
- or
----- 00,
- 1/
- - i! CONDITI
- -
10 20 50 50 NO ID 20 30 40 90 60
Figure 6.7. Urban intersection approach service volume, in vehicles per Figure 6.8. Urban intersection approach service volume, in vehicles per
hour of green signal time, for one-way SI reels with parking both sides. hour of Rreen siEnal time. for Iwo-way streets with no parkinR.
- m '
AREA POP. (1,0005)
0.70 0.70 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.90 1.00
200 0.91 0.86 1.01 1.06 1.11 1.15 1.20
375 0.89 0.93 0.98 1.03 1.06 1.12 1.17
250 0.68 0.91 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.14
175 0.83 0.88 0.92 0.97 1.02 1.07 1.11
G 0v
7 7-
10 20 30 40 50 80 ID 20 30 40 SO 60
Figure 6.9. Urban intersection approach service volume, in vehicles per Figure 6.10. Rural intersection approach service volume, in vehicles per
hour of green signal li,ne, for two-way streets with parking. hour of green signal time, for two-way highways with no parking on the
traveled way.
politan area population, and for location usually consistent demand exists through-
classifications other than downtown, the out a full hour).
table associated with each chart supplies the Where an approach is expected to
adjustment factors by which the volume carry high loads for most of an hour, a
obtained from the chart should be multi- peak-hour factor of 0.85 is a reasonable
plied. estimate. This value also is a reasonable
Choice of load factor depends primarily average for use in the absence of any knowl-
on the intersection level of service desired. edge about conditions at the study site.
For service volumes below capacity the Where a major generator provides a
limiting values given in Table 6.3 can be high rate of flow over a short period a fac-
used where more specific local factors are tor of 0.60 to 0.70 should be considered.
not available. It should be realized that a capacity
As mentioned earlier,it is not considered based on a load factor and/or a peak-hour
feasible to use a load factor of 1.00 except factor of the order of 0.7 is well below the
in those relatively unusual cases where true physical capabilities of the approach, just
loading is proven to be continuous through- as the actual capacity of a freeway having
out the hour. In most actual cases a ca- a low peak-hour factor is below its physical
pacity based on a factor of 1.00 would prove capabilities. In both cases it is the most
unattainable in practice. Local studies are traffic that can be reasonably accommodated
recommended to establish appropriate val- under the prevailing conditions.
ues for specific communities. Such studies The method of using Figures 6.5 through
might even indicate a factor of less than 6.9 is quite straightforward, once all of the
0.7, in which case the factor for level D environmental conditions have been estab-
should be reduced somewhat. In the ab- lished. In the basic case of a given ap-
sence of such studies, however, a load fac- proach width, with volume required, that
tor at level E of 0.85 is recommended for width is located on the lower scale, and a
isolated intersections and those with only vertical line is projected up to the appro-
average coordination. Where highly effi- priate load factor curve. From that point, a
cient progression exists a factor of 0.95 to horizontal line is then projected across to
1.00 may prove appropriate, as discussed the volume scale, and the value •there ob-
in Chapter Ten. tained is adjusted as necessary by means of
Similarly, it is suggested that local in- the appropriate environmental condition
vestigations be conducted to establish the factors from the related tables.
appropriate level of service for design pur-
poses, with due consideration to the needs
of the particular community. Again in the Few data were obtained from rural loca-
absence of such study results, a load factor tions during the 1955-6 studies. However,
of 0.3, representing level C, is considered rationalization based on intersection per-
suitable for average conditions. formance in small cities and known char-
Choice of peak-hour factor also must be acteristics of rural flows has permitted de-
made. Earlier in this chapter methods of velopment of a rural intersection approach
developing local knowledge of this factor service volume chart (Fig. 6.10). Condi-
were described. Where such local knowl- tions assumed include no parking on the
edge is not available, estimated factors can traveled way and a peak-hour factor of
be used,as follows: - 0.70.
Where the rural intersection is on a rec-
1. Where long lines of waiting v1ehicles reational route, or other route free of typical
are typically present or expected at im- urban frictional elements but subject to oc-
portant intersections along major streets in casional heavy demand for a period of
the area throughout the peak hour, a peak- several hours (PHF at or near 1.00), pro-
hour factor of 0.90 to 0.95 may be used. ducing a long continuous backlog of ve-
(A peak-hour factor of 1.00 should be hicles, operation may approach the maxi-
used only in those rare cases where an un- mum rate of 1,500 passenger cars per lane
per hour of green at which vehicles, once street's ratio cannot be taken as simply the
stopped, can again get under way. The vol- difference from 100 percent, inasmuch as
umes read from the chart, probably for a allowance must be made for yellow time.
load factor nearing 1.0, should be multi- For simplicity, arbitrary allowance of 10
plied by 1.4 under these conditions. percent of the total time for yellow time,
In the unusual case where parking exists, 5 percent for each street, usually is satis-
Figure 6.9 can be used instead of Figure factory during preliminary computations
6.10, but without application of any of the involving ordinary four-leg intersections.
tabulated adjustments. (This, in actuality, When the cycle is finally established the
approximates application of the factors for actual yellow intervals must, of course, be
a peak-hour factor of 0.70, a population of used. It is recommended that a 3-sec yel-
75,000, and a residential area, which re- low interval normally be allowed. In cases
sults in an adjustment of very close to where further clearance is required, such
1.00). Again, for recreational route peaks as through very wide or "dog-leg" inter-
multiplication by 1.4 is appropriate. sections, an all-red period should be pro-
vided in addition.
Additional Adjustment Factors TURNING MOVEMENTS
For these special cases Tables 6.4 and signal timing data. However, in many typi-
6.5 are not applicable. Instead, the special cal applications the GIG ratio will not be
procedures given in the following should known in advance. Instead, given the traf-
be applied. It is assumed here that the turn- fic volumes and distribution (through, left,
ing lanes provided are long enough to and right) of the vehicles in the approach,
handle the turning volumes computed. In the reverse procedure should be carried out
practice, the turning lane length should be to determine the amount of green time re-
approximately twice that necessary to handle quired on the turning lanes. In practice this
the average turning volume per cycle, to ac- distribution of demand may well limit the
commodate random peaks. number of vehicles with intent to turn that
Separate Turning Lanes (Signal-Con- can reach the intersection in any given
trolled).—This is probably the most com- cycle to some volume less than the com-
mon case. The following procedure as- puted value.
sumes that no through traffic uses the sepa-
rate lanes, that pedestrians are controlled so If through vehicles as well as turning ve-
as not to interfere significantly, and that in hicles use the separate lanes, as might be
the case of right-turn lanes adequate curS the case where the roadway is widened on
radii are provided for easy turns. Under both the near and far sides of the inter-
these conditions the procedure is equally section, the foregoing special procedures
valid for lanes within the basic roadway should not be used. In such cases the basic
width and for added lanes. The steps are as intersection capacity computations should
follows: be applied to the entire approach width,
1. Deduct the width of the reserved incrementally for each differing conibina-
lane or lanes from the total approach width. tion of signal indications. The left turns
Compute the service volume of the remain- should be considered as from one-way
ing width by means of the basic procedure streets.
for intersection approaches, with 0 percent
turning movements inserted for the move- Separate Turning Lanes (No Separate
ment or movements accommodated by the Signal Control).—The following steps are
reserved lanes. involved:
2. Consider each special turning lane as
I. Deduct the width of the reserved lane
having the following service volumes per
or lanes from the total approach width.
10 ft of width:
Compute the service volume of the remain-
Veh per I-Jr Assumed ing width by means of the basic procedures
Level o/Green Truck.s(%) for intersection approaches, with 0 percent
A,B,C 800 turning movements inserted for the move-
D •l,000 nient or movements accommodated by the
E (capacity) 1,200 reserved lanes.
For a right-turn lane (of adequate
Where two or more turning lanes are pro-
vided to handle a particular movement the length): For any level, use 600 x C/C
additional lanes each should be assigned ' a vehicles per hour assuming 5 percent trucks,
service volume of 0.8 times the above if the turns must be made simultaneously
values. Apply the appropriate GIC factor with pedestrian crossings. If pedestrians are
for the separate signal indication, and adjust not present, use the values given, for the
for trucks by means of the factor in Table signal-controlled case. In either case, adjust
6.6. for trucks by means of Table 6.6.
3. Add the service volumes computed in For a left-turn lane (of adequate
Steps I and 2 to obtain the total for the length): For any level, consider the service
approach. volume, in passenger cars, as the difference
Note: This computation yields the physical between 1,200 vehicles and the total op-
capabilities of the location, given known posing traffic volume in terms of passenger
cars per hour of green, but not less than two of through traffic may limit the possible sup-
vehicles per signal cycle. ply of turning traffic which can reach the
3. Add the service volumes computed in intersection to some value less than the com-
Steps 1, 2a, and 2b to obtain the approach puted capacity.
service volume.
Note: As in the previous case, this computa- Separate Signal Control (No Separate
tion establishes physical capacities. In ac- Lane).-This situation is found where
tual applications, with given distributions of certain turning movements are permitted
through, left, and right traffic, the volume for times different from the basic phase
3. Add the results of the several incre- stops along a street—have a much greater
mental steps to obtain the approach service influence on capacity than do through
volume. trucks and buses. As mentioned earlier,
These alternatives assume that the like- their effect varies considerably, depending
lihood of through vehicles becoming on the type of area, street width, parking
"trapped" behind a vehicle intending to turn, conditions, location of the stop (near side
within any given increment, is no greater of intersection, far side, or other), and num-
than it would be in an ordinary signal in- ber of buses.
terval of the same characteristics. This as- Figures 6.11 through 6.14 are nomo-
sumption is not always valid. For instance, graphs presenting the effects of a range of
if left turns are permitted only during lead- volumes of local buses, using near-side or
ing green time and not through opposing far-side bus stops, on streets with and with-
traffic during the basic green time, the left out parking. They provide the necessary
lane will be more totally blocked than the adjustment factors for nearly all conditions
general assumption indicates. found in the field. However, certain condi-
tions are not directly covered, primarily
TRUCKS AND THROUGH BUSES mid-block stops, mid-street stops, and stops
handling more than 90 buses in downtown
Vehicles per hour of green must next be areas or 120 elsewhere. In some instances
adjusted for the effect of trucks and through the nomographs can be adapted to handle
buses not making local en route stops. The the mid-block case; but in the remaining
basic intersection capacity curves represent situations the special conditions making the
average urban peak-period conditions, inso- unusual installation necessary are such that
far as truck volume is concerned. This was detailed local study will be required to
found to be 5 percent trucks. Adjustment establish capacities. The nomographs are
for other conditions involves a 1 percent largely rationalizations developed from
reduction for each percentage point by limited available knowledge.
which trucks exceed 5 percent of the total The charts are used as follows. Given
number of vehicles, or a 1 percent increase the number of buses per hour, they are
for each percentage point that trucks are entered at the appropriate point on the
less than 5 percent of the total vehicles. vertical scale at the upper left. A horizontal
Table 6.6 gives the correction factors for line is projected to the turning line repre-
given truck percentages. senting the appropriate type of area, and a
vertical line is then projected downward to
the given number of lanes, if known (or
Local buses—that is, those picking up approach width if vehicles do not consist-
and discharging passengers at regular posted ently form the same number of lanes). A
_1 20
Figure 6.11. Local bus factor for near-side bus stop on street with no parking.
further horizontal extension is drawn to a two-, three-, and four-lane approaches sep-
final turning line, representing percentage arately. Where only width of approach is
of turning movements in all but one chart, known, the family of turning lines used
following which the proper adjustment fac- should be that for the next lower given
tor is read from the lower scale. Like the width increment.
previous factors, it is applied as a multiplier. Where widths are greater than those
In the case of near-side stops on streets shown on the chart approximate extrapola-
with parking present except at the bus stop tion is permissable, but extrapolation to
(Fig. 6.12) the adjustment factor in some greater numbers of buses is questionable.
instances may be greater than 1.0. This
reflects the secondary purpose provided by Interpretations and Applications of
the stop—as a turn lane for moving traffic Procedures
except when occupied by a bus. In the
other three cases no adjustments greater The basic procedures presented thus far
than 1.0 are shown. In these cases, if an describe determination of intersection ap-
proach capacities and service volumes, given
intercept with the appropriate turning move-
the width of the approach. They assume
ments diagonal would be outside the range
that in any specific problem the desired
of the chart (to the right of the right edge) level of service is known, thereby identify-
the maximum factor of 1.0 should be ing the applicableload factor, which in turn
adopted. permits selection of the correct curve on
Also, in the case of near-side stops on the appropriate chart. This is the case in
streets with parking (Fig. 6.12) a series of many operational studies where the goal is
three families of turning lines is presented to determine approach capabilities at pre-
to cover various percentages of turns for established levels of service.
= 80
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
Figure 6.12. Local bus factor for near-side bus stop on street with parking.
25 '2 -
So -
Figure 6.13. Local bus factor for far-side bus stop on street with no parking.
(2- W(
Figure 6.14. Local bus factor for far-side bus stop on street with parking.
As long as the desired level of service is width must be known or estimated. De-
known, the procedures can be used "back- mand volume is then adjusted to vehicles
ward" as well as "forward" without diffi- per hour of green. The intersection of lines
culty. That is, given a demand volume, that projected from the volume and width scales
volume can be converted to vehicles per identifies the predicted load factor, from
houi of green through division by the sev- which intersection level of service can be
eral factors previously described. (Care specified. This procedure is useful in high-
must be exercised here to ensure that all way system evaluations where deficiencies
such factors, including both those super- are being identified.
imposed on the charts and those discussed In nearly every case the G/.0 ratio is a
separately, are considered.) Using the ap- special consideration because it in itself is a
propriate chart, and the load factor iden- variable. As the principal link between the
tified by the level of service desired, the particular approach under consideration and
required width can be determined. This pro- the intersection operation as a whole, it is
cedure often is used in development of new dependent on conditions outside the spe-
designs. - - cific approach under study. In operational
Where, however, level of service is the problems there will be an existing G/C
unknown variable whose value must be ratio which can be used as: a. base. How-
determined, it becomes necessary. to work ever, in design or new signalization prob-
toward the plotted curves from both scales. lems a tentative cycle and cycle split must
Here, both demand volume and approach be assumed. Generally, in preliminary corn-
putations this approximate split is based Part, a. (To illustrate the use of Figures
directly on the relative demand volumes on 6.5 to 6.10 only).
the several legs and inversely on anticipated Problem:
widths available. In the simple case of two Determine the unadjusted number of ve-
intersecting streets at any given time, one hicles per hour of green handled by a two-
of the approaches on each will govern that way street intersection approach with no
street, and this becomes: parking, an approach width of 34 ft, and a
load factor of 0.3, in an outlying business
Signal Split Ratio = Approach 1 Time
Approach 2 Time
= district of a metropolitan area with a popu-
lation of 500,000, and a peak-hour factor of
Vol., Approach 1 Width, Approach 2 0.80.
Vol., Approach 2 Width, Approach 1
As the solution is gradually refined, width Solution:
may be substituted for green time, or vice Figure 6.8 is the applicable chart
versa, or it may be concluded that balanced for a two-way street with no parking.
levels of service are not desired on all legs. Enter the lower scale of the chart at a width
Each of these considerations will influence of 34 ft and project upward to the curve rep-
the overall problem. Hence, in practice, resenting a load factor of 0.3. Using this
unless the GIC ratio is rigidly established intercept as a turning point, project hori-
in advance due to other considerations (such zontally to the left-side volume scale. Read
as the time needed for pedestrians to cross, volume of 2,380 vph of green time under
where this exceeds time needed for ve- average conditions. From the upper of the
hicular traffic), a refined solution requires related tables on the figure, a city with a
several trial-and-error steps. population of 500,000 and a peak-hour fac-
In some cases at existing locations, tor of 0.80 is found to have an adjustment
knowledge of traffic characteristics (per- of 1.02, while from the lower table the ad-
centages of turns and of trucks, and local justment for an outlying business district is
bus operations) of the study site may be taken as 1.25. Multiplying 2,380 by 1.02
meager. If insufficient data are on file from and 1 .25 results in a service volume of 3,035
previous studies to permit even reasonable vph of green time.
approximation of these values, brief field The value obtained from the fàregoing is
studies may be required. In the case of. new not a complete solution, but is simply the
designs the best available traffic forecasts result obtained from complete use of the
must be used. appropriate basic figure and related tables.
In the typical problem solutions that fol- It must then be corrected for signal timing,
low, the various ways in which these pro- turning movements, trucks, and bus stops
cedures can be employed are shown. (see Part b).
Part b. (To illustrate the completion of
the intersection service volume determina-
EXAMPLE 6.1 Given the intersection approach described
in Part a, determine its actual service vol-
ume under the following conditions:
25 sec of green signal time for all move-
t H-
ments during each 60-sec cycle.
15 percent right turns and 5 percent left
68' turns, with no separate lanes or signal indi-
I 34'-. I I cations.
NO PARKIN 2 percent trucks.
APPROAC 45 local buses per hour, utilizing a near-
CONSIDERJAII..J f side bus stop.
(Note that Table 6.5 was not used because
50' I I a one-way, rather than a two-way, street is
under consideration.)
Adjustment for 7 percent trucks (from
- Table 6.6) = 0.98.
Adjustment for 10 buses per hour, at far-
side stop (from Figure 6.14)= 1.00, maxi-
mum value (that is, none necessary).
One-way street, crossing one-way Then, service volume = 2,260 x 0.50 x 1.00
street. x 1.00x0.98x 1.00 = 2,260x 0.49 = 1,110
West leg approach under considera- vph. With load factor=0.17, operation is
tion; width=50 ft. within intersection level of service C.
Parking both sides. Capacity
Fringe area.
At capacity, the foregoing computations
Metro. area population= 175,000.
remain unchanged, with the exception of
Peak-hour factor = 0.75.
load factor and, possibly, peak-hour factor.
Loading= About 10 cycles loaded per
hour. The given conditions indicate that capacity
Signal cycle=60 sec. typically would occur at a load factor of
Green time=30 sec per cycle. 0.90 in the city involved.
Right turns = None; not possible. (I) Capacity under present overall de-
Left turns=8 percent (no separate mand conditions (PHF=0.75):
lane or signal indication). From Figure 6.7, for 50-ft width and load
Trucks= 7 percent. factor=0.90, the chart volume=3,800 vphg.
t Metro. area population and PHF (Fig.
6.7) = 1.11.
Central business district (Fig. 6.7)= 1.00.
Pro blein:
GIVEN CONDITIONS: First trial standardized vphg=
One-way E-W crossing two-way N-S. 1,100
= 1,963 vphg.
West leg approach under considera- 1.01 xO.50x 1.1 lx 1.00
tion; demand= 1,100 vph. From Table 6.3, for level of service C,
Central business district. load factor=0.3.
Metro. area population = 500,000.
Peak-hour factor=0.90. From Fig. 6.7, for load factor=0.3, the
Signal cycle=70 sec. approximate width = 39 ft.
Green time=35 sec (which cannot Adjustments dependent on width and
be increased due to cross-street re- parking:
quirements). 3 Percent right turns (Table 6.4) = 1.015.
Problem. Adjustments:
GIVEN C0NDFFI0Ns: G/C= 15/ 70=0.21.
Intersection of two two-way streets. 20% Left turns (Table 6.4, for left on
West leg approach. under considera- one-way) 0.975.
tion. 1,820x 0.21 xO.975=37Ovph.
Parking both sides.. Normal green interval.
Outlying business district. Opposing traffic present.
Metro. area population= 100,000. Adjustments:
Peak-hour factor = 0.75. G/C=20/70=0.29.
Signal operation: 20% Left turns (Table 6.5) = 0.90.
Total cycle length =70 sec. 1,820x 0.29 x 0.90=475 vph.
"Leading" green time with no op- Total service volume of west leg
posing traffic; all flows in west 370+475= 845 .vph, at level D.
approach move= 15 sec.
Green time with opposing traffic;
all flows move=20 sec. EXAMPLE 6.7
I eA
I 1 F 8O
Right turns=15%.
Left turns = 20%.
Local buses=None.
Service volume of west leg for level of Intersection of two two-way streets.
service D. West leg approach under considera-
tion; (a) it is widened from normal
Solu lion:
street width, has offset division
Figure 6.9 applies.
line to provide for four approach
Load factor for level of service D, from
lanes, and has lanes reserved for
Table 6.3 =0.7. right turns only and for left turns
For 30-ft approach width and LF=0.7, only. Widths are shown in the
volume= 1,700 vphg. sketch. (b) No widening.
Adjustments for conditions not related to No parking.
variations in signal indications: Outlying business district.
Population of 100,000 and PHF=0.75 Metro. area population= 375,000.
(Fig. 6.9) = 0.85. Peak-hour factor = 0.85.
Outlying business district (Fig. 6.9) = Signal operation:
1.25. . For Part (a) of solution:
3% Trucks (Table 6.6)= 1.02. Total cycle length =90 sec.
15% Right turns (Table 6.4) = 0.99. Through green time=37 sec.
1,700 x 0.85 x 1.25 x 1.02 x 0.99 = 1,820 Left-turn green time= 15 sec.
vphg, chart volume adjusted for all (simultaneous with left turns
constant values for remainder of from opposing direction, but
problem. separate from through time).
Right-turn green time=55 sec.
(a) "Leading" green interval. (simultaneous with left-turn
No opposing traffic; consider left turns as time, yellow period after left
from one-way street. time, and through time).
- - 3SJ
- =
Left turns (0% for this step) (Table
6.5) 1. 10.
3% trucks (Table 6.6) =1.02.
1600x 1.03x 1.25x0.41 x 1.05x 1.10x
(RIGHT CONTINUES) 1.02 995 vph, through.
Right-turn lane (for "separate lane—
separate signal control" condition):
For Part (b) of solution:. Pedestrian interference minor.
Total cycle length =90 sec. For level D, for 12-ft lane, with 3%
Green time, all movements=55 trucks,
sec. 1000x 12/10x 1.02=1,225 vphg, serv-
ice volume.for level D.
For 55-sec green time, 1,225x55/70=
748 vph, service volume for level D.
Left-turn lane (for "separate lane—sepa-
rate signal control" condition):
Pedestrian interference minor.
Right turns=28%. For level D, for 10-ft lane,
Left turns= 10%. 1,000x 1.02= 1,020 vphg, service vol-
Trucks=3%. ume for level D.
Local buses=None. For 15-sec green time, 1,020x 15/90=
Little or no pedestrian interference. 170 vph, service volume for level D.
Same as in (a), except:
28% Right turns (Table 6.4) = 0.995.
10% Left turns (Table 6.5) = 1.00. 3 TI4AU
G/C=55/90= 0.61.
2,420 x 1.03 x 1.25 x 0.61 x 0.995 x
x 1.00x 1.02=1,93Ovph.
Left-turn lane:
Evaluation: Same as before.
Results show that level D service volume
Remaining lanes:
For 32-ft width at LF=0.7, from Fig. 6.8,
1,604 vph, with widening and sepa- chart volume= 2,600 vphg.
rate turn lanes and signal intervals. Adjustments:
1,930 vph, without widening, and Population and PHF (same)= 1.03.
with single phase. Location (same) = 1.25.
This demonstrates clearly that added ap- G/C=37/90=0.41.
proach lanes and multiphase operation are Right turns, 28.% (Table, Fig. 6.4) =
not automatically devices which will increase 0.995.
service volumes. In this case, widening to- Left turns (0% for this step) (same) =
gether with related establishment of reserved 1.10.
lanes with multiphase operation On the Trucks (same) = 1.02.
widened roadway appears to result in a loss 2,600x 1.03x 1.25x0.41 xO.995x 1.10
in effective volumes carried. The reasons x l.02=1,S3Ovph.
for the latter result include the following: Total demand volume, based on through
and right controlling= 1,530/0.90= 1,700
(I) Assignment of traffic to lanes is vph, total.
largely proportional to distribution of de-
Potential left turns, assuming that through
mand-28% in the right lane, an average of and right control= 1,700x 0.10=170 vph.
31 % in each of the two central lanes, and 170=170; will probably be satisfactory,
10% in the left lane—although this results although borderline.
in unbalanced use of available pavement. A demand volume of about 1,700 vph can
Considerable time is taken away be accommodated; 1,700> 1,604.
from the through movement to accommo-
date the left-turn phase. Thus, at least within
the approach area proper, the loss of through EXAMPLE 6.8
capability is considerably greater than the
gain in left-turn capability.
The left-turn lane is used mainly for
storage rather than movement of traffic.
The right-turn lane has considerably
greater capacity than is needed for the given 48
Some of these factors are peculiar to this
particular problem, whereas others are gen- CONSIDERA ION
Yield sign controls Ira/lie on low- tolu,,zc road crossing divided high way.
It can be seen that none of these criteria within the intersection needs to be con-
is based strictly on traffic volume, and that trolled, from both the traffic flow and the
only the last few relate in some way to im- safety standpoints. This point cannot be
proved traffic movement. Rather, they are identified by specific volume values, but it
based primarily on safety. This is not has been suggested that two-way STOP con-
surprising, in view of the relatively little trol may become desirable at the volume
research that has been conducted in the where 50 percent of the cross traffic is
field of service volumes and capacities delayed beyond a normal stop because of
through STOP-sign-controlled intersections, the volume on the through street (5).
and the limited local applicability of the In this two-way sroP case, capacity cri-
findings. teria for other than the through street are
relatively meaningless if the legal meaning
TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL of two-way STOP control is rigidly accepted.
Cross-street STOP control is normally in- Very simply. in an isolated location the
stalled to provide traffic on a through street through-street traffic volume has complete
with the right-of-way: that is, full freedom priority over the STOP street, hence should
to flow without cross-traffic interference. be able to increase to capacity, while the
When the combination of the traffic on cross-street volume gradually falls off to
the two intersecting streets is relatively low, zero. The only feasible cross-street criteria
the intersection will work satisfactorily with then would be service volumes in terms of
no STOP signs. As traffic increases, the nuni- numbers of cross-street vehicles that can
ber of conflicts between intersecting ve- pass during gaps at various through-traffic
hicles also increases, with related increases service volume levels below capacity.
in delay, until at some point the friction In practice, the problem is considerably
can be almost as efficient as a traffic signal, The data in Table 6.7 generally indicate
and sometimes more attractive to the aver- the upper limit to which four-way STOP
age driver This is because of the flexibility intersections can be expected to operate.
it offers, compared to all but possibly the
most complex forms of signal control. The REFERENCES
driver is kept under reasonable control, but
is given the opportunity to use his own Final Report on Intersection Traffic Flow.
judgment in deciding what movements are C-E-l-R, Inc., unpubl. report for Bur. of
possible at a given instant. For instance, Public Roads (1960).
four right turns can be made simultaneously NORMANN, 0. K., "Variations in Flow at
from four legs, whereas a simple signal Intersections as Related to Size of City, Type
would permit only two.. Other combinations of Facility and Capacity Utilization." HRB
of several through and turning movements Bull. 352, pp. 55-99 (1962).
are possible, particularly in multilane cases. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
for Streets and Highways. Bureau of Public
Here again, studies of service volumes Roads (1961).
and capacities at four-way controlled inter- Traffic Engineering Handbook. Inst. of
sections have been few, but in one study(6) Traffic Engineers (1965).
where data are published it is concluded that RAFF, M. S., and HART, J. W., A Volume
total capacities of all legs combined, under Warrant for Urban Stop Signs. Eno Foun-
balanced demand, are as given in Table dation for Highway Traffic Control (1950).
6.7. The adverse effect of unbalanced de- HEBERT, J., "A Study of Four-Way Stop
mand is given in Table 6.8 for the two- Intersection Capacities." Highway Res. Rec-
lane by two-lane crossing case. ord No. 27, pp. 130-147 (1963).
The basic components of any highway, tional elements are not present which pre-
each with its own peculiar operational fea- vent true weaving. Various examples illus-
tures and capacity potentials, are: (1) the trating the formation of weaving sections
highway proper, characterized by uninter- are shown in Figure 7.1. The basic weave
rupted flow (at least in the typical rural —that is, the simple joining and subsequent
case); (2) the intersection at grade, charac- division of two roadways—is shown in Fig-
terized by interrupted flow (with or without ure 7.1a. Single interchanges are depicted
signal control); and (3) the interchange, in Figures 7.1b through 7.1e, at-grade inter-
characterized by diverging or merging ma- sections in Figures 7.1f through 7.1i, and a
neuvers. Sometimes these combine, in ef- combination of interchanges in Figure 7.1j.
fect, to form yet another component re- Grade-separated interchange arrange-
ferred to as a weaving section. ments in which weaving is inherent include
Weaving is the crossing of traffic streams the cloverleaf in Figure 7.1b, the directional
moving in the same general direction, ac- interchange in Figure 7.1c, the diamond
complished by successive merging and di- interchange with frontage roads in Figure
verging. Thus, a simple weaving section may 7.1d, and the junction in Figure 7.1e. In
be described as a length & one-way road- the case of at-grade situations, weaving is
way accommodating weaving, at one end of inherent in the Y-intersection in Figure 7.1f,
which two one-way roadways merge and at the staggered intersections in Figures. 7.lg
the other end of which they separate. In and 7.1h, and the rotary treatment in Figure
practice the approach and exit roadways 7.li.
may be of a variety of highway types. All Other arrangements where the weaving
may be major freeway legs, or some may section is not an inherent part of any one
be freeways and others ramps. In still other specific interchange sometimes produce
cases they may be ordinary city streets. Oc- weaving sections between successive inter-
casionally, weaving sections also may be changes, as shown in Figure 7.1j. The closer
found along multilane two-way roadways, the spacing, the greater is the influence of
but only one direction of flow will be in- weaving traffic. When interchanges are
volved in any given weave. spaced at sufficiently great distances the ef-
Many factors affect the operational char- fect of weaving becomes nil, with lane
acteristics of weaving sections; each must changes occurring no more often than typi-
be considered in determining the capacity cally occurs along any section of open road-
of, or the level of service provided in, these way. The section of highway may then be
sections. Weaving section analysis is as considered to be operating under uninter-
necessary a part of overall highway capa- rupted-flow conditions, uninfluenced by
bility determination as is analysis of any of weaving.
the other components mentioned, in order Weaving sections formed by successive
to achieve a balanced design and to avoid interchanges are prevalent on urban free-
an overestimation of the overall capacity or ways because of the need for frequent egress
operating level of the highway of which and ingress. Although every effort should
the section is a part. be made in design to achieve a high operat-
Regardless of the nature of the weaving ing level through greater distance between
section, the same operational principles and interchanges and the use of additional grade
analyses in design apply, as long as. fric- separation structures, the fact •remains that
--- T
4Ir '
L. —.J
I. a
many weaving sections must be incorporated within three segments of the section. The-
in design. The need to correlate the operat- oretically, this illustrates the need to at least
ing levels and the capacity of weaving sec- triple the length to accommodate twice the
tions .with other components of the urban volume. Weaving sections on urban free-
freeway cannot be overemphasized. ways are frequently of the compound va-
TYPES OF WEAVING SECTIONS The dual-purpose weaving section or the
compound weaving section can be arranged
Weaving sections may be considered as to separate weaving traffic from non-weav-
simple or multiple. The first involves one ing traffic; this separated weaving section is
point of ingress and one point of egress. illustrated in Figure 7.2d. The central por-
The second entails additional points of in- tion thus becomes a single-purpose weaving
gress or egress, or both. Both may be fur- section as in Figure 7.2a, while the two flank-
ther subdivided into one-sided or two-sided ing sections are devoid of weaving and carry
sections. the outer flows only. Such a separated weav-
Simple Weaving Sections
ing section, with only one outer roadway
provided, is characteristic of an introduced
The various forms of simple weaving sec- section of collector-distributor road along a
tions are shown in Figure 7.2. What may freeway, which thus removes weaving from
be termed as the single-purpose weaving the through roadway.
section is indicated in Figure 7.2a. Here
all the vehicles entering the weaving section Multiple Weaving Sections
from either approach are destined to cross In contrast to the simple weaving section
the path of all vehicles entering from the such as shown in Figure 7.3a, which entails
other approach; that is, all traffic weaves. a single entrance junction followed by a sin-
This is weaving in its simplest form; its gle exit junction, is the more complex weav-
application, however, is limited. One exam- ing section which constitutes several ramp
ple of such operation is a weaving section junctions in sequence. Such a section of
between two loop ramps of a cloverleaf in- highway, consisting of two or more over-
terchange having collector-distributor roads. lapping weaving sections, is referred to as a
The dual-purpose weaving section, shown multiple weaving section. A typical exam-
in Figure 7.2b, serves both weaving and ple is shown in Figure 7.3b. A multiple
non-weaving traffic. It is the form that is weaving section may also be defined as that
most prevalent. In this case,
' a sufficient num- portion of a one-way roadway which has
ber of lanes must be provided for both weav- two consecutive entrance junctions followed
ing and non-weaving traffic. Non-weaving closely by one or more exit junctions, or
movements, or outer flows as they are usu- one entrance junction followed closely by
ally described, may be present on both sides, two or more exit junctions. Multiple weav-
or they may be limited to one side, as,in the ing sections occur frequently in urban areas
case of a closely spaced entrance and exit where there is need for distribution and col-
on one side of a freeway. lection of high concentrations of traffic.
Figure 7.2c shows the weaving maneu- Both the operation and the analysis of mul-
vers that must take place when the num- tiple weaving sections are more complex
ber of weaving vehicles is greater than can than in the case of simple weaving sections.
crowd into a single lane; i.e., exceed the
capacity of a traffic lane. Here, some of the One-Sided and Two-Sided Weaving Sections
vehicles are involved in two weaving ma- Either of the previously described weav-
neuvers. A section providing this type of ing section types may be further subdivided
operation is referred to as a compound weav- into those in which weaving takes place only
ing section. When the number of weaving on one side of the roadway and those which
vehicles is double the normal capacity of entail maneuvers on both sides, thus caus-
a traffic lane, four times as many weaving ing weaving to occur across the roadway.
maneuvers must be performed as occur at The two types described are shown in Fig-
one-lane capacity; these take place roughly ures 7.3c and 7.3d, respectively. The one-
- - -
sided weaving section is typical on most other, are combined through a weaving sec-
freeways where the entrances and exits of tion, as illustrated in Figures 7.1a, 7.1e, and
interchange ramps are on the right. The 7.1h, and as shown for the rotary intersec-
two-sided weaving sections occur where the tion in Figure 7.1i. Two-sided weaving sec-
roadways of two major routes, crossing each tions are also likely to be found in con-
junction with major two-exit all-directional afterward again splitting into two or more
interchanges, as well. as where left-hand exit flows, within a relatively limited dis-
ramps are occasionally used along with tance. Usually, where the several traffic flows
right-hand ramps. under consideration in a given problem
are of relatively balanced importance, the
OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS OF problem will involve fundamental weaving
WEAVING SECTIONS as described in the remainder of this chap-
Weaving sections are characterized by ye- ter. Thus, basic weaving problems of the
hides entering a common roadway area from types represented by Figures 7.3a and 7.3b
two or more entrance flows, and shortly are usually handled by means of the methods
of this chapter, particularly where major of traffic must cross the crown line (a real
roadways are involved. The two-sided weav- or imaginary line connecting the noses of the
ing represented by Figure 7.3d also is often entrance and exit forks) somewhere between
handled by these methods. On the other its extremities (see Figs. 7.2a and 7.2b).
hand, where the problem involves one-sided At no instant can the number of vehicles
weaving, as shown in Figure 7.3c, the pro- in the act of crossing the crown line exceed
cedures given in Chapter Eight may be more the number that can crowd into a single
suitable. lane. Thus, the total number of vehicles pass-
A weaving section handles two classes of ing through a weaving section, if all must
traffic: (I) traffic entering, passing through perform a weaving maneuver more or less
and leaving the section without crossing the simultaneously, cannot exceed the capacity
normal path of other vehicles, and (2) traf- of a single lane. It is assumed, of course,
fic which must cross the paths of other that the facility is operating as intended; that
vehicles after entering the section. It is be- is, without vehicle movement alternating be-
cause of the latter group of vehicles that a tween entrance lanes as if by signal control.
weaving section is produced. On a well-de- In order to accommodate such weaving
signed but short weaving section operating movements, additional roadway width be-
below capacity, the two classes tend to sepa- yond that on the approaches is usually re-
rate themselves from each other almost as quired. Also, it is apparent that as the weav-
positively Lin practice as they do in theory. ing volumes increase, longer distances are
This allows each class to be examined and necessary to perform the weaving maneu-
analyzed separately. Even at higher densi- vers. When the number of weaving vehicles
ties, when the two have some influence on exceeds the capacity of a traffic lane, some
each other due to stream friction, this gen- of the vehicles are involved in two weaving
eral approach still may be used. maneuvers, and compound weaving exists,
Information regarding the relations be- as previously discussed and shown in Fig-
tween geometric features of weaving sec- ure 7.2c. Where the weaving traffic ap-
tions and the traffic volumes and operating proaches a volume equal to double the ca-
speeds attained on them has been obtained pacity of a • traffic lane, theoretically three
from detailed nationwide studies conducted times as much length is required as for a
weaving volume equivalent to a single-lane
by the Bureau of Public Roads (1, 2) and
from other available data (3). Appendix B capacity.
presents data from a group of these studies. The effective length of a weaving section
is also influenced, at least at the better levels
These relationships, based on observations
and operational experience, have been found of service, by the distance in advance of the
weaving section that drivers on one approach
to remain quite consistent over a period of
road can see traffic on the other approach
years. It has been found possible to repre-
road. This distance may be used by drivers
sent these fundamental weaving relation-
who must cross the paths of other vehicles
ships by means of one basic weaving chart
to adjust their speeds and position before
(Fig. 7.4). It includes both a graphical chart
reaching the weaving section. This effect
and a related formula, both of which must
has not yet been quantified; the curves in
be utilized in any complete problem solu-
Figure 7.4 are based on adequate sight dis-
The several basic considerations included Weaving performance, therefore, is funda-
in this chart and the related formula are mentally dependent on the length and width
next discussed. of weaving section, as well as on the com-
position of traffic.
Weaving Movements
Whether all vehicles entering a weaving Non-Weaving Movements (Outer Flows)
section are weaving vehicles, or whether the Weaving sections normally accommodate
weaving vehicles are separated into their non-weaving traffic as well, either with or
own class as discussed previously, it is ob- without added lanes adjoining either side of
vious that every car in the weaving stream the weaving lanes (Figs. 7.2b, 7.2c, 7.2d).
- A
V02.... __ _ _..
Figure 7.5. Method for measuring length of I'cavuzg sections.
Determination of the capacity of these non- (Fig. 7.4) contains a family of curves des-
weaving lanes involves no new principle, as ignated as I through V., representing vari-
they may be considered comparable to ous qualities of flow ranging from excellent
through traffic lanes on any multilane facil- to poor. As discussed in detail later in this
ity. If any weaving section is to function chapter, these quality of flow levels, although
properly and efficiently, it is important that related to levels of service, are identical for
these added lanes have adequate capacity to all types of highways, whereas the corre-
serve most non-weaving vehicles. If non- sponding levels of service vary depending
weaving vehicles utilize the weaving lanes on the type of highway involved.
either through choice or through necessity,
they may interfere with the vehicles that Length Requirements
must weave to reach their destination, thus It has been shown that length of section
reducing the total number of weaving vehi- is 'a significant factor in weaving. Its impor-
cles that can be accommodated. It may be tance is evidenced by the fact that the funda-
desirable to use signs to direct drivers to mental weaving volume determination chart
the proper side of the approach road during (Fig. 7.4) incorporates length as the basic
peak periods if the number of weaving vehi-
cles is high; however, drivers will normally variable.
use the proper lane in simple weaving sec- The length of a weaving section is mea-
tions. sured along the highway between the en-
trance and the exit, as shown in Figure 7.5.
Quality of Flow To be consistent and to comply with the
Weaving section operation is measured in data on which Figure 7.4 is based, the
terms of "quality of flow" The basic chart measurement must be made as illustrated.
In terms of the projections of the converging flow facility—the volume divided by the
and diverging inner edges of traveled way appropriate lane service volume or capacity.
of the two roadways, straight or curved as Thus, if the two outer flows are represented
the particular roadway alinement may re- by V and V 0 , and the lane service volume
quire, the weaving section length is measured by SV, the number of lanes required to
from a point at the merging end where this handle this traffic would be (V+V 0 )/SV.
distance between the projected edges is 2 ft The additional lanes required for the
to a point at the diverge end where the dis- weaving movements are calculated on a
tance between the edges is 12 ft. This pro- parallel but not identical basis, using V L
cedure is universally applicable to all types and as the two weaving volumes in the
of junctions from single-lane ramp junc-
tions to major forks and is equally suitable numerator and the same value of SV in the
regardless of whether or not shoulders and/ denominator. It has been shown that for
or curbs are present. equivalent volumes more width is required
Where conditions permit, the adverse ef- for weaving than for uninterrupted flow. A
fect of a weaving section can be obviated, rational formula reflecting this fact has been
from an operational point of view, by in- developed from the available data. It states
creasing the length sufficiently between an that the number of lanes required for weav-
entrance and the following exit on a high- ing may be expressed as (V+k V)/SV,
way. Further, any weaving section can be where V10 is the larger weaving volume, in
physically eliminated by the introduction of vph; V,0 is the smaller weaving volume, in
a grade separation structure. Where neither vph; k is a weaving influence factor, in the
is feasible, and a weaving section remains range of 1.0 to 3.0; and SV is the lane serv-
an acceptable feature of the plan, the length ice volume, in vph. The k-factor, in effect,
of the section should be at least sufficient to is an equivalency factor expanding the influ-
provide an operating level compatible with ence of the smaller weaving flow up to a
the level of service on the highway facility maximum of three times its actual size in
of which the weaving section is a part. number of vehicles.
Operating levels are discussed in, more de- Combining these two expressions, and
tail later in this chapter. assuming that some lanes will be utilized by
both outer flows and weaving movements,
Width Requirements the complete formula for the total number
The basic weaving chart (Fig. 7.4) re- of lanes in the weaving section becomes
lates the weaving volumes possible at par-
ticular operating levels to the length of sec- N_01 (7.1a)
tion only. Of equal importance, however,
is another significant factor, the width of If V,,. + V,+ V0 + V 0 = V, the total vol-
weaving section, in terms of the number of ume of traffic accommodated by the weaving
lanes. section, the equation becomes
In a complete solution of a weaving sec-
tion problem, then, both length and width N= 1 " ( 7.1b)
requirements must be met. This analysis in- sV
volves two steps: first, determination of In this form the specific influence of weav-
length based on weaving volume and desired ing becomes clearly apparent, over and
operating level as just described, and second, above the V/SV term representing unin-
determination of the width predicated on terrupted flow. Both equations are in-
the weaving volume, the outer-flow volumes, cluded in Figure 7.4.
and the lane service volume or capacity. For convenience, a series of curves is pre-
As mentioned previously, the weaving sented for various k values. The maximum
maneuvers and the outer flows on the shorter (k=3.0) is applicable to the shorter weav-
weaving sections tend to separate themselves ing sections, whose operation is represented
into two distinct groups. The number of by curves III, IV, and V. Where the actual
lanes required for the outer flows, therefore, weaving section length is greater than the
may be calculated as for any uninterrupted minimum required, as is the case for the
- -- -. - ,-
!! !
Exam pie of /,as-,c or sun pie weaving section, with one separated outer road way added.
conditions to the right of curve III, the percentage of trucks, grades. and lane widths.
adverse influence of weaving becomes pro- However, certain limitations have been
gressively less, hence the k-factor is gradu- established regarding the maximum vilue of
ally reduced, reaching a value of 1.0 for SV to be employed in conjunction with each
curve I. Along this curve and to the right of the several weaving qualities of flow, I
the section is considered to be out of the through V. These, in effect, reduce the free-
realm of weaving, as discussed in more de- way base value for lane capacity under
tail later, and Eq. 7.1b reduces to ideal conditions of 2.000 vph, to reflect the
N=V/SV (7.1c) influence of inherent weaving turbulence.
These values, which still represent ideal con-
which represents the number of lanes re- ditions of geometries and approach traffic.
quired for uninterrupted flow tinder free- are given in Table 7.1.
flow conditions. In determining the number of lanes which
For the better levels of service the value may be required on weaving sections under
of SV used in the equations for determining
heavy flow conditions, the lane service vol-
the width of weaving section normally should
umes of Table 7.1 should be employed,
be the average service volume per lane for
rather than basic values from Table 9.1.
the level of service chosen for the approach
and exit roadways in question and, in the As before, they should he transformed to
case of levels C and D, for the appropriate values of SV by adjustment for lane width,
peak-hour factor. For freeways, these val- trucks, grades, etc.
ues are given in Table 9.1. They would, of Seldom, of course, will the resulting value
course, be adjusted downward as necessary of N be an even whole number: typically,
to reflect the prevailing conditions, such as it will indicate the need for a fractional part
TABLE 7.1—RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN in the stream of traffic from the other ap-
QUALITY OF FLOW AND MAXIMUM proach. As traffic becomes heavier, how-
LANE SERVICE VOLUMES IN ever, the probability of vehicles entering
WEAVING SECTIONS the section from the two approaches simul-
taneously will increase until, at moderately
QUALITY OF MAX LANE SV VALUE heavy volumes, many drivers will have to
FLOW CURVE (PCPH) slow down to adjust their arrival times to
1 2,000 coincide with a gap, and some will be re-
II 1,900 quired to stop and wait for a gap in the
III 1,800 other stream of traffic. When the section is
IV 1,700 taxed to its capacity many vehicles will be
V 1,600 required to come to a halt and the weaving
section fails to serve its intended purpose.
Operation is then comparable to that of an
ordinary oblique unsignalized intersection,
having a capacity of about 1,500 vph. This
of a lane in addition to several full lanes. value corresponds to the traffic-carrying
Judgment must be exercised in interpreting capability of a single traffic lane at rather
this result in terms of providing or not pro- low overall speeds, under congested flow
viding another lane; no arbitrary dividing conditions, when all vehicles have come to
line can be established. The level of service a stop somewhere along the approach.
desired, as related to the size of the "left- Longer weaving sections, however, will
over" fractional part, is the most important carry considerably more traffic than this.
consideration. At one extreme, where (a) If of sufficient length, they will, within
a high level of service (low volume) is reasonable limits, allow most vehicles to
being provided, (b) the outer flows pre- negotiate the weaving section without unrea-
dominate, and (c) the fractional part is sonable reduction in speed. In general, the
small, an additional lane is unnecessary; the longer the weaving section, the larger the
section can absorb the slight overload with- volume of weaving traffic that may be served
out noticeable difficulty. At the other ex- and the greater the freedom of movement
treme, where (a) capacity operation is in- that will be achieved, provided that in all
volved, (b) weaving constitutes a large pro- cases adequate width is provided.
portion of the total volume, and (c) the Where weaving maneuvers are intensified
fractional part is large, an additional lane by relatively short weaving section lengths,
is essential. and a sufficient number of lanes is available
for the exclusive accommodation of the outer
Speed - Weaving Volume - Length - Width flows, a rather positive relationship is indi-
Relationships cated between (a) the volume of weaving
traffic, V,,. + V, (where V,,,. represents
Speed-volume relationships within a the heavier and V, (. the lighter weaving
weaving section, coupled with the length
movement, both in equivalent passenger
and width of section, have a vital effect on
cars), (b) the operating speed of the weav-
the operating characteristics of the section
ing traffic, and (c) the length of the weav-
and determine the quality of flow. To better
understand these relationships, let it be im- ing section, L. These relations, determined
agined for the moment that a weaving sec- from operational experience and available
tion of very short length, say 50 to 100 ft, data on traffic volumes and speeds on weav-
is under consideration. Further, let it be ing sections, are shown by curves III, IV
assumed that traffic is composed entirely of and V in Figure 7.4, the basic weaving chart,
weaving vehicles. At very low traffic vol- representing a choice in qualities of flow.
umes there will be little conflict between For conditions where drivers are obliged
weaving vehicles even on this short section to separate themselves into weaving and
because the entry of a vehicle from one non-weaving traffic, the three curves, III,
approach will frequently coincide with a gap IV, and V, are representative of perform-
great that the effect of weaving maneuvers is From this it has been rationalized that
no more than that of normal lane changi tig. when the volume-length combinations given
the section ceases to function as a regular in Table 7.2 obtain, or the lengths given are
weaving section. exceeded, it is not necessary to design or
Data are insufficient to state definitely evaluate the operation of a roadway section
the circumstances for which the effect of on the basis of weaving section criteria.
weaving may be considered dissipated and, The relations of Table 7.2 actually form
therefore, the conditions or lengths for which the basis for curve I in Figure 7.4. Values
it is not necessary to design it roadway as it which would fall on or to the right of this
weaving section. There is some indication curve are considered to he out of realm of
that, beyond certain lengths and within cer- weaving and are representative of uninter-
tain weaving volume limits, operational levels rupted flow conditions. Values which fall
of capacity are little affected by weaving. above and to the left of curve I are taken to
represent a weaving condition. Those he-
tween curves I and III, as previously dis-
cussed, are indicative of excellent to good
TABLE 7.2—VOLUME-1-ENGTH operating conditions in the weaving sec-
COMBINATIONS CONSIDERED tion, provided, of course, an adequate num-
OUT OF REALM OF WEAVING her of lanes is furnished.
driver satisfaction with the overall opera- if. Operating conditions and speeds are
tion. Recognii.ing this, the engineer should only slightly more restricted than those gen-
strive for minimum loss in the quality of erally found under free-flow conditions with-
traffic flow through a weaving section. To out weaving. The effect of weaving on stream
the greatest extent feasible, therefore, the flow is slight to nominal. Some speed varia-
operating level of a weaving section should tions will occur. but with an appropriate
be made compatible with the level of service number of lanes operation at about 45-50
on the highway of which the weaving sec- mph can be achieved.
tion is a part. However, provided the level Ill. Weaving vehicles can maintain operat-
is not much lower than on the highway as ing speeds in the order of 40-45 mph, al-
a whole, and provided this lower level is though speed will vary considerably between
not found at frequent intervals along the individual vehicles and between short pe-
route. it may prove reasonably acceptable riods within the hour. Non-weaving vehicles
to most drivers. can maintain higher speeds if sufficient Ca-
The quality of operation representative pacitY has been provided in non-weaving
of the several weaving qualities may be de- lanes. Drivers are affected by other vehicles
sen bed as follows: in the stream to a greater extent than normal
I. Operating conditions and speeds ap- under free-flow conditions. hut the level of
proach those normally found under free- operation is not unreasonable for the con-
flow conditions without weaving, being de- dition where operating speeds on the ap-
termined largely by average lane volumes. proaches are 50 mph.
