Bursting Disc Devices in Series 3070 Chap9 1

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Ed. 2017
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Use: protection against possible overpressure of the
apparatuses listed below, with regard to the operating
conditions for which they have been designed:
• Refrigeration system or heat pump components, for
instance: condensers, liquid receivers, evaporators,
liquid accumulators, positive displacement compressor
discharge, heat exchangers, oil separators, or piping.
(reference standard: EN 378-2:2016)

Fluids: the bursting disc devices in series 3070 can be

used with:
a. Refrigerant fluids in liquid or gaseous state belonging
to Group 2:
• HCFC (R22)
• HFC (R134a , R404A , R407C , R410A , R507)
• HFO and HFO/HFC mixtures (R1234ze , R448A ,
R449A , R450A , and R452A)
• R744
with reference to Article 13, Para. 1(b) of Directive
2014/68/EU (EC Regulation No. 1272/2008).

b. Air and nitrogen (reference Directive: 2009/105/EC)

GENERAL DESCRIPTION The bursting disc devices in series 3070, which can only
Safety device 3070 is a pressure relief device that cannot be used in combination with safety valves in series 3061
be closed again, in which a bursting disc is sensitive to a or 3065, can be used with:
positive differential pressure between the upstream and
downstream sections. It is designed to burst at a specified c. Refrigerant fluids in liquid or gaseous state belonging to
pressure. Group 1:
Bursting discs in series 3070 are identified by means of: • HFC (R32)
• a model number formed of an alphanumerical code that • HFO (R1234yf)
includes: • HC (R290 , R600 , R600a)
• the family identity (for ex. 3070/44C) with reference to Article 13, Para. 1(a) of Directive
• the type of connection (C = NPT) 2014/68/EU (EC Regulation No. 1272/2008).
• the burst pressure, expressed in bar, multiplied by 10
(for ex. 140) For specific applications with refrigerant fluids not listed
• a serial number for the lot production. above, please contact Castel Technical Department.

Bursting disc holder: this is the body of the device; it is In compliance with the provisions of Article 19 of Directive
manufactured in two halves, screwed together, that hold 2014/68/EC, the following information is reported on the
the burst disc in position. The two body halves are obtained bursting disc holder:
through bar machining. The lower half of the body houses • Manufacturer’s mark
the inlet connection, while the upper half houses the outlet • CE marking
connection and two 1/8” NPT female service ports. • Identification number of the notified body involved in the
Material used: EN 12164-CW614N brass production control phase
• device model
Bursting discs: the discs are designed and tested, • Flow section
according to the requirements of EN ISO 4126-2:2003, • Indication of flow direction
to burst at a pre-defined pressure. This pressure is • Bursting pressure
called specified burst pressure, and is related to an • Performance tolerances
associated temperature and a burst tolerance. The disc • Temperature associated with bursting pressure
is manufactured from a calibrated gauge of nickel sheet, • Production date
contained by a copper ring case. • Lot number

