Belgium KU Leuven Engineering
Belgium KU Leuven Engineering
Belgium KU Leuven Engineering
Belgium. No other country offers a more authentic European experience. Belgium is the beating
heart of the continent and home to Brussels, the capital of Europe. Only a stone’s throw away,
in the beautiful city of Leuven, you’ll find another one of Belgium’s gems: the Faculty of Engineering
Technology at KU Leuven.
KU Leuven’s Campus Group T is the only campus in the faculty that offers full English-language
academic bachelor’s and master’s programmes in engineering technology in the fields of
electromechanics, electronics and ICT, chemistry and biochemistry.
“Beyond Engineering” is our motto. On our campus, you gain expertise in engineering technology,
but you also learn and experience how to be creative, both in your thinking and in your
endeavours. You develop distinct enterprising skills and insight into the systems that influence
nature, culture, and society.
Beyond Engineering. It is the art of no longer seeing things as separate, but rather as part of a
whole system in which everything is connected. It is the art of coping with the paradoxes of nature
Bachelor's programmes: and culture.
3 years (full-time), 180 ECTS
You will quickly find yourself at home on our campus, which is home to a truly international
Pre-Master's programmes:
community of outstanding engineering students from Europe, China, India, Ethiopia, Southeast
1 year (full-time), 60 ECTS
Asia, and beyond.
Master's programmes:
1 year (full-time), 60 ECTS A degree in engineering technology from KU Leuven opens doors to the whole of Europe,
where you can continue your studies or begin a challenging career.
1 March (for non-EEA citizens)*
1 June (for EEA citizens)*
1st semester: end of September
> end of January (exams in January)
The tuition fee for the current academic
year is €906,10 for EEA students
and €6000 for non-EEA students.
The tuition fees for future academic
years can be slightly higher as a result
of indexation.
The Faculty of Engineering Technology groups together all programmes in
(bio)engineering technology offered at KU Leuven.
7 Campuses
The Faculty of Engineering Technology organises its degree programmes in a
DISCOVER unique way: you have your choice of bachelor’s and master’s programmes at no
less than 7 campuses spread over Flanders. This multi-campus model not only
KU LEUVEN leads to strong regional ties and an extended network of organisations and
companies, but also to the development and smooth exchange of expertise.
This converges to make the faculty a dynamic and future-oriented platform for
education and research.
Founded in 1425, the University of Leuven
(KU Leuven) has been a centre of learning for
almost six centuries. Today, it is Belgium’s largest English and Dutch
and highest-ranked university as well as one of the
In 2016, the Faculty of Engineering Technology counted more than 7000 students
oldest and most renowned universities in Europe.
and 600 faculty members. Alongside its English-language programmes, the faculty
also organises bachelor’s and master’s programmes in Dutch, including programmes
As a leading European research university and
in civil engineering, nuclear technology, food technology, and more.
co-founder of the League of European Research
Universities (LERU), KU Leuven offers a wide
Campus Group T in Leuven is the only campus where you
variety of programmes in English supported by
can follow the engineering technology curriculum entirely
high-quality interdisciplinary research. Within the
in English.
field of science, engineering and technology,
KU Leuven offers five academic educational BELGIUM
profiles organised in five faculties: Science,
Engineering Science, Bioscience Engineering,
Engineering Technology and Architecture. Boasting
an outstanding central location in the heart of
Europe, KU Leuven offers a truly international
experience, high-quality education, world-
class research and cutting-edge BRUGES
innovation. GEEL
The Faculty of Engineering Technology maintains close ties with Together with their fellow students and guides, they are hosted
universities around the world. At Campus Group T, more than on the campuses of our partner universities in these cities, where
20% of the engineering students are international students. they have the opportunity to meet their Chinese counterparts.
They represent 65 different nationalities from all over the world. Over the past ten years, the China Journey has given more than
This international network extends not just to Europe but also 2,000 engineering students and lecturers a thorough
to China, Southeast Asia, India, Ethiopia, and beyond. introduction to China.