The efieci of weaving on stream flow is IV. Although speeds will vary considerably
slight, if any. Thus, with the appropriate between individual vehicles. weaving vehi-
number of lanes speeds of 5() mph or more cles can maintain operating speeds of about
are feasible. 30-35 mph. Non-weaving vehicles can main-
tain higher speeds if sufficient capacity has in highly developed areas or where short-
been provided in the outer lanes. Occasional trip traffic predominates on the roadway.
slowdowns and some restriction of niancu- V. This represents capacity for a given
verahility can he expected, but operation is length of weaving section—that is, the maxi-
acceptable to drivers where approach speeds mum number of vehicles that can he ac-
typically do not exceed 40 mph, especially commodated in 1 hr. At such capacity flow
the speed may be quite variable, normally 7.3, to determine length and width of sec-
below 30 mph and frequently averaging tion, given demand volumes. The traffic
20 mph or even less. Slow operation and flows through the weaving section must be
turbulence, including stopping of weaving shown in their separate components, includ-
vehicles, alternating of weaving movements ing outer flows, larger weaving flow, and
between lanes, and nosing into the parallel smaller weaving flow, as defined in Figure
lane by drivers in one weaving lane, are 7.4. The procedures can also be used in
common occurrences. Non-weaving vehicles reverse when geometrics are given and oper-
may or may not move reasonably well ating characteristics are required.
through the section proper, depending on The curves of Figure 7.4 link the three
the capacity provided in the non-weaving basic weaving factors—length of weaving
lanes. Minor accidents may be expected at section (as defined in Fig. 7.5), total weav-
a fairly high frequency. Usually, backup ing traffic, and quality of flow. Knowing
and loss of service are evident on at least any two of these makes it possible to find
one and possibly both approach legs during the third. In the typical problem, level of
high-flow periods, affecting the non-weaving service rather than quality of flow will be
traffic as well as that which will weave. This known, hence the quality of flow in the
type of operation is not acceptable for de- weaving section must be correlated with the
sign purposes. levels of service for each type of highway,
The design of a weaving section should be by means of the relationships shown in
based on the general level of service intended Table 7.3. It is important to note that the
for the entire highway of which the weaving weaving volumes shown on the vertical
section is a part. In this regard, consider- scale of the chart are expressed in terms of
able judgment must be exercised. Table 7.3 equivalent passenger cars per hour.
cross-references the quality of operation in The equation in Figure 7.4 relates the
a weaving section, as represented by curves several traffic flows through the section, level
I to V of Figure 7.4, that is considered of service, and number of lanes required.
compatible with the basic levels of service In the equation all traffic volumes may be
on any particular highway type of which the expressed in vehicles per hour of mixed
weaving section may be a part. The rela- traffic, unless grades or truck 'percentages
tionships below the heavy line normally are vary widely between the several legs. In
not considered in design. For each level of such cases conversion to equivalent passen-
service the first operating level, where two ger cars, or development of a composite
are shown, is considered to be the desirable service volume value reflecting average con-
value and the second is taken normally to ditions, must be considered.
be the minimum value for design of weaving The level of service desired controls the
sections. The desirable values should be value of SV, the appropriate service volume
striven for in design of weaving sections or capacity for the type of highway of which
adjoining freeway-to-freeway interchanges the weaving section is a part, determined by
and for two-sided weaving sections on free- the methods described in Chapters Nine and
ways. Ten. As usually used in weaving problems,
it is an average of the service volumes of
the several freeway legs involved.
Several cautions are necessary regarding
OPERATIONAL EVALUATION OF selection of the appropriate value of SV,
WEAVING SECTIONS in addition to consideration of widely differ-
ing grades and truck volumes as just men-
Simple Weaving Sections tioned. First, in determining the average
value of SV for the several approaáh and
exit roadways it is important to remember
Direct analysis of simple weaving sections that in the case of freeways the service
is relatively easy, involving use of the basic volume per lane on the approach and exit
weaving chart and equation in Figure 7.4 roadways will vary, for a particular level of
together with reference to Tables 7.1 and service, depending on the number of lanes,
= 3.9,
V02 800
C 8 which is so close to 4 that no "rounding-off"
question exists.
WITHOUT C-O ROAD able 3-lane freeway legs and 1-lane ramp
legs is that for 2 lanes (2,750/2, or 1,375
passenger cars per hour).
SV= 1,375 (T L ) = 1,375 (0.89) = 1,225
500 vph per lane; acceptable according to Table
3,110 7.1.
total 700-vph AE weaving movement within potential bottleneck because further volume
movement (AC)-E, all of which weaves with increases will cause it to reach capacity be-
DB. Therefore, in subsequent calculations fore the remainder does. For length 900 ft,
for length and number of lanes, this 420-vph
volume is omitted. from Figure 7.4, for V +
= .86
For level of service C, Table 7.3 gives the (1,300+500) = 2,090 pcph, k = 3.0. Simi-
minimum quality of flow as III and the de-
sirable as II. larly, for + V ue ' = 0.86 (420 + 240)
From Table 9.6 for passenger car equiva- =765 pcph, k=2.7.
lent of 3 and 8 percent trucks, TL, the truck
adjustment factor = 0.86. Number of lanes
SEGMENT 1 N= V+(k-1)V0
V+ vwe V,0 ) = ( 1/0.86) - 4,400+ (2.0x 500+ 1.7 x 240)
(280+160) =510 pcph.
= 4.8
From Figure 7.4, for service quality III
the required minimum length is 200 ft, and Use 5 lanes.
for service quality lithe desirable length is Note: The numbers of lanes for the sev-
650 ft. Thus, the available length of 600 ft eral approach and exit roadways are deter-
is adequate for purposes of weaving. mined by the methods in Chapter Nine,
For length 600 ft, k=2.8. A check of following which the overall layout is re-
Table 7.1 shows the specified service volume
viewed for balance and flexibility, and to
of 1,200 vph per lane to be acceptable.
N= V + (k -1) V,,2 insure that rigid adherence to computed
Number of lanes results has not produced unreasonably fre-
=[3,600+ (1.8 x 160)]/1,200=3.2. quent changes in number of lanes.
Use 4 lanes.
- v + ( k -I ) V
- 1,560+(3.0— 1.0)350
= 2.8.
Use 3 lanes for moving traffic, in addition
to any parking lanes required. (Caution:
Parking lanes must be 12 to 14 ft wide, in
average cases, to assure minimum influence
on moving traffic. The service volume given
Vol • 550
for use in this problem presumably reflects
900 ' 950 the influence of parking in the particular
problem at hand.)
660 V02 260 6,0
I. NORMANN, 0. K., "Operation of Weaving
The effect on traffic flow of pedestrians, Areas." HRB Bull. 167, pp. 38-41 (1957).
parking, and unlimited entering and exit Hess, J. W., Traffic Operation in Urban
movements, and other roadside frictional ef- Weaving Areas. Bureau of Public Roads
fects is to reduce sharply the service volume (1963 data, in preparation for publication).
of the through street as compared to the LEISCH, J. E. Unpublished studies (1958-
service volumes attainable on freeways. As 64).
several other studies in this field are included for ramp junctions. Such knowledge is
at the end of the chapter (4, 5, 6, 7, 8). equally essential whether the problem in-
volves the design of an adequate ramp or the
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS analysis of an existing ramp. Hourly volume
data may be inadequate. The peak flow on
The following are some of the more im- one ramp may occur at a different time
portant factors which relate to design of within the hour than the peak flow on the
ramps and to traffic operations in connection freeway served.
therewith. These should be kept in mind In applying the procedures contained in
throughout any evaluation of the perform- this chapter to the solution of specific exist-
ance of an existing ramp and should be ing operational problems, then, peaking
similarly considered during the design of any characteristics within the hour may be found
new ramp-freeway junction. It should be critical, in which case a rate of flow based on
recognized that considerable reduction in a period of time shorter than one hour
level of service under high traffic flow condi- should be used. For design applications, on
tions can be expected if these factors are the other hand, the volumes used will nor-
disregarded. mally be the estimated design hour demand
Weaving Between Ramps for the future design year. This chapter in-
cludes discussion regarding application of
Where an on-ramp junction is followed a the peak-hour factor to ramp junction
relatively short distance downstream by an problems.
off-ramp junction, a case of one-sided weav-
ing, as described in Chapter Seven, usually influence of Design
exists. Research has shown the volume dis- The design of the entrance and exit ter-
tributions by lane at certain critical points in minals of ramps appears, by general observa-
the merging and diverging sections to be tion, to be an obvious factor influencing
significant. Also important in some cases is overall junction operations. Designs which
the rate at which weaving occurs. Allowance have sharp curvature adjacent to the free-
for these factors in design through applica- way, poor sight distance, inadequate length
tion of specified service volume criteria at for accomplishing merging, diverging, or
these selected checkpoints and specified speed-change functions, or poor delineation
maximum weaving rates, helps to assure pro- of vehicle paths, should be avoided, because
vision of an acceptable level of service for they tend to produce erratic operation. Ter-
the type of weaving found between on- and minal designs on new facilities should pro-
off-ramps. Auxiliary lane sections between vide easy, natural pathways with adequate
ramps also involve• consideration of these sight distance and good delineation. Inter-
service volume checkpoints and weaving change patterns should remain as simple and
limitations. as similar in operation as possible, consistent
Weaving between major roadways with with need and economy. Standardized exit
two or more lanes on all branches is not and entrance terminal designs, as proposed
covered in this chapter; reference should be by a number of investigators and designers,
made to Chapter Seven for such weaving. are being adopted in some areas in the field.
Generally, Chapter Seven is directed toward Nevertheless, many below-standard termini
weaving between the main lines of two or currently exist in the field, on highways built
more freeways, whereas the procedures in some years ago or fitted into very limited
this chapter are more appropriate for most rights-of-way. Detailed analyses of the many
weaving between successive ramps, with or field studies on which the procedures in this
without auxiliary lanes, on one side of a chapter are based have, unfortunately, failed
freeway. to provide positive quantitative indications of
the effect on ramp junction capacities of in-
Consideration of Peak-Period Volumes
adequacies such as those previously listed.
For no portion of a highway is it more Paradoxically, field studies frequently have
important to know the volume of traffic in shown that ramp-freeway terminals of sub-
various movements during peak periods than standard design on older, overloaded free-
Hiciors Con trolling Ramp Capacity largely prevail, being utilized wherever prac-
GENERAL ticable.
Many terminals serving the surrounding
The overall capacity of a ramp is the least street system are, in effect, at-grade inter-
of three values: ( I ) the capacity of the sections, and capacity is calculated in ac-
terminal at the ramp-freeway junction, (2) cordance with the rules for calculating inter-
the capacity of the ramp proper, and (3) section capacity (see Chapter Six). It fre-
the capacity of the terminal at the junction quently will be found necessary to widen a
with the surrounding street system. Where typical one-lane exit ramp to two or even
two freeways intersect, of course, all ramp three lanes at its junction with a cross street
termini will he ramp-freeway junctions. in order to provide sufficient lanes on the
Single-lane entrance and exit ramps will approach to the signal to achieve a balance
between the capacity of the ramp roadway assistance by lane 1 vehicle drivers may be
and the ramp terminal, and to avoid a given in that some of these drivers may
back-up onto the freeway. Seldom, however, speed up or slow down to widen gaps, crowd
is there a need to provide a full-length two- over toward the left edge of lane .1 while in
lane ramp. the merging area, or even move into adjacent
The capacity of a single-lane ramp turning lane 2. Often such shifts into lane 2 will not
roadway between •termini can, under ideal be apparent to the ramp driver because the
conditions, reach 2,000 vehicles per hour, or move takes place somewhere upstream of
the same as a through roadway lane, if the the entrance ramp in anticipation of conflict
single-lane portion is short. Restricted in the merge area.
geometrics (grades, curvature, and the like) Occasionally, vehicles on a heavily-used
on most actual ramps, however, result in entrance ramp having excellent geometrics
considerably lower values in most cases. will, in effect, control the merge, with lane 1
Inasmuch as terminal capacities seldom vehicles tending to yield more than is cus-
reach this "ramp proper" value unless a lane tomary. Usually the freeway volumes are
is added to the freeway upstream of the exit light at such locations and the merge will
terminal or downstream of the entrance consist predominantly of ramp vehicles.
terminal, such volumes are seldom seen, and The critical element in evaluation of en-
one lane is generally adequate. trance ramp capabilities is the availability of
Two-lane ramps may be required, how- sufficient time-space in the lane 1 traffic
ever, where ramp volumes exceed the ca- stream. The cumulative time-space during a
pacity of the desired service volume level on short interval is essentially more important
single-lane entrances and exits. Also, if a than the size and distribution of individual
high-volume ramp roadway is more than headways or gaps, because drivers in both
1,000 ft long, or if it is on an upgrade and streams will make adjustments to allow indi-
handles appreciable volumes of trucks, two vidual vehicles to enter provided there is
lanes are necessary in order to provide for enough total time for both streams. In other
passing, breaking up of queues, and filling of words, the essential factor in ramp service
large gaps, which will permit higher speeds volume and capacity determination is the
and a more even rate of arrival at the merg- ability to estimate lane 1 volume at merging
ing terminal. A two-lane ramp may be areas, given the freeway and ramp volumes,
tapered to one lane at the freeway terminal and distances to and volumes on adjacent
provided the flow rate does not exceed ramps.
1,500 vph, or 30 veh per minute, over any
peak 5-min period. If the volume exceeds
this amount, the ramp should not be In the case of exit ramps, estimation of
squeezed down to one lane, but a long lane 1 volume immediately upstream of the
parallel auxiliary lane should be provided, exit is the essential factor in ramp service
subject to capacity checks described in the volume and capacity determinations, be-
later portions of this chapter. cause the volume in lane 1 at such locations
At the ramp-freeway terminal, the volume will have a considerable effect on the level
of traffic in lane 1 of the freeway has a of service provided by the freeway. The
marked effect on merging and diverging problem areas associated with exit ramps can
operations and will usually control the ramp be separated into three categories, as fol-
service volumes and capacity that can be lows: (1) prevention of volume overloading
achieved. of lane 1 of the freeway immediately up-
stream from the exit, (2) provision of an
ENTRANCE RAMP JUNCTIONS efficient design for the exit ramp , and its
speed change area, and (3) provision of ade-
At entrance ramp junctions, with only quate design and capacity at the connecting
isolated exceptions, the ramp vehicle driver street terminal of the ramp. Although these
has the task of evaluating the freeway stream three categories are interrelated to some
and making speed adjustments necessary for degree, the emphasis in this chapter is on
merging into a chosen gap. Some limited the first mentioned, the determination of the
Because ramps are the important input- the vicinity of ramp terminals than they
output elements of the freeway, the emphasis would on through sections, just as is the
in this chapter is on estimating volumes case in weaving sections. Characteristics of
which will result in an acceptable level of the merge and diverge operations are such
freeway flow in ramp terminal areas. that approximate level of service criteria can
The remainder of the chapter is concerned be assigned to them.
primarily with the description and computa- On the ramp turning roadway itself, the
tion of service volumes and capacity at free- situation is different and not yet fully under-
way terminals of entrance ramps and exit stood. At present, insufficient facts are
ramps and along the intervening freeway available to permit establishment of detailed
roadway where an entrance ramp is followed level of service criteria on the ramp proper.
by an exit ramp a short distance down- However, it is doubtful that rigid volume
stream. criteria could be established no matter how
Levels of service, as previously mentioned, many data were available, due to the greater
are qualitative measures of the effect of a significance of the merge and diverge con-
number of factors, including the degree of ditions.
driver satisfaction afforded. On through All sections of this manual dealing with
roadway sections, operating speeds are one service volumes and capacities of specific
measure of this factor throughout the range highway elements, other than basic long sec-
of operating levels. Speeds also have been tions of highway, attempt to specify condi-
used as the measure through "major" weav- tions that will be in harmony with the chosen
ing areas. At ramp junctions, however, the levels of service on the through highway it-
situation is more complex. On the freeway self. Thus, the operating levels for ramp ter-
lanes, speed remains a relatively good mea- minal conditions must relate to the volume
sure provided it is recognized that drivers found in lane I of the freeway in the vicinity
have somewhat less freedom to maneuver in of ramp terminals, if such balanced condi-
Closely spaced braided' exit and entrance ramps on freeii'av ,iear central 1,usifless district; ilierging
and diverging predominate, there being little si'ea ving de,nand between left-hand on-ramps
and nearby righ t-lzand ofJ-ramps.
In many cases, in levels of service A, B, any appreciable length of the freeway up-
and C as described in the foregoing, the ac- stream or downstream of this location. The
ceptable merge for that level does not add remainder is governed only by the total vol-
sufficient traffic to the freeway to change the ume and overall operating speeds on the
level of service, or type of operation, radi- freeway. Of course, closely-spaced ramps
cally. At these freeway volume levels ramp can produce a near-continuous influence. Al-
volumes will often be correspondingly low. though it is desirable to provide, by design, a
Nevertheless, this is not always the case. uniform level of service over all sections of
Therefore, unless freeway volumes are very the freeway, this may not prove feasible for
low, there are quite distinct limits to the economic reasons. For instance, it may be
amount of ramp traffic that can be absorbed decided that level of service C can be toler-
without exceeding the maximum merge ser- ated at ramp terminals for a distance of
vice volumes for the selected level of service. 1,000 or 2,000 ft in the middle of a long
However, at these levels it must be remem- stretch of highway with level of service A or
bered that the merge level of service may be B.
applicable only in the near vicinity of the It should be recognized that with the free-
ramp or ramps involved, rather than along way operating at level of service A, B, or C
there will be an assigned ramp capacity com- range from 1,400 to 1,650 vph for merging
patible with the level of service chosen for and 1,500 to 1,750 vph for diverging.
balanced operation. If the ramp volume de- Capacity represents, for merging and di-
mand proves larger than that forecast, the verging just as for all other situations, the
excess ramp vehicles will be absorbed into maximum volume that has reasonable possi-
the freeway stream regardless, usually with- bility of occurring over a full hour. At a
out queuing on the ramp. The difference will number of ramp 'terminals in the larger
be that the level of service of the freeway cities, actual hourly merges and diverges of
will drop because of the overloading of the 2,000 to 2,100 passenger cars are regularly
merging and diverging sections, and possibly accomplished, usually in the 20-30 mph
the through lanes as well, if a predesignated speed range. These sometimes include 5-mm
service volume "across all freeway lanes" is rates up to an equivalent 2,300 vph. There-
exceeded. fore, the capacity of both a merging section
Levels of service D, E, and F present a and a diverging section has been established
different situation in that demand has be- as 2,000 vph. At this volume operation is at
come so high that the basic physical ability the limit of level of service E. This is not a
of the junction to handle increases in de- desirable type of operation, being too un-
mand, or even short-term fluctuations, must stable and subject to "breakdown," and hav-
be taken into account. ing intermittent queuing at on-ramps. To
Level of service D represents a condition obtain capacity merging, the upstream' vol-
which is approaching instability and incipi- ume must be less than the upper volume
ent congestion. As this condition is ap- limit of level E. That is, unbalanced opera-
proached, a shift in lane distribution from tion along the freeway is inevitable if sub-
that found at better levels takes place up- stantial merging is introduced at level E. If
stream of the ramp (see p. 234). Ramp vol- the approach is already at capacity, input of
umes considerably higher than those allowa- additional vehicles via on-ramps will in-
ble under procedures for level C can be evitably bring on a breakdown in traffic
obtained, provided total volume on the free- operation.
way does not exceed level D volumes. This Level F represents forced flow, which de-
being the case, it is .the level at which many velops following breakdown of merging.
highway administrators in major cities must Practically all lane 1 and on-ramp traffic is
work in getting the most out of their existing "stop-and-go," with adverse effects moving to
freeway networks, even though it is above other freeway lanes as well as drivers at-
desirable design levels. It is also at or close tempt to change lanes to avoid the merging
to the level which is established in certain section. Traffic characteristics vary widely,
electronic traffic surveillance procedures as as do merge and diverge volumes, which
that at which corrective actions should be may be any value below 2,000 vph. At exit
instituted to prevent "breakdown." Driving ramps, low speed and stop-and-go movement
conditions are such that reciprocal adjust- prevent effective accommodation of the de-
ments in speed and lane occupancy are made mand volume, with considerable delay to
by drivers on the freeway as well as on the drivers likely.
ramp, but freeway traffic continues to move At many locations where this situation has
at average speeds of about 40 mph. Queuing existed for some time, drivers tend' to adopt
occurs occasionally on the ramp when the an "alternate feed" (one from the ramp, one
ramp volume is relatively heavy. A peak from the freeway, and so on). This alternate
5-min merge rate equivalent to up to 1,800 feed, which usually develops voluntarily on
vph can be handled, depending on the size the part of motorists, is an interesting exam-
of the city, for satisfactory accommodation ple of motorists familiar with a difficult situ-
of short-term fluctuations. A diverge peak ation responding courteously in a group ef-
rate of 1,900 vph can be accommodated fort to keep traffic moving in both arriving
satisfactorily if geometrics are reasonably queues. In situations such as this, found on
good. The hourly volumes which will result crowded freeways, the ramp and lane 1 vol-
in these rates,, for various peaking factors, umes which can be carried are limited to
PEAK-HOUR 037 0.83 0.91 1.009 0.77 0.83 0.91 1.009 0.77 0.83 0.91 LOGs 0.77 083 0.91 LOOK 0.77 0.83 0.91 1.00z 0.77 0.83 0.91 LOGs
C 2300 2500 2750 3000 3700 4000 4350 4800 5100 5500 6000 6600 1300 1400 1550 1700 1400 1500 1650 1800 1100 1200 1350 1450
D 2800 3000 3300 3600 4150 4500 4900 5400 5600 6000 6600 7200 1400 1500 1650 1800 1500 1600 1750 1900 1400 1500 1650 1800
includes lane 1 vehicles continuing on the ramp terminal, no significant speed reduc-
freeway past the exit ramp, as well as pro- tion on the through freeway lanes as a result
spective exit-ramp vehicles. of the ramp traffic being added, and-no sig-
Although a wide variety of combinations nificant effect on through traffic by exiting
of geometrics is covered by the equations and vehicles at off-ramps. This is not to say that
nomographs, not all possible designs are in- queuing and speed reduction would nevei
cluded, for lack of adequate study data. occur, as there is always a possibility, at an
Several such omissions are discussed, and on-ramp, of a queue of traffic arriving on the
rationalized computation procedures are sug- ramp at the same time that a queue occurs
gested. on the freeway. It is practically certain that
In the procedures for levels D and E, use this will happen at any ramp occasionally, at
is made of standard charts that establish lane almost any volume level, although not as
distribution criteria at various points along frequently at -the lower volumes. This type
the merge or diverge area, to establish vol- of operation at* ramps must be expected and
umes in lane 1 which can be compared with should not be considered an unsatisfactory
criteria for level of service D and capacity. freeway operation; it cannot be "designed
This procedure can be used for an isolated out" by assuming lower design volumes.
single-lane ramp or any combination of Failure occurs when the queue does not
single-lane ramps with or without auxiliary dissipate quickly but exists for several
lanes. minutes.
In both procedures, volumes are con- This section, then, discusses procedures
sidered as representing mixed traffic contain- for determination of the lane I volume and
ing not over 5 percent trucks, on relatively the resultant merge and diverge service vol-
level terrain with grades not over 3 percent. umes that can be handled at level C or bet-
This represents the average condition base ter. They are equally suitable for levels A,
upon which the methods were developed. B, and C. If preliminary analysis indicates
Where substantially greater truck volumes that operation at or near capacity is in-
or steeper grades are involved, the proce- volved, and if local conditions permit no
dures involving the equations and nomo- other alternative but such operation, then
graphs should still be carried out without operating conditions may be evaluated as
change; only the final result should be ad- outlined for levels D and E, later in this
justed for trucks and grades, as a final addi- chapter, instead of by this method.
tional step, as discussed later in this chapter The method involves calculation of vari-
under "Related Computational Devices." ous lane 1 volumes by means of equations
which were developed by multiple regres-
Calculation of Service Volumes, Levels A sion techniques for the purpose of estimating
Through C the probable traffic volume in lane 1 of a
GENERAL PROCEDURES freeway at selected checkpoints (1, 2). For
convenience of use these equations also are
In the usual case the engineer who is presented as nomógraphs.
evaluating either an existing interchange de-
The steps are as follows;
sign or a proposed new design.is given the
traffic demand for each of the movements in- I. Establish the geometrics of the location
volved. His need is to determine whether or under study, including number of freeway
not the design will operate satisfactorily at lanes and location and type of adjacent
the level of service he is considering. ramps upstream and downstream from the
In most cases a design will be considered junction under study. In the case of new de-
satisfactory if it permits operation at level C, signs, this may involve several trial designs.
representing relatively free flow, or better. (If necessary, compute the number of free-
Conditions which can be expected if the way lanes by means of the procedures given
demand volume does not exceed level C for in Chapter Nine.)
the merge or diverge include a good operat- 2. Establish the demand volumes for all
ing condition at the freeway terminal, no traffic movements involved.
significant queuing upstream of the entrance 3, Select the appropriate equation (or
nornograph) for the geometrics involved, and Table 8.1. Usually, the exit ramp volume is
compute the expected volume in lane I at an assigned volume, in which case the differ-
the appropriate checkpoint or points (or ence between the computed lane I volume
other dependent variable in certain designs). and the assigned exit ramp volume is the
4. Analyze the criteria assembled in the number of through vehicles. However, there
previous steps, as follows (adjusting for will also be cases where the designer wishes
trucks and grades as a final step, if necessary, to know how many vehicles can exit at a
by the procedure given under "Related ramp given a certain freeway volume ap-
Computational Devices" later in this chap- proaching the ramp and a lane 1 diverge
ter) service volume which must not be exceeded.
At a merge point—The anticipated In this type of problem, the dependent varia-
on-ramp volume is added to the computed
ble (the lane 1 volume) is already given, so
lane 1 volume at the nose to give an ex-
the allowable ramp volume for the chosen
pected merge, which is compared with the
level of service can be computed directly.
merge checkpoint maximum allowable ser-
vice volume given in Table 8.1. At a location with an auxiliary lane—
At a diverge point—The computed Where an auxiliary lane is added between an
lane I volume immediately upstream from entrance ramp and an exit ramp, lane 1 and
an exit ramp, which includes through ve- auxiliary lane volumes are calculated at se-
hicles remaining in this lane as well as ve- lected points between the ramps. These vol-
hicles about to exit, is compared to the umes are checked against the merge service
diverge checkpoint service volume from volume or the diverge service volume de-
I:1fr' IVo
VL i.!. k'
Left-side direct-connec- Iwn ramps as used together with right-side outer wilnc'ctwIls in this inter-
change between two free ways.
fork, the lane 1 volume im- noses, this distance is identical to the
mediately downstream from the length of the auxiliary lane.
bifurcation. Ve= volume on an adjacent downstream
Vl+A= (1) For a 2-lane on-ramp, the ini- on-ramp or off-ramp.
tial merge volume of lane 1 ve-
hicles and ramp lane A vehicles COMPUTATIONAL EQUATIONS AND NOMO-
(i.e., the left ramp lane or lane GRAPHS, LEVELS A THROUGH C
closest to the freeway lanes).
(2) for a 2-lane off-ramp, the vol- Figures 8.2 through 8.19 present 18 equa-
ume in lane I of the combined tions and 18 equivalent nomographs for use
flow before the divergence takes in determining lane 1 volumes on 4-, 6-, and
place which splits the volume 8-lane freeways, primarily at levels of ser-
into freeway lane 1 and ramp vice A through C, given a variety of ramp-
lane A. freeway junction geometric layouts for
V= for a major fork on a 6-lane freeway, which sufficient data were available for
the volume in the center lane before analysis. To the extent found significant in
it splits into lane I and lane A of the any particular layout, these equations take
two fork legs, respectively. into account the distances to and the volumes
on adjacent upstream and downstream
3. Independent Variables ramps, as well as the freeway and ramp vol-
The seven independent variables used, as umes at the terminal for which the computa-
appropriate, in the several equations, follow. tions are being made. Special conditions and
Again, volumes are in vehicles per hour of limitations on use are shown in some cases.
mixed traffic, with up to 5 percent trucks. Detailed statistical data regarding the multi-
ple regression analyses employed to develop
J1,= foran on-ramp equation, the freeway these equations are given in Appendix C.
volume, total for all freeway lanes, in Where the method shows a given design
one direction immediately upstream to be unsatisfactory, the remedies involve
of the nose of the on-ramp before the largely exploratory analyses. No direct indi-
merge takes place. cation is given of what steps to take, but
V1 = for an off-ramp equation, the total other designs must be assumed and tested.
freeway volume, including prospec- Clues are provided, however, which the de-
tive off-ramp vehicles, upstream of signer can interpret as related to basic free-
(approaching) the off-ramp. way operating characteristics. He knows,
Vr (1) for an on-ramp equation, the for instance, that once he has made one
volume entering via the ramp computation which resulted in an unsatis-
being considered in the prospec- factory merge, he must revise the design
tive merge. (such as by providing an auxiliary lane or
for an off-ramp equation, the by moving a ramp), reduce the given vol-
volume exiting at the off-ramp
ume of ramp traffic (by providing other
under consideration.
for a major fork, the volume paths for part of the demand), or reduce
using the right-hand roadway. lane 1 volumes. Inasmuch as certain of the
D,= distance, in feet, measured as in factors covered by the equations will be con-
Figure 7.5, from the ramp under con- stant for the particular site under study, he
sideration to an adjacent upstream can, by inspection, quite rapidly ascertain
on-ramp or off-ramp. the alternatives open to him. For conveni-
V,,= volume on an adjacent upstream on- ence in these calculations, the series of
ramp or off-ramp. nomographs representing each of the equa-
Dd = distance, in feet, measured as in tions has been included. Instructions for the
Figure 7.5, from the ramp under con- use of each are given directly on the charts.
sideration to an adjacent downstream Their use will frequently expedite rapid
on-ramp or off-ramp. Where an evaluation of the several potential alterna-
auxiliary lane is added between ramp tives in a particular case.
For most purposes, as already indicated, be coun'ted as a lane and the volume on .the
the volumes as used and as computed in auxiliary lane should not be included 'in the
these procedures can be taken as mixed total volume considered.
traffic containing a few trucks (at least up to Figure 8.20 is an additional device used in
5 percent) without serious error. However, conjunction with the equations in the anal-
where grades are significant or truck vol- ysis of auxiliary lane locations. Its use per-
umes are substantial, allowance should be mits examination of the status of "on" and
made for them through adjustment of the "off" transitional movements at any point
final result by application of the truck along the auxiliary lane. It is intended for
equivalency factors presented in Chapter application to auxiliary lanes 1,400 ft or less
Nine. (Adjustments should not be made in in length, as covered by Figures 8.6, 8.7,
the intermediate computations; the mixed 8.11, 8.12, and 8.16. (If the auxiliary lane
traffic volumes should be used directly.) is longer than 1,400 ft, the distributions
Following the series of figures is a group shown in Case II of Figure 8.23 can be
of related computational devices to which applied.) The computational procedure used
reference must occasionally be made in using is as follows:
Certain of the figures. Also included is dis-
cussion of other geometric combinations for Determine lane I volume at the on-
which insufficient data were available for ramp nose by the use of the appropriate
development of specific equations. To the basic nomograph (Fig. 8.6, 8.7, 8.11, 8.12,
extent possible, approximate procedures for or 8.16). This lane I yolume will consist of
handling such cases are described. lane I through vehicles and vehicles intend-
Summary Table 8.2 is provided as a con- ing to exit at the next off-ramp downstream.
venient index to the geometric combinations For reasons of simplicity in figuring 'the lane
covered in the chapter, by means of either 1 through volume, 100 percent of the "in-
figure or discussion. tending to exit" off-ramp vehicles are con-
sidered to be in lane 1 at the on-ramp nose.
In practice, this is more likely to be approxi-
mately 95 percent, as there are always a few
Auxiliary Lane Use.—Figures 8.6, 8.7, "late decision," "blocked off," or "sleeping"
8.11, 8.12, and 8.16 are used for on-ramp prospective off-ramp drivers, who are still
locations having an auxiliary lane extending in lane 2 at the on-ramp nose.
to the adjacent downstream off-ramp. The Subtract the off-ramp volume from
presence of an auxiliary lane changes the the computed lane 1 volume to get the lane 1
computational procedures somewhat from
through volume.
those used in conventional merging and di-
verging situations. At auxiliary lane loca- Make several checks of lane 1 and
tions, the extended opportunity to weave or auxiliary lane volumes at points between the
change lanes between lane 1 and the auxili- ramps. The volumes consist of the follow-
ary lane makes necessary a computation of ing:
volume in each of these lanes at selected Lane 1 volume=Lane 1 'through+On-
points between the ramp noses. Also, checks ramp vehicles out of auxiliary lane
of weaving volume per 500 ft of roadway (Fig. 8.20, upper curve) +Off-ramp ve-
should be made. hicles still in lane 1 (Fig. 8.20, inter-
The computed lane 1 and auxiliary lane preted from lower curve).
volumes should be checked separately Auxiliary lane volume=On-ramp vehicles
against the service volume. If the check- still in auxiliary lane (Fig. 8.20, inter-
point is at one-half the distance between the preted from upper curve) + Off-ramp
ramps, or closer to the on-ramp, the merge vehicles which have moved onto the
service volume should be used. If closer to auxiliary lane (Fig. 8.20, lower curve).
the off-ramp, the diverge service volume
should be used. Because lane 1 carries through vehicles as
In making an "across all freeway lanes" well as ramp vehicles, it seems obvious that
volume check, the auxiliary lane should not it will usually be the critical lane in terms of
Fig. 8.2,
Fig. 8.8
- Fig. 8.13,
(or Fig. 8.9-
see (1),
- Fig. 8.14
Fig. 8.15
7 Fig. 8.15)
Fig. 8.3
Fig. 8.4
- Fig. 8.10
(Table 8.3
Fig. 8.24b)
Fig. 8.7 (Fig.'8.7 Fig. 8.12 (Fig. 8.12 Fig. 8.16 (Table 8.3
f and and and
/7 \\ Fig. 8.20) Fig. 8.20) Fig. 8.24b)
'I /
/sr 2ND
1st-Fig. 8.2
2nd-Fig. 8.8
or Fig. 8.2
- 1st-Fig. 8.9
2nd-Fig. 8.13
- (Table 8.3
Fig. 24b)
- lsI-(FIg. 8.4 and
1st-(Fig. 8.10 and (Table 8.3
- n(Fig.'8.l
- and
Fig. 8.24b)
Not available Not available Fig. 8.17 - Not available Not available
Not available Not available - Fig. 8.18 Not available Not available
(Table 8.1-
see (a),
p. 226)
- (Table 8.1-
see (a), - (Table 8.1-
see (a),
p. 226)
- (Table 8.1-
see (a),
p. 226)
- (Table 8.1-
see (a),
p. 226)
- (Table 8.1-
see (a).
p. 226)
(Case I,
p. 226)_ - (Case I,
p. 226) - (Case J,
p. 226) - -
Entries in parentheses indicate suggested adaptations of criteria not developed specifically for the geomelrics shown, and/or references to dis-
Specific ramp junctions under consideration are emphasized.
Acceleration or deceleration lanes not shown.
Vf V.
oo -
200 -
200 -
300 -
1100 -
2600 400 -
1000 -
500 -
2400 900 -
600 - To determine the lane I volume at an on-ramp nose before merging takes place. The ramp
2200 - can be of any single-lane type except cloverleaf loop (handled by Figs. 8.5 and 8.6). An accele-
600 ration lane may or may not be present.
If there is an adjacent upstream on-ramp within 2,000 ft. use Fig. 8.8.
700 -
700 Draw a line from V 5 value to V. value intersccling V on Solution Line. -
1600 800-
0 600
1400 500
1000 -
1200 -
400 -
Figure 8.2. Nomograph for determination of lane I volume upstream c f on-ramp junction. 4-lane freeway (not applicable to cloverleaf inner loop).
- I 1500 -.
4000 - 2300 -
1400 -
3800 -
2200 -
2100 300 -
3600 -
- 2000
3400 - 1200 -
-1900 -
3200 -
- 1800 1100 -
3000 -
- 1700 000
2800 -
- 1600
- 900
2600 -
To determine the lane 1 volume upstream from an off-ramp just before divergence lakes
2400 - - 400 800 - place. The rump may or may not have a deceleration lane. If there is an adjacent upstream
on-rump within 3,200 It, Fig. 8.4 should be usediustead for greuter accuracy.
Note: See p. 222 for refinements possible in the use of this equation.
2200 - - 1300
2000 - -1200 - Draw a line from V value to V. value intersecting V on Solution Line.
600 -
1800 -
- 1100
1600 -
- 000 500 -
- 900
1400 - - 400-
- 800
1200 -
-700 300
1000 -
200 -
800 -
-500 -
600 - 100 -
- 400
400 - -000 0-
Figure 8.3. Nomoj raph for determin ation of lane 1 volume upst, earn of off-ramp junction, 4-lane freeway (no upstream on-ramp within 3,200 ft of off-ramp).
4200 (FEET)
1600 VPH
r— 900
4000 800
r 2250 1400 000
2100 1300
9u (." 04 —•1••6•v,
2000 V 202,0.362 V1 .0.4964,
1200 -0.069 D4 . 0.096 vu
3200 1900
1000 -1100
3000. Vt : 70 - 4200 VPH
Vr 50- 1600 VPN
: 1700 vu : so- 900vPu 600
-- 000 700 - 3200
2800 I
2400 800
Same as for Fig. 8.3, eScept that there is an upstream, adjacent
700 On-ramp within 3,200 ft.
,( I) Draw a line from V value to V. value intersecting Turning Line t.
1800 1000 Draw a line from Step I intersection of Turning Line I to D. value,
intersecting Turning Line 2. 2400
900 Draw a line from Step 2 intersection of Turning Line 2 to V. value.
1600 The intersection point of this line with the Solution Line is V.
800 400 2600
1200 600 2000
000 200
400 3000
800 too
700 200 25 3200
Figure 8.4. Nomograph or dete mination of lane I volume upstream of off-ramp junction, 4-lane freeway, with upstream on-ram p within 3,200 ft of off-ramp
auxiliary lane) -
V1 Vf V1
730 - - 2000 600 -
700 - -
1400 - --
- 500
To determine the lane I volume at an inner loop on-ramp nose at a cIovcIeaf interchange
which lacks an auxiliary lane connecting the loop ramps. An acceleration lane may or may
not be present. This design, lacking an auxiliary lane, is infrequently found along mmlern free-
500 1200 ways, but a number of such interchanges are still in use on older freeways. Solution (a) is ap-
- 400 propriate where the on-ramp volume is less than 600 vph. Solution (b) is used where the on-
ramp volume is 600-1,200 vph.
1000 -
Solution (a)
For ramp volumes less than 600 vph
1000 300 V,, on Solution Line (a), is horizontally to the left of l'I scale.
Solution (b)
For ramp volumes between 600 and 1200 vph
Draw a line from V, value to I', value intersecting I', on Solution Line (b).
200 400
2400 - 000
2200 W 900
C, Z
2 800
so To determine the lane I volume at an inner loop on-ramp nose at a cloverleaf Inter.
900 . change containing an auxiliary lane between the loops. The interchange may or may not have
1800 outer connections. Desirably, the distance between ramps should be 400 to 750 ft.
700 Assuming all prospective off-ramp vehicles are in lane I at the on-ramp nose, it is possible
to determine the number of through vehicles ii lane I by subtracting the off-ramp volume from
000 the computed lane I volume.
200 Note: Reference should be made to Figure 8.20 and related discussion on auxiliary lane
600 usage on p. 220 to check lane I and auxiliary lane volumes at points along the auxiliary lane.
These volumes should not exceed the service volumes for the level of service involved.
1400 1100
( I ) Draw a line from V, value to V, value intersecting Turning Line I.
200 200 (2) Draw a line from Step I intersection of Turning Line I to V value. The intersection point
of this line with Solution Line is V,.
t000 300
175 500 1,500
Figure 86. Nomograph for determination of lane 1 volume upstream of on- ramp junction, 4-1ane freeway, at cloverleaf inner loop with auxiliary lane.
V1 Dd VA
:: i I I I
280011 1500 -1
000 -1 i 800
1400 I
2600 1 I
L 700
200 600 -
- 1200
2200 1100
500 To determine the lane I volume at the nosc of an on-ramp where there is an auxiliary lane
- moo 300
extending to the adjacent downstream off-ramp. The equation is intended primarily for diamond
and similar flat angle entrance ramps, as distinguished from Figure 8.6, which is used for clover-
2000 leaf loop ramps.
Note: Lane I and auxiliary lanes operations shouldbe checked by means of Figure 8.20
900 400 and related procedures on p. 220.
700 1500
400 600. ] —
Figure 8.7. Noinograph for determination of lane 1 volume upstream of on-ramp junction, .6-lane freeway, with adjacent off -ramps both upstream and downstream of
stream off-ramp.
Vt V
3400 200
I1 200
2400 700
900 -
2200 0 - 600
800 To determine the lane I volunte at the on-ramp nose of the second of successive on-ramps
when the ramps are within 400 to 2.000 ft of each other (use Fig. 8.2 otherwise), and the
woo upstream on-rampvolumc does not exceed 1,000 vph. Not applicable to Situations where the
upstream on-ramp volume. V. is near its masimuni of 1,000 vph, and the distance between
ramps, 0., is near its minimum of 400 ft. Thus, the variables V. and 0., while not directly incor-
porated in the equation, nevertheless must be within a specified range for accurate use of the
800 equation.
600 - Draw a line from V, value to V. value intersecting Solution Line at V.
1200 400
Figure 8.8. Nomograph for determination of lane 1 volume upstream of on-ramp junction, 4-lane freeway, at second of successive on-ramps.
- 900 V
- 100 100
sAMPLE: 2500'
5800 - - 2100 - I.-0 _•1 D4
- - 800 100
V -121 0.044 V
-0.085 V. 640 1170 VPH
- 500
- 600
- 1400 °00 '4
To determine the lane I volume at an on-ramp nose
before merging takes place. The ramp can be of any
single-lane type, except cloverleaf loop (see FIg. 8.11).
4200 -700 An acceleration lane ntay or may not be present. While
not incladed in the equation. the volume on the ransp
-400 under study and the distancc 10 the adjaceul upstream
1170 VPH
- 700 - eoo off-ramp should be within the limits given.
3600 110 Notes: A. If there is no upstream off-ramp within
- 2,600 II. use 5000 the V.
scale when drawing Step I line.
- - 900 B. If there is no downstream off-ramp within 5,700 ft
and V, value does not exceed 5.000 vph. skip Step 2 and
-800 - use 5 on the (640) scale from which to draw Step 3
- - 1000 line.
0 200
3000 - 000 (I) Draw line from V, value to V. value, intersecting
- TurningLinel.
- - 600 - 100 - Draw line from V value through D0 value to inter-
- 1000 - 1200 sect (640
V) line.
0600 -
. 500
.400 - - Draw line from this value on (640 _i) line to
7001 L too
1800 180 -
4000 1700 - 0,a.
- 500
'b 4lt,
600 000
- 600
3600 1500
40 - 900 To determine the lane I volume upstream of an off-ramp junc-
3400 0
0 1400 - 800
- tion with an upstream on-ramp within 5,700 ft of the off-ramp and
120 -
3200 - 700 no auxiliary lane provided.
0800 too- ,00 - (I) Draw a line from V value to V. value intersecting Turning
1100 I - 600
80 -
1000 ta.. (2) Draw a line from V. value through D. value until line inter-
2400 500
Figure 8.10. Nomograph for determini ttion of lane 1 volume upstream of off-ramp junction, 6-lane freeway, with u1 sstream on-ramp within 5,700 ft of off-ramp (no
auxiliary lane).
Vow V. -.
Vr VA n
( I ) Draw a line from V, value to V.
value intersecting Turning Line I.
(2) Draw a line from Step I intersection of Turning Line I to V
value. The intersection
2800 point of this line with Solution Line is V..
Figure 8.11. Nomograph for determination of lane 1 volume upstream of on-ramp junction, 6-lane freeway, at cloverleaf inner loop with auxiliary lane.
V1 Vd
300 - - 1000
400 - - 900
- 800
Vf =
700 -
3600 - 500
-1000 -
3200 - - 400
To determine the lane I volume at the nose of an oIt.rantp where there is an auxiliary
- 800
lane extending to the adjacent downxtreonl off-ramp. The equation is printarity intended for
diamond and similar flat angle entrance ramps, as distinguished from Figure 8.11. which is used
for cloverleaf loop ramps. The equation IS derived from locations having auxiliary lanes 300
to 1,400 ft long. Although approximate extrapolation is perinissible. use of the equation for
2800 - 900 - -300 locations with longer auxiliary lanes may introduce an error into the calculation outside that
covered by the standard error.
- 800
Note: Lane I and auxiliary lane operations should be checked by means of Figure 8.20
and related procedures on p. 220.
-200 ( I ) Draw a line from V, value to D value intersecting Tnrning Line I.
2400 - (2) Draw u line from Step I intersection of Turning Line I to V value. The intersection point
- 400 1000 - of this line with Solution Line is V.
- too
2000 -
- 200
1900 -
1100 - - 50
Figure 8.12. i romograph for determin TtiOn of lane I volun e upstream of on-ramp junction, 6-lane freeway, with auxiliary lane between on-ram p and adjacent down-
V8 V1 '.
- 1800 -100 - 500 - 1400
- 1700
1600 - -
- - - 300
1500 - -600
- 200
- - 700 - -
(II Draw it line front V1 value to V. valtie in-
.600 -1000
- tersecting Turning Line I
- - - 900 Draw a lute froitt D. value to V. value ut-
- 500
- 1100 - tersecting Turning Line 2.
Draw a lAte Iroiti Step I intersection of
- Turning Line I to Step 2 intersection of
400 - Turning Line 2. The intersection point of
2600 - . - 400 this lAte wAIt the Solutissit Line is V at the
1200 . - nose of the 2nd on-rantp.