50 DS-ED 01/2017 - ENG
DOCUMENTATION and installation of bursting disc safety devices used to
The bursting disc devices in series 3070 are supplied with protect against overpressure.
the following documents, provided in the packaging:
• operating instructions for the user, containing all • EN 378-2:2016: “Refrigerating systems and heat
information useful for safety in terms of assembly, pumps – safety and environmental requirements –
commissioning, use, and maintenance. Part 2: Design, construction, testing, marking and
• Compliance Statement for the equipment according to documentation” provides a general outline of the
Directive 2014/68/EU, required in Article 17 and issued protection devices to be used in refrigerating systems
in compliance with Annex IV of the same directive. and their characteristics (Para. 6.2.5) and the criteria
for the selection of the device suitable for the type and
BURSTING DISC DEVICES SELECTION size of the system component to be protected (Para.
Directive 2014/68/EU requires that pressure equipment, 6.2.6).
in which permissible limits are reasonably likely to
be exceeded, shall be fitted with suitable protection • EN 13136:2013: “Refrigerating systems and heat
devices, for instance safety devices such as bursting pumps – Pressure relief devices and their associated
disc devices. Such devices shall prevent pressure piping – Methods for calculation” highlights the
from permanently exceeding the maximum allowable possible causes of overpressure in a system and
pressure (PS) of the equipment they protect. In any provides users with the tools for sizing pressure relief
case, a short pressure peak limited to 10% of maximum devices, among which safety valves.
allowable pressure is permitted.
The bursting disc safety device 3070 may be used SIZING OF BURSTING DISC DEVICES DESIGNED
either as sole pressure relief device or in conjunction TO DISCHARGE GAS OR VAPOUR AT CRITICAL
with a Castel safety valve (types 3030, 3060, 3061, FLOW (Ref. EN ISO 4126-6:2003)
or 3065). The disc and valve combination prevents A bursting disc safety device which discharges to
refrigerant leakage through the safety valve and the atmosphere works at critical flow. For the definition of
total loss of refrigerant after bursting. The disc and critical flow, please see Chapter 5.
valve combination can be also equipped with a suitable Bursting disc devices designed to discharge gas or
pressure switch to detect if the valve has discharged. vapour at critical flow must be sized according to the
The bursting pressure of a bursting disc is affected following formula:
by the operating temperature of fluid contained in the
equipment to be protected. The specified bursting
pressure (Pb), stamped on the body of the bursting [mm2 ]
disc, is the nominal bursting pressure at the associated
temperature of 22 °C. At higher operating temperatures, where:
the nominal bursting pressure is reduced while at • Ac = minimum cross-section area of the bursting disc
lower operating temperatures, the nominal bursting [mm2]
pressure is increased. Refer to table 6 for temperature • Qmd = minimum required discharge flow rate of the
adjustment factors for Pb. bursting disc [kg/h]
As to the selection and sizing of the suitable protection • α = bursting disc coefficient of discharge
device, users shall refer to the specific product and • po = bursting pressure [bar abs]
sector standards listed below: • vo = specific volume of gas or vapour at discharge
conditions po and To, where To is the fluid temperature
• Standard EN ISO 4126-2: 2003: “Safety devices at bursting disc inlet, defined by the user or by the
for protection against excessive pressure – Part 2: designer [m3/kg]
Bursting disc safety devices” specifies the design, • C = expansion rate as a function of the k coefficient in
manufacturing, inspection, testing, certification, the isentropic equation To calculate C and to find the
marking and packaging requirements for bursting disc values of k and C for the more common refrigerants,
safety devices. see Chapter 5.

• EN ISO 4126-3:2006 Safety devices for protection • EN ISO 4126-6:2003 establishes different values for the
against excessive pressure – Part 3: Safety valves and coefficient of discharge, “α”, depending on the nozzle
bursting disc safety devices in combination” specifies entry configuration where the bursting disc is mounted.
the general requirements for design, application and The following cases are demonstrated in the aforesaid
marking for a product assembled from the in-series Standard, Par. C.2.2.1:
combination of a safety valve and bursting disc safety • In case of an internally protruding branch/nozzle: α = 0.68
device. • In case of a flush branch/nozzle whose inlets are not of
hydrodynamic configuration: α = 0.73
• EN ISO 4126-6: 2003: “Safety devices for protection • In case of a flush branch/nozzle with rounded or
against excessive pressure – Part 6: Application, chamfered inlets: α = 0.80
selection and installation of bursting disc safety
devices” gives guidance on the application, selection

