Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
The inputs that are required in the Add Boundary Layers task are: [1] [2]
1. number of layers
2. Growth Rate
3. Transition Ratio
4. First height
5. First Aspect Ratio
The methods available for defining the boundary layer
mesh depend on these inputs, and hence it is critical to
understand what each of these inputs mean.
For this purpose, the watertight workflow in Ansys Fluent Meshing has
a dedicated task i.e., the ‘Add Boundary Layers’, which can be used to
define the meshing requirement in the boundary layer zone.
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Inputs for Boundary Mesh Generation Add_Boundary_Layers_Lesson_1
The model is a generic ball or check valve, which consists of 1 solid region
1. The pipe geometry
3 fluid regions:
1. The inlet pipe region
2. The valve region
3. The outlet pipe region.
The “offset method” controls how the first cell layer or the mesh cells closest to the solid boundary are
There are 4 different offset method types,
1. Smooth-transition
2. Last-ratio
3. Aspect-ratio
4. Uniform.
Each of these methods have their own set of inputs to determine the height of
the first cell layer. Before we understand these 4 methods, we need to first
understand what the inputs are and their role in boundary layer mesh
(3:42) The only input that is
common to all the methods is
“Number of Layers”.
As the name suggests, it is the
number of boundary layers
that the user wants to create
“default is 3”.
Note: This number strongly depends on the accuracy requirement needed for resolving the boundary layer
flow. For external aerodynamic flows such as flow over an aircraft or a car, 10-20 layers are commonly used
to ensure the capture of all the necessary flow physics.
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Inputs for Boundary Mesh Generation Add_Boundary_Layers_Lesson_1
If the offset method is set to any method other than the last-ratio, a
growth rate input needs to be provided.
It is the ratio of the thickness of the next boundary layer cell to the
previous boundary layer cell, as viewed away from the surface on
which the layers are being grown “default value is 1.2”.
That means, if the first boundary layer thickness is x, the next layer’s
thickness is 1.2 times x, and the one after that is 1.2^2 x, and so on.
For scale resolving type simulations such as LES, a lower value of 1.1 is
generally used to make sure the chaotic aspects of the boundary layer
Figure 3 Growth Rate
fluid flow are sufficiently resolved.
If the offset method is set to smooth-transition or last-ratio,
a transition ratio value needs to be provided. This value is
the ratio between the height of mesh in the last boundary
layer and the first cell in the volume fill.
A smaller value of transition ratio, closer to 0, implies a big
jump in size between the boundary layer mesh and the
volume mesh, and, a higher value, closer to 1, implies that
the cell height in the last boundary layer is comparable to Figure 4 Transition Ratio
that of the adjacent volume mesh cell.
When the offset method is set to last-ratio or uniform, a first
height value needs to be provided. This value is the thickness
of the first layer of the boundary layer mesh. This value is very
critical, especially in turbulent flows, as most of the turbulent
models require a certain specific first cell height to be used,
usually defined using a variable called the y+.
Figure 5 First Height
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Inputs for Boundary Mesh Generation Add_Boundary_Layers_Lesson_1
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