- -1000
200 - 1300 - 300
2200 -
- —1400 - -200
J -1-1300 1200
5800 900 -
4600 700
4200 600 —
3400 - 400
Figure 8.14. Noniograph for determination of lane 1 volume upstream of on-ramp junction, 8-lane freeway (no downstream oft-ramp within 3,000 ft; no auxiliary lane).
800 300
7000 1400
T 1 1
- 900 500
900 line is
300 230
100 1100
Figure 8.15. Nomograph for deter,nination of lane I volume upstream of on-ramp junction, 8-lane freeway, with downstream off-ramp within 1,500 to 3,000 ft (no
auxiliary lane).
80LU1IQN Vd Od
:::: E0°
F- 600
900 I
400 500
- 800
1700 300
5400 - 0 700
11) ilelerinine 11w SuIt I Voltinie 01 11w time of all oil-rail))) wlltie VIew is an auxiliary Stile
1100 600 eXIelIl)lllQ III Vie allJaeenl dolvuslrealu lI)l-raln)t illCet(1I1l)il)ll is prilnavilv ililelitleil for ili'_nninttl
11111 suilllar DIII tingle elllrallee ramps. allllilllgh it can lx llsetl',n lieu of all CqII:llilln fllr;Ie)l,Ver.
leaf (1111)1 rilIng on an K-bile freellly.
Now: l.;IIIC I and luxlllaly lIttle operaliolls sliimultl he tIjetted liv nleaiis of Figure 0.20
5000 10
Intl relalet) priieeduveson l 220.
- 900
I I Draw a line front 11 value 10 11, value ilIlerseelirIg Turning lute 1.
900 900 (2) Dratv a lint iroiii SIC)) I inlerseellllnofiurning line I Ill I', value. illlers...ill2
ing fine 2.
4600 400 131 Draw a hue frill)) SIC)) 2 inlerseelillu of lurnillg line 2 it, 0, value. rlie
p11(111 of this ((lie lvi))) Ilk Solulioll Lite is I-'. -
300 1000
4200 700
Figure 8.16. Nomograph for dezerminatiopi of lane 1 volume upstream of on-ramp junction, 8-lane freeway, with auxiliary lane between on-ramp and adjacent down-
V2 Vr
ON-RAMP LV, l-è ------- -8
3000 - 410 2380 3000 LONG
54* 0.070 V1 4 0.049 V,
2800 v1 :600-3000 VPH
V, :1100 -30*0 VPH
2600 -
V. "I
2000 2600 - 205+ 0.287 V1 + 0.575 V,
Vj 600-3000 VPH
0, :1100-3000 VPH
-1800 2400
2200 -
300 — -2200
ill (ICiCI'lIliIIC lilt' iIlill8i llIc'rge IblOt' I
: 1:11111) 1:111,' I\) ;1111) lilt
- rtIlllp blot' 11111111W (ilsIriblIlillIl II U ilt'I1'i:IIIC IIll-ralllp hill'illiT Ill 100010'
1800 - rtliioo 18110 III it'US1 $1111 it 1,1110. i'hcrc is nIl *Xlr:I blIlltUtIIit'li to lilt
o o
. Iitts*I5 lot 11115 CtlllliII*lIl. t'1I1I5i1171 *811111 itlIlt' A Vt'lliCit'5 Ill IlIt'*13'
- 2000
ciirt'Ciiy 1*1111 1:1110 I veilickS. AililIlIlilil S,lIIlCllIllt'S 115011. tills IiL'SIgll IS
o 1400
111)1 gelIcraily rt'cI,llllllclltk'ti t\..711 11111101' Silt'Cl8i I'IlilIlllt'CllIltiIltIlIlS.
- Soilllioll (7) is 115011 III tit'lt'*llljIIC I'.
II lilt' IllInllllil 111150. Allt'c
11, is Caht'llklit'tI. SollIlillIl Ihi is tot'tl 10 Cli011ialt' lilt' 111111:11
- tICStglltlIt'Ii V.., I ant' i I 5111171 hIlt' A). 'I lIt' SnAil i:IIIt' A 'IliIlllI1'
('all IX' 111111111 by Sllhi r:IcliIlO lilt' I', V:IiIIC IlillailICli Ill 0141111I111 181 IrtlIll
1400 - 1200 lilt' Sllilllioll (h) *051111 or V,.. 1(11111(1 ills' it l'IliIIlllt' IS IlIt'Il IlhIaIlIt'Ii
- by sllhlrat'lullg the *711111 hIlt' A S'IliIllllt' 1*11111 i'. lilt' 1111:11 IIII'l'alllil
VIlilIlIlt'. ItIllil V., 117110 i I r:IIllil hIlt' Al S'IlillllIt' and lilt' l';lllIil LIII,'
it S'IlilIlllt' SilIlIliti ht'CiIt't'kt'Ii 815111151 the Si' *1'It't' VIlilIlIlt' I'vel.
-1600 'lilt' 17111111 18111' It S't'ilit'It'S lIst' lilt' ;Icet'it'raIuIlII i:IIIt' and hart' III
nit'rgt' ll'ilil 11:1*1 of the ILIlIt' I ' r:llIIil i;Illt' A I Vt'iIIt'it'S l*illt'il lOSt'
- :,irctI,iy Illt'171t'ti. S,,os' ,if lilt' i;IlIi'rvt'ilpei,'s. il,lss't'lcr. lI'lII 1111111'
200 ,llilt'* 1:11151 if lilt' fI4'C1I''l' ht'iort' lilt' ralllil 1:1111' it Vt'iIlt'it'S 1110*711' 1*1111
1000 - lilt' rellIajIltier.
- 1400
800 a lin, 1111111 I ' VaiIlt' III I ' 0:111111IlIt'I'St't'lllIil 51411111111 I lots
(a I a,0 ibl.
( illlt'lSt'1'lillII If SlOp I (lIlt' II'llil SIlillIll i lIlt' 1:11 IS
- 1200 3 1The illIt'*St't'liIlIl of Slop I line 111111 SIlillIllIll I lIlt' (Il) IS I.,.
(4) Ra1111, LIIIC A 011111115'
600 - ISO 1600 (S) i(81l1i1LIII,.' it VIlillIlIt' i' 2:111111 hIlt' A l'IlilllIIt'.
- 1100
1700 -
5600 -
- 2800
600 -
- - V1,' -158 +0035 V1 .0.0567 Vr
300 -
4400 -
To determine (lane I + ramp lane A) volume, l',,, immedialely upstream from the
1200- - divergence poinl and lane I volume V just past the bifurcation at a Iwo-lane off-ramp having a
deceleration lane at least 700 ft long. No lane is dropped at the off-ramp, so the freeway con-
4000 - tinues to be three lanes downstream from the ramp. Ramp lane B vehicles use the deceleration
400 -
- 2000 lane for at least part of its length, while ramp lane A vehicles diverge directly from the freeway
1100- onlo the ramp. The importance ofan adequate deceleration lane cannot be overemphasized.
- Without an adequate deceleration lane, the ramp cannot be fed two lanes of traffic from the
freeway. To carry volumes over 2,000 vph, lane I vehicles should be moving into the decele-
3600 -
ration lane for exit in ramp lane B; simullancously, lane 2 vehicles will be moving into the
- woo vacated lane 1 spaces and most of these vehicles will exit in ramp lane A. The minimum length
of 700 It for use of the equations is not to be considered a design recommendation; design
standards should enceed this length.
Solution (a) is used to determine V,, while Solution (b) is used to calculate V, continuing
3200- 900 -
on past the ramp bifurcation. Ramp lane A volume can be determined by sublracting V
- 600 from V,.,. Ramp lane B volume can be calculated by subtracting ramp lane A volume from
the lolal off-ramp volume V,. The following volumes should be checked against the service
volume: Ramp lane B and V,,.
300 - 800
2800 -
-1400 ( I ) Draw a line from V, value to l' value inlersecting Solution Lines (a) and (b).
700 (2) The intersection of Solution Line (a) gives V.,.
- (3) The inlerseclion of Solution Line (b) gives V,
2400- Ramp lane A volume= V,., (from Step 2)—V (from Step 3).
Ramp lane B volume= V, — ramp lane A volume.
600 -1200
Figure 8.18. Nomograph jo determination of lane volum e distri !,ution, 6-lane freeway, upstream of 2-lane off-ramp with deceleration lane.
300 1400 4500
400 4400
] t -i
600 1200
] I
1100 40001
000 900 3600__1
1200 -I
700 32001
1400 600
Eu - 600—
500 2800
1600 1400
Figure 8.19 Nomograph for determination of lane volume distribution, 6-1ane freeway, at major fork into two 4-1ane freeways.
Figure 8.20. Use of auxiliary lane between adjacent on- and oil-ramps.
potential overloading, as compared to the heavily traveled portion of lane 1 is the sec-
auxiliary lane which carries ramp vehicles tion from 0.5 to 0.6 of the distance along the
only. The most critical checkpoin.t between auxiliary lane. As a rule of thumb, a volume
the ramps can usually be ascertained by not- check at the 0.5 point will usually suffice,
ing the relative ramp volumes and the shape where the sum of the volumes in lane 1 and
of the curves in Figure 8.20. Examination of the on-ramp does not-exceed 150 percent of
the upper curve in Figure 8.20 discloses that the merge service volume taken from Table
the greatest movement by on-ramp vehicles 8.1, except where ramp volumes are quite
from the auxiliary lane to lane 1, over the high. Should the off-ramp volume be com-
available distance, occurs between the 0.3 paratively high, the lane 1 section just down-
and 0.6 points. Also, off-ramp vehicles tend stream from the on-ramp nose should be
to stay in lane 1 until the 0.5 point is reached, checked for overloading, say at the 0.2 point.
after which increased movement onto the This check is made against the merge service
auxiliary lane takes place up to the 0.8 point. volume. On the other hand, if the on-ramp
The foregoing suggest that the most volume is comparatively high, a volume
check of lane 1 should be made just up- the graph, the maximum percentage of al-
stream from the off-ramp, at possibly the lowable prospective off-ramp vehicles in the
0.8 point. This check is made against the freeway stream can be determined. For ex-
diverge service volume, because the check- ample, at level C with a peak-hour factor of
point is closer to the off-ramp than to the 0.83, when the maximum freeway volume of
on-ramp. 2,500 vph is being handled, all of the ramp
Refined Procedure for Use of Figure 8.3. volume percentage lines below 40 percent
—Figure 8.3 is used to determine the lane 1 ramp vehicles fall beneath the level C (0.83
volume immediately upstream from an exit PHF) line. Therefore, approximately 40 per-
ramp on 4-lane freeways if there is no adja- cent of 2,500 vph, or about 1,000 off-ramp
cent upstream on-ramp within 3,200 ft. The vehicles, could be handled at the upper vol-
equation, which represents the best fit for a ume limit of level C (0.83 PHF).
considerable body of data taken at 19 Multiple regression equations developed
locations throughout the country, has a for the stratified data (2) proved quite con-
standard error of 131 vph, approximately clusively that the predictability of lane I
13 percent of the mean value of 1,022 vph volume upstream increases as the percentage
for the lane 1 volume from all locations. of ramp vehicles increases. In other words,
Considering the relative variability of traffic
the lines representing 0-9.9 percent and 10.0-
streams, this equation may be a reasonably
19.9 percent ramp vehicles are the least ac-
accurate aid as it stands. However, the large
number of data makes possible increased ac- curate of the five lines and the observations
curacy by allowing a stratification of the off- containing these percentages contributed
ramp volumes as percentages of the freeway more to the 13 1 -vph standard error of the
volume approaching the exit ramp. equation in Figure 8.3 than did the observa-
Figure 8.21 is the graphical presentation tions having higher ramp vehicles per-
of the stratified data. By following the di- centages. This is actually of advantage to
verge service volume lines horizontally across the designer because the greater concern and
"" I
0 I 2 3
4 8 8 4 14083 PH F
U t0.9IPHF
Figure 8.21. Lane 1 volume upstream from off ramp, related to freeway volume and percentage
'of off-ramp vehicles in freeway stream upstream from off-ramp on 4-lane freeways
(for use in conjunction with Fig. 8.3).
20 30 40 00 60 10
Figure 8.22. Percentage 0/total trucks in lane 1 of 4-, 6-, and 8-lane freeways immediately
upstream from on-ramp entrances, or at the diverge point upstream from oft-ramps.
need for accuracy is at the high-volume exit the same adjustment can be applied to ramp
ramps. volumes where appropriate. This conversion
Adjustment for Trucks.—The procedures permits use of the values in Table 8.1 as the
that have been described are based on mixed fundamental set of comparison criteria, as
traffic containing up to 5 percent trucks in before. Typical example 8.1, Part 2, demon-
each flow involved, in relatively level terrain. strates the computations involved.
Reference to Chapter Nine shows that this
range represents a truck adjustment factor Note: This procedure is approximate, in
range of from 1.00 for no trucks down to that the adjustments in Chapter Nine were
0.91 for a full 5 percent. Because 5 percent not developed specifically for a single lane.
trucks is taken as the base point, although no
correction for less than 5 percent is required,
the procedures provide a "safety factor" of
up to 1/0.9 1 = 1.10 where no trucks are As previously indicated, the equations and
present. the nomographs presented as Figures 8.2
On the other hand, where more than 5 per- through 8.19 do not fit all of the geometric
cent trucks are involved in any flow, or the conditions likely to be encountered in prac-
grade is significant, an adjustment for trucks tice. This section is included, therefore, to
should be made to that flow. Figure 8.22 is guide the user in adapting these methods, or
provided for use in making this adjustment. other procedures or references, to situations
It shows the percentage of trucks likely to be not directly covered.. The designs not cov-
in lane 1 at any given freeway volume level ered can be broken down into broad cate-
on 4-, 6-, and 8-lane freeways. Thus, the gories as follows: (1) left-hand ramps, (2)
number and percentage of trucks in V1 can certain types of right-hand one-lane ramps,
be determined, from which the passenger car both on and off, (3) certain types of two-lane
equivalent and truck adjustment factor can on-ramps, and (4) specialized designs some-
be determined by the methods of Chapter times needed for unusual traffic or topo-
Nine. Multiplication of the V1 value by the graphic conditions. Several potential alter-
factor 0.9 1/ (actual truck adjustment factor) nate methods exist for use in handling
converts the volume to the 5 percent base problems involving these additional geo-
inherent in the basic procedures. Similarly, metric layouts, as well as those involving
variable values outside the ranges of values 4-lane freeway—For the first ramp use
covered by the nomographs. The several Figure 8.2; for the second ramp use
possible methods, and the situations to which Figure 8.8 or Figure 8.2 directly.
each is best applied, are described in this sec- One-lane on-ramp on 6-lane freeway,
tion. To the extent possible, these applica- with adjacent upstream on-ramp--Use
tions are included in the procedural index Figure 8.13 where the upstream on-ramp
(Table 8.2). is within the limitation range specified.
Extrapolation of Existing Nomographs Otherwise, use Figure 8.9.
(Equations).—In cases where one or several One-lane inner loop off-ramp at
of the variables are somewhat outside the cloverleaf interchange on 6-lane freeway,
ranges given in the nomograph, extrapolation with auxiliary lane—Use Figure 8.11, to-
is often acceptable, where done with caution. gether with Figure 8.20.
For example, a particular layout may involve One-lane off-ramp at diamond-type
an auxiliary lane 2,600 ft long, where the interchange on 6-lane freeway, with auxil-
appropriate nomograph (equation) has an iary lane—Use Figure 8.12, together with
upper limit of 1,400 ft for length of auxiliary Figure 8.20.
lane, this limit largely based on the range of Successive one-lane on-ramps on 6-
data available for this condition. The equa- lane freeway—For the first ramp use Fig-
tion could be used, if examination of the ure 8.9; for the second ramp use Fig-
effect of the variable being extrapolated on ure 8.13.
the overall result of known levels indicated
One-lane on-ramp with adjacent up-
this was feasible. In one such case, a level-
stream off-ramp on 8-lane freeway—Use
ing off trend might be noted which would
Figure 8.14 or 8.15.
suggest use,. in the equation, of some value
short of the full 2,600 ft. In another in- One-lane inner loop on-ramp at
stance, however, engineering judgment might cloverleaf interchange on 8-lane freeway,
detect an unreasonable trend which would with auxiliary lane—Use Figure 8.16.
suggest that extrapolation not be attempted.
Use of Procedures Presented Later in
Substitution of an Equation Representing
Chapter for Application to Levels of Service
a Relatively Similar Layout.—This is often
D and E.—Although Table 8.3 and Figure
an appropriate method, because several
8.24 are developed for use with the higher
geometric layouts for which insufficient data
volumes encountered in level D, they can be
are available for specialized treatment ap-
applied approximately to levels B and C if no
pear to operate much the same as arrange-
other methods appear practicable either
ments for which data were available. In
alone or in conjunction with level B and C
such cases, use of the figure representing the
known case is recommended. equations.
(a) Successive one-lane off-ramps on 4-
The principal such cases are as follows:
lane freeway—For the first (upstream) off-
One-lane on-ramp with adjacent up- ramp, the critical checkpoint will be lane I
stream off-ramp on 4-lane freeway—Use upstream of the ramp, because some of
Figure 8.2. the off-ramp vehicles destined for the second
One-lane inner loop off-ramp at of the off-ramps will be in lane 1 at the first
cloverleaf interchange on 4-lane freeway off-ramp. Figure 8.3 or 8.4 can be used, but
(no auxiliary lane)—Use Figure 8.4. the off-ramp volume, V, used therein should
One-lane inner loop off-ramp at be the total combined off-ramp volumes of
cloverleaf interchange on 4-lane freeway, the two off-ramps if they are closely spaced
with auxiliary lane—Use Figure 8.6, to- (within 800 ft of each other, nose to nose).
gether with Figure 8.20. Where the distance between ramps is be-
One-lane off-ramp at diamond-type tween 800 and 4,000 ft, Figure 8.24b can be
interchange on 4-lane freeway, with auxil- used to determine the number of second off-
iary lane—Use Figure 8.7, together with ramp vehicles in lane 1 upstream of the first.
Figure 8.20. If spacing is more than 4,000 ft, conven-
Successive one-lane on-ramps on tional use of Figure 8.3 or 8.4 is recom-
mended. For the second ramp use Fig- of a freeway lane and provides the outside
ure 8.3 directly. ramp lane (lane B) with direct entry into the
Successive one-lane off-ramps on 6- added freeway lane. The inside ramp lane
lane freeway—The procedure for the first (lane A) must merge into lane 1 of the free-
ramp is similar to that in (a) above for 4- way or lane B of the ramp. Research results
lane, but use Figure 8.10, together with Fig- regarding performance are not yet available;
ure 8.24b where appropriate. For the second estimates are, therefore, necessary. This de-
ramp use Figure 8.10 directly. sign approximates that of a major junction.
One-lane off-ramp on 8-lane freeway A suggested computation method makes
—Procedures for level D, including Table use of the assumption that ramp lane B,
8.3 and Figure 8.24b, give approximate solu- which adds the lane to the freeway, will carry
tions. the bulk of the traffic. The amount assigned
One-lane inner loop off-ramp at to this lane, should be the merge checkpoint
cloverleaf interchange on 8-lane freeway, volume from Table 8.1. The remainder of
with auxiliary lane—Procedures for level D, the ramp volume should be assigned to ramp
including Table 8.3 and Figure 8.24b, give lane A; this volume will merge with the lane
approximate solutions. 1 volume of the freeway. Depending on
One-lane off-ramp at diamond-type whether the freeway upstream of the ramp
interchange on 8-lane freeway, with auxil- has 2 lanes, 3 lanes, or 4 lanes, Figures 8.2,
iary lane—Procedures for level D, including 8.9, and 8.14, respectively, can be applied to
Table 8.3 and Figure 8.24b, give approxi- compute the lane 1 volume. In making the
mate solutions. lane 1 computation, the on-ramp volume
Successive one-lane on-ramps on 8- used will be that traversing ramp lane A.
lane freeways—Procedures for level* D, in- For example, in a level C design for 0.83
cluding Table 8.3 and Figure 8.24a, give ap- peak-hour factor, if the total ramp volume
proximate solutions. If the upstream on- were 1,900 vph, 1,400 vph would be assigned
ramp has light to moderate volume (not over to ramp lane B while 500 vph would use
600 vph), Figure 8.14 or 8.15 can be used. ramp lane A and merge with the lane 1 vol-
Successive one-lane off-ramps on 8- ume of the freeway. If the freeway volume
lane freeways—Procedures for level D, in- was 2,000 vph, using Figure 8.2, V1 would
cluding Table 8.3 and Figure 8.24b, give be 2,000 vph and V, would be 500 vph. The
approximate solutions. computed V1 volume added to the ramp
lane A volume would be checked against the
Use of General Merge and Diverge Cri- merge checkpoint volume of 1,400 vph for
teria in Table 8.1. level C (PHF 0.83), Table 8.1.
Lane added to the freeway at a 1-lane The total downstream volume, 3,900 vph,
on-ramp entrance, or dropped at a 1-lane off- would be similarly checked against the
ramp exit—The basic merge and diverge vol- allowable 4,000 vph, from Table 8.1, for
ume data in Table 8.1 may be interpreted as the given conditions.
limiting ramp volumes. Case Il—This design also requires the ad-
High-volume 2-lane entrance ramps, dition of a freeway lane. In this case, how-
and substitutes therefor—These fall into at ever, the inside ramp lane (lane A) is led
least four basic designs, designated as Cases directly into the added freeway lane and the
I-IV as sketched in the following:
outside ramp lane (lane B) is expected to
Case 1—This design requires the addition merge with lane A of the entrance into the
-- OO LANE - -
r(AMPS 227
added freeway lane. Again, research results distributions by lane have been derived; these
are unavailable. show lane 1 volumes based on freeway vol-
A general computational method for this ume only. Such curves can be used for gen-
type of design cannot be suggested, inasmuch eral approximations.
as marking practices can affect the paths
followed by ramp drivers. Also, it is not Use of Research Literature.—Reference to
known how many ramp lane A vehicles will the literature will show a variety of reports
move over into the adjacent left lane because which can be examined for insight into this
of pressure exerted by ramp lane B vehicles, subject or even complete solutions for certain
which must merge left into the added free- specific unusual layouts.
way lane. At the very least, the designer Left-side ramp problems, for which no
should make an "across all freeway lanes" generalized procedures are available for in-
check downstream from the merge just as clusion in this chapter, are discussed in two
he would for Case I. reports (9, 10) that cover extensive re-
Case 111—This design does not require an search into the operational characteristics
added freeway lane but does require a long
(including volume distributions and merging
and diverging capabilities) of several specific
left-side entrance and exit ramps.
As previously indicated, only limited re-
sults of research on 2-lane ramps are availa-
ble as yet. Figures 8.17 and 8.18 treat one
variety each of 2-lane entrance and exit
13 ramps on 6-lane freeways, and Figure 8.19
treats major forks, but other research results
on 2-lane ramps are largely lacking. The
acceleration lane or reduction of lanes over a literature should be reviewed periodically for
2,000- to 3,000-ft length. Its application is newer, more complete findings to supplement
mainly to the few points where upstream this manual.
freeway volumes are and will remain low. Local Field Sampling.—Occasionally, lo-
Figure 8.17 applies, approximately, to the cal on-site studies may prove the most feasi-
6-lane freeway case, but research results are ble means of determining operational char-
lacking for the 4-lane and 8-lane cases. acteristics on existing freeways, to establish
Case IV—This design would spread high
curves or approximate lane volume solutions.
entrance ramp volumes over two closely
Simulation by Digital Coin puter.—Use of
digital simulation of freeway traffic flow to
provide design solutions, and evaluation of
alternate solutions, is becoming more con-
venient and feasible as programs are de-
volume from Table 8.1. Therefore, the 0.91 PHF), a check at the 0.5 point between
merge is considerably higher than level C the interchanges should suffice to determine
and does not meet the requirement. Not if the lane 1 volume and auxiliary lane vol-
satisfactory. ume meet separate checks against the service
At between-junction "across all freeway volume requirement of 1,550 vph, as fol-
lanes" checks: lows:
4,300<4,350 from Table 8.1; satisfactory.
Lane I Volume Calculated at the 0.5 Point
3,650<4,350 from Table 8.1; satisfactory.
4 1 450> 4,350 from Table 8.1; not satisfac- Between the Ramps:
tory. Lane I through=972 (Lane I calculated)
Weaving vehicles check: —600 (Off-ramp)=273 vph.
800 vph "on" + 600 vph "off" = 1,400 vph On-ramp volume merged onto lane 1 =
weaving in 1,100 ft. This obviously meets 0.58x800=464 vph (using Figure 8.20,
the level C criterion of not over 1,350 vph upper curve).
weaving per 500 ft satisfactorily. Off-ramp volume still in lane I = (1.00
The foregoing analyses indicate that the —0.25) x600=450 vph (using Figure 8.20,
proposed geometrics are deficient at the lower curve).
merge checkpoint, and "across the freeway Total in lane I at 0.5 point= 372 through
lanes" between the entrance and the down- +464 from on-ramp+450 destined to off-
stream exit ramps. ramp= 1,286 vph.
(b) Recomputations: 1,286< 1,550; lane I meets level C service
The most likely modification to investigate volume requirement.
in the hope of meeting level C requirements Auxiliary Lane Volume Calculated at the
is the addition of an auxiliary lane between 0.5 Point:
the entrance and exit ramp. This will pro- The auxiliary lane volume can be calcu-
vide additional maneuvering space and re- lated using Figure 8.20, but it is perhaps
duce the number of vehicles in lane I be- easier to simply add the lane 1 volume at the
tween the ramps. nose to the on-ramp volume and subtract the
There is no change in operation at the first volume calculated to be in lane I at the 0.5
exit ramp, so no recomputation need be point.
made there. 972 (at nose)+800 (on-ramp)— 1,286
A volume check should be made at the (lane I at 0.5 point) =486 vph.
nose of the on-ramp using Figure 8.12 for 486< 1,550; auxiliary lane meets level C
lane location. V 1 = 53 + 0.283 V1 — O.4O2D,, service volume requirement.
+ 0.547V,1 = 53 + 0.283(3,650) - 0.402 There is also the need to check the "across
(1,100) +0.547(600) =972 vph at the nose all freeway lanes" volume to make sure it
of the on-ramp. now meets the 4,350 vph requirement. In
The lane I volume at any point between such checks, the auxiliary lane is not counted
the ramps will consist of through vehicles, as a lane and the volume carried on the auxil-
on-ramp vehicles, and off-ramp vehicles. The iary lane at the checkpoint is not counted in
number of through vehicles is determined by the freeway volume.
subtracting the off-ramp volume from the In this problem, there are 4,450 vph
computed lane I volume at the nose of the entering the section and 486 vph have been
on-ramp. All off-ramp vehicles are assumed calculated to be in the auxiliary lane at the
to be in lane 1 at the nose of the on-ramp for 0.5 point. There remain 3,964 vph on the
computational purposes. Figure 8.20 is used three through lanes.
to determine the lane volume distribution of 3,964<4,350; "across all freeway lanes"
the entrance and exit ramp vehicles between requirement for level C is met.
the ramps. A final check can be made to assure that
If the combined volume of the computed the service volume requirement for weaving
lane 1 volume, plus the on-ramp volume, is met. Inasmuch as the weaving criterion is
does not exceed 150 percent of the service 1,350 vph per 500 ft of roadway for level C
volume for one lane (1,550 vph for level C, (0.91 PHF), the weaving of 1,400 vph (800
1,221 < 1,500, therefore the level C re- the off-ramp and also 1,600 ft upstream to
quirement is met. check utilization of lane 1 just before the
Second off-ramp: deceleration lane begins.
V = +94+0.231V+0.473V,.+215v 2 / Provide an auxiliary lane between the
D,, = + 94 + 0.231 (3,200) + 0.473 (900) + upstream on-ramp and the first off-ramp.
215(0) = 1,259 vph. Obviously, this should remedy the situation;
1,259< 1,500, therefore the level C re- but if there is doubt, Figure 8.12 and 8.20
quirement is met. should be used to analyze lane 1 volumes at
several points between the on-ramp and the
The maximum between-junction "across
all freeway lanes" volume check is satisfac- off-ramp. (From a capacity standpoint, a
tory; 3,700<4,000 vph, limit for level C, continuation of this lane to the second ramp
0.83 PHF. probably would be found unnecessary; from
a safety standpoint, it might be found desira-
Weaving vehicles check:
ble, however).
The presence of one entrance and two
exits indicates that there will be at least rudi-
mentary multiple-weaving characteristics. In- EXAMPLE 8.5
asmuch as the on-ramp carrying 500 vph is Part a.
3,000 ft upstream, it is obvious that the level Problem:
C requirement of less than 1,200 vph weav-
ing in any 500 ft segment is met. Given: A two-lane on-ramp joins a 6-lane
freeway, and at the point of junction a lane
Conclusions: is added to form an 8-lane freeway down-
The several solutions above have shown stream (see sketch). Level of service C is
that with the given volumes, level C service desired, and PHF=0.91; geometrics are
volume requirements are not met upstream of adequate. The freeway is carrying 4,000 vph
the first off-ramp when only 700 ft separate approaching the on-ramp. The truck per-
the off-ramps. For the other distances of centage is under 5 and grades are near level.
2,000 and 5,000 ft, the design is satisfactory.
Alternates to consider, in 700-ft case:
There are several alternates to consider for 4,000 12
- -
Li v1 -.- -
the situation where only a 700-ft distance
exists between off-ramp noses.
Accept level of service D at the first
Separate the off-ramps by a greater Determine: (1) Will the assigned vol-
distance. The solution for 2,000-ft distance umes as shown in the sketch meet level C
is shown to barely meet level C requirements. requirements? (2) What is the maximum
The off-ramps, then, should be at least allowable ramp volume for level C?
2,000 ft apart.
Provide a long parallel decelera- Solution:
tion lane upstream of the first off- ( 1 ) Check of assigned traffic volumes rela-
ramp so that the 500 vph destined for the tive to level C:
first off-ramp can be off the through lanes
From Table 8.1, the allowable upstream
before the majority of the 900 vph destined
freeway volume for a 6-lane freeway at level
for the second off-ramp have moved over C with PHF= 0.91 is 4,350 vph, whereas the
into lane 1. By use of Figures 8.10 and allowable downstream freeway volume for
8.23b it can be determined that the decelera- an 8-lane freeway at level C with PHF=0.91
tion lane should start at least 1,600 ft up- is 6,000 vph. The layout thus meets "across
stream of the first off-ramp. Assuming that all freeway lanes" checks, for level C.
the 500 vph will move onto the deceleration This is a 2-lane on-ramp, Case I design,
lane along the first 600 ft of its length, a lane as discussed on p. 226, because the freeway
1 check should be made 1,000 ft upstream of lane is added as a continuation of the right
In most cases, however, on reasonably change lanes before suffering reduced speed
well-designed freeways, stability extends well or stoppage. This is particularly true when
into level D, and it is in this area that the most of the drivers are repeat users, or
practicing traffic engineer is most interested. "commuters," as is the case at most locations
Desirable though it would be to operate all where capacity is a problem.
highways at level C or better, this cannot yet The procedures previously described for
be done in most cities. As a result, the traffic levels A through C can be applied to level D
engineer is forced to think in terms of "how and, approximately, to level E, in the same
many can I consistently get through" in way that they are applied to the better levels,
many peak-period situations. through selection of the appropriate control
Unlike mainline flow, there is a considera- values from Table 8.1. Occasionally, for
ble range in workable ramp junction volumes certain special geometric situations, this may
within level D, before level E is reached. be necessary. However, other procedures are
This is true because mainline traffic not only available, for most typical geometric ar-
distributes itself (by lanes) differently under rangements, which apply specifically to the
conditions of incipient congestion, but also level D case; they can be used to approxi-
distributes itself in a variety of ways depend- mate level E also (3). These are next de-
ing on the specific combination of geometrics scribed.
at any particular site. The criteria in Ta-
ble 8.1 show the upper limit of merging or COMPUTATIONAL PROCEDURES-LEVEL D
diverging volume (or volume in any one
lane) as 2,000 passenger cars in a whole Table 8.3 and Figure 8.23 are the prin-
hour, but the lane distribution changes result cipal computational devices reflecting typical
in relatively less traffic in lane 1, and more in driver behavior at level of service D. Ta-
the remaining lanes. It is therefore possible ble 8.3 gives the percentage of through traffic
with this type of operation to obtain greater likely to remain in lane 1 through the ramp
ramp volumes than those obtained at the junction area at level D on 4-, 6-, and 8-
high-volume end of level C. lane freeways. Similarly, Figure 8.23 shows
As an example, suppose that there are the percentages of on-ramp and off-ramp
3,000 vph on a 6-lane freeway upstream of traffic likely to be in lane 1 (as well as in the
an on-ramp with geometrics as shown in auxiliary lane, if one is present) through the
Figure 8.9. The adjacent ramps are an up- same area, on freeways of any normal num-
stream off-ramp carrying 400 vph and an off- ber of lanes. It is derived from Figures 8.24
ramp 4,000 ft downstream carrying 500 vph. and 8.25.
The nomographic solution (Fig. 8.9) shows Workable ramp volumes at the high-vol-
that 660 vph of the 3,000 vph are in lane 1 ume end of level of service D can be deter-
and at the upper volume limit of level C only mined by means of procedures making use
640 vph (for 0.77 PHF), 740 vph (for of Table 8.3 and Figure 8.23. Allowance has
0.83 PHF), or 890 vph (for 0.91 PHF) can been made for peaking within the hour, and
enter from the on-ramp at this location with- for normal variation in other unmeasured
out exceeding the merge limits. If the actual conditions. If the check point volumes do
demand at the on-ramp happens to be at not exceed those associated with level D,
capacity will seldom, if ever, be exceeded;
these volumes or slightly lower, this is a true
hence, queues will not form. These values,
solution, and merging will take place at
then, represent the highest volumes that can
level C. However, it will be seen that the be consistently carried with little likelihood
average lane volume in lanes 2 and 3 under of a flow "breakdown." Conditions, however,
these stipulated conditions would be only may seem restricted to many drivers.
(3,000-660)/2= 1,170 vph. If the on-ramp This procedure and these values should be
volume is greater than the 640 vph, 740 vph, used to check operational problems on exist-
or 890 vph stated above, queuing in the right ing freeways and can be used in design to
lane will be incipient, but queues will not check critical locations to ensure that they
form because there is so much room in lanes will not become bottlenecks which would
2 and 3 that some drivers in lane 1 will affect level of service at upstream locations.
- -
I6 - 29 46 6 31 19 - 95(I - Ioo- 10 -- -
(B)L' 1,500'
, ii 0 1500
1 ,1000
1,1 500
1,500' 1,000 500' 0
(C) L 2,000'
29(QJ -I9t) 8 ()30
cir"76(I4'r 92(3')
"1150500' 1,1000' 1,1500' 2,I0
2,00d 1,500' 1,000' 500' 0
j 0
0 500 1, 1000 1, 1500 2,1000 2,1500 ' 3,1000
3,000' 2,500' 2,000' 1,500' 1,000' 500' 0
Figure 8.23. Percentage distribution of 'on- and off-ramp traffic in lane 1 and auxiliary lane
0 I 2 3
11,600' -
nose 60 percent will be in the right lane, with in connection with an ordinary off-ramp.
the other 40 percent having moved over to Inasmuch as there is always some through
the left if there is room in the other lane and traffic in the right lane, it would never be
if there is a reason to avoid lane 1 (such as 'a possible to supply the capacity. volume of a
downstream merge conflict). full lane to an off-ramp even though the
Figure 8.24b applies to off-ramps not pre- ramp itself might be able to accommodate it.
ceded by an auxiliary lane. It indicates the If a parallel auxiliary lane-is added, however,
average volume of off-ramp traffic in the the capacity of a full lane can be supplied to
right lane (lane 1) at any distance upstream a ramp. Thus, under high volume conditions
of the ramp nose. It is shown, for example, provision of a parallel lane increases the
that in the case of a conventional off-ramp capacity of off-ramps although a simple taper
(no auxiliary lane, standard .taper) 100 per- is adequate under lower volume conditions.
cent of the off-ramp traffic will be in the A typical example of use of the charts is
right lane (lane 1) at a point 500 ft upstream included in Figure 8.24; it involves, a check
of the off-ramp nose. At a point 2,000 ft up- of operation at a point 1,500 ft downstream
stream of the nose 63 percent of the off-ramp of an on-ramp entering a 4-lane freeway
traffic will still be in lane 2, provided there is (2 lanes in each direction).
a reason (congestion) to stay out of lane 1 A.t locations classed as Case II, involving
as long as possible yet there is room to move an on-ramp connected by an auxiliary lane
into lane 1 downstream before the off-ramp to a downstream off-ramp, distributions of•
is reached. on-ramp traffic differ; typical distributions
This figure illustrates an important point are shown in FigUre 8.25. For example, .the
o traffic that has not yet moved right from
lane 2.)
In measuring the distances between noses,
4 60 again the method outlined in Figure 7.5
should be used. Obviously, in actual prac-
4 tice there are few weaving sections whose
lengths are exact multiples of 500 ft; how-
60 ever, the length of the section under investi-
0 gation can be rounded to the nearest 500 ft
z loom
exceeding allowable error in estimating the
acceptability of traffic operation.
In carrying out procedural step (c) to de-
termine lane 1 volumes in Case I where no
20 auxiliary lane is present, Table 8.3 is first
0 used to determine the percentage of through
traffic (defined for purposes of this section
as traffic not involved in a ramp movement
500 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 within 4,000 ft in either direction) that will
DISTANCE, FT probably remain in lane 1 throughout the
entire merging and weaving section, at level
D. The total directional through volume is
= - 1,000'
= = = = then multiplied by the percentage just se-
(UX.LANE-J lected from Table 8.3 to obtain the through
1,200 L - 2,000'
(non-weaving) volume in lane 1. Next, to
this volume is added the on-ramp traffic
which has entered lane 1, as well as the off-
Figure 8.25. Percentage of on-ramp traffic ramp traffic which has not yet left lane 1, as
leaving auxiliary lane at any point for determined from Figure 8.23a. The sum is
a given length of auxiliary lane, L.
the total volume in lane 1 at the particular
In Case II where 'there is an auxiliary lane,
Figure 8.23b is employed in a similar man-
figure indicates that if a 2,000-ft auxiliary ner. Here, however, the auxiliary lane vol-
lane is provided, 86 percent of the on-ramp umes, consisting of on-ramp vehicles still in
traffic will be out of the auxiliary lane that lane plus off-ramp vehicles which have
1,000 ft downstream of the on-ramp. already entered it, must also be determined.
For general computational use, Fig- In either case, as previously described the
ure 8.23 combines data from these several lane volumes obtained must be checked
figures. It shows, for several representative against control values.
distances between ramp junctions, including The method can be utilized for a wide -
both locations with and without auxiliary variety of geometr-ics, as is demonstrated in
lanes, the distribution of ramp traffic at the sample problems which follow. • In par-
500-ft intervals. That is, it shows the per-
ticular, it can be adapted to cases where a
centages of both the traffic entering from the
pair of on- or off-ramps exists, as shown in
on-ramp and that preparing to exit at the
Example 8.9. In such cases, the flow to or
off-ramp which will be found in the auxiliary
lane and in lane 1 at these 500-ft points. from the outermost ramp of the pair should
(Although not required for computational be examined for its influence on lane' 1, both
purposes, the difference between the total as an individual ramp flow and as part of the
of the percentages in lane 1 and the auxiliary through flow past the next ramp; .the result
lane and 100 percent represents on-ramp selected should be that producing the largest
traffic that has reached lane 2, or off-ramp volume contribution to. lane 1,
Volume across through freeway lanes
500 = 5,900 vph.
5,900< 6,000, from Table 8.1; satis-
Jy Lane 1 volume at
Traffic in right lane from upstream
Determine whether or not the design satis- of ramp X, (test two alternate meth-lh
fies the requirements for level of service D ods; use the larger result).
at point C13. Alternate 1:
Through traffic in right lane (Ta-
Solution: ble8.3)=0.08x4,200=336
Volume across through freeway lanes X2 on-ramp traffic in right lane
= 5,900 vph. (Fig. 8.23a) =0.30x 700=210
5,900<6,000 vph, from Table 8.1; Total=546 (use).
satisfactory. Alternate 2:
Lane 1 volume at13. Consider X2 on-ramp traffic as
Through traffic in right lane (Ta- through (Table 8.3) = 0.09 x 4,900
ble 8.3) =0.08 x 4,200=336. =440 (reject). •
On-ramp traffic in right lane (Fig. X. on-ramp traffic in right lane
8.23a) = 1.00x 1,200=1,200. (Fig. 8.23a)=l.00x5OO=500.
Off-ramp traffic in right lane (Fig. Off-ramp Y traffic in right lane
8.23a) =0.79x500=395. (Fig; 8.23a) = 0.79 x 500 = 395.
Total'= 1,931 > 1,500, from Ta- Total= 1,441 <1,500, from Ta-
ble 8.1; unsatisfactory. ble 8.1; satisfactory.
of 2,000 vph as merge and diverge capacity of 2,000 vph per lane is likely to be unre-
in Table 8.1; liable. If there are any unusual conditions,
Nevertheless, the specific conditions of the 2,000-vph rate may not be attained.
geometric design and traffic characteristics Unstable flow exists at level of service E,
which permit the consistent attainment of with "breakdown" likely. Further demand
2,100 vph are not well identified as yet. It is increase will exceed the capacity of the merg-
neither feasible nor wise, therefore, to pre- ing or diverging area. The result will be
sent procedures to predict operation at this forced flow operation, level of service F.
level. An estimate can be made by substitut- Long queues may develop, with accompany-
ing a 2,000-vph rate for the 1,800-vph rate ing delays to motorists. At most locations,
assumed as a maximum rate of flow for ser- particularly those where drivers have long
vice level D, but operation with volume rates experience in congested freeway driving,
840 760 560 740 3,560 3,740
300 ROMP 2,00d MOO
All examples are three lanes in one direction, without auxiliary lane.
I, Excluding on-ramp vehicles.
Maximum total freeway volume is 4,000, so maximum ramp volume isO vph.
Maximum total freeway volume is 4500, so maximum ramp volume is 500 vph.
only part of the excess will normally be de- to 200), whereas service volume D of the
ducted from the on-ramp volumes; the on-ramp is increased by 440 vph. By com-
remainder of the loss will be in the freeway paring cases 1 and 5, it is seen that service
flow. Suppose, for example, that an on-ramp volume C of the on-ramp is increased by
demand is 1,200 vph, but that the capacity as only 150 vph when the distance to a down-
calculated in this section is only 600 vph. stream off-ramp is increased from 2,000 ft to
This does not mean that only 600 vph will 5,000 ft, whereas service volume D is in-
get on the freeway at this location. With a creased by 580 vph.
demand of 1,200 vph, the difference of
600 vph will be partly waiting in a REFERENCES
queue on the ramp, and partly in a queue
on the freeway. The freeway flow will have Hess, J. W., "Capacities and Characteris-
"broken down" with long irregular queuing, tics of Ramp-Freeway Connections." High-
mostly in the right lane but with spill-over way Research Record No. 27, pp. 69-115
queuing and stop-and-go operation in adja- (1963).
Hess, J. W., "Ramp-Freeway Terminal
cent lanes. This type of operation results in
Operation as Related to Freeway Lane
hazardous lane-changing upstream. Further, Volume Distribution and Adjacent Ramp
the ramp volume under "stop-and-go" opera- Influence." Highway Research Record No.
tion, which is level of service F, will be 99, pp. 81-116 (1965).
limited, in many cases, to a maximum of MosioWrrz, K., and NEWMAN, L., "Traffic
about 900 vph. This is because, as discussed Bulletin No. 4—Notes on Freeway Capac-
earlier, lane I vehicles will alternate with ity." Calif,. Div. of Highways (July 1962);
ramp vehicles entering the merging area, and Highway Research Record No. 27,
pp. 44-68. (1963).
which has a capacity of approximately
FUKUTOME, I., and MosKowlTz, K.,
1,800 vph under these conditions. Actual "Traffic Behavior and On-Ramp Design."
volumes carried at any specific location may HRB Bull. 235, pp. 38-72 (1959).
well be considerably less, depending on other KEEsE, C. J., PINNELL, C., and MCCAS-
local conditions. LAND, W. R., "A Study of Freeway Traffic
Operation." HRB Bull. 235, pp. 73-132
Comparison of Level C and (1959).
Level D Calculations CAPELLE, D. G., and PINNELL, C., "Capa-
city Study of Signalized Diamond Inter-
In order to aid the reader in comparing changes." HRB Bull. 291, pp. 1-25.
the essential differences between the nomo- (1961).
graphic solution for level of service C or PINNELL, C., "Driver Requirements in
better, as outlined earlier in this chapter, and Freeway Entrance Ramp Design." Traffic
the chart solution for level D just outlined, Eng., Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 11-17, 54 (Dec.
Table 8.4 has been prepared to show ex- 1960).
PINNELL, C., and CAPELLE, D. G., "Opera-
amples of variations in results.
tional Study of Diamond Interchanges."
It should be noted that the change in ser- HRB Bull. 324, pp. 38-72 (1962).
vice volume D of the on-ramp is grea.ter than BERRY, D. S., Ross, G. L. D., and PFEFER,
the change in service volume C as the dis- R. C., "A Study of Left-Hand Exit Ramps
tance between the on-ramp and the next on Freeways." Highway Research Record
dOwnstream off-ramp decreases, or as the No. 21, pp. 1-16 (1963).
volume at the off-ramp decreases. By com- WORRALL, R.D., DRAKE, J. S., BUHR, J. H.,
paring cases 5 and 6 in Table 8.4, it is seen SOLTMAN, T. J., and BERRY, D. S., "Opera-
tional Characterislics of Left-Hand En-
that service volume C of the on-ramp is
trance and Exit Ramps on Urban Free-
increased only 190 vph when the off-ramp
ways." Highway Research Record No. 99,
volume is decreased by 600 vph (from 800 pp. 244-273 (1965).