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The evaluation of the minimum required discharge capacity The maximum operating pressure of the equipment
of the bursting disc device is closely linked to the type of to be protected must not be greater than 75 % of
system where the equipment it protects is installed, with the burst pressure of device 3070 to avoid damages
the causes that may cause it to burst, i.e.: to the disc or leakage. If the operating pressure
• external heat sources exceeds 85 % of the burst pressure, safety device
• internal heat sources 3070 must be replaced immediately.
• increased pressure caused by a positive displacement
compressor As far as the installation of bursting disc safety devices
For the calculation of minimum required discharge and combined devices is concerned, remember these
capacity in these three cases see Chapter 5 “Selection basic points:
Criteria for Safety Valves” in this technical handbook. • Safety devices must be installed in an area of the
system where vapours or gases are present and there
DESIGNED TO DISCHARGE GAS OR VAPOUR • Vessels joined by piping, of a diameter deemed by the
manufacturer and the user to be adequate, without any
AT CRITICAL FLOW (Ref. EN ISO 4126-3:2006) stop valves between them, may be considered as a
A combination is an installation which includes a single vessel for the installation of a safety device.
bursting disc safety device installed at most five • The fitting between the combined device and the
pipe diameters before the inlet of a safety valve. The equipment to be protected must be as short as
combination of a specific safety valve with a bursting possible. Furthermore, the cross-section of the
disc device is characterized by a combination discharge piping must not be smaller than the valve inlet. In
capacity coefficient “Fd”. According to EN ISO 4126- any case, EN 13136:2013 states that the pressure
3: 2006, this coefficient is the ratio of the average of drop between the protected vessel and the combined
the discharge coefficients (“Kd”) of the combination, device, at discharge capacity, shall not exceed 3% of
measured in test bench flow rate tests, to the certified the pressure setting value, including any accessories
discharge coefficient (“Kd)” of the safety valve alone. The in the line.
same standard also permits, as an alternative to the tests • The location selected for installation of the safety
to determine “Kd” of the group, the use of a predefined device must consider that its operation involves the
discharge coefficient (“Fd”), equal to 0.9, a slightly lower discharge of the refrigerant fluid under pressure,
value than that which could be obtained from testing. sometimes at high temperature. Where there is the risk
Therefore, to size the combination of a safety valve of causing injuries to people nearby, exhaust piping
(3030. 3060, 3061 or 3065) with a bursting disc safety must be provided, sized so as to not compromise the
device (3070), please follow the procedure provided operation of the device. When installing combined
in Chapter 5, but multiply the certified coefficient of devices, EN 13136:2013 requires that this piping must
discharge (“Kd”) by 0.9. not generate, at discharge capacity, a back-pressure
exceeding 10% of the valve setting pressure. In the
INSTALLATION OF BURSTING DISC DEVICES event of multiple valves installed in parallel, it is highly
AND COMBINATIONS recommended that each valve be fit with a dedicated
Bursting disc safety device 3070 must never exhaust line rather than a single manifold for all of
be subjected to a negative pressure differential the valves. The risk of the latter solution is to create
upstream and downstream of the disc (for example: an overpressure in the manifold determined when
discharge to the atmosphere and pressure inside a valve discharges. This overpressure can modify
the equipment to be protected lower than that of the operating characteristics of all the other valves
the atmospheric pressure) to avoid damaging or installed in parallel.
breaking the disk. For this reason, safety device
3070 must always be used along with a cut-off To calculate the pressure loss in either the upstream line
device (such as valve 3064/44) which can exclude (between vessel and safety device) or the downstream
device 3070 any time there is a vacuum in the line (between safety device and atmosphere) refer to
equipment to be protected. Chapter 5 “Selection Criteria for Safety Valves” in this
technical handbook.
When the bursting disc discharges it is necessary to
replace the entire unit, as safety devices 3070 are
sealed components and the bursting disc cannot be

52 DS-ED 01/2017 - ENG
TABLE 26: General characteristics of rupture discs 3070
Catalogue Number 3070/44
Inlet male 1/2" NPT
Connections Outlet female 1/2" NPT
Service 2 x 1/8" NPT
Inlet connection wrench torque (min/max) [Nm] 21/30
Flow Diameter [mm] 12
Flow Section [mm2] 113
TS [°C] - 50 / + 150
TA [°C] - 40 / + 50
Bursting Pressure Pb [bar]
from 14 up to 19 bar +/- 15 %
Pb tolerance
from 21 up to 44 bar +/- 10%
Coincident temperature Ta [°C] 22
-50 °C 1,13
-35 °C 1,12
-25 °C 1,10
-10 °C 1,03
-0 °C 1,03
Correction factor of Pb
22°C 1,00
for Ta ≠ 22 °C
40°C 0,99
60 °C 0,97
80 °C 0,95
100 °C 0,94
150 °C 0,93
Max operating pressure 75 % Pb
Risk Category according to PED Recast IV

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