As an Erasmus student with an EU scholarship, you can carry out Southeast Asia
part of your training (from three months to a full academic year)
Thailand acts as the pivotal point of the greater Mekong region,
at Campus Group T. To that end, collaboration and exchange
together with countries like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar,
agreements have been concluded with universities in Italy, Spain,
and the Chinese province of Yunnan. Collaboration agreements
the United Kingdom, Portugal, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Germany,
have already been concluded with 10 universities from this region
France, Sweden and other countries in the European Economic Area.
in the framework of the International Dual Degree Programmes in
Engineering Technology.
Over the past 20 years, collaboration agreements have been India
concluded with no fewer than 10 top universities from all over China.
In India, Campus Group T collaborates with three partner universities
to facilitate the exchange of students, professors, and knowledge
• International Dual Degree Programme in Engineering
in the framework of the International Dual Degree Programmes in
Engineering Technology.
The International Dual Degree Programme in Engineering
Technology is aimed at Chinese students who have already gone
through one or two years of engineering training. The programme Ethiopia
enables these students to continue their studies in English at our
Campus Group T strengthened its international network in Ethiopia
Leuven campus and obtain a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree
by including five partner universities. The collaboration not only
in engineering technology.
encompasses the exchange of lecturers, but also the further
development of the infrastructure and the professionalisation of the
• The China Journey is the annual study trip to China taken
teaching staff.
by third-stage students
The 17-day itinerary includes stops in Beijing, Guilin, Shanghai,
A full list of our partner universities is available at
Xi’an, Chongqing, Chengdu, Hangzhou, and Suzhou. Students
visit companies, universities, and cultural sites.
Structure The course units provide the necessary theoretical and practical
knowledge and skills to carry out analyses and apply new ideas
A bachelor’s programme in engineering technology consists
during on-the-job experiences.
of 3 programme stages with a total weight of 180 ECTS.
The bachelor’s programme comprises:
In the 4th semester you can choose one of the following majors:
• a common programme of 3 semesters;
• Electromechanical Engineering Technology
• a specific programme of 3 semesters designed for the chosen
• Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology
• Chemical Engineering Technology with a focus on one of
these options
- Chemical Engineering
In the first, second and third semester you are provided with general
- Biochemical Engineering
basic, scientific-technological knowledge and skills drawn from the
following domains:
In the specialisations various management skills are applied:
• Energy and Physics finance, marketing, operations and project management. In terms
• Matter and Chemistry of communication, the emphasis is on presentation, reporting,
• Life and Biology meetings and persuasion skills. Intercultural communication is also
• Information and Mathematics included in the curriculum.
• Management and Communication
Engineering Experience: You will have to go through the complete design process: from
introduction to Engineering Design brainstorm over concept development and technical drawing to the
production, the testing, and the demonstration of the machine.
‘Engineering Experiences’ are true learning experiences. They are
open and cross-disciplinary assignments that make you familiar with
Depending on the distance between the machine and the goal,
the engineering practice.
you will have to pre-set the right parameters. Using a mathematical
model, you can calculate the impact of variables such as drag,
In the first bachelor’s stage, you are introduced to engineering
loss of energy, and friction.
design. Each team of 6 students has to design and build a machine
that can shoot a ball towards a specific goal.
He is from the northeast of China. She is from the southwest. He started his engineering studies
at Xi'an Jiaotong University. She started hers at South-West Jiaotong University in Chengdu.
The chance of bumping into each other in China is practically non-existent.
But then they each decided to continue their engineering studies at Campus Group T in the framework
of the International Dual Degree Programme. Dai Mo and Weng Zheng hit it off immediately. Last spring
they got married in Shanghai.
Dai Mo and Wang Zheng have even more in common. In Leuven, they both graduated in Biochemical
Engineering Technology. Back in China, they both went to work for Unilever Shanghai. Mo is active in
the marketing department, where she seeks out the needs and expectations of potential customers.
Zheng is at the other end of the production cycle – new product R&D. Mo’s world is the market,
Zheng’s the laboratory.