Freeways and other expressways are in- it may limit the level of service over a sub-
'tended to provide a generally high level of stantial portion of the freeway section; there-
service to their users and to the communities fore, every element must be in proper bal-
which they serve, offering rapid traffic move- ance with all other elements, with due regard
ment without outside interference. They ac- for the traffic variations along the seëtion
complish this by eliminating direct service to caused by entering and leaving traffic. This
abutting properties in favor of exclusive ser- balance does not necessarily imply identical
vice to moving traffic. This results in high operating speeds or conditions throughout.
user demand for these highways. Conse- Drivers will accept somewhat lower speeds
quently, in some cases, particularly in urban through critical sections such as steep grades,
areas where freeway networks remain incom- weaving areas, and ramp junctions, as well
plete, soon after their completion these high- as through intersections on expressways, than
ways have experienced peak-period traffic they will elsewhere, for any given level of
demands which equal or exceed their ca- service.
pacities: This early congestion, although This chapter furnishes, either directly or
evidence that at least certain components of through reference to other chapters, informa-
these highways are not providing their in- tion and procedures sufficient to permit
tended level of service during peak periods, evaluation of the capacities and levels of
does not detract from the value of the high service of complete sections of freeways and
level of service provided during the remain- other expressways, both rural and urban, in-
ing periods of the day when as much as volving not only the through lanes, but also
80 percent of the daily traffic is served. critical areas of operation, including up-
It is important to understand both the grades, weaving areas, ramp entrances and
fundamental operational characteristics of exits, and, in the case of other expressways,
basic sections of freeways and expressways, intersections at grade.
unencumbered by entrance or exit points and Only multilane freeways are considered in
other outside influences, and the influence of this chapter. Two-lane highways with full
elements such as ramp' junctions, weaving control of access are handled by the methods
sections, and other restrictions on this opera- described in Chapter Ten.
tion. The primary purpose of this chapter is
to present basic procedures for determination
of service volumes and capacities of basic BASIC LEVELS OF SERVICE
sections of freeways and expressways. How-
ever, considerable emphasis is also placed on The objective of modern freeways and
steps which will minimize the possibility of other expressways is to provide good service
"spot" or temporary overloading at any for high volumes of 'traffic. Because free-
point, whatever the cause may he. In direct ways are high-type highways, many have, or
use, given the traffic demand, this engineer- approach, ideal geometrics. That is, free-
ing approach involves selection of the desired ways come the closest of any highway type to
level of service, followed by design of all por- duplicating the "ideal" geometric conditions
tions and features of the highway in con- for vehicular operation defined in Chapter
sonance with that level. Four, including 12-ft lanes, adequate lateral
If one element of a freeway functions at a clearances and shoulders, and alinement for
lower level than the selected level of service, 70-mph average highway speed. The "ideal"
traffic condition of no trucks is seldom at- curves in Chapter Three do not correctly
tained, however. The controlled-access fea- represent such highways. Therefore, they
tures and one-way roadways provided by should not be used for computational pur-
these divided highways reduce potential re- poses.
strictions, conflicts and hazards to traffic flow Level of service, by definition based on
from external influences, permit higher levels pcaljecessjty, must apply to a section of
of service for given traffic volumes, and usu- It reflects the average operating
ally allow greater capacity per lane. conditions in tke section uriciejspnsidera-
The capacity under "ideal" conditions for In Chapter Four, the factors con-
average multilane facilities is given in Chap- sidered in determining levels of service were
ter Four as 2,000 passenger cars per lane per set forth, and it was concluded that two fac-
hour, average or all lanes at about 30 mph. tors—a measure of travel speed and the ratio
For freeways this capacity is generally at- of demand or service volume to capacity—
tained at the somewhat higher speed of were most feasible for use in identifying
35 mph. In fact, on a very few freeways an these levels. In this chapter, therefore, op-
optimum average volume per lane of erating speeds, as related to ratios between
2,100 pcph at 40 mph has been attained on demand volumes or service volumes and
occasion. Because it can be attained only capacity (v/c ratios), are used as the de-
under very special circumstances, this aver- terminants of level of service.
age is not considered a "reasonably attaina- Operating speed has been defined as the
ble" volume, in terms of the definition of maximum safe speed for given traffic condi-
capacity contained in Chapter Two. tions that an individual vehicle can travel if
High-type parkways with freeway geo- the driver so desires, without exceeding the
metrics in level terrain may be entirely ideal, design speed at any point. It represents a
for all practical purposes, because they carry basically theoretical speed unlikely to be
no trucks; thus, traffic conditions as well as identified in actual traffic, although un-
geometric conditions are "ideal." Hence, it doubtedly occasionally approximated by a
is entirely possible for a parkway to have a few of the faster, though not reckless, driv-
capacity of 2,000 vehicles (all passenger ers. A given freeway or expressway will
cars) per lane per hour. Similarly, a modern have a free-flow operating speed, or a maxi-
freeway may well have close to that capacity, mum safe speed at extremely low volumes,
the only downward adjustments being for the governed by the physical characteristics of
trucks present in the flow, and for grades, if the roadway. As volumes increase, operating
present. Thus, the typical freeway speed dis- speeds will drop, through the complete range
tributions and speed-volume relationships for of levels of service up to capacity. An ex-
ideal conditions which were shown in Chap- pressway's operating speed will, in addition,
ter Three (as Fig. 3.23 and as Figs. 3.35, be influenced by infrequent traffic interrup-
3.38, and 3.41, respectively) may represent tions, such as high-type at-grade intersec-
actual operation on a substantial number of tions. A series of operating speed values de-
freeways. fine the limits of the several levels of service
Nevertheless, many older and lower-stand- from a speed standpoint.
ard freeways and parkways exist and con- The v/c ratio values used to define the
tinue to provide good service. On these, ac- second fundamental scale of level of service
count must be taken of several of the remain- limits in the descriptions that follow are
ing factors discussed in Chapter Five, such as based on ideal alinement, 70-mph average
lane width and lateral clearance, presence of highway speeds, and .two lanes in one direc-
shoulders, and average highway speed. In tion. The basic ratios thus established are
some cases the effect varies, depending on independent limits, developed from a volume
the level of service involved. Due to the standpoint alone. In practice, however, their
lower design standards, a few of these high- application to problems involving highways
ways may be incapable of providing service of lower design standards is unrealistic and
at level A, and in extreme cases level B may of little use, because they usually would rep-
be unattainable. The previously mentioned resent service volume levels considerably
higher than could be attained while the basic differences between rural and urban
operating speed limit for the same level of freeway capacity and level of service deter-
service was being met. Hence, in the pro- mination procedures, but only differences in
cedures that follow, approximate working the applications made of them.
v/c limits for lower average highway speeds Operating characteristics at the several
are also given. Somewhat larger basic v/c levels of service are next described.
ratio limits apply in many cases where more
than two lanes exist in a given direction. Level of Service A
The traffic volume seldom remains con- Free-flow operation is defined as that flow
stant over any appreciable distance. Instead, condition in which a vehicle essentially is not
it changes at entrance and exit points. affected by other vehicles in the traffic
Therefore, the ratio of demand volume to stream, and selection of speed is based on the
any selected service volume or to capacity individual driver's choice and on roadway
will vary along the expressway. Each road- design features.
way section and each critical capacity loca- Level of service A is defined as free-flow
tion must be examined in relation to the operation, with operating speeds at or
selected level of service and the design de- greater than 60 mph. This is equivalent to a
veloped accordingly, so that operating condi- requirement that operating speeds be not
tions will be balanced. If the demand ex- more than 10 mph below those possible with
ceeds the capacity at any location, this will ideal geometries under very low volume con-
be a critical point, and the level of service ditions. The service volume at this level is
may be adversely influenced for a long dis- 1,400 passenger cars per hour total for two
tance upstream. Where demand exceeds lanes in one direction under ideal conditions,
only some designated service volume lower (or an average of 700 passenger cars per
than capacity, on the other hand, the area lane per hour). Free flow may occur even
affected upstream and downstream of a on expressways with relatively poor aline-
single restriction may be very small. ment, provided the volume is sufficiently
The same criteria apply to all freeways, low. However, such operation necessarily
whether rural or urban, but differing levels occurs at lower speeds. Where free-flow
of service may well be chosen for design pur- operating speeds for through traffic fall
poses in the two cases. That is, there are no below 60 mph, the quality of service does not
meet the requirements for levelA; conse- somewhat larger percentages of capacity at-
quently, that level will never be attained on tamed, as compared to the 35 percent for
the particular highway involved. Average the two lanes in one direction.
speeds are most likely to be affected by speed. J
limits at level A. Level of Service B
On four-lane freeways with two lanes in Level of service B is in the higher speed
each direction, it has been found that speed range of stable flow. For freeways and ex-
adjustments made necessary by other traffic, pressways, it is defined by the requirements
rather than by choice, become significant at that operating speeds be at or greater than
volumes of approximately 35 percent, or 55 mph and that the service volume on two
one third, of capacity. The faster group of lanes in one direction not exceed 50 percent
drivers begins to be reluctant to use the right of capacity. This gives a maximum service
lane for fear of being "trapped" in that lane volume of 2,000 passenger cars per hour
behind a slow vehicle while a platoon of fast total for two lanes in one direction under
vehicles develops and passes the slow vehicle. ideal conditions (or an average of 1,000
Curves showing speed versus traffic vol- passengers cars per lane per hour). If an
ume may not be sensitive enough to pin- operating speed of 55 mph for through traffic
point this effect. The fast platoons in the cannot be maintained for this service vol-
left lane may still be traveling at speeds near ume, the quality of service does not meet the
the desired operating speeds, but the in- requirement for level B.
herently slower drivers, as well as those that At this volume level of 50 percent of ca-
are "trapped" in the right lane with them, pacity, the possibility of free-flow operation
will be traveling somewhat slower. At these has been further reduced. There continue to
volumes of about 35 percent of capacity be significant speed differences between
there may be long intervals when only iso- lanes, but the highest operating speed a
lated single vehicles are passing, all such ve- driver can maintain is now in the range of
hicles being "free-moving," while at other 75 to 90 percent of that attainable under free
times platoons with accompanying short flow. Speed has now become primarily a
headways may exist in both lanes. About function of traffic densities. This defines the
one-half of the vehicles will still be under dividing line between level of service B and
free-flow conditions, but the remainder of level of service C, which is described as the
the drivers will be influenced by the presence limit of level B.
of other traffic. This type of operation rep- Again, as was true for level A, each addi-
resents the transition between free and stable tional lane above two in one direction pro-
flow, and defines the dividing line between vides about 1.5 times the average service
level of service A and level of service B, volume per lane of two lanes, here about
which is described as the limit of level o\ 1,500 passenger cars per lane per hour.
service A.
Where, as on 6-lane and 8-lane freeways, Level of Service C
there are three or more lanes in one direc-
Further increases in demand volume are
tion, the influence of slow vehicles on the
accompanied by a resultant decrease in
traffic stream as a whole is diminished. The
operating speeds, into level of service C.
probability of slower vehicles obstructing the Operation at this level, although still in the
traffic stream traveling abreast is greatly re- range of stable flow, is critical enough so
duced and freedom to maneuver and pass is that, unlike levels A and B, rates of flow
greatly increased. At level A, therefore, with within a period shorter than an hour must
three or more lanes in one direction, each be considered. For freeways, a 5-min short
additional lane provided above two will re- period has been adopted as the standard. In
sult in a one-way service volume increase of general, the requirements for level of ser-
about 1,000 passenger cars per hour, which vice C are an operating speed of at least
is approximately 1.5 times the average vol- 50 mph and a service flow rate on two lanes
ume per lane of two lanes in one direction. in one direction not exceeding 75 percent of
This increase in efficiency is reflected in the capacity rate, with service volumes de-
drivers may now be hesitant about using the 1,800 vehicles per hour per lane across all
right-hand lane, fearing possible conflicts freeway lanes (90 percent of the overall one-
with entering and leaving traffic. They may directional capacity), regardless of the num-
move into adjoining lanes to avoid such con- ber of lanes; additional lanes above two no
flicts. At level C, therefore, on highways with longer improve average efficiency per lane.
more than .two lanes in one direction, the in- Traffic densities in all lanes are fairly uni-
crease in efficiency provided by the addi- form, regardless of the number of lanes, with
tional lanes is somewhat reduced as com- the somewhat higher speeds in the left lanes
pared to levels A and B; each additional lane providing higher lane service volumes. This
will provide a one-way peak flow rate in- represents a tolerable limitation on the uni-
crease of approximately 1.2 times the aver- form functioning of .the expressway through-
age peak flow rate per lane of two lanes n out the time period. These limits define the
one direction, or 1,800 passenger cars p division between level of service D and level
\ hour. of service E, or the dividing point between
stable and unstable flow.
Level of Service D
For level of service D, as for level of ser- Level of Service E
vice C, any discussion of freeway volume
Level of service E is the area of unstable
must be qualified by consideration of the flow, involving overall operating speeds of
peak-hour factor.
about 30-35 mph, and involving volumes ap-
In level D, which is in the lower speed proaching and at capacity, or about 2,000
range of stable flow with volumes higher passenger cars per lane per hour under ideal
than in level C, traffic operation approaches conditions. Service volume is almost strictly
instability and becomes very susceptible to regulated by the capacity at critical loca-
changing operating conditions. Operating tions, with traffic being metered through each
speeds generally are in the neighborhood of restriction, but demand does not greatly ex-
40 mph, and service flow rates do not exceed ceed capacity, so long backups do not de-
0.90 of capacity rates (with service volumes velop upstream. Operating conditions may
again obtained through application of the involve either fairly uniform speeds of about
appropriate peak-hour factor). Under ideal 50 percent of free-flow operating speed
conditions on a four-lane freeway the peak through the entire section, or a more inter-
5-min flow rate cannot exceed 3,600 passen- mittent type of operation upstream from a
ger cars per hour, total for one direction (an constriction where storage is taking place;
average of 1,800 passenger cars per lane per such constrictions may be either permanent
hour). (inherent in the geometrics), or temporary,
Except in those cases where a fully bal- such as minor accidents or broken-down
anced design has been attained, potential con- vehicles.
flict points begin to have a much greater effect Traffic flow within the hour will, there-
on operations. Traffic may operate near ca- fore, show relatively little fluctuation, inas-
pacity at these points, although at least par- much as traffic is in effect being successively
tial freedom of movement may well remain metered along the highway; but still there
between them. These conflict points, or po- will be variations. Until it becomes extreme
tential bottlenecks, begin to meter. the flow this fluctuating traffic movement along the
throughout the entire roadway section.
highway can be accommodated, but the
Therefore, new designs normally would not
public considers this to be very poor service;
be based on this level. as actual stoppages become more frequent
A basic fact about traffic flow appears to be their effect tends to be cumulative, increas-
that when average headways of less than 2 sec ingly detrimental, and finally constant, with
occur over sustained periods, the momentary traffic operations reverting to forced-flow
fluctuations or obstructions which almost conditions. This marks the division between
certainly will occur will have a detrimental level of service E and level of service F.
effect on operating conditions. This is Although level E operation is unstable, it
equivalent to an average flow rate of is found on many freeways under peak-
period conditions, particularly where de- peak flow rates, and capacities for various
mand increases gradually. Design at this numbers of lanes under ideal uninterrupted
level should never be attenipted, however. flow conditions, are summarized in Ta-
ble 9.1.
Level of Service F
This level describes a forced-flow condi- CRITICAL ELEMENTS REQUIRING
tion in which the expressway acts as storage CONSIDERATION
for vehicles hacking up from a downstream
bottleneck. Operating speeds range down- The previous section has analyzed levels
ward from those at capacity (at or near of traffic service on freeways and express-
30 mph) to those during stop-and-go type ways primarily from the standpoint of a
operation, and can drop to zero in the ex- basic through roadway section, level, with
treme case of a complete jam. Volumes vary excellent geometries and alinement, free of
widely, depending principally on down- entrance and exit ramps and other special
stream capacity. This service is unaccepta- features, and carrying passenger cars only.
ble. It presents an overall evaluation of the ser-
Very often, where a sudden demand surge vice provided, making only brief mention of
occurs, operation may by-pass level E com- the need for harmony among the elements
pletely, passing directly (that is "breaking making up the section.
down") from level D into this forced flow Actual roadway and traffic conditions at
level F. various points along the highway will not be
Descriptions of the several levels of ser- constant, although on most freeways rela-
vice on freeways and expressways of various tively high geometric standards can be ex-
numbers of lanes, including limiting operat- pected throughout. During moderate to
ing speeds and v/c ratios, both for ideal and heavy volumes. operating conditions vary
restricted alinement, together with corre- along the roadway, fluctuating due to
sponding actual maximum service volumes, changes in physical roadway conditions,
C Stable flow 550 0.75 (PHF) 0.80 (PHF) 0.83 (PHF) 0.45 (PHF) _b
D unstable 540 0.90 (PHF) 0.80 (PHF) 0.45 (PHF)
Operating speed and basic V/C ratio are independent measures of level of service; both limits must be satisfied in any determination of level.
Operating speed required for this level is not attainable even at low volumes.
Peak-hour factor for freeways is the ratio of the whole-hour volume to the highest rate of flow occurring during a 5-min interval within the
peak hour.
A peak-hour factor of l.00is seldom attained; the values listed here should be considered as maximum average flow rates likely to be obtained
during the peak 5-min interval within the peak hour.
Variations in demand volume, intervehicular fall below the desired level of service, often
conflicts at weaving and merging areas, and for extended distances. In the extreme,
the influences of traffic control features. The where operation at capacity is required, any
operating characteristics at each such loca- restrictions will be capacity limitations (bot-
tion must be investigated for the effect on tienecks) preventing full use of the re-
roadway capacity and level of service. Un- mainder of the section. An approach to
less the adopted level of service is met as a freeway level of service thus requires analy-
minimum at every point on a highway, the sis of each potential restriction or bottleneck
restrictions will cause traffic operations to within the roadway section.
0.77 0.83 0.91 1.00" 0.77 0.83 0.91 1 ØØd 0.77 0.83 0.91 1 .00d 0.77 0.83 0.91 1 Ød
2300 2500 2750 3000 3700 4000 4350 4800 5100 5500 6000 6600 1400 1500 1650 1800
2800 3000 3300 3600 4150 4500 4900 5400 5600 6000 6600 7200 1400 1500 1650 1800
The traffic operating characteristics at, created such that at each critical location
and therefore the design of, each critical sec- operating levels will at least equal the mini-
tion should be in harmony with the level of mum level of service adopted. This means
service adopted as a minimum for the road- that portions of the section will have a level
way as a whole. Ideally, harmony would re-
of service somewhat higher than the re-
quire total uniformity in level of service at
all points, but this is not always feasible in stricted points, although not necessarily suffi-
practice. Instead, an average level of service oiently higher to fall in a different level of
throughout the roadway section must be service classification. Never should the
variation between adjoining subsections ex- "below standard" location (i.e., one that is
ceed one level. below the adopted level of service), is to
The following situations are among the adjust the design or conditions so that the
common ones which require testing and desired level of service will be provided. In
analysis: Sudden increases in traffic demand such adjustment, the first consideration must
(at on-ramps or weaving areas): creation of be that demand volumes never exceed service
intervehicular conflicts within the traffic volumes for the adopted level of service, if
stream by changing roadway conditions (at that level is to be obtained throughout. Oc-
points of reduction in number of traffic lanes, casionally it may appear unfeasible to pro-
off-ramps, grades, weaving areas); varia- vide the basically-adopted level through
tion in nature of traffic demand (varying per- some specific restriction within the section.
centages of trucks); adverse influence of Although traffic will continue to move with-
restricted alinement (sharp curves); and en- out a backup as long as demand does not
forced changes in traffic conditions (at inter- exceed capacity at any point, it will un-
sections on expressways). Many of these are avoidably move at a poorer level of service
investigated here for their effect. The list is than that originally specified, at least for a
not complete; any special geometric feature, limited distance. In the ultimate, however,
traffic control device, or other element along when the traffic volume input exceeds the
the roadway which changes or influences the capacity of a roadway element, the roadway
traffic pattern in any way should be con- upstream from such a bottleneck becomes a
sidered. For instance, long underpasses on storage area and calculated service volumes
freeways, which give drivers a "tunnel on that roadway section, within the area of
effect," have been known to have an adverse influence of the bottleneck, have no meaning.
effect on freeway traffic flow. The level of service and the highest attain-
The main problem, after identifying a able service volumes in this upstream zone
are independent of the geometric conditions 8-lane as compared to 4-lane freeways (due
at this location because they are bound to be to the greater potential for restricted clear-
governed by the capacity and operating re- ances between vehicles in adjacent lanes).
strictions at the bottleneck. However, because 6- and 8-lane freeways
Intervehicular conflicts should not be such show fundamentally greater average capaci-
as to cause a sudden change in operating ties• per lane under ideal capacities than do
characteristics of the traffic stream. The 4-lane, this slightly greater restrictive effect
necessity for lowered speeds or stopping usually will not be apparent in practice, in
during high volume conditions has a cumula- final problem results.
tive adverse effect on traffic flow. When Caution should be exercised in applying
traffic backs up from a bottleneck and is re- these adjustments to the situation sometimes
quired to stop, the act of stopping creates a found, particularly on older freeways, where
moving bottleneck in the form of minimum the lateral clearance to a continuous median
headways between vehicles departing from a barrier in a narrow median, or sometimes to
stop condition. Therefore, it is important to a right-side guardrail, is less than the 6 ft
recognize locations potentially critical in this normally required for maximum capacity.
respect during the design period and make As mentioned in Chapter Five, it appears
design adjustments that will minimize the that drivers regularly using a freeway rapidly
effect. adjust to the presence of such a continuous
At-grade intersections, found occasionally lateral obstruction, so that the adjustments
on expressways though never on freeways, shown in Table 9.2 become excessive. That
exemplify fixed traffic interruptions created is, although use of the full adjustment ap-
of necessity. The maximum volume that can pears appropriate for "surprise"-type or dan-
be carried through the uninterrupted portion gerous elements, a lesser adjustment based
of an expressway section between at-grade on judgment may be suitable for continuous
intersections can never exceed the capacity elements specifically designed and installed
of the intersection approach at its down- for traffic safety.
stream end, assuming that no other exits
exist along the section. Neither can this por- Trucks, Buses, and Grades on Freeways
tion carry more traffic than can be supplied
Trucks and buses, being larger .than pas-
by the next upstream intersection, provided
senger cars, take up more space, even in level
there are no intermediate entrances. (It is,
terrain; hence, their influence on freeway
of course, possible for more to enter at the
service volumes and capacity must always
upstream end than can leave at the down-
be considered. Although their influence on
stream end, thus producing a back-up in the
level highways is relatively small, on grades
it becomes significant
Lane Width and Lateral Clearance As discussed in Chapter Five, the prin-
cipal criterion for evaluating gradients on
Restrictive lane width and lateral clear- freeways and expressways, from a service
ances, discussed in Chapter Five, are not a volume and capacity standpoint, is their ef-
consideration on most modern high-type fect on the operating characteristics of trucks
freeways and expressways, because their de- and buses. The overall effect of trucks and
sign standards exceed those required for buses over an extended freeway section
maximum capacity. Nevertheless, restric- differs from that on any specific grade within
tions do exist on certain older freeways in that section.
such forms as 10- or 11-ft lanes, and abut- Table 9.3a presents average generalized
ments or other obstructions close -to the passenger car equivalents of trucks over ex-
traveled way. Table 9.2 presents adjustment tended lengths of freeways and expressways
factors which should be applied as multi- for various terrain conditions. These apply
pliers to correct for any such limitations. alike to all levels of service except level A,
These adjustment factors, considered for which no overall equivalents are feasible.
alone, indicate slightly greater adverse in- Normally, bus volumes are too small to war-
fluence of clearance restrictions on 6- and rant their separate consideration in these
overall reviews. However, separate approxi- is not appropriate. Rather, the equivalents
mate equivalents for buses also are given, for for buses given in Table 9.3a should be used
use where volumes are significant. in conjunction with Table 9.6 to obtain
Table 9.3b provides general overall ad- separate adjustment factors.
justment factors for conversion of mixed de- Adjustment of service volumes and ca-
mand volumes of trucks and passenger cars pacity to reflect the influence of trucks and
over extended lengths of freeway into equiv- buses on specific sustained upgrades is more
alent passenger vehicles per hour, based on selective. There is always a certain amount
these overall passenger car equivalents. of platooning, or grouping of vehicles, even
These factors can be used in overall analyses on level roads at relatively low volume levels.
of the capabilities of substantial lengths of Often, a truck heads the platoon. When an
freeway, which include downgrades and upgrade is introduced under such conditions
level portions as well as upgrades, but they speeds are reduced and these platoons be-
should not be used for detailed analyses of come more serious influences on service vol-
specific individual grades.. As just men- umes and capacity. Their effect becomes
tioned, in these overall computations sepa- more pronounced as volume -increases. The
rate consideration normally need not be frequency of platoons, and the speed at
given to buses. Where separate considera- which they move, and hence the service
tion appears necessary, however, Table 9.3b volumes and capacity of the roadway, are
Separate consideration not warranted in most problems; use only where bus volumes are significant.
b Not applicable to buses where they are given separate specific consideration; use instead Table 9.3a in conjunction with
Table 9.6.
3% 5% 10% 15% 20% 3% 5% 10% 15% . 20%
0-1 All 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 3%-3/ 5 4 4 3 3 5 4 4 3 3
3 7 5 5 4 4 7 5 5 4 4
13/2-2 7 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 6
3-4 7 7 8 8 8 7 7 8 8 8
3 3% 10 8 5 4 3 10 8 5 .4 3
10 8 5 4 4 10 8 5 4 4
34 10 8 6 5 5 10 8 5 4 5
1 10 8 6 5 6 10 8 6 5 6
10 9 7 7 7 10 9 7 7 7
2 10 9 8 8 8 .10 9 8 8 8
3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
4 10 10 11 11 11 10 10 11 11 11
4 3% 12 9 5 4 3 13 9 5 4 3.
12 9 5 5 5 13 9 5 5 5
3% 12 9 7 7 7 13 9 7 7 7
1 12 10 8 8 8 13 10 8 8 8
13/ 12 11 10 10 10 13 11 10 10 10
2 12 11 11 11 11 13 12 11 11 11
3 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14
4 12 13 15 15 14 13 14 16 16 15
5 3% 13 10 6 4 3 14 10 6 4 3
13 11 7 7 7 14 11 '7 7 7
'. 13 11 9 8 8 14 11 9 8 8
I . 13 12 10 10 10 14 13 10 10 10
13/i 13 13 12 12 12 14 14 13 13 13
2 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15
3 13 15 16 16 15 14 17 17 17 17
4,,..... 15 17 1 19 17 16 19 22 21 19
6 3% 14 10 6 4 3 15 10 6 4 3
14 11 8 8 8 15 11 8 8 8
3% 14 12 10 10 10 15 12 10 10 10
1 14 13 12 . 12 11 15 14 13 13 11
13/ 14 14 14 14 13 15 16 15 15 14
2 14 15 16 16 15 15 18 18 18 16
3 14 16 18 18 17 15 20 20 20 19
4 19 19 20 20 20 20 23 23 . 23 23
functions of (a) the number of slow vehi- demand volume anticipated for the design
cles, (b) the rate of grade, and (c) the hour exceeds the total service volume, the
length of grade. If volumes are low, the decision must be made whether to provide an
grade is short, and there are few trucks, there additional lane on the upgrade or to accept
is relatively small probability that any given a lower level of service through this critical
vehicle will encounter trucks on the grade. section. This decision must be primarily an
If the grade is longer, there is a greater prob- economic one, usually between level B and
ability that trucks will be encountered on the level C on rural freeways, and between C
grade. Also, if the grade is steeper (and thus and D on urban freeways. However, in no
trucks slower), trucks will be on the grade a case can the demand volume exceed the
greater portion of the time. As indicated maximum service volume for level E (ca-
earlier in Chapter Five, only limited research pacity) on the grade, if back-ups are to be
linking these variables has been reported; avoided. Where such a situation would
much remains to be learned. otherwise exist, it is essential that an addi-
It is assumed that freeway grades of less tional upgrade lane be provided to prevent
than 2 percent which are less than one-half breakdown into level F and storage of flow
mile long will have little effect on operations. on the approach to the grade.
Grades in the neighborhood of 2 percent Table 9.4 presents the detailed passenger
may produce queues, but the queues will car equivalency factors which represent the
move fast enough so that high rates of flow extent to which capacity and service volumes
can be maintained; significant accumulations will be adversely affected, on the average
of vehicles are not likely to develop if the across all lanes, on individual sustained free-
grade is less than one-half mile long. Never- way upgrades where an additional truck
theless, the speed of trucks will be substan- climbing lane is not introduced.
tially reduced and the exposure to rear-end As was mentioned in Chapter Five, inter-
collisions increased. city bus volumes usually are quite low in
On sustained grades, normally the right- freeway traffic flows. This fact, coupled with
hand lane will be pre-empted by trucks, with their relatively good performance on most
operating speeds in this lane controlled by typical grades, makes varying adjustment for
the climbing ability of the trucks; passenger buses unnecessary in most cases; the general
cars will avoid this lane if conditions are equivalent of 1.6, mentioned in Chapter
better in the remaining lanes. If all trucks Five, can be used for most purposes. How-
are traveling in the righ.t-hand lane, then all ever, where the grade involved is long and
passenger cars (or all vehicles that can main- steep, and/or volumes of buses are heavy,
tain the adopted operating levels achieved on special consideration may be desirable. Ta-
level terrain) must be in the remaining lanes ble 9.5 presents passenger car equivalents for
if no passenger car is to be influenced ad- buses under such conditions.
versely by trucks. It follows that, to main- in most practical applications, as de-
tain a level of service to passenger cars on scribed in the later procedural section of this
the grade equal to that on level terrain, it chapter, the equivalency factors for trucks
will be necessary to add a climbing lane and buses presented in Tables 9.4 and 9.5
whenever volumes in the remaining lanes are not used directly. Rather, they are used
increase to the point where passenger car to select appropriate truck adjustment fac-
speeds would otherwise fall below that for tors from Table 9.6, which considers both
the adopted level of service. If it is not pos- passenger car equivalency and percentage of
sible to keep all passenger cars out of lane 1, trucks or buses in the traffic stream, as re-
or if trucks travel in other than lane I, it may lated to grade characteristics; these are ap-
be necessary to add additional climbing lanes plied as multipliers.
to maintain the desired level of service. On most flat to intermediate downgrades
In practice, because of economic factors passenger car equivalents and truck factors
it may not always be feasible to provide the can be considered the same as those on level
desired level of service at every point. If, in ground without appreciable error. On heavy
any case, for a selected level of service, the downgrades, however, where trucks descend
in a low gear for safety, special consideration veloped so that the adopted level of service
may need to be given. If an average speed can be attained at all points. As mentioned
can be determined for downgrade trucks, earlier, this does not necessarily mean the
then by reference to the truck performance same speed throughout; slightly slower
curves in Chapter Five the downgrade per- speeds are acceptable through critical loca-
formance can be approximately related to tions, including weaving sections.
equivalent upgrade performance for which Direct reference should be made to Chap-
adjustments are available. ters Seven and Eight for the procedural steps
to be folldwed in computing service volumes
Weaving Areas and capacities of weaving sections found
Operations at weaving areas have been along any freeway section under considera-
analyzed in Chapter Seven for the funda- tion.
mental case where two or more important
Ramp Terminals
through roadways join for a certain distance
then diverge again into separate roadways, as The operating characteristics of on- and
well as in Chapter Eight for those situations off-ramp junctions have been analyzed in
where the weaving between an on-ramp junc- detail in Chapter Eight. On freeways and
tion and a successive off-ramp junction is most other expressways the location of these
being analyzed. Usually, on a freeway, any ramps and the traffic demand on them are
weaving sections involved are relatively criti- the chief determinants of the varying de-
cal locations which must be analyzed for mand volumes along the through roadway
their overall effect on the roadway section. section.
Although traffic flow may be maintained, un- The problem at on-ramps is primarily one
satisfactory operating conditions at weaving of blending into one flow traffic introduced
areas will greatly affect the operating char- from two sources. Intervehicular conflicts
acteristics of the main roadways upstream are numerous, and the geometric layout at
and downstream from the weaving area for the junction, as well as that junction's rela-
substantial distances. It is essential, there- tion to other nearby junctions, is extremely
fore, that the weaving section design be de- important. Aside from the effects of any
51 4 2
6c 7 4
7c 12 10
All lengths.
For all percentages of buses.
Use generally restricted to grades over 1/2 nile long.
adverse geometrics, on-ramps may create two The problem at off-ramps is primarily one
conflicts with the maintenance of the of dividing a single flow of traffic into two
adopted level of service of 'a roadway sec- paths, one continuing through and the other
tion. First, the additional ramp traffic may exiting. A conflict area may be created due
cause operational changes in and/or tem- to (a) high demand, for use of the right-
porary overloading of the right-hand lane at hand lane, and consequent speed reduction,
the merge. Second, the additional ramp vol- caused by exiting vehicles superimposed on
ume may change the operating conditions the through flow in lane 1, and (b) backup
across the entire roadway downstream from from the off-ramp onto the main roadway
the on-ramp. proper. Most of these exit ramp problems
EBC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20
2 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.89 0.88 0.86 0.85 0:83
3 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.93 0.91 0.89 0.88 0.86 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.71
4 0.97 0.94 0.92 0.89 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.79 0.77 0.74 0.70 0.68 0.65 0.63
5 0.96 0.93 0.89 0.86 0.83 0.81 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.71 0.68 0.64 0.61 0.58 0.56
6 0.95 0.91 0.87 0.83 0.80 0.77 0.74 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.63 0.59 0.56 0.53 0.50
7 0.94 0.89 0.85 0.81 0.77 0.74 0.70 0.68 0.65 0.63 0.58 0.54 0.51 0.48 0.45
8 0.93 0.88 0.83 0.78 0.74 0.70 0.67 0.64 0.61 0.59 0.54 0.51 0.47 0.44 0.42
9 0.93 0.86 0.81 0.76 0.71 0.68 0.64 0.61 0.58 0.56 0.51 0.47 0.44 0.41 0.38
10 0.92 0.85 0.79 0.74 0.69 0.65 0.61 0.58 0.55 0.53 0.48 0.44 0.41 0.38 0.36
11 0.91 0.83 0.77 0.71 0.67 0.63 0.59 0.56 0.53 0.50 0.45 0.42 0.38 0.36 0.33
12 0.90 0.82 0.75 0.69 0.65 0.60 0.57 0.53 0.50 0.48 0.43 0.39 0.36 0.34 0.31
13 0.89 0.81 0.74 0.68 0.63 0.58 0.54 0.51 0.48 0.45 0.41 0.37 0.34 0.32 0.29
14 0.88 0.79 0.72 0.66 0.61 0.56 0.52 0.49 0.46 0.43 0.39 0.35 0.32 0.30 0.28
15 0.88 0.78 0.70 0.64 0.59 0.54 0.51 0.47 0.44 0.42 0.37 0.34 0.31 0.28 0.26
16 0.87 0.77 0.69 0.63 0.57 0.53 0.49 0.45 0.43 0.40 0.36 0.32 0.29 0.27 0.25
17 0.86 0.76 0.68 0.61 0.56 0.51 0.47 0.44 0.41 0.38 0.34 0.31 0.28 0.26 0.24
18 0.85 0.75 0.66 0.60 0.54 0.49 0.46 0.42 0.40 0.37 0.33 0.30 0.27 0.25 0.23
JI 0.85 0.74 0.65 0.58 0.53 0.48 0.44 0.41 0.38 Q.3,. 0.32 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22
20 0.84 0.72 0.64 0.57 0.51 0.47 0.42 0.40 0.37 0.34 0.30 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.21
21 0.83 0.71 0.63 0.56 0.50 0.45 0.41 0.38 0.36 0.33 0.29 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.20
22 0.83 0.70 0.61 0.54 0.49 0.44 0.40 0.37 0.35 0.32 0.28 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.19
23 0.82 0.69 0.60 0.53 0.48 0.43 0.39 0.36 0.34 0.31 0.27 0.25 0.22 0.20 0.19
24 0.81 0.68 0.59 0.52 0.47 0.42 0.38 0.35 0.33 0.30 0.27 0.24 0.21 0.19 0.18
25 0.80 0.67 0.58 0.51 0.46 0.41 0.37 0.34 0.32 0.29 0.26 0.23 0.20 0.18 0.17
Computed by 100/(100 - Pr + ErPr), or 1001(100 - P + EBPB), as presented in Chapter Five. Use this formula for
larger percentages.
Used to convert equivalent passenger car volumes to actual mixed traffic; use reciprocal of these values to convert mixed
traffic to equivalent passenger cars.
'From Table 9.4 or Table 9.5.
Trucks and buses should not be combined in entering this table where separate consideration of buses has been estab.
lished as required, because passenger car equivalents differ.
can be solved by using adequate geometric an expressway sets the maximum attainable
design features—signing, transition areas, service volume upstream from the intersec-
additional lanes or ramps, and vehicular tion, at least to the next intersection, but
storage—provided ramps are not too closely there are occasional exceptions on lower-
spaced and the surrounding highway system class expressways where access is only par-
is basically adequate to absorb the load. tially controlled and other access points exist.
Thus, the traffic volume on a freeway or Downstream from the intersection, the maxi-
other expressway changes at every entrance mum traffic demand will be limited to the
and exit ramp, with corresponding variations capacity of the through lanes of the inter-
in roadway operating conditions. Because it section approach plus additional traffic enter-
is impossible to design a highway so that ing by turns from the cross road or other
demand volumes remain constant, the most access points.
critical point of analysis will be where vol- Rural expressways generally have rela-
umes are a maximum, including the merge tively few such intersections, and those
point just downstream from a ramp entrance which are present usually serve very light
and the diverge point just upstream from a traffic volumes, under stop sign control.
ramp exit. Grade separations rather than signals are
Direct reference should be made to Chap- typically provided at the more heavily
ter Eight for procedures to be followed in traveled crossings. On such highways oper-
determining service volumes and capacities ating conditions may approach those for full
of ramp terminals. It includes recommended freeways for capacity and service volume
maximum service volumes allowable at these determination purposes, provided that a
previously mentioned critical points if a de- reasonable degree of access control exists be-
sired level of service on the through lanes is tween intersections. Actually, at typical
to be maintained. levels of service on such a rural expressway
the only major difference is the potential ac-
A linemen: cident hazard.
Adverse alinement is relatively unusual on Where a significant degree of control of
freeways and expressways. Where it exists, access has not been maintained and "ribbon"
however, its effect is reflected in the lowered or "strip" business development has occurred
average highway speeds resulting. As previ- along the roadside, expressway criteria
ously mentioned, only approximate data are should no longer be applied; the highway
available regarding the influence of these should be analyzed by the methods given in
lowered average highway speeds on freeway Chapter Ten for ordinary highways.
operating speeds and volumes carried. These Suburban and urban expressways, on the
are incorporated directly into the computa-
other hand, have a somewhat different con-
tional criteria that follow.
notation. Typically they are very high-type
Traffic Interruptions (Intersections at. arterials with all or nearly all midblock
Grade) access points (such as from "ribbon" de-
velopment) eliminated, but with relatively
Intersections at grade, absent by design on
frequent signalized intersections, usually in-
full freeways, are permissible on expressways
terconnected for progressive operation. This
under certain conditions. They are the key
identifying features distinguishing express- signalization may well be the only interrup-
ways from full freeways, although in addi- tion-producing feature on the expressway.
tion some expressways have only partial con- Signalization will obviously produce a ca-
trol of access between intersections. The pacity loss, as compared to uninterrupted
analysis of signalized intersection approach flow, on a per-hour basis. The influence of
capacities and service volumes has been dis- signalization on service volumes, however,
cussed in Chapter Six; the procedures there depends on the type of operation desired. If
described are generally applicable to at-grade occasional stops at signals can be tolerated
intersections on expressways. Basically, and the percentage of red time is relatively
the capacity of an intersection approach on small, the approaches and exits often can be
widened sufficiently to accommodate, during not exist, where speed limits are 40 mph or
the green time, as much traffic as the road- below, or where higher speed limits seldom
way ahead can absorb on a continuous basis can be attained because of friction due to
at a reasonable operating level. Overall level ribbon development, the expressway should
of service will be reduced somewhat due to be analyzed as an urban arterial by the meth-
the occasional stops, but more effective use ods in Chapter Ten.
of the iuidblock sections results. Such
widening is sometimes found on urban COMPUTATION PROCEDURES FOR
Theoretically, where near-perfect progres-
sion is attained on expressways, then, on a In Chapter Four the generalized pro-
per-hour-of-green basis, it is possible for full cedure for determination of level of service
freeway capacity and service volume deter- for uninterrupted flow conditions was de-
mination criteria to apply directly at all scribed. In this section, capacity and service
levels. That is, the vehicles in the progres- volume determination procedures, and the
sive platoons move just as they would on level of service procedure previously de-
freeways; the only difference is that enforced scribed, are applied first to basic freeway and
gaps exist between platoons. Obviously, the expressway sections, then to combined sec-
actual per-hour.capacity and - service volumes tions composed of several different elements.
of the system, obtained by applying the GIC The first step shown in the general pro-
ratio to the per-hour-of-green values, will be cedures for all highway types involves the
less than the equivalent freeway values, the subdivision of the roadway under considera-
reduction being proportional to the percent- tion into subsections having reasonably uni-
age of red time. Here, where all cars are form conditions from the standpoint of ca-
kept moving, level of service will be uniform pacity. In the case of modern freeways,
throughout, but the time between moving which are designed to high uniform stan-
platoons (approximately equal to the sum of dards, there are many situations, particularly
the signal red and yellow times) is entirely in rural areas, where such subdivision is not
lost to through traffic at every level, along necessary to determine the capacity, service
the midblock sections just as much as at the volumes, or level of service of even relatively
intersection. Widening at intersections will long sections. Only where a ramp junction,
serve primarily as a "safety factor." The weaving section, significant grade, or other
special characteristics of near-perfect pro- special design feature is present will sub-
gressions are discussed in more detail in section analyses be necessary. On older free-
Chapter Ten. ways there may be other restricting elements,
In general, if an expressway has signals such as Substandard alinement with sharp
spaced more than I mile apart, an attainable curvature, which require separate subsection
speed limit of at least 45 mph between analysis.
signals at low volumes, and reasonable con-
trol of access between signals, it is con- Basic Uniform Freeway and
sidered acceptable to base determination of Expressway Sections
its capabilities on full freeway criteria for The. initial procedures described here
uninterrupted flow. This, in effect, assumes apply to a simple basic uniform freeway
that the signals will stop relatively few ve- section without entrance or exit points; it
hicles. At poorer levels of service, this as- may range from a few hundred feet to many
sumption will become relatively invalid and miles long. As used here, "freeway capac-
the capacity of controlling signalized inter- ity" and "freeway service volumes" will refer
sections, as related to the lowered operating to the total volumes in one direction. Aver-
speeds resulting from stops, may have, to be age "by lane" capacities and service volumes
taken into account in establishing capabili- can be obtained by dividing "total in one
ties. direction" values by the number of lanes.
Where signalized intersections are closer However, such average values should be used
than 1 mile apart and good progression does with caution, because they do not reflect the
actual distribution of traffic by lanes; their highway, of any number of lanes, for which
use can cause undesirable misinterpretations. the capacity can be determined, regardless of
As discussed in Chapter Four, operating whether or not 'the associated conditions are
speed and service or demand volume/ca- ideal. Occasionally, problems involving in-
pacity ratio (v/c ratio) are the basic mea- terpolation can be handled more conve-
sures used in making level of service deter- niently through use of the figure than by use
minations on freeways and expressways. The of the basic Table 9.1. The figure is also
limitations defining the several levels of ser- convenient for quick visual analyses, or
vice have been described at the start of this checks of results. The basic limiting values
chapter and summarized in Table 9.1, which of operating speed and v/c ratio which iden-
serves as the base for most computations. tify the several levels of service are shown
Figure 9.1 presents these basic relation- on the chart.
ships graphically. Although similar in appear- Direct determination of capacities of ac-
ance to the typical operating speed-volume tual freeways having less-than-ideal' condi-
chart presented earlier in Figure 3.35, the tions involves simply application of one or
service or demand volume/capacity ratio is more adjustment factors to the basic value
substituted for the absolute volume along the under ideal conditions of 2,000 passenger
abscissa. Hence, it can be applied to any cars per lane per hour times the number of
1 70
LEVEL 0.81
C1_•t-_ '•' -. O.S.
OF - I_ E E
SERVICE 6 -A Nfl 8 - C 'I 0 '-k E8 4.00
RANGES E -0.91
C0 E '
A 1.00
'F'- c o _0 091
Figure 9.1. Relationships between v/c ratio and operating speed, in one direction of travel, on
freeways and expressways, under uninterrupted flow conditions.
lanes, as tabulated for level E in Table 9.1. due consideration for the prevailingyge
Determination of service volumes and of highway speed.
levels of service is somewhat more involved, Computed Directly from Capacity under
making use of the operating speed-v/c ratio Ideal Conditions.—The procedure is a modi-
relationships in Table 9.1 (or Fig. 9.1). The fication of that described previously for
procedures follow. capacity. Again 2,000 passenger cars per
lane per hour is multiplied by the number of
CAPACITY (TOTAL FOR ONE DIRECTION) lanes and appropriate adjustments. How-
UNDER PREVAILING CONDITIONS ever, the adjustment for trucks must be that
Determine directly, by the standard for the appropriate level of service, rather
method for uninterrupted flow. This in- than that for capacity. The appropriate
volves multiplying the appropriate level E v/c ratio must be applied for the level of
volume value in Table 9.1 (that is, the service desired and the number of lanes pro-
appropriate multiple of 2,000 passenger cars vided in one direction. Where ideal aline-
per lane per hour) by the appliàable adjust- ment is not present, meaning that the aver-
ment factors among those included in Ta- age highway speed is below 70 mph, use of
bles 9.2 and 9.6. Often, only the adjustment the applicable v/c ratio as given in Ta-
for trucks will be required, because modern ble 9.1, rather than the basic limiting ratio,
freeway geometrics are not often substan- will help to assure a result in balance with
dard from a capacity standpoint. The truck the operating speed limitations. Or, the ap-
adjustment used must be that for capacity, propriate average highway speed curve in
not for a level of service. Figure 9.1 can be referred to, to achieve a
balance. In levels C and D, selection of the
v/c ratio also involves consideration of the
in which peak-hour factor as a multiplier.
c= capacity (mixed vehicles per hour,
total for one direction); SV=2,000N-- WT L
N=number of lanes (in one direction);
W= adjustment for lane width and lateral in which
clearance from Table 9.2. (This ad-
SV= service volume (total for one di-
justment must be used with discretion
in freeway capacity computations.
See also possible shoulder adjustment N= number, of lanes (mixed ve-
in Chapter Five); and hicles per hour, in one direc-
T= truck factor at capacity,' from Ta-
ble 9.3b for Overall highway sections v/c= volume to capacity ratio, ob-
or Table 9.6 for specific individual tained from Table 9.1 (or Fig.
- grades. (Intercity bus factor, B, 9.1);
may be applied separately; see text). W=a'djustment for lane width and
lateral clearance, from Table 9.2
SERVICE VOLUMES (TOTAL FOR (shoulder adjustment may be
ONE DIRECTION) necessary, see Chapter Five);
Several different procedures are available
= Truck factor at given level of
for use in determining .the service volume for
service, from Table 9.3b for
a given level of service on actual highways
overall highway sections, or Ta-
having less-than-ideal conditions. Selection
ble 9.6 for specific individual
of the appropriate method depends on the
grades (Intercity bus factor, BL,
data already at hand in any particular case.
may be applied separately; see
Regardless of which method is employed, it
is important to check the result by means of text).
Table 9.1 (or Fig. 9.1) to confirm that
the operatingpçd and the volume criteria Confirm attainment of desired level of ser-
for the desired level of service are met, with vice by using Figure 9.1 to check the result-
ing operating speed, for the given average specified level of service has been established
highway speed, to make sure that it meets re- in advance, service volumes in passenger
quirements for that level. cars per hour can be read directly from
Computed from Maximum Service Vol- Table 9.1, provided conditions are largely
ume for Ideal Conditions.—This procedure, ideal (as they might well be on a freeway
which is suitable only where the alinement is carrying only a few trucks). Where aline-
ideal (that is, average highway speed is ment is not ideal (average highway speed is
70 mph), is identical to the foregoing pro- less than 70 mph) or conditions are other-
cedure except that the maximum service wise less than ideal, Table 9.1 can be used to
volume for the level of service (and PHF, determine the limiting v/c ratio. From the
for levels C and D) desired, obtained from
controlling ratio, the service volume can be
Table 9.1, is used in place of the basic value
adjusted by a v/c ratio. determined once capacity is computed. (Fig.
9.1 can also be used.)
SV=MSV W T Where a proposed design is already under
in which MSV is the maximum service vol- consideration, the v/c ratio here obtained
ume, in passenger cars per hour, for -the can be compared with that for the proposed
appropriate number of lanes (and PHF, if design to determine its adequacy.
appropriate), from Table 9.1; and SV, W,
and TL are defined as before. LEVEL OF SERVICE
Confirm attainment of desired level of Determination of the level of service pro-
service by using Figure 9.1 to check the re-
vided by any freeway or expressway design,
suIting operating speed. Caution: Use of
existing or proposed, under uninterrupted
this method is not appropriate where re-
stricted average highway speeds exist, be- flow operation while accommodating a given
cause it does not make use of the v/c ratio, demand volume, is often the problem at
in which the influence of average highway hand. This can be done approximately by
speed restrictions is incorporated. inspection of Table 9.1, if operating speed,
Computed from Capacity under Pre vail- volume, peak-hour factor, and average high-
ing Conditions.—Multiply the capacity ob- way speed are known, and the influence of
tained under prevailing conditions by the trucks can be neglected. However, a refined
v/c ratio obtained from Table 9.1 (or computation considering trucks and peaking
Fig. 9.1) for the appropriate number of characteristics involves complications which
lanes and level of service (and PHF, if level make a partially "trial-and-error" solution
C and D) desired. As for ideal conditions, unavoidable. Although knowledge of the
consider use of a working v/c ratio where level of service is needed in order to choose
average highway speed is restricted. Also, the truck factor and to establish whether or
convert the truck adjustment, if used, to that not consideration of the peak-hour factor is
for the level of service involved, rather than required, it is the unknown. Therefore, a
capacity. level must be assumed in advance, usually by
inspection of Table 9.1, and reconiputations
c T, carried out if the results prove the assump-
tion incorrect.
in which c is the capacity (mixed vehicles
per hour, total for one direction) as com- The steps are as follows:
puted under prevailing conditions, and v/c, (a) Establish a "base volume" for level
Tb, and T as defined as before. of service determination through the same
Confirm attainment of desired level of procedure as described in the preceding
service by checking the resulting operating section on "Service Volumes; Computed
speed, from Figure 9.1, for the given aver- Directly from Capacity under Ideal Con-
age highway speed. ditions," except that no v/c ratio is ap-
Determined from Level of Serice Limits. plied. (Base volume" for the prevailing
—In the design of a new freeway, where a conditions differs from capacity only in
that the truck factor is that for the as- as previously determined, to the overall op-
sumed level of service, rather than for eration of the section.
capacity.) First, the matter of units must be con-
sidered. Whereas the basic maximum free-
Base volume = 2,000 N W TL
way volume values for ideal conditions con-
in which N and W are as before and TL is tained in this chapter are in terms of passen-
the assumed truck factor. ger cars per hour, it will be noted that the
Divide the average demand vol- procedures in Chapters Seven and Eight for
ume by the "base volume" obtained in weaving section and ramp junction operation
(a) to determine the approximate v/c are basically in terms of average mixed
ratio. (Conversion of demand volume to traffic (although the actual weaving move-
equivalent passenger cars is not necessary, ment' in Chapter Eight is converted to
inasmuch as use of the truck factor in equivalent passenger cars). This seeming in-
Step (a) has converted the base to mixed congruity results from the differing bases on
traffic.) which the several research studies involved
Reinspect Table 9.1 or Figure 9.1 were developed.
if operating speed was known in advance, Because it is relatively easy to convert the
to establish level of service from con- basic "through freeway" procedures to
trolling factor, operating speed or basic mixed traffic, as done in the procedures just
v/c ratio, with due consideration of the presented, but rather unfeasible to convert
the ramps procedures to equivalent passen-
P1-IF applicable to the level assumed.
If operating speed was not known, enter ger cars, it is recommended that actual prob-
Table 9.1 for the appropriate conditions lems involving a series of freeway elements
and determine operating speed. Or, enter be carried out in terms of mixed traffic. This
Figure 9.1 on the v/c ratio scale, select procedure has the added advantage of dis-
the appropriate curve for the number of cussing actually existing traffic volumes,
lanes in one direction and the average rather than artificial equivalent volumes. In
highway speed under consideration, and any case, caution should be exercised in all
read the operating speed. Establish level comparisons with other analysis results, to
of service from controlling factor, operat- confirm consistency of units.
ing speed or basic v/c ratio. Typically, one of two problems exists..
Recompute, using revised choice of Either an existing freeway requires analysis
truck factor and PHF, based on different to determine whether or not it has "weak
assumed level of service, if initial assump- links" which have lower traffic-carrying
tion proves incorrect. capabilities than the remainder, or a new
freeway is being designed with the goal of
fully balanced design. In the former case,
Combined Analysis of Elements Composing
geome.trics and demand volumes will usually
Freeway and Expressway Sections
be known and levels of service are required.
As previously mentioned, the procedures In the latter, demand volumes and level of
described so far, which apply to a single service normally will be specified, and geo-
uniform roadway section, will suffice to es- metrics are required. In practice, however,
tablish the characteristics of a long section of trial designs will often be developed so that
freeway, provided the section is free of any the actual computations will parallel those
restrictive elements. However, in most situa- for existing highways.
tions there will be a variety of elements, such Certainly, an all-important goal of any
as grades, ramp junctions, weaving sections, new design is to create a balanced level of
or sections with differing number of lanes, service throughout. It isimportant to recog-
along any freeway segment of significant nize, however, that where total balance is
length, which produce nonuniform charac- impossible, a freeway designed generally to
teristics. Balanced operation of the complete provide a certain basic level of service but
freeway section demands the relating of .the having one or two restricted subsections
operation of eachof these separate elements, somewhat below that level, will nevertheless
provide far better service than a similar free- useful only for generalizations regarding the
way with many such restricted subsections, relationship of demand to overall capabili-
as long as demand does not exceed capacity ties, because as long as capacity is not ex-
at any point. That is, the finding that attain- ceeded at any point along a section the as-
ment of the desired level appears unfeasible signed demand volume will be accommo-
at one or two points should not be used as dated •throughout, regardless of how this
justification for overall lowering of stan- demand volume relates to specified service
dards. volume limits. Level of service may, of
Generally speaking, the type of problem course, vary substantially.
likely to be encountered can best be demon- On the other hand, a "weighted level of
strated by means of actual examples rather service," as described earlier in the general
than by discussion; this is done in the section procedures presented in Chapter Four, often
on typical problem solutions, which follows. has considerable value as a measure of the
However, certain observations regarding the overall performance of a freeway section of
feasibility of overall or "weighted" values some length. This weighting of operating
deserve mention here. As long as fully bal- speeds and v/c ratios, the indicators of
anced design is attained, "weighting" is, of levels of service, is done in terms of the rela-
course, superfluous, inasmuch as the level is tive lengths of the sections involved, or their
identical at all points. Nevertheless, the fact relative influence areas. Wherever precise
remains that many existing freeways are not weighting is involved, therefore, at least ap-
of balanced design and cannot be balanced proximate length increments, operating
without major reconstruction. On such free- speeds, and v/c ratios must be known.
ways, as well as on the previously mentioned In practice, the procedure is not always as
new designs of less than perfect balance, simple as is demonstrated in the sample
therefore, for traffic operations, planning, problem in Chapter Four. There, only easily
and economic study purposes it is desirable identified basic roadway sections were in-
to develop some general measure of average volved; in such cases, operating speeds and
overall performance. v/c ratios are either at hand or can be
Any highway section, including a freeway, determined without difficulty. Where, on the
can have only one capacity between a par- other hand, elements such as ramp junctions
ticular point of entrance and the next exit; and weaving sections are included in the
namely, the capacity of the most restrictive section under consideration, the problem is
subsection within that section. Between any more difficult because only approximate op-
two terminal points A and B, with entrances erating speeds, which differ from through
and exits at intermediate points, the con- roadway speeds, are identified with several
trolling capacity is less well defined. Here, levels of service, and v/c ratios are not
there will still be a limiting capacity some- directly used. In the extreme, where at-grade
where between A and B, but it may not affect intersections are involved, no speed measure
all traffic at all points, depending on the pat- exists at all. In such cases direct weighted
tern of intermediate entrance and exit de- averages would be incorrect, even if operat-
mands. It can be seen, therefore, that choice ing speeds and v/c ratios were known, be-
of terminal points will have an important cause differing scales would be involved.
bearing on ability to identify a controlling Similarly, for some freeway elements
capacity. Where, as in a suburb-to-down- lengths of section are obvious. For others,
town case, entering traffic predominates, however, the influence area for use in weight-
such identification is easier than in the case ing is not readily apparent. In particular,
where entrance and exit volumes fluctuate ramp junctions do not have "lengths" as
randomly with no such overall trend. In any such. Interpretation of the material in Chap-
case, a "weighted capacity" value would be ter Eight indicates that, as a rule of thumb, a
largely meaningless, except for specialized ramp junction influence distance totaling
interpretations over relatively consistent sec- 3,000 ft can be assumed. In the on-ramp
tions. case this is composed of about 500 ft up-
Similarly, a "weighted service volume" is stream and 2,500 ft downstream; in the off-
.•-_; - i- ••_-__ -..'.---:
ramp case it consists of 2.500 ft upstream Rather, a general idea of the level is needed.
and 500 ft downstream. (Where an overlap Therefore, determination of a weighted level
occurs, the poorer of the two sets of operat- by precise methods is usually limited to cases
ing conditions should be considered as appli- where operating speeds, v/c ratios, and
cable to the overlap area.) For weaving sec- lengths are readily available, and the level of
tions, an influence distance of about 1,000 ft service scales are uniform throughout. The
in addition to the section length (500 ft up- procedure follows.
stream and 500 ft downstream) may be as- First, compute the weighted average of the
sumed. Seldom, on freeways, are significant operating speeds obtained for each subsec-
lateral clearance restrictions encountered. tion, by multiplying the length of each sec-
Where they are, their influence distances tion by its operating speed, summing the
should be determined as described in Chap- several results, and dividing by the over-
ter Ten for ordinary multilane highways. all length. Similarly, compute the weighted
In practice, precise determination of the average of the v/c ratios, in the same man-
average overall level of service over a long ner if the number of lanes is the same
section of roadway is seldom required. throughout. However, where the number of
$ 1,700 1,000
0 2.000{
fl® •fl® I
300 700I 600 moo0j
Dod 7.000' 1,200 VØ2,200
Merge = 792 + 600 = 1,392 vph. Demand V = 3,100 — 600 = 2,500 vph.
1,392< 1,550, from Table 8.1; sat- 2,500< 2,750; satisfactory.
isfactory. Ramp 5:
Freeway subsection 1-2: Figure 8.2 applies.
As before, from Table 9.1, for given V 1=136+0.345 V,-0.115 V,.=136
ideal conditions including negli- +(0.345 x 2,500) — (0.115 x 400)=
gible trucks, 953 vph.
SVçj = 2,750 vph. Merge=953+400= 1,353 vph.
Given V2,100+600=2,700 vph. 1,353<1,550, from Table 8.1; sat-
2,700< 2,750; satisfactory. isfactory.
Ramp 2: Note: 4 percent trucks is under the
Figure 8.3 applies; negligible trucks. 5 percent limit for trucks for this
V1= 165 + 0.345 V + 0.520 V,.= 165 procedure, so adjustment of final
+ (0.345 x 2,700) + (0.520 x 300) = result for trucks is not necessary.
1,253 vph.
Freeway subsection 5-6:
Diverge= 1,253 vph.
1,253<1,650, from Table 8.1; SVc remains 2,750 pcph, but trucks
satisfactory. must here be considered.
Demand V = 2,500 + 400 = 2,900 vph.
Freeway subsection 2-3: 4 percent trucks in 400-vph flow=
SV remains 2,750 vph, given negli- 16 trucks.
gible trucks. 16/2,900=0.006; say 1 percent
Demand V = 2,700 — 300 = 2,400 vph trucks.
2,400< 2,750; satisfactory. From Table 9.4 for level terrain, E7
Ramp 3:
From Table 9.6 for E7 =2 and 1 per-
Figure 8.2 applies; negligible trucks. cent trucks, TL =0.99.
V 1=136+0.345 V1 0.115 V r =136 SV=2,75Ox 0.99=2,723 vph.
+0.345 x 2,400)—(0. 115 x 700)= 2,900>2,723; not satisfactory.
884 vph.
Merge = 884 + 700= 1,584 vph. Weaving section 6-7
1,584> 1,550, from Table 8.1; not Figure 7.4 applies.
satisfactory for level C. Length (using graphical chart):
Freeway subsection 3-4: V.: From Table 9.4, ET=2.
SVc remains 2,750 vph, given negli- From Table 9.6, for E7,=2
gible trucks. and 6 percent trucks, TL=
0.94. = 800/0.94 = 851
Demand V2,400+700 = 3,100 vph.
3,100>2,750; not satisfactory. pcph.
V1 ,: No adjustment necessary; no
Ramp 4: trucks.
Figure 8.4 applies; negligible trucks V,,,. + V iru 851 + 700 = 1,551
V1 = 202 + 0.36217, + 0.49617, - pcph.
0.069 D,,+0.096 V,,=202+(0.362 For Vi +V,ce =l,551 pcph and
x 3,110) +(0.496 x 600)—(0.069 L = 1,200 ft, using chart, quality
x l,lOO)+(0.096x700)= 1,613 of flow=III with k=3.0 (used
vph, diverge. to nearest tenth).
1,613< 1,650, from Table 8.1; satis- From Table 7.3, for freeways, this
factory but borderline. is acceptable, though minimum,
level C.
Freeway subsection 4-5:
SV remains 2,750 vph, given negli- Width (using formula):
gible trucks. Average SV0 on approaches:
Pro blem:
Given: Rural expressway (west-to-east
flow under consideration, see sketch). Determine: Service volume B of each
4-lane divided expressway, with wide element and relationship of demand
median. volume to that service volume. Also,
11-ft through lanes. evaluate results.
Lateral clearances adequate. Solution.'
No significant grades.
Good alinement. No. of passenger cars and trucks enter-
Little roadside friction. ing at point 0:
Each line on sketch indicates a lane. 1,300 x 0.08 = 104 trucks.
Average rural conditions. 1,300-104=1,196 passenger cars.
Demand volumes: As shown on sketch. Expressway subsection 0-1:
Intersection 1: SV J) =2,000N (v/c) W T L
Minor crossroad. where
Total cycle time =90 sec. N=2.
Expressway green time=60 sec.
v/c=0.50,from Table 9.1.
Right turns=3%.
W=0.97, frdm Table 9.2.
Left turns=2% (These do not cross
T,,: From Table 9.4, ET _ — 2.
opposing traffic; storage is availa-
From Table 9.6, TL=0.93.
ble after turning to wait for cross-
road green.) SV 1 = 2,000 x 2 x 0.50 x 0.97 x 0.93
= 1,805 vph.
Intersection 2:
Major crossroad. Demand volume= 1,300 vph.
Total cycle time=90 sec. 1,300< 1,805; satisfactory.
Expressway green time: Intersection 1:
Through and right=33 sec.
Figure 6.10 applies.
Left (separate) = 15 sec;
(Right turn does not move during Approach width=22 ft.
left time),. L.F. for intersection level B=0.1.
Chart volume= 1,500 vphg.
Right turns= 15%.
Left turns=12%, using separate G/C ratio=60/9OzO.67.
added turn lane 10 ft wide.
Right turns, 3% (Table 6.4) =
Intersection 3 (widened to 3 11-ft lanes 1.035.
through intersection):
Crossroad minor, but widens to 4 Left turns, 2% (Table 6.4, since
lanes so requires only short green influence is like that on one-
time. way) = 1.04.
Total cycle time=60 sec. Trucks, 8% (Table 6.6) 0.97.
SV 15 = 1,500 x 0.67 x 1.035 x 1.04 x
Expressway green time = 42 sec,
0.97 = 1,050 vph.
simultaneous for all movements.
1,300> 1,050; not satisfactory.
Right turns =4%.
Left turns=3% (Again, these do not Expressway subsection 1-2:
cross opposing traffic; storage is Demand volume = 1,300 + 50 + 40 =
available after turning to wait for 1,390 vph.
crossroad green). 104/1,390=0.075; say 7% trucks.
however, as shown by v/c only overall level of service for the freeway and
0.01 over the dividing line while expressway section shown, which has a
operating speed is slightly better variety of elements without readily availa-
than limit of level B). ble numerical level of service measures.
(PHF=0.83, geometrics are ideal, and no
Part (b)
Problem: Determine the approximate
2 50' 3,500 1,500 5,000
'* 7,000 4000'
F00. 5Od __
J 500' _ 500'
LZP3,OOO 2 5OO' 3,000' 6,000' 3,000' 150 • 500
DEMAND1,9001 1,100 2,400 1,300 12,100 1,400
1,500 I
1,200I,9O J ,8OO
(VPII) I .1 I I I I I
2,000 1,200 2,500 2,000 2,500 1,500 2,000 1,200 290(12,01
VOLUME 1,400 1,000 2900 1,100 2900 1,300 1,400 ,1,8 I4(
Conclusion: Average overall level of ser- restriction is so far "out of line" with the
vice is approximately the limit of B, with remaining operation that it should be re-
the exception of the at-grade intersection, ported separately, rather than being
which is very close to capacity. This point averaged.
The previous chapter has discussed traffic of these sections pertain primarily to rural
operations on freeways and other express- conditions, where the number of intersec-
ways, or highway facilities designed for the tions and access points is few to moderate.
primary purpose of the rapid movement of Fourth, urban arterial streets are covered
traffic. Relatively isolated from outside in- separately, inasmuch as the influence of
fluences except at specific locations, the in- urban traffic regulations, controls, and fre-
ternal traffic stream characteristics are the quent access points results in a considerably
major determinants of the traffic service pro- different type of operation. Finally, major
vided. streets in the central business district are
However, the vast majority of rural high- discussed.
ways and city streets do not fall into this
category. On most highways, the initial pur-
pose of swift, efficient movement is compro-
mised by provision of direct access to and
from adjacent roads, streets, and abutting For the remaining types of highways,
properties. Sometimes the access is essential; levels of service differ from those for free-
in other cases, gaining access control simply ways and expressways; further, they differ
is not economically feasible. The typical from each other, depending on the particular
street or highway thus fulfills a multiple type of highway involved. For rural multi-
function of traffic service and land use ser- lane highways, they are very similar to those
vice, and, in the process, the description of for freeways; and for rural 2-lane highways
traffic operations becomes more complex. they are reasonably similar. However, values
In contrast with typical uninterrupted flow for urban arterials are quite different, as is
experiencing only occasional potential con- the concept itself, and at the other extreme
flict areas (as on expressways), traffic flow (downtown streets) they are very different
on the majority of streets and highways can and not yet well defined.
be thought of as an almost continual succes-
Thus, absolute measures of level of service
sion of potential conflicts from internal and
are meaningful only within a given highway
external influences, whose effects produce
somewhat different analysis criteria from category, because by definition each cate-
those presented in the previous chapter. This gory has its own range of levels of service,
chapter describes these differing procedures including its own "best" level of service.
for streets and highways without access con- Conditions at this "best" level of service to a
trol. large degree are controlled by external in-
Because of the widely varying operating fluences rather than internal traffic stream
characteristics and factors which may apply, characteristics. Level of service must, then,
this chapter gives separate consideration to apply to a section of roadway of a given
five different highway types. First, multilane type, representing the average effect of
highways which are without access control operating levels at each point along that
and/or undivided are considered. Second, section. Differing types should not be com-
2-lane highways are covered, followed by bined for analysis; for instance, a highway
(third) brief mention of 3-lane roads. All which is partly 4-lane and partly 2-lane
should be divided into and reported as two limited by: ( I ) the physical characteristics
separate sections, as a minimum. of the roadway, and (2) the frequency and
Evaluation of the interacting effects of duration of the infrequent fixed traffic inter-
level of service and maximum service vol- ruptions (Speed limits may legally prevent
ume on highways other than expressways attainment of low-volume operating speeds,
involves many factors. External influences as defined.) Operating speeds at any given
have more effect on traffic flow on ordinary level of service, then, reflect the influence of
highways than on freeways at all volume the volume at that level. The discussions of
levels because of their proximity and in- multilane and 2-lane highways, covering
creased frequency. This effect is reflected basically rural conditions, therefore normally
primarily in reduced speeds as compared to relate volumes, as represented by the v/c
freeways, at any given volume. These speed ratio, to operating speeds.
changes thus differ in their effect from those As in the freeway case discussed in Chap-
resulting from a speed limit intentionally ter Nine, the basic v/c ratio limits here de-
applied for safety or other reasons. Such fining the several levels of service on multi-
posted speed limits, when lower than those lane and 2-lane highways with uninterrupted
shown attainable by the appropriate speed- flow, from a volume standpoint, apply to
volume curves, can be maintained with little ideal alinement, or 70-mph average highway
change until the volume shown for that speed speeds. Again, as in the freeway case, these
is reached. limits are generally unrealistic when applied
In this chapter, as in Chapter Nine, speed to highways of lower design standards, be-
cause they indicate volumes higher than
is used, together with v/c ratio, in defining
could be attained at the operating speed
levels of service. As before, a series of speed
value also defining the particular level of
values are designated as limits of the several
levels of service. However, two forms of service. Working v/c ratios more appro-
speed measurement are used, operating speed priate for lower average highway speeds are
and average overall travel speed, the par- therefore included in the procedures that
ticular one employed for any given highway follow. These are approximate, in the case
type depending on the research studies used of multilane highways. However, in the
as references and the particular significance 2-lane case, where they are an important,
that each has for the type of roadway under frequently used consideration, they are based
consideration. Operating speed, as before, on rather detailed studies.
represents the maximum safe speed for given On urban streets in well-developed areas,
traffic conditions that an individual vehicle on the other hand, there may be frequent
can travel if the driver so desires, without ex- traffic interruptions, and speed limits may
ceeding the design speed at any point. Aver- relate more to safety to the general public
age overall travel speed is the average of in- than to optimum traffic flow. On such streets
dividual vehicular speeds over a length of and on other highways having frequent
traffic interruptions or arbitrary speed limits
highway, and represents what all vehicles,
for safety, average overall travel speed is a
acting as a group, can be expected to do. It
more suitable criterion. The range between
can be obtained from the average travel
possible and actual average speeds diminishes
times of a group of vehicles passing through
rapidly, with lower speed limits and in-
the section. creased frequency of. traffic interruptions.
When dealing with essentially uninter- Alinement is seldom a significant considera-
rupted flow conditions, normally associated tion except in extreme cases. Traffic char-
with rural highways, operating speed will acteristics tend to become based on group,
normally be the speed criterion! As before, rather than individual, vehicle operations.
it indicates the highest feasible speeds at a When considering (11) city streets, (2) road-
given volume, and eliminates the variability ways with frequent traffic signalization or
in observed speeds caused by individual stop controls, or (3) routes with relatively
driver desires. A given highway or street will low speed limits in relation to geometric con-
have a free-flow operating speed, or a maxi- ditions, it is recommended that analysis be
mum safe speed at extremely low volumes, made by the methods given later in this
chapter, for urban arterials and downtown cause the restrictive effects of the relatively
streets, on the basis of average overall travel large number of frictional elements has been
speeds. Here, only approximate v/c ratio considered to mask or damp the effects of
criteria can be established, inasmuch as peaking. Where, in a specific problem, an
urban highway capacities are widely variable. ordinary rural highway is. encountered which
In this chapter, it will be noted that no approaches freeway characteristics or on
specific application of peak-hour factors is which peaking is evident, judgment should
made to uninterrupted flows. Little research be exercised in the possible adaptation of the
has been conducted regarding peaking on peak-hour factors presented in Chapter Nine
ordinary rural highways; this may be be- to the case at hand.
Stable flow
B (upper speed 555 0.50 0.20 _" 2000 3000 1000
D unstable flow 535 0.90 0.85 0.70 3600 5400 1800
which must be taken into account before its strictions in the light of local conditions, may
true ability to carry traffic can be deter- prove a more useful approach.
mined. Hence, the maximum values given
in Table 10.1 can seldom be used directly. Lane Width and Lateral Clearance
Many typical highways are totally unable to As discussed in Chapter Five, many
provide service at level A, and level B may
ordinary multilane highways, particularly if
be unattainable on a significant number. In
relatively old, have lane widths of less than
the computation procedures that follow, the the ideal 12 it, and lateral clearances from
adverse effects of restricted alinement are the edge of the traveled way to obstructions
"built into" the criteria for restricted average of less than the ideal 6 ft. Further, in most
highway speed conditions, whereas those of cases they are undivided; consequently, ve-
several other restrictive factors are handled hicles in the center lanes in each direction are
by means of adjustment factors there pre- restricted laterally by vehicles moving in the
sented. opposing direction. Table 10.2 presents ad-
In addition to those elements covered by justment factors which reflect the combined
specific adjustments, there are several other influence of these several factors on un-
factors along ordinary multilane highways divided multilane highways (Table 9.2
which may adversely affect their ability to should be used for divided highways).
offer uniform service throughout. These in- Generally, the significant lateral restric-
clude rudimentary weaving areas, ramp junc- tions encountered on this class of highway
tions, at-grade intersections, business and will be more critical, and more abrupt in
private roadside development and associated nature, than those few that are found on
access points, and a variety of other potential freeways. However, if any long continuous
traffic interruptions. obstructions are present, the cautions dis-
The differences in effect of these various cussed under this category in Chapter Nine
influences on ordinary multilane highways should be considered. It should be noted, in
from those on freeways and expressways are Table 10.2, that the adjustments for "ob-
primarily differences in scope and degree. struction on right side only" already in-
On freeways, only occasional impediments corporate the effect of opposing traffic; no
are likely to be encountered, although the further adjustment is needed. Therefore, the
effect of a restriction may be noted for long adjustments for "obstruction on both sides"
should be used only where some physical
distances if volumes are near the capacity of
obstruction encroaches on the center of the
the restriction. On ordinary multilane high-
roadway, closer than would the opposing
ways impediments are likely to be found flow of traffic; such obstructions would in-
more frequen.tly. In rural areas their effects clude centerline barriers, bridge structural
may, again, extend for substantial distances. elements, piers, and similar encroachments.
However, their zones of influence may be less
in suburban areas because, with access un- Trucks, Buses, and Grades
controlled, a restriction at one point may be
The interrelated effects of trucks, buses,
more easily bypassed or avoided entirely by and grades on service volumes and capacities
nearby local traffic, which continues to of highways of all types have been discussed
make effective use of the remainder of the in Chapter Five, and the limited knowledge
highway. of these effects on service volumes and the
Hence, on ordinary multilane highways capacity of multilane highways has been
having a substantial number of minor im- applied in detail to freeways and expressways
pediments, but only an occasional major one, in Chapter Nine. Although minor differ-
it may sometimes prove unfeasible to quote ences probably exist in actuality between the
an overall level of service including all specific effects on freeways and those on
adverse influences. Rather, development of ordinary multilane highways, available re-
a controlling level reflecting the minor re- search results do not yet justify such refine-
strictions, together with special analyses of ment. Therefore, the discussion and adjust-
the real influence of the apparent major re- ments presented in that chapter can be
considered to be equally applicable to ordi- do Tables 9.3 through 9.6, respectively, for
nary multilane highways, except in those spe- freeways.
cial cases where a traffic-interrupting feature
Weaving A reas
exists on the grade; reference should be made
to that section for general discussion. Chapter Seven covers major weaving,
For computational convenience, Tables which is most commonly associated with
10.3 through 10.6 are included here; they freeways, and Chapter Eight considers "one-
contain the same truck and bus adjustment sided" weaving. There are many instances,
factors for ordinary multilane highways as however, where a weaving section is used in
Separate consideration not warranted in most problems; use only where bus volumes are significant.
b Not applicable to buses where they are given separate specific consideration; use instead Table 10.3a in conjunction with
Table 10.6.
3% 5% 10% 15% 20% 3% 5% 10% 15% 20%
0-1 All 2 .2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 3%-3/ 5 4 4 3 3 5 4 4 3 3
34-1 7 5 5 4 4 7 5 5 4 4
1 3/2-2 7 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 6
3-4 7 7 8 8 8 7 7 8 8 8
3 3% 10 8 5 4 3 10 8 '5 4 3
10 8 5 4 4 .10 8 5 4 4
3% 10 8 .6 5 5 10 8 5 4 5
1 10 8 6 5 6 10 8 6 5 6
13/2 10 9 7 7 7 10 9 7 7 7
2 10 9 8 8 8 10 9 8 8 8
3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
4 10 10 11 11 11 10 10 11 11 11
4 3% 12 9 5 4 3 13 9 5 4 3
12 9 5 5 5 13 9 5 5 5
3% 12 9 7 7 7 13 9 7 7 7
1 12 10 8 8 8 13 10 8 8 8
13/ 12 11 10 10 10 13 11 10 10 10
2 12 11 11 11 11 13 12 11 11 11
3. 12 12 13 13 . 13 13 13 14 14 14
4 12 13 15 15 14 13 14 16 16 15
5 3% 13 10 6 4 3 14 10 6 4 3
13 11 7 7 7 14 11 7 7 7
3% 13 11 9 8 8 14 11 9 8 8
1 13 12 10 10 10 14 13 10 10 10
13/i 13 13 12 12 12 14 14 13 . 13 13
2 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15
3 13 .15 16 16 15 14 17 17 17 17
4 15 17 19 19 17 16 19 22 21 19
6 3% 14 10 6 4 3 15 10 6 4 3
14 11 8 8 8 15 11 8 8 8
3% 14 12 10 10 10 15 12 10 10 10
1 . 14 13 12 12 11 15 14 13 '13 11
13/3 14 14 14 14 13 15 16 15 15 14
2 14 15 16 16 15 15 18 18 18 16
3 14 16 18 18 17 15 20 20 20 19
4 19 19 20 20 20 20 23 23 23 23
4 2
7 4
7c 12 10
All lengths.
b For all percentages of buses.
'Use generally restricted to grades over 1/2 mile long.
connection with highways having no access acteristics may still govern the very limited
control or where weaving occurs even if not capacity. Such capacities cannot be com-
by design. These range from maneuvers of puted by means of procedures in this
traffic entering from a cross street on one manual; they must be determined through
side of a flow and leaving via another cross local study.
street on the other side in a short distance,
Ramp Entrances or Exits
through rotaries of low design, to fully ade-
quate weaving sections. In the latter case, Chapter Eight discusses capacity deter-
the weaving area of the roadway takes on mination for ramps, butthe procedures there
the characteristics of an access-controlled described apply principally to a high-type
roadway in that little or no side friction is ramp terminal linking the ramp turning road-
normally present. Therefore, such weaving way with a control led-access freeway. In
area capacity computations can be accom- some cases, both ends of a ramp turning
plished as if the section truly had controlled roadway may be junctions with freeways,
access, in accordance with the procedures but more often, only one terminal is at
established in Chapter Seven and further a freeway, the other being a link to a
applied in Chapter Nine. However, in the non-controlled- or partially-controlled-access
remaining cases the influence of a variety of highway. Any such lower-standard junction
frictional elements must be considered. should be analyzed asa connection to an
Where sections have become encumbered expressway, or to an ordinary highway or
with traffic signals in the section or on the street, as the case may be.
approach legs, usually because the sections
had insufficient capacity to handle the un-
controlled demand, those signalized inter-
sections normally govern. They are analyzed The ramps on these types of interchanges
by means of the procedures in Chapter Six. generally require the same type of freeway
In the more difficult cases, however, even ramp junction capacity analysis at both
signalization may be insufficient to control termini, regardless of the fact that one road-
the section, and the section's inherent char- way may be a freeway and the other a non-
2 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.89 0.88 0.86 0.85 0.83
3 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.93 0.91 0.89 0.88 0.86 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.71
4 0.97 0.94 0.92 0.89 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.79 0.77 0.74 0.70 0.68 0.65 0.63
5 0.96 0.93 0.89 0.86 0.83 0.81 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.71 0.68 0.64 0.61 0.58 0.56
6 0.95 0.91 0.87 0.83 0.80 0.77 0.74 0.71 069 0.67 0.63 0.59 0.56 0.53 0.50
7 0.94 0.89 0.85 0.81 0.77 0.74 0.70 0.68 0.65 0.63 0.58 0.54 0.51 0.48 0.45
8 0.93 0.88 0.83 0.78 0.74 0.70 0.67 0.64 0.61 0.59 0.54 0.51 0.47 0.44 0.42
9 0.93 0.86 0.81 0.76 0.71 0.68 0.64 0.61 0.58 0.56 0.51 0.47 0.44 0.41 0.38
10 0.92 0.85 0.79 0.74 0.69 0.65 0.61 0.58 0.55 0.53 0.48 0.44 0.41 0.38 0.36
11 0.91 0.83 0.77 0.71 0.67 0.63 0.59 0.56 0.53 0.50 0.45 0.42 0.38 0.36 0.33
12 0.90 0.82 0.75 0.69 0.65 0.60 0.57 0.53 0.50 0.48 0.43 0.39 0.36 0.34 0.31
13 0.89 0.81 0.74 0.68 0.63 0.58 0.54 0.51 0.48 0.45 0.41 0.37 0.34 0.32 0.29
14 0.88 0.79 0.72 0.66 0.61 0.56 0.52 0.49 0.46 0.43 0.39 0.35 0.32 0.30 0.28
15 0.88 0.78 0.70 0.64 0.59 0.54 0.51 0.47 0.44 0.42 0.37 0.34 0.31 0.28 0.26
16 0.87 0.77 0.69 0.63 0.57 0.53 0.49 0.45 0.43 0.40 0.36 0.32 0.29 0.27 0.25
17 0.86 0.76 0.68 0.61 0.56 0.51 0.47 0.44 0.41 0.38 0.34 0.31 0.28 0.26 0.24
18 0.85 0.75 0.66 0.60 0.54 0.49 0.46 0.42 0.40 0.37 0.33 0.30 0.27 0.25 0.23
19 0.85 0.74 0.65 0.58 0.53 0.41 0.38 0.36 0.32 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22
20 0.84 0.72 0.64 0.57 0.51 0.47 0.42 0.40 0.37 0.34 0.30 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.21
21 0.83 0.71 0.63 0.56 0.50 0.45 0.41 0.38 0.36 0.33 0.29 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.20
22 0.83 0.70 0.61 0.54 0.49 0.44 0.40 0.37 0.35 0.32 0.28' 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.19
23 0.82 0.69 0.60 0.53 0.48 0.43 0.39 0.36 0.34 0.31 0.27 0.25 0.22 0.20 0.19
24 0.81 0.68 0.59 0.52 0.47 0.42 0.38 0.35 0.33 0.30 0.27 0.24 0.21 0.19 0.18
25 0.80 0.67 0.58 0.51 0.46 0.41 0.37 0.34 0.32 0.29 0.26 0.23 0.20 0.18 0.17
Computed by 1001(100 - P + ETPT), or 100/(100 - Pn + EBPB), as presented in Chapter Five. Use this formula for
larger percentages.
Used to convert equivalent passenger car volumes to actual mixed traffic; use reciprocal of these values to convert mixed
traffic to equivalent passenger cars.
'From Table 10.4 or Table 10.5.
Trucks and buses should not be combined in entering this table where separate consideration of buses has been estab-
lished as required, because passenger car equivalents differ.
terms of its frequency and its effect on out detailed consideration of the interrup-
speeds. tions. Admittedly, the true capacity at the
In general, on multilane highway sections interruption point of such a roadway section
where the number of fixed traffic interrup- is reduced in proportion to the amount of
tions are few (greater than 1 mile apart) interruption time in the total time available.
and other interferences between are largely For instance, even where only a single signal
absent, the presence of these interruptions is present on a long section, the capacity at
influences the operating speeds and the maxi- that point is reduced in proportion -to the
mum service volumes over the section chiefly amount of red time in the total cycle time.
in terms of restricted flow at or near the in- But such effects are generally localized on
terruptions. Operating conditions between ordinary highways, due to the influence of
fixed interruptions generally retain the char- traffic entering and leaving at other nearby
acteristics of uninterrupted flow. For the unsignalized points, and do not seriously
entire highway section, the major conse- restrict the section as a whole. At typical
quences are as follows: (1) operating design levels of service their influence on
speeds at all volume levels are somewhat speed is relatively small, volumes carried are
lower than for uninterrupted flow because of little affected, and few if any drivers en-
the necessity for traffic to slow or stop, and counter undue delay. At the other extreme
(2) more of the traffic travels in platoons, a typical rural railroad grade crossing may
caused by their grouping at the interruptions. be a serious impediment to all traffic for
These platoons may be of regular or ir- several minutes, producing considerable
regular sequence and size, depending on the delay to drivers arriving during that period,
nature of the interruption. Maximum vol- but over the hour's time on which these
umes are limited by the capacity of the most criteria are based, again may produce little
critical point (normally the traffic interrup- apparent overall effect.
tion), although the influence distance of in- If, however, there are obviously significant
dividual interruptions may be relatively and continuously occurring slowdowns in a
limited. particular section, it becomes essential to
In a relative sense, volume has been found give special consideration to the capacity of
to have the same effect on operating condi- that section and to consider the capabilities
tions for this somewhat interrupted flow as for of nearby sections as related to those capaci-
uninterrupted flow. Although each highway ties. For example, where the highway in
would have its own specific speed-volume question crosses a more important highway,
relationship, differing from a typical fully- and has less than half of the total signal time
uninterrupted-flow relationship, the same
as green time as a result, a significant restric-
scale of levels of service is used as for in-
tion might exist. Or, where a regularly
terrupted flow; hence, Table 10.1 continues
occurring train movement at a grade crossing
to apply. Operating speed and service vol-
umes must again be expressed in terms of a conflicts with a peak-period traffic flow
value relative to a common maximum. For which occurs simultaneously, the effect on
speeds, the maximum remains the free-flow level of service for a short period may be
operating speed. For service volumes, the greatly magnified and require special con-
maximum remains the capacity. sideration.
Where fixed interruptions are frequent
In normal practice, for typical design or
(more than one per mile), or if speed limits
operational problems where the fixed inter-
must be restricted to 35 mph or below, indi-
ruptions (primarily signalized intersections)
cating substantial roadside interference, the
average more than 1 mile apart and/or characteristics of the traffic flow are changed
where speed limits are 40 mph or greater too completely for uninterrupted-flow cri-
between interruptions (and attainable, indi- teria to be applicable even in modified form.
cating that the influence of roadside develop- The restrictive nature of the operation, pro-
ment is not great), it is generally considered duced by frequent signals and other interrup-
reasonable to apply the procedures which tions normally associated with a highway
follow for uninterrupted flow directly, with- requiring signalization, results in entirely
Traffic interruptions from roa(ls,de development and intersections on this thvu/ed highway without
control of access restrict service volumes.
BASIC Oi 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.9 1.0
I or
Figure /0.1. Relationships between v/c ratio and operating speed, in one direction of travel, on
multilane rural highways, under uninterrupted flow conditions.
basic limiting values of operating speed and multiply 2,000 passenger cars per lane per
v/c ratio which identify the several levels of hour by the number of lanes and by the
service are shown on the chart. applicable adjustment factors. The truck
Capacity, service volume, and level of ser- adjustment used must be that for capacity.
vice determination procedures for ordinary Consider intercity buses separately if vol-
multilane highways are nearly identical with times are large or grades are heavy.
those for freeways, the differences lying pri-
c=2,000 Al W T
marily in the basic criteria used, rather than
in the methods of use. The procedure is in which
somewhat simplified as compared to that for
c= capacity (mixed vehicles per hour,
freeways in that per-lane volumes remain the
total for one direction);
same no matter how many lanes there may
N= number of lanes (in one direction);
be. However, because lower design stan-
W = adjustment for lane width and lateral.
dards are likely, greater use of adjustment
clearance, from Table 10.2 (shoulder
factors can be expected. Use is made of
adjustment may be necessary, see
Table 10.1 (or Fig. 10.1). The procedures
are as follows: Chapter Five);and
T= truck factor at capacity, from Table
CAPACITY (TOTAL FOR ONE DIRECTION) 10.3b for overall highway section, or
UNDER PREVAILING CONDITIONS Table 10.6 for specific individual
Determine directly, by the standard grades (intercity bus factor, B0, may
method for uninterrupted flow. That is, be applied separately, see text).
SERVICE VOLUMES (TOTAL FOR ONE average highway speed.) The procedure is
DIRECTION) identical with the preceding, except that the
"maximum service volume" for the number
As before, several different procedures are of lanes and level of service desired (from
available for use in determining the service Table 10.1) is used in place of the basic
volume for a given level of service; selection value adjusted by a v/c ratio.
of the appropriate method depends on the
particular data already at hand. In any case, SV=MSV W TL
it is important to check the results to con-
firm that both the volume and operating in which MSV is the maximum service vol-
speed criteria for the desired level of service ume, in passenger cars per hour, from Ta-
are met, with due consideration for the pre- ble 10.1; and SV, W and TL are as before.
vailing average highway speed. Confirm attainment of the desired level of
service by checking the resulting operating
Computed Directly from Capacity Under
speed from Figure 10.1, for the given aver-
Ideal Conditions.—Follow the same pro-
cedure as that for capacity under prevailing age highway speed.
CAUTION: Use of this method is not ap-
conditions with two exceptions; namely,
propriate where restricted average highway
(1) utilize the adjustments for the appro-
speeds exist, because it does not make use of
priate level of service, where different from
the v/c ratio in which the influence of such
those for capacity, and (2) apply the appro-
restrictions is incorporated.
priate v/c ratio for the level of service
desired. (Where alinement is less than ideal, Computed from Capacity Under Prevail-
use of the applicable working v/c ratio ing Conditions—Multiply the capacity ob-
from Table 10.1, or reference to the appro- tained under ideal conditions by the v/c
priate average highway speed curve in Fig- ratio •obtained from Table 10.1 (or Fig.
ure 10.1, will help to assure a balance with 10.1) for the level of service desired. (As
the operating speed limitation.) for ideal conditions, consider use of the
working v/c ratio where average highway
SV=200f(v/c) W T1,
speed is restricted.) Also, convert the truck
in which adjustment, if used, to that for the level of
SV= service volume (mixed vehicles per service involved, rather than capacity.
hour, total for one direction); SV=c (v/c) (T L/TC )
N=number of lanes (in one direction); in which c is the capacity (mixed vehicles
volume-capacity ratio, obtained per hour, total for one direction), as com-
from Table 10.1 (or Fig. 10.1); puted for ideal conditions, and SV, v/c, TL,
Wz adjustment for lane width and lat- and T are as before.
eraI' clearance, from Table 10.2 Confirm attainment of the desired level of
(shoulder adjustment may be neces- service by checking the resulting operating
sary, see Chapter Five); and speed from Figure 10.1, for given average
TL = truck factor at given level of ser- highway speed.
vice, from Table 10.3b for overall
Determined from Level of Service Limits.
highway sections, or Table 10.6 for
—In the design of a new multilane highway,
specific individual grades (intercity
where a specific level of service has been
bus factor, BL, may be applied
established in advance, service volumes in
separately, see text).
passenger cars per hour can be read directly
Confirm attainment of desired level of from Table 10.1, provided design conditions
service by checking resulting operating speed are to be ideal. In the more typical case,
from Figure 10.1, for the given average high- where alinement or other conditions are
way speed, to make sure that the requirement less than ideal, Table 10.1 can be used to
for the given level is met. determine the limiting v/c ratio. From the
Computed from Maximum Service Vol- controlling ratio, the service volume can be
ume for Ideal Conditions.—(Suitable only determined once capacity is computed (Fig.
where alinement is ideal; that is, for 70-mph 10.1 can also be used).
I.1 •: -
\Iultihwc highway without access control, fulfilling function of both traffic and land use service, is
subject to the frictions characteristic of strip or 'ribbon' development.
experienced in describing the overall ca- where signals occur infrequently, and usually
pacity of a section, it may well be because so have adequate capacity to handle typical
many access points exist (including im- rural service volumes without difficulty, they
portant intersecting highways) between the usually can be omitted from the weighting
preestablished terminal points that analysis procedure and interpreted separately to de-
as one section is, in itself, unfeasihie. Again. termine whether they meet the level of the
"weighted service volumes" may have some neighboring highway. Where, however, any
utility for specialized purposes. signal or other point restriction is significant,
Wherever overall analysis does appear an approximate length should be assigned
feasible, a "weighted level of service" can be based on the apparent influence distance. In
developed. This follows the same general the case of point or short-distance lateral
steps as described in Chapter Nine for free- clearance restrictions, such as narrow
ways. Where feasible, weighted average bridges, in the absence of more specific
operating speeds and v/c ratios are de- knowledge. an influence distance equivalent
veloped for the section, from those for the to 5 sec travel time plus the actual length of
component subsections, with weighting pro- the restriction can be assumed. For instance,
portional to subsection length. These are a narrow bridge on a highway with a 50-mph
then compared with limiting values in Ta- operating speed would have an advance in-
ble 10.1 (or Fig. 10.1). and a further check fluence distance of 50 x 1.467 x 5 = 367 ft.
is made, using the most critical v/c ratio, to Where feasible, it is acceptable to develop
make sure that capacity is not exceeded at an overall weighted level of service for a
any point. Where v/c ratios and operating multilane section containing subsections of
speeds are not conveniently available, the differing numbers of lanes: each such subsec-
graphical method described in Chapter Nine tion must have a minimum of four lanes
will be more suitable. (two in each direction). The sample weight-
In the case of signalized intersections and ing problems shown in Example 9.8 are
other "point" restrictions, no length is avail- equally representative of the ordinary multi-
able for use in weighting. In the rural case, lane case.
where: Solution:
N=2. Inspection of Table 10.1, given ordi-
W, from Table 10.2 for 10-ft lanes nary 4-lane highway on heavy grade,
with 4-ft clearance, one side= indicates that operation probably is
0.88. in level D or poorer.
T0, from Table 10.3b for 7% Assume level D for use in selecting ad-
trucks in rolling terrain=0.83. justments dependent upon a known
c=2,000 x 2 x 0.88 x 0.83=2,920 level.
vph, total for one direction. On this heavy grade, buses should be
considered separately, using bus ad-
Service Volume B: justment factor, BL.
SVu =2,000N(v/c) WTL Base volume= 2,000 N W T L BL
At least two lanes for traffic movement, Although the great majority of 2-lane
one in each direction, represent the minimum highways do not have control of access,
highway installation normally provided. The 2-lane highways with access control are by
decision to provide a 2-lane highway many no means rare. Operationally they are not
times is not justified on demand and capacity greatly different from uncontrolled highways,
requirements alone, therefore, but on mini- except for freedom from the adverse effects
mum level of service requirements which of roadside development, because passing
justify at least one travel lane, in each direc- and associated potential head-on conflicts
tion for safety, convenience, and tolerable remain. In this manual, therefore, no sepa-
operating conditions. In terms of mileage, rate criteria are presented; such sections are
2-lane highways constitute a majority of the considered as equivalent to high-type 2-lane
rural main highway system. roads withou:t access control.
Two basic characteristics differentiate On high-type 2-lane rural highways having
traffic operations on 2-lane highways from uninterrupted flow, the adverse effect of in-
multilane facilities. First, distribution of creasing volume on operating speeds is
traffic by direction has practically no effect significant even at low volumes and even
on operating conditions, at any given total though ample passing sight distance may be
volume level. Therefore, the capacity and available throughout the roadway section.
service volumes of 2-lane highways are ex- On 2-lane highways of lower design stan-
pressed in total vehicles per hour, regardless dards, this effect is less pronounced, but only
of the distribution of traffic by direction. because the poorer designs do not permit
Second, overtaking and passing maneuvers high speeds even at low volumes.
must be made in the traffic lane normally In Chapter Three, typical speed distribu-
occupied by opposing traffic. Inasmuch as
lions for 2-lane roads are shown in Fig-
the maintenance of a desired speed requires
ure 3.25. Also, typical speed-volume rela-
passing maneuvers, the. volume of traffic plus
the highway geometries, which establish tionships for a range of types of 2-lane roads,
available passing sight distance, have a much with differing average highway speeds and
more significant effect on operating speeds typical related passing sight distance con-
than is the case on multilane roads. There- ditions, but otherwise ideal conditions, are
fore, whenever service volumes are con- shown in Figures 3.37 and 3.40. Those
sidered for 2-lane roads the corresponding curyes, like the criteria in this section, are
range in available passing sight distance based on curves developed in the mid-
(1,500 ft or greater) must also be con- 1950's (2), but have been modified to re-
sidered. flect the current higher speeds of even the
The effect of restricted passing sight dis- Trucks, Buses, and Grades
tance' can be considered in two ways'. A
highway' with restricted passing provides The effect of trucks, buses, and grades on
lower operating speeds at the same volume 2-lane highways has been discussed in detail
than one with unrestricted passing. Con- in Chapter Five. As on multilane highways,
versely, maintaining a comparable operating trucks and buses have an influence which
speed when passing is restricted requires must be considered, even in the case of level
lower service volumes. ,The latter concept terrain. However, the influence becomes
is used for 2-lane highways, inasmuch as much greater on grades. It is pointed out in
level of service is expressed consistently Chapter Five that most typical grades influ-
throughout this manual mainly in terms of ence operations only when trucks (and some-
operating speed as the governing control, times interci.ty buses) are present, and also
with the volume limitation as a supple- states that' the effect varies with the length
and steepness of the grade as well as the level
mentary control. At any given level of ser
of service under consideration. It further
vice limit, operating speeds are equal. The
indicates that the average effect of trucks and
effect of passing sight distance restrictions is buses over a highway section of substantial'
to lower the service volume at that given length differs from that on most individual
level of service. Restricted alinement grades.
(lower than, ideal average highway speed) Table 10.9a gives average generalized
also produces this same effect, while also passenger car equivalents of trucks over ex-
restricting or totally eliminating the ability tended lengths of 2-lane highways, for vari-
to attain the higher levels of service. ous terrain conditions and levels of service.