Promising career
“We – and our fellow Chinese students – have greatly benefited from a KU Leuven degree”, says the young couple. “We would never have been able to achieve
careers at the companies in which we now work if we had remained in China. My fellow students from Campus Group T are now working in China for large
multinationals such as BMW, Oracle, Proctor & Gamble, Unilever – you name it. We work at the same level and carry out the same jobs as graduates from
Oxford, Princeton, and Stanford. Furthermore, a job with a multinational offers various additional advantages, not only in terms of financial benefits but also in
terms of opportunities, networking, further training, and general personal and professional development.”
Management I: Introduction to Management/
Engineers and Enterprises 3
Communication I: Aspects of Professional Communication/
Presentation Skills 3
n Lectures
n Exercises and seminars
n Learning Experiences and practical sessions
Engineering Experience 4 – Chemical Engineering 3
Engineering Experience 4 – Biochemical Engineering 3
n Lectures
n Exercises and seminars
n Learning Experiences and practical sessions
Management III: Operations and Project Management 3
Communication III: Negotiation and Meeting Skills/Persuasion 3
n Lectures
n Exercises and seminars
n Learning Experiences and practical sessions
The master’s programmes aim to provide you with:
This option relates to biotechnological developments in the
The Ecorace Challenge is a competition for ecological boats built by
medical sector. Knowledge of human physiological systems
university students. The organisers of the race have the ambition to
and medical engineering techniques form the foundation of
promote inland navigation and shipping as a safe, sustainable, and
developments in the area of artificial organs, tissue engineering,
environment-friendly means of transport in Belgium.
biomaterials, bioelectronics, and new diagnostic techniques
(microarray technology, PCR technology). Seven teams participated in the Ecorace Challenge 2016.
Two teams of KU Leuven - Campus Group T obtained the final
MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BIOCHEMICAL The KU Leuven Ecochallenge Team was awarded as the most
innovative team and as all-round winner. The students managed to
COURSE ECTS build a boat that can carry liquid cargo as well as dry bulk goods.
The KU Leuven Navex e-Boat Team won the first prize with its
Molecular Biological Techniques & Bioinformatics 5
business plan.
Unit Operations II 5
Quality Control and Assurance 5
Food Technology 5
Management and Communication 4
Pathways to Sustainability: Core Issues and Challenges 3
Master's Thesis 20
Physiological Systems & Anatomy 4
Medical Bioengineering 5
Optional Course 4
Additional master’s degree
Do you want to add another degree to your master's degree? KU Leuven gives
you many options to choose from. The university offers 26 advanced master's
programmes in English and 1 in Spanish. The curricula are strongly linked to
top research domains of KU Leuven. Programmes usually take 1 year (60 CTS) or
2 year (120 ECTS)
The 6th edition of the China Careers Day was
held on 5 October 2017 at Campus Group T
in Leuven.
The advanced Master in Welding Engineering is indispensibale for engineering
The China Careers Day is an initiative of the
seeking to work as Responisble Welding Coordinators. The faculty offers
Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
the programme at Campus De Nayer Sint-Katelijne-Waver, certified as an
It offers an informal platform for China-related
Authorised Training Body for International Welding Engineering.
enterprises and for job and internship seekers
to get in contact with each other. Entrepreneurs
and employers can meet graduates and students
coming from a wide range of universities and
find the perfect candidate for their China-related
Postgraduate programme in Innovation Postgraduate programme Research
and Entrepreneurship in Engineering Valorisation in Engineering Technology
Work experience and professional skills are more important than In today’s high-tech world, research and innovation have become
ever for engineers. With the Postgraduate Programme in Innovation new elements required in order to ensure industrial success. More
and Entrepreneurship in Engineering you will be given the than ever companies and organizations must ensure that their
opportunity to gain unique work experience through innovative product, process or service portfolio is renewed with higher added
projects in a stimulating environment. Furthermore, you can focus values. Consequently, there is an increased need for academically
on your own interests and the skills you want to develop. By doing qualified people with a problem-solving approach, who have
so you stimulate your entrepreneurial and innovation skills and entrepreneurial management skills, who can make a professional
further specialisation in a particular domain. Your customised contribution to innovative engineering and who can expand the
programme will strengthen your profile and career opportunities. global industrial ecosystem.