Table 10.7. gives the scale of operating Although bus volumes seldom warrant sepa-
characteristics established for the various rate consideration, separate equivalents 'for
levels of service on 2-lane highways and buses are also given for use where such
summarizes general level of service criteria volumes are significant.
during uninterrupted flow conditions. In- Table 10.9b gives general overall adjust-
cluded, in addition to operating speeds and ment factors for conversion of mixed de-
basic volume/capacity ratios for ideal aline- mand volumes of trucks and passenger cars
ment, are approximate measures of the in- over extended lengths of 2-lane highway into
fluence of passing sight distance, expressed equivalent passenger vehicles per hour, based
as a percentage of the total section that is on these overall passenger car equivalents.
adequate (greater than 1,500 ft), and of These can be used in overall analyses of the
average highway speeds, on working v/c capabilities of substantial lengths of 2-lane
highways, which include downgrades and
level portions, as well is upgrades. Where
separate consideration of buses appears
CRITICAL ELEMENTS REQUIRING necessary, Table 10.9b is not appropriate.
CONSIDERATION Rather, the equivalents for buses given in
Table 10.9a should be used in conjunction
Lane Width and Lateral Clearance with Table 10.12 to obtain separate adjust-
ment factors.
In the case of 2-lane highways, current Where the need is to determine the influ-
design standards vary considerably. Certain ence of trucks and buses on specific individ-
modern 2-lane roads, intended for only low ual upgrades, the process ismore selective.
volumes, may have lane widths of only 10 ft, From criteria described in Chapter Five,
rather than the 12-ft ideal value. Some older Table 10.10 has been prepared, to present
highways may have only 9-ft lanes, together detailed passenger car equivalency factors
with restricted lateral clearances. Table 10.8 for trucks at capacity and the several levels
gives adjustment factors reflecting the com- of service, on two-lane highways where no
bined adverse influence of restricted lane climbing lane is provided. Table 10.11
width and lateral clearance on 2-lane high- similarly presents passenger car equivalency
ways. factors for intercity buses, for use in those
Operating speed and basic v/c ratio are independent measures of level of service; both limits must be satisfied in any determination of level.
I. Where no entry appears, operaling speed required for this level is unattainable even at low volumes.
No passing.
Demand volume/capacity ratio may well exceed 1.00, indicating overloading.
B Ec B Ec B Ec B E° B Ex B Ec B E° B
6 1.00 1.00 0.86 0.88 0.77 0.81 0.70 0.76 1.00 1.00 0.86 0.88 0.77 0.81 0.70 0.76
4 0.96 0.97 0.83 0.85 0.74 0.79 0.68 0.74 0.92 0.94 0.79 0.83 0.71 0.76 0.65 0.71
2 0.91 -- 0.93 0.78 0.81 0.70 0.75 0.64 0.70 • - 0L,.0.85-. 0.70 0.75 0.63 0.69 0.57 0.65
0 085 0.88 0.73 0.77 0.66 0.71 0.60 0.66 0.70 0.76 0.60 0.67 0.54 0.62 0.49 0.58
Adjustment W, given for level E, capacity, and Wi. for level B; interpolale for olhers.
Includes allowance for opposing IraffIc.
BandC 2.5 5 10
DandE 2 5 12
Separate consideration not warranted in most problems; use only where bus volumes are significant.
b Not applicable to buses where they are given separate specific consideration; use instead Table 10.9a in conjunction with
Table 10.12.
0-2 All .2 . 2 . 2,
3 , 3/ 5. . 3 2
34 10 10 ' 7
3% 14 , 16 14
1 17 21 20
1 3/2 19 25 . 26
2 '21 27 29
3 22 ' 29 31
4 23 31 , ' 32
4 3% 7 6 3
34 16 20 ' 20
3% 22 30 32'
1 26 35 39
134 28 39 44
2 30 42 ' . 47
3 ' 31 44 50
4 ' '32' 46 . ' 52,
5 1% 10 10 . 7
34 .24 33 ' 37
3% 29 . , 42 . 47
I '' 33 47 . . 54..
134 35 51 59
2 37 54 63
.3 ' 39 56 66
4 . . 40 57 68
6 34 .14 ' 17 16
34 33 47 54
3% 39 56 , , .65
1 41 59 70
134 44 . 62 75
2 46 65 80
3 48 68 ' 84
4 , 50 ' ' 71 ' 87.
7 3%' 24 32 ' , 35
34 . . 44 63 . .75
3% 50 71 84
1 53 74 ' , 90
134 ' , 56 79 95
2 58 ' 82' ' 100
3 ' 60 85 104
'4' ' '62 87 ' 108
0-4 2 2 2
5° 0 4 3 2
6° 7 6 4
7° 12 12 10
° All lengths.
For all percentages of buses.
Use generally restricted to grades over 34 mile long.
few cases where bus volumes are heavy The following generalizations may be
and/or grades are heavy made:
In practice, the values from these tables I. On flat grades, the effect of trucks in
normally are not used directly in computa- upgrade and downgrade flows can be taken
tions, but are used to enter Table 10.12, as the same without appreciable error, al-
which provides truck factors that consider though the adverse effect on downgrades is
both the passenger car equivalent and the probably actually less.
percentage of trucks in the traffic stream. On individual heavy downgrades,
The procedures are described later in this where trucks must descend in a low gear for
section. safety, there is increasing feeling that trucks
As described in Chapter Five, these truck produce nearly as great an adverse effect as
procedures and adjustments assume "average on an equivalent upgrade.
trucks." Where such an assumption is not
Where the demand volume is reported
valid, special analyses making use of data in
separately for each direction of flow, but
Chapter Five may be necessary to obtain a
only an overall percentage of trucks is given,
passenger. car equivalency factor from Fig-
it can be assumed that the percentage applies
ure 5.6 for use in entering Table 10.12.
to both directions individually as well.
Downgrades are of special significance in
the case of 2-lane highways, because they are Therefore, it can be concluded that only
so closely interrelated with upgrades. An on intermediate grades of about 2 to 4 per-
upgrade for one direction of flow is, of cent, or at locations where the percentage of
course, a downgrade for the other direction. trucks in the two directions differs widely, is
Because capacities and service volumes can a significant error possibly introduced into
be quoted only as total volumes for both the computations if a single truck factor is
directions, the effects of the opposing down- applied.
grade are necessarily included in any con- Where local observations indicate that
sideration of a particular upgrade. However, such an error would be introduced, and
the specific, nature of these effects has not available data (particularly average truck
yet beçn established, speeds downgrade) permit .retlnement, sepa-
EB' 1 2 3 1 4 1 5 6 1 7 1 8 9 10 12 14 16 18
2 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.89 0.88 0.86 0.85 0.83
3 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.93 0.91 0.89 0.88 0.86 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.71
4 0.97 0.94 0.92 0.89 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.79 0.77 0.74 0.70 0.68 0.65 0.63
5 0.96 0.93 0.89 0.86 0.83 0.81 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.71 0.68 0.64 0.61 0.58 0.56
6 0.95 0.91 0.87 0.83 0.80 0.77 0.74 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.63 0.59 0.56 0.53 0.50
7 0.94 0.89 0.85 0.81 0.77 0.74 0.70 0.68 0.65 0.63 0.58 0.54 0.51 0.48 0.45
8 0.93 0.88 0.83 0.78 0.74 0.70 0.67 0.64 0.61 0.59 0.54 0.51 0.47 0.44 0.42
9 0.93 0.86 0.81 0.76 0.71 0.68 0.64 0.61 0.58 0.56 0.51 0.47 0.44 0.41 0.38
10 0.92 0.85 0.79 0.74 0.69 0.65 0.61 0.58 0.55 0.53 0.48 0.44 0.41 0.38 0.36
11 0.91 0.83 0.77 0.71 0.67 0.63 0.59 0.56 0.53 0.50 0.45 0.42 0.38 0.36 0.33
12 0.90 0.82 0.75 0.69 0.65 0.60 0.57 0.53 0.50 0.48 0.43 0.39 0.36 0.34 0.31
13 0.89 0.81 0.74 0.68 0.63 0.58 0.54 0.51 0.48 0.45 0.41 0.37 0.34 0.32 0.29
14 0.88 0.79 0.72 0.66 0.61 0.56 0.52 0.49 0.46 0.43 0.39 0.35 0.32 0.30 0.28
15 0.88 0.78 0.70 0.64 0.59 0.54 0.51 0.47 0.44 0.42 0.37 0.34 0.31 0.28 0.26
16 0.87 0.77 0.69 0.63 0.57 0.53 0.49 0.45 0.43 0.40 0.36 0.32 0.29 0.27 0.25
17 0.86 0.76 0.68 0.61 0.56 0.51 0.47 0.44 0.41 0.38 0.34 0.31 0.28 0.26 0.24
18 0.85 0.75 0.66 0.60 0.54 0.49 0.46 0.42 0.40 0.37 0.33 0.30 0.27 0.25 0.23
19 0.85 0.74 0.65 0.58 0.53 0.48 0.44 0.41 0.38 0.36 0.32 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22
20 0.84 0.72 0.64 0.57 0.51 0.47 0.42 0.40 0.37 0.34 0.30 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.21
22 0.83 0.70 0.61 0.54 0.49 0.44 0.40 0.37 0.35 0.32 0.28 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.19
24 0.81 0.68 0.59 0.52 0.47 0.42 0.38 0.35 0.33 0.30 0.27 0.24 0.21 0.19 0.18
26 0.80 0.67 0.57 0.50 0.44 0.40 0.36 0.33 0.31 0.29 0.25 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.17
28 0.79 0.65 0.55 0.48 0.43 0.38 0.35 0.32 0.29 0.27 0.24 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.16
30 . 0.78 0.63 0.53 0.46 0.41 0.36 0.33 0.30 0.28 0.26 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.13
35 0.75 0.60 0.49 0.42 0.37 0.33 0.30 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.20 0.17 0.16 0.14
40 0.72 0.56 0.46 0.39 0.34 0.30 0.27 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.11
45 0.69 0.53 0.43 0.36 0.31 0.27 0.25 0.22 0.20 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.10
50 0.67 0.51 0.40 0.34 0.29 0.25 0.23 0.20 0.18 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.09
55 0.65 0.48 0.38 0.32 0.27 0.24 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.16 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08
60 0.63 0.46 0.36 0.30 0.25 0.22 0.19 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.12 0.11 0.10 0:09 0.08
65 0.61 0.44 0.34 0.28 0.24 0.21 0.18 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07
70 0.59 0.42 0.33 0.27 0.22 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.07
75 0.57 0.40 0.31 0.25 0.21 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06
80 0.56 0.39 0.30 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.06
90 0.53 0.36 0.27 0.22 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.05
100 0.50 0.34 0.25 0.20 0.17 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.05
rate truck factors can be introduced into the materially affect the better levels of service
computation for the two directions of flow. on rural 2-lane roads, because relatively few
When this is done it is important that both cars are stopped and the intersection capac-
truck volume percentages used be of the ity, as computed by the methods of Chapter
total flow, not of the separate directional Six, greatly exceeds the service volumes asso-
flows. Reference to the procedures in Chap- ciàted with these better levels. Where vol-
ter Five will here be necessary to develop a umes are greater, or intersections are located
passenger car. equivalent for the downgrade close together, the effect may become
flow, based on average downgrade speeds. significant.
Example 10.5 includes a demonstration of Noncontrol of access and roadside de-
this procedure. velopment are significant interferences on
2-lane roads. Although some controlled-
Ramp Entrances and Exits
access 2-lane highways have been con-
Many, diamond •interchange ramps and structed, roadside frictions are present along
cross connections have entrance or exit almost all 2-lane roads. Their effects, al-
terminals on a 2-lane, noncontrolled-access though similar to those prevously described
roadway, the junction forming either a 90° for multilane highways, are likely to be more
angle or at least an appreciable angle. Such serious on 2-lane facilities because the road-
ramp terminals, often signalized, will per- side lanes, typically most influenced by
form the same as a normal street intersec- turbulence, are the only lanes.
tion. Therefore, such ramp entrances and Where interruptions and interferences are
exits should be analyzed as. simple street present, but are not restrictive enough to
intersections in accordance with the pro- result in signalized intersections closer than
cedures established in Chapter Six. 1 mile apart, or in speed limits or attainable
Occasional cloverleaf or direct connection speeds between interruptions below 35 mph,
ramps, however, may connect to 2-lane the procedures described here for uninter-
highways at "flat" angles. Such junctions rupted flow are considered appropriate in
should be analyzed by the methods in Chap- the typical case. Where these limits are not
ter Eight, with consideration given to the fact met, the highway normally should be
that, because by-lane capacities cannot be analyzed as an urban arterial street, as de-
quoted for 2-lane roads, assumptions regard- scribed later. Again, as with multilane high-
ing traffic distribution between directions ways, there are exceptions to this general
will be necessary. rule where judgment must be used to deter-
mine the significance to the average driver of
A linement the interruptions present in the particular
On 2-lane highways the adverse effects of case.
alinement may be substantial, because many One important point should be noted,
such existing highways, and even some new however. On 2-lane highways interruptions
designs, involve rather low standards. As due to momentary stops, stalling, vehicular
before, this effect is reflected in the average breakdowns, accidents, and the like, may
highway speed. For 2-lane highways, this well have a much greater effect on opera-
effect has been studied in some detail. The tions than would similar incidents on multi-
influence on operating speeds and volumes lane facilities, because the chance of com-
carried is incorporated directly into the com- plete blockage of one or both directions of
putational criteria. flow is much greater. The average overall
effect of the more common of such impedi-
Traffic Interruptions and Interferences
ments, most of which are of brief duration
Just as is the case with multilane high- and occur daily, is reflected in the level of
ways, fixed traffic interruptions have an service data that have been presented. The
adverse effect on 2-lane highway operation, consequences of a complete blockage should
and must be considered if present to an be considered seriously, however, in weigh-
appreciable extent. As before, an occasional ing the advantages of a 2-lane versus a 4-lane
signalized intersection at grade will not design under borderline conditions,
J :IIASIC 01 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.9 .0
OF R B B C 0
Figure 10.2a. Relationships between v/c ratio and operating speed, overall for both directions of
travel, on two-lane rural highways with average highway speed of 70 mph, under uninterrupted
flow conditions.
T 7 °
I-. 20
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Figure 10.2b. Relationships between v/c ratio and operating speed, overall for both directions of
travel, on two-lane rural highways with average highway speed of 60 mph, under uninterrupted
flow conditions.
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 .0
Figure I0.2c. Relationships between v/c ratio and operating speed, overall for both directions of
travel, on two-lane rural high ways with average highway speed of 50 mph, under uninterrupted
flow conditions.
1CONTROLLINGO 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 A7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Figure 10.2d. Relationships between v/c ratio and operating speed, overall for both directions of
travel, on two-lane rural highways with average highway speed of 45 mph, under uninterrupted
flow conditions.
I ..
E -
IC -
- ----- --
O 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.9 1.0
Figure 10.2e. Relationships between v/c ratio and operating speed, overall for both directions of
travel, on two-lane rural highways with average high way speed of 40 mph, under uninterrupted
__ flow conditions.
f GsoO
- d4C --. - - --
0 IA
2C-- 77
APP000. - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
---.----------- 1
F -- - - - --
IC - ----. - - - - - -
Figure 10.2/. Relationships between v/c ratio and operating speed, overall for both directions of
travel, on two-lane rural highways with average highway speed of 35 mph, under uninterrupted
flow conditions,
ratio, the service volume can be determined Recompute, using the revised choice
once the capacity is computed. (The appro- of clearance and truck factors, based on a
priate chart in Fig. 10.2 can also be used.) different assumed level of service, if the
If a proposed design is already under con- initial assumption proves incorrect.
sideration, the. v/c ratio obtained can be
compared with..that for the proposed design, Combined Analysis of Subsections Com-
to determine whether or not the design is posing Two-Lane Highway Sections
adequate. As with the previously described highway
types, if a relatively long section of highway
LEVEL OF SERVICE is being examined there will undoubtedly be
Determination of the level of service pro- variations in geometrics and other conditions
vided by any 2-lane highway section with within the section.. Therefore, it may be
uninterrupted flow, when accommodating a desirable to establish weighted average over-
given demand volume, can be done approxi- all levels of service. The procedures de-
mately by use of Table 10.7. However, a scribed previously for ordinary multilane
refined determination again involves "trial- highways remain generally applicable to
and-error" procedures, as described earlier 2-lane highways as well, with the obvious
for higher types. Here, both the lane width exception that Table 10.7 and the charts in
and lateral clearance correction and the Figure 10.2 should be used rather •than
truck factor are dependent on the unknown, Table 10.1 and Figure 10.1, as there dis-
level of service. cussed.
In this connection, one important caution
The steps are as follows:
is necessary. An overall level of service can-
Establish a "base volume" for level of not easily be developed numerically for a
service determination, through the same pro- highway section composed partly of 2-lane
cedure as described under "Service Volume and partly of.4-lane subsections, because of
—Computed Directly from Capacity Under the differing scales involved. Where nu-
Ideal Conditions," except that no v/c ratio merical weighted averages are being devel-
is applied. oped, therefore, each should be reported.
separately. Where the graphical method is
Base volume=2,000 WL TL
used, an approximate overall level can be
Divide the given demand volume by determined. Three-lane sections, to be dis-
the "base volume" thus computed to obtain cussed briefly next, can be combined with
the approximate v/c ratio. (Conversion of 2-lane sections for such purposes. -
demand volume to equivalent passenger cars
is not necessary, because Step (a) has con- Typical Problem Solutions—Two-Lane
verted the base .to mixed traffic. ) Highways
Establish the percentage of available
passing sight distance greater than 1,500 ft,
and .the average highway speed. Problem:
Reinspect Table 10.7 (or the appro- Given:
priate chart in Fig. 10.2), if the operating Rural 2-lane limited-access highway.
speed was known in advance, to establish 12-ft lanes.
the level of service from the controlling 10-ft shoulders.
factor, operating speed or basic v/c ratio. Overall long section, in level terrain.
If the operating speed was not known, Ideal alinement; AHS=70 mph.
enter the appropriate chart in Figure 10.2 100% passing sight distance.
for the given average highway speed, com- 5% trucks.
1 % intercity buses.
puted v/c ratio, and the known percentage
of passing sight distance, and read the result-
ing operating speed. Establish the level of I0•
700 ONLY io
Three-lane highways are seldom, if ever, Little or no recent research has been con-
designed and built in the United States today, ducted on the subject of 3-lane roads.
due to marginal safety considerations and to Several of the more pertinent conclusions
the fact that they are not a logical step in contained in the original edition of this
stage construction directed ultimately toward manual are, therefore, repeated here; they
a 4-lane divided highway. Nevertheless, are considered to be the most valid available.
some are still in operation. Although this At anypoint on a 3-lane highway, rela-
chapter does not discuss such highways in tively few vehicles travel in the center lane.
detail, this section briefly discusses the capa- The maximum number that can be in the
bilities of 3-lane roads. center lane is about 300 per hour, regardless
Basic operational characteristics of 3-1ane of the total traffic volume, when up to 70.
highways are similar to those of 2-lane roads. percent of the total traffic is traveling in one
For all practical purposes, directional dis- direction.
tribution of traffic is not significant in defin- Although there is a marked drop in
ing operating conditions, although its influ- the average speed of traffic in the outside
ence occasionally can be detected. Hence, lanes with an increase in volume, there is no
again, capacity and service volumes are given drop in the speeds of vehicles in the center
as totals for both:directions. lane.
As long as the hourly traffic volume aging about 40 mph, 2,000 passenger cars
traveling in one direction does not exceed 70 per hour, total for both directions, can be
percent of the total traffic, the center lane carried under ideal conditions, whereas level
will be used by vehicles traveling in both B operating speeds of about 50 mph can be
directions. attained only when volumes do not exceed
The average speed of all vehicles and 1,500 passenger cars per hour, total for both
the capacity of a 3-lane road are slightly directions under ideal conditions.
higher when the traffic is nearly evenly di- Seldom, however, are conditions ideal on
vided than when two-thirds or more travel 3-lane roads. Generally speaking, the ad-
in one direction. justment factors and procedures previously
At places where sight distance is re- described for 2-lane highways should be
stricted, use of the center lane for passing is applied, as appropriate, to the foregoing ideal
dangerous; so, in effect, a 3-lane highway capacity and service volume values. This
will carry only twolanes of traffic at such includes consideration of the criteria for
points. percentage of available passing sight dis-
A 3-lane highway having even one re- tance, because, even though a passing lane
stricted sight distance cannot carry more exists, it cannot be safely used without ade-
vehicles per hour in one direction than the quate sight distance.
number that can crowd into one traffic lane Currently, many 3-lane highways in sub-
—2,000 passenger cars per hour under ideal urban or urban areas are operating under
conditions. special traffic engineering controls. For
instance, the center lane may be utilized re-
Ideally, then, the capacity of a 3-lane high- versibly by means of lane control signals, or
way under ideal conditions is about 4,000 it may be reserved for left-turn movements
passenger cars per hour, total for both direc- only. The general capacity criteria described
tions, occurring with operating speeds re- previously do not apply to such specialized
stricted to about 30 mph. If level of service applications; each such specialized case re-
C is desired, involving operating speeds aver- quires local analysis.
The previous sections of this chapter have velopment. Separate consideration is given
covered highway facilities operating' under later in this chapter to major streets within
essentially rural conditions, with infrequent the central business district.
fixed traffic interruptions and relatively high
speeds during free-flow conditions. Fully as LEVELS OF SERVICE
important is a large amount of highway
mileage located within an essentially urban Methods of determining and improving
or suburban environment, where adjacent the capacity of many different specific bot-
development has necessitated a closer con- tleneck locations on urban or suburban sys-
trol of traffic operations through the use of tems are well known to traffic engineers and
signalization at intersections and/or low have been widely applied. However, the
speed limits in relation to the quality of coordinated application of such. methods to
alinement. For the purposes of this manual, entire urban routes has not been widely
urban and suburban arterials are defined as attempted.
major streets and highways' outside the cen- Points of traffic interruption, such as in-
tral business district having either, (1) inter- tersections, provide logical breakpoints for
section signalization at an average spacing section analysis. Hence, intersection ap-
of 1 mile or less, or (2) speed limits of 35 proach capacity has generally been used as
mph or less due to extensive , roadside de- the primary measure of urban capacity.
However, when general service to traffic over speed-volume curve for urban arterials, rep-
the street as a whole is considered, it be- resenting actual volumes obtained under
comes unrealistic to analyze an urban ar- ideal conditions, as was done in Chapter
terial by means of a series of separate iso- Three for the previous highway types de-
lated intersection studies alone. Also, such scribed. Where interrupted flow is involved,
a procedure would not be in harmony with "ideals" cannot be readily defined, because
those described in previous sections of this too many variables are involved and a com-
chapter for other roadway types. bination of them which is ideal in one case
In this manual, therefore, the determina- may be totally out of place in another.
tion of levels of service for both urban and Neither can any single speed-v/c ratio
suburban arterials involves relatively long curve, or group of curves, represent urban.
street sections. First, each potential bottle- arterial operations all-inclusively, as was.
neck location, usually but not necessarily an done for other highway types; only typical
intersection, is investigated for its effect on curves can be shown.
and possible control over traffic operations Figure 10.3 shows two such representa-
along the entire roadway segment under tive average overall travel speed-v/c ratio
study. The overall street is then analyzed for curves, representing perhaps the maximum
overall level of service-capacity relation- (Curve I) and typical (Curve II) average
ships. From these two steps, the true na- overall travel speeds that are likely to be
ture of the operational conditions encount- found on typical urban arterials at various
ered by drivers using the street can be volume/capacity ratios. Curve I represents
determined. essentially an uninterrupted flow condition,
As discussed in Chapter Four, the speed found on unsignalized suburban arterials
measure used in urban arterial analyses is with 35-mph speed limits or on signalized
the average overall travel speed, rather than urban arterials with reasonably good signal
the operating speed, which has been used progression where stops for red signals are
under uninterrupted-flow conditions. This relatively infrequent. Free-flow speed ap-
modification is necessary because operating proximates the established speed limit, and
speed is difficult to define where a variety
average overall travel speeds are only
of random interruptions exist, whereas the
average of the overall speeds of traffic slightly less at low volumes.
through the complete section is quite easily Curve II, on the other hand, represents
estimated. typical interrupted flow conditions. Traffic
During low to moderate volumes, maxi- signals are typically spaced at ½-mile inter-
mum travel speeds on urban arterials are a vals or less and are not interconnected for
function of such factors as speed limits, mid- progression; i.e., vehicle arrivals at any in-
block frictions, intersectional frictions at tersection are random or nearly so. Free-
unsignalized intersections or during green flow speed is represented by the speed
phases at signalized intersections, and the attained in midblock, in most cases the estab-
frequency and duration of rçd phases at sig- lished speed limit (25 mph in the example
nalized intersections together with the num- represented by Curve II), but seldom can
ber of such intersections. Increasingly as this speed be maintained over an appre-
higher volumes develop, intervehicular fric- ciable distance, due to interruptions.
tion restricts attainable speeds. Quality of Theoretically, at least, a .third curve (for
alinement has relatively little effect, except example,. Curve III in Figure 10.3) could
in pronounced cases such as at "doglegs,"
be drawn to represent a perfect progression,
diagonal underpasses, and similar obvious
carrying near-capacity volumes in regular
impediments, hence the concept of average
highway speed is not applicable. Conse- platoons at the speed limit, which is equal
quently, speed-volume relationships for to the speed of progression, here 30mph.
urban arterials are significantly different Progressive signal systems will be discussed
from those on highways having largely un- in further detail later in this section. Suffice
interrupted flow. it to say, at this point, that in practice per-
It is not feasible to show any "typical" fect progression is rarely found, although at
0I 02 0.3
0.4 0.5
0.6 0.7
Figure /0.3. Typical relationships between v/c ratio and average overall travel speed, in one
direction of travel, on urban and suburban arterial streets.
0.9 -
least one progression closely, approaching during which the highway in question has a
this ideal has been studied in detail (4). green signal indication, or is free of other
Before describing levels of service, and in predictable interruptions. Although a high-
particular to avoid misinterpretation of the type urban strcet may carry traffic at flow
1.00 v/c ratio limit in Figure 10.3, it is im- rates approaching uninterrupted flow values
portant to define what is meant by capacity while traffic is moving on a green signal
on urban arterials. For uninterrupted flow, indication, there are . many periods when
infrequently found, capacity is identical in traffic does not move or, in the case of
concept, and often in absolute value, to progressive systems, when long gaps exist
those capacities previously discussed; namely, between platoons of vehicles. The capacity
the maximum number of vehicles past a in actual vehicles passing per hour, then, is
point in an hour with continuous flow. For far less than with uninterrupted flow.
interrupted flow, however, capacity nor-
Chapter Six has given methods of evaluat-
mally is not controlled by roadway geomet-
rics, except in special cases such as the ing individual intersections. When a section
presence of a narrow underpass. Rather, it of urban arterial of reasonably consistent
is usually governed by the traffic control geometries contains several signalized inter-
features and physical conditions at or near sections, and no radical differences in signal
the signalized intersections. Occasionally phase timing exist at the several locations,
midblock interruptions and interferences are an average condition or level of service (ex-
so significant that they govern instead. cept level E) can be developed to apply to
Fundamentally, capacity represents maxi- the entire section, as thus defined. . How-
mum utilization of that portion of the hour ever, where maximum volume (level E, Ca-
pacity) is being considered, the capacity at Also, before describing urban arterial
the most critical point cannot be exceeded. levels of service, it is important to mention
Caution must be exercised in defining sec- the average overall travel speed limitations
tion lengths and limits, as related to capacity which appear in the descriptions. These are
restriction points present within them. Be- largely rationalized values which, in the
cause access is not controlled, the sphere of opinion of the Committee, are most com-
influence of this critical point is sometimes monly associated with the levels as described.
less than it may at first appear. The signifi- These limits are based primarily on judg-
cant numbers of access and egress points ment, rather than detailed studies, inasmuch
often found between signals makes invalid as inadequate field data are available on
the broad assumption that the most critical operation over appreciable lengths of arte-
intersection necessarily controls the overall rials to relate delays and resulting travel
capabilities of any arbitrarily-chosen street times and speeds to the drivers' feelings of
section containing that intersection. Often satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The Commit-
this is the case, but whether or not such con- tee considers the listed values and relation-
trol exists depends on the nature of the local ships to be representative of the probable
traffic demand. Sometimes, such control opinions of drivers in most cities. It recog-
exists only to the next points on either side nizes, however, that local economic prob-
where turning movements are significant, if lems also must be considered in establishing
these turns happen to produce traffic patterns the level of service that is feasible in any
such that the limiting point regularly receives particular city.
a lighter demand than neighboring subsec- Levels of service on urban arterials may
tions. Often, therefore, it will prove more be analyzed in a manner similar to that on
useful to establish the section limits at points other highways, here using average overall
of known significant demand change than to travel speed and the v/c ratio as criteria.
place them at known capacity limitation This involves detection and analysis of op-
points; the latter procedure tends to hide the erating levels of all potential restrictions,
nature of the limitation by splitting it into and overall analysis of the street. Although
two parts. bottleneck locations are normally intersec-
Capacities of individual intersection ap- tion approaches, they may also occur at
proaches, and hence of midblock locations midblock locations. Levels of service are
upstream of them, are determined by means measured relative to operation of high-type
of the methods shown in Chapter Six. In arterials with good progression, as represented
the absence of more detailed local knowl- by Curve I, Figure 10.3. Hence, many ar-
edge, those methods assume a load factor of terials never offer average overall travel
0.85 and a peak-hour factor of 0.85. Very speeds high enough to provide the higher
levels A and B. On the other hand, in the
generally, the capacity of 12-ft lanes on high-
type two-way urban arterials, as thus deter- unusual case of perfect progression, the v/c
mined, may range from about 1,000 to ratio limitation on level of service is some-
what unrealistic to enforce, because speeds
1,700 vehicles per lane for each hour of
remain consistently high throughout nearly
green time, under ideal conditions (no park-
ing, no left or right turns, hence little conflict the entire range of volumes.
between vehicles and pedestrians, and no The scale of levels of service can be ap-
commercial vehicles), depending on city proximately related to load factor (used as
size, location within the city, and total num- the measure of level of service for individual
ber of lanes. These values should not be intersections), as well as to the likely peak-
used as the basis for computations. The hour factor. However, it should be realized
magnitude of the range, even with such im- that, in theory, any peak-hour factor can
portant factors as turns and truck percent- occur at any given level, because PHF is
ages removed as variables, serves to show dependent on the degree of uniformity of
how important it is 'to consider fully every demand rather than on its magnitude.
adjustment shown in the intersection capac- Referring again to Figure 10.3, it can be
ity procedures. seen that speed reductions on high-type ur-
ban arterials are slight until the volume/ street reaches what is considered a reason-
capacity ratio exceeds 0.50. The chance of able limit by most drivers. Operating condi-
signal loading (vehicles waiting more than tions at most intersections approximate a
one signal cycle) occurring at any intersec- load factor of 0.3; the peak-hour factor is
tion is negligible below this value, with vehi- likely to be about 0.85.
cular platoons, when released at a signal, Further increases in volume, in level D,
moving out and accelerating with minimum begin to tax the capabilities of the street
delay and restriction. This could be con- systen-i. Service volumes approach 0.90 of
sidered "free flow" for urban arterials, with capacity, with average overall travel speeds
speeds controlled chiefly by signal progres-
down to 15 mph. Delays at critical locations,
sion and regulatory speed limits. Short- such as crossings of other major arterials,
term volume fluctuations may reach 1.5 may become extensive, with some vehicles
times the hourly rate over several cycles, but occasionally waiting two or more signal cy-
have little adverse effect. This assumes free cles to pass through the intersection. De-
midblock operation, unencumbered by un-
mand variations are attenuated, with signals
controlled double parking, backups from in effect storing excess demand. Many of
driveways and parking areas, and similar in- the signalized intersections may reach condi-
terferences. On such high-type arterials, at tions described by a load factor of 0.7, with
a volume/capacity ratio of 0.60, average
the peak-hour factor likely to be about 0.90.
overall travel speed should be 30 mph or
more, and service volumes at most intersec- These conditions may be tolerable for short
tions will approximate those found with a periods of time or at occasional bottlenecks,
load factor near the limit of the 0.0 range. but create unacceptable delay when they
This is considered the limit of level of exist for a considerable portion of the peak
service A. Typically, though not necessarily, hour along an entire section of street. A
the peak-hour factor will be about 0.70. (For properly coordinated progressive signal sys-
instance, if demand were uniform through- tem will improve operating conditions to a
out the entire peak hour at a flow rate reasonable basis, unless entering volumes at
equivalent to this v/c ratio, not quite heavy cross streets become great enough to break
enough to load any cycle at any intersection, down the progression.
level A could exist with PHF = 1.00. In prac- At capacity, operations on most signalized
tice, this combination of conditions is not streets have similar characteristics, regard-
often found.) less of the type of signalization, uncoordi-
As volumes reach 0.70 of capacity, occa- nated or a typical progression, because traf-
sional signal loading may develop. Average fic flow has become too unstable for any
overall speeds start dropping due to intersec- predetermined signal timing to be consist-
tion delay and intervehicular conflicts, but ently correct. Average overall travel speed
remain at 25 mph or above; delay is not un- is variable, but in the area of 15 mph, inter-
reasonable. Service volumes at most inter- sections along the street operate at a load
sections at this, the limit of level B, will ap- factor in the range between 0.7 and 1.0, and
proximate conditions when the load factor the peak-hour factor is likely to be about
is 0.1. The peak-hour factor is likely to be 0.95. Continuous backup occurs on the ap-
about 0.80 at this level. proaches to most intersections, with traffic
Level C extends to service volumes of flows determined by the maximum discharge
about 0.80 of capacity. For typical uninter- rates at each intersection. Traffic entering
rupted flow on non-signalized streets with from cross streets supplies enough extra de-
commercial development, and for good pro- mand to keep most approaches loaded.
gressively-signalized operation, average over- Traffic seeking to enter or cross from drive-
all travel speeds have dropped to below 80 ways or minor streets can enter only when
percent of free-flow speeds, but are at least traffic is stopped upstream at a signal, and
20 mph. On streets with typical non-perfect even then the maneuver may be difficult.
progression, the frequency and duration of Under typical interrupted flow operation
loaded signal cycles encountered along the on signalized urban arterials, the condition
of forced flow (level F) is reached somewhat tend back through an upstream signalized in-
more gradUally than' under uninterrupted tersection and its approaches.' This upstream
flow. Flow interruptions are regularly in- signal and approaches are then operating
duced at traffic signals throughout the under forced flow, with resulting lowered
length of the arterial, which in turn meter volumes at a decreased level of service to the
the traffic into the next downstream section. motorist.
Storage of excess demand over capacity is Table 10.13 presents the foregoing rela-
therefore distributed throughout the section, tionships. in consolidated form.
as an inherent condition producing capacity. For the unusual case of urban uninter-
This storage gradually increases, but forced rupted flow at capacity, conditions are quite
flow is reached on signalized arterials only similar to those found on rural facilities also
when the downstream section cannot accom- at capacity, with intermittent stoppages, low
modate the vehicles discharged by a signal, speeds, and possible breakdown to forced
and vehicular backups from one signal ex- flow.
"Operating speed and v/c ratio are independent measures of level of service; both limits should be satisfied in any determina-
lion of levels, with due consideration given to the fact that they are largely rationalizations. Load factor, a measure of individual
intersection level of service, can be used as a supplemental criterion where necessary.
b This is the peak-hour factor commonly associated with the specified conditions; in practice, considerable variation is possible.
Values in parenthesis refer to near-perfect progression.
Load factor of 1.0 is infrequently found, even under capacity operation, due to inherent fluctuations in traffic flow.
Demand volume/capacity ratio may well exceed 1.00, indicating overloading.
little benefit in terms of additional vehicles streets converted to a one-way pair, or "cou-
moved. plet," an accurate comparison must analyze
the overall traffic-carrying capabilities in
One-Way vs Two-Way Operation both directions "after" with those "before."
Seldom does a two-way street attain full uti-
The subject of the relative efficiencies of lization in both directions simultaneously.
one-way and two-way operation of urban Therefore, it would be incorrect to make a
streets has elicited much discussion in recent comparison of an individual street's opera-
years, partly because, although early criteria tion during a given peak period under such
showed substantial benefits in one-way over unbalanced utilization "before" with full
two-way operation, later interim intersection utilization as a one-way street "after," with-
capacity criteria of the late 1950's showed out consideration of the other half of the
somewhat contradictory relationships. Vari- pair which frequently would be well below
ous "before" and "after" study results have capacity at the same time.
also shown differing results. In this section,
Beyond this point, the conditions which
an attempt is made to reconcile these differ-
are required for valid comparisons depend
ences. on the purpose of the comparison.
One-way operation of a given street width
For research purposes, valid comparisons
is generally more efficient than two-way
further require that the following conditions
operation of the same width, in terms of ac-
be equivalent "before" and "after": (1) traf-
tual vehicles carried per hour, judging by
fic demand and composition (sufficient to
study data currently available (primarily the
make full use of all lanes simultançously);
intersection capacity data described in Chap-
(2) pavement condition; (3) parking con-
ter Six). However, the degree of one-way
trols; (4) application of traffic engineering
superiority varies considerably, depending on
devices; (5) environmental characteristics;
the particular situation under study. Under and (6) overall turning movements in the
many conditions one-way operation is shown system. For some research purposes, equal
by the intersection capacity curves to be
lane widths may also be required.
markedly superior to two-way, whereas in
Often, in practice, these conditions are
other cases little difference is shown.
not maintained equal during conversion from
One exception exists to the foregoing gen- two-way to one-way operation. Instead, the
eral rule; this involves relatively narrow
tendency is to convert ordinary "as is" two-
streets without pavement markings, having
way streets to one-way operation mainly in
parking on both sides and space between
conjunction with broad upgrading programs
just sufficient for 'two moving lanes of traf-
which include modernized signalization, new
fic. On such streets there is evidence that
signs and markings, more rigid parking con-
somewhat more vehicles are carried with
trols, reconstruction, and sometimes revised
two-way operation than with one-way. (The
traffic patterns which route more traffic to
flow per moving lane is less under two-way
the upgraded streets. "Before" and "after"
operation, but the total flow is more.) Ap-
studies of such conversions have great value
parently, under such one-way operation,
drivers show a tendency to queue up into in showing the overall worth of the improve-
one lane, rather than accept a "tight" 2-lane ments. However, if they fail to indicate that
flow, whereas with two-way operation, two- other elements were involved in addition to
lane flow continues because no such choice the change to one-way operation, the com-
is available. parison can be misleading from a capacity
Care must be exercised in comparing one- and service volume standpoint. Similarly,
way vs two-way operation. Any meaningful many reported studies of early one-way op-
comparison generally requires analysis of eration very likely came from more upgraded
the complete "after" system of streets, as sites than did typical two-way studies. Hence,
compared to the complete "before"; a direct past studies may well have indicated some-
"before-and-after" study of an individual what greater superiority of one-way over
street is difficult and seldom fully valid. For two-way operation than is actually the case,
instance, in the simple case of two, two-way "all other things equal."
The foregoing is not meant to detract from Insufficient data are available to attempt
the value of one-way operation, but only to to develop detailed correction factors for
draw attention to potential inconsistencies these various elements. In fact, there is
involved in its consideration. On the con- serious doubt that meaningful individual fac-
trary, it should be stressed that even in those tors could be developed, because these im-
occasional cases where the charts indicate pediments are generally closely interrelated,
that one-way is little or no better than twc- functioning together as a "team." One ma-
way on a per-hour-of-green basis, one-way jor restriction shrouds the effect of the
operation will generally move substantially others; correction of this major one may be
more vehicles per actual clock hour at the of little benefit by itself, merely exposing
same level of service, particularly if com- another.
plete grids of streets are involved, or the Instead, general problem areas first must
same number of vehicles at a better level of be identified by both type and location
service. This is so because simple two-phase through on-site investigations. Then deci-
signalization usually is adequate, thus avoid- sions must be made as to whether or not
ing the time losses due to the extra phases, certain features of these areas are signifi-
including extra yellow and/or clearance pe- cantly restricting capacity or level of service,
riods characteristic of the multiphase sig- through adaptation of the available analysis
nalization often required with two-way procedures and criteria previously estab-
operation. Another benefit of one-way opera- lished to the problem at hand. In the case of
tion is that signal progression is easier to frequently used midblock driveways and
establish. alleys, for example, it might prove best to
Although one-way operation generally is analyze them as if they were signalized in-
highly desirable, much can be done to up- tersections, with assumed cycle times. Fi-
grade two-way operation to more closely nally, administrative decisions become neces-
approximate one-way capabilities, where
sary regarding the feasibility of eliminating
conversion to one-way does not appear to be
the restrictions.
With reference to turning movements, it
Other Interruptions and Interferences is important to remember that any "blanket"
prohibition of all left turns, in midblock as
Along most arterials there exists a variety well as at intersections, without careful con-
of other factors which sometimes impede the sideration of alternate paths available to fül-
smooth flow of traffic. Several studies have fill the desired movements, can sometimes
investigated this broad subject area. In par- defeat its own purpose, due to resulting er-
ticular, the "Wisconsin Avenue Study" in
ratic driving (while searching for alternates)
Washington, D.C., (5) was a comprehensive
and longer routes. Where periodic gaps ap-
investigation of urban arterial operating
pear in the opposing traffic stream due to
problems. That study report serves as a
guidebook in this area. signalization upstream, an effective com-
Problem elements likely to be encoun- promise often consists of protected left.4urn
tered include the following: bays or a continuous left-turn lane; drivers
can safely wait until a break occurs in oppos-
I. Unsignalized intersections. ing traffic.
Midblock driveways and related turn- Where transit routes are operated on ur-
ing movements. ban arterial streets, they too have an effect on
Curb parking in midblock. the capacity of the street. Insofar as capacity
Offstreet parking in midblock. calculations are concerned, their effects are
Inadequate signs and markings. incorporated into the intersection capacity
Lack of channelization. determination procedures described in
Restricted lateral clearances. Chapter Six. No additional adjustments
Pedestrian interferences. need be made for local bus transit, although
Transit operations. the overall subject of transit operations is
Non-enforcement of regulations. further discussed in Chapter Eleven.
ties of all intersections and other elements section, is a typical problem demonstrating
within the section which offer any possibility use of the methods.
of influencing the operation of the arteriál, Conversely, to make an approximate de-
as just described under "Capacity." As done termination of the service volume provided
there, separate obviously abnormal restric- by asectiori of urban arterial, given the level
tions, and determine the controlling capacity of service or average overall speed desired,
of the remainder of the section. enter Figure 10.3 or locally-prepared equiva-
Determine whether or not the overall lent for the basic type of street operation in-
demand volume exceeds the controlling.ca- volved, and read the v/c ratio. Then, apply
pacity of the section. Where this capacity is. this to the controlling capacity of the section,
not exceeded, check further to determine determined as just described, to determine
whether any of the abnormal locations, sepa- the service volume (or demand that can be
rated for individual analysis have limiting handled on this street at this level).
capacities less than the demand volume. It should be emphasized that all of the
Where Step 3 does not produce a limit- foregoing procedures for urban arterials are
ing capacity, divide the demand volume by approximate, suitable only as guidelines for
the controlling capacity to obtain the aver- general application. Where an. arterial is be-
age v/c ratio for the section. From Figure ing examined prior to costly improvements,
10.3, or an equivalent chart developed lo- far more detailed procedures should be em-
cally to better fit prevailing conditions, ob- ployed to consider carefully the many po-
tain the typical average overall speed for the tential problems ,existiiig at 'critical areas.
basic type of street. involved and determine
the corresponding overall general level of Typical Problem Solutiohs—Urban Arterial
service from the figure, or Table 10.13 or Streets
local equivalent.
Where abnormal restrictions are present,
though not capacity limitations, consider Problem:
each in sufficient detail to establish a point Given:
level of service. Often this is done by the Urban' signalized two-way arterial
methods of Chapter Six, directly in the case street segment.
of intersections or adapted for other inter- Widths as shown in sketch.
ruptions, but, through-roadway methods Curbed (6-in, curbs).
sometimes are more suitable. Interpret those Level.
point levels in terms of. the number of such No parking. ,
restrictions, local acceptability in relation to 3% trucks throughout.
the controlling level obtained over the re- 30 locál'buses per hour; stop as shown
mainder of the section, and the feasibility of in sketch;
modifications to raise the level provided. Outlying business district.
Then establish a final level of service for City 'size= 500,000 population.
the section by approximate. weighting in PHF=0.85..
Pe'destrian interference negligible.
terms of restriction influence distances.
Intersection and turning movement
Where Step 3 produces a limiting ca-
characteris'tic,s as shown.
pacity, make more detailed analyses of the Timed runs indicate average' overall
limiting point to ascertain the ex.tent of its travel speed of 19 mph.
influence; that is, determine whether it has Eastbound flow under consideration;
only local effect due to turning movements demand volumes as shown.
occurring upstream and downstream, or
whether 'it creates stop-and-go operation Determine:
(level F) upstream while metering traffic Through, level of service indi-
downstream at a tolerable level. Assign over- cated by average overall travel
all level of service accordingly. speed.
Example 10.6, which follows in the next Level of service indicated by in-
IL I --
JI 80
@ ° 001
CYCLE' 70 SEC 15%
iwo- way tkntnto cc street, she wi,,,' application of ,igtzalization and pa vein eat lacing.
typical speed-v/c ratio relationships. The ent limited state of knowledge, to provide
capacities of apparently sinii!ar downtown procedures for determining a level of ser-
streets can vary widely, due to differing en- vice, given a deniancl volume. However,
vironmental conditions. there is value in suggesting at least a rudi-
Very simply, man)' downtown operations mentary level of service scale for such
would fall in level F if measured against the streets, against which an existing flow can be
level of service rating scale for the higher- compared. This scale, given in Table 10.14,
type urban flows previously described. That presents the Committee's views regarding the
is to say, downtown operation in any one average driver's degree of acceptance of vari-
block is often influenced by conditions in ous operating levels. It is based entirely on
other nearby blocks, and speeds are suffi- average overall travel speeds. No attempt
ciently low that they fall on the lower, or is made to relate them to volumes carried.
"breakdown." curve of the typical speed- because so many factors and frictions are
volume relationship: any increase in speed present. In particular, closely spaced inter-
would thus increase volumes carried. sections, each accommodating significant
In the opinion of the Committee, it is not vehicular and pedestrian volumes on the
realistic to relate downtown street operation, cross street, are present. This requires that
over sections extending for several blocks, to signals he set to accommodate a greater per-
the rating scales for other urban streets. centage of cross traflic than is often the case
Neither is it considered feasible, in the pres- on outlying arterials. Because each inter-
Level E for the downtown Street as a whole cannot be considered as capacity; capacity is governed by that of controlling
intersections or other interruptions.
section has its own characteristics, and turns the range in levels typically found in down-
are frequent, each controls only the block town areas, can then be obtained from
immediately upstream, in most cases. Hence, Table 10.14.
performance over a section including several
blocks is almost impossible to specify in the Typical Problem Solutions—Downtown
absence of detailed local knowledge. Streets
It is recommended, therefore, that down-
town streets be first analyzed intersection by EXAMPLE 10.8
intersection, for capacity or service volume Problem:
purposes, by means of the methods presented Given:
in Chapter Six. Given a knowledge of travel Downtown street segment 4 blocks
times (and, therefore, of average overall long; all intersections signalized.
travel speeds) through the section, a general Two-way, with parking as shown.
measure of the level of service, as related to Width 56 ft, curb to curb.
56 ."\p20O 290
-. 28
LEVEL 0 $ 4 t
9.NO PKG. '
#N0 PKG.
FOR I ® I ©
'*200 i250 90
/'r--q @1 fr0 ®
nificant along either a downtown street or Determination for Rural Roads in Moun-
an arterial, an apparent restriction may tainous Terrain." HRB Bull. 167, pp. 10-37
well be less controlling than it at first
Traffic Speed Trends. U.S. Bureau of Public
Roads (Mar. 1965 and earlier years).
REFERENCES FRENCH, A., "Capacities of One-Way and
Two-Way Streets with Signals and with Stop
HORN, J. W., CRIBBINS, P. D., BLACKBURN, Signs." Public Roads, Vol. 28, No. 12 (Feb.
J. D., and VICK, C. E., JR., "Effects of Com- 1956).
mercial Roadside Development on Traffic
Flow in North Carolina." IIRB Bull. 303, CARTER, A. A., "Increasing the Traffic-
Carrying Capability of Urban Arterial
pp. 76-93 (1961).
SCUwENDER, H. C., NORMANN, 0. K., and Streets (The Wisconsin Avenue Study)."
GRANUM, J. 0., "New Methods of Capacity U.S. Govt. Printing Office (1962).
Four-lane urban arterial floii' is provided here by prohibiting parking on one side during peak travel
jrt.* r Mjji.
, _
!Ieat'y use of an urban intersection by buses operating on both the ,nain roadways and frontage
14H41Th1 1T-
I -
---- -• A
w •
b!itItii/i' 00 of a near-side bus stop. Buses have completed loading and are leaving on green signal.
capacity when transit vehicles are operating EFFECT OF TRANSIT ON HIGHWAY CAPACITY
in exclusive lanes. These latter' data, how-
Transit generally moves on the highway as
ever, have not been verified through exten- a component of mixed traffic using arterials,
sive research or use and are therefore pre- local streets and access connections in com-
sented for information only. mon with automobile and truck traffic.
New York
San Francisco
Hillside Ave.
Market St.
Cleveland Euclid Ave. 1.0. 3 7 10 90 0.7 860
Chicago Michigan Ave. 0.3 3 9 4 175
Baltimore St. 0.8 2 3 11 76
0.8 -
' Commerce St.
63rd St.
1.5 904
New York
St. Louis
' Peachtree St.
Fulton St.
Washington St.'
0.8 -
2.0 572
New Orleans Baronne St. 0.7 2 3 6 45 1.4 722
New Orleans Tulane Ave. 0.7 3 1 7 30 2.0 1,398
MO- --
Thus, buses benefit from highway facilities of peak-hour volumes of buses under various
providing free and swift travel, but are at the conditions are provided in Tables 11.2
same time subject to highway delays. through 11.6. The observations reported in
Buses moving on highways and streets in these tables do not represent maximum possi-
mixed traffic usually constitute only a small ble bus volumes or maximum total traffic
percentage of the vehicular traffic. Examples volumes. Highway capacity under mixed
traffic conditions is treated in the previous centage of through or local buses in the
sections of this manual by adjustment of traffic stream. For uninterrupted (low con-
passiigcr car capacity based on the per- ditions this is covered in Chapter Five; for
intersection capacity. in Chapter Six. Re-
garding the intersection procedures, it should
be remembered that the bus adjustment pro-
cedures contained therein apply only to local
transit buses making stops at the curb,
through express buses being considered as
At some locations on the highway system
bus movements are concentrated and exceed
percentage ranges of commercial travel (uS-
cussed in other sections of this manual. For
example, heavy movements of through buses
occur at river crossings in or near major
cities, and bus movements are concentrated
on principal downtown area streets.
Uninterrupted Flow
Predomina,,tiv transit street . .4hsence of uuto,n oN/c traffic facilitates bus pullout after loading
; !4
- '- lift - .. r14-
-___•_•--Y--- r
Bs lanc' (curb lane) reserved for transit operations.
loading and unloading time requirements
presented in a following section. At present,
few research data have been collected con-
cerning the improved operation of reserved
transit lanes. Meaningful "before" and
"after" comparisons have not been possible, /ar-side bus stop proiiding loading zone for
in many cases, because establishment of the several buses.
Exclusive bus loading area adjacent to a freeway. Note fencing for passenger protection.
summarizes loading and unloading time per acceptable rule of thumb might be to assume
passenger per door, from which average ser- that the headways at a curbside bus stop (in
vice time per vehicle may be calculated. minimum seconds of interval between ve-
The number of buses that can be handled hicles) could be about twice the average
at curbside bus stops without unacceptably service time per vehicle. Along any artery,
long queues (and associated waiting lines) the stop with the longest service time will be
being caused varies principally with this ser- the bottleneck. The capacity of the artery
vice time per bus and, to a lesser degree, with itself could be increased by providing differ-
the number of loading positions. Additional ent bus stops for different routes, provided
loading spaces (or additional length of bus vehicles could overtake each other. To illus-
zones) increases the capacity, but at a de- trate: Assume that along "Main Street" the
creasing rate as the number of spaces in- average service time at the busiest bus stop is
creases. No full statistical analysis of these 25 sec. Provided the length of the bus stop
relationships has yet been achieved, but data is adequate, this stop will handle buses at a
from actual operations indicate that a bus minimum headway of about 50 sec. Head-
stop can serve buses arriving at half the ways can be approximately halved (fre-
average service rate, or trip frequency. with quency of service doubled) by providing
well under 10 percent probability of forming alternate sets of bus stops far enough re-
queues beyond the stop. moved from each other so as not to cause
Until additional knowledge of the under- interference in entering and leaving the load-
lying statistical phenomena is available, an ing zones. Each set of stops can then handle
buses at 50-sec headways, and the street as a ties, any difference does not lie in the opera-
whole can handle buses at 25-sec headways, tion of the stop itself, but in the capacity of
if exactly 50 percent of .the buses are as- the roadway lane leading into and away from
signed to each set of stops, and if schedule the stop.
reliability can be maintained. Of course,
ample smoothly-operating stops help assure REFERENCES
schedule reliability. However, it should be
realized that in the case of the usual all-bus- "Preliminary Progress Report of Transit
lane operation, buses would be restricted to Subcommittee, Committee on Highway Ca-
this lane, hence overtaking would be im- pacity." Proc. HRB, Vol. 40, pp. 523-549
possible and multiple stops would not be
"A Policy on Arterial Highways in Urban
feasible. Areas." American Association of State
Table 11.8 gives the minimum desirable Highway Officials (1957), pp. 139-140, 389-
lengths for bus curb-loading zones, for one- 293, 357-370, 435-437.
and two-bus loading conditions. CROWLEY, K. W., "Analysis of Car-Bus
Relationships in the Lincoln Tunnel." Traf-
Bus Stops on Freeways fic Eng., Vol. 63, No. 12, pp. 22-27 (Sept.
Bus loading zones on an exclusive road- HoDciuNs, E. A., "Effect of Buses on
way within a freeway right-of-way have ca- Freeway Capacity.." Highway Research Rec-
ordNo. 59,pp. 66-82 (1965).
pacities similar to those of curbside loading S. "Report of institute of Traffic Engineers'
zones. Here again, the length of the stop Technical Committee 3-13 on Reserved
and the ability of buses to overtake others Transit Lanes." Traffic Eng., Vol. 29, No.
are important. Given similar loading facili- 10, pp. 37-40 (July 1959).
New England
1.9 mi from Yarmouth 4 195 EB 16.1 14.0 13.4 13.0 12.6 12.2 -
WB 17.4 14.6 13.4 12.9 12.5 .12.2 - -
Both 9,457 13,402
1.3 mi from Augusta 4 195 NB 20.4 14.1 13.4 12.9 12.6 12.2 - -
SB . 21.6 17.4 16.2 14.9 14.4 14.0 - -
Both 4,247 8,118,
New Hampshire
0.5 mifrom Manchester 4 US 3 Both 10,424 20,643, 23.4 17.1 15.7 14.9 14.1 13.8 - -
3.Omi from Concord 4 193 Both 7,536 17,863, 22.5 21.0 19.9 19.0 17.8 16.9 14.8 -
Rhode Island
LOmifrom Warwick 4 195 NB 13.3 11.7 9.8 8.7 - - - -
SB 11.2 9.6 - - - - - -
Both 4,933 6,179 10.8 9.4 8.6 8.2 7.9 7.4 - -
5mi from Brattleboro 4 191 NB 33.6 26.2 25.3 23.9 22.3 20.0 15.4 -
SB 40.2 33.4 29.7 26.5 25.2 24.0 20.0 -
Both 3,971 9,207c 25.2 20.7 20.0 18.7 17.7 17.1 15.8 -
4mi from Montpelier 4 189 NB 21.3 15.6 14.1 13.3 13.0 12.6 11.0 -
SB 16.6 13.9 12.3 12.0 11.9 11.7 11.0 -
Both 3,962 5,463 16.2 13.0 12.4 12.1 11.7 11.4 10.7 -
l0mi from 8ellowsFalls 4 91 NB 25.5 19.8 18.2 17.1 16.0 15.5 13.8 -
37.7 31.2 29.0 26.0 24.1 23.3 19.9 -
Both 2,466
Middle Atlantic
New York
02miWofNYS208 4 NYS17 Both 12,500b - 23.4 19.6 16.6 14.9 12.8 10.9 7.9 5.5
2.5 mi N. of Allentown 4 178 EB 10.9 9.4 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.6 -
WB 14.1 12.4 12.0 11.6 11.4 11.2 -
Both 30,594 40,019 11.4 10.1 9.8 9.6 9.4 9.3 - -
2.5 miNof York 4 183 NB 15.2 12.7 11.9 11.5 11.2 11.1 -
'SB 16.6 14.2 13.6 13.3 12.8 12.1 -
Both 11,855 17,685 14.3 12.2 11.7 11.5 11.2 10.9 -
South Atlantic
Baltimore-Washington Expwy. S of 4 NB 13.8 12.8 12.6 12.4 - 11.8 -
Md. 176, 2.2 mi from Dorsey . ' SB 12.4 11.2 10.8 10.5 - 10.3 -
Both 28,889 - 11.6 10.0 9.7 9.6 - 9.7 -
0.3 miS ofRt 659 near Staunton Rt 81 NB 24.2 17.7 15.1 13.6 13.2 13.0 11.8
SB 17.2 15.1 13.7 12.3 12.0 11.4 10.1
Both 4,179 9,108° .16.1 '13.6 13.1 13.0 11.3 11.1 10.1
North Carolina
l4mi from Greensboro . 4 185 Both 9,560 15,400° 15.9 13.0 12.2 11.8 .11.3 11.1 10.1'
4 mi from Salisbury 4 185 . Both 9,980 13,869° 19.6 11.6 10.9 10.3 9.8
9 mi from Greensboro 4 US 29 'Both 6,740 10,515° 18.0 11.2 10.5 10.4
lOmi from Fayetteville 4 195 Both 5,680 12,004° 16.2 12.8 11.8 11.3 10.9 10.7 10.0
South Carolina
Pacolet R. near Spartanburg 4 185 Both 6,319 10,096° 16.1 11.4 10.5 9.8 9.7 ' 9.5 8.9
Michigan (Cont'd)
4.0miEofMarshall 4 194 EB 18.8 16.0 14.7 13.9 13.4 13.1 11.7 10.0
WB 16.7 14.0 12.9 12.4 12.0 11.7 10.9 10.0
Both 9,435 16,467° 17.4 14.2 13.2 12.6 12.2 11.9 10.9 9.8
3mifromAlto 4 196 EB 35.3 17.8 16.2 15.5 15.0 14.5 12.6 10.6
WB 31.2 15.2 13.7 12.7 12.0 11.6 10.8 9.8
Both 6,061 9,302° 21.1 15.2 13.5 13.1 12.6 12.3 11.2 10.0
5.6 mi from St. Ignace 4 175 NB 29.8 26.2 25.1 24.1 23.5 23.2 21.1 18.6
SB 24.8 22.1 21.2 20.4 20.1 19.6 18.2 16.5
Both 2,736 7,645° 24.8 22.3 21.6 21.2 20.4 20.1 18.8 17.6
5.1mifromAshland 4 171 NB 22.4 18.6 16.6 15.5 15.2 14.8 - -
Both 10,019 21,005°
16.7 14.6 13.8 13.0 12.5 - -
-16.4 14.5 13.9 13.4 13.0 11.8 10.6
3.1mifromNorthKingsville 4 190 EB 18.6 15.5 14.8 14.4 14.2 14.0 13.2 12.0
WB 26.2 20.7 19.3 17.7 17.0 16.5 14.8 13.2
Both 6,624 15,277° 17.8 16.4 15.6 15.3 14.9 14.7 13.8 12.5
2.0mifromWapakoneta 4 175 NB 16.9 12.7 11.7 11.2 10.8 10.5 9.9 9.0
SB 15.9 13.0 12.4 12.0 11.7 11.3 10.3 9.5
Both 7,685 13,441 15.5 12.3 11.5 11.3 11.1 10.8 9.8 9.0
11.1 mifrom Milwaukee 4 194 EB 17.3 14.7 13.9 13.2 12.3 11.9 11.0 10.2
WB 21.3 16.7 15.5 14.5 14.0 13.8 12.2 11.2
Both 17,860 32,820° 15.2 13.7 13.1 12.4 12.2 11.9 11.2 10.3
27 mi from Madison 4 190-94 NB 28.2 22.6 19.7 19.2 18.5 18.2 15.8 13.4
SB 44.7 32.1 27.1 25.5 24.4 23.4 19.8 16.1
Both 6,317 16,384° 26.4 20.2 18.9 18.0 17:2 16.8 15.6 14.0
West North Central
S of Fuller Rd. in West Des Moines 4 135 NB 19.4 16.2 15.4 14.9 14.4 14.0 - -
SB 16.5 14.3 13.3 13.0 12.7 12.3 i - -
Both 5,517 9,575° 17.7 14.6 13.9 13.5 13.1 12.9 - -
NB 18.8 16.3 14.8 13.6 12.9 12.3 - -
3miNof Crescent Interchange 4 129
SB 23.5 20.6 19.6 18.9 18.2 17.2 - -
Both 4,646 8,815c 15.7 14.6 13.8 13.4 13.2 12.9 - -
Kansas 13.1 12.8 11.6
5.5mifromMapleHill 4 170 Both 4,465 7,811° 17.7 15.3 14.2 13.5
Missouri 14.1 13.8 10.8 9.8
20 mi from St. Louis 4 144 WB 14,835 31,911° 25.2 17.3 15.1 14.6
4 144 'NB 6,983 10,956° 13.6 11.9 11.4 11.0 10.7 10.7 10.0 9.3
Nebraska 13.2 11.8 10.0
4 180 . NB 30.4 18.9 16.1 15.1 13.3
11 miSW of Omaha 10.3 9.6
SB 29.9 19.4 15.7 13.3 12.6 12.2
Both 7,030 12,296° 18.2 14.6 13.1 12.5 11.9 11.6 10.6 9.5
North Dakota
EB . 18.3 14.8 13.1 12.2 11.9 11.6 - -
2 mi from Mapleton 4 194
WB 19.7 13.9 13.1 12.5 12.1 11.8 - -
Both 3,758 6,000 15.1 12.3 11.6 11.1 10.8 10.4 - -
EB 25.5 18.2 17.0 16.4 15.5 15.4 - -
lmifromSWFargo 4 194
WB 22.4 16.9 15.2 13.5 12.2 11.7 - -
Both 2,486 5,244. 18.5 15.5 15.0 14.7 14.2 9.9 - -
. EB 26.5 14.5 13.6 13.0 12.6 12.2 - -
3 mi from Buffalo 4 194
WB 25.3 15.1 13.7 13.2 12.9 12.7 - -
Both 2,626 4,367° 16.4 13.1 11.9 11.5 11.3 11.1 - -
194 EB 24.7 17.2 14.5 13.3 12.9 12.6 - -
4.5 mi from Sanborn 4
WB 21.0 16.0 14.9 14.3 13.5 13.1 - -
Both 2,540 4,469° 16.6 14.8 13.9 12.9 12.4 12.2 - -
194 EB 24.5 15.1 14.1 13.5 13.0 12.8 - -
2 mi from Medina 4
WB 35.1 18.7 16.9 15.9 15.4 14.7 - -
Both 1,741 3,641° 22.2 14.7 13.9 13.4 13.1 12.7 - -
West South Central
Arkansas 9.3 8.1
4 130 EB 16.7 13.0 12.0 11.4 10.9 10.5
WB 19.0 15.8 11.6 11.0 10.6 10.4 9.7 8.7
Both 8,850 11,375°
4 135 Both 7,650 - 16.7 12.3 11.8 11.4 11.1 10.7 9.8 7.3
7mi from Canute 4 140 Both 4,574 - 14.0 10.8 10.5 9.0 8.4 8.1 7.0
Texas 10.4 9.2
S of Austin, Travis Cty. 6 135 NB 20.9 14.4 12.8 12.0 11.7 11.4
SB 35.3 13.7 12.2 11.7 11.4 11.2 10.4 9.5
Both 8,000 11,957°
Texas (Cont'd)
5 mi from Corsicana 4 145 NB 20.3 15.7 14.1 13.1 12.5 12.3 11.2 9.9
SB 21.8 14.0 12.9 12.1 11.6 11.2 10.2 9.0
Both 5,460 8,974°
Smi from Bensor 4 110 EB 13.0 8.6 8.2 8.2 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.0
WB 15.6 10.1 9.6 9.5 9.3 9.2 9.2 9.1
Both 4,397 8,188°
4 mi from Gila Bend 4 110 EB 15.1 9.5 8.7 8.7 8.5 8.3 8.2 8.1
WB 17.6 9.2 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.4 8.3
Both 3,537 6,775°
20 mi from Denver 4 125 NB 26.4 18.0 16.2 15.0 14.4 13.8 12.0 10.5
SB 23.9 18.6 17.6 16.7 16.0 15.3 13.2 10.6
Both 8,223 14,609° 16.5 14.0 13.3 12.9 12.5 12.1 11.2 10.0
8mjNofpueblo 4 125 NB 19.4 17.4 15.5 14.2 13.7 13.2 12.2 10.9
SB 16.2 14.2 13.6 13.1 12.6 12.1 11.3 10.3
Both 6,810 12,357° 16.0 14.2 13.7 13.0 12.7 12.3 11.2 10.2
...-24.6 ml from American Falls 4 115W NB 18.4 14.5 14.0 13.4 12.6 12.0 .11.2 10.1
SB 24.0 22.4 21.6 20.7 20.1 19.8 17.8 13.8
'vlontana - -.
1,678 3,165° 15.7 13.8 13.4_ -12.9 12.6 12.5 11.7 11.0
4,0miWofButte 4 190 NB 20.3 16.3 15.6 14.6 13.9 13.6 12.5 -
SB 22.2 15.1 13.8 13.0 12.4 12.0 10.6 -
Both 4,906 8,814° 13.9 12.5 12.0 11.8 11.7 11.5 10.9 -
7.0miWofBillings 4 190 EB 21.8 17.3 16.7 15.8 15.3 14.8 10.5 -
WB 16.6 11.6 10.8 10.2 9.8 9.7 8.7 -
Both 4,289 6,793° 12.6 11.7 11.1 10.8 10:4 10.3 9.6 -
8.0miWofGreatFalls 4 115 NB 22.7 17.1 15.4 14.7 14.0 13.4 11.1 -
SB 37.0 13.5 12.7 12.1 11.6 11.0 10.2 -
Both 4,092 6,345° 19.6 12.0 11.6 11.1 10.8 10.7 10.1 -
30 mi from Las Vegas 4 115 NB 18.8 16.3 15.6 14.8 13.9 13.5 11.9 10.4
SB 32.7 19.9 18.4 17.4 16.4 16.1 14.3 12.4
Both 6,409 12,237° 19.1 13.3 12.3 11.9 11.5 11.2 10.3 9.3
4.Omi from Rawlins 4 180 Both 2,999 5,987° 13.5 12.9 12.4 12.1 11.9 11.7 - -
4 NB 17.6 14.7 13.4 12.8 12.6 12.3 11.5 -
Pacific Hwy. 15,5 mi N of Salem
SB 26.6 14.0 12.9 12.3 11.9 11.5 10.8 -
Both 12,871 21,487° 16.8 13.0 12.3 11.9 11.5 11.3 10.6 -
4 I 80N EB 32.0 24.2 21.4 19.2 18.0 17.1 - -
1 mi from Troutdale
WB 30.7 28.3 24.9 23.5 22.3 21.7 17.6 -
Both 7,096 18,431° 23.4 21.5 20.0 18.7 17.7 17.2 - -
4.8 mi W of Olympia; Olympia 4 US 101 EB 34.0 28.5 26.1 24.5 23.5 21.9 17.2 13.6
leg of junction US41O WB 17.6 16.2 15.5 15.1 14.8 14.4 13.2 11.2
Both 8,125 18,974° 20.7 17.9 16.8 16.4 15.6 15.2 13.3 11.9
5.2 mi from Centralia 4 IS NB 23.3 17.0 14.9 14.3 13.9 13.8 12.4 11.1
SB 16.8 15.7 14.7 13.9 13.5 13.3 12.6 11.6
Both 10,728 20,542° 15.1 13.6 13.2 12.8 12.6 12.4 11.7 10.9
11.4 miNof Everett 4 15 NB 16.5 14.2 13.6 13.1 12.8 12.6 11.5 10.0
SB 21.1 19.1 18.4 17.3 16.9 16.7 14.5 12.0
Both 10,915 20,469° 14.4 13.4 13.0 12.8 12.6 12.3 11.6 10.5
4.8 mi from Olympia 4 US 101 EB 45.5 39.7 35.5 32.7 31.0 29.3 22.4 17.1
US410 WB 28.8 21.3 20.5 19.5 18.6 18.0 16.1 13.2
Both 3,769 11,292 26.9 23.7 22.1 20.8 19.7 18.4 16.4 14.1
4.8 miWof Olympia 4 US 101 NB 22.0 14.7 14.0 13.6 13.3 13.0 12.1 11.1
US410 SB 31.9 19.8 18.5 17.7 16.9 16.3 13.7 11.0
Both 4,356 7,682° 19.3 13.9 13.4 13.1 12.6 12.3 11.5 10.5
For calendar year 1962 except as noted. b For calendar year 1961. 'Peak day occurred on a Saturday or Su
New England
Rhode Island
Sakonnet River Bridge 4 RI 138 NB 18.6 16.9 13.4 10.8 - - - -
SB 17.3 13.3 11.5 10.7 - - - -
Middle Atlaniic
Both 11,812 20,852c 15.6 13.7 12.5 11.4 10.8 10.5 - -
New Jersey
6mi from Dover 4 US46 EB 19.2 18.7 18.6 18.0 17.5 16.9
lmi from Ramsey
Both 25,438b - 14.5 12.3
4 Rt17 SB 20.9 20.3 20.2 19.7 19.4 17.9 16.1 11.7
2.Smi from PomptonLakes
Both 21,414" -
4 Rt23 EB 20.1 18.9 18.7 17.4 16.2 16.1 15.2 13.6
New York
Both 22,066" -
21 miNof Utica 4 NYS12
Both 4,900b - 50.8 27.1 22.9 21.1 20.2 19.4 15.9 12.2
lOmi from Saratoga 4. US9 Both 9,700b .- 18.4 15.6 13.4 12.3 11.4 10.9 8.1 6.2
south Atlantic
1.3 mi from Aberdeen 4 US4O NB 11.2 10.0 9.7 9.4 - 8.9 -
11.4 10.2 9.8 9.7 - 9.3 - -
Both 28,693 10.7 9.5 9.1 8.8 - 8.5 - -
1.2miSofwajdorf 4 US3O1 NB 15.3 13.6 13.1 12.4 - 11.8 - -
20.7 16.1 13.4 12.5 - 11.5 - -
West Virginia
Both 12,437 14.9 11.9 10.8 10.5 - 9.8 - -
4.8 mi from Charleston 4 US6O EB 13.4 12.0 11.6 11.4 11.1 10.8' - -
Both 16,125 26,079
19.2 13.8 11.9 11.2 10.9 10.6 -
East North Central
8mifromPerry 4 M78 NB 27.5 14.3 12.5 11.8 11.7 11.4 10.7
SB 26.3 15.4 12.8 11.6 11.3 11.0 10.0
Both 7,271 9,985 19.1 12.5 11.6 11.2 10.7 10.5 9.9
2miSofMason 4 U5127 NB 23.1 13.2 12.4 11.7 11.5 11.2 10.5
SB 22.6 15.4 14.2 13.8 13.4 12.9 11.9
Both 6,815 10,661° 16.1 13.2 12.5 12.1 11.8 11.4 10.8
4.6mifrom Vienna 4 US4O EB 17.8 14.5 12.4 12.2 12.0 11.6 10.8
WB 17.8 .13.8 13.1 12.2 11.8 11.5 10.6
Both 10,220 18,092° 15.6 12.7 12.1 11.6 11.4 11.2 10.5
0.5rnifromPortage 4 US25 NB 17.8 13.3 11.9 11.6 11.4 11.1 10.4
SB 13.9 12.0 11.5 11.3 11.1 10.9 10.4
Both 9,781 14,946° 15.5 11.7 11.2 10.9 10.7 10.6 10.0
West North Central
1.5mifromHmton 4 US75 Both 5,260 7,279 11.2 10.2 9.9 9.7 9.6 9.4 -
1.9 mi NW of Anoka 4 USlO NB 27.9 24.5 22.6 21.4 20.7 19.9 16.3
SB 32.2 28.6 27.5 26.6 26.0 25.2 20.6
Both 11,639 25,440° 18.7 17.9 17.4 16.9 16.5 16.2 14.9
5.9 mi from Lakeland 4 US12 EB 18.1 16.2 14.9 13.9 13.3 12.9 12.0
WB 20.6 18.8 17.1 16.3 15.9 15.6 13.4
Both 9,723 15,974° 17.7 12.9 12.6 12.2 12.0 11.8 10.9
2.3 mi SW of Jordan 4 US169 NB 32.3 24.1 18.5 17.2 16.5 15.9 14.0
SB 32.1 19.9 16.1 14.9 14.1 13.6 12.3
Both 4,887 10,221° 22.2 18.0 16.2 14.3 13.8 13.6 12.1
2.5miEofPostFalls 4 US1O EB 31.6 19.5 15.8 15.0 13.9 13.2 12.1
WB 32.4 19.6 18.0 16.8 15.8 14.8 12.7
Both 8,567 20,862° 19.8 15.9 14.5 13.9 13.5 13.2 11.9
New Mexico
4.3 mi N of Santa Fe 4 US64 NB 21.7 14.5 13.0 12.4 12.3 12.1 11.4
U584 SB 21.7 18.0 16.7 16.1 15.8 15.4 14.0
US285 Both 6,718 - 21.7 14.5 13.3 12.7 12.3 12.2 11.5
New England
3.2 mi from Biddeford 4 US I NB 11.8 8.5 7.5 6.4 5.9 5.4 - -
SB 10.5 8.2 7.4 6.4 5.8 5.5 - -
Both 6,966 10,878 13.1 11.9 11.4 11.2 10.9 10.7 - -
Rhode Island
8mi from Providence 4 RI 146 NB 22.0 18.7 17.4 15.8 13.7 13.4 11.7 -
SB . 29.6 18.8 16.5 15.9 15.3 14.7 13.3 -
Both 13,542 18,965 17.4 13.6 12.9 12.2 11.6 11.5 10.8 9.9
8mi from Warwick, Rodman 4 NB 39.7 25.5 17.9 14.1 12.9 12.1 9.0 6.6
Hwy. Sof Cranston Corners SB 56.8 28.0 19.9 13.7 12.9 11.8 8.8 5.5
Both 5,686 18,660° 37.0 21.5 18.2 15.8 14.1 13.3 - -
0.5 mi from Wakefield 4 US 1 Both 5,566 19,154° 33.8 27.2 24.2 22.9 22.3 21.5 18.9 15.0
8 mi from Providence 4 US 6 Both 11,054 18,281° 13.0 12.1 11.6 11.1 10.5 10.1 - -
Middle Atlantic
0.3 mi from Leetsdale 4 Pa 65 NB 11.5 9.7 9.4 9.0 8.9 8.8 - -
SB 10.8 10.3 10.1 10.0 9.9 9.8 - -
Both 15,928 20,011 10.0 9.6 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.2 8.9 8.6
South Adantic
8mi from Wilmington 4 US4O Both 24,927' 41,960° 12.6 11.1 10.3 10.2 9.9 9.7 - -
Smi from Wilmington 4 US 202 Both 14,178b 21,741 13.3 12.2 11.8 11.6 11.1 10.9 - -
6. mi from Smyrna 4 US13 Both 12,516b 22,451° 15.2 14.4 13.8 13.3 12.7 12.5 - -
2 mi from Milford 4 US113 Both 6,911' 14,757° 18.9 17.1 16.2 15.9 15.3 15.0 - -
I miS of Greenwood 4 US 13 Both 6,142b 10,543° 12.0 10.6 10.2 10.0 9.8 9.7 - -
15mi5ofJacksonville 4 USi NB 35.2 14.3 13.0 11.7 11.3 11.1 10.4 -
SB 15.9 12.1 11.1 10.7 10.5 10.4 9.6 -
Both 10,525 -
US1 NB 24.9 23.1 21.4 19.7 18.8 17.5 15.8 -
0.5 mi S of Florida City 4
SB 19.2 16.2 14.9 14.5 14.1 13.6 12.3 -
Both 4,625 - 15.9 13.9 13.3 13.0 12.3 12.0 11.0 -
2.5 mi S of Oak Hill 4
SB 29.9 15.2 14.2 13.3 13.0 12.6 11.4 -
Both 6,245 -
North Carolina
1 mifromWrightsvi!eBeachon 4 Both 6,520 16,732° 24.4 23.2 21.4 20.6 19.8 18.8 16.5 -
Wrightsville Beach Bridge
South Carolina
4.3miEof.Easley 4 US123 Both 9,462 14,735° 14.8 11.9 10.1 9.7 9.5 9.3 8.9 8.4
New England
1.0miNofConn163,Montville Conn32 Both 8,900 11,272 12.2 10.2 10.1 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.6 9.1
S of US 62, Woodbury US6 Both 5,600b 9,549° 18.1 16.0 15.1 14.2 13.7 13.2 12.1 10.3
Sof Route 80, Clinton Conn8l Both 1,500b 5,477° 29.9 27.8 26.1 24.7 23.9 23.3 20.7 17.7
2.Omi from Farmington US2 Both 3,827 7,143 17.2 14.9 13.5. 12.7 12.3 12.0 -
2.7 mi from Houlton US1 Both 3,274 4,545 11.9 10.8 10.3 10.0 9.9 9.7 - -
5.5 mi from Augusta
New HampShire
US 201 Both 3,035 4,221 12.5 11.0 10.1 9.9 9.7 9.6 - -
8 mi from Portsmouth
US 1 Both 7,091 11,960° 14.2 13.1 12.7 12.4 - -. -
2 mi from Rutland US7 Both 6,462 11 1 970° 15.1 13.2 12.6 12.4 12.1 12.0 11.3 -
Middle Atlantic
New Jersey
South River Rd., E. Brunswick Twp. Both 4,145b - 16.5 13.3 12.7 11.2 10.8 10.5 10.3 9.8
Elmer Cantreton Rd., 16.0 mi from Bridgeton
New York
Both 2,092b - 14.6 13.7 12.9 12.7 12.1 12.0 11.3 10.2
8.Omi from Livonia US15 Both 8,000b - 30.3 18.5 17.8 17.1 16.4 15.9 13.9 11.9
0.05 mi W of W. Winfield Village
US 20 Both 2,800 - 26.4 19.6 18.2 16.4 15.0 15.0 12.5 10.7
1.Omi from Tinleyville Pa88 Both 3,848 6,823° 16.7 12.0 11.1 10.8 10.5 10.3 9.8 9.3
South Atlantic
4mi SW of Milford, Sussex Co.
SR36 Both 1,473b 2,130° 21.6 11.3 10.6 10.3 10.2 10.0 - -
3.Smi from Hagerstown
US4O Both 9,680 - 14.5 12.3 11.7 11.3 - 10.8 - -
0.9miWofRichmond(Wcitylimjts) Rt6 Both 11,030 14,851 16.4 14.1 13.6 13.1 12.7 12.5 11.5 10.4
11.1 mi from Bowling Green Rt301 Both 7,623 21,587° 15.1 14.5 14.2 13.5 13.3 13.1 11.1 9.8
0.3 mi SE of Fredericksburg Rt2& 17 Both 7,080 14,110° 16.1 13.3 12.4 11.7 11.6 11.3 10.0 9.3
6.6 mi from Lynchburg Rt 291 Both 6,160 8,985° 12.8 11.3 10.9 10.6 10.4 10.2 9.8 9.3
1.0miNWofTappahannock Rt 17 Both 3,158 6,112° 17.1 15.0 14.5 13.5 13.5 13.1 12.4 11.3
1.3 mi E ofTallysville Rt 33 Both 1,854 3,760° 23.5 20.9 19.5 18.8 17.9 17.5 14.5 11.8
1.3 miS of Fincastle (S city limit) Rt 220 Both 2,808 4,127° 15.5 13.5 12.2 11.9 11.7 11.5 10.5 9.7
0.2 mi from Standardsville Rt33 Both 1,319 3,395° 35.9 23.0 21.1 19.9 18.0 17.4 14.8 12.3
1.7miWofRt3 Rt20 Both 974 21 730 36.1 23.0 20.9 19.0 18.5 18.0 15.9 13.8
12.2 mi from Farmville Rt45 Both 682 1,244° 22.1 15.2 14.5 14.1 13.8 13.6 12.3 11.0
2.0 miS of Steeles Tavern Rt 56 Both 200 490° 42.0 29.0 28.5 22.5 21.5 21.0 17.5 14.5
4.0miSofRt60 Rt 156 Both 198 394° 35.4 26.3 24.7 21.7 19.7 19.2 16.7 13.6
West Virginia
1.9 mi from Triadelphia US4O Both 8,886 15,120° 12.0 10.4 9.9 9.8 9.6 9.4 - -
2.1 mi from Martinsburg US 11 Both 7,569 10,726° 11.5 10.1 9.5 9.2 9.1 9.0 - -
US52 Both 4,558 6,652° 12.3 11.2 10.7 10.4 10: 2 10.2 - -
3.lmi from Huntington
SH 17 Both 2,889 7,571° 22.1 15.0 12.9 11.9 11.5 11.1 - -
4.8 mi from Henderson
2.9 mi from Welch US 52 Both 3,560 4,786° 11.2 9.8 9.5 9.4 9.2 9.2 - -
SR45 Both 4,795 - 14.3 13.0 12.6 12.4 12.0 11.8 11.4 -
4.OmiSof Punta Garda
4.0miEofCrestview SR1O Both 2,940 - 26.4 12.4 11.4 11.1 11.1 10.4 9.7 -
6miW of Athens US29&78 Both 9,202 16,101° 22.0 11.9 10.3 9.8 9.7 9.5 - -
3 miNE of Statesboro US 301 Both 6,136 10,584° 14.0 11.5 11.0 10.6 10.2 9.9 - -
1 mi SW of Midway US 17 Both 5,301 8,279° 11.3 10.6 10.3 10.9 9.8 9.6 - -
6.5 mi SE of Thomson US78 Both 4,424 6,759° 16.4 11.2 10.6 10.2 9.9 9.6 - -
6mi NE of Gainesville US23 Both 4,261 6,459° 14.0 12.0 11.4 10.6 10.1 9.7 - -
North Carolina
US 301 Both 7,240 17,397° 17.0 14.5 13.0 12.2 11.9 11.7 10.8 -
1.8 mi S of Halifax city limits
8mi from Asheboro US 220 Both 8,100 10,668° 12.3 11.1 10.7 10.2 10.1 9.9 8.7 -
South Carolina
4.9 mi S of Hardeeville US 17 Both 5,722 10,410° 13.3 11.3 10.7 10.2 9.9 9.8 9.2 8.7
4.3 mi SW of Manning US 301 Both 4,351 9,532° 17.1 15.0 14.0 13.0 12.4 12.1 11.1 10.0
10.0 miS of Greenville U525 Both 3,776 5,546 12.4 11.4 10.8 10.4 10.1 10.0 9.3 8.7
5.5 miW of Lexington US 1 Both 3,586 5,321° . 12.4 10.9 10.5 10.0 9.8.
1.2 miS of Society Hill. US 15 Both 3,498 6,906° 22.6 11.9 10.1 9.7
0.1 miS of SC97, Chester US 321 Both 1,935 3,080° 14.1 11.6 10.9 10.5 10.2 9.8 9.0 8.0
1.1miSEofRosinville US178 Both 1,244 2,190° 21.3 16.8 15.6 14.0 13.4 12.7 11.4 9.8
Illinois (Cont'd)
City of Watson US45 Both 1,500 3,041° 19.0 15.7 13.4 12.6 12.2 11.9 10.6 9.6
East of Allerton FAS 514 Both 746 1,097° 17.8 12.2 11:1 10.9 10.7 10.6 10.2 9.7
3 mi from Vincennes US 41 Both 7,542 11,499° 10.6 10.1 9.7 9.5 9.3 9.0 - -
6 mi from Paragon SR67&6 Both 5,152 9,056 16.4 14.2 13.5 12.8 12.2 12.0 - -
6.5 mi from North Webster SR 13 Both 2,572 769° 29.9 27.5 26.4 25.2 23.8 22.2 - -
I mi from Argos SR3I Both 4,610 6,277 16.7 11.3 10.7 10.2 10.0 9.9 - -
7.8 mi E Wappanee US6 Both 3,947 5,898° 12.4 11.4 10.5 10.2 9.9 9.6 - -
2.1 mi from Rome City
SR 9 Both 2,695 4,999° 16.7 15.4 14.7 14.3 13.7 13.0 - -
1.4 mi N of Jct. US 16 U523 Both 7,533 18,888° 18.5 17.9 17.7 17.1 16.8 16.5 15.6 14.2
2.0 mi from Standish .M76 Both 3,583 11,819° 34.4 29.4 27.7 26.4 25.1 24.0 21.0 17.7
4.5 mi S of Main Four Corners, Wolverme US 27 Both 2,915 11,550 38.2 34.1 31.6 30.2 28.8 27.7 24.0 20.4
2.7 miS of Traverse City city limits US 31 & Both 3,849 9,206 22.8 16.9 16.4 15.9 15.5 15.3 13.7 12.7
M 37
3.5 mi N of W city limit of Morley US 131 Both 3,902 7,269° 20.3 17.7 16.6 15.1 14.7 14.5 13.4 12.0
2.0 miS of4th St. in Baldwm M37 Both 2,722 7,714- 27.3 23.9 21.4 20.5 20.1 19.8 18.1 16.1
l0mi from Tarwell M 115 Both 1,922 6,357° 32.8 29.4 27.2 25.9 25.0 23.9 20.6 17.1
2.4 mi N of Rose City N of city limit M 33 Both 1,689 5,312° 60.0 38.3 32.1 29.2 27.9 26.5 22.9 19.0
1.7miEofBrevort US2 Both 1,877 8,600 30.0 28.5 26.6 25.9 24.3 24.0 21.9 19.4
1.0 mi E of E city limit of Buchanan Co. Rd. Both 3,626 4,883 13.6 12.4 12.1 11.9 11.7 11.6 11.0 10.5
4.6 mi from Pentwater US31 Both 2,292 5,561° 22.3 19.9 19.0 18.6 18.0 17.3 15.3 13.1
5.0 mi from Port Sanilac US25 Both 1,451 4 2 768 38.5 31.0 27.9 26.6 25.2 24.3 20.6 16.6
3mi from Capac M21 Both 2,857 5,478 15.1 14.3 13.6 13.3 13.0 12.7 12.0 10.9
3.2 mi S of Alpena S city limit
US23 Both . 2,872 5,263° 16.1 13.7 12.8 12.4 12.2 12.0 11.5 10.8
Both 2,242 5,113° 21.9 17.1 16.1 15.5 15.0 14.6 13.8 12.6
0.3 mi from Hermans M 53 Both 1,604 3,981° 34.2 24.1 22.2 20.8 19.4 18.5 15.7 13.5
6.8 mi N of N jct. with M 72 US131 Both 1,607 4,132° 25.0 20.7 19.7 18.6 18.0 17.6 15.8 13.8
1.2 mi E of Jct. M 99 US12 Both 2,838 4,120° 13.0 10.9 10.5 10.3 10.1 9.9 9.3 8.6
0.7 mi W of W city limit of Homer . M60 Both 2,858 3,697 26.0 10.9 10.3 10.1 9.9 9.7 9.0 8.4
0.5 mi from Pompeii M 57 Both 1,586 3,151° 20.2 18.3 17.3 16.2 15.9. 15.3 12.9 11.2
0.4miEofRacoCorners M28 Both 1,132 2,779 24.2 21.7 20.6 20.1 19.6 19.3 18.2 16.9
0.5 miS of US 10 M66 Both 979 2,944° 31.9 28.4 23.8 22.4 21.2 20.4 18.3 14.9
6.8 mi N of Skandia US41 Both 1,703 3,558° 18.3 14.3 13.6 12.7 12.0 11.7 11.3 10.3
9.8miWofW city limit oflthaca Co. Rd. Both 1,054 3,205° 26.0 19.9 17.9 16.8 16.0 15.2 13.2 11.1
2.8 mi N of N city limit of Zeeland Co. Rd. Both 1,315 1,890° 26.0 12.9 12.2 12.0 11.8 11.6 11.1 10.4
10.2 mi S of jct. with US 2 US41 Both 1,151 2,009 17.8 14.7 14.0 13.2 12.7 12.2 10.9 9.8
1.3 miEofEcity limit of Marshall Co. Rd. Both 1,339 1,896 21.0 12.1 11.8 11.4 11.1 11.0 10.4 9.9
lOmiWoflronRiver Both 904 1,919° 18.7 17.4 17.0 16.5 16.3 16.2 15.2 13.9
3.3 mi N ofN city limit of Lake Odessa Co. Rd. Both 796 2,322° 29.8 19.2 16.1 14.8 13.6 13.1 11.7 10.7
5.5 mi from Houghton Lake Co. Rd. Both 368 1,658' 63.9 38.6 34.0 30.4 29.1 28.0 24.2 19.0
10 mi from Cascada Co. Rd. Both 707 1,333 25.6 16.4 15.7 14.7 14.1 13.9 12.7 11.7
5.1 miNof.PawPawSt.inLawrence Co. Rd. Both 612 1,257° 20.6 18.3 17.2 16.3 16.0 15.7 14.2 12.7
3.7 mi from Menomonee Falls SH175 Both 7,521 9,806 12.9 11.5 11.1 11.0 10.9 10.8 10.5 10.1
6.Omi from Kaukauna US41 Both 5,341 9,526 26.1 21.4 13.6 12.1 11.2 10.7 10.0 9.4
Kansas (Cont'd) .2
1.5 mi from Lincoln K18 Both 1,464 3,102 23.6 15.4 13.6 11.9 11.5 10.7 10.0 -
6 mi from Arlington K61 Both 1,305 2,882° 17.9 14.6 12.5 11.8 11.3 10.9 9.6 -
3mi from Oakley US4O Both 1,203 2,419° 14.9 13.6 13.1 12.8 12.5 12.3 11.5 -
4.6 mi from Clay Center K 15 Both 1,168 1,705° 15.5 12.8 12.0 11.6 11.4 11.2 10.5 -
12 mi W of Scott city limits K 96 Both 1,072 1,922° 16.3 13.5 12.5 11.9 11.6 11.3 10.5 -
8 mi from Harper US16O Both 992 1,593 15.7 14.5 12.8 12.2 11.8 11.3 10.4 -
7mi from Oakley US83 Both 764 1,676° 24.2 16.8 15.8 15.2 14.5 14.1 11.8 -
2 mi from Greeley US169 Both 828 2,156° 32.6 15.1 13.4 12.7 12.4 12.3 11.0 -
3.5 mi from Hill City US 283 Both 728 1,186° 22.4 14.0 13.1 12.4 12.0 11.7 11.1 -
3.5 mi from Ulysses K 25 Both 725 1,140° 22.3 13.0 12.0 11.7 11.3 11.2 10.5 -
11 mi from Kingman FAS 303 Both 385 1,021 42.6 21.3 18.4 16.6 15.3 14.3 12.7 -
7.5 mi from Dorrance FAS 591 Both 143 379° 47.6 31.5 29.4 26.6 25.2 24.5 20.3 -
0.8mi from Mankato FAS 340 Both 183 298 35.5 19.1 16.9 15.8 15.3 14.8 13.7 -
4.9 mi from Shakopee US212 Both 7,736 13,386° 16.5 14.3 13.2 12.5 12.3 11.9 10.9 -
4.8 NW of Lakeville
South Dakota
US65 Both 7,262 13,148° 17.2 15.0 13.4 12.8 12.6 12.3 11.4 -
11 mi from Rapid City US 14& 16 Both 3,169 6,048 16.3 14.0 13.6 13.2 - -. - -
6.Smi from SiouxFalls US77 Both 3,254 4,729° 14.8 12.2 11.4 11.0 - - - -
4 mi from Huron US 14 Both 2,392 5,961 22.1 15.9 13.4 12.7 - - - -
5 mi from Aberdeen US 12 Both 2,678 4,884 16.6 12.8 11.5 10.8 - - - -
6.4 mi from White Lake US 16 Both 1,454 2,682° 47.8 16.7 14.7 14.0 - - - -
2.5 mi from Watertown US 81 Both 1,462 2,585 16.8 12.9 11.5 11.2 - - - -
1.2 mi from Bonesteel US 18 Both 841' 1,392° 18.3 13.0 11.8 11.2 - - - -
5.5 mi SE of Wall city limits
190 Both 823 1,747° 18.1 14.0 13.2 12.5 - - - -
6 mi from Fremont US77 Both 5,124 8,225° 16.0 12.4 11.7 11.5 11.1 10.9 10.0 9.0
Smi from ElmCity US3O Both 4,187 8,078° 14.9 12.8 12.2 12.0 11.8 11.7 11.2 10.7
4 mi W of S. Sioux City US2O Both 3,358 5,733° 15.4 12.1 11.7 11.4 11.1 11.0 10.2 9.0
North Dakota
9mi from Minot US83 Both i 4,803 7,355 19.4 16.8 16.3 15.8 14.8 14.6 - -
3mi from Sterhng USIO Both 2,653 4,528° 15.6 12.9 12.1 11.8 11.6 11.4 -
5.5 mi from Belfield US 10 Both 1,081 3,351° • 33.9 21.6 20.0 19.2 18.1 17.8 -
0.5 mi from Michigan City US 2 Both 1,196 2,209° 18.6 14.4 13.7 13.3 12.9 12.6 -
East South Central
2.6 mi E of Barton city limits, Colbert Co. US 72 Both 5,064 6,976 15.5 14.7 14.5 14.2 13.9 13.8 13.5
7.5 mi from Montgomery City US82& Both 5,982 10,617 13.1 11.4 10.8 10.1 10.0 9.8 9.1
US 231
11 miS of Mobile at Dog River SH63 Both 4,536 7,532° 17.2 14.4 13.6 13.1 12.7 12.4 11.2
2 mi W of Riverside, St. Clair Co. US 78 Both 5,154t 7,847° 18.4 12.2 11.5 11.2 10.9 10.7 9.8
3.SrniNEofLoxley,BaldwinCo. US9O Both 5,281 8,108° 12.9 11.2 10.8 10.6 10.4 10.3 9.8
1.5 mi from Madison, Madison Co. US72A& Both 4,851 6,637 12.5 11.5 10.9 10.6 10.5 12.3 9.7
SH 20
0.5 mi SW of Mt. Vernon, Mobile Co. US 43 Both . 3,520 4,863° 20.5 12.0. 11.3 11.1 10.9 10.6 9.7
1.2 mi from Paint Rock, Jackson Co. US72 Both 2,638 5,081° 15.1 13.9 13.1 12.7 12.3 12.2 11.4
1.SmiSEofMt.Vernon US25 Both 5,734 - 16.7 14.3 13.1 12.6 12.4 12.0 -
lmiSofCrofton US41 Both 4,190 - 20.8 12.2 11.0 10.3 9.8 9.5 -
I mi NW of Flemingsburg Ky 11 Both 2,533 - 23.7 17.0 15.4 14.6 14.2 13.8 -
2miSEofSturgis US6O Both 3,225 - 16.1 12.7 12.0 11.4 10.9 10.5 -
4miNofPikevile US23 Both 3,500 - 12.6 11.4 10.6 10.3 10.3 10.0 -
2 mi W of Grayson U560 Both 3,103 - 13.5 12.2 11.9 11.3 11.0 11.0 -
8mi from Frankfort US6O Both 3,058 - 14.4 12.4 11.8 11.4 11.4 11.1 -
3 mi E of Caneyville US62 Both 2,047 - 16.6 14.7 14.2 13.7 13.2 13.2 -
0.8 mi W of Loyal US 119 Both 2,596 - 13.8 10.5 10.1 10.0 9.8 9.6 -
4 mi N of Dry Ridge US.25 Both 1,930 - 15.9 14.0 14.0 13.5 13.0 13.0 -
I miSWofWingo US45 Both 2,001 - 13.0 11.0 10.5 10.5 10.0 9.5 -
2 mi W of Campton Ky15 Both 1,429 - 16.3 14.7 13.9 13.3 13.3 12.6 -
1.8 mi SE of Shelbyville, Old Taylorsville Rd. Both 364 - 24.7 14.0 13.7 12.9 12.1 11.8 -
6 mi W ofW city limit of Bay St. Louis US 90 Both 6,520 12,038° 16.2 14.7 14.2 13.7 13.4 13.1 11.7
1.5 mi E ofE city limit ofBolton US 80 Both 4,656 7,989 11.1 10.4 9.9 9.7 9.6 9.4 9.0
1.5 miNofNcity limit of Madison US51 Both 4,279 5,621 11.4 10.4 10.2 10.0 9.9 9.6 9.1
7 mi from Columbus US82 Both 3,131 6,056° 22.5 11.9 10.5 10.1 9.8 9.5 8.9
7 mi from Vicksburg US6I Both 2,612 3,579° 17.3 13.0 12.1 11.5 11.4 11.1 10.2
3.6 mi SW of Brownsville US 70 Both 4,547 7,347° 17.8 14.5 13.5 13.0 12.5 12.1 10.4
2.5 mi from Murfreesboro US 41 Both 5,138 9,126° . 12.9 11.3 11.0 10.7 10.5 10.3 9.5
11.Smi from Madisonville US411 Both 3,902 6,646° 17.9 13.8 13.0 12.5 12.1 11.8 10.2
2.7 mi from Dayton US27 Both 4,291 7,458 15.2 10.6 10.1 9.8 9.7 9.5 8.9
llmifromFlagstaff US66 Both 4,440 10,496° 15.7 11.3 10.9 10.8 10.8 10.7 10.7 10.6
7 mi from Ashfork US66 Both 3,253 8,735° 17.5 11.5 11.1 11.0 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.8
l9mi from Globe US7O Both 1,768 4,220° 1 16.1 9.4 9.0 8.9 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.7
1 mi from Sedalia SH 67 Both 611 2,788° 42.4 38.8 34.9 32.6 31.8 30.9 26.5 20.8
ImiWofAult SH 14 Both 1,465 2,386° 14.8 13.4 12.8 12.4 12.2 11.9 10.9 10.0
8.2 mi SE ofjct. with SH 21 in Boise US 30 Both 5,455 8,807 14.4 12.6 12.4 12.1 11.8 11.6 10.9 10.0
8.7 mi SE of Center St. in Pocatello US 91, US Both 4,537 7,300° 13.7 12.3 11.6 11.2 10.2 10.8 10.0 9.3
191, US 30
3.0 mi E ofjct. with US 410 in Lewiston US 95 Both 3,802 5,647° 14.6 13.0 12.3 11.8 11.4 11.2 10.5 9.8
10miEofMissoula 190 Both 2,651 5,306° 15.3 14.7 14.4 14.1 14.0 13.9 13.3 -
1 mi E of East Helena US12& Both 1,958 4,497° 18.5 17.1 16.3 15.8 15.5 15.2 13.7 -
lmiWofSupenor 190 Both 1,847 4,389 19.6 17.3 16.6 16.4 16.1 15.8 15.1 -
8 mi N of West Yellowstone US 191 Both 1,041 3,514° 31.2 28.3 26.9 26.2 25.8 25.5 23.7 -
2mi from Havre US87& Both 2,326 3,576 15.7 11.1 10.7 10.4 10.4 10.3 9.7 -
l5mi from Las Vegas US95 Both 4,137 7,527° 25.7 18.5 17.6 17.0 16.6 16.3 15.3 13.7.