You can choose from three types of innovation projects: The Postgraduate programme in Research Valorisation in Engineering
Technology is characterized by a strong focus on valorisation of
• In-company project: one or two innovative projects are carried
applied research, implementation thinking and technology-driven
out by one or two students within an (international) organisation
entrepreneurial skills.
or non-profit organisation (Community Service Engineering
Track) or students opt to realise a project in technology
A specific combined approach with ‘technology-driven entrepreneurial
management Engineering (Enterprising Track);
skills’ on the one hand and ‘valorisation of cross-disciplinary applied
• Team project: you work intensively on an innovative project
research’ on the other hand are the main elements underpinning
on campus together with a group of students (for example a
the curriculum of the programme. Coached by a research group of
solar car or the development of environment-friendly solutions);
the Faculty of Engineering Technology of your choice, you’ll have
• Start-up project: enterprising students can write, during an entire
intensive contacts with companies through guest lectures,
academic year, a business plan around their own idea with a
company visits and project work.
view to start a company.
The postgraduate programme consists of 60 credits. You follow the
postgraduate programme during or after your master’s degree.
A combination of a master’s programme and a postgraduate
programme is recommended when participating in a team project.
The Community Service Engineering Track and the Enterprising
Track are fully in English.
PhD candidates undertake their personal and professional skills they will need in their further career.
doctoral training in Engineering PhD students become researchers with professional confidence
Technology at the Arenberg and pride and develop the ability to conduct research and establish
Doctoral School. collaborations, both in academia and with external private and public
partners. They advance the frontiers of knowledge and combine this
The Arenberg Doctoral School scientific endeavour with valuable professional experience.
of Science, Engineering and
Technology stimulates doctoral Research topics span all fields of science and technology, including
researchers in their endeavour life sciences, computing and information science, environmental
to acquire scientific and techno- sustainability, human settlements, agriculture, food research,
logical knowledge in a four-year genomics and biomaterials, nanoscience and nanofabrication,
PhD programme. The doctoral advanced materials, energy, and optimisation in engineering.
school not only provides a stimu-
lating research environment,
but also ensures that PhD
students optimally develop the
This research group is concerned with sustainable transport and
intelligent mobility, i.e. the development of sustainable vehicles
(electric, hybrid) and transport systems.
This group concentrates on active bionic systems and biomechanics.
This field is concerned with improving the life of elderly and
physically challenged people. It develops mechanical or electronic
systems to support – or even entirely take over – certain physical
This research group develops technologies that use stem cells
to generate new human skin or bone tissue.
• conceptual learning
• the development of social skills
• experience-based learning
• Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology; Students with a Flemish degree can consult
• Bachelor of Science in Engineering Sciences from a related
We advise students from outside the EEA to contact Campus
Holders of the following degrees are granted admission after Group T’s International Office, tel. + 32 16 30 10 04,
completing the preparatory programme: [email protected]. Please keep the following
deadlines in mind for your application:
• Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology or Bachelor of
Science in Engineering Sciences from a non-related specialisation. • March 1: non-EEA citizens
• May 1: non-EEA citizens from partner universities
• June 1: non-EEA citizens living in Belgium with a valid residence
• June 1: EEA citizens
Andreas Vesaliusstraat 13
3000 LEUVEN, Belgium
v.u.: Dienst Marketing, Isabelle Van Geet, Minderbroedersstraat 8, 3000 Leuven. Last update: September 2017. Changes may have been made since the printing of this brochure. Please visit for any updates.
Faculty of Engineering Technology
Campus Group T
Andreas Vesaliusstraat 13
3000 Leuven, Belgium
KU Leuven is a founding member of
the League of European Research Universities