0.5miWofWcitylimitsofTonopah US6& Both 1,274 2,164° 17.7 12.2 11.2 10.9. 10.7 10.4 10.0 9.3
New Mexico
WofTucumcari U566 Both 4,425 10,841° 17.2 15.1 14.6 13.8 13.2 12.8 12.1 11.3
3.5miSofTaos US64 Both 3,825 7,908° 16.2 14.1 13.9 13.4 13.2 12.9 11.9 11.0
16.5 mi from Albuquerque NM 10 Both 1,784 5,395° 37.1 29.6 28.1 27.6 26.2 25.3 22.3 18.6
9.8 mi S of Roswell US 285 Both 4,198 6,119° 13.3 11.9 11.6 11.4 11.2 11.1 10.5 9.8
3.3 mi W of Deming U570& Both 3,649 9,830° 17.6 14.6 13.4 12.7 12.2 11.9 10.9 -
US 80
6.5 mi from Los Lunas. US 85 Both 3,198 4,981° 14.6 13.1 12.6 12.0 11.8 11.5 10.9 -
imi from Sigurd US89 Both 2,423 4,949° 22.3 14.2 13.2 12.6 12.0 11.8 - -
1 mi from Grantsville U540 Both 2,458 5,291° 14.6 12.4 12.1 11.9 11.7 11.5 - -
8.6 mi from Casper US2O,US Both 2,548 4,721° 14.0 12.4 11.7 11.5 11.5 11.3 - -
26, US 80
11.4 mi from Cody US 14 Both 846 4,008° 37.9 33.2 31.1 30.5 29.1 28.3 - -
5.5 mi E of Gillette E corporate limit US 14 & Both 1,659 3 2 480 17.7 16.5 15.8 15.4 15.3 14.9 - -
US 16
7 mi N of Kemmerer N city limit US 189 Both 446 941° 20.6 17.7 16.4 15.5 15.2 14.8 - -
8miNof Carpenter FAS 1103 Both 248 442 33.5 21.8 19.0 17.3 16.5 15.7 - -
E of Gresham US 26 Both 10,069 15,198° 13.3 12.4 12.0 11.7 11.4 11.2 10.5 -
2 mi N of Newberg US 99 Both 7,070 12,436° 15.7 14.5 13.6 13.1 12.8 12.5 11.2. -
2.8 mi from Cleelum US io Both 6,607 14,958° 23.0 18.0 17.0 16.0 15.6 15.2 13.4 11.9
6.0 mi N of Cheney PSH 11 Both 6,193 9,827 12.4 10.7 10.3 10.2 10.0 9.8 9.3 8.9
Jct. PSH 9 & PSH 9 at Discovery Bay, NW PSH 9 Both 2,457 5,854° 24.7 20.2 18.4 17.6 16.9 16.5 14.9 13.0
Jct. SSH 8A & SSH 1-U, 3.1 mi E of Both 3,176 4,988 11.9 10.9 10.6 10.4 10.4 10.2 9.9 9.2
Jct. PSH 3 (US 410) &
PSH 3, Wallula jct. PSH 3 Both 2,275 3,537° 13.8 12.4 12.2 11.7 11.5 11.4 10.6 9.8
E leg, 16.4 mi from Walla Walla
1.2 mi N of Freeman SSH3-H Both 1,627 2,842° 17.3 14.8 14.1 13.6 13.4 13.0 11.9 10.6
2.0 mi N of jct. SSH 11-G SSH T.C. near SSH11-G Both 1,893 3,005 16.6 11.3 10.7 10.3 10.1 9.9 9.2 8.8
1.5 mi of Tenino SSH5-H Both 794 2,380° 20.5 16.4 15.5 15.0 14.2 14.0 12.8 11.5
Anchorage-Seward Hwy., Anchorage FAP 31 Both 8,960 13,287° 15.7 10.7 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.1 9.6 8.9
2.9 mi S of Eagle River FAP 42 Both 31 089 7,027° 20.0 16.9 16.4 15.5 15.0 14.8 13.5 12.5
0.1 mi S of Potter Creek FAP 31 Both 1,090 4,364° 48.3 38.3 34.2 32.1 31.1 29.8 25.5 17.9
1.1 mi N of Juneau NW city limit FAP 95 Both 1,330 3,431° 26.2 20.0 19.2 18.2 17.4 16.8 - -
1.0 mi N of Ketchikan W city limit FAS 920 Both 1,507 2,179 16.9 14.4 13.9 13.6 .13.5 13.3 - -
For explanation of notes see Table A. I.
New England
0.7 miWof US 1A, Bangor 4 1395 EB 19.6 13.3 12.9 12.1 11.7 11.4 - -
WB 21.4 11.5 10.1 9.8 9.6 9.5 - -.
Both 7,120 10,534
1.7 mi from Augusta 4 195 NB 32.4 22.5 20.8 18.9 17.3 16.5 - -
SB 32.1 23.2 20.5 19.2. 17.7 17.3 - -
Both 2,167 6,013c
2.3 mi W of Mattapoisett 4 US6 Both 15,988 25,509c 16.8 11.4 11.0 10.9 10.7 10.6 10.2 9.7
New Hampshire
4 193 Both 11,804 20,737 20.4 15.9 15.3 14.8 14.3 13.9 - -
0.5 mi from Concord
0.6 mi from Concord 4 193 Both 11,554 21,167C 21.4 16.6 15.6 14.9 14.5 141 12.5 -
0.5 mi S. Jct. US 3 4 193 Both 4,035 15,925, 24.7 20.2 19.1. 18.2 17.4 16.5 14.2 -
2.0mi from Manchester 4 1193 Both 6,352 9,622 15.3 14.3 13.7 13.4. 13.1 12.8 12.1 11.2
Rhode Island
Pawtucket River Bridge 6 195 EB 11.2
- - -
- - -
WB 9.8 8.6
Both 19,216 24,293 10.1 9.7 9.2 8.7 8.3 8.2 - -
Middle Atlantic
New York
Long Island Expwy. at 82nd St.. 6 1495 EB 9.4 8.4 8.2 8.1 8.0 7.9 7.6 7.1
WB 9.4 8.8 8.6 8.3 8.2 8.1 7.6 7.1
Both 127,910 157,940 -
15 mi from N. Y. City, Nassau Co. 6 NYS 495 Both 119,300b - 8.4
Cross Island Pkwy. at 114th Ave., 6 NB.
New YorkCity SB 14.4 13.4 12.8 12.6 12.1 11.8 10.8 9.9
Both 66,610 92,000°
New EnglandThrwy., N. Y. City 6 NB 12.4 10.7 10.0 9.6 9.5 9.3 9.0 8.4
SB 12.6 11.4 10.9 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.0 9.2
Both 47,420 65,970°
Henry Hudson Pkwy., N. Y. City 6 NB 14.3 13.3 12.7 12.2 11.8 11.5 10.5 9.8
SB 15.1 13.7 13.3 13.1 12.9 12.8 11.8 10.9
Both 37,310 38,700
RockawayBlvd. at Queens; N. Y. City 6 NB 37,690 49,170 14.4 12.6 11.7 11.4 11.1 10.9 10.3 9.6
Schuylkill Expwy. 2 mi from 6 1805 EB 11.0 10.6 10.5 10.5 10.4 10.4 - -
Philadelphia WB
10.4 9.9 9.8 9.8 9.7 9.7 - -
113,564 134,855 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.4 8.2
Allegheny Co.,4mi from Pittsburgh 4 170 EB 12.4 11.9 11.7 11.5 11.3 11.2 - -
WB 11.6 11.4 11.3 11.2 11.1 11.1 - -
Both 55,896" 70,290
Fort Pitt Tunnel, I mi from Pittsburgh 4 170 EB 13.1 12.8 12.7 12.7 12.6 12.6 - -
WB 15.0 14.4 14.1 14.0 13.9 13.8 - -
Both 47,489 58,012 10.9 10.7 10.6 10.5 10.5 10.4 10.1 9.9
Wend of South (John Harris) Br., 4 183 NB 13.8 12.9 12.6 12.5 12.4 12.3 - -
3.Smi from Harrisburg SB 14.5 12.9 12.6 12.5 12.3 12.3 -
Both 36,974 47,818 11.7 11.1 10.9 10.7 10.6 10.4 10.0 9.6
E. app. to Penrose Ave. Br., 5 mi 6 Pa 291 EB 14.3 12.7 12.5 12.3 12.2 12.1 - -
from Philadelphia WB 12.0 11.5 11.4 11.2 11.2 11.1 - -
Both 47,010 57,381 12.0 11.3 11.1 11.0 10.9 10.8 10.6 10.3
South Atlantic
Sof US 40W, 0.9 mi from Catonsville 4 1695 NB 11.0 10.2 10.0 10.1 - 9.7 - -
10.3 9.9 9.8 9.7 - 9.3 - -
Both 40,763 9.0 8.7 8.6 8.5 - 8.3 - -
Sof US 1, 0.8 mi from Fullerton 4 1695 NB 14.8 14.2 13.9 13.7 - 13.4 - -
SB 15.7 14.9 14.7 14.6 - 14.4 - -
West Virginia
Both 27,446 - 11.2 10.7 10.6 10.5 - 10.4 - -
Fort Henry Br., 9th & Main St., 4 US4O& EB 17.9 15.3 14.1 13.6 13.1 12.6 - -
3.0 mi from Wheeling 250 WB
Both 21,692 37,006e
12.0 11.2 10.8 10.7 10.5 10.4 - -
4 SR 600 EB 15.2 13.1 12.4 12.2 12.0 11.6 10.5 -
US 92, approx. 4.0 mi NE of St.
Petersburg WB 23.0 15.2 13.9 13.5 13.3 12.9 11.4 -
Both 9,415 -
East North Central
Congress St. Expwy., Chicago 8 190 EB 16.5 14.8 14.6 14.4 14.3 14.2 13.8 13.5
WB -
- - -
- -
Both 89,000b 118,680
Kingery Expwy. at Wentworth Ave., 4 180-90-- EB 14.1 13.0 12.7 12.2 11.9 11.7 10.8 10.1
Lansing 294 WB
- -
- -
- -
Both 27,600"
Edens Expwy. 3.4 mi from Highland 6 FAP 199 NB 12.2 11.6 11.5 11.3 11.0 10.8 10.4 9.9
Park SB - -
- -
- -
- -
Both 27,000b 35,800° 9.9
West North Central -
0.1 miNE ofLenexa 4 135 Both 10,786 15,097° 17.2 11.5 11.0 10.8 10.7 10.6 10.2 -
East South Central
1.0miWofUS45,Meridian 4 US11&80 EB 10.6 10.1 9.7 9.6 9.5 9.3 9.0 8.4
WB 11.4 9.5 9.1 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.3 7.9
Both 10,199 14,748 10.1 9.3 9.0 8.9 8.9 8.8 8.4 7.9
2.5 mi S of Jackson 4 US51 NB 19.3 13.9 12.9 11.8 11.5 11.3 10.5 9.6
SB 18.5 14.0 13.3 12.5 12.1 11.7 11.1 9.9
Both 6,242 8,894° 12.8 11.0 10.6 10.4 10.2 10.0 9.4 8.7
0.6mi from Knoxvile 4 175 NB 16.3 15.3 15.0 14.8 14.6 14.4 13.8 12.6
SB 16.3 15.2 14.7 14.5 14.2 13.9 13.1 11.7
Both 20,417 28,230
4.6 mi from Nashville 4 Tenn 1 EB 12.7 11.8 11.6 11.3 11.1 11.0 10.5 10.0
WB 12.4 11.3 11.1 10.9 10.8 10.7 10.4 9.8
Both 24,129 33,615°
Magnolia Expwy., Knoxville 4 140 EB 12.8 12.0 11.9 11.8 11.6 11.4 10.9 9.6
&75 WB 11.5 10.5 10.3 10.2 10.2 10.1 9.7 9.2
Both 21,785 28,743
West South Central -.
Miss. R. Br., 1.0-mi from Memphis 4 155 NB 15.7 13.1 10.9 10.3 10.0 9.8 9.3 8.3
SB 16.6 14.8 13.6 13.2 12.6 12.5 10.4 8.8
Louisiana -
New Orleans Expwy., New Orleans 6 110 EB 21.5 19.1 18.4 18.1 17.7 17.3 15.9 14.1
WE 22.2 18.4 17.8 17.7 17.5 17.3 16.7 15.2
Both 38,542 50,693 21.4 12.4 12.0 11.8 11.7 11.6 11.2 10.8
N of jct. of 140, Oklahoma City 6 135 Both 19,157 - 14.8 12.1 11.5 11.3 11.0 10.7 8.2 -
2.Omi from SanAntonio 4 110 NB 14.2 13.9 13.7 13.6 13.6 13.5 13.2 12.4
SB 15.5 14.7 14.5 14.3 14.2 14.1 13.8 12.3
Both 52,000 65,261
1.0 mi from San Antonio 4 135 NB 15.0 14.5 14.3 14.2 14.1 13.9- 13.4 12.0
SB 12.3 11.6 11.3 11.2 11.1 11.0 10.7 10.3
Both 41,172 48,544
Gulf Fwy. 6mi from Houston 6 NB 12.4 12.1 11.9 11.7 11.6 11.3 10.3 9.1
SB 12.9 12.7 12.6 12.5 12.4 12.3 11.8 10.4
Both 70,180 85,995
Central Expwy. at Ross Ave., Dallas 6 US 75 NB 14.8 13.7 13.5 13.2 13.0 12.9 12.1 11.2
SB 14.8 13.5 13.1 13.0 12.9 12.8 12.4 11.9
Both 60,406 78,210
l.Smi from Austin 4 135 NB 17.5 16.0 15.7 15.5 15.2 15.1 14.6 12.9
SB 16.5 15.8 15.6 15.4 15.2 15.1 14.6 9.7
Both 30,953 44,286
1.5 mi from Ft. Worth 6 135W NB 13.7 13.2 13.1 13.0 12.9 12.9 12.6 11.5
SB 13.5 12.7 12.3 12.2 12.1 12.0 11.8 11.0
Both 51,677 66,432
6.lmi from Houston 6 145 NB 14.4 13.5 13.1 13.1 12.9 12.8 11.8 10.0
SB 15.0 12.6 12.3 12.1 11.9 11.8 11.1 10.3
Both 44,920 62,798
EastTexasFwy.,1.Omifrom 6 NB 14.6 14.0 13.8 13.7 13.6 13.5 12.8 12.1
Houston SB 13.9 13.2 13.0 13.0 -12.9 12.8 12.5 12.0
Both 41,170 49,538 I
Texas (Cont'd)
4 135 NB 13.9 13.0 12.7 12.5 12.4 12.4 12.0 11.1
1 mi from San Antonio
SB 14.3 13.8 13.4 13.3 13.1 13.1 12.5 11.6
Both 29,954 41,499
4 110 EB 11.8 11.2 11.1 10.9 10.8 10.7 10.2 9.6
1 mi from Beaumont
WB 13.5 12.8 12.3 12.0 11.9 11.8 11.1 10.4
Both 22,867 30,609
110 EB 13.9 12.0 11.7 11.5 11.4 11.2 10.8 10.3
2.0 mi from Beaumont
WB 12.3 11.6 11.4 11.2 11.1 11.0 10.5 9.7
Both 18,992 24,729,
1820 NB 17.4 16.7 16.4 16.2 16.1 15.9 15.4 14.6
5 mi from Fort Worth
SB 19.2 18.2 17.9 17.7 17.5 17.5 17.1 16.2
Both 8,639 10,920
Colorado 13.2 12.6
3 mi from Denver 125 NB 16.0 14.7 14.4 14.0 13.8 13.5
SB 13.1 12.4 12.2 12.0 11.7 11.6 11.3 10.9
Both 56,400 75,151 13.4 13.0 12.6 12.4 12.2 12.0 11.6 11.3
2.7 mi from Cheyenne 125, NB 17.8 14.6 14.1 13.4 12.9 12.2
US 85 SB 17.8 14.4 13.9 13.3 12.8 12.4
US 87 Both 1,656 2,264
Columbia R. Hwy., Portland I 80N EB 17.0 16.0 15.7 15.6 15.5 15.4
WB 19.1 17.7 17.4 17.1 16.9 16.6
Both 44,342 60,502 11.5 11.1 11.0 10 8 10.7 10.7 10.5
Pacific Hwy., 3 mi from Portland 15 NB 16.4 15.6 15.1 15.0 14.8 14.6 14.1
SB 15.9 15.1 14.7 14.6 14.5 14.4 13.8
Both 31,922 42,383 12.1 11.1 10.7 10.5 10.5 10.4 10.1 9.7
Eugene-Springfield Hwy., 2 mi from Both 12,230 18,017 13.4 11.7 11.1 11.0 10.7 10.7 10.0 9.6
New England
Rhode Island
0.5 mi from East Providence 6 1195 NB .15.9 13.7 12.4 - - - - -
SB 15.3 14.1 9.8 - - - - -
Middle Atlantic
Both 28,625 35,182 11.5 10.5 10.1 9.6 9.2 9.0 - -
New York
21 mi from New York City
South Atlantic
6 NYS27 Both 20,800b - 11.6 10.4 9.8 9.5 9.4 9.1 8.5 7.8
1 mi from Newark
East South Central
4 Del. 2 Both 14,755" 19,519° 11.9 11.2 11.1 10.7 10.6 10.5 - -
3 mi from Jackson 2 US80 Both 12,103 15,330 13.3 9.5 9.1 9.0 8.9 8.7 8.3
Natchez Br. over Miss R. in Natchez 2 US 65 & Both 10,363 14,253° 10.7 9.5 9.2 9.0 8.9 8.7 8.3
3 mi from Gulfport 4 US 90 EB 9.6 8.6 8.3 8.2 8.2 8.1 7.9 7.6
WB 14.2 10.3 10.0 9.8 9.7 9.6 9.3 8.9
Both 18,703 25,658° 10.2 9.0 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.6 8.2 7.9
East Parkway at Southern R. R 4 NB 10.7 9.8 9.6 9.6 9.4 9.4 9.1 8.2
Underpass in Memphis SB 10.7 10.1 9.9 9.7 9.7 9.6 9.4 8.7
Both 29,929 36,414
West South Central
imi from LittleRock 4 SH1O EB 17.5 16.5 16.1 15.6 15.4 15.2 - -
Both 16,000 18,900
20.7 17.7 17.3 17.1 16.9 16.8 - -
W of Clãssen Circle, Oklahoma City 4 1440 Both 39,143 - 10.9 10.3 10.0 9.8 9.6 9.5 8.6 -
Between Lincoln Blvd. and Kelley 4 1440 Both 21,552 - 11.8 10.0 9.7 9.6 9.5 9.3 8.9 -
Ave., Oklahoma City I .
0.5 mi from Lubbock 6 US84 NW 12.9 10.8 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.1 9.6 9.0
SE 17.4 13.8 13.5 13.3 13.0 12.9 12.1 10.8
Both 13,000 18,902°
0.8 mi from Tempe 4 US6O Both 22,777 31,647 11.3 9.5 9.3 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.1 9.1
4 mi from Tucson 4 110 NB 16.5 8.9 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.5 8:5 8.4
SB 16.2 9.2 8.8 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4
Both 9,866 12,510°
lmifromYuma 4 US8O Both 6,890 9,996° 11.0 8.0 7.3 .7.2 7.2 7.2 7.1 7.1
Speer Blvd. between Franklin and
Gilpin Sts., Denver 6 EB 17.3 15.3 14.7 14.4 14.1 13.7 12.3 8.8
WB 12.8 11.5 11.2 11.0 10.9 10.7 9.9 7.7
Both 24,779 34,449 12.6 11.9 11.7 11.5 11.4 11.3 10.9 10.4
imi from Eugene
4 US 99W Both 20,100 28,836 11.9 10.7 10.4 10.1 - 9.7 - -
Jct. PSH 1 & North 175th in Seattle 4 US 99 SB 49,432 62,886 12.4 10.9 10.8 10.6 10.6 10.5 10.1 9.1
Jct.PSH2&6lst Ave. inSeattle 4 EB 27,240 25,680 13.0 12.5 12.3 12.1 11.9 11.8 11.3 10.7
New England
1.4 mi from Portland 4 RtlOO NB 11.8 10.3 9.5 8.6 7.6 - - -
SB 8.8 7.7 7.2 6.7 6.2 - - -
Both 14,636 17,958 10.3 9.7 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.2 - -
0.6mi from Bangor 4 USIA NB 8.8 7.8 7.1 6.8 6.4 6.1 - -
SB 11.0 9.0 7.6 7.0 6.5 6.2 - -
New Hampshire
Both 18,171 23,417° 9.7 9.0 8.9 8.7 8.7 8.6 - -
Main St. in Concord 4 US 3 &
US 202
Both 13,518 18,722 10.3 9.7 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.2 - -
Elm St. in Manchester
Rhode Island
4 US 3 Both 11,587 15,323° 10.5 9.8 9.1 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.3 -
2mi from Cranston 4 R12-3 Both 31,581 35,297 9.2 8.6 8.5 8.2 7.9 7.8 - -
Pawtuxet R. Bridge, Warwick 4 RI 117 Both 22,612 35,260 12.0 10.7 10.1 9.9 9.7 9.4 - -
2mi from Warwick 4 R12 Both 19,150 37,492 19.3 13.6 11.7 10.8 9.9 9.4 - -
0.lmi from Newport
4 R1138 Both 16,926 20,904° 9.5 8.0 7.7 7.4 7.3 7.2 - -
0.2 mi from Winooski 4 US7 Both 15,863 23,494° 11.4 10.7 10.4 10.2 10.0 9.9 9.5 -
0.Smi from Montpelier 4 US2 Both 4,608 6,742 15.8 14.9 14.3 14.0 13.6 13.0 11.6 -
Middle Atlantic
New York
1.Smi from Larchmont
4 USi Both 16,200b - 16.4 11.7 10.3 10.1 9.7 9.4 8.4 7.6
3 mi from S Wilhiamsport 4 US 15 NB 14.8 10.0 9.1 8.9 8.7 8.6 - -
SB 14.2 11.1 10.8 10.7 10.6 10.4 - -
South Atlantic
Both 17,813 23,767 11.0 9.7 9.5 9.3 9.2 9.1 - -
1.8 mi S of Glen Burnie 4 Md2 NB 13.5 12.6 12.2 11.9 - 11.4 - -
13.1 12.0 11.7 11.6 - 11.3 - -
Both 26,918 10.0 9.7 9.4 9.2 - 8.8 - -
13.0 11.7 11.3
. 11.0 10.9 10.8 10.2
1.0miNofMiamiBeach 4 SRA1A NB .
N. State St. in Jackson 4 US5I Both 23,512 32,628 11.9 10.6 10.4 10.1 9.9 9.8 9.3 8.9
0.05 mi E of US 49, Hattiesburg 4 US 98 EB 11.9 9.9 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.1 8.8 8.3
WB 16.4 12.0 11.7 11.5 11.2 11.1 10.5 9.8
Both 10,281 14,332" 12.6 10.4 10.1 9.8 9.7 9.6 9.3 8.8
Woodland St. Br. in Nashville 4 US 31 NB 15.7 13.8 13.6 13.5 13.4 13.3 12.8 12.1
SB 14.1 13.3 13.1 13.0 12.9 12.8 12.2 9.9
Both 24,402 32,187"
Arkansas-Tennessee River Br., 4 US61 NB 15.5 12.9 11.1 10.7 10.1 9.9 9.2 7.8
Memphis US63 SB 16.0 15.4 13.6 13.3 12.8 12.4 10.8 8.5
US 64 Both 25,779 37,174"
West South Central
Gentilly Road, New Orleans 6 US 90 EB 10.8 10.2 10.0 9.8 9.8 9.7 9.3 8.6
Both 40,120 47,202"
Scenic Hwy., Baton Rouge 4 US6I EB 13.8 12.4 12.0 11.7 11.5 11.3 10.8 9.8
WB 19.4 12.0 11.5 11.2 11.1 10.9 10.5 9.9
Both 12.3 10.5 10.2 10.1 10.0 9.9 9.6 9.1
Baton Rouge Br., Baton Rouge 4 US 190 EB 15.0 13.4 12.9 12.5 12.2 12.0 - -
HueyP. Long Br., NewOrleans
Both 20,169 29,826 14.1 10.8 10.2 10.0 9.7 9.6 - -
4 EB 14.2 13.2 13.1 13.0 12.9 12.7 12.3 11.5
WB 12.5 11.9 11.6 11.5 11.4 11.3 10.9 9.9
Both 21,044 25,082 11.1 10.5 10.3 10.2 10.1 10.0 9.8 9.5
Classen Blvd. N of N. 32, Oklahoma 4 Both 25,332 - 11.0 10.5 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.1 9.8 -
Robinson Ave., Oklahoma City 4 US62 Both 15,877 - 12.4 11.2 11.0 10.8 10.6 10.5 9.8 -
North 23 St., Oklahoma City 4 US 62 Both 17,313 - 10.1 8.9 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.3 7.5 -
Pa. Ave., N of N. 56th St. in 4 Both 11,502 - 14.6 13.4 12.8 12.5 12.3 11.9 11.3 8.0
Oklahoma City
Santa Fe Ave. N of N. 36th St. in 4 Both 5,284 - 22.1 17.0 16.4 16.1 15.3 14.9 12.7 -
Oklahoma City
Arizona 7.6
Central Lewis Ave., Phoenix 6 Both I 32,273b 1 40,530 10.1 7.7 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 1
Colorado 14.1 13.7 12.5
1 mi from Commerce City 4 US 6-85 NB 18.0 16.7 I 15.4 14.7
SB 17.6 14.7 13.0 12.8 12.5 12.4 12.0
Both 26,825 39,744 12.4 11.1 10.4 10.2 10.0 9.9 9.4
4 SH 44 Both 14,266 20,480 14.5 11.3 10.9 10.7 10.6 10.3 -
State St., Boise
Americana Blvd., E end Boise R. Br., 4 Both 13,810 19,929 14.3 13.0 12.1 11.9 11.6 11.5 -
10th Ave., CaIdwell 4 US 30 Both 6,387 9,881 10.4 9.6 9.4 9.2 9.1 9:0 -
Montana 10.0
Montana Ave., Helena 4 US 91 NB 21.1 12.7 11.4 10.9 10.7 10.6
SB 12.1 11.1 10.8 10.6 10.4 10.3 9.7
Both 8,263 10,834 11.8 10.9 10.5 10.4 10.3 10.2 9.7
Nevada 9.6
3 mi from Las Vegas 4 US 93 EB 12.8 11.3 10.8 10.7 10.4 10.2
WB 14.0 11.0 10.6 10.0 9.7 9.5 9.0
Both 16,318 22,093 11.1 10.1 9.9 9.7 9.4 9.3 8.9
Between Reno Sparks 4 US 40 Both 17,384 24,270- 9.7 9.1 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.6 8.3
New Mexico
4.1 mi N of Albuquerque 4 US 85 Both 10,890 - 11.1 10.4 10.2 10.0 9.9 9.9 9.6
2 mi from Salt Lake City 4 US 40 Both 16,536 26,450 16.3 12.3 12.0 11.7 11.5 11.3 -
Garland Ave. in Spokane 4 PSH 3 NB 12.8 11.5 11.1 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.0
SB 10.5 8.9 8.6 8.3 8.3 8.1 7.9
Both 21,811 28,630 10.7 9.9 9.4 9.2 8.9 8.8 8.5
L St. bet. 13th 15th Ave. in 4 Both 11,850b 16,213 10.3 9.4 8.9 8.8 8.6 8.4 -
5th Ave. bet. D & C Sts. in 4 Both 8,370b 11,198 12.8 10.8 10.3 10.1 10.0 9.8 -
New England
2 mi from West Hartford US 6 Both 16,000b 26,228° 13.5 10.2 9.9 9.7 9.6 9.5 9.2 8.6
1.5mi from Lewjston RT126 Both 10,274 14,715° 11.2 10.4. 10.1 10.0 9.8 9.8 - -
0.7 mi from Hollowell US 201 Both 9,696 12,129 11.1 10.5 10.0 9.9 9.7 9.7 - -
0.1 mi from Sanford
New Hampshire
Rt4A-109 Both 8,055 11,064 12.5 10.5 10.3 10.1 9.9 9.8 - -
1.Smi from Concord
Rhode Island
NH13 Both 3,094 - 22.6 13.8 12.9 12.7 12.4 12.2 11.5 -
0.5 mi from Bristol
RI 114 Both 11,517 14,808° 10.6 9.7 9.2 9.0 8.8 8.6 - -
I mi from Rutland
St. Johnsbury US2 Both 7,013 11,712° 12.2 11.4 11.0 10.6 10.3 10.2 9.7 -
vfiddle Atlantic
ew Jersey
0.5 mi from Plainfield, E. 7th St.
S. GroveSt., EastOrange
- 10.7
10.6 10.4 10.2 10.1 10.0 9.7 9.5
10.6 10.4 10.1 9.8 9.7 9.6 9.3
Jew York
Watertown US 11 Both 10,200b - 11.8 9.5 9.1 8.9 8.7 8.6 8.2 7.8
Hornell RT 36 Both 10,200b - 9.8 9.0 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.6 8.3 8.0
ou:h Atlantic
0.1 mi from Riviera Beach MD 173 Both 10,273 - 12.1 11.5 11.1 10.9 - 10.6 - -
0.7 mi from Cockeysville
1orth Carolina
MD 45 Both 8,607 - 12.2 11.5 11.4 11.2 - 11.1 - -
1 mi from Wilmington, on NECape Fear
R. Br.
Both 12,850 20,085 15.7 12.2 11.5 11.2 11.1 11.0 10.3 -
0.6 mi NW of NewBern city limit
outh Carolina
US7O Both 7,970 11,328' 11.4 10.6 10.2 9.9 9.8 9.7 9.1 -
CooperR. Br., Charleston US 17 Both 13,258 17,696° 11.0 i 10.0 9.8 9.7 9.6 99 I 9 R7
West North Central
E leg 17th St. & Mt. Vernon in Cedar Rapids Both 11,215 14,331 11.2 10.5 10.3 10.1 10.0 9.9 - -
E leg Harrison & E. Washington, Mt. Pleasant
US34 Both 7,169 12,280 13.0 12.0 10.7 10.2 9.8 9.7 - -
Both 4,328 5,390 11.9 10.7 10.1 9.8 9.7 9.6 - -
N leg 338 St. & Lake in Storm Lake
W leg 11th St. & Main in Adel Both 1,180 1,657 15.8 12.6 11.6 11.3 11.1 11.0 - -
Both 863 1,544 15.9 14.0 13.3 13.1 12.9 12.6 12.1 -
Curtis St. E of Topeka Blvd. in Topeka
High St. S of 13th St., Topeka Both 533 689° 15.2 13.7 13.1 12.6 12.2 12.0 11.3 -
North Dakota
0.5 mi from Minot Both 3,750 5,600 13.1 12.3 11.6 11.3 11.1 11.0 - -
East South Central
8.0 mi from Birmingham US11 Both 19,880b 24,582 9.5 9.2 9.0 8.9 8.9 8.8 8.6 8.1
Midland Ave., in Lexington US6O Both 10,220 - 10.2 9.1 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.7 - -
Western Ave., between Webster & Leslie in SR62 Both 12,333 15,083 9.4 9.1 8.9 8.8 8.6 8.6 8.3 8.0
11th Ave. in Nampa US3O Both 9,282 12,551° 13.4 10.1 9.8 9.6 9.4 9.2 - -
Latah St. bet. Morris Hill Rd. & Tulare Dr. Both 6 1498 8,913 14.4 11.5 10.7 10.6 10.5 10.4 - -
in Boise
1 mi from Billings Both 14,712 I 21,143° 141 12.4 11.9 11.5 11.2 11.0 10.6 -
Kietzke Lane bet. Reno-Sparks city limit Both 13,303 17,234 12.0 11.2 10.5 10.4 9.8 9.7 9.0 8.0
250 ft W of Sutro St., Reno Both 10,093 13,433 12.8 11.8 11.5 11.4 11.3 11.2 10.8 10.3
150 ftWof FAS 704, Sparks FHS727 Both 4,886 7,761 12.4 11.8 11.7 11.4 11.0 10.9 10.4 9.8
.9thE.and4600S.,2mjfrom Murray Both 14,950 19,766 13.2 12.4 12.2 11.8 11.6 11.4 - -
1.3 mi from Cedar City
US91 Both 3,859 7,512 15.9 10.9 10.5 10.2 10.0 9.7 -
Riner Viaduct, Cheyenne US85&
US 87
Both 12,657 18,446° 11.0 10.4 9.9 9.7 9.5 9.3 - -
Center St. underpass in Casper Both 9,292 11,861 10.9 10.3 10.0 9.8 9.7 9.6 - -
Laramie US3O Both 8,069 14,137° 12.3 11.4 10.6 10.1 10.0 9.8 - -
Goose Greek Bridge, Sheridan US14&
US 87
Both 5,456 8,739 14.5 11.1 10.8 10.6 10.4 10.2 - -
Both 9,258 11,814 11.3 10.7 10.4 10.3. 10.2 10.2 9.9 -
4.0miSofSeattle SSH1K Both 11,185b 13,885 9.3 9.1 9.0 9.0 8.9 8.9 8.6 8.3
29th Ave.& Grand Blvd.,W leg, in Spokane Both 4,295 6,024 13.9 11.9 11.3 10.8 10.7 10.6 10.1 9.6
CSt. at Ship Creek in Anchorage
FAP 37 bet Ill. St. FAP 61 in Fairbanks
12.8 11.8 11.3 11.1 10.9 - -
14.4 13.5 12.8 12.1 11.9 10.9 10.0
wEAVmlo rorAL sreco (mph) TIME V. (vph) V. (vph) V. + 3V. (vph) V,1 (vph) V,, (vph)
6 II I 6 18 1 6 II 1 6 18 I 6 II I 6 18 1 6 18 I 6 II I 6 18 I
Diamond aSs. lane, 2'4' 5:10-. 5:05- 4:25- 3_._._..._ ,,, __.,__-
Easlshore Fwy. N.B. RE 917' 1812 1545 1287 5616 5355 5040 33 32 38 5:16 5:23 5:25 714 380 1854 96 3892
San Pablo off, Richmond, Calif. 41' p.m. p.m. p.m.
SB. and ramp from Eisenhower Eapy. E.B. 659' 2
64' a.m. a.m. a.m.
and W.B., Taylor St., Chicago, Ill.
4:12- 3:18- 3:18
Coiioctorisl4butor rd., Eisenhower Expy.,
Western to California Ave., Chicago, Ill.
844' 1400 1320 1234
1430 1326 1240 38 38 40 4:18 3:36 4:18
P.T. p.m. p.m.
980 860 860 420 460 374 2240 2240 1982 20 3 4 10 3 2
I i
4:24- 4:12- 3:54-
Racine Ave. to Ashland Blvd ,
Auxiliary lane, Eisenhower Expy., 6'-9'
1570 1386 1355 6800 6807 6458 45 47 47 4:30 4:30 4:54 1150 1003
p.m. p.m. p.m.
956 420 383 399 2410 2152 2153 20 27 20 5210 5394 5083
I l
Chicago, Ill.
4:36- 4:36- 4:18-
Local lanes, aaxiiiary lane, Dan Ryan
Expressway SB., 51st St. to Garfield,
Chicago, Ill.
1760 1620 1434 3480 3420 3237 36 37 37 4:42 4:54 5:18
p.m. p.m. p.m.
960 900 814 800 720 620 3360 3 060 2674 1720 1800 1800 0 0 3
l I
7:12- 7: 7:
I'Ilanes, colloctoristishator rd., 5''
37 39 7:18 7:18 8:00 610 540 531 600 674 605 2410 2294 2198 2190 2100 1994 0 0 4
Oars Ryan Expy. N.B., 55th St. to 51st St., 890' 1210 1214 1136 3400 3314 3134 36 I I
38' a.m. a.m. a.m.
Chicago, Ill.
l'-7' 4:36- 4:30- 4:00- 4_________
Local lanes, Dan Ryan Expy. S.B.
822' 1320 .1284 1111 5510 5190 4681 40 37 35 4:42 4:48 5:00
Pershing to 43rd St., Chicago, Ill.
50' p.m. p.m. p.m.
-- -- -- -- - -
- - - - - - - - -- . - -
25" 4:30- 2031
4594 I
2856 4868
- - 27
31° - - 5:30
-- 1987 869 Wr><
ii W.
26" 27" 28" 7:30- 7:24- 6:54- 1049 I
1020 1030 1112 4530 46180 4589 0 0 4 1370 1277
2490 2540 2365 3860 3817 3418 29' 30' 30 7:36 7:42 7:54 1470 1510 1253
32° 340 334 a.m. a.m. a.m.
Service rd., simple weave, Van Wyck Expy. 24'-21' 31" 31 33" 5:12- 5:13)- 4:3 330 307 284
1250 11113 927 980 944 920 4190 3932 3687 350 323 233
S.B.to North Conduit to Southern State 625' 2230 2044 1847 2910 2674 2364 32' 32' 33' 5:18 5:18 5:30
34d 330 331 p.m. p.m. p.m.
Pk., Long Island, New York, N. V. 20'
11 0,
WEAVING TOTAL SPEED (mph) TIME V., (vph) V., (vph) V. + 31'., (vph) k, (vph) V. (vph)
MOVEMENT (vph) Movrvwwr (vph)
__________ _____________ - . LANE
6 II I 6 18 1 6 18 I 6 18 I 6 18 I 6 18 I 6 18 I 6 II .1 6 18 I
MRjor weave, Ouler ConnecliOn S.E. I7'-12' 29" 29" 25" 4:06- 4:00- 4:12-
luadranl, Van Wyck Espy. 10 Soulhers, 980' 3480 3319 3403 4800 4524 4467 2
29' 25' 4:12 4:18 5:12 2936 2787 2953 464 532 450 4328 4383 4303 866 798 640 534
SIOIe Pkwy., Long Island, New York, N. Y. 40' 32' 29' 25' p.m. p.m. p.m. . 407 424
2 4
31b 31" 29" 5:06- 4:54- 4:18-
- 3550 3610 3436 5550 4920 4574 29'
29' 5:12 5:12 5:18 2900 3123 3012
29' p.m. p.m. p.m.
650 487 424 4850 4584 4284 990 733 665 910 577473 14, ><
W. C
loverleaf, Norlhern Stole Pkwy. E.B. and 31'-19' 31" 321 24" 5:24- 5:30- 4:30-
!nlrRnce from Guinea Woods Rd. to 564' 2043 1906 2109 5080 4590 5039 35' 24' 5:30 5:48 5:30 1688 1590 1691 355 316
kleadowbrook Stole Pkwy., Long Island, 418 2753 2538 2945 2645 2438 2566 392 246 364
50' 31' 37' 25' p.m. p.m. p.m.
4ew York, N. Y. 4. 2
l ---4<'2
22" 22" 18" 5:36- 5:30- 4:54-
2380 2330 2235 5480 5354 5048 19' 20' 17' 5:42 5:48 5:54 204
2033 1862 340 297 373 3060 2924 2981 2720 2707 2430 580 317 383 W,
I4 21' 16' p.m. p.m. p.m.
38" 37" 7:36- 7:30- 7:24- 0
1920 1796 1691 4210 3837 3591 39' 39' 39' 7:42 7:48 8:24 1480 1369 1354 440 427 337 2800 2650 2365 1910 1757 1489
40d 380 284 411
40' 40' am. am. am.
dajor weave, Von Wyck Espy. and ramps 6'-15'
- - -
-. 28" 28" -
- 3:30- 5:24-
- - -
3" """2
rom Ma,n SI. and Queens Blvd. 10
Jillside Ave., Long Island, New York, N. Y.
2503 2451 4747 4622
- 31'
35' - 3:48 4:24
p.m. p.m
2186 2180 317 271 3137 2993 - 30 23 - 2179 2148 0
Corresponding nomograph in Chapter Eight, giving situation sketch, equation, conditions for use, limiting factors, and steps in use of equation and nomograph
All variables independent except 1/1.
Corresponding n,mgraph in Chapter Eight, giving situation sketch, equation, conditions for use, limiting factors, and steps in use of equation and nomograph.
See Va and Dj. d See Y. and D.
All variables independent except I/i.
Corresponding nomograph in Chapler Eighl, giving situation sketch, equation, conditions for use, limiting factors, and steps in use of equation and nomograph.
All variables independent except Vi.
Corresponding nomograph in Chapter Eight, giving situation sketch, equation, conditions for use, limiting factors, and steps in use of equation and nomograph.
All variables independent except 111. I'1+., and K. '"Off" leg at major fork.
Prior to the development of the detailed the adjacent inner loops. In comparison with
series of equations and nomographs pre- other types of ramps, the cloverleaf inner
sented in Chapter Eight for lane 1 service loop ramp curves show a heavier use of
volumes upstream of on-ramp junctions in lane I up to freeway volumes of 2,400 vph,
levels A through C, more general volume dis- despite the loss of lane I vehicles at the up-
tribution criteria had been developed as an stream adjacent outer connection off-ramp.
interim measure (1, in Ch. 8). These con- Much of the lane 1 traffic is destined for the
sisted of a series of curves presenting average downstream inner loop off-ramp only 400 to
volume distributions by lane upstream of on- 700 ft away. At freeway volumes above
ramp junctions, for a variety of geometric 2,400 vph the comparison shows a heavier
conditions. use of lane 2 at cloverleaf locations, possibly
These freeway volume distributions by because drivers wish to avoid the more severe
lanes are given in Figures D.1, D.2,.and D.3. merging and weaving conflicts present 'at
They are taken just upstream from the ramp high-volume cloXerleaf interchanges.
nose before the merge has taken place. Figure D.2 is derived from 6-lane freeway
For 4-lane freeways, the freeway volume volume distributions at all types of on-ramps,
distributions are presented in Figure D.1 in other than cloverleaf inner' loops, where no
two groups—those at cloverleaf inner loop auxiliary lane is present between the on-ramp
on-ramps and those at all other types of on- and the adjacent downstream off-ramp.
ramps. The reason for this grouping is the Similar curves for the "with' auxiliary
difference in operation at cloverleaf inter- lane" and the cloverleaf cases are not in-
changes caused by traffic weaving between cluded, because few, generalized data are
50 •• • •••••
C 40
- 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Figure D.I. Volume distribution on 4-lane freeways upstream from cloverleaf inner loop and
from all other types of on-ramps.
8 2 lb U b b OC -
Figure D.2. Volume distribution on 6-lane freeways upstream from all types of on-ramps (with-
out auxiliary lane at on-ramp entrance) except cloverleaf inner loops.
_ -
28 32 38 40 44 48 52 Sb bO Sb
available separate from the information on Figure D.3 provides approximate data for
which the equations and nomographs are all types of on-ramp locations on 8-lane free-
based. ways.
HE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES is a private, honorary organization
T of more than 700 scientists and engineers elected on the basis of outstand-
ing contributions to knowledge. Established by a Congressional Act of
Incorporation signed by Abraham Lincoln on March 3, 1863, and supported by
private and public funds, the Academy works to further science and its use
for the general welfare by bringing together the most qualified individuals to
deal with scientific and technological problems of broad significance.
Under the terms of its Congressional charter, the Academy is also called upon
to act as an official—yet independent—adviser to the Federal Government in any
matter of science and technology. This provision accounts for the close ties that
have always existed between the Academy and the Government, although the
Academy is not a governmental agency and its activities are not limited to those
on behalf of the Government.
The NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING was established on December 5,
1964. On that date the Council of the National Academy of Sciences, under. the
authority of its Act of Incorporation, adopted Articles of Organization bringing
the National Academy of Engineering into being, independent and autonomous
in its organization and the election of its members, and closely coordinated with
the National Academy of Sciences in its advisory activities. The two Academies
join in the furtherance of science and engineering and share the responsibility
of advising the Federal Government, upon-request, on any subject of science
or technology.
The NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL was organized as an agency of the National
Academy of Sciences in 1916, at the request of President Wilson, to enable the
broad community of U.S. scientists and engineers to associate their efforts with
the limited membership of the Academy in service to science and the nation. Its
members, who receive their appointments from the President of the National
Academy of Sciences, are drawn from academic, industrial and government
organizations -throughout the country. The National Research Council serves
both Academies in the discharge of their responsibilities.
Supported by private and public contributions, grants, and contracts, and
voluntary contributions of time and effort by several thousand of the nation's
leading scientists and engineers, the Academies and their R'esearch Council thus
work to serve the national, interest, to foster the sound development of science
and engineering, and to promote their effective application for the benefit of
n-ajOr Divisions into which the National Research Council is organized for the
conduct of its work. Its membership includes representatives of the nation's
leading technical societies as well as a number of members-at-large. Its Chairman
is appointed by the Council of the Academy of Sciences upon nomination by the
Council of the Academy of Engineering.
The HIGHWAY RESEARCH BOARD, organized November 11, 1920, as an agency
of the Division of Engineering and Industrial Research, is a cooperative organi-
zation of the highway technologists of America operating under the auspices of
the Academy-Council and with the support of the several highway departments,
the Bureau of Public Roads, and many other organizations 'interested in the
development of highway transportation. The purposes of the Board are to encour- '
age research and to provide a national clearinghouse and correlation service for
research activities and information on highway administration and